Bobbe nije dobila full long rest :) "If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity-at least 1 hour of walking, Fighting, casting spells, or similar Adventuring activity-the Characters must begin the rest again to gain any benefit from it." :)
Prema Tashi, mehanika artificera kaže da treba samo dodirnuti item nakon long resta da ga se infusea, ne treba provesti long rest na itemu, mi smo radi flavora stavili da je ostala budna tijekom večeri :)
44:33 smiješno svaki put xD
pošteno XD
Bobbe nije dobila full long rest :) "If the rest is interrupted by a period of strenuous activity-at least 1 hour of walking, Fighting, casting spells, or similar Adventuring activity-the Characters must begin the rest again to gain any benefit from it." :)
Prema Tashi, mehanika artificera kaže da treba samo dodirnuti item nakon long resta da ga se infusea, ne treba provesti long rest na itemu, mi smo radi flavora stavili da je ostala budna tijekom večeri :)
@@pustorolli ah, to je drugo. Ja slusam kak je ostala budna cijelu noc i iscraftala item. Gdje se onda naspavala kojeg vraga mislim si. :)
@@DiceDragondnd ma ne, to je samo "infuse item" feature od artificera :)