I’ve been just soldering the sensors first, so just 3 solder points on each. Testing on gamepad tester and only if there’s no issue soldering the rest. A lot easier to desolder just the sensors. Especially with a K knife style solder tip. Can heat all three points at once
I have been doing the same, but i dont know why, after a few minutes playing, the Joystick doesn't work in some direction, i try to re calibrate again on the Dual Shock webpage and nothing. It seems tha something its wrong with the Favor Union Hall Effect i bought directly from a seller on Alibaba.
I'm definitely going to be doing this kind of thing going forward. Got a bench power supply coming to so that should make things easier. Those hook leads are looking like a game changer too so why not 🙃. Appreciate the simple wiring diagram at the end too for clarification
A typical PC fan connector have suitable spacing on the insert clip holes to make for a simple press-against-contact. One could then just hot glue it to a surface along with some spacer cardboard or so for module stability when moving the stick. :)
To start adding more content. Could you start using these joysticks with software to make motor controllers? I’d love to see some 3d printed actuator or driving applications with controllers over wireless controls. Most channels use ESP32 and other integrated wireless controllers where I feel like you’d take the bare bones approach with an external module. Merry Christmas!
Good timing, I was just thinking about how I could test my new joysticks before I install them. Mainly because the packaging looks like someone kicked it to my post box all the way from china. I have the ginfull yellow ones,but don’t know which version… they have a red thing on the potentiometers where the ones you have are white. Is this how you tell which version?
I don't know how to tell which version is which. The PCB has an alphanumeric code on it. All I can go by is the later the letter number the later version of the sensor.
The GuliKit and Hallpi TMR sensors will fit the Alps joysticks. I would use either of those over the Hall Effect sensors. I don't have an Xbox but I will see if I can get a DualShock4 apart and do a short video on the joystick wiring.
I wish the Chinese would only ship items that have been inspected and passed. I'd rather buy only quality products in units of 2 than 10 units of cheap, mixed garbage. I feel a cultural difference.
I make and sell a tool for $50 that removes the stick in seconds... Btw Ginful TMR sensors just arrived on aliexpress. I would love to see a speed test!
Can you email me a link to the tool at mike@mlplel.com ? I'll have to order some, I will probably wait till after the Christmas mail congestion though. Thanks
I’ve been just soldering the sensors first, so just 3 solder points on each. Testing on gamepad tester and only if there’s no issue soldering the rest. A lot easier to desolder just the sensors. Especially with a K knife style solder tip. Can heat all three points at once
Yes, it is.
I have been doing the same, but i dont know why, after a few minutes playing, the Joystick doesn't work in some direction, i try to re calibrate again on the Dual Shock webpage and nothing. It seems tha something its wrong with the Favor Union Hall Effect i bought directly from a seller on Alibaba.
It could be, these things are made so cheap there is no burn-in testing.
I'm definitely going to be doing this kind of thing going forward. Got a bench power supply coming to so that should make things easier. Those hook leads are looking like a game changer too so why not 🙃. Appreciate the simple wiring diagram at the end too for clarification
Hope it helps.
A typical PC fan connector have suitable spacing on the insert clip holes to make for a simple press-against-contact. One could then just hot glue it to a surface along with some spacer cardboard or so for module stability when moving the stick. :)
To start adding more content. Could you start using these joysticks with software to make motor controllers? I’d love to see some 3d printed actuator or driving applications with controllers over wireless controls. Most channels use ESP32 and other integrated wireless controllers where I feel like you’d take the bare bones approach with an external module. Merry Christmas!
That does sound like fun. I definitely need to find more time in a day.
Faster to solder and desolder than this test 😁
Good timing, I was just thinking about how I could test my new joysticks before I install them. Mainly because the packaging looks like someone kicked it to my post box all the way from china.
I have the ginfull yellow ones,but don’t know which version… they have a red thing on the potentiometers where the ones you have are white. Is this how you tell which version?
I don't know how to tell which version is which. The PCB has an alphanumeric code on it. All I can go by is the later the letter number the later version of the sensor.
Can you test the ginfull hall effect potentiometer replacement (not the whole stick) and show the pin layout for dualshock 4 and xbox?
The GuliKit and Hallpi TMR sensors will fit the Alps joysticks. I would use either of those over the Hall Effect sensors. I don't have an Xbox but I will see if I can get a DualShock4 apart and do a short video on the joystick wiring.
@metalplasticelectronics354 in my area the gulikit and hallpi is not listed in local marketplace so I don't wanna buy it. Thank you for your response.
Give them a little time, the Hallpi is a very new release.
I wish the Chinese would only ship items that have been inspected and passed.
I'd rather buy only quality products in units of 2 than 10 units of cheap, mixed garbage.
I feel a cultural difference.
I make and sell a tool for $50 that removes the stick in seconds...
Btw Ginful TMR sensors just arrived on aliexpress. I would love to see a speed test!
Can you email me a link to the tool at mike@mlplel.com ? I'll have to order some, I will probably wait till after the Christmas mail congestion though. Thanks
@metalplasticelectronics354 sure! I just sent an email
Can you please share more details on your tool and where to get here?