We love Hong Kong was married there did visited many times,also included Shanghai, Confucius hometown then Hainan Island it resembles Hawaii Islands, Honolulu our best vacation there by plane or boat.
Great video , it makes me definitely want to return to this very special place of Hong Kong. The recent political changes in Hong Kong has really affected life in what was a very very special city .
I was there several time,s between 1967 to 1971, back in my Australian Navy days, Loved the place then Honkers & Kowloon. Ummm I think it was better then, than how it is nowadays. Just my opinion. Oh, and hello to Ginny Poone, if you are still there. Peter.
Sad but you are right , Hong Kong is on the slide . I , like you was in Hong Kong before 1997 and I was just there in September. The change is drastic . Not good
My Hong king trips back that my booking of Mandarin Hotel’s didn’t cancel. And I needs the places to staying before I find my home to staying. Thanks for you all concerns ❤❤
NY must needs to following my notification at now as well. Until further notices that no one should doing anything’s before I see the blue prints again. I do knows contractions that I did build the Bubble in Hong Kong at Pacific with my husband’s in Hong Kong before handles by myself the full projects. ❤❤
Hong Kong was also built by millions of migrants from MAINLAND CHINA. Without migrants, Hong Kong, with its low birth rate as a developed region, will loose its dynamic, diversity, and prosperity within a few decades. If you think migrants from non-Chinese regions can suffice such needs of labor, continue thinking in that way. Why choosing solitude instead of consolidation?
Because they have the mentality of their former British colonial master. The irony is that they British looked down on their ancestors who migrated to Hong Kong too... Now they do the same. You see it among former slave populations too.
The star of China was built by another country and remained outside the Chinese border after the handover. In other words, China is holding a star where not built by itself.
amazing the peoples weight difference between Asians and Westerners,i struggle to find anyone overweight during this while doc, when you watch videos on the western countrys , that's all you see
This eliminated to show and talk about the dark side of Hong Kong. Thousands of homeless, the poor, the forgotten, human beings living in cages. If you are going to tell a story then tell the whole story.
He also left off the fact that the Brits took it by force because they wanted to force drugs into China. Even into the late 20th century Hong Kong remained a clandestine place to smuggle a large part of the opium trade in the world. So yes - there was a long dark history to Hong Kong that is glossed over.
Hongkongese were slaves in the Manchurian Empire. Manchus gave Hongkong to the British Empire. Manchus ruled China for 300 years till 1911. Manchu conquest of China, Wikipedia Manchus had the right of the first night in China.
Many people in the comments have no clue about Hong Kong's history. The British stole the land in order to trade in drugs. Ethnic Chinese in Hong Kong were treated like dirt. It was only because of all the business people on mainland China who fled Japanese invasions and the civil war that Hong Kong became a place of business. It was only in the 70's Britain gave Hong Kongers any respect - and only because the mainland was seen as having more influence. Read actual history. The reason HK is in flux is because she is no longer the only place in China to do business.
@@hankchinaski_ Actually - they were doing it before the CCP took power... They started doing that during the KMT. Talk about oversimplification... Why would a "commie" want to live in Hong Kong since HK is not "Commie". That makes no sense. Also again - you are proving a lack of knowledge of history. The riots that took place in the 60's caused the British to amend laws to benefit the average person because they felt Hong Kongers were becoming too sympathetic to communism.
@@Amidat You're being deliberately obtuse and hastily compare an amendment of a fucking law to the mass murder of tens of millions of people then hasten to add... I'm "oversimplifying..." This is blowing smoke for the sake of blowing smoke. We're done here.
Hong Kong is now a part of China, has been since 1997, and before 1840. I am a third generation Hong Konger, even my grandfather was Hong Kong born. I feel the mainland very endearing. The mainland has kept its promises of autonomy for Hong Kong. British HK was the result of a century of suffering of the Chinese people from imposed drug addiction the enervated the whole country. For me, I feel great palpable spiritual rejuvenation in HK's return to China. The CEO of Hong Kong has to be vetted and approved by the mainland; I wish the mainland never relent on this part of the Basic Law, and it won't; antagonistic relation between the HKSAR's CEO and the central government will be disastrous for HK, making the special arrangement of autonomy impossible. I don't want any hopeless life and death struggle with the mainland for my children and grandchildren. The wise choice for them is in the chance that in another 29 years HK and the rest of China will be much closer. Some people in HK, many very young and callow, have become basically delinquent in character. They deride at other individuals' accent in speech and disrespect other citizens of HK in robbing them of their livelihood, feeling righteous about violating other citizens' rights. The education system in HK has indeed fail to engender a great majority of the citizenry having high moral character.
He's definitely someone who has already acquired a democratic free western country's passport but hanging around in HK to make $$ which is closely connected to the corrupted commies up north.
Ignore those idiots in the comments, they don't have the brain capacity to listen to anyone who defends China and instantly dismiss them as "50 cent army wumao". Your country is a rising power, challenging Uncle Sam, so stay stray and vigilant, for the coming years won't be easy, but the reward will be worth it. Long live China and Hong Kong 🇭🇰🇨🇳
Like other colonized areas of the world,Hong Kong needs some time to get rid of its colonial imprint and influence,There are many cases and experiences in Chinese history and world history that can be used for reference.More efforts should be made in this regard.
The colonial influence is an important part of Hong Kong's history. Getting rid of that means erasing history. Look at Hong Kong's prosperity and development in relation to China throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s compared with China, that's the result of colonial influence. Without British governance, Hong Kong would not have had that prosperity in that time period.
@@raksh9 No - it was not colonial influence. Hong Kong prospered because of all the business people from the mainland that started business there. YOu think if they didn't that the Brits would have put any money into HK???? You are confused. Go read up on British colonial history.. It was ALWAYS about TAKING from the colonies. Hong Kong had money to do things because of the Chinese businesses that moved there. Singapore is more dynamic than Hong Kong now because Singapore is not fooled by colonial history. They said yes to the parliament system and threw everything else out. They only kept the language because they knew it would be easier since the British subjugated so many other people in the world. But Singapore - which is not part of China - you find better Manadarin than Hong Kong - which is.... Singaporeans respect their mainland China heritage more than Hong Kongers. Strange.
@@raksh9 1949 -- 1979 China's businessmen been eradicated completely, so that China was the poorest country in the world. But Hong Kong, this tiny place under British rule, was the only place in China could do business, how Hong Kong could not prosperity.
Every projects stopped now. Until I’m arrives to Hong Kong sit down with Hong Kong Rules of Laws then will gives you further notices of regulations of the lands and Properties. If anyone’s against ours Rules Of Laws that will bring to the justices in the future’s. No one should getting materials from my business as owners to buying any building material’s. Mingling s will controls the material’s in the futures as well. ❤❤
watch the flow of migrants -- are migrants want to leave HK or they want to come to HK- build up or build down -build up you get great views, sun fresh air, GOLF what does that have to do with this video. It is a safe city -
When Hong Kong was brought back under Chinese rule, what were the true feelings of the residents about living under communism? Were they receptive or unhappy?
Look like this video is showing the 'future' of HK after ten years of hand over to China, it is just another city in China now, nothing special anymore.
But it was all the talent that used to pour into CHina that made it special in the first place. Now that the top talent doesn't have to go - it wouldn't be as special if it stayed part of Britain. In fact - the fact that China doesn't open up it's financial markets is the only reason there are any foreigners even in Hong Kong. If Shanghai was completely opened up - they would go there - just as it was before the revolution in the 1940's. All the banking talent in Hong Kong was from Shanghai.
10% 0f Hongkong are mega rich while 15% just make enough to buy a home. The rest are just "dirt poor" just subsisting on what they earn "if you can call that a earn" they live in cages or coffins housing. Most of these poor of chines descent should return to china, there they will be better looked after by the CPP. They have a good man as a President who looks after the "elderly" At least they have home and the ability to feed themselves. All children have access to education and medicine. The youth of Chinese from poor families can't to a thing for their elders as they too can barely feed themselves. Just glamour and glitz on the outside and dirty within
Eventually, I did setup the animals reconnected with humanity life’s that if anyone’s had the pets that they can received the benefits as well. As the peoples in prisoners that’s a jobs for them to be learning independently as well. Therefore, I didn’t wants everyone’s dependent on others or anything at all.
I think the Canada; UK and US did too much to my life’s. That’s enough for them not to put our cultures into theirs the situations; as I said that in Canada, UK and US citizens still don’t have chances to say and just those who’s thinking theirs much more important than those innocents life’s that’s so unfairly and unrealistic for theirs life’s always acceptable of everyone’s thought of them important to made decisions for theirs voices whatsoever! If I didn’t takes the Hotels and Travels business with restaurants that will much worsen for those innocents citizens or immigrant s ! ❤❤
Hongkongese are hongki. The GDP of Hongkong is close to 0% of the world. Hongkongese economy depends on toilet-size houses. Many Hongkomngese live in 1 square meter "house." Cage home, Wikipedia
inside U S no protested since Rodney King L.A. riots ,compare to the rest of the world .What's the secret? peoples here in the USA hungly ,horny,greedy under table corruptions same as any human in the world ,we're made it quiet ! Here the Quotes from Tony Montana :“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. ...“Now you're talking to me baby! That I like! ... “Every dog has his day.” - Tony Montana 18. “I never fucked anybody over in my life didn't have it coming to them. ... “You wanna waste my time? Okay. ... “I got ears, ya know. “Okay, here’s the story. I come from the gutter. I know that. I got no education but that’s okay. I know the street, and I’m making all the right connections. With the right woman, there’s no stopping me. I could go right to the top.” - Tony Montana “I’m Tony Montana! You fuck with me, you fuckin’ with the best!” - Tony Montana (to Sosa’s assassins) “You a communist? Huh? How’d you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Baah! Baah!” - Tony Montana “What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of fuckin’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So… what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don’t have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There’s a bad guy comin’ through! Better get outta his way!” - Tony Montana “I never fucked anybody over in my life didn’t have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don’t break them for no one. Do you understand? That piece of shit up there, I never liked him, I never trusted him. For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed. But that’s history. I’m here, he’s not. Do you wanna go on with me, you say it. You don’t, then you make a move.” - Tony Montana “Go ahead! I take your fucking bullets! You think you kill me with bullets? I take your fucking bullets! Go ahead!” - Tony Montana “You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawyer. He’s the best lawyer in Miami. He’s such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm.” - Tony Montana “You got nothing to do with your life, man. Why don’t you get a job? Do something, be a nurse. Work with blind kids, lepurs, that kind of thing. Anything beats you waiting around all day, waiting for me to fuck you, I’ll tell you that.” - Tony Montana “I work hard for this. I want you to know that.” - Tony Montana “You think you can take me? You need a fucking army if you gonna take me!” - Tony Montana “I didn’t come to the United States to break my fucking back.” - Tony Montana “I kill a communist for fun, but for a green card… I’m gonna carve him up real nice.” - Tony Montana “This is paradise, I’m tellin’ ya. This town like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.” - Tony Montana “The World is yours!” - Land of opportunity , ya hear ! - Tony Montana
@@Withnail1969 Yes, Hong Kong was terrible 50,60,70 - bank robberies everyday, pickpocket everywhere, criminals and crimes headquarter of Asia. Mid-70s onwards it turned around and join other 4 dragons. Mainland China didn't bother HK that much. As 1997 approaching fast the British was sucking every drop of blood in HK.
Hong Kong has always been prosperous on it's own. Plus Hong Kong and Shenzhen are two different places despite their proximity. Hong Kong is much more western and it's main industry is trade and commerce while Shenzhen is under China and has a flourishing electronics Industry. Both are key players in their respective fields, none is more significant than the other.
Not in terms of internationalization. As soon as you cross over th Shenzhen, no one speaks English anymore. Kids pee on the side of the streets. People spit on the street. No one stay in que. You call that surpassing? Can you send money to foreign country without a limit? If Shenzhen is so great, please please don't come to Hong Kong.
Well if you only point out the random negatives that doesn't represent the majority of people, it looks 100% negative. I could talk about the mugging in New York or the terrorist attacks in paris but that paints an unfair view of those places. I was referring to the 'silicon valley', the new buildings, the fact that locals are optimistic unlike HK whom all seem to lament how shenzhen is passing them by economic wise. But other previously poor chinese cities have a right to be developed and prosperous, not just HK dummy.
Unicorn Blood is one of the landlords providing cheap housing for all his brother workers. I do not remember seeing so many scruffy people sleeping on the streets when I was there. These are definitely not Hong Kong people.
The narrator and music sound like from the 1970s. Its 2019 now. BTW Hong Kong is just a Chinese city & not a country. it is falling behind the mega cities in the mainland. Like all large cites the stories of the poor and the less fortunate are ignored. May be we are still in the 1950s.
so maybe outdated but been around longer than antibiotics. With what i suffer i could not take heat but the rest for what i have gone thru with modern medicine"which i will say still has not worked" and cost a fortune im up for anything. think i will seek this out and for those that think its outdated they have been doing this before you were an egg or sperm cell
Hong Kong is dying because there are too many Colonial left-overs in the Government and other public organizations. There are too many Bananas in Hong Kong.
The talent that used to have to go to Hong Kong can now stay on the mainland. So it's not that Hong Kong is dying... It just doesn't attract the same level of entrepreneurs and top minds that it used to. That was inevitable once mainland China started to modernize.
What do you mean? Hk economy and stock market is heavily crowded with chinese mainland companies and China is the one country that has soverinty over hk????
We love Hong Kong was married there did visited many times,also included Shanghai, Confucius hometown then Hainan Island it resembles Hawaii Islands, Honolulu our best vacation there by plane or boat.
Great video , it makes me definitely want to return to this very special place of Hong Kong. The recent political changes in Hong Kong has really affected life in what was a very very special city .
I was there several time,s between 1967 to 1971, back in my Australian Navy days, Loved the place then Honkers & Kowloon. Ummm I think it was better then, than how it is nowadays. Just my opinion. Oh, and hello to Ginny Poone, if you are still there. Peter.
Sad but you are right , Hong Kong is on the slide . I , like you was in Hong Kong before 1997 and I was just there in September. The change is drastic . Not good
Very good videos, educational and entertaining.
Thank you so very much.
No need to visit Hong Kong thanks for this video it's beautiful better than visiting there in person indeed!
“Best of Eastern and Western worlds...” is a great outlook by that Hongkonger!
Excellent documentary. One of the best of this kind. Salute.
Nice photography, short but great video considering the vast coverage required for HK. Informative commentary!
this video is short!?
Poem at video 10'59":
《客中作》 李白
Excellent video
My Hong king trips back that my booking of Mandarin Hotel’s didn’t cancel. And I needs the places to staying before I find my home to staying. Thanks for you all concerns ❤❤
5:55 Wow they still use the abacus , interesting.
yes its still used in the middle east as well, a good operator can work extremely fast
God bless the great people of Hong Kong ! FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM.....
the kung fu and tai chi that is practiced in HK appears to be mainly for bringing community together, rather than for competition.
Published on 2016, but copyright 2007, so was made earlier.
NY must needs to following my notification at now as well. Until further notices that no one should doing anything’s before I see the blue prints again. I do knows contractions that I did build the Bubble in Hong Kong at Pacific with my husband’s in Hong Kong before handles by myself the full projects. ❤❤
A little outdated, but still an excellent documentary.
Yes - and it white washed the history....
Blooding is the only way to fight for Independent, but not claiming with a Keyboard here. I support Hongkonger to fight for what they want.
omg thanks i need it for my work
very good.thank.you very.muth🙏🙏🙏
popstar cities now are Shanghai ,shenzhen,Guangzgou
In terms of?
being great
Hong Kong was also built by millions of migrants from MAINLAND CHINA. Without migrants, Hong Kong, with its low birth rate as a developed region, will loose its dynamic, diversity, and prosperity within a few decades. If you think migrants from non-Chinese regions can suffice such needs of labor, continue thinking in that way. Why choosing solitude instead of consolidation?
Because they have the mentality of their former British colonial master. The irony is that they British looked down on their ancestors who migrated to Hong Kong too... Now they do the same. You see it among former slave populations too.
Wow, Have you seen my trip on the Star Ferry?
Unfortunately, HK is no longer a dying city. It is already dead. And that fact has nothing to do with the Covid-19 virus in 2020.
So very true, its changed and its for the worse .
The star of China was built by another country and remained outside the Chinese border after the handover. In other words, China is holding a star where not built by itself.
amazing the peoples weight difference between Asians and Westerners,i struggle to find anyone overweight during this while doc, when you watch videos on the western countrys , that's all you see
This eliminated to show and talk about the dark side of Hong Kong. Thousands of homeless, the poor, the forgotten, human beings living in cages. If you are going to tell a story then tell the whole story.
He also left off the fact that the Brits took it by force because they wanted to force drugs into China. Even into the late 20th century Hong Kong remained a clandestine place to smuggle a large part of the opium trade in the world. So yes - there was a long dark history to Hong Kong that is glossed over.
And don’t forget the rampant racism against Mainland Chinese people. It’s written in their education system.
What rubbish. 90% of them ARE mainland Chinese.
Nice video sharing.'
New friend!
Hongkongese were slaves in the Manchurian Empire.
Manchus gave Hongkong to the British Empire.
Manchus ruled China for 300 years till 1911.
Manchu conquest of China, Wikipedia
Manchus had the right of the first night in China.
Many people in the comments have no clue about Hong Kong's history. The British stole the land in order to trade in drugs. Ethnic Chinese in Hong Kong were treated like dirt. It was only because of all the business people on mainland China who fled Japanese invasions and the civil war that Hong Kong became a place of business. It was only in the 70's Britain gave Hong Kongers any respect - and only because the mainland was seen as having more influence. Read actual history. The reason HK is in flux is because she is no longer the only place in China to do business.
@@hankchinaski_ Actually - they were doing it before the CCP took power... They started doing that during the KMT. Talk about oversimplification... Why would a "commie" want to live in Hong Kong since HK is not "Commie". That makes no sense. Also again - you are proving a lack of knowledge of history. The riots that took place in the 60's caused the British to amend laws to benefit the average person because they felt Hong Kongers were becoming too sympathetic to communism.
@@Amidat You're being deliberately obtuse and hastily compare an amendment of a fucking law to the mass murder of tens of millions of people then hasten to add... I'm "oversimplifying..."
This is blowing smoke for the sake of blowing smoke.
We're done here.
Amidat Has nothing to do with Vietnam and Singapore being more attractive than either China, or Japan right? Whateva’!
I mean Hong Kong history is not a secret.
Whats with all the Japanese music in this doc??
Hong Kong is now a part of China, has been since 1997, and before 1840.
I am a third generation Hong Konger, even my grandfather was Hong Kong born. I feel the mainland very endearing. The mainland has kept its promises of autonomy for Hong Kong.
British HK was the result of a century of suffering of the Chinese people from imposed drug addiction the enervated the whole country. For me, I feel great palpable spiritual rejuvenation in HK's return to China.
The CEO of Hong Kong has to be vetted and approved by the mainland; I wish the mainland never relent on this part of the Basic Law, and it won't; antagonistic relation between the HKSAR's CEO and the central government will be disastrous for HK, making the special arrangement of autonomy impossible. I don't want any hopeless life and death struggle with the mainland for my children and grandchildren. The wise choice for them is in the chance that in another 29 years HK and the rest of China will be much closer.
Some people in HK, many very young and callow, have become basically delinquent in character. They deride at other individuals' accent in speech and disrespect other citizens of HK in robbing them of their livelihood, feeling righteous about violating other citizens' rights. The education system in HK has indeed fail to engender a great majority of the citizenry having high moral character.
You sound like a party official.
He's definitely someone who has already acquired a democratic free western country's passport but hanging around in HK to make $$ which is closely connected to the corrupted commies up north.
what you say is true -but colonial brainwashing is very strong
Ignore those idiots in the comments, they don't have the brain capacity to listen to anyone who defends China and instantly dismiss them as "50 cent army wumao". Your country is a rising power, challenging Uncle Sam, so stay stray and vigilant, for the coming years won't be easy, but the reward will be worth it.
Long live China and Hong Kong 🇭🇰🇨🇳
Hong Kong has its own smell
Hong Kong : Under Shadow of China
If I was 20 years old I would take my family to live in China, Panama or New Zealand.
Just wondering where are you living now?
.b 8
Why Panama, ??? In that country people are very impolite, and specially with foreigners !!!!!🐵🐵🐒🐒🧟♀️
10:45 oh how times have changed, how the tables have turned. Now HK actors are moving to the mainland, leaving HK in ruins. 🇭🇰✌️🇨🇳
You had better say how the China Communist Party have been ruining Hong Kong.
Now China is interfering in Hong Kong more & more, I hope Hong Kong will survive
Space is NOT rare . Land release by the govt is rare to push up real estate prices . The new territories has masses of spare land .
The girl talking about tea made me laugh. She thinks the whole life rotates around tea.
Best movie about Korea evahhhhhh!
U said it brah
Like other colonized areas of the world,Hong Kong needs some time to get rid of its colonial imprint and influence,There are many cases and experiences in Chinese history and world history that can be used for reference.More efforts should be made in this regard.
The colonial influence is an important part of Hong Kong's history. Getting rid of that means erasing history. Look at Hong Kong's prosperity and development in relation to China throughout the 70s, 80s, and 90s compared with China, that's the result of colonial influence. Without British governance, Hong Kong would not have had that prosperity in that time period.
@@raksh9 No - it was not colonial influence. Hong Kong prospered because of all the business people from the mainland that started business there. YOu think if they didn't that the Brits would have put any money into HK???? You are confused. Go read up on British colonial history.. It was ALWAYS about TAKING from the colonies. Hong Kong had money to do things because of the Chinese businesses that moved there. Singapore is more dynamic than Hong Kong now because Singapore is not fooled by colonial history. They said yes to the parliament system and threw everything else out. They only kept the language because they knew it would be easier since the British subjugated so many other people in the world. But Singapore - which is not part of China - you find better Manadarin than Hong Kong - which is.... Singaporeans respect their mainland China heritage more than Hong Kongers. Strange.
@@raksh9 1949 -- 1979 China's businessmen been eradicated completely, so that China was the poorest country in the world. But Hong Kong, this tiny place under British rule, was the only place in China could do business, how Hong Kong could not prosperity.
@@middalai6611 I am well aware that British rule was what allowed Hong Kong to become the financial and trade powerhouse of that region.
Aison Nope! Cultural revolution always... It’s not called Cultural Marxism for nothing LoL
Every projects stopped now. Until I’m arrives to Hong Kong sit down with Hong Kong Rules of Laws then will gives you further notices of regulations of the lands and Properties. If anyone’s against ours Rules Of Laws that will bring to the justices in the future’s. No one should getting materials from my business as owners to buying any building material’s. Mingling s will controls the material’s in the futures as well. ❤❤
watch the flow of migrants -- are migrants want to leave HK or they want to come to HK- build up or build down -build up you get great views, sun fresh air, GOLF what does that have to do with this video. It is a safe city -
When Hong Kong was brought back under Chinese rule, what were the true feelings of the residents about living under communism? Were they receptive or unhappy?
norman it was in the news. They were upset and scared. Many disappeared never to be seen again. It was heartbreaking 💔
Look like this video is showing the 'future' of HK after ten years of hand over to China, it is just another city in China now, nothing special anymore.
But it was all the talent that used to pour into CHina that made it special in the first place. Now that the top talent doesn't have to go - it wouldn't be as special if it stayed part of Britain. In fact - the fact that China doesn't open up it's financial markets is the only reason there are any foreigners even in Hong Kong. If Shanghai was completely opened up - they would go there - just as it was before the revolution in the 1940's. All the banking talent in Hong Kong was from Shanghai.
Hong Kong : wonderful Thank you lovely yes l Love you Kisses Berlinale Germany yes France yes Japan yes NEW YORK CITY .U.S.A yes Columbia
No harbour comes close to Hong Kong’s ! 2nd maybe New York … 3rd Sydney .
28:10 Most say fengshui is for the gullible
Cine Rewind, you are gullible.
How nice Hong Kong without Protest.....
Likes Heaven....
Happy, Leo, happy. Happy to be able to earn a living and not bludge off social welfare.
10% 0f Hongkong are mega rich while 15% just make enough to buy a home. The rest are just "dirt poor" just subsisting on what they earn "if you can call that a earn" they live in cages or coffins housing. Most of these poor of chines descent should return to china, there they will be better looked after by the CPP. They have a good man as a President who looks after the "elderly" At least they have home and the ability to feed themselves. All children have access to education and medicine. The youth of Chinese from poor families can't to a thing for their elders as they too can barely feed themselves. Just glamour and glitz on the outside and dirty within
Outdated. Produced 10 years ago.
dennis You're outdated because you were produced I don't know when. 30 years ago maybe.
Eventually, I did setup the animals reconnected with humanity life’s that if anyone’s had the pets that they can received the benefits as well. As the peoples in prisoners that’s a jobs for them to be learning independently as well. Therefore, I didn’t wants everyone’s dependent on others or anything at all.
Hong Kong is a dystopian nightmare
In what sense, l agree, but explain it!!! 🤝👍🧐
I think the Canada; UK and US did too much to my life’s. That’s enough for them not to put our cultures into theirs the situations; as I said that in Canada, UK and US citizens still don’t have chances to say and just those who’s thinking theirs much more important than those innocents life’s that’s so unfairly and unrealistic for theirs life’s always acceptable of everyone’s thought of them important to made decisions for theirs voices whatsoever! If I didn’t takes the Hotels and Travels business with restaurants that will much worsen for those innocents citizens or immigrant s ! ❤❤
16:01 Their song, or distress call!? I like to see someone in a cage and see how long singing will go on!
you never mention the dark side of hong kong, cage people, homeless people
Might I suggest, condoms? It does really help with population growth.
it's not the birthrate. It's the influx of Chinese from the mainland., duh.
Hong kong has one of the lowest birth rates in the world due to the lack of living space for people.
Hongkongese are hongki.
The GDP of Hongkong is close to 0% of the world.
Hongkongese economy depends on toilet-size houses.
Many Hongkomngese live in 1 square meter "house."
Cage home, Wikipedia
feels a bit mainlandly
Thank you, Pierre Brouwers. A fascinating place, was and is... And: Hong Kong is not! China.
It was before it the drug dealing British violently took it - and it has been again since 1997. You should brush up on history and current events.
Hongkong is the Pearl of Orient, 180 years + undamaged Chinese history from Han Dynasty, not star of anything, CCP China in particular!
inside U S no protested since Rodney King L.A. riots ,compare to the rest of the world .What's the secret? peoples here in the USA hungly ,horny,greedy under table corruptions same as any human in the world ,we're made it quiet ! Here the Quotes from Tony Montana :“In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. ...“Now you're talking to me baby! That I like! ...
“Every dog has his day.” - Tony Montana 18. “I never fucked anybody over in my life didn't have it coming to them. ...
“You wanna waste my time? Okay. ...
“I got ears, ya know.
“Okay, here’s the story. I come from the gutter. I know that. I got no education but that’s okay. I know the street, and I’m making all the right connections. With the right woman, there’s no stopping me. I could go right to the top.” - Tony Montana
“I’m Tony Montana! You fuck with me, you fuckin’ with the best!” - Tony Montana (to Sosa’s assassins)
“You a communist? Huh? How’d you like it, man? They tell you all the time what to do, what to think, what to feel. Do you wanna be like a sheep? Like all those other people? Baah! Baah!” - Tony Montana
“What you lookin’ at? You all a bunch of fuckin’ assholes. You know why? You don’t have the guts to be what you wanna be? You need people like me. You need people like me so you can point your fuckin’ fingers and say, “That’s the bad guy.” So… what that make you? Good? You’re not good. You just know how to hide, how to lie. Me, I don’t have that problem. Me, I always tell the truth. Even when I lie. So say good night to the bad guy! Come on. The last time you gonna see a bad guy like this again, let me tell you. Come on. Make way for the bad guy. There’s a bad guy comin’ through! Better get outta his way!” - Tony Montana
“I never fucked anybody over in my life didn’t have it coming to them. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don’t break them for no one. Do you understand? That piece of shit up there, I never liked him, I never trusted him. For all I know he had me set up and had my friend Angel Fernandez killed. But that’s history. I’m here, he’s not. Do you wanna go on with me, you say it. You don’t, then you make a move.” - Tony Montana
“Go ahead! I take your fucking bullets! You think you kill me with bullets? I take your fucking bullets! Go ahead!” - Tony Montana
“You wanna waste my time? Okay. I call my lawyer. He’s the best lawyer in Miami. He’s such a good lawyer, that by tomorrow morning, you gonna be working in Alaska. So dress warm.” - Tony Montana
“You got nothing to do with your life, man. Why don’t you get a job? Do something, be a nurse. Work with blind kids, lepurs, that kind of thing. Anything beats you waiting around all day, waiting for me to fuck you, I’ll tell you that.” - Tony Montana
“I work hard for this. I want you to know that.” - Tony Montana
“You think you can take me? You need a fucking army if you gonna take me!” - Tony Montana
“I didn’t come to the United States to break my fucking back.” - Tony Montana
“I kill a communist for fun, but for a green card… I’m gonna carve him up real nice.” - Tony Montana
“This is paradise, I’m tellin’ ya. This town like a great big pussy just waiting to get fucked.” - Tony Montana
“The World is yours!” - Land of opportunity , ya hear ! - Tony Montana
HK was built on honest trading. No need to say more.
Actually it was built on drugs.
Hong Kong was terrible 50,60,70 - bank robberies everyday, pickpocket everywhere, criminals and crimes headquarter of Asia.
Mid-70s onwards it turned around and join other 4 dragons.
Mainland China didn't bother HK that much.
As 1997 approaching fast the British was sucking every drop of blood in HK.
@@mhow4967 The whole place was founded on money from the British opium trade to China.
the great minds arent in hongkong, they're in shenzhen.
shenzhen is cooking
hongkong is eating
Hong Kong has always been prosperous on it's own. Plus Hong Kong and Shenzhen are two different places despite their proximity. Hong Kong is much more western and it's main industry is trade and commerce while Shenzhen is under China and has a flourishing electronics Industry. Both are key players in their respective fields, none is more significant than the other.
Well this is outdated. Hong kong is being surpassed by other chinese mega cities like nearby Shenzhen.
Not in terms of internationalization. As soon as you cross over th Shenzhen, no one speaks English anymore. Kids pee on the side of the streets. People spit on the street. No one stay in que. You call that surpassing? Can you send money to foreign country without a limit? If Shenzhen is so great, please please don't come to Hong Kong.
Well if you only point out the random negatives that doesn't represent the majority of people, it looks 100% negative. I could talk about the mugging in New York or the terrorist attacks in paris but that paints an unfair view of those places.
I was referring to the 'silicon valley', the new buildings, the fact that locals are optimistic unlike HK whom all seem to lament how shenzhen is passing them by economic wise. But other previously poor chinese cities have a right to be developed and prosperous, not just HK dummy.
Unicorn Blood I thought TH-cam is blocked in China? hmmm...
wow triggered much??
Unicorn Blood is one of the landlords providing cheap housing for all his brother workers. I do not remember seeing so many scruffy people sleeping on the streets when I was there. These are definitely not Hong Kong people.
The narrator and music sound like from the 1970s. Its 2019 now.
BTW Hong Kong is just a Chinese city & not a country. it is falling behind the mega cities in the mainland. Like all large cites the stories of the poor and the less fortunate are ignored. May be we are still in the 1950s.
the choice of music is really very bad, because of this, i have unsubscribed.
so maybe outdated but been around longer than antibiotics. With what i suffer i could not take heat but the rest for what i have gone thru with modern medicine"which i will say still has not worked" and cost a fortune im up for anything. think i will seek this out and for those that think its outdated they have been doing this before you were an egg or sperm cell
na mo Buddha
HongKong is death Jul/2020
the city is dying man
The only way to revive the city is more interaction with the Mainland.
Hong Kong is dying because there are too many Colonial left-overs in the Government and other public organizations. There are too many Bananas in Hong Kong.
The talent that used to have to go to Hong Kong can now stay on the mainland. So it's not that Hong Kong is dying... It just doesn't attract the same level of entrepreneurs and top minds that it used to. That was inevitable once mainland China started to modernize.
Yes, it's being infected by a dangerous virus called "black-shirts". It's a disease the US has passed to many countries, in different forms.
@@RSydneyChan what is the meaning of bananas!!!!???
no anymore!
Hong Kong has nothing to do with China lol...
What do you mean? Hk economy and stock market is heavily crowded with chinese mainland companies and China is the one country that has soverinty over hk????
Why would u say so? HK is a part of China both now and before it became an English colony.
You're stupid
"chinese medcine"
Hong Kong is not ChiNa
Well, it's not China, it's part of China.
Thanks captain obvious, It's a city, owned by China
"It is" -- said every single member of the UN
most youtube are better than that production, simply a shame.
does anyone try to catch each word they said in this video? Their English pronunciation and grammar are very bad...
Where did you learn grammar, if you think that.
are the any black folks over there.....
What do you think???🤷
Some immigrants from Africa and America lives in the larger cities.
why I can't help to think this video is for the white man lol Hong Kong is so much more
a real annoying video about HK
Why, explain it????🙋♂️