I will defend this (in my opinion) brilliant line from Time Crash. "Back when I first started out, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important--like you do when you're young."
Aloysius Whiteboat Yep. That one line of retroactive headcanon is brilliant. I’m reading Moffat’s Day of the Doctor novelisation and little explanatory throwaway lines like that are what he’s best at. He’s full of them :)
From bratty teen who likes pretending he's one of the grown-ups to old man who's having a severe midlife crisis... and then back again... and then female.
That ninth doctor impression from Exhausted Supplies was incredible. Can they employ that voice actor permanently as Nine, since Ecclestone doesn't want to come back.
I have a complete idea for a story to celebrate New Who. Though McGann will make a cameo to explain why, in-universe, the classic Doctors aren't appearing.
@HelixViper Yes, I have seen Night of the Doctor. I've also listened to all the Big Finish audios featuring the Eighth Doctor during the Time War. Despite his efforts to avoid the Time War, he keeps finding himself getting caught in it, or getting caught at a location suffering the consequences of it. In these situations, what does the Eighth Doctor do? He tries to help the innocents caught in the crossfire. And a scenario like this can be used to allow the two Doctors to meet. For example, the Eighth Doctor is trying to save innocent civilians caught in a battle between the Time Lords and the Daleks, while the War Doctor is trying to destroy the Daleks to end the battle.
@Benjamin Callinicos Sure, in the case of on TV or in a Big Finish audio, it can't happen with John Hurt dead. A novel or a comic, on the other hand, is always possible.
In defense of Time Crash, I think it was kinda a family affair. Because Peter Davison (5th Doctor) is the father in law of David Tennant (10th Doctor). So while it is a short for charity, it’s also kinda cool how the two actors are connected not only by the show, but in real life. So if you just focus on that context, it’s pretty sweet and awesome on how far Doctor Who has gone and the people who worked on the show is a big family in one way or another.
So nice to see Exhausted Supplies mentioned. I recall when I was first trying to get into Big Finish that I actually listened to Exhausted Supplies and the Ashildir witchunt one first. The quality of them made me realise audio dramas could work for Doctor Who and so off I went hunting.
I sort of want to see the 8th doctor as a main character in an episode of Doctor Who as a crossover, I also want to see other time lords/ladies return, I know the Doctor and Master are meant to be the last 2 (which has gone out the window with the post Day of the Doctor galifray stories) but they're called TIME Lords for a reason and a character from before the time war could easily appear
I love Zagreus- I mean ZAGREUS! It’s just so fun. I’ve been meaning to read Prisoners of Time. I’m still waiting for Smith to hit Big Finish so I can go broke that way
Oof. I just can't bring myself to dislike The Light at The End, it was my gateway into big finish and that lovely limited edition just looks so good on my shelf. To each their own I suppose.
I actually listened to Exhausted Supplies before I watched this video and was getting ready to comment about it. I didn't think you'd list it since it isn't official. But I agree, it's amazing! Not just because the 9 impression is spot on, but because it's genuinely a really really good story. It feels like a top teir RTD era sorry. And 9 & 12's interactions are actually meaningful and engaging, not gimmicky. I am biased though. 9 & 12 are my favorites.
I admit I didn't agree with you on quite a few points, but I friggin' SCREAMED of joy when you put "Exhausted supplies" in the number one spot!!!! :D Absolute favourite!!! :D
me too, it was the first multi doctor story and while the effects were cringe worthy compared to today and the villain rather over the top, the story was first rate, the interaction between 2nd and 3rd hillarious the deadpan reactions of the brig spot on and it was the very last appearance of William Hartnell, some respect please. Definately better than comics and audio stories that dont even include the voices of the doctors!
Prisoners of Time is the type of garbage that NuWho fans would come up with as the finale of the entire show, usually ending with the Doctor sacrificing themselves with absolutely no self-awareness.
@@IfIHadMyTimeAgain That was a genetically-crafted life-form made by humans. Same with all the weird androids and stuff. Everything in Red Dwarf is manmade because no aliens exist.
"The Master tries to erase the Doctor from history by undoing each of his victories" isn't that the exact plot of The Name of the Doctor? But with The Great Intelligence rather than The Master?
The Light at the End was actually my first BigFinish story. I thought it was pretty good and of course sucked me into the audio universe of Doctor Who. Now I can't stop myself; I've become a monster!
It IS a lot of fun and I can remember more than a handful of memorable scenes. (That ending!) But I do insist it is a silly Who pantomime...and for some i'm sure that's all they went in for!
Good call with Exhausted Supplies. I was happy to see other people have found it and loved it as much as I. Also, 10:55, what is it with Dr. Who/Moffat and creepy nursery rhymes?
COLD FUSION If DW ever did a big blockbuster anniversary movie, it should be something like that script. Seeiously guys, get that audio or find the book
exhausted supplies was the first audio story I ever listened to. I hadn't really been interested in them before but 9 and 12 are my two favorite doctors and I loved it.
My ideal multi-Doctor story would involve the return of the Celestial Toymaker and have him split up each of the Doctor's incarnations to play their own deadly game.
the first law of time says you must NOT cross your own time lines, The tv multi doctors they did not do it, they were brought together by others. The time lords brought the three doctors together, the 5 doctors Barusa brought them together, the 2 doctors 6th was pulled into 2's time, Day of the doctor the Moment pulled them together, and time crash was an accident. I dont accept fan service , and big finish is semi canon
For what it is worth, I consider Exausted Supplies Cannon. It doesn't contradict anything. And I love the idea that at the end of Rose, Exausted Supplies happened between him leaving and coming back
14th singing to the 8th "Yes and someday soon, you will become the very model of a perfectly pratical and radical War Doctor! and there is no way in Galafray, I'm saying that three times fast."
I like the way the doctor keeps meeting his old faces, but not his current at the early stages, or two sets of the same face, one older than the other!
There is a perfect multi-doctor story called "The Lost Dimension". It was published by Titan Comics and features all of the Doctors as well as Torchwood and a couple of references to the Sarah Jane Adventures. Trust me, it's worth a read.
I remember watching this few years back, and when I heard about destiny of the doctor "arc". When you said that it will dissapoint on bindwatch, I was curious. I finally got to it and... they are amazing. Each one of them. I expected something mediocre or bad, but god they were fun to listen. Night of the Whisper and Vengeance of the Stones. Time Machine is surprisingly not as confusing as you made it out to be. It was pretty straight forward, and Eleventh plan being explained made sense. At least to me. I listen to the whole arc so far twice, maybe thrice. And still love it. I would personally put it in top 5 best multi doctor stories. But that's propably just me of course.
2:29, I honestly thought that it was 7 who got the short end of the stick in that story. I mean every other doctor besides him got to make a unique contribution, and 5 was the one who discovered and resolved the whole Bob Dovie plotline that caused the whole story in the first place. 7 was just kinda hanging around in the TARDIS while 6 did some plot important conversing with Straxus
No one: Leela, Sarah, Mickey, Jo, Martha, Nyssa, Turlough, Adric, Ian, Barbra, Jack, Amy, Clara, and Jamie in one comic page: *Whatever the hell they’re doing*
It often bums me out that Big Finish never did a War Doctor/War Master meetup, while they had the opportunity. :( But, more on topic: Crossovers I'd like to see: A) The Three 12th Doctors: the Series 8, Series 9, and Series 10 Capaldis (each w/ their different piece of sonic tech) meet up, solve stuff, and furrow brows. B) Fugitive and Warrior: The War Doctor and the Fugitive/Jo Martin Doctor team up. No explanation as to where she fits in "canon"required at this time. C) The Two Missys: Evil Missy circa Series 8 has a chat w/ sort-of-reformed-or-at-least-tentatively-so Missy from Series 10 while she's in that Vault or during The Doctor Falls or something. Ultimately, it turns out to just be a dialogue in the latter's head. D) a Fourth Doctor Big Finish collection, with each adventure bumping 4 into one of his other selves, similar to the recent Out of Time, but for all of them. E) but ultimately.... 3 teaming up with 12 while 2 gets to team up with 11! Alright. That's too many. (Oh and they all have to fight Roger Delgado 😎)
The Five Doctors is still a nostalgic favorite of mine. I still want to see more of Paul McGann. Before it's too late! They could easily do some 'prequel' episodes, maybe even a whole prequel season.
Oh my god, I would be over the moon if we got a crossover featuring Paul McGann. The man deserves so much more recognition in the mainstream fandom. And of course, any chance---any, ANY chance that we could get Eccleston to shoot the war Doctor's regeneration scene would be welcomed. So, so welcomed.
Nice to see some love for zagreus as you can probably tell by my name on TH-cam I think it's great, I 100% agree with you on the Canon who cares what is or is not canon as I see it everything is Canon as it makes doctor who more fun to watch.
Trying to figure out canonicity in Doctor Who is such a mistake anyway, considering how laissez-faire the main character even is with continuity half the time.It's always a good idea to watch everything out of order and assume it's all as important as the rest.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but ranking the TV multi-Doctor full length and canonical stories I'd say: 1) Day of the Doctor - I would personally put this story in my top ten. My expectations for this story were very low, but I was blown away when this was aired, like I think it came out perfectly. Moreover, this is one of the stories that I've never made it through without crying. 2)Twice Upon a Time - Personally, I think this is my favourite Christmas special. I might be very biased though, because 12 is actually my favourite Doctor and seeing him go made this story very powerful. 3) The Two Doctors - This might be a tad controversial, but I think this story is outstanding. 4) The Three Doctors - I think this story is really good, just not as good as the above three. 5) Five Doctors - I loved this story when I was I way younger, but as I've got older my opinion of this has just gone into a nose dive and now it's the only one in this list that I don't really enjoy now. I personally think that this story is an absolute shambles.
I can respect your veiws and agree for the most part but I would swap 2 and 4, dont get me wrong, I absolutely loved TUAT (even with the sexist jokes and IT) that precious first regeneration and the Christmas Armistice and 12s farewell, but three doctors was the very first one, the interaction between 2nd and 3rd was hilarious and it was the last time we saw William Hartnell. And 12th is my favourite of the modern doctors but he will never touch Tom Baker!
Zagreus was just a massive mindfuck. Give that story to someone who hasn't listened to a second of Big Finish or watched a minute of the Classic Series and watch their brains melt out their ears. Also, I like how you look at fan projects. I consider them to take place in alternate timelines. They occur outside the show itself. They are like Doctor Who Unbound.
i know this video is super old, but big finish just released a short trips audio called regeneration impossible that's an 11 and 12 crossover. it's just one actor playing the both of them, rather than smith and capaldi, but he absolutely nails it and the story's a nice mystery! highly recommend for any multi-doctor fans!
I can just imagine if BBC had a episode with all the doctors at once everyone of them would be running around acting like kids then you have 1 sitting there with a look of "why the f@#k am I the only mature one here when I'm the youngest"
The thing you said about star trek possibly being in the same universe despite being referenced in the show could also be applied to eastenders as it was in the army of ghosts.
0:58. Pretty simple, actually. Same way that Flash of Two Worlds explained it. In The Doctor's universe, it's fiction, but that fiction was mostly likely created by someone tapping into the Star Trek universe.
They could do an episode where the companions of Whittaker meet Tennant or someone, do an adventure with him and then go back to Whittaker, without her meating Tennant.
Agreed on some of them. Read Four Doctors. Didn’t find evil 12 convincing, only because it was at the end of his first series, and we didn’t know 12 very well. It felt very much grasping at straws. Enjoyed the rest of it more. Will need to listen to Exhausted Supplies and Zagraeus.
Personally felt that it was the perfect time for it, at the peak of the ‘Am I a Good Man?’ question combined with the isolationism that even bittered 11. Certainly better than the evil DoctorDonna duplicate. They’re top stories! Though listen to Neverland before Zagreus otherwise you might end up turning it off In frustration.
SamyulDavis Some of the multi-Doctor events do feel forced. Hence a 12 feeling shoehorned into facing himself as a villain. Of course, 10 becoming the Time Lord Victorious under RTD felt similarly forced. It felt like a gimmick to help 10 leave. Not one of RTD’s better writing moments.
Sorry gotta add one more: a rewrite of the (beautiful and basically perfect) Twice Upon a Time, that includes Carole Ann Ford as an adult Susan, re-meeting her grandfather and also her 12th grandfather. I'm thinking meets 12 first and does an adventure with him, then they meet up with the Hartnell Doctor, as played by David Bradley. The three of them do more adventure stuff, then 12th leaves to go die and regenerate, and 1 and Susan do a bit more Tardis travel (sort of like Ashildr and Clara in the Series 9 finale), which we needn't necessarily see, but which will ultimately culminate in Susan re-leaving the TARDIS, and 1 going off to regenerate like 12 did a few adventures ago. So that's my pitch, Big Finish! Please read this and steal it!
A great crossover from last year is legacy of time, several great standalone stories (the 8th and 3rd doctors stories being the standout in a boxset of great stories and the 5th doctor meets jenny, which is great), leading to all eight cassic doctors, the 10th doctor and romana having to pilot the first tardis to save the timeline.
I'm actually writing a fan fiction called The Thirteen Doctors: Lords of Time, which is essentially a mock up anniversary. I reference essentially every piece Doctor Who lore, classic and New, I can think of.
I will defend this (in my opinion) brilliant line from Time Crash.
"Back when I first started out, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important--like you do when you're young."
Aloysius Whiteboat Yep. That one line of retroactive headcanon is brilliant. I’m reading Moffat’s Day of the Doctor novelisation and little explanatory throwaway lines like that are what he’s best at. He’s full of them :)
Well this aged poorly. i think? I dont quite understand how the new regeneration system works
From bratty teen who likes pretending he's one of the grown-ups to old man who's having a severe midlife crisis... and then back again... and then female.
@@tolmat some later writer will retcon it away. Probably a fan of the show watching it now, most likely.
I now cannot get the idea of William Hartnell bare knuckle boxing plastic men out of my head
That ninth doctor impression from Exhausted Supplies was incredible. Can they employ that voice actor permanently as Nine, since Ecclestone doesn't want to come back.
Richard Bourton wish the BBC didn't piss him off. After all hid acting really brought it back.
It's a shame, I quite liked Ecclestone, I wish the BBC would have treated him a bit better so he could have done a series 2 or even 3.
More Ecclestone would have been good but I loved Tennant and if Ecclestone had stayed longer we may never have gotten him.
Ecclestone at least got a good send off,he could have just choked on a banana and regenerated
Has Nobody Realised That His Name Is Eccleston not stone
Paul McGann should reprise the 8th Doctor in a future set of crossover episodes
Seriously. Someone start a petition.
60th Anniversary anyone?
I wish....if they did a series with Paul McGann as the eighth doctor just one season it get me watching doctor who again
Yes but Chibbs won't let that happen
12 and 8 would've been great
9 and 12 is a combination I didn't know I needed. The Bitter Northern war veteran meets the old annoyed angry scot.
There is one Multi-Doctor story I would love to see be created. That story would feature the Eighth and War Doctors during the Time War.
I have a complete idea for a story to celebrate New Who. Though McGann will make a cameo to explain why, in-universe, the classic Doctors aren't appearing.
Eighth doctor wasn't part of the time war
And have you seen Night of the Doctor?
@HelixViper Yes, I have seen Night of the Doctor. I've also listened to all the Big Finish audios featuring the Eighth Doctor during the Time War. Despite his efforts to avoid the Time War, he keeps finding himself getting caught in it, or getting caught at a location suffering the consequences of it. In these situations, what does the Eighth Doctor do? He tries to help the innocents caught in the crossfire. And a scenario like this can be used to allow the two Doctors to meet. For example, the Eighth Doctor is trying to save innocent civilians caught in a battle between the Time Lords and the Daleks, while the War Doctor is trying to destroy the Daleks to end the battle.
DarkXaven I suppose it doesn’t help that the war doctor passed away then, still find a great impersonator and you may yet get your wish.
@Benjamin Callinicos Sure, in the case of on TV or in a Big Finish audio, it can't happen with John Hurt dead. A novel or a comic, on the other hand, is always possible.
I’m surprised you didn’t mention the five-ish doctors reboot. I loved that when I was 10 years old and massively excited for the fiftieth.
"I'm happy I own it, but I'm not calling it good" - there's a phrase im going to use!
Ace's nicknames for Six and Eight had me wheezing
Exhausted Supplies is genuinely one of my favourite Doctor Who stories ever. Listened to it nearly a year back now. Thanks for recommending, Sam.
Omg never realised how much ive wanted eccleston and capaldi together 😭😭
Ben Warburton I’m sorry I don’t think it is
No, and neither is Dimensions In Time.
(And frankly, nor is Kill The Moon!)
@@paulbeardsley4095 why is kill the moon non canon?
No because theyvwatch EastEnders in Army of Ghosts.
Ian Hawks Because I hate it so much. (It wasn't a serious comment.)
Not that there is such a thing as canon.
In defense of Time Crash, I think it was kinda a family affair. Because Peter Davison (5th Doctor) is the father in law of David Tennant (10th Doctor). So while it is a short for charity, it’s also kinda cool how the two actors are connected not only by the show, but in real life. So if you just focus on that context, it’s pretty sweet and awesome on how far Doctor Who has gone and the people who worked on the show is a big family in one way or another.
So nice to see Exhausted Supplies mentioned.
I recall when I was first trying to get into Big Finish that I actually listened to Exhausted Supplies and the Ashildir witchunt one first. The quality of them made me realise audio dramas could work for Doctor Who and so off I went hunting.
Wow! Exhausted Supplies. I was not expecting that and I am thrilled by its inclusion. Wonderful.
I just listened to Project: Lazarus and... I think I need some therapy now. That was really traumatic. But so good
I sort of want to see the 8th doctor as a main character in an episode of Doctor Who as a crossover, I also want to see other time lords/ladies return, I know the Doctor and Master are meant to be the last 2 (which has gone out the window with the post Day of the Doctor galifray stories) but they're called TIME Lords for a reason and a character from before the time war could easily appear
The Rani and Romana are still around
I went and watched Exhausted Supplies after this video, and I agree 100% this was a great story
Zagreus is quite possibly the wildest doctor who story there is, i love it
Deck em Hartnell. A sentence that should never be spoken
I love Zagreus- I mean ZAGREUS! It’s just so fun. I’ve been meaning to read Prisoners of Time.
I’m still waiting for Smith to hit Big Finish so I can go broke that way
Smith has now started, hes not acting yet, but he is reading some of his anthology stories, its a start!!
As we all know, third could have fist-fought all the autons simultaneously
Seeing Tom in that scene with Matt always gets me. The Five Doctors for me!
Oof. I just can't bring myself to dislike The Light at The End, it was my gateway into big finish and that lovely limited edition just looks so good on my shelf. To each their own I suppose.
It was an excellent story. Far better than Zagreus
It is brilliant especially paul magan and Colin baker.
The mention of "Exhausted Supplies" alone is reason for me to applaud you. It was fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And you know what? So was this vid.
I actually listened to Exhausted Supplies before I watched this video and was getting ready to comment about it. I didn't think you'd list it since it isn't official. But I agree, it's amazing! Not just because the 9 impression is spot on, but because it's genuinely a really really good story. It feels like a top teir RTD era sorry. And 9 & 12's interactions are actually meaningful and engaging, not gimmicky. I am biased though. 9 & 12 are my favorites.
I'm the Doctor, I can save the universe with a tea kettle and some string and look at me, I'm wearing a vegetable.
Exhausted supplies was my gateway drug to Big Finish and other audio adventures and it's all thanks to this here video
Thanks so much for this!!! You've truly made my day :D Such kind words - it really means a lot to me! x
Raw organisation and talent now that’s a band name
Fantastic video - love multi doctor episodes - can’t wait for the next
I feel like how the Time War was Daleks vs Time Lords but other creatures got involved such as the Nightmare Child, i feel like the Reapers did too!
What is the nightmare child I’ve heard of it for years but thread no information apart from sacrosanct was killed by it
@@hk-rz4pp search on the Tardis Wiki
Was in a recent short story anthology too, called Twelve Angels Weeping.
Thanks for introducing me to exhausted supplies. I really really enjoyed it.
I admit I didn't agree with you on quite a few points, but I friggin' SCREAMED of joy when you put "Exhausted supplies" in the number one spot!!!! :D Absolute favourite!!! :D
I like the Three Doctors myself
me too, it was the first multi doctor story and while the effects were cringe worthy compared to today and the villain rather over the top, the story was first rate, the interaction between 2nd and 3rd hillarious the deadpan reactions of the brig spot on and it was the very last appearance of William Hartnell, some respect please. Definately better than comics and audio stories that dont even include the voices of the doctors!
Prisoners of Time is the type of garbage that NuWho fans would come up with as the finale of the entire show, usually ending with the Doctor sacrificing themselves with absolutely no self-awareness.
I want a dr who- red dwarf crossover
that would be great
Do you not remember seeing the TARDIS sitting in a pile of cosmic debris in an episode of Red Dwarf?
Or a dr who and quantum leap crossover,oh that was last week
There are no aliens in the Red Dwarf universe so that precludes Time Lords.
Stephen Derry their are, do you not remember the shape shifter?
@@IfIHadMyTimeAgain That was a genetically-crafted life-form made by humans. Same with all the weird androids and stuff. Everything in Red Dwarf is manmade because no aliens exist.
“The Two Doctors”. I will die on this hill. Fight me.
I liked it too, the last performance of Pat as 2nd, and Frazer as Jamie, though he still lives and is doing big finish
Noel Edmunds is underrated as a Dr Who villain.
I would love to see a team up between 8, 9, and 12
"The Master tries to erase the Doctor from history by undoing each of his victories" isn't that the exact plot of The Name of the Doctor? But with The Great Intelligence rather than The Master?
The Light at the End was actually my first BigFinish story. I thought it was pretty good and of course sucked me into the audio universe of Doctor Who. Now I can't stop myself; I've become a monster!
It IS a lot of fun and I can remember more than a handful of memorable scenes. (That ending!) But I do insist it is a silly Who pantomime...and for some i'm sure that's all they went in for!
Just combine 6 and 12 and I'm already sold
Good call with Exhausted Supplies. I was happy to see other people have found it and loved it as much as I.
Also, 10:55, what is it with Dr. Who/Moffat and creepy nursery rhymes?
Two doctors. Oscar will live forever in my heart.
Never thought I’d hear the cybermen and Noel Edmunds in the same sentence
If DW ever did a big blockbuster anniversary movie, it should be something like that script.
Seeiously guys, get that audio or find the book
I loved exhausted supplies. Brilliant stories with a nice suprise at the end.
Thank you!
exhausted supplies was the first audio story I ever listened to. I hadn't really been interested in them before but 9 and 12 are my two favorite doctors and I loved it.
Your review of Dimensions in Time had me in stitches.
So happy to see Zagreus getting some much needed love. It's one heck of a fun listen.
I think exhausted supplies was the first audio drama I ever heard, and it's so good.
My ideal multi-Doctor story would involve the return of the Celestial Toymaker and have him split up each of the Doctor's incarnations to play their own deadly game.
the first law of time says you must NOT cross your own time lines, The tv multi doctors they did not do it, they were brought together by others. The time lords brought the three doctors together, the 5 doctors Barusa brought them together, the 2 doctors 6th was pulled into 2's time, Day of the doctor the Moment pulled them together, and time crash was an accident. I dont accept fan service , and big finish is semi canon
For what it is worth, I consider Exausted Supplies Cannon. It doesn't contradict anything. And I love the idea that at the end of Rose, Exausted Supplies happened between him leaving and coming back
14th singing to the 8th "Yes and someday soon, you will become the very model of a perfectly pratical and radical War Doctor! and there is no way in Galafray, I'm saying that three times fast."
The five doctors during 5s era.
I like the way the doctor keeps meeting his old faces, but not his current at the early stages, or two sets of the same face, one older than the other!
10:09 "Cybermen fooled by a basic maths puzzle"
The Cybermen really must be out of date
Maybe Time Crash should have been a full out christmas special. Now that I would liked to have seen.
But then we wouldn't have gotten Voyage of the Dammed which was a great episode
There is a perfect multi-doctor story called "The Lost Dimension". It was published by Titan Comics and features all of the Doctors as well as Torchwood and a couple of references to the Sarah Jane Adventures. Trust me, it's worth a read.
I read that. And I agree, it is perfect from the artwork to the overall story. Shame it wasn't featured in this video
I remember watching this few years back, and when I heard about destiny of the doctor "arc".
When you said that it will dissapoint on bindwatch, I was curious. I finally got to it and... they are amazing. Each one of them. I expected something mediocre or bad, but god they were fun to listen. Night of the Whisper and Vengeance of the Stones.
Time Machine is surprisingly not as confusing as you made it out to be. It was pretty straight forward, and Eleventh plan being explained made sense. At least to me.
I listen to the whole arc so far twice, maybe thrice. And still love it.
I would personally put it in top 5 best multi doctor stories.
But that's propably just me of course.
2:29, I honestly thought that it was 7 who got the short end of the stick in that story. I mean every other doctor besides him got to make a unique contribution, and 5 was the one who discovered and resolved the whole Bob Dovie plotline that caused the whole story in the first place. 7 was just kinda hanging around in the TARDIS while 6 did some plot important conversing with Straxus
More Two Doctors bashing. I WON'T HAVE IT.
@SimplY SillY Well, it wasn't crap. If people say it was because the Sontarans looked rubbish... um, they weren't the main villains.
The Two Doctors was fun, but sadly they hardly talk to each other the entire story.
I still hate it. My least favourite classic story.
No one:
Leela, Sarah, Mickey, Jo, Martha, Nyssa, Turlough, Adric, Ian, Barbra, Jack, Amy, Clara, and Jamie in one comic page: *Whatever the hell they’re doing*
0:35 l had the exact same thought when I was younger’
It often bums me out that Big Finish never did a War Doctor/War Master meetup, while they had the opportunity. :(
But, more on topic:
Crossovers I'd like to see:
A) The Three 12th Doctors: the Series 8, Series 9, and Series 10 Capaldis (each w/ their different piece of sonic tech) meet up, solve stuff, and furrow brows.
B) Fugitive and Warrior: The War Doctor and the Fugitive/Jo Martin Doctor team up. No explanation as to where she fits in "canon"required at this time.
C) The Two Missys: Evil Missy circa Series 8 has a chat w/ sort-of-reformed-or-at-least-tentatively-so Missy from Series 10 while she's in that Vault or during The Doctor Falls or something. Ultimately, it turns out to just be a dialogue in the latter's head.
D) a Fourth Doctor Big Finish collection, with each adventure bumping 4 into one of his other selves, similar to the recent Out of Time, but for all of them.
E) but ultimately....
3 teaming up with 12 while 2 gets to team up with 11!
Alright. That's too many.
(Oh and they all have to fight Roger Delgado 😎)
The Five Doctors is still a nostalgic favorite of mine.
I still want to see more of Paul McGann. Before it's too late! They could easily do some 'prequel' episodes, maybe even a whole prequel season.
Dimensions in time is pure magic, captures the times well.
Oh my god, I would be over the moon if we got a crossover featuring Paul McGann. The man deserves so much more recognition in the mainstream fandom. And of course, any chance---any, ANY chance that we could get Eccleston to shoot the war Doctor's regeneration scene would be welcomed. So, so welcomed.
Nice to see some love for zagreus as you can probably tell by my name on TH-cam I think it's great, I 100% agree with you on the Canon who cares what is or is not canon as I see it everything is Canon as it makes doctor who more fun to watch.
Trying to figure out canonicity in Doctor Who is such a mistake anyway, considering how laissez-faire the main character even is with continuity half the time.It's always a good idea to watch everything out of order and assume it's all as important as the rest.
my worst list nomination: every single multi-doctor short trip
This might be an unpopular opinion, but ranking the TV multi-Doctor full length and canonical stories I'd say:
1) Day of the Doctor - I would personally put this story in my top ten. My expectations for this story were very low, but I was blown away when this was aired, like I think it came out perfectly. Moreover, this is one of the stories that I've never made it through without crying.
2)Twice Upon a Time - Personally, I think this is my favourite Christmas special. I might be very biased though, because 12 is actually my favourite Doctor and seeing him go made this story very powerful.
3) The Two Doctors - This might be a tad controversial, but I think this story is outstanding.
4) The Three Doctors - I think this story is really good, just not as good as the above three.
5) Five Doctors - I loved this story when I was I way younger, but as I've got older my opinion of this has just gone into a nose dive and now it's the only one in this list that I don't really enjoy now. I personally think that this story is an absolute shambles.
I can respect your veiws and agree for the most part but I would swap 2 and 4, dont get me wrong, I absolutely loved TUAT (even with the sexist jokes and IT) that precious first regeneration and the Christmas Armistice and 12s farewell, but three doctors was the very first one, the interaction between 2nd and 3rd was hilarious and it was the last time we saw William Hartnell. And 12th is my favourite of the modern doctors but he will never touch Tom Baker!
Zagreus was just a massive mindfuck. Give that story to someone who hasn't listened to a second of Big Finish or watched a minute of the Classic Series and watch their brains melt out their ears.
Also, I like how you look at fan projects. I consider them to take place in alternate timelines. They occur outside the show itself. They are like Doctor Who Unbound.
i know this video is super old, but big finish just released a short trips audio called regeneration impossible that's an 11 and 12 crossover. it's just one actor playing the both of them, rather than smith and capaldi, but he absolutely nails it and the story's a nice mystery! highly recommend for any multi-doctor fans!
Minus points for dissing Time Crash. Also didnt like Twice Upon a Time. Still, great video.
I love Time Crash and I love how they mentioned LINDA. It was just a load of fun! And some of the best quotes.
A 4 hour long Big Finish Epic for 3 pound? Hell yeah.
Dude light at the end is awesome. Also if we're counting fan stories you need to check out the 10 doctors.
"my first big finish"
Exhausted Supplies is incredible!
I can just imagine if BBC had a episode with all the doctors at once everyone of them would be running around acting like kids then you have 1 sitting there with a look of "why the f@#k am I the only mature one here when I'm the youngest"
you would have to animate it, as 1st through3rd have passed away and 4th through 7th have aged out of their characters, would be fun to see though!
The thing you said about star trek possibly being in the same universe despite being referenced in the show could also be applied to eastenders as it was in the army of ghosts.
Pretty simple, actually. Same way that Flash of Two Worlds explained it. In The Doctor's universe, it's fiction, but that fiction was mostly likely created by someone tapping into the Star Trek universe.
Yay exhausted supplies! I love that story!
They could do an episode where the companions of Whittaker meet Tennant or someone, do an adventure with him and then go back to Whittaker, without her meating Tennant.
Technically trial of a tome lord is a multi Doctor story
I can’t wait for Christopher Eccleston to come to big finish for what is essentially his second season
We need a story with jodie and Paul that'd be absolutely awesome. I want to see paul mcgann more on tv
Agreed on some of them. Read Four Doctors. Didn’t find evil 12 convincing, only because it was at the end of his first series, and we didn’t know 12 very well. It felt very much grasping at straws. Enjoyed the rest of it more. Will need to listen to Exhausted Supplies and Zagraeus.
Personally felt that it was the perfect time for it, at the peak of the ‘Am I a Good Man?’ question combined with the isolationism that even bittered 11.
Certainly better than the evil DoctorDonna duplicate.
They’re top stories! Though listen to Neverland before Zagreus otherwise you might end up turning it off
In frustration.
SamyulDavis Some of the multi-Doctor events do feel forced. Hence a 12 feeling shoehorned into facing himself as a villain. Of course, 10 becoming the Time Lord Victorious under RTD felt similarly forced. It felt like a gimmick to help 10 leave. Not one of RTD’s better writing moments.
I want to see the ninth doctor with his own film, like day of the doctor style.
"Someone should put all the Doctors in the same story..."
*Points to Babelcolour's channel* There you go.
Exhausted supplies...ok I will check it out
Sorry gotta add one more: a rewrite of the (beautiful and basically perfect) Twice Upon a Time, that includes Carole Ann Ford as an adult Susan, re-meeting her grandfather and also her 12th grandfather. I'm thinking meets 12 first and does an adventure with him, then they meet up with the Hartnell Doctor, as played by David Bradley. The three of them do more adventure stuff, then 12th leaves to go die and regenerate, and 1 and Susan do a bit more Tardis travel (sort of like Ashildr and Clara in the Series 9 finale), which we needn't necessarily see, but which will ultimately culminate in Susan re-leaving the TARDIS, and 1 going off to regenerate like 12 did a few adventures ago.
So that's my pitch, Big Finish! Please read this and steal it!
A great crossover from last year is legacy of time, several great standalone stories (the 8th and 3rd doctors stories being the standout in a boxset of great stories and the 5th doctor meets jenny, which is great), leading to all eight cassic doctors, the 10th doctor and romana having to pilot the first tardis to save the timeline.
Yep, 3 & 8's ones were the only ones I was all that interested in. Collision Course was a little nonsense though.
I'm actually writing a fan fiction called The Thirteen Doctors: Lords of Time, which is essentially a mock up anniversary. I reference essentially every piece Doctor Who lore, classic and New, I can think of.
Gods speed.
Adam, with the brainspike, would be a great villain.
The Four Doctor's fourth Doctor is Ninth Doctor cameo at the end up thought...