Congratulations to Ralph for being signed to direct the next 27 Steven Seagal movies, while I'll miss him on the podcast I for one can't wait for Maximum Conviction 2!
In 28 days later he escapes the soldiers in a pretty clever way actually. The other prisoner distracts the army soldiers, before the dumber soldier shoots him and is scolded for firing a round instead of letting the aggressive soldier stab him. When they turn around they think Cillian Murphy has ran away but instead he jumped face first into the pile of body’s and blends in. The soldiers run after in the direction they think he would’ve ran, he then manages to jump the fence and loses his shirt to barbed wire in the process. Also adam is wrong about there being a projector, there is no projector in the scene where Cillian is jumped in the house, it’s just a stylish way of portraying his memories. Instead he’s looking at framed photos with a candle for light
I was at TIFF and I didn't find Alex but I did find Adam and got a photo (I was the one who asked if he was going to go see Anatomy of a Fall and he said "Saw that yesterday I'm going to go see The Contestant" and then I said "Ah cool well see ya" because if you're at TIFF you're in a hurry I am not wasting anyone's time.) THE CONTESTANT WAS AMAZING BY THE WAY OH MY GOD ONE OF MY FAVORITE DOCUMENTARIES. The Teachers' Lounge, Backspot, and the terribly reviewed Poolman were also favorites of mine.
The scene in 28 Days Later where Brendan Gleeson realizes he’s infected and what happens after has always stuck with me as such a tragic while beautiful and hopeful scene which that just pops into my head every now and then. For not caring much for the genre, I think this is just about the best zombie movie you could get.
Fun fact: the great cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle shot both 28 Days Later as well as Harmony Korine's underappreciated and equally grimy 1999 film Julien Donkey-Boy
The fan interaction convo was interesting. I ran into both of you multiple times. After Zone of Interest I was too nervous to approach you and I saw there you were already talking with a group of people so I left. I saw you guys after Four Daughters and we had a nice brief convo and then I also saw you guys while you were waiting in line for Close Your Eyes and I was going to another screening and I talked to you guys for a little bit again. You guys were very nice and cool and I'm glad I ran into you. Hope you enjoyed Toronto for the first time Alex! Also, Adam I was definitely intimidated by you lmao. I also have no idea why. I talked to Alex mostly during our interactions because I was too nervous to talk to you but you were very nice! Maybe it's cause your tall lol.
I saw Adum at a furry convention a few years ago, I was hanging out with my roommates and he happened to be talking to a group of people right behind me and I recognised his voice
The fan conversation i feel is really important. Since starting film school ive seen a lot of weirdos or nice people who dont really understand social boundaries. Idk what it is about this subject that attracts so much of this but ive seen it more in film environments than anywhere else.
It functions as escapism for dorky/autistic people who don't have any friends/don't go out and do anything. Many of them overestimate their abilities and think they are suitable for filmmaking.
I mean have you seen Taylor Swift fans? I am indifferent to her and I’ll still hear about it from everyone I follow on social media when she had a particularly big bowel movement. I think some people just take parasocial relationships to a really creepy level regardless of the industry tbh.
I'm glad you share the same feelings I had towards 28 weeks. I remember watching it and being so irritated with the movie and thinking it was complete garbage. Was very confused when I found out it was viewed mostly positively in general, absolutely baffling.
Fitting that Adum mentioned Disney films as “films that could go on longer” seeing as Atlantis:TLE would have benefited from a 2hr runtime. For the first half of the film, it’s paced well; it takes its time establishing the narrative hook, setting and characters. Once they reach the lost city, things feel rushed. For a film that’s proud of its world building (Creating a fictional language and taking from other ancient civilisations), we don’t see a whole lot of Atlantis outside of locating “The Heart of Atlantis”. Compare to something like Road to El Dorado, where we learn how this civilisation functions: religion, economics, recreation, architecture etc. I would have liked an extra 30 mins of exploration of this city, since we only see some set pieces here or there.
huge fan of the podcast and also a massive one piece fan here. the live action definitely catered more towards pre existing fans but it seems to have gotten a lotta new fans as well. season 1 covers like less than 10% of the series which is still ongoing. but it shouldn't be a series u start and feel forced to binge/catch up. id recommend it but it's not for everybody being very anime and whatnot but the world and story is just so damn cool i love it
My dad let us watch scary movies since I was like 5 years old. He'd always show us the behind the scenes stuff to show that none of what we saw was real (which also grew my interest in movie making). Despite doing this, and despite making sure to watch it in the middle of the day, 28 Days Later is still the only movie to legitimately give me nightmares and really affected me for at least 2 weeks after we had watched it. Sometimes, I'd have nightmares of those zombies breaking through my window and trying to eat me, other times they'd just be wandering around outside my house like they hadn't seen me yet, either way it was terrifying. I'd wake up screaming, my mom would rush into the room freaked out, then have to calm me down. She'd call my dad on the phone after calming me down and yell at him for letting us watch 28 Days and waking her up, lol Watching it now that I'm older - which admittedly took a while to finally do - it's kinda crazy that my dad let us watch 28 Days Later, haha 😅. I still appreciate him as if he hadn't shown me the behind the scenes stuff, I wouldn’t have my appreciation for filmmaking.
I think Return of the Living Dead was technically the first movie to have running zombies, although that wasn't really the unique take on zombies for that movie. I hope that gets recommended on the podcast at some point!
ROTLD introduced running, talking, and zombies eating "BRAAAAIIINS!!". Probably the most influential zombie film outside of Romero's work. It also features one of the best movie zombies in the Tar Man. Would love to see it covered as well!
Return of the living Dead is one of the only three zombie movies I actually consider to be superior to 28 Days later. I could watch it every day for a year and be happy
@@coletrainhetrick Adam mentioned in the podcast that 28 Days Later was probably the first movie to have running zombies. Not random at all, unless you're being sarcastic lol
Man just watched 28 weeks fod the first time in a long time and ive seen 28 a million times i didnt realize it was the suggestion so this is gonna be good Edit: damn I. Did just watch it last night and I get a lot of what there saying about weeks but I still think it's pretty decent it doesn't get anywhere as good as the first but I still think there's some good shit like yes the army getting over run is just in service of what they wanted too do but the concept of being stuck in a small place and everyone is getting infected is scary and the concept of the military giving up to and just killing everyone is also really scary but I do see how having to force it to get there is lame idk
I got a picture with Alex and Ralph on the first day of TIFF. Saw Adam when Aggro ended but I was still high af so instead of asking for a photo I just talked about the upcoming Death Grips concert.
28 Days Later is definitely better than 28 Weeks Later, but it’s not a 1/10 or 2/10. Think you guys are being way too harsh on it. The opening scene in 28 Weeks is still terrifying. I do agree the script is weak, and there are some really dumb plot points, but it was still entertaining and better done than most horror movie sequels.
Imo 28 days later is a great movie to introduce people who are too scared of horror movies to watch horror. Much like Alex, I watched this movie when I was really young and it was probably the 1st “horror” movies I saw (it was either this one or the original Halloween the memory is hazy). Great movie and is my favorite zombie move
As a One Piece fan I would give the live-action adaptation a 6/10 but I'm hopeful it'll improve in the next season even though it'll be quite the hurdle considering how over the top and diverse the world is going forward. The first season only covers like the first 45 episodes and right now there are about 1080 episodes for the anime, it'll probably end around ep 1400-1500. They will definitely have to condense even more in the future but that shouldnt be too hard since the anime's pacing is very slow
28 Weeks Later is not a good film by any means, but it did have a few moments in it that did stick with me (they arguably belonged in a way better movie). - The beginning sequence with the father running from the zombies and abandoning his wife was incredibly intense (no shock if Boyle had a hand in directing that). - The part where the husband kisses his wife, contracts the virus and gouges her eyes out her while she's strapped to the chair is one of the few movie scenes I can't stomach to watch because of how horrific it is (which is no small accomplishment with me as I have long been desensitized to most gore and violence due to decades of watching horror and slasher films). - The part where the soldier is trying to push the car in the cloud of gas while the hazmat suited soldiers with the flamethrowers slow encroach behind him is super eerie and with it mostly silent (the music starting does kill a bit of the tension, unfortunately) it really gets me tense when I watch it. Aside from those three moments, I agree that as a movie it still doesn't hold a candle to the first one.
I love both of the 28 films, but in the same way I love Alien and Aliens. They're different films for different audiences, but set in the same story. 28 Days is a much better horror film, with a style that's largely unmatched. 28 Weeks is a military film with some incredibly cool (for the time) set pieces. I hope if a 28 Months later is made, it's a completely different genre again. Maybe it could be a rom-com set in the Parisian aftercsape.
I feel like a madman watching this and reading the comments. I thought 28 weeks later was beloved (maybe not as much as days, but still). I will be the lonely man here that loves that movie, then. It's fine, you can't always win. Still, great episode.
I liked both, but ended up liking Weeks slightly better. It may be that I watched The Walking Dead before Days and that seems to have borrowed a lot from it, but Days felt like a pretty stale story to me. Weeks hooked me with the intro and I liked the scatterbrained chaos-filled structure.
About the One Piece Live Action, the "point" is to forward people to the manga or anime. The best case scenario is to be a "Game of Thrones" for Netflix, they want 12 seasons, hopping for 6, but it's hardly going to happen. Yes, it's very much condensed, 8 episodes of the live action correspond to 95 chapters of the manga or 60 episodes of the anime, which, Alex, it's a little less than 10% of the chapters that are already out. And even if it gets cancelled, (a second season just got green lighted) it's a condensed and overall lesser version of the original material so anyone will be better off just watching the rest in the anime version.
As much as I appreciate the anime and voice actors and all the work that gets put into it, because of its pacing, I can’t really recommend it to people unless you don’t want to read through the manga. Even then, both have a DAUNTING length.
@@mackielunkey2205 Yes, Toei really screwed up the pacing, it's the worst, nowadays it's almost impossible to recommend because of how people are more acostumed with better pacing in other works, that's why I usually only recommend the manga, it's faster and it's not censured. The length is a big problem that I think you can overlook after you know the story and see that, it could be shorter, sure, but not by much
one piece isn't that long because the 1000+ chapters of the manga takes way less time to read than the 1000+ chapters of the anime, the anime is bad at a certain point because they stretch things that would realistically take 5 minutes into 20 minutes, i really recommend anyone interested in one piece to read the manga instead
After seeing their ratings and their discussion on Agrro Dr1ft makes me all the more curious about what this is and where I’ll end up on the rating spectrum
For the next episode, instead of Alex drawing Papa Meat, have Papa Meat draw himself, Alex and Adum! And Ralph! And Daddy Derek! And Neil Breen! The whole Sardoniverse!
People giving 28 weeks later a 10 out 10 is the same energy as someone saying Oldboy 2013 is a good film. I only saw 28 weeks later once, don't need to see that ever again. Some movie makers seem to have this idea that if there is more action and bigger set pieces and louder bangs it must equal more tension and a bigger payoff. But so often it just makes something shallow. Like dangling keys in front of baby for entertainment, about the same level of depth. But some people like that I suppose.
I haven't rewatched 28 days or 28 weeks; but I remember alot about 28 days, so many images have stuck in my mind and it's a triumph. Meamwhile all I remember from 28 Weeks is the opening when the husband is running away (which scared me as a kid) and the stupid kissing/infection scene.
Controversial question: Is Danny Boyle an Auteur or a Journyman? There was a debate on twitter because you watch Slumdog and you are like "Oh he is the director of Trainspotting" but then you watch something like Sunshine or Yesterday and people don't have a clue who made them.
Sunshine is really well directed (minus the last act, which even then is more just a problem with the script) so I would not use that as an example of him not being a great director. I feel like he has enough good movies to prove he is very talented if inconsistent.
Didn't meant to say that he is a BAD director. I meant that i'm doubtful on whether he should be considered an auteur (A recognizable director with recognizable visual and/or writing style) Like, Nolan is auteur, for example
I didn't realize Kick-Ass stole a song from 28 Days Later. It stole a song from a different Danny Boyle film too. Also with Cillian Murphy. The song playing during Capa's jump in Sunshine.
The existence of 28 weeks later made me consider that movie not canon because of how dumb everything was in the film. I'm very petty about it. The error that really sums up the entire movie's ethos of laziness is the NOFX poster in Robert's house. That poster was from a NOFX album that was released ONE YEAR AFTER the events of 28 days later. i compare that to the GoT water bottle scene
This always happens to me. The movie they’re reviewing for the podcast isn’t on any of the several streaming services I own. Then, a month or two later, that movie finally gets posted on one of the streaming services.
Fast zombies are scary because they're dangerous, scary in the same way as a mountain lion would be. Romero shamblers aren't particularly dangerous, they're more scary because of what they represent philosophically
there was a time that if I ever met Adam I would walk up to him and gush all over and tell him how much he meant to me and how much I've learned from his videos. Now I'd probably ask if he'd ever do a video on Movie 43
Saying one piece is likely to be cancelled before it finishes is crazy, and as much as i love you adam, it shows anime/manga is not exactly your realm of expertice (of course never said you claimed it to be)
I’m sure there’s definitely a certain degree to where the fan interactions can be a bit much. But like if the person isn’t busy and you’re not intruding on them…then why shouldn’t you be able to strike up a convo? Definitely don’t turn it into a Q&A ofc but say you just happen to bump into them in line-if you just talk to them like a regular person and both parties are reciprocating then what’s the harm in that? I don’t think there should necessarily be a time limit to the conversation…? That feels a little elitist to some extent. Again, depends on what the fan is talking or asking about tho
Adam is really upset about Kickass using the song from 28 Days Later and talks about how important is was in the scene and meanwhile I can’t remember the song for the life of me. Not to write off the director’s choice of using the song or how it impacted him, but I just found it funny how big that point seemed to be for him when I personally couldn’t remember the song he was referring to.
This movie was an absolute masterpiece I loved it, but I do have a few grapes with this film that being that the lampshade in the background of the pink instead of green. So I’m giving this one a 6/10. Every YMS review in a nutshell.
@@Lord_Keyboard He left like 3 episodes ago, he wants to pursue his own projects. Another comment also says: "He mentionned half joking that he cried before each podcast so the constant backlash about him must have been hard to live with."
I'm one of the few people who likes 28 weeks later more than 28 days later. I just can't buy that a bike messenger takes on and kills a bunch of trained soldiers it's a little silly.
Ok 100% going to defend Megan Burns. Half the movie she's like sub par compared to the a list cast she's acting with and the rest she's catatonic and on drugs. So it's not like she's going to give this stand out performance BUT she's not distracting either.
RIP Ralph. Such a shame that he didn’t survive Adam’s Saw trap
The sardonisaw trap
The Boss Baby movies were so bad it made Ralph leave.
SAWrdonicast @@bonnefetebaby8234
@bonnefetebaby8234 the sawdonitrap you mean?
But for real where is that precious boy?
Congratulations to Ralph for being signed to direct the next 27 Steven Seagal movies, while I'll miss him on the podcast I for one can't wait for Maximum Conviction 2!
Not 28 Seagals Later?
That's when Ralph will show back up, with the same energy and glint on his eye as a zombie@@JohnnyBurnes
I’m listening to this sardonically
I'm unsardonically gay
I'm glad that line stuck with Adum because it's still my automatic response anytime i hear another person say "infected"
In 28 days later he escapes the soldiers in a pretty clever way actually. The other prisoner distracts the army soldiers, before the dumber soldier shoots him and is scolded for firing a round instead of letting the aggressive soldier stab him. When they turn around they think Cillian Murphy has ran away but instead he jumped face first into the pile of body’s and blends in. The soldiers run after in the direction they think he would’ve ran, he then manages to jump the fence and loses his shirt to barbed wire in the process.
Also adam is wrong about there being a projector, there is no projector in the scene where Cillian is jumped in the house, it’s just a stylish way of portraying his memories. Instead he’s looking at framed photos with a candle for light
Halfway through the 28 weeks talk I realized I watched the entire movie years ago without knowing it was 28 weeks and it was godawful
I was at TIFF and I didn't find Alex but I did find Adam and got a photo (I was the one who asked if he was going to go see Anatomy of a Fall and he said "Saw that yesterday I'm going to go see The Contestant" and then I said "Ah cool well see ya" because if you're at TIFF you're in a hurry I am not wasting anyone's time.)
THE CONTESTANT WAS AMAZING BY THE WAY OH MY GOD ONE OF MY FAVORITE DOCUMENTARIES. The Teachers' Lounge, Backspot, and the terribly reviewed Poolman were also favorites of mine.
The scene in 28 Days Later where Brendan Gleeson realizes he’s infected and what happens after has always stuck with me as such a tragic while beautiful and hopeful scene which that just pops into my head every now and then. For not caring much for the genre, I think this is just about the best zombie movie you could get.
Fun fact: the great cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle shot both 28 Days Later as well as Harmony Korine's underappreciated and equally grimy 1999 film Julien Donkey-Boy
The fan interaction convo was interesting. I ran into both of you multiple times. After Zone of Interest I was too nervous to approach you and I saw there you were already talking with a group of people so I left. I saw you guys after Four Daughters and we had a nice brief convo and then I also saw you guys while you were waiting in line for Close Your Eyes and I was going to another screening and I talked to you guys for a little bit again. You guys were very nice and cool and I'm glad I ran into you. Hope you enjoyed Toronto for the first time Alex! Also, Adam I was definitely intimidated by you lmao. I also have no idea why. I talked to Alex mostly during our interactions because I was too nervous to talk to you but you were very nice! Maybe it's cause your tall lol.
I saw Adum at a furry convention a few years ago, I was hanging out with my roommates and he happened to be talking to a group of people right behind me and I recognised his voice
The fan conversation i feel is really important. Since starting film school ive seen a lot of weirdos or nice people who dont really understand social boundaries. Idk what it is about this subject that attracts so much of this but ive seen it more in film environments than anywhere else.
It functions as escapism for dorky/autistic people who don't have any friends/don't go out and do anything. Many of them overestimate their abilities and think they are suitable for filmmaking.
I mean have you seen Taylor Swift fans? I am indifferent to her and I’ll still hear about it from everyone I follow on social media when she had a particularly big bowel movement. I think some people just take parasocial relationships to a really creepy level regardless of the industry tbh.
I always have to slow mo the intro to see all the quick pics. Always worth it.
28 Days Later SPOTTED.
I'll be listening to this while cooking, need to hear their thoughts on one of my fav horror movie.
I'm glad you share the same feelings I had towards 28 weeks. I remember watching it and being so irritated with the movie and thinking it was complete garbage. Was very confused when I found out it was viewed mostly positively in general, absolutely baffling.
Ralph forgot to turn his mic on again
Fitting that Adum mentioned Disney films as “films that could go on longer” seeing as Atlantis:TLE would have benefited from a 2hr runtime.
For the first half of the film, it’s paced well; it takes its time establishing the narrative hook, setting and characters. Once they reach the lost city, things feel rushed. For a film that’s proud of its world building (Creating a fictional language and taking from other ancient civilisations), we don’t see a whole lot of Atlantis outside of locating “The Heart of Atlantis”.
Compare to something like Road to El Dorado, where we learn how this civilisation functions: religion, economics, recreation, architecture etc. I would have liked an extra 30 mins of exploration of this city, since we only see some set pieces here or there.
Same with Little Mermaid, I rewatched it this year and was surprised at how rushed the pace got once she got her legs.
I didn't know who PapaMeat was, but when Adam said he's Meat Canyon I instantly got hyped. Can't wait!
Yeah that's his 2nd channel where he just kinda posts what he wants. Sorta like Wendigoon but not nearly as long
huge fan of the podcast and also a massive one piece fan here. the live action definitely catered more towards pre existing fans but it seems to have gotten a lotta new fans as well. season 1 covers like less than 10% of the series which is still ongoing. but it shouldn't be a series u start and feel forced to binge/catch up. id recommend it but it's not for everybody being very anime and whatnot but the world and story is just so damn cool i love it
What about One Pace? It seems like the ideal way to experience One Piece.
@@Ragnarok540 i havent watched it i caught up with the regular episodes but I've heard its good and does cut out a lot of the padding in episodes
My dad let us watch scary movies since I was like 5 years old. He'd always show us the behind the scenes stuff to show that none of what we saw was real (which also grew my interest in movie making).
Despite doing this, and despite making sure to watch it in the middle of the day, 28 Days Later is still the only movie to legitimately give me nightmares and really affected me for at least 2 weeks after we had watched it. Sometimes, I'd have nightmares of those zombies breaking through my window and trying to eat me, other times they'd just be wandering around outside my house like they hadn't seen me yet, either way it was terrifying. I'd wake up screaming, my mom would rush into the room freaked out, then have to calm me down. She'd call my dad on the phone after calming me down and yell at him for letting us watch 28 Days and waking her up, lol
Watching it now that I'm older - which admittedly took a while to finally do - it's kinda crazy that my dad let us watch 28 Days Later, haha 😅. I still appreciate him as if he hadn't shown me the behind the scenes stuff, I wouldn’t have my appreciation for filmmaking.
I think Return of the Living Dead was technically the first movie to have running zombies, although that wasn't really the unique take on zombies for that movie. I hope that gets recommended on the podcast at some point!
ROTLD introduced running, talking, and zombies eating "BRAAAAIIINS!!". Probably the most influential zombie film outside of Romero's work. It also features one of the best movie zombies in the Tar Man. Would love to see it covered as well!
@@TehZergRushif they had a halloween podcast and watched it, that would be sick 👌
@@TehZergRush it also did the fake True Story bit before Fargo!
Return of the living Dead is one of the only three zombie movies I actually consider to be superior to 28 Days later.
I could watch it every day for a year and be happy
@@coletrainhetrick Adam mentioned in the podcast that 28 Days Later was probably the first movie to have running zombies. Not random at all, unless you're being sarcastic lol
Wish I could've gone to TIFF, but it was cool you guys were here in my hometown! Hope you had fun :)
Papa meat on the pod discussing horror?, my prayers have been answered 🙌🏼
Man just watched 28 weeks fod the first time in a long time and ive seen 28 a million times i didnt realize it was the suggestion so this is gonna be good
Edit: damn I. Did just watch it last night and I get a lot of what there saying about weeks but I still think it's pretty decent it doesn't get anywhere as good as the first but I still think there's some good shit like yes the army getting over run is just in service of what they wanted too do but the concept of being stuck in a small place and everyone is getting infected is scary and the concept of the military giving up to and just killing everyone is also really scary but I do see how having to force it to get there is lame idk
I got a picture with Alex and Ralph on the first day of TIFF. Saw Adam when Aggro ended but I was still high af so instead of asking for a photo I just talked about the upcoming Death Grips concert.
This DG tour has been so fun. So glad i got the chance to catch one of the stops.
What death grips concert?
@@tonywords6713 the one in Toronto
28 Days Later is definitely better than 28 Weeks Later, but it’s not a 1/10 or 2/10. Think you guys are being way too harsh on it.
The opening scene in 28 Weeks is still terrifying. I do agree the script is weak, and there are some really dumb plot points, but it was still entertaining and better done than most horror movie sequels.
Imo 28 days later is a great movie to introduce people who are too scared of horror movies to watch horror. Much like Alex, I watched this movie when I was really young and it was probably the 1st “horror” movies I saw (it was either this one or the original Halloween the memory is hazy). Great movie and is my favorite zombie move
They are some movies that don’t need a 4K version. 28 Days Later and Inland Empire are two films that come to mind.
The Blair Witch Project included.
4K generally also has HDR/ better colors than a regular blu ray. So if you want the best version of those movies then yes please.
28 days was shot on a crappy digital camcorder so you cant really make a 4k version without an AI upscaler
This Sam Levinson news makes more sense given that season 1 was pretty fantastic while season 2 was fuckin abysmal.
Also the fact that season 1 was based off of an Israeli show and the only good things in season 2 were with Rue (Levinson’s author avatar).
As a One Piece fan I would give the live-action adaptation a 6/10 but I'm hopeful it'll improve in the next season even though it'll be quite the hurdle considering how over the top and diverse the world is going forward. The first season only covers like the first 45 episodes and right now there are about 1080 episodes for the anime, it'll probably end around ep 1400-1500. They will definitely have to condense even more in the future but that shouldnt be too hard since the anime's pacing is very slow
28 Weeks Later is not a good film by any means, but it did have a few moments in it that did stick with me (they arguably belonged in a way better movie).
- The beginning sequence with the father running from the zombies and abandoning his wife was incredibly intense (no shock if Boyle had a hand in directing that).
- The part where the husband kisses his wife, contracts the virus and gouges her eyes out her while she's strapped to the chair is one of the few movie scenes I can't stomach to watch because of how horrific it is (which is no small accomplishment with me as I have long been desensitized to most gore and violence due to decades of watching horror and slasher films).
- The part where the soldier is trying to push the car in the cloud of gas while the hazmat suited soldiers with the flamethrowers slow encroach behind him is super eerie and with it mostly silent (the music starting does kill a bit of the tension, unfortunately) it really gets me tense when I watch it.
Aside from those three moments, I agree that as a movie it still doesn't hold a candle to the first one.
1:46:16. Can’t wait for “28 Years Later”. The 1st film is phenomenal.
Also. Can’t believe it’s been this long since “Ralph” died😔
Man i fucking love videodrome, now i'm really exited for the next episode.
I love both of the 28 films, but in the same way I love Alien and Aliens. They're different films for different audiences, but set in the same story. 28 Days is a much better horror film, with a style that's largely unmatched. 28 Weeks is a military film with some incredibly cool (for the time) set pieces.
I hope if a 28 Months later is made, it's a completely different genre again. Maybe it could be a rom-com set in the Parisian aftercsape.
I feel like a madman watching this and reading the comments. I thought 28 weeks later was beloved (maybe not as much as days, but still). I will be the lonely man here that loves that movie, then. It's fine, you can't always win. Still, great episode.
I liked both, but ended up liking Weeks slightly better. It may be that I watched The Walking Dead before Days and that seems to have borrowed a lot from it, but Days felt like a pretty stale story to me. Weeks hooked me with the intro and I liked the scatterbrained chaos-filled structure.
About the One Piece Live Action, the "point" is to forward people to the manga or anime. The best case scenario is to be a "Game of Thrones" for Netflix, they want 12 seasons, hopping for 6, but it's hardly going to happen.
Yes, it's very much condensed, 8 episodes of the live action correspond to 95 chapters of the manga or 60 episodes of the anime, which, Alex, it's a little less than 10% of the chapters that are already out.
And even if it gets cancelled, (a second season just got green lighted) it's a condensed and overall lesser version of the original material so anyone will be better off just watching the rest in the anime version.
As much as I appreciate the anime and voice actors and all the work that gets put into it, because of its pacing, I can’t really recommend it to people unless you don’t want to read through the manga. Even then, both have a DAUNTING length.
@@mackielunkey2205 Yes, Toei really screwed up the pacing, it's the worst, nowadays it's almost impossible to recommend because of how people are more acostumed with better pacing in other works, that's why I usually only recommend the manga, it's faster and it's not censured.
The length is a big problem that I think you can overlook after you know the story and see that, it could be shorter, sure, but not by much
one piece isn't that long because the 1000+ chapters of the manga takes way less time to read than the 1000+ chapters of the anime, the anime is bad at a certain point because they stretch things that would realistically take 5 minutes into 20 minutes, i really recommend anyone interested in one piece to read the manga instead
After seeing their ratings and their discussion on Agrro Dr1ft makes me all the more curious about what this is and where I’ll end up on the rating spectrum
My goal is to go to TIFF next year, no excuses with how close I live to it
I wonder what happened to Adam to bring up the fan encounter situation. Someone must have talked his ear off lol.
For the next episode, instead of Alex drawing Papa Meat, have Papa Meat draw himself, Alex and Adum! And Ralph! And Daddy Derek! And Neil Breen! The whole Sardoniverse!
People giving 28 weeks later a 10 out 10 is the same energy as someone saying Oldboy 2013 is a good film.
I only saw 28 weeks later once, don't need to see that ever again. Some movie makers seem to have this idea that if there is more action and bigger set pieces and louder bangs it must equal more tension and a bigger payoff. But so often it just makes something shallow. Like dangling keys in front of baby for entertainment, about the same level of depth. But some people like that I suppose.
I don't need to worry about finding where to stream 28 Days Later because I own it on VHS lol
I haven't rewatched 28 days or 28 weeks; but I remember alot about 28 days, so many images have stuck in my mind and it's a triumph. Meamwhile all I remember from 28 Weeks is the opening when the husband is running away (which scared me as a kid) and the stupid kissing/infection scene.
Controversial question: Is Danny Boyle an Auteur or a Journyman? There was a debate on twitter because you watch Slumdog and you are like "Oh he is the director of Trainspotting" but then you watch something like Sunshine or Yesterday and people don't have a clue who made them.
Sunshine is really well directed (minus the last act, which even then is more just a problem with the script) so I would not use that as an example of him not being a great director. I feel like he has enough good movies to prove he is very talented if inconsistent.
Didn't meant to say that he is a BAD director. I meant that i'm doubtful on whether he should be considered an auteur (A recognizable director with recognizable visual and/or writing style)
Like, Nolan is auteur, for example
Danny Boyle is a HACK
The berserk manga literally hasn't ended
Not sure if you guys know. But this podcast is not updating on TH-cam Music Podcasts. Missed the last 2 episodes cause of it😢
What's more unwatchable: A film shot with an infrared camera or a film shot with a digital mini DV at 480p?
Alex thinking Berserk has an ending 😂💀
Haven't seen it but considering that Arlong is in the live action one piece means it covers at least 100 chapters
Gonna remind Adum in 30 years to check out One Piece, assuming its ended by then.
I didn't realize Kick-Ass stole a song from 28 Days Later. It stole a song from a different Danny Boyle film too. Also with Cillian Murphy. The song playing during Capa's jump in Sunshine.
The existence of 28 weeks later made me consider that movie not canon because of how dumb everything was in the film. I'm very petty about it. The error that really sums up the entire movie's ethos of laziness is the NOFX poster in Robert's house. That poster was from a NOFX album that was released ONE YEAR AFTER the events of 28 days later. i compare that to the GoT water bottle scene
Alex does not read the room when he keeps talking about One Piece despite Adum clearly not having any interest
It was pretty funny to watch the pictures in the intro thinking "wait who was that guy" and then getting an explanation minutes after
Why the fuck can’t I rent 28 days later in America
There is a rights dispute so you can only get it physicly or in a very naughty way that requires you to google the name of the horse in Elden Ring.
This always happens to me. The movie they’re reviewing for the podcast isn’t on any of the several streaming services I own. Then, a month or two later, that movie finally gets posted on one of the streaming services.
@@B1G_WENGH I’m pretty sure the first time I watched it was on HBO MAX like 2 years ago
Alex’s voice 🥵
@@lighght right? Fuuuuuck.
Please don't tell me he got the 2016 berserk lol
Fast zombies are scary because they're dangerous, scary in the same way as a mountain lion would be. Romero shamblers aren't particularly dangerous, they're more scary because of what they represent philosophically
wow papa meat, looking forward to the next one
Ah, the sheep guts exploding out of the TV on Christmas eve movie.
seattle is creepy!! i’m so glad you feel that way cuz I hate it there. it’s so lifeless.
there was a time that if I ever met Adam I would walk up to him and gush all over and tell him how much he meant to me and how much I've learned from his videos. Now I'd probably ask if he'd ever do a video on Movie 43
Saying one piece is likely to be cancelled before it finishes is crazy, and as much as i love you adam, it shows anime/manga is not exactly your realm of expertice (of course never said you claimed it to be)
I think he was talking about the Netflix show, which with Netflix's track record is a pretty solid guess.
I’m sure there’s definitely a certain degree to where the fan interactions can be a bit much. But like if the person isn’t busy and you’re not intruding on them…then why shouldn’t you be able to strike up a convo? Definitely don’t turn it into a Q&A ofc but say you just happen to bump into them in line-if you just talk to them like a regular person and both parties are reciprocating then what’s the harm in that? I don’t think there should necessarily be a time limit to the conversation…? That feels a little elitist to some extent. Again, depends on what the fan is talking or asking about tho
Alex, there are more chances that One Piece gets an ending than Berserk.
Wow! Dude Travis Scott!
Adam is really upset about Kickass using the song from 28 Days Later and talks about how important is was in the scene and meanwhile I can’t remember the song for the life of me.
Not to write off the director’s choice of using the song or how it impacted him, but I just found it funny how big that point seemed to be for him when I personally couldn’t remember the song he was referring to.
Looking forward to see adum videos on tiff
the one piece live action covered about 5.5% of the whole series so far
Kickass also steals a song from Sunshine, "adagio in d minor"
You do 28 Days Later without Ralph. Really.
28 weeks later is so incredibly disappointing, they also used a song at least 3 times from the first movie to cheat emotions
Agro drift is the first strand type movie
Day 60 of asking for an episode on the Evil Dead trilogy
I may be alone on this, but I don't like 28 days later, I feel like it's got too many holes in the script, too many conviniences and contrivances
Did ralf quit sardonicast or get fired or something?
@sarcasticdude2320 thank god now the minions are safe from that degenerate
28 weeks is such a flaccid act compared to what its trying to follow.
This podcast is so much better without ralph lol. The quality increase the last few episodes is really noticeable
Please talk about Stop making sense!
True Stories!
Fuck Yes Videodrome!
it makes me happy alex liked TO
No wonder season 2 of Euphoria fell off so hard
what on earth is ralph so busy with???
This movie was an absolute masterpiece I loved it, but I do have a few grapes with this film that being that the lampshade in the background of the pink instead of green. So I’m giving this one a 6/10.
Every YMS review in a nutshell.
2:05:14 oh no... whos gonna tell him?
I here tell that Atlanta has a great Drag scene. Look into that Adum, support the dolls!
Is Ralph ok?
He's not on the podcast anymore
@@clanofclams2720 Daaamn for real? What happened? I somehow missed this
@@Lord_Keyboard He left like 3 episodes ago, he wants to pursue his own projects. Another comment also says: "He mentionned half joking that he cried before each podcast so the constant backlash about him must have been hard to live with."
I really disagree with the take on the daughters performance. I thought she was pretty great
Aggro Drift kino?
1:45:45 💣 🧟♂️ 🤣
I miss my husband (Sad twerking)
We need them to watch Season 1-3 of Fear the Walking Dead
28 Weeks Later is so underrated it’s not even funny.
To me it’s 3/4 of a great film, but the ending kinda sucks imo. I hate how they treat the characters and the ending is pretty meh
@@dayenknight8117 the end is weak but there's a lot of good stuff going on there that people overlook
I'm one of the few people who likes 28 weeks later more than 28 days later. I just can't buy that a bike messenger takes on and kills a bunch of trained soldiers it's a little silly.
Ok 100% going to defend Megan Burns. Half the movie she's like sub par compared to the a list cast she's acting with and the rest she's catatonic and on drugs. So it's not like she's going to give this stand out performance BUT she's not distracting either.
Oh god, Alex said he's gonna watch Berserk. I'm praying for my man 🙏🏼
It's amazing, but still, I'm praying for him 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
first 10 mins of 28 weeks later is better than whole movie of 28 days later, but 28 days later is better movie overall.
The first 10 minutes of 28 Weeks Later are also better than the whole rest of 28 Weeks Later.
No doubt