I was raised as a jw, I was on and off and the only reason I would comeback it's because my family would make me feel bad. I decided not to go back, it's been 2 years since I left. I've distance my self from aunts, uncles and cousins knowing they don't want anything to do with me. I'm stress free and happy
Hello victor, i also was a jehovah witness and i turn 18 in a couple months i totally feel you man. Sadly i was always forced to go forced to go out in service and i always was pushed to believe that this is my only way out and that this too was the best way of life. I also faked being sick so many times but i was still forced to go even when i was vomiting i was forced to go. Then my dad was disfellowshipped and seeing that hurt me how people looked at him and was disgusted being near him and then my family were also looked at the same way and since he is the head that we were never invited to gatherings parties or even going to eat with the traveling brother. I then began to see fully how they treated me because of my enjoyment of rock music, video games and long hair. But i was told those were evil and bad and ungodly. But i knew that couldn't be true so i stopped talking to them. Then my dad got back into the organization by lying to the elders that he stopped what got him disfellowshipped (drugs) and now my mom is using with my dad and just turned me away more. When your pushed and pushed into anything u begin to not want to do that thing that your pushed into. I was always told that im going to distract people if i got earrings (even though bible doesnt say i cant have them) and long hair (which many of the Israelites and followers of jesus had) so why i should be scolded at for things that are not even against the bible. With the cherry picking statement i agree . Also i was told that the people i was friends with who has helped me with so much more than the brothers and sisters have, i wad told i cant associate with them and that just hurt me because my friends care more about my future and me than they do. I want to better myself and invest into myself but the witnesses are against even going to college saying its time wasted. I feel u victor in so many ways and im happy you weren't forced or shoved into it. Now since im not associating with the witnesses anymore my parents began to turn away from me even my own brother and sister calling me an apostate and it hurts but ive learn that im not the foolsih one. Im happy your eyes are open victor and i hope this wasnt too long for ya XD
I was a Jehovah witness too I stop going all these religions are made up these religions are trouble I decided not to have no religion but I Draw close to Jehovah I was tired of being force to go to field service and harassed for my Time it was like a tracker making you do everything they want you to do and the elders didn't respond to calls for help Some of the JW Members Messing around with each other & elders abusing there wife's & women getting in all your business and start gossiping I was just tired of it. I'm so peaceful don't have to worry about JW bugging me no more
Four years later and I hope you have long hair and earrings if that's what you still want and I hope you went to college. Get yourself independent and lead your own life. Learning is never a waste of time or energy and it repays in the long run. As a JW your treading water.
Thank you for taking the time Victor to share your story with us. I found myself head-nodding in agreement. You have a logical, clear-thinking and fair mind and bring a refreshing view to the topic of JWs. Your insight into JW thinking is very impressive. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos!
*"The End" has been "around the corner" for some time now. So much so that "the corner" has actually been demolished and they've built a Starbucks on it.*
I remember that feeling very well! The whole "why did I have to be born into the true religion???"....the responsibility felt enormous, and on top of it all it definitely didn't feel like the best way of living (one chore and burden after another, and still no letup of guilt/stress). Don't get me wrong, there were good times, and like yourself my childhood wasn't too bad, but the psychological harm it did was pretty deep. Probably one the biggest "turn offs" for me in the org was the cloud of superiority/eliteness that WT promoted. I too had mostly "worldly" friends and they were often more compassionate than the ones in the org (not to mention without pretense), yet in the org all they ever did was denounce them and make out that they deserved death....for what? Living a normal life. I would often ask myself why Jehovah would spare the JWs, but not the guy/girl down the road. What made the JW's superior? That bothered me a lot...
You definitely have your head screwed on right. Listening to your comments on prayer it seems like you're (should I say), "cursed" with the ability to think very logically. I have that issue too, must be the Scandinavian blood :)
I had some serious cognitive dissonance about that and would try to double down on my faith but it always felt wrong. What a relief to realize how crazy that was!
Charlton Blake - Definitely! I've just recently been informed that my 2 nieces (10+13, both JW's) have been unofficially blacklisted by an elder dad. Their crimes? My JW sister and her MS husband decided to be somewhat cool/balanced parents in allowing their 2 daughters to have (infrequent) sleep- overs with (gasp) worldly (!) girl's from their school. So now the holier than thou kids aren't allowed to hang out with my nieces in case of "corruption". Don't know who to feel the most pity for.
Sounds like torture! Why would anyone put their family through that? And for SIX generations?Thank u for sharing your story and welcome to the real world. Glad you woke up in time to enjoy your life🌸
Yes definitely! Wish I ha it at 18, it took me til 24 and my only regret is that I didn’t experience the benefits of college life All the way..I had to cut it short at 26 :/
Thank you so much for sharing! I had been studying for a couple of months and attended meetings as well and it felt so strange. I finally decided to quit my bible study and attending meetings.
Welcome to your freedom!! 🎈🎈🎉🎊 What a nice handsome radio voice you have!!..I can see you going very far!.. Keep your critical thinking skills in the forefront.. Stay strong!! 😎
Hi Victor! I can identify with so much of what you said. I watched a John Cedars video and found out about the Watchtower joining the United Nations for ten years as an NGO. I had heard about the the child sex abuse scandal on National Public Radio here in the US. Since then I have been watching videos of ex JWs telling their stories. I have been out over three decades, closer to four actually. Anyway, on some level I believed it was the "true" religion all that time even though I have read and investigated other spiritual paths. So many people are waking up. Welcome to the "world", happy birthday Victor!
Congratulations on waking up at a young age. I ran away from home at 17 to escape the Watchtower. Unfortunately, I still believed it was the truth for another 38 years! I am now cult-free! Thanks for making this video. The more that speak out against Watchtower, the better.
Thank you for sharing your story. It does take courage to put yourself out there. I always thought while growing up how lucky I was to be born into the truth, because if the witnesses had come to my door, I wouldn’t have listened. Now I’m just thankful that I got OUT of it.
How true. My father is an elder and he and another elder said: "even if this was not the true religion they would never leave because it is the best way of living". Odd.
Victor, you are an amazing young man. Keep making videos just so we can see what you do with your life. The sky’s the limit! Hard to believe you’re 18!!
An independent thinker is the WT's greatest enemy. You're articulate, smart and come across as a fine young adult. I'm glad that you'll be able to shine your light and be who you want to be without the shackles that bind all JWs. Concerning your comments upon apostates and opposers, you're exactly right. But I do something a bit different than most others I've have seen. I have a very large library of older (and newer) watchtower publications. I do exactly what the organization does in terms of teaching. If I want to point to any particular thing I have them read it for themselves. I do not tell them what a paragraph says unless they try to change the meaning. In this way, it's them that are learning what the society really taught through original Watchtower publications. I also do not talk to active JWs unless they show some doubt or an interest in researching. I find that unless someone has doubts, was disfellowshipped-disassociated etc they will still have a wall and the Watchtower glasses on - so they can't/refuse to see even if it's plainly in front of them. I do find that what might help one awake will not for another. Some are bothered by dates while others the two witness rule. Personally I try to stick to the authority of the Governing body and it's claims to being appointed in 1919. The society has a rich publication record so it's easy to disprove this false notion of a governing body appointed.
I'm glad you were able to wake up and get out from this religion at your early age. I love your video, your finding/points are 200% correct. I'm an ex Jehovah witness.
More power to you; you're very intelligent! I was never such that I could be conned into a cult like the JWs, but I admire you for your maturity, and outspokenness.
I'm so so glad you never let go of all your critical thinking. Awesome video👍 I'm getting a feeling there are thousands of young people doing exactly the same, delay baptism & finally standing up & rejecting the religion and be your Authentic Self. I wish you ALL the happiness & success there is❤🌞
I cannot understand why as many as 54 people tapped a. thumbs down to this. You speak so well and are very thoughtful in choosing your words. I wonder if these people count their time spent performing these little deeds in behalf of the GB on their monthly time sheets.
I was the same. It took me till I was 30 plus till I woke up, but it was tuff because my who family was i 1:53 n it so it was hard to get out. Finally I had to gave up my family and rebuild a new family out of the organization! Now, I'm 68 and thinking back, it was the right decision and I'm so happy that I'm out and free! 😊
The over hateing of apostates is done for information control and that is the real reason. If they talk, the truth comes out, that means lost donations.
Cheers on leaving the JW's. I left about 20 years ago after I grew up as a JW and was even a ministerial servant from 17-19. My father had a hard time coming to terms with me leaving since he was an Elder at the time and it was even harder when I came out as an atheist. He had many misconceptions about what being an atheist meant or what it actually meant. Anyway, glad you were able to break free. I wish you the best!
I think all youngsters who thinks of leaving the Watchtower or having doubts should watch your videos; Great Strategy and Personality and Admirable Character you have Victor! Bravo!!!
Aww Victor what a lovely young man you are. Welcome to the future that you choose! You are warm and Intelligent, the world is your oyster. Best wishes xx
Good work mate. It can be an adjustment. I was raised JW left around 16 years old, 31 now. It has been a journey finding myself but well worth the leap into the unknown.
Wow, when i saw the thumbnail i for sure thought you were a kid, then to hear you speak, i certainly was surprised...I'm so glad that you escaped that cult brother, i hope all of the others wake up from out of that 'sunken place' as well
Well, I am one person who watched your video to the very end and I enjoyed it very much. One thing I particularly noticed about the wording in the publications was how often the word "should, probably, hopefully, etc" occurred. A lot of the issues presented in the publications was wishful thinking, I believe.
WHAOO !! Brother you are a amazing human being Sir !! And Weldon , you have gave yourself out from the darkness to the light Light sir !! MAy LORD bless you brother!!
I feel you so much, My story is pretty much the the same my entire family is in it... I'm the first one who is stepping out of it scary... but i know its something i must do
Greatest step in the right direction to your freedom,very happy for you.Many more to take for sure and one thing that helped me was freedom is power use it wisely!No rush let things happen naturally and take the love that will heal you in the most deepest ways,you will need it as you continue on your journey.
I was four years old in '75 and I remember on how the end was supposed to come. fortunately my parents didn't go over the top and took the ' wait and see ' approach. And wow WOW wow! Your intellect and wisdom beyond your years is amazingly impressive! You remind me of my son, his a bit older than you (23). He always knew from the beginning that the jws were nonsense. I didn't raise my kids in the org. but they were greatly influenced by it due to my parents involvement. Fortunately you never got baptized. I wouldn't have either , but events that took place in my life when I was your age, I felt I ' owed' it to my parents. ( the whole guilt thing jws are known for) . You are in a difficult place in your life right now. being awake but still living at home. although it could be a good thing, and maybe if your parents aren't as stubborn as mine, your parents could wake up too. a bit of advice I've always told my kids.... don't settle, follow your dreams, don't allow anyone to pull you down, prevent you from living up to your potential. And I've always told them that no matter what they choose in life, I will always love and support them. You are definitely going places, Victor. Please don't ever feel alone, you've got a huge exjw community filled with moms and dads, grandparents, and young ones like yourself. we all ' have your back' and welcome you with open arms! if ever you need us, we are always here. much love to you ❤️ -------- Jen from North Carolina U.S.
Questo e il vero amore incondizionato da L'ITALIA siete veramente una comunita di amore coraggio e speranza vi abbraccio forte viviamo la nostra vita con una buona coscenza senza restrizione e privi di una dignita propria e non essere assoggettati alla WATCHTOWER. da L'ITALIA SALUTI E BUONA VITA A TUTTI SECONDO I VOSTRI DESIDERI,
I woke up when I realized that I was going to spend the rest of eternity on paradise earth with my mother in law ..... no way ! I said I’m out of here !
Thankyou for sharing your experience and thoughts. You are a very intelligent guy to have started thinking so early on in your life. I’m homosexual and you said it as it is, very compassionate. Keep up the good work
Victor, I am glad you were able to listen to that voice inside you that told you something was not quite right. Parents are very hard to go against when you are young. With the shunning, it is hard for youngp eople to leave. You are up against some very strong people. As you find your bearings and are free from the hold of this cult, please do not forsake God totally. I know it is easy to do. Ask Him to reveal himself to you. Ask for him to reveal the truth and lead you to people who have been able to keep a faith. Get a real bible and read it and ask the Lord to reveal the scriptures to you and get help from someone that you trust. I am a Christian and will pray for you. To me, it is all about a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. To know grace and forgiveness and who Jesus really is is freeing indeed. God bless you Victor. I will pray that as you navigate your way in life that you will meet people that can help you and help you advance in life.
Carbon dating(and other isotopes, too) cross checked with actual archaeology, tree ring, and ice core dating all fit together as solid evidence against the Bible's "stories" of mankind's past and origin. It may not be the answer you want but the truth doesn't care how you feel. Great job of the video. You and I would have some nice conversations. I could go for some nice Norwegian ale :) Also, I think I we have the same headset, Logitech 933?
Thank You for sharing this. I've never been a Jehovah Witness, but I've had doubts about my own Christian religion. Many of the promises that I had been taught just didn't work. IE:" Whatever you ask of the Father in my Name, He will give it to you". Try it if you want, but don't expect anything to happen. If that's not true, what else is not true???? I hate looking reality in the face, but that's what has to be done. Looking at reality can be a painful thing to have to go through, but I think it has to be done. You give me the impression of being a very intelligent young man and someone who had the ability to think for himself. This is a good video you made. Again...Thank You.
Very well articulated points! I felt the same way about so many things growing up. "Why was i born in the true religion?" Thanks for making your video!
Just a side bar, your voice is perfect for audiobooks or being a professional narrator 😉 Glad you found the real truth about it all. I lost many I thought were my friends till I walked away. Learned a hard lesson that made me stronger
Bravo! I enjoyed hearing everything you said. I have been fading from the Org for the past year. Keep making videos! If you haven't already, watch Spike R, and also Kim Mikey. Spike is a former elder. Both are very knowledgeable. Also, it would be great if you would look into the camera as you are speaking, it would make it more personal.
I’m 71 and been an X for many years. Wow! You are so spot on with your videos! You being 18 and your words sound the same as I heard and felt for many years. I allowed my little child to sleep during meetings but it was ‘looked down on’. Hearing you say you were allowed brought back memories. 🙂
This rings very true to the experiences of my cousin, which she writes about in her published book ‘The Last Days’ Ali Millar. Well done on your decision to live your own life 💜
I have to ask a question. Why is it that the creator Yahweh expects more of us then he did the rebellious spirits. Hew allowed the unclean spirit, the rebellious one and those opposed to suposed true worship. Why us it he holds a suposed rebellious angle, in better regard than he does he does flesh.
I'm glad you are out, but don't give up on Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life, but the 'org' have inserted themselves between His salvation. I was a JW for 25 years and now a born again Christian, and can testify to the awesome power and grace of the real truth that is in Christ alone. Blessings and peace to you.
Great video! Welcome to free thinking. You have so much ahead of you now. Free to seek real truths. Free to have real friends who won't turn their back on you. Your parents sound like very nice people, try not to let their sadness and confusion effect you negatively. Show them what a great person you are now and that you are becoming, without the constant mental conflict stressing you out. I'm so glad you did not get baptized. The elders will have a lot less to work with because of that. I ,and my whole family, (who are all finally out--yes it can happen!) look forward to more videos.
Thanks for sharing, Victor. Although JW's have some important error in their teachings and you've put the whole thing behind you, I encourage you to give the real Jesus a try. If you could do an Alpha course, that's a great place to learn and ask any question. Being religious is not a great way to live in itself, but living life with God who loves you, is. And that does not mean a religion dictates your life.
You smartened up quickly! I remember as a child hearing that WE were the true faith (Catholic) and thinking the same thing.... why me and not others?! Didn’t make sense!
Well Victor, I watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I woke up in many of the ways you did and, having been a baptised witness for 30 years, many many more ways too! The elder that came to see me when I said I was leaving encouraged me to do so and brought ‘apostate’ literature with him to prove my doubts even more! He was the presiding overseer and only stayed because he feared losing his family. So glad you’re out! Enjoy your freedom my love.
This video is so relatable. I laughed a lot of times. The pressure is also the reason why I was pissed off with the cult. Then, I started to study science, philosophy, and world religion. I realized that most of the stuff is illogical and nonsense. I know that I knew it for years but just like what Amber Scorah said in her book, Leaving the Witness, I had been "in the truth" because I was afraid of the truth.
Viktor. Your voice is amazing. You could read a shampoo bottle and I'd be entranced. Kudos on your discernment. But dont discount a relationship with Christ. Best wishes from Arkansas
I also grew up as a JW, and I am 39 now. I left in 2006/7 and I reached out to the local congregation many times, but the elders and others were just absent. I was not associated with any church and I met my wife in 2009, started going to church. I felt so fulfilled, experienced the Holy Spirit more intense, and became involved with youth ministry. My dad is till alive, and he is an elder. Not he nor my stepmother attended my wedding in 2009 ( which was a garden wedding ceremony) just because of religious reasons - the most important day of my life! There are alot of things and practices of the JW which is Sugarcoated Bullshit. Good for you Victor! Like your voice! Take care. Respect from South Africa 🇿🇦 👏
I was not expecting that voice! haha
Congrats on your freedom!
I was just about to post that!
Was thinking it too. He has a James Bond voice 👍👍
Yeah, his voice is like a 20year smoker..
Me neither!!!!! lol
The name is Bond... James Bond... ;)
It’s great to see an intelligent young person speak out. Nice job!
I was raised as a jw, I was on and off and the only reason I would comeback it's because my family would make me feel bad. I decided not to go back, it's been 2 years since I left. I've distance my self from aunts, uncles and cousins knowing they don't want anything to do with me. I'm stress free and happy
I'm in the process at the moment. I hope i will make it.
Hello victor, i also was a jehovah witness and i turn 18 in a couple months i totally feel you man. Sadly i was always forced to go forced to go out in service and i always was pushed to believe that this is my only way out and that this too was the best way of life. I also faked being sick so many times but i was still forced to go even when i was vomiting i was forced to go. Then my dad was disfellowshipped and seeing that hurt me how people looked at him and was disgusted being near him and then my family were also looked at the same way and since he is the head that we were never invited to gatherings parties or even going to eat with the traveling brother. I then began to see fully how they treated me because of my enjoyment of rock music, video games and long hair. But i was told those were evil and bad and ungodly. But i knew that couldn't be true so i stopped talking to them. Then my dad got back into the organization by lying to the elders that he stopped what got him disfellowshipped (drugs) and now my mom is using with my dad and just turned me away more. When your pushed and pushed into anything u begin to not want to do that thing that your pushed into. I was always told that im going to distract people if i got earrings (even though bible doesnt say i cant have them) and long hair (which many of the Israelites and followers of jesus had) so why i should be scolded at for things that are not even against the bible. With the cherry picking statement i agree . Also i was told that the people i was friends with who has helped me with so much more than the brothers and sisters have, i wad told i cant associate with them and that just hurt me because my friends care more about my future and me than they do. I want to better myself and invest into myself but the witnesses are against even going to college saying its time wasted. I feel u victor in so many ways and im happy you weren't forced or shoved into it. Now since im not associating with the witnesses anymore my parents began to turn away from me even my own brother and sister calling me an apostate and it hurts but ive learn that im not the foolsih one. Im happy your eyes are open victor and i hope this wasnt too long for ya XD
I was a Jehovah witness too I stop going all these religions are made up these religions are trouble I decided not to have no religion but I Draw close to Jehovah I was tired of being force to go to field service and harassed for my Time it was like a tracker making you do everything they want you to do and the elders didn't respond to calls for help Some of the JW Members Messing around with each other & elders abusing there wife's & women getting in all your business and start gossiping I was just tired of it. I'm so peaceful don't have to worry about JW bugging me no more
Four years later and I hope you have long hair and earrings if that's what you still want and I hope you went to college. Get yourself independent and lead your own life. Learning is never a waste of time or energy and it repays in the long run. As a JW your treading water.
Thank you for taking the time Victor to share your story with us. I found myself head-nodding in agreement. You have a logical, clear-thinking and fair mind and bring a refreshing view to the topic of JWs. Your insight into JW thinking is very impressive. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos!
*"The End" has been "around the corner" for some time now. So much so that "the corner" has actually been demolished and they've built a Starbucks on it.*
Jehovah's Witnesses Testimonies 😂
Not only that, but you can find the Witnesses hanging out there during group service meetings.
its not a corner its a roundabout 😆
No wonder they never turn off onto a real road! :-P
What a voice!! So happy to be young and free from this cult. I’m 24 and now have a full life ahead of me.
I remember that feeling very well! The whole "why did I have to be born into the true religion???"....the responsibility felt enormous, and on top of it all it definitely didn't feel like the best way of living (one chore and burden after another, and still no letup of guilt/stress). Don't get me wrong, there were good times, and like yourself my childhood wasn't too bad, but the psychological harm it did was pretty deep.
Probably one the biggest "turn offs" for me in the org was the cloud of superiority/eliteness that WT promoted. I too had mostly "worldly" friends and they were often more compassionate than the ones in the org (not to mention without pretense), yet in the org all they ever did was denounce them and make out that they deserved death....for what? Living a normal life. I would often ask myself why Jehovah would spare the JWs, but not the guy/girl down the road. What made the JW's superior? That bothered me a lot...
I couldn't agree more! :)
You definitely have your head screwed on right. Listening to your comments on prayer it seems like you're (should I say), "cursed" with the ability to think very logically. I have that issue too, must be the Scandinavian blood :)
I had some serious cognitive dissonance about that and would try to double down on my faith but it always felt wrong. What a relief to realize how crazy that was!
Charlton Blake - Definitely! I've just recently been informed that my 2 nieces (10+13, both JW's) have been unofficially blacklisted by an elder dad. Their crimes? My JW sister and her MS husband decided to be somewhat cool/balanced parents in allowing their 2 daughters to have (infrequent) sleep- overs with (gasp) worldly (!) girl's from their school. So now the holier than thou kids aren't allowed to hang out with my nieces in case of "corruption". Don't know who to feel the most pity for.
Sounds like torture! Why would anyone put their family through that? And for SIX generations?Thank u for sharing your story and welcome to the real world. Glad you woke up in time to enjoy your life🌸
This is brilliant! And your your English is fluent which makes the video even more impressive. Im inspired to do my own video now.
i was 30 years old before i woke up. i am very impressive to see what you noticed at such a young age.
Fantastic video! You'd be amazing at any age but to be so 'together' at 18 is marvelous.
All the best for the future!!
Yes I agree
Yes definitely! Wish I ha it at 18, it took me til 24 and my only regret is that I didn’t experience the benefits of college life All the way..I had to cut it short at 26 :/
Thank you so much for sharing! I had been studying for a couple of months and attended meetings as well and it felt so strange. I finally decided to quit my bible study and attending meetings.
Welcome to your freedom!! 🎈🎈🎉🎊
What a nice handsome radio voice you have!!..I can see you going very far!.. Keep your critical thinking skills in the forefront.. Stay strong!! 😎
That`s what i thought,what a lovely voice he has.
Dude, I have so much respect for you:)
Thank you so much! :)
Hi Victor! I can identify with so much of what you said. I watched a John Cedars video and found out about the Watchtower joining the United Nations for ten years as an NGO. I had heard about the the child sex abuse scandal on National Public Radio here in the US. Since then I have been watching videos of ex JWs telling their stories. I have been out over three decades, closer to four actually. Anyway, on some level I believed it was the "true" religion all that time even though I have read and investigated other spiritual paths. So many people are waking up. Welcome to the "world", happy birthday Victor!
thank you for your voice, victor! thank you for speaking out!
Congratulations on waking up at a young age. I ran away from home at 17 to escape the Watchtower. Unfortunately, I still believed it was the truth for another 38 years! I am now cult-free!
Thanks for making this video. The more that speak out against Watchtower, the better.
forever Weren’t so wrong? Are you serious? Not even Watchtower would claim that as being right.
forever I think you need to do your research about what Watchtower claimed about 1975. Then maybe, we can have an intelligent discussion about it.
I admire you for your truth and your authenticity. Your thinking is very astute. Thank you for the video
Just found your channel. I love your voice. Awesome:)
Good job on waking up early, at 18. It took me 25 years. Looking forward to more videos.
Thank you for sharing your story. It does take courage to put yourself out there. I always thought while growing up how lucky I was to be born into the truth, because if the witnesses had come to my door, I wouldn’t have listened. Now I’m just thankful that I got OUT of it.
Almost the same story here.. .
I was not 18 but 12.
Good Luck out there and make your one best choices!
Grtz from the Dutch :)
How true. My father is an elder and he and another elder said: "even if this was not the true religion they would never leave because it is the best way of living". Odd.
It's what they all say. My dad says the same thing because they've been programmed to say it and dont even know it.
Victor, you are an amazing young man. Keep making videos just so we can see what you do with your life. The sky’s the limit! Hard to believe you’re 18!!
Woke up just a few months ago! People have been telling me on r/exjw that I'm REALLY lucky because I'm 12 and only one of my parents are a jw. :D
love star trek! I woke up at 58! God Bless you on your journey for the truth! Seek and you will find!
Thanks mate and also thanks because you mentioned Star Trek!
Quark Well done! I'm so pleased you have a non JW parent to help. All the best for your wonderful future. 😊 😊
Quark Well done! I'm so pleased you have a non JW parent to help. All the best for your wonderful future. 😊 😊
"JW Suicides" Omg your name...
An independent thinker is the WT's greatest enemy. You're articulate, smart and come across as a fine young adult. I'm glad that you'll be able to shine your light and be who you want to be without the shackles that bind all JWs.
Concerning your comments upon apostates and opposers, you're exactly right. But I do something a bit different than most others I've have seen. I have a very large library of older (and newer) watchtower publications. I do exactly what the organization does in terms of teaching. If I want to point to any particular thing I have them read it for themselves. I do not tell them what a paragraph says unless they try to change the meaning. In this way, it's them that are learning what the society really taught through original Watchtower publications. I also do not talk to active JWs unless they show some doubt or an interest in researching. I find that unless someone has doubts, was disfellowshipped-disassociated etc they will still have a wall and the Watchtower glasses on - so they can't/refuse to see even if it's plainly in front of them. I do find that what might help one awake will not for another. Some are bothered by dates while others the two witness rule. Personally I try to stick to the authority of the Governing body and it's claims to being appointed in 1919. The society has a rich publication record so it's easy to disprove this false notion of a governing body appointed.
I'm glad you were able to wake up and get out from this religion at your early age. I love your video, your finding/points are 200% correct. I'm an ex Jehovah witness.
I think you are a brilliant young man. Thank you for this sincere and heart felt video.
Well done Victor
Much love my darling and keep searching be happy and live your life
Wow did you say that you're 18,you only look like you're 8, You must have the secret to eternal life. Love and respect from Perth Australia.
More power to you; you're very intelligent! I was never such that I could be conned into a cult like the JWs, but I admire you for your maturity, and outspokenness.
Totally different if you are born in and it's all you know.
I'm so so glad you never let go of all your critical thinking. Awesome video👍 I'm getting a feeling there are thousands of young people doing exactly the same, delay baptism & finally standing up & rejecting the religion and be your Authentic Self. I wish you ALL the happiness & success there is❤🌞
he was lucky he parents were a little easier on him. He had some wiggle room at least to use his brain.
What does it mean to be my authentic self?
I cannot understand why as many as 54 people tapped a. thumbs down to this. You speak so well and are very thoughtful in choosing your words. I wonder if these people count their time spent performing these little deeds in behalf of the GB on their monthly time sheets.
Congrats on your freedom. With your voice you could be the next David Attenborough.
how do you hes telling the truth ?
Jerry Anstey I don’t know for sure. But I trust him more than the Watchtower Corporation.
I’ve been in it since birth and left when I was 50. Everything he says adds up to what I observed. He’s telling the truth.
SO the truth is very important for all of you
Wow, what an excellent video. I am so impressed that such a young age you have such clarity. 💙 I look for to more videos from you!
I was the same. It took me till I was 30 plus till I woke up, but it was tuff because my who family was i 1:53 n it so it was hard to get out. Finally I had to gave up my family and rebuild a new family out of the organization! Now, I'm 68 and thinking back, it was the right decision and I'm so happy that I'm out and free! 😊
The over hateing of apostates is done for information control and that is the real reason. If they talk, the truth comes out, that means lost donations.
Cheers on leaving the JW's. I left about 20 years ago after I grew up as a JW and was even a ministerial servant from 17-19. My father had a hard time coming to terms with me leaving since he was an Elder at the time and it was even harder when I came out as an atheist. He had many misconceptions about what being an atheist meant or what it actually meant.
Anyway, glad you were able to break free. I wish you the best!
I'd rather have questions that i can't answer than answers that I can't question
thats an amazing way to put it
18 and with that voice!!! Wow!!! Such a powerful message!!
I think all youngsters who thinks of leaving the Watchtower or having doubts should watch your videos; Great Strategy and Personality and Admirable Character you have Victor! Bravo!!!
Aww Victor what a lovely young man you are.
Welcome to the future that you choose!
You are warm and Intelligent, the world is your oyster. Best wishes xx
Good work mate. It can be an adjustment. I was raised JW left around 16 years old, 31 now. It has been a journey finding myself but well worth the leap into the unknown.
Amazing video! You are courageous and strong to have taken this path. Congratulations on your freedom!!!
Wow, when i saw the thumbnail i for sure thought you were a kid, then to hear you speak, i certainly was surprised...I'm so glad that you escaped that cult brother, i hope all of the others wake up from out of that 'sunken place' as well
Thanks for your honesty and clarity, the internet is amazing I think we can all agree on that
From an old apostate lady, you are adorbs! So happy to learn when young people have awoken.
Your video has been echoing 23 of my life . Thank you for sharing .
Well, I am one person who watched your video to the very end and I enjoyed it very much.
One thing I particularly noticed about the wording in the publications was how often the word "should, probably, hopefully, etc" occurred. A lot of the issues presented in the publications was wishful thinking, I believe.
WHAOO !! Brother you are a amazing human being
Sir !! And Weldon , you have gave yourself out from the darkness to the light
Light sir !! MAy LORD bless you brother!!
Looking forward to your next video Victor
I feel you so much, My story is pretty much the the same my entire family is in it... I'm the first one who is stepping out of it scary... but i know its something i must do
18! Bro, you have a warm voice..good for radio.
Greatest step in the right direction to your freedom,very happy for you.Many more to take for sure and one thing that helped me was freedom is power use it wisely!No rush let things happen naturally and take the love that will heal you in the most deepest ways,you will need it as you continue on your journey.
I was four years old in '75 and I remember on how the end was supposed to come. fortunately my parents didn't go over the top and took the ' wait and see ' approach.
And wow WOW wow! Your intellect and wisdom beyond your years is amazingly impressive!
You remind me of my son, his a bit older than you (23). He always knew from the beginning that the jws were nonsense. I didn't raise my kids in the org. but they were greatly influenced by it due to my parents involvement.
Fortunately you never got baptized. I wouldn't have either , but events that took place in my life when I was your age, I felt I
' owed' it to my parents. ( the whole guilt thing jws are known for) .
You are in a difficult place in your life right now. being awake but still living at home. although it could be a good thing, and maybe if your parents aren't as stubborn as mine, your parents could wake up too.
a bit of advice I've always told my kids.... don't settle, follow your dreams, don't allow anyone to pull you down, prevent you from living up to your potential. And I've always told them that no matter what they choose in life, I will always love and support them.
You are definitely going places, Victor. Please don't ever feel alone, you've got a huge exjw community filled with moms and dads, grandparents, and young ones like yourself. we all ' have your back'
and welcome you with open arms! if ever you need us, we are always here.
much love to you ❤️
-------- Jen from North Carolina U.S.
Questo e il vero amore incondizionato da L'ITALIA siete veramente una comunita di amore coraggio e speranza vi abbraccio forte viviamo la nostra vita con una buona coscenza senza restrizione e privi di una dignita propria e non essere assoggettati alla WATCHTOWER. da L'ITALIA SALUTI E BUONA VITA A TUTTI SECONDO I VOSTRI DESIDERI,
Thank you so much for your story. It's good to hear other ex Jw's testimonies.
Thank you for making this video! I appreciate your courage ! Sending love and happiness your way! :)
I woke up when I realized that I was going to spend the rest of eternity on paradise earth with my mother in law ..... no way ! I said I’m out of here !
Wow! what a voice!! Awesome video and best wishes for your future.
Thank you so much! :)
Fantastic thank you so much. So glad you saw through the lies before you got baptised. I look forward to your next video👍😊
You are extremely fortunate to have woken up at such a young age. There is a life of freedom awaiting you.
Glad to see I wasn't the only one who thought at 10 years old that if I was born in the middle East I would have been a muslim. I left before 18 tho
good for you! i'm always happy to see someone new come out.
Thankyou for sharing your experience and thoughts. You are a very intelligent guy to have started thinking so early on in your life. I’m homosexual and you said it as it is, very compassionate. Keep up the good work
I was watching, just waiting to hear your age. Your voice is soothing. Thanks for telling your story.
Victor, I am glad you were able to listen to that voice inside you that told you something was not quite right. Parents are very hard to go against when you are young. With the shunning, it is hard for youngp eople to leave. You are up against some very strong people. As you find your bearings and are free from the hold of this cult, please do not forsake God totally. I know it is easy to do. Ask Him to reveal himself to you. Ask for him to reveal the truth and lead you to people who have been able to keep a faith. Get a real bible and read it and ask the Lord to reveal the scriptures to you and get help from someone that you trust. I am a Christian and will pray for you. To me, it is all about a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. To know grace and forgiveness and who Jesus really is is freeing indeed. God bless you Victor. I will pray that as you navigate your way in life that you will meet people that can help you and help you advance in life.
Brother, you have a voice for audio. Have you given any thought into doing radio or TV? No homo, I would listen to an audiobook narrated by you.
Wow you have such a nice deep voice. I wasn't expecting that when I saw your face. I was expecting a child's voice! You look very young.
You have a great voice! Very easy on the ears. Sub'ed 😀
Oooo I wasnt allowed to sleep at conventions or meetings... and writing notes was mandatory. Your parents were chilled!
Carbon dating(and other isotopes, too) cross checked with actual archaeology, tree ring, and ice core dating all fit together as solid evidence against the Bible's "stories" of mankind's past and origin. It may not be the answer you want but the truth doesn't care how you feel. Great job of the video. You and I would have some nice conversations. I could go for some nice Norwegian ale :) Also, I think I we have the same headset, Logitech 933?
Thoroughly enjoyed your story! You have so many wonderful things to look forward to in your life! Will look forward to hearing from you soon.
Very eloquently explained and well reasoned comments on why Jehovah's Witnesses are not god's true organisation
Thank You for sharing this. I've never been a Jehovah Witness, but I've had doubts about my own Christian religion. Many of the promises that I had been taught just didn't work. IE:" Whatever you ask of the Father in my Name, He will give it to you". Try it if you want, but don't expect anything to happen. If that's not true, what else is not true???? I hate looking reality in the face, but that's what has to be done. Looking at reality can be a painful thing to have to go through, but I think it has to be done. You give me the impression of being a very intelligent young man and someone who had the ability to think for himself. This is a good video you made. Again...Thank You.
Very well articulated points! I felt the same way about so many things growing up. "Why was i born in the true religion?" Thanks for making your video!
Thank you Victor,
Your testimony helps many of us hurt by the Watchtower.
Just a side bar, your voice is perfect for audiobooks or being a professional narrator 😉 Glad you found the real truth about it all. I lost many I thought were my friends till I walked away. Learned a hard lesson that made me stronger
Thanks for adding your voice. Stay strong brother.
Bravo! I enjoyed hearing everything you said. I have been fading from the Org for the past year. Keep making videos! If you haven't already, watch Spike R, and also Kim Mikey. Spike is a former elder. Both are very knowledgeable. Also, it would be great if you would look into the camera as you are speaking, it would make it more personal.
I’m 71 and been an X for many years. Wow! You are so spot on with your videos! You being 18 and your words sound the same as I heard and felt for many years. I allowed my little child to sleep during meetings but it was ‘looked down on’. Hearing you say you were allowed brought back memories. 🙂
Thanks for getting out and welcome home!
Good luck mate you have the rest of your life in front of you.
Well done for choosing to live YOUR life YOUR way .
"I hope at least one person watches" Current views 7859!!! Well done mate, a brilliant video, very well spoken. Congratulations Victor
Thanks for sharing Victor. Congrats on your freedom.
Hahahaha!!! Love your tag. Heeehehe
Its great thanks
This rings very true to the experiences of my cousin, which she writes about in her published book ‘The Last Days’ Ali Millar. Well done on your decision to live your own life 💜
Awesome ASMR voice Victor! Thanks for sharing your journey to freedom.
I have to ask a question. Why is it that the creator Yahweh expects more of us then he did the rebellious spirits. Hew allowed the unclean spirit, the rebellious one and those opposed to suposed true worship. Why us it he holds a suposed rebellious angle, in better regard than he does he does flesh.
Godt forklaret, sobert og faktuelt. Tak Victor! 👍👍👍
I'm glad you are out, but don't give up on Jesus Christ. He is the way the truth and the life, but the 'org' have inserted themselves between His salvation. I was a JW for 25 years and now a born again Christian, and can testify to the awesome power and grace of the real truth that is in Christ alone. Blessings and peace to you.
cat newman Amen.
When to one cult to another cult
Great video! Welcome to free thinking. You have so much ahead of you now. Free to seek real truths. Free to have real friends who won't turn their back on you. Your parents sound like very nice people, try not to let their sadness and confusion effect you negatively. Show them what a great person you are now and that you are becoming, without the constant mental conflict stressing you out. I'm so glad you did not get baptized. The elders will have a lot less to work with because of that. I ,and my whole family, (who are all finally out--yes it can happen!) look forward to more videos.
Thanks for sharing, Victor. Although JW's have some important error in their teachings and you've put the whole thing behind you, I encourage you to give the real Jesus a try. If you could do an Alpha course, that's a great place to learn and ask any question. Being religious is not a great way to live in itself, but living life with God who loves you, is. And that does not mean a religion dictates your life.
You smartened up quickly! I remember as a child hearing that WE were the true faith (Catholic) and thinking the same thing.... why me and not others?! Didn’t make sense!
Well Victor, I watched it and thoroughly enjoyed it. I woke up in many of the ways you did and, having been a baptised witness for 30 years, many many more ways too! The elder that came to see me when I said I was leaving encouraged me to do so and brought ‘apostate’ literature with him to prove my doubts even more! He was the presiding overseer and only stayed because he feared losing his family. So glad you’re out! Enjoy your freedom my love.
Jane Bennett I would like to think that 50% of the JWs still in the org are awake.
Joyce Finney
Let’s hope so Joyce and let’s hope that something happens to give them all the strength to run for freedom.
Wow! I was expecting the voice of a 13-year old. The hair style and the glasses tricked me! LOL.
Me too! As soon as I heard him speak I was blown away. He has the perfect voice for radio or tv narration.
This video is so relatable. I laughed a lot of times. The pressure is also the reason why I was pissed off with the cult. Then, I started to study science, philosophy, and world religion. I realized that most of the stuff is illogical and nonsense. I know that I knew it for years but just like what Amber Scorah said in her book, Leaving the Witness, I had been "in the truth" because I was afraid of the truth.
Very well said. Your explanation is thorough and insightful. Congratulations on finding your freedom.
Viktor. Your voice is amazing. You could read a shampoo bottle and I'd be entranced. Kudos on your discernment. But dont discount a relationship with Christ. Best wishes from Arkansas
Woow.. I like your voice Victor. Keep on doing your video. I'm glad many JW awake these day 😄
I also grew up as a JW, and I am 39 now. I left in 2006/7 and I reached out to the local congregation many times, but the elders and others were just absent.
I was not associated with any church and I met my wife in 2009, started going to church. I felt so fulfilled, experienced the Holy Spirit more intense, and became involved with youth ministry. My dad is till alive, and he is an elder. Not he nor my stepmother attended my wedding in 2009 ( which was a garden wedding ceremony) just because of religious reasons - the most important day of my life! There are alot of things and practices of the JW which is Sugarcoated Bullshit. Good for you Victor! Like your voice! Take care. Respect from South Africa 🇿🇦 👏