ASMR Help Me With This Bible Story | Numbers 31 |

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024
  • Today I discuss a Bible Story. This one is on Numbers 31. I hope you find it interesting and relaxing.
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ความคิดเห็น • 42

  • @madimatta6410
    @madimatta6410 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    I’m a Christian and respect your insight! Love the idea of potentially doing Bible study videos :)
    I personally find that the easiest way to obtain “no wonder” or “doubt” that God and Jesus are real is to simply ask him to enter your life and make himself known to you! Ask God a specific question or prayer and i promise he has a way of providing specific answers. You have to truly in your heart want it though, and not be afraid of what you may find.
    Love this channel!

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Grateful for your support in spite of our differences. I promise you my heart is open to his intervention!

  • @jboi331
    @jboi331 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    i love this new content your doing reality. my favorite quote from the bible is psalm 37:24. hope ur dogs are doing good🙏

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand

  • @mattc1543
    @mattc1543 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I’ve been watching your videos for a while now and after you started discussing these topics, you’ve become one of my favorite ASMR channels. I am 23 and am the only atheist in my family. I lost my faith at 16 and as I have gotten older and went through university with a STEM degree, I have become very hardcore atheist. It’s so nice and refreshing seeing someone speak out about these things, especially when talking about this stuff is for some reason a touchy subject to some religious people and could hurt your channel’s performance.

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      On it's hurt my channel for sure but I would rather be honest and a small channel than lie to people and have a big channel. Just happy you shared this with me. It made my night. Thank you!

  • @heysshhsh5219
    @heysshhsh5219 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    cliffe knechtle is a rlly good speaker if your more interested in god he answers a lot of the hard questions about the Bible I find him really helpful

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Looking him up now. Always appreciate recommendations! Thank you!

  • @ElBakovitj
    @ElBakovitj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really liked this video, and I think is great that you maintain such a civil and respectful tone, while still fully expressing your views!

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Appreciate your respectful comment as well!

  • @MLB9610
    @MLB9610 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I don't know if you come back and read comments from older videos but I wanted to take time to get you what I felt was as satisfactory answer of an answer as I can give from a Christian who went to a bible college and even though I took bible classes along the way left with a degree in a different field than theology. I am not a biblical scholar by any means, but I have studied scripture a decent amount.
    Old vs. New Testament God is something I believe a lot of real Christians struggle with. What I am not saying is that God changed his nature, his mind, or his attitude towards His creation. Anyone who says that is speaking blasphemy. The first question is why is God portrayed so angry/vengeful/harsh in the OT vs the NT. The way that scripture focuses on different aspects of God within the two main books is, I believe, a literary device that was planned by God to show the story of the world, as well as, the story of everyone who then becomes a believer. People who are not believers will feel God's wrath whether that be in the form of punishment on earth or the inevitable punishment in the form of Hell. The OT shows glimpses of what this wrath of God looks like. It is brutal and relentless and in reality, justified. However, what happens when Christ enters the world? The people of the world are saved. The wrath of God is satisfied for those who believe in the Gospel and as such are actually able to experience the loving/nurturing/protector God. Now we see instances of this "softer" God in the OT just like we see a vengeful God in the NT but that just shows and is a reminder that God is all of these things all of the time and we will experience those different aspects at different points in our life when God deems them necessary.
    The second macro-level thing that I think is important to understanding the story is the idea of "goodness". You mention that it was not humane to kill all of the women and children after they are captured. You're right, its not humane by human standards, but it was good. I think one of the aspects of God that it took me the longest to understand is that God IS goodness, he doesn't just do "good" things. While it is a NT example I think the most famous story that you probably know about since you seem to have read at least a decent amount of the Bible is the story of the man in Mark 10 who called Jesus "Good Teacher" and Jesus's response was, "Why do you call me good? No one is good-except God alone". When we say God is good it doesn't mean He does good things it means He IS goodness and so everything he does is good because of that. The same way that Jesus treats the Samaritan woman at the well is good is the same way that the way God tells Moses to treat the Midianites after they are defeated is good. I'm not a good person, you aren't a good person, and none of those people who were killed were good. God alone is good. With that goodness anything He does is good.
    When it comes to the specifics of the story you picked and why killing those people was then "good" or why the only ones spared were women who were virgins was "good" we can make guesses based on historical context but I don't feel as though talking about how the Midianites joined with the Moabites to try to curse the Israelites and have woman try to lure away Israelite men to make them a weaker force is a good normal human understanding justification for the slaughter of the women after a military defeat. I know this is probably the least satisfying way to answer the question but I do believe that it is the correct one and just as you said in your other videos I do not think that watering down the truth for our comfort is the way that professing Christians should behave or teach. I just know that it was good because of God's character. In some aspects this is a "god works in mysterious ways" answer but I think at its core people use that when they are essentially trying to play it off as like "I would never have done that but God did" to play both sides of the coin. It is true that I, a late twenties Christian, will never really know the exact details about why a choice God made was good and I don't think its fair to toss out an argument because I can't know the answer. At the same time, I am not running from the fact that because I believe what the scripture says about God's character and as such the actions were 100% good and just and there was no other way that was more good and just because that was the choice of God in that time and in that place
    As an additional kind of bit of understanding is while the analysis of what you say I would think is logical there are also a key point to remember that could then perhaps change your perspective. While it is hard to think about it this way, the women and boys who were killed in the story maybe didn't do anything militarily to warrant this type of execution, just their sinful nature warranted that type of death. I am not above that type of death either, I am just as filthy and sinful as those people were and it is only through the Grace of God that I am sparred. Why me? I don't know. One thing I do know is that it's not fair, not even in the slightest, but I do know that another aspect of God is that the same thing with goodness is that God is Just. It is just that those people died as they had sinned and fallen short of the glory of the Father. Sin itself is complete and total rebellion against God, there is no "I only did a small sin you did a big sin so you deserve more death and torture." All of us deserve the fire, God is gracious to allow us to come to him through the payment of Christ's death and the miracle of his resurrection that's the only way we don't get what we deserve and so if god smote those people down himself while they were inside eating dinner instead of having the military men kill them it would be just as justified. The same as it would have been justified if He had done that to me before I became a believer.
    The bible is not easy and it never has been. I do not have all the answers but I try to study it as hard as I can. I apologize if some of this was a bit of talking in circles.

  • @lollol-if3fm
    @lollol-if3fm 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wonderful video, Derek!
    I would LOVE to see this become a series. As to whether the faithful should watch - I think doubt can often make faith stronger when addressed. I can understand if someone doesn’t have need for that for whatever reason, but I think you can find an audience among faithful and faithless alike!
    I would also be very interested to see you address any wisdom/argument from the comments that catch your eye in the next episode! Who knows? Maybe God has a good explanation!

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I have been looking and so far, not one Christian has addressed the actual topic of God ordered human slaughter. Most comments are just trying to bring me back to faith.

  • @TallieStevens
    @TallieStevens 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This was a good one. I agree on every level. There are many disturbing stories just like this. When I hear them, I just can not imagine any of the stories to be true.

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Glad to know I am not alone. Thank you!

  • @iruub
    @iruub 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    this video was awesome! please more Bible studies:)

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      More on the way!

  • @Noname-vw7vj
    @Noname-vw7vj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i’m currently on numbers 36!

  • @asmrwishes
    @asmrwishes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You should watch The Good Place. I really think you'd like it!!

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Just watched the trailer for season 1. Looks funny and interesting. Crazy I never even heard of it before you mentioned it. I've never been much of a TV guy.

    • @asmrwishes
      @asmrwishes 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I streamed it off some app. Don't remember which. The story builds very well and there's a series finale. Lemme know if you end up checking it out 👍👍

    • @Noname-vw7vj
      @Noname-vw7vj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      i remember stumbling on this show! great show

  • @nathan9532
    @nathan9532 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Nice content my friend

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thank you, Nathan. Next one will be similar!

  • @alkalurops7098
    @alkalurops7098 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you, Could you please do a bible study on Romans chapter 8

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I just read through it. Can you tell me what you find interesting about this. I try to discuss chapters that require a lot of thought and contemplation. Not sure this one I can find a lot of commentary to add.

    • @alkalurops7098
      @alkalurops7098 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      This chapter is known as the gemstone of the whole Bible. There has been more study and commentary on Romans 8 than any other part of the Bible. If you can understand Romans 8, the rest of your bible studies will have a much stronger foundation.

  • @wildbill9863
    @wildbill9863 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Love the non political stuff
    Religion isnt explicitly rigid to me
    If morals and lessons are a common place than they are all good

  • @NKBB9794
    @NKBB9794 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I’m sorry I had to comment on this. First I would say the Bible says that Gods Ways are not our way in his thoughts our not our thoughts. So right there tell you that he doesn’t think the way we think. When God spoke with the devil and allowed the devil to take away everything from Job to test him, Joe was getting harassed by his friends, and they were making him feel like he did something wrong. God proceeds to rebuke his friends and tell them that where were you when I was creating the heaven and the universe. The Bible also also talks about the age of a accountability where kids have a point in their life or they should understand about God but do you honestly think that even when this happened you really think that these kids went to hell God I serve send kids To hell. There is not even one scripture in the Bible that says that there are kids in hell that are burning. I will end with this. You need to have an experience with Jesus Christ, and have a true experience to wear something. Maybe you were praying for something amazing that you know that nobody else could’ve done, but God I think for you to truly believe.. because in that you have a testimony of what a true God has done for you and you will always question if that never happens in your life. You talked about if God really does miracles today. I’ve had three major miracles that no human beings could have done and it was something that I prayed for and God did it for me. You need this experience cry out to God and allow him to show you who he is. When we have hurt in our life or pain, it blocks us from seeing the heavenly father, and how much he loves us.

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      So this is the part I struggle with. You seem to justify him ordering the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of men, women and children (except virgins of course). You justify this by saying his ways our different from ours?? I'm sorry those ways are not only different from mine but they are unacceptable from mine. I just can't get around these things. This is just one story out of many that make me incapable of worshipping this God, very similar to the reasons I can never be Muslim. You also mention the miracles that God has bestowed upon you. I'm not sure what these miracles were but can you imagine how many worse things were going on in the world while the Creator of the universe took the time to intervene in your life. I would not have the audacity to pray for anything in my life knowing how many people are suffering in the world worse than me. I never even mentioned the whole "Love me or burn" option that he gives us. I admire your faith and truly envy your ability to accept these things and truly hope you are able to hold on to it longer than I was able to.

    • @Draig_ASMR
      @Draig_ASMR 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      @@ASMRReality Very well said mate 👌🏻

    • @sandosam807
      @sandosam807 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@ASMRRealityIf you're talking about the kids or people murdered in job. They were faithful jews who most likely went to heaven. Heaven is described to be much better than Earth. So it's not a terrible thing to die as a believer. You're also saying you don't like God because he's not doing things your way? I'm guessing you're atheist. If there is no God and then your way doesn't mean anything. Just like my way doesn't mean nothing. Because there's not a real supernatural law that states what is right or what's wrong. So I can kill 10 kids but according to your logic. It's just my way of thinking. There's no moral law that says other wise. You have to realize your morals deeply stem from religion because that's why religion exist. God intervened in the follower's life is because he believed. The follower put his total faith in God. God gave him blessings for his faith. Bad things have happened or are happening to Christians but we always trust that God has a meaningful plan for us/them. I'm blessed and I have had many blessings in my life recently since I became a stronger believer in Christ.The bad things that are happening around the world happen because of people's actions not God's will. How can God really help someone if that someone doesn't put their total faith in him? Would you help all people who don't have a relationship with you? or choose to ignore you? I say talk to passionate Christians and ask how God entered in their life because it's different for everyone but at the same time similar. Look more into near death testimonies and scientific backing that the universe needs an external source for it to begin. Also that certain scientific phenomenons are too precise and detailed for it to happen randomly. Pray to God sincerely in your heart and ask him to give you a sign. I'm 100% sure he will give it to you but be open minded and humble yourself

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@sandosam807 I never referenced Job in the video. Numbers 31 describes the slaughter of the Medianites. Regarding people going to heaven before Christ, you should ask a scholar or theologian about this. It is clear, there was no way to heaven before Christ if you died a sinner. Also you say I don't like God because he's not doing things my way. I never said this at all. You simply ignore the ordered slaughter of hundreds of thousands of people. You are dancing around the topic and I can understand why. You simply have no answer for it and you yourself cannot fathom a justification for it so you switch the topic. to something entirely different. As for understanding what is right and wrong without being a committed Christian, how do you think the native indians that were in North America while Christ was over in the middle east knew right from wrong? How do you think the Chinese knew right from wrong? The Japanese are about as peaceful a society as can be found on earth and only 1% of that population aligns with Christianity. Hindus in India are far more peaceful than our American Christian society. This is why people think Christians are arrogant. As if their religion is the only way to know anything. All societies prior to and after the life and death of Christ understood what is right and just.

    • @Rivers9679
      @Rivers9679 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I don’t get it why you are sorry? Stand firm on your belief damn it! It’s not like it is morally bad… or is it?

  • @colinjames7569
    @colinjames7569 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What a horrible story, the mass murdering of humanity. All for A God who begrudgingly ‘saves’ his children. Our creator destroys us. Brutal. Butchering sons, wives, daughters. It does not make sense. This is how our God treats his children. How much death could appease this hunger

    • @ASMRReality
      @ASMRReality  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Finally! A comment about the story. It is brutal and i have yet to get a comment from a Christian that justifies what happened to those little boys and their moms when they were brought back to Israel. It defies explanation but...."the Lord works in mysterious ways."