@@AndreS_-df2nw Good God, I thought and I think the same watched a few clips of really little gagging love story scenes on "d" channels wich I watched accidently when we knew nothing about her.
Harry,being more a Hewitt than a Battenburg was hardly ever going to be in line for the throne anyway. The throne is very good at eliminating those who would dare to alter the primogenitor of the Succession. Witness the plane Crash of the Prince Williams name sake , an accomplished pilot who wanted to marry his sweet heart that he met in Japan. Or even Dianna,allegedly killed in a Mercedes W140Sedan. Not a very likely occurrence if you know anything about Mercedes cars of this level.The latest being Prince Andrews old mate, Epstain who was murdered in a cell .... So Harry and megan have been given the ultimatum, abdicate and forever live in peace,albeit in exile or stay here and suffer the consequences.
As the British are getting fed up and sick and tired of being called racists, so too, are Americans. And it's about time we stood together and fight back.
PJ Clarke, Great comment!!! So fucking sick of this double standard bullshit, people do need to stick together, & put a stop to this utter shit, me personally, I don't give a flying fuck who calls me racist, because the ones spouting that stupid mantra, are always the ones that are the real racists.
?! PJ Clarke, Not only did a bigoted git in Brit media call Prince Harry's ANGELIC SON a "chimp!," but other Bigoted gits in Brit media employed a brazenly obvious, rabidly racist double-standard against Innocent Meghan!: buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/meghan-markle-kate-middleton-double-standards-royal?bfsource=bbf_enus
?!?@@tommybasham-oo7qf , The rape of those girls was horrific. But "Double-Standard," You say? Not only did bigoted gits in Brit media call Prince Harry's ANGELIC Son an alleged "Chimp!," they also evilly employed a rabidly racist double-standard against Innocent Princess Meghan: buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/meghan-markle-kate-middleton-double-standards-royal?bfsource=bbf_enus We need to work on stopping MULTIPLE problems in society - from sexism and rape to racism and LIES.
@Xantippa1000 , Sounds like some people may have gone a little overboard. I must say I was "perturbed" by Ingmar Bergman's rape scene using his own wife in a "Swedish" film. But that hardly means he was representative of all or most Swedish men. Btw, Some Bigoted gits in Brit media are truly horrible: buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/meghan-markle-kate-middleton-double-standards-royal?bfsource=bbf_enus
When they get divorced, she’ll go in front of media and say “ she never felt like she belonged” or “ the Queen didn’t treat her equal to Kate” and the shit liberal media will lap it up. Then Elton John will write a song about her and the Royals will be labeled racists and have to own it forever.
Nice try. Racists are the first ones to tell people not to use the race card when they get called out. It has been clear from the narratives on the same level things Kate and Diana have done have been different and derogatory if Meghan has done them. That's racism. Just because you don't want to own up to it doesn't make it not true. If you talk like a duck and walk like a duck, you're a racist duck!
They weren't showing their racism then. She was marrying the Prince. She had a right to have the wedding until you'll made the mistake of messing with an American grown woman who knows her own mind and never needed your money in the first place...like she's demonstrating.
@@cindyburrows8393 or maybe she is just insufferable regardless of her skin color. You know, black people are not exempt from being annoying or unlikable, you just use the race card to shield yourself from the truth and to avoid looking at your flaws rather than work on them.
@@cindyburrows8393 Boy do you have your head in the sand. She was a yacht gal learning all the trick of her trade. She had no money as far as that goes she has no class or manners as well
@@dolos9978 No its the venom that gives you away and you think we can't see it. But really its something you feel. Like I said, the card is always in play. We are expert watchdogs...You are the ones that must behave. Not because blacks are saints, but because of the over the top behavior and venom. Some of your ancestors had it. The venom. They were tone deaf too.
My best friend since school 35 years ago has his own buissiness putting fences up established 15 years ago and has 100% facebook ratings, the way he works (like most) is you phone him up and he will come to your house to measure up and give you the quote in a day or 2, he got a call last year for a quote so he went to measure up, because he did not get to give a price the next morning he faced a barrage of abuse on facebook about him being racist because he was not quick enough. Yes we are F***ING SICK of this racist card.
A car dealer advertised a car at a price. A "customer" called about the car and offered a price. The dealer said no, the price is the price. He is not running a charity. Well, this offended the "customer", he felt insulted. He procedded to bring "human rights" charges against the dealer. The kangaroo court found him guilty and ordered him to pay 20grand i think. The idiot marxists running the human rights trubunals should be jailed for extorting people.
@@fredpoesie2429 Wait till the Queen passes away. Australia will be the first to hold a referendum on whether to stay in the Commonwealth. I doubt they will stay, they are understandably angry over our British government being loathe to help over the bush fires, except to send their condolences. Other commonwealth countries will follow Australia if they back out.
Dan Templeton--I taught for a quarter century in a school district that was totally ghetto/barrio. The last ten years of my career, I didn't have ONE Caucasian student in my classes. Not one. What I did see during those years was that the community organizers and leaders (the likes of Jessie Jackson, Barack Obama, et al) were always stirring up the communities with cries of racism, bigotry, etc. NOT ONCE did the community activists tell the students to study hard, graduate, keep out of the gangs, stay away from drugs, make a better life. Why? Because these residents of the ghetto/barrio are power bases for the leader/activists. They control the people. If their sons and daughters become educated and move out to better lives, they lose their power base and their influence with politicians.
@@onemercilessming1342 Hate is an excellent way of motivating people. NAZIs used it; as did communists. It brings out the worst, most destructive emotions in a person by blocking that person from using their intellect to rationally consider their situation. It turns them into a ravening mob that can be used to destroy your opposition, and it is only used by the worst players in the game.
It's universal.. ALL the so called minorities use it.. BTW World wide, white people are a minority and the numbers are going down daily.. But we are not going to get any victim status are we?
BUT, it's called idenitity politics, left or right, both ideologies can be exploiting. Whenever I talk about rational thinking to the left, the left calls me racist. Whenever I talk about rational thinking to the right, the right calls me an Anti-White mongrel. So both *extreme* ideologies don't like debate and they fear reason. But who cares about reason when you are being *progressive.*
Love Laurence Fox. I'm in US. Racism exists but NOTHING like reported. Racists are shunned. So are those who call racism at every turn! I don't like some people. Has nothing to do with race! It's all about character.
@imiss toronto I don't know where you're from, judging by your uname, you're probably a Leftist from Canada. I'm American and I love President Trump. He's done more for my country than any President in my life. He's gotten amazing support from the Hispanic community here, and more and more black people are supporting him every day. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, so mind your own country's business. Our President is awesome. Your PM is a jackass.
@@allenmax8995 not even close! I don't know where you're living buddy, I'm a prairie boy born and raised. The problem that they have in the states about racism I don't think we have any idea. Because it's not really racism it's a specific part of racism, racism towards blacks. You can bring up the Indian question in Canada, but it doesn't equate.
@Bell Maximus Cattus If I recall right we had race riots, globally, UK included in 1913 when we had a tiny number of them in a few port towns mainly. Because, seemingly, they had a tendency to rape. I forget where I saw it, but there were a number of newspaper shots to demonstrate the claim.
When someone on the left uses the word “racist” it’s code for “I’m to stupid to debate you and my ideas lack any common sense so I’ll lose the debate, so I’ll call you racist to stop the conversation...and so that my fellow leftists can pat me on the back and call me virtuous, even though I didn’t do anything virtuous.”
Ir0n W1LL God made me what I am I had no input or control. I'm white and proud if I was black id be proud. God does not make mistakes we are made in His likeness and image no matter the color.
“People were very, very supportive. They only turned against her when she started to become this incredibly woke activist who was lecturing everyone else about feminism and climate change and mental health." You understand us. Thank you.
John❣👍 SPOT ON ! ! ! May I add... I think...mm hiding.. behind the word racist.. to save.. her exposed personal agendas and her antics.. I think observant ppl see thru her true color and she didnt like it one bit♦️hence using her racist...card.. to cover up her deceptions.
@@thisdude6858 Nothing quite so drastic, drama (queen) boy. How about we just consider it a "non thing" a nothing word that has no meaning. How about when we hear or read the word racist from those who love to toss it out like beads at Mardi Gras we just imagine oh I don't know how about a peace sign, a dove, a beach, we can all pick our own picture to represent. I think I'll make mine a little Mazda Miata. I miss my zippy little car.
@jane dais now tell me besides white people can you name any great inventors of any non white population?? Now tell me also who finances these non whites into white society besides white people??? How many non whites do you know who created and run 3rd world charities for the benefit of non whites in non white countries??? The whole entire non white world owes white so much that it really becomes priceless the contributions of white people. Suck it up your filthy racist, sounds like your pissed right off as you probably spent all that free money you got for being a non white in a white country...🙋
funny how my comment got removed for saying what no one has the balls to say, i'll say it again The only people calling the British people racist are the same newspapers and new stations spreading the elites propaganda so that all the peasants can fight among each other and ignore the fact that there are pedophiles walking around the palace! Princess Diana would be rolling in her tomb thinking what the f the people are so worked up about his son wanting to leave the RF like she tried to do! Now looking at the comments I see a bunch of idiots all defensive and worked up! if you know you are not racist then why are you feeling guilty! and this is prove and signs that the propaganda pushed by the neoliberal and neocons (NOT socialists or progressives) is working. the neoliberals prey on identity politics meanwhile the neocons and far right feed off race haters! But its interesting how stupid and gullible the comment section reflects the average uninformed citizen. All i have left is one word! Karma. What goes around comes around. you vote against your own interest now deal with the consequences! remove my post again! better yet, pass on my information to the CIA I'm coming for all of you!
Why hate harry? He,s just an ordinary guy who lost his mum early and hasnt got over it he,s served in the military and has never been big headed or royal and now has decided he cant cope with that royal life so he has walked away from it , good for him
@Bjorn Goumundsen he hasnt used it to act against anyone he,s just hurt and running ,you have to remember his father was commiting adultery now his uncle is up for being a pedo so its all falling apart anyway, the queen is the only true christian among them . But as for you im sorry because it must still hurt like having a hole in your life that cannot be filled . I am a born again christian and as a man i have had a very painful life but through Jesus i am slowly having my barriers brought down, harry doesnt have this he is on his own and running for the hills dont blame him its either run or suicide because of the pain, i would like to sit and talk with him and allow him to pour out his feelings and pain
It happens because the leftists don’t have the truth on their side, so they resort to name calling, like spoiled children. If you try to explain to a leftist why their idea wouldn’t work out, they just start insulting you instead of giving a comprehensive argument back....because they don’t possess a comprehensive argument! Their ideas have been tried and failed horribly throughout history, hell, the Communism thing killed millions and Socialism is unsustainable in large countries...like America. It ALWAYS turns to Communism. So, it’s like they’re advocating genocide, and are too stupid to even realize it. They also don’t give a damn about minorities, the minorities will get hurt badly, if leftist rule is implemented. The minorities are just being manipulated and used by leftists...some things don’t change. More and more are realizing it every day.
...it was not racist ! She did all the “things” she should have not done....why did she make such a circus out of her and the baby and everything else...?
@Legacy In Waiting ...i think she should have been a little less "out there"!...they could have gotten a lovely life in Sussex...country side living with lots of fresh air for Archie...and for themselves.
Just in the time she has spent here is obvious had no plan staying/fitting in with the royal family traditions. Just bailed instead if using her position to further causes here.
@Willa-jane's opinion Be all accounts , she is not as rich as Harry, but she is rich, so we know it wasn't financial. Leave them alone, they are happy.
If this programme was shown on mainstream TV in England nowadays the Loony Lefties reaction would be the same as if Adolf Hitler had risen from the grave and started doing a party political broadcast on BBC1.
The Boers made bricks and built a Nation... The ANC, EFF, & others have stolen a Nation and are making a pile of broken bricks out of it. SA is being given the "Zimbabwe Treatment" courtesy of China backed interests.
So what are you going to do about it? And what about your immigration problems. Getting to the point where there are more Muslims than Christians. What are you going to do about that?
@@MsBabylove11 What about Brexit. Has that stopped the influx of Muslims? I think Not. I'm pretty sure people are still calling the English racist to this day. Brexit hasn't deterred people from speaking their minds. So what were you saying about Brexit?
Uhm...the British tabloids made that plain and clear once they found out about Harry's relationship with Meghan. She was stereotyped from the start. The articles are out there...just research!
Yep we did find out that she is of mixed race from the media. It was a fact along with she is American and a divorced woman. Obviously the public was interested. She was welcomed and we loved the fact she is all of these things. It was her attitude and and her personality that eventually come to the fore which made us realise that she was not the most likable of people.
@@rosemarywoolley8394 So you're not going to place any responsibility on your British Media and Tabloids for their daily harassment of Harry's wife? The media used their platform to paint a negative picture/ view of the Duchess by printing lies on a daily basis. If stories are printed daily...a lie becomes the truth.
@@suebyrdsong3445 it's the job of the media to hold the royal family to account, if it was daily maybe it was because she was behaving appallingly on an almost daily basis??
Why British are tired of being calling racists ? It is true. The British press is the perfect prototype of the British people: the most disgusting, repulsive and racist people in the world.
Why do you think Britain's racist you must think South Africa Zimbabwe Sudan Saudi Arabia Pakistan India at the f****** super racists right people don't care from the west everyone knows that this anti white racism against us it's terrible and white people are standing up you can call us all this at what you are but you will be getting deported back to third world shitholes
I'm an American. Even though many countries are really beautiful, I'll always care more about America. Even if I moved to another country, America would always have a special place in my heart, like no other country. I also happen to be white. I guess that makes me a white nationalist, and I'm proud to be one! 🇺🇸
The world all over is exhausted of the self-victimhood of the entitlement generation and the over-privileged. Move on from celebrities. To the UK citizens, God bless you and your queen.
LA TAINA, ?! For Pete's sake! An EVIL Bigoted Git in Brit media even INSANELY compared Prince Harry's Angelic INFANT to an alleged "Chimp!," Other Evil Bigots in media applied a Glaringly Obvious, RABIDLY RACIST Double-Standard to Innocent Princess Meghan.Good thing REAL journalists compiled EXAMPLES of their EVIL BIAS!: buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/meghan-markle-kate-middleton-double-standards-royal?bfsource=bbf_enus
Diana Dangas ..yes but blacks and other nationalities/race are very racist...it's not just a WHITE thing...but the race card expired no new ones will be issued out
I was once accused of being a racist at work as I said that racism should not be banned in a free speech environment! For the record, I lost relatives in the Holocaust!
@Lucky Lucan I was being generous. It has been going on for a very long time, but it really ratcheted up since about 2007... At least that's what I saw.
The best way to stop this "racist" yelling is probably to answere: "Yes, I am a racist!. So what? Does it concern you?". That might make the yeller so surprised that he "pisses off"
I don't think ss was more racist than a average lefty, Germany had several African and Asian allies, don't believe the hyper propaganda making you a racist of Germans and ending up with the exact same problem as Hitler had on he's doorstep,comumisme, and will repeat history once again
@@megamus3 I am Native American and love it, but 1st I am an American and I respect all Americans I don't identity as Red as I am a human not a color. And I don't see myself as a victim, if you see yourself as a victim .. you are one.
@@xjamirakrystalx4764 this whole Megxit thingy is not supposed to matter to me, and eventhough i liked her when she first appeared, I already took the "sick and tired of Meghan" side lol. And usually we're one of the "vulnerable" regarding racism, whether if theres a valid reason or not
Sabrina Dodich isn’t it amazing how TRUMP GOT MANY AWARDS 🥇 from JESSE JACKSON in the 80s and 90s FOR HELPING AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT, he was never called a racist he was cherished among the African American communities and among Black leaderships for the charity work he did he was friends with the kardashians before bruce Jenner became female and still is same with Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson until he ran for President pre 2015 he was the American Dream for all Americans black or white he was a second generation immigrant and his father came here with nothing, rappers worshipped Trump, OBAMA IS QUOTED ON CAMERA 🎥 SAYING “TRUMP IS THE AMERICAN DREAM”
in the netherlands we have the house of orange. we as taxpayers give a lot of money to the king, his his Wife their children and the king's family. This is also the case in the UK. We and you choose that. Although I can't remember ever signing a contract for it. I am not a royalist and as far as I am concerned they can leave. I don't see the point, but when we agreed to join that puppet show, we shouldn't complain and believe me there are so many racsists in the UK as in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The royal house is being forced on you and as long as you accept that and even pay for it, you should not complain
Chill Out lol the only reason you thrive is because the homosapien (black people.) had sex with other species the colour and features are just mutations we all bleed red. Grow up mate.
@@gpaige1537 It's not about race for me as an American. I'm just fucking done paying 100's of BILLIONS yearly for Hispanics to live for free and turn everything into a ghetto as they call us racist. If these Hispanics were white, which most do have white, i still wouldn't want to pay for them to live and steal our jobs. I'm in California and pay about 45% tax for these racist freeloading Hispanics. Everywhere they move the area goes to shit in under a year. You can twist it anyway you like, reality is truth. Soon the entire globe will be a ghetto and POC will have their dream!!! It's about money and way of life, not race. Good luck
Yes yes we are tires.And no we're not racists in the majority.Americans tend to be very kind and friendly.Of course every country on earth has its share of racist idiots in it unfortunatly.
"Pommie on the outside , Aussie on the inside" ha ha, racist !! But I love it , even as a Pommie bastard !! We need humour , woke people have no humour
@@AA-ek5kz What is antisemitism ? I am a Christian that loves Jehovah and Jesus Shem is the fore father of Jesus whom defended his father Noah's dignity.. I hate modern Judaism because it is based on lies.. I hate the genocide in Israel.. You can't hide behind Shem hypocrite. He has nothing to do with modern day Judaism or Russian Ashkenazi Japhite Hams or converts so why do you continue to use this false narrative ? It is not even recognised in law Do you have Shem's DNA? Do you have Jacobs DNA? Do you have Judah's DNA? No ? Well shut up then and stop abusing the name of Shem..people hate so called Jews or Judaism..they may have their valid reasons but to drag Shem into it is a cowards masquerade that doesn't want to face the real issues of genocide false flags war for oil and the usurp of the holy land Palestinia denial and Islamaphobia to name a few..get real grow up and stop accusing. as your showing your stupidity by not saying anything at all
@Merlene Taylor He's done a hit and run. I don't know what a snow flake is applied to a person..but snow is white so unless he comes back to explain his cryptic post gona take it as poo
@@shazdave8886 It's a propagandised network that belongs to a group of networks owned by Newscorp (Rupert Murdoch) to perpetuate conservative viewpoints as they support corporate industries that are profitable for nobody but the governments of the west and the private industry. I'm not politically biased but look into it. It's a real thing. Anyway, I think it's pretty easy to spot how biased sky is.
Charles has always seemed much more than an enabler; he's just been kept on a short leash the past decade and a half. His influence is coming out in Harry, though. A kind of alter ego.
I found it so weird that at her wedding Oprah and Gail sat there like royalty and her mother sat there was on her own. No plus one, what does she have no relatives on her mums side or at least a friend?
The Australian people haven't experienced any of the crap we get here in England They do what they want and say what they want. And really don't give a dam. Fair play to them. Like the ship full to the brim of people. I CAN'T REMEMBER WHO THEY WERE NOW. BUT WOULD THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT LET THEM IN???. NOPE. THEY PUT THERE FOOT DOWN AND THAT WAS THAT. IS THAT RACIST? THEY ARE STRONG PEOPLE. AND WON'T BE DICTATED TO. FARE PLAY TO THEM. THAT'S HOW WE SHOULD BE. FRIG THE HUMAN RIGHTS BILL. WE DON'T WANT PEOPLE COMING HERE TELLING US WHAT THEY WANT AND IF THEY DON'T GET IT WE'RE RACIST.. 😟
Just to complete your comment in a way that you may agree with ... It's funny how we get more accurate and reality-based journalism from Australia about the UK than we ever get in the UK.
Wish the UK was like the 50s again.immigration has ruined the U.K. at least they had enough sense not to vote labour. Now you need to stop the trash from eastern Europe coming, Putin can have them back. Don't bother responding, I hate these trash. End of story.
Order out of chaos is an illuminati slogan. I don't think they are doing a good job of making the chaos look real, or their moral grand standing, look honest.
How very , very sad all this is for the monarchy! After the queen dies, what will happen? Will it survive? Some People have disliked the monarchy for years, but it has served the country well. British monarchy has added gravitas to the nation, and it is much admired around the world.
@M 40 "Sorry pal, but the rest of the world laughs at countries that still have a monarchy." Um, I don't think so. That would be like laughing at a person because they're living in a mansion or driving a Rolls Royce or something.
Tommy Robinson has finally been proved right and know s more about the grooming gangs than anyone other than the Home office and should be given not only an apology but a as a Gov;t adviser , he's proved the powers that be were all part of this disgusting and humiliation of every government since the 80s, but instead they call Tommy THE RACIST!, THEY ALL NEED A LONG HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR
@Legacy In Waiting besides spouting woke nonsense, being a hypocrite, breaking a family apart and just all around acting very entitled? Yeah sure, know nothing about her to claim a dislike to her. 🤦🏽♂️
@Legacy In Waiting actually once you join the Monarchy, you stop having agency, you're not allowed to do or say things that a normal citizen is allowed to (like in the military, you lose your rights to a lot of things when you join), if it's not approved by the Queen you're not allowed to do so and because British hold Queen Liz in high favour compared to a white looking woman (yes she looks white, most would have assumed she's merely of Spanish or Italian heritage from looking at her) like Meghan she's going to be disliked, just as we dislike Charles and Carmela for what they do and say (without the Queens approval).
@Legacy In Waiting Holy crap, legacy, please do not spout out the race card here. I am an american who follows the royal family and megan acts entitled and victimized herself of being hounded by the media as if she is the only one. Diana was hounded far worse than her, and what about Fergie? They were absolutely cruel to her. What about thin waif kate Middleton, a middle class girl only trying to go up the ladder. They even hounded her sister Pippa. All these women have been harrassed and spoken about in a very negative way in the press, and they happen to have light colored skin. Now, if you were to say the british press are assholes to any woman marrying into the royal family, you would be absolutely correct. Throwing the race card around so carelessly is very dangerous and all it does is separate people more than we need to be.
@Legacy In Waiting This is what this reminds me of. I have a student who is loud mouth and loves insulting anyone and everyone. Black, white, asian, hispanic, rich, poor, skinny, big, male, female, shorts user vs pants user, coke lover vs. pepsi lover. You name it, he insults them. Each person that comes in, he has a comment about them based on how they look. Some are racist remarks, others are sexist and most are unclever. And he does this to EVERYONE coming in, except with his parents. What if I decide to record him ONLY making comments to the black students and no one else, then the narrative will be he is racist. How about I decide to only focus on his comments to the girls, BOOM! I just changed the narrative to him being a sexist. How about only to the kids that are big, then now he is a fat shamer. Watch the whole video in its entirety, he is a jerk because he is an equal opportunity offender. That’s what its been like with the press: Enter Diana, shred her to pieces. Enter Fergie: Keep shredding her to pieces. Enter Kate: Shred to Pieces. Enter Meghan: Shred her to pieces. I can just as easily pinpoint and link to you articles that praise Meghan when she first came onto the scene. People were excited about her. She was going to give a fresh take to the royal family. Finally, someone who will move the Royal family into the future. All of these articles exist. I can pick and choose news headlines to fit my narrative of the british press being amazing, so what are you talking about? And vice versa. It's a fallacy to claim that Meghan was pushed out based solely on racism because the pattern of past behavior of the press proves otherwise. If the press did not go after the other women just as hard, I would then agree with you. She was pushed out because the press does not take too kindly to non royal blood and newbies. Plus, there are people who legit don't like her personality.
@natalie richter racism is alive and growing and that's a disease that will kill some people ...shame how said we're all going to dit underground, straight hair, sharp nose or not, we all going to a place where there's no discrimination ,and might even regret discriminating ...I personally think she's beautifully with or without straight hair glad that she can "juggle" it if she wants Harry's got beautiful frizzy curly hair and she loves him that way
Meagan should get China to build her an Island 🌴 far from the racist next to Somalia 🇸🇴 everything is free nothing to pay 💰 and the air is fresh and clean
No discussion about UK grooming gangs can be had, at legth without mentioning Tommy's name. If nobody mentions his name, the discussion is a Clayton's discussion and is avoiding the subject on purpose, IMO. Tommy is central to exposing the horrible PC culture behind how it was able to continue.
At 10:19 I can confirm this statement through experience. I'm gay and a veteran and I despise leftist culture, gay culture, and the feminization of men.
I've seen behaviour from Megs that hints very strongly at her being a Narcissist. Must be the centre of attention, thought she could be the new People's Princess. When people rejected her domineering she threw a hussy fit and went back to the limelight of Hollyweird dragging poor Harry with her.
Michael Gorman Charles is hardly privileged. Royal family own everything and through Privy Council the government surrupticiously. Bring them down for stealing our land and money
@@chockie62.. Harry has more Footage and Photos of his Mum to remember her from than ANY OTHER PERSON ON THIS PLANET.. You'd THINK with all that Royal Dosh they'd have got him help with these problems when she died!
funny how my comment got removed for saying what no one has the balls to say, i'll say it again The only people calling the British people racist are the same newspapers and new stations spreading the elites propaganda so that all the peasants can fight among each other and ignore the fact that there are pedophiles walking around the palace! Princess Diana would be rolling in her tomb thinking what the f the people are so worked up about his son wanting to leave the RF like she tried to do! Now looking at the comments I see a bunch of idiots all defensive and worked up! if you know you are not racist then why are you feeling guilty! and this is prove and signs that the propaganda pushed by the neoliberal and neocons (NOT socialists or progressives) is working. the neoliberals prey on identity politics meanwhile the neocons and far right feed off race haters! But its interesting how stupid and gullible the comment section reflects the average uninformed citizen. All i have left is one word! Karma. What goes around comes around. you vote against your own interest now deal with the consequences! remove my post again! better yet, pass on my information to the CIA I'm coming for all of you!
@@barbarachristina2026 Yea sure and how much taxis pay the foreigners in your country ? Million of pounds ! Listen idiot they just used you to take power the capitalists and capitalists love moeny and they dont give a fuck who makes moeny white or black christian or muslim theupy just want moeny and business Do you think they will fuck their business for an idiot like u ? Of course not
"Yes, I'm an Actor, I travel and cause a significant carbon footprint, but I make up for it by preaching to the general public about how they should reduce their's." - Laurence Fox.
Nobody is making the generalization that all Brits are racist. By and large crowds in UK have been lovely to Meghan. We are talking about the Racist toxic British Tabloids who daily write lies and the people who show on their daily forums and trash a person they know nothing about except what they read in Tabloids. Brits have this weird aspect of news, lip readers, body readers and people who are sold as Royal experts. I believe none of this tripe. There are many cultures... and modes of behavior deriving from cultural norms. Brits have a classed based society. America much less so...Education, beauty, brains and fame can move people through society in America... Meghan was guest at White House before Harry. People are seen as racist because you seem to cling to some superficial image of a young woman who went to a top University, who speaks a second language. She worked at US embassy in Argentina as Public Affairs officer...I thinks did not expect she would be so smart, sophisticated and capable. They wanted her to fail. She didn't so they decided to demean her daily. Lots of racism!
We are a White country .. and the black and browns invading our country are trying to get more of their kind here; when they don't have any right to be here!
@@twittertwice Lord Almighty you've been guzzling that Koolade. You my friend are a dying breed. Well at least you haven't lost your enthusiasm. That's good, you're going to need it.
I don’t think Charles will ever become king he is too old and has a leftie outlook. Not good. There is,no racism regarding markel woman. We just don’t like her dictating to us. She’s has over stepped the mark
Unless Charles dies before his mother then he will be our next King. You don't get a choice of successor. It's not a reality TV show where you vote for the next monarch.
Charles was pretty much raised by Lord mountbatten who was a pedophile and his best friend was Jimmy Savile the royal family is eat up with pedophilia and it's time people open their freaking eyes to it
Does anyone calling the British racist realize that Queen Charlotte, married to George III was a black woman? It’s not as if this Meghan Markle was the first woman of black descent to be part of the royal family....the word racist has been applied ad nauseam to anyone who disagrees with whoever has an ax to grind.....
Really? Where's your evidence Queen Charlotte was black? All portraits of her depict her as white and she was a German princess there is no reference of her being black. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_of_Mecklenburg-Strelitz
bluebirdwales Found some evidence there was a bunch of other sources. Just saying don’t use Wikipedia we learned this already aaregistry.org/story/englands-first-black-queen-sophie-charlotte-born/
if you don't mind sycophantic pro-Israel propaganda, then it's definitely the only channel worth listening to in Australia. 99% of the rest are all total liberal garbage.
Alvida Hamesha My grandfather fought in WWII for the British to protect his country against people who deny and oppress individual liberties such as freedom of speech, an ideology that is far more supported by the left than the so-called ‘far right’. People are allowed to watch Sky, people are allowed to see both sides of the story. That’s how democracy works.
Sky News Australia would need another name otherwise Comcast will sue Rupert Murdoch for infringing on the 'Sky' name and Sky News Australia would be shut down immediately anyway because they aren't PC and they'd say that its full of a right wing bias while not slapping a fine on ITN (the company who produces ITV news, Channel 4 News and Channel 5 News) and the BBC who both have a left-wing bias in their journalism. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) would also ban all adverts on the channel because it's "sexist" like they did to Volkswagen banning one of their adverts because it showed a woman holding a baby and banning another from PC Specialists because there were no women in their advert despite being 80% of sales to men... So what I'm saying is that Sky News Australia would be a legal failure in the UK
@@wclifton968gameplaystutorials But a colossal rating success surely? With the internet all they would have to do is stream a channel (Sky News Australia UK?) timed for UK audience, breakfast show etc and focusing more on the UK.
@@jonvalentine8109 they could just make a live web simulcast but they sure as hell won't be able to send it through your TV via an arial or sattelite dish or through virgin media who are the only UK based cable TV providers that I know of...
Africa has been on foreign aid longer than most Canadian/British taxpayers have been born. This while exsoldiers and the mentality handicapped live, sleep and die on the bitterly cold streets of Canada. Our Canadian politicians and bureaucrats on their way to work, stepped over the homeless. Let that sink in. Why? Enquiring minds need to know
Now if that wasn't a purely racist driven comment I can not think of better description. But of course your not racist, just can't handle having a non-pure-white royal.
@@ericagunn6664 Which makes it that much more sad. It is extremely common in the US any time a wealthy white male marries someone that isn't as " white " as they are that she is in it either for citizenship or money. Without intention you stumbled into a extremely racist comment because you only looked at the smaller picture. And that, believe it or not, is in a huge way the problem with racism. It hides in ways that affect even the thoughts of those being discriminated against.
And honestly no one really cared....She herself blew that out of proportion. She ,in my opinion, wasn't mistreated. Any one in the public eye is going to be either liked or disliked. If you are going into the public eye ya need to be thick skinned.
Harry has changed so much since Megan Markle came on the scene. She Married Prince Harry, became a global name, she has the baby , Royal title. She got the tools she wanted under her belt. Megan is a D list actress acting like A, list actress. She thinks she is set for life having a sense of entitlement beyond believe She is scheming, and thinks she can get what she wants by throwing her toys out of the cot. She has nothing to do with her mother's family. She has trashed her father and step siblings , having no problem ripping apart Harry from his family ties. He is blindly in love and besotted with this woman. But the day will come when he has a wake up call to all this crazy things going on. Let's face it she's the driving force behind all of this . For someone who comes from humble background behaving like this is scary, it shows traits of Nacistic behavior. Actually her behavior is like Donal Trump. Gets is wrong , tells lies , blames the media, in her case blames Royals , racism!!! Also the British people. Though I must say she was happy to take tax payers money for the wedding, Frogmore cottage renovations. Also expects to get all security paid from British tax payers, us money from the Queen , Prince Charles. It's sad that they say they want a quiet life out of the spotlight of media. Well why does she tell the press about her secret meeting( childish behavior) and arrange a photo opportunity for the press. The Royal famil, British people and British Commonwealth don't deserve the bad behavior of these too. . Harry also should be reminded Princess Diane was William's mother too. He makes money on banging on how difficult it was when she died. Man up Harry,, get a life they are many horror stories of human lives lost in tragic ways. Stop peddling this poor woman tragic life end to make money. It's embarrassing. If they chose to move away that's their right and we wish them well but the trouble they are causing is totally shocking, Megan is hell bent in trying to destroy over 1,000,00 years of Royal institutionalized history. Nasty woman all round . I feel better for my rant. Thank you.
She seriously knew what she was getting herself into when she married into the Royal family. Now she's all of a sudden shes blowing up the family monarchy.
As a republican I am bemused that even the Royal family themselves think it is not worth the trouble - even when getting paid millions just to smile and be nice to people.
I think most of us could see it coming. If the Royal family was racist then why would they let that relationship continue as long as it did? Surely a background check was done on MS Markle and they knew she worked as a yacht girl around Jeffrey Epstein and SoHo House. They would have known about the sorority incident when Markle used super glue on a girl's eyes to glue them shut although why isn't known. What is known is that Meghan Markles father had to pay. damages to the girl's family and cover the medical bills related to the eyesight injuries so his daughter Meghan didn't go to jail for assault. Surely at 20 years old you would think that Meghan would have been raised to understand that you can't glue someone's eyes shut with superglue. If the girl lost her eyesight because of Markle its been covered up by the palace who made sure certain truths about Prince Harry's fiancee were scrubbed from the internet. There's also the fact that Markle lied about her membership in the Actor's guide to get jobs .Doing so didn't seem to bother her. Now several years later Markle has moved Harry to California and Harry is not on good terms with his family. Odd isn't it that Markle doesn't speak to her family and now both Harry and his wife have problems with the Royal family? Funny thing is that Harry always seemed happy doing his Royal engagements until Markle came along. 🤔
"American actress" is NOT a race!!
(Terrible)"American actress".
@@AndreS_-df2nw Good God, I thought and I think the same watched a few clips of really little gagging love story scenes on "d" channels wich I watched accidently when we knew nothing about her.
@Findlay Robertson If she was any good why leave !
And she wasn't even good at that!!!!
Why not just stop talking about them? They're not even Royal anymore, technically. They want out, give them out.
if they are no longer royals why do they still need security
She was never royal , more a petty commoner
Maverick Hunter K NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Christ almighty if your going to kick them out send them to Venezuela!
Harry,being more a Hewitt than a Battenburg was hardly ever going to be in line for the throne anyway.
The throne is very good at eliminating those who would dare to alter the primogenitor of the Succession. Witness the plane Crash of the Prince Williams name sake , an accomplished pilot who wanted to marry his sweet heart that he met in Japan. Or even Dianna,allegedly killed in a Mercedes W140Sedan. Not a very likely occurrence if you know anything about Mercedes cars of this level.The latest being Prince Andrews old mate, Epstain who was murdered in a cell ....
So Harry and megan have been given the ultimatum, abdicate and forever live in peace,albeit in exile or stay here and suffer the consequences.
peter forden , who was a royal?
never trust anyone who identifies as woke.
They need to be systematically removed from all public offices.
woof beast Hmm, calling people racist because they're white. Sounds awfully racist to me
I trust them based on their character.
@@NigelUltra How do you know he was calling white people racist, isn't that racist for you to assume that?
@@topsyturvy1982 What does that even mean?
As the British are getting fed up and sick and tired of being called racists, so too, are Americans. And it's about time we stood together and fight back.
PJ Clarke, Great comment!!! So fucking sick of this double standard bullshit, people do need to stick together, & put a stop to this utter shit, me personally, I don't give a flying fuck who calls me racist, because the ones spouting that stupid mantra, are always the ones that are the real racists.
?! PJ Clarke, Not only did a bigoted git in Brit media call Prince Harry's ANGELIC SON a "chimp!," but other Bigoted gits in Brit media employed a brazenly obvious, rabidly racist double-standard against Innocent Meghan!:
?!?@@tommybasham-oo7qf , The rape of those girls was horrific. But "Double-Standard," You say? Not only did bigoted gits in Brit media call Prince Harry's ANGELIC Son an alleged "Chimp!," they also evilly employed a rabidly racist double-standard against Innocent Princess Meghan:
We need to work on stopping MULTIPLE problems in society - from sexism and rape to racism and LIES.
@Xantippa1000 , Sounds like some people may have gone a little overboard. I must say I was "perturbed" by Ingmar Bergman's rape scene using his own wife in a "Swedish" film. But that hardly means he was representative of all or most Swedish men. Btw, Some Bigoted gits in Brit media are truly horrible:
@@tommybasham-oo7qf I totally agree with you
I’m British, and I’m sick of hearing about them. She’s clearly spat her dummy out!!!
Dave Kelly, it all began when his mother and Fergie were constantly rammed down our throats by the MSM.
That’s right. We’re fed up! Once she’s through with using Harry, she’ll call him the next racist.
I give it 5 years tops.......
She'd be right, to be fair. He did dress up as a nazi and has called Pakistani British soldiers 'ragheads'.
in which case I wonder who will raise Archie
When they get divorced, she’ll go in front of media and say “ she never felt like she belonged” or “ the Queen didn’t treat her equal to Kate” and the shit liberal media will lap it up. Then Elton John will write a song about her and the Royals will be labeled racists and have to own it forever.
@@swedejohanson7739 I doubt it very much.
Racists are always the ones who accuse everyone else of racism.
Ernest Oglesby how true that statement is.
Nice try. Racists are the first ones to tell people not to use the race card when they get called out. It has been clear from the narratives on the same level things Kate and Diana have done have been different and derogatory if Meghan has done them. That's racism. Just because you don't want to own up to it doesn't make it not true. If you talk like a duck and walk like a duck, you're a racist duck!
@Ramal Ankh truth hurt asshole ?
She wasn’t calling the British people racist when we paid for her enormous wedding and honeymoon
Boy did you get that right
They weren't showing their racism then. She was marrying the Prince. She had a right to have the wedding until you'll made the mistake of messing with an American grown woman who knows her own mind and never needed your money in the first place...like she's demonstrating.
@@cindyburrows8393 or maybe she is just insufferable regardless of her skin color. You know, black people are not exempt from being annoying or unlikable, you just use the race card to shield yourself from the truth and to avoid looking at your flaws rather than work on them.
@@cindyburrows8393 Boy do you have your head in the sand. She was a yacht gal learning all the trick of her trade. She had no money as far as that goes she has no class or manners as well
@@dolos9978 No its the venom that gives you away and you think we can't see it. But really its something you feel. Like I said, the card is always in play. We are expert watchdogs...You are the ones that must behave. Not because blacks are saints, but because of the over the top behavior and venom. Some of your ancestors had it. The venom. They were tone deaf too.
I expect they are sick and tired of Meghan and Harry generally, by now.
My best friend since school 35 years ago has his own buissiness putting fences up established 15 years ago and has 100% facebook ratings, the way he works (like most) is you phone him up and he will come to your house to measure up and give you the quote in a day or 2, he got a call last year for a quote so he went to measure up, because he did not get to give a price the next morning he faced a barrage of abuse on facebook about him being racist because he was not quick enough.
Yes we are F***ING SICK of this racist card.
I hope your likes stay at 69. Because nobody deserves to be called a racist for taking the time for being slow and doing a good job
You are not tired of the Commonwealth's Card to take ressources like France 😒
A car dealer advertised a car at a price. A "customer" called about the car and offered a price. The dealer said no, the price is the price. He is not running a charity. Well, this offended the "customer", he felt insulted. He procedded to bring "human rights" charges against the dealer. The kangaroo court found him guilty and ordered him to pay 20grand i think.
The idiot marxists running the human rights trubunals should be jailed for extorting people.
@@fredpoesie2429 Wait till the Queen passes away. Australia will be the first to hold a referendum on whether to stay in the Commonwealth. I doubt they will stay, they are understandably angry over our British government being loathe to help over the bush fires, except to send their condolences. Other commonwealth countries will follow Australia if they back out.
Poor guy.
How can it help to make yourself feel that paranoid and that entitled.!
The race card has now expired. Enough is enough.
spot on
No one pulls the race card, a racist actions pulls it.
The anti-s3mitic card needs to expire as well.
White should just accept their half white side I mean most half white half black people in the UK are more white I mean come on look around
@Alan J it's not a belief is a fact. It's always a racist individual's actions that pulls the card
Why are we still talking about these two !
In the U.S., playing the race card is a standard way of deflecting criticism for stupid behaviour.
Dan Templeton--I taught for a quarter century in a school district that was totally ghetto/barrio. The last ten years of my career, I didn't have ONE Caucasian student in my classes. Not one. What I did see during those years was that the community organizers and leaders (the likes of Jessie Jackson, Barack Obama, et al) were always stirring up the communities with cries of racism, bigotry, etc. NOT ONCE did the community activists tell the students to study hard, graduate, keep out of the gangs, stay away from drugs, make a better life. Why? Because these residents of the ghetto/barrio are power bases for the leader/activists. They control the people. If their sons and daughters become educated and move out to better lives, they lose their power base and their influence with politicians.
@@onemercilessming1342 Ghettos are the Democrats modern day plantation for the blacks.
@@onemercilessming1342 Hate is an excellent way of motivating people. NAZIs used it; as did communists.
It brings out the worst, most destructive emotions in a person by blocking that person from using their intellect to rationally consider their situation.
It turns them into a ravening mob that can be used to destroy your opposition, and it is only used by the worst players in the game.
It's universal.. ALL the so called minorities use it.. BTW World wide, white people are a minority and the numbers are going down daily.. But we are not going to get any victim status are we?
BUT, it's called idenitity politics, left or right, both ideologies can be exploiting. Whenever I talk about rational thinking to the left, the left calls me racist. Whenever I talk about rational thinking to the right, the right calls me an Anti-White mongrel. So both *extreme* ideologies don't like debate and they fear reason. But who cares about reason when you are being *progressive.*
Lawrence Fox saying what millions of us think and the twatteratti and the MSM etc can get stuffed
Love Laurence Fox. I'm in US. Racism exists but NOTHING like reported. Racists are shunned. So are those who call racism at every turn! I don't like some people. Has nothing to do with race! It's all about character.
@@auntlinda7132 Well you've got a major racist in the WH, who is full of hate and NO class or character.
@imiss toronto I don't know where you're from, judging by your uname, you're probably a Leftist from Canada. I'm American and I love President Trump. He's done more for my country than any President in my life. He's gotten amazing support from the Hispanic community here, and more and more black people are supporting him every day. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about, so mind your own country's business. Our President is awesome. Your PM is a jackass.
@@imisstoronto3121 The old saying, "Point the finger you've got 3 pointing back you." 😆
If you think you're sick of hearing about racism, try living in the US. 🙄
Black is black ,white is white I dare anyone who begs to differ.
same garbage in Canada
Come to New Zealand, our dear leader is next level woke
Matthew Burke waaaaaaaayciiiiiiiiiiiist......scream it like you mean it
@@allenmax8995 not even close! I don't know where you're living buddy, I'm a prairie boy born and raised. The problem that they have in the states about racism I don't think we have any idea. Because it's not really racism it's a specific part of racism, racism towards blacks. You can bring up the Indian question in Canada, but it doesn't equate.
Now the British people see what we have to go through here in the U.S. ! We get called racist for every single thing we do & say!!
same here in the US. they pull out the race card when convenient
@Bell Maximus Cattus If I recall right we had race riots, globally, UK included in 1913 when we had a tiny number of them in a few port towns mainly. Because, seemingly, they had a tendency to rape. I forget where I saw it, but there were a number of newspaper shots to demonstrate the claim.
@David The left are the real racist bigots. You just proved it.
Tona Ballaro We also get called racist for non white peoples failures in America and abroad
When someone on the left uses the word “racist” it’s code for “I’m to stupid to debate you and my ideas lack any common sense so I’ll lose the debate, so I’ll call you racist to stop the conversation...and so that my fellow leftists can pat me on the back and call me virtuous, even though I didn’t do anything virtuous.”
"It's ok to be white"
Never apologise!!
We need to start throats punching those who attack our race!
That has been classed as a racist statement.Get it printed on a T-shirt and you risk being arrested!That's the mess we are in right now.
Ir0n W1LL God made me what I am I had no input or control. I'm white and proud if I was black id be proud. God does not make mistakes we are made in His likeness and image no matter the color.
Absolutely!! It’s okay to be white.
Caronavirus will start killing the overly sensitive, don't worry
Meghan's race card is like American Express. She never leaves home without it!!
So true, greets from Germany.
Needed with all the white Racist
There is no such thing as a race card you racist.
She went to be the Disney princess voices .. all about Megan gold digger.
It was harry that made the suggestion to the Disney boss u neeed to get fact right
3 cheers for European Christian Man
Bravo for all Alpha Males.
“People were very, very supportive. They only turned against her when she started to become this incredibly woke activist who was lecturing everyone else about feminism and climate change and mental health."
You understand us. Thank you.
As Katy Hopkins said, the only thing royal about Meagan Markle is that she's a royal pain in the arse.
she’s an uppity woman and any woman who dares to be uppity will be called a ‘pain in the arse’ and so much worse.
@Blake Underwood Explain what part of her isn't a pain in the arse?
John❣👍 SPOT ON ! ! ! May I add... I think...mm hiding.. behind the word racist.. to save.. her exposed personal agendas and her antics..
I think observant ppl see thru her true color and she didnt like it one bit♦️hence using her racist...card.. to cover up her deceptions.
Harry and Megs. Royalty of fast food. Burger King and Dairy Queen🤣🤣
@Blake Underwood .. everybody entitle to their opinion.. if you don't agree it's your prerogative. Don't have to be rude.
well said mate this racist crap is getting out of hand enough is enough
What are you going to do about it? order a lynching? Or order a public hanging 😒
Then stop talking about someone you really know nothing about! Neither do the Tabloids...they lie and speculate... just like Fox News in America
Nothing quite so drastic, drama (queen) boy. How about we just consider it a "non thing" a nothing word that has no meaning. How about when we hear or read the word racist from those who love to toss it out like beads at Mardi Gras we just imagine oh I don't know how about a peace sign, a dove, a beach, we can all pick our own picture to represent. I think I'll make mine a little Mazda Miata. I miss my zippy little car.
@jane dais now tell me besides white people can you name any great inventors of any non white population?? Now tell me also who finances these non whites into white society besides white people??? How many non whites do you know who created and run 3rd world charities for the benefit of non whites in non white countries???
The whole entire non white world owes white so much that it really becomes priceless the contributions of white people. Suck it up your filthy racist, sounds like your pissed right off as you probably spent all that free money you got for being a non white in a white country...🙋
funny how my comment got removed
for saying what no one has the balls to say, i'll say it again
The only people calling the British people racist are the same newspapers and new stations spreading the elites propaganda so that all the peasants can fight among each other and ignore the fact that there are pedophiles walking around the palace!
Princess Diana would be rolling in her tomb thinking what the f the people are so worked up about his son wanting to leave the RF like she tried to do!
Now looking at the comments I see a bunch of idiots all defensive and worked up! if you know you are not racist then why are you feeling guilty! and this is prove and signs that the propaganda pushed by the neoliberal and neocons (NOT socialists or progressives) is working.
the neoliberals prey on identity politics meanwhile the neocons and far right feed off race haters!
But its interesting how stupid and gullible the comment section reflects the average uninformed citizen.
All i have left is one word! Karma. What goes around comes around. you vote against your own interest now deal with the consequences!
remove my post again! better yet, pass on my information to the CIA I'm coming for all of you!
Across the world.. were tired of being CALLED racist if someone doesn't get their way
No you bitches just REFUSE to ever acknowledge it you arrogant twat
*we're...sorry I'm English. :)
@@homelesshannah50 derp
Tom fair yes exactly it’s time the worm turned on this bull shit
@Janet Johnson derpedy derp derp
I'm over it with this pair! I've lost interest in them.
Im not racist I detest Harry and Markle in equal portions.
Why hate harry? He,s just an ordinary guy who lost his mum early and hasnt got over it he,s served in the military and has never been big headed or royal and now has decided he cant cope with that royal life so he has walked away from it , good for him
@Bjorn Goumundsen he hasnt used it to act against anyone he,s just hurt and running ,you have to remember his father was commiting adultery now his uncle is up for being a pedo so its all falling apart anyway, the queen is the only true christian among them . But as for you im sorry because it must still hurt like having a hole in your life that cannot be filled . I am a born again christian and as a man i have had a very painful life but through Jesus i am slowly having my barriers brought down, harry doesnt have this he is on his own and running for the hills dont blame him its either run or suicide because of the pain, i would like to sit and talk with him and allow him to pour out his feelings and pain
@raymond daubney yes i agree with that and its another issue for him
@Bjorn Goumundsen no problem i wish you well
@@kennethperry5500 Under the influence of his wife. He used to be a really nice guy. Once they split up, he'll come back to being a great guy.
Americans are also tired of the term “racist” being hurled from left field just because it’s a convenient insult
Amen to that!!
Nah, Im just gonna be racist now. Fuck all yall.
Constantly...over the years...never ending, spewing it over and over when no one is even thinking of it.😠
It happens because the leftists don’t have the truth on their side, so they resort to name calling, like spoiled children. If you try to explain to a leftist why their idea wouldn’t work out, they just start insulting you instead of giving a comprehensive argument back....because they don’t possess a comprehensive argument! Their ideas have been tried and failed horribly throughout history, hell, the Communism thing killed millions and Socialism is unsustainable in large countries...like America. It ALWAYS turns to Communism. So, it’s like they’re advocating genocide, and are too stupid to even realize it. They also don’t give a damn about minorities, the minorities will get hurt badly, if leftist rule is implemented. The minorities are just being manipulated and used by leftists...some things don’t change. More and more are realizing it every day.
Alexis Crawford cause its the truth! I forgot this channel is the Fox News of Australia
...it was not racist ! She did all the “things” she should have not done....why did she make such a circus out of her and the baby and everything else...?
Good choice of words
@Legacy In Waiting ...i think she should have been a little less "out there"!...they could have gotten a lovely
life in Sussex...country side living with
lots of fresh air for Archie...and for themselves.
There are Black British and White British, which one is sick and tired of being called racist?
Just in the time she has spent here is obvious had no plan staying/fitting in with the royal family traditions. Just bailed instead if using her position to further causes here.
...ok...but that kind of life comes with that kind of problem they do not like...they can not have both anywhere in the world....
Didn't even know she was HALF black...
Cheryl Sabol She’s not half black. Her mother Doria is also mixed race that makes MM 25% black, as she is very light skinned. Not being mean here.
Courter black
Britain embraced Mr Hendrix. (& our blues musicians )before he broke out big here in the USA (🎼🎸🎹🎷🎺🎤🥁
When she was on suits, I thought she was Hispanic.
Yeah me neither.
Too Right.
Harry Married A SNAKE
His life. Do you think he cares what you think he is free of it, She is his wife.
@Willa-jane's opinion Be all accounts , she is not as rich as Harry, but she is rich, so we know it wasn't financial. Leave them alone, they are happy.
British people are not idiots! Meghan thought they were easy to manipulate!!
That's right its?? All about her and 💰.....
And she did! She got what she wanted, ditched her family, used and abused the royals and is it Harry next?
She got exactly what she wanted.
@Jesse Veraert are*
@Jesse Veraert "are"
Why isn’t sky news UK more like this?
Triple Threat.. Sky News Australia, the only Channel that has balanced views, and thus worth watching, in my opinion.
Because it is in WOKE MODE.
Amazing how different Sky News Australia and Sky News UK are. Feel sorry for the Brits having to endure that channel on top of the BBC.
If this programme was shown on mainstream TV in England nowadays the Loony Lefties reaction would be the same as if Adolf Hitler had risen from the grave and started doing a party political broadcast on BBC1.
Sky UK and The BBC are just embarrassing , Do research into both them you will find some very questionable actions .
As a South African with British ancestry I am tired of being called racist and a colonizer.
The Boers made bricks and built a Nation... The ANC, EFF, & others have stolen a Nation and are making a pile of broken bricks out of it.
SA is being given the "Zimbabwe Treatment" courtesy of China backed interests.
See how the zots have destroyed sa
Jonathan Lever Zots?
Yes. We know your Arse got ran. lol...
They keep saying Britain is full of racist's..but they all want to come here don't they...yep we've just about had enough of this crap
So what are you going to do about it? And what about your immigration problems. Getting to the point where there are more Muslims than Christians. What are you going to do about that?
Racism's their loop hole playing card pure and simple, hence the problem..
Yes Bill I quite agree.
@@desraesoutae9516 erm.... Brexit for a start! 😂
@@MsBabylove11 What about Brexit. Has that stopped the influx of Muslims? I think Not. I'm pretty sure people are still calling the English racist to this day. Brexit hasn't deterred people from speaking their minds.
So what were you saying about Brexit?
I would never have known she was part black if there wasn’t all this talk of racism
Uhm...the British tabloids made that plain and clear once they found out about Harry's relationship with Meghan. She was stereotyped from the start. The articles are out there...just research!
Yep we did find out that she is of mixed race from the media. It was a fact along with she is American and a divorced woman. Obviously the public was interested. She was welcomed and we loved the fact she is all of these things. It was her attitude and and her personality that eventually come to the fore which made us realise that she was not the most likable of people.
@@rosemarywoolley8394 So you're not going to place any responsibility on your British Media and Tabloids for their daily harassment of Harry's wife? The media used their platform to paint a negative picture/ view of the Duchess by printing lies on a daily basis. If stories are printed daily...a lie becomes the truth.
@@suebyrdsong3445 it's the job of the media to hold the royal family to account, if it was daily maybe it was because she was behaving appallingly on an almost daily basis??
@@rosemarywoolley8394 Typical race-baiting by the liberal media!
Britain was never ever ever racist towards her. We in Britain are furious over this ridiculous accusation.
Why British are tired of being calling racists ? It is true. The British press is the perfect prototype of the British people: the most disgusting, repulsive and racist people in the world.
@@adlubini ...You've just made a racist comment yourself. SILLY YOU!!!
Pedro Manfredo stereotyping is racism.
Pedro Manfredo We weren’t racist when we spent all that taxpayers’ money on her!
nirmal that would make America, the entire of Europe and the Muslim countries of the Middle East just as (if not even more so) racist as well.
She’s the first race card royal. Nationalism isn’t racism, it’s just pure patriotism.
What do you mean by nationalism? We have seen it all living in Britain shows you how the British people pure racists
Lawrence Dwyer England riding out of what ?
Hanington hillary what do you by that? What have you seen over there?
Why do you think Britain's racist you must think South Africa Zimbabwe Sudan Saudi Arabia Pakistan India at the f****** super racists right people don't care from the west everyone knows that this anti white racism against us it's terrible and white people are standing up you can call us all this at what you are but you will be getting deported back to third world shitholes
I'm an American. Even though many countries are really beautiful, I'll always care more about America. Even if I moved to another country, America would always have a special place in my heart, like no other country. I also happen to be white. I guess that makes me a white nationalist, and I'm proud to be one! 🇺🇸
The world all over is exhausted of the self-victimhood of the entitlement generation and the over-privileged. Move on from celebrities. To the UK citizens, God bless you and your queen.
Amen to that, and thank you da!
@@johnamos6986 don't worry, Caronavirus has a solution for this entitled generation
Racist? The word has lost all meaning.
Chill Out even though hundreds of thousands have been killed for that reason.
Ignorance is bliss.
No it means' Shut Up' !!! your hurting my Woke feelings.
S word invented by Leon Trotsky in 1927 to browbeat anti communist sentiment
Here in America, we are sick and tired, too!! He who points his finger with such accusations, is really the guily one
The "racust" accusation is always used when no facts or legitimate arguement exists, it's truly a sign of low I.Q.
LA TAINA, ?! For Pete's sake! An EVIL Bigoted Git in Brit media even INSANELY compared Prince Harry's Angelic INFANT to an alleged "Chimp!," Other Evil Bigots in media applied a Glaringly Obvious, RABIDLY RACIST Double-Standard to Innocent Princess Meghan.Good thing REAL journalists compiled EXAMPLES of their EVIL BIAS!:
@@wyattfamily8997 what a racist comment you just made. That is why we need to call out racist like you
Canadians are feeling the same way fed up with being called racist
Diana Dangas ..yes but blacks and other nationalities/race are very racist...it's not just a WHITE thing...but the race card expired no new ones will be issued out
I no longer get offended or feel I have to explain why I'm not a racist, bigot, etc. Its ridiculously over used and completely watered down.
If they call you a racist just call them a racist back lol
And the definition changes whenever the narrative doesn't suit the ever moving agenda.
I was once accused of being a racist at work as I said that racism should not be banned in a free speech environment! For the record, I lost relatives in the Holocaust!
How do you think people in America feel? We've been being called racist for over a decade over the same crap England is now going through.
You also had a black president, who was inept but was black so its ok.
make it so, number one you couldn’t have said it better!👍🏻
@Todd Stamos and yet here you are taking time to comment. 🤗😊🙄
@Lucky Lucan I was being generous. It has been going on for a very long time, but it really ratcheted up since about 2007... At least that's what I saw.
The best way to stop this "racist" yelling is probably to answere: "Yes, I am a racist!. So what? Does it concern you?". That might make the yeller so surprised that he "pisses off"
I am sure you have a smile to spare for Duchess Meghan.
I don't think ss was more racist than a average lefty, Germany had several African and Asian allies, don't believe the hyper propaganda making you a racist of Germans and ending up with the exact same problem as Hitler had on he's doorstep,comumisme, and will repeat history once again
Mats Rosengren it works.
Mats Rosengren.... Loved your answer. Still smiling. 😊
Well that would be a lie, because I'm not racist, unlike the woke left.
The western world is sick of being called a racist.
Dam right
Vickie Garri Then it should stop being racist
Oh how racist of you to say that.
KARMA is a bitch. black people don't even care that much about this issue, yet y'all are so worked up. hahahaha KARMA
@@megamus3 I am Native American and love it, but 1st I am an American and I respect all Americans I don't identity as Red as I am a human not a color. And I don't see myself as a victim, if you see yourself as a victim .. you are one.
They put Tommy in jail for talking about it.
They locked him in a room, that is not being in prison.
The word racist gets used for everything in the U.K..
now you know how we feel in the USA, you can't even sneeze without being called a racist
And Canada
And USA.
dyannne lewis so send all black to Africa,Africa for Africans...
@@dyannnelewis4990 Caronavirus will take em out easy
Lawrence Fox said "Britain is a lovely country." Wonderful.
I'm Mexican and I'm also sick and tired of the PC BS
They're trying to divide and conquer us my friend . Thet fear a united people's against the elites.
@@frankyfourfingers8913 I agree, it's for less unity, ironically.
why does it matter if your mexican?
@@xjamirakrystalx4764 this whole Megxit thingy is not supposed to matter to me, and eventhough i liked her when she first appeared, I already took the "sick and tired of Meghan" side lol.
And usually we're one of the "vulnerable" regarding racism, whether if theres a valid reason or not
Same in the USA couldn’t criticize Barack Obama’s policies without being called a racist.
No kidding!
If you support Trump you’re also a racist.
@@erinstanger416 well in this case Trump is absolutely a racist with the things he says
Sabrina Dodich isn’t it amazing how TRUMP GOT MANY AWARDS 🥇 from JESSE JACKSON in the 80s and 90s FOR HELPING AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES BEFORE HE WAS PRESIDENT, he was never called a racist he was cherished among the African American communities and among Black leaderships for the charity work he did he was friends with the kardashians before bruce Jenner became female and still is same with Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson until he ran for President pre 2015 he was the American Dream for all Americans black or white he was a second generation immigrant and his father came here with nothing, rappers worshipped Trump, OBAMA IS QUOTED ON CAMERA 🎥 SAYING “TRUMP IS THE AMERICAN DREAM”
@@DakotaBeckerMAGA can you deny that what he says and does right now is racist?
We are not racist when we give money to them are we..?
Doris May - Dead on, Doris! 👍
in the netherlands we have the house of orange. we as taxpayers give a lot of money to the king, his his Wife their children and the king's family. This is also the case in the UK. We and you choose that. Although I can't remember ever signing a contract for it. I am not a royalist and as far as I am concerned they can leave. I don't see the point, but when we agreed to join that puppet show, we shouldn't complain and believe me there are so many racsists in the UK as in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. The royal house is being forced on you and as long as you accept that and even pay for it, you should not complain
@anger & rage From whom?
Who's them?
you can be racist and give them money. Try harder
You can imagine how tired Americans are of being called racist.
So sad... Because they are.
Chill Out lol the only reason you thrive is because the homosapien (black people.) had sex with other species the colour and features are just mutations we all bleed red.
Grow up mate.
@@gpaige1537 It's not about race for me as an American. I'm just fucking done paying 100's of BILLIONS yearly for Hispanics to live for free and turn everything into a ghetto as they call us racist. If these Hispanics were white, which most do have white, i still wouldn't want to pay for them to live and steal our jobs. I'm in California and pay about 45% tax for these racist freeloading Hispanics. Everywhere they move the area goes to shit in under a year. You can twist it anyway you like, reality is truth. Soon the entire globe will be a ghetto and POC will have their dream!!! It's about money and way of life, not race. Good luck
@Chill Out Good for you
Yes yes we are tires.And no we're not racists in the majority.Americans tend to be very kind and friendly.Of course every country on earth has its share of racist idiots in it unfortunatly.
"Pommie on the outside , Aussie on the inside" ha ha, racist !! But I love it , even as a Pommie bastard !! We need humour , woke people have no humour
The P.C. brigade have finally over played their hand.
Remember when they start calling you a rasist you have won the argument.
I’m so sick of snowflakes yelling racism at anything and everything.
David it must be hard for you that you can't insult people at will. For you antisemitism does not exist right?
What is antisemitism ?
I am a Christian that loves Jehovah and Jesus
Shem is the fore father of Jesus whom defended his father Noah's dignity..
I hate modern Judaism because it is based on lies..
I hate the genocide in Israel..
You can't hide behind Shem hypocrite.
He has nothing to do with modern day Judaism or Russian Ashkenazi Japhite Hams or converts so why do you continue to use this false narrative ?
It is not even recognised in law
Do you have Shem's DNA?
Do you have Jacobs DNA?
Do you have Judah's DNA?
No ? Well shut up then and stop abusing the name of Shem..people hate so called Jews or Judaism..they may have their valid reasons but to drag Shem into it is a cowards masquerade that doesn't want to face the real issues of genocide false flags war for oil and the usurp of the holy land Palestinia denial and Islamaphobia to name a few..get real grow up and stop accusing. as your showing your stupidity by not saying anything at all
@@annechester770 WOW you went that deep, I was here for the banter but clearly, this is a hoppy to you.
@Merlene Taylor
He's done a hit and run.
I don't know what a snow flake is applied to a person..but snow is white
so unless he comes back to explain his cryptic post
gona take it as poo
Wish our BBC were as even-handed as you guys, nice one.
Sky is the only truth news in Australia
Things are slowly changing for the good.
@@shazdave8886 It's a propagandised network that belongs to a group of networks owned by Newscorp (Rupert Murdoch) to perpetuate conservative viewpoints as they support corporate industries that are profitable for nobody but the governments of the west and the private industry. I'm not politically biased but look into it. It's a real thing. Anyway, I think it's pretty easy to spot how biased sky is.
@seano8484NPC2222 Haven't bought one for years - have DVD's and yootoob for entertainment these days.
We of course have the ABC left bigotry to compulsory finance
Charles is an enabler, Harry defender, still eroding the RF by his behavior. He is a huge issue for RF.
Charles has always seemed much more than an enabler; he's just been kept on a short leash the past decade and a half. His influence is coming out in Harry, though. A kind of alter ego.
I found it so weird that at her wedding Oprah and Gail sat there like royalty and her mother sat there was on her own. No plus one, what does she have no relatives on her mums side or at least a friend?
It's funny how we get more accurate and reality-based journalism from Australia than we ever get in the UK.
Or the US. If I want to know what’s really going on I watch a couple of US stations and check it out again with AUSTRALIAN NEWS
The Australian people haven't experienced any of the crap we get here in England They do what they want and say what they want. And really don't give a dam. Fair play to them. Like the ship full to the brim of people. I CAN'T REMEMBER WHO THEY WERE NOW. BUT WOULD THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT LET THEM IN???.
That just tells you where the 1% are more involved.
@English Lady, they have started to. Avi Yemini channel
Just to complete your comment in a way that you may agree with ... It's funny how we get more accurate and reality-based journalism from Australia about the UK than we ever get in the UK.
...or in America. I wish Sky News was on a channel here.
If we’re so racist? Stop coming here ,simple really 🙄
Wish the UK was like the 50s again.immigration has ruined the U.K. at least they had enough sense not to vote labour. Now you need to stop the trash from eastern Europe coming, Putin can have them back. Don't bother responding, I hate these trash. End of story.
Ultron1970 mclovin they won’t cos the UK went everywhere and asked everyone to serve the queen!!!! Commonwealth till date?
That's why they leaved...😒
@@martinjenkins5471 Once the Gentiles land, people, even the Queen knows the consequences.
Your right but they come here for the better life which Australians give them
Sick of the lying DOOMERS. Decades of telling us we’re all going to die... “now hand us ALL your money to fix it!” 🙄
Order out of chaos is an illuminati slogan. I don't think they are doing a good job of making the chaos look real, or their moral grand standing, look honest.
I wish Britain actually was racist.
Then at least it would still be Britain in two decades.
Lisa Plambeck well now it’s not 😂, whites people are already minority in London!
Yea, these fucking idiots need to be slapped
In 2 decades? London is just Saudi Arabia 2 at this point 😂😂
What an idiot you are
America is tired of all the "racist" accusations too. Yeah, it exists; but there's such a thing as fair criticism that has nothing to do with race.
How very , very sad all this is for the monarchy! After the queen dies, what will happen? Will it survive? Some People have disliked the monarchy for years, but it has served the country well. British monarchy has added gravitas to the nation, and it is much admired around the world.
@@marcellogenesi6390 There is Prince William, who seems to me , as an outsider , to be very much in line with what a "Royal" should be.
hahahahahahahahahah i just have to laugh to this one lol
@M 40 "Sorry pal, but the rest of the world laughs at countries that still have a monarchy."
Um, I don't think so. That would be like laughing at a person because they're living in a mansion or driving a Rolls Royce or something.
It seems like the grooming gangs scandal is a pressing issue everywhere except the UK.
@Ceridwen Don't get what?
Tommy Robinson has finally been proved right and know s more about the grooming gangs than anyone other than the Home office and should be given not only an apology but a as a Gov;t adviser , he's proved the powers that be were all part of this disgusting and humiliation of every government since the 80s, but instead they call Tommy THE RACIST!, THEY ALL NEED A LONG HARD LOOK IN THE MIRROR
It’s what she’s done that British people are p’d off about, nothing to do with her skin colour, folk would think the same regardless 🙄
laura Hunter I mean again, we all think of Prince Charles as a tosspot for less, why would we not also find Meghan as a tosspot as well?
@Legacy In Waiting besides spouting woke nonsense, being a hypocrite, breaking a family apart and just all around acting very entitled? Yeah sure, know nothing about her to claim a dislike to her. 🤦🏽♂️
@Legacy In Waiting actually once you join the Monarchy, you stop having agency, you're not allowed to do or say things that a normal citizen is allowed to (like in the military, you lose your rights to a lot of things when you join), if it's not approved by the Queen you're not allowed to do so and because British hold Queen Liz in high favour compared to a white looking woman (yes she looks white, most would have assumed she's merely of Spanish or Italian heritage from looking at her) like Meghan she's going to be disliked, just as we dislike Charles and Carmela for what they do and say (without the Queens approval).
@Legacy In Waiting Holy crap, legacy, please do not spout out the race card here.
I am an american who follows the royal family and megan acts entitled and victimized herself of being hounded by the media as if she is the only one. Diana was hounded far worse than her, and what about Fergie? They were absolutely cruel to her. What about thin waif kate Middleton, a middle class girl only trying to go up the ladder. They even hounded her sister Pippa. All these women have been harrassed and spoken about in a very negative way in the press, and they happen to have light colored skin. Now, if you were to say the british press are assholes to any woman marrying into the royal family, you would be absolutely correct. Throwing the race card around so carelessly is very dangerous and all it does is separate people more than we need to be.
@Legacy In Waiting This is what this reminds me of. I have a student who is loud mouth and loves insulting anyone and everyone. Black, white, asian, hispanic, rich, poor, skinny, big, male, female, shorts user vs pants user, coke lover vs. pepsi lover. You name it, he insults them. Each person that comes in, he has a comment about them based on how they look. Some are racist remarks, others are sexist and most are unclever. And he does this to EVERYONE coming in, except with his parents. What if I decide to record him ONLY making comments to the black students and no one else, then the narrative will be he is racist. How about I decide to only focus on his comments to the girls, BOOM! I just changed the narrative to him being a sexist. How about only to the kids that are big, then now he is a fat shamer. Watch the whole video in its entirety, he is a jerk because he is an equal opportunity offender. That’s what its been like with the press: Enter Diana, shred her to pieces. Enter Fergie: Keep shredding her to pieces. Enter Kate: Shred to Pieces.
Enter Meghan: Shred her to pieces.
I can just as easily pinpoint and link to you articles that praise Meghan when she first came onto the scene. People were excited about her. She was going to give a fresh take to the royal family. Finally, someone who will move the Royal family into the future. All of these articles exist. I can pick and choose news headlines to fit my narrative of the british press being amazing, so what are you talking about? And vice versa.
It's a fallacy to claim that Meghan was pushed out based solely on racism because the pattern of past behavior of the press proves otherwise. If the press did not go after the other women just as hard, I would then agree with you. She was pushed out because the press does not take too kindly to non royal blood and newbies. Plus, there are people who legit don't like her personality.
""What was that Harry and Megan nonsense?" 😂😂😂 Megan is as white as I am. Good riddance. I feel sorry for him
Oh and she called herself caucasian all throughout her adult life ..all her paperwork she put caucasian 🤔🤔🤔
natalie richter do you watch Celt News?
she bleaches her skin as well like Michael Jackson did
@@millwallholdings Michael Jackson was suffering from a skin disease, dont go there.
@natalie richter racism is alive and growing and that's a disease that will kill some people ...shame how said we're all going to dit underground, straight hair, sharp nose or not, we all going to a place where there's no discrimination ,and might even regret discriminating ...I personally think she's beautifully with or without straight hair glad that she can "juggle" it if she wants Harry's got beautiful frizzy curly hair and she loves him that way
@@anonymousanonymous8325 do you mean like in south Africa when white farmers are killed for being white?
Meagan should get China to build her an Island 🌴 far from the racist next to Somalia 🇸🇴 everything is free nothing to pay 💰 and the air is fresh and clean
No discussion about UK grooming gangs can be had, at legth without mentioning Tommy's name. If nobody mentions his name, the discussion is a Clayton's discussion and is avoiding the subject on purpose, IMO. Tommy is central to exposing the horrible PC culture behind how it was able to continue.
It’s time Brits take back their country!
They use the race card when they have lost the argument
OK Karen!
At 10:19 I can confirm this statement through experience. I'm gay and a veteran and I despise leftist culture, gay culture, and the feminization of men.
I've seen behaviour from Megs that hints very strongly at her being a Narcissist. Must be the centre of attention, thought she could be the new People's Princess. When people rejected her domineering she threw a hussy fit and went back to the limelight of Hollyweird dragging poor Harry with her.
Charles just has a problem being privileged, how to to seem relevant. Islam is not a race, it is a religious ideology.
Michael Gorman Charles is hardly privileged. Royal family own everything and through Privy Council the government surrupticiously. Bring them down for stealing our land and money
Islam is not a religion or an ideology,it's a disease.
Loved Laurence Foxs’ calling out the hypocrisy of the ‘woke’ culture 👌😄
what hypocrisy woke culture?! Woke and wokists are deranged and behaving like sub humans!!
Im tired of Harry always bringing up his mom. Hes almost 40. Time to quit milking form sympathy. He is a spoilt brat and megain knows it.
William talks about her a lot too & he is older than Harry
Emerald1dx3 I agree with you....
@uni blab... So they're well matched! Who the blazes do they think they are?.. Little Miss Hitler and her Echo.
@@chockie62.. Harry has more Footage and Photos of his Mum to remember her from than ANY OTHER PERSON ON THIS PLANET.. You'd THINK with all that Royal Dosh they'd have got him help with these problems when she died!
First of all, learn how to spell..
Grooming scandal shows how dangerous the establishment is
I don't like cream on my apple tart, I'm racist.
You don't promote the fat chick with a nasty personality and poor attendance. You are RACIST!
Hey I got an excuse I don't have any Insurance …. I cant Fuck with a Heavy weight....
If people think we are a racist country? When why do people want to come here!!! I wouldn't live in a country like that!!! Sorry!!!
funny how my comment got removed
for saying what no one has the balls to say, i'll say it again
The only people calling the British people racist are the same newspapers and new stations spreading the elites propaganda so that all the peasants can fight among each other and ignore the fact that there are pedophiles walking around the palace!
Princess Diana would be rolling in her tomb thinking what the f the people are so worked up about his son wanting to leave the RF like she tried to do!
Now looking at the comments I see a bunch of idiots all defensive and worked up! if you know you are not racist then why are you feeling guilty! and this is prove and signs that the propaganda pushed by the neoliberal and neocons (NOT socialists or progressives) is working.
the neoliberals prey on identity politics meanwhile the neocons and far right feed off race haters!
But its interesting how stupid and gullible the comment section reflects the average uninformed citizen.
All i have left is one word! Karma. What goes around comes around. you vote against your own interest now deal with the consequences!
remove my post again! better yet, pass on my information to the CIA I'm coming for all of you!
Racist you become after you vote for brexit
@Max Smith
You are brainwashed like Nazis, they wanted their country back !
Yea sure and how much taxis pay the foreigners in your country ? Million of pounds ! Listen idiot they just used you to take power the capitalists and capitalists love moeny and they dont give a fuck who makes moeny white or black christian or muslim theupy just want moeny and business
Do you think they will fuck their business for an idiot like u ? Of course not
@@barbarachristina2026 you dreaming you fucking racist scumbag ! They just used you ! Lol good luck with this
SO REFRESHING!!! As are the comments I’ve read here! I feel safer and reassured that the world hasn’t gone mad! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
"Yes, I'm an Actor, I travel and cause a significant carbon footprint, but I make up for it by preaching to the general public about how they should reduce their's."
- Laurence Fox.
I love Lozza
One World Government wants "Sheeple" thinking, not independent persons of reasonable thought.
Britsh people are not racist..very educated and nice people..I Love England and their people♥️
Nobody is making the generalization that all Brits are racist. By and large crowds in UK have been lovely to Meghan. We are talking about the Racist toxic British Tabloids who daily write lies and the people who show on their daily forums and trash a person they know nothing about except what they read in Tabloids. Brits have this weird aspect of news, lip readers, body readers and people who are sold as Royal experts. I believe none of this tripe. There are many cultures... and modes of behavior deriving from cultural norms. Brits have a classed based society. America much less so...Education, beauty, brains and fame can move people through society in America... Meghan was guest at White House before Harry. People are seen as racist because you seem to cling to some superficial image of a young woman who went to a top University, who speaks a second language. She worked at US embassy in Argentina as Public Affairs officer...I thinks did not expect she would be so smart, sophisticated and capable. They wanted her to fail. She didn't so they decided to demean her daily. Lots of racism!
We are a White country .. and the black and browns invading our country are trying to get more of their kind here; when they don't have any right to be here!
@Jurg Schupbach the only racist are the brown and blacks invading our lands ! Piss off
Lord Almighty you've been guzzling that Koolade. You my friend are a dying breed. Well at least you haven't lost your enthusiasm. That's good, you're going to need it.
Faux les anglais sont les plus grands racistes !!!!!!!!
Yeah, Us Americans are getting tired of hearing that word too ...PLAY THAT RACE CARD AT EVERY TURN
Just imagine how these people would act if they saw real racism.
I don’t think Charles will ever become king he is too old and has a leftie outlook. Not good. There is,no racism regarding markel woman. We just don’t like her dictating to us. She’s has over stepped the mark
Unless Charles dies before his mother then he will be our next King. You don't get a choice of successor. It's not a reality TV show where you vote for the next monarch.
It's the 21st century not the 1500s, so f Kings, queens and dictatorships.
Overstepped Big time .. the woman is blinded by her own self assured stupid vanity
How the fuck is she dictating to you? Filthy liar.
Charles was pretty much raised by Lord mountbatten who was a pedophile and his best friend was Jimmy Savile the royal family is eat up with pedophilia and it's time people open their freaking eyes to it
Does anyone calling the British racist realize that Queen Charlotte, married to George III was a black woman? It’s not as if this Meghan Markle was the first woman of black descent to be part of the royal family....the word racist has been applied ad nauseam to anyone who disagrees with whoever has an ax to grind.....
Really? Where's your evidence Queen Charlotte was black? All portraits of her depict her as white and she was a German princess there is no reference of her being black. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlotte_of_Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Found some evidence there was a bunch of other sources. Just saying don’t use Wikipedia we learned this already
We must resist the new Woke Caste System.
My gawd I love the aussie Sky channel, I didn't think you were allowed to tell your citizens the actual truth. What a breath of fresh air.
Ten gold stars to Sky News Australia hundreds times better than our woke/ remainer/ leftie/ snowflake Sky News in Britain.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊.
Australia is a little more right leaning then the USA.
if you don't mind sycophantic pro-Israel propaganda, then it's definitely the only channel worth listening to in Australia. 99% of the rest are all total liberal garbage.
Alvida Hamesha lol you’re the one ‘hating’ on others, read your own previous comments.
Alvida Hamesha My grandfather fought in WWII for the British to protect his country against people who deny and oppress individual liberties such as freedom of speech, an ideology that is far more supported by the left than the so-called ‘far right’. People are allowed to watch Sky, people are allowed to see both sides of the story. That’s how democracy works.
Cant Sky News Australia open a branch in the UK?
We have never needed you more.
We have a sky here. It is just useless and bias.
Sky News Australia would need another name otherwise Comcast will sue Rupert Murdoch for infringing on the 'Sky' name and Sky News Australia would be shut down immediately anyway because they aren't PC and they'd say that its full of a right wing bias while not slapping a fine on ITN (the company who produces ITV news, Channel 4 News and Channel 5 News) and the BBC who both have a left-wing bias in their journalism. The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) would also ban all adverts on the channel because it's "sexist" like they did to Volkswagen banning one of their adverts because it showed a woman holding a baby and banning another from PC Specialists because there were no women in their advert despite being 80% of sales to men...
So what I'm saying is that Sky News Australia would be a legal failure in the UK
@@wclifton968gameplaystutorials But a colossal rating success surely?
With the internet all they would have to do is stream a channel
(Sky News Australia UK?) timed for UK audience, breakfast show etc and focusing more on the UK.
@@jonvalentine8109 they could just make a live web simulcast but they sure as hell won't be able to send it through your TV via an arial or sattelite dish or through virgin media who are the only UK based cable TV providers that I know of...
Africa has been on foreign aid longer than most Canadian/British taxpayers have been born. This while exsoldiers and the mentality handicapped live, sleep and die on the bitterly cold streets of Canada. Our Canadian politicians and bureaucrats on their way to work, stepped over the homeless. Let that sink in. Why? Enquiring minds need to know
Don't worry Harry gonna be thrown in gutter when she's done fleecing him of everything he deserves everything he gets
I think he's naive and gullible. He's also very sensitive. I hope he doesn't get hurt.
Now if that wasn't a purely racist driven comment I can not think of better description. But of course your not racist, just can't handle having a non-pure-white royal.
@@loganskiwyse7823 I'm not racist at all where was race mentioned and by the way I'm not white myself I'm of mixed race just like she is
@Bjorn Goumundsen WHY SHOULD it matter who he married or what nationality she or even he was?
Thank you for proving my point.
@@ericagunn6664 Which makes it that much more sad. It is extremely common in the US any time a wealthy white male marries someone that isn't as " white " as they are that she is in it either for citizenship or money. Without intention you stumbled into a extremely racist comment because you only looked at the smaller picture.
And that, believe it or not, is in a huge way the problem with racism. It hides in ways that affect even the thoughts of those being discriminated against.
When are you or even us in North America say we have had enough of this. Lets take our nations back.
@Steve Bining Exactly. What a stupid popular saying.
Haha! No one even knew she was “black” until she had to tell us😂😂😂
And honestly no one really cared....She herself blew that out of proportion. She ,in my opinion, wasn't mistreated. Any one in the public eye is going to be either liked or disliked. If you are going into the public eye ya need to be thick skinned.
Harry has changed so much since Megan Markle came on the scene. She Married Prince Harry, became a global name, she has the baby , Royal title. She got the tools she wanted under her belt. Megan is a D list actress acting like A, list actress. She thinks she is set for life having a sense of entitlement beyond believe
She is scheming, and thinks she can get what she wants by throwing her toys out of the cot. She has nothing to do with her mother's family. She has trashed her father and step siblings , having no problem ripping apart Harry from his family ties. He is blindly in love and besotted with this woman. But the day will come when he has a wake up call to all this crazy things going on. Let's face it she's the driving force behind all of this . For someone who comes from humble background behaving like this is scary, it shows traits of Nacistic behavior. Actually her behavior is like Donal Trump. Gets is wrong , tells lies , blames the media, in her case blames Royals , racism!!! Also the British people. Though I must say she was happy to take tax payers money for the wedding, Frogmore cottage renovations. Also expects to get all security paid from British tax payers, us money from the Queen , Prince Charles.
It's sad that they say they want a quiet life out of the spotlight of media. Well why does she tell the press about her secret meeting( childish behavior) and arrange a photo opportunity for the press. The Royal famil, British people and British Commonwealth don't deserve the bad behavior of these too. .
Harry also should be reminded Princess Diane was William's mother too. He makes money on banging on how difficult it was when she died. Man up Harry,, get a life they are many horror stories of human lives lost in tragic ways. Stop peddling this poor woman tragic life end to
make money. It's embarrassing.
If they chose to move away that's their right and we wish them well but the trouble they are causing is totally shocking, Megan is hell bent in trying to destroy over 1,000,00 years of Royal institutionalized history. Nasty woman all round .
I feel better for my rant. Thank you.
She seriously knew what she was getting herself into when she married into the Royal family. Now she's all of a sudden shes blowing up the family monarchy.
As a republican I am bemused that even the Royal family themselves think it is not worth the trouble - even when getting paid millions just to smile and be nice to people.
I think most of us could see it coming. If the Royal family was racist then why would they let that relationship continue as long as it did? Surely a background check was done on MS Markle and they knew she worked as a yacht girl around Jeffrey Epstein and SoHo House. They would have known about the sorority incident when Markle used super glue on a girl's eyes to glue them shut although why isn't known. What is known is that Meghan Markles father had to pay. damages to the girl's family and cover the medical bills related to the eyesight injuries so his daughter Meghan didn't go to jail for assault. Surely at 20 years old you would think that Meghan would have been raised to understand that you can't glue someone's eyes shut with superglue. If the girl lost her eyesight because of Markle its been covered up by the palace who made sure certain truths about Prince Harry's fiancee were scrubbed from the internet. There's also the fact that Markle lied about her membership in the Actor's guide to get jobs .Doing so didn't seem to bother her. Now several years later Markle has moved Harry to California and Harry is not on good terms with his family. Odd isn't it that Markle doesn't speak to her family and now both Harry and his wife have problems with the Royal family? Funny thing is that Harry always seemed happy doing his Royal engagements until Markle came along. 🤔