@@OnlineEnglish-wl5rp Everyone has certain prejudices or stereotypes .But the more you travel , the less you have them.Because both the good and the bad are different always completely different then you pre-sumed. So you stop pre-judging. This guy however 'never liked France & Germany ' . Not why he doesn't like it or whatever, Just 'Don't like em.Never like em,never will .
🤔Maybe it's tied more to the psychological effect of once having - and then losing - the biggest empire in the world? The Brexit majority was heavily influenced by that older generation of "Little Englanders", who in their childhood were brought up to believe implicitly: "British good, foreign Johnny bad"... (And now the same people try to complain about China brainwashing its own kids!)
That sums up boomers here in the US. The generation that had well funded education, affordable housing, company paid healthcare, and pensions. Then they destroy it all for the next generation and say well I’ve got mine I don’t care. This is coming from the US by the way.
@@az091969the problem is, a lot of these people that will live on their pension, won't be around for too much longer to actually feel the consequences of what they do to the country
The bloke who said 'I'm too old to Care' annoyed me. I'm old too, but we should all care about what sort of a country we are leaving as a legacy to the young!
@@fix0the0spadeSurely you can’t be blaming BREXIT now for the sorry state of the NHS ? We all know that they want to privatise it so that they can make billions out of the sick and needy people of the U.K.
Maybe he means that he's been disappointed in his life often enough to realise that his opinion doesn't matter the slightest bit and that whatever he has voted in the past, it all led up to today's situation. Many older people feel that things they didn't want or vote for have been ramrodded through all their life and now they're at a point that they just don't care anymore, as long as they can live out their lives. Which is a very sad thing to have to conclude.
So many ordinary ppl just don't understand that their National Insurance "stamp" ONLY EVER funded those pensioners who existed at the time that they paid it. Companies can easily survive on debt because if they can't repay, they just go bankrupt and let their investors take the loss. Countries don't have the luxury of defaulting on their loan repayments, without a serious hit to their exchange rate and - down the line - to their people's standard of living.
This guy's statement really stuck out to me too. This is why Younger people must vote. Older people often have a set of agendas (not all old people but many) that are not compatible with a functional society for the next fifty years. It's terrible to think - but with the way Britain is heading, I think there is a real possibility that this guy will get to see firsthand how precarious and involved in this situation he really is when his precious pension evaporates before his eyes
@@rickzane6433 He's nice and cushty with it triple locked! A parasite on working people, votes to make their lives harder whilst the Tories sacrifice the entire future of the country at the alter of pensioners
I'm sure the Russians would be devastated if Britains aid to Ukraine was blocked by Hungary... what a bunch of nonsense. Everything these people are complaining about isn't down to Brexit, but down to bad governance. I live in the allegedly so glorious EU, and the cost of living crisis has been a constant reality ever since we introduced the Euro... so much for "Brexit is at fault". Oh and btw, we took the same hit Britain took in recent years (if not worse). At least Brits can now vote in another government if they want things to change (although it looks like people are really enjoying this, given they're going to vote for Labour, which will put current government policy on steroids). But once people realize this, they will be glad they voted leave. We in Europe on the other hand will continue to have 70% of our laws made by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels.
@@williamgould1962 And that is shocking. The point is there are some incredibly poor pensioners who absolutely should get a substantial pension, i'd even argue more than they currently get. However, there are some very wealthy pensioners too who don't even notice the money in their banks. The majority in the middle have it pretty decent as they have seen their asset wealth, on the whole, grow massively vs incomes and so have plenty at the moment. The argument on pensions shouldn't be between old and young. It should be between the haves and the have nots. Its just that a much greater portion of the elderly are in the haves compared to young people.
Indeed they did. You have to wonder why the current Conservative Party is so happy to continue with this antithesis of previous visions. Is it money? Yes. It's always money.
"We were lied to"? No, you were not! You just chose to believe what some buffoon wrote on a bus instead of listen to literally every expert out there telling you from the get-go that Brexit would be an economic catastrophe for the UK while solving almost none of the real and perceived political issues it was supposed to solve. In fact the whole "we were lied to"-mantra is just a new iteration of the same "blame someone else for your own bad decisions and ensuing misfortune"-mindset that got you into Brexit to begin with.
Cameron can advise all he wants, but when the Conservatives repeatedly blamed the EU for Austerity effects and corrupt practices the die was cast. The vote for Brexit was a misbegotten vote against Austerity. Now we have our own home-grown corruption from the Tories and their chums that is much worse than anything the EU did, with lower standards across the board, and surprise surprise, Austerity is still going.
indeed, the UK is likely the country with the largest share of population having migrated somewhere else. Just not thinking that way because most places were British colonies
@@USUG0then there are all the silly old farts who've retired in Spain, and didn't understand the connection between Brexit and their own status as residents! 🤣
Scotland had a referrendum. Is the idea to just have a referrendum every 6 months until it passes or something? At any rate, its not the average Englishman who's stopping a referrendum. It's the UK Parliment.
@@TheotherTempestfoxA referendum where the English threatened the Scottish with blocking their entry to the EU, while telling them that remaining in the UK would be their only way of getting access to the EU. So yeah, the main argument the English told the Scottish about not leaving the UK changed, so yes, the Scottish should be given a new vote as the fundamentals have changed significantly. But the English know that and that’s why they will not give the Scottish another vote, because they are afraid of what the Scottish would vote for.
@@davidgantenbein9362 you realise even that Scotland cannot rejoin the EU even if it leaves the UK right? Spain would veto regardless because they're afraid of catalunya trying the same thing and I don't believe Scotland on its own meets the entry criteria anyway.
@@TheotherTempestfox Who knows if Spain would ultimately veto it? Spain has nothing against Scotland, but beef with the UK over Gibraltar, so Spain could easily help Scotland getting into the EU. In all these cases Spain keeps its veto power against Catalunya anyway, which is enough deterrence. So yeah, no need to be afraid of Spain here.
The UK already did not play by the same rules, got many exemptions and exceptions already and contributed less per capita than for example French and German citizens did, while benefiting the same. The amount of extra asterisks added to EU Agreements because of the need to accommodate for UK sentiments was ridiculous. Complexity of thos agreements is of course one thing the UK always criticized, while being a major contributor to it. And they still sold the story of being ripped off. Meanwhile their farmer friend 2 miles down the road survived on EU subsidies... The EU is far from perfect... But looking at millenia of European history, it's by far and away the best effort of managing this very diverse and complex region of the world properly and without major wars occuring every decade or so. And certainly the only way to remain relevant in a globalized world with evolving super powers that do not at all share values of democracy, freedom and human rights.
"I'm too old to care whether we go back or go forward . I have my pension. I can live quite happily on it". This is the "I'm all right Jack" mentality which helped get us into this mess in the first place. I wonder if this chap has kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces or friends and neighbours with children? Because even if he feels he is too old to act on his own behalf, it's telling he will not act on behalf of those younger than himself.
"We have been shafted by France and Germany until Brexit. Because of Brexit, we are now being shafted by France and Germany." Good to have someone to blame.
Retired people shouldnt be allowed to vote, they are not currently supporting the country, they wont ever again and if they vote and doom it the are excempt from the consequences.
And it's the same guy who says at least we have our destiny in our own hands.😂 Maybe it's not a great idea to have destiny in the hands of people who don't care!
He basically voted because of his personal hate for his neighbouring friendly countries... Such a bitter man. Where is deeply seated hate even comes from?
Thank you for this one , i was just gonna say it. All this self-serving sobbing :" we were *LIED* to , it wasn't *our* fault!!!" . Everyone who had a bare minimum of an education and was looking beyond their greed and garden fence was able to see what was coming. This old bloke is a jingoistic xenophobe would have gotten his pension with or without brexit , but without he would nove ruined it for the rest of the people.
All I needed was to see the conservatives using the NHS as an idea for where the money could go. Anyone with two braincells to rub together should have seen that as one massive red flag.
If I could go back to 2016 I would STILL vote leave. Forget immigration. The European superstate and the obvious democratic defecit in the EU were good reasons to vote leave back then and i stand by that.
@@ryanreedgibsonthey are sheep because they believed the lies while every smart person was screaming out the truth at the tops of their lungs. Back then they didn’t listen. Now they want to distance themselves from their stupidity- too late
You let them lie to you because they told you what you wanted to hear... Or maybe you just didn't put much thought into it... The one man said it perfectly, he doesn't care either way now because he thinks he's taken care and could care less about other people...
You're dead right we were indeed lied to in 1975 when we were asked if we wanted to stay in the Common Market. "It's just a big trading club..What's not to like?"
@@philiphealy1766still trying to fool yourself with the huge mistake you made by chosing brexit, eh? Dont worry, it will get worse for you, you will see a labour government doon and you helped in allowing it to happen. 😅😅😅
How about the lies told by Remain? For example, our trade with the EU will have tariffs and disappear. We have free trade with the EU and it is currently at record levels. Or the economy would crash following the vote and it boomed.
Exactly. Politicians are that kind of job, who are shameless enough that they tell lies in straight face; Lies that voters want to hear. It is not just UK politicians, but applied to all politicians in the world.
@@A190xx Not entirely true. The last-minute trade deal hammered out starting Jan. 2021 avoided tariffs, but customs regulations slow down trade, and VAT and some other duties get added on import. The British economy is not booming, GDP and growth are both weaker since Brexit. Disaster avoided, but certainly negative economic impact.
I am polish originally, have my business family here in London and tell you one thing, each time I am going to see my family I can see improvements everywhere, standards are so much higher , everywhere is so clean , international companies opening new branches or HQ-s and the only obvious reason why is like that is that poland is in EU.
@@jcoker423 yes and no , Polish gov accepted literally millions of people from Ukraine that are similar in looks, values, traditions and even language upon arrival adults received NI and could go to work right away kids within days were accepted at schools. What Polish government opposed was immigration from middle east and Africa, people with different religions and incompatible values. It is also very difficult to claim benefits in Poland or get free housing so even if someone managed to get through from Bialorus they were heading to Germany or Sweden.
I originally come from Poland, I have been living in the UK for 15 years, in my opinion the UK will soon be a poorer country than Poland, no education, no investment in infrastructure, no idea for reforms. After the referendum, several people with British passports asked me how Brexit will affect you - I replied: it will not affect me, but it will have a huge impact on you. I can still move to any other country in the European Union.
It's because Polish send all their money home :) we made Poland wealthy and Aira make heat pumps and it is a Swedish company and they let the oldish make them and sell them in England. You don't know much about England do you
@@dimiathan what do you mean, send the money home? England is the greatest engineering country on the this planet. They invented everything in this modern world. Shipping, flight and god know what else. They sent products back here that English people paid for and we sent products abroad no one on this planet could make themselves. What is your point exactly?
We are in charge of our own destiny but the Conservatives and Farage messed things up. Farage shouldn't have stood down Reform UK candidates at the 2019 general election.
"I hate Germany and France I never liked them," This is what you get if you only read tabloids. Do they realize how the UK was perceived by other EU countries? The United Kingdom had certain opt-outs and special arrangements within the EU. Notably, the UK was not part of the Eurozone, retaining its own currency (the pound). Additionally, it had an opt-out from the Schengen Agreement, maintaining border controls. The UK also negotiated a rebate on its financial contributions to the EU budget. These privileges reflected specific agreements and concessions made during the UK's EU membership. If the UK ever wanted to rejoin the EU they'll never get these privileges back. No system is perfect, the world has changed and the impact you have as an European country globally has diminished significantly. Cooperation within Europe has become vital. The more European countries work together the stronger they are globally. The UK is not an exception to that.
You expect too much from the highly undereducated general British public 'don't bother me with the facts..'.If you don't read the fine print in life as a rule then you will certainly get shafted and not only by French men or Germans...Brexit ought to serve as a warning about a Farage knocking on your door with a new scam. Food prices will certainly rise more with new checks on the UK border do yes please do stag off the Tories.
Ironically the pleasant ladies - one black, one with Eastern European accent (the type of people that a lot of Brexit voters are afraid of) speak the most sense
Yes, they have lots of immigration in eastern Europe, don't they. Its not like they were literally sending in the army to force them back over the borders or anything
As an Italian I've noticed that a lot of European were going to UK for studies and summer language courses, that was a big slice of UK economy and opportunities, today after Brexit is a lot more complicated.
@@linajurgensen4698 that's actually so sad. Can't you study there nonetheless as an international student?? The UK still has a lot of these, but I don't know if pre-brexit the uni prices were different for the Europeans non brits
Not really more complicated, people just don't do it anymore. Brexit destroyed any chance for me to go to England and I fairly didn't care enough to overcome the obstacles
You were all told the truth. The Remain Campaign repeatedly warned of the consequences of Brexit. You chose to believe the lies, and now have to live with the consequences of that choice.
@@solentrambler Put it this way: given that both sides were attempting to predict the real-world outcome of an unprecedented situation, which set of predictions came closest to the truth?
@@zaxzaxx4561 Older voters had some 23 years to judge the EU. Not just the claims of an albeit brief campaign. The entire world has changed much in 2016. Not least the EU. And it looks like more change to come in 2024, the year of elections. We are where we are. Your question serves no pragmatic purpose for today’s world issues beyond being a possible future A-level question
As an european we don't want the UK back. That ship has sailed and getting them back would only do more harm than good: other european countries could threaten to leave the block knowing that in the future, if things don't work out as planned, they could be reinstated, destabilizing the union. Thank you for having bit the bullet for us.
The British never really believed in the union, even if they were members they always opposed internally, sabotaging the majority despite their special membership keeping them safe from any decision they didn't like. The union has become stronger without the UK, there is one less saboteur within it (only a couple of marginal Eastern European players remain who can be easily neutralized).
@@LMB222 and the UK does not have insane ideas in your opinion? And what about Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Nehterlands, France, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Finland? Are they not "enough" as "counterweights" for Germany's "sometimes insane ideas"?
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.
I feel your pain mate, as a fellow retiree, I’d suggest you look into passive index fund investing and learn some more. For me, I had my share of ups and downs when I first started looking for a consistent passive income so I hired an expert advisor for aid, and following her advice, I poured $30k in value stocks and digital assets, Up to 200k so far and pretty sure I'm ready for whatever comes...
@@temmyolarewaju9371 That's actually quite impressive, I could use some Info on your FA, I am looking to make a change on my finances this year as well
@@temmyolarewaju9371 The crazy part is that those advisors are probably outperforming the market and raising good returns but some are charging fees over fees that drain your portfolio. Is this the case with yours too?
Thing is, the banks have massively moved functions from the city of London to the continent. They keep quiet about it because everyone hates bankers, but my wife has had more well paid work than she can handle helping them move. There’s nothing to see on the surface, but merchant banks, commercial banks have been hollowed out in London over the past six years. Don’t care? Ok. But 80% of the UK economy is services and the majority of those are financial. It’s not good to have put all your eggs in one basket but over the last 30 years the UK’s prosperity has been made more and more reliant on this sector. For now, banks are only slowly losing staff as they retire so it’s not so noticeable but eventually these chickens will come home to roost. And the Uk will have what, exactly? We’re moving ‘back to where we came from’ when the work is over after 25 years in the UK. The sick man of Europe is back.
@@julianmorrisco And yet, we have more European companies coming to the UK, than at any time prior to Brexit, so it goes both ways. Also lots of non-EU companies coming in too.
@@Thurgosh_OG really? Lots coming to the UK? I think many foreign companies already in the UK are not investing any more and thinking about leaving. How about Tata Steel closing plants in the UK as one big example?
The UK had the best membership terms. "Shafted". UK now uninvolved in the EU legislation process and has to follow those to access the single market. "In charge of our destiny". "France and Germany, never liked'em." Yeah, i think that was probably the deciding factor...
The problem was that most of the people don't remember what it was like before the UK was in the EU. So most people were totally ignorant and they were voting on something that knew almost nothing about.
The UK's demise coincided with entry into the (EU) common market. This was a planned, managed decline where manufacturing and industry was exported to Germany and slowly to the far east. Germany is now being shafted as they are suffering mass closure of industry.
@@botany500kojak The UK improved its economy after the 80s and 90s with an economic boom that surpassed France as the second largest economy in the European Union, thanks to the common market and its infrastructures. The Brexit dialogue started after the great crash of 2007; before that, it was just a minor topic. Now, even my country ( Italy) is doing better than you.
@@edoardoturco8780 Yes, the 'boom' was selling off its assets, scamming the public (which still pays private companies subsidies to exist). It still continues. There is nothing tangible in the UK. With no real industry it relies on banksters and a dwindling service industry as well as wars and other nefarious activities. And define 'better'? Profits banksters make? The EU is going to the dogs like the UK, and it is by design. We're all controlled by corporate fascists' decisions.
@@edoardoturco8780yeah , UK was doing so great that it was affectionately known as Sick Man of Europe. It took some major US arm-twisting after De Gaulle died , and begging by UK elites to let it in ….
Yes we won 2 world wars to stop Germany ruling over Europe. Then corrupt politicians, without the consent of the people handed Europe over to Germany via the common Market.
Nice profile pic, btw, vampire bloodlines, but yes, it was a lot if things coming together, nostalgia for Empire, racism, but also, for 40 years the government could lie and blame anything on the EU: "Oh, we'd love to build a school/hospital/factory in your area, but those damn bureaucrats in Brussels won't let us". "There'd be plenty of jobs/school places/homes but the Poles keep taking them" This allowed the gov to dodge any blame for underinvestment. Whats' so ironic is that here in the UK many think the EU is just dying to have us back....(empire again)
@@andreaslind6338 That is because they keep on asking us to rejoin but we know it is only our money they want and not us. We are a problem to them because we see through their bullsh - t.
He read the lies written that damn bus and hasn’t bothered read anything else about it since, even now, knowing fully well he blew his own foot off. He may have changed his mind, bit it’s STILL not an informed opinion. Amazing…
Old people who voted to take the right of young people (freedom of movement etc) should feel shame. They lived their lives in the EU getting rich and then pull it out from under the rest of us.
@@NexPutax Young people voted by a supermajority to remain in the EU and their turnout was double what was predicted. So the entirety of Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as the young demographics all knew Brexit was an awful idea. It was just the old English majority who were so easily led by racist fearmongering about migrants that they still complain about after Brexit. We will have so much to reverse once the Tories are out.
I made a friend's mum cry once when she told me she voted for Brexit and I pointed out that she maybe had 20 years left while her three grand-kids would have to live with the economic fallout and limitations on travel and opportunities for the rest of their lives. And you know what? I don't regret it. Consequences.
I voted remain and so did half of the people that turned up to vote (and not many people turned up to vote in comparison to the entire UK population). So I deserve to suffer too?
@@WordsofHarmonylies that at the time were 100% disprovable. There were lies that were constantly being debunked but brexiters stuck their heads in the sand.
No surprise to me. I very clearly remember what at least one commentator back then said. Specifically, that the Brexit mindset was like going into a divorce fully expecting that you'd be the one to get the house, the car and the bank balance, while your ex got the mortgage and the credit card debt.
@@solentrambler He didn't say "Brexit voter mindset". The "Brexit mindset" is the stuff the "Leave" proponents we're putting out there at full blast. And yes, they were talking about a myriad of benefits that largely failed to materialise while being in complete denial of the downsides.
@@michaelt.5672 Fair comment about Brexit mindset. I note that older voters had some 23 years to make up their minds. The result didn’t just result from a brief campaign. The Remain campaign was equally awful. I note that all is not peace, light and loveliness in the EU.
@@michaelt.5672Why did they fail to materialise? Isn’t it because many in government wanted and some still do, to Remain in the Eu. ? One could easily be forgiven for thinking that some Remainer MP’s could personally lose tens and even hundreds of thousands of pounds in investments, contracts, property and businesses deals etc., not to mention friends too, by leaving the Eu.
@@solentrambler The EU has plenty of issues, no doubt. Can't say much about the remain campaign. The point was that in terms of the outcome, the remainers predictions were far closer to the truth than the brexiteers.
0:50 No, just no. YOU were BLOCKING the EU for well over a decade at that stage, extorting exemptions from EU rules for Britain for the benefit of the UK (primarily its rich classes). You were not "getting ripped off" in the EU. You were arguably the biggest detractor for success for most other nations. British exceptionalism at its worst that gentlemen.
Then in that case why didn’t you just say good riddens when we decided to leave the Eu. You didn’t, you did everything in your power to make it impossible for us to leave and still to this day the Eu leaders keep on asking the U.K. to rejoin. You must be missing us and our money either that or your Eu is misrepresenting you and your will.
@@susancurtis1651 Nobody made it impossible for you to leave, you are out, right? And to this day the UK government decided to behave like they are still part of the European Union, not implementing proper border controls for goods entering the UK for example. Still pretending to be part of the single market. I thought you wanted out? I mean you are on paper, but probably its time that the UK acts like it too. The EU has implemented full checks on UK goods, not sure why the UK seems incapable of doing that. Which is by the way against the WTO rules that Jacob Reese Mogg and Lord Frost were so keen on, I wonder why they havent followed through on them now they have the sovereignity to. Overall the EU has let you go. The EU rarely, if ever, talks about the UK anymore. You are a non entity here. We have moved on. Only person in the room still talking about Brexit and failing to actually implement it is the UK. Almost like you regret leaving. Let me reassure you: Nobody misses you. Be on your way now.
@@susancurtis1651 As a Romanian I always envied people from Schengen countries that didn't have to get in line for passport control at the airport. Well I was born in a communist country that didn't allow leaving so easily so I shouldn't complain much. But since joining EU in 2007 it is better here. And imagine my surprise when at that passport control line on an airport in Italy I started to see British citizens, not only fellow Romanians, neighbours from Bulgaria or non EU citizens. But what do you know, now even us Romanians joined Schengen with airport passport control, since 31st of March 2024. So I guess I won't have to stay in line along British citizens...
@@TheCloudhopperI said “ you (the Eu) did all in its power to make it impossible for the U.K. to leave”. I did “ not say it was impossible to leave.” Funny how you purposefully misunderstand or misrepresent my comments ! “ On your way ?” Good job our government doesn’t say that to the millions of Eu citizens living here in the U.K. and before you go on about expats, there are only a few thousand of those in “ALL” of the Eu countries put together. That in itself shows that even Europeans citizens prefer to live here in the U.K. rather than in the Eu . Was it 5 or was it 6 million Europeans that all applied for British citizenship in just one month alone, a couple of years ago ? Looks to me like it is the Europeans that “are on their way” not us Brits.
This isn't the Brexit that Leave voters thought they'd voted for but it's exactly the Brexit that the Remain side voted against. Every prediction the Remain side made during the referendum have come true, project fear is project here.
Except for the leading 3 economic predictions. 2017 recession 500k job losses within 2 years if vote including 100k+ in City 8-12% slower house price rises
@MrChrisWhitten Correct. Therefore.... the original post saying every prediction the remain side made has come true meant..... "But, but, except for the 3 main ones they lead with. That's what k meant by every"
@@danielwebb8402 I said predictions made by the remain side, not predictions the leave side claim remain made. Every single prediction remain actually made have come to pass... every single one. Dire immediate results were predicted if we left the day after the referendum but we didn't... and we still haven't as border checks are still not being performed, that's starting this month. You were lied to I'm afraid... I know it hurts but it's true. You were sold a pup and you gladly bought it, now you have to accept you made a mistake and get over it. Mark Twain once noted that it's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled. That's because in order to fool a man you have to defeat his intellect but to convince him he's been fooled requires defeating his pride and most people's pride is stronger than their intellect. It's time you put your pride away and let your intellect start doing some work.
It is not isolationism to leave a trade union organisation that the majority disagrees with and that moves politically to take over one’s country, its independence and sovereignty etc.
I had a huge paragraph of a comment that I rather resume in a small sentence: The fact that old xenophobes decided the worst possible destiny for their youth is criminal.
@@Balletified oh please, it's precisely because the old xenophobes have managed the absolute criminal act of making a whole new generation hopeless for the future of their nation that we shouldn't blame the youth for not acting. No one ever thought this referendum would be actually on the "leave" side, since everyone naturally thought that the EU was a good thing. Moreover, old blokes are so entitled to the ways of old britannia that they HAD to act in order to chase the crumbling dream of a strong and independant UK. A sad, very sad sight to behold.
Maybe it's just me, but I could've sworn these people were warned about what a disaster Brexit was going to be, and they laughed at us ...... suckers. I left. Now in Malta. Much happier.
I have lived in two communist countries as well as countries with autocratic leaderships and I can tell you that it is not pretty. You vastly underestimate how important national sovereignty and the ability to decide your own future really is. Too many people are hung up on short-term financial gains and how it affects them from day to day. You want to get hung up on not having to live like slaves to an unaccountable handful of bureaucrats because that was the ship the UK was sailing on four years ago. People have fought and died for democracy. It's important.
Brexit was not a comedy but was certainly in the truest tradition of "The Great British Farce": misplaced notions of national self-importance, ignorant people, stereotyping of foreigners, ludicrous exaggerations, uncorrected misunderstandings, devious misdirection and crude characterization of improbable situations. It had all the elements of a theatrical farce minus the falling trousers and the happy ending.
I’m an Aussie that sat in the middle of it and felt like people were sticking their heads in the ground. I heard people all repeating the same talking points with no critical thinking. I felt like racism played apart and the anti brexit people seemed to be silenced, harassed and shouted down. It was weird to watch.
"You never know in this life someday you'll become an immigrant".💯 My 60 year old Father in law was a staunch UKIP and Brexit supporter even canvassed for them. He recently separated from his second wife and guess what he's now an immigrant sorry an EXPAT living in Cyprus in a 2 bed flat with his best mate.
No one voted for Brexit to stop LEGAL immigration, do you even know how many people arrive each day on dingys? Why are they all wearing designer clothes and are already recorder themselves on smart phones? They are here for free money, MIGRANTS ARE NOT REFGEES.
What I find frustrating is them being like “we were lied to” yes, we told you this! We warned people they were being lied to and they turned around and denied it. Heck, I was too young at the time to vote and I knew it was all lies!
@@mbrady2329We voted for freedom from all tyranny including the German led EU’s own brand. Do you realise millions died in two world wars so that Europe and GB would be free to choose its own path and way. Your grandparents or great grandparents gave their lives and shed their blood so that “you” would be free and now you spit in their faces and dance on their graves. You do not have the right to give away my freedoms or my countrymen’s freedoms. Why would anyone want yet another layer of leaders and bureaucracy whose sole intention is to gain wealth, power and control over them and their off spring ? Are you insane. God gave us the ability to think and the freedom to choose for ourselves and “NO ONE “ has the right to steal that from us. The U.K. voted to leave the European Union and as a democracy we should have been able to do that as Net Contributers for 47 years without malice or penalty. You are obviously undemocratic and imo at best, nieve.
Yep, they weren't lied to, they consciously chose to believe liars, charlatans and crooks like BloJo, Farage and Gove. Problem is they dragged down the 48% who saw through the sea of lies. PS-Where's that £350 mil a week extra for the NHS?
Every time we tried to give a logical argument why the UK was better in Europe, we were shot down for scaremongering. By that logic only pro-Leave arguments are allowed!
I was telling these Brexit people that Brexit would be bad for business and the people of GB but much more important that the exiting of GB from Europe would cause difficulty's if wars broke out but no one gave a damn they just wanted sovereignty, which believe me is just a word that means nothing much right now.
Brexit would be the best thing for business in a long, long time, because it would eliminate the disastrous economic policies imposed by the EU on the UK which force a high taxation, low freedom economy. This is absolutely choking the life out of the economy, with people refusing to invest in an economy that just makes all their investment disappear through taxation. So you can tell the Brexit people anything you want. Until Brexit is actually implemented, you can't blame it for anything.
I visited UK (in my case London and Dover) only 2 times in my life, but i really loved the people i met. Many were helpful, respectful and even tho being a stranger with a serious lack of words and a horrible pronounciation including a german accent, i felt welcomed. When Brexit talk started and i often heared, that EU and especially France and Germany were hated by so many people, i was shocked. Of course its not a new info that germany isnt a well liked country by many, but it hit hard anyways. I hope that one day i might travel there again and be able to feel the same way about UK and its people, as i did before. After all the short periods of times there were awesome and helped me to at least get a little better, when it comes to expressing myself in english.
Meanwhile every prediction made by the remoaner camp failed to come true and remoaners are still butthurt that Britain hasn't collapsed like they wanted it to. Instead it is the EU that is in a total death spiral.
@@silondon9010a statement of utter nonsense !! ending free movement has made no difference to them what so ever in fact profits have never been so high ,so what are you on about ?
Not all Brit politicians lied about leaving. There were remainers as well. They just chose to listen to the politician who lied because they were scapegoating immigrants. And that made y’all feel good. Stop immigration and everything will be alright lol not realizing that slower birth rates mean you need immigration to sustain your economic growth.
I know eh. I remember the "caravan" of migrants that was on it's way to America and it's progress was being tracked everyday by FOX "news" in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. The day after Trump won the mysterious caravan of migrants were gone from FOX
I voted remain for 2 reasons. And it wasn't because of trade, immigration, or any of the other top reasons most Brits voted the way they did. One of which was that no matter how good we could potentially have had it outside the EU, I had no faith in the government to get us there, And surprise surprise, they didn't. I felt like best case scenario would be to maintain completely the same by making new deals which were no better or worse than the current ones. I had zero faith they would reach better agreements. I figured they'd probably make worse deals. No matter how you view what we got, very few of us can argue its better.
The EU is fairing no better either. Their politicians are ruining their own countries with their Draconian green new deals. Theresa May was too busy implementing us into it too, rather than getting Brexit done. No side is better off with the calibres of controlled politicians on both sides.
AT least we have the potential to go forwards - I feel for the other countries still locked in the authoritarian and corrupt EU. They are under 2 layers of useless government, at least we have only 1.
@@FengLong Well, they didn't interview any of those proud white Brits who roamed London's streets during the Euro in 2021. I'm sure all of those people have a very well-informed opinion on all political matters 😂
@@CC3GROUNDZERO Of course you can trash the indigenous Londoners, but I suspect that if you asked a cross section of migrants their views on the issues you think are morally important (such as racism, religion or sexism for example), you would be more scandalised at the responses than by what the average white British working class person would say. Please , just look at some opinion polling of views in other parts of the world.
Yeh, typical all about me, me, me, and mine! We can label these types as traitors from the get go. They don’t care about the country, but just themselves!
4:10 'In charge of our own destiny', what does that mean in a global economy? Europe is the biggest single market in the world and we should be doing business across Europe without the barriers that resulted from Brexit.
It means we don't follow rules handed down by an autocratic, undemocratic and corrupt institution. We have enough problems with our own government, without needing another layer of incompetence and corruption.
That statement is kind of worrying. It looks like he knew so little about what's going on in this country that he thought people like Farage were part of the government because they acted like authority figures
I thought only half the government lied. Labor and the more centrist tories all said to remain, regardless of how effective their campaign was. It's a little funny how I've seen so many UK citizens being interviewed post brexit telling reporters that they were lied to and would've voted differently had they been told the truth... It's not my fault I voted for brexit, I was lied to! Well no, they were told the truth, by the other half of government as well as every remainer who spoke up about it. They just deliberately chose to ignore it and focus on the lying half instead...
We had no idea we were being lied to, unless you count all those idiots we never listen to, who kept trying to tell us we were being lied to. I blame them.
we always were 'in charge of our own destiny'. some people (52% it would seem) don’t know the difference between international judicial law and trading agreements.
I remember a discussion between two TH-camr talking about Brexit before it happend. And the remainer explained in great detail all the economic and also political implications of leaving the EU. The arguments of the Brexiter pretty much boiled down to : I want our sovereignty back! As far as discussions goes, it was absolute insanity. The Discussion was between Thunderfoot and Sargon of Akkad.
You don't need to be pro-Brexit to understand potential advantages of it. For example, if you want to have a more socialist society with a state sector, this is currently impossible within the EU because of neo-liberal, capitalist competition laws. You will have your own views as to whether this is important to your politics. Many of Old Labour understood, and were anti EU because of it.
Probably 70% of British people are being living in a box for centuries, with their own manners and traditions nothing comes in and nothing goes out… When the other world came to their door with all good and bad they rejected it. You can’t get all the good part without sacrificing something… now regretting what they choose
How much has the economy shrunk since Brexit? - The new report, by Cambridge Econometrics commissioned by City Hall shows that London's economy has shrunk by more than £30billion. The average Briton was nearly £2,000 worse off in 2023, while the average Londoner was nearly £3,400 worse off last year as a result of Brexit
How do you figure that is all the fault of Brexit? We've had a pandemic, war in Ukraine and Israel since then. But, no, everything is Brexit's fault? How obsessed are Remoaners, still, after all these years!
As a French citizen, I find it annoying that this guy says that France and Germany run the EU, because the UK has always chosen not to get more involved in the EU. Ultimately, it was always the choice of the leaders of the UK to obstruct rather than build. This is exactly why De Gaulle (De Gaulle, you know, so so long ago! I wasn't breathing yet when he was in charge) was not in favor of the UK joining the EEC (he "predicted" this attitude then), or whatever it was called, at the time. Anyway, whatever...
He's also conveniently forgetting that (somewhat annoyingly), all decisions in the EU are taken by unison, not by any majority vote. So every single decision that he thinks that Germany and France forced on the UK, the UK government agreed with. Every. Single. One.
It's funny because British MEPs, voted 97,4% in favour of the laws that passed in the European parliament chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/eprints.lse.ac.uk/66261/1/Hix_Brexit%20matter_2016.pdf
@@BorisHaeusslerbut hey brits got the country back! I find it hilarious that a lot of Brits think that if it weren't for wokeness they would still have their empire and run the world, despite the fact they are pretty broken right now 😹😹😹💀💀💀
Makes sense. Trump also wants America to become isolationist like the Brexit clowns do. What a genius. No wonder Putin and Xi Jinping were happy that he won. Thank you wokes for making Trump win.
@@peterswires8439 You believe incorrectly, while Churchill was a genocidal turd of a human being who had no respect for voters, I'm afraid we can't pin this one on him
Except that literally none of the remoaners doom laden predictions came true did they? Instead of just accepting the edited footage of a political activist just because it plays to your bigotry look at the facts. UK EU trade an all time high. Inward investment all time high. The economic stats coming out of the EU are truly catastrophic and even the Wall Street Journal is saying that no sane country should join or re join the collapsing EU. And I wonder how many of you will be clamouring to re join when Le Penn is running France and the AFD is running Germany. You lot are seriously ill. Your federal dream is dead, get over it.
"The EU is run by Germany and France" sums up the complete lack of knowledge regarding the EU... I've taken to calling anyone who still supports Brexit a Brexitard....
Absolutely spot on, you are right. Many Folks don’t look at the facts. We are definitely better off out of the autocratic eu, from many points of view.
The lady talking about mental health issues really got me. I am an EU citizen, successfully studied and trained in the UK to work as a psychologist. But I cannot get back into the UK under current visa regulations and pay schemes. Due to psychologists being on the shortage worker lists they can be paid only 80% of the minimum wages to qualify for a visa. A bonus for companies, not necessarily for the employee. With current costs of living in larger cities (where sponsorship is often more likely) that would work if I were still in my mid 20's, went into room shares, had a short commute and only lived to work. But it just does not work if there is family involved. My husband, a mechanical engineer, would have to anticipate a pay cut of around 50% if he went to the UK as a skilled worker. I am now employed part-time as a psychologist in Germany and get more than double of what a full-time clinical psychologist job in the UK would pay. Even with the more excessive taxes in Germany on salaries, it is still worth it. I am also self-employed, something that would be impossible in the UK without settlement status. Still, if the UK manages to someday be an attractive place to live and work again, we may move back.
We do need to keep in mind that half of inflation was recently shown to be excessive corporate profit taking. They saw inflation was going up and they basically jumped on top of it to raise their prices even more.
According to Richard Werner (recent interview on YT), inflation is controlled by BlackRock, not politicians. We think politicians control things - they are gophers.
@@philiphealy1766 You are suffering delusion, mate; otherwise you would be suggesting the many benefits of Brexits that have delighted you, and well worth the hit to the economy of £100bn a year...
The ignorance is unbelievable in one or two that were interviewed. Apart from the nurse, the media has done a deserve in keeping the public dumbed down.
At a time in the world where people need to feel unity, connection and community, on a global level, the problem with Brexit is that it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Since Brexit immigration has gone up, inflation has gone up, the country is divided over a single decision made during a referendum only set up to quell infighting in the Tory Party. It's the worst thing to happen to the "United" Kingdom in decades. We're now second-class citizens in our own continent, thanks to populist opportunists and xenophobes trying to play the currency markets. It's pitiful, embarrassing and the sooner we redress the situation the better.
Inflation went up during to lockdowns and money printing in Covid and affects every EU nation. We now have trade deals with more countries and people than we did in the EU and our trade with the EU is at a record level.
Yes, Brexit was based on lies upon lies. When that level of dishonesty prevails in a country, it poisons everything. Britain is massively damaged economically, politically and socially by Brexit. It is huge. It is also insidious because the damage starts slowly but goes on and accumulates over decades.
@@MikeAG333 Inflation has gone up more in the UK than in the EU and has also stayed higher for longer. Rising energy costs and rising food prices and rising mortgage rates are all huge components of the stubbornly high UK inflation. The Eurozone has much lower mortgage rates than the UK. Also for example, France has had much lower energy cost inflation than the UK. Perhaps you should think carefully now?
@@russmarkham2197 No. I simply don't care. Brexit for me was never economic. I detest protectionism (because of its effects on the third world), and I voted for my principles rather than my wallet.
That guy: 'Germany, France never liked them, never done..'
Read: 'Never been there , know nothing about it '
Because you don't at all have any prejudices about countries you've never been to
I hate Brussels sprouts, Brussels handles some EU stuff, so I hate the EU.
@@rickzane6433 😂
@@OnlineEnglish-wl5rp Everyone has certain prejudices or stereotypes .But the more you travel , the less you have them.Because both the good and the bad are different always completely different then you pre-sumed. So you stop pre-judging. This guy however 'never liked France & Germany ' .
Not why he doesn't like it or whatever, Just 'Don't like em.Never like em,never will .
🤔Maybe it's tied more to the psychological effect of once having - and then losing - the biggest empire in the world? The Brexit majority was heavily influenced by that older generation of "Little Englanders", who in their childhood were brought up to believe implicitly: "British good, foreign Johnny bad"... (And now the same people try to complain about China brainwashing its own kids!)
1:10 "I don't care what happens now, I've got my pension" has never summed up a generation so succinctly
not even an entire generation, but a very specific group of that generation, the group that has their pension
That sums up boomers here in the US. The generation that had well funded education, affordable housing, company paid healthcare, and pensions. Then they destroy it all for the next generation and say well I’ve got mine I don’t care. This is coming from the US by the way.
i wonder if his pension will be able to afford food and living condition in the future
@@az091969the problem is, a lot of these people that will live on their pension, won't be around for too much longer to actually feel the consequences of what they do to the country
@@San-lh8us Lots of people from all gens voted to leave.
The bloke who said 'I'm too old to Care' annoyed me. I'm old too, but we should all care about what sort of a country we are leaving as a legacy to the young!
That's a very Tory thing to say. I'm alright, Jack.
I imagine whilst he's waiting for a hospital appointment, to see a doctor or for the ambulance that may never come he will suddenly care a great deal.
@@fix0the0spadeSurely you can’t be blaming BREXIT now for the sorry state of the NHS ? We all know that they want to privatise it so that they can make billions out of the sick and needy people of the U.K.
Typical Brexit voter - one of the S.O.C.s. I'll leave it to your imagination what that stands for 😡
Maybe he means that he's been disappointed in his life often enough to realise that his opinion doesn't matter the slightest bit and that whatever he has voted in the past, it all led up to today's situation. Many older people feel that things they didn't want or vote for have been ramrodded through all their life and now they're at a point that they just don't care anymore, as long as they can live out their lives. Which is a very sad thing to have to conclude.
Racism is expensive
"Racism is expensive"- MikeA15206.
We need to write it in the book of bywords. =))
@@MikeA15206 Yes! As well as lack of education.
Tak jesteście rasistami moze nie wszyscy, ale większość no i ta zawiść w miejscu pracy to tylko u was 🤣
Yeah that's why we let them all in and it's sinking our economy costing us billions bringing in millions of immigrants...
EU is corrupt institution.
"don't care I've got me pension" what a patriot 😂
Sure hope for him it will be indexed on inflation.
exactement. , juste assez intelligent pour lire les résultats du foot avec les photos de gros seins .....
So many ordinary ppl just don't understand that their National Insurance "stamp" ONLY EVER funded those pensioners who existed at the time that they paid it. Companies can easily survive on debt because if they can't repay, they just go bankrupt and let their investors take the loss. Countries don't have the luxury of defaulting on their loan repayments, without a serious hit to their exchange rate and - down the line - to their people's standard of living.
This guy's statement really stuck out to me too. This is why Younger people must vote. Older people often have a set of agendas (not all old people but many) that are not compatible with a functional society for the next fifty years. It's terrible to think - but with the way Britain is heading, I think there is a real possibility that this guy will get to see firsthand how precarious and involved in this situation he really is when his precious pension evaporates before his eyes
@@rickzane6433 He's nice and cushty with it triple locked! A parasite on working people, votes to make their lives harder whilst the Tories sacrifice the entire future of the country at the alter of pensioners
A massive brexit benefit was avoidance of eu money laundering laws……… well it was a benefit for tories addicted to Russian money
Too true.
I'm sure the Russians would be devastated if Britains aid to Ukraine was blocked by Hungary... what a bunch of nonsense. Everything these people are complaining about isn't down to Brexit, but down to bad governance. I live in the allegedly so glorious EU, and the cost of living crisis has been a constant reality ever since we introduced the Euro... so much for "Brexit is at fault". Oh and btw, we took the same hit Britain took in recent years (if not worse). At least Brits can now vote in another government if they want things to change (although it looks like people are really enjoying this, given they're going to vote for Labour, which will put current government policy on steroids). But once people realize this, they will be glad they voted leave.
We in Europe on the other hand will continue to have 70% of our laws made by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels.
And of benefit to Putin and his organised crime government of course.
Labour also supported brexit
The guy who hates Germany wears an Adidas jacket 😂😂😂 (German brand)
😅He does look like an Umbro guy. 😂
That's the British mentality for you 😂
What a foolish comment. That's like saying owning a Mercedes Benz makes me an ant-semite.
the state of him
"I've got my pension I can live quite happily on it" The doom of UK right there in that statement.
Even though it's one of the lowest in Europe...
@@williamgould1962 And that is shocking. The point is there are some incredibly poor pensioners who absolutely should get a substantial pension, i'd even argue more than they currently get. However, there are some very wealthy pensioners too who don't even notice the money in their banks. The majority in the middle have it pretty decent as they have seen their asset wealth, on the whole, grow massively vs incomes and so have plenty at the moment. The argument on pensions shouldn't be between old and young. It should be between the haves and the have nots. Its just that a much greater portion of the elderly are in the haves compared to young people.
He might one day need an immigrant to look after him...
Bet he's been on the dole with a bad back for the last 30 years
One woman said, “the government lied to us”, completely forgetting that the Cameron government advised people to vote remain!
Indeed they did. You have to wonder why the current Conservative Party is so happy to continue with this antithesis of previous visions. Is it money? Yes. It's always money.
Because most people did their own research.
"We were lied to"? No, you were not! You just chose to believe what some buffoon wrote on a bus instead of listen to literally every expert out there telling you from the get-go that Brexit would be an economic catastrophe for the UK while solving almost none of the real and perceived political issues it was supposed to solve. In fact the whole "we were lied to"-mantra is just a new iteration of the same "blame someone else for your own bad decisions and ensuing misfortune"-mindset that got you into Brexit to begin with.
@@zaftra Yes, they let the TH-cam algorithm feed them more and more extreme views that had no basis in fact.
Cameron can advise all he wants, but when the Conservatives repeatedly blamed the EU for Austerity effects and corrupt practices the die was cast. The vote for Brexit was a misbegotten vote against Austerity. Now we have our own home-grown corruption from the Tories and their chums that is much worse than anything the EU did, with lower standards across the board, and surprise surprise, Austerity is still going.
The lady who said "you never know when you might become an immigrant yourself" is spot on
british people miss this SO MUCH
If we got nuked by russia, wed be straight on the phone to the US asking to be let in.
@@CT-ue4kg they probably would say no.
indeed, the UK is likely the country with the largest share of population having migrated somewhere else. Just not thinking that way because most places were British colonies
@@USUG0then there are all the silly old farts who've retired in Spain, and didn't understand the connection between Brexit and their own status as residents! 🤣
@@CT-ue4kg Yes. We'd ask, not arrive in boats illegally.
Why is it that the very same people who say " at least we're in charge of our own destiny now" refuse to allow Scotland to do the same 🤷
Scotland had a referrendum. Is the idea to just have a referrendum every 6 months until it passes or something?
At any rate, its not the average Englishman who's stopping a referrendum. It's the UK Parliment.
@@TheotherTempestfox Yes, that's the idea - from a Scottish Guy who voted NO in the referendum (and voted NO to Brexit)
@@TheotherTempestfoxA referendum where the English threatened the Scottish with blocking their entry to the EU, while telling them that remaining in the UK would be their only way of getting access to the EU. So yeah, the main argument the English told the Scottish about not leaving the UK changed, so yes, the Scottish should be given a new vote as the fundamentals have changed significantly. But the English know that and that’s why they will not give the Scottish another vote, because they are afraid of what the Scottish would vote for.
@@davidgantenbein9362 you realise even that Scotland cannot rejoin the EU even if it leaves the UK right?
Spain would veto regardless because they're afraid of catalunya trying the same thing and I don't believe Scotland on its own meets the entry criteria anyway.
@@TheotherTempestfox Who knows if Spain would ultimately veto it? Spain has nothing against Scotland, but beef with the UK over Gibraltar, so Spain could easily help Scotland getting into the EU. In all these cases Spain keeps its veto power against Catalunya anyway, which is enough deterrence. So yeah, no need to be afraid of Spain here.
The UK already did not play by the same rules, got many exemptions and exceptions already and contributed less per capita than for example French and German citizens did, while benefiting the same. The amount of extra asterisks added to EU Agreements because of the need to accommodate for UK sentiments was ridiculous. Complexity of thos agreements is of course one thing the UK always criticized, while being a major contributor to it. And they still sold the story of being ripped off. Meanwhile their farmer friend 2 miles down the road survived on EU subsidies...
The EU is far from perfect... But looking at millenia of European history, it's by far and away the best effort of managing this very diverse and complex region of the world properly and without major wars occuring every decade or so. And certainly the only way to remain relevant in a globalized world with evolving super powers that do not at all share values of democracy, freedom and human rights.
Exactly. Everyone in Europe knows this. Not many were unhappy to see the Brits leave and take their arrogance and stupidity with them.
That man is really hung up on France and Germany.
Too much right wing media consumption! Poor old chap, is still living in a long gone past!
Big strong UK being shafted by France and Germany.
Not so big and strong.
GB News viewer I expect.
@@Geffo555 Almost certainly. I've watched some of their reporting, and it's like listening to the worst excesses of the Daily Mail.
Express reader .....so far off the mark. Not playing with a full deck
"I'm too old to care whether we go back or go forward . I have my pension. I can live quite happily on it". This is the "I'm all right Jack" mentality which helped get us into this mess in the first place. I wonder if this chap has kids, grandkids, nephews, nieces or friends and neighbours with children? Because even if he feels he is too old to act on his own behalf, it's telling he will not act on behalf of those younger than himself.
Thatcher mentality that is her legacy
He'll be fast complaining it's someone else's fault and he should get a handout when he can't get health care he needs later.
@@elipotter369Exactly. As always. Not sure what his problem is regarding French and Germans.
@@danieljudegennis He probably feels inferior to people from those countries, so ...
He epitomises the people that carry no responsibility for his actions.
Sad old world we live in!😢
"We have been shafted by France and Germany until Brexit. Because of Brexit, we are now being shafted by France and Germany." Good to have someone to blame.
He keeps talking about how he "feels." That was always the tactic of the Brexiteers, appeal to people's emotions.
@@danieldickson8591what other device do you go by? How I feel is everything! Goes to show you must not feel anything!
Of course! The Europeans have ripped them off. That's why they paid less into the coffers than others and got more out. Brainwashing works.
@@goych Yeah, you feel the earth is flat.
@@goych Evidence. Data. Verifiable facts.
“I’m too old to care” then please never vote again.
Who the f are you
Ronnie pickering
@@crides3527 The Famous Road rage star
Retired people shouldnt be allowed to vote, they are not currently supporting the country, they wont ever again and if they vote and doom it the are excempt from the consequences.
And it's the same guy who says at least we have our destiny in our own hands.😂 Maybe it's not a great idea to have destiny in the hands of people who don't care!
Where does that dude who hates France and Germany think the Normans and Anglo Saxons came from?
The best part is he is wearing a German brand but hated Germany 😂😂😂
He basically voted because of his personal hate for his neighbouring friendly countries... Such a bitter man.
Where is deeply seated hate even comes from?
Celts are native to England. You realise not all people from England are related to France and Germany right?
@@BatisteBieler wars with France. And war with Germany in ww2.
Even though the allies and Germany had the same enemy (Marxists)
@@the-based-jew6872 yeah how did England treat the Celts lol
Aww... if only there had been countless experts and millions of ordinary people warning against Brexit at the time of the referendum...
They were blinded by racism and fear of migrants. Nothing else mattered.
Thank you for this one , i was just gonna say it. All this self-serving sobbing :" we were *LIED* to , it wasn't *our* fault!!!" .
Everyone who had a bare minimum of an education and was looking beyond their greed and garden fence was able to see what was coming.
This old bloke is a jingoistic xenophobe would have gotten his pension with or without brexit , but without he would nove ruined it for the rest of the people.
Support for leaving the EU is rising why is that,?@fabianheinrich2812
All I needed was to see the conservatives using the NHS as an idea for where the money could go. Anyone with two braincells to rub together should have seen that as one massive red flag.
If I could go back to 2016 I would STILL vote leave.
Forget immigration.
The European superstate and the obvious democratic defecit in the EU were good reasons to vote leave back then and i stand by that.
"I wanted to be in control". Remember dear people being interviewed: Whether we are in or out of the EU, YOU ARE NOT THE ONES CONTROLING THE COUNTRY.
Ikr, these are sheep.
@@SinisterTantru3 It's wrong calling too many sheep. Some were lied to.
@@ryanreedgibson And they didn't have the nous to see through the obvious lies.
nice old english name there
@@ryanreedgibsonthey are sheep because they believed the lies while every smart person was screaming out the truth at the tops of their lungs. Back then they didn’t listen. Now they want to distance themselves from their stupidity- too late
I just want to hug that black woman. She is telling it like it is. It's heartbreaking
I don't. That was her choice to vote leave and now she wants to cry. Let her suffer some more.
All while you spit on white women. Typical.
You let them lie to you because they told you what you wanted to hear... Or maybe you just didn't put much thought into it...
The one man said it perfectly, he doesn't care either way now because he thinks he's taken care and could care less about other people...
You're dead right we were indeed lied to in 1975 when we were asked if we wanted to stay in the Common Market. "It's just a big trading club..What's not to like?"
@@philiphealy1766still trying to fool yourself with the huge mistake you made by chosing brexit, eh? Dont worry, it will get worse for you, you will see a labour government doon and you helped in allowing it to happen. 😅😅😅
How about the lies told by Remain? For example, our trade with the EU will have tariffs and disappear. We have free trade with the EU and it is currently at record levels. Or the economy would crash following the vote and it boomed.
Exactly. Politicians are that kind of job, who are shameless enough that they tell lies in straight face; Lies that voters want to hear. It is not just UK politicians, but applied to all politicians in the world.
@@A190xx Not entirely true. The last-minute trade deal hammered out starting Jan. 2021 avoided tariffs, but customs regulations slow down trade, and VAT and some other duties get added on import. The British economy is not booming, GDP and growth are both weaker since Brexit. Disaster avoided, but certainly negative economic impact.
Love the, 'I've got my pension, so I don't care' guy. Classic.
Exactly what Brexit was about I’m All Right Jack to be Damned with the rest what an idiot
Ultra self serving pillock
And he will be affected by economy. If you're living on a pension, you're vulnerable to inflation.
I'm all right Jack.
Pensions should be stopped, if they want money go and do some work.
I am polish originally, have my business family here in London and tell you one thing, each time I am going to see my family I can see improvements everywhere, standards are so much higher , everywhere is so clean , international companies opening new branches or HQ-s and the only obvious reason why is like that is that poland is in EU.
Maybe no immigration ?
@@jcoker423 yes and no , Polish gov accepted literally millions of people from Ukraine that are similar in looks, values, traditions and even language upon arrival adults received NI and could go to work right away kids within days were accepted at schools. What Polish government opposed was immigration from middle east and Africa, people with different religions and incompatible values. It is also very difficult to claim benefits in Poland or get free housing so even if someone managed to get through from Bialorus they were heading to Germany or Sweden.
@@Pit5336 Sorry I was being sarcastic. I meant no migration from the 3rd World.
@@Pit5336 What?! Nuance and Context?! Unacceptablllllllleeeeeeee!!!! (political lemon grab)
Maybe EU money ???
I originally come from Poland, I have been living in the UK for 15 years, in my opinion the UK will soon be a poorer country than Poland, no education, no investment in infrastructure, no idea for reforms. After the referendum, several people with British passports asked me how Brexit will affect you - I replied: it will not affect me, but it will have a huge impact on you. I can still move to any other country in the European Union.
So when will you be leaving?
@@sheilasmith7991 in next couple of months.
It's because Polish send all their money home :) we made Poland wealthy and Aira make heat pumps and it is a Swedish company and they let the oldish make them and sell them in England. You don't know much about England do you
@@mike-ology22 And the British didn't send the money home from India, Tanzania, South Africa or North America?
@@dimiathan what do you mean, send the money home? England is the greatest engineering country on the this planet. They invented everything in this modern world. Shipping, flight and god know what else. They sent products back here that English people paid for and we sent products abroad no one on this planet could make themselves.
What is your point exactly?
“At least we are in charge of our own destiny”
The last words of the captain of a sinking ship whilst the band plays on.
Great analogy
We are in charge of our own destiny but the Conservatives and Farage messed things up. Farage shouldn't have stood down Reform UK candidates at the 2019 general election.
@@iainpattison903 how long can you hold your breath in the freezing waters that Britain’s economy is sinking in?
You would prefer the ship was sinking under a foreign captain?
@@ibuprofen303 I care not for the ethnicity of the captain. I simply want someone in charge who is effective and just.
The Eastern European nurse said it SPOT ON!
Yeah, we all are potential immigrants, depending on the situation you are in.
And when we are, we will behave ourselves and integrate into our new society properly.
"I hate Germany and France I never liked them," This is what you get if you only read tabloids. Do they realize how the UK was perceived by other EU countries?
The United Kingdom had certain opt-outs and special arrangements within the EU. Notably, the UK was not part of the Eurozone, retaining its own currency (the pound). Additionally, it had an opt-out from the Schengen Agreement, maintaining border controls. The UK also negotiated a rebate on its financial contributions to the EU budget. These privileges reflected specific agreements and concessions made during the UK's EU membership. If the UK ever wanted to rejoin the EU they'll never get these privileges back. No system is perfect, the world has changed and the impact you have as an European country globally has diminished significantly. Cooperation within Europe has become vital. The more European countries work together the stronger they are globally. The UK is not an exception to that.
they dont deserve the eu... de gaulle was right to veto them...
You expect too much from the highly undereducated general British public 'don't bother me with the facts..'.If you don't read the fine print in life as a rule then you will certainly get shafted and not only by French men or Germans...Brexit ought to serve as a warning about a Farage knocking on your door with a new scam. Food prices will certainly rise more with new checks on the UK border do yes please do stag off the Tories.
And all free without spending a penny. We must have been mad!😊
Some people just can't get over the fact that they are not an "Empire" ruling over the Waves anymore.
@@Andrew-ti8hi The EU was never free for the UK.
people were not lied, they themselves choose to believe in lies
Shoutout to the lady who was so honest about her struggles. Breaks my heart, hope things will be better soon.
I keep thinking about her... hope she is able to turn things around soon!
This guy doesn’t even know where Germany and France are…
I'd bet money he never visited !
He does not have a brain sell in his head. Like so many Brits
@@rossgeography He's just poorly educated, narrow-minded, and hasn't probably left his own town more than once a year.
He probably think everywhere outside the U.K. is a black and white movie
Yeah but they ripped us off with something or another
Ironically the pleasant ladies - one black, one with Eastern European accent (the type of people that a lot of Brexit voters are afraid of) speak the most sense
Yes, they have lots of immigration in eastern Europe, don't they. Its not like they were literally sending in the army to force them back over the borders or anything
Litterally just regieme talking points.
@jimbo And that is so unusual Jimbo! Absolutely agree!
And you believe that they were just chosen at random! ?
As an Italian I've noticed that a lot of European were going to UK for studies and summer language courses, that was a big slice of UK economy and opportunities, today after Brexit is a lot more complicated.
As a German it was impossible for me to go to Scotland for one semester after Brexit. (It was a dream of mine)
@@linajurgensen4698 that's actually so sad. Can't you study there nonetheless as an international student?? The UK still has a lot of these, but I don't know if pre-brexit the uni prices were different for the Europeans non brits
They are now going to Ireland I believe...
Not really more complicated, people just don't do it anymore. Brexit destroyed any chance for me to go to England and I fairly didn't care enough to overcome the obstacles
Come to beautiful Ireland instead :)
You were all told the truth. The Remain Campaign repeatedly warned of the consequences of Brexit. You chose to believe the lies, and now have to live with the consequences of that choice.
So Project Fear told the truth, then?
@@solentrambler maybe project fear was project reality, while the brexiteers were running project major delusions and nationalism?
@@solentrambler Put it this way: given that both sides were attempting to predict the real-world outcome of an unprecedented situation, which set of predictions came closest to the truth?
@@zaxzaxx4561 Older voters had some 23 years to judge the EU. Not just the claims of an albeit brief campaign. The entire world has changed much in 2016. Not least the EU. And it looks like more change to come in 2024, the year of elections. We are where we are. Your question serves no pragmatic purpose for today’s world issues beyond being a possible future A-level question
A well tell tell sign....the prime minister stepped down immediately 😮😮😮
As an european we don't want the UK back. That ship has sailed and getting them back would only do more harm than good: other european countries could threaten to leave the block knowing that in the future, if things don't work out as planned, they could be reinstated, destabilizing the union. Thank you for having bit the bullet for us.
Your countries are already failing you have no borders. And your slv master in the EU are crumbling.
The British never really believed in the union, even if they were members they always opposed internally, sabotaging the majority despite their special membership keeping them safe from any decision they didn't like.
The union has become stronger without the UK, there is one less saboteur within it (only a couple of marginal Eastern European players remain who can be easily neutralized).
As a resident of Germany, I want the UK back.
We need a counterweight to Germany's sometimes insane ideas.
@@LMB222 and the UK does not have insane ideas in your opinion? And what about Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Nehterlands, France, Denmark, Italy, Spain, Finland? Are they not "enough" as "counterweights" for Germany's "sometimes insane ideas"?
@@tomorrowneverdies567 and then the Germans counter the UK's crazy ideas. It's the circle of life
I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.
I feel your pain mate, as a fellow retiree, I’d suggest you look into passive index fund investing and learn some more. For me, I had my share of ups and downs when I first started looking for a consistent passive income so I hired an expert advisor for aid, and following her advice, I poured $30k in value stocks and digital assets, Up to 200k so far and pretty sure I'm ready for whatever comes...
@@temmyolarewaju9371 That's actually quite impressive, I could use some Info on your FA, I am looking to make a change on my finances this year as well
@@FlorentGulliver My advisor is *MARGARET MOLLI ALVEY*
You can look her up online
@@temmyolarewaju9371 The crazy part is that those advisors are probably outperforming the market and raising good returns but some are charging fees over fees that drain your portfolio. Is this the case with yours too?
Couldn't you ask London bankers about the benefits? After all they see them in their pockets with tax evasion and money laundering services...
Thing is, the banks have massively moved functions from the city of London to the continent. They keep quiet about it because everyone hates bankers, but my wife has had more well paid work than she can handle helping them move. There’s nothing to see on the surface, but merchant banks, commercial banks have been hollowed out in London over the past six years. Don’t care? Ok. But 80% of the UK economy is services and the majority of those are financial. It’s not good to have put all your eggs in one basket but over the last 30 years the UK’s prosperity has been made more and more reliant on this sector. For now, banks are only slowly losing staff as they retire so it’s not so noticeable but eventually these chickens will come home to roost. And the Uk will have what, exactly? We’re moving ‘back to where we came from’ when the work is over after 25 years in the UK. The sick man of Europe is back.
@@julianmorrisco Yeah, but the fish is happy!🤣
@@julianmorrisco Complete and total winding down of the empire, isn't it? Will the Union hold?
@@julianmorrisco And yet, we have more European companies coming to the UK, than at any time prior to Brexit, so it goes both ways. Also lots of non-EU companies coming in too.
@@Thurgosh_OG really? Lots coming to the UK? I think many foreign companies already in the UK are not investing any more and thinking about leaving. How about Tata Steel closing plants in the UK as one big example?
"we were being shafted by Germany and France", insane viewpoint.
Bet if he was pushed to explain what he meant, he wouldn't be able to answer.
He is representing the average British mindset
@peterebel7899 the average English mindset.
The UK had the best membership terms.
UK now uninvolved in the EU legislation process and has to follow those to access the single market.
"In charge of our destiny".
"France and Germany, never liked'em."
Yeah, i think that was probably the deciding factor...
@@canicheenrage Glad the UK is no more bullying the EU with those private terms🙂
The problem was that most of the people don't remember what it was like before the UK was in the EU. So most people were totally ignorant and they were voting on something that knew almost nothing about.
The UK's demise coincided with entry into the (EU) common market. This was a planned, managed decline where manufacturing and industry was exported to Germany and slowly to the far east. Germany is now being shafted as they are suffering mass closure of industry.
@@botany500kojak The UK improved its economy after the 80s and 90s with an economic boom that surpassed France as the second largest economy in the European Union, thanks to the common market and its infrastructures. The Brexit dialogue started after the great crash of 2007; before that, it was just a minor topic. Now, even my country ( Italy) is doing better than you.
@@edoardoturco8780 Yes, the 'boom' was selling off its assets, scamming the public (which still pays private companies subsidies to exist). It still continues. There is nothing tangible in the UK. With no real industry it relies on banksters and a dwindling service industry as well as wars and other nefarious activities.
And define 'better'? Profits banksters make?
The EU is going to the dogs like the UK, and it is by design. We're all controlled by corporate fascists' decisions.
@@edoardoturco8780yeah , UK was doing so great that it was affectionately known as Sick Man of Europe. It took some major US arm-twisting after De Gaulle died , and begging by UK elites to let it in ….
Yes we won 2 world wars to stop Germany ruling over Europe. Then corrupt politicians, without the consent of the people handed Europe over to Germany via the common Market.
"Getting ripped left, right and center by countries on the continent".
The UK had the most generous membership conditions of any european country...
This. Exactly this and they weren’t aware of it. This makes my blood boil.
Nice profile pic, btw, vampire bloodlines, but yes, it was a lot if things coming together, nostalgia for Empire, racism, but also, for 40 years the government could lie and blame anything on the EU:
"Oh, we'd love to build a school/hospital/factory in your area, but those damn bureaucrats in Brussels won't let us".
"There'd be plenty of jobs/school places/homes but the Poles keep taking them"
This allowed the gov to dodge any blame for underinvestment.
Whats' so ironic is that here in the UK many think the EU is just dying to have us back....(empire again)
@@andreaslind6338 That is because they keep on asking us to rejoin but we know it is only our money they want and not us. We are a problem to them because we see through their bullsh - t.
He read the lies written that damn bus and hasn’t bothered read anything else about it since, even now, knowing fully well he blew his own foot off. He may have changed his mind, bit it’s STILL not an informed opinion. Amazing…
The most eloquent conversationalist in this entire piece, was the Eastern European nurse. English is her second language.
Sort of says it all really.
Nothing new, though, when it comes to people who voted for Brexit
Yup, the massive brain drain that resulted from Brexit isn't nearly given enough attention.
While listening to people voted for Brexit : they don't seem to be on a very high intellectual shelf, so to say.
@@Pekka.Pekka.1296then we hope people who promoted Brexit were intelligent and educated...don't we?
By what metric?
Old people who voted to take the right of young people (freedom of movement etc) should feel shame. They lived their lives in the EU getting rich and then pull it out from under the rest of us.
Young people did not care enough to vote...so the turnout record shows.
@@NexPutax Young people voted by a supermajority to remain in the EU and their turnout was double what was predicted. So the entirety of Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as the young demographics all knew Brexit was an awful idea. It was just the old English majority who were so easily led by racist fearmongering about migrants that they still complain about after Brexit. We will have so much to reverse once the Tories are out.
@@ChrisMinusHumour Facts
@@ChrisMinusHumour I like you! Let's work together to repair this broken country and not let the gullible older generations ruin our future.
I made a friend's mum cry once when she told me she voted for Brexit and I pointed out that she maybe had 20 years left while her three grand-kids would have to live with the economic fallout and limitations on travel and opportunities for the rest of their lives.
And you know what? I don't regret it. Consequences.
Nothing was missold. You have access to information, you voted, you got what you deserve.
except that the ones who voted against it also get what the others deserve, not what they deserve
It was there was LOTS of fake news in the Uk in 2016 and it was never challenged.
I voted remain and so did half of the people that turned up to vote (and not many people turned up to vote in comparison to the entire UK population). So I deserve to suffer too?
They deserved to be targeted with misinformation by Cambridge analytica?
They were not lied to. They were given access to both sides of the argument and were asks to choose.
They WERE lied to.
@@WordsofHarmonylies that at the time were 100% disprovable. There were lies that were constantly being debunked but brexiters stuck their heads in the sand.
No surprise to me.
I very clearly remember what at least one commentator back then said. Specifically, that the Brexit mindset was like going into a divorce fully expecting that you'd be the one to get the house, the car and the bank balance, while your ex got the mortgage and the credit card debt.
A commentator who knew the minds of 17.4M people who voted in the secrecy of the ballot box. Remarkable.
@@solentrambler He didn't say "Brexit voter mindset". The "Brexit mindset" is the stuff the "Leave" proponents we're putting out there at full blast. And yes, they were talking about a myriad of benefits that largely failed to materialise while being in complete denial of the downsides.
@@michaelt.5672 Fair comment about Brexit mindset. I note that older voters had some 23 years to make up their minds. The result didn’t just result from a brief campaign. The Remain campaign was equally awful.
I note that all is not peace, light and loveliness in the EU.
@@michaelt.5672Why did they fail to materialise? Isn’t it because many in government wanted and some still do, to Remain in the Eu. ? One could easily be forgiven for thinking that some Remainer MP’s could personally lose tens and even hundreds of thousands of pounds in investments, contracts, property and businesses deals etc., not to mention friends too, by leaving the Eu.
@@solentrambler The EU has plenty of issues, no doubt. Can't say much about the remain campaign.
The point was that in terms of the outcome, the remainers predictions were far closer to the truth than the brexiteers.
0:50 No, just no. YOU were BLOCKING the EU for well over a decade at that stage, extorting exemptions from EU rules for Britain for the benefit of the UK (primarily its rich classes). You were not "getting ripped off" in the EU. You were arguably the biggest detractor for success for most other nations. British exceptionalism at its worst that gentlemen.
Then in that case why didn’t you just say good riddens when we decided to leave the Eu. You didn’t, you did everything in your power to make it impossible for us to leave and still to this day the Eu leaders keep on asking the U.K. to rejoin. You must be missing us and our money either that or your Eu is misrepresenting you and your will.
@@susancurtis1651 Nobody made it impossible for you to leave, you are out, right?
And to this day the UK government decided to behave like they are still part of the European Union, not implementing proper border controls for goods entering the UK for example. Still pretending to be part of the single market.
I thought you wanted out? I mean you are on paper, but probably its time that the UK acts like it too. The EU has implemented full checks on UK goods, not sure why the UK seems incapable of doing that.
Which is by the way against the WTO rules that Jacob Reese Mogg and Lord Frost were so keen on, I wonder why they havent followed through on them now they have the sovereignity to.
Overall the EU has let you go. The EU rarely, if ever, talks about the UK anymore. You are a non entity here. We have moved on.
Only person in the room still talking about Brexit and failing to actually implement it is the UK.
Almost like you regret leaving. Let me reassure you: Nobody misses you. Be on your way now.
@@susancurtis1651 As a Romanian I always envied people from Schengen countries that didn't have to get in line for passport control at the airport. Well I was born in a communist country that didn't allow leaving so easily so I shouldn't complain much. But since joining EU in 2007 it is better here. And imagine my surprise when at that passport control line on an airport in Italy I started to see British citizens, not only fellow Romanians, neighbours from Bulgaria or non EU citizens. But what do you know, now even us Romanians joined Schengen with airport passport control, since 31st of March 2024. So I guess I won't have to stay in line along British citizens...
@@TheCloudhopperI said “ you (the Eu) did all in its power to make it impossible for the U.K. to leave”. I did “ not say it was impossible to leave.” Funny how you purposefully misunderstand or misrepresent my comments ! “ On your way ?” Good job our government doesn’t say that to the millions of Eu citizens living here in the U.K. and before you go on about expats, there are only a few thousand of those in “ALL” of the Eu countries put together. That in itself shows that even Europeans citizens prefer to live here in the U.K. rather than in the Eu . Was it 5 or was it 6 million Europeans that all applied for British citizenship in just one month alone, a couple of years ago ? Looks to me like it is the Europeans that “are on their way” not us Brits.
@@razvanlexStanding in line for a short time is not a very high price to pay for our freedoms as you will very likely find out for yourself soon.
This isn't the Brexit that Leave voters thought they'd voted for but it's exactly the Brexit that the Remain side voted against. Every prediction the Remain side made during the referendum have come true, project fear is project here.
Except for the leading 3 economic predictions.
2017 recession
500k job losses within 2 years if vote including 100k+ in City
8-12% slower house price rises
@@danielwebb8402 And a thousand leave voters voted for 1,000 different versions of leave.
Therefore.... the original post saying every prediction the remain side made has come true meant..... "But, but, except for the 3 main ones they lead with. That's what k meant by every"
@@danielwebb8402 I said predictions made by the remain side, not predictions the leave side claim remain made. Every single prediction remain actually made have come to pass... every single one. Dire immediate results were predicted if we left the day after the referendum but we didn't... and we still haven't as border checks are still not being performed, that's starting this month. You were lied to I'm afraid... I know it hurts but it's true. You were sold a pup and you gladly bought it, now you have to accept you made a mistake and get over it. Mark Twain once noted that it's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled. That's because in order to fool a man you have to defeat his intellect but to convince him he's been fooled requires defeating his pride and most people's pride is stronger than their intellect. It's time you put your pride away and let your intellect start doing some work.
@@dub604 My favorite ridiculous prediction that leave claim remain made was "If we leave it would mean WW3" lol.... Wait a moment.
Ah. The Brits. They're the prime example of the guy on bicycle sabotaging himself meme... 😂😂😂😂
We were lied to, they say. The internet had loads of information on the EU, available to help them decide.
Yes, but therefore you would want to listen/read these informations...
Correction: Information and misinformation. Nice try buddy!
@@Uouttooo You live in the age of information. You should have learned to look at the sources (other than daily mail or the sun)
But people are idiots. Everyone knows this. Literally 1% of voters will actually be well informed.
@@eagle1de227 …you can watch TH-camrs…who get their information from The Daily Mail & The Sun 🤣
Isolationists should not be surprised when they become isolated economically!
But somehow they are 🤦🏼♀️
what about the amazing deals with Australia and Canada .... *chuckle*
It is not isolationism to leave a trade union organisation that the majority disagrees with and that moves politically to take over one’s country, its independence and sovereignty etc.
@@susancurtis1651 England was just tasting it's own poison
@@kloppskalli From little acorns big oak trees grow.
I had a huge paragraph of a comment that I rather resume in a small sentence:
The fact that old xenophobes decided the worst possible destiny for their youth is criminal.
The youth had the vote - and stayed home
Xenophobes raise xhenophobes. I don't think young Britons are different from their parents. Look at West Yorkshire, for instance.
Indoctrination works, they have been raised to hate "others" their whole life
@@Balletified oh please, it's precisely because the old xenophobes have managed the absolute criminal act of making a whole new generation hopeless for the future of their nation that we shouldn't blame the youth for not acting. No one ever thought this referendum would be actually on the "leave" side, since everyone naturally thought that the EU was a good thing. Moreover, old blokes are so entitled to the ways of old britannia that they HAD to act in order to chase the crumbling dream of a strong and independant UK. A sad, very sad sight to behold.
Their youth didn't even vote, as you might remember ...
Maybe it's just me, but I could've sworn these people were warned about what a disaster Brexit was going to be, and they laughed at us ...... suckers. I left. Now in Malta. Much happier.
Happy? Keep the M shot? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daphne_Caruana_Galizia
Just after Brexit, the most searches on Google were showing "what does EU stand for". And yet, they voted Brexit 😅
Good, glad to see the brainwashed leave, all the best, sausage
I like British comedy ! "there is no benefit, it is a disaster, but at least we have choosen our own future !
the game was rigged whichever way Brexit went
I have lived in two communist countries as well as countries with autocratic leaderships and I can tell you that it is not pretty. You vastly underestimate how important national sovereignty and the ability to decide your own future really is. Too many people are hung up on short-term financial gains and how it affects them from day to day. You want to get hung up on not having to live like slaves to an unaccountable handful of bureaucrats because that was the ship the UK was sailing on four years ago. People have fought and died for democracy. It's important.
Brexit was not a comedy but was certainly in the truest tradition of "The Great British Farce": misplaced notions of national self-importance, ignorant people, stereotyping of foreigners, ludicrous exaggerations, uncorrected misunderstandings, devious misdirection and crude characterization of improbable situations. It had all the elements of a theatrical farce minus the falling trousers and the happy ending.
@@hectorpascal you're doing pretty well with the stereotyping and misunderstanding yourself.
In an age of information ignorance is a choice
Nice retort. Couldn't have said it better.
I’m an Aussie that sat in the middle of it and felt like people were sticking their heads in the ground. I heard people all repeating the same talking points with no critical thinking. I felt like racism played apart and the anti brexit people seemed to be silenced, harassed and shouted down.
It was weird to watch.
Wow, that's profound right there.
A popular one at that
"You never know in this life someday you'll become an immigrant".💯
My 60 year old Father in law was a staunch UKIP and Brexit supporter even canvassed for them. He recently separated from his second wife and guess what he's now an immigrant sorry an EXPAT living in Cyprus in a 2 bed flat with his best mate.
Let me guess -- he whines about it all, constantly? That's the essence of that "can do" Brexit spirit!
Will he get deported to UK?
And he is paying his way unlike some.
@@damianbutterworth2434 You are only guessing that. Plenty of dodgy brits still hiding in spain and greece.
No one voted for Brexit to stop LEGAL immigration, do you even know how many people arrive each day on dingys? Why are they all wearing designer clothes and are already recorder themselves on smart phones? They are here for free money, MIGRANTS ARE NOT REFGEES.
5:54 I hope that France and Germany will be the forces who refuse to let the Brits rejoining the EU.
It will be eastern Europe who refuses the Brits.
What I find frustrating is them being like “we were lied to” yes, we told you this! We warned people they were being lied to and they turned around and denied it. Heck, I was too young at the time to vote and I knew it was all lies!
Then there's the refrain, "We-know-what-we vot-ed for!", from people who were unable to share this vital information with anyone else when asked! 🙄
The UK's Trump supporters
@@mbrady2329We voted for freedom from all tyranny including the German led EU’s own brand. Do you realise millions died in two world wars so that Europe and GB would be free to choose its own path and way. Your grandparents or great grandparents gave their lives and shed their blood so that “you” would be free and now you spit in their faces and dance on their graves. You do not have the right to give away my freedoms or my countrymen’s freedoms. Why would anyone want yet another layer of leaders and bureaucracy whose sole intention is to gain wealth, power and control over them and their off spring ? Are you insane. God gave us the ability to think and the freedom to choose for ourselves and “NO ONE “ has the right to steal that from us. The U.K. voted to leave the European Union and as a democracy we should have been able to do that as Net Contributers for 47 years without malice or penalty. You are obviously undemocratic and imo at best, nieve.
Yep, they weren't lied to, they consciously chose to believe liars, charlatans and crooks like BloJo, Farage and Gove. Problem is they dragged down the 48% who saw through the sea of lies.
PS-Where's that £350 mil a week extra for the NHS?
Every time we tried to give a logical argument why the UK was better in Europe, we were shot down for scaremongering. By that logic only pro-Leave arguments are allowed!
I was telling these Brexit people that Brexit would be bad for business and the people of GB but much more important that the exiting of GB from Europe would cause difficulty's if wars broke out but no one gave a damn they just wanted sovereignty, which believe me is just a word that means nothing much right now.
Brexit would be the best thing for business in a long, long time, because it would eliminate the disastrous economic policies imposed by the EU on the UK which force a high taxation, low freedom economy. This is absolutely choking the life out of the economy, with people refusing to invest in an economy that just makes all their investment disappear through taxation. So you can tell the Brexit people anything you want. Until Brexit is actually implemented, you can't blame it for anything.
@@CristiNeagu That you Nigel?
We trade more with the EU that we ever have lol.
@@SteviePeters-x3u My point exactly...
Sure, but under different conditions.
I visited UK (in my case London and Dover) only 2 times in my life, but i really loved the people i met. Many were helpful, respectful and even tho being a stranger with a serious lack of words and a horrible pronounciation including a german accent, i felt welcomed. When Brexit talk started and i often heared, that EU and especially France and Germany were hated by so many people, i was shocked. Of course its not a new info that germany isnt a well liked country by many, but it hit hard anyways. I hope that one day i might travel there again and be able to feel the same way about UK and its people, as i did before. After all the short periods of times there were awesome and helped me to at least get a little better, when it comes to expressing myself in english.
I voted Remain and have never for one second believed that I was wrong to do so
Free movement loved by big business and the oil 🛢 for the gig engine
@@silondon9010which means?
Yes. Betray your countrymen to globalist interests. No say to whatever foreigners want to inflict upon us.
Meanwhile every prediction made by the remoaner camp failed to come true and remoaners are still butthurt that Britain hasn't collapsed like they wanted it to. Instead it is the EU that is in a total death spiral.
@@silondon9010a statement of utter nonsense !! ending free movement has made no difference to them what so ever in fact profits have never been so high ,so what are you on about ?
4:22 Talking against France and *Germany* when wearing an *adidas* jacket. Well done, sir!
The jacket has the coat of arms of a school on it.
Featuring a lys flower over blue...
Imagine being surprised to find out politicians lie to you .
Great comment. Lol.
Its a big part of growing up.
Cameron said that leaving was a bad idea... He might lie about a lot of things, but not leaving the EU...
Not all Brit politicians lied about leaving. There were remainers as well. They just chose to listen to the politician who lied because they were scapegoating immigrants. And that made y’all feel good. Stop immigration and everything will be alright lol not realizing that slower birth rates mean you need immigration to sustain your economic growth.
I know eh. I remember the "caravan" of migrants that was on it's way to America and it's progress was being tracked everyday by FOX "news" in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. The day after Trump won the mysterious caravan of migrants were gone from FOX
Immigration! Immigration! Immigration! But now there's no one to work.
To the bloke being annoyed by France and Germany: we don’t miss you either.
And ireland is laughing all the way to the bank🤣😂🇮🇪
@@andykane9866 All those foreign companies in UK shifted to Ireland now
I voted remain for 2 reasons. And it wasn't because of trade, immigration, or any of the other top reasons most Brits voted the way they did. One of which was that no matter how good we could potentially have had it outside the EU, I had no faith in the government to get us there, And surprise surprise, they didn't. I felt like best case scenario would be to maintain completely the same by making new deals which were no better or worse than the current ones. I had zero faith they would reach better agreements. I figured they'd probably make worse deals. No matter how you view what we got, very few of us can argue its better.
The EU is fairing no better either. Their politicians are ruining their own countries with their Draconian green new deals. Theresa May was too busy implementing us into it too, rather than getting Brexit done. No side is better off with the calibres of controlled politicians on both sides.
AT least we have the potential to go forwards - I feel for the other countries still locked in the authoritarian and corrupt EU. They are under 2 layers of useless government, at least we have only 1.
It doesn't matter any more. I don't want the Britts to get in again. I vote against the Britts!
@@darkomiklic6627 So given the chance you're gonna pull an "Orban" and veto a British re-entry into the EU?
@darkomiklic6627 the UK won't even try to rejoin, so don't worry.
The contrast between the gentleman in the hat and the ‘me pension’ pillock is stark.
Classic Tory demographic
I suspect vast differences in education
Typical tory attitude there, I've got my pension I'm OK sod everyone else.
The most informed and articulate was the woman who had English as a 2nd language. Says it all 🤔
It says their interviewee selection process is highly managed.
@@FengLong Yes, you can just tell whatever story you want by picking the interviewees......
@@FengLong Well, they didn't interview any of those proud white Brits who roamed London's streets during the Euro in 2021. I'm sure all of those people have a very well-informed opinion on all political matters 😂
@@CC3GROUNDZERO Of course you can trash the indigenous Londoners, but I suspect that if you asked a cross section of migrants their views on the issues you think are morally important (such as racism, religion or sexism for example), you would be more scandalised at the responses than by what the average white British working class person would say. Please , just look at some opinion polling of views in other parts of the world.
@@FengLonglol if you say so
Thatcher taught him to be selfish.
Yeh, typical all about me, me, me, and mine! We can label these types as traitors from the get go. They don’t care about the country, but just themselves!
So, obviously you didn't vote in the referendum or the general elections?
@@TheEvertw I think the OP is quoting the bloke in the sports jacket...
he can't get past France or Germany - wonder if he EVER visited?!
4:10 'In charge of our own destiny', what does that mean in a global economy? Europe is the biggest single market in the world and we should be doing business across Europe without the barriers that resulted from Brexit.
Yes, so we pulled the ap and threw it away.......
Now the UK is free to engage in really lucrative trade deals with, say, Vanuatu, or Uruguay, which are known for their voracious cheese demand.
It means we don't follow rules handed down by an autocratic, undemocratic and corrupt institution. We have enough problems with our own government, without needing another layer of incompetence and corruption.
Bet that guy wanted us to cower to WTO rules back in the day too, they just don't get how things work.
No it isn't. China is.
After listening to these people, I now see why we are in the mess we're in!
Not these people at all. Listen to PM Questions if you want to understand why we are in the mess we are in. How did Brexit change your life?
Hahahaha! The government lied to us, really! When has the government not lied to you.
Not "the Government" this time: Farage, Johnson et al!
That statement is kind of worrying. It looks like he knew so little about what's going on in this country that he thought people like Farage were part of the government because they acted like authority figures
I thought only half the government lied. Labor and the more centrist tories all said to remain, regardless of how effective their campaign was. It's a little funny how I've seen so many UK citizens being interviewed post brexit telling reporters that they were lied to and would've voted differently had they been told the truth... It's not my fault I voted for brexit, I was lied to! Well no, they were told the truth, by the other half of government as well as every remainer who spoke up about it. They just deliberately chose to ignore it and focus on the lying half instead...
Actually, it was the Government that was selling Remain. And yes they lied that we would lose trade when it is at record levels.
Now you're lying. The government's policy was "Remain". Sorry that this doesn't fit with your agenda, but it's the truth.
We had no idea we were being lied to, unless you count all those idiots we never listen to, who kept trying to tell us we were being lied to. I blame them.
This dude is insane. The EU was 28 members, but he is so hung up on France and Germany.
Bleating we’re in charge of our own destiny while your country suffers is absolutely MAD.
we always were 'in charge of our own destiny'. some people (52% it would seem) don’t know the difference between international judicial law and trading agreements.
Blairs immigration has this country on its knees. Millions spent everyday on keeping the vermin in 3/4 star hotels. They don't work. N
@brianwilson49 neither do you it seems. You seem to be saying the EU was trade only.
don't give them facts... the remoaners can't cope with them@gumbo7215
The way Adidas man's argument gets narrower and narrower until we get "I just don't like France and Germany"
While wearing Adidas (German brand) shirt no less.
At least he's honest. And I think right now the feeling is mutual.
@@nairolfmackebrechtno Germany and France could not give two s***s about the UK.
I remember a discussion between two TH-camr talking about Brexit before it happend. And the remainer explained in great detail all the economic and also political implications of leaving the EU.
The arguments of the Brexiter pretty much boiled down to : I want our sovereignty back!
As far as discussions goes, it was absolute insanity. The Discussion was between Thunderfoot and Sargon of Akkad.
So like the Scottish referendum then?
You don't need to be pro-Brexit to understand potential advantages of it. For example, if you want to have a more socialist society with a state sector, this is currently impossible within the EU because of neo-liberal, capitalist competition laws. You will have your own views as to whether this is important to your politics. Many of Old Labour understood, and were anti EU because of it.
Probably 70% of British people are being living in a box for centuries, with their own manners and traditions nothing comes in and nothing goes out… When the other world came to their door with all good and bad they rejected it. You can’t get all the good part without sacrificing something… now regretting what they choose
How much has the economy shrunk since Brexit? - The new report, by Cambridge Econometrics commissioned by City Hall shows that London's economy has shrunk by more than £30billion. The average Briton was nearly £2,000 worse off in 2023, while the average Londoner was nearly £3,400 worse off last year as a result of Brexit
How do you figure that is all the fault of Brexit? We've had a pandemic, war in Ukraine and Israel since then. But, no, everything is Brexit's fault? How obsessed are Remoaners, still, after all these years!
Result of just brexit? In the short term or long term. Only time will tell really.
Covid also happened. So you can't completely blame brexit.
All coz ov Brexit. Noffin to do with the scamdemic or wars only a numbskull would support. Don't worry, when Labour get in, it will continue.
@@the-based-jew6872 He literally just referenced the report. How about you read it first?
Crooked pro EU academics bitter that their EU grants have dried up🙄
As a French citizen, I find it annoying that this guy says that France and Germany run the EU, because the UK has always chosen not to get more involved in the EU. Ultimately, it was always the choice of the leaders of the UK to obstruct rather than build. This is exactly why De Gaulle (De Gaulle, you know, so so long ago! I wasn't breathing yet when he was in charge) was not in favor of the UK joining the EEC (he "predicted" this attitude then), or whatever it was called, at the time. Anyway, whatever...
in a very long run, briexit is good for the europe continent, which does not include brit actually
He's also conveniently forgetting that (somewhat annoyingly), all decisions in the EU are taken by unison, not by any majority vote. So every single decision that he thinks that Germany and France forced on the UK, the UK government agreed with. Every. Single. One.
It's funny because British MEPs, voted 97,4% in favour of the laws that passed in the European parliament chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/eprints.lse.ac.uk/66261/1/Hix_Brexit%20matter_2016.pdf
@@BorisHaeusslerbut hey brits got the country back! I find it hilarious that a lot of Brits think that if it weren't for wokeness they would still have their empire and run the world, despite the fact they are pretty broken right now 😹😹😹💀💀💀
@@ShinyaBlue Britain is part of the European continent dolt.
Despite its imperfections, it is very cold outside Europe in these days of uncertainty
I can’t help but draw the parallels between this and the proposed tariffs by the 2024 US president elect Trump…..
Makes sense. Trump also wants America to become isolationist like the Brexit clowns do. What a genius. No wonder Putin and Xi Jinping were happy that he won. Thank you wokes for making Trump win.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter"
I wonder which wannabe dictator came up with that one...
@@ramel684Winston Churchill
@@ramel684Winston Churchill, I believe.
@@peterswires8439 You believe incorrectly, while Churchill was a genocidal turd of a human being who had no respect for voters, I'm afraid we can't pin this one on him
Great quote. Democracy is essentially the rule of the mob. In an ideal world, a nation would be governed by its wisest and most competent people.
I mean, people did warn you, you just called them crying remoaners when they explained facts and reality to you.
^^This^^. They say they were lied to, but the remain side explained in detail what all the negatives were going to be, they just chose to ignore it
They deserve what that got. Their racist attitudes has made them poorer 😂
It's the trump effect.
Except that literally none of the remoaners doom laden predictions came true did they? Instead of just accepting the edited footage of a political activist just because it plays to your bigotry look at the facts. UK EU trade an all time high. Inward investment all time high. The economic stats coming out of the EU are truly catastrophic and even the Wall Street Journal is saying that no sane country should join or re join the collapsing EU. And I wonder how many of you will be clamouring to re join when Le Penn is running France and the AFD is running Germany. You lot are seriously ill. Your federal dream is dead, get over it.
@ralphmillais5237 "Black is white, up is down and an apple is a banana" Claims Brexiteer.
"The EU is run by Germany and France" sums up the complete lack of knowledge regarding the EU...
I've taken to calling anyone who still supports Brexit a Brexitard....
Even 8 years later and the levels of ignorance and stupidity are still epic
Ditto for us Americans
Ridiculous dredging up this old lady moaning.
As is your level of arrogance.
Absolutely spot on, you are right. Many Folks don’t look at the facts. We are definitely better off out of the autocratic eu, from many points of view.
The lady talking about mental health issues really got me. I am an EU citizen, successfully studied and trained in the UK to work as a psychologist. But I cannot get back into the UK under current visa regulations and pay schemes. Due to psychologists being on the shortage worker lists they can be paid only 80% of the minimum wages to qualify for a visa. A bonus for companies, not necessarily for the employee. With current costs of living in larger cities (where sponsorship is often more likely) that would work if I were still in my mid 20's, went into room shares, had a short commute and only lived to work. But it just does not work if there is family involved. My husband, a mechanical engineer, would have to anticipate a pay cut of around 50% if he went to the UK as a skilled worker. I am now employed part-time as a psychologist in Germany and get more than double of what a full-time clinical psychologist job in the UK would pay. Even with the more excessive taxes in Germany on salaries, it is still worth it. I am also self-employed, something that would be impossible in the UK without settlement status. Still, if the UK manages to someday be an attractive place to live and work again, we may move back.
We do need to keep in mind that half of inflation was recently shown to be excessive corporate profit taking.
They saw inflation was going up and they basically jumped on top of it to raise their prices even more.
According to Richard Werner (recent interview on YT), inflation is controlled by BlackRock, not politicians. We think politicians control things - they are gophers.
If only hundreds of millions of people around the world could've warned British voters.
_Ohhh, riiight!_ We *did* warn you.
Warned us about what?? I'm totally delighted to be out.
@@philiphealy1766 You are suffering delusion, mate; otherwise you would be suggesting the many benefits of Brexits that have delighted you, and well worth the hit to the economy of £100bn a year...
@@philiphealy1766lol. That comment is going to age well.
@@philiphealy1766 Are you going to pay me the £150 export duty I had to pay on a parcel to the EU that wasn't there before Brexit?
@@philiphealy1766 why is that? what has been the biggest benefit to you?
3:06 "I also felt we were being shafted by, the honest truth, Germany and France. They run Europe."
All brexiteers. Stop crying you were lied to. You chose to believe it. It was a choice.
there was no lie, only truth, the UK is not a democracy
So why are you still crying about the Democratic vote of the people four years on
@@twisteddancer7773 A democracatic vote clearly shaped by lies is worthless.
@@ftumschkIf it was worthless it would have been overturned a long time ago
@@twisteddancer7773 Because the rest of us have to live with the consequences of your folly
Guy with 'Adidas' jacket on : " I don't like France and Germany. Never have and never will...."
Who's going to tell him?
The French and the Germans are still nazis, but their Wolf nazis.They're useless to the average englishman
This is like the most depressing ever episode of Creature Comforts
Isolation politics in a global economy is a slow death.
And yet people still want back into the EU. 🤷
Sometimes it's just hard to say, "... I f*cked up..."
They were lied to by ONE SIDE! Plenty of people on the other side warned them of these lies but the didn’t or wouldn’t listen!
"We are finally in charge of our own destiny" he said, grabed his two children and jumped out of the eigth floor window
This is America is 4 years. ‘I don’t know Trump was that bad, the media didn’t report it, nobody said anything’
Self isolation. Ain't a good idea for sure. 😅
The ignorance is unbelievable in one or two that were interviewed. Apart from the nurse, the media has done a deserve in keeping the public dumbed down.
It's no good blaming the press for everything when the majority of people buy papers, stop buying papers if they print lies
At a time in the world where people need to feel unity, connection and community, on a global level, the problem with Brexit is that it leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
Since Brexit immigration has gone up, inflation has gone up, the country is divided over a single decision made during a referendum only set up to quell infighting in the Tory Party.
It's the worst thing to happen to the "United" Kingdom in decades.
We're now second-class citizens in our own continent, thanks to populist opportunists and xenophobes trying to play the currency markets.
It's pitiful, embarrassing and the sooner we redress the situation the better.
Inflation went up during to lockdowns and money printing in Covid and affects every EU nation. We now have trade deals with more countries and people than we did in the EU and our trade with the EU is at a record level.
Yes, Brexit was based on lies upon lies. When that level of dishonesty prevails in a country, it poisons everything. Britain is massively damaged economically, politically and socially by Brexit. It is huge. It is also insidious because the damage starts slowly but goes on and accumulates over decades.
Oh right. Inflation has gone up. Great point Einstein. It obviously didn't go up in the EU, did it. Think carefully before you answer.....
@@MikeAG333 Inflation has gone up more in the UK than in the EU and has also stayed higher for longer. Rising energy costs and rising food prices and rising mortgage rates are all huge components of the stubbornly high UK inflation. The Eurozone has much lower mortgage rates than the UK. Also for example, France has had much lower energy cost inflation than the UK. Perhaps you should think carefully now?
@@russmarkham2197 No. I simply don't care. Brexit for me was never economic. I detest protectionism (because of its effects on the third world), and I voted for my principles rather than my wallet.
I just find it so sad that so many were taken in by the likes of Murdoch.
Don't forget Bannon, via Cambridge Analytica
Murdoch’s Times and Sunday Times were Remain papers.
Same here in America....Murdoch is a disgrace. All these right wing ultranationalist liars and Conmen.
@@solentrambler No, the Times and Sunday Times were relatively balanced between Leave and Remain, but still tilted toward Leave.
Most gladly lap up what Murdoch has to offer.