FreeStyle Libre 3 vs Dexcom G7 | Full Test & Review

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

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  • @TypeOneTalks
    @TypeOneTalks  2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    10% discount on Skin Grip patches for your CGM sensors (code: TYPEONETALKS)
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    • @vrana36
      @vrana36 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      si z ciech ci sa mi to len zda?

    • @R0LL1
      @R0LL1 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I had the fortune to test both devices as well. It is actually possible to avoid the GAP on libre 3. You just need 2 phones with the same Account 😉. Actually I find the libre 3 better because I can insert the sensor and activate it 1 or 2 days later, so that I can get better readings even at the beginning 😊

  • @JosephElYoussef
    @JosephElYoussef 2 ปีที่แล้ว +271

    Hi Tom, I'm a diabetes physician working in Portland, OR. It's very exciting to have both these options available for our patients in the US (once the Dexcom G7 becomes FDA approved and available commercially). Thank you very much for your excellent review of the important similarities and differences between the two. Your video provides the data in an easy-to-digest format. I will be sure to direct my interested patients to your channel for more information on the individual sensors in the future. Keep up the great work!

    • @seannic66
      @seannic66 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I can't wait for the g7

    • @fluteloops22
      @fluteloops22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How long do you think it will take for the G7 to be available in the US? I just got an email it was FDA Approved! My daughter currently uses the G6.

    • @sally9966
      @sally9966 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      When do you think the g7 will be able tooair with the Tandem pump? I can't change to anything else so I hope it is soon.

    • @fluteloops22
      @fluteloops22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sally9966 oh yes also a good question!

    • @sally9966
      @sally9966 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@fluteloops22 that is the deciding factor on what I would choose. At this point my Tandem has been wonderful. I hope the g7 Will pair with it!

  • @bibialix_
    @bibialix_ ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I feel better watching diabetes education videos. Thank you.
    Recently my blood sugars go so bad that I brought myself into the ER when they hit 320.. it took 3- 4 hours for it to go down to 210.. that night I thought of suicide .. but I'm still here, I'm on a free trial of dexcom g7 and hope that my pharmacy will cover it.. I feel so much better and more in control knowing my blood sugar is real time.. I can control them more and even though they are getting better.. I wouldn't want to give it up.

    • @MrBananun
      @MrBananun 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I hope you are doing better and got that sensor covered.
      Absolute disgrace that it's not automatically covered

  • @elisophiaaa
    @elisophiaaa ปีที่แล้ว +16

    You are incredibly good at explaining diabetes-related everyday questions. thanks a million buddy

  • @terrycole44
    @terrycole44 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Thank you Tom. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for 48 years and find your videos very informative. Much appreciated.

  • @DEN-rt5ji
    @DEN-rt5ji 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Thanks for video!
    BTW. I know people are afraid to swim, dive and snorkel with sensors. To use the sensors underwater, I use Tegaderm film. I have made several dives to a depth of about 20 meters, and the sensor continues to work at this pressure.

  • @HammadKhanYT
    @HammadKhanYT ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Heads up. After watching the whole video, there is no winner at the end of the video. It is just point by point comparison. Great video and thoroughly informative regardless, but just keep that in mind.
    For me, the winner is Freestlye because it gives reading every 1 min instead of every 5 min (Dexcom), has slightly better accuracy, sticks to the skin better, has smaller in size and is a bit cheap (if I am not wrong).
    Dexcom has better looking and more advanced applicator with a push button. It has a higher rating for water than Freestyle. Its warm-up time (first reading) is 30 min vs 60 min for Freestyle + it has a more advanced mobile App. You can set it up so that you get continuous reading through out the warm-up time when a new sensor is applied, which is not possible with Freestyle.
    Hope this helps! So Freestyle is the winner for doing all the essentials better at a lower price.

  • @belgagurl
    @belgagurl ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Tom, your informational videos are SOOOO helpful. You answer so many questions and provide the info in a very organized and clear to understand format. Thank you!!

  • @edyoung1384
    @edyoung1384 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I wore the Dexcom G7 during the Swim (and all other aspects of and training for) Ironman Arizona. It's claims about water resistance are absolutely true. My first 2 sensors had at least 10 miles and 20 hours of swim without fault.

  • @ricklong3260
    @ricklong3260 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the best diabetic teacher on line. after 20 years diabetic I learned a lot thank you very much!

  • @dhey007
    @dhey007 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks for your personal review and comments about these two products. I have been on Dexcom sensors since the G4, and wait impatiently for the G7 in the US. I appreciate your candid comments on both devices.

  • @cynthiafritschi7355
    @cynthiafritschi7355 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm waiting for the G7 to connect to the tandem pump. Loved your methods for not losing data.

    • @dna4440
      @dna4440 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same! Really hope it will happen soon 🤩

  • @RosieGrace2023
    @RosieGrace2023 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I use Libre Freestyle and also prick my finger for actual blood glucose. A lot of times they are very different in their readings, which tend to be 20-50 points difference. For example, I am experimenting with different food while keeping a food and testing journal, the other day I tried homemade greek yogurt. My CGM said it raised my glucose 12 points, the blood said it raised it 47 points. That’s a big difference! I like the convenience of the CGM, but am unsure of the readings. I will find out which is more accurate when I get my A1c tested. Thanks for the information!

    • @jawlig
      @jawlig ปีที่แล้ว

      Libre has a bit of a lag to it which is exposed when BG is moving rapidly in either direction. Usually takes around 10 mins to catch up. If it still doesn't, this means the sensor is likely faulty.

    • @ppumpkin3282
      @ppumpkin3282 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jawlig This morning I took a measurement just before my fasting lab blood test at 6:30AM Freestyle said 107, lab came back 136. Graph showed around seven AM it was still around 100. Wacky. Sometimes its above finger test, sometimes below. Not really consistent.
      At 12:49 PM Libre was 72, test strips were 102, at 1:09 PM libre was 75, test strips were 112. In other words, it doesn't seem like a lag issue, Libre was still far behind twenty minutes later.

  • @MsOlga1956
    @MsOlga1956 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you, for taking the time you took to share this because since last year at over 10 y/o trying to control my sugar. Gave up a lot but homemade pizza using High protein flour is the hardest for me. Gave up soda, and sugar. I use 1/2 ts of honey in black coffee no cream. Hard to poke fingertips with dent tissue hurt more. Heard about both, This is the best open look at how it affects our lives to use. Saw the 2021 video. Will keep watch for the latest and easier to use. Free Style 3 seems easier to use for me.

  • @autobiology_Jennifer
    @autobiology_Jennifer 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I literally finished watching your G7 video this morning and was looking for this one...serendipity!

  • @f444-f
    @f444-f 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My experience with Libre 3 reads 40 points lower than my blood stick device when sleeping and 20 points lower while awake. I kept getting low alarm alerts waking me up and my doctor recommended I do a blood stick to check for a false low and that's what I have been consistently seeing. I am looking forward to trying out the Decom G7 to see what that one does. Thanks for an in-depth review!

  • @rosewiththorns4669
    @rosewiththorns4669 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    thank you - I know Dexcom is releasing one in the US in the summer 2024 you do not need a prescription for. I have just started using the Libre 3 and based on this, I am happy to keep using it without worry.

  • @tjgreen6204
    @tjgreen6204 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I've used the Libre 2 and the Guardian 3. Between those two devices, Libre 2 is much easier to deal with and requires less fussing around with. Plus, the Libre 2 lasts much longer.

  • @johnbrewis1924
    @johnbrewis1924 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Great video comparing both, my son has just gone on G7 and loves it he's not had an issue with it peeling off but everyone's skin is different. I can agree with you about the lows after change to a new sensor but now I know I can put I new one on while in grace period. Thank you

    • @kellywagner1958
      @kellywagner1958 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dexcom confirmed they have a new adhesive with the G7 and they’ve had fewer skin sensitivity/reaction reports from users. I wonder if that is part of why the urge the use of the overlay. I’ve noticed several TH-camrs say it would not have lasted 10 days without it.

  • @Ciler1038
    @Ciler1038 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Thanks so much for these videos! I was just diagnosed type 1 a few months ago and your videos have been very helpful. Please keep it up!

    • @christophermirra790
      @christophermirra790 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      As a 29 year Type 1, allow me to suggest you purchase the Diabetic Association’s book. It’s a long read, but the info is invaluable. Also, become a member of the American Diabetes Association. Provides updated info, etc. Read everything you can…use your judgement but maintain a close relationship with your doctor. Purchase a current paperback with food carbohydrates listed…this will help you identify where any issues with your levels might be with your diet.
      Don’t get discouraged. It isn’t an easy trip…but the changes I have seen are REMARKABLE and I am so thankful! Be patient, and keep the faith!

  • @drew786
    @drew786 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Just got a G7 and I'm having the same issue with it telling me I'm super low after I first apply the sensor. Thanks for the tip!

  • @ianinglis4446
    @ianinglis4446 2 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Hi Tom, I think it is important to mention that Dexcom only support a very limited range of phones/manufacturers, not everybody has an iPhone or wants to buy a new phone to be able to use their sensors. In addition they have been very slow to approve OS updates so you need to avoid having automatic updates active on a compatible phone.
    I was originally offered G6 or Libre 2 when I became diabetic (distal Pancreatectomy) opted for the G6 but then reverted to Libre 2 as my new One Plus phone was not supported. I don’t just mean not supported, the Dexcom App checks what phone you have and will not run at all if it in not on their approved list.
    With the Libre there are also a number of 3rd party apps that people use to get better information and/or connectivity from them, Diabox, Xdrip, Juggluco, Gwatch etc etc.. in fact with Libre 2 and an add on App you can get readings every 1 or 5 minutes already.
    As to the hole in both sensors, isn’t that just for the needle that inserts the sensor filament to pass through. I doubt very much it is for temperature or humidity, people swim with these on and/or cover them with sticky covers to hold them on and there are no warnings from either manufacturer about it.

    • @frankmcwilson445
      @frankmcwilson445 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I appreciate your comments, Ian. The approved phone list is a huge issue both for Dexcom and Tandem users.
      Thanks Tom. I've referred your work to fellow T1Ds.

    • @Ris-v4w
      @Ris-v4w ปีที่แล้ว

      @@frankmcwilson445 totally agree! thanks for the info !

    • @hilligans1
      @hilligans1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Kind of late for this but if you went to the dexcom subreddit you can use something called BYOD to get it to work on any android device. It also allows you to do a bit more customization as well.

    • @ianinglis4446
      @ianinglis4446 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hilligans1 That’s useful to know. The problem, here in the U.K. at least, is that if you are not using the Dexcom with an manufacturer approved device you cannot legally use the BG readings to drive and would have to use finger prick readings instead. If not you could be held responsible for any accident whether or not you were at fault, void your insurance and leave yourself open the other legal ramifications.

    • @hilligans1
      @hilligans1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ianinglis4446 thats dumb

  • @SheWolf1968
    @SheWolf1968 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm a libre fan. The longevity of the sensors is what sold me

  • @meaghanmorini5809
    @meaghanmorini5809 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My son had both and we hated the freestyle!! It never worked or fell off. Dexcom for the win for us!!😊

  • @atgossard8697
    @atgossard8697 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I've been using Freestyle Libre 3 since it became generally available in USA in October 2022. It's an excellent product but it's easy to get alarm fatigue from the app. The ability to mute the alarm or have different alarm profiles is urgently needed. Fortunately, software upgrades are coming as is pump integration and automated insulin delivery. Until then, I'm sticking with the Freestyle Libre 3 because its tiny size and excellent adhesion make wearing it imperceptible and very resistant to accidental tear-off.
    By the way, this is the best video available. Very informative and fair. Great job!!!

    • @shubinternet
      @shubinternet ปีที่แล้ว

      The Freestyle Libre 3 does not appear to be available here in Texas, according to my Endocrinologist, my pharmacy, and my insurance. All three of them say it is not yet available here. I've signed up at the Abbott website to be notified when they are available, and still have not heard from them. So, that's four sources that all say the same thing -- not available.
      So, I'm now looking to see if I can switch to the Dexcom G6.

    • @atgossard8697
      @atgossard8697 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@shubinternet I'm getting mine from Costco Mail-order Pharmacy. I was lucky enough to be one of their first customers once they received them from Abbott. I can believe that others do not yet have them.

    • @shawnkramer8294
      @shawnkramer8294 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@shubinternetI got my Libre 3 here in Florida at CVS. They seemed to be the only pharmacy that had it after a few phone calls.

    • @bossboss-xd6dd
      @bossboss-xd6dd ปีที่แล้ว

      @@shubinternet it is available in texas. CVS

    • @jawlig
      @jawlig ปีที่แล้ว

      You can turn off alarms on Libre 3 though. There's an alarms setting section on the app

  • @pollux901
    @pollux901 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks Tom. You've always helped us!

  • @ericduch5087
    @ericduch5087 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Thanks for the comparison. That's a very clever warmup on the G7. One other item that's worth adding is the connectivity to Glooko. I currently have my G6 and Omnipod Data available for my doctor under one application in real time, I don't see the Libre doing this yet.

  • @paintingsbypellie
    @paintingsbypellie ปีที่แล้ว

    My son is 11 and just got a G7. Thank you for your videos.

  • @Olster111
    @Olster111 2 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Hi Tom,
    thank you very much for your very informative videos!
    Just a small addition: In Germany there is already a reader for the Freestyle Libre 3 (currently only available through a health insurance prescription), which looks almost like the one from the Libre 2, but continuously receives data without scanning. Unfortunately, you can only use the reader or the app, but not both at the same time.

    • @MihaS1995
      @MihaS1995 ปีที่แล้ว

      FSL 2 continuously receives data without scanning too

  • @nathanielswan909
    @nathanielswan909 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My endocrinologist preferred me to use the Dex 7 so I switched from the Lib #3. The dex lost the connection with the app 20 times over my last 24 hours. I never lost connection with Lib #3. That was a big deal. My Lib #3 seemed to give me a lot more freedom as I needed to have the Dex 7 very close at all times. When my Dex was on my right arm, I also needed to make sure that my phone was on the right side. When initiating the sensor, the Dex did not recognize the QR code on the box not was activated with the code # on the applicator. I needed to call customer support and they gave me a # that thankfully worked. I know Dex is attempting to clean up these problems, but I am going back to Libera 3 asap..

  • @hanialadham4336
    @hanialadham4336 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The thing I have a problem with Libre 3, is when there is a sudden change in the blood glucose readings, and as seen in 11:24, the change on Dexcom is more subtle from the Libre 3, with 156 for Dexcom on the second high ramp curve, and around 175-or even more on the Libre 3. I've had that problem with Libre 3, where it keeps giving me higher glucose readings on fast-ramping glucose in the blood, and a couple of minutes later it will go back down when it's more subtle. So maybe that's the effect of the 5 min update on Dexcom and 1 min update on Libre.

  • @StephenGregory-j1u
    @StephenGregory-j1u ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Here in the US the Libre Freestyle 3 is about $37 US dollars without insurance for a single 2 week sensor, and the Dexcom 7 was about $153 for a single 10 day sensor. At least that's what it was at the CVS pharmacy down the street from me.

    • @JBGecko13yt
      @JBGecko13yt 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      the libre 3 is now 75$ per sensor

  • @unconditional_positive_regard
    @unconditional_positive_regard ปีที่แล้ว

    Just started Dexcom G7, Libre was not compatible with my phone. Thank you so much for the content and review!

  • @daveramsay8887
    @daveramsay8887 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love your work - Senor life wins for me subsidised @ $16.00 Australian each fortnight for T1D.

  • @JasonChen-j6y
    @JasonChen-j6y ปีที่แล้ว +10

    To me, that fact that Libre 3 is almost half of the price of G7 while lasts 4 days longer than G7 makes Libre 3 a hands-down winner, let alone its smaller size. But I do agree with you that Libre 3 app is not as flexible and Abott should work on it more.

    • @johnderosa1208
      @johnderosa1208 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I have used the Libre 3 for a few months. good luck with it lasting 3 days much less 14. Out of 20 sensors used, I NEVER got a week. Most last 2-3 days before errors, battery dying or falling off. Not to mention the alarms telling me I am low sugar 50 and I check with my meter and it’s 150. Trying the G-7 hope it’s better.

    • @litewavve
      @litewavve 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@johnderosa1208 I have also experienced a fairly high rate of "sensor failure" error with Libre 3, although not other types which you described. In half of the cases, the sensor returned operational after a period of time. For those hard failures, Abott Labs replaced them without much hassle. I generally found the readings of the sensor consistent with my activities, such as after a meal or after a fast paced walking session. When you experience large discrepancies, your sensor needle probe may be slipping out.

  • @leecrawford6812
    @leecrawford6812 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello, Lee here. Im type 2. Love your channel and find it very informative.
    All of these sensors seem to have big advantages but no one seems to have mentioned the cost.
    These things are very expensive if not freely provided by your diabetes team.

  • @batz6510
    @batz6510 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you!! Im new to all this. Just got out of hospital after my Dr found my glucose was at 780. 🤢 Recovering now but vision is gone because of such a major drop. Hoping it will return in the months to come. Using reader glasses to watch & LEARN from your videos. TYTYTY 💕💕💕

    • @jeweldenile8995
      @jeweldenile8995 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope your vision is starting to return as your numbers come down. I had to wear my husbands reading glasses to see and fir some reason they helped with seeing people or signs close to me. Even the tv.
      I did use the tv to gauge my improvement and was so relieved when I could finally see what was on without those glasses. ☮️

    • @batz6510
      @batz6510 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jeweldenile8995 Yes my vision has thankfully improved! Still not perfect but its getting there. SO glad your vision returned also! 😃

  • @MrChristianbass2170
    @MrChristianbass2170 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for posting. Im still on G6 and cant wait to try the G7

  • @FAVvideoproductions
    @FAVvideoproductions ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I'm a G6 user, and just got a sample of the Libre 3 from my endo (currently on day 6 of 14). I usually have a lot of pain with CGMs because I'm so skinny, but the Libre is so much more comfortable. However, the Libre has been giving really inaccurate readings (last night it was alarming the entire night saying my bg was 50 when my fingersticks were consistently 115). Not being able to calibrate your sensor when it's 50 points off from your actual blood sugar is a big no-no for me. It could just be me personally because my dexcom g6 sensors are usually a bit off, but at least I can calibrate them and semi-work with them. Looking to try the Dexcom G7 soon hopefully

  • @mar-man
    @mar-man 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Tom, there actually is a receiver for the FSL3, at least in germany. Might want to correct that statement. Keep up the good work!

  • @lisaheidrick533
    @lisaheidrick533 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Hi Tom. Enjoying you blog. Did the same comparison only with the G-6, Freestyle Libre 3 and compared to meter readings. Interesting results. I am hoping that Dexcom will soon integrate the G7 with the Tandem X2. I am on the closed loop system and and apparently it doesn’t yet. Also I wanted to mention one of the best improvements for the G7 in my opinion is that the transmitter is now integrated and disposable with the used sensor. A big plus!

    • @kurtjensen7264
      @kurtjensen7264 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Personally, I can’t wait till it will work with my Apple Watch with cellular. So I can take my walk again without my phone.

  • @wiltonsmith6248
    @wiltonsmith6248 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Very thorough and great break down review!! Thank you, I have an RX for Libre 3 I’ll be starting soon with type 2 diabetes without insulin. I want to monitor my glucose levels so I can get my A1C where it needs to be and loose weight.

  • @PatriciaVanBuren-k2v
    @PatriciaVanBuren-k2v ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much for your videos. I’m in US and currently use libre 2. I’m in Pool and hot tub a lot especially during summer. My sensors keep falling off this summer for some strange reason even less than 24 hours or not scanning. Finally yesterday libre customer service admitted they need to upgrade their system as my iPhone 11 version 16 the lasted version here is not compatible with their system. Also I needed to get out of pool every 30 minutes although I never needed to before. I guess i was lucky. Your videos helped me to choose g7. I like no scanning needed and it comes with over patch. Hopefully it will stay on while in pool I will miss text to speech option and not a fan of choppy dots however i think it will be ok. Thank you for your wonderfully informative videos

  • @SankofaHealingEnrichment
    @SankofaHealingEnrichment ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for this wonderful comparative review. As you probably know the cgm's are not available without prescription. This is extremely frustrating for many of my clients who are type 2 diabetics and want to use it as a preventative measure to learn more about their bodies. I recently found a way to enable these types of individuals to gain access to the m. I would like to speak to you about sharing this information with your community for those to which it applies.

  • @joybm66
    @joybm66 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For more adhesive support on Libre, I use skin tac. It works really well. Even after 14 days, the sensor still remains secure on the skin.

  • @AlbertoHernandezD
    @AlbertoHernandezD ปีที่แล้ว

    THANKS TOM for this EXCELLENT review...PEACE, LOVE AND HEALTH FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ❤️🙏☮️ from Portugal 🇵🇹

  • @aaronhauptman7833
    @aaronhauptman7833 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks Tom! You have the most useful and comprehensive information about diabetes in your videos!

  • @tonyb-m839
    @tonyb-m839 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    That hole exactly what is for, don’t have an idea but one of the uses for that hole is for the needle to get inserted into your skin and to retract back to the applicator

  • @barakv45
    @barakv45 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wow 😲 really good compression
    I still use Libra 2 😅

  • @jamescarter8941
    @jamescarter8941 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks again Tom for a very informative review. I am a Libre user in Canada and am very excite when it gets released here.

  • @iVenge
    @iVenge 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You are *_the_* man on this subject. Thank you so much for this video.

  • @antoniobruck9724
    @antoniobruck9724 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    in contrast to FreeStyle Libre 3 I experienced extremely less failures with its predecessors 1 and 2. Number 3 is smaller, but very often it is necessary to try several times before the display works. This said, the gap after starting a new sensor to me does not seem a very important item as I do not have to apply a new sensor at lunch time, since it is possible to change whenever it seems convenient, e.g. one hour earlier or so.

  • @joshuastokes7573
    @joshuastokes7573 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I do believe the holes that are in the sensors are for where the needle is to help in the application of the sensor

  • @jennifermoulden2284
    @jennifermoulden2284 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thanks very much for your review; I was waiting on this to decide whether to upgrade from the G6. For those watching in the UK (and I am sure this is true in other countries), it is worth pointing out that if you pay for a quarterly subscription you can get the G7 for £409, (about £136 per month).

    • @markdickson3820
      @markdickson3820 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, but you can easily get the libre available for no added cost on nhs. The dexcon would have to be significantly better to justify even half that amount, and until they release one with integrated insulin delivery the libre wins by default (tho I do like the Apple Watch feature).

  • @ianmclean8256
    @ianmclean8256 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hi Tom. A very comprehensive comparison. I have tried both Libre 2 and Dexcom 6. As you say, everyone is different, with different needs. I found that I liked the Dexcom more, mostly because of the interface. I have an iPhone and an Apple watch and I very much liked being able to both check my reading and get alarms on the watch. With the Libre 2 I had to open the phone, open the app, press a button then hold the phone up to the sensor. For me it seemed quite primitive compared to the Dexcom 6. I found many things pretty much the same as you did, but it would be the Dexcom 6 for me, just for the better implemented interface. As I do not get any subsidy, here in Australia the Dexcom 6 costs just over twice as much as the Libre 2.

    • @DutchCleveland
      @DutchCleveland ปีที่แล้ว

      same. I get both paid for free from my work. Going to have to switch to the dexcom G7 because of the app integration. Dumb that libre doesnt even entertain this.

  • @jodi3700
    @jodi3700 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your hard work to educate us! Stay well!

  • @CashMoneyMoore
    @CashMoneyMoore 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    dexcom seems much more developed infrastructure. I can't way however to see the abbott lingo when it comes out with continuous ketone and lactate monitoring on board as well. Thanks!

  • @noelhall945
    @noelhall945 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I have the Abbott Libre 2, previously on their original Model
    I have had 2 Libre 2 Sensors give wild readings. Abbott
    replaced them. On the Blood Reading stick option on the
    Libre 2 Sensor it is normally 10 - 15 less. Useful option
    would be Blood reconcile on Libre 2, seeing as it is the
    same electronics.
    Also, In 3 years had 2 knocked off passing door frames.
    Otherwise satisfied working with 90-day Average.

  • @ChandlerScarborough
    @ChandlerScarborough ปีที่แล้ว

    I switched from the Libre 2 to the Libre 3 a couple months ago. I like that the Libre 3 medically updates from the device, and the device seems to hold more data. (I turn off Bluetooth while I'm asleep, but so far I've never had any data gaps no matter how long I sleep.) But my phone battery does definitely drain faster with the Libre 3.
    Several things really bug me about the Libre 3. Top of the list is that it seems to be much less accurate than Libre 2. I've seen anywhere from 10 to 50 point difference in Libre 3 versus a fingerprint. Unlike the G6, which is much more expensive, there is no way to calibrate the sensor. Unlike the Libre 2, the Libre 3 no longer shows 24-hour average glucose which was very helpful.

  • @biggianthead17
    @biggianthead17 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One point about the Libre3... the damn thing refuses to be scanned in to a phone. It can literally take up to a full day before it scans in. I've had to call Abbott MANY times to replace those faulty Libre3 sensors... and the ones they sent me have also failed on occasion. I had absolutely ZERO problems with the Libre2 but the Libre3 is a nightmare. I'm checking this week to see if my insurance will cover the G7... and then switching to it, even though it will cost more. At least I don't have to fight with the damn thing. It's a shame because I really like it when it works and now I'll have to learn a totally new system... but at least I know it will work every time. Thank you for this review... it helped a lot.

    • @jeweldenile8995
      @jeweldenile8995 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I don’t know if you had been to the video recently but someone above mentioned that once they replaced the receiver they had no sensor issues after that. Might be something to look into. Just wanted to mention it in case it works

    • @biggianthead17
      @biggianthead17 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jeweldenile8995 thank you. I will look for that comment.

    • @biggianthead17
      @biggianthead17 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jeweldenile8995 Tom mentioned placing the new sensor hours or possibly one day early and having it at the same time as the old one. When the old one expires, then activate the new sensor at that time. It gives the sensor plenty of time to equilibrate. I just did that last week on Tom's took two tries to shan the new sensor, but it worked. Good advice Tom...I wonder if Abbott knows about this trick. Thank you.

    • @jeweldenile8995
      @jeweldenile8995 ปีที่แล้ว

      Good advice also. 👍

    • @jeweldenile8995
      @jeweldenile8995 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Also, I like your user name. Gave me a chuckle. I loved that show

  • @kristophertremblay9730
    @kristophertremblay9730 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The upside of the self scan on the Libre is that you can apply your new sensor on day 13 of the old one to allow for a full 24 hour "pre-soak" and get more accuracy on your new sensor right out of the gate.

    • @Boredchinchilla
      @Boredchinchilla 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I do that with my g6 now. I put the new sensor on the night before I’m going to change it. By the time I swap the transmitter the sensor has had time to settle down and there is less “static”.

    • @paultilde
      @paultilde 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I often use this feature of Libre 3 when I need to leave my son with nanny who doesn’t know how to apply sensor. I can place it one, two or more days before start

  • @garymelconian7074
    @garymelconian7074 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for the overall review of both sensors.

  • @danshellist
    @danshellist ปีที่แล้ว


  • @adventureswithfrodo2721
    @adventureswithfrodo2721 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish the Libera app had a zoom feature. But If I really want to know I'll look at the raw data in Libraview, yes it is a bit of a pain like 5 minutes to do.
    Also the Libera 3 applicator is an automatic applicator. I just did mine and all you have to do is press down and then a spring fires sealing the adhasive and needle on an in your arm. It is NOT dependent on the pressure you apply as your state.

  • @dottiedavis355
    @dottiedavis355 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My Dexcom overlay *and* the patch peeled off completely after a week, only the disc itself remaining adhered. That’s one reason I’m here! Also interested in display; Dexcom lost its iPhone Widget with G7. Just heard you say Libre doesn’t talk to my Apple Watch. Sigh…
    Edit: great tip for avoiding the new sensor dip. Thanks!

  • @xamalion7334
    @xamalion7334 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I‘m a private patient in Germany and I just bought 18 Dexcom G7 for 6 months. They cost around 1800 Euro. G7 is slightly cheaper than the G6 sensors which was surprising to me.

    • @pxxch
      @pxxch 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wie kommst du mit der App klar? Kann man auch nur Vibrationsalarme einstellen?

    • @xamalion7334
      @xamalion7334 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@pxxch Aktuell scheint es noch einige Problemchen zu geben, die Alarme gehen öfter mal los ohne das was ist.
      Die App an sich ist ok, ich fand aber die G6 App ehrlich gesagt schöner (nur vom Design her!). Was mich stört ist, dass es die schöne Kurveansicht nicht mehr gibt wenn man das Handy horizontal dreht. Das haben sie einfach komplett entfernt, warum weiß keiner. Es ist jetzt alles vertikal und das Kurvenbild ist daher arg klein und es sieht immer irgendwie kaputt aus.
      Andererseits ist sie aber auch cool, da jetzt Clarity direkt angebunden ist, man kann unter dem aktuellen Blutzucker die Clarity Werte (3,7,14,30,90 Tage) abfragen, bekommt den GMI angezeigt und kann bei Bedarf direkt in die Clarity App wechseln.
      Es gibt immer noch keinen Darkmode, was mich persönlich am meisten stört. vor allem wenn nachts Fehlalarme losgehen. Alles in weiß brennt einem erstmal schön die Netzhaut weg und man ist sofort hellwach.
      Vibrationsalarme kann man in der G7 App auch einstellen. Schön ist auch, dass man für jede Alarmart festlegen kann ob vibriert werden soll oder nicht. Allerdings muss man die Vibrationsalarme auch bestätigen. Tut man das nicht ist der nächste Alarm dann mit Ton, egal wie das Phone eingestellt ist. Ich finde das aber auch gut so, Sicherheit geht vor.

  • @ftmch8864
    @ftmch8864 ปีที่แล้ว

    This channel is brilliant. I'm going to be trying dexcom g7 moving from the end of lifed medtronic guardian connect which I have used for 4 years. One issue I had with Freestyle libre, was that the glue caused a horrific reaction on my skin making it impossible to use. Apparently, they use teflon in the glue, and Medtronic don't. I am hopeful I dont have a similar experience with dexcom.

  • @seanjohnson6186
    @seanjohnson6186 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I heard just a couple of days ago that the FDA in the USA approved Dexcom G7 for use. I am not sure how long it will take for there to be enough to make them easily accessible. And when the insurance companies will start covering the G7 will also take some time. Still I am hoping to be able to switch from G6 to G7 within the next 2-3 months.

    • @mhs0407
      @mhs0407 ปีที่แล้ว

      On the DEXCOM website, they said the G7 will be released in the US on 2-17-23.

  • @martortiz1
    @martortiz1 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    . You're a pro, and a champion in my book. THANK YOU

  • @oriana5623
    @oriana5623 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you so much for making this video!

  • @FC-ly2zn
    @FC-ly2zn ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi there. I'd like to thank you for the videos and content. I've made content in the past and I know long/hard it is to make a good video. Your videos are great and super helpful. Wishing you the best in health.

  • @dww2006
    @dww2006 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You can use skin prep before you install which helps with adhesive.

  • @maitrayee22
    @maitrayee22 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much TOM, for your talent , Knowledge,
    informative and The Best educational videos.
    You should be a Lecturer as an Endocrinologist |

  • @jca54
    @jca54 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The hole needs to be there for the retraction of the insertion needle which dissapears in the applicator for the needle can not disappear into the void.. .

    • @dwightl5863
      @dwightl5863 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Excellent observation.

  • @conniestanley3366
    @conniestanley3366 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great video as always Tom!! Thanks much!! The G7 is now available in the US but Dexcom hasn't applied for approval to Health Canada so we're waiting for it still. I used the Libre 2 in the past but we didn't like it b/c my hubby would have to scan the reader in the middle of the night; w/ my G6 he just looks at my iPhone or my Fitbit watch which is great - so much easier! I love my G6 and can't wait for the G7 mostly for the integration of the transmitter and smaller size. The 12 hour Grace period and faster warm up sound so much more exciting too! I'll start looping on Monday with the BC Diabetes group and am very excited for that too so my two devices [Pod & G6] will talk to each other and only need one device so no more PDM for my Omnipod Dash. Been a T1D for 52 years so my whole life - I remember glass syringes and urine test sticks! The technology now is phenomenal and we are so fortunate compared to the old days! Thnx Tom, best wishes to all!!

  • @bayareaconsult4115
    @bayareaconsult4115 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Really thank you from my heart ❤

  • @jawlig
    @jawlig ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love the Libre 3. It's small, accurate, alarms work consistently. It fixed all the issues I was having with the Libre 2.

    • @kauserjaffari9790
      @kauserjaffari9790 ปีที่แล้ว

      how many sensors you get a box?

    • @jawlig
      @jawlig ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kauserjaffari9790 I get 6 every 3 months

    • @tym5583
      @tym5583 ปีที่แล้ว

      But is it a true cgm? Like will it track my sugars the entire time I am asleep?
      U cant calibrate it?
      Is it ever way off from your glucomiter fi get stick?

    • @jawlig
      @jawlig ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tym5583 Yes, it tracks 24/7 without needing to scan for readings like the libre 2. There can be a slight difference with a stick reading, but usually not more than 1mmol. Or if your BG is moving quickly, it can have a 5-10 min delay in showing you this. There is no way to calibrate it that I am aware of. It does have some other issues such as sometimes losing connection to your phone and using more battery since it doesn't let your phone sleep. But the pros still outweigh the cons for me.

    • @jasminetrahan544
      @jasminetrahan544 ปีที่แล้ว

      I notice my sensor does well until going swimming or going to the beach.. especially since it’s summer this is my third time applying the libre 3 and it has been shitty and very inaccurate

  • @palanthis
    @palanthis ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I an running both right now. I am finding the G7 to be far more accurate. The Libre 3 reads 10 - 20 points lower than actual BG. Consistently. Doesn't matter if it's after a meal, after exercise, etc. Whether it's trending up or down, the Libre 3 reads low. Last night it woke me up at 0300 with a low alarm saying it was 59. I checked my BG (I keep a meter next to the bed) and it said that I was at 87. I went back to sleep. Even the Libre 2 seemed more accurate and consistent than the 3.

    • @MJ-gj6mj
      @MJ-gj6mj ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yep! The middle of the night urgent alarm when sugar levels were totally fine. What a flipping pain the butt. This happened the night before a Dr appointment after 3x before and er told them take the Libre 3 sales pitch and shove it lol.

  • @shamsy77
    @shamsy77 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello from Siberia⛄️❄️ Thank you very much for the video! Very simple, relevant and interesting😊👍

  • @PiNkSpRinkLe1
    @PiNkSpRinkLe1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    thanks for this comprehensive account

  • @madampolo
    @madampolo ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I had Libre 2 which I dearly loved mainly because the alarms would wake me up. I was forced to go to the Dexcom G6 because of the continuous readings it provided that my Dr wanted to see. I was excited when the G7 came out because Dexcom changed it to where it was very much like Libre. I guess that's competition for you. Libre 3 is not currently covered by insurance so it is out for now. I must say I'm a big Libre fan over Dexcom but am currently living with the G7.

    • @Dynamytguy
      @Dynamytguy ปีที่แล้ว

      My libre 2 was way more accurate. Insurance didn't cover it so went with dexcom. Have to calibrate every one.

    • @SilencedByYoutube
      @SilencedByYoutube 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Dynamytguy Once you calibrate does it stay calibrated until the sensor expires?

    • @Dynamytguy
      @Dynamytguy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @andromedah3129 I'm pretty sure it does. I don't do a lot of finger sticks to recheck. Numbers seem to be in line with where they should be. They are easy to calibrate with one finger stick.

    • @Dynamytguy
      @Dynamytguy 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @andromedah3129 also they are rarely off more than 15 to 20 points.

  • @jefft650
    @jefft650 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank YOU, Great Video. This is what I needed.

  • @brianb5276
    @brianb5276 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks, your videos are always informative. 👍

  • @TommyGator92
    @TommyGator92 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have been using the libre 3 for two months and I'm very satisfied with it.

    • @TucsonDude
      @TucsonDude ปีที่แล้ว

      How accurate are your readings?

    • @TommyGator92
      @TommyGator92 ปีที่แล้ว

      @MacFlashlight my readings are always within five points whenever I have double-checked.

    • @TucsonDude
      @TucsonDude ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TommyGator92 Five points is pretty good. However, these meters are rated by % error. So, are you under 5% error?

  • @stoutdog56
    @stoutdog56 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I have the older Dexcom G6 and ran my own comparison with my Freestyle Libre 2 and Freestyle Lite finger stick. I found both CGM's readings were dramatically different from each other and the Lite. While the Dexcom receiver could be calibrated and I did that daily. The Libre 2 readings were closer to the Lite, but no calibration was available. I prefer the Dexcom because of the continuous readings and the graph and other data available on the PC app.

    • @ianmclean8256
      @ianmclean8256 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi stoutdog. I have not seen a PC app for the Dexcom. Can you tell me where to find it? Thanks. Ian

  •  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    On the 9th day of G7 it was 16 points higher than my fingertip blood test.

  • @williamsharp384
    @williamsharp384 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, Very important and helpful information.

  • @2nostromo
    @2nostromo 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The most useful feature to me is the little arrow. It changed the way I enjoy food without the "spikes". I love it.

    • @DRII-yv1yt
      @DRII-yv1yt ปีที่แล้ว

      Please explain your comment for beginners.

    • @Alessandro.F8712
      @Alessandro.F8712 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Amen to that :) the little arrow next to your bloodsugerlevel on the device or app that indicates if the sugerlevel is going up, down or stagnating. Haleluya

  • @jmvelezpr
    @jmvelezpr ปีที่แล้ว

    I use freestyle libre 2 since 3 is on short supply. My cost at Costco (member) is around $63 for 28 days Dexcom is a lot more for 3 sensors.

  • @frederickrolston4314
    @frederickrolston4314 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hey there, great info in your videos. Freesyle has a reader which i'm using presently as of December 22. Works well.

  • @urszulafraczek7686
    @urszulafraczek7686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your work for users Libre

  • @bytehead904
    @bytehead904 ปีที่แล้ว

    Medtronic user here. I'm T2 and also translating to Medicare...
    Very interesting. It seems that Medtronic is also pushing into this space with the G4. Which still hasn't received FDA approval yet. Yes, they have the G3 for the pump which I also use, but I've seen material on just the sensor. Shorter warm up time, and no calibration, although you still will be able to. I know others who are on both systems. And yes, the current G3s suck. Calibration required 2 x a day, lows that really aren't lows, things like that. But every morning my information gets uploaded to Carelink, and my endo can look at things if she has to. So I shouldn't complain, but I do. And my pump is named Audrey. Little Shop of Horror's reference for you.

  • @lamarch7
    @lamarch7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you brother appreciate your content!!!

  • @kinglizzy99
    @kinglizzy99 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Starting using the Libre 3… I get there’s a lag, but still seems very inaccurate…it’s anywhere between 10-40mg off…still nice technology and helps understand your unique analytics

  • @michaelmarcus2318
    @michaelmarcus2318 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Re: lost data when you switch sensors; If you have 2 smart phones I think you could avoid t with a Libre 3 but that means you need a second smart hone for the new sensor while the old one functions during startup. But some people do have 2 such phones

  • @miller2529
    @miller2529 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice video, my Doctor just gave me a sample of the freestyle and I liked it a lot... I'm lucky because my health insurance covers my freestyle, I get 6 kits for $60, so basically $10 a kit.. :)

  • @blondy2061h
    @blondy2061h 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    While the FDA cleared Libre 3 as an iCGM, they specifically cleared it as an iCGM not approved for use with insulin pumps. I'm not sure what the point of it even being an iCGM is, then, but don't expect insulin pump integration with Libre 3 anytime soon.

  • @DCARA06
    @DCARA06 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    12:05 but I didn't think Libre 3 had a grace period. Or do you mean once you notice that there is 12hours remaining on the old sensor. That makes sense we used to do that with Libre 1 on my daughter because we could actually have both the old and the new running for those hours at the same time but with Libre 2 and 3 you can't do that but still having it on your body for those initial hours is a good idea. Great review, I am so happy to hear that the Libre 3 stacks up well to dexcom finally! Can't wait for its release here in Canada and for Omnipod 5 release and then finally for the integration of the two. Or better yet a cure/treatment for T1D!!

    • @MrDmadness
      @MrDmadness ปีที่แล้ว

      They're getting really close to cure.
      .... ive been hearing this for the past 37 years :)

  • @christophermirra790
    @christophermirra790 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Excellent video.

  • @lnstarr
    @lnstarr 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    After a yr of using the Libre 3 I finally had to move to the Dexco 7. The Libre 3 consistently gave me VERY wrong readings (i.e. 50 vs 130 manually). I ended up receiving 10 replacements from Abbott due to this issue. I also HATED the LOUD beeps that woke me up during the middle of the night. Especially when the reading was wrong. I've been using the Dexcom 7 for about a month and the only issue I've had has been disconnects between the sensor and my phone. Hopefully I'll find a solution to that soon.