Service for Second Sunday in Advent 081224

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ธ.ค. 2024
  • Welcome to West Gordon Parish Church of Scotland (Alford, Strathdon, Rhynie)
    Our service for the Second Sunday of Advent, 8th December 2024, was another one of our Shared Services and led from Strathdon Church, but Live-Streamed through to our churches in Alford and Rhynie, who also took part in the service.
    As well as lighting the second candle on our Advent Wreath, the service also included the Sacrament of Holy Communion, which was served across our three churches. Should you wish to join in with Communion at home, then please have a piece of bread and a glass of wine or juice with you at the start of the service and just follow along with us in the church.
    Sadly we did experience a number of sound issues in the recording, which I hope and pray will not affect your ability to follow along and join in with the service.
    The readings from the Bible were - Psalm 27: 1 - 7, Luke 1: 26 - 38 and Luke 1: 68 - 79
    The Hymns used in the service were -
    ‘Come Thou Long Expected Jesus’ (CH4 472)
    ‘Hope, Hope, Hope’ Advent Candle Hymn - verses 1 and 2
    ‘The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came’ (CH4 285)
    ‘For Your Generous Providing’ (CH4 655)
    ‘Christ is Coming!’ (CH4 475)
    ‘May the God of Peace Go with Us’ (CH4 786)
    Many thanks to Kathleen for playing for us, to Phyllis for reading and to Margaret and Somersal for helping with the service. Many thanks to our Elders for helping with the Communion, and also to Richard, Sue and Paul for operating all the technical equipment and recording the service for us.
    All the words of the Hymns, the Lord’s Prayer and Responses come up on the screen, so please feel free to join in at home.
    God bless,

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