The guy holding the cell phone can definitely handle some pressure. He not only kept filming, but kept the elephant perfectly in frame during and after the "bounce" lol
@@JesgateOnDown What are you saying? The elephant tasks could have easily impaled the driver if it aimed for the windscreen. Plus the actions he took, such as standing your ground and shouting at the animal are the textbook guides on how to thwart an elephant attack.
What a total douche. The elephant clearly just wanted a snack. That driver was just deliberately provoking the creature in its own territory. He could have easily just reversed & left the animal in peace. That elephant could have done some serious damage to everyone on board. Instead it just issued a warning. No way that guy should be a tour guide. He endangered all his passengers.
Had something similar when I was on a safari in South Africa. Our guide stopped the vehicle and spoke almost whispered to the elephant. He told it we meant no harm but there was no shouting, slamming doors, revving the engine just gentle words. That elephant eventually just turned away and left us. A stunning experience.
We too had a similar experience at the Kruger National Park in 2010...we were in our own private vehicle (4X4) with no tour guide... We were suddenly faced with this male elephant on the road... Was very scary... But we slowly backed off and re-routed.
#markrushton1516 Because that's how its supposed to go...this video was a set up. No one sits there sorting & eating candy if they're truly scared for their life.
Your guide seems like the kind of guide I’d like to have if I ever decide to go on a safari like that. That one was stressing me out just hearing him scream at the elephant. No wonder the elephant got mad.
Actually the man was saying "I hate this job and I hate animals and I'll show this magnificent elephant who had every right to be there, just what a bully I am and have no respect for nature. What happened to him is what happens to all bullies eventually when they run into a irresistible force. He caved.
The sheer force of nature isn't to be underestimated. This is crazy and awesome. The ease that it lifts that truck with is insane. Nature's fed up I think.
It was their luck that the elephant was NOT crazy just having an attitude. Notice how he ate some leaves in between (he did not know what to do with himself and the opponent once he had escalated). Then he made up his mind "showed 'em" once more - but not toppling over the vehicle, just lifting in. Then he slowly ! retracted and then he left ;) I guess the animals understand that toppling over would do real harm. That is not the goal here.
I mean that's scary but considering how effortless it lifted that truck just to drop it where it stood, ya . I feel like it could have done way worse if it wanted to
Absolutely, told these buffoons with it’s behaviour to back off. Considering the elephant’s potential, it’s clear which participant in this has the superior intellect, judgement and behaviours. Seen it before on similar videos with other wildlife particularly rhinos.
I love how well versed in english elephants are. First, the dude shouts "come on" angrily challenging him and the Elephant moves forward and pushes the jeep a little to scare him. Then he says "No, enough" almost begging for mercy and the Elephant goes away as if it had taught that angry human a lesson in manners lol
They are insanely smart, was in nepal and you can say nameste to an elephant and it will curl its trunk and straight up smile and pose for a selfie, best selfies ever haha
@@junkim2789 musth season lasts through March, so it's really the end of the season. When they're in full musth, they secrete fluid near their temples, and their behaviour is far more aggressive and violent.
@@sainjawoof3506 I don't know the date this video was filmed, but 'the fluid' is visibly coming out on its ears even from the video, indicating that it is in musth. That's why driver warned everyone upon discovery, because he could see the liquid. It means it testosterone level is insanely high. And that is why it attacked the bus first, and why the driver quickly responded to the attack.
@@junkim2789 considering the fact that it's in musth, the elephant was incredibly calm. Normally elephants in musth are way more aggressive compared to this...
Not really, that truck is around 3-4 tons, an elephant cant lift the full load because it’s tusks would break under the strain, only part of it, plus the elephant most likely weighs more
Most animals in the national parks fear sound and aggression. The guys are taught to be loud when dealing with them. His mistake was getting too close for the tourists to give him tips after the safari
@terrencepapo5690 🙌"O dzulaho vhudzumbamoni ha wa ṱaḓulu-ṱaḓulu, o lala murunzini wa mukonazwoṱhe" , I could feel the elephant's irritation caused by the reving truck's engine & the banging of the door. The dominance of nature is not something to be taken lightly, glad everyone is alright except for the truck.
No He used the truck to show that it was not a weak target, and lifting up the truck a couple times was minor to what would of happened if the truck had drove away as fast as possible th Elephant would run an ram the truck. The driver chose to face the Elephant and show strength but more importantly remove the Elephants ability to charge, ones it had show its dominance the driver signal that the truck is damaged and the Elephant won. There was no other option the Elephant was probably following the truck for aa significant amount of time before the video starts.
😂 classic comments, but I think it could be staff, not tourists returning from a shopping trip to town. A guide (I hope) would not act like this with tourists.
Not pissed off, but in musth. Bull elephants in musth is the most aggressive, uncontrollable animal in whole planet. its testosterone level gets so high, it literally can't control its own violence. Read the full description.
@antonynkanata1834 For sure. If I had the strength and someone kept yelling at me in my home/habitat, I'd scare that person too 😄😄😄 I absolutely looooove that the adorable elephant is so smart that he/she knew not to hurt the other people and to just scare the driver... it was basically an "eff you" to that driver 😄😄😄😄
@@donnanolfi2970 That jumbo would not have reacted that ugly were it not 4 the driver's yelling I hope his boss took the next course of action after this. Am not a trained tour guide nor am I a ranger but am not that stupid 2 shout and yell 2 a beast when i know too well that doing rattles it. If we are talking of a cape buffalo it would be other news. These bovines are known 2 pull ugly surprise 2 the real and imaginary offenders bearing in mind they have the dubious distinction of killing their victims twice.
This elephant is super calm: no trumpeting no heavy flapping of ears or kicking up dust, he was taking this as a joke😅 driver says "enough" elephant is like "aight deuces"
If you look at the surrounding area, you may notice they where inside a fenced of "parking" area? With the Ellie in the only opening to the wilderness? Also at 1:18 you can see the driver waving at someone to the side and saying "Go back, go back, GO Back!" Generally these fenced of area are where Lodges load there guest's when they are taken for a Guided Safari. Everything outside of this area is open and the Ellies, or any other wild life can come and go as they please. However this Ellie came to them, and so there was a stand off... and YES the driver did not only had guest's in his vehicle, but also more on the ground. Now I don't know if you can notice it but in the beginning when the driver is backing up, revving his engine and slamming his door. The Ellie did backup and even when the driver turned around everything was still ok... The only real set back was when the driver did not wait longer by standing his ground, long enough while waiting for the Ellie to move off by its self. In my opinion at 1:00 the only mistake the driver made was, he backed up thinking it was over. This giving the Ellie the confidence he needed, Think: "Oh, I am winning?"
According to the description, the elephant was getting close to where tourists were allowed to walk around outside, so the driver was basically trying to get between the elephant and the fifteen tourists who weren't in a car. Not that it was a smart idea to shout and challenge it, though...
@@hafirenggayuda He had no alternative. At first he tried to have the truck side on to act as a gate but them the elephant would have overturned it so he had to face it front on. Allowing the annoyed elephant to enter the fenced area with 15 people in it would have been even more of a disaster.
I was in South Africa. We were in a little car. When the big elephant came near us waving his giant ears aggressively we instinctively shut up and crouched down. Once the elephant decided we presented no danger he left. They're huge and scary when they are that close and annoyed.
1:06 It was at this exact point, when "Cuhh" reached up there and stuck that "spinach" in his mouth like Popeye, that I knew it was gonna get bad. It took about 20 seconds flat and he was ready 😂 He got amped up for Bluto and all his yelling and door slamming 😂
The driver actually had to fight back and yell, because he had to earn the respect to the bull. Bull in musth won't go away even if you show the sign of submission. Either you run away, or you have to threaten it enough to gain respect. But the truck couldn't run away because other guests who couldn't get on the bus over a sudden appearance of the bull were still in the hide and parking area. The driver had to protect them as well.
It looks like the elephant was more confused than aggressive tbh (doesn't seem to be un musth). A full-on aggressive elephant would have its trunk curled, its ears pinned back, and it definitely would do way more damage.
This driver was stuck between tourists and the bull elephant. You can even see him yell at them to back up, but they did not. This driver handled it brilliantly considering
It's not about respect. It's how the elephant relates to stopping the attack. If they run he will run and can kill them. Years of experience living in South africa and my Safaris. These guys,are experienced Xander trained
When I was in Kenya on a Safari, our guide wanted to tease an Elephant that was blocking our path. He thought it was funny edging the elephant to do something. Of course we were terrified. The driver knew it was time to go when the elephant blew his trunk. As we were backing away, another elephant appeared in back of us and blocked that path. We were sandwiched between the elephants. We had to stay quiet and calm. Once the ELEPHANTS decided we could leave, they walked away.
The driver did everything correctly, trying to stop the bull running and Charging aat the truck by driving over to him in an attempt to show the Elephant it is not a weak target. Ones the vehicle was damaged the driver could no longer rev the engine and showed sighns of submission to the Elephant teling it that it has Won. The Elephant was probably following the truck for a while before this face off, the Elephant would not stop until its 1 won, 2 lost simple aas that.
The ladies praying and calling on JESUS is the reason I am going to show this version to my grandsons so that I can remind them that when they are in trouble to call on our LORD JESUS!
I think the driver was making the Elephant 🐘 more angry by shouting slaming the door and driving toward him.A great video.I saved this as i do all Animal videos.I wanted to tell him to shut up and stop the engine to see if the Elephant 🐘 calmed down but he still came after a little while x
@@elainealdridge9202 I agree, he angered the elephant and provoked the elephant into aggression, that’s what happened! But elephants are smart animals, he picked up the car, didn’t turn it over, he didn’t want to attack, the elephant was forced
According to the video description above, the driver was trying to shield tourists behind them who had stepped out of the truck for a walkaround. I come from Kenya and there is a National Park here called Hell's Gate National Park where people cycle through regularly. In early 2002, as I recall (around 22 years ago that is), two guys I was with in school and myself, cycled trough Hell's Gate National Park, Naivasha, Kenya. The two guys I was with cycled regularly, and were therefore in much better shape than myself. They finished the run rather quickly. I on my part, took a number of breaks and breathers before finishing the run across Hell's Gate National Park. I encountered a herd of zebra that took off from me. I also encountered either two or three giraffes together, as I recall, that also took off from me. Both the zebras and giraffes checked me out from a distance after they took off, and that was it. When I got to the the entrance of Hell's Gate National Park, I read a notice that a pride of lions had been sighted in October 2001, around the area we were cycling. My heart missed a beat, my body went cold🙂 I'm never cycling through Hell's Gate National Park again, if I can help it🙂 Animals are intelligent though, and for all I know, I cycled through a pride of lions that were close by to me, having an afternoon siesta, who noted by presence, but went on with their siesta, as they remarked to each other, in lion language, "No need for concern, it's just one of these human beings who cycle across here every now and then"🙂 The zebras and giraffes too that I encountered, left me alone and did not charge at me. The zebras and giraffes I encountered, sensed, no doubt, that I was no threat, which is why they left me alone. They could have charged at me, I could have been history now🙂 You never know though. What if I had encountered a first time mother lioness with her cubs, a first time mother lioness on edge with any activity around here?🙂 I've given the story on Hell's Gate National Park above, because, as per the video description above, I take it that tourists are used to walking around on foot in the area above, just like us here in Kenya regularly cycling through Hell's Gate National Park, though on the occasion above, the tourists above unexpectedly encountered the bull elephant above. Like I say, I'm never cycling through Hell's Gate National Park again, if I can help it🙂 Regards, Michael M. Kamau, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, 27th March 2024.
@MundiaKamau Thank you for your interesting story. The world in general was different 22 years ago, I guess. To see the beautiful wild animals so close up must have been a marvellous experience. Glad you kept safe cycling through the wild life park at that time! Best wishes to everyone in Kenya, from a Brit.
I dont care what anyone says, the driver could have avoided it by giving it space after the first altercation, he didnt, and I believe he put the guests in an even more precarious position.
@@M.HvistendalWe'd several times experience with elephants in game parks. Always retreated, once unwittingly been between mother and her baby, it was a bit scary, as we had to evacuate up the hill in reverse.
#jdsk8914 The driver, passengers & elephant won't forget it because it was planned out. Apparently it was not scary. They set this all up for the camera. The driver knows how that elephant reacts to situations & purposely did this - everyone was in on it! Who the heck sits, relaxed- looking through candy bags & eating candy during an actual life threatening experience? No one does that ...unless they already knew what was about to take place & weren't scared at all!
To be fair, when you put it in perspective, it wasn't much of an achievement. The elephant's weight was twice as high. Humans can lift five times their weight and are considered weak animals.
Having been in that situation on several occasions, it looks like the driver was not educated on what to do when faced with a confrontational elephant. First of all, I don't understand why the driver turned the vehicle around so as to face the animal, he should have just driven away. If they insist on going down the trail that the elephant was blocking, they should have backed away a bit and allowed the animal to leave on its own accord. This driver has taught this large and powerful animal that the vehicles and contents are things that will attack. Elephants will defend themselves, and if there is a herd of elephants with young, look out!
It is obviously standard procedure to kinda stand your ground, and to show your face - and to yell and wave at the elephants. They are intelligent they get the message. I think this was a (young) bull with an attitude (but he was not unreasonable, not crazy from being in heat). Notice how he ate some leaves in between as if nothing had happened (animals do not do that if they are in an increasingly aggressive mood. Eating means, all is good, they are calm or suspect no danger OR it can be a "glossing-over" things gesture. Or also a kind of showing how self-assured he was). I suspect it was some kind of glossing over (almost as to mask an awkward situation). The elephant wanted to escalate things a bit, but not too much and he did not know what to do with himself (a bit like the chasing dog that catches the car). After eating a few leaves he attacked again, but his heart was not in it, then he retracted slowly and left. The driver did everything right.
He did exactly what he was supposed to do. Mothers will defend their calf, but that's not what's happening here as calfs ALWAYS remain close to their mothers. So if that was a mother protecting her calf, we would see the calf on the video not far from her. What you are seeing here is a lone bull. Bulls (males) will show a lot of aggression during certain periods called Musth... during which they act dominant (this is what's happening here). In this scenario, turning away is the last thing you want to do. You want to stand your ground, make as much noise as possible (as he was doing). DO NOT turn away. It is easy to criticize a man on a video from the confort of your home. When this man has undoubtedly years of first-hand experience with these animals that you, most certainly do not have. Yes, the bull escalated the situation in the end. But this man still did exactly what he had to do.
You need to read the explanation under the video. The tourists were in an enclosure and 4 managed to get in the vehicle. The driver decided to put the vehicle between the enclosure and the elephant...
@@mrboombastic8369Reading the description and understanding the reason behind this situation does NOT change the fact that this driver was challenging the elephant. You NEVER want to challenge an animal ready to fight by heading towards them. He was lucky the elephant ended backing up.
@@cm6995 there were people roaming that area, if the elephant entered there and started charging at people it would be a disaster, the driver was clearly trying to avoid that putting his truck in the way and making the elephant backing up, in the end the elephant did indeed back up and we don't know what would happen if he didn't.
Why don't they leave the elephant alone and go another direction or better yet this day wasn't the day to be all up in it's face trying to film and take pictures.
It's explained in the notes. The driver was trying to drive the elephant away from the area since there were other people in the parking area and not protected inside the vehicle.
I have been on safari many times in both Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Some safari guides will definitely provoke animals to get create more of an adrenaline rush for the guests, hoping to get more money in tips later.
They'll say that saved them, while making excuses for all the times people prayed during dangerous situations and yet we're killed anyway. Superstitious thinking, an exercise in fallacy.
@@My_trashtalking_accountYou still haven't learned about mankind's own iniquity and more. You're always looking for a reason to point at the Creator, but people always forget to point at self and the curses from their own mockery against the Holy Spirit to my Father Creator. You'll only see just how real He is in these times. Trust me. 🌟
Black folks praying to Jesus for help. No wonder their prayers never get answered in the last 500 years. The ancestors clearly interceded this time to calm down that elephant.
The guy holding the cell phone can definitely handle some pressure. He not only kept filming, but kept the elephant perfectly in frame during and after the "bounce" lol
@@JesgateOnDownInteresting perspective - it's convincing. Especially since the guy holding the camera was so "confident" he wouldn't get hurt lol.
What about the driver?
@@1andtheOnlyhe seemed genuinely scared... I mean literally nobody can really "control" a wild elephant
@@JesgateOnDown What are you saying? The elephant tasks could have easily impaled the driver if it aimed for the windscreen. Plus the actions he took, such as standing your ground and shouting at the animal are the textbook guides on how to thwart an elephant attack.
He took the saying "camera man never dies" a little too literally.
Driver: “enough..enough”
Elephant: “I say when enough is enough”
😂 what you said
He is saying I am sick and tired of your little wagon and those stupid tourists! You in my world buddy don't forget it!
@Precious jewel 👍🏽
Elephant only warned them 20 times. Every ear flap, head nod and leg movement.
But wouldn't moving away entice a chase?
I guess that elephant showed him. What an idiot to threaten the elephant like that.
Nah, just go slow. Elephants aren't really into chase either@@mr.b3168
Elephant was like I'm tired of ya'll coming around here looking at us and taking pictures...I would have been so scared
That elephant was eating those leaves like Popeye eating spinach before a fight.
“Why I oughta”
im dead bru.....u a freeking funny ass
My dude went from screaming at that elephant like it ruined his DoorDash to begging the elephant for forgiveness.
This is a damn good comment LMAO
@@Lord_of_Proboscidea Yes it is 😅
What a total douche. The elephant clearly just wanted a snack. That driver was just deliberately provoking the creature in its own territory. He could have easily just reversed & left the animal in peace. That elephant could have done some serious damage to everyone on board. Instead it just issued a warning. No way that guy should be a tour guide. He endangered all his passengers.
Had something similar when I was on a safari in South Africa. Our guide stopped the vehicle and spoke almost whispered to the elephant. He told it we meant no harm but there was no shouting, slamming doors, revving the engine just gentle words. That elephant eventually just turned away and left us. A stunning experience.
We too had a similar experience at the Kruger National Park in 2010...we were in our own private vehicle (4X4) with no tour guide... We were suddenly faced with this male elephant on the road... Was very scary... But we slowly backed off and re-routed.
Because that's how its supposed to go...this video was a set up. No one sits there sorting & eating candy if they're truly scared for their life.
You mean no harm.
Some south africans try and act strong
Your guide seems like the kind of guide I’d like to have if I ever decide to go on a safari like that. That one was stressing me out just hearing him scream at the elephant. No wonder the elephant got mad.
Elephant demanded an apology from that driver, and he got it.
The elephant understood the driver capitulating with the hand wave, and backed off. Good thing nobody on the bus flipped the bird!
Apology granted 😂
Hope the driver gets suspended. Appalling behaviour!
@4:05 that lady eating a bag of chips while hiding from a Elephant attack!! 🤣
Stress eating at its finest 😂
Her last supper she thought 😂.
She was afraid the elephant would claim her snack!
Was she the one that was crying out for Jesus a million times? LOL!
I think so!! lol! 🤣
😂I love animals❤The Elephant's thinking "I'll show you humans the real South African experience" 😂😂
Actually the man was saying "I hate this job and I hate animals and I'll show this magnificent elephant who had every right to be there, just what a bully I am and have no respect for nature. What happened to him is what happens to all bullies eventually when they run into a irresistible force. He caved.
The sheer force of nature isn't to be underestimated. This is crazy and awesome. The ease that it lifts that truck with is insane. Nature's fed up I think.
It was their luck that the elephant was NOT crazy just having an attitude. Notice how he ate some leaves in between (he did not know what to do with himself and the opponent once he had escalated). Then he made up his mind "showed 'em" once more - but not toppling over the vehicle, just lifting in. Then he slowly ! retracted and then he left ;) I guess the animals understand that toppling over would do real harm. That is not the goal here.
She is absolutely fed up..... this is disgusting to me.
@@5DNRGit was a male
Nature should be fed up with us. I know that I am.
thats one of the calmest elephant "attacks" ive ever seen
2:22 yeah
So much for the click bait
I mean that's scary but considering how effortless it lifted that truck just to drop it where it stood, ya . I feel like it could have done way worse if it wanted to
@@charlesbarkson Exactly. He could have flipped the truck if he was mad enough. They got off lucky.
@@Michael-go9hm clickbait? This one is hard to impress
such a gentle , kind and considerate creature!
Absolutely, told these buffoons with it’s behaviour to back off. Considering the elephant’s potential, it’s clear which participant in this has the superior intellect, judgement and behaviours. Seen it before on similar videos with other wildlife particularly rhinos.
Cet homme criait trop et s'agitait trop. Il risquait de mettre l'éléphant en colère. Il aurait dû reculer en faisant le moins de bruit possible.
I mean considering it could've literally flipped the whole thing over, thus Elephant has the patience of a saint 😂
I love how well versed in english elephants are. First, the dude shouts "come on" angrily challenging him and the Elephant moves forward and pushes the jeep a little to scare him. Then he says "No, enough" almost begging for mercy and the Elephant goes away as if it had taught that angry human a lesson in manners lol
Lol Good point.
He did.
Stupid driver
They are insanely smart, was in nepal and you can say nameste to an elephant and it will curl its trunk and straight up smile and pose for a selfie, best selfies ever haha
Definitely scary.
Elephant showed tremendous restraint
Indeed, he's not even truly charging or being aggressive, just playing with them.
No, it's actually making a fight. Because it is in musth. Read the full description please.
@@junkim2789 musth season lasts through March, so it's really the end of the season. When they're in full musth, they secrete fluid near their temples, and their behaviour is far more aggressive and violent.
@@sainjawoof3506 I don't know the date this video was filmed, but 'the fluid' is visibly coming out on its ears even from the video, indicating that it is in musth. That's why driver warned everyone upon discovery, because he could see the liquid. It means it testosterone level is insanely high. And that is why it attacked the bus first, and why the driver quickly responded to the attack.
@@junkim2789 considering the fact that it's in musth, the elephant was incredibly calm. Normally elephants in musth are way more aggressive compared to this...
That dude bouncing around in his seat like Ace Ventura did 🤣
But I did it with style.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 LMFAO
Chiddy chiddy bang bang!
That elephant literally used 5% of its strength 💀
Seems like most vehicles are always in a reverse direction in situations like that
@@peterdavis8471 Huh?
@@Onigirli much easier to get away with the vehicle driving forward than reverse
Not really, that truck is around 3-4 tons, an elephant cant lift the full load because it’s tusks would break under the strain, only part of it, plus the elephant most likely weighs more
@@jordanwilliams2557 elephant tusks are stronger than you think
Driver: Hey that's enough.
Elephant: Well that's for me to say.
4:06 - 4:14 Elephant: Humans pfft
The elephant is in MUSK and should have never been approached.
😂😂 Absolutely
Elephants are the symbol of wisdom, power and strength and This bull elephant just showed that driver his impressive strength.
Power and strength is obvious .but from where you brought the wisdom ? Have you ever consulted him ?
@@user-oc5gh9lr4f Elephants are intelligent duh
@@ryandujumbomammutuseafrica9674 intelligence gives you wisdom?
@@AfricanBootyScratcher69420 Yeah
@@ryandujumbomammutuseafrica9674you have no idea what wisdom is
2:26 The way he bounced outta his seat 🤣🤣🤣
Like an ejector seat! AYE AYE AYE!!!!
Couple seconds afer 'come on, sorry!' 😂
@juve96 I rewind that part a dozen times and laughed out my workstation chair every time 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The guy shouting hey hey is the same driver in all safari journeys...😂 animals are tired of him
I give all the respect in the world to whoever built that vehicle! I've seen cars fall apart from a pothole. 🤣
fax LOL
this like a scene str8 out of jurassic park lol
Probably TOYOTA
I think sometimes we, as humans, are too intrusive. Elephants needs privacy and quiet too.
All animals need privacy, not just elephants🙂
@@MundiaKamauName all of the animals in the video
they also have a right to defend themselves.
It is there home
Angry driver: Come on!
Elephant: As you wish buddy
Then later on: hey I’m sorry! 🤣
Most animals in the national parks fear sound and aggression. The guys are taught to be loud when dealing with them. His mistake was getting too close for the tourists to give him tips after the safari
Gave them a little shake. Didn’t throw. Don’t challenge something bigger than you. Challenge was accepted
That sorry had me dying 😂😂😂😂
😂😂i heard all kinds of prayers, from english to venda in 2 seconds while the driver was saying "sorry" to boss. 😂😂
I heard it too.
When I heard "holy spirit" in thick African accent I screamed 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@terrencepapo5690 🙌"O dzulaho vhudzumbamoni ha wa ṱaḓulu-ṱaḓulu, o lala murunzini wa mukonazwoṱhe" , I could feel the elephant's irritation caused by the reving truck's engine & the banging of the door. The dominance of nature is not something to be taken lightly, glad everyone is alright except for the truck.
The cameraman's dedication to continue filming in face of death saved them, because as you know the cameraman never dies!
No, the camera never dies
Right. Another example.
😂 the driver got humbled very quickly 😂 at least a couple of tourists made right with God
The elephant didn't even need to worry about making right with god.🐘
"Enough enough sorry" - Driver. 🤣🤣 He underestimated the power of elephants.
That elephant humbled that dude so badly he was apologizing profusely, almost in tears.
No He used the truck to show that it was not a weak target, and lifting up the truck a couple times was minor to what would of happened if the truck had drove away as fast as possible th Elephant would run an ram the truck. The driver chose to face the Elephant and show strength but more importantly remove the Elephants ability to charge, ones it had show its dominance the driver signal that the truck is damaged and the Elephant won. There was no other option the Elephant was probably following the truck for aa significant amount of time before the video starts.
@Annie497couldn't agree more
Gotta love the passenger: cowering between the seats but still managing to get a hand in the crisp packet.
Thry were told to eat their last meal..😅😅😂😂😂
😂 classic comments, but I think it could be staff, not tourists returning from a shopping trip to town. A guide (I hope) would not act like this with tourists.
Elephants are some of the most majestic and terrifying creatures on earth. They can be extremely sweet but also cause massive damage when pissed off.
Wow I did not know that😮. 😂😂😂
Not pissed off, but in musth. Bull elephants in musth is the most aggressive, uncontrollable animal in whole planet. its testosterone level gets so high, it literally can't control its own violence. Read the full description.
No 💩 Sherlock
Because they're big, I think.
You must LEARN how to handle Elephants >> this inexperienced Truck Driver kept his engine on >> Idiot of note
Bro really has beef with the elephant😂 😂😂😂😂😂
The elephant had enough of his annoying yelling. He lifted that truck like it was nothing 😄😄😄
Yelling I guess angered it even further...
@antonynkanata1834 For sure. If I had the strength and someone kept yelling at me in my home/habitat, I'd scare that person too 😄😄😄
I absolutely looooove that the adorable elephant is so smart that he/she knew not to hurt the other people and to just scare the driver... it was basically an "eff you" to that driver 😄😄😄😄
@@donnanolfi2970 That jumbo would not have reacted that ugly were it not 4 the driver's yelling I hope his boss took the next course of action after this. Am not a trained tour guide nor am I a ranger but am not that stupid 2 shout and yell 2 a beast when i know too well that doing rattles it. If we are talking of a cape buffalo it would be other news. These bovines are known 2 pull ugly surprise 2 the real and imaginary offenders bearing in mind they have the dubious distinction of killing their victims twice.
Yip, he first had a mouthful of spinach.. 😜
@@Rockstar-lx2li 😄😄😄
This elephant is super calm: no trumpeting no heavy flapping of ears or kicking up dust, he was taking this as a joke😅 driver says "enough" elephant is like "aight deuces"
The chauffeur said "sorry"😂😂😂. It was a good reminder.
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣
2:08 The face he made had me rollin 🤣🤣🤣
OMG this is awesome. This is better than Universal Studios
I HAVENT CRIED FROM LAUGHING IN SO LONG!!! Yeah y’all better call on Jesus! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Lol elephant got their ass.
True everybody needs to call on Him
"Look at me. I'm the Captain now!" - Elephant Bull 2024 🐘
That driver was asking for trouble. What was he trying to prove?
If you look at the surrounding area, you may notice they where inside a fenced of "parking" area? With the Ellie in the only opening to the wilderness? Also at 1:18 you can see the driver waving at someone to the side and saying "Go back, go back, GO Back!" Generally these fenced of area are where Lodges load there guest's when they are taken for a Guided Safari. Everything outside of this area is open and the Ellies, or any other wild life can come and go as they please. However this Ellie came to them, and so there was a stand off... and YES the driver did not only had guest's in his vehicle, but also more on the ground.
Now I don't know if you can notice it but in the beginning when the driver is backing up, revving his engine and slamming his door. The Ellie did backup and even when the driver turned around everything was still ok... The only real set back was when the driver did not wait longer by standing his ground, long enough while waiting for the Ellie to move off by its self. In my opinion at 1:00 the only mistake the driver made was, he backed up thinking it was over. This giving the Ellie the confidence he needed, Think: "Oh, I am winning?"
oh never mind, just Read the description under the video.
According to the description, the elephant was getting close to where tourists were allowed to walk around outside, so the driver was basically trying to get between the elephant and the fifteen tourists who weren't in a car. Not that it was a smart idea to shout and challenge it, though...
Yea, while his intention is good, his plan just wrong.
@@hafirenggayuda He had no alternative. At first he tried to have the truck side on to act as a gate but them the elephant would have overturned it so he had to face it front on. Allowing the annoyed elephant to enter the fenced area with 15 people in it would have been even more of a disaster.
That lift by the elephant was flawless
The cameraman is calm because he knows cameraman dosent die
I don't think he's a tourist
This almost turned into those "lost footage" films.
How about leave them alone
The camera man always has plot armor. And when he doesn't, nobody will ever see.
I was in South Africa. We were in a little car. When the big elephant came near us waving his giant ears aggressively we instinctively shut up and crouched down. Once the elephant decided we presented no danger he left. They're huge and scary when they are that close and annoyed.
And we are supposed to believe that we wiped out their wooly ancestors with sticks and stones...pfff.
@@pugilist102we did
Makeshift knives, thrown rocks and boulders, and speers. Educate yourself.
Stop lying
Nobody is interested in your story, this is not your channel, do your own and there tell things about yourself, maybe you will find followers.
1:06 It was at this exact point, when "Cuhh" reached up there and stuck that "spinach" in his mouth like Popeye, that I knew it was gonna get bad. It took about 20 seconds flat and he was ready 😂 He got amped up for Bluto and all his yelling and door slamming 😂
Moral of story: Give respect to get respect 😊
The driver actually had to fight back and yell, because he had to earn the respect to the bull. Bull in musth won't go away even if you show the sign of submission. Either you run away, or you have to threaten it enough to gain respect. But the truck couldn't run away because other guests who couldn't get on the bus over a sudden appearance of the bull were still in the hide and parking area. The driver had to protect them as well.
@@junkim2789 man vs bull ele...lmao
Moral of the story. Jesus Christ can't compare to the mighty power of an Elephant.
@@nikobolsoif he don't cheat by using his mystical powers the elephant got this easily 🤣😂
It looks like the elephant was more confused than aggressive tbh (doesn't seem to be un musth). A full-on aggressive elephant would have its trunk curled, its ears pinned back, and it definitely would do way more damage.
Think the elephant was confused at the driver's stupidity...
Scary only the lord of storms calm the elephant
Why did the driver continue to antagonise the elephant putting himself and passengers at serious risk
Elephants flare their ears when being aggressive...not pin them back.
Bro lifted a 3T vehicle like I lift a damn dumbbell. Therefore if you really think that wasn't aggressive enough,some wrong with you my man.Fo'sho!😂😂😂
Elephant just walks off like "Who else want some of Deebo!"
😂🤣😭.. And the winner goes to this comment 🏆
When you forget the peanuts.
This was way better than a universal studios ride 😂
When the bull gives you a chance to get the hell out of there and you don’t take it
There were guests outside the vehicle. He couldn't just ditch them.
This driver was stuck between tourists and the bull elephant. You can even see him yell at them to back up, but they did not. This driver handled it brilliantly considering
@@Regfife, for real ? Why would they get out ? Idiots !! I thought he was waving off another vehicle, tho we didn’t see who/what.
And then you regret it 😆.
There were guests outside of the vehicle? Whaaatttt!?@@Regfife
He picked that up like matchbox😂
What a beautiful animal!! Deserves more respect!!
the driver/guide was an idiot, and challenging the elephant. just stupid
😂😂😂 your insane
read the fekkin description
beautiful yes, but it instigated it. Elephants ate great, but they can be Aholes like humans.
It's not about respect. It's how the elephant relates to stopping the attack. If they run he will run and can kill them. Years of experience living in South africa and my Safaris. These guys,are experienced Xander trained
The way he went from intimidation to apologising 🤣🤣
2:30 Guide to the elephant: Come on! Sorry! 😂
The elephant performed a perfect lifting technique! 10/10
I know right, spine in a neutral position. Talk about a deadlift 😅🤣😂
Using only one tusk too.
@@Lex-g7c I give him a 10 as well !
Good form as well
@@Lex-g7c Elephant: Mama, no hands !
And that was just a warning! He could have done much worse to them! Incredible animal!
Exactly a bluff charge, with a bit of finesse.😂
😂 i think the comments are as good as the video. I am glad no one was injured just maybe their pants. 😂 @@sainjawoof3506
He was never there to hurt them, Elephants doing this kind of thing is very rare
@@joannephillips3557 not when they are in musth.
Incredibly stupid people
Elephant: “my mate left me today, I’m not in the mood today”
Driver: “MOVE!”
The rest is history 😅😂
When I was in Kenya on a Safari, our guide wanted to tease an Elephant that was blocking our path. He thought it was funny edging the elephant to do something. Of course we were terrified. The driver knew it was time to go when the elephant blew his trunk. As we were backing away, another elephant appeared in back of us and blocked that path. We were sandwiched between the elephants. We had to stay quiet and calm. Once the ELEPHANTS decided we could leave, they walked away.
Wow! Where in Kenya was this?🙂
Yes - make sense to just be quiet.
@@MundiaKamau All the info in the description box below the video sir.
I love the ladies that were quietly praying ❤️ that's one hell of a story to tell the family. 😂
That is what you do when you encounter trouble. Call JESUS, even if you encounter trouble in your dreams, always scream for JESUS!
Women are powerful 😅
What story, they aint seen a damn thing from under that back seat.
@@suitandtie2251 they seen it, hid from it, heard it, and felt it.. They knew it was there and that's a story!
The elephant re-established who is the Boss out here.💡🤔
The cameraman was built for combat. Outstanding video. Thank you for sharing.
Elephant quickly humbled the driver😂 from banging doors and shouting "hey hey" to begging with both hands😂.
Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Someone needs to tell that driver that being aggressive and confrontational to a bull elephant only pisses it off, lol.
Yes, because you, random person on youtube, would know more about Elephant behavior than a driver on his job as a tour guide/ranger in Africa.
The driver's performance, a mixture of bravery and comedy, helped save their skins🙂
The driver did everything correctly, trying to stop the bull running and Charging aat the truck by driving over to him in an attempt to show the Elephant it is not a weak target. Ones the vehicle was damaged the driver could no longer rev the engine and showed sighns of submission to the Elephant teling it that it has Won. The Elephant was probably following the truck for a while before this face off, the Elephant would not stop until its 1 won, 2 lost simple aas that.
@@HOLLASOUNDSat 1:21 he had enough room to swerve and turn around but didn’t.
Maybe better keep an eye on the elephant.@@Heatherly3102
Elephant: You need pay a toll to use this road, couple bags of Peanuts will do.
Driver: Deeeez Nuuuuuts
I’m not an expert at handling elephants, but I would think it wouldn’t be a good idea to challenge one!! lol 😂
I love hearing the ladies praying.
The ladies praying and calling on JESUS is the reason I am going to show this version to my grandsons so that I can remind them that when they are in trouble to call on our LORD JESUS!
That’s what saved them!
They were praying in the name of Jesus, smart ladies. THAT saved them.
Imagine somebody driving through your home and screaming at you to move out of the way.
This driver is biggest idiot in all whole world
Elephants don't have homes. They roam freely.
@@pee-buddy that is their home. Their habitat. Where they abide.
@@pee-buddyJust so. He couldn't roam freely with those idiots blocking his way.
one of the best videos of an elephant attacking a car in the first person!
Elephant strength and power ❤❤❤❤👍👍🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘
I think the driver was making the Elephant 🐘 more angry by shouting slaming the door and driving toward him.A great video.I saved this as i do all Animal videos.I wanted to tell him to shut up and stop the engine to see if the Elephant 🐘 calmed down but he still came after a little while x
I agree, he angered the elephant and provoked the elephant into aggression, that’s what happened! But elephants are smart animals, he picked up the car, didn’t turn it over, he didn’t want to attack, the elephant was forced
What kind of customer service says it’s ok to be rude! Elephants are not stupid!
*Exactly* !
But we are told that we wiped out the wooly mammoths with sticks and stones!
The elephant’s like, “Hey what? Dude, you’re in MY space!”
He thought that Elephant was playing around until it lifted that 1988 Toyota like a dumb bell😂😂😂
Actually, the dumbest bell was driving. YT encourages folks to sometimes do their last video.
thats a toyota Dyna but i guess more like a mitsubishi Canter
When he pleaded the big guy actually let the car go...that right there is amazing
@Annie497 they never forget 🐘💯
Lmao the people hiding behind the seats cracks me up 😂
Notice when the man's tone of voice was calmer & he clapped his hands gently "enough,enough" ,that elephant KNEW he had won. Show respect,get respect.
He said sorry to the elephant 😂
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Bro really was shitting himself. Lmaooooooooooooooooo
Go away troll.
He must be Canadian.
@@Crocutaalpha Good ole Dutti.
Driver : HEY HEY HEY 💩
Elephant : HEY YOURSELF 😂
Totally agree 💯
He should had not friggen antagonise a majestic creature like that
It could have been a lot more worse
Got off the hook
I've never heard people praying so hard on a game drive for the animal to leave. You usually hope and pray for a good sighting😂😂😂
And a good up-lifting experience. 😀
Like “yey” will do anything 😂
That elephant served up a big slice of humble pie!
A slice, or the entire humble pie?🙂
According to the video description above, the driver was trying to shield tourists behind them who had stepped out of the truck for a walkaround. I come from Kenya and there is a National Park here called Hell's Gate National Park where people cycle through regularly. In early 2002, as I recall (around 22 years ago that is), two guys I was with in school and myself, cycled trough Hell's Gate National Park, Naivasha, Kenya. The two guys I was with cycled regularly, and were therefore in much better shape than myself. They finished the run rather quickly.
I on my part, took a number of breaks and breathers before finishing the run across Hell's Gate National Park. I encountered a herd of zebra that took off from me. I also encountered either two or three giraffes together, as I recall, that also took off from me. Both the zebras and giraffes checked me out from a distance after they took off, and that was it.
When I got to the the entrance of Hell's Gate National Park, I read a notice that a pride of lions had been sighted in October 2001, around the area we were cycling. My heart missed a beat, my body went cold🙂 I'm never cycling through Hell's Gate National Park again, if I can help it🙂
Animals are intelligent though, and for all I know, I cycled through a pride of lions that were close by to me, having an afternoon siesta, who noted by presence, but went on with their siesta, as they remarked to each other, in lion language, "No need for concern, it's just one of these human beings who cycle across here every now and then"🙂 The zebras and giraffes too that I encountered, left me alone and did not charge at me. The zebras and giraffes I encountered, sensed, no doubt, that I was no threat, which is why they left me alone. They could have charged at me, I could have been history now🙂
You never know though. What if I had encountered a first time mother lioness with her cubs, a first time mother lioness on edge with any activity around here?🙂
I've given the story on Hell's Gate National Park above, because, as per the video description above, I take it that tourists are used to walking around on foot in the area above, just like us here in Kenya regularly cycling through Hell's Gate National Park, though on the occasion above, the tourists above unexpectedly encountered the bull elephant above.
Like I say, I'm never cycling through Hell's Gate National Park again, if I can help it🙂
Regards, Michael M. Kamau, Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, 27th March 2024.
Thanks - I thought it was standard procedure that tourists do NOT leave the jeep. Not when large animals could be around.
Why would you leave the vehicle?
@MundiaKamau Thank you for your interesting story. The world in general was different 22 years ago, I guess. To see the beautiful wild animals so close up must have been a marvellous experience. Glad you kept safe cycling through the wild life park at that time! Best wishes to everyone in Kenya, from a Brit.
The driver was an antagonising idiot.
Very long story can you summarize please?
"Jesus?" Jesus didn't send you on the damn safari. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yet He still saves. The situation could had been worse😊
Where did He send them
Haha... Jesus was busy pretending he was taking a nap.
I dont care what anyone says, the driver could have avoided it by giving it space after the first altercation, he didnt, and I believe he put the guests in an even more precarious position.
Yeah I totally trust your judgement base on a four minute long video, over an experienced guide who does this for a living.
there were guests on foot
@@M.HvistendalWe'd several times experience with elephants in game parks. Always retreated, once unwittingly been between mother and her baby, it was a bit scary, as we had to evacuate up the hill in reverse.
Absolutely! He should not be in that job!
He just lifted a 3 ton minibus like it was nothing 💪🏼💪🏼
Humbling experience and a day the driver will never forget !!!
The driver, passengers & elephant won't forget it because it was planned out.
Apparently it was not scary. They set this all up for the camera. The driver knows how that elephant reacts to situations & purposely did this - everyone was in on it! Who the heck sits, relaxed- looking through candy bags & eating candy during an actual life threatening experience? No one does that ...unless they already knew what was about to take place & weren't scared at all!
@@JesgateOnDownThe elephant’s name is ED. And everyone knows that an elephant named ED won’t hurt anyone.
To be fair, when you put it in perspective, it wasn't much of an achievement. The elephant's weight was twice as high. Humans can lift five times their weight and are considered weak animals.
The driver is absolutely inadequate. His driving license must be revoked yesterday!
@@WildlifeWarrior-cr1kknot sure if you are asking, but in my opinion he put people’s life at risk with this behaviour of his.
@@7_v610 He was trying to protect the 15 people who were outside the vehicle by preventing the elephant from entering the enclosure.
Topgun level filming credit 🥇
Jurassic Park 2024. Awesome 😊
What I'm amazed about is that people weren't screaming like they usually do.
No they were whispering “Jesus”🤣🤣🤣
Elephant: You're big... I've fought bigger.
you talking to me? I’m going to let you go. oh you still yelling at me?? I’ll give you something to yell for puny human
passengers: nobody is bigger than our GOD!
the elephant: gets out of the way when THE HOLY SPIRIT GETS INVOLVED.
@@israeliqueen153God does not exist.
you don't exist chatbot.@@metalzonemt-2
Driver: I see, no gun no fun ey?
Elephants are so intelligent! When it heard the man beg, it backed off. Truly, a peaceful answer turns away wrath
😢 This man was rude
It also seemed to prefer intelligible words over engine revving, door banging and "hey, hey".
@@sherylw.1173so you know how to deal with them??
@@AndyMacaskilllmao 🤣🤣
This right here is why I choose to watch videos INSTEAD of putting myself into the mix with WILD animals. Lol
2:20 🤣 y'all gon learn not to mess with nature.
Thanks for posting this. What an awesome experience to tell people with the video to back it up. I'm glad nobody got hurt.
Having been in that situation on several occasions, it looks like the driver was not educated on what to do when faced with a confrontational elephant. First of all, I don't understand why the driver turned the vehicle around so as to face the animal, he should have just driven away. If they insist on going down the trail that the elephant was blocking, they should have backed away a bit and allowed the animal to leave on its own accord.
This driver has taught this large and powerful animal that the vehicles and contents are things that will attack. Elephants will defend themselves, and if there is a herd of elephants with young, look out!
Some people had gotten out of the vehicle. He tried to save them.
My thoughts as well .
It is obviously standard procedure to kinda stand your ground, and to show your face - and to yell and wave at the elephants. They are intelligent they get the message. I think this was a (young) bull with an attitude (but he was not unreasonable, not crazy from being in heat). Notice how he ate some leaves in between as if nothing had happened (animals do not do that if they are in an increasingly aggressive mood. Eating means, all is good, they are calm or suspect no danger OR it can be a "glossing-over" things gesture. Or also a kind of showing how self-assured he was). I suspect it was some kind of glossing over (almost as to mask an awkward situation).
The elephant wanted to escalate things a bit, but not too much and he did not know what to do with himself (a bit like the chasing dog that catches the car).
After eating a few leaves he attacked again, but his heart was not in it, then he retracted slowly and left.
The driver did everything right.
He did exactly what he was supposed to do.
Mothers will defend their calf, but that's not what's happening here as calfs ALWAYS remain close to their mothers. So if that was a mother protecting her calf, we would see the calf on the video not far from her.
What you are seeing here is a lone bull.
Bulls (males) will show a lot of aggression during certain periods called Musth... during which they act dominant (this is what's happening here).
In this scenario, turning away is the last thing you want to do. You want to stand your ground, make as much noise as possible (as he was doing). DO NOT turn away.
It is easy to criticize a man on a video from the confort of your home. When this man has undoubtedly years of first-hand experience with these animals that you, most certainly do not have.
Yes, the bull escalated the situation in the end. But this man still did exactly what he had to do.
You need to read the explanation under the video. The tourists were in an enclosure and 4 managed to get in the vehicle. The driver decided to put the vehicle between the enclosure and the elephant...
2:15 The way he said "HEY!" 😂
Yeah. You dont challenge an elephant, especially when he does not want to move
did you read the description?
@@mrboombastic8369Reading the description and understanding the reason behind this situation does NOT change the fact that this driver was challenging the elephant. You NEVER want to challenge an animal ready to fight by heading towards them. He was lucky the elephant ended backing up.
@@cm6995 there were people roaming that area, if the elephant entered there and started charging at people it would be a disaster, the driver was clearly trying to avoid that putting his truck in the way and making the elephant backing up, in the end the elephant did indeed back up and we don't know what would happen if he didn't.
@@cm6995You actually stay on ground and challenge Elephant if elephant charges you. Running would only make elephant furious and charge more
@@ThatisnotHairFacts these guys think the driver was just challenging the elephant for fun smh if the drove away the elephant would have charged them
Passenger open door and slamming it to scare the elephant saying go back go back had me rolling 😂
Why don't they leave the elephant alone and go another direction or better yet this day wasn't the day to be all up in it's face trying to film and take pictures.
It's explained in the notes. The driver was trying to drive the elephant away from the area since there were other people in the parking area and not protected inside the vehicle.
Seems like the elephant was only bothered by the driver. Not the randos in the parking area. And what about the safety of his passengers? @@sdrfz
@@imwatchingyou439 the driver( with the help of God kept them alive) because if the driver drove away the elephant would have charged at them
I have been on safari many times in both Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Some safari guides will definitely provoke animals to get create more of an adrenaline rush for the guests, hoping to get more money in tips later.
Driver: You move out the way!
Elephant: I decide when IM gonna MOVE!
I love how everyone was praying.❤😂
They'll say that saved them, while making excuses for all the times people prayed during dangerous situations and yet we're killed anyway. Superstitious thinking, an exercise in fallacy.
@@My_trashtalking_accountYou still haven't learned about mankind's own iniquity and more. You're always looking for a reason to point at the Creator, but people always forget to point at self and the curses from their own mockery against the Holy Spirit to my Father Creator. You'll only see just how real He is in these times. Trust me. 🌟
Black folks praying to Jesus for help. No wonder their prayers never get answered in the last 500 years. The ancestors clearly interceded this time to calm down that elephant.
Man, these theme park rides are getting better and better
Jaaa...only problem is no off switch😂😂😂😂
This is exactly why I never leave home without peanuts.
🤣 can't believe im the first to comment , great one 👍
Elephant 🐘 warned them ..Now Bugger 😂😂😂 from Zimbabwe 🇿🇼