I’ve been carnivore for almost 7 years. I eat about 2-3 lbs of fatty red meat along with 6-9 eggs every day with bacon here and there. My cholesterol has been consistently around 350, LDL 250, triglycerides 40 and HDL 100. ApoB 140. The first year I had a CAC done which showed a zero. This year I had a CTA with contrast done which shows soft plaque. Again the CAC was zero and the CTA showed ZERO plaque in the arteries around my heart! I belong to a group called LMHR- “Lean Mass Hyper Responder”. I am 61 and in the best shape of my life! High ApoB is only dangerous in the right context like that of someone who eats a high carb diet like the SAD diet. Red meat, fatty or otherwise does not cause cancer, heart disease or diabetes. The lipid heart hypothesis should have never come to be. Look up the LMHR study. Not a single person in this group showed ANY plaque progression after 1 year with high LDL. Not a single outlier. Carnivore is a way of life and you have to adopt it as a lifestyle.
Don't heat seed oils to smoke point if you are going to cook with them, and don't buy the ones in clear plastic containers. Almost all plastics allow oxygen to permeate and oxidized oils. Same goes for olive oil.
For me, I do everything in moderation. I eat both beef and pork, but not in huge quantities like in a Chinese stir-fry, People do need some fats in their diet. For me eating a one-pound steak is out of the question. That steak maybe eaten over 2-3 meals. Instead of potato chips etc, I tried to eat dry-roasted and salted almonds, peanuts, walnuts, etc. but I do occasionally eat potato, corn chips etc Instead of high fat dips made with sour cream I eat tomato-based salsa. I also occasionally drink a regular sugared/HFCS soft-drinks such as Coke, but most of the time I drink scented seltzer water. ETA in the morning I eat oatmeal with raisins and some sliced almonds, with 2% milk and a pat of butter, or a bowl of wheat flakes with raisin( a la raisin bran) but I add my own raisins seperately with a tsp of brown sugar. I try to stick to store-brands over the national brands usually costs a bit less.
It’s great to see more information about the benefits of lean red meat-it’s been a staple in my diet, and I feel the difference in my energy levels. Along with steak and eggs, I’ve been using supplements that complement my diet, which I found in Secret Supplements that turn you into a Superhuman. One of the best has been creatine-it pairs perfectly with red meat for muscle support and overall vitality.
@@Therealmathildared meat certainly is a rich source of creatine, but eaten in normal quantities falls short of the 5 g daily intake that has been most researched and shown to provide significant health benefits. "Beef has about 1 gram of creatine for every 1 to 2 pounds of meat, according to Quinnipiac University. You'll also get about the same amount of creatine in pork. One 3-ounce serving of beef has about 0.2 gram of creatine. Beef and chicken lose about 5 percent of their total creatine when they're cooked, unless they're boiled or stewed. When the meat is braised for an hour, you may lose as much as 30 percent of the creatine."
I disagree,unprocessed red meat daily (with fat) and cutting out grains,starch,sugar,carbohydrates and all processed food has made me healthier,reversed my type 2 diabetes,reduced body fat,given me energy and strength and a new lease of life after 30 years of being a vegetarian. I grew up on a farm eating all types of meat,eggs, and organs until the age of 25 and never had a weight problem,then I got married and became a vegetarian for 30 years with my wife and we both got fatter bit by bit,then we separated and I became a full time carnivore and reversed my worsening health issues. I'm now in my mid 60's and never felt better. This is the first video I have disagreed with on your channel Rena,but I'm still a big fan.
That's called "anecdotal evidence" and we use research to avoid that as we have to account for everything that has an impact, otherwise we'd also have to look at the rather big group of people that's done it the other way around and had the same result. We also can't feel long term health issues like high cholesterol. But I'm glad you're feeling better. 👍
@@PSA78If you look, you will see that there are a lot of people living very healthy lives on keto or carnivore. I'm also one of them. Yes, one persons experience is anecdotal. When thousands experience similar outcomes its much more than that. Follow the evidence. Some do well with vegan, some with a balance, some with keto or carnivore. I hope we can agree that the highly processed "foods" comsumed regularly are the ones that do the most damage.
@@Therealmathilda The majority of the people eating a carnivore diet is in for a surprise as they tend to have really high cholesterol and they don't eat fibre which is one of the things that can prevent a lot of health issues like CV and several types of cancer. The recommended dose is >10g/1000kcal. We have independent research on pretty much all macro and micro nutrients today, so we have ballpark figures of what we need and what we should try to minimise as humans (we aren't different in that way, it's more about psychology and adherence). Highly processed food can have a less desirable outcome in large quantities, the issue is that it's unclear where the line between processed and ultra processed goes, and there's things in all three groups that should be avoided in large quantities and some in all three that's fine to have as part of the diet. The dose makes the poison, and some things are unhealthy longterm but not necessarily short term. The Twinkie diet was one of those examples, even though it was a candy diet every single healthmarker improved as the weight came off, but naturally it wouldn't be a good choice longterm.
@@PSA78 Yes, it was anecdotal evidence. However, personal anectdotal evidence is exactly how we all should be basing our dietary choices. Everybody is different. And everybody has a unique set of circumstances that cannot be duplicated by research. Think about this: Evolution favors populations that have a wide diversity of dietary preferences and tolerances. That increases the probability of the survival of the species over the long term that is sure to present ever-changing conditions and challenges.
Red Meat has been eaten for Millions of years and then all of a sudden its bad for you says the Food industry pushing Fruits and Vegetables. Muscle meat is the most dense nutrient food on Earth!!!
People who lived in the past had shorter lifespans and lower overall health. It's not suddenly bad for you, it's just not going to help you live as long and healthy of a life as you could. If longevity and overall health doesn't matter to you, then stick with what you like.
The biggest issue I find with seed oils is that they usually are chemically refined using various substances that might be toxic and using heat (thermic treatment) while the olive oil is usually bought as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) which means it is mechanically pressed without being heated (cold pressed), so it does not contain (traces of) foreign substances that might be toxic or transfats or other byproducts of the thermic treatment. But I still lack information on what this chemically refining process means and what temperatures are these oils heated at or what traces of harmful substances are left with the oil - but even so, it seems logic to me to try to get all of my oils cold pressed to minimize any potential harmful molecules/substances. And as with all of my foods, I try to get only organic oils.
You could look at among other "foodsciencebabe" who's a food chemist, she's done videos explaining different extractions. Short answer, it's completely safe, it's what's in the bottle that matters. 👍
The problem with food internet is that it's completely polluted by "seed Oil" wackadoos. You can't so much as mention it once without a pseudoscientific quack clogging up the comments.
Go back to the 1800’s into the mid 1900’s in the U.S. Animal protein and saturated fat were primarily what everyone ate (except the poorest and malnourished). The incidence of heart disease, cancer and diabetes were all very low compared to today when everyone has been propagandized to eat more grains and less animal products.
seriously? You are comparing a time in which there are other LARGE differences between the groups of people? Activity level, calories consumed, sources of the food, how the red meat (cattle) were farmed and raised, hygiene practices, and of course lifespan in the 1800s to the mid 1900s was between MUCH less than now to 10 years or so less than now. if you lived in the 1800s you might not have lived long enough for a cancer to form from the constant assault on your colon of red meat. In 1875 the average age of death was 40. By 1955 it was still only 68. Today it is around 79.
@@mjs28s30% didn’t survive their first birthday. 50% didn’t make it to 5. But people who did live many lived long and healthy. Think what 50% dying before 5 does to the stats. Learn bayseon stats. Will help not be fooled by stats. Everyone in my family back then lived to be old and nobody got sick ever.
Saturated fats do not cause problems with the colon when you stay away from seed oils. Our bodies don’t deal with seed oils very well because we never ate them before the early 1900’s
@@mjs28s YES! Saturated fats is all everyone ate period. They wouldn’t know how to extract oil from seed. Once we started consuming seed oils we started becoming more obese and unhealthy. We started losing energy. The mitochondria became less healthy. They ( seed oils) should be outlawed.
Unfortunately, I see both a cardiologist and an oncologist regularly. They both advised me to limit or avoid red meat when I asked them about what foods to eat. They both work at universities conducting research on cancer and heart disease.
Ask them if there are stronger biochemistry trials than these... Trans vaccenic acid is from the meat and milk of ruminants 1. **Study:** Trans-vaccenic acid reprograms CD8+ T cells and anti-tumour immunity **Publication:** Nature **Year:** 2023 **Findings:** TVA inactivates the GPR43 receptor, leading to activation of the cAMP-PKA-CREB pathway, enhancing CD8+ T cell function against tumors. 2. **Study:** Trans-vaccenic acid inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells via a mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis pathway **Publication:** Lipids in Health and Disease **Year:** 2019 **Findings:** TVA decreased p-Akt levels and Bad phosphorylation, leading to apoptosis through a mitochondrial-mediated pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells. 3. **Study:** Trans-11 18:1 Vaccenic Acid (TVA) Has a Direct Anti-Carcinogenic Effect on MCF-7 Human Mammary Adenocarcinoma Cells **Publication:** Nutrients **Year:** 2014 **Findings:** TVA exhibited a direct anti-carcinogenic effect on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, suggesting potential as a chemopreventive agent. 4. **Study:** Trans vaccenic acid (trans-11 18:1), a precursor of cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid, exerts a direct anti-carcinogenic function in T47D breast carcinoma cells **Publication:** Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry **Year:** 2014 **Findings:** TVA demonstrated a direct anti-carcinogenic effect on T47D breast cancer cells, independent of its conversion to conjugated linoleic acid. These studies collectively show that TVA can activate various molecular pathways or mechanisms that contribute to cancer cell death or enhanced immune response against cancer. The mechanisms include T cell activation, apoptosis induction, and direct anti-carcinogenic effects on specific cancer cell lines.
MD have no dietary credibility in my opinion. The connection between red meat and heart disease was debunked long ago. The original study that made the connection did not account for concurrent consumption of trans-fats or sugar. I don't know anything about how red meat affects the risk of cancer.
@wruehl I can say for sure that it is not the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. NCI and private donations for cancer research. Funding for heart research comes from multiple sources not the least of which is insurance groups.
@@ÁzsiábaSzakadtam Better to RIP from natural causes than die a lingering death from cancers, diabetes and heart attacks caused by eating too much sugary food.
What year was this filmed? LDL test should be fractionalized. Total LDL is worthless. Small dense is the problem. not Large buoyant. Nothing on inflammation and fasting insulin. The same old dietary cholesterol is bad. This hasn't worked for 30 years. He very quickly glossed over the fact that they are OBSERVATIONAL studies.
Dr Carvallo assumed using many medical terminology, health, nutrition verbage assumed that his audience (We/Us) knew what he was talking about and the meaning of his terminology??
Cholesterol in the blood it’s not produced exogenously from dietary fat is there because of the damage done by the sugar molecule to the arteries so I submit it to repair that is sent in the form of lipids up to repair the damage to the arteries. I am astonished how positions don’t keep up with the latest studies.
Guidelines are made to guide people in a certain direction to achieve a goal. Just use your brain and think for yourself. Example: Every human needs Cholesterol, right. The newest guidelines recommended ONE egg per WEEK. The people behind this guideline want to achieve less CO2 emissions, so they keep the egg story with the lie that eggs are unhealthy because of the “high cholesterol” alive. 🤓 Most people eating too much sugar that causes inflammation inside of the arteries. Also many doctors just checking HDL and LDL but not the important LDL-SD (small dense particle). Every year big Pharma publish “new data” and “guidelines” with lower numbers of Cholesterol in general. THATS the way how to print money. 💰 The part about Carnola Oil is making me thinking. There is such a mass evidence of information that tells exactly the opposite. Who is right now? Cheers ☕️
It's been a long time since anyone said eggs were bad, as far as I have seen, as they know that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on blood cholesterol, that comes mainly from saturated fat. People consume less and less refined carbs, we're down to a level of the early 80's, while health issues has continued at the same pace. We don't get inflammation from individual groups of food, systematic inflammation comes from a number of things we do, eat etc, one is being overweight and that's why any diet that makes a person get into a healthier weight will improve health markers across the board. There's well over 100 studies on oil, and several meta analysis, and they show either no difference or improved outcome. But people can't get rich of pushing fad diets without fear mongering something. 🤷🏼♂️
"The newest guidelines recommended ONE egg per WEEK. The people behind this guideline want to achieve less CO2 emissions, so they keep the egg story with the lie that eggs are unhealthy because of the “high cholesterol” alive." I have not heard about that guideline nor any connection between egg production and CO2 emissions.Pleas give me a title where I could find the information that you are purporting.
Well, some 30 plus years ago now I read a long term study done with 750 brothers. One brother lived here the other in Europe. The control groups were monitored the US Brother was limited to a governmentally and US Doctor approved Diet. In other words low fat etc. The European brothers were told eat as you normally would. Their Life Styles were part of this study as well. Both were encouraged to exercise etc. The diets and every metric possible and studied over a 10-15 year period, if I remember clearly given this was some 30 plus years ago. The overall out come being the European brother who ate meat regularly, fatty or not, butter, milk cheese and so on. The US brother maintained a "supposedly" healthy diet. What was found was the Heart of the European Brother was 15- 25 years younger than his US counter part. The greatest basic life style difference besides the food was the European brother did far more manual labor or on the whole was more active over all. That prescription remains unchanged by all we've found since then. Just as the Ancient Greek said, Everything in Moderation. As for Cholesterol everyone manufactures it as it is essential to life it is the non conductive coating and protector of our nervous system. And maybe our tendons as well.
It's the level of LDL that can cause problem, that's mainly driven by saturated fat. How that affects people is rather direct, but things like fiber, oil, cooking temperature, exercise, stress management and more can help. It's usually not a massive difference in recommendations between nations, but there is a difference in how many of those that's followed and over all lifestyle.
@@PSA78 : Food is only one part of the equation, those other parts are just as important. ONe thing that you didn't mention is sleep, people today don't get adequate amounts of sleep.
@@ronaldlee3537 Yes sleep and stress do have a direct impact on hormones like hunger hormones which impact things like hunger and the type of food we choose. Shorter work weeks, more safetynets in society, a more active lifestyle is some of the things that's different between Europe and America which impact this. 👍
Red meat is incredibly hard to digest and that is the main reason why people in the West have prostate cancer! When the undigested red meat passes into the bowels the muscles within the bowels have to work extra hard to push the partially digested meat which in turn causes the prostate to swell in size during a bowel movement, Large nuts also have the same effect as red meat as both forms of protein are also highly complex proteins! For those who are highly skeptical about this claim please test this yourself as red meat and large nuts can be easily purchased at any local supermarket in N.A! Be warned though, this simple test may cause extremely bad constipation! Studies in Asian where red meat is extremely expensive has show that people in the East have almost zero prostate cancers due to their diet which is high/rich in vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, seafood, pork and garlic! The only big difference is that red meat is widely available at most supermarkets here in N.A. whereas seafood, chicken, soy, and pork are the main sources of protein in Asia! In N.A. prostate cancer is also the #1 killer in men so the question that has to be addressed is "WHY?" In Asia there is almost no males who have prostate cancers whatsoever? WHY? I'm over 50 now and stay away from large nuts and red meat altogether and I do have hemorrhoid problems the odd time now and then! As a result I just take 4 large cloves of raw minced raw garlic and the prostate/hemorrhoid problems are gone within 12 hours! I had a university professor as a friend who had prostate cancer and he was gone in 8 months! I have no clue why the doctors didn't put him on high dosages of zinc and garlic.... but instead they put him on an experimental drug.... and he was only 65 at the time.... Cancer is very curable as well as I have had a friend with breast cancer and the East Indian doctor put her on a diet and had her eat at much raw garlic as she could possibly stomach everyday for three months! After three months the niece returned back to the same doctor to have x-rays and the breast cancer was completely gone! Decide for yourself.... and do your own research! Doctors and the medical community don't give a crap about their patients anymore b/c profit is profit and profit take precedence over life as well!
I eat lots of red meat. My bowels don't work extra hard. Waste slides through easily. That's because I eat plenty of fibrous vegetables and very little dairy and cheese.
I eat predominantly red meat with eggs and dairy, nothing else. My bowels movements are every 3 to 4 days and very small amount of waste is produced, faeces is exactly waste that the body hasn't absorbed hence the more you produce the more your putting into your body that has very little to no benefit.
I eat it everyday. Cheaper than a heart attack, diabetes, obesity and bad health in general. I've been doing this for 5 years. Im fit and have great blood work.
So...an expert who promotes "moderation" and aligns with the cholesterol scheme. How common. "Sick" people should not practice "moderation", IMO. I prefer more nuanced approach of people like Dr. Cywes, Dr. Ovadia, Dr. Bikman, etc. on "data"
@@ÁzsiábaSzakadtam And yet we have decades that clearly show that the things we've been told are "healthy"...don't work. We are sicker than we have ever been.
It appears that humans have been around for about 300,000 years, and we have been farming for 10,000 years. So, for 290,000 years we have been dying of heart attacks from too much red meat.
This is not in your professed area of expertise. It means some of your videos will no longer be of interest to me, rather than just watching everything you put out.
I’ve been carnivore for almost 7 years. I eat about 2-3 lbs of fatty red meat along with 6-9 eggs every day with bacon here and there. My cholesterol has been consistently around 350, LDL 250, triglycerides 40 and HDL 100. ApoB 140. The first year I had a CAC done which showed a zero. This year I had a CTA with contrast done which shows soft plaque. Again the CAC was zero and the CTA showed ZERO plaque in the arteries around my heart! I belong to a group called LMHR- “Lean Mass Hyper Responder”. I am 61 and in the best shape of my life! High ApoB is only dangerous in the right context like that of someone who eats a high carb diet like the SAD diet. Red meat, fatty or otherwise does not cause cancer, heart disease or diabetes. The lipid heart hypothesis should have never come to be. Look up the LMHR study. Not a single person in this group showed ANY plaque progression after 1 year with high LDL. Not a single outlier. Carnivore is a way of life and you have to adopt it as a lifestyle.
You should have Dr. Ken Berry or Shawn Baker on for a more expanded view on red meat.
Dr Berry was on a Dr Carvalho YT video discussing Dr Berry's assertion that grains are the worst food you could eat.
Don't heat seed oils to smoke point if you are going to cook with them, and don't buy the ones in clear plastic containers. Almost all plastics allow oxygen to permeate and oxidized oils. Same goes for olive oil.
Rena has the best discussion points.👍
For me, I do everything in moderation. I eat both beef and pork, but not in huge quantities like in a Chinese stir-fry, People do need some fats in their diet. For me eating a one-pound steak is out of the question. That steak maybe eaten over 2-3 meals. Instead of potato chips etc, I tried to eat dry-roasted and salted almonds, peanuts, walnuts, etc. but I do occasionally eat potato, corn chips etc Instead of high fat dips made with sour cream I eat tomato-based salsa. I also occasionally drink a regular sugared/HFCS soft-drinks such as Coke, but most of the time I drink scented seltzer water. ETA in the morning I eat oatmeal with raisins and some sliced almonds, with 2% milk and a pat of butter, or a bowl of wheat flakes with raisin( a la raisin bran) but I add my own raisins seperately with a tsp of brown sugar. I try to stick to store-brands over the national brands usually costs a bit less.
It’s great to see more information about the benefits of lean red meat-it’s been a staple in my diet, and I feel the difference in my energy levels. Along with steak and eggs, I’ve been using supplements that complement my diet, which I found in Secret Supplements that turn you into a Superhuman. One of the best has been creatine-it pairs perfectly with red meat for muscle support and overall vitality.
Red meat is loaded with creatine.
Can you please tell here what supplements to take ??
@@Therealmathildared meat certainly is a rich source of creatine, but eaten in normal quantities falls short of the 5 g daily intake that has been most researched and shown to provide significant health benefits.
"Beef has about 1 gram of creatine for every 1 to 2 pounds of meat, according to Quinnipiac University. You'll also get about the same amount of creatine in pork. One 3-ounce serving of beef has about 0.2 gram of creatine.
Beef and chicken lose about 5 percent of their total creatine when they're cooked, unless they're boiled or stewed. When the meat is braised for an hour, you may lose as much as 30 percent of the creatine."
@agh0x01 Yeah I read that on the internet once too
I would like Dr Malik to have an interview with Dr. BOZ
I disagree,unprocessed red meat daily (with fat) and cutting out grains,starch,sugar,carbohydrates and all processed food has made me healthier,reversed my type 2 diabetes,reduced body fat,given me energy and strength and a new lease of life after 30 years of being a vegetarian. I grew up on a farm eating all types of meat,eggs, and organs until the age of 25 and never had a weight problem,then I got married and became a vegetarian for 30 years with my wife and we both got fatter bit by bit,then we separated and I became a full time carnivore and reversed my worsening health issues. I'm now in my mid 60's and never felt better. This is the first video I have disagreed with on your channel Rena,but I'm still a big fan.
That's called "anecdotal evidence" and we use research to avoid that as we have to account for everything that has an impact, otherwise we'd also have to look at the rather big group of people that's done it the other way around and had the same result.
We also can't feel long term health issues like high cholesterol.
But I'm glad you're feeling better. 👍
@@PSA78If you look, you will see that there are a lot of people living very healthy lives on keto or carnivore. I'm also one of them. Yes, one persons experience is anecdotal. When thousands experience similar outcomes its much more than that. Follow the evidence. Some do well with vegan, some with a balance, some with keto or carnivore. I hope we can agree that the highly processed "foods" comsumed regularly are the ones that do the most damage.
@@Therealmathilda The majority of the people eating a carnivore diet is in for a surprise as they tend to have really high cholesterol and they don't eat fibre which is one of the things that can prevent a lot of health issues like CV and several types of cancer. The recommended dose is >10g/1000kcal.
We have independent research on pretty much all macro and micro nutrients today, so we have ballpark figures of what we need and what we should try to minimise as humans (we aren't different in that way, it's more about psychology and adherence).
Highly processed food can have a less desirable outcome in large quantities, the issue is that it's unclear where the line between processed and ultra processed goes, and there's things in all three groups that should be avoided in large quantities and some in all three that's fine to have as part of the diet. The dose makes the poison, and some things are unhealthy longterm but not necessarily short term. The Twinkie diet was one of those examples, even though it was a candy diet every single healthmarker improved as the weight came off, but naturally it wouldn't be a good choice longterm.
@@PSA78 You have been on the ultra TH-cam diet for too long. Do what works for you. Vegan doesn't work for everyone.
@@PSA78 Yes, it was anecdotal evidence. However, personal anectdotal evidence is exactly how we all should be basing our dietary choices. Everybody is different. And everybody has a unique set of circumstances that cannot be duplicated by research. Think about this: Evolution favors populations that have a wide diversity of dietary preferences and tolerances. That increases the probability of the survival of the species over the long term that is sure to present ever-changing conditions and challenges.
Great video, good info. Definitely related to cardiac health which also means sexual functioning.
Red Meat has been eaten for Millions of years and then all of a sudden its bad for you says the Food industry pushing Fruits and Vegetables.
Muscle meat is the most dense nutrient food on Earth!!!
People who lived in the past had shorter lifespans and lower overall health. It's not suddenly bad for you, it's just not going to help you live as long and healthy of a life as you could. If longevity and overall health doesn't matter to you, then stick with what you like.
The biggest issue I find with seed oils is that they usually are chemically refined using various substances that might be toxic and using heat (thermic treatment) while the olive oil is usually bought as extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) which means it is mechanically pressed without being heated (cold pressed), so it does not contain (traces of) foreign substances that might be toxic or transfats or other byproducts of the thermic treatment. But I still lack information on what this chemically refining process means and what temperatures are these oils heated at or what traces of harmful substances are left with the oil - but even so, it seems logic to me to try to get all of my oils cold pressed to minimize any potential harmful molecules/substances. And as with all of my foods, I try to get only organic oils.
You could look at among other "foodsciencebabe" who's a food chemist, she's done videos explaining different extractions.
Short answer, it's completely safe, it's what's in the bottle that matters. 👍
There is no outcome data which says that seed oils are bad for you…
The problem with food internet is that it's completely polluted by "seed Oil" wackadoos. You can't so much as mention it once without a pseudoscientific quack clogging up the comments.
Go back to the 1800’s into the mid 1900’s in the U.S. Animal protein and saturated fat were primarily what everyone ate (except the poorest and malnourished). The incidence of heart disease, cancer and diabetes were all very low compared to today when everyone has been propagandized to eat more grains and less animal products.
You are comparing a time in which there are other LARGE differences between the groups of people?
Activity level, calories consumed, sources of the food, how the red meat (cattle) were farmed and raised, hygiene practices, and of course lifespan in the 1800s to the mid 1900s was between MUCH less than now to 10 years or so less than now.
if you lived in the 1800s you might not have lived long enough for a cancer to form from the constant assault on your colon of red meat.
In 1875 the average age of death was 40. By 1955 it was still only 68. Today it is around 79.
@@mjs28s30% didn’t survive their first birthday. 50% didn’t make it to 5. But people who did live many lived long and healthy. Think what 50% dying before 5 does to the stats.
Learn bayseon stats. Will help not be fooled by stats. Everyone in my family back then lived to be old and nobody got sick ever.
Saturated fats do not cause problems with the colon when you stay away from seed oils. Our bodies don’t deal with seed oils very well because we never ate them before the early 1900’s
Besides dying as a small child, accidents and infections took out many people.
Saturated fats is all everyone ate period. They wouldn’t know how to extract oil from seed. Once we started consuming seed oils we started becoming more obese and unhealthy. We started losing energy. The mitochondria became less healthy. They ( seed oils) should be outlawed.
Unfortunately, I see both a cardiologist and an oncologist regularly. They both advised me to limit or avoid red meat when I asked them about what foods to eat. They both work at universities conducting research on cancer and heart disease.
And WHO funds that research?
Ask them if there are stronger biochemistry trials than these...
Trans vaccenic acid is from the meat and milk of ruminants
1. **Study:** Trans-vaccenic acid reprograms CD8+ T cells and anti-tumour immunity
**Publication:** Nature
**Year:** 2023
**Findings:** TVA inactivates the GPR43 receptor, leading to activation of the cAMP-PKA-CREB pathway, enhancing CD8+ T cell function against tumors.
2. **Study:** Trans-vaccenic acid inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells via a mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis pathway
**Publication:** Lipids in Health and Disease
**Year:** 2019
**Findings:** TVA decreased p-Akt levels and Bad phosphorylation, leading to apoptosis through a mitochondrial-mediated pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells.
3. **Study:** Trans-11 18:1 Vaccenic Acid (TVA) Has a Direct Anti-Carcinogenic Effect on MCF-7 Human Mammary Adenocarcinoma Cells
**Publication:** Nutrients
**Year:** 2014
**Findings:** TVA exhibited a direct anti-carcinogenic effect on MCF-7 human breast cancer cells, suggesting potential as a chemopreventive agent.
4. **Study:** Trans vaccenic acid (trans-11 18:1), a precursor of cis-9, trans-11-conjugated linoleic acid, exerts a direct anti-carcinogenic function in T47D breast carcinoma cells
**Publication:** Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry
**Year:** 2014
**Findings:** TVA demonstrated a direct anti-carcinogenic effect on T47D breast cancer cells, independent of its conversion to conjugated linoleic acid.
These studies collectively show that TVA can activate various molecular pathways or mechanisms that contribute to cancer cell death or enhanced immune response against cancer. The mechanisms include T cell activation, apoptosis induction, and direct anti-carcinogenic effects on specific cancer cell lines.
MD have no dietary credibility in my opinion. The connection between red meat and heart disease was debunked long ago. The original study that made the connection did not account for concurrent consumption of trans-fats or sugar. I don't know anything about how red meat affects the risk of cancer.
@wruehl I can say for sure that it is not the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.
NCI and private donations for cancer research. Funding for heart research comes from multiple sources not the least of which is insurance groups.
@SuperAngelic5 You are a perfect sheep. Keep up the great work!
This is awesome. Love Dr Carvalho's page, too; I've been following it for awhile.
She should interview Ben Bikman of the Insulin IQ channel. He would do better than the Normie above.
Good Morning 🌞 Dr. Malik 😊
Transfats are a 'little worse' than saturated fats? I am pretty sure it is way worse. What studies this guy looking at?
Those highly funded by big food comanies with an interest in reducing meat consumption so they can sell more highly processed plant food.
Once we moved off insects and mushrooms, red meat carried us through for 600,000 years prior to farming. Our brains grew up until that point.
Wow, thanks.
Does the chemical nutritional make up of olive oil change when heated (cooking), vs. cold ?
what about Sunflower seed oil?
Read Fiat Food by Matthew Lysiak, you will see red meat in a whole new context for healthy diet
The more fat the better
More good fats not seed oils, rancid fats or plant sterols.
He gave seed oils a pass hmm im not sure about this guy anymore, lets here it from another expert
Fatty red meat, eggs, butter.
@@ÁzsiábaSzakadtam Better to RIP from natural causes than die a lingering death from cancers, diabetes and heart attacks caused by eating too much sugary food.
If other countries don't want bad things in their food, why does the U.S.A. allow them in our food?
What year was this filmed? LDL test should be fractionalized. Total LDL is worthless. Small dense is the problem. not Large buoyant. Nothing on inflammation and fasting insulin. The same old dietary cholesterol is bad. This hasn't worked for 30 years.
He very quickly glossed over the fact that they are OBSERVATIONAL studies.
Dr Carvallo assumed using many medical terminology, health, nutrition verbage assumed that his audience (We/Us) knew what he was talking about and the meaning of his terminology??
stinky beans and jengkol fruit is out there just let you know also torch ginger flower
Much obliged, good doctor
Aluminum, fluoride, chlorine, chloride, chemicals in our foods, bad for us. Seedless foods, bad!
Cholesterol in the blood it’s not produced exogenously from dietary fat is there because of the damage done by the sugar molecule to the arteries so I submit it to repair that is sent in the form of lipids up to repair the damage to the arteries. I am astonished how positions don’t keep up with the latest studies.
Not studies, keto mantra that is
Is he saying "equil B" cholesteral? Total cholesterol minus LDL= what? Never heard of this value
Maybe apoB or a Apolipoprotein B. One of the most important cholesterol markers.
Turn on cc for YT
. . . . . . . . ....."seed oils" ??
Is there any penis enlargement pills ? If it has which and what pills is better for men. Please
Guidelines are made to guide people in a certain direction to achieve a goal. Just use your brain and think for yourself. Example: Every human needs Cholesterol, right. The newest guidelines recommended ONE egg per WEEK. The people behind this guideline want to achieve less CO2 emissions, so they keep the egg story with the lie that eggs are unhealthy because of the “high cholesterol” alive. 🤓
Most people eating too much sugar that causes inflammation inside of the arteries. Also many doctors just checking HDL and LDL but not the important LDL-SD (small dense particle). Every year big Pharma publish “new data” and “guidelines” with lower numbers of Cholesterol in general. THATS the way how to print money. 💰
The part about Carnola Oil is making me thinking. There is such a mass evidence of information that tells exactly the opposite. Who is right now?
Cheers ☕️
Could be that sugar and eggs are not the best choice. But that would require critical thinking.
It's been a long time since anyone said eggs were bad, as far as I have seen, as they know that dietary cholesterol has little to no impact on blood cholesterol, that comes mainly from saturated fat.
People consume less and less refined carbs, we're down to a level of the early 80's, while health issues has continued at the same pace. We don't get inflammation from individual groups of food, systematic inflammation comes from a number of things we do, eat etc, one is being overweight and that's why any diet that makes a person get into a healthier weight will improve health markers across the board.
There's well over 100 studies on oil, and several meta analysis, and they show either no difference or improved outcome. But people can't get rich of pushing fad diets without fear mongering something. 🤷🏼♂️
"The newest guidelines recommended ONE egg per WEEK. The people behind this guideline want to achieve less CO2 emissions, so they keep the egg story with the lie that eggs are unhealthy because of the “high cholesterol” alive." I have not heard about that guideline nor any connection between egg production and CO2 emissions.Pleas give me a title where I could find the information that you are purporting.
This guy is just guessing about red meat and fat .
And you?
@@elmolewis9123 I watch my blood glucose levels and meats & eggs are the way to great numbers. I am in my 70's and I feel mostly like 35 year old.
Well, some 30 plus years ago now I read a long term study done with 750 brothers. One brother lived here the other in Europe. The control groups were monitored the US Brother was limited to a governmentally and US Doctor approved Diet. In other words low fat etc. The European brothers were told eat as you normally would. Their Life Styles were part of this study as well. Both were encouraged to exercise etc. The diets and every metric possible and studied over a 10-15 year period, if I remember clearly given this was some 30 plus years ago. The overall out come being the European brother who ate meat regularly, fatty or not, butter, milk cheese and so on. The US brother maintained a "supposedly" healthy diet. What was found was the Heart of the European Brother was 15- 25 years younger than his US counter part. The greatest basic life style difference besides the food was the European brother did far more manual labor or on the whole was more active over all. That prescription remains unchanged by all we've found since then. Just as the Ancient Greek said, Everything in Moderation. As for Cholesterol everyone manufactures it as it is essential to life it is the non conductive coating and protector of our nervous system. And maybe our tendons as well.
It's the level of LDL that can cause problem, that's mainly driven by saturated fat. How that affects people is rather direct, but things like fiber, oil, cooking temperature, exercise, stress management and more can help. It's usually not a massive difference in recommendations between nations, but there is a difference in how many of those that's followed and over all lifestyle.
@@PSA78 : Food is only one part of the equation, those other parts are just as important. ONe thing that you didn't mention is sleep, people today don't get adequate amounts of sleep.
@@ronaldlee3537 Yes sleep and stress do have a direct impact on hormones like hunger hormones which impact things like hunger and the type of food we choose. Shorter work weeks, more safetynets in society, a more active lifestyle is some of the things that's different between Europe and America which impact this. 👍
Red meat is incredibly hard to digest and that is the main reason why people in the West have prostate cancer! When the undigested red meat passes into the bowels the muscles within the bowels have to work extra hard to push the partially digested meat which in turn causes the prostate to swell in size during a bowel movement, Large nuts also have the same effect as red meat as both forms of protein are also highly complex proteins! For those who are highly skeptical about this claim please test this yourself as red meat and large nuts can be easily purchased at any local supermarket in N.A! Be warned though, this simple test may cause extremely bad constipation!
Studies in Asian where red meat is extremely expensive has show that people in the East have almost zero prostate cancers due to their diet which is high/rich in vegetables, fruit, chicken, fish, seafood, pork and garlic! The only big difference is that red meat is widely available at most supermarkets here in N.A. whereas seafood, chicken, soy, and pork are the main sources of protein in Asia!
In N.A. prostate cancer is also the #1 killer in men so the question that has to be addressed is "WHY?" In Asia there is almost no males who have prostate cancers whatsoever? WHY?
I'm over 50 now and stay away from large nuts and red meat altogether and I do have hemorrhoid problems the odd time now and then! As a result I just take 4 large cloves of raw minced raw garlic and the prostate/hemorrhoid problems are gone within 12 hours!
I had a university professor as a friend who had prostate cancer and he was gone in 8 months! I have no clue why the doctors didn't put him on high dosages of zinc and garlic.... but instead they put him on an experimental drug.... and he was only 65 at the time....
Cancer is very curable as well as I have had a friend with breast cancer and the East Indian doctor put her on a diet and had her eat at much raw garlic as she could possibly stomach everyday for three months! After three months the niece returned back to the same doctor to have x-rays and the breast cancer was completely gone!
Decide for yourself.... and do your own research! Doctors and the medical community don't give a crap about their patients anymore b/c profit is profit and profit take precedence over life as well!
I eat lots of red meat. My bowels don't work extra hard. Waste slides through easily. That's because I eat plenty of fibrous vegetables and very little dairy and cheese.
I eat predominantly red meat with eggs and dairy, nothing else. My bowels movements are every 3 to 4 days and very small amount of waste is produced, faeces is exactly waste that the body hasn't absorbed hence the more you produce the more your putting into your body that has very little to no benefit.
As fate would have it, red meat is too expensive to have often.
That is the globalist's plan.
I eat it everyday. Cheaper than a heart attack, diabetes, obesity and bad health in general. I've been doing this for 5 years. Im fit and have great blood work.
Observational studies at ridiculously stupid
Lost credibility when you included "processed meat" as "meat"
...who thinks anything processed is good and/or healthy? Adios. !?
This guy is full of BS
He hurt your Little carnivor feelings? 😱😂
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......what are "WHITE" meats ?
So...an expert who promotes "moderation" and aligns with the cholesterol scheme. How common.
"Sick" people should not practice "moderation", IMO.
I prefer more nuanced approach of people like Dr. Cywes, Dr. Ovadia, Dr. Bikman, etc. on "data"
They are not nuanced but keto / carnivore biased. Zero long term studies.
And yet we have decades that clearly show that the things we've been told are "healthy"...don't work.
We are sicker than we have ever been.
👉👉Rena Malik 14 Thursday November 2024 at 9:09 AM... another eating FOODS healthy wisely.. one more thing, good/great morning..👈👈
He doesn't look all that healthy to be advising others about red meat.
We'll see in 10-20 years.
There is something wrong with the video when Malik is visible. Can this be changed?
It appears that humans have been around for about 300,000 years, and we have been farming for 10,000 years. So, for 290,000 years we have been dying of heart attacks from too much red meat.
People did not live long enough to die of heart attacks for most of human history. The average life expectancy for a hunter gatherer was like 30.
@@wallycola5653 Cavemen croaked at 30 tho. Good thinking there sport.🤪🤪🤪
@@ExtraSubtle His point was that heart attacks are a result of many years and prehistoric man died of many other diseases first.
@@wallycola5653People got shorter and weaker with the coming of agriculture.
This is not in your professed area of expertise. It means some of your videos will no longer be of interest to me, rather than just watching everything you put out.
One area of his expertise is analyzing data from published studies. What did you have in mind?
@@elmolewis9123 Not him. The owner of the channel.
Carnivore is the optimal WOE, why isn't this obvious for people that know anatomy and biochemistry??
🥩🧈🥓🥚🐟🌊🧂 🧀 He still doesn't get it.