Well done Stephen Bannon. There are millions of people all over the world who agree with you, and will actually fight for Nationalism, the value of our votes [populism ] and proper representation. Strength to your arm and God speed the movements program. paul scott New Zealand
Agree Paul (fellow Kiwi). I suppose the closest thing we have to a nationalist politician is Winnie, but I'm sure the backlash to Labour/Greens idiotic socialist policies will bring more into prominence.
Jared, yes >> it would have been better if we stopped all the affected Maori privilege over seashore and so on. Generally there is no real feeling of Nationalism in New Zealand, we just don't seem to be up to recognising the danger of global rule by the elite and unelected. Global rule will be terrifying. On our side our Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic. And here in little God's own we are led by a mentally handicapped person who is at heart a socialist. When the crunch comes it will be older men, with less to lose, who have to go to the front line . It will be covert action.
Bannon is one of the main catalysts that is bringing populist politicians across Europe together. He is extremely important in that movement. A great speaker and totally in touch. We are so lucky to have men of this stature.
@John Forbes bannon is out there openly having civil discussions explaining his thoughts VS soros, who clandestinely use obscure means to achieve his objectives. my question to soros is why hide???
Roy Yang, hope you could say that again 2 or 6 years later, when Trump is out of office. The globalists will regain the control of the narrative, way before Trump is out of office. He is against the historical movement of global economy what is driven by technology which shrinks the world into one single local economy. There is no escaping of that. You either ride the trend with high education or you are the left over seeking manual jobs competing at the global manual job wage level. Bannon and the like of him, who felt that they no longer dominate the world with their existing technology advantage, are trying to shift the blame on their own people's unwillingness to make change, get higher education and profit from the new global world economy. This is the last shout from the remaining blue collar population of the USA, which Bannon belongs from his own root, and it will be an non-issue after the new American generation that is raised technology savvy or welfare dependent. There is no more assembly line jobs in US. Get over it and move on. The global economy is your local economy. Get with the program!
@jim kuan buddy i think YOU should get with the program. the tide is changing and it’s leaving the likes of you behind. what did globalization do for US besides further increase the wage gap, enrich the 1% and disenfranchise scores of blue collar workers. not everyone in the US is going to be an engineer, doctor, or banker. many millionaires/billionaires were made at the expense of the ‘ordinary’ folk. perhaps it’s not too much to ask the ceo’s to take a few million dollars less and pay their workers a fair wage?? save for key industries deemed vital for national security... sure i agree some level of globalization is necessary: however redirecting supply chains away from china and into southeast asia, mexico, and latin america would be the prudent thing to do. it’s inconceivable to further enrich a country that is gunning for you especially one that utilizes pervasive criminal trade tactics to gain unfair advantages. its reckless for the US to not have a solid manufacturing base. to be reliant on other countries essentially amounts to losing one’s sovereignty. good luck wishing trump away but i think you’d be surprised how hawkish most democrats are towards china... www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-trade-china-idUSKBN1AI2JI
yeah, by comparing Stalin to Putin (and the Nazi´s to Islamic terrorists). He is a blatant manipulator..nothing more....and a quite stupid one....he fishes among the dumb
you know...the stigmatisations "Leftists, Populists, Millennials, Globalists" is exactly what renders him a "fisher among the dumb". There are far more sophisticated discussion out there for years. At the end everything narrows down to a "war" between the rich and the poor. And dividing "poo" people by skin color, provenience or skill set, is exactly what helps the rich. Reading and hearing Bannon makes me believe, that he doesn't get that. He's too much driven by his ideological model. But ideology is a thinking concept of the last century....and overall that didn't run quite well, isn't it?
Brown guy here and massive steve banon fan for some time. I come from the working class and watch my family working hard. I took a different path and went into entrepreneurship and yet hold working class values. Steve is the man of the moment. He is correct.
Is there an interviewer on the planet who can rise to the challenge? Bannon, this month, has made ABC, Bloomberg, MSNBC, The Economist and the FT all look rather juvenile. Not one of them were able to ask meaningful questions that stressed Bannon.
The fact that all of those media outlets have happily interviewed Bannon shows that he is just fake opposition; one of Netanyahu's little obedient puppets.
You have no who Steve Bannon actually is! Steve Bannon is the mastermind behind the Right wing populism, the fall of democracy, a threat to Mankind and a terrorist lover. He wants to make a Group for the EU elections called "The Movement" but unfortunately the AFD, UKIP, Marine Le Pen and The Justice Party of Poland have rejected this idea, he wants to lay a populist school in a church far away from Rome which is considered a gladiator one and he celebrated a Terrorist attack in Christchurch and the deaths of 50 innocent peaceful Muslims. How Dare you support this type of person without realising? This is completely disgusting and absurd! #Pray4Christchurch #EggBoy #EggBoyHero #PrayForNewZealand
Brian Bozo i quite liked the “scruffy “ Bannon! Its his ideas and philosophy that we admire. But, I agree, a haircut and shave can only help him along this exciting route....
The hell he is. Bannon is the opposite of a warmonger. Nationalist populists stay out of conflicts and desire to keep their borders safe from terrorists and others who want to either do physical harm or are simply a financial burden even if they have good intentions.
MrIxmi well I don’t think republicans are any better. I personally think both parties are very corrupt. I’m gonna become an independent and just choose the better of both shitty options which is what I think American politics has become. Trump I don’t see as a friend to the working class. His tax cut certainly was a huge benefit to corporations and the elite while inflation ate up any slight wage increase that we got. He hasn’t done anything about health care to make it cheaper, more efficient like he said. I don’t really credit presidents for the state of the economy whether good or bad. Obama took over when economy hit bottom so there was no where to go but up and trump is taking over the same economic expansion that will inevitably collapse next year.
JFK and RFK were Democrats, but they used the Party to get to power or near power in RFK case. They was Nationalists. Nothing wrong with Left Nationalism.
Pablo Lozano you don’t know what you’re talking about. The tax cuts helped 85% of ALL working Americans. He is certainly for the working class. He has reopened the coal mines that obama closed. He is helping the farmers and fixing the tariffs. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in History. GDP 4.2%. Cmon wake up. The left have gone insane. The democrat party have shown their true colors. They spied on trump. They have committed many many crimes. It’s time to wake up.
We have a sh** load of Ukrainians and useless resource sucking Brit retirees here, but do they become a part of your country or are you for those already there (i.e. Natives, Europeans, Africans) having priority for jobs, school? Saying "Your people first" is easily said for Italy, because they are mainly Italian, but what about North America? Homegrown Europeans, Natives, Asians etc all want to get into the universities for which they paid taxes, but precedence is not theirs since universities makes more tuition from international students. So, I would expect that they are all a part of this nationalism movement. Most of the latter homegrowns won't support right wing nationalists, thoroughly, because they see incoming Czechs chanting "We will not be replaced", and the mostly German Texans' separatist movement when these were enemies of state like ISIS and did nothing to build the US, but they expect to take off with the US oil. In contrast, the largest group to fight off the nazi invasion of UK and Europe were the Asians (namely India and then 2nd China), but they are sidelined by nazi ideologies to be foreign to US even if they support right wing conservatism or were here before Czechs, Germans etc. The right-wing needs to oust the nazi content, rigorously, to be something other than racist nationalism. Yet they won't, and this unhinged right wing is Bannon's issue to fix! Well, what do you expect from someone trained to kill and rape in the army, and is not okay.Just hoping Trump can help fix this too; stop illegal immigration because there is a due process for all; and get rid of ISIS!
Yup, this was the first of his interviews I've checked out. Not at all what the major new sources have painted him to be.
6 ปีที่แล้ว +3
Most things, political and otherwise, fit that bill. The media's only function for the last 5+ decades has been to manipulate & deceive. Manufacturing Consent addressed on the 1970s, but Chomsky will never admit Trump is correct on this.
wow! i'm convinced that he's a "good guy"! he's very smart and I think he's kind of charismatic; I appreciate that he's articulate and that he shoots straight - he wants what's morally right- he's looking a lot better too! Love the hair and clean shaven face:)
You're convinced that he's a good guy because he's personable, charming and rational. This is how voters get us into trouble because they, like you, don't really consider the implications of the content being delivered. His style is seductive, yes, I'll grant you that.
@@frankscott1708 Isn't that how we wound up with Obama? At least Bannon can speak extemporaneously and has actual experience and knowledge to draw from. Obama did not. It showed then and it's showing now through Biden's actions. One can only assume that everything Biden is doing, which Bannon always predicts correctly, is driven behind the scenes by Obama.
@@01happykat Obama not being able to speak extemporaneously is a myth propagated by FOX, with all the attendant hysteria about teleprompter feeds. It's baseless. Watch multiple interviews where Obama speaks at length. It's a pretty effective strategy though that FOX adopted from Democrats who successfully leveled the same accusation at Bush. I'm old enough to remember Democrats attacking Reagan in the same way. What the strategy does is believably impugn the intellectual capacity of the President: Reagan a B movie actor, Bush a rich boy cokehead, Obama a "Socialist" tool caused by affirmative action gone wild. LOL!
I love Steve Bannon... God I wished we had someone like him in Australia... Our supposed leaders are nauseating & boring to say the least... They just keep parroting the same mantra day in day out....
When I see a British interviewer I know all he wants to do is argue! I LOVE Bannon. In fact he is best when NOT being interviewed by 'leftists' and he is allowed to explain exactly what he and his movement is about. This interviewer was one of the better ones I have heard.
British interviewers are trained to argue to seek out the truth from the "b--tard" telling them and the audience lies. The change is the interviewers are moving from the centre to the left.
I agree Dawn.This interviewer was better than the typical BBC/Channel 4 British interviewer. At least he didn't constantly interrupt and he let SB finish his answers.
It isn't normal in Europe. Most Europeans have been brainwashed into believing the high levels of immigration from poor countries are good. They can't project out the demographic trends and see it is leading to population replacement and the collapse of Western civilisation.
Shame he banned Nick Griffin from Hungary for 3 years, for exposing at a Nationalist meeting, that a few streets (blocks) away there was a Soros funded Jewish meeting. Orban does some good like kicking out the International Bankers and defending the borders of Hungary.
I wonder if you are from EU, USA or UK. No one believes that in EU. The immigration crisis started with libya, after that syria joined in and when africa learned the way they exploited that. It is a bureaucracy. If you apply for asylum according to international law each country has to take your claim into consideration. EU doesn't need immigrants and doesn't suffer white guilt, at least not yet. EU population is around 460 mil ( without UK ). How many immigrants do you think arrived ?
I appreciate that Micklethwait was respectful and engaged, even if a little condescending at times. His successor at the Economist, Zanny Minton-Beddoes, performed an absolutely terrible interview with Bannon. The quality of the Economist has fallen a lot since she took over.
Interviewer: "Here you had the vote, the vote on Brexit, where people were given the choice of staying in the European Union and leaving. But you could argue at the time that they didn't know much about what the alternative would be." Bannon: "Oh, gosh. See, democracy works until the global elites start losing elections. And then all of the sudden the little guy doesn't know what he's voting for." Bannon had already put the interviewer on the ropes as early as 5:36...
Thank god the New Yorker dis-invited Bannon! Now their subscribers can enjoy deep intellectual discussions of souffle recipes. The Bad Man won't be here to upset you.
Bannon is simply a man of logic, educated person who isn't corrupted by the greed of money. There are plenty of people like him except that they are quiet. People like him are getting more public, and basically a lot of people who I meet and try to talk about politics, conservatives and anti globalist people are way more diverse people, way more accepting, more logical, more educated,, easier to talk to, conversations are much calmer and even when we disagree on topics there is a tendency to listen to other persons point to learn his view - cus one might learn a thing or two :)
My friend asked me something similar to this and I will repeat what I have told him. Men like me spend most of the time at home reading, thinking, planing, working, creating art, contemplating. That's why its difficult for decent women and decent men meet each other. The structure of our society isn't helping intelligent people meet since everyone is so busy and involved in digital and virtual world more than ever before
Thanks God for this new technology where you do not have to rely on the media to tell you what Bannon said, but where you can actually watch Bannon saying it. And BTW, Bannon is really impressive.
Bannon is a Nazi I was told for 2 years. Seeing him in interviews he is a very peculiar Nazi to say the least. I have never seen a Nazi like this if i didn't know any better which the mainstream media does its best to ensure I would be inclined to believe he is nothing at all like a Nazi.
Slip up on interviewers part around 10:00 - Hungary is not part of the Euro , and still retains their currency , the Florint. There is zero willingness for Orban to join the Euro , especially after what happened to Greece and Ireland.
As a former Alexjones fan, and former conspiracy theory beliver, I finally knew how populists like ISIS gathered so many people with their speech and propaganda materials.
Absolute bullshit. The European "rights" will never get along with the American right, as long as the Americans refuse to engage a radical shift in foreign policies. The US foreign policy is by nature violating the sovereignty and self determination of European countries. Pat Buchanan and the paleorepublicans are probably the only individuals within the Us political spectrum, who are politically and philosophically speaking, close to the European right wingers. In the US,the economy impacts and influences the political decisions making,in the political philosophy of the European rights,that's precisely the opposite. The economic road map is define by the political ideology. Americans don't want "partners",they only want vassals....Having said that, it doesn't prevent me from acknowledging that Steve Bannon is a brilliant man.
Brexit and Trump happened while The West still had functioning democracies, so we all now know that we can take our countries back and control our own destinies if we have the will to do so. Bannon is a great man, helping democracies do great things and respond to the will of the people.
Bannon proves my point twas the Brightest and the Best that got aboard the ships during The Famine and made it to Boston. The astonishing thing about the Eirish is they can be here for generations without losing their genetic-cultural memory
What does Bannon have against nativists? Nativism is the only decent position like "believes in property rights". Nativism is just the people caring for their own rather than inviting in strangers to alter themselves in arbitrary ways.
What arrogance! It drives me crazy when interviewers throw out the line "the people didn't know what they were voting for" it translates as "I don't like the result, how dare the plebs not to vote the way we tell them to.
Bannon is a force of nature. People say he should enter politics, but i disagree, he's much more value doing what he's doing. Especially when it comes to Europe
You know down at the pub or over a dinner, people ask you "if you could choose, who'd be your choice of living person. for a one on one dinner and drinks"? I'd definitely say Bannon
He looks better, looks rested, I think he is on a good personal path, God bless him, I wish him success in Europe, and hope he re-enters USA politics when the time is right. White House Communications Director, or Chairman of the RNC,, ....
I like the interviewer and Bannon is very persuasive. I’m not an economist so I don’t know whether his approach is best but I believe he has genuinely good intentions and articulates them beautifully. Trump is the crass, dumbed down jerry springer reality tv show version of Bannon, but I guess you need that jerry springer show to rally voters on the blue collar streets of America.
Bannon says "we're (USA) not looking for protectorates, we're looking for real allies". This is after the US thoroughly dominated Germany from the late 40's onward, and assumed the role of Germany's cold war military defender. Now suddenly Germany is being castigated for not pulling the weight of an independent military partner. Interesting take on history Steve.
I've listened to him on many interviews and not once has the interviewer got the better of him
Well done Stephen Bannon. There are millions of people all over the world who agree with you, and will actually fight for Nationalism, the value of our votes [populism ] and proper representation. Strength to your arm and God speed the movements program. paul scott New Zealand
Kia Kaha Paul.
Agree Paul (fellow Kiwi). I suppose the closest thing we have to a nationalist politician is Winnie, but I'm sure the backlash to Labour/Greens idiotic socialist policies will bring more into prominence.
Jared, yes >> it would have been better if we stopped all the affected Maori privilege over seashore and so on. Generally there is no real feeling of Nationalism in New Zealand, we just don't seem to be up to recognising the danger of global rule by the elite and unelected. Global rule will be terrifying. On our side our Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic. And here in little God's own we are led by a mentally handicapped person who is at heart a socialist.
When the crunch comes it will be older men, with less to lose, who have to go to the front line . It will be covert action.
Steve Bannon is a warrior and I love him
Bannon is one of the main catalysts that is bringing populist politicians across Europe together. He is extremely important in that movement. A great speaker and totally in touch. We are so lucky to have men of this stature.
Steve Bannon is a very intelligent man
i love to hear him speak: bannon is practically single handily resetting the narrative on global politics and economics
Fackt check. Bannon lies when he opens his mouth.
@John Forbes
bannon is out there openly having civil discussions explaining his thoughts VS soros, who clandestinely use obscure means to achieve his objectives. my question to soros is why hide???
Totally agree with you Roy. Also he is just so open and truthful.
Roy Yang, hope you could say that again 2 or 6 years later, when Trump is out of office. The globalists will regain the control of the narrative, way before Trump is out of office. He is against the historical movement of global economy what is driven by technology which shrinks the world into one single local economy. There is no escaping of that. You either ride the trend with high education or you are the left over seeking manual jobs competing at the global manual job wage level. Bannon and the like of him, who felt that they no longer dominate the world with their existing technology advantage, are trying to shift the blame on their own people's unwillingness to make change, get higher education and profit from the new global world economy. This is the last shout from the remaining blue collar population of the USA, which Bannon belongs from his own root, and it will be an non-issue after the new American generation that is raised technology savvy or welfare dependent.
There is no more assembly line jobs in US. Get over it and move on. The global economy is your local economy. Get with the program!
@jim kuan
buddy i think YOU should get with the program. the tide is changing and it’s leaving the likes of you behind.
what did globalization do for US besides further increase the wage gap, enrich the 1% and disenfranchise scores of blue collar workers. not everyone in the US is going to be an engineer, doctor, or banker. many millionaires/billionaires were made at the expense of the ‘ordinary’ folk. perhaps it’s not too much to ask the ceo’s to take a few million dollars less and pay their workers a fair wage??
save for key industries deemed vital for national security... sure i agree some level of globalization is necessary: however redirecting supply chains away from china and into southeast asia, mexico, and latin america would be the prudent thing to do. it’s inconceivable to further enrich a country that is gunning for you especially one that utilizes pervasive criminal trade tactics to gain unfair advantages.
its reckless for the US to not have a solid manufacturing base. to be reliant on other countries essentially amounts to losing one’s sovereignty. good luck wishing trump away but i think you’d be surprised how hawkish most democrats are towards china...
Have to admit, Bannon is a wise man, determined, visionary.
yeah, by comparing Stalin to Putin (and the Nazi´s to Islamic terrorists). He is a blatant manipulator..nothing more....and a quite stupid one....he fishes among the dumb
you know...the stigmatisations "Leftists, Populists, Millennials, Globalists" is exactly what renders him a "fisher among the dumb". There are far more sophisticated discussion out there for years. At the end everything narrows down to a "war" between the rich and the poor. And dividing "poo" people by skin color, provenience or skill set, is exactly what helps the rich. Reading and hearing Bannon makes me believe, that he doesn't get that. He's too much driven by his ideological model. But ideology is a thinking concept of the last century....and overall that didn't run quite well, isn't it?
Good point! That's exactly where nowadays standard politics fail: they fiddle...but can that really be the reason to follow demagogues a là Bannon?
Minkowski4d, liberals are demagogues. Identity politics is demagoguery. Obama, Clinton, Sanders, etc are all demagogues.
You better look up what "demagogue" means. the fact that you don't like them, doesn't make them necessarily demagogues...
Respect for you Mr. Bannon
Love how calm he is, nice speaking style, Colombo style kinda casual, works for me.
I love how he says words like 'inextricably' and 'inexorably'
Big bannon fan
Salt of the earth, man of the ppl
It's real no BS but get the job done no anger no history let's go with it and run.
Millennials are going to be the backbone of the populist nationalist movement. Ivan M, they need your rhymes.
Keep the fight going on the outside Mr. Bannon! MAGA
Steve Bannon- Absolutely Brilliant! America First!
Cio CIO no, uzbekistan first!
Admirations from Europe Mr.Bannon!
Brown guy here and massive steve banon fan for some time. I come from the working class and watch my family working hard. I took a different path and went into entrepreneurship and yet hold working class values. Steve is the man of the moment. He is correct.
Bannon would make an excellent president!
Is there an interviewer on the planet who can rise to the challenge? Bannon, this month, has made ABC, Bloomberg, MSNBC, The Economist and the FT all look rather juvenile.
Not one of them were able to ask meaningful questions that stressed Bannon.
He told Sargon in his interview a couple days ago that he likes tough interviews.
The fact that all of those media outlets have happily interviewed Bannon shows that he is just fake opposition; one of Netanyahu's little obedient puppets.
Is Sir Roger Scruton an ‘obedient puppet’?
agree, i feel proud of him
Yep, it's amazing to see the energy of bannen for the future of U.S.A
WELL DONE Steve Bannon and the MOVEMENT.
Never feel bored listening to this guy. He is insightful and able to see through the essence to unveil what’s behind the masks.
YES Steve. Count me IN. Thank you from London.
God bless this man.
Bannon is the best . Bless his soul .
You have no who Steve Bannon actually is!
Steve Bannon is the mastermind behind the Right wing populism, the fall of democracy, a threat to Mankind and a terrorist lover.
He wants to make a Group for the EU elections called "The Movement" but unfortunately the AFD, UKIP, Marine Le Pen and The Justice Party of Poland have rejected this idea, he wants to lay a populist school in a church far away from Rome which is considered a gladiator one and he celebrated a Terrorist attack in Christchurch and the deaths of 50 innocent peaceful Muslims.
How Dare you support this type of person without realising?
This is completely disgusting and absurd!
#Pray4Christchurch #EggBoy #EggBoyHero #PrayForNewZealand
Bannon is looking healthier than before.
Brian Bozo i quite liked the “scruffy “ Bannon!
Its his ideas and philosophy that we admire.
But, I agree, a haircut and shave can only help him along this exciting route....
hes got good hair
@pammi bee wouldnt be surprised from a mainstream media that bleaches the skin and blues the eyes of suspected terrorists to make them appear "white"
to be fair fighting globalists can be stressful, especially when they gather to put demonic hexes on you
Bannon is an absolute rock star.
A fucking clown
@@quinnsmith4736 you don't understand what he is saying.
Bannon is making the world a better - and much safer - place!
Chris, you are talking bull shit, bannon is a warmonger
The hell he is. Bannon is the opposite of a warmonger. Nationalist populists stay out of conflicts and desire to keep their borders safe from terrorists and others who want to either do physical harm or are simply a financial burden even if they have good intentions.
Much less than the Japanese
@American Fuel TV I make sense, i don't hang around with turkeys, I don't listen to lies and bull shit.
@@dragondescendant1 Your troll game is sad as fuck. Your name screams "moms basement".
I’m a registered Democrat, but I have to say, I like what bannon is saying
MrIxmi well I don’t think republicans are any better. I personally think both parties are very corrupt. I’m gonna become an independent and just choose the better of both shitty options which is what I think American politics has become. Trump I don’t see as a friend to the working class. His tax cut certainly was a huge benefit to corporations and the elite while inflation ate up any slight wage increase that we got. He hasn’t done anything about health care to make it cheaper, more efficient like he said. I don’t really credit presidents for the state of the economy whether good or bad. Obama took over when economy hit bottom so there was no where to go but up and trump is taking over the same economic expansion that will inevitably collapse next year.
JFK and RFK were Democrats, but they used the Party to get to power or near power in RFK case. They was Nationalists. Nothing wrong with Left Nationalism.
@Pablo Lozano Search "WalkAway" here on TH-cam and listen to a few Democrats. This movement will be huge...
Pablo Lozano you don’t know what you’re talking about. The tax cuts helped 85% of ALL working Americans. He is certainly for the working class. He has reopened the coal mines that obama closed. He is helping the farmers and fixing the tariffs. Lowest black and Hispanic unemployment in History. GDP 4.2%. Cmon wake up. The left have gone insane. The democrat party have shown their true colors. They spied on trump. They have committed many many crimes. It’s time to wake up.
Pablo, you noticed he only talks about facts here and there but offers zero solution, right?
Nationalism, your country your people first.
We have a sh** load of Ukrainians and useless resource sucking Brit retirees here, but do they become a part of your country or are you for those already there (i.e. Natives, Europeans, Africans) having priority for jobs, school? Saying "Your people first" is easily said for Italy, because they are mainly Italian, but what about North America? Homegrown Europeans, Natives, Asians etc all want to get into the universities for which they paid taxes, but precedence is not theirs since universities makes more tuition from international students. So, I would expect that they are all a part of this nationalism movement. Most of the latter homegrowns won't support right wing nationalists, thoroughly, because they see incoming Czechs chanting "We will not be replaced", and the mostly German Texans' separatist movement when these were enemies of state like ISIS and did nothing to build the US, but they expect to take off with the US oil. In contrast, the largest group to fight off the nazi invasion of UK and Europe were the Asians (namely India and then 2nd China), but they are sidelined by nazi ideologies to be foreign to US even if they support right wing conservatism or were here before Czechs, Germans etc. The right-wing needs to oust the nazi content, rigorously, to be something other than racist nationalism. Yet they won't, and this unhinged right wing is Bannon's issue to fix! Well, what do you expect from someone trained to kill and rape in the army, and is not okay.Just hoping Trump can help fix this too; stop illegal immigration because there is a due process for all; and get rid of ISIS!
Steve Bannon is a patriot. Keep going, Steve. Steve has made me convert to a republican
First time I've heard Bannon speak and he is spot on.
I love Bannon !
There are thousands of morons already following his agenda. Europe is in danger on influence of rising Neo-nazi radical like Steve Bannon.
Make Europe Great Again
Psychopaths can seem to be particularly lovable. Trust your better instincts and think again.
Many of us do!
George 1010th 波(
Bannon!! Genius, Pitch Perfect delivery, Polite!
What a difference a haircut and a shave will make....
Seriously, he makes way more sense than how he's quoted in the mainstream media.
Yup, this was the first of his interviews I've checked out. Not at all what the major new sources have painted him to be.
Most things, political and otherwise, fit that bill. The media's only function for the last 5+ decades has been to manipulate & deceive. Manufacturing Consent addressed on the 1970s, but Chomsky will never admit Trump is correct on this.
Love Bannon. Love Texas. Love Trump. 😎🇺🇸
As always Bannon is correct, about everything he says.
Bannon for POTUS.
i wouldn't mind.
wow! i'm convinced that he's a "good guy"! he's very smart and I think he's kind of charismatic; I appreciate that he's articulate and that he shoots straight - he wants what's morally right- he's looking a lot better too! Love the hair and clean shaven face:)
Very smart? Much less than the Japanese.
if you insist on watching CNN etc. You never could get the right information and never understand what trump going on?
You're convinced that he's a good guy because he's personable, charming and rational. This is how voters get us into trouble because they, like you, don't really consider the implications of the content being delivered. His style is seductive, yes, I'll grant you that.
@@frankscott1708 Isn't that how we wound up with Obama? At least Bannon can speak extemporaneously and has actual experience and knowledge to draw from. Obama did not. It showed then and it's showing now through Biden's actions. One can only assume that everything Biden is doing, which Bannon always predicts correctly, is driven behind the scenes by Obama.
@@01happykat Obama not being able to speak extemporaneously is a myth propagated by FOX, with all the attendant hysteria about teleprompter feeds. It's baseless. Watch multiple interviews where Obama speaks at length. It's a pretty effective strategy though that FOX adopted from Democrats who successfully leveled the same accusation at Bush. I'm old enough to remember Democrats attacking Reagan in the same way. What the strategy does is believably impugn the intellectual capacity of the President: Reagan a B movie actor, Bush a rich boy cokehead, Obama a "Socialist" tool caused by affirmative action gone wild. LOL!
I love Steve Bannon... God I wished we had someone like him in Australia... Our supposed leaders are nauseating & boring to say the least... They just keep parroting the same mantra day in day out....
Paul Rachow whats the most patrioitic party in Australia?
Steve Bannon smart.
I voted for Brexit. A European Union of sovereign nations I could get behind.
When I see a British interviewer I know all he wants to do is argue! I LOVE Bannon. In fact he is best when NOT being interviewed by 'leftists' and he is allowed to explain exactly what he and his movement is about. This interviewer was one of the better ones I have heard.
British interviewers are trained to argue to seek out the truth from the "b--tard" telling them and the audience lies. The change is the interviewers are moving from the centre to the left.
I agree Dawn.This interviewer was better than the typical BBC/Channel 4 British interviewer. At least he didn't constantly interrupt and he let SB finish his answers.
In Europe, somebody like Orban is definitely an ethno-nationalist. And that is absolutely normal, at least in Europe, and at least in Hungary.
It isn't normal in Europe. Most Europeans have been brainwashed into believing the high levels of immigration from poor countries are good. They can't project out the demographic trends and see it is leading to population replacement and the collapse of Western civilisation.
its normal for every human population, fuck these globalist empire builders
Shame he banned Nick Griffin from Hungary for 3 years, for exposing at a Nationalist meeting, that a few streets (blocks) away there was a Soros funded Jewish meeting. Orban does some good like kicking out the International Bankers and defending the borders of Hungary.
I wonder if you are from EU, USA or UK. No one believes that in EU. The immigration crisis started with libya, after that syria joined in and when africa learned the way they exploited that.
It is a bureaucracy. If you apply for asylum according to international law each country has to take your claim into consideration.
EU doesn't need immigrants and doesn't suffer white guilt, at least not yet. EU population is around 460 mil ( without UK ). How many immigrants do you think arrived ?
New found respect for Bannon. He just laid it out. Plain.
I appreciate that Micklethwait was respectful and engaged, even if a little condescending at times. His successor at the Economist, Zanny Minton-Beddoes, performed an absolutely terrible interview with Bannon. The quality of the Economist has fallen a lot since she took over.
Interviewer: "Here you had the vote, the vote on Brexit, where people were given the choice of staying in the European Union and leaving. But you could argue at the time that they didn't know much about what the alternative would be."
Bannon: "Oh, gosh. See, democracy works until the global elites start losing elections. And then all of the sudden the little guy doesn't know what he's voting for."
Bannon had already put the interviewer on the ropes as early as 5:36...
censorship bites
I loved that part, he pulls no punches but stays so calm while calling out the interviewers BS.
Respect Mr Bannon from Costa Rica , intelligent and for me the best strategy Men.
Bannon understands the world politics very well.
Thank god the New Yorker dis-invited Bannon! Now their subscribers can enjoy deep intellectual discussions of souffle recipes. The Bad Man won't be here to upset you.
the new yorker has fallen in quality to something you wouldn't want to pad your gerbil's cage with
Bannon always comes across well.
You may disagree with him, but Bannon is damn smart! He understands the cultural-political currents.
A nice sentence referring Churchill and Roosevelt.
Bannon is simply a man of logic, educated person who isn't corrupted by the greed of money. There are plenty of people like him except that they are quiet. People like him are getting more public, and basically a lot of people who I meet and try to talk about politics, conservatives and anti globalist people are way more diverse people, way more accepting, more logical, more educated,, easier to talk to, conversations are much calmer and even when we disagree on topics there is a tendency to listen to other persons point to learn his view - cus one might learn a thing or two :)
Ice Carpenter
100% agree with you. Now, where do us women find more men like you? :)
My friend asked me something similar to this and I will repeat what I have told him. Men like me spend most of the time at home reading, thinking, planing, working, creating art, contemplating. That's why its difficult for decent women and decent men meet each other. The structure of our society isn't helping intelligent people meet since everyone is so busy and involved in digital and virtual world more than ever before
@@rosalienuxe7026 I second that! :)
Bannon speaking truth to power.
Agree about concerns for Millennials. China mercantilism like ancient Carthage. And what Rome did.
the spirit inside his voice makes me alive again
We love you Steve. Pls come back and let’s #MAGA together
Absolutely CRUSHED it on Russia...
You are NOT alone, dear European brothers and sisters. There are more of us all over the Western world. And we are fighting.
I love Bannon ! from Bangladesh
Thanks God for this new technology where you do not have to rely on the media to tell you what Bannon said, but where you can actually watch Bannon saying it. And BTW, Bannon is really impressive.
Bannon is a Nazi I was told for 2 years. Seeing him in interviews he is a very peculiar Nazi to say the least. I have never seen a Nazi like this if i didn't know any better which the mainstream media does its best to ensure I would be inclined to believe he is nothing at all like a Nazi.
You can't deny that he is a smart man
Slip up on interviewers part around 10:00 - Hungary is not part of the Euro , and still retains their currency , the Florint. There is zero willingness for Orban to join the Euro , especially after what happened to Greece and Ireland.
Nothing amiss with the interviewer. He gave Bannon all the room and time he needed.
See Steve Bannon's new film "TRUMP @WAR" at the Melbourne Underground Film festival Nov 1st 2018!!!!
Such like a garbage documentary I 've ever seen in my life time.
Glad you watched it!
As a former Alexjones fan, and former conspiracy theory beliver, I finally knew how populists like ISIS gathered so many people with their speech and propaganda materials.
Respect 🇺🇸🙏🏻
Steve's the most sensible gentleman on Earth. He's why I supported Trump. I worry about Trump without him there.
Absolute bullshit. The European "rights" will never get along with the American right, as long as the Americans refuse to engage a radical shift in foreign policies. The US foreign policy is by nature violating the sovereignty and self determination of European countries. Pat Buchanan and the paleorepublicans are probably the only individuals within the Us political spectrum, who are politically and philosophically speaking, close to the European right wingers. In the US,the economy impacts and influences the political decisions making,in the political philosophy of the European rights,that's precisely the opposite. The economic road map is define by the political ideology. Americans don't want "partners",they only want vassals....Having said that, it doesn't prevent me from acknowledging that Steve Bannon is a brilliant man.
Brexit and Trump happened while The West still had functioning democracies, so we all now know that we can take our countries back and control our own destinies if we have the will to do so. Bannon is a great man, helping democracies do great things and respond to the will of the people.
He made a good point when he argued that if European governments were truly concerned about Russia, they would strengthen their militaries.
Please stop giving this guy oxygen.
Bannon is a great mind!
Genius, everyone should see this.
Bannon is right.
Shameful interviewer. Bannon, thankfully, knows these people's tricks
Bannon proves my point twas the Brightest and the Best that got aboard the ships during The Famine and made it to Boston. The astonishing thing about the Eirish is they can be here for generations without losing their genetic-cultural memory
I love this guy!
Great stuff, Steve
Bannon= straight up first class American patriot.Trump owes his presidency to this man.
Today is May 22, 2019, 7 months after this talk. OMG! So glad we have Steve Bannon! He confirms there are hopes of MAGA.
May will keep the UK in the EU. UKIP will be fighting next years EU election. Help us Steve.
Steve Australias got ya back!!
Imagine if Trump could speak like Bannon.
I'm liberal leaning and appreciate learning to his viewpoint.
Listen at 5:40. Bannon is so right on this...
So much right about what this guy says!
The sheer dishonesty of this interviewer is astounding.
What does Bannon have against nativists? Nativism is the only decent position like "believes in property rights". Nativism is just the people caring for their own rather than inviting in strangers to alter themselves in arbitrary ways.
Does anybody here remember what Nationalism does to Europe? I don't get how everyone is loving this guy,
Good interviewer - actually let him speak.
What arrogance! It drives me crazy when interviewers throw out the line "the people didn't know what they were voting for" it translates as "I don't like the result, how dare the plebs not to vote the way we tell them to.
Bannon is a wise man
Bannon is a force of nature. People say he should enter politics, but i disagree, he's much more value doing what he's doing. Especially when it comes to Europe
Bannon is very astute!
You know down at the pub or over a dinner, people ask you "if you could choose, who'd be your choice of living person. for a one on one dinner and drinks"? I'd definitely say Bannon
I love this man...just as much as Mr. Trump!!
Steve Bannon wipes the floor with these ' intellectuals '.
Every-time Bannon flattens them they dust themselves off and change the subject.
MIlton quote (by Bannon ) : "To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, then serve in Heaven."
Vis-a-vis Nikki Haley .
He looks better, looks rested, I think he is on a good personal path, God bless him, I wish him success in Europe, and hope he re-enters USA politics when the time is right. White House Communications Director, or Chairman of the RNC,, ....
Let me explain, he said Haley is an ambitious Freemason.
I like the interviewer and Bannon is very persuasive. I’m not an economist so I don’t know whether his approach is best but I believe he has genuinely good intentions and articulates them beautifully. Trump is the crass, dumbed down jerry springer reality tv show version of Bannon, but I guess you need that jerry springer show to rally voters on the blue collar streets of America.
Trump is a doer that just wants to get shit done. He's definitely not one of those all talk and no show politicians.
Bannon says "we're (USA) not looking for protectorates, we're looking for real allies". This is after the US thoroughly dominated Germany from the late 40's onward, and assumed the role of Germany's cold war military defender. Now suddenly Germany is being castigated for not pulling the weight of an independent military partner. Interesting take on history Steve.
Wow. He was absolutely right about the Russia situation.