@@WiluckGD Read History, then you'll see that a lot of this is not only bias and wrong, but there is just straight up Lies in here. Search up Videos debating these if your interested, I'd say Mid Western Marx did the best debunk on these propaganda videos.
I'm a nerd. I binge-watch these constantly. Sorry not Sorry. I love how you slipped into this seamlessly from the Russian Revolution. My master's is in History (mostly antiquity), and I can say that none of my professors laid that down quite as well as you. Nice job!
@@alfredovr19 actually the last name Miller is actually English, German, Irish, or Scottish origin! So I think they r from the UK or England if I had to take my guess
Stalin: My Father used to punish me severely. Hitler: Finally, A worthy opponent. Also Hitler: But i did'nt get punished by my father, *The Vikings did.* Stalin: But there will be tax for that. Hitler: Dude, uncool.
Dude, you forgot to mention Malenkov, who was Secretary between Stalin and Khrushchev. He outlived Brezhnev, Andropov, _and_ Chernenko, mostly by virtue of being okay with being exiled to Kazakhstan.
...Let the Education NEVER STOP! !! I recommend; randomly, as i might note; 'Cynical Reviews' and 'Hbomberguy' and 'Veritasium' and 'Hbomberguy' and 'Its ok to be smart'. Oh, i forgot the Best of 'em: Hbomberguy.
1:14 this part about Lenin is gold. Casually "caused a famine, and then he died". That famine killed five million people by the way (Russian famine 1921)
Give that Russia was already in a major famine when Lenin took over, I'd say it's fair to brand him as the cause of issues that existed well before he took over. Like the line about him "breaking" Russia's economy angers me to no end.
Lenin and Stalin stopped the famines, which were so prevalent in Tsarist Russia. Of course they didnt stop as soon as the revolution started, building infrastructure and industrializing agriculture takes time.
Fun Fact: There were many occurrences of nuclear war almost starting, but some brave and smart Soviet and American personnel managed to prevent nuclear war.
"We have color TV!" "Yes but we have been to space and can obliterate you with our nuclear arms" ".... Check out this vegetable peeler" I died right there.
My favourite fact about the Korean War is that when the UN were gathering troops the US, Uk, Australia and other places gave soldiers in the thousands but Luxembourg sent 44 soldiers.
It took me 5 years to realize that the bass player's bass is actually a cello. The less wide frame and the pegs being directly to the side are key details.
Fun fact about Stalin: his son was captured by the Germans during the war, and when the Germans offered to release him if Stalin released a German field marshal, Stalin refused.
Doodle letch I urge you to instead of just watching Oversimplified videos, to actually read into history itself. History in itself is extremely interesting and thought provoking. Don’t limit yourself to youtube or specific channels.
There's a 4th one, skillshare. With over 1000 different classes you can learn how to animate. Sign up today to get 1 month free using my link in the description below.
My teacher showed this video and when the man said "Who wants to start a revolution" came the Soviet anthem. I found myself and half of my class saluting.
Lenin wanted Stalin to be a leader. Are you sure about this version where Trotsky must be a leader? Because when Lenin wad alive Trotsky every time says a lot of not even true critic (ok let's be honest he just throwing shit in him).
CryMor Gaming No the best sponsor was "You might be like but oversimplified the the British weren't the first to discover North America the Vikings did but if u like Viking so much why don't u check out our sponsor Vikings war of clans.
*TIMESTAMPS* -0:35 (1917): Russian Revolution. -1:15 (1917): Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia pulls out of war. -1:19 (1917 - 1922): Russian Civil War, White Army defeated and Bolsheviks form the Soviet Union. -1:23 (1924): Death of Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin is his successor. -2:00 (1941): Operation Barbarossa
Fun fact: Oversimplified didn’t have Stalin say his father punished him severely as a joke, he actually was abused by his father which may have been the reason he was so messed up.
These videos are a gem. They make extremely dense history stories just digestible enough so that truly interested individuals can look it up in greater detail. If only all education could be like this.
ага и здесь вообще нет американской пропаганды. ни капли. я чуствую себя настолько свободно говорящим , что пойду к белому дому и буду ругать лгбт и блм , ведь в этой стране свободы можно говорить обо всем.
@@theoneandonly590 ...Let the Education NEVER STOP! !! I recommend; randomly, as i might note; 'Cynical Reviews' and 'Hbomberguy' and 'Veritasium' and 'Hbomberguy' and 'Its ok to be smart'. Oh, i forgot the Best of 'em: Hbomberguy.
The winter was only one reason why the German invasions failed. The SOVIET UNION stood their ground and regrouped, even if it wasnt the winter GERMANY doesnt conquer the USSR
And the Americans with their faithful alley, the nuclear winter they brought on their enemy’s. I grew up in the 70’s and I’ll be honest, I was worried that that Americans would nuke us. We all where to be fair, and we the majority of us hated the Soviet Union. It’s one thing to look back on it, it’s another to experience it. Have a good day sir, and we should all push peace. I don’t blame any nation, all of are nations have their own issues, and for the most part we can’t blame them on Russia or the United States.
My family is mostly German and my mother’s side (my grandmas family) did escape the wall by sneaking out at night and luckily finding a hole in the wall that was previously damaged for another family’s escape. They escape but since my grandma was a little girl at the time she forgot her doll and her bigger brother went back. He returned with it and they walked around in a forest away from guards and spotlights. They accidentally fell into a river and it was already cold out. My grandma fell in and nearly got swept away but dad saved her. They went on to live on the other side with no house and no money. My grandma is still alive today.
I had to learn 2 years' worth of school material in a month and your videos helped so much, very informative but very very funny at the same time. Thank you for making history fun! Keep it up!
Khrushchev: "Who the hell is this?!" Eisenhower: "He's a... high altitude weather enthusiast who flew off course" Khrushchev: "Ok, that sounds plausible...Waaaaaiit a minute, why does he have a gun and a poison needle?" Eisenhower: "Because...he's a...very NAUGHTY high-altitude weather enthusiast" Great comeback.
It reminds me of the scene in the big Lebowski where the dude and Walt are talking about Lenin and Donny kept saying something about a walrus from the beetles
"Tsar Alexander made it all the way to Paris" is such an insane line, especially since most of us have now watched the Napoleon video and now know WHO Tsar Alexander is and WHY he made it all the way to Paris.
This is a golden era to teach the Cold War. As a history teacher I can confirm that CoD Cold War has gotten 90% of male students really interested. I set them a task of how they'd mod the game to make a "realism" mod and this video was very helpful for that!
@@carlosalbertofernandezvele7574 I mean thanks for the history lesson but you're gonna get made fun of if you keep making reply's like this to jokes or memes
In Moldova today was the final exam in 9th grade- like the final boss, and the cold war was one of the 3 subjects, thanks to this video i knew what to write, you're a hero
My dudes - Get 75% off NordVPN! Only $2.99/mo, plus you get an additional month FREE at: nordvpn.com/oversimplified
Use codeword: oversimplified
Всем добра 🥂
I'm thinking about extending my Nord subscription, but sometimes it's not stable since I frequently connect from China.
Yugoslavia wasnt part of eastern block. Surw it was communust but it wanted to be neutral
Why is Sweden in nato
Joseph Stalin : My father used to punish me severely
Hitler : First Time?
The abused became the abusers
Francisco MM yes but it’s not justification
Some of them wanna abuse you
Some of them wanna be abused
The Teacher: What are you laughing about?
Me: Nothing.
My Brain: Tsar Bucks.
69th like. Nice
The store which gives everyone equal rations.
69 likes *Nice*
ruined it
Amazing how Oversimplified used the same scenes here in his Russian Revolution videos. Oversimplified cinematic universe confirmed.
Oh god-
Technically it's our universe just *oversimplified*
Its almost as if thier is a huge time-line that is in place
It's so he doesn't have to draw more backgrounds
@@cillianlawlor3160 exactly but people are kinda dumb
I would love to see an Oversimplified version of just the Vietnam War.
I have a history project and I need one on the Korean war 😬
I disagree, it would also be heavily biased, like this one.
@@juehju how is this biased?
@@WiluckGD Read History, then you'll see that a lot of this is not only bias and wrong, but there is just straight up Lies in here. Search up Videos debating these if your interested, I'd say Mid Western Marx did the best debunk on these propaganda videos.
@@juehju bro really said, "look it up" pffff
*"Does the "A" stand for atomic, or ass?"*
_-Stalin 1945_
it stands for both you know?
Atomic Ass Bomb
Big Ass Bomb
how the hell did you find all our conversations
our conversations
I will tell you 1 reason how we found out about your conversations for 5 million dollars. You didn’t use NordVPN
And plus we have spy’s in our spy’s
I have a longer name
@@Johnny-Silverhand-V-Arasaka *russian anthem plays*
“I need to check with my mom first.” And then it shows Stalin. You had me laughing for five minutes.
I need to 'Czech' with my mom first
@@wildreamer2508 nice
@@wildreamer2508 get out
Can we get Stalin wearing an apron as a character pin?
Fr edit : omg Ty for the likes of
@Yele445did u really just edit for getting 10 likes 😭😭😭
Germany: “Go to Russia and start a revolution”
Germany, 20 years later: “Well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”
*America looking away from the terrorists they funded and then got attacked by*
U mean 28 years since the revolution started in 1917
And now the war with ukraine
2022: The 100th Year of The Soviet Union & Russia invasion of Ukraine
100th year anniversary: russian invasion of ukraine
“Americans wanted a president who’d be tough on communism”
“The sky is blue”
Y’all it’s purple
No nerds it’s BLACK cause the atmosphere is just making it look blue and it only looks purple at sunsets or auroras, green only at auroras
@@hana2963 I am no net you are Easter bunny cause it is magenta
@@hana2963 i think he meant sky,not space
The sky is communist
“My father used to punish me severely.”
“This enraged Stalin’s father, who punished him severely.”
Gob leaon
So, what did we learn today, kids?
@@j.a.barchey7790 *'Stalin's father was very angry, so he punished him severely'*
This also enraged Hitler's father, who punished him severely
I'm a nerd. I binge-watch these constantly. Sorry not Sorry. I love how you slipped into this seamlessly from the Russian Revolution. My master's is in History (mostly antiquity), and I can say that none of my professors laid that down quite as well as you. Nice job!
An American version of me perhaps? I am the same.
@@harshitchandra_07how do u know they r American? 🤨
@@rowniitheir name gives it away
@@alfredovr19 actually the last name Miller is actually English, German, Irish, or Scottish origin! So I think they r from the UK or England if I had to take my guess
britain : we won WW1
Germany: we lost WW1
Switzerland : you guys got wars
Also Switzerland during World Wars: WHO NEEDS A BANK ACCOUNT?
Everyone: Shit, we're in so much debt
Switzerland: Hey, look at all this gold that magically appeared out nowhere!
*war happens*
Siwtzerland: Grabs Popcorn And Snacks
I’m your 420th like😏
switzerland is like
what does that word mean again?
Stalin: My Father used to punish me severely.
Hitler: Finally, A worthy opponent.
Also Hitler: But i did'nt get punished by my father, *The Vikings did.*
Stalin: But there will be tax for that.
Hitler: Dude, uncool.
Our battle *was* legendary
Australia Flamingo Yt HAHA
Are you sure about that?
Operation Barbaross was just a huge contest to see who's dad punished who more severely.
I love how he never says Hitlers name but describes him in the best way possible
He kinda can’t if he doesn’t want to get demonitized since these videos take so long to make
@@memes9627 itube are ******
@@Zeunknown1234 careful. TH-cam might wanna ban your account for using such vulgar language.
@@No-cy5eq oi, careful there, bud. don’t go ‘round using the v-word. youtube might.. pleasantly wipe you off the platform
@@batvaleska what a nice conversation in here
No more comments
Dude, you forgot to mention Malenkov, who was Secretary between Stalin and Khrushchev.
He outlived Brezhnev, Andropov, _and_ Chernenko, mostly by virtue of being okay with being exiled to Kazakhstan.
”Soviets faithful ally: the winter”
*smiles in Finnish*
*Smiles in Mongolian*
*Cries In Indonesia*
Simo l’moo
*Intense Russian Screaming*
"My father used to punish me severely."
What a reference
All of this enraged Stalin’s father, who punished him severely
reference to what? ^^
@Extreem Stuff *This comment enraged Hitler's father, who punished him severely.*
Go and watch the Hitler (Part 1) video on Oversimplified's channel and you will understand.
*All these comments and replies and this one enraged Hitler’s father, who punished him severely*
7:51 Chinese Civil War deserves its own series. Actually, “the century of humiliation” deserves its own series.
...Let the Education NEVER STOP!
I recommend; randomly, as i might note; 'Cynical Reviews'
and 'Hbomberguy' and 'Veritasium' and 'Hbomberguy'
and 'Its ok to be smart'.
Oh, i forgot the Best of 'em: Hbomberguy.
Tianamen Square
@@eopujvrswg never happened
@@andrewzhu5394 +10 Social Credits for you comrade
@@eopujvrswg Nothing to do with Tiananmen Square, which has three n's.
1:14 this part about Lenin is gold. Casually "caused a famine, and then he died". That famine killed five million people by the way (Russian famine 1921)
Give that Russia was already in a major famine when Lenin took over, I'd say it's fair to brand him as the cause of issues that existed well before he took over.
Like the line about him "breaking" Russia's economy angers me to no end.
this just shows how propagandistic this shitty channel is.
Lenin and Stalin stopped the famines, which were so prevalent in Tsarist Russia.
Of course they didnt stop as soon as the revolution started, building infrastructure and industrializing agriculture takes time.
Hitler: tell me a joke
Stalin: Moscow
Hitler: I don't get it
Stalin: Exactly
oh yes hitler never got Moscow
This comment deserves a like 😂😂
Fun Fact: There were many occurrences of nuclear war almost starting, but some brave and smart Soviet and American personnel managed to prevent nuclear war.
you forgot to add "lucky"
Like that submarine episode?
May we praise the people who saved our lives
Stanislav Petrov
US: I feel like im forgetting something.
Europe: Its probably nothing.
Us: Okay.
*China screams*
Yep, a real bad stain on Truman's part.
Stupid US, why didn't you help China?
They should have stopped mao from stealing land
@@blizzard1198 technically, the soviets gave him land.
@@blizzard1198 Lmao
1:03 best intro ever
Memes aside, this intro is genuinely cool.
OUR intro
"short man with a silly moustache tried to take over the word"
I am dying
@William McNarney XD
@William McNarney :)
@@kirbylink1992 :)
Stalin beat hitler because Stalin grew a cooler moustache
@William McNarney I was XDing and the joke
“He’s a very naughty weather enthusiast”
Best Words Ever
Speech 100
for real
Ikr :P
Who was apart of the US
“Not Lennon. LeNIN!”
(Goes to Lenin)
“You say you want a revo-lution...”
Well, you know, we all want to change the world.
You know it's gonna be ALRIGHT
Thank you, I am blind and I can now see the video...
Sovetski souz respublik svobodnih
brutally repress this dude!
I love these videos. Educational and entertaining. Seriously, they’re funny and informative.
Hope some new ones come soon.
I don't even have words for how happy I am
Wholesale Ted same
Wholesale Ted at what?
@@ryanjapan3113 what the hell do you think? He's been leading this video since the end of the WWII video!
This man will help me pass my Cold war test on January 25th.
"We have color TV!"
"Yes but we have been to space and can obliterate you with our nuclear arms"
".... Check out this vegetable peeler"
I died right there.
yeah vegetable peelers are cooler
Vegetable peelers are way better the nuclear arms and space travel
Atleast I understand how a vegetable peeler works.
@@Thunder-li1vf yes
@Ninja Townes exactly nuclear arms is nothing compared to a vegetable peeler
My favourite fact about the Korean War is that when the UN were gathering troops the US, Uk, Australia and other places gave soldiers in the thousands but Luxembourg sent 44 soldiers.
They are scary
That’s the real reason why South Korea didn’t collaps
44 is better than nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Tbh did u see Luxemburg in hoi4? He fricking stacks like 30 divisions
And a truck. Don't forget the truck.
It took me 5 years to realize that the bass player's bass is actually a cello. The less wide frame and the pegs being directly to the side are key details.
"Dude, you're really messed up. What's wrong with you?"
"My father used to punish me severely"
Coe T. how I'm gonna answer that question next time
even the creator loves that running gag!
@Alex Parkin This enraged their fathers, who punished them severely.
Stalin: want to join communism?
Me: no
Stalin: what’s wrong with you?!!??
Me: my father punished me severely
Blackfire Dragon 🐉
This enraged Stalin, who punished you severely
@Joseph Stalin You are fake Stalin, you spell your name in the English tongue
1000 like
His transitions into his nord vpn ad was so clean
History teacher: Not a single shot was fired in the cold war
Mason and Woods: Hold my beer...
You must be knew
@@No-vv5el ?
Syngman Rhee: stickman with detailed head (like KFC logo)
Kim Il Sung: literally a head with arms and legs
“Lets have a war!”
“Wait but that will be the end of the world.”
“So lets keep it cooool.”
@Renegaxze bill wurtz huh!?
"Let's Also Build a wall at the same time"
Garbanzo Bean. That’s some good nostalgia
This enraged Stalins father, who punished him severely.
owen alioto then Stalins father spanked the hell out of I’m
This enraged Stalins father but he was too tired to spank the hell out of him
owen alioto this enraged Stalins father, but by now he was an old ass man and just kinda let it go
@Joseph Stalin Lucky guess, my Premier.
Ain't nobody gonna talk about how NordVPN's logo surprisingly fit the animated person's head?
Plot twist: Oversimplified runs NordVPN
I know right? It fits so neatly
IKR it looks like hair
I didn't even realise that was the logo
It's a hair
I love how watching oversimplified videos counts as studying
Lenin: ok guys don’t let stalin beco-
Stalin: *WaSSuP My DuDEs*
Call of Gruty sup
sup comrades
Lenin didn’t say that about Stalin
@@Eclipselfish lol he actually kinda did
Lenin's moment he knew.... He f**ked up
Fun fact about Stalin: his son was captured by the Germans during the war, and when the Germans offered to release him if Stalin released a German field marshal, Stalin refused.
Probably because Stalin knew that his son would be lying face down in a ditch full of vodka
A-BombProductions it was because he abused his name to womanize and climb the ranks in the soviet military, which Stalin hated.
Fun fact #2: Stalin's son then attempted suicide and failed. When Stalin heard about it, he reportedly said, "He couldn't even get that right."
@@RedneckSith Damn that's a serious burn
@@emperoralvis6559 I know man, im joking lol but either way its ture
10:43 Did anyone see what his poetry read? It was...
I was sad
Now I'm glad
Life is bad
Now I'm sad
Yes, of course
@STALIN exactly....
2nd poem was better:
"Sadness, misery
My wife was
eaten by a bear"
@@johndoh2966 Oh lol, I didn't even see that one. Ur right that is way better
I ain't happy I'm feeling glad
I got sunshine, in a bag
bro if all of these people just didnt want that much power i wouldnt have to make a history test tomorrow thx lennin for making my life hard
What are you afraid of quiz
Stalin with a apron and rolling pin ✅
*baldi ruler slapping sounds intensifiers*
* USA declares war on USSR *. Well, well, well, how the turntables.
What About Me!
Go jags
Stalin's father punished him severely
This encouraged Stalin, who punished everyone severely
Yeah my father was an ass
Aiden Gamer everyone equally
@@yoboijosephstalin7529 You Are ass too >:( Messed up my Revolution >:c
This encouraged everyone else to punish trump severely
I've heard that Hitlers parent punished him too
This time oversimplifed was sponsored by NordVPN.
Skillshare : Dude, Uncool.
Viking War Of Clans: Piss!
Three Kingdoms: Am I a joke to you?
This enraged Skillshare who punished him severely
Brilliant:dude,SO uncool
Oh yeah yeah General and since he didn’t upload, he lost money
*More economic downturn*
I love the M48's with silver Ak47s as their pintle mounted guns instead of a .50 cal
Moral of the story: Nord VPN gives you cool hair
I know what my next purchase is
I disagree that hair isn’t very good but lol
cool cyan hair im getting that
@Louis Ed Nacion ahahhahahahahaha
I thought it was the Russian anthem is really cool while being Scary but that better
I have never been more excited to learn history in my life
Doodle letch I urge you to instead of just watching Oversimplified videos, to actually read into history itself. History in itself is extremely interesting and thought provoking. Don’t limit yourself to youtube or specific channels.
This definitely encourages my curiosity
This enraged oversimplifieds significant other, who punished him severely
one day, IGCSE history is gonna use OverSimplified as a source for their paper 2s, and if they dont
ill make them
“The all got arrested or disappeared, so that was lucky” yeah lets say he got lucky
XD this needs more likes
Edit: my wish dame true
Yeah and he totaly didn't murder them
There's a tax for that
That was serendipitous
I shit you not, but I have a cold war test for history on Monday. The timing of this video is insane.
omg me fucking toooo my exam is on monday
His American Revolution video came out a little bit before my test on it.
Well this video should be extremely helpful then, so lucky
But this is Oversimplified, not the full history. So I dont think this will help much?
Lucky, i seriously want to get OTHER world history, but all i have learned in the past 7 years is the American Revolution, and thats it.
Dank humor and compressed history. It doesn't get any better than this.
@Pavanraj Parthiban no one cares
Pavanraj Parthiban No one cares about your anti-American opinion.
@Pavanraj Parthiban r/whoosh
@@JoelHern11 fact*
11:25 Broooo, that's Harry Potter 😭😭😭
It literally is lol
Why isnt anyone talking about the smooth transition to a sponsor.
Oversimplified if one of the few channels that I watch where i actually enjoy sitting through the sponsors. He transitions it so well.
I came looking for this comment aaaaaaa
Hey guys that smooth transition to a sponsor is amazing
I dunno I always skip it =)
Wait, there was a sponsor? ;)
I realized the symbol is now a hammer and pickle instead of a hammer and sickle.
And Lenin's book is called "crapitalism"
I can’t believe I never realized that
Fork me
@@ryanalmazi6802 lmao
And the flag when they were at the meeting
There are a few ways to learn history:
Bill Wurtz
RedLevelOne Subliminals danymok?
TheBurgerAnimz never heard of it
why is this so accurate
bill wurtz?
There's a 4th one, skillshare. With over 1000 different classes you can learn how to animate. Sign up today to get 1 month free using my link in the description below.
My teacher showed this video and when the man said "Who wants to start a revolution" came the Soviet anthem. I found myself and half of my class saluting.
And then Obama came in and gave you teacher the Nobel peace prize right?
Lenin: dont let stalin be the leader.
Stalin: now this looks like a job for me
What do you mean "dies" ?
So everybody, come follow me,
Vladimir Lenin he means li-oh, wait...
Lenin wanted Stalin to be a leader. Are you sure about this version where Trotsky must be a leader? Because when Lenin wad alive Trotsky every time says a lot of not even true critic (ok let's be honest he just throwing shit in him).
I had no idea that Germany was responsible for Russia’s civil war. That’s very interesting to learn.
That was the best sponsor integration like ever.
You beat me to it.
Don't forget DuckDuckGo works great with it.
CryMor Gaming No the best sponsor was "You might be like but oversimplified the the British weren't the first to discover North America the Vikings did but if u like Viking so much why don't u check out our sponsor Vikings war of clans.
ShadowDabber 21 no it was the British didn’t discover Australia the Vikings did
Johnny_boi_04 I yeah that one was better
*Cold war pops into recommendations*
Me, who watched it 7 times: I... Can't....... I'm not... Strong....Enough...
А ты славянин?
If that ain’t the truth lol
Slavic Mapper idk why it’s so addicting
@@HTXLemarc i too am extraordinarily addicted to watching stick men fight
I feel you
Using this for an 1500 word long essay I have to write on the Cold War - thank you!!
“Then a short man with a silly mustache tried to take over the world.”
I’ve never heard a better explanation of WW2
He was actually 5'9 which is above average
@@s.c5714 no
He would be short if oversimplified is as tall as Shaq
The hell did my comment go lol
@Brick Studios That's Stalin's father
The Cold War happens:
*i sleep*
OverSimplified uploads:
*W O K E*
I'm pretty sure you're not alive in the Cold War.
@@earrapestudios9066 r/woooosh
@@stephaniequintana9371 Remember when it was just "wooosh" and not "r/wooosh"
@@earrapestudios9066 wooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
It's ascended you damn COMMUNIST,the woke is weak
Never ask:
A woman her age
A man his salary
Stalin how his political opponents disappeared
Wow they just dissappeared!
Or why they accidentally fell off of buildings
"Let me show you!"
And a kid his marks
-0:35 (1917): Russian Revolution.
-1:15 (1917): Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, Russia pulls out of war.
-1:19 (1917 - 1922): Russian Civil War, White Army defeated and Bolsheviks form the Soviet Union.
-1:23 (1924): Death of Vladimir Lenin, Josef Stalin is his successor.
-2:00 (1941): Operation Barbarossa
i just realized oversimplified drew a hammer and pickle in that scene where the guy was selling secrets
He's using it in every video like flag of the USSR
Should have been a pickle and a sickle.
@@DarkFire-j5k yeg
We just realized
Oversimplified got #3 on trending,
Which enraged TH-cam, who *punished him severely*
He is no longer number 1
He was 3 9 hours ago
Trending in which country ?
ThisBoiDraws ‘ q
Fun fact: Oversimplified didn’t have Stalin say his father punished him severely as a joke, he actually was abused by his father which may have been the reason he was so messed up.
Who said it was a joke
@@slxshii6769 in his hitler video.
And his mom was the scariest woman I've seen in an old picture.
There's a tax for that
269 likes :L
This guy just teached a whole week worth of history lessons in just 16 minutes
Gotta refresh my memory before pre-ordering Black Ops Cold War.
this comment it’s fucking gold
Same dude.
Me too
I’m watching this because my history class is to slow to teach me
“He’s a very NAUGHTY high altitude weather enthusiast”
Best words ever spoken
He's not a spy, he's a very naughty high weather altitude enthusiast
Soldier: *Dude whats wrong with you?*
Stalin: *My FaThEr UsEd To PuNiSh Me SeVeReLy*
And he punished him sevirely
@@kathyfindlay1 This enraged hitler in hell, who punished death severely
I was punished severely by trying to protect my mother
_This enraged his father, who punished severly._
14:24 trump taking notes
“Tsar Alexander made it all the way to Paris.”
US president: “I made it first.”
Nice flag
His name was Truman
Yet non of them ever took london
The Chainsmokers: We made a song!!
@@delta2372 *laughs in viking*
“my father used to punish me severely”
can we maybe get a stalin oversimplified?
Zoe And Her Daleks, that would be cool
My father USED to punish me severely.
I agree he did do Hitler oversimplified so he could do Stalin oversimplified
Zoe And Her Daleks
No... we are left comrade
(Haha get it cuz communism is left wing authoritarian)
This enraged Stalin...
who punished Oversimplified severely.
These videos are a gem. They make extremely dense history stories just digestible enough so that truly interested individuals can look it up in greater detail. If only all education could be like this.
facts x2
Facts 3x (ez massive skill issue)
ага и здесь вообще нет американской пропаганды.
ни капли.
я чуствую себя настолько свободно говорящим , что пойду к белому дому и буду ругать лгбт и блм , ведь в этой стране свободы можно говорить обо всем.
@@ЛевТолстой-э7р what are you talking about, Bot?
12:22 the fact that this was used by China when we asked what their balloons were doing flying over th U.S
The fact that we get free documentaries on TH-cam by OverSimplified is truly a gift. 🤚
Anyone here for homework or just me?
There's also the armchair historian and kurzgesagt for documentaries. Also Ted ED.
@@theoneandonly590 ...Let the Education NEVER STOP!
I recommend; randomly, as i might note; 'Cynical Reviews'
and 'Hbomberguy' and 'Veritasium' and 'Hbomberguy'
and 'Its ok to be smart'.
Oh, i forgot the Best of 'em: Hbomberguy.
@@heartsofgoldd7388 not me
“And the Russians with their faithful ally, the winter” 😂😂
General Winter is our faithful ally, as long as we have vodka. Pf. This is such a Russian humor. Winter submits to us without it
Хаха смИшно. Haha very Funny (sarcasm)
sir, the snow is talking
The winter was only one reason why the German invasions failed. The SOVIET UNION stood their ground and regrouped, even if it wasnt the winter GERMANY doesnt conquer the USSR
And the Americans with their faithful alley, the nuclear winter they brought on their enemy’s. I grew up in the 70’s and I’ll be honest, I was worried that that Americans would nuke us. We all where to be fair, and we the majority of us hated the Soviet Union. It’s one thing to look back on it, it’s another to experience it. Have a good day sir, and we should all push peace. I don’t blame any nation, all of are nations have their own issues, and for the most part we can’t blame them on Russia or the United States.
My family is mostly German and my mother’s side (my grandmas family) did escape the wall by sneaking out at night and luckily finding a hole in the wall that was previously damaged for another family’s escape. They escape but since my grandma was a little girl at the time she forgot her doll and her bigger brother went back. He returned with it and they walked around in a forest away from guards and spotlights. They accidentally fell into a river and it was already cold out. My grandma fell in and nearly got swept away but dad saved her. They went on to live on the other side with no house and no money. My grandma is still alive today.
Unknown Unknown so brave
@@sushi7910 ?
What was so hard to understand?
@Romel Silva Plaza you know, I never thought about that. Huh.
@Romel Silva Plaza smasho blasho that is really cool. it is insane what some people can survive through.
I had to learn 2 years' worth of school material in a month and your videos helped so much, very informative but very very funny at the same time.
Thank you for making history fun! Keep it up!
I feel like a lot of these Oversimplified films are a PSA warning of the dangers of abusive fathers.
Almost like a motif is going on here
Mostly Asian Fathers: "Oh no"
Also them with sticks: "Anyways"
@@tmq0311.... Emotional damge
@@tmq0311.... pol pot:
John Lennon was an abusive father :)
It’s a good day when Oversimplified uploads
Brady Hey! It truly is Conrad
Oh, yeah yeah.
Oh yea yea our kind is growing
It's an epic day when Oversimplified uploads twice
Brady Hey! We need reinforcements
Khrushchev: "Who the hell is this?!"
Eisenhower: "He's a... high altitude weather enthusiast who flew off course"
Khrushchev: "Ok, that sounds plausible...Waaaaaiit a minute, why does he have a gun and a poison needle?"
Eisenhower: "Because...he's a...very NAUGHTY high-altitude weather enthusiast"
Great comeback.
best part (among many) of the vid
@Silver Moon So true
Khrushchev: Ok thats good
Flawless cover up
0:41 is just quoting thanos
That wasn’t a meme in ‘19
It reminds me of the scene in the big Lebowski where the dude and Walt are talking about Lenin and Donny kept saying something about a walrus from the beetles
@@NapoleanTheCorsicanno way i didn’t know
0:45 when you invent a new idealogy
Send an application to become verified you have enough subs
@@ImInsideYourHome yes more support
@@Purple84923 "DANGIT"
@@Purple84923 yes
"Tsar Alexander made it all the way to Paris" is such an insane line, especially since most of us have now watched the Napoleon video and now know WHO Tsar Alexander is and WHY he made it all the way to Paris.
who was in paris?
@@yeetdragon1629 nope it was
@@Lololooplol do it no balls
@@LololooplolMao Zedong
"He still had some opponents, but conveniently all of them were arrested or disappeared."
Yeah... "disappeared"
It stops opposing or it disappears.
If you'll keep up that attitude, you'll be next...
Yess been waiting foreverfor this
You can't spell USSR without US!
14:56 the fact that no one is talking bout how its written "When's the next video" 😂😂
The "Tzar Alexander made it all the way to Paris" is a good foreshadowing of the Napoleonic wars episode
True dat. xD
plus france wasnt their enemy
@@U.K.N they were before Napoleon and Tzar Alexander met on a raft to form an alliance, and after Napoleon invaded Russia. So, think again
“Then the Russians, with their helpful ally”
“The winter”
Hey they forgot their other Great Ally.. Mud.. :|
Winter is Coming
Raptor302 haha yes
69th like
The Berlin Wall Stood.
*This enraged the people of East Berlin, who damaged it severely.*
Made my day
@@rickybizzaro3966 Typed a boring comment
This angered me,who disliked his comment
*more economic downturn*
nah they phunished it severly
Who punished/damaged it severly. Oh my Irene (don't mind that)
"Sadness, Misery, everywhere, my wife was eaten by a bear"
"I was sad, now I'm glad, life is bad, now I'm sad"
God I love this
This is a golden era to teach the Cold War. As a history teacher I can confirm that CoD Cold War has gotten 90% of male students really interested. I set them a task of how they'd mod the game to make a "realism" mod and this video was very helpful for that!
That sounds really sick
The Cold War got me interested in COD: Cold War
@@porchofgeese_crockpot that’s literally no mention of any historical facts in Cold War. It’s just the stereotypical stuff you see everywhere
@@Achilles053 I know, that's the main reason I got it
German empire: *Helps create the soviet union*
Nazi Germany: *Invades the Soviet Union*
German empire: Am I a joke to you?
@@carlosalbertofernandezvele7574 I mean thanks for the history lesson but you're gonna get made fun of if you keep making reply's like this to jokes or memes
Cole Hammond Why would they be made fun of for being educated
@@carlosalbertofernandezvele7574 Yes indeed, your explanation is perfect without a doubt. Thank you for the sharing of knowledge! Best wishes!
Instead of a Churchill pin, can I get the real Winston Churchill? Please. I'll feed him and walk him.
Yeah sure. Lemme just dig up hus grave
Sonikks that’s a lot of food
Exactly, i want a casadilla, roosevelt said their to die for.
You don't have to feed a corpse
Can I get a real Stalin? Please. I'll only starve him.
In Moldova today was the final exam in 9th grade- like the final boss, and the cold war was one of the 3 subjects, thanks to this video i knew what to write, you're a hero