Are you ready for the most encouraging quote in regards to this topic?! Here it is: "Child of God, you cost Christ too much for Him to forget you." - Charles Spurgeon 🤍 next time you're tempted to believe God has forgotten you, remind yourself of how much He paid for you 🙏🏼
This quote somehow reminded me of this verse: He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
NAPOLEON … (1769 - 1821) French Emperor Here are the words of Napoleon Bonaparte on the 3 monotheistic religions: Judaism: “Moses received from God a message to guide the Hebrews on the right path. But consequently, the latter kept for themselves the marvelous teachings of Moses. They have hijacked this message to confine it to “a chosen race of God”, instead of benefiting the world.” Christianity: Then came Jesus. Jesus pointed out a beautiful truth about God. He said that God is One and you must love him with all your heart, and love your neighbor as yourself. But, after the death of Jesus, a group of politicians from Rome saw in this religion a possibility of controlling a large mass of people. They therefore elevated Jesus to the rank of God, and part of God Himself. They then gave God partners. They were now three in one. Islam: -Then finally, at a certain point in the story, a man called “Muhammed” appeared. And this man said the same thing as Moses, Jesus, and all the other prophets: there is only One God. This was the message of Islam. Islam is the true religion. The more people read and become intelligent, the more they will become familiar with logic and reasoning. They will abandon idols, or rituals that support polytheism, and they will recognize that there is only One God. And therefore, I hope that the time will not be long when Islam will dominate the world, because it will dominate the world.
I'm also 43 and still single. My heart aches about it. Her channel helps. Clinging to God's promises gives me hope. I pray he will answer my prayers and provide a Godly spouse. I will pray the same for you. Hugs to you ❤
I am 30 years old. I am struggling with the embarrassment of still living at home and the fear of never moving out in the future. I am struggling with still being single and watching all of my friends from childhood either get engaged or married. I am overwhelmed from obsessing on this area in my life 24/7. Please pray to help me trust God's plan and that it's going to be okay.
Honestly hun, keep praying and seeking him. I know exactly how you feel we are in the same boat. But have faith and ask God how he want you to prepare for the future. Do not loose hope!
Stay encouraged my dear. God sees, He knows, and He cares. I too just turned 30 and would love to be married and start a family, and I believe God is just faithful enough to come through in that area. I’m praying for his will in your life, and that it would include the realized desire of going from your family home to your husband’s home 💜💜
Me too you’re not alone! I’m dealing with the exact same issues as well as issues with my job. I feel forgotten by God but also like I’m being tested? I hear that everyone has their own timeline etc but it’s hard seeing everyone around you get their oen
Whenever I have felt forgotten by God (being single, no children, unmarried in my 30s) I think about these exact stories. God does have the greatest stories that bring him the most glory through people whose situations seemed impossible & long. I’m reminded that there’s a reason for my long wait even though I can’t see or know now. So I trust and have faith! So encouraging and thanks for reminding us! ♥️
Hello! Thank you for your comment! I think the LORD never promised He would give a husband/wife to everyone. In the same way, He never promised he'd give a job to everyone. And He never promised He'd give chiIdren to every married couple. I believe in the LORD but it's not necessary easy to understand His plans.
@@Nicolas_0456 I know where you’re coming from but I think this view is highly discouraging to single people. God actually does promise marriage, children and even other things to people. We see examples of this in the Bible. I do believe that He also gives us desires for a reason. The fact is most people are called to marriage while some have the gift of singleness like Paul. The Lord’s ways and thoughts are higher so yes, we do not need to understand his plan and don’t need to. We simply need to stay faithful to Him no matter what and put Him first in everything. God bless!
You go right ahead and hold onto that false hope. I however will never again delude myself into thinking ill ever have a wife. God can take this shitty desire and trash it for all I care. Its pointless having it when its obvious it'll never be fulfilled. I dont give a shit anymore and im never praying or asking god for a wife ever again. Just a waste of my fucking time.
I always feel like I am alone in my struggle but reminded that other women like me exist. I am 40. No kids. Not married. Everyone my age has children and homes and marriage and all I Do is cry and feel forgotten. I am a good women and feel sometimes maybe I am not favored by God or forgotten or deserve blessings like others have in my life. It’s a horrible feeling to feel God has not chosen you or forgotten you, when all you do is cry out to him asking WHY not me God?! What have I done to not deserve the blessings on this world.
I'm so sorry you are struggling. I don't believe God has favourites. He loves each one of us and has promised never to leave us. I don't know what his plans are for you, but everything is in his perfect timing. We have all been blessed but don't always notice. Can you give him thanks, even for the small things. Every day we wake up is a blessing. Jesus' sacrifice for us is a blessing. Food on the table and friends in our life. Try reading Philippians 4:8-9. Praying for you.
This is probably a dumb question but do you actually *want* to be married? Yes, it’s kind of shocking how many “good women” at my church have no husband and how many women who are not particularly virtuous have found someone. One shrugs his shoulders and trusts.
I'm also a struggling Christian in my walk with the holy spirit yes it a long road and in my faith I'm single but god has bigger plans for me amen and for us in our faith amen together amen ✝️☦️🙏🌅✝️🔥🔥🔥🇱🇷🇭🇲
I want to share a few answered prayers. My mother in law prayed for my father in law for over 11 years to give his life to Jesus. About 6 years while riding his bike on a mountain in Colorado he got off his bike and asked Jesus to come into his heart. My father in law now teaches small groups and preaches on occasion at their church. God is so good. 🙏🙌 I suffered with really bad anxiety for about 20 years. I prayed everyday for God to deliver me from this debilitating anxiety. Four years ago while sitting in my living room God lifted this anxiety. I still have anxiety on occasion, but not like it was before. To anyone reading this, please don't ever stop praying. God will never leave you or forsake you. Thanks so much for this video Kaci. 🙏🙌
It's so good to be reminded God is still working- I try to remind myself of all the times God answered prayer for His people or delivered them back in bible times whenever I'm in impossible or frustrating seasons (that's a great study to do btw) but sometimes my faith is so weak that I overlook the greatness of those moments of deliverance, and downplay the reality of them. As if what happened all those years ago (e.g. the Israelites crossing through the parted seas) was too great a miracle and that kind of power doesn't/can't apply to my life, simply because I don't see that kind of thing happening today. Doubt comes in, and my fears start to overcome my faith. But we know that "faith is the substantiating of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen". And we know God is able to accomplish the impossible, yes even today!! Thank you for these reminders of God's interceding for us. I've been suffering debilitating anxiety and depression for six years, and the past few months have been agony. A few times God lifted my burden and I had such relief, but somehow now I feel worse than ever. It's one of life's valleys, and it's a comfort to be reminded God is able, and His care is constant. I think it might help me to write down all the times God answered prayer in my life, to focus on the positives and the joy, and to maybe even discover times He answered me when I didn't even realise.❤
@@rebeccamclaren97 I have recently started to pray for God to give me more faith. I'm also learning to trust God more. It's definitely not easy, but definitely possible with God's help. I will pray for you to be delivered from all anxiety. 🙏🙏🤗
@@trevrockrock16to love Jesus more than anything else is Jesus himself said: OF MINE OWN SELF I AM NOTHING..... Christ(Consciousness)is the Recognition of God Consciousness on Earth. You/We/I are God Unfolding as that Consciousness....!! So, CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS is the CONSCIOUS ACTIVITY OF GOD in Our Affairs.....!! It's the Activity of Truth in Our Consciousness that Performs Our Miracles.....!! So, until we stop relying on the illusory human state of mind we can't leave the old and come into the new...that being Christ Consciousness(or Infinite Consciousness)!!
@@ISATŌP1 Luke 14 vs 16 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple."
I just passed by a car that had a license plate cover that said "Not Forgotten". Immediately after I saw that I opened up TH-cam and your video popped up! All of this happened 30 minutes after I asked God to show me a sign that he understands how frustrating being Single has been! Thank you so much for this video! It was a literal God Send.
One more comment... I was also barren. Not long after God touched me on the shoulder, I began to read the Bible and learned of the barren woman. When I prayed to God I cited these women as precedent and asked for a baby. I fell pregnant very quickly and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I prayed for a second, and He granted my request. I was 37 and 40 years when I gave birth to my beautiful daughters and was told by doctors that it was unlikely to ever happen. With God, all things are possible! His will be done!
Thank you for sharing your testimony. Miscarried our first baby at 32. Now a month away from 35 and still no rainbow baby. Waiting is so hard but reading things like this gives me hope!
@@miss6foot I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I identify with the pain of longing for children. It is difficult (to say the least!) But once I read about what God had done; I knew that He is the only one who brings forth life, so I asked Him, then I left it with Him. I did not dwell on it. In fact, it was not until I went to the doctors because I was feeling sick, and the doctor told me to take a pregnancy test, and it came back positive, that I remembered what I had prayed for. I know it seems impossible right now, but put you hope and faith in our Lord; He is faithful. In the meantime I send you hugs and will absolutely pray for you xoxo
Thank you because I feel as though God has forgotten about me and my two children both of my sons suffer from autism. I’m overwhelmed since losing my job I’ve been having a hard time making ends meet. Keep us in your prayers.
This word is for me! I have been praying for a husband and children for 24 years. Yes, you've read that correctly...24 YEARS! I have dated a lot, but nothing has come out of it. I'm in my mid-40s now, and I'm so discouraged. I find it hard to pray because it's like God... do you hear me? I have been so blessed in other areas, but it feels like a big hole is missing in my life. Anyway, thanks for the lovely video Kaci!
I can really relate to what you said. I too feel like God has blessed me so abundantly in every area of my life. He leads me, directs me, helps me in all He calls me to do. But when it comes to marriage all I get is keep going, keep believing, keep trusting 😢 crazy but such is living a life of faith. And if it’s any encouragement, it was at year 24 that God visited Abraham in Genesis 17 and told him that Sarah would have a son the following year. You’ve had to wait long but that’s not an indication it’s a denial on God’s part. He will be glorified thru you! We gotta do like Abraham in Romans 4 and keep believing against all hope. May God give us unwavering faith in the face of long waits. 😊💛
Thank you because I needed this encouragement. I feel forgotten in my singleness. I am a 27 year old man still living with my parents trying to get myself together struggling financially. It kills me on the inside and my heart that I feel disqualified from marriage despite the desire for it because I know a husband is the provider of the family and leader. In the meantime, I am working hard to learn God’s Word and trying to hear His Voice in preparation because I truly do want a biblical marriage to love my partner and serve her and vice versa.
You are right where you are supposed to be. Realign with God and let him Guide you. Let him reassure you in the man you are and the man you’ll become. Make those small steps now so you can prepare for your role as a husband. Remember it’s not the worlds version of manhood that you need to follow it’s Gods! Keep praying,studying and seeking him and you’ll hear him.
You are just getting started..keep in His word. He has good plans for you and many women praying and waiting on that kind of man. Stay kingdom focused! So much life ahead..I went back to school in late 30s to get BS and MBA ..almost 20 years have time just get and. Stayed focus in prayer and doing the work.
thank you. im a 14 yo girl and I’ve been struggling with depression since I was 6 and everyday I pray that God will take away the pain and heal the wound in my heart. may God bless you and anybody who reads this🙏
I so feel so forgotten by God!😔! I have been praying for my husband David salvation for almost 20 years! Also, I have been praying for almost 19 years to hear the Lord speak to me again!
God bless you. I can somewhat understand your pain, I’ve been saved for almost 3 years and my husband and I have been married for 5. He’s a wonderful man and I feel truly blessed that he is my husband but he is not saved. It can feel lonely when you’re in a situation like ours, but there are so many beautiful testimonies of unsaved spouses finally giving their life to the Lord. Just know that the Lord hears you and He is always speaking to us, I’ll keep you and your husband in my prayers. 🙏
I have been praying for my families salvation for many years and sharing my faith with them, but they just don't get it. We must persevere in prayer and trust them into His care. I was a prodigal for 25 years but God found me. Praying for your husband and my family. I believe everything happens in Gods perfect timing.
I’m currently a mom of a 5 yr old , and born into Christianity. But last yr got close again 100% and now my husband started going in December. We’ve been trying for another baby since 2020. My daughter prays and prays I pray and pray so does my husband. I sometimes feel forgotten as everyone around me has babies. My sister in law has had 2 in the time we’re trying. We just pray soon God answers our prayers 🥹
Thank you a lot, Kaci! It was so nice to hear! To be entirely honest, I kind of feel like forgotten in by God in literally most of the areas in my life, basically in almost everything. I don't have a husband, kids, a job, no close friends, I live with my mom and sister, and barely go out of the house. I don't have much opportunities to talk to people. All I can interact with most of the times are my mother and sister. At times, very rarely I go out with friends, but I don't meet them too often, and my everyday life is very grey and boring. I'm 31 and I live this way since I was 18 and finished high school. Not entirely, because I would say in the first few years I had more interaction with friends, but around 10 years back, my relationships started to die out, and I only had a job 2 times, one for less than a month, not long after I graduated, and the other in 2017 and it was 1 year long, but honestly, even if I feel awful for always being stuck at home, every time, I went out, like with my sister's friends back then or for the 2 years course, I just finished (it was twice a week, so it wasn't a daily thing), or for a job, I still couldn't interact ith anyone, because I have terrible social anxiety. I would even say, I have selective mutism, and my recent psychologist said the same, but I wasn't diagnosed with it. I don't know, but for sure, I always felt like I got muted if I stepped into any place, where there were at least 1 stranger. I really can't talk with people even if I'm trying. Nothing comes to my mind, I got blocked by my mind, and I don't know... Most of the times, selective mutism is a child diagnosis, but I didn't get treated with it and my pyschologist said, she can't think iof anything yet, that she could try to do with me, because she has methods for kids with selective mutism but notr for adults. I'm super depressed for like 10 years back, and I can not geniunally feel real happiness or joy over anything. Basically I don't feel anything. I don't even feel real connections. You know, I can't feel love or feel loved. Not by God or people. Nothing. I try to pray and not give up, but it is very hard, Not once, I get angry at God, because I feel like, even He doesn't love me. I tried to be closeer to Him, having a relationship with Him. He said, if we look for Him, we'll find Him, yet I don't feel anything. More often than not, if I pray, I end up even more disappointed and depressed than before, because I think of all the things I don't have. I don't even always get along with my sister. Our relationship is not too stable. Sometimes, it's good, sometimes, it's not. I want to find my soulmate, if he even exists, more than anything, but I don't know... It's hard, and I don't really date. You know, all my school life (except for a few years) I was bullied and have not recovered from it. I have had tons of other traumas, too, but I keep going back to the roots in school, where I was all alone, no friends, couldn't speak or stand up for myself and they humilitated me on a daily basis for years. I don't if there is a light on the end of the tunnel, if God wants to give me anything, that I will be happy for, or... I know, He had not forgotten me, but so often I doubt if He wants to give me any happiness on this earth. Really, I don't know, how to go on. I'm struggling with lots of menatl health issues and nothing is changing for more than 10 years. The weird thing is that I probably pushed away the problems, in my school years, because I was geninuely happy in those years with my family. I don't know if anything can change, but this video gave me a slight hope. So, thank you, Kaci, if you read this.
I just prayed for a breakthrough for you, darling Regina. You need deliverance, and nothing is impossible for God. But please step out and take some action in faith believing. Get into a good church where you can be around the word and good people who can love on you and see what happens. Will keep interceding for you, dont give up hope.💗
I really feel forgotten by God and this is only driving me away from the Faith… I don’t really what to do next, but could only hope He answers to my prayers as He has done for many around me
I'm 32 going on 33yrs old and I wanted my own family by now. Someone to experience the good, bad, ugly, struggles and joy of life. With my body failing but not dying, hope gone, I just don't have the drive to pursue the one and only thing I ever wanted. God has hardened my heart not just through unanswered prayers but blessings from prayers given to other people. I'm not blameless in all this, but it's disheartening to know even people who've done worse than me get what I wanted/needed before I do. Hearing people talk about God not forgetting about you is nice, but there's no possible way God could get me out of this. Especially when I prayed, tears in my eyes, to help me before I lost hope. What is there to trust when what I want/need can't happen?
I've been praying every day for my family's salvation abd sharing my faith with them. I'm sure God hasn't forgotten me or them, but it's hard going to see no change. I think everything is in His perfect timing.
That is so hard to persevere in prayer and to not feel discouraged when you see no change...this verse comes to mind as an encouragement: 2 Peter 3:9 🤍
I’ve been praying for a father for my children and a husband for me. A God-centered, Jesus worshiping, man. To witness to my children what it is to be a man of God. I’m an okay if it is not for me and the Lord has other plans. I will happily take whatever is in His will for me. I just need prayers for me and my two beautiful children through this difficult season in our lives. 🩵
I got married a year ago and before I was married, I was involved in ministry, living with other Christian girls, I had a discipler and in general was just more surrounded with Christian community. Since the life transition of getting married, graduating and working full time now, new city and new church, God has felt very distant and I’ve been praying to hear from him and to feel his presence but I just feel like he has forsaken me :( I’ve been praying and continue to be in the Word, but I think lack of community and ministry involvement have had a great impact. All of this is making me seriously doubt my faith and question if I am truly a child of God and have the Holy Spirit in me. I am even ashamed to admit this because I thought my faith was more unshakeable than this, but I think when you don’t hear from God for a while, you begin to question if your previous personal encounters with Him were even real. I know there are spiritual ups and downs in life, but it feels hard to believe I will ever feel close to God again. Not sure if this totally relates to the feeling of being forgotten by God, but I would love some prayer anyway ♥️
June 11th I was here on TH-cam watching videos about singleness and waiting on GOD, about 15-20 seconds into a video I heard a voice as loud and as clear as someone speaking to me in the room say “Blaine, I have someone for you, but it’s going to be in my time, you just have to wait.” And the Bible says we will know the voice of our Shepard, and that is true! So I prayed “LORD, if this is you, I trust you, I trust your timing, your timing is perfect and I leave my desire for a girlfriend/wife in your hands.” I hope this encourages someone today! GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS, because I’ve been praying for the person GOD has for me since January.
Pray without ceasing. I've been praying for years for a fear that consumes me at times and I will never stop praying. Please know that God loves you so much and He will never leave you or forsake you. 🙏
Out of all the videos to pop up, yours did. 45, single and no children. I feel that God has forgotten me when it comes to a family. Ive always wanted to be a dad and have a family. Instead I feel for whatever reason im undeserving of that. Watched everyone start families. Always the fun uncle, even spearheaded the nursery back in high school (sometimes the only one there) but overlooked when it comes to my own family. Ive asked God what did I ever do to warrant this?
Being a wife, marriage, career, my direction in my life, the love of God, love in general. Guidance, genuine support and resources. I’m not empty I just want to do what God wants me to do but have no help to be fully who He wants me to be or do😢
Kaci, I just can’t believe how your videos are right on time. God speaks to me a lot through your videos. I have been praying for a job for the past 3 years which is from the very time I was born again. I have been brought up in an Indian Christian family but never knew who God is and have never been to a church. Unknowingly my parents distanced themselves from God. And my father lost his faith because of how I ended up jobless. I took many wrong turns which failed me and eventually made my parents doubt the little faith they used to have. Please pray for my Job and Salvation of my family members. And Thank you for your encouragement through your videos.
I've been praying for my son for many years he has been lost ....I'm not giving up on God or my son....I think I just have to get out of the way...Let Go! Let God! 🙏
I feel forgotten by God at the time. I have been struggling with physical health issues on top of my anxiety for quite some time now. I pray that God would give me healing and deliverance and not have me feel forsaken. I know in my head Im not, but its hard when your circumstances scream otherwise.
Hello, I'm Stephanie. I have a prayer request. February of last year, my boyfriend Brian had broken up with me after 14 years. He said it was mainly because of communication problems. And that was true. I was too nervous and afraid to talk to him over the last two years of our relationship. I was afraid to talk about what was on my mind and afraid of what he might think. Then I would get clouded with irritation and rudeness sometimes towards him because i was nervous and was selfish, always having him make the first move with affection. I was jealous and wishing I was open and outgoing towards him and others in a loving , bold way out of love. Also, since we were living together, I felt it was time to get married, and I wanted to talk about Jesus and what the Bible says about fornication and cohabitation. It seemed he wasn't interested, and it caused no peace in my heart to be able to approach him with these discussions, and I felt I always had to tippy toe around the topic. Including more on saving sex before marriage and about Jesus. The only time I would bring it up is when he would initiate sex or being at his friends our because his friends were open people and it made me open to talk about these things in front of him. He admitted there one day that he struggled with faith and believing in Jesus while we were at his friends, but he never told me. He was also hurt because I was open to his friends instead of him because I was supposed to be his best friend. Which hurt me when he told me after he broke up with me. The other factor was since he struggled with faith and believing. He said he couldn't follow me and wasn't we're I'm at. And ever since then, I've been pondering why would one person in the relationship falls out of love with the other after many, many years? After all the memories and experiences and mild stones and seasons of life we've gone through. My ex couldn't rough it out with me and couldn't fight for the relationship if he loved me. Which I believe when he would tell me and when I asked him. After 14 years and counting, I thought we would get through everything together and be together forever. (Could it be a spiritual thing in his heart and that he's outside of Christ that he couldn't love me?) And he felt that I should do something with my life to get married. But I'll admit there was procrastination in my life on what to do in my life that left me discouraged and lazy. Everything hurt him, and he was stressed over time and eventually led to him separating from me. We had little contact during our separation, although he still cared and loved me. But I was not in love with me anymore. Which was devastating to me. But I was trying to slowly reconcile with him by taking the first step in starting over with small talks to him and seeing if our relationship could possibly grow again but he told me to don't get my hopes up because he doesn't know if we'll get back together and if the "in love" with me will come back. and I struggled with patience and trying to make something work that was already damaged. And he eventually ended all contact so he'd won't hurt me. He said we weren't in the place of love and happiness because I've changed and wanted to do things the right way, and he understood why. But he said he couldn't follow me and wasn't where I'm at. I've heard the Gospel many times, but I struggle with the belief that God has chosen me. and my lack following Jesus and afraid to. Although we're broken up. So, can your ministry pray for us? I'm still sad about this. And lonely. I still miss and love him. And I pray and ask to pray for God to bring us together in a new relationship that would honor him. If it's not his will, pray he will give me peace in my heart to move on to boldly follow him and trust him with my life. And if not yet, pray for patience and not to take his blessing for granted. I don't want him to live his life, not know Jesus and me too. I did share the Gospel with him a few times and pray it would take effect. Thank you for what your ministry team does for the glory of God and your time. God bless.
I’m only 25 so I know I’m quite young. I haven’t really longed for marriage until coming out of a toxic relationship. I’ve always been a bit of a romantic and I’ve had quite severe heartbreak a few times in my life. A lot of times could be multiple times from the same person. So im at the point where I don’t think I can suffer anymore heartbreak as this year really left me at rock bottom and have never been so depressed and suicidal in my life. God really saved me in the pain and I feel the time of healing he really changed my heart. Im just praying for more discernment and the next relationship I get into will be my last. God has sent me and a few of my loved ones dreams about me. A lot of them came to pass even. There’s a dream he sent to an aunt that im still waiting on. So im praying he hasn’t forgotten me
I keep watching videos like this looking for encouragement and hope. I’m 56, never married, with no kids. Being a wife and mother have always been my main goals in life. Over the last two-and-a-half years I’ve lost both parents, so now I’m completely alone. Some days the pain is unbearable. I need all the encouragement and prayers I can get. I’m hanging on, but it’s hard.
Praying for you! This was my favorite aunt’s situation. She married a couple of years ago at age 58 I think. It’s never to late- keep hoping. I pray you find that Christ fulfills you so much that you are able to enjoy your current singleness and even see it as a blessing- which it is. ❤
I did not know I needed to hear this until the video started playing. I won't say I feel forgotten but sometimes it is more why do I have to wait so long. I am in a season of waiting to have a child and hearing the stories of all the other women in the Bible who waited so long for their children just reinforces that when the time is right it will happen. God is working in my life, in my husband's life for when the time is right, and even more amazing is knowing God has already planned the life for any child we may have in the future. It is really hard sometimes, especially since so many people I know already have a child or are already having their second child and I am still waiting. Thank you for this encouragement and reminder, that I am not forgotten and God is working.
I lost my wife a month ago after her six month fight with cancer, and I am now in a season of waiting for God to restore what I’ve lost. I have faith that Gid has forgotten me.
I’m struggling with becoming a mother. Me and my husband have been married 4 years and together for 10 years. We both got a diagnosis that the issue is BOTH of us, it has been extremely mentally draining, countless doctor’s visits and insurance issues. It’s gotten to the point where I just gave up and stopped getting help. It hurts seeing scripture in the Bible that talks about “children are a gift from God” and about how a greatest gift is for a woman to stay home raising children. It just makes me think “where are you God? And when is it going to be my turn? Will it ever be my turn? Do you even want me to ever become a mom?” Maybe that’s not what He wants for me? My life is just full of depression and confusion in this season. But yet I wait ❤️
I just saw this and am truly desperate for these words to apply to me. Most of my friends always had boyfriends and I was always the tag along. Then they all got married after high school or went on to live exciting, productive lives. I am now almost 50 and still waiting. I hold on to prophetic words and then fall into despair when nothing comes to pass. My life has been lonely and I’ve failed those closest to me and they treat me with bitterness and contempt. I am losing hope and am just wanting prayers to be the fruitful, god fearing woman God desires me to be and for a loving marriage and reconciliation and healed relationships to live out my days in peace and happiness
Single and desire so deeply to be a mother but even more so a teacher with my own classroom I see everyone around me being blessed in this way it hurts deeply especially sense my life has been put on pause it that’s how it feels due to Chronic illness and health issues I’m walking through
I feel forgotten by God about all areas of my life, I apply for many jobs and internships for months now and nothing, and I had been answered by company last week, and they don't even replied me back yet when I finally thought that I would be an employee. Also with relationship situation, everyone in my church and in my age has a bf / gf and I can't help it to be frustrated. But I'm not going to lie that this season really made me more close to God and I grew a lot with my relationship with Him and despite from that situation going on I'm very happy that God is by my side and I have faith that something wonderful is coming 💌💓
I needed this video today. Praying for a caring, faithful husband who loves GOD, and I now believe that GOD will bring him to me. Thank you for the encouragement. Keep posting 💕
Thank you kaci for this video ever since I broke my ankle and two surgeries in April I'm in recovery now I did see God move for me when I got hurt but lately it's been so hard the bills jus keep pilling up without no income it's hard but 8 will not loose my faith or trust and believe in God it's hard but I'm doing it please keep me in prayer🙏🙏🙏 I no God can do anything 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you. I often feel 😢, because my PMDD has affected my life in employment. Thankfully, I have a supportive husband, and have been able, with his support to raise 3 wonderful children, now adults. I do all I can to help myself, but often feel lonely, and misunderstood. I am tentatively returning to study 📖, doing a Mental Health First Aid Course, but it's very hard using my brain 🧠 again. Please help me, and surround me with good people to lift my spirits. Thank you ❤
I feel completely forgotten by God in all areas of my life. I have been begging and pleading for him to answer and/or have mercy. Thank you for this video
God bless you for this message Kaci! I feel so forgotten by God when it comes to my financial situation. I’ve been struggling financially for some time now and I often feel hopeless because I have to make a way out of no way. Please pray for me.
Thank you this is definitely for me. I’ve been praying to god to bless me with Christian friends in my age group. I haven’t made any solid/close friendships since moving to Texas in 2017. I also need him to come work in my life in my job aspect. I’ve been praying for him to move me into a job that I love that brings me fulfillment and fuels me rather than drains me. I’ve been stuck in the restaurant industry for 12 years and I am so tired of it. I’ve also been praying for 7 years that God will bless me with my future husband whose also my best friend. Prayers would definitely be appreciated. Thank you.
Thank you for this message. I have autism and I'm struggling with my self worth. I also feel stuck in waiting for marriage. I'm 25 years old and with my self worth struggles because of my disability it's a struggle to believe a woman would ever want me. I ask for your prayers
I'm 53 years old and an introvert. I've always come close to actual dating, but nothing ever pans out. I've also dealt with a narcissistic guy for years, but one day, his TRUE self appeared... and I moved to a different state. My current job is more demanding this year than last, and I'm trying to find something different. I would love to date a mature, Godly man with the intention to marry. My parents were lucky because they've just celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary this year!🎉
I’ve been waiting for healing and the salvation of my family. Healing in my heart and mind, marriage, and the success of my childcare to bring families to Christ through my business. Thanks everyone for your prayers.
I am a single 40 year old man. No kids but want to become a father. I prayed to God about it FOR SO LONG. He thinks humans have a long time to live and therefore humans can delay having kids. But, He lives in a timeless reality, not the earthly reality. Over time, He forgot the urgency to do things. And I am still left here, wifeless and childless at 40 years old.
I have actually been reading the bible about god creating to world and have got to the part about Noah. I am unable to have children but dreamt about having kids and now I find this video. I want to understand on why did they have longer lives back then? I am enjoying learning more about the bible and pray for one day to have a family of my own. Thank you for this video.
they had longer lives bc humans were not created to die. adam lived 930 years! but because of sin God reduced our lifespan as "punishment" but i think it's also for our benefit. can you imagine being on this planet for hundreds of years?? before the flood God declared our lifespan would not pass 120 years.
@@thecozyconstellation Thank you for explaining the reason why they lived that long. I wouldn't want to be alive for that many years. This has helped me understand better ☺
well i did have adream from God after asking Him to show me or talk to me,till this day im holding onto that hope! and before that i made a vow with God if it was true and so it was. conclusion God is still working and revealing His glory to me. Can't wait to see it all unfold as my fast comes to its end soon breakthrough is coming!
Hi sister Kaci! The area of my life that I would like prayer for, is in being ready for my husband. I’m 40 years old, and am looking forward to meeting this husband of mine. Lord, please help me to be patient, for Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name. Amen. ❤
Does anyone else feel like sometimes they just have to take a break from reading the Bible, or from praying. I know and hate to even admit how bad this sounds, but sometimes it feels like the more I do the worse I feel. I feel like my motives are wrong and I’m only doing it to get something, therefore I’ll just take a break until I feel better. Lord, send help😢
That is Wonderful And In Theory Magnificent...In Reality It Is The Opposite Because It Just May Never Happen The Goals and Desires That You Strive For Even When You Are Coming From A Good Place in Your Heart. Not to sound Discouraging But Real.
I can't deny it's hard sometimes. I'm almost 40 and still single. On top of that I don't have any close friends so loneliness is definitely a struggle for me.
Wow! This verse makes me think of Jesus. The names on His palms are all that He has saved through redemption on the cross. I know it is not in keeping with the message you had for us today, but WOW! Praise God for His unfailing love toward us.
I was emotional today thinking about my situation & then I journaled about it, read the psalms (comfort book) and this certainly is a confirmation that I'm not forgotten. Always on time. Thank you Kaci!
You really have the gift of encouragement!!💕 I am always lifted up and reminded of God's character when I watch a video of yours. I sometimes do feel forgotten by God, or maybe just that it is hard to watch everybody elses lives moving on in the "normal" tempo. I have suffered from concussion and whiplash for eight years now. Please pray for my healing. Thank you❤️ That being said, God is definitely using this time for my relationship with Him to grow stronger, and that is such a beautiful thing to experience🕊️ I pray that all of you guys in the comments will be granted the peace of God which surpasses all understanding💕🙏
I pray God blesses all of us (including me), speedily in abundance, with everything we have been seeking God for, all for His honour and glory, in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
Thank you so much for this video! It came definitely right on time for me. ✨ I have been waiting to go to college and finally have the finances for it since graduating high school in 2019, and right when i thought God was taking me one way, I was rejected from that school last week and now I don’t know where to go or what’s next or why I felt like I didn’t hear him correctly. So if you could pray for guidance and strength and mental peace, I would deeply appreciate that! ❤️
God has a plan for you dear sister 😇❤ And whatever that plan is i can tell you for sure that it is a good plan ! All will be well sister ! Trust in God. Romans 8 : 28 🙏
Hey Kaci, thank you for letting God use you. Just as I was scrolling on ig on my fyp I saw that same Bible scripture pop up, never really took notice of that verse. I came off and said let me go on your channel right after seeing that verse and lo and behold you spoke about that same verse. I think that’s a sign from God. Thank you!
Can anyone pray for me please, Ive grown up in a christian family but I never had such a close relationship with God as my close ones. I dont know if I was actually saved, and it worries me that I might stay here once God comes back. Ive repented my sins to him many many times and I do believe yet for some reason Iam still worried and there is this unsettling feeling inside of me
I encourage you to stay reading your Bible. The NIV, NLT, ESV, AMP and Message are all versions of the Bible with more readily understandable text. Also, pray to God to receive the Holy Spirit and to allow for more understanding as you read the Bible, pray daily and listen to sermons. Often, it can be a trick of satan to make you feel like you are not saved. However, we just need faith to admit and confess our sins, believe in God and receive Jesus as your Savior. Finally, I encourage connecting to a local church and participate in Bible study if possible. I pray that our Heavenly Father continues to draw you closer to Him. Be blessed.
My wife and I adopted our 19 year old daughter 3 years ago. 7 weeks ago she told us she didn’t want anything to do with us and walked out on us and our entire family, church, even her friends. I have been absolutely devastated and have been on my face multiple times a day asking God to bring her godly sorrow which leads to repentance and that she would return to us. Thank You for this video and for all the other which have helped greatly to carry me through these past weeks of sadness.
@Thawne1338 she’d been with us since she was 13. We had our tiffs but we had a normal, happy family life. She has a lot of past trauma that is unresolved that informs a lot of her decisions. We’re praying that God’s voice is louder than the anxiety that lives inside of her
5:52 thank you so much for sending this out because I’m from New York City and like in New York. It’s pretty normal people to get married later in life. I’m 33 years old and I was out so out of place not being married or having kids yet. my mom actually had me at 45 and she got married at 43. When I had moved to Las Vegas it all changed and everyone asked me where my kids and family were. It’s interesting because in nyc its very career first marriage and family second and when i lived in Las Vegas it was very much family/marriage first and career second. Which i dont fit into either one.
Thank you so much for this message to trust God and his timing. I am 33 and have been married for 5 years with no children. I remember praying to finally meet my husband. I am currently finding it difficult to patiently wait for a baby that we very much want.
Thank you so much for this video. It is just what I needed to hear. I have been dealing with chronic fatigue for many years. I am on a natural healing journey and am making some progress, but I still have a lot of fatigue which leaves me feeling like I cannot serve God because I don't have the energy to do much. This gives me hope that healing will come in His timing. I spend a lot of my time studying scripture and praying. I am praying that God can use me in some way to serve.
I was redirected to be closer to the Lord 10+years ago and lost most friends, from not doing what they do anymore. Recently for the last 3 years I have gotten to build some new relationships. Over all in the last Decade our Lord taught me many times in my willingness to serve we’re a need is Got 3 different jobs and a year ago finally found a niche that I could go into business with The Lord is so good within 5 months was able to pay bills and live off of what I make and keep growing. Though meaning promises and dreams have yet to be filled such as marriage and children, He is so good
I’m a 19 year old girl who has been dating my boyfriend for 2 years and we have been both desiring marriage. Though, circumstances are hard and it looks like we will have to wait another 3 years because of college and other reasons. I become discouraged easily because all my close friends are engaged or already married. Im a dance teacher who choreographs wedding dances for a living too 😅 I guess prayer for my situation would be amazing/appreciated. As much as I wish I was in a different season sometimes, the Lord ultimately knows what I need.
I needed this so much!! ❤❤❤ Thank you so much and congrats, may you and your baby be blessed and prosper in all that you do ❤ Jesus will never forget us 😭😭✝️ Thank you Jesus,
Thank you so much for being such a light to me during my season of waiting. A few months ago, my boyfriend blindsided me and broke up with me out of the blue, and he never gave me a reason why. He said I did everything right, but that he just didn't see a future with me. I was really close with his family, and I put forth so much effort and love into the relationship. One thing to note was that he did not follow God. I long for a husband and a family, and having this future ripped out from me has been painful beyond words. It hurts more than words can describe. Although I know I deserve better, I am struggling to understand why God is making me wait when He knows my true desires. Thank you for the encouragement. I read your singles devotional, too!
Thank you for this video Kaci, it was a great encouragement. I had been crying out to God this week as I have been praying and seeking God for a godly marriage. I’m 26 and am trusting in Gods perfect timing. In the past I have idolised relationships and God has done a work in my heart to keep my eyes on Him, not on the blessing. I’m in a waiting season and want to wait well. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated 💜
Kaci Thank you for making the videos that you make! They are such a blessing to me and to everyone else that watches them. God led me to your channel truly when he knew I needed it most. Lately I have felt forgotten by God as I have been praying for a godly man for many years I just turned 28 recently and every birthday that passes I get very discouraged. Please pray for me Kaci as well as all of my sisters in Christ 🙏🏼 I met an amazing man of God who was my neighbor for 5 years who I had no interest in 😂 He always liked me and was always so kind to me even when I wasn’t so kind to him. It took me slipping a disc in my spine at work and him getting hit by a truck for me to see what God saw in him. He was everything I had asked God for and more however before we had started dating he was trying to get re enlisted in the military. 2 months after we started dating he was accepted back into the military and he wanted me to move to the east coast with him and I said no because I told him I would only move someday if we got married. We were going to do long distance because I am flight attendant which makes it easy. However is training is many months long and the move across country and busy training schedule consumed him. We decided a week ago to stay part ways at this time as he said he needed to focus on his training. We both miss each other and are sad without the other. He had said if its in God’s plans for us to be together that he had no doubt in his heart and mind that we would reconnect. I feel so sad and forgotten right now 😢
Are you ready for the most encouraging quote in regards to this topic?! Here it is: "Child of God, you cost Christ too much for Him to forget you." - Charles Spurgeon 🤍 next time you're tempted to believe God has forgotten you, remind yourself of how much He paid for you 🙏🏼
This quote somehow reminded me of this verse:
He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?
Much needed sister Kaci amen my faith family together amen ✝️☦️🙏🌅✝️🔥🔥
NAPOLEON … (1769 - 1821) French Emperor
Here are the words of Napoleon Bonaparte on the 3 monotheistic religions:
“Moses received from God a message to guide the Hebrews on the right path.
But consequently, the latter kept for themselves the marvelous teachings of Moses.
They have hijacked this message to confine it to “a chosen race of God”, instead of benefiting the world.”
Then came Jesus. Jesus pointed out a beautiful truth about God.
He said that God is One and you must love him with all your heart,
and love your neighbor as yourself.
But, after the death of Jesus, a group of politicians from Rome saw in this religion a possibility of controlling a large mass of people.
They therefore elevated Jesus to the rank of God, and part of God Himself. They then gave God partners. They were now three in one.
-Then finally, at a certain point in the story, a man called “Muhammed” appeared.
And this man said the same thing as Moses, Jesus, and all the other prophets: there is only One God.
This was the message of Islam. Islam is the true religion.
The more people read and become intelligent, the more they will become familiar with logic and reasoning.
They will abandon idols, or rituals that support polytheism, and they will recognize that there is only One God.
And therefore, I hope that the time will not be long when Islam will dominate the world, because it will dominate the world.
I feel completely forgotten by Him.
@@DesireeRodriguezGuitarra he loves you sister in Christ amen ✝️☦️🙏🌅✝️🔥
Single and 43 here. It hurts. I know God hasn't forgotten me but it's hard to trust sometimes and harder to bear the pain. Thank you for your prayers.
Are you male or female?
@@bryanlim9817 Male
I'm also 43 and still single. My heart aches about it. Her channel helps. Clinging to God's promises gives me hope. I pray he will answer my prayers and provide a Godly spouse. I will pray the same for you. Hugs to you ❤
@@3xcancerwarrior980 Thank you. I will pray for you as well.
Also single, i am 35 years. I am praying and trusting God that he will give me my one.
I am 30 years old. I am struggling with the embarrassment of still living at home and the fear of never moving out in the future. I am struggling with still being single and watching all of my friends from childhood either get engaged or married. I am overwhelmed from obsessing on this area in my life 24/7. Please pray to help me trust God's plan and that it's going to be okay.
Male version of you.
Honestly hun, keep praying and seeking him. I know exactly how you feel we are in the same boat. But have faith and ask God how he want you to prepare for the future. Do not loose hope!
Stay encouraged my dear. God sees, He knows, and He cares. I too just turned 30 and would love to be married and start a family, and I believe God is just faithful enough to come through in that area. I’m praying for his will in your life, and that it would include the realized desire of going from your family home to your husband’s home 💜💜
54 and praying ..I have not given up..don't you. You are still so young. Pray and keep working the field..nothing is impossible for Him.
Me too you’re not alone! I’m dealing with the exact same issues as well as issues with my job. I feel forgotten by God but also like I’m being tested? I hear that everyone has their own timeline etc but it’s hard seeing everyone around you get their oen
Whenever I have felt forgotten by God (being single, no children, unmarried in my 30s) I think about these exact stories. God does have the greatest stories that bring him the most glory through people whose situations seemed impossible & long. I’m reminded that there’s a reason for my long wait even though I can’t see or know now. So I trust and have faith!
So encouraging and thanks for reminding us! ♥️
Thank you for your comment!
I think the LORD never promised He would give a husband/wife to everyone. In the same way, He never promised he'd give a job to everyone. And He never promised He'd give chiIdren to every married couple. I believe in the LORD but it's not necessary easy to understand His plans.
@@Nicolas_0456 I know where you’re coming from but I think this view is highly discouraging to single people. God actually does promise marriage, children and even other things to people. We see examples of this in the Bible. I do believe that He also gives us desires for a reason. The fact is most people are called to marriage while some have the gift of singleness like Paul. The Lord’s ways and thoughts are higher so yes, we do not need to understand his plan and don’t need to. We simply need to stay faithful to Him no matter what and put Him first in everything. God bless!
Maybe try fasting and praying if yoy have not done so.
@@biancabrown5996 thank you. I have done this several times. Idk I think I’m just meant to be single right now.
You go right ahead and hold onto that false hope. I however will never again delude myself into thinking ill ever have a wife. God can take this shitty desire and trash it for all I care. Its pointless having it when its obvious it'll never be fulfilled. I dont give a shit anymore and im never praying or asking god for a wife ever again. Just a waste of my fucking time.
I always feel like I am alone in my struggle but reminded that other women like me exist. I am 40. No kids. Not married. Everyone my age has children and homes and marriage and all I Do is cry and feel forgotten. I am a good women and feel sometimes maybe I am not favored by God or forgotten or deserve blessings like others have in my life. It’s a horrible feeling to feel God has not chosen you or forgotten you, when all you do is cry out to him asking WHY not me God?! What have I done to not deserve the blessings on this world.
I'm so sorry you are struggling. I don't believe God has favourites. He loves each one of us and has promised never to leave us. I don't know what his plans are for you, but everything is in his perfect timing. We have all been blessed but don't always notice. Can you give him thanks, even for the small things. Every day we wake up is a blessing. Jesus' sacrifice for us is a blessing. Food on the table and friends in our life. Try reading Philippians 4:8-9. Praying for you.
I Do understand you well, I am in the same situation. Don't give up hope. God loves you, greetings from Germany
This is probably a dumb question but do you actually *want* to be married?
Yes, it’s kind of shocking how many “good women” at my church have no husband and how many women who are not particularly virtuous have found someone. One shrugs his shoulders and trusts.
Not alone and not lost faith for a husband and child..I am 53..He can do it! Waiting on Him to see the story. Be encouraged!
I'm also a struggling Christian in my walk with the holy spirit yes it a long road and in my faith I'm single but god has bigger plans for me amen and for us in our faith amen together amen ✝️☦️🙏🌅✝️🔥🔥🔥🇱🇷🇭🇲
I want to share a few answered prayers. My mother in law prayed for my father in law for over 11 years to give his life to Jesus. About 6 years while riding his bike on a mountain in Colorado he got off his bike and asked Jesus to come into his heart. My father in law now teaches small groups and preaches on occasion at their church. God is so good. 🙏🙌 I suffered with really bad anxiety for about 20 years. I prayed everyday for God to deliver me from this debilitating anxiety. Four years ago while sitting in my living room God lifted this anxiety. I still have anxiety on occasion, but not like it was before. To anyone reading this, please don't ever stop praying. God will never leave you or forsake you. Thanks so much for this video Kaci. 🙏🙌
I needed both of these 🥹 Thank you for sharing!
It's so good to be reminded God is still working- I try to remind myself of all the times God answered prayer for His people or delivered them back in bible times whenever I'm in impossible or frustrating seasons (that's a great study to do btw) but sometimes my faith is so weak that I overlook the greatness of those moments of deliverance, and downplay the reality of them.
As if what happened all those years ago (e.g. the Israelites crossing through the parted seas) was too great a miracle and that kind of power doesn't/can't apply to my life, simply because I don't see that kind of thing happening today. Doubt comes in, and my fears start to overcome my faith. But we know that "faith is the substantiating of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen". And we know God is able to accomplish the impossible, yes even today!!
Thank you for these reminders of God's interceding for us. I've been suffering debilitating anxiety and depression for six years, and the past few months have been agony. A few times God lifted my burden and I had such relief, but somehow now I feel worse than ever. It's one of life's valleys, and it's a comfort to be reminded God is able, and His care is constant.
I think it might help me to write down all the times God answered prayer in my life, to focus on the positives and the joy, and to maybe even discover times He answered me when I didn't even realise.❤
@@rebeccamclaren97 I have recently started to pray for God to give me more faith. I'm also learning to trust God more. It's definitely not easy, but definitely possible with God's help. I will pray for you to be delivered from all anxiety. 🙏🙏🤗
Praying for a husband, a God-centered man that loves Jesus more than anything else
Thank you for this video🤍
@@trevrockrock16to love Jesus more than anything else is Jesus himself said: OF MINE OWN SELF I AM NOTHING.....
Christ(Consciousness)is the Recognition of God Consciousness on Earth. You/We/I are God Unfolding as that Consciousness....!!
It's the Activity of Truth in Our Consciousness that Performs Our Miracles.....!!
So, until we stop relying on the illusory human state of mind we can't leave the old and come into the new...that being Christ Consciousness(or Infinite Consciousness)!!
@@ISATŌP1 Luke 14 vs 16 "If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters-yes, even their own life-such a person cannot be my disciple."
Me too
I just passed by a car that had a license plate cover that said "Not Forgotten". Immediately after I saw that I opened up TH-cam and your video popped up! All of this happened 30 minutes after I asked God to show me a sign that he understands how frustrating being Single has been! Thank you so much for this video! It was a literal God Send.
Are you male or female?
God cares even when it's hard to believe....
Please pray for my healing, mental health. Thank you. God bless you.
Praying for you now 🤍 may the Lord bless and keep you!
@@kacinicole Thank you.
2:14 @@stephanieh7829
One more comment... I was also barren. Not long after God touched me on the shoulder, I began to read the Bible and learned of the barren woman. When I prayed to God I cited these women as precedent and asked for a baby. I fell pregnant very quickly and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I prayed for a second, and He granted my request. I was 37 and 40 years when I gave birth to my beautiful daughters and was told by doctors that it was unlikely to ever happen. With God, all things are possible! His will be done!
Thank you for sharing your testimony. Miscarried our first baby at 32. Now a month away from 35 and still no rainbow baby. Waiting is so hard but reading things like this gives me hope!
A little mistake. not but I meant because I love him and trust him.
@@miss6foot I am sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I identify with the pain of longing for children. It is difficult (to say the least!) But once I read about what God had done; I knew that He is the only one who brings forth life, so I asked Him, then I left it with Him. I did not dwell on it. In fact, it was not until I went to the doctors because I was feeling sick, and the doctor told me to take a pregnancy test, and it came back positive, that I remembered what I had prayed for. I know it seems impossible right now, but put you hope and faith in our Lord; He is faithful. In the meantime I send you hugs and will absolutely pray for you xoxo
Thank you because I feel as though God has forgotten about me and my two children both of my sons suffer from autism. I’m overwhelmed since losing my job I’ve been having a hard time making ends meet. Keep us in your prayers.
Praying for God’s provision and His perfect peace and comfort during this time ❤
Praying for you and please know that God will never leave you or forsake you. God loves you very much. 🙏🙏
Praying for God's provision and perfect peace as well 🤍
Prayers for all of you! God has not forgotten you and has a special place in Heaven for all of you. Much love to you all!
@@kacinicole god will guide us through in our faith together amen ✝️☦️🙏🌅✝️🔥🔥🇭🇲
This word is for me! I have been praying for a husband and children for 24 years. Yes, you've read that correctly...24 YEARS! I have dated a lot, but nothing has come out of it. I'm in my mid-40s now, and I'm so discouraged. I find it hard to pray because it's like God... do you hear me? I have been so blessed in other areas, but it feels like a big hole is missing in my life. Anyway, thanks for the lovely video Kaci!
I can really relate to what you said. I too feel like God has blessed me so abundantly in every area of my life. He leads me, directs me, helps me in all He calls me to do. But when it comes to marriage all I get is keep going, keep believing, keep trusting 😢 crazy but such is living a life of faith.
And if it’s any encouragement, it was at year 24 that God visited Abraham in Genesis 17 and told him that Sarah would have a son the following year. You’ve had to wait long but that’s not an indication it’s a denial on God’s part. He will be glorified thru you!
We gotta do like Abraham in Romans 4 and keep believing against all hope. May God give us unwavering faith in the face of long waits. 😊💛
@@gogo6189 Thank you!
I hear ya! I have been praying the same for 23 years..I am 53 almost 54.. I still believe He will do both!
Look at this, a bunch of women crying because of their own decisions and pickiness.
Fill that hole with Jesus.
Thank you because I needed this encouragement. I feel forgotten in my singleness. I am a 27 year old man still living with my parents trying to get myself together struggling financially. It kills me on the inside and my heart that I feel disqualified from marriage despite the desire for it because I know a husband is the provider of the family and leader. In the meantime, I am working hard to learn God’s Word and trying to hear His Voice in preparation because I truly do want a biblical marriage to love my partner and serve her and vice versa.
Am 28 still living in my parents house and leaving in 2025 to pick up my girlfriend it not hard to leave u need to stop feeling sorry for yourself
You are right where you are supposed to be. Realign with God and let him Guide you. Let him reassure you in the man you are and the man you’ll become. Make those small steps now so you can prepare for your role as a husband. Remember it’s not the worlds version of manhood that you need to follow it’s Gods! Keep praying,studying and seeking him and you’ll hear him.
You are just getting started..keep in His word. He has good plans for you and many women praying and waiting on that kind of man. Stay kingdom focused! So much life ahead..I went back to school in late 30s to get BS and MBA ..almost 20 years have time just get and. Stayed focus in prayer and doing the work.
I am 53 and waiting on God for His promise to me ❤
thank you. im a 14 yo girl and I’ve been struggling with depression since I was 6 and everyday I pray that God will take away the pain and heal the wound in my heart. may God bless you and anybody who reads this🙏
I so feel so forgotten by God!😔! I have been praying for my husband David salvation for almost 20 years!
Also, I have been praying for almost 19 years to hear the Lord speak to me again!
God bless you. I can somewhat understand your pain, I’ve been saved for almost 3 years and my husband and I have been married for 5. He’s a wonderful man and I feel truly blessed that he is my husband but he is not saved. It can feel lonely when you’re in a situation like ours, but there are so many beautiful testimonies of unsaved spouses finally giving their life to the Lord. Just know that the Lord hears you and He is always speaking to us, I’ll keep you and your husband in my prayers. 🙏
Praying for you to not feel discouraged. Continue to pray. 🙏🙏
Praying for your husband David now 🙏🏼
Matthew 6:33
I have been praying for my families salvation for many years and sharing my faith with them, but they just don't get it. We must persevere in prayer and trust them into His care. I was a prodigal for 25 years but God found me. Praying for your husband and my family. I believe everything happens in Gods perfect timing.
This came right on time. I have been feeling very defeated lately and have been feeling like God has abandoned me.
Proverbs 10:30
The righteous shall never be removed: but the wicked shall not inhabit the earth.
I’m currently a mom of a 5 yr old , and born into Christianity. But last yr got close again 100% and now my husband started going in December. We’ve been trying for another baby since 2020. My daughter prays and prays I pray and pray so does my husband. I sometimes feel forgotten as everyone around me has babies. My sister in law has had 2 in the time we’re trying. We just pray soon God answers our prayers 🥹
Thank you a lot, Kaci! It was so nice to hear! To be entirely honest, I kind of feel like forgotten in by God in literally most of the areas in my life, basically in almost everything. I don't have a husband, kids, a job, no close friends, I live with my mom and sister, and barely go out of the house. I don't have much opportunities to talk to people. All I can interact with most of the times are my mother and sister. At times, very rarely I go out with friends, but I don't meet them too often, and my everyday life is very grey and boring. I'm 31 and I live this way since I was 18 and finished high school. Not entirely, because I would say in the first few years I had more interaction with friends, but around 10 years back, my relationships started to die out, and I only had a job 2 times, one for less than a month, not long after I graduated, and the other in 2017 and it was 1 year long, but honestly, even if I feel awful for always being stuck at home, every time, I went out, like with my sister's friends back then or for the 2 years course, I just finished (it was twice a week, so it wasn't a daily thing), or for a job, I still couldn't interact ith anyone, because I have terrible social anxiety. I would even say, I have selective mutism, and my recent psychologist said the same, but I wasn't diagnosed with it. I don't know, but for sure, I always felt like I got muted if I stepped into any place, where there were at least 1 stranger. I really can't talk with people even if I'm trying. Nothing comes to my mind, I got blocked by my mind, and I don't know... Most of the times, selective mutism is a child diagnosis, but I didn't get treated with it and my pyschologist said, she can't think iof anything yet, that she could try to do with me, because she has methods for kids with selective mutism but notr for adults. I'm super depressed for like 10 years back, and I can not geniunally feel real happiness or joy over anything. Basically I don't feel anything. I don't even feel real connections. You know, I can't feel love or feel loved. Not by God or people. Nothing. I try to pray and not give up, but it is very hard, Not once, I get angry at God, because I feel like, even He doesn't love me. I tried to be closeer to Him, having a relationship with Him. He said, if we look for Him, we'll find Him, yet I don't feel anything. More often than not, if I pray, I end up even more disappointed and depressed than before, because I think of all the things I don't have. I don't even always get along with my sister. Our relationship is not too stable. Sometimes, it's good, sometimes, it's not. I want to find my soulmate, if he even exists, more than anything, but I don't know... It's hard, and I don't really date. You know, all my school life (except for a few years) I was bullied and have not recovered from it. I have had tons of other traumas, too, but I keep going back to the roots in school, where I was all alone, no friends, couldn't speak or stand up for myself and they humilitated me on a daily basis for years. I don't if there is a light on the end of the tunnel, if God wants to give me anything, that I will be happy for, or... I know, He had not forgotten me, but so often I doubt if He wants to give me any happiness on this earth. Really, I don't know, how to go on. I'm struggling with lots of menatl health issues and nothing is changing for more than 10 years. The weird thing is that I probably pushed away the problems, in my school years, because I was geninuely happy in those years with my family. I don't know if anything can change, but this video gave me a slight hope. So, thank you, Kaci, if you read this.
I just prayed for a breakthrough for you, darling Regina. You need deliverance, and nothing is impossible for God. But please step out and take some action in faith believing. Get into a good church where you can be around the word and good people who can love on you and see what happens. Will keep interceding for you, dont give up hope.💗
Single at 44 and it really hurts sometimes. Thank You Jesus .Thank you for sharing this encouraging verse and video.
God just literally told me the other day I can’t forget you 😩 grateful he used you to confirm this
Yes! I'm so glad He is reminding you of this truth!
I really feel forgotten by God and this is only driving me away from the Faith… I don’t really what to do next, but could only hope He answers to my prayers as He has done for many around me
I am feeling like I'm in the same boat lately, I am barely hanging on, but at the same time I can't let go because He is God
I'm 32 going on 33yrs old and I wanted my own family by now. Someone to experience the good, bad, ugly, struggles and joy of life. With my body failing but not dying, hope gone, I just don't have the drive to pursue the one and only thing I ever wanted. God has hardened my heart not just through unanswered prayers but blessings from prayers given to other people. I'm not blameless in all this, but it's disheartening to know even people who've done worse than me get what I wanted/needed before I do. Hearing people talk about God not forgetting about you is nice, but there's no possible way God could get me out of this. Especially when I prayed, tears in my eyes, to help me before I lost hope.
What is there to trust when what I want/need can't happen?
I've been praying every day for my family's salvation abd sharing my faith with them. I'm sure God hasn't forgotten me or them, but it's hard going to see no change. I think everything is in His perfect timing.
Praying for many years.
That is so hard to persevere in prayer and to not feel discouraged when you see no change...this verse comes to mind as an encouragement: 2 Peter 3:9 🤍
@@kacinicole That's perfect. Thank you. X
Definitely inspiring me. I've been believing for a child of my own. Its hard to see others having babies when all we want is one. ❤
I’ve been praying for a father for my children and a husband for me. A God-centered, Jesus worshiping, man. To witness to my children what it is to be a man of God. I’m an okay if it is not for me and the Lord has other plans. I will happily take whatever is in His will for me. I just need prayers for me and my two beautiful children through this difficult season in our lives. 🩵
Praying for you right now. 💕I’m in the same situation and feel the same way. Gods will be done, but please give me help and grace for these hard days.
@@trevrockrock16 he is not in anyone’s life. He is cruel abusive and mandated to stay away by the court.
Did this question make you feel better?
@@aprillarned7057 all the love and prayers to you momma 🤍
I got married a year ago and before I was married, I was involved in ministry, living with other Christian girls, I had a discipler and in general was just more surrounded with Christian community. Since the life transition of getting married, graduating and working full time now, new city and new church, God has felt very distant and I’ve been praying to hear from him and to feel his presence but I just feel like he has forsaken me :( I’ve been praying and continue to be in the Word, but I think lack of community and ministry involvement have had a great impact.
All of this is making me seriously doubt my faith and question if I am truly a child of God and have the Holy Spirit in me. I am even ashamed to admit this because I thought my faith was more unshakeable than this, but I think when you don’t hear from God for a while, you begin to question if your previous personal encounters with Him were even real.
I know there are spiritual ups and downs in life, but it feels hard to believe I will ever feel close to God again.
Not sure if this totally relates to the feeling of being forgotten by God, but I would love some prayer anyway ♥️
June 11th I was here on TH-cam watching videos about singleness and waiting on GOD, about 15-20 seconds into a video I heard a voice as loud and as clear as someone speaking to me in the room say “Blaine, I have someone for you, but it’s going to be in my time, you just have to wait.” And the Bible says we will know the voice of our Shepard, and that is true! So I prayed “LORD, if this is you, I trust you, I trust your timing, your timing is perfect and I leave my desire for a girlfriend/wife in your hands.” I hope this encourages someone today! GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS, because I’ve been praying for the person GOD has for me since January.
I pray that God let's you meet your wife soon and that he blesses you with children
I am encouraged. God's timing is perfect.
👋 I’ve been waiting and praying for my situation for 3 long years. Oh well I guess I’ll keep praying
Pray without ceasing. I've been praying for years for a fear that consumes me at times and I will never stop praying. Please know that God loves you so much and He will never leave you or forsake you. 🙏
All will be well !! ❤
Out of all the videos to pop up, yours did. 45, single and no children. I feel that God has forgotten me when it comes to a family. Ive always wanted to be a dad and have a family. Instead I feel for whatever reason im undeserving of that. Watched everyone start families. Always the fun uncle, even spearheaded the nursery back in high school (sometimes the only one there) but overlooked when it comes to my own family. Ive asked God what did I ever do to warrant this?
Being a wife, marriage, career, my direction in my life, the love of God, love in general. Guidance, genuine support and resources. I’m not empty I just want to do what God wants me to do but have no help to be fully who He wants me to be or do😢
Kaci, I just can’t believe how your videos are right on time. God speaks to me a lot through your videos. I have been praying for a job for the past 3 years which is from the very time I was born again. I have been brought up in an Indian Christian family but never knew who God is and have never been to a church. Unknowingly my parents distanced themselves from God. And my father lost his faith because of how I ended up jobless. I took many wrong turns which failed me and eventually made my parents doubt the little faith they used to have. Please pray for my Job and Salvation of my family members. And Thank you for your encouragement through your videos.
I've been praying for my son for many years he has been lost ....I'm not giving up on God or my son....I think I just have to get out of the way...Let Go! Let God! 🙏
I feel forgotten by God at the time. I have been struggling with physical health issues on top of my anxiety for quite some time now. I pray that God would give me healing and deliverance and not have me feel forsaken. I know in my head Im not, but its hard when your circumstances scream otherwise.
Hello, I'm Stephanie. I have a prayer request. February of last year, my boyfriend Brian had broken up with me after 14 years. He said it was mainly because of communication
problems. And that was true. I was too
nervous and afraid to talk to him over the
last two years of our relationship. I was
afraid to talk about what was on my mind
and afraid of what he might think. Then I
would get clouded with irritation and rudeness sometimes towards him because i was nervous and was selfish, always having him make the first move with affection. I was jealous and wishing I was open and outgoing towards him and others in a loving , bold way out of love. Also, since we were living together, I felt it was time to get married, and I wanted to talk about Jesus and what the Bible says about fornication and cohabitation. It seemed he wasn't interested, and it caused no peace in my heart to be able to approach him with these discussions, and I felt I always had to tippy toe around the topic. Including more on saving sex before marriage and about Jesus. The only time I would bring it up is when he would initiate sex or being at his friends our because his friends were open people and it made me open to talk about these things in front of him. He admitted there one day that he struggled with faith and believing in Jesus while we were at his friends, but he never told me. He was also hurt because I was open to his friends instead of him because I was supposed to be his best friend. Which hurt me when he told me after he broke up with me. The other factor was since he struggled with faith and believing. He said he couldn't follow me and wasn't we're I'm at. And ever since then, I've been pondering why would one person in the relationship falls out of love with the other after many, many years? After all the memories and experiences and mild stones and seasons of life we've gone through. My ex couldn't rough it out with me and couldn't fight for the relationship if he loved me. Which I believe when he would tell me and when I asked him. After 14 years and counting, I thought we would get through everything together and be together forever. (Could it be a spiritual thing in his heart and that he's outside of Christ that he couldn't
love me?) And he felt that I should do something with my life to get married. But I'll admit there was procrastination in my life on what to do in my life that left me discouraged and lazy. Everything hurt him, and he was stressed over time and eventually led to him separating from me. We had little contact during our separation, although he still cared and loved me. But I was not in love with me anymore. Which was devastating to me. But I was trying to slowly reconcile with him by taking the first step in starting over with small talks to him and seeing if our relationship could possibly grow again but he told me to don't get my hopes up because he doesn't know if we'll get back together and if the "in love" with me will come back. and I struggled with patience and trying to make something work that was already damaged. And he eventually ended all contact so he'd won't hurt me. He said we weren't in the place of love and happiness because I've changed and wanted to do things the right way, and he understood why. But he said he couldn't follow me and wasn't where I'm at. I've heard the Gospel many times, but I struggle with the belief that God has chosen me. and my lack following Jesus and afraid to. Although we're broken up. So, can your ministry pray for us?
I'm still sad about this. And lonely. I still miss and love him. And I pray and ask to pray for God to bring us together in a new relationship that would honor him. If it's not his will, pray he will give me peace in my heart to move on to boldly follow him and trust him with my life. And if not yet, pray for patience and not to take his blessing for granted.
I don't want him to live his life, not know Jesus and me too. I did share the Gospel with him a few times and pray it would take effect. Thank you for what your ministry team does for the glory of God and your time. God bless.
Thank you for this reminder ❤ I’m still waiting to find the one God has for me
Coming to the realization that years of our lives are just a brief moment in time overall put everything in perspective.
I’m only 25 so I know I’m quite young. I haven’t really longed for marriage until coming out of a toxic relationship. I’ve always been a bit of a romantic and I’ve had quite severe heartbreak a few times in my life. A lot of times could be multiple times from the same person. So im at the point where I don’t think I can suffer anymore heartbreak as this year really left me at rock bottom and have never been so depressed and suicidal in my life. God really saved me in the pain and I feel the time of healing he really changed my heart. Im just praying for more discernment and the next relationship I get into will be my last. God has sent me and a few of my loved ones dreams about me. A lot of them came to pass even. There’s a dream he sent to an aunt that im still waiting on. So im praying he hasn’t forgotten me
I keep watching videos like this looking for encouragement and hope. I’m 56, never married, with no kids. Being a wife and mother have always been my main goals in life. Over the last two-and-a-half years I’ve lost both parents, so now I’m completely alone. Some days the pain is unbearable. I need all the encouragement and prayers I can get. I’m hanging on, but it’s hard.
Praying for you! This was my favorite aunt’s situation. She married a couple of years ago at age 58 I think. It’s never to late- keep hoping. I pray you find that Christ fulfills you so much that you are able to enjoy your current singleness and even see it as a blessing- which it is. ❤
I did not know I needed to hear this until the video started playing. I won't say I feel forgotten but sometimes it is more why do I have to wait so long. I am in a season of waiting to have a child and hearing the stories of all the other women in the Bible who waited so long for their children just reinforces that when the time is right it will happen. God is working in my life, in my husband's life for when the time is right, and even more amazing is knowing God has already planned the life for any child we may have in the future. It is really hard sometimes, especially since so many people I know already have a child or are already having their second child and I am still waiting. Thank you for this encouragement and reminder, that I am not forgotten and God is working.
I lost my wife a month ago after her six month fight with cancer, and I am now in a season of waiting for God to restore what I’ve lost. I have faith that Gid has forgotten me.
I’m struggling with becoming a mother. Me and my husband have been married 4 years and together for 10 years. We both got a diagnosis that the issue is BOTH of us, it has been extremely mentally draining, countless doctor’s visits and insurance issues. It’s gotten to the point where I just gave up and stopped getting help. It hurts seeing scripture in the Bible that talks about “children are a gift from God” and about how a greatest gift is for a woman to stay home raising children. It just makes me think “where are you God? And when is it going to be my turn? Will it ever be my turn? Do you even want me to ever become a mom?”
Maybe that’s not what He wants for me?
My life is just full of depression and confusion in this season.
But yet I wait ❤️
I just saw this and am truly desperate for these words to apply to me. Most of my friends always had boyfriends and I was always the tag along. Then they all got married after high school or went on to live exciting, productive lives. I am now almost 50 and still waiting. I hold on to prophetic words and then fall into despair when nothing comes to pass. My life has been lonely and I’ve failed those closest to me and they treat me with bitterness and contempt. I am losing hope and am just wanting prayers to be the fruitful, god fearing woman God desires me to be and for a loving marriage and reconciliation and healed relationships to live out my days in peace and happiness
Single and desire so deeply to be a mother but even more so a teacher with my own classroom I see everyone around me being blessed in this way it hurts deeply especially sense my life has been put on pause it that’s how it feels due to Chronic illness and health issues I’m walking through
I feel forgotten by God about all areas of my life, I apply for many jobs and internships for months now and nothing, and I had been answered by company last week, and they don't even replied me back yet when I finally thought that I would be an employee. Also with relationship situation, everyone in my church and in my age has a bf / gf and I can't help it to be frustrated. But I'm not going to lie that this season really made me more close to God and I grew a lot with my relationship with Him and despite from that situation going on I'm very happy that God is by my side and I have faith that something wonderful is coming 💌💓
I needed this video today. Praying for a caring, faithful husband who loves GOD, and I now believe that GOD will bring him to me. Thank you for the encouragement. Keep posting 💕
Thank you kaci for this video ever since I broke my ankle and two surgeries in April I'm in recovery now I did see God move for me when I got hurt but lately it's been so hard the bills jus keep pilling up without no income it's hard but 8 will not loose my faith or trust and believe in God it's hard but I'm doing it please keep me in prayer🙏🙏🙏 I no God can do anything 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you. I often feel 😢, because my PMDD has affected my life in employment. Thankfully, I have a supportive husband, and have been able, with his support to raise 3 wonderful children, now adults. I do all I can to help myself, but often feel lonely, and misunderstood. I am tentatively returning to study 📖, doing a Mental Health First Aid Course, but it's very hard using my brain 🧠 again. Please help me, and surround me with good people to lift my spirits. Thank you ❤
I feel completely forgotten by God in all areas of my life. I have been begging and pleading for him to answer and/or have mercy. Thank you for this video
You are not forgotten by God. His word promises us that He will never leave us or forsake us. 🙏 I pray that you will be encouraged in knowing that. 🙏
God bless you for this message Kaci! I feel so forgotten by God when it comes to my financial situation. I’ve been struggling financially for some time now and I often feel hopeless because I have to make a way out of no way. Please pray for me.
Thank you this is definitely for me. I’ve been praying to god to bless me with Christian friends in my age group. I haven’t made any solid/close friendships since moving to Texas in 2017. I also need him to come work in my life in my job aspect. I’ve been praying for him to move me into a job that I love that brings me fulfillment and fuels me rather than drains me. I’ve been stuck in the restaurant industry for 12 years and I am so tired of it. I’ve also been praying for 7 years that God will bless me with my future husband whose also my best friend. Prayers would definitely be appreciated. Thank you.
That's not how that work u have to forcefully do it yourself
Thank you for this message. I have autism and I'm struggling with my self worth. I also feel stuck in waiting for marriage. I'm 25 years old and with my self worth struggles because of my disability it's a struggle to believe a woman would ever want me. I ask for your prayers
God will definitely give you your wife.
Hey, I know what you mean, I sometimes have struggled with singleness, I have autism too.
I'm 53 years old and an introvert. I've always come close to actual dating, but nothing ever pans out. I've also dealt with a narcissistic guy for years, but one day, his TRUE self appeared... and I moved to a different state. My current job is more demanding this year than last, and I'm trying to find something different. I would love to date a mature, Godly man with the intention to marry. My parents were lucky because they've just celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary this year!🎉
I’ve been waiting for healing and the salvation of my family. Healing in my heart and mind, marriage, and the success of my childcare to bring families to Christ through my business. Thanks everyone for your prayers.
I am a single 40 year old man. No kids but want to become a father. I prayed to God about it FOR SO LONG. He thinks humans have a long time to live and therefore humans can delay having kids. But, He lives in a timeless reality, not the earthly reality. Over time, He forgot the urgency to do things. And I am still left here, wifeless and childless at 40 years old.
I have actually been reading the bible about god creating to world and have got to the part about Noah. I am unable to have children but dreamt about having kids and now I find this video. I want to understand on why did they have longer lives back then?
I am enjoying learning more about the bible and pray for one day to have a family of my own.
Thank you for this video.
All will be well sister , God has a plan for you ! ❤🙏
@@Simonsays.. thank you ☺️🙏
they had longer lives bc humans were not created to die. adam lived 930 years! but because of sin God reduced our lifespan as "punishment" but i think it's also for our benefit. can you imagine being on this planet for hundreds of years?? before the flood God declared our lifespan would not pass 120 years.
@@thecozyconstellation Thank you for explaining the reason why they lived that long.
I wouldn't want to be alive for that many years.
This has helped me understand better ☺
well i did have adream from God after asking Him to show me or talk to me,till this day im holding onto that hope! and before that i made a vow with God if it was true and so it was. conclusion God is still working and revealing His glory to me. Can't wait to see it all unfold as my fast comes to its end soon breakthrough is coming!
Hi sister Kaci! The area of my life that I would like prayer for, is in being ready for my husband. I’m 40 years old, and am looking forward to meeting this husband of mine. Lord, please help me to be patient, for Your perfect timing. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Does anyone else feel like sometimes they just have to take a break from reading the Bible, or from praying. I know and hate to even admit how bad this sounds, but sometimes it feels like the more I do the worse I feel. I feel like my motives are wrong and I’m only doing it to get something, therefore I’ll just take a break until I feel better. Lord, send help😢
I am chosen and in a mess it's to much for words please pray.😭
That is Wonderful And In Theory Magnificent...In Reality It Is The Opposite Because It Just May Never Happen The Goals and Desires That You Strive For Even When You Are Coming From A Good Place in Your Heart. Not to sound Discouraging But Real.
I can't deny it's hard sometimes. I'm almost 40 and still single. On top of that I don't have any close friends so loneliness is definitely a struggle for me.
I still feel completely forgetyen when it comes to understanding my levels of pain and suffering
Wow! This verse makes me think of Jesus. The names on His palms are all that He has saved through redemption on the cross. I know it is not in keeping with the message you had for us today, but WOW! Praise God for His unfailing love toward us.
This was very encouraging and timely. I was surprised . God used this to speak to me that He knows and cares, though I do wait patiently as well❤
Thank you Jesus
I was emotional today thinking about my situation & then I journaled about it, read the psalms (comfort book) and this certainly is a confirmation that I'm not forgotten. Always on time. Thank you Kaci!
Aw praise God - He sees you and knows! 🤍
Friends who love God
You really have the gift of encouragement!!💕 I am always lifted up and reminded of God's character when I watch a video of yours.
I sometimes do feel forgotten by God, or maybe just that it is hard to watch everybody elses lives moving on in the "normal" tempo. I have suffered from concussion and whiplash for eight years now. Please pray for my healing. Thank you❤️ That being said, God is definitely using this time for my relationship with Him to grow stronger, and that is such a beautiful thing to experience🕊️ I pray that all of you guys in the comments will be granted the peace of God which surpasses all understanding💕🙏
This is such an encouragement to me in return...praise God that He has used my videos to remind you of His character 🙏🏼 and I am praying for you now!
@@kacinicole Thank you!
A very encouraging video. Thanks for putting it together
This video was a blessing, thank you for your obedience to God ❤❤❤
I pray God blesses all of us (including me), speedily in abundance, with everything we have been seeking God for, all for His honour and glory, in Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
Thank you so much for this video! It came definitely right on time for me. ✨ I have been waiting to go to college and finally have the finances for it since graduating high school in 2019, and right when i thought God was taking me one way, I was rejected from that school last week and now I don’t know where to go or what’s next or why I felt like I didn’t hear him correctly. So if you could pray for guidance and strength and mental peace, I would deeply appreciate that! ❤️
God has a plan for you dear sister 😇❤
And whatever that plan is i can tell you for sure that it is a good plan !
All will be well sister ! Trust in God.
Romans 8 : 28 🙏
Thankyou so much and God bless you ❤️
May God bless you and your family. Always stay safe.
May He bless you and your family as well, Sophia 🤍
I have been praying for my mental health which has gotten bad as I have been off of work for several months and shows no signs of improving.
I believe that God give me my job but right now I'm so depressed 7 years and I don't have any job please pray for me please
My love life. Unfinished business in that area is holding me back from moving on to greater things.
Hey Kaci, thank you for letting God use you. Just as I was scrolling on ig on my fyp I saw that same Bible scripture pop up, never really took notice of that verse. I came off and said let me go on your channel right after seeing that verse and lo and behold you spoke about that same verse. I think that’s a sign from God. Thank you!
Can anyone pray for me please, Ive grown up in a christian family but I never had such a close relationship with God as my close ones. I dont know if I was actually saved, and it worries me that I might stay here once God comes back. Ive repented my sins to him many many times and I do believe yet for some reason Iam still worried and there is this unsettling feeling inside of me
I encourage you to stay reading your Bible. The NIV, NLT, ESV, AMP and Message are all versions of the Bible with more readily understandable text. Also, pray to God to receive the Holy Spirit and to allow for more understanding as you read the Bible, pray daily and listen to sermons. Often, it can be a trick of satan to make you feel like you are not saved. However, we just need faith to admit and confess our sins, believe in God and receive Jesus as your Savior. Finally, I encourage connecting to a local church and participate in Bible study if possible. I pray that our Heavenly Father continues to draw you closer to Him. Be blessed.
@@jodianbrown8216 thank you for all the advice❤️
You are such a blessing, Kaci!
My wife and I adopted our 19 year old daughter 3 years ago. 7 weeks ago she told us she didn’t want anything to do with us and walked out on us and our entire family, church, even her friends. I have been absolutely devastated and have been on my face multiple times a day asking God to bring her godly sorrow which leads to repentance and that she would return to us. Thank You for this video and for all the other which have helped greatly to carry me through these past weeks of sadness.
@Thawne1338 she’d been with us since she was 13. We had our tiffs but we had a normal, happy family life. She has a lot of past trauma that is unresolved that informs a lot of her decisions. We’re praying that God’s voice is louder than the anxiety that lives inside of her
5:52 thank you so much for sending this out because I’m from New York City and like in New York. It’s pretty normal people to get married later in life. I’m 33 years old and I was out so out of place not being married or having kids yet. my mom actually had me at 45 and she got married at 43. When I had moved to Las Vegas it all changed and everyone asked me where my kids and family were. It’s interesting because in nyc its very career first marriage and family second and when i lived in Las Vegas it was very much family/marriage first and career second. Which i dont fit into either one.
Thank you so much for this message to trust God and his timing. I am 33 and have been married for 5 years with no children. I remember praying to finally meet my husband. I am currently finding it difficult to patiently wait for a baby that we very much want.
Thank you so much for this video. It is just what I needed to hear. I have been dealing with chronic fatigue for many years. I am on a natural healing journey and am making some progress, but I still have a lot of fatigue which leaves me feeling like I cannot serve God because I don't have the energy to do much. This gives me hope that healing will come in His timing. I spend a lot of my time studying scripture and praying. I am praying that God can use me in some way to serve.
This is an answer of my prayer.
I was redirected to be closer to the Lord 10+years ago and lost most friends, from not doing what they do anymore. Recently for the last 3 years I have gotten to build some new relationships. Over all in the last Decade our Lord taught me many times in my willingness to serve we’re a need is Got 3 different jobs and a year ago finally found a niche that I could go into business with The Lord is so good within 5 months was able to pay bills and live off of what I make and keep growing. Though meaning promises and dreams have yet to be filled such as marriage and children, He is so good
This message is for me. GOD Bless you
I’m a 19 year old girl who has been dating my boyfriend for 2 years and we have been both desiring marriage. Though, circumstances are hard and it looks like we will have to wait another 3 years because of college and other reasons. I become discouraged easily because all my close friends are engaged or already married. Im a dance teacher who choreographs wedding dances for a living too 😅 I guess prayer for my situation would be amazing/appreciated. As much as I wish I was in a different season sometimes, the Lord ultimately knows what I need.
You’re only 19 ! You have a lot of time to bear children.
@@pibly7784 I don’t want to have children any time soon hahaha. I just desire to be married 😅
I needed this so much!! ❤❤❤ Thank you so much and congrats, may you and your baby be blessed and prosper in all that you do ❤ Jesus will never forget us 😭😭✝️ Thank you Jesus,
I need prayer for the teams I've experienced and how that affects my life now❤
Thank you for this reminder!
I feel sometimes forgotten when it comes to my life and finances falling in order.
Thank you so much for being such a light to me during my season of waiting. A few months ago, my boyfriend blindsided me and broke up with me out of the blue, and he never gave me a reason why. He said I did everything right, but that he just didn't see a future with me. I was really close with his family, and I put forth so much effort and love into the relationship. One thing to note was that he did not follow God.
I long for a husband and a family, and having this future ripped out from me has been painful beyond words. It hurts more than words can describe. Although I know I deserve better, I am struggling to understand why God is making me wait when He knows my true desires. Thank you for the encouragement. I read your singles devotional, too!
Thank you for this video Kaci, it was a great encouragement. I had been crying out to God this week as I have been praying and seeking God for a godly marriage. I’m 26 and am trusting in Gods perfect timing. In the past I have idolised relationships and God has done a work in my heart to keep my eyes on Him, not on the blessing. I’m in a waiting season and want to wait well. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated 💜
Kaci Thank you for making the videos that you make! They are such a blessing to me and to everyone else that watches them. God led me to your channel truly when he knew I needed it most. Lately I have felt forgotten by God as I have been praying for a godly man for many years I just turned 28 recently and every birthday that passes I get very discouraged. Please pray for me Kaci as well as all of my sisters in Christ 🙏🏼 I met an amazing man of God who was my neighbor for 5 years who I had no interest in 😂 He always liked me and was always so kind to me even when I wasn’t so kind to him. It took me slipping a disc in my spine at work and him getting hit by a truck for me to see what God saw in him. He was everything I had asked God for and more however before we had started dating he was trying to get re enlisted in the military. 2 months after we started dating he was accepted back into the military and he wanted me to move to the east coast with him and I said no because I told him I would only move someday if we got married. We were going to do long distance because I am flight attendant which makes it easy. However is training is many months long and the move across country and busy training schedule consumed him. We decided a week ago to stay part ways at this time as he said he needed to focus on his training. We both miss each other and are sad without the other. He had said if its in God’s plans for us to be together that he had no doubt in his heart and mind that we would reconnect. I feel so sad and forgotten right now 😢
I love this and your channel I’m so glad I found your channel this is so helpful I’ve been feeling forgotten by God😞