Blickdomi, La ventana Inteligente 100% Domótica.Internet de las cosas llega a la ventana. Smart home

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ต.ค. 2024
  • BlickDomi, la ventan inteligente, es mucho más que un sistema de Domótica. Gracias a su "Cerebro", es capaz de aplicar lógica a sus sensores y actuadores, creando una red neuronal entre todas las ventanas y dispositivos "IoT" del hogar.
    Blickdomi, además de ser la única ventana 100% domótica del mercado es la úinica que interactua con las redes sociales como es el casa de Telegram.La inteligencia Artificial (IA) de la ventana, se comunica con el usuario a través de TELEGRAM.
    Internet de las cosas llega al hogaar de la mano de BlickDomi y Solven.
    Part in the installation of our homes includes managing the blinds to regulate light and heat we receive from the sun. But there are solutions that go beyond integrating openness, security and more on doors and windows. BlickDomi is an interesting home automation system of the company Solven makes both doors and windows are intelligent.
    The system was presented at the fair and attentive because it has many more features than you would expect. I discussed some of the features available in this entry, but now we can see them on video so we offer more information.
    The project has been developed during two years Solven and has been secretly before marketing. BlickDomi is an advanced automation system, fully integrated in doors and windows and works without batteries. Also it uses artificial intelligence functions, although at an early stage is limited to control by the mobile application will be improved in the next version for decision-making.
    Unlike other home automation systems, it is not integrated sensors that record conditions or actuators to perform actions on the window, controlled remotely from other systems. BlickDomi Each window has all the necessary elements. Thus, it has a microprocessor which is the decision - maker informed by sensors, and can act on the window or other systems of housing due to integrated actuators (opening and closing blinds up and down).
    For example, thanks to that has a microprocessor, BlickDomi is able to update its own operating system. But let’s see what functions provides:
    Shutter control mobile and switch.
    Glass break alarm and attempted forced.
    Door alarm.
    Oscilo or practicable opening.
    Control of temperature and humidity.
    Integrated camera photo and video streaming.
    Inhibition alarm signal and power outage.
    Control system and ventilation filters CO2 as is the case of Aeromat.
    You may also like to read another article on SevenFrigo: You go on holiday? Five simple tips to keep safe gadgets and computers in your home
    As you can see the BlickDomi solution Solven is really complete and offers a comprehensive service in the house by integrating own home automation functions in the window as dimming and temperature, opening and closing it but also security against attempts to open, breakage, or even use of inhibitors to block the signal, and the integration of surveillance cameras.
    The system is also reactive, so if it detects an intrusion attempt could lower all the shutters of the house or for example if it rains to prevent soiling. Since the mobile application can request photos to show us the inside of the housing. As if all this were not enough, it is also possible to monitor air quality.
    The system is complemented with doors that open automatically BlickDomi to the desired people.
    According to the creators of the system, the price is also competitive for all it offers and the truth is that it is much, as we can see in the videos that accompany the entry.
    Domótica totalmente integrada en la ventana.
    Funciona sin necesidad de pilas o baterías.
    Se conecta directamente a la Wifi del hogar, sin necesidad de utilizar un Hub o Getway.
    Utilizamos como parte central de nuestra electrónica microprocesador. De esta manera gracias a nuestro sistema operativo, podemos dotar de inteligencia a la ventana y crear una red neuronal entre todas las ventanas y puertas del hogar. Además y gracias a esto, BlickDomi será capaz de actualizarse y evolucionar a la misma vez que el usuario. Utilizando la “Domótica predictiva”, aprenderá de los patrones de los usuarios y los imitará.
    Sus principales funciones de esta primera versión son:
    Control de persiana por APP o por el pulsador capacitivo integrado en la ventana.
    Apertura oscilobatiente. (opcional)
    Control de sistemas de ventilación Aeromat. (opcional)
    Temperatura y humedad interior de la vivienda.
    Ver el estado de la ventana (abierta/cerrada)
    Cámara de fotos 8 Megapixeles.
    Video en streaming.
    Alarma de apertura.
    Alarma de rotura de vidrio.
    Alarma de intento de forzada.
    Alarma de Inhibición de wifi.
    Alarma de corte de luz.
    Alarma de temperatura o humedad.
    más info www.xatakahome....

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