Hate the Player, Hate the Game

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024
  • As the culture war escalates negative status effects accumulate

ความคิดเห็น • 359

  • @nuke7138
    @nuke7138 หลายเดือนก่อน +49

    I remember when Obama was in power how none of the late night hosts would make jokes or criticize him in anyway because they did not want to look racist.

    • @J0derVIVIVI
      @J0derVIVIVI หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Most Muricans still have no idea he is a Mulat* of Js familly.
      Even if they knew most would not dare to be double raycist.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I still remember comedians and late night hosts like Jay Leno who openly made fun of Clinton and later Bush Jr. People laughed.
      Up to the end of Bush’s presidency, SNL made fun of him.
      Now we’re super serious and can’t use any edgy jokes anymore. This dystopia is a mess.

  • @mooonddd
    @mooonddd หลายเดือนก่อน +44

    Fun fact: the 90s video game "violence" scolds with actual temporal power were Ds, see Joseph Lieberman, Tipper Gore, etc.

    • @PaulieMcCoy
      @PaulieMcCoy หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      I remember Jack Thompson, the lawyer, yelling a lot when I was growing up.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน

      Tipper Gore lead a campaign in the 80s to try to take away music albums with explicit lyrics.
      The 90s video game “violence” was just an evolution of the censorship groups trying to scrub anything edgy.

    • @levijackson767
      @levijackson767 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@PaulieMcCoy I remember Hillary Clinton on the Statue of Happiness in GTA4 better than the iconic-tard Jack Thompson. I was too young at the time.

  • @Shieftain
    @Shieftain หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    You're absolutely correct about how there are many on our side that still hold a negative view of the medium. For some, it's their "boomer" mindset that makes them think it's outright childish, for others they look at it like it's a complete waste of time because in their younger years they had poor time management and impulse control so now they think of it like it was some kind of bad addiction. And a few are just outright smug about it because they apparently are perfect beings with no vices whatsoever in their own eyes. Regardless of what they think, the fact is that it's become the largest medium in current times, and as a result, has become _extremely_ important in the culture wars. They wouldn't be trying so hard to subvert it if it wasn't.
    Ignoring gaming is a huge mistake, and I think it highlights a crucial issue that we've had for so long, and continue to have. That issue is being the response to changes that negatively affect us. Whenever something bad happens, the best we do is boycott or avoid. "Stop shopping there." "Home school your kids." "Get out of cities." These are all great for ourselves and our families in the short run. However, while we're running away, our opposition has been doing the opposite by taking up these spaces to fill the void we create and thereby strengthening their influence even further. When we need to gatekeep, we abdicate, and then they occupy and fortify. This is how we keep losing. Some of us get it and we try (such as the guys who made The Great Rebellion), but we're still nowhere close to our opposition. We can't keep running away, as eventually there will be nowhere to run to. So we need to hold down the fort and fight back now more than ever.

    • @nuke7138
      @nuke7138 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I made a comment to you and youtube hid it.

    • @Shieftain
      @Shieftain หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      ​@@nuke7138 We all here probably know that feel. The moderation here is way too harsh. I also think guys like you and I are on some kind of naughty list that has extra censorship rules applied to. Your best bet is to use cleverly coded language that doesn't heavily involve the substitution of numbers and punctuation marks for letters and it might be okay.

    • @nuke7138
      @nuke7138 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@Shieftain My comment was about Leeds and members of the religion of peace running rampant after English people fled once they moved in. Now everything is burning there.

    • @Shieftain
      @Shieftain หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@nuke7138 Ah yes, I'm somewhat aware. Apparently roma gypsies may be involved in the chaos too.

    • @HenriFaust
      @HenriFaust หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      Whenever a boomer conservitard brings up childishness, post this quote from their hero, C.S. Lewis:
      “Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”

  • @Red_IX
    @Red_IX หลายเดือนก่อน +148

    It was so strange seeing Obama's win on election night. How there were people dancing in the streets crying and carrying on like lunatics. The black community in particular were acting like the man himself was going to visit each of them personally and hand them a bag of money. Given how the welfare system works here in America I guess he did. Anyway the bit about him being deified is so spot on. Sarkeesian was the same way. A person propped up as a figurehead and forbidden to be criticized.

    • @blumiu2426
      @blumiu2426 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      As smalls as the black community is, of course they would given they had somewhat of color (half black, which made all the difference) seemingly picked to win was a boon. More white people championed him, however, because he symbolized they had achieved something whereas the black community felt there was a representative. I've also seen more white people getting government assistance, but usually for supposed mental issues/disabilities rather than too many kids to feed, though I've seen near as many still.
      More inner city people I think felt that way about Obama, though I'm not sure about the rest. I know soon as I saw him being promoted by the media, my alarm bells when off rather than think it a good thing. They will never have someone black in the White House without being most definitely a tool and has to have a connection to the blue bloods (and he did, related to Bush and Queen Elizabeth through his mother). Mentored by a black gay communist figure in Harlem, he was a tool to divide and it wasn't black people that led the charge, it was the white knights and white liberal professors that used minorities as their grunts to finally fulfill the long-awaited agenda.
      It goes beyond race, it's a class war where the elite want a return to feudalism and those willing to sell out or brainwashed will turn on family, neighbor and friend under the guise of virtue and correct think.

    • @imanoakyboy
      @imanoakyboy หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@blumiu2426Malcolm X used to always say Beware the White Liberal. They think they're white saviours

    • @BoleDaPole
      @BoleDaPole หลายเดือนก่อน +30

      They still think that black politicians care about them, but this isn't just in the US. In Africa people were also celebrating, even Muhmar Ghadaffi was pleased with the result, 4 years later Obama would have his country ruined and Ghadaffi brutally murdered. Everything he worked hard to achieve for Lybia was reversed overnight by Obamas regime and why? Because Lybia wanted to form a African union and it's own currency so it wouldn't be so heavily dependent on Europe, the US and the dollar.
      Whites voted for him because they thought he would be the great uniter, instead we because more divided than ever before under him with black people still blaming whites for thier problems despite having Obama in charge and a democratic majority in the government. You really can't make this stuff up.

    • @blumiu2426
      @blumiu2426 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@BoleDaPole The powers-at-be shifted the blame from government to just "white people" through media and revisionism. You can't blame them when white people fell for it the same or believe preferential lies. Even if seats of power and influence are mainly white individuals, it's mainly about power and prejudice is only fragmented up and parsed from the superiority stance.
      It would be a profound lie to say that minorities were not held back by a system that didn't want competition on all fronts and everyone on equal playing field and prospering. You leave the one in majority in control and bring them down another way, but it's evident the means used against black, Hispanics and lesser means Asians because they use the same on broader scale to former middle-class whites and always the poorer white. Immigrants also, yet it wasn't an issue to have a small number succeed as long as their population numbers were kept in check and not all means of prospering were available.
      Middle class white people are experiencing, ironically, equal treatment of oppression others have and it seems incomprehensible. Being of the same race as the affluent and powerful can only carry one so far, but if not connected, then the peasant status is going to claim them too. It should have been obvious to begin with the game being played, but even black people suddenly forgot hardship, empathy and being oppressed was to oppress in kind when the social engineering seemed to make it okay to take revenge. I use that for specific black people, as some didn't buy into it. Not all white people have gone racist in retaliation because of the clash baiting, but many are as the days go on.
      People are willing to be puppets in certain circumstances and if emotions run high enough, making both sides screeching "reeeeeeh" in the end.
      all Presidents played a role in preparing things to where they are now and going. JFK for all his faults was going to break the super power away from the global system and that had to be stopped. Every President since has been selected and made to walk in step. And yes, that very well can go for Trump, too. He's a wild card even more than Obama, no obvious lineage connections and a businessman, not professional politician. He might serve a symbolic purpose like Biden does a weak America, and we know Trump can be manipulated from his last time in office. How they play his fiddle and not let him go too much on is own key is what remains to be seen.

    • @disobey8828
      @disobey8828 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I remember that Obama was extremely promoted by the media, even in other countries was the perfect example of how a perfect president should be and the people was brain washed until Trump first election and now we all see the garbage that is the democrat party and part of the republicans.

  • @WorthlessWinner
    @WorthlessWinner หลายเดือนก่อน +45

    The dissident right is very divided
    The guys I listen to tend to be pro-gaming, but they're probably very different to the ones you're talking about.

    • @arthurmarston7496
      @arthurmarston7496 หลายเดือนก่อน

      The ines I listen to are vehemently pro white, anti zog, actual self improvement (not "get rich" and bang whores)

  • @pixelrobot109
    @pixelrobot109 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    fantastic summary of how we got to this point.

  • @Baalur
    @Baalur หลายเดือนก่อน +44

    Games are a form of art. Barring an apocalyptic event they will endure. They will survive the current era and people of the future will use them as a form of expression and entertainment. In one or two decades retro gamers will look back at current games and laugh at pronouns and square jawed women as outdated and performative concessions to an idiotic Zeitgeist.

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      ...almost every game from every era has pronouns, do you even know what a pronoun is?

    • @walmartian422
      @walmartian422 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wooosh!!! Right over your pointy dick chopping skull.

  • @Cu_Lyo
    @Cu_Lyo หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    Not the video I was expecting when I clicked on a youtube suggestion, but very nice.

    • @PaulieMcCoy
      @PaulieMcCoy หลายเดือนก่อน +30

      Ptolemy videos are a treat. You don't get them very often, they're sweet and elegant. _That's the beauty of them._

    • @argylemanni280
      @argylemanni280 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@PaulieMcCoy We can have a little eloquent commentary on the state of things, as a treat.

    • @Shieftain
      @Shieftain หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      @@PaulieMcCoy Hello fellow synthcel

    • @nuke7138
      @nuke7138 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@PaulieMcCoy He really should have more subscribers. He makes all of the other people that just shout "woke" in every video look inarticulate.

  • @miguelvelez2927
    @miguelvelez2927 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    It’s been heading to this for years. We don’t need to wonder too much at how much all this vitriolic hatred with escalate once Trump is elected.

  • @valder8423
    @valder8423 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Ptolemy video is like an good movie from before times. You can keep watching it multiple times and it still gives you more stuff to ponder on.

  • @killswitchfate
    @killswitchfate หลายเดือนก่อน +61

    just woke up from a dream where i was offered to be 15 again for 170 hours and dude suggested i spend all that time solely playing Ocarina of Time. lmao

  • @RaidenPSX
    @RaidenPSX หลายเดือนก่อน +32

    ptolemybros, we're so back

  • @TheMikeDuder
    @TheMikeDuder หลายเดือนก่อน +52

    I visited my conservative parents recently. They were watching the RNC in gleeful delight as a witch with a star of David gave benediction, while Bruce Springsteen played as a Shabbos goy bowed his head with a "Christ is King" t-shirt on. We are beyond cooked..

    • @user-lh3rc3ss1y
      @user-lh3rc3ss1y หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It's as if we live in a petri dish and the J's masters keep dripping more Js on us to see if there ever will be an immune response (no, there won't).

    • @nuke7138
      @nuke7138 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Melanie Mac made a video pointing all of this out.

    • @No.1komanga
      @No.1komanga หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Mike, the star of David is really the star of Remphan! It's satanic!

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      F’ed is a better description of cooked…

    • @nikkili8944
      @nikkili8944 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I assume your parents are boomercons? Yeah, the RNC was a shitshow, boomercon central on crack. Don't get me started on Amber Rose... GOP cuckservatives really thought it was a brilliant idea to invite an OF girl, doesn't look hypocritical at all. But we all know why. The elephant in the room is that cuckservatives desperately try to pander to black people. Face it guys, the overwhelming majority of black people still votes for the Democrats. BW vote over 95% and around 85% of BM vote left/liberal. The DNC was a complete freakshow... Busses for abortions and vasectomies? Libtards/Shitlibs have truly become a death cult, just look at other places like Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands. In those countries euthanasia is legal. It's particularly easy in Canada to get "ended".

  • @gelmibson883
    @gelmibson883 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    This was pretty good. U come off to me as the "Morghots Review" of gaming!

  • @bladedsweep8303
    @bladedsweep8303 หลายเดือนก่อน +47

    2 in one month is a gift.

  • @SirVyre
    @SirVyre หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    Having grown up right wing, and stayed right wing, since the 90s it's been truly interesting to see how society has shifted further and further left.
    I entered puberty during the time of the first MMOs coming into play. Everquest, FFXI, Runescape(2D), and Eve Online. Playing those and listening to leftie adults of the time lament and berate right wing politicians and Bush non-stop with almost no opposition was pretty normal, at least when political discussion came up.
    At the time I had the feeling that all gamers outside of my circles were lefties, but in hindsight, it was more that gamers read the room and stay neutral with regards to this cause they usually don't actually care. Just nod and play along and vote left, cause that's what almost all your friends are doing. Please don't think about how your online European friends are influencing you, too. Wouldn't wanna get shunned by your online society, too, would you? Eventually it just becomes the norm for them and they justify the behavior as being their beliefs all along (if they even care to justify them).
    But back then it hadn't interfered with the games themselves yet, and so there was no reason to shift the other way for most until the left had become a deep seated parasite. Plus, many right wingers had culture growing up that prevented most of us from going into things like game development, localization, translation etc.
    Bringing us to where we are now, with a buncha raggedy ass narc personas in control of the entertainment we most enjoy far more than they should be, making things lamer and gayer than they really are or should be. Had I known this was where things were headed, I would have taken great efforts to learn Japanese and become a translator and localizer myself.

    • @gronndar
      @gronndar หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Localization in video games is a truly discussion of its own. But there were already activisits in that field even in ps1 days, its much more open right now.

    • @timetraveler6246
      @timetraveler6246 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      It truly blows my mind how liberal most people are now. Even most Right wing politicians and followers are extremely liberal compared to just twenty five years ago. Nobody cares about anything anymore it seems. Most of Society doesn't have standards like it used to.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Very well said. I had a similar upbringing to yours and like you, I had EverQuest and 2D RuneScape (which is now called Classic, which was the main RuneScape from 2001 to 2004).
      Politics was kept out in most spaces, but when it happened, it was mostly directed towards Bush and his running things. Nobody got offended. Then 2009 happened and we started to see a real shift.

  • @sisygambis.
    @sisygambis. หลายเดือนก่อน +57


  • @Jim-pq9pm
    @Jim-pq9pm หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    Instant like. Will watch later

  • @PaulieMcCoy
    @PaulieMcCoy หลายเดือนก่อน +43

    But I was told that *"conservatives control the conversation in the country"?* 😆
    I mean according to the Destinys, ShortFatOtaku, Hasans, Nick Calendars, Alyssa Merchants... they're more or less the same person, not withstanding some minor differences. Please be aware & alert of those who "sweep" for said people. Side Scrollers & Arch Cast... Possibly Yellowflash2 (who let some random e-thot talk over him about Rekieta drama instead of reporting the most important news that day as it broke; naturally the woman had to make it all about her own personal drama). _Getting tired of the naive souls or the apologists for grifters._

    • @driakos
      @driakos หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      YellowFlush only cares about TH-cam clout. He'll buckle to any opinion from a source he feels can bring him more subs. I think because he is so boring and of far below average syllable count per sentence, his sub churn is staggering. In short, he'll always take the path of least resistance and always has a knife ready for peers that can't help him further. Quartering is very similar.

    • @valder8423
      @valder8423 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Is it a good or bad thing that all of those names mentioned is Destiny and Yellowflash2 (flash I had to unsubsrcibed because his content is just spam)

    • @nuke7138
      @nuke7138 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Craig is giving a platform to people that absolutely hate the intended audience of Side Scrollers. One guy he has on all the time just talks about how gheys have been treated so badly.

  • @walmartian422
    @walmartian422 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    I actually don’t think destiny has that much longer to live ngl. His mouth is going to get him killed and I don’t even think one of our guys is going to do it. I think some arab is going to take a shot at his attack on titan concept art lookin ass.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      He’s a puppet at best and a convulsive liar at worst.
      Really funny that these people just came out of the woodwork once the 2010s decade of identity politics showed up.

    • @walmartian422
      @walmartian422 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@KratostheThird Everything he does is strategically crafted so that he appeals to the current power structure despite the ideological contradictions that creates. His current reality where he vociferously defends the state of Israel from any criticism is the most blatant contradiction compared to the supposed principles he represents. The "debate" he participated in on Lex Friedman's show was a hilarious "exposed" moment because he was finally placed in a room with real scholars and he just looked completely out of his depth especially when he was frantically researching clapbacks(clapbacks that Norman Finkelstein was already intimately familiar with) on his phone whilst debating people that have read dozens upon dozens of books on the subject. Everything he does on these internet streaming platforms is performative and he carefully calculates which position to take relative to the audience and measuring which position would more than likely "win" in a court of public opinion. His debates are not about actually examining ideas they are about accumulating "wins." Which is why you so often see him gesturing to his audience and putting on these little shows to create some kind of illusion that his opponents are hanging themselves when they do or say something "ridiculous."
      Regarding his performative Chutzpah the first time I became intimately familiar with that debate style was when he "debated" Jon Tron by just engaging in tactical ridicule and ignoring all of the facts that Jon laid out. Optically it appeared as if Jon lost but afterwords I did some "fact checking" and pretty much everything Jon cited was true but Destiny just tactically managed the conversation in such a disingenuous way that he pretty much just brute forced his way to a victory by carefully managing the optics of the situation and by trying to put Jon in a position where Jon couldn't go all out because of the social pressure of "being racist in public is a no no" and destiny had all of the social leverage on his side.

    • @mr_vizier
      @mr_vizier 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I volunteer

  • @CirqueAlvis
    @CirqueAlvis หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Fresh kino to start off the day

    • @misterkefir
      @misterkefir หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Goes perfectly well with the blackest of coffees. Cheers.

  • @No.1komanga
    @No.1komanga หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Based as always!

  • @solomani5959
    @solomani5959 หลายเดือนก่อน +77

    Don’t put your faith in politics.

    • @Th3BigBoy
      @Th3BigBoy หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      This cannot be said enough.
      Read Walter Lippmans' book "Public opinion"
      Edward Bernays' book "Crystallizing public opinion"
      Caroll Quigley's "Tragedy and hope"

    • @SmartCreeper
      @SmartCreeper หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      My faith is in humanity not government. That's why I'm libertarian.

    • @raskolnikov6443
      @raskolnikov6443 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      @@SmartCreepermy faith is not in humanity which is why I am not a libertarian. Humanity is deeply corrupted.

    • @raskolnikov6443
      @raskolnikov6443 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Of course not but politics is still important

    • @SmartCreeper
      @SmartCreeper หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@raskolnikov6443 libertarian only rule is don't hurt others. what other rules do you need?

  • @driakos
    @driakos หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    There's nowhere left to go, so we have to make something new, or reclaim lost spheres. We've probably got at least 4 years before the normies move on from gaming as a herd, and the corporate nannying loosens up a bit.

    • @HenriFaust
      @HenriFaust หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      The normies aren't going anywhere. The film industry just collapsed, Google pulled the plug on blogs, and cable TV is in its death throws. Refugees will flood gaming.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน

      Just take the pill and go to eternal sleep.

    • @Krysnha
      @Krysnha 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      And now what is happening in Japan, videogames, and teh beautiful japanese culture will be gone in less than a decade, is dead and gone, the majority of west is dead, i was hoping rus will be save, no, ironicaly China and maybe, south korea will be save is so sad

    • @HenriFaust
      @HenriFaust 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@Krysnha The Japanese take their own culture a bit more seriously than Hollywood ever took Western culture.

    • @Krysnha
      @Krysnha 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@HenriFaust i hope so, anime is not as good, and that but i hope so that the world doesnt become crap with people from diverse land, i hope so, i hope japanese look the west and see how europe colapse, even zones in the US and realize that your own culture is something to treasure

  • @serralfps
    @serralfps หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I think your content is so underrated.

  • @mgh7634
    @mgh7634 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    It's fucking crazy how important GamerGate turned out to be. I mock it for how cringe and compromised it ended up being; to us who have long since moved on and realized how doomed from the beginning that movement was, how naive we were, how the problems we were fighting against were so much bigger than games journalism, it was a cringe-worthy chapter.
    But to the left-- they still can't stop talking about it. They still constantly mention it, fume about it, resent it. It left a bruise and scares them to this day in a way they will never forget, because I think it resembled, for the first time, what an actual ground-up resistance to their hegemony would look like, and they hated it. Hated for once facing a possibility that they weren't the dissidents anymore, weren't the 'good guys', that the youth could ever push the other way, and I think they knew subconsciously in their hearts that this was the beginning of something they'll be fighting against for the rest of their lives. For a great many of us, we at the time didn't. We didn't realize how big the fight would be and how much it would change us, change our entire outlook on politics and cause us to question everything we ever believed.
    I remember being liberal at the time; hell I remember so many who openly talked about being liberal. Many of us voted Obama and had just come out of college or high school full of hope and the philosophy our professors instilled in us. My how different we are now. Time and experience has changed us, that first ugly glimpse behind the curtain that GG afforded us gave way to deeper revelations and self-reflections that ended with us going the complete opposite way. And what began as gamers defending their hobby has given way to movements so much larger and more encompassing to all aspects of life. And yet, this is where it started. So many now shifting toward the right or joining populist movements now are being influenced in that direction by people who were part of GG, used to call themselves socialists, and say "I just want to play games" during that time. It's funny how change can come from the most unlikely of places.
    Will it be enough to make a difference in this age of neoliberalism, corporatism, and social control? I don't know. I think many still are LARPing, still trying to hold onto the idea they can vote or protest or slacktovist their way into a brighter tomorrow, or that this politician or that will be their savior. But it's my hope that the first dominoes that fell then will set into motion a movement that will lead us to some form of salvation in the future, however that takes form. One thing is certain, we've come a long way.

  • @-obamium5320
    @-obamium5320 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Say what you want about destiny no action will come of it, he’ll just turn around and say “I thought you were for freedom speech”. Gleefully taunting you with the full knowledge that his political party has rigged it in his favor, they get to set the narrative and play victim once it’s all over

  • @KateHikes88
    @KateHikes88 หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    Christ is King
    America First

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag carrying a cross".

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag carrying a cross" you chuds aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

  • @Sam-rr4ek
    @Sam-rr4ek หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I like your editing in the beginning,great stuff man

  • @celebral_pelosi
    @celebral_pelosi หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    On the topic of dissident right critique about gaming: I get what you're saying. It can be a tool to get our ideas across. But for the most time it not only wasn't that, a field to be creative and do something for our cause. It was a reason to sit around and do nothing. A consoomer article to passively enjoy while doing nothing productive in the meantime. And you refer to games in earlier (and some of the later ones) yourself like this. As precious escapism. Unironically so.
    And you are right. It's our soma. It used to. An the fact that it stopped being worthwhile is the best that could happen to us.
    The are games of quality, you are absolutely right. Based ones? Rarely for the same reasons there aren't really based movies, only idiots who can't stop coping because they can't accept that their favorite consoomer article use to brainwash them. Even if less so compare to todays slop.
    But Pto, my point is: quality, the content, the story, the "what" isn't the only or even the most important concern here. The medium is the message first and foremost before everything else. The the inherent message, that what games do, is best described as passivity. Less perceived than with watching movies, but still: passivity. That what you described as precious escapism. The same escapism an passivity is part of the reason why we're here today. I'm guilty of this myself of course. And to be fair, you to a much lesser degree because you ARE doing something actively an productive rn. But it is DESPITE of gaming, not because of it. You should be thankful that they ruined our little way of escaping the reality around us.
    The reason we both like gaming isn't that it's based or good for the cause. It inherently hurts it as I stated. It is because we like it. But so does a rat like rat poison.

    • @castle23clash
      @castle23clash หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I'd argue that the problem is viewing video games/stories as escapism. Mythology and stories from the past were loosely based on or had roots in real events. For starters its been long held that Homer's Iliad was based off a real war that the Mycenaean Greeks were involved in against a city state on Anatolia (either the Hittites or a vassal of them). The NS German movie "Jud Süß" was a retelling about a real "tribe" banker, Oppenheimer, weaseling his way into the Duke of Württemberg's court, and the troubles it had caused for the local Germans. The 'media' of the past acted as a way of preserving the people's (White people's) group by reinforcing morale and their roots, in addition to portraying subversive elements as evil and to be punished. Modern media on the other hand, has become divorced from reality by selling completely fictional accounts as stories. As such, nothing is held sacred any more.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@castle23clashYou just have to look at media from the mid 20th century and compare it to today.
      Journalists are all activists. News is basically sensationalist. There is no real reporting anymore.

  • @Supiragon1998
    @Supiragon1998 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I think as many people should know about what Destiny has said as possible.

    • @downwiththemaster
      @downwiththemaster 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I think people on the right should feel the same about him and everyone else on the left

  • @pyreotusbark8954
    @pyreotusbark8954 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Another banger

  • @asddw4998
    @asddw4998 หลายเดือนก่อน +38

    To any synthcels here: TH-cam shadowbanned me from commenting on Synth's videos, they show up when I post them but instantly disappear when I refresh the page. RIP :(

    • @Dousch
      @Dousch หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      This only happens with my comments when there are certain words included that TH-cam doesn’t like. You may not be shadowbanned. Try to replace some of the words you may suspect and wait a minute, refresh and see if the comment stays up.

    • @MoreEvilThanYahweh
      @MoreEvilThanYahweh หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      @@Dousch It's not even specific words anymore. They factor in who is saying things, where they're doing it and in what context.
      It's not perfect, nowhere close. But that's closer to how friend AI works than just looking through a list of naughty terms.

    • @Dousch
      @Dousch หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@MoreEvilThanYahwehIn my experience comments have always come through once you adjust the wording. I’ve never had the impression that my whole account is shadowbanned, but things are certainly moving in that extreme direction, so I don’t doubt it.

    • @asddw4998
      @asddw4998 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      @@Dousch It's as MoreEvilThanYahweh said, in the stream where he said he would stop playing DBZ Breakers K1 k3 tube deleted my comment saying "Breakers might be gone but Puar will live on forever." I reworded it to just "Puar will still live on in our hearts" and still nothing. I'm certain TH-cam must use some AI to decide how to shadowban people, at first it was only when I used certain words like "white" and "black" which can't be offensive out of context but now it's every single comment.

    • @ricardoojeda2963
      @ricardoojeda2963 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      I can't believe some still have faith on him, seeing how he's been slowly shilling modern-slop and having his channel filled with normies

  • @raskolnikov6443
    @raskolnikov6443 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    0:25 eh that was very mild compared the world we are in today.

  • @accept4978
    @accept4978 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Giga based.

  • @idiotengineer3925
    @idiotengineer3925 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    Let's get it boys, Friday Ptolemy video

  • @ProphetTruth95
    @ProphetTruth95 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Fantastic video bro, glad to see some fresh content. Hope to see more.

  • @jeffreyknutsen3698
    @jeffreyknutsen3698 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Always a good day when you post a new video. Thanks dude

  • @RachelRichards
    @RachelRichards หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Love the player, love the game!

  • @alicemalice2597
    @alicemalice2597 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    Articulate and insightful. I can't get enough of this guy.

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      Anime icon and bad takes, name a more iconic duo.

    • @alicemalice2597
      @alicemalice2597 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@tessaPMproCare to elaborate?

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @alicemalice2597 thinking this delusional schizo rant of a video is "articulate and insightful" is a bad take. Yeah "articulate and insightful"...if you're delusional or tripping on 10 hits of LSD.

    • @alicemalice2597
      @alicemalice2597 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@tessaPMproI disagree.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@alicemalice2597You’re talking to a troll, or a badly misinformed midwit.

  • @Th3BigBoy
    @Th3BigBoy หลายเดือนก่อน +34


    • @aerfwefd7334
      @aerfwefd7334 หลายเดือนก่อน +25


    • @Manicfuguestate
      @Manicfuguestate หลายเดือนก่อน +24


    • @m.a.1765
      @m.a.1765 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      God damn it

    • @xanthippus9079
      @xanthippus9079 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ah, paying homage to the best African country, Niger. Beautiful.

    • @alicemalice2597
      @alicemalice2597 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      Every time

  • @Krysnha
    @Krysnha 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Like you said in the past modern society is more a kin to a souls game, a complete decadent husk

  • @sushiboots
    @sushiboots 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Right on the money again

  • @23Butanedione
    @23Butanedione หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Wow instant subscribe much?

  • @Bogatyr223
    @Bogatyr223 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    i just wanted to play videogames...don't make me do this please... 😔

  • @MitternachtssternXIII
    @MitternachtssternXIII หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    so true

  • @inslayerclone4679
    @inslayerclone4679 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    6:14 using star wars return of the jedi as a template is kind of funny because you can use revenge of the sith in that context.

  • @asddw4998
    @asddw4998 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Seeing what's going on right now I feel the next video is going to be quite spicy.

  • @Radical_racist
    @Radical_racist หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Its woman who made the esrb

  • @LoafingMushroom
    @LoafingMushroom หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Thanks Obama

  • @castle23clash
    @castle23clash หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Interesting, I assumed the Obama worship was just in America. Didn't know the same thing was happening in the Euro countries.

    • @Elemental627
      @Elemental627 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

      It does. Whenever Ptolemy speaks of his UK-perspective, what he says applies to the German-speaking countries as well. It's all the same globohomo crap everywhere thanks to social media.

    • @Dousch
      @Dousch หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      ​@@Elemental627 Germany, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, yes. I certainly remember it here in Sweden.

    • @-obamium5320
      @-obamium5320 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      ⁠​⁠​⁠@@DouschFrance and Canada, can’t stop but mention the US every chance they get, especially Canada

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@Elemental627 does it ever get hot under that tinfoil hat?

    • @timetraveler6246
      @timetraveler6246 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​@Elemental627 I agree, social media is what has really spread normies and leftist views out everywhere. It wasn't this bad before the IPhone and Obama. Around 2009 is when I noticed things started to get bad. The world has been a shit show for the past fifteen years.

  • @mustycrusty754
    @mustycrusty754 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    We are never going back to the golden era just look at game staff in almost all major companies it's mostly women with blue hair trans pin and everything the damage has been festering since 2014 thanks to dei and me too the entire gaming industry is completely left wing owned

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Schizo comment.

    • @walmartian422
      @walmartian422 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Trans comment

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @walmartian422 yes I am trans, what's your point chud?

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@walmartian422 yes I am trans, you got a problem with that, snowflake?

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@walmartian422 your point?

  • @AlHasan6912
    @AlHasan6912 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    politics? well as fate would have it, we are dealing with a fascist rn. her name is Hasina, BD's PM

  • @mr_vizier
    @mr_vizier 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Great video, insightful and made for a very refreshing perspective on how to develop compelling right-wing culture. I subscribed.

  • @sincerehypocrite1402
    @sincerehypocrite1402 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    With respect, I disagree with a couple of your takes.
    1. I don't think gamergate was the inflexion point at all. In fact, I would say the inflexion point goes back centuries ago tracing itself ideologically from the French Revolution. I would even argue even a millenium since I would trace it back from the western split of Christianity; ie Catholicism since it is a humanist centred religion rather than the Theanthrophic (Godman) religion that Christianity was pre schism and still is in the East with Orthodoxy but people will think I am out there with this. But the French Revolution was the point where the secular materialist worldview with funding from those like the Rothchild had overthrown the Monarchy and had successfully replaced actual traditional values with "enlightenment" ones such as freedom and liberty.
    2. I have been a gamer all my life and have put thousands of hours into a couple of games so I'm not trying to talk trash when I say this but gaming can't ever be considered art since it is one of the most disposable form of entertainment and people should spend less time playing when they are neglecting their real life duties and responsibilities. Let's be honest, there are plenty of people that will use video games as a form of escapism and just become a NEET, it is so easy to fall into the trap of playing video games or going on social media while neglecting their own life.
    3. This applies to modern movies and modern entertainment in general as well but I truly think 99.9% of culture is artificially forced upon people at this point of time. Especially with things like Operation Mockingbird and global financial institutions funding projects to propagandize the average person, nothing in entertainment is organically popular at least that is mainstream since your project can be easily defunded and your character assassinated if you go against what the state or global banks want to push upon society. It doesn't help that advertisements and even google will manipulate algorithms to make you less popular and to throttle you. You will never see someone like PewDiePie or people on youtube become organically popular ever again, viral culture is dead especially when social media can just ban you outright, shadowban you or manipulate algorithms because of wrong think. I honestly blame prank youtubers and reaction channels for creating the lowest form of content that was so scummy that TH-cam was forced to intervene and clean up their platform, that was the point when the MSM tried to subvert youtube and now the internet is truly no different to cable in terms of how sanitized it is, the only difference is content is on demand.
    Some people might link back the cultural rot back to the "satanic panic" or the Puritanical movement, but in my eyes I truly think it began with the French Revolution, at this point in time most normies have the worldview that equality, freedom, the concept of rights and the rational mind itself are the highest values of civilization but this is far from the traditional values western civilization had even pre-christianity.
    In my opinion, the only way things will ever change is if secular humanism is defeated since that is the root of Classical Liberalism and Neoliberalism, which I would advocate by returning to true Christianity with Christ (which is not Catholicism with it's corrupt papacy lie or Protestantism which is basically Catholicism where the individual are there own popes, which is why there are tens of thousands of denominations).
    But I guess people will call me a religious zealot or archaic for suggesting the only solution to this problem.

  • @Ralphunreal
    @Ralphunreal หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    vote trump 2024 🦅✊

  • @HydeSkull
    @HydeSkull หลายเดือนก่อน +8


  • @NepetaLeijon
    @NepetaLeijon หลายเดือนก่อน +9


  • @BakedBanana
    @BakedBanana หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    oh no

  • @Under_Sky_Third_Gaia
    @Under_Sky_Third_Gaia หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hate the world?

  • @BedeGeneris
    @BedeGeneris หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I skipped to a random point to the video and looked at the comments and I understand nothing

  • @joko9364
    @joko9364 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Was with you all the way till your comment on the solbrah/BAP side of things with the books/fitness etc. What exactly is the issue with them?

    • @PtolemySL
      @PtolemySL  หลายเดือนก่อน +37

      BAP is a homosexual Zionist Jew attempting to co-opt the dissident right and obfuscate Israel’s massive influence over American politics I don’t trust him and his followers one bit

    • @MrStinkels
      @MrStinkels หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Who or what is BAP?

    • @RonnieMcSneed
      @RonnieMcSneed หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@MrStinkels BronzeAgePervert, some manosphere guy, for an apt description on who he really is Ptolemy nailed him to a T

    • @castle23clash
      @castle23clash หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Don't know BAP, but I am aware of Connor Murphy and he's a good example of this type of fitness 🚬Ptolemy was describing. Exercising is always good, but don't post selfies or videos of yourself like these guys; that's what a woman does.

    • @bryanedds8922
      @bryanedds8922 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@PtolemySL fuggin baysed

  • @LordCohliani
    @LordCohliani หลายเดือนก่อน +10


    • @neat3468
      @neat3468 หลายเดือนก่อน +9


  • @icemaster9728
    @icemaster9728 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm sorry, I thought this was a gaming channel.

    • @PtolemySL
      @PtolemySL  หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      You thought wrong bitch

  • @Ps.lySaber
    @Ps.lySaber หลายเดือนก่อน +20


    • @Code7Unltd
      @Code7Unltd หลายเดือนก่อน +9


    • @Shieftain
      @Shieftain หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@Code7Unltd Qui?!

  • @blumiu2426
    @blumiu2426 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    The West had far warning in advance this was going to happen, yet both sides continued to stay entrenched in their positions of excess and modernity until the seeming bipartisanism suddenly shifted in one's favor hard. They had taken the institutions, entertainment, corporate, and one can argue religious sectors like warned. The right had become just as secular by thinking tradition alone could stand against immorality, missing that Christian bulwark. The church fell to the same trap and only seemed hypocrites when tried to warn what was to come even if correct. The left was too busy being drunk on power and gaining more and more ground.
    Those in control of all this still aren't done, at least not to me. We saw the Progressive, atheist, secular ideology take hold just like during the French Revolution and in the relative short-term burn out because it collapses and destroys itself. Nonetheless, the mentality and nature Marxism/Communism brings out in people lingers. I think we are going to swing right HARD, but not sure the speed in which it will. It's not about one side being superior to the other when both are working on the same board, only the veneer changes and way it oppresses may be worse in some respects. If religion is used, we know that history and it's results.
    Worrying about race, sex, or all the things a 1st world country person can lament will be nothing, truly, by the time the "next phase" kicks in. We all look back on the culture that was before with nostalgia, and though better in ways, it was still shite. Well hidden shite, because one side was getting it's way and needed the degeneracy to slide in. So much was manufactured it's hard to tell what was real. Artists, actors and whatever person we wanted to idolize was following a script not exposed for who they really were. The entertainment itself then was ruined, altered, or shown it was always propaganda and I think many would still desire to have the wool back over their eyes like during XXXX year. About everyone alive now has not known at time when actual reversal was possible, but even then people were still divided by petty differences. Slow to correct, late to pull the trigger.
    I just don't think we can save ourselves.

    • @raskolnikov6443
      @raskolnikov6443 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Not a fan of centrism/ libertarianism and the both sides game. And the history of Christianity in Europe is pretty great. It did not cause meow wars or suffering. I also doubt there will be a hard shift to the right. That would require an actual revolution. The left owns every institution and industry. I don’t see any sign for it. A couple of people losing their jobs because their cheer on an assassination is nothing. And what’s even worse is that people on the right are already such cucks that they think that this shouldn’t be done lol. They’ll end up in camps with that mindset.

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      I didn't know mental hospitals allowed their patients internet access.

    • @blumiu2426
      @blumiu2426 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

      @@tessaPMpro Why would you be so confident in your ignorance when the lecture on this was given by Yuri is online? Dismiss yourself.

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@blumiu2426 sorry, I'm not schizo or terminally online enough to understand a word of what you just said.

    • @KratostheThird
      @KratostheThird หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@blumiu2426 A lot of you weren’t even born when Yuri made his speeches.
      The west was bound to fail. For how long remains a subject of debate.

  • @Sobachkaspike
    @Sobachkaspike หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Thank you!!!

  • @tessaPMpro
    @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Why is youtube recommending me this schizo trash?

    • @Ralphunreal
      @Ralphunreal หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      you lack a brain for this video.

    • @walmartian422
      @walmartian422 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Angry jew intensifies

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@walmartian422 ok inbred.

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@walmartian422 angry inbred intensifies

    • @tessaPMpro
      @tessaPMpro หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@walmartian422 go back to 4chan, loser.