They also locked down their discord server and deleted all their old trailers and gameplay. They know they are guilty and don’t want to be shamed for scamming.
this is like that tiktoker guy from earlier this year... trying so hard to be famous, why choose smth as hard as video games when you have no talent in them😂
As funny as this whole thing was, there seriously needs to be some sort of repercussions for game devs just blatantly lying in their advertising. It happens so often nowadays.
False advertising is illegal, it’s just very hard to get someone on, especially a video game dev, they could just say it was a trailer for a previously developed portion that was later scrapped, it’s frustrating, but the biggest repercussion is the flop of their game, probably the pull out of investors and the inevitable collapse of the studio
@@burtreynolds8030 As far as i recall from legal experts talking about the issue, the devs can only really be held accountable if the content of the game differs from what's written on the store page or physical box; or if bugs make it effectively unplayable. Bugs that aren't game-breaking, subjectively mediocre content, and old promises/trailers are more of a grey area that courts haven't set much precedent for.
At least Walking Dead was interesting and memorable, the PowerPoint cutscenes, the crazy facial expressions, the utter jank on display, the random cutscene whiplash when it was actually animated for some reason. This game is nothing. Nothing new, nothing original, nothing daring, nothing creative. Just a game barely able to do the bare minimum it promised, with cheap clean art and UIs masquerading as lazy AAA UI design. It's a game designed to prove it's own existence and then hopefully be forgotten about before too many refund requests and lawsuits sink the devs.
But gamemill made 3 absolute bangers the walking dead destines,rise of kong, avatar quest for balance and I think 3 of these games shine this game considering this was an actual scam of a game
though its a bad game i gotta say that peoples' reaction is a little too harsh and the devs shutting it down is too weak of a decision considering the game is still early access. the price of the game has no excuse tho. it should be free while its early access.
This game is like they set out to make a Boeing 747, realised that was expensive and bought a clapped out Toyota Prius. They then repaired the Prius using parts from kitchen appliances before slapping wings on it and pushing it down a hill in the hopes it would fly and then called it a state of the art piece of aerospace engineering.
I'm not saying this is what these guys did but, as a pro game dev for 10+ years, I've met plenty of people, teams, and indie publishers who don't understand what all goes into making a game, how long it takes, or how truly expensive it is. People who don't do it professionally (or who are working on one of their first projects) almost always underestimate that stuff by SO MUCH. Like, I've had people approach me with their idea for a AAA game and ask me to help them put the project together, be the designer (for a share of the eventual profit, not a paycheck), etc. I ask them what their budget is and their answer is something like $10k (which they've either been saving up for sooooo long or which they're simply willing to max out all their credit cards to cover). Then they get butthurt when I explain you can't even afford a computer and a programmer for a month, let alone ALL the other people, equipment, and resources you'd need to make a AAA title. And, man, the number of devs I've seen put EA up on Steam, flail around for a while trying to actually make all the stuff they thought they'd figure out as they went, hire a few people to help figure it out, then quickly run out of money and have to either dump their game or water it so far down that it's not even the same game just so they can get something out the door is ridiculous. They can be the most well-intentioned devs on the planet but if they don't have the experience to make a game, the likelihood of burning through all the seed money/donations/whatever within a few months and going under is REALLY high. Then everybody calls them scammers when really they were just overestimating their abilities to make a game. There've been several games where all the discussions around the failed EA was how the devs "obviously took the money and ran" when some quick math based on their starting money and my experience making games tells me that they didn't come out of it with any money at all; in fact, they spent it all in a short time because they didn't realize how much professional programmers get paid, how much professional artists get paid, how much servers cost, how much equipment you'll need (hint: Your team can't all take turns working on your old computer you got on your 15th birthday), etc. Those folks didn't take the money and run. They burned through the money with not much to show for it because they don't know how to make games and got in over their heads. Again, I don't know anything about the dudes who made THIS game. I haven't been following it (though I think I was vaguely aware of some of the initial talk around it forever ago) so I don't have a real sense of whether this was truly a scam or just some delusional people who thought "making games is easy!" like so many do and ended up having to release a much lesser product bc that's all they could manage to pull off with their actual abilities, but, whatever the case, this whole saga sounds like a big CF.
Gollum, Rise of Kong, Walking Dead Destinies, and Scam Game all releasing in the same year is wild. I’m surprised we could handle such masterpieces in a short period of time.
@@ankitbhutani5470man when I saw the first Forspoken trailers I thought it would be so cool - not the cringeish dialogue per se, but the magic combat and the traversal seemed pretty sick! Then more trailers came out way later and finally it released and MAN, it really took a nosedive very quickly lmao. I also thought Ghostwire Tokyo seemed cool from the initial trailer... Sadly these magic combat games seem super cool and like they could be something different from the usual FPS combat or Assassin's Creed esque combat, but the ones that have tried to implement it just haven't done it well.
@@ankitbhutani5470Avatar isn’t a scam though. Gameplay definitely resembles far cry but it’s definitely got a lot of effort in it and it’s fun and one of the best looking games ever
@@taahasiddiqui1071 Don't read charlie's comments if you don't have a high tolerance for both genuine and sarcastic dickriders, human that comment like fuckin bots, and shitty comments copied from someone else 100 times and just barely changed so some losers can farm likes. Sometimes there are good well thought-out comments, however, 90% are braindead mfs just saying shit.
I don’t think anyone was really expecting anything and yet they still managed to perform well below those already low expectations. I salute their ability to do that
@@Channel-fe9rzit’s not good. The world looks ok, the idea is on paper decent, but apart from that notbing about the game warrants any of the hype they tried to put behind the game
14:30 this giant exploded model occurs in UE when you have an improperly applied blendshape. Or "morph target" as Unreal calls it. You know, simple game dev related stuff that should be play tested by a technical animator (if they had one).
@@MrFFHN Got away with it? They were hit with no less than 5 class action lawsuits, one of those being by investors, Sony pulled it from their digital marketplace and offered refunds to anyone who had purchased it, Xbox put a disclaimer about how many players were having performance issues that would likely not resolve until some huge update for consoles, CDPR had their servers hacked and a lot of data was stolen to be ransomed back to them, etc... So no, they didn't exactly "get away with it". They dealt with all that and kept working to improve things, bringing it the fantastic condition it's in now. They took the shit people flung and worked to fix what was broken, which is a whole lot more than most devs bother doing these days. This flaming pile of dog turd isn't even remotely close to the same kind of situation.
@@Astraeus.. I mean even then Cyberpunk still released with most of the promised stuff just not done well or buggy as hell. Day Before literally isn't even a MMO Survival, it's now a match based Extraction shooter.
Cyberpunk is still getting away with it. So much so they made a terrible second game. Same game with new skins. The gaming industry is just a cash grab at this point. No developers care to create a good experience. They just want money
People are talking about the balls the developers have releasing games like these , but the amount people having the balls to pre order these types of games in this day and age still amazes me more
The fact the game went from most wishlisted to almost worst rated game of all time in the span of less than 24 hours astound me. What made it insane to me especially was how quickly tens of thousands of reviews flooded in. I was expecting a train wreck, what I wasn't expecting was the train wreck consisting of a large cargo freight train, and that train is carrying 500 tons of nuclear warheads.
i love that beyond simply releasing whatever trash they managed to scramble together, they decided to ALSO do a bait and switch and turn this zombie survival MMO into a fucking extraction game
Which wouldn't be a bad thing - if it were competently made. If you took aspects of The Division, Tarkov, DayZ, and then something like Days Gone's zombies, you'd have a near perfect recipe for a small-scale Zombie Survival MMO. But everyone seems to focus too heavily on one aspect. This, though, is just fucking atrocious. We all knew it was a scam from the first VOIP scripted, "amazing graphics" first gameplay trailer. But even just cancelling it or falling off the face of the earth with pre-order money would have been more acceptable than this shitshow.
@@IrisCorven The Division was shit, DayZ only has fame it is not fun, Tarkov is a FPS, and Days Gone is radio silent a month after release. I don't understand why people wanted to play this outside of ignorance.
there's something hilarious to me about the company being called 'Fntastic'. I get a mental image of a guy with sunglasses in a solar plant with a theoretical degree in physics
This game gives me the same feeling as back in high school when I let someone cheat off my test but they handed it right back and looked at me with concern and didn’t say a single word
The sad part about all this is everyone really wants a new zombie survival MMO and no devs have the balls to make it happen for real. The most wishlisted game on steam should say a lot about how much people want something like this.
@@WillisCS The majority of gamers are the ones to blame. These devs know there are a lot of naive and gullible gamers who will put out money on something that has yet to be released, in the hopes that a game lives up to their expectations. So many gamers are clueless. These devs are like weeds, another will pop up with fake promises and people will still eat it up.
Developers spend 5 years advertising an open world zombie survival MMO until the day the game comes out. Then they release a non-open world, instanced based extraction shooter with a 32 player server cap. I think the word "scam" is thrown around too easily these days, but this is definitely what I would consider to be a scam. They got peoples money, locked down their Discord and Steam forums, banned everyone, and have disappeared with the money they made.
They clearly didn't have nearly the network skills in their dev team/budget to make the MMO work and probably promised it before they researched and quoted MMO hosting services. So basically I think they promised MMO without realising how difficult and expensive it would be.
Not saying it's not a scam either by the way, thought I should make that clear. I think they planned to make a low budget game and steal a lot of the money, but I think they genuinely thought they might be able to make something work. The moment they realised and decided no transparency was they key was the moment it went from "maybe scam" to "definitely scam".
@@FairlyFatherless I feel like it'd a lawsuit/defamation fuckfest by any insecure enough company. I'm not at all knowledgeable when it comes to legal matters though so feel free to correct me.
You're correct, they released a game to avoid a lawsuit, but its still a complete scam and asset flip. You saw the words "open-world mmo" plastered everywhere, and hell it still says it on their steam page, yet somehow its a extraction shooter all the sudden with no announcement. Where it gets even more sketchy is how the devs deleted videos of most of their videos that showcase missing features or state that the game will be "open-world". Funnily enough, they're about as good at hiding their shenanigans as they are creating a game, so it wasn't hard to figure out. I see people comparing this to the launch of Tarkov or DayZ, which weren't great at launch either, but at least the devs didn't lie about the direction of the game and then try to hide it. Not to mention how they promised features like driving cars in the city, crafting, basebuilding and they're entirely missing. Five years to make a game that feels like one week of development. All in all, when a dev teams track record of games stinks of doodoo, don't be a fly.
The most interesting thing about this game is it technically breaks the Geneva Convention by using the Red Cross symbol on a random ass pharmacy you probably can't even enter. (8:56) "It is prohibited to use unduly the distinctive emblem of the Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Lion and Sun, or any other emblems, signs, or signals provided for by the Conventions or by Additional Protocol I (API Art. 38 and customary IHL Rule 59)."
I think that's a silly rule, video games helped associate red and green crosses with health or healing before I ever even knew what a hospital was. I think it actually helps their cause
@@_mycotroph The point of the rules is to not minimize their purpose and any medic's purposes in the world, putting it in a game where it's unnecessary just means people are more likely to glance at it and not care in the real world. The rules were established because people were SPECIFICALLY targeting medics in combat in brutal ways, which meant the red cross couldn't even deploy in some circumstances in a lot of cases. The history behind the rules is important, The Red Cross really does not need your "advertising" or "awareness" in random games and instances like this. It muddies what it stands for. You can have your opinion but it's important to understand deeper why the rules were actually established. The green cross is entirely fine.
@@jesperlivid9184 The Red Cross symbol is internationallh recognized by the Geneva conventions but in general they can't really do anything about it, local governments are the ones that would have to act on it. The U.S isn't a part of the ICC though so no idea how well that could even be enforced.
I almost can't believe that this was one of the top wishlisted game on steam. I thought it was obvious that it was going to be terrible but people still fell for it and the developers managed to scam them. It looked so generic and there was no way the developer would actually live up to their promises.
I put it on my wishlist after the first trailer I just never removed it. The numbers are inflated. People never added it back. When they hid the game it never removed it from wishlists.
I think a lot of people, like me, just wishlisted it to follow it and see what ended up happening. Never had any intention of buying it unless it somehow turned out to be good by some modern miracle
It kinda of makes me sad because the graphics and the atmosphere of the maps seem pretty nice to me. If they were to make the game cheaper, fix the bugs, make the gameplay faster, and turn it into an actual open-world MMO, then I would definitely play it.
@@omegacxv8344 You know, both what you and the billiast4466 suggest are a crapton of work, legit like 50x as much or more. What they made is extremely low-effort, like baby's first Unity third-person shooter. Making a good game of that style is a gigantic effort.
@@DM-qd7gw Considering the hell they went through to work on it I'd bet the money they made is nowhere near what would have hoped for to make up for the time lost. it'd be a different story if the dev team consisted of 1 person. 200 people is quite a lot considering the shitshow it went through. I reckon from a company perspective it's being seen as a failure money wise, and that's not even talking about the reputation that company forever has to endure if they are to ever release another game
This game is so incredible, it was released after the game awards so it wouldn't destroy the rest of the nominated games and become the game of the year. These developers are really considered and kind. Everyone, please support them by buying this masterpiece of a game. Thank you.
I think the funny thing is that if it was at LEAST a survival game it'd be somewhat passable as "kind of as advertised" but they couldn't even manage that.
@@joshuaanderson1712 Worst part is I was still gonna consider playing it if it was even only a "ok" survival game just to explore the open world as I love zombie games with rural regions and city regions in one and yet they couldn't even meet my expectations of a survival game that is OK at best
they shouldve just made simple zombie survival game with people around, recruit them as a party on the fly, kill shit, loot.. no need for shitty building props
Okay I will fully admit I love the idea of having an extremely generous stamina bar that kills you if depleted. If some game can manage to have the concept of how the marathon was made put into it and make sense gameplay wise then i will be very happy.
Not trying to mock you or anything, but I think the story you're referring to is the Marathon one, not the mile? And I wholeheartedly agree, the empty stamina actually giving you a heart attack is a pretty cool idea. It would make fleeing from an opponent so much harder because there is an additional threat you have to watch
Kinda works that way in Starfield iirc, once you completely run out of oxygen (which is possible to do by running) you start taking health damage. That said, I'm pretty sure it forces you to stop running at that point.
@@superderfmen like when someone says "oh I'm going to participate in the city marathon" that run is going to be 26 something Miles (or maybe kilometers it was) you got the story right. A messenger Phedippedes ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the message that the invading Persians had been defeated. The distance he ran was 150 miles apparently. I thought it was 26 but I had to look it up maybe the distance in a straight line is 26 miles
I like that people have already pointed out that the entire map is one asset from the unreal store. And the survival kit asset is also all the guns and items in the game. And yet they said they have been “developing” the game day and night LMAO
4:56 capsaicin is the molecule that triggers your tastebuds to feel like they are “on fire” without actually doing any damage and is found in eating spicy food, why the hell is it in the game as medicine 😂
@Direnth I had the same feeling especially cus I pre-orderd it, but now it seems like there's actually content but the animal and plant rng still kinda lacks imo
I agree for the most part, the only two games I've ever pre-ordered were Resident Evil 4 Remake and Under Night In-birth 2. The first game was because it almost certainly wouldn't be ass, and the second one was because I'd receive it 72 hours early and I'm such a casual, couch-buddies Fighting Game player that I couldn't really care less if the servers are terrible at launch because I just play with local friends and family. Thankfully, both choices were worth it for me. At the very least, doing some research before pre-ordering something can help you catch red flags.
Glad the guy you tried to bait into an ambush (@ 7:48) got you instead. I ALWAYS fall for that crap. It's nice to see a troll backfire. Fun video to watch! Truly upset this game is, well this game! I was looking forward to playing it. I was a 'UGE Division fan. First one only. The second one, while better in a lot of ways, was boring IMO. I thought this could scratch that itch for me. Ah well c’est la vie!!!
The name “The Day Before” probably references the previous day, which is when this delayed game was supposed to come out. With that logic, they should rename it to “The Year Before.”
5:56 Assuming it actually was a player that crashed, this could be a BAD sign of how the multiplayer is set up. Its possible that the game is client based rather than server based. As in, its up to his client to tell the server that he has been shot and has taken damage. This means that the game is very easy to exploit with client-side hacks. The way it should actually be handled instead is that when you shoot, your client doesn't actually shoot. It tells the server to shoot, which shoots, and then the server itself registers the hit. Then it tells his client that he has taken damage. When he dies on the server, the server tells him and you that he has died.
When I press left mouse to shoot, my game (my client) shoots. It then tells the server that I shot. The server then tells other players (their client) that I shot, and so now on their screen they see me shooting. On the server, it shoots and draws a line and checks if it hit a player. It then tells that player's client that it took damage. If on the server that player's health is now 0, it tells that player's client that he is now dead and tells my client that he is now dead.
My favorite part was when someone asked Dr. Disrespect “what do you think of the game” and his response after like 30 seconds of silence is “well. . . What do YOU think?” 🤣🤣🤣 (it was a sponsored stream btw)
@@yggdrasil4986yes, he is also releasing his own scam pvp extraction game too. It's called deadrop, I recommend the channel jauwn , he did a video review of it here on YT
Nah dude, all the love to charlie, but i watched the livestream. Without the cuts this game was the most dull, boring, contentless thing i have ever watched.
When a company says "don't call us a scam game" they knew what they were doing in the first place.
They also locked down their discord server and deleted all their old trailers and gameplay. They know they are guilty and don’t want to be shamed for scamming.
Well to be fair, everyone thought lies of P was a scam game for a good while
That was its biggest lie, after all.
this is like that tiktoker guy from earlier this year... trying so hard to be famous, why choose smth as hard as video games when you have no talent in them😂
Plz don't call us a scam game even though we ARE
"Turns out it is a real game.
Kind of wish it wasn't."
- A true steam reviewer
Just saw that review 😂😂
thats great 😂
Saw that as well lol
City assets look great though.
I think it should have remained an imaginary game, just to keep the lore going. Like a cryptid.
As funny as this whole thing was, there seriously needs to be some sort of repercussions for game devs just blatantly lying in their advertising. It happens so often nowadays.
False advertising is illegal, it’s just very hard to get someone on, especially a video game dev, they could just say it was a trailer for a previously developed portion that was later scrapped, it’s frustrating, but the biggest repercussion is the flop of their game, probably the pull out of investors and the inevitable collapse of the studio
People need to push platforms to ban or temp ban studios that do this stuff. Steam should work on a policy about scam games.
That's why you don't buy games on release lol be smart
@@burtreynolds8030 As far as i recall from legal experts talking about the issue, the devs can only really be held accountable if the content of the game differs from what's written on the store page or physical box; or if bugs make it effectively unplayable. Bugs that aren't game-breaking, subjectively mediocre content, and old promises/trailers are more of a grey area that courts haven't set much precedent for.
@@FLXTLINE_M3 Unfortunately, best thing consumers can do is refund the game before the 2 hour period.
Jeff saying “is it going to shut down” has “am I dying?” energy.
Jeff: "Mr. Moist... I don't feel so good..."
The most death of the year for fictional characters.
Jeff: “We had a hell of a ride…”
"change the world... my final message. Goodbye"
-very likely jeff
"Refund the game you still have time" is the best compliment to someone in the game
Charlie expecting to get killed and having a wholesome interaction instead is so sweet
“Wholesome” while the guy says he will shove his c down his throat 😂😂
wholesome chungus reddit gold
"Wait, this guy is extracting too. We have mindmelded, this is huge" 😂
@@sweetoneirataxia5678you have to have an extreme level of brainrot to see "wholesome" and immediately think of reddit lmao
I so hope that Jeff watches this and knows we all love him. Everyone needs a Jeff.
I really want a Jeff in my life, but ill settle for a Billy.
He's jenough
@@Vakator-29bro im dying
Hi guys
hi jeff@@jeffvincent7099
GameMill could only dream of making such a glorious game as this. Simply inspirational
This makes walking dead destinies look like the first last of us
At least Walking Dead was interesting and memorable, the PowerPoint cutscenes, the crazy facial expressions, the utter jank on display, the random cutscene whiplash when it was actually animated for some reason.
This game is nothing. Nothing new, nothing original, nothing daring, nothing creative. Just a game barely able to do the bare minimum it promised, with cheap clean art and UIs masquerading as lazy AAA UI design.
It's a game designed to prove it's own existence and then hopefully be forgotten about before too many refund requests and lawsuits sink the devs.
But gamemill made 3 absolute bangers the walking dead destines,rise of kong, avatar quest for balance and I think 3 of these games shine this game considering this was an actual scam of a game
@@jamespaul6315 this game is still better than walking dead destinies lol
The studio came out with a statement (literally 10 minutes ago) that they’re totally shutting down. What an incredible case study of a scam.
Ironic naming when they shut down the server the day after
though its a bad game i gotta say that peoples' reaction is a little too harsh and the devs shutting it down is too weak of a decision considering the game is still early access. the price of the game has no excuse tho. it should be free while its early access.
@@zjpdarkblazebrother, this is the game. They never had any intention of making anything remotely close to the trailers.
@@vcnm2960 yes it is the game. thats not my point
@@NC-247 yeah i now. but thats not my point
Why would anybody expect a game with no footage to come out good?
The thing is they made gameplay trailers, but it was later discovered it was all fake
Literally … everyone in the comments when he was playing was saying play something else this is a waist of time lol.
@YoungBoyNeverBorkeAgainnice stolen profile picture
@@kalentho2137no it’s ALWAYS been fake
@@Simon-wv8hystolen profile picture? there's no way you even have half of a working brain😂
Your friendship with Jeff might be the best thing to come from this game
100% agree so cute
Who’s Jeff?
Word has it, he's still roaming the server helping out new players
@@Ray3d.Obviously the one he's travelling with.
@@Ray3d.Are you an npc
"Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."
It's like they're trying to tell you to stop playing.
The Jeff saga was so good. One of those moments where you meet someone and for just a little bit, you make a connection and then it's gone forever.
Damn bro
A transient beauty
been there many times in project zomboid and don't starve tho, somehow i like it 😂😅
like jim wool
Jeff is the sorta guy who you want to meet on every online game
This game is like they set out to make a Boeing 747, realised that was expensive and bought a clapped out Toyota Prius. They then repaired the Prius using parts from kitchen appliances before slapping wings on it and pushing it down a hill in the hopes it would fly and then called it a state of the art piece of aerospace engineering.
To be fair, if someone did the 747 prius thing it could be considered an art exhibition.
@@skiy22567I was just imagining how unique it would look in a museum.
This comment is a piece of literary and aeronautical treasure.
That sounds like the average Top Gear episode tbh.
I'm not saying this is what these guys did but, as a pro game dev for 10+ years, I've met plenty of people, teams, and indie publishers who don't understand what all goes into making a game, how long it takes, or how truly expensive it is. People who don't do it professionally (or who are working on one of their first projects) almost always underestimate that stuff by SO MUCH. Like, I've had people approach me with their idea for a AAA game and ask me to help them put the project together, be the designer (for a share of the eventual profit, not a paycheck), etc. I ask them what their budget is and their answer is something like $10k (which they've either been saving up for sooooo long or which they're simply willing to max out all their credit cards to cover). Then they get butthurt when I explain you can't even afford a computer and a programmer for a month, let alone ALL the other people, equipment, and resources you'd need to make a AAA title.
And, man, the number of devs I've seen put EA up on Steam, flail around for a while trying to actually make all the stuff they thought they'd figure out as they went, hire a few people to help figure it out, then quickly run out of money and have to either dump their game or water it so far down that it's not even the same game just so they can get something out the door is ridiculous. They can be the most well-intentioned devs on the planet but if they don't have the experience to make a game, the likelihood of burning through all the seed money/donations/whatever within a few months and going under is REALLY high. Then everybody calls them scammers when really they were just overestimating their abilities to make a game.
There've been several games where all the discussions around the failed EA was how the devs "obviously took the money and ran" when some quick math based on their starting money and my experience making games tells me that they didn't come out of it with any money at all; in fact, they spent it all in a short time because they didn't realize how much professional programmers get paid, how much professional artists get paid, how much servers cost, how much equipment you'll need (hint: Your team can't all take turns working on your old computer you got on your 15th birthday), etc. Those folks didn't take the money and run. They burned through the money with not much to show for it because they don't know how to make games and got in over their heads.
Again, I don't know anything about the dudes who made THIS game. I haven't been following it (though I think I was vaguely aware of some of the initial talk around it forever ago) so I don't have a real sense of whether this was truly a scam or just some delusional people who thought "making games is easy!" like so many do and ended up having to release a much lesser product bc that's all they could manage to pull off with their actual abilities, but, whatever the case, this whole saga sounds like a big CF.
Gollum, Rise of Kong, Walking Dead Destinies, and Scam Game all releasing in the same year is wild. I’m surprised we could handle such masterpieces in a short period of time.
Truly one of the years in gaming
Don't forget redfall, forspoken, and avatar
@@ankitbhutani5470man when I saw the first Forspoken trailers I thought it would be so cool - not the cringeish dialogue per se, but the magic combat and the traversal seemed pretty sick! Then more trailers came out way later and finally it released and MAN, it really took a nosedive very quickly lmao. I also thought Ghostwire Tokyo seemed cool from the initial trailer... Sadly these magic combat games seem super cool and like they could be something different from the usual FPS combat or Assassin's Creed esque combat, but the ones that have tried to implement it just haven't done it well.
@@ankitbhutani5470Avatar isn’t a scam though. Gameplay definitely resembles far cry but it’s definitely got a lot of effort in it and it’s fun and one of the best looking games ever
Almost like UE5 produces low effort garbage
I had an instructor in college that told someone “I didn’t expect much, and you still let me down”. That’s how I feel about this
that's brutal i would never show my face in class again lol
it doesnt look that bad tho, like yea, bad, but not scam bad.
@@skittlescopes4832 Compared to what was promised are you kidding me lol?
it hurts especially so when you respect them 😢
What did the student do?
Jeff is probably the only good thing we can get out this game. Stay real, Jeff!
"Don't call our game a scam"
"Oh yeah I named myself scam."
Charile is truly the greatest comedian of all time.
how does that make him the greatest comedian....
@@taahasiddiqui1071hyperbole bud
@@taahasiddiqui1071 Don't read charlie's comments if you don't have a high tolerance for both genuine and sarcastic dickriders, human that comment like fuckin bots, and shitty comments copied from someone else 100 times and just barely changed so some losers can farm likes. Sometimes there are good well thought-out comments, however, 90% are braindead mfs just saying shit.
Your taste for a comedian is as good as this game.
I don’t think anyone was really expecting anything and yet they still managed to perform well below those already low expectations. I salute their ability to do that
the game is good
hahahaahahahahahahahaha @@Channel-fe9rz
This year has had a lot of those or at the very least really terrible, highly memorable games.
@@Channel-fe9rzit’s not good. The world looks ok, the idea is on paper decent, but apart from that notbing about the game warrants any of the hype they tried to put behind the game
14:30 this giant exploded model occurs in UE when you have an improperly applied blendshape. Or "morph target" as Unreal calls it.
You know, simple game dev related stuff that should be play tested by a technical animator (if they had one).
We will all miss you Jeff. You were truly a legend.
I'm sorry
God speed jeff
As we just celebrated the best games ever yesterday, now we must celebrate 1 last bad game to wrap up the year
I see this as a challenge, I'm making a worse one out of spite
@YoungBoyNeverBorkeAgainoh god, that fucking pfp. How pathetic.
Please no more games like Gollum, King kong, The walking dead, Avatar of Aang.
We need an official "Bad game awards" considering the competition we've had this year
@@rezaruki3912walking dead wasnt a good game but still far better than kong and gollum
Someone should've told the devs that releasing a game that doesn't play as they advertised can still get them in legal trouble.
I wish it did, Cyberpunk got away with it
@@MrFFHN Got away with it? They were hit with no less than 5 class action lawsuits, one of those being by investors, Sony pulled it from their digital marketplace and offered refunds to anyone who had purchased it, Xbox put a disclaimer about how many players were having performance issues that would likely not resolve until some huge update for consoles, CDPR had their servers hacked and a lot of data was stolen to be ransomed back to them, etc...
So no, they didn't exactly "get away with it". They dealt with all that and kept working to improve things, bringing it the fantastic condition it's in now. They took the shit people flung and worked to fix what was broken, which is a whole lot more than most devs bother doing these days. This flaming pile of dog turd isn't even remotely close to the same kind of situation.
@@Astraeus.. I mean even then Cyberpunk still released with most of the promised stuff just not done well or buggy as hell. Day Before literally isn't even a MMO Survival, it's now a match based Extraction shooter.
Every Ubisoft game ever
Cyberpunk is still getting away with it. So much so they made a terrible second game. Same game with new skins. The gaming industry is just a cash grab at this point. No developers care to create a good experience. They just want money
It's actually kinda impressive how they managed to go beyond the low standards this game had. our standards were rock bottom, but holy hell.
They're trying to get to the core of the earth huh?
some didn't expect anything at all
@@KamyFXi wasnt expecting the ghost game to become real, then it did, now i still hold my statement that idiots get scammed and rats will rat
i thought it will be much worse
That's being overly dramatic.
People are talking about the balls the developers have releasing games like these , but the amount people having the balls to pre order these types of games in this day and age still amazes me more
Wait they're ppl who pre ordered this??
@@3lle272Pretty sure it was a Kickstarter or something
Also they probably get a ton of publicity from people making vids on how bad the game is too lol
@@jaydub2546 it was the most wishlisted game on steam. no pre orders, no kick starters. ppl who bought it, did on release date.
What game is this?
The fact the game went from most wishlisted to almost worst rated game of all time in the span of less than 24 hours astound me. What made it insane to me especially was how quickly tens of thousands of reviews flooded in. I was expecting a train wreck, what I wasn't expecting was the train wreck consisting of a large cargo freight train, and that train is carrying 500 tons of nuclear warheads.
More like 500 tons of pure shit
beautiful analogy
Of course it was no. 1 wishlisted, wishlisting is free and russians love their bot farms
Jeff is too pure for this world 😢
jeff asking "is its gonna shut down" and then the screen going black was poetic lmao
i love that beyond simply releasing whatever trash they managed to scramble together, they decided to ALSO do a bait and switch and turn this zombie survival MMO into a fucking extraction game
Which wouldn't be a bad thing - if it were competently made. If you took aspects of The Division, Tarkov, DayZ, and then something like Days Gone's zombies, you'd have a near perfect recipe for a small-scale Zombie Survival MMO. But everyone seems to focus too heavily on one aspect. This, though, is just fucking atrocious. We all knew it was a scam from the first VOIP scripted, "amazing graphics" first gameplay trailer. But even just cancelling it or falling off the face of the earth with pre-order money would have been more acceptable than this shitshow.
@@IrisCorventhat’s the thing if you watch the original trailers it looks like they took inspiration From those games plus the last of us
I always see MMOs as like, fantasy RPG games so “zombie survival MMO” threw me for a second
they basically just reskinned the division and deleted the code for the ai
@@IrisCorven The Division was shit, DayZ only has fame it is not fun, Tarkov is a FPS, and Days Gone is radio silent a month after release. I don't understand why people wanted to play this outside of ignorance.
there's something hilarious to me about the company being called 'Fntastic'. I get a mental image of a guy with sunglasses in a solar plant with a theoretical degree in physics
That will never not be funny to me.
"I don't have a degree in theoretical game development, i said i have a theoretical degree in game development"
Dr. Fantastic from New Vegas
This game gives me the same feeling as back in high school when I let someone cheat off my test but they handed it right back and looked at me with concern and didn’t say a single word
damn never heard this one before
Yeah I’m sure that happened you liar 😂
The sad part about all this is everyone really wants a new zombie survival MMO and no devs have the balls to make it happen for real. The most wishlisted game on steam should say a lot about how much people want something like this.
I was so excited about this game when I first watched the trailer 2 years ago. We gamers don’t deserve this kind of disappointment.
@@WillisCS The majority of gamers are the ones to blame. These devs know there are a lot of naive and gullible gamers who will put out money on something that has yet to be released, in the hopes that a game lives up to their expectations. So many gamers are clueless. These devs are like weeds, another will pop up with fake promises and people will still eat it up.
Reminds me of The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
Are people still have not enough fps game with zombie? God damn i thought zombie fps games was too much but holy people is so demanding
Developers spend 5 years advertising an open world zombie survival MMO until the day the game comes out. Then they release a non-open world, instanced based extraction shooter with a 32 player server cap. I think the word "scam" is thrown around too easily these days, but this is definitely what I would consider to be a scam. They got peoples money, locked down their Discord and Steam forums, banned everyone, and have disappeared with the money they made.
Pretty smart
Good point
And they're going to get away with it because people continue to buy into this bullshit
They clearly didn't have nearly the network skills in their dev team/budget to make the MMO work and probably promised it before they researched and quoted MMO hosting services.
So basically I think they promised MMO without realising how difficult and expensive it would be.
Not saying it's not a scam either by the way, thought I should make that clear.
I think they planned to make a low budget game and steal a lot of the money, but I think they genuinely thought they might be able to make something work.
The moment they realised and decided no transparency was they key was the moment it went from "maybe scam" to "definitely scam".
The Day Before was One of the most wish listed games of all time on Steam to one of the most refunded games of all time.
Is this the one that was riding off of being a secret Kojima/MGS game??
@@Fer-no1te Nope, it’s a rip off of The Division and Escape from Tarkov.
@@Fer-no1te That was Abandoned. The games is abandoned now, pun intended
I need to see a list of the most refunded games
imagine if this was on epic store...
14:23 was actually one of the hardest spit takes ive ever had. A glitch so funny it actually made me want to get the game.
The Game Awards should have a category for the Worst Game of the Year, starting next year, because there have been so many terrible games recently.
I'd honestly love to see that
I'm honestly surprised that after all this time we still don't have a Raspberriesesque awards ceremony for awful games.
@@FairlyFatherless I feel like it'd a lawsuit/defamation fuckfest by any insecure enough company. I'm not at all knowledgeable when it comes to legal matters though so feel free to correct me.
That'd be too much of an honor and get them to do it more so
Honestly, if one were to challenge the AAA designers to make the worst game possible, we would end up with some badass games.
We will miss you Jeff. We should all be more like Jeff.
RIP Jeff, died when the server crashed. o7
@14:43 that super sized player "feature" happens out in the combat zone also.. And makes you/them a VERY easy target to hit...
The expectations were at an all time low, and yet they managed to surpass it. Thats actually really impressive
You said the opposite of what you tried to say
exceptions or expectations?
I always love comments like this where the person has never watched the video but they try to say something funny relating to the topic
@@thatkarmaguy5356 stay mad this game sucks
@@lethanosjames2976 No it does suck but you didn’t even bother to watch the video before commenting, that’s my issue
S/O to Jeff, we need more people like you in games like this lmao
This game has it all, zombies, guns and even perhaps love?? Jeff is carrying the entire game on his back
I can't believe this game isn't even nominated for GOTY along with Gollum and Kong: Skull Island. Truly the games of all time.
don't forget the walking dead game
@@madpie5147I would very happily like to forget the walking dead game
You're correct, they released a game to avoid a lawsuit, but its still a complete scam and asset flip. You saw the words "open-world mmo" plastered everywhere, and hell it still says it on their steam page, yet somehow its a extraction shooter all the sudden with no announcement. Where it gets even more sketchy is how the devs deleted videos of most of their videos that showcase missing features or state that the game will be "open-world". Funnily enough, they're about as good at hiding their shenanigans as they are creating a game, so it wasn't hard to figure out. I see people comparing this to the launch of Tarkov or DayZ, which weren't great at launch either, but at least the devs didn't lie about the direction of the game and then try to hide it. Not to mention how they promised features like driving cars in the city, crafting, basebuilding and they're entirely missing. Five years to make a game that feels like one week of development. All in all, when a dev teams track record of games stinks of doodoo, don't be a fly.
Lawsuit from whom?
@@mudokin Probably meant a possible class action lawsuit. As far as I know there are no active lawsuits against them.
the funny thing about tarkov is that they plan to make it an open world when they finish the maps
cry don't buy a game with no gameplay footage this should be a lesson to the morons, call it the Idiot tax Incident
What name was this game marketed under? I cant find anything
15:00 is one of the funniest glitches ive seen, when he stands back up lmao its like one of those weird old TF2 videos
The most interesting thing about this game is it technically breaks the Geneva Convention by using the Red Cross symbol on a random ass pharmacy you probably can't even enter. (8:56)
"It is prohibited to use unduly the distinctive emblem of the Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Lion and Sun, or any other emblems, signs, or signals provided for by the Conventions or by Additional Protocol I (API Art. 38 and customary IHL Rule 59)."
I think that's a silly rule, video games helped associate red and green crosses with health or healing before I ever even knew what a hospital was. I think it actually helps their cause
@@_mycotroph The point of the rules is to not minimize their purpose and any medic's purposes in the world, putting it in a game where it's unnecessary just means people are more likely to glance at it and not care in the real world. The rules were established because people were SPECIFICALLY targeting medics in combat in brutal ways, which meant the red cross couldn't even deploy in some circumstances in a lot of cases. The history behind the rules is important, The Red Cross really does not need your "advertising" or "awareness" in random games and instances like this. It muddies what it stands for. You can have your opinion but it's important to understand deeper why the rules were actually established. The green cross is entirely fine.
@@jesperlivid9184 The Red Cross symbol is internationallh recognized by the Geneva conventions but in general they can't really do anything about it, local governments are the ones that would have to act on it. The U.S isn't a part of the ICC though so no idea how well that could even be enforced.
Wtf I love this game now?!?!
@@jesperlivid9184I wouldn't expect realism from this trashy game. It's already a scam and the whole game gets the side eye.
I think it's a creative choice to have all playernames show up as "Unknown" so you are unable to see who are you communicating with
Maybe you can only see friends names? Or only people in your group
seems to be the case
Jeff is the only nice player I’ve seen in the entire game. What a legend.
ironically, out of this scam game, one of the most special connections in charlie's gaming in years was formed. Jeff the Sweetheart
I almost can't believe that this was one of the top wishlisted game on steam. I thought it was obvious that it was going to be terrible but people still fell for it and the developers managed to scam them. It looked so generic and there was no way the developer would actually live up to their promises.
whats it called?
@@skunkskunk7319 The Day Before
I put it on my wishlist after the first trailer I just never removed it. The numbers are inflated. People never added it back. When they hid the game it never removed it from wishlists.
people dont really understand how games are made, and the limits of todays tech, they can be sold dreams easy
I think a lot of people, like me, just wishlisted it to follow it and see what ended up happening. Never had any intention of buying it unless it somehow turned out to be good by some modern miracle
We need to see more adventures of Jeff and Charlie, truly an unshakable duo.
Charlie bonding with Jeff was so wholesome
Jeff will always be remembered for his good deeds
I am 80% sure this was thrown together to avoid lawsuits.
The friend you made was awesome, I was hoping you didnt kill him the entire time
History will remember the “Is it gonna shut down?” Ending like the most powerful ending of all time.
2:41 “Alright, your speech organs seem fine” sounds like an alien wrote this
Jeff is the hero we need but don't deserve.
I love the moment John Day Before say "What are we?, The day before?" And then process to scam all over the place. Truly the game of all time
I still can't believe they actually did _this._ What a bunch of clowns. They should have made an actual effort into making a semi-decent game.
It kinda of makes me sad because the graphics and the atmosphere of the maps seem pretty nice to me. If they were to make the game cheaper, fix the bugs, make the gameplay faster, and turn it into an actual open-world MMO, then I would definitely play it.
@thebilliast4466 pretty sure the games visuals are all thanks to the engine the game is on and the stock assets they probably used
the real clowns were the ppl hard defendin it despite ppl like kira pointing out it was going to be bad.
@Chunztarrdo ypu need to make 2 comments every time you comment. You can everything in one. Just like this
@@omegacxv8344 You know, both what you and the billiast4466 suggest are a crapton of work, legit like 50x as much or more. What they made is extremely low-effort, like baby's first Unity third-person shooter. Making a good game of that style is a gigantic effort.
Who knew they had the balls to release this
It’s even worse they actually released this.
What did they have left to lose? Actually pretty brilliant, I bet they made a good amount of cash even with the refunds.
probably for legal purposes
@@DM-qd7gw30,000 concurrent players. Fucking wild
@@DM-qd7gw Considering the hell they went through to work on it I'd bet the money they made is nowhere near what would have hoped for to make up for the time lost. it'd be a different story if the dev team consisted of 1 person. 200 people is quite a lot considering the shitshow it went through. I reckon from a company perspective it's being seen as a failure money wise, and that's not even talking about the reputation that company forever has to endure if they are to ever release another game
7:02 the nonchalant way he said "i have chills" absolutely sent me.
This game is so incredible, it was released after the game awards so it wouldn't destroy the rest of the nominated games and become the game of the year. These developers are really considered and kind. Everyone, please support them by buying this masterpiece of a game. Thank you.
Please tell me this is sarcasm this game is a masterpiece 💩and belongs in my toilet
@@AI.GENERATE200no it’s actually really good. better then originally advertised
Please don't believe these trolls folks it's terrible and a scam these developers should be facing legal action.
They're the Jeff of the Game Industry..
2024 needs to give up now because this will rule the year
Apparenttly the whole map is purchesable in the unreal engine store. Makes me wonder where all their effort was put.
crafting a trailer decent enough to scam all the morons, hell it worked
What effort?
Low cost production, literal top steam wishlist, $40 price. I expect them to profit from this scam.
2:52 "Here, I'll try and talk to people."
The developers should most certainly be sued for this amount of scamming.
They can be argue that all the revenue is just a result of mass IQ tax.
I wouldn't be surprised that Jeff was actually Sacriel, he tends to use that name a lot and is usually pretty kind in games
14:26 that guy in the cowboy hat was actually the attack titan
Cant believe they just missed the Game Awards smh, Baldurs gate 3 got lucky
if they put as much effort on this as they did trying to scam people, they might've been able to make something
and probably even make more money in the process
Reminds me of that burglar that got locked in that hallway
Jeff was more entertaining than the game itself😂
watching this on stream made me fall asleep lmfao the day before the zombie apocalypse dare i say covid simulator 😭
Bruh I can't take your comment seriously after seeing your pfp. 😂😂😂😂
That's the most predictable joke I have ever seen
@@HelloDarkness-sadboi imagine taking anything serious on a yt comment section what are you a deeeb😔
@@Peekaboo6969 Yeah there might be a Problem with me.🙁
How do you become a member. There's no "join" next to his channel.
I think the funny thing is that if it was at LEAST a survival game it'd be somewhat passable as "kind of as advertised" but they couldn't even manage that.
Give the player the ability to place down walls with no collision and they'd still be most of the way there.
@@joshuaanderson1712 Worst part is I was still gonna consider playing it if it was even only a "ok" survival game just to explore the open world as I love zombie games with rural regions and city regions in one and yet they couldn't even meet my expectations of a survival game that is OK at best
they shouldve just made simple zombie survival game with people around, recruit them as a party on the fly, kill shit, loot.. no need for shitty building props
@@gamignmaster6977have you played the state of decay games? They arent pvp survival games and but they are pretty good
Okay I will fully admit I love the idea of having an extremely generous stamina bar that kills you if depleted. If some game can manage to have the concept of how the marathon was made put into it and make sense gameplay wise then i will be very happy.
Not trying to mock you or anything, but I think the story you're referring to is the Marathon one, not the mile?
And I wholeheartedly agree, the empty stamina actually giving you a heart attack is a pretty cool idea. It would make fleeing from an opponent so much harder because there is an additional threat you have to watch
A marathon is like 26.5 miles
Kinda works that way in Starfield iirc, once you completely run out of oxygen (which is possible to do by running) you start taking health damage. That said, I'm pretty sure it forces you to stop running at that point.
@@loger6995 What was I thinking of then? I'm pretty sure the mile had something to do with what I am talking about.
@@superderfmen like when someone says "oh I'm going to participate in the city marathon" that run is going to be 26 something Miles (or maybe kilometers it was) you got the story right. A messenger Phedippedes ran from Marathon to Athens to deliver the message that the invading Persians had been defeated. The distance he ran was 150 miles apparently. I thought it was 26 but I had to look it up maybe the distance in a straight line is 26 miles
I like that people have already pointed out that the entire map is one asset from the unreal store. And the survival kit asset is also all the guns and items in the game. And yet they said they have been “developing” the game day and night LMAO
4:56 capsaicin is the molecule that triggers your tastebuds to feel like they are “on fire” without actually doing any damage and is found in eating spicy food, why the hell is it in the game as medicine 😂
Lol, right? It's like having a tube of icyhot in a zombie survival game😂
it IS a medicine, often used topically to lessen minor aches and pains. used in the same way menthol and camphor are
because it is a medicine
@@anonymousposter6461 shot by a low caliber pistol round? No worries, slather some capsaicin on it. Lol
Jeff I don’t know if you’ll see this. But I hope you and the family are well. God speed Jeff
Rest in peace Jeff disconnected from us too soon
This probably could have been a fun little indie game, but considering it's the product of a scam, this is unredeemedable 💀
There's more players than there is zombies. That's a win for the devs
The real surprise isn't that it sucks but that it actually came out.
Everyone thought it was some kind of money laundering scheme or something.
"you shot Jeff's arm off"... I almost fell over laughing so hard
This is the greatest playable digital scam of all time
Nah star citizen has this beat by a mile.
No mans sky for me
@@Direnthmaybe when it released, but at least they turned the game around
Star Citizen takes first place.
@Direnth I had the same feeling especially cus I pre-orderd it, but now it seems like there's actually content but the animal and plant rng still kinda lacks imo
14:12 Love how the devs included a quote about the player experience in the bottom left
Watching Charlie plot against a random player who decided to kill him first was 🥇
I love the dramatic music for connection lost. It's like, "You're about to enter a whole new world, wait never mind."
When the scam plan is exposed so you're forced to make a game to save face but you realize you didn't know how to make one in the first place
This is why I don't pre-order games, ever. I didn't even pre-order Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and we all knew it was going to be a masterpiece.
I agree for the most part, the only two games I've ever pre-ordered were Resident Evil 4 Remake and Under Night In-birth 2. The first game was because it almost certainly wouldn't be ass, and the second one was because I'd receive it 72 hours early and I'm such a casual, couch-buddies Fighting Game player that I couldn't really care less if the servers are terrible at launch because I just play with local friends and family. Thankfully, both choices were worth it for me. At the very least, doing some research before pre-ordering something can help you catch red flags.
Glad the guy you tried to bait into an ambush (@ 7:48) got you instead. I ALWAYS fall for that crap. It's nice to see a troll backfire. Fun video to watch! Truly upset this game is, well this game! I was looking forward to playing it. I was a 'UGE Division fan. First one only. The second one, while better in a lot of ways, was boring IMO. I thought this could scratch that itch for me. Ah well c’est la vie!!!
but the guy was gonnna ambush chalrie so there both scum in that
@@lightswitch2622 It was a silly joke.
@@Useridkyou It was a silly joke
The name “The Day Before” probably references the previous day, which is when this delayed game was supposed to come out.
With that logic, they should rename it to “The Year Before.”
5:56 Assuming it actually was a player that crashed, this could be a BAD sign of how the multiplayer is set up. Its possible that the game is client based rather than server based. As in, its up to his client to tell the server that he has been shot and has taken damage. This means that the game is very easy to exploit with client-side hacks. The way it should actually be handled instead is that when you shoot, your client doesn't actually shoot. It tells the server to shoot, which shoots, and then the server itself registers the hit. Then it tells his client that he has taken damage. When he dies on the server, the server tells him and you that he has died.
When I press left mouse to shoot, my game (my client) shoots. It then tells the server that I shot. The server then tells other players (their client) that I shot, and so now on their screen they see me shooting. On the server, it shoots and draws a line and checks if it hit a player. It then tells that player's client that it took damage. If on the server that player's health is now 0, it tells that player's client that he is now dead and tells my client that he is now dead.
My favorite part was when someone asked Dr. Disrespect “what do you think of the game” and his response after like 30 seconds of silence is “well. . . What do YOU think?” 🤣🤣🤣 (it was a sponsored stream btw)
Is that the guy who cheated on his wife?
@@yggdrasil4986Yes. He used to be called Dr. Disrespect His Wife
@@yggdrasil4986 They don't call him the two time for nothing
@@yggdrasil4986yes, he is also releasing his own scam pvp extraction game too. It's called deadrop, I recommend the channel jauwn , he did a video review of it here on YT
Jeff is the friend we all need
Jesus, how fast is Charlie's internet speed. Must me nice to be a mega millionaire lol
Charlie can somehow make all these bad games fun to watch
Nah dude, all the love to charlie, but i watched the livestream. Without the cuts this game was the most dull, boring, contentless thing i have ever watched.
@@mrvilla5972 I never caught the stream but I’ll take your word for it the same looked like it had no substance 🤣
@@mrvilla5972that’s why i don’t watch the streams lol
The game awards took this out because this can easily sweep out the awards,what a monster
Baldurs Gate 3 stood no chance with this game. So the game awards had to give BG3 a chance.
-Can we have the Division game?
-We have division at home:
The subtraction
jeff embodies the true spirit of real gamers
The fact they had a good 10 minutes trying to get back their weapons made this gold to me.
New tweet from FNTASTIC, they are closing the studio 3 days after launch, what a scam
@@thejayman1886 youtube please take COPPA more seriously
@@AnonymousChannel512 ... NEVER.