Even easier, Isaiah 43 : 11 I-I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior. 2 Peter 1 :11 In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus being Lord and Savior is repeated in every chapter of 2 Peter. There is no excuse.
@@bobbychuckles8764 I can't answer that question, because I have not seen that phrase in the bible. Why is Issac called the only begotten son of Abraham or why did Jesus say he will raise himself from the dead? John 2:19 . How about the Trinity, if you believe in it, is God Three persons in one or one person in three? You have to understand the trinity to understand how the God relates to himself.
Great video. I used to be a JW. Reading the book of Hebrews helped wake me up. Heb. 1:5 shows Jesus is not an angel. I was shocked when I read that. Also, the scripture you mentioned in Rev 2:8 proved to me that Jesus is God. Thank you for your work!
@@eyeswideopen8570 Thank you for your testimony. Hebrews 1 was the last scripture I gave to 2 of my J.W. landlords. That was about a year ago. The writer of Hebrews was obviously addressing a false belief that was going around back then. The Jews hold the archangel Michael in high esteem so for those who couldn't handle the truth that Jesus was the Word of God who is God that came in the flesh, they made him out to be Michael, their angel. Nothing new under the sun. God bless you!
@@jwdefensor8055 I appreciate your response, but that verse doesn't mean that at all. Also where do you find in the Bible where it specifically says Jesus is Michael the Arc Angel.
Thank you so much for this teaching. I have a next door neighbour who is JW. He is elderly and physically disabled. I go over and help him with his yard and pick up some odds and ends for him. Help with little things around his house, Take out his garbage. This type of thing. He is always trying to witness to me and I am subtly witnessing back. I have told him he will never convert me. I have also told him to stop or I won't be able to continue helping him. He still tries to find a crack to put in his scriptures. So I decided to come up with a full project full of scriptures and explanations for him. This video is very helpful. I will be adding the scriptures you mentioned to my research paper. Thank you brother and God Bless you and your family. in Jesus mighty name I pray.
Yes hold his feet to the fire with these and don’t let him move on to other Scriptures or other topics and ignore these and give an unreasonable and so-so explanation.
I suspect your approach for an elderly person as he, will not be successful. Smaller inputs of scripture that will raise doubts with continuous acts of love and service will help him to see Jesus in you. We have to convert them by the same love that Jesus showed his own disciples.
Yes I completely agree with you. He did ask me why I am so happy and nice all the time. I said because I love people because God loves me. I didn't answer him properly. I have to work on for when he asks me something again. lol@@SheepDog1974
Jn. 8:24 "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins if you believe not that I AM". Jn. 8:58 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was I AM". Then the Jews picked up stones to kill him for claiming to be GOD. If the Jews knew JESUS said HE is WORD YHWH, why can't your neighbor believe what JESUS said HE is, the "I AM THAT I AM". Gen. 15:1 WORD YHWH first seen in vision, verse 15:4 seen in person. Dan. 10:16 JESUS enters and accepts worship from Daniel. JESUS speaks 1st person in Dan. 10:21 that no other person knows the truth in these prophecies but 2nd person Michael one of many chief princes. Who is seated on the throne in Isa.6:1 receiving worship, seen by Isaiah a man. Who does Jn. 12:40, 41 say Isaiah seated? If no man has seen the FATHER than it must be JESUS seated receiving worship with the title YHWH. Philp. 2:6,7 JESUS in the form of YHWH, equal with YHWH, empties the glory they both share (Jn. 17:5) to that of a servant of YHWH, then takes on the form of man. In harmony with Jn. 1:1-14.
Great video! Thanks so much. All your videos are very refreshing, like breathing in some clean air or drinking some ice cool water. The truth is so refreshing and I so appreciate you taking the time to elucidate and share it. It encourages others to keep going like coffee gets you started in the morning. Thanks for your consistent work!
people get confused about God because Jesus said "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me " So the question is WHO gave this authority to Jesus ? So God has entrusted HIS SON to bring judgement to this earth and has appointed his son to judge the earth, and so Jesus figures so much in the outworking of God's plan that people often this Jesus is God, but this is not the case, and to prove this I am going to show you one chapter out of many in the Bible which proves Jesus is not God. Take a look at 1 Cor 15; and Vs 24 to begin with which says: Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet. QUESTION: So WHO does Jesus hand over the kingdom too ? WHO puts all enemies under his feet ? Now Vs 28-7-28 which says For God “subjected all things under his feet.”But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone. QUESTION: WHO does the son subject himself to ? Does it look like Jesus is God here, considering God does NOT have a God himself ?
@@jimjuri6490 there are many people who go house to house - Mormon’s for example. Also fundamentalist baptists. Do they have the truth just because they can knock on doors?
So again, Mormons do the same. Are you guys boasting because you knock on a few doors more then the Mormons and this somehow is supposed to authentic you are the one true church or something? 🤣🤣🤣
Jehovah Witnesses are also not growing above the birth rate, which means the only way they actually grow is if someone has a baby. Even then the odds are fairly high they will leave the cult at 18. Then at which point you will undoubtedly utterly shun them. Sad.
I have a list of questions saved that I used when JW's would come knocking on my door. They never are able to answer the questions and say they will get back to me, but they never did. I think they blocked my address from their door knocking list because they have not knocked on my door in a few years. Great video!!!
@@abideintheWord Oddly enough my wife and I were discussing this. I was doing zoom classes with folks on end times and being eternity minded. I think my next step is to take the end time course I wrote and create them as videos online. My new job also keeps me busier than my old one. Also spending more scripture time with my 12 year old. I’ll be jumping back to videos soon God permitting.
Awesome tips! I will have to use them! Some other passages I have used that translate through their version of the “bible” is when Jesus names Himself the LORD of the Sabbath here “ Matthew 12:1-8, Mark 2:23-28 and Luke 6:1-5” You can ask them, does God allow an angel to be LORD of His 10 commandments above Himself? Another verse I have used is Matthew 3:3 or 11:10 where it says John is the one who was referred to in Isaiah as the one who prepares the way for the LORD. If you go to Isaiah 40:3, the verse they reference, the verse says “ 3 A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way(G) for the Lord[a]; make straight(H) in the desert a highway for our God.[b](I)” So is John making the path for God? Is Jesus God? There are also passages where the disciple’s worshipped Jesus and He did not reprimand them for it but when angels in Revelation were worshipped (even as a way of honoring only which they claim said worship is) John was instantly reprimanded by the angel Yes they won’t read anything but their “bible”. I have had Jehovahs Witnesses run from my house saying something like get behind me Satan! Lol. They can reason their way out of Jesus’ name being the first and the last by saying well, Jesus said He came in His Father’s name. Here is a segment from gotquestions.org about Jesus being worshipped vs angels. Just after Jesus amazed the disciples by walking on water, “those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matthew 14:33). Two more memorable examples of Jesus accepting worship occurred just after His resurrection. Some of the women (Matthew 28:8-9; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10) were on their way to tell the disciples of the resurrection when Jesus met them on their way. When they realized it was He, they “came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him” (Matthew 28:9). Then there is the case of Thomas, who didn’t believe Jesus had risen from the dead despite the other disciples’ testifying to that fact. It had been about a week since the resurrection, and Thomas still doubted it. Jesus, knowing Thomas doubted, appeared to him and showed him the nail marks in His hands and feet and the wound in His side. How did Thomas respond? “Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:28). In none of these instances do we see Jesus telling those worshiping Him to stop, as did mere men and even angels who were being worshiped wrongly by others (Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:9-10).
Amen! Great scripture to refute them. I was told by an elderly lady in my apartment complex (J.W. landlords) that I was listening to Satan. She held her tongue when I said I was quoting straight from God's word. Sadly she has no problem displaying her anger. Another good scripture to prove that the Lord Jesus is to be worshipped and called "Lord" is (Philippians 2:10-11) Since their version of the Bible in the N.T. has in many places the name Jehovah added, I suppose they do not refer to God the Father........as Father. So sad!
Isaiah 40:3 is a good one! In my time dealing with JW’s, Calvinists, eternal security, and people of different false religions and denominations I have learned that people can twist any verse they so please, no matter how plain and straightforward it is. Ever heard the saying where there is a will there is a way? Well, if you want to defend your false doctrine bad enough you will stop at nothing to twist, mangle, and bend the scriptures in order to fit your theology. Like the verses you brought up about the NUMEROUS times Jesus was worshipped. They explain all those away (twist those passages) by saying that in the Greek the word there doesn’t always mean to worship but it can also mean something else like something to the effect of lying flat. But yet even that implies worship. I have learned there is no end to it. You give them one verse that there is no possible way of them refuting it, and they find a way to twist it no matter how plain it is. It’s sad they can’t just believe the Bible! Stay strong.
@@abideintheWord Sadly true brother. When believing the Bible the phrase "it is written" pops into my mind. And the only true interpretation is within itself....scripture will interpret scripture. God bless.
So true. I have had them say it isn’t worship, it is showing honor. They twist any good proof. Satan twisted God’s word to Jesus Himself in the desert temptation! Your verses are really good to have and use with JW’s. Strong. (I hope I didn’t imply otherwise!) I just remembered how they have twisted stuff w me and instantly thought, oh man they might do this with it and weasel out saying Jesus came in His Father’s Name. A rebuttal to their potential rebuttal could be saying then why are we to be baptized in the name of the Father AND the Son AND the Holy Spirit? The Son here is named independently from the Father’s name in this crucial act. And if they claim well yeah it’s just something He does for Jehovah then 1 Corinthians 1:13-15 could help where Paul is grateful he baptized few so they would not claim they were baptized “in Paul’s name” and encourages them to follow Christ. Yet everyone is to be baptized in Jesus name, so this means something significant about His equality to the Father and Spirit. But you know what, Jesus’ disciples said did you know you offended them about the Pharisees/ Sadducees and He said “leave them alone, they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind they will fall into a pit.” Totally non-chalantly, just move on, shake the dust off your feet if they don’t accept your message, even flee from towns that persecute you, etc. Their twisting is a helpful clue to us I am realizing, to make our time count and move on. Their twisting is indicative that no matter if you gave them gold they would spit on it. Don’t throw your pearls before swine. Their twisting is a gift that saves us time and makes us more effective, like a warning label. After 2 or 3 statements if they are twisted (just in case they might be processing through questions) it may be time to move on. It isn’t failure on our part because their blood is not on our hands, it is their failure to have ears to hear or not be blind. And we cannot do for them more than what Jesus did not choose to achieve in His ministry. We can’t be better than God or go against His plan for who can hear and come to Him. Jesus didn’t convert those who opposed him but those who listened, and only some of them remained with Him for the long haul. We should just obey Jesus and shake the dust off our feet when they twist things and move on. Our time on earth is precious and this is part of being a good steward of it. In a way, it’s a huge relief to realize in these instances we can just walk away (we are commanded to) and not feel like a failure based on their response to us. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. And even the prophets were stoned and killed for sharing the truth. I am pondering if our faithfulness in sharing may be what God judges, even if not one soul repents, and in His eyes it may still be a success because we were faithful in our part. I used to feel like I would be a failure until I have converted a soul but am realizing, don’t those two witnesses in Revelation exist yet no one repents in the entire book!? They died and were resurrected and taken up into glory. Their “failure” wasn’t failure but success.
@@everlybnb2409 That was such a blessing to read! We can only do what we can do and nothing more. Even if God calls people out of there or anywhere it is still up to them to heed the call. God bless you!
I recently talked with 2 JWs. I showed them where Jesus says He is the First and the Last. I showed them how God says the same thing in Isaiah. They told me that Christ means the first from the resurrected from the Father (like the verses which say that Christ is the firstfruits of the dead) and the last from the resurrected from the Father cuz from now on Jesus is going to resurrect all believers. Ridiculous explanations. They struggled to give me a normal answer on Acts 5:3 too. I asked them "how do you lie to a power?" (Cuz they believe the Holy Spirit is not a person but a power). They tried to tell me that this just means lying to Jehovah, but the problem is that the verse doesnt say they lied Jehovah but the Holy Spirit. All the verses in which the Holy Spirit is referred as He and personal characteristics are clearly seen are a big weakness to their heresies.
Yeah, I believe I have heard that explanation. But they are just adding all that in there. It doesn’t say that anywhere in Revelation. Plus, the last resurrected makes no sense because how can you be the first resurrected and also the last resurrected? They are clearly grasping for straws on that one. Wouldn’t that be blasphemy either way to give yourself the same title as the Father unless you were God? But I’m sure many will buy that explanation because unfortunately most do not want the truth. It reminds me of the OSAS’ers who when you confront them with a verse that clearly proves you can lose your salvation, they just add a whole bit of words into the text that just aren’t there and hope everyone buys into it. But they can’t just read and believe scripture for what it says. They have to add their own man-made theology into the text and they end up destroying it. Many Christian will say when Jesus says cut off your arm if it causes you to sin or you will go to hell, Jesus really just means that you won’t go to hell and He really just wants you to realize that you can stop sinning and you just need your sin to be covered over via imputed righteousness. Therefor they destroy the words of Jesus. Ridiculous that people would buy into that.
@@scottgrey2877 The verse doesnt say "you lied to the Father". It says "you lied to the Holy Spirit". Also in Rev later Jesus says He is not only the first and the last bur also Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Obviously titles of Jehovah so stop being in denial. Cut off your presupositions and go with what the Bible clearly supports - that Jesus is God.
Yeah, the 1st & the Last [Alpha & Omega] are really powerful verses. It works well with Muslims too. Even in the Q-ran it states the same thing. 57:3 states, 'He is the First and the Last, the Most High and Most Near,1 and He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.'
I had a great conversation with a husband and wife. I told them I want to use the NWT and took them to Isaiah 43:10. YOU are my witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none. then I took them to John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a God. I told them the problem is I'm monotheistic but they are apparently polytheists. We talked for about 20 minutes but after I said that, they couldn't get away fast enough. I told them to read their version but cross reference the lexicon. Acts 20:28 is also great. I just need to know how to keep the conversation going after we reach those difficult verses for them.
Praise God! The key is not to appear confrontation or argumentative. They are trained to get away if they think you are only there to argue and not ask questions.
@@jimjuri6490 maybe I need to learn more then. Can you explain thus verse for me? Acts 20:28 NIV Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. Also, how can Jesus in Revaltion call Himself the Alpha and the Omega. This is a title only for God Almighty. These are only the foothills of Christs divinity, the mountain still remains.
Good video....i ask them a time who inspire the WT to interpret d bible? They say GOD...then i show them how the same WT on more than one ocassion claim that they ARE NOT INSPIRED...i never got a respond from them
John 12:39-41/Isaiah 6:1-4 John tells us Jesus is Jehovah If you ask Isaiah who he saw when he "saw his glory," he would say Jehovah, but if you ask John, who Isaiah saw, he would say Jesus. Psalms 102:25-27/Hebrews 1:10-12 The pre-eminence of Jehovah is applied to Jesus Christ. The Father calls the Son God. Colossians 1:15-17 The word "first-born" is used as a title. We see that word consistently used as a title when applied to David when Jehovah will make him his "first-born higher than the kings of the earth" (Psalm 89:25-27) The word "first-born" is a title, and we know that because David is the youngest of eight brothers Also, the word "first-born" is used. In Exodus 4:22 where Jehovah will make Israel his firstborn. Israel was not the first created nation, so we see that the word "firstborn" is a title. Other references to First born: (Jeremiah 31:9)(1 Chronicles is 5:1-2) The word "other" has been added to NWT in Colossians 1:15-17 four times. The usage of the word "other" is not found in any other translation, and it's not even in the original koine greek Paul wrote it in. John 8:58/Exodus 3:14 Jesus calls himself the "I AM" in the Exodus, where that is a name only used for Jehovah. Jesus says before Abraham was I AM, meaning he is taking the title of God, and then the Pharisees try to kill him for alleged blasphemy.
Here's a list of some of the times that the bible mentions Jesus as God . 2 Peter 1:1 Romans 9:5 Titus 2:13 Colossians 2:9 John 20:28 (Thomas Calls Jesus God) Isaiah 9:6 Philippians 2:6-11/Isaiah 45:23 1 Timothy 3:16 Jesus calls himself God John 8:24 John 8:58 referring back to Exodus 3:14 John 13:19 Thomas calls Christ God (John 20:28) John calls him God (John 12:41/Isaiah 6:1-4) Peter calls him God (2nd Peter 1:1) Paul calls him God (Romans 9:5) Jude calls him God (Jude 1:25) Isaiah calls him God (Isaiah 9:6) "El Gibbor" Jehovah calls him God (Hebrews 1:6-12/Psalm 102:25-27) And Jesus himself claims to be God: ("Ego Eimi"/I AM) (John 8:58/Exodus 3:14) (John 8:28) (John 13:19)
Praise God! Check out my gospel playlist. It’s incredibly important to make sure you have the correct gospel as many church today have a false counterfeit one. Make sure it’s not you! The deception is everywhere!
If anyone here is struggling to study this stuff, all I can say is be willing to get destroyed in an argument with them, so that you can be fueled with passion to learn why everything they said is wrong. That's what happened to me, and now, the Trinity is one of my strongest points of doctrine that I have learned.
I have a friend who is JW and it breaks my heart because she’s old enough to be my mom and she’s tried to witness to me, I know I can’t outright tell her she’s wrong but if I don’t witness to her. The blood is in my hands :(
2:17 "told they'll go to hell". JWs don't believe in hell. The first scripture in Revelation is not irrefutable to a knowledgeable JW. They explain this by simply saying both Jehovah and Jesus have the title of "the Frist and the Last", each for different reasons. They say that when applied to Jesus it means he is the first and last person to be raised up to heavenly life by Jehovah himself. All others to be raised to heavenly life will be raised by Jesus. Quite a satisfying and reasonable answer without the slightest whiff of BS, don't you think? The explanation for the second scripture from Daniel is that being called one of the chief princes doesn't mean there are others of equal status with Michael. There is another chief prince who is of higher status than Michael, and that chief prince is ... (drum roll) ... Jehovah! And I'm not kidding you here these are the actual Watchtower explanations for these two scriptures. Check their online library if you don't believe me. There is no Bible question that can stump a JW in the sense of proving their beliefs wrong. They may not personally know the answer but they just know without a doubt that there is an answer to be found in their publications, because they belong to the only true religion and are given spiritual food by the Faithful and Discreet Slave and you're just a member of "christendom" misled by false religion, so you couldn't possibly be right about something that they're wrong about. They just have to go research their publications to see what it says and they can come back with an answer for you from the spiritual food provided by Jehovah's "spirit-directed" - but not inspired - organization led by the Slave that was appointed by Jesus in 1919. And if you don't accept the answer it's because you're too prideful and worldly and lack the humility to accept/or understand the answer. Sometimes it will seem like a JW is stumped by your question because they can't answer. But no, it's not that. They're just choosing not to answer because they sense that you have impure motives for asking. And sometimes you may even hear them say something along those lines when you ask them a question: "What is your reason for asking that question?" or "You seem to know a lot about our teachings - have you studied with JWs before?" or "Were you one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" or "We're not here to argue or get into debates". So it's totally because of those reasons that they're not answering and not because you've stumped them in any way. 😉
Listen, anyone can “explain” a verse to fit their theology. Doesn’t mean it makes any rational sense whatsoever. Your explanations are completely absurd. You just add all that in Revelation 2:8 and hope that people buy it. But the truth it, what you said simply isn’t there. It never says that He is called the First and the Last because He is the first and Last resurrected. How absurd. What a really poor explanation. How does that even make sense that He is the last resurrected AND the first resurrected. That’s really grasping at straws and just not being honest. Sorry. Again, anyone can “explain” any verse. But your explanation is simply absurd and anyone with an honest heart would see you are trying to make it fit your theology instead of making your theology fit the scriptures.
Looking back over your response to Daniel 10:13, i have to ask - are you being serious? You think Daniel was talking about the other chief princes being Jehova Himself? And better yet, I’m prideful if I don’t accept this absolutely absurd answer? You’re kidding me? 🤣🤣🤣
Yep, they are just like many denominations that have a cult like mentality that they are the only true ones. They are puffed up in their sick pride. This can be traced back as far as the Pharisees. James 4:6 King James Version 6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. 1 Peter 5:5 King James Version 5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
There were quite a few cults that started up since the 1800's that do not believe in hell or paradise after death. They believe in soul sleep which comes from Judaism. Many if not all of those cults have traces of Judaism in them.
@CherylArsenault123 now this ridiculous term "soul sleep" that you'll pagan doctrines believers believes in,is still contrary to what we believes in to what... the Scriptures actually teaches about the condition of the dead,just because it is *you'll...* who believes contrary to Scripture teaches that we *don't have an immortal soul* that *lives* on after death,so hence there's you'll stupid coined believe in *"soul sleep"* which pushes you and your fellow gullible minions to have the audacity to say such *NONSENSE* that this is what we believes in,get your facts straight first Miss Lady!! We believes(not you'll)in what the Scriptures in *Ezekiel* 18:4 says;The *soul* that is sinning it itself *will die* (not it could or it might or maybe ect.ect.ect...) but as it is said it *WILL...* die, but it is you'll who chooses to believe the lies about what Satan says that the soul doesn't dies but it goes of *alive..* into Hell-fire(Pagan doctrine) or goes of *alive...* into Heaven(again in general it is a Pagan false doctrine belief)so hence (according to you'll... *not us* )there's no stupid silly nonsensical *"soul sleep"* crap paganism ideologies which is you and your fellow gullible minions who are the ones that are caught up in into *thinking* that this is the *crap* you'll thinks we believes in, so get that nonsense out of your head please & Thanks!!! So I have one *PLOT TWIST* question for *YOU...* from the Scriptures seeing that it is you'll beliefs( *not our beliefs* )in the opposite *"soul sleep"* nonsense that you says it what we believes in, then here's the QUESTION; Where was Jesus' good friend Lazarus immortal soul was and was doing for those *four days* that he was dead for seeing that it you'll who *don't believes* in what God's words says about the true condition of the dead but prefers to believes in Satan's doctrine that the *soul doesn't dies* but it lives on and transcends to the the spirit realms seeing that you'll don't believe in you'll own stupid make up idea of *"soul sleep"* cause after all Jesus did say that our friend Lazarus has gone to *sleep...* in death?😅 So I'll be waiting on you here ✋️
This was well done! I have written these verses down. I pray the Lord will bring some J.W,'s to my door to have a Bible Study. My Bible is the Old King James and I love it. The Holy Spirit can lead just the right people to my door to minister to. They used to visit me years ago but decided I was incorrigible so quite coming. Maybe the Lord will send me some new people to witness to of what the Lord Jesus has done in my life in saving me over 44 years ago. I have never been the same since!!! Praise the Lord!!
Praise God! And thank you for the encouraging words. I have found that JW’s are really no different than most Protestants when it comes down to it. Protestants have their own doctrines like eternal security and faith alone, and almost no amount of scriptures can break through what they have been taught. They believe they are 100% correct just like the JW’s, Mormons, Calvinists, Catholics, Orthodox, Methodists, etc etc etc
My brother is an elder in the J.W.s and has been in the cult since the late 1960's. It breaks my heart for him to swallowed such a lie and that he is lost. I was saved in 1978 and have prayed for him with all my heart for the last 44 yearw. I KNOW that the Lord knows exactly how to reach him (just as He knew exactly how to reach me) and I KNOW the Lord will do for him exactly what he needs Him to do to bring him to the real Jesus Christ for salvation!
@@kathleenmckeithen118 Kathleen unless they examine the teaching they cannot wake up. If you tell them the truth they will not listen because they are convinced that they have the truth.
@@Puta692 It is never the Christian witness who convinces and convicts the lost. It is the Holy Spirit who actually does the work in the lost person's heart. We witness as the Lord uses us, yes, but, thank the Lord, it doesn't fall on us to convince the lost to wake up!!♥
I once did a bunch of research to prove things to jehovahs witness. Wish I could find it again bc you would be surprised how much is in their translation.
Oh yes. I haven’t looked too far into the NWT, but I do know they have perverted verses like in John 1 where it says the Word was with God and the Word was a god. Amazing how they can claim Jesus was a god, but not God. Wow.
Thanks and God bless you. Check out my other playlists as well on the truth gospel of Christ and things like eternal security and faith alone. There are MANY false teachers out there just as the Bible warns us about in these last days. God bless!
In Revelation 1:17, 18 “I am the First and the Last and the one who lives. I was dead, but now I live forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and Hades.” - Revelation 1:17, 18 We see that here, the title "First and Last" has certain boundaries within the theme of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, as seen in verse 18. Christ was the first to be resurrected in the first resurrection and the last to be resurrected directly by Jehovah God. Subsequent participants in this resurrection will be resurrected by God through Christ because he has been entrusted with the “keys of Hades.” (John 6:40; 1 Cor. 6:14) Christ was the first fruits of those who fell asleep in death. (1 Cor. 15:20; Rev. 1:5) Significantly, when the title “First and Last” is once again applied to Jesus in Revelation 2:8, it is again associated with death and resurrection. When this is said about Jehovah in Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 48:12, no semantic framework is established.
@@revilotnek1610 see, you’re doing exactly what God warned about - ADDING to the words in Revelation. You just ADDED the words the last to be directly resurrected by Jehovah. This is what will happen to you - “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18-19 NKJV
@@revilotnek1610 it simply doesn’t say that. You just added all that to fit your doctrine instead of just letting the Scriptures speak for themselves. You will face the plagues of that book.
Here's some more.....Jesus the Lord is the Saviour. John 4:42 King James Version 42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world. 2 Timothy 1:10 King James Version 10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel: Titus 2:10 King James Version 10 Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. 2 Peter 3:18 King James Version 18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. ......................................... Isaiah 43:11 King James Version 11 I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour. Isaiah 45:21 King James Version 21 Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me. Hosea 13:4 King James Version 4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.
Thank you for making videos like this. I was raised a JW. Had a very loving happy upbringing. Had no idea it was a demonic cult until just this past year. (I’m 43 years old with two children) So videos like this, made in love and truth are life saving for me. Indoctrination is NOT easy to get out of your head. I cry every day for my friends and family who have been deceived by an agent of Satan. Like Saul who was helping murder Christians- Jesus himself had to come down and wake him up. I ask that you pray hard for the JW’s trapped inside this dark cult. Please pray for them. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 God bless this ministry and the faith you have in our Lord Jesus. It’s notable that most JW’s who leave the cult become atheists. It’s so sad. And I kid you not, most witnesses hope that you become an atheist before a true Christian or doubt their “Governing Body”. I hope Jesus mercy will be there for the witnesses who really were tricked and not blatantly ignoring Him.
Either they become atheists, or they get lulled to sleep in a false church that preach eternal security, faith alone, etc. It’s so sad to see people come out of one deception only to come into another just as bad. Beware, be on guard! Stay close to Jesus!
You are a liar. James was written to Jews who weren’t saved? So when I show you that’s an outright lie, will you repent? Or will you like so many others not even care and keep defending your wickedness? “My brethren, do not hold the 👉faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality.” James 2:1 NKJV
@@melicmayflower so the verse I just gave says they had faith in our Lord Jesus, and you say they weren’t believers? Should I believe you or Scripture?
What about Isaiah 9:6; that seems pretty clear For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Yeah but Jesus is not literally the Father. Plus, in John 1 where it was the Word became flesh and WAS GOD, they simply just say that really means He was A god. Which brings up the issue of polytheism. I imagine they could argue the same thing here.
@@jimjuri6490 Isaiah 6:9 is a FUTURE Event yes...Of Jesus Birth, which HAS Happened, so THIS Passage HAS BEEN Fulfilled, He IS Prince of Peace, Eternal Father
I watched some vids today curios what mormons JWs believe. Its interesting how quickly Mormonism can be explained vs the time needed to explain jws. It seems mormonism is an obvious and blatant cult type religion. Jws is more nuanced that twist the truth in a more subtle maner. Though obviouslyvwrong to most Christians it appears to require more time learning about it, in order to properly refute it
@@dashriprock5720 the reason for that is JW’s tend to theoretically make the Bible their authority (even though they really make the Watchtower’s interpretation their authority), whereas Mormons have other books outside the Bible so it’s easier to refute.
Thanks! I've used Rv/Is but not the Daniel one. Here are two more: 1. 2Th2 the jw Bible says that God will build a future temple on the Temple Mount that the "Man of Sin" will enter. Ask: Where is this Temple in the Bible. They say "Ezekiel." Show the JW Ezekiel where it says that the area is 25X the size of the Temple Mount. 2. Show them twice where Paul said that the Man of lawlessness is restrained "NOW" in 51AD. If that's true, the Man of Lawlessness is almost 2,000 years old in the year 2023 !!!
@jimjuri6490 In context, "God's Temple" would be understood by the Thessalonians as the one in Jerusalem in 51AD when "Herod's Temple" was standing. The Man of Sin is the same one Jesus talked about who commits abominations during the "Great Tribulation" that are followed up by the "burning of their city (Jerusalem)" as described in Mt 22: 1-14. All those things happened from 66-70 AD as recorded by Josephus and others.
@jimjuri6490 My theory is different but not enough to vigorously defend. My theory: The restrainer holding the man of sin is God. He let's him go for a little while (42 months) 66-70AD to wreak havoc and fight God's Army. The reason the RCC and church fathers are so far from the truth is that the Saints were caught up in the air to fight with Christ against the Hebrews in Jerusalem leaving a vacuum of doctrine that was filled with false teaching ... just my thoughts that I won't defend cuz I'm not too concerned about what happened after 70AD.
Thus saith Jehovah, thy Redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb: I am Jehovah, that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth (who is with me?); Isaiah:44:24
How about Isaiah 9:6? I have tried talking to a few on street corners, try to get them to compare their bible with scripture. Haven't had much luck so far. I know Isaiah 9:6 is the same in their bible. I will try and remember Isaiah 44:6/Rev 2:8 also if I try again.
JWs explain the "First and the Last" as being true of Jesus in a different way than they think applies to Jehovah, who is eternal and timeless. They believe Jesus is the "first" to have resurrected back to spiritual life and the "last" to be resurrected in that fashion, as a perfect atonement to negate Adam's sin. Jesus, as "a god," lesser than Jehovah God, is a different and lesser "first and last" in a way that doesn't interfere with Isaiah 44:6. This is what I've gleaned from my discussions with JWs.
@@cpenrose100 except it doesn’t say that. Remember what the penalty is for ADDING to the book of Revelation? Yikes! Also that doesn’t even make any sense. The last to be resurrected by Jehovah in that fashion? He is the ONLY one to be resurrected in that way. How rediculous.
I just had a conversation with a very sweet JW girl we met at karaoke and really hit it off but when I connected with her on Facebook and we talked about doing double dates a little bit later she said actually I'm sorry I really can't hang out with people one-on-one outside of Faith unless we're talking about the bible. And I just instinctively know that's wrong and I said to her if just being friends with someone who believes differently than you is dangerous because it could crumble your beliefs then maybe your beliefs are built on Sand and not a solid rock
So the Bible says before you try to help your brother to first get the log out of your own eye, because then you won’t be able to see clearly to help your brother out. Have you understood the true gospel of the Lord? There is a lot of deception out there -
I got on my cellphone and did a quick check lol. I found they explain the "first and last" referring to Jesus in Revelation as saying he was the first and last to have died and been resurrected. As for the verse in Daniel talking about the rank, the quick research I did, didn't show an explanation for that. It only highlighted that the Persian prince was a demon.
Yeah I’ve heard that explanation. Doesn’t hold water because it’s simply not in the text. That’s absurd. They are just completely comfortable with just adding to the text in order to support their doctrine. sad.
CHRIST enters the room and Daniel faints at HIS presence. Daniel gives CHRIST worship. JESUS then speaks in 1st person of the only other that knows the prophecy being true besides Himself is Michael.
Dan. 10 takes it farther when CHRIST enters the room and Daniel gives CHRIST worship. JESUS speaks in 1st person of Michael knowing the prophecies with him. Another verse is Jehovah seated on HIS throne in Isa. 6:1. Jn. 12:40,41 says the Jehovah seated is JESUS. They will argue it is the FATHER, but if no man has seen the FATHER then it must be JESUS on HIS Throne. Another is John the Babtist makes the highway straight for the coming of YHWH aka GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
I am a Jehovah’s Witness for 30+ years heavily studied in the Hebrew and Greek, my friend. I respectfully say that your hermeneutics is incorrect. You referred to Isaiah44:6 where God refers to himself as the first and the last, and then you proceeded to revelations 2:8 and said Jesus is using this language towards himself i’m not real sure if you understand the context of Isaiah 44, but for the sake of the argument, let’s go with it because in revelations, chapter 2:8 it gives us the context it’s in regard to his resurrection he’s the first to be raise from the dead by God look at Colossians 1:18,1 corinthians 15:23 and also revelations1:5 … also staying in revelations 2:18 it refers to Jesus as the son of God, the son of who God.. if we go down to verse 26 of this chapter, it reads to the one who is victorious, and does my will to the end. I will give them authority over the nations, verse 27 that one will rule them with an iron scepter, and will dash them to pieces like pottery, just as I have received authority from my father.. just like the ones who receive authority from Jesus because he’s their superior, the same way, Jesus makes clear he receives authority from his father, because the father is his superior … so this idea that Jesus is using this language upon himself as we read in Isaiah 44 is just respectfully bad hermeneutics not to mention what does revelations1:1 say a revelation by Jesus Christ, which GOD GAVE HIM … all the information in revelations comes from Jehovah God not Jesus he just repeats it … and in brief, I’m going to speak on Daniel 10:13 because once again, you’re lacking an understanding of the Scriptures, and how things flowed over time at that time, when Daniel chapter 10 was written, he was one of the foremost angels as you say, but after his death and resurrection, what do we read in Hebrews 1:4 it says he became superior than the angels … also read 1 Peter 3:22…… now he’s spoken of Michael, the Archangel, the chief of all the angels he he was not in this position in Daniel chapter 10 because in Hebrews chapter 1 it says he has became superior after he gave purification for our sins through his death, and sat down at the right hand of the majesty in heave he’s not the majesty he’s sitting beside the majesty in heaven, I would also like to point out that in revelations3:14 Jesus said three times he has a God ..so I would like to offer you and your listeners/viewers to talk to a Jehovah’s Witness. If you have questions about our belief, I have a phone number that I dedicate to these things not my personal number a number for these kinds of conversations and it is 573-2 39-0319 if you’re interested in a cordial respectful conversation. Please text me and we can make arrangements.
@@abideintheWord yes Jesus is the first to be resurrected by Jehovah God, and the last one to be resurrected by Jehovah God all the rest of humanity is going to be resurrected by Jesus in order /rank…1 corinthians15:20-23; John 6:54; John 11:25 ; acts 2:24; revelations 1:18…
@@markjackson5035 except it doesn’t say any of that. You see, you are ADDING to the text of Revelation to support your doctrine. Let me remind you about what a revelation says to anyone who ADDS to the book. “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Revelation 22:18-19 NKJV
@@abideintheWord first off, I didn’t add any scriptures to the Bible. It’s allowing the Bible to self interpret itself. You’re claiming that Jesus in revelations chapter 2 by calling himself the first and the last you’re inferring that he’s calling himself Jehovah because of the language I’m showing you that that absolutely cannot be accurate first off the book of revelations, didn’t originate with Jesus. It was a revelation given to him by God why would that be the case if he’s the all knowing God… secondly, this first and last statement is connected to his resurrection and he’s the only one God resurrected no one else Jesus resurrect all others you’re just simply saying well God said this, and Isaiah so look at revelations chapter 2 Jesus is God if that’s the case explain to me what’s going on in revelations3:14 because Jesus cannot be the first in the last in the way that you’re talking because he has a God …. you’re simply inferring that this is the case I’m using multiple scriptures for multiple different Bible verses that show that is not correct, including many verses in revelations 2… you’re just simply saying this is true
@@markjackson5035 no, you added the first and the last to be resurrected. Nowhere in the context or ANYWHERE in Scripture does it say that. You simply added that in to support your theology, but it’s just not there.
Your second example, where Michael is described as ONE of the angels doesn't really refute their belief that he is the chief amongst them. This indicates he is of the same _kind_ , but doesn't necessarily deny that there is no hierarchy amongst them. They'll see this so I don't think I'll be using it. First example is fine though..
No except it says one of the CHIEF archangels, not just one of the angels. Think about it like if you said ONE a of the presidents of the United States.
Thank you for your informative video. Another verse comparison. Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 48:12, with Revelation 1:17,18. Jesus is the first and last, Amen. Important to remember... don't be hateful. Do everything in love.
@abideintheWord Not at all, brother! This is a note for anyone who would witness, to anyone, for that matter, as a motivation for their effort. I love the way you explained this message.
I tried this with some JWs at a college campus and showed them Rev 2:8 and they used Colossians 1:15 saying when Jesus said He was the First and Last He was referring to being the first born of all creation. They also used Rev 3:14. I did not know how to refute them. Any suggestions?
Brother Dean greetings. Next time they try saying Jesus is a created being tell them to go to Rev 5:13 (even in their own bible) “And i heard every creature in heaven and on earth and underneath the earth and on the sea and all the things in them (everywhere possible) saying “to the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and honor and the glory and the might forever and ever” Notice all created beings listed in this verse yet Jesus was seperate feom the created beings. He was with God mentiond seperately.
As far as Revelation 3, you must first show them revelation 1. Jesus is speaking and he tells them what are the seven angels of the seven churches. So it clearly shows that Revelation 3 CANNOT be about him being created. And he laid his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the Firstk and the Last,l 18 and the living one,m and I became dead,n but look! I am living forever and ever,o and I have the keys of death and of the Grave.*p 19 So write down the things you saw, and the things that are, and the things that will take place after these. 20 As for the sacred secret of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars mean the angels of the seven congregations, and the seven lampstands mean the seven congregations. As far as Colossians 1:15 look at the Greek meaning of the word firstborn. It means source of all creation, not first created. Paul would have used a different word Here is a good article. Take them to the end of Ezekiel 1. You see one like a human in heaven, not an angel who is speaking. Then take them to Ezekiel 2. We clearly see it’s Jehovah speaking. It Jehovah the Son. www.letusreason.org/Trin29.htm
I'll share my story of a recent contact with one of these JWs. I had a "Jehovah’s Witnesses" come to my door recently and it was very very sad to 'witness' what played out next. The poor guy was straight into his 'sales pitch' as they are trained to do when I asked why did he think there was a god in the first place. He stopped turned around and said because of all this. {pointing at well everything including my garden} I explained that the tree and grass were both from seeds as I planted them. I explained that other religions with different gods have told me that the same tree/grass is from their god(s). So now I explained very politely that I have a problem. This guy says the tree/grass is only from his god and the others are false gods whereas they said the tree/grass was only from their god and all the others are fake. I asked him how I could actually tell where the tree/grass came from other than the seed that I set and he told me to, and I'll quote him word for word here: "Stop being difficult and just believe what I am telling you because I am right and they are wrong' He immediately started back up with "well now you believe me and my god is the only true god, we will carry on" and carried on with his sales pitch. So I simply went back inside my house and I am not sure he even noticed as he blathered endlessly from his man-made storybook. I was indoctrinated into a nasty version of Christianity that taught hell to small children. Horrible times and so glad to have left religion and the nonsense supernatural world. It is very sad to see a grown man so stuck in his magical thinking that he cannot see the wood for the trees (or trees from the seeds!!) that of course only came from his deity. This is the problem of childhood indoctrination into a magical way of thinking. It's why we have religions based on geography. Children are so lucky to have been born into the correct religion, their parents/families/countries' religion. It's why there are Christians in the Bible Belt (US), Hindus in Nepal and Muslims in Iraq. To be honest I have also had Christians say the same silly things to me like, just shut up and believe. News flash, no one can just believe any claim without first being convinced of that claim. It's why churches operate 'Sunday Schools' to indoctrinate the next generation to keep their 10% of that person's salaries. It's only ever about the money and power that it brings. I tell people these days that people should, Teach their children 'how' to think and not 'what' to think or this sad man will be the fruit on your tree. Personally, I am sorry that you are stuck in your religion just as these JWs are. You see to me as you tell others that these JWs are just following 'what they have been told' I see no difference with any religions, yours included. You should really look into your book, 'that just says a thing' at the unauthored document assigned to Matthew. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? With the complete absence of any 'good' evidence for the supernatural world and deities, remember to "Teach children 'how' to think and not 'what' to think" Best Gray
“Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up-if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” I Corinthians 15:12-20 NKJV
@@abideintheWord Many thanks for quoting a part of a book at me. Any thoughts on why I or anyone else should be interested in that book other than the historical interest of people writing at the time period? Thanks Gray
@@grayintheuk8021 as I answered, and as Paul said to a similar line of questioning, if Christ did not raise from the dead, then our faith is in vain and we are to be pitied among all. You think that we are to be pitied. So my response to you is to look into Jesus’ death burial and resurrection. There is a plethora of evidence that proves He did in fact rise from the dead. If this is true, then it’s only Him who can speak to the afterlife as no one else has risen from the dead - not Muhammad, not Buddha, not anyone else. But the question is, do you truly WANT to know the truth, or do you love your sin too much to give it up?
@@abideintheWord Hey I want to know the truth but was not aware that there are sources outside of the bible from that time period that backs up the claims being made in the bible. Sure a ton of people have said a ton of stuff hundreds of years later and people are always claiming an 'empty tomb' but as far as I am aware we have nothing. Biblical scholars say the same thing, it's only when you get apologetics do we get claims made on claims. So yes I want to know the truth but have not seen the peer-reviewed truth being presented. If you have this, "plethora of evidence that proves He did, in fact, rise from the dead." please may you present it? Many thanks Gray I do want the truth, please do not say that I don't or love this 'sin' too much as is so often thrown around by Christians like some grenade of their truth.
I don’t read that book because it what I was raised in by my family. I was not raised in a religious family. When I open the Bible, I see the answers to all the questions of mankind. Where did we come from. How was the earth formed. Science, history, astronomy, and the laws of mankind are contained in Gods revealed word. If there are many gods, which one do you follow? Because there is only One True Living God and He has revealed Himself through His word. When we walk in His ways the fruit of His Spirit is live, joy, peace, patience, kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness and self control. Our world would be so amazing if everyone followed these ways 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith,[e] as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”[f] God's Wrath on Unrighteousness 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
There are a lot of different and conflicting ideas/concepts in the bible. Most of these were not supposed to be lumped together and stitched together with new concepts such as the trinity. You will never get a JW to study the bible itself for historicity, authorship, documentary and layered theories and true scholarship. When one looks at the JWs and behaviors, they really aren't that much different than other Christian, Jewish and Mormon religions.
Thank you for the reply and for giving such a good example of what I was saying. I would also like to say that the further you look for truth, the further you will be from it. Don't look to straighten out someone else's religious beliefs until you have taken a good hard look into the mirror.@@abideintheWord
@@Strutingeagle I did. I went through a sort of deconstruction phase where I wondered if the Bible is indeed true. I was ready to accept it either way. But yet time and time again it has proven itself to be the word of God through the centuries.
After Noahs flood, how did the animal kinds diversify so quickly and travel to all the continents and islands setting up unique ecosystems? If you say God helped out with this it goes beyond what is written but does not mean it didn't happen. Then the question is why would a loving, merciful God not have just snapped his fingers and destroyed the wicked rather than drown everyone and everything. Hard to believe the children just born or learning to walk around the globe that never heard of the bibles God had to watch their mommies drown because an all knowing God regretted creating man. This same all knowing God set his rainbow in the clouds so when he sees it he will remember his covenant and won't drown the world again. Is it true this rainbow would help the all knowing God remember how he handled the situation? @@abideintheWord
We don't see first and last as a unique title in the way a name would be, which appears to be what you suggest. The context of the verses make it clear what is happening, I've put the relevant context in *bold* to help. Isaiah 44:6 _“This is what the LORD says- Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD _*_Almighty:_*_ I am the first and I am the last; _*_apart from me there is no God."_* The term first and last is used here to show how Jehovah is the only Almighty God, none before, none after, and the gods of Babylon are worthless in comparison. Revelation 2:8: _“To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, _*_who died and came to life again._* Jesus was the first and last to be resurrected directly by his Father, Jehovah. Those resurrected later will be done through Jesus.
Wait the last to be resurrected? Where does it say that? Let me remind you about the warning of ADDING anything to the book of this prophecy that you will receive the PLAGUES that are written in this book. Take heed! - “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;” Revelation 22:18 NKJV
Daniel 10:13 _But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia._ It says chief princes rather than archangel / principal angel etc. If you compare this to Daniel 12:1 where he is called _"the great prince"_ . It's worth noting that in many business organisations many chiefs, e.g. CFO, COO, CIO will all report to the CEO. All have chief in their job title but are not the same in rank. As a side note in Daniel 8:11,25 God is also called a Prince.
No, sorry. Nobody would refer to the CEO as simply “one” of the chiefs. He is the head of the organization, and is therefore THE chief. Nobody is higher than THE chief. Sorry.
What is mind boggling to me is that they say the KJV is canon, yet it contradicts their NWT, their custom made New World Translation. (I have talked to many JW elders and my wife and her family are JWs, so yeah, I would know). KJV John 1:1 "..was God. NWT John 1:1 "..was a god." And that is just 1 example, but the biggest I can think of.
Is god omnipresent? If God is everywhere then how can hell (separation from God) exist? When you are put into the lake of fire, wouldn't you be destroyed? As in not exist?
Hell is the one place where all beings and things will be separated from God, God is as well all powerful, He can do all things much more than we can even comprehend ❤️
Isaiah 44:6 + Revelation 2:8 (the first and the last) --> They will respond that, whenever Jesus attributes to himself the qualities of God, it's because it's actually Jehovah speaking through him, as in some kind of possession. About Daniel 10:13 --> They will respond that being "one of the foremost princes" does not exclude being THE formeost prince. Which is accurate, from a logical standpoint. Their goal is not to prove themselves right to you. Their goal is to make you think that you are wrong, so that, by false dicotomy, you will assume that their are in the right. Because this is the same rethorical trick that was used against them simpletons.
I had a friend tell me that when she Burns herself on the stove at work she uses God's name. She asked me if God loves her any less when she does that. How should I respond? She told me she does ask for forgiveness afterwards though.
The Bible says that God will not hold someone guiltless who uses his name in vain. I would show her that - ““You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” Exodus 20:7 NKJV
Also this one - “But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.” Matthew 12:36 NKJV
@@abideintheWord I sent her that scripture before I even asked for help. Any question you won't answer it's in the Bible. Basic instruction before leaving Earth. I think I quoted that right.
Absolutely this is true. It is a sin and those who do so will be held guilty. ““You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.” Exodus 20:7 NKJV It is a forgiveable sin. Matthew 12:32 "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the one to come." She can be forgiven. Even if repeated, as long as repentance follows, it will be forgiven. Luke 17:3 "Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.” God can forgive her for repeating the sin and repenting of it, and falling again and repenting. This verse says if your BROTHER sins. This is a Christian. God has provided forgiveness for our sins in the LORD's prayer. That means He knows we may sin, although it is also possible for us to not sin due to His power in us by the Holy Spirit through Jesus' death on the cross as we abide in the vine. Nonetheless, provision is given in this prayer model for our sins. Matthew 6:12-14 in the LORD's prayer where He tells us how we ought to pray He says "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For if you forgive other people for their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive other people, then your Father will not forgive your offenses." She has to be fighting this sin with God's power. She has the power to overcome it only if she abides in the vine. If she just always does it and says sorry without trying to eradicate it, praying to eradicate it, being grieved it exists, then that's wrong. It should be going extinct in her, even though it seems Jesus knows we can repent and slip up 7 times in a day ( see above ). 1 John 3:9 "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God." I would encourage her to practice a replacement word that isn't meaning the same as His name. Like "owwwwww" or something silly like "pudding!" Sometimes you just need to say something. I would also encourage her to avoid taking the name of God in vain by not walking following Jesus as He walked. I would also say to her, when you feel that pain, take it as a reminder of what Jesus did for you on the cross. Say, I can't even imagine the pain you went through Jesus to save me. Thank you for the reminder in this small pain. I would also encourage her to pray and ask God, "am I really walking with you as LORD this day? What in my heart is doing this to You. Do I need to repent of something else that has made me speak against You when things go wrong? Show me what it is and help me get in line. I don't want any of this in me and if this is a symptom of something deeper, please eradicate the root and the symptom, I'm willing to obey." And encourage her to start doing something positive for God's name, saying "bless Your name, name above all names, the name at which every knee will bow, etc" This also goes for people who say "Oh my God." and are calling themselves Christian. It's wrong I believe.
Bible truth vs JWs "truth"? "Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, *have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect."* Awake 1993 Mar 22 page4 *Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come.* Jan 1, 2013 Watchtower "Does this admission of making mistakes stamp them [Jehovah's Witnesses] as false prophets? Not at all, for false prophets do not admit to making mistakes." Watchtower, Nov. 1, 1972, page 644 - in brackets added (any scriptures for this "admitting to mistakes" means no they aren't false teachings, false prophecies?) Admitting to making false prophecies doesn't magically change them, they are still Bible defined false prophecies (Deut 18:20-22) Very poor reasoning, probably why JWs "suggested dates" and went beyond scripture. "suggested dates, wrong expectations" in God's name? yes, these ARE false prophecies from the Jehovah Witness Organization. God's channel of communications, his voice on earth, God's mouthpiece, JWs? Nope, just a false religion!
Hi, I'm a Jehovah's Witness. Would you be willing to have a discussion on these very two points and then to follow a discussion on if Jesus is eternal or created?
@@abideintheWord Nowhere have I said I want to _"argue"_ or _"debate",_ I said *to discuss.* JW's actually dissuade fruitless debate [2 Tim 2:23] so it's unbecoming for you to claim that's my intention. The reason why I want to discuss these topics with you is that I believe you are in error and ignorant of the context surrounding these verses from what I heard in the video, are we not told to worship in truth? [John 4:24] However, it's rather ironic and hypocritical of you to make a video on how to witness to a JW and yet you're unwilling to actually discuss these points with a JW....? I'm still scratching my head on that one. How else am I or someone meant to tell someone they're in error with their held 'belief in scripture' unless they're open to talk and discuss scripture? I want to do nothing other than what Paul did in Acts 17:2, that is, to reason from the scriptures. I'm sure if a JW responded how you have to me you would claim they have a closed mind and are brainwashed. Lastly, as you hold to scripture as I do, you would do well to apply 1 Peter 3:15, _"But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect."_ BSB Telling someone to "be gone" who simply wants to talk is neither gentle, respectful, or Christlike. I'm happy to overlook that comment though.
@Epiousion Apologetics Nowhere have I said I want to "argue" or "debate", I said to discuss. JW's actually dissuade fruitless debate [2 Tim 2:23] so it's unbecoming for you to claim that's my intention. The reason why I want to discuss these topics with you is that I believe you are in error and ignorant of the context surrounding these verses from what I heard in the video, are we not told to worship in truth? [John 4:24] However, it's rather ironic and hypocritical of you to make a video on how to witness to a JW and yet you're unwilling to actually discuss these points with a JW....? I'm still scratching my head on that one. How else am I or someone meant to tell someone they're in error with their held 'belief in scripture' unless they're open to talk and discuss scripture? I want to do nothing other than what Paul did in Acts 17:2, that is, to reason from the scriptures. I'm sure if a JW responded how you have to me you would claim they have a closed mind and are brainwashed. Lastly, as you hold to scripture as I do, you would do well to apply 1 Peter 3:15, "But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect." BSB Telling someone to "be gone" who simply wants to talk is neither gentle, respectful, or Christlike. I'm happy to overlook that comment though.
Well, it’s true that many of them are not drunkards or fornicators and there is a higher level of fear in JW’s because many do actually fear being kicked out of their cult unlike most of Christianity who thinks they can sin it up and still be on the new earth. But JW’s are sinning everyday in other ways. Like for example denying the deity of Christ is just one.
@@abideintheWord JWs don’t believe in Heaven for all, only the so called “144K”. Every one else that’s accepted by God will reside on the new earth. Also, they don’t believe in hell, only total Annihilation. My sister, my daughter and one of my sons are JWs, have been for a long time. Although I feel bad for them, I thank God I didn’t join. I love your teachings on that OSAS lie from the deepest pit of hell. Keep up the good work.🙏🏿
Nah. I shared these verses with my JW visitors and they went on this whole thing about how Jesus can be called the first and the last because he was the first and last resurrection by Jehovah himself. All other resurrections thereafter are done through Christ apparently. They haven’t given me an answer however to Jesus being called the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and End in Rev. 22:13
What sense does that make? First it doesn’t say that in the Scriptures. They are ADDING to Revelation which it talks about if you add anything to the book of this prophesy your share in the Holy city will be taken away! But how does that even make any sense anyways? If Jesus was the only One raised by Jehova, then why would He be called the First and the Last? Why wouldn’t He just be called the Only One raised form the dead? That falls flat on its face.
@@abideintheWord yes I just recently had a discussion with a JW on here The person kept trying to use that approach and I just became frustrated and said we will just have to agree to disagree because even when you show them the alpha and omega they do so many doctrinal gymnastics and monkey bar climbs it’s hysterical but sad and you just end up getting frustrated because they choose not to see or understand
@@christianpatriot7196 yeah remember you don’t want to lose your peace. If they want to argue just don’t fall into that trap - shake the dust. “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.” Matthew 10:14 NKJV “Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;” II Peter 3:14 NKJV “But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned.” Titus 3:9-11 NKJV
They will say it’s not Jesus speaking. That revelation is confusing Basically whenever it says first and last or alpha and omega obviously it’s The father. Not Jesus You cannot win an argument with a jw. I was one You simply can’t They have to decide on their own to investigate the organization Someone from CHRISTENDOM telling them things. Is just a lost satanic fool that they will never hear
As an ex jw I have completely moved on from religion … all ex Jws in the Uk do they’re due diligence and Find out it is a complete fairy tale … Americans ? Well They can’t live without the craziness …just sayin
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because a religion burnt you, doesn’t mean it’s all bad. You would never stop watching the NBA for example simple because you had a couple of basketball players treat you badly. Think about it - if Christianity is true (I realize you don’t think it is, but just humor me for a minute) if it was genuine, and if there really were a devil, then wouldn’t the devil do everything he could to counterfeit and sow frauds and chaos all over as much as he could? Think about it.
Who is their God? JWs claim their Bible defined false prophecies are just "mistakes". However, they claim these false dates come FROM God. *"This chronology is not of man, but of God. Being of divine origin* and divinely corroborated, present-truth chronology stands in a class by itself, absolutely and unqualifiedly correct...." (Watchtower, July 15, 1922) *"The Watchtower is the channel which Jehovah, our God, is using* at this time to in the faithful remnant who are keeping the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Watchtower, August 1, 1930 p. 239) *"The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people,* and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 page327 "Jehovah God has made known to his anointed ones in advance what these Scriptures mean." Watchtower 1931 Jun 1 p.160 True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. *They were guilty of false prophesying."* (Awake! 1968 October 8 page 23)" Funny how no other religion gets to make "mistakes". JWs are hypocrites!!! "Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, *have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect."* Awake 1993 Mar 22 page4 *Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come.* Jan 1, 2013 Watchtower
Yeah they cannot refute that. The only thing they can say is that it meant Jesus was the first and the last… to be resurrected! I then remind them about the warning in Revelation of adding to the book and if this scares them. They usually get quiet after that - “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;” Revelation 22:18 NKJV
Excellent 👍 So after Jehovah witnesses leave their religion, where is the Truth 🤔 Baptist, Protestant, Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Messianic etc.... Christianity has so many offshoots. Research All religions.
The truth is not in the Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal or episcopal churches. The truth is in Jesus Christ. He says that He is the Way the Truth and the Life. We follow Him - no denomination.
First off, you can't take scripture and say, "Hey. Refute this. " All scripture requires context. That's a big issue with most "Christians ". Just looking to argue to say he or she is right but not actually taking the entire Bible into account.
Brother you are wrong. At the end 1 Corinthians 15:24-27 say Jesus will give everything back to his Father. Dont make your self confuse. Read the text and analyzed it carefully❤ I would say be in that religion for 10 years to really lesrn the cultural belief and be able to debunk them
Guess What: This JW is ANSWERING YOU. MICHAEL , ""ONE OF THE CHIEF PRINCES" ANYONE CAN HAVE MULTIPLE TITLES. Does Daniel 10:13 Prove That Michael the Archangel is Not Jesus Christ? Many point to Daniel 10:13 as evidence against Michael being Jesus. Daniel 10:13 - Michael is one of the chief princes. Daniel 12:1 - Michael is the great prince. Some say that if Michael is one of the chief princes, then he can't be the Son of God. That doesn't follow. People seem to misunderstand the biblical word for "prince." It doesn't mean "prince" in the modern English sense. It means, according to the BDB Hebrew lexicon: "chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince." Even God is said to be a prince in Daniel 8:25. So Daniel 10:13 is saying Michael is "one of the chief rulers." This would be like saying that the President of the United States is "one of the chief rulers." The President is still a unique position, and it is the highest ranking position, but there would be others in various offices that would be counted as "one of the rulers" of the US. Daniel 12:1 says Michael is "the great ruler." The Bible doesn't say that there is only one ruler, and that that ruler is God. No, it speaks of many rulers, or princes. God is a ruler. Michael is a ruler. Jesus is a ruler. The Jewish religious leaders were rulers. The Jewish kings were rulers. All Daniel 10:13 is saying is that Michael is "one" of the rulers, without specifying his exact rank among all the rulers. Logically, Michael/Jesus can hold the unique position of "archangel," be above the angels, and still be called "one of the chief rulers." To say that this somehow prevents Michael from being Jesus is to not understand reason. Interestingly, the Greek Septuagint has "o angelos o megas" - the Great Angel - at Daniel 12:1. Theodotian's Greek Daniel - which some used to replace the original Septuagint version of Daniel because it was thought to be more accurate - has "o arkhon o megas" - the Great Ruler. Both versions have "ton arkhonton ton proton" - "one of the first rulers" - for Daniel 10:13
What a lame video! Let me tell you my friend that though I am NOT a JW, I have had many chats to them! They know their bible's better than most! As for quoting Isa 43 'Besides me there is not Saviour' Does this means that because the NT calls Jesus our savior' then "This Proves Jesus is God"? Of course NOT. Just read the previous chapter, 42 which states "Here my SERVANT whom I uphold" ( RNEB) Matt 12:18 applies this to Jesus. God's SERVANT!. Even Peter agreed Acts 4:30.
If God’s testimony says there is no other Savior, and Jesus is called the Savior (THE) Savior of the world, how does that not prove Jesus is God - again if there is NO Savior other then God?
@@abideintheWord Dont agree, I have explained the consistancy of the two points; Had Jesus come to earth to be our Saviour in Isaiah's day? So at that TIME, there was no other saviour! . Also Jesus acts on the Fathers's part! He uses, angels too and even humans to fulfill his will! You need to consider the whole picture not just quote a bible text and say "There you are, that proves this or that!
@@abideintheWord Then according to you, the bible contadicts itself! Since Isa 19:20 says "And He ( the Lord of Hosts) shall send them a saviour"" ( Moses). So how do you match the two verses? One says there is 'no other saviour' and here God sent a savioir to Israel". ( Also The Judges were called 'saviors' ( Judges 3:9 ) David was called a 'saviour' ( 1 Sam 23:5) So your arguement is flawed! Jesus Is our Saviour, David was and so were the judges of Israel. Simple! Yet of course ultimately the Saviour is Almighty God! Even a Christian can 'save' another from death ( James5:20 ). Read your bible
Which animal looks like a dog? Its feet looks like a dog. Its head looks like a dog? Its body looks like a dog? If you can answer this riddle you will understand the truth about Jesus and his Father.
Poor reasoning here! True only Almighty God is our 'Saviour' Thats why he sent forth his Son to save us! Jesus did this on our behalf with the anointing and blessing of the Holy Spirit of the FATHER! Would Jesus have been able to 'save' us if the Father had not raised him from the dead? Its like Jesus words at John 5:22 "The Father judges no one at all but He has GIVEN FULL juristriction to the Son" ( RNEB). Since Jesus said "All authority has been GIVEN me in heavan and on earth "Matt 28:,19 it is exactly the same priciple. The Father is the "Judge of the whole earth" but He has GIVEN permission for the son to act on His divine behalf. Easy to understand! The Son acts for the Father. Jesus stated this many times! I am Not a JW! I read the bible!
No you need to read your Bible and not add anything to Scriptures! It says Jesus was given authority by God. You are reading it as He was given the title of God only in the sense of the authority of. The Bible is explicitly clear, the only title Who that is given to is God. Jesus is God. Don’t add to the Scriptures lest you be rebuked.
I see (Or at least it Appears) from the comments section, that a JW has attempted to come on here an explain his take on what those verses mean, and he was blocked for doing so. Without being able to read what he/she said, it seems to me that you are not actually interested in a dialogue with those you claim you are trying to help. I would be quite willing to show that these 2 verses CAN, in fact, be shown to mean something entirely different from what you say they mean, but I might leave it for a day-or-two. Better wait to see if I'm going to be blocked first.
No, I do not block people for providing an answer. I block people for being vulgar or blaspheming or arguing. Turns out, your people tend to be quite argumentative in spirit and just rude. I don’t put up with that. There have been a couple JW’s who have provided answers, but they were really bad. One tried to say that the first and the last just referred to Jesus being the first of all creation. Can you believe that? 🤣 Do you guys even want the truth?
Sadly, there is just so much wrong with this video. It begins with the presumption that the presenter is the recipient of biblical truth and that other groups, sects or denominatioins who have a different view must be wrong. His video is entitled : "How to witness to Jehovah's Witnesses" but should be more appropriately entitled :" How to try to stump a Jehovah's Witness." He seems to equate trying to stump people with witnessing about his particular religious understanding. He further entitles his video : "They cannot Refute These 2 Verses." This is a bold and specious assertion. It does not seem to have occured to this guy that the same title can be applied to more than one eg; ' saviour'. This can be applied to YHWH, to Jesus and is also applied to Judges. Even the title 'God' is applied in the Bible to Moses, Hebrew kings, angels and even the Devil. But even I don't think our man would be stupid enough to claim that this proves that they are YHWH. His second argument appears to be directed at a specific doctrinal view of the JWs. He seems to think the wording of Daniel 10 :13 is a trump card. But in no way does the verse, which can also be translated "a prince of the first rank"suggest that Michael is not the only archangel. Certainly he is the only archangel mentioned in the Bible and in Daniel 10 :21 and 12 :1 he is the Prince over God's people. Furthermore, I wonder if our guy is even aware that many famous Theologians of the past have even identified Michael with Jesus. Apparently, Watchhtower did not invent this idea, but angel Christology has been arounds from the beginning of Christianity. Finally, I wonder how he would respond to all the verses that differentiate Jesus from God.
@@abideintheWord :Here are a few for starters : Calvin's commentary on Dan 12 regarding 'Michael' : "I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ, because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward for the defense of his elect people." ( J Calvin, Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Daniel, trans D Myers, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979, Vol 2, p369). John Wesley writes in his commentary of Dan 12 : "Michael - Christ alone is the protector of his people when all the princes of the earth desert or oppose it." In the Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol 2, Chap 1 : 'Angels' he writes contrasting Lucifer and the Christ, calling the Christ the saviour of the angels, stating "The elect angels join with him, the glorious Michael as their captain, while the other angels harkened to Lucifer" In fact, many standard Protestant reference works admit that many have identified Michael with Christ as the following shows : "The earlier Protestant scholars usually identified Michael with the preincarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the 'child' and the archangel in Rev 12, but also in the attributes described to him in Daniel."(The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol 3, p 2048, Eeerdmans Publishing 1984). Indeed, many Christians today, in an attempt to show the pre-existence of the Son, do so by tying him to an angel, Yahweh's angel or the Angel of the Lord of the OT. They have been doing this as far back as the writings of the early Church Fathers. Martin Werner in his famous The Formation of Christian Dogma shows that the first Christology was an angel Christology.
There are three in Heaven Who bear witness - “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” I John 5:7 NKJV
Proverbs 24:21-22, Fear Jehovah and the King Jesus,,,, Zacariah 6:13,, Jesus, the branch of David will build the temple of Jehovah and he will rule as king and there will be true peace between them two,,,,, then the end will occur, once he turnover his rulership to Jehovah, Ist, Cor, 15:24,
Isaiah 9:6 New World Translation (JW bible) For a child has been born to us, A son has been given to us; And the rulership will rest on his shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, *Mighty God, Eternal Father,* Prince of Peace. How many Mighty Gods, Eternal Fathers do you believe in? What does Immanuel mean?
Our lord has made himself known to us . Jehovah the one true God was manifested in the flesh .the creator became manifested in his own creation .The word became flesh and dwellt amongst us .
Throwing questions at them when the answers need a little research is more of an ambush than anything else. Alpha and Omega: To whom does this title properly belong? (1) At Revelation 1:8, its owner is said to be God, the Almighty. In verse 11 according to KJ, that title is applied to one whose description thereafter shows him to be Jesus Christ. But SCHOLARS RECOGNIZE THE REFERENCE TO ALPHA AND OMEGA IN VERSE 11 TO BE SPURIOUS, SO IT DOES NOT APPEAR IN RS, NE, JB, NAB, Dy. (2) Many translations of Revelation into Hebrew recognize that THE ONE DESCRIBED IN VERSE 8 IS JEHOVAH, and SO THEY RESTORE THE PERSONAL NAME OF GOD THERE. (3) Revelation 21:6, 7 indicates that CHRISTIANS THAT ARE SPIRITUAL CONQUERERS ARE CALLED "SONS" OF THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. That is never said of the relationship of spirit-anointed Christians to Jesus Christ. JESUS SPOKE OF THEM AS HIS "BROTHERS.’ (Heb. 2:11; Matt. 12:50; 25:40) But THOSE "BROTHERS' OF JESUS ARE REFERRED TO AS "SONS OF GOD". (Gal. 3:26; 4:6) (4) At Revelation 22:12, TEV inserts the name Jesus, so the reference to Alpha and Omega in verse 13 is made to APPEAR to apply to him. But THE NAME JESUS DOES NOT APPEAR THERE IN GREEK, and other translations do not include it. (5) At Revelation 22:13, the Alpha and Omega is also said to be “the first and the last,” which expression is applied to Jesus at Revelation 1:17, 18. Similarly, the expression “apostle” is applied both to Jesus Christ and to certain ones of his followers. But that does not prove that they are the same person or are of equal rank, does it? (Heb. 3:1) SO THE EVIDENCE POINTS TO THE CONCLUSION THAT THE “ALPHA AND OMEGA” APPLIES TO ALMIGHTY GOD, THE FATHER, NOT TO JESUS. shocking
@@abideintheWord That is the truth. Jesus is the "First and the Last" in a different role. He was the first person to be resurrected to HEAVEN. No one went to Heaven before Jesus did, contrary to the teachings of the churches; He is the Last to be resurrected by Jehovah to Heaven, Jesus is performing all other resurrections. His 144,000 enter Heaven while billions are resurrected during the Millennium on earth, not Heaven.
The first and the last! The first that preached the gospel, the first that was direct created by Jehovah himself. ..The last i dont know? 🧐 Maybe YOU can answer it? BECUSE sometimes the father Jehovah talks in the Bible and sometimes Jesus Christ talks. 🙂 Michael one of the chief Angels that is not a problem 😂 Why is that a problem for you?
Nice try, but you are ADDING to the word of God. Remember the plagues that will be added to you if you add to the book of Revelation? Look out? Here they come!
LoL...this poor guy. In Isaiah Jehovah speaks through an angel. Is the angel the first and last? No. In Revelation, Jesus the word of his father Jehovah, he speaks again on his behalf. Jesus also said; "the father is greater than I". The trinity is a lie.
Hey, just wanted to share the Gospel that all men need, the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) this means we all deserve death and separation from a perfect and holy God. But God did not leave us for dead, He sent His only begotten Son to die in yours and my place, so that anyone who believes in Him and repents of sin will be saved from separation from God, and have eternal life! I urge you please put your faith in Jesus Christ and follow Him, He promises to save all who cry out to Him and have a humble heart. We arent guaranteed another day so we must seek Him today while He may be found.
That’s a terrible gospel. Let me give you the true gospel that Jesus and the Apostles preached! The Gospel th-cam.com/play/PLAyuX7yjc8Evo16FLtJuIIl57EJDrbLlJ.html
@@MemeRider no. You didn’t mention anything about hell - although you did sort of allude to it with death and separation I’ll give you that. You also didn’t mention anything about being baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit, and enduring in the faith - aka a warning against eternal security. For example, Paul gives such a warning in his gospel presentation, and baptism is alluded to because as Romans 6 and Colossians says that is where we die with Christ and are united with Him in His death. Take a look at this - “Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,” I Corinthians 15:1-4 NKJV You see, Paul included a WARNING to those who believe to endure or else what? They can believe in vain - meaning they can believe for a while, but still not make into the promised land. Here it is again - “👉if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.” Colossians 1:23 NKJV You see, there are warnings to true believers all throughout Scripture to make sure they don’t go back to sin and to keep walking by the Spirit and to endure in the faith. It’s not enough to just believe, you must also keep walking by faith until the day you die - meaning you are walking free from sin and walking according to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit. Now before you turn and argue against what I just said, did you watch the videos I presented? If not, i have no desire to argue with someone who does not wish to feed themselves on the word of God.
Thank you for those verses. God showed me John 1: 1-5. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” John 1:1-5 . These verses stumped Jehovah’s Witness who came to my door one day. Their Bible says Jesus was a god, ( little g God) not God.
Also read John 1:18 where you see Jesus as "the only begotten God" the Hebrew word for what we call God is Elohim and means mighty one, did you know that Kings , judges and others in the Bible are also called Elohim, but does that make them the almighty also ???
Sure, Jesus is the savior. He was appointed such by his father, regarding the day and that the hours at the end will come, no one knows the day nor the hour, not even the Sun, but only the father knows.@john 1428 Jesus said that the father was greater than he was. And a John 541 Jesus said that he did not accept Glory from men. He refused to be worshipped because that would be an abomination in his mind towards his father Jehovah
You are very wrong. Jesus accepted worship numerous times in Scripture. But you get around the two passes I brought up in the video. Why do you try to get off on a different tangent?
Jesus accepted worship. That alone should be enough to let them know right there. Also, Hebrews 1 talks about Jesus is HIGHER than the angels. It’s amazing they can’t see this.
They say that God is never called mighty ever in scripture but almighty. And they think it’s wrong for Jehovah going to be called mighty. Well according to the NWT Jeremiah 32:15 and Deuteronomy 10:17 says otherwise. Both passages mention jehovah Gods name as mighty. Also they said the Holy Spirit is an active force not God himself, well according to the New World translation in second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 and 17 it has a jehovah John is Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit was not a person then in the New World translation, why does it say in Job chapter 33 verse four in the New World translation of the Holy Spirit creates and is Jehovah God. So both of these passages verify that the Holy Spirit one is God second Corinthians chapter 3 and Jeremiah 32 verse 18 and Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 17 verify that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God he jump forward Isaiah 96 in the New World translation who is the Messiah? The mighty God Jehovah God in the flesh it’s that simple.
John, 10:34-35, Jesus the Word when become flesh complained and defended himself against the Jews by using this unbreakable scripture @Psalm, 82:6, He asked them, " Isn't it written in your law where Jehovah give his words to them then called them you are gods, the sons of most high,!"so, its obvious that most Christians also broke the scripture @Psalm, 82:6, and omitted the word son,!
John 10:34-35, Jesus defended himself against the Jews by using the unbreakable scripture, @Psalm, 82:6, He asked, " Isn't this written in your law, where Jehovah gives his words to them, then he said , " you are gods, the sons of most high,! Thats why Jesus only said, I am son of God, but the Jews and most Christians removed the Word "son" and accused him with blasphemy, so, who broke the scriptures?
@@renatovasquez6041 if He meant it in the sense that He was a SEPARATE god (which He didn’t) then as I said - congrats - you’re polytheistic - you believe in multiple gods.
No, John 17:3, We believed Jehovah and his son Jesus, his appointed king,as we understood That Jehovah created all things, Col, 1:15-18, All things were created through Him,Jehovah and for him, Jesus to rule as his appointed king, Acts, 5:28-31, nothing else,
Revelation 22. Jehovah is coming quickly and Jehovah sent his angel, and Jesus is called the first and the last. At the end of Revelation 22 we see that it’s Jesus who sent his angel and is coming quickly. So there’s Jesus called Jehovah in their very own NWT 6 He said to me: “These words are faithful* and true;j yes, Jehovah,* the God who inspired the prophets,k has sent his angel to show his slaves the things that must shortly take7 Look! I am coming quickly.l Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy of this scroll.” 16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of Davidu and the bright morning star.’” 12 “‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to repay each one according to his work.o 13 I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga,*p the first and the last, the beginning and the end. 16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of Davidu and the bright morning star.’”
Yes I made the correction right after in the comments. I got it mixed up and had to correct it later. I knew it it just must not have registered at the time. Sorry!
Even easier, Isaiah 43 : 11 I-I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior. 2 Peter 1 :11 In fact, in this way you will be richly granted entrance into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus being Lord and Savior is repeated in every chapter of 2 Peter. There is no excuse.
Excellent! I’m pinning this!
Awesome! Praise God you're out AND saved!!✝️❤️🙏
@@bobbychuckles8764 check this video out here -
@@bobbychuckles8764 Tell me what you think of john 1:1 and contrast it with Isaiah 44 : 24.
@@bobbychuckles8764 I can't answer that question, because I have not seen that phrase in the bible. Why is Issac called the only begotten son of Abraham or why did Jesus say he will raise himself from the dead? John 2:19 . How about the Trinity, if you believe in it, is God Three persons in one or one person in three? You have to understand the trinity to understand how the God relates to himself.
Great video. I used to be a JW. Reading the book of Hebrews helped wake me up. Heb. 1:5 shows Jesus is not an angel. I was shocked when I read that. Also, the scripture you mentioned in Rev 2:8 proved to me that Jesus is God. Thank you for your work!
Praise the Lord! Yes I was thinking of adding in Hebrews 1:5 to my video as well. I’ll just pin this comment. God bless!
@@jwdefensor8055 Actually the whole first chapter of Hebrews proves that Jesus is God and not an angel. It's pretty self explanatory.
Thank you for your testimony. Hebrews 1 was the last scripture I gave to 2 of my J.W. landlords. That was about a year ago.
The writer of Hebrews was obviously addressing a false belief that was going around back then. The Jews hold the archangel Michael in high esteem so for those who couldn't handle the truth that Jesus was the Word of God who is God that came in the flesh, they made him out to be Michael, their angel.
Nothing new under the sun.
God bless you!
@@jwdefensor8055 It clearly states that God has never referred to ANY angel as His Son. Jesus is the Son of God, and not an angel.
@@jwdefensor8055 I appreciate your response, but that verse doesn't mean that at all. Also where do you find in the Bible where it specifically says Jesus is Michael the Arc Angel.
Thank you so much for this teaching. I have a next door neighbour who is JW. He is elderly and physically disabled. I go over and help him with his yard and pick up some odds and ends for him. Help with little things around his house, Take out his garbage. This type of thing. He is always trying to witness to me and I am subtly witnessing back. I have told him he will never convert me. I have also told him to stop or I won't be able to continue helping him. He still tries to find a crack to put in his scriptures. So I decided to come up with a full project full of scriptures and explanations for him. This video is very helpful. I will be adding the scriptures you mentioned to my research paper. Thank you brother and God Bless you and your family. in Jesus mighty name I pray.
Yes hold his feet to the fire with these and don’t let him move on to other Scriptures or other topics and ignore these and give an unreasonable and so-so explanation.
I suspect your approach for an elderly person as he, will not be successful. Smaller inputs of scripture that will raise doubts with continuous acts of love and service will help him to see Jesus in you. We have to convert them by the same love that Jesus showed his own disciples.
Yes I completely agree with you. He did ask me why I am so happy and nice all the time. I said because I love people because God loves me. I didn't answer him properly. I have to work on for when he asks me something again. lol@@SheepDog1974
Jn. 8:24 "I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins if you believe not that I AM".
Jn. 8:58 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, before Abraham was I AM". Then the Jews picked up stones to kill him for claiming to be GOD. If the Jews knew JESUS said HE is WORD YHWH, why can't your neighbor believe what JESUS said HE is, the "I AM THAT I AM".
Gen. 15:1 WORD YHWH first seen in vision, verse 15:4 seen in person.
Dan. 10:16 JESUS enters and accepts worship from Daniel. JESUS speaks 1st person in Dan. 10:21 that no other person knows the truth in these prophecies but 2nd person Michael one of many chief princes.
Who is seated on the throne in Isa.6:1 receiving worship, seen by Isaiah a man. Who does Jn. 12:40, 41 say Isaiah seated? If no man has seen the FATHER than it must be JESUS seated receiving worship with the title YHWH.
Philp. 2:6,7 JESUS in the form of YHWH, equal with YHWH, empties the glory they both share (Jn. 17:5) to that of a servant of YHWH, then takes on the form of man. In harmony with Jn. 1:1-14.
@@Chris_Sheridan Jn. 8:58. Rev. 1
Great video! Thanks so much. All your videos are very refreshing, like breathing in some clean air or drinking some ice cool water. The truth is so refreshing and I so appreciate you taking the time to elucidate and share it. It encourages others to keep going like coffee gets you started in the morning. Thanks for your consistent work!
God bless you sister!
people get confused about God because Jesus said "all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me " So the question is WHO gave this authority to Jesus ?
So God has entrusted HIS SON to bring judgement to this earth and has appointed his son to judge the earth, and so Jesus figures so much in the outworking of God's plan that people often this Jesus is God, but this is not the case, and to prove this I am going to show you one chapter out of many in the Bible which proves Jesus is not God.
Take a look at 1 Cor 15; and Vs 24 to begin with which says:
Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.
So WHO does Jesus hand over the kingdom too ? WHO puts all enemies under his feet ?
Now Vs 28-7-28 which says For God “subjected all things under his feet.”But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.28 But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.
QUESTION: WHO does the son subject himself to ?
Does it look like Jesus is God here, considering God does NOT have a God himself ?
I've talked to a few Jehovah's witnesses. Most, if not all, don't read their bible at all. They read and study the watchtower.
Just like I would say most Catholics and Protestants for that matter.
@@jimjuri6490 there are many people who go house to house - Mormon’s for example. Also fundamentalist baptists. Do they have the truth just because they can knock on doors?
So again, Mormons do the same. Are you guys boasting because you knock on a few doors more then the Mormons and this somehow is supposed to authentic you are the one true church or something? 🤣🤣🤣
Jehovah Witnesses are also not growing above the birth rate, which means the only way they actually grow is if someone has a baby. Even then the odds are fairly high they will leave the cult at 18. Then at which point you will undoubtedly utterly shun them. Sad.
@@abideintheWordwhy are they growing up
I have a list of questions saved that I used when JW's would come knocking on my door. They never are able to answer the questions and say they will get back to me, but they never did. I think they blocked my address from their door knocking list because they have not knocked on my door in a few years. Great video!!!
I was just wondering about you? Where have you been? You haven’t been posting much lately. Hope all is well.
Oddly enough my wife and I were discussing this. I was doing zoom classes with folks on end times and being eternity minded.
I think my next step is to take the end time course I wrote and create them as videos online.
My new job also keeps me busier than my old one. Also spending more scripture time with my 12 year old. I’ll be jumping back to videos soon God permitting.
What were the questions?
And if they keep blocking addresses from their door to door list other witnesses will ask questions.
@@whatdoesjesusteach wha were the questions?
Awesome tips! I will have to use them! Some other passages I have used that translate through their version of the “bible” is when Jesus names Himself the LORD of the Sabbath here “ Matthew 12:1-8, Mark 2:23-28 and Luke 6:1-5” You can ask them, does God allow an angel to be LORD of His 10 commandments above Himself? Another verse I have used is Matthew 3:3 or 11:10 where it says John is the one who was referred to in Isaiah as the one who prepares the way for the LORD. If you go to Isaiah 40:3, the verse they reference, the verse says “ 3 A voice of one calling:
“In the wilderness prepare
the way(G) for the Lord[a];
make straight(H) in the desert
a highway for our God.[b](I)” So is John making the path for God? Is Jesus God? There are also passages where the disciple’s worshipped Jesus and He did not reprimand them for it but when angels in Revelation were worshipped (even as a way of honoring only which they claim said worship is) John was instantly reprimanded by the angel
Yes they won’t read anything but their “bible”. I have had Jehovahs Witnesses run from my house saying something like get behind me Satan! Lol.
They can reason their way out of Jesus’ name being the first and the last by saying well, Jesus said He came in His Father’s name.
Here is a segment from gotquestions.org about Jesus being worshipped vs angels.
Just after Jesus amazed the disciples by walking on water, “those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God’” (Matthew 14:33). Two more memorable examples of Jesus accepting worship occurred just after His resurrection. Some of the women (Matthew 28:8-9; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10) were on their way to tell the disciples of the resurrection when Jesus met them on their way. When they realized it was He, they “came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him” (Matthew 28:9).
Then there is the case of Thomas, who didn’t believe Jesus had risen from the dead despite the other disciples’ testifying to that fact. It had been about a week since the resurrection, and Thomas still doubted it. Jesus, knowing Thomas doubted, appeared to him and showed him the nail marks in His hands and feet and the wound in His side. How did Thomas respond? “Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!’” (John 20:28). In none of these instances do we see Jesus telling those worshiping Him to stop, as did mere men and even angels who were being worshiped wrongly by others (Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 19:9-10).
Amen! Great scripture to refute them. I was told by an elderly lady in my apartment complex (J.W. landlords) that I was listening to Satan. She held her tongue when I said I was quoting straight from God's word.
Sadly she has no problem displaying her anger.
Another good scripture to prove that the Lord Jesus is to be worshipped and called "Lord" is (Philippians 2:10-11)
Since their version of the Bible in the N.T. has in many places the name Jehovah added, I suppose they do not refer to God the Father........as Father. So sad!
Isaiah 40:3 is a good one!
In my time dealing with JW’s, Calvinists, eternal security, and people of different false religions and denominations I have learned that people can twist any verse they so please, no matter how plain and straightforward it is. Ever heard the saying where there is a will there is a way? Well, if you want to defend your false doctrine bad enough you will stop at nothing to twist, mangle, and bend the scriptures in order to fit your theology.
Like the verses you brought up about the NUMEROUS times Jesus was worshipped. They explain all those away (twist those passages) by saying that in the Greek the word there doesn’t always mean to worship but it can also mean something else like something to the effect of lying flat. But yet even that implies worship. I have learned there is no end to it. You give them one verse that there is no possible way of them refuting it, and they find a way to twist it no matter how plain it is. It’s sad they can’t just believe the Bible! Stay strong.
Sadly true brother. When believing the Bible the phrase "it is written" pops into my mind.
And the only true interpretation is within itself....scripture will interpret scripture.
God bless.
So true. I have had them say it isn’t worship, it is showing honor. They twist any good proof. Satan twisted God’s word to Jesus Himself in the desert temptation! Your verses are really good to have and use with JW’s. Strong. (I hope I didn’t imply otherwise!) I just remembered how they have twisted stuff w me and instantly thought, oh man they might do this with it and weasel out saying Jesus came in His Father’s Name. A rebuttal to their potential rebuttal could be saying then why are we to be baptized in the name of the Father AND the Son AND the Holy Spirit? The Son here is named independently from the Father’s name in this crucial act. And if they claim well yeah it’s just something He does for Jehovah then 1 Corinthians 1:13-15 could help where Paul is grateful he baptized few so they would not claim they were baptized “in Paul’s name” and encourages them to follow Christ. Yet everyone is to be baptized in Jesus name, so this means something significant about His equality to the Father and Spirit. But you know what, Jesus’ disciples said did you know you offended them about the Pharisees/ Sadducees and He said “leave them alone, they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind they will fall into a pit.” Totally non-chalantly, just move on, shake the dust off your feet if they don’t accept your message, even flee from towns that persecute you, etc. Their twisting is a helpful clue to us I am realizing, to make our time count and move on. Their twisting is indicative that no matter if you gave them gold they would spit on it. Don’t throw your pearls before swine. Their twisting is a gift that saves us time and makes us more effective, like a warning label. After 2 or 3 statements if they are twisted (just in case they might be processing through questions) it may be time to move on. It isn’t failure on our part because their blood is not on our hands, it is their failure to have ears to hear or not be blind. And we cannot do for them more than what Jesus did not choose to achieve in His ministry. We can’t be better than God or go against His plan for who can hear and come to Him. Jesus didn’t convert those who opposed him but those who listened, and only some of them remained with Him for the long haul. We should just obey Jesus and shake the dust off our feet when they twist things and move on. Our time on earth is precious and this is part of being a good steward of it. In a way, it’s a huge relief to realize in these instances we can just walk away (we are commanded to) and not feel like a failure based on their response to us. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. And even the prophets were stoned and killed for sharing the truth. I am pondering if our faithfulness in sharing may be what God judges, even if not one soul repents, and in His eyes it may still be a success because we were faithful in our part. I used to feel like I would be a failure until I have converted a soul but am realizing, don’t those two witnesses in Revelation exist yet no one repents in the entire book!? They died and were resurrected and taken up into glory. Their “failure” wasn’t failure but success.
That was such a blessing to read!
We can only do what we can do and nothing more. Even if God calls people out of there or anywhere it is still up to them to heed the call.
God bless you!
Keep up the good work, Adam 👍🏻
Thank you and God bless you!
@@abideintheWord God bless you!
Thank you for your insight.
I recently talked with 2 JWs.
I showed them where Jesus says He is the First and the Last. I showed them how God says the same thing in Isaiah.
They told me that Christ means the first from the resurrected from the Father (like the verses which say that Christ is the firstfruits of the dead) and the last from the resurrected from the Father cuz from now on Jesus is going to resurrect all believers.
Ridiculous explanations.
They struggled to give me a normal answer on Acts 5:3 too. I asked them "how do you lie to a power?" (Cuz they believe the Holy Spirit is not a person but a power). They tried to tell me that this just means lying to Jehovah, but the problem is that the verse doesnt say they lied Jehovah but the Holy Spirit.
All the verses in which the Holy Spirit is referred as He and personal characteristics are clearly seen are a big weakness to their heresies.
Yeah, I believe I have heard that explanation. But they are just adding all that in there. It doesn’t say that anywhere in Revelation. Plus, the last resurrected makes no sense because how can you be the first resurrected and also the last resurrected? They are clearly grasping for straws on that one. Wouldn’t that be blasphemy either way to give yourself the same title as the Father unless you were God?
But I’m sure many will buy that explanation because unfortunately most do not want the truth. It reminds me of the OSAS’ers who when you confront them with a verse that clearly proves you can lose your salvation, they just add a whole bit of words into the text that just aren’t there and hope everyone buys into it. But they can’t just read and believe scripture for what it says. They have to add their own man-made theology into the text and they end up destroying it. Many Christian will say when Jesus says cut off your arm if it causes you to sin or you will go to hell, Jesus really just means that you won’t go to hell and He really just wants you to realize that you can stop sinning and you just need your sin to be covered over via imputed righteousness. Therefor they destroy the words of Jesus. Ridiculous that people would buy into that.
@@scottgrey2877 🤣🤣🤣 ha! Seriously? It doesn’t say that anywhere in the text. You just added all that in there.
@@scottgrey2877 The verse doesnt say "you lied to the Father".
It says "you lied to the Holy Spirit".
Also in Rev later Jesus says He is not only the first and the last bur also Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
Obviously titles of Jehovah so stop being in denial.
Cut off your presupositions and go with what the Bible clearly supports - that Jesus is God.
@@FantasyVisualsThat's heresy.
They seem to overlook that the Bible says that Christ resurrected Himself.
Yeah, the 1st & the Last [Alpha & Omega] are really powerful verses.
It works well with Muslims too. Even in the Q-ran it states the same thing. 57:3 states,
'He is the First and the Last, the Most High and Most Near,1 and He has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.'
Pretty clear to me! Thanks.
Jude verse 9 also implies the Devil is either equal or greater in rank than Michael.
Very true. Nice catch brother! Thanks!
Progger Frogger
Took me forever to see that in that verse, thank God I finally understood.
Galatians 4:14 says Jesus equals a mere angel
I had a great conversation with a husband and wife. I told them I want to use the NWT and took them to Isaiah 43:10. YOU are my witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah, 'even my servant whom I have chosen, in order that YOU may know and have faith in me, and that YOU may understand that I am the same One. Before me there was no God formed, and after me there continued to be none.
then I took them to John 1:1
in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was a God.
I told them the problem is I'm monotheistic but they are apparently polytheists. We talked for about 20 minutes but after I said that, they couldn't get away fast enough. I told them to read their version but cross reference the lexicon. Acts 20:28 is also great. I just need to know how to keep the conversation going after we reach those difficult verses for them.
Praise God! The key is not to appear confrontation or argumentative. They are trained to get away if they think you are only there to argue and not ask questions.
@@jimjuri6490 maybe I need to learn more then. Can you explain thus verse for me?
Acts 20:28 NIV
Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.
Also, how can Jesus in Revaltion call Himself the Alpha and the Omega. This is a title only for God Almighty.
These are only the foothills of Christs divinity, the mountain still remains.
Good video....i ask them a time who inspire the WT to interpret d bible? They say GOD...then i show them how the same WT on more than one ocassion claim that they ARE NOT INSPIRED...i never got a respond from them
Good for you! I FULLY SUPPORT YOU!
John 12:39-41/Isaiah 6:1-4
John tells us Jesus is Jehovah
If you ask Isaiah who he saw when he "saw his glory," he would say Jehovah, but if you ask John, who Isaiah saw, he would say Jesus.
Psalms 102:25-27/Hebrews 1:10-12
The pre-eminence of Jehovah is applied to Jesus Christ. The Father calls the Son God.
Colossians 1:15-17
The word "first-born" is used as a title. We see that word consistently used as a title when applied to David when Jehovah will make him his "first-born higher than the kings of the earth" (Psalm 89:25-27)
The word "first-born" is a title, and we know that because David is the youngest of eight brothers
Also, the word "first-born" is used. In Exodus 4:22 where Jehovah will make Israel his firstborn. Israel was not the first created nation, so we see that the word "firstborn" is a title.
Other references to First born: (Jeremiah 31:9)(1 Chronicles is 5:1-2)
The word "other" has been added to NWT in Colossians 1:15-17 four times. The usage of the word "other" is not found in any other translation, and it's not even in the original koine greek Paul wrote it in.
John 8:58/Exodus 3:14
Jesus calls himself the "I AM" in the Exodus, where that is a name only used for Jehovah.
Jesus says before Abraham was I AM, meaning he is taking the title of God, and then the Pharisees try to kill him for alleged blasphemy.
Here's a list of some of the times that the bible mentions Jesus as God .
2 Peter 1:1
Romans 9:5
Titus 2:13
Colossians 2:9
John 20:28 (Thomas Calls Jesus God)
Isaiah 9:6
Philippians 2:6-11/Isaiah 45:23
1 Timothy 3:16
Jesus calls himself God
John 8:24
John 8:58 referring back to Exodus 3:14
John 13:19
Thomas calls Christ God (John 20:28)
John calls him God (John 12:41/Isaiah 6:1-4)
Peter calls him God (2nd Peter 1:1)
Paul calls him God (Romans 9:5)
Jude calls him God (Jude 1:25)
Isaiah calls him God (Isaiah 9:6) "El Gibbor"
Jehovah calls him God (Hebrews 1:6-12/Psalm 102:25-27)
And Jesus himself claims to be God:
("Ego Eimi"/I AM)
(John 8:58/Exodus 3:14)
(John 8:28)
(John 13:19)
Nice! Thanks.
Thank you. May God richly bless you and everybody by his salvation in Jesus Christ🙏🌾🕊🏝🌹
Praise God! Check out my gospel playlist. It’s incredibly important to make sure you have the correct gospel as many church today have a false counterfeit one. Make sure it’s not you! The deception is everywhere!
Question 1. Who is seated on his throne in Isa. 6:1?
Question 2. Who does Jn. 12:41,42 say Esaias saw seated in Isa. 6:1?
If anyone here is struggling to study this stuff, all I can say is be willing to get destroyed in an argument with them, so that you can be fueled with passion to learn why everything they said is wrong. That's what happened to me, and now, the Trinity is one of my strongest points of doctrine that I have learned.
I have a friend who is JW and it breaks my heart because she’s old enough to be my mom and she’s tried to witness to me, I know I can’t outright tell her she’s wrong but if I don’t witness to her. The blood is in my hands :(
Why can’t you tell her she is wrong?
You are a Gifted Teacher 💫
Glory to God!
2:17 "told they'll go to hell". JWs don't believe in hell.
The first scripture in Revelation is not irrefutable to a knowledgeable JW. They explain this by simply saying both Jehovah and Jesus have the title of "the Frist and the Last", each for different reasons. They say that when applied to Jesus it means he is the first and last person to be raised up to heavenly life by Jehovah himself. All others to be raised to heavenly life will be raised by Jesus. Quite a satisfying and reasonable answer without the slightest whiff of BS, don't you think?
The explanation for the second scripture from Daniel is that being called one of the chief princes doesn't mean there are others of equal status with Michael. There is another chief prince who is of higher status than Michael, and that chief prince is ... (drum roll) ... Jehovah! And I'm not kidding you here these are the actual Watchtower explanations for these two scriptures. Check their online library if you don't believe me.
There is no Bible question that can stump a JW in the sense of proving their beliefs wrong. They may not personally know the answer but they just know without a doubt that there is an answer to be found in their publications, because they belong to the only true religion and are given spiritual food by the Faithful and Discreet Slave and you're just a member of "christendom" misled by false religion, so you couldn't possibly be right about something that they're wrong about. They just have to go research their publications to see what it says and they can come back with an answer for you from the spiritual food provided by Jehovah's "spirit-directed" - but not inspired - organization led by the Slave that was appointed by Jesus in 1919.
And if you don't accept the answer it's because you're too prideful and worldly and lack the humility to accept/or understand the answer.
Sometimes it will seem like a JW is stumped by your question because they can't answer. But no, it's not that. They're just choosing not to answer because they sense that you have impure motives for asking. And sometimes you may even hear them say something along those lines when you ask them a question: "What is your reason for asking that question?" or "You seem to know a lot about our teachings - have you studied with JWs before?" or "Were you one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" or "We're not here to argue or get into debates". So it's totally because of those reasons that they're not answering and not because you've stumped them in any way. 😉
Listen, anyone can “explain” a verse to fit their theology. Doesn’t mean it makes any rational sense whatsoever. Your explanations are completely absurd. You just add all that in Revelation 2:8 and hope that people buy it. But the truth it, what you said simply isn’t there. It never says that He is called the First and the Last because He is the first and Last resurrected. How absurd. What a really poor explanation. How does that even make sense that He is the last resurrected AND the first resurrected. That’s really grasping at straws and just not being honest. Sorry.
Again, anyone can “explain” any verse. But your explanation is simply absurd and anyone with an honest heart would see you are trying to make it fit your theology instead of making your theology fit the scriptures.
Looking back over your response to Daniel 10:13, i have to ask - are you being serious? You think Daniel was talking about the other chief princes being Jehova Himself? And better yet, I’m prideful if I don’t accept this absolutely absurd answer? You’re kidding me? 🤣🤣🤣
Yep, they are just like many denominations that have a cult like mentality that they are the only true ones. They are puffed up in their sick pride.
This can be traced back as far as the Pharisees.
James 4:6
King James Version
6 But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
1 Peter 5:5
King James Version
5 Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.
There were quite a few cults that started up since the 1800's that do not believe in hell or paradise after death.
They believe in soul sleep which comes from Judaism. Many if not all of those cults have traces of Judaism in them.
@CherylArsenault123 now this ridiculous term "soul sleep" that you'll pagan doctrines believers believes in,is still contrary to what we believes in to what... the Scriptures actually teaches about the condition of the dead,just because it is *you'll...* who believes contrary to Scripture teaches that we *don't have an immortal soul* that *lives* on after death,so hence there's you'll stupid coined believe in *"soul sleep"* which pushes you and your fellow gullible minions to have the audacity to say such *NONSENSE* that this is what we believes in,get your facts straight first Miss Lady!!
We believes(not you'll)in what the Scriptures in *Ezekiel* 18:4 says;The *soul* that is sinning it itself *will die* (not it could or it might or maybe ect.ect.ect...) but as it is said it *WILL...* die, but it is you'll who chooses to believe the lies about what Satan says that the soul doesn't dies but it goes of *alive..* into Hell-fire(Pagan doctrine) or goes of *alive...* into Heaven(again in general it is a Pagan false doctrine belief)so hence (according to you'll... *not us* )there's no stupid silly nonsensical *"soul sleep"* crap paganism ideologies which is you and your fellow gullible minions who are the ones that are caught up in into *thinking* that this is the *crap* you'll thinks we believes in, so get that nonsense out of your head please & Thanks!!!
So I have one *PLOT TWIST* question for *YOU...* from the Scriptures seeing that it is you'll beliefs( *not our beliefs* )in the opposite *"soul sleep"* nonsense that you says it what we believes in, then here's the QUESTION; Where was Jesus' good friend Lazarus immortal soul was and was doing for those *four days* that he was dead for seeing that it you'll who *don't believes* in what God's words says about the true condition of the dead but prefers to believes in Satan's doctrine that the *soul doesn't dies* but it lives on and transcends to the the spirit realms seeing that you'll don't believe in you'll own stupid make up idea of *"soul sleep"* cause after all Jesus did say that our friend Lazarus has gone to *sleep...* in death?😅
So I'll be waiting on you here ✋️
This was well done! I have written these verses down. I pray the Lord will bring some J.W,'s to my door to have a Bible Study. My Bible is the Old King James and I love it. The Holy Spirit can lead just the right people to my door to minister to. They used to visit me years ago but decided I was incorrigible so quite coming. Maybe the Lord will send me some new people to witness to of what the Lord Jesus has done in my life in saving me over 44 years ago. I have never been the same since!!! Praise the Lord!!
Praise God! And thank you for the encouraging words. I have found that JW’s are really no different than most Protestants when it comes down to it. Protestants have their own doctrines like eternal security and faith alone, and almost no amount of scriptures can break through what they have been taught. They believe they are 100% correct just like the JW’s, Mormons, Calvinists, Catholics, Orthodox, Methodists, etc etc etc
@@abideintheWord Yes, and still the miss the message of the real Jesus Christ and salvation through Him only.
My brother is an elder in the J.W.s and has been in the cult since the late 1960's. It breaks my heart for him to swallowed such a lie and that he is lost. I was saved in 1978 and have prayed for him with all my heart for the last 44 yearw.
I KNOW that the Lord knows exactly how to reach him (just as He knew exactly how to reach me) and I KNOW the Lord will do for him exactly what he needs Him to do to bring him to the real Jesus Christ for salvation!
@@kathleenmckeithen118 Kathleen unless they examine the teaching they cannot wake up. If you tell them the truth they will not listen because they are convinced that they have the truth.
@@Puta692 It is never the Christian witness who convinces and convicts the lost. It is the Holy Spirit who actually does the work in the lost person's heart. We witness as the Lord uses us, yes, but, thank the Lord, it doesn't fall on us to convince the lost to wake up!!♥
I once did a bunch of research to prove things to jehovahs witness. Wish I could find it again bc you would be surprised how much is in their translation.
Oh yes. I haven’t looked too far into the NWT, but I do know they have perverted verses like in John 1 where it says the Word was with God and the Word was a god. Amazing how they can claim Jesus was a god, but not God. Wow.
@@abideintheWord Yeah it is. The thing is where man tries to corrupt to hide many more verses bear witness. They can't remove them all
Yes, they have changed John 1 and other scriptures to suit themselves.
Which is forbidden by God!
Very good and very wise message brother
Thanks and God bless you. Check out my other playlists as well on the truth gospel of Christ and things like eternal security and faith alone. There are MANY false teachers out there just as the Bible warns us about in these last days. God bless!
In Revelation 1:17, 18
“I am the First and the Last and the one who lives. I was dead, but now I live forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and Hades.” - Revelation 1:17, 18
We see that here, the title "First and Last" has certain boundaries within the theme of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus, as seen in verse 18. Christ was the first to be resurrected in the first resurrection and the last to be resurrected directly by Jehovah God. Subsequent participants in this resurrection will be resurrected by God through Christ because he has been entrusted with the “keys of Hades.” (John 6:40; 1 Cor. 6:14) Christ was the first fruits of those who fell asleep in death. (1 Cor. 15:20; Rev. 1:5) Significantly, when the title “First and Last” is once again applied to Jesus in Revelation 2:8, it is again associated with death and resurrection. When this is said about Jehovah in Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 48:12, no semantic framework is established.
@@revilotnek1610 see, you’re doing exactly what God warned about - ADDING to the words in Revelation. You just ADDED the words the last to be directly resurrected by Jehovah. This is what will happen to you -
“For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Revelation 22:18-19 NKJV
@@abideintheWord I did not add anything.
@@revilotnek1610 sure did!
@@revilotnek1610 it simply doesn’t say that. You just added all that to fit your doctrine instead of just letting the Scriptures speak for themselves. You will face the plagues of that book.
Thanks it's very inspired. it's a new information for me.
Here's some more.....Jesus the Lord is the Saviour.
John 4:42
King James Version
42 And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.
2 Timothy 1:10
King James Version
10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:
Titus 2:10
King James Version
10 Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
2 Peter 3:18
King James Version
18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.
Isaiah 43:11
King James Version
11 I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour.
Isaiah 45:21
King James Version
21 Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the Lord? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.
Hosea 13:4
King James Version
4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.
Good one.
Amen, blessings Maranatha Lord Jesus
Thank you for making videos like this. I was raised a JW. Had a very loving happy upbringing. Had no idea it was a demonic cult until just this past year. (I’m 43 years old with two children) So videos like this, made in love and truth are life saving for me. Indoctrination is NOT easy to get out of your head. I cry every day for my friends and family who have been deceived by an agent of Satan. Like Saul who was helping murder Christians- Jesus himself had to come down and wake him up. I ask that you pray hard for the JW’s trapped inside this dark cult. Please pray for them. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
God bless this ministry and the faith you have in our Lord Jesus.
It’s notable that most JW’s who leave the cult become atheists. It’s so sad. And I kid you not, most witnesses hope that you become an atheist before a true Christian or doubt their “Governing Body”. I hope Jesus mercy will be there for the witnesses who really were tricked and not blatantly ignoring Him.
Either they become atheists, or they get lulled to sleep in a false church that preach eternal security, faith alone, etc. It’s so sad to see people come out of one deception only to come into another just as bad. Beware, be on guard! Stay close to Jesus!
Nope, I totally agree with ALL Scripture.
Faith Alone
You are a liar. James was written to Jews who weren’t saved?
So when I show you that’s an outright lie, will you repent? Or will you like so many others not even care and keep defending your wickedness?
“My brethren, do not hold the 👉faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality.”
James 2:1 NKJV
@@melicmayflower so the verse I just gave says they had faith in our Lord Jesus, and you say they weren’t believers? Should I believe you or Scripture?
I like to use Rev 1:7-8. That is very clear that Jesus is God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Almighty!
I actually just had some come to my door today. I gave them Revelation 2 and they bolted out of there quicker than a rat in a fox’s den.
I ask them to show me the verse were it says that Jesus is Michael the angel. Not an interpretation but an actual verse. 🤔
What about Isaiah 9:6; that seems pretty clear
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Yeah but Jesus is not literally the Father. Plus, in John 1 where it was the Word became flesh and WAS GOD, they simply just say that really means He was A god. Which brings up the issue of polytheism. I imagine they could argue the same thing here.
@@jimjuri6490 Isaiah 6:9 is a FUTURE Event yes...Of Jesus Birth, which HAS Happened, so THIS Passage HAS BEEN Fulfilled, He IS Prince of Peace, Eternal Father
I watched some vids today curios what mormons JWs believe. Its interesting how quickly Mormonism can be explained vs the time needed to explain jws. It seems mormonism is an obvious and blatant cult type religion. Jws is more nuanced that twist the truth in a more subtle maner. Though obviouslyvwrong to most Christians it appears to require more time learning about it, in order to properly refute it
@@dashriprock5720 the reason for that is JW’s tend to theoretically make the Bible their authority (even though they really make the Watchtower’s interpretation their authority), whereas Mormons have other books outside the Bible so it’s easier to refute.
Thanks! I've used Rv/Is but not the Daniel one. Here are two more: 1. 2Th2 the jw Bible says that God will build a future temple on the Temple Mount that the "Man of Sin" will enter. Ask: Where is this Temple in the Bible. They say "Ezekiel." Show the JW Ezekiel where it says that the area is 25X the size of the Temple Mount. 2. Show them twice where Paul said that the Man of lawlessness is restrained "NOW" in 51AD. If that's true, the Man of Lawlessness is almost 2,000 years old in the year 2023 !!!
@jimjuri6490 In context, "God's Temple" would be understood by the Thessalonians as the one in Jerusalem in 51AD when "Herod's Temple" was standing. The Man of Sin is the same one Jesus talked about who commits abominations during the "Great Tribulation" that are followed up by the "burning of their city (Jerusalem)" as described in Mt 22: 1-14. All those things happened from 66-70 AD as recorded by Josephus and others.
@jimjuri6490 My theory is different but not enough to vigorously defend. My theory: The restrainer holding the man of sin is God. He let's him go for a little while (42 months) 66-70AD to wreak havoc and fight God's Army. The reason the RCC and church fathers are so far from the truth is that the Saints were caught up in the air to fight with Christ against the Hebrews in Jerusalem leaving a vacuum of doctrine that was filled with false teaching ... just my thoughts that I won't defend cuz I'm not too concerned about what happened after 70AD.
Thus saith Jehovah, thy Redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb: I am Jehovah, that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth (who is with me?);
Nice way to avoid the questions I raised in the video.
God the father….. is the first and the last …. Bless this insight …
How about Isaiah 9:6? I have tried talking to a few on street corners, try to get them to compare their bible with scripture. Haven't had much luck so far. I know Isaiah 9:6 is the same in their bible. I will try and remember Isaiah 44:6/Rev 2:8 also if I try again.
@@kevtt4034 yes that’s a good one too!
JWs explain the "First and the Last" as being true of Jesus in a different way than they think applies to Jehovah, who is eternal and timeless. They believe Jesus is the "first" to have resurrected back to spiritual life and the "last" to be resurrected in that fashion, as a perfect atonement to negate Adam's sin. Jesus, as "a god," lesser than Jehovah God, is a different and lesser "first and last" in a way that doesn't interfere with Isaiah 44:6. This is what I've gleaned from my discussions with JWs.
@@cpenrose100 except it doesn’t say that. Remember what the penalty is for ADDING to the book of Revelation? Yikes!
Also that doesn’t even make any sense. The last to be resurrected by Jehovah in that fashion? He is the ONLY one to be resurrected in that way. How rediculous.
I just had a conversation with a very sweet JW girl we met at karaoke and really hit it off but when I connected with her on Facebook and we talked about doing double dates a little bit later she said actually I'm sorry I really can't hang out with people one-on-one outside of Faith unless we're talking about the bible. And I just instinctively know that's wrong and I said to her if just being friends with someone who believes differently than you is dangerous because it could crumble your beliefs then maybe your beliefs are built on Sand and not a solid rock
So the Bible says before you try to help your brother to first get the log out of your own eye, because then you won’t be able to see clearly to help your brother out. Have you understood the true gospel of the Lord? There is a lot of deception out there -
The Gospel
I got on my cellphone and did a quick check lol. I found they explain the "first and last" referring to Jesus in Revelation as saying he was the first and last to have died and been resurrected. As for the verse in Daniel talking about the rank, the quick research I did, didn't show an explanation for that. It only highlighted that the Persian prince was a demon.
Yeah I’ve heard that explanation. Doesn’t hold water because it’s simply not in the text. That’s absurd. They are just completely comfortable with just adding to the text in order to support their doctrine. sad.
CHRIST enters the room and Daniel faints at HIS presence. Daniel gives CHRIST worship. JESUS then speaks in 1st person of the only other that knows the prophecy being true besides Himself is Michael.
Dan. 10 takes it farther when CHRIST enters the room and Daniel gives CHRIST worship. JESUS speaks in 1st person of Michael knowing the prophecies with him.
Another verse is Jehovah seated on HIS throne in Isa. 6:1. Jn. 12:40,41 says the Jehovah seated is JESUS. They will argue it is the FATHER, but if no man has seen the FATHER then it must be JESUS on HIS Throne.
Another is John the Babtist makes the highway straight for the coming of YHWH aka GOD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST.
There are a lot of verses in the Bible that refer to men in the Bible as "Lord" but does that mean that they are all the same person?
I’m sorry I’m not quite sure what you mean.
Yea but Jesus was worshipped no one that was just a phrophet allowed themselves to be worshipped but Jesus did
A pebble in their shoe?? Have you been reading Greg Koukl's "Tactics"? Lol
Ha! I must confess I did nab that from him back when I was studying up on apologetics and evangelism. Good catch! Lol
I am a Jehovah’s Witness for 30+ years heavily studied in the Hebrew and Greek, my friend. I respectfully say that your hermeneutics is incorrect. You referred to Isaiah44:6 where God refers to himself as the first and the last, and then you proceeded to revelations 2:8 and said Jesus is using this language towards himself i’m not real sure if you understand the context of Isaiah 44, but for the sake of the argument, let’s go with it because in revelations, chapter 2:8 it gives us the context it’s in regard to his resurrection he’s the first to be raise from the dead by God look at Colossians 1:18,1 corinthians 15:23 and also revelations1:5 … also staying in revelations 2:18 it refers to Jesus as the son of God, the son of who God.. if we go down to verse 26 of this chapter, it reads to the one who is victorious, and does my will to the end. I will give them authority over the nations, verse 27 that one will rule them with an iron scepter, and will dash them to pieces like pottery, just as I have received authority from my father.. just like the ones who receive authority from Jesus because he’s their superior, the same way, Jesus makes clear he receives authority from his father, because the father is his superior … so this idea that Jesus is using this language upon himself as we read in Isaiah 44 is just respectfully bad hermeneutics not to mention what does revelations1:1 say a revelation by Jesus Christ, which GOD GAVE HIM … all the information in revelations comes from Jehovah God not Jesus he just repeats it … and in brief, I’m going to speak on Daniel 10:13 because once again, you’re lacking an understanding of the Scriptures, and how things flowed over time at that time, when Daniel chapter 10 was written, he was one of the foremost angels as you say, but after his death and resurrection, what do we read in Hebrews 1:4 it says he became superior than the angels … also read 1 Peter 3:22……
now he’s spoken of Michael, the Archangel, the chief of all the angels he he was not in this position in Daniel chapter 10 because in Hebrews chapter 1 it says he has became superior after he gave purification for our sins through his death, and sat down at the right hand of the majesty in heave he’s not the majesty he’s sitting beside the majesty in heaven, I would also like to point out that in revelations3:14 Jesus said three times he has a God ..so I would like to offer you and your listeners/viewers to talk to a Jehovah’s Witness. If you have questions about our belief, I have a phone number that I dedicate to these things not my personal number a number for these kinds of conversations and it is 573-2 39-0319 if you’re interested in a cordial respectful conversation. Please text me and we can make arrangements.
So you’re saying Jesus is the first to be raised from the dead… and the last? It doesn’t just say the first. It says the first AND the last.
@@abideintheWord yes Jesus is the first to be resurrected by Jehovah God, and the last one to be resurrected by Jehovah God all the rest of humanity is going to be resurrected by Jesus in order /rank…1 corinthians15:20-23; John 6:54; John
11:25 ; acts 2:24; revelations 1:18…
@@markjackson5035 except it doesn’t say any of that. You see, you are ADDING to the text of Revelation to support your doctrine. Let me remind you about what a revelation says to anyone who ADDS to the book.
“For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
Revelation 22:18-19 NKJV
@@abideintheWord first off, I didn’t add any scriptures to the Bible. It’s allowing the Bible to self interpret itself. You’re claiming that Jesus in revelations chapter 2 by calling himself the first and the last you’re inferring that he’s calling himself Jehovah because of the language I’m showing you that that absolutely cannot be accurate first off the book of revelations, didn’t originate with Jesus. It was a revelation given to him by God why would that be the case if he’s the all knowing God… secondly, this first and last statement is connected to his resurrection and he’s the only one God resurrected no one else Jesus resurrect all others you’re just simply saying well God said this, and Isaiah so look at revelations chapter 2 Jesus is God if that’s the case explain to me what’s going on in revelations3:14 because Jesus cannot be the first in the last in the way that you’re talking because he has a God …. you’re simply inferring that this is the case I’m using multiple scriptures for multiple different Bible verses that show that is not correct, including many verses in revelations 2… you’re just simply saying this is true
@@markjackson5035 no, you added the first and the last to be resurrected. Nowhere in the context or ANYWHERE in Scripture does it say that. You simply added that in to support your theology, but it’s just not there.
Your second example, where Michael is described as ONE of the angels doesn't really refute their belief that he is the chief amongst them. This indicates he is of the same _kind_ , but doesn't necessarily deny that there is no hierarchy amongst them. They'll see this so I don't think I'll be using it.
First example is fine though..
No except it says one of the CHIEF archangels, not just one of the angels. Think about it like if you said ONE a of the presidents of the United States.
In Revelations, He is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Jesus is the Word of God
The entire book of Revelations, trumps all lies
Thank you for your informative video. Another verse comparison. Isaiah 44:6 and Isaiah 48:12, with Revelation 1:17,18. Jesus is the first and last, Amen. Important to remember... don't be hateful. Do everything in love.
Am I not doing something in love? Do you think I’m being hateful?
Not at all, brother! This is a note for anyone who would witness, to anyone, for that matter, as a motivation for their effort. I love the way you explained this message.
@@TerryN-ps3eh praise God. God bless you!
I tried this with some JWs at a college campus and showed them Rev 2:8 and they used Colossians 1:15 saying when Jesus said He was the First and Last He was referring to being the first born of all creation. They also used Rev 3:14. I did not know how to refute them. Any suggestions?
I would have just asked them, so how is Jesus the last of all creation then?
Brother Dean greetings. Next time they try saying Jesus is a created being tell them to go to Rev 5:13 (even in their own bible)
“And i heard every creature in heaven and on earth and underneath the earth and on the sea and all the things in them (everywhere possible) saying “to the One sitting on the throne and to the Lamb be the blessing and honor and the glory and the might forever and ever”
Notice all created beings listed in this verse yet Jesus was seperate feom the created beings. He was with God mentiond seperately.
As far as Revelation 3, you must first show them revelation 1. Jesus is speaking and he tells them what are the seven angels of the seven churches. So it clearly shows that Revelation 3 CANNOT be about him being created.
And he laid his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the Firstk and the Last,l 18 and the living one,m and I became dead,n but look! I am living forever and ever,o and I have the keys of death and of the Grave.*p 19 So write down the things you saw, and the things that are, and the things that will take place after these. 20 As for the sacred secret of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars mean the angels of the seven congregations, and the seven lampstands mean the seven congregations.
As far as Colossians 1:15 look at the Greek meaning of the word firstborn. It means source of all creation, not first created. Paul would have used a different word Here is a good article. Take them to the end of Ezekiel 1. You see one like a human in heaven, not an angel who is speaking. Then take them to Ezekiel 2. We clearly see it’s Jehovah speaking. It Jehovah the Son.
I'll share my story of a recent contact with one of these JWs.
I had a "Jehovah’s Witnesses" come to my door recently and it was very very sad to 'witness' what played out next.
The poor guy was straight into his 'sales pitch' as they are trained to do when I asked why did he think there was a god in the first place. He stopped turned around and said because of all this.
{pointing at well everything including my garden}
I explained that the tree and grass were both from seeds as I planted them.
I explained that other religions with different gods have told me that the same tree/grass is from their god(s).
So now I explained very politely that I have a problem.
This guy says the tree/grass is only from his god and the others are false gods whereas they said the tree/grass was only from their god and all the others are fake.
I asked him how I could actually tell where the tree/grass came from other than the seed that I set and he told me to, and I'll quote him word for word here:
"Stop being difficult and just believe what I am telling you because I am right and they are wrong'
He immediately started back up with "well now you believe me and my god is the only true god, we will carry on" and carried on with his sales pitch. So I simply went back inside my house and I am not sure he even noticed as he blathered endlessly from his man-made storybook.
I was indoctrinated into a nasty version of Christianity that taught hell to small children.
Horrible times and so glad to have left religion and the nonsense supernatural world.
It is very sad to see a grown man so stuck in his magical thinking that he cannot see the
wood for the trees (or trees from the seeds!!) that of course only came from his deity.
This is the problem of childhood indoctrination into a magical way of thinking.
It's why we have religions based on geography.
Children are so lucky to have been born into the correct religion, their parents/families/countries' religion.
It's why there are Christians in the Bible Belt (US), Hindus in Nepal and Muslims in Iraq.
To be honest I have also had Christians say the same silly things to me like, just shut up and believe.
News flash, no one can just believe any claim without first being convinced of that claim.
It's why churches operate 'Sunday Schools' to indoctrinate the next generation to keep their 10% of that person's salaries. It's only ever about the money and power that it brings.
I tell people these days that people should,
Teach their children 'how' to think and not 'what' to think or this sad man will be the fruit on your tree.
Personally, I am sorry that you are stuck in your religion just as these JWs are.
You see to me as you tell others that these JWs are just following 'what they have been told' I see no difference with any religions, yours included.
You should really look into your book, 'that just says a thing' at the unauthored document assigned to Matthew.
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
With the complete absence of any 'good' evidence for the supernatural world and deities,
remember to "Teach children 'how' to think and not 'what' to think"
Best Gray
“Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God, because we have testified of God that He raised up Christ, whom He did not raise up-if in fact the dead do not rise. For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins! Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable. But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.”
I Corinthians 15:12-20 NKJV
@@abideintheWord Many thanks for quoting a part of a book at me.
Any thoughts on why I or anyone else should be interested in that book other than the historical interest of people writing at the time period?
Thanks Gray
@@grayintheuk8021 as I answered, and as Paul said to a similar line of questioning, if Christ did not raise from the dead, then our faith is in vain and we are to be pitied among all. You think that we are to be pitied. So my response to you is to look into Jesus’ death burial and resurrection. There is a plethora of evidence that proves He did in fact rise from the dead. If this is true, then it’s only Him who can speak to the afterlife as no one else has risen from the dead - not Muhammad, not Buddha, not anyone else.
But the question is, do you truly WANT to know the truth, or do you love your sin too much to give it up?
@@abideintheWord Hey I want to know the truth but was not aware that there are sources outside of the bible from that time period that backs up the claims being made in the bible.
Sure a ton of people have said a ton of stuff hundreds of years later and people are always claiming an 'empty tomb' but as far as I am aware we have nothing.
Biblical scholars say the same thing, it's only when you get apologetics do we get claims made on claims.
So yes I want to know the truth but have not seen the peer-reviewed truth being presented.
If you have this,
"plethora of evidence that proves He did, in fact, rise from the dead."
please may you present it?
Many thanks
I do want the truth, please do not say that I don't or love this 'sin' too much as is so often thrown around by Christians like some grenade of their truth.
I don’t read that book because it what I was raised in by my family. I was not raised in a religious family. When I open the Bible, I see the answers to all the questions of mankind. Where did we come from. How was the earth formed. Science, history, astronomy, and the laws of mankind are contained in Gods revealed word. If there are many gods, which one do you follow? Because there is only One True Living God and He has revealed Himself through His word. When we walk in His ways the fruit of His Spirit is live, joy, peace, patience, kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness and self control. Our world would be so amazing if everyone followed these ways
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith,[e] as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”[f]
God's Wrath on Unrighteousness
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. 19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world,[g] in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
Pray for me I need help reaching a jw 🙏🏽
There are a lot of different and conflicting ideas/concepts in the bible. Most of these were not supposed to be lumped together and stitched together with new concepts such as the trinity. You will never get a JW to study the bible itself for historicity, authorship, documentary and layered theories and true scholarship. When one looks at the JWs and behaviors, they really aren't that much different than other Christian, Jewish and Mormon religions.
There aren’t contradictions in the Bible, it’s only unlearned people who don’t dig into it enough who think there are contradictions.
Thank you for the reply and for giving such a good example of what I was saying. I would also like to say that the further you look for truth, the further you will be from it. Don't look to straighten out someone else's religious beliefs until you have taken a good hard look into the mirror.@@abideintheWord
@@Strutingeagle I did. I went through a sort of deconstruction phase where I wondered if the Bible is indeed true. I was ready to accept it either way. But yet time and time again it has proven itself to be the word of God through the centuries.
After Noahs flood, how did the animal kinds diversify so quickly and travel to all the continents and islands setting up unique ecosystems? If you say God helped out with this it goes beyond what is written but does not mean it didn't happen. Then the question is why would a loving, merciful God not have just snapped his fingers and destroyed the wicked rather than drown everyone and everything. Hard to believe the children just born or learning to walk around the globe that never heard of the bibles God had to watch their mommies drown because an all knowing God regretted creating man. This same all knowing God set his rainbow in the clouds so when he sees it he will remember his covenant and won't drown the world again. Is it true this rainbow would help the all knowing God remember how he handled the situation? @@abideintheWord
We don't see first and last as a unique title in the way a name would be, which appears to be what you suggest. The context of the verses make it clear what is happening, I've put the relevant context in *bold* to help.
Isaiah 44:6 _“This is what the LORD says- Israel’s King and Redeemer, the LORD _*_Almighty:_*_ I am the first and I am the last; _*_apart from me there is no God."_*
The term first and last is used here to show how Jehovah is the only Almighty God, none before, none after, and the gods of Babylon are worthless in comparison.
Revelation 2:8: _“To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, _*_who died and came to life again._*
Jesus was the first and last to be resurrected directly by his Father, Jehovah. Those resurrected later will be done through Jesus.
Wait the last to be resurrected? Where does it say that? Let me remind you about the warning of ADDING anything to the book of this prophecy that you will receive the PLAGUES that are written in this book. Take heed! -
“For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;”
Revelation 22:18 NKJV
Daniel 10:13 _But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia._
It says chief princes rather than archangel / principal angel etc. If you compare this to Daniel 12:1 where he is called _"the great prince"_ .
It's worth noting that in many business organisations many chiefs, e.g. CFO, COO, CIO will all report to the CEO. All have chief in their job title but are not the same in rank. As a side note in Daniel 8:11,25 God is also called a Prince.
No, sorry. Nobody would refer to the CEO as simply “one” of the chiefs. He is the head of the organization, and is therefore THE chief. Nobody is higher than THE chief. Sorry.
What is mind boggling to me is that they say the KJV is canon, yet it contradicts their NWT, their custom made New World Translation. (I have talked to many JW elders and my wife and her family are JWs, so yeah, I would know).
KJV John 1:1 "..was God.
NWT John 1:1 "..was a god."
And that is just 1 example, but the biggest I can think of.
There lady JW's that came to my door said that Jehovah allows Jesus to claim to be the Alpha and Omega and beginning and end.
Well that would be blasphemous for us to call Him that if He wasn’t God.
@abideintheWord well, they have to keep altering their beliefs to appear consistent. It's like a child changing the rules to a game so they can win.
Is god omnipresent? If God is everywhere then how can hell (separation from God) exist? When you are put into the lake of fire, wouldn't you be destroyed? As in not exist?
Hell is the one place where all beings and things will be separated from God, God is as well all powerful, He can do all things much more than we can even comprehend ❤️
Also when those who go to hell they will be there for eternity they will not be destroyed/not exist
Isaiah 44:6 + Revelation 2:8 (the first and the last) --> They will respond that, whenever Jesus attributes to himself the qualities of God, it's because it's actually Jehovah speaking through him, as in some kind of possession.
About Daniel 10:13 --> They will respond that being "one of the foremost princes" does not exclude being THE formeost prince. Which is accurate, from a logical standpoint.
Their goal is not to prove themselves right to you. Their goal is to make you think that you are wrong, so that, by false dicotomy, you will assume that their are in the right. Because this is the same rethorical trick that was used against them simpletons.
@@lucasterable I’ve never heard that first response. Nor the second one either.
I had a friend tell me that when she Burns herself on the stove at work she uses God's name. She asked me if God loves her any less when she does that. How should I respond? She told me she does ask for forgiveness afterwards though.
The Bible says that God will not hold someone guiltless who uses his name in vain. I would show her that -
““You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”
Exodus 20:7 NKJV
Also this one -
“But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.”
Matthew 12:36 NKJV
@@abideintheWord I sent her that scripture before I even asked for help. Any question you won't answer it's in the Bible. Basic instruction before leaving Earth. I think I quoted that right.
Absolutely this is true. It is a sin and those who do so will be held guilty. ““You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”
Exodus 20:7 NKJV
It is a forgiveable sin. Matthew 12:32 "Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the one to come."
She can be forgiven.
Even if repeated, as long as repentance follows, it will be forgiven. Luke 17:3 "Be on your guard! If your brother sins, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times a day, and returns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you shall forgive him.”
God can forgive her for repeating the sin and repenting of it, and falling again and repenting. This verse says if your BROTHER sins. This is a Christian.
God has provided forgiveness for our sins in the LORD's prayer. That means He knows we may sin, although it is also possible for us to not sin due to His power in us by the Holy Spirit through Jesus' death on the cross as we abide in the vine. Nonetheless, provision is given in this prayer model for our sins. Matthew 6:12-14 in the LORD's prayer where He tells us how we ought to pray He says "And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil.For if you forgive other people for their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive other people, then your Father will not forgive your offenses."
She has to be fighting this sin with God's power. She has the power to overcome it only if she abides in the vine. If she just always does it and says sorry without trying to eradicate it, praying to eradicate it, being grieved it exists, then that's wrong. It should be going extinct in her, even though it seems Jesus knows we can repent and slip up 7 times in a day ( see above ). 1 John 3:9 "No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God."
I would encourage her to practice a replacement word that isn't meaning the same as His name. Like "owwwwww" or something silly like "pudding!" Sometimes you just need to say something. I would also encourage her to avoid taking the name of God in vain by not walking following Jesus as He walked. I would also say to her, when you feel that pain, take it as a reminder of what Jesus did for you on the cross. Say, I can't even imagine the pain you went through Jesus to save me. Thank you for the reminder in this small pain. I would also encourage her to pray and ask God, "am I really walking with you as LORD this day? What in my heart is doing this to You. Do I need to repent of something else that has made me speak against You when things go wrong? Show me what it is and help me get in line. I don't want any of this in me and if this is a symptom of something deeper, please eradicate the root and the symptom, I'm willing to obey." And encourage her to start doing something positive for God's name, saying "bless Your name, name above all names, the name at which every knee will bow, etc"
This also goes for people who say "Oh my God." and are calling themselves Christian. It's wrong I believe.
Wrote a detailed reply yesterday, and it's not here. It was initially. Now it's not. What happened?
I don’t know. TH-cam has been doing some crazy things lately I’m not posting many people’s comments.
Bible truth vs JWs "truth"? "Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, *have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect."* Awake 1993 Mar 22 page4
*Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come.* Jan 1, 2013 Watchtower
"Does this admission of making mistakes stamp them [Jehovah's Witnesses] as false prophets? Not at all, for false prophets do not admit to making mistakes." Watchtower, Nov. 1, 1972, page 644 - in brackets added (any scriptures for this "admitting to mistakes" means no they aren't false teachings, false prophecies?)
Admitting to making false prophecies doesn't magically change them, they are still Bible defined false prophecies (Deut 18:20-22) Very poor reasoning, probably why JWs "suggested dates" and went beyond scripture.
"suggested dates, wrong expectations" in God's name? yes, these ARE false prophecies from the Jehovah Witness Organization.
God's channel of communications, his voice on earth, God's mouthpiece, JWs? Nope, just a false religion!
Hi, I'm a Jehovah's Witness. Would you be willing to have a discussion on these very two points and then to follow a discussion on if Jesus is eternal or created?
No. You either believe the scriptures or you don’t. We are not called to argue and debate. Be gone.
@@abideintheWord Nowhere have I said I want to _"argue"_ or _"debate",_ I said *to discuss.* JW's actually dissuade fruitless debate [2 Tim 2:23] so it's unbecoming for you to claim that's my intention. The reason why I want to discuss these topics with you is that I believe you are in error and ignorant of the context surrounding these verses from what I heard in the video, are we not told to worship in truth? [John 4:24]
However, it's rather ironic and hypocritical of you to make a video on how to witness to a JW and yet you're unwilling to actually discuss these points with a JW....? I'm still scratching my head on that one.
How else am I or someone meant to tell someone they're in error with their held 'belief in scripture' unless they're open to talk and discuss scripture? I want to do nothing other than what Paul did in Acts 17:2, that is, to reason from the scriptures. I'm sure if a JW responded how you have to me you would claim they have a closed mind and are brainwashed.
Lastly, as you hold to scripture as I do, you would do well to apply 1 Peter 3:15, _"But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect."_ BSB
Telling someone to "be gone" who simply wants to talk is neither gentle, respectful, or Christlike. I'm happy to overlook that comment though.
@Epiousion Apologetics Nowhere have I said I want to "argue" or "debate", I said to discuss. JW's actually dissuade fruitless debate [2 Tim 2:23] so it's unbecoming for you to claim that's my intention. The reason why I want to discuss these topics with you is that I believe you are in error and ignorant of the context surrounding these verses from what I heard in the video, are we not told to worship in truth? [John 4:24]
However, it's rather ironic and hypocritical of you to make a video on how to witness to a JW and yet you're unwilling to actually discuss these points with a JW....? I'm still scratching my head on that one.
How else am I or someone meant to tell someone they're in error with their held 'belief in scripture' unless they're open to talk and discuss scripture? I want to do nothing other than what Paul did in Acts 17:2, that is, to reason from the scriptures. I'm sure if a JW responded how you have to me you would claim they have a closed mind and are brainwashed.
Lastly, as you hold to scripture as I do, you would do well to apply 1 Peter 3:15, "But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect." BSB
Telling someone to "be gone" who simply wants to talk is neither gentle, respectful, or Christlike. I'm happy to overlook that comment though.
@@gailmiller6333 Blind leading the blind
some friend ever told to me, that Jehovah Witness has a higher set of holiness standard than Christianity! hmhm
Well, it’s true that many of them are not drunkards or fornicators and there is a higher level of fear in JW’s because many do actually fear being kicked out of their cult unlike most of Christianity who thinks they can sin it up and still be on the new earth. But JW’s are sinning everyday in other ways. Like for example denying the deity of Christ is just one.
JWs don’t believe in Heaven for all, only the so called “144K”. Every one else that’s accepted by God will reside on the new earth. Also, they don’t believe in hell, only total Annihilation. My sister, my daughter and one of my sons are JWs, have been for a long time. Although I feel bad for them, I thank God I didn’t join. I love your teachings on that OSAS lie from the deepest pit of hell. Keep up the good work.🙏🏿
Nah. I shared these verses with my JW visitors and they went on this whole thing about how Jesus can be called the first and the last because he was the first and last resurrection by Jehovah himself. All other resurrections thereafter are done through Christ apparently. They haven’t given me an answer however to Jesus being called the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and End in Rev. 22:13
What sense does that make? First it doesn’t say that in the Scriptures. They are ADDING to Revelation which it talks about if you add anything to the book of this prophesy your share in the Holy city will be taken away! But how does that even make any sense anyways? If Jesus was the only One raised by Jehova, then why would He be called the First and the Last? Why wouldn’t He just be called the Only One raised form the dead? That falls flat on its face.
@@abideintheWord yes I just recently had a discussion with a JW on here The person kept trying to use that approach and I just became frustrated and said we will just have to agree to disagree because even when you show them the alpha and omega they do so many doctrinal gymnastics and monkey bar climbs it’s hysterical but sad and you just end up getting frustrated because they choose not to see or understand
@@christianpatriot7196 yeah remember you don’t want to lose your peace. If they want to argue just don’t fall into that trap - shake the dust.
“And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.”
Matthew 10:14 NKJV
“Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;”
II Peter 3:14 NKJV
“But avoid foolish disputes, genealogies, contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and useless. Reject a divisive man after the first and second admonition, knowing that such a person is warped and sinning, being self-condemned.”
Titus 3:9-11 NKJV
They will say it’s not Jesus speaking. That revelation is confusing
Basically whenever it says first and last or alpha and omega obviously it’s The father. Not Jesus
You cannot win an argument with a jw.
I was one
You simply can’t
They have to decide on their own to investigate the organization
Someone from CHRISTENDOM telling them things. Is just a lost satanic fool that they will never hear
As an ex jw I have completely moved on from religion … all ex Jws in the Uk do they’re due diligence and Find out it is a complete fairy tale … Americans ? Well
They can’t live without the craziness …just sayin
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Just because a religion burnt you, doesn’t mean it’s all bad. You would never stop watching the NBA for example simple because you had a couple of basketball players treat you badly. Think about it - if Christianity is true (I realize you don’t think it is, but just humor me for a minute) if it was genuine, and if there really were a devil, then wouldn’t the devil do everything he could to counterfeit and sow frauds and chaos all over as much as he could? Think about it.
Who is their God? JWs claim their Bible defined false prophecies are just "mistakes". However, they claim these false dates come FROM God. *"This chronology is not of man, but of God. Being of divine origin* and divinely corroborated, present-truth chronology stands in a class by itself, absolutely and unqualifiedly correct...." (Watchtower, July 15, 1922)
*"The Watchtower is the channel which Jehovah, our God, is using* at this time to in the faithful remnant who are keeping the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Watchtower, August 1, 1930 p. 239)
*"The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in The Watchtower. God feeds his own people,* and surely God uses those who love and serve him according to his own will. Those who oppose The Watchtower are not capable of discerning the truth that God is giving to the children of his organization, and this is the very strongest proof that such opposers are not of God's organization." Watchtower 1931 Nov 1 page327
"Jehovah God has made known to his anointed ones in advance what these Scriptures mean." Watchtower 1931 Jun 1 p.160
True, there have been those in times past who predicted an "end to the world," even announcing a specific date. Yet nothing happened. The "end" did not come. *They were guilty of false prophesying."* (Awake! 1968 October 8 page 23)"
Funny how no other religion gets to make "mistakes". JWs are hypocrites!!!
"Jehovah's Witnesses, in their eagerness for Jesus' second coming, *have suggested dates that turned out to be incorrect."* Awake 1993 Mar 22 page4
*Jehovah’s Witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come.* Jan 1, 2013 Watchtower
Also Acts 20:28 God purchased the church with His OWN BLOOD.
Jesus is GOD.❤
You say pebble in their shoe but i say a seed planted in their hearts.
idk why any true christian wouldnt be able to defend the trinity....but great video
I showed them the verse of it saying the word is God. There bible changed it.they get upset when I ask questions.
Yeah they cannot refute that. The only thing they can say is that it meant Jesus was the first and the last… to be resurrected! I then remind them about the warning in Revelation of adding to the book and if this scares them. They usually get quiet after that -
“For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book;”
Revelation 22:18 NKJV
Excellent 👍
So after Jehovah witnesses leave their religion, where is the Truth 🤔 Baptist, Protestant, Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal, Messianic etc.... Christianity has so many offshoots. Research All religions.
The truth is not in the Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal or episcopal churches. The truth is in Jesus Christ. He says that He is the Way the Truth and the Life. We follow Him - no denomination.
@@abideintheWord Thanks for responding 👍
@@aj7009 no problem. Just let me know if you have any other questions.
First off, you can't take scripture and say, "Hey. Refute this. " All scripture requires context. That's a big issue with most "Christians ". Just looking to argue to say he or she is right but not actually taking the entire Bible into account.
Ok, so using the context, go ahead and refute it.
@@ripcord8738 says the person who doesn’t provide an answer.
Brother you are wrong. At the end 1 Corinthians 15:24-27 say Jesus will give everything back to his Father.
Dont make your self confuse. Read the text and analyzed it carefully❤
I would say be in that religion for 10 years to really lesrn the cultural belief and be able to debunk them
How does that nullify anything I said?
Luke 21:8 and Deuteronomy 18:20-22 end of story
Hebrews 1:13, ESV: And to which of the angels has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?
Jesus is clearly not an angel but the one and only Son of God
Does Daniel 10:13 Prove That Michael the Archangel is Not Jesus Christ?
Many point to Daniel 10:13 as evidence against Michael being Jesus.
Daniel 10:13 - Michael is one of the chief princes.
Daniel 12:1 - Michael is the great prince.
Some say that if Michael is one of the chief princes, then he can't be the Son of God. That doesn't follow. People seem to misunderstand the biblical word for "prince." It doesn't mean "prince" in the modern English sense. It means, according to the BDB Hebrew lexicon: "chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince." Even God is said to be a prince in Daniel 8:25.
So Daniel 10:13 is saying Michael is "one of the chief rulers." This would be like saying that the President of the United States is "one of the chief rulers." The President is still a unique position, and it is the highest ranking position, but there would be others in various offices that would be counted as "one of the rulers" of the US. Daniel 12:1 says Michael is "the great ruler." The Bible doesn't say that there is only one ruler, and that that ruler is God. No, it speaks of many rulers, or princes. God is a ruler. Michael is a ruler. Jesus is a ruler. The Jewish religious leaders were rulers. The Jewish kings were rulers. All Daniel 10:13 is saying is that Michael is "one" of the rulers, without specifying his exact rank among all the rulers. Logically, Michael/Jesus can hold the unique position of "archangel," be above the angels, and still be called "one of the chief rulers." To say that this somehow prevents Michael from being Jesus is to not understand reason.
Interestingly, the Greek Septuagint has "o angelos o megas" - the Great Angel - at Daniel 12:1. Theodotian's Greek Daniel - which some used to replace the original Septuagint version of Daniel because it was thought to be more accurate - has "o arkhon o megas" - the Great Ruler. Both versions have "ton arkhonton ton proton" - "one of the first rulers" - for Daniel 10:13
Jesus isn't Michael. So...
Great points.
Hell thats christianity in a nutshell
They dont believe in hell..trust me. I had a huge argument one day...they just go door to door cause they love god that much. Idk
I know. I misspoke.
What a lame video! Let me tell you my friend that though I am NOT a JW, I have had many chats to them! They know their bible's better than most! As for quoting Isa 43 'Besides me there is not Saviour' Does this means that because the NT calls Jesus our savior' then "This Proves Jesus is God"? Of course NOT. Just read the previous chapter, 42 which states "Here my SERVANT whom I uphold" ( RNEB) Matt 12:18 applies this to Jesus. God's SERVANT!. Even Peter agreed Acts 4:30.
If God’s testimony says there is no other Savior, and Jesus is called the Savior (THE) Savior of the world, how does that not prove Jesus is God - again if there is NO Savior other then God?
You aren’t being consistent, you are simply sidestepping the verse and ignoring it.
@@abideintheWord Dont agree, I have explained the consistancy of the two points; Had Jesus come to earth to be our Saviour in Isaiah's day? So at that TIME, there was no other saviour! . Also Jesus acts on the Fathers's part! He uses, angels too and even humans to fulfill his will! You need to consider the whole picture not just quote a bible text and say "There you are, that proves this or that!
@@kiwihans100 terrible reasoning sorry. The Bible says what it says. Your line of reasoning holds no water. Jesus is THE Savior.
@@abideintheWord Then according to you, the bible contadicts itself! Since Isa 19:20 says "And He ( the Lord of Hosts) shall send them a saviour"" ( Moses). So how do you match the two verses? One says there is 'no other saviour' and here God sent a savioir to Israel". ( Also The Judges were called 'saviors' ( Judges 3:9 ) David was called a 'saviour' ( 1 Sam 23:5) So your arguement is flawed! Jesus Is our Saviour, David was and so were the judges of Israel. Simple! Yet of course ultimately the Saviour is Almighty God! Even a Christian can 'save' another from death ( James5:20 ). Read your bible
Which animal looks like a dog? Its feet looks like a dog. Its head looks like a dog? Its body looks like a dog?
If you can answer this riddle you will understand the truth about Jesus and his Father.
@@apostlepaul2109 umm how about no.
@@abideintheWord the answer is "a puppy". Jesus looks like his father but they are not one and the same person.
@@apostlepaul2109 what are you talking about?
A false doctrine that JWs teach is that there is no hell.
@David19746 So what about the lake of fire?
Poor reasoning here! True only Almighty God is our 'Saviour' Thats why he sent forth his Son to save us! Jesus did this on our behalf with the anointing and blessing of the Holy Spirit of the FATHER! Would Jesus have been able to 'save' us if the Father had not raised him from the dead? Its like Jesus words at John 5:22 "The Father judges no one at all but He has GIVEN FULL juristriction to the Son" ( RNEB). Since Jesus said "All authority has been GIVEN me in heavan and on earth "Matt 28:,19 it is exactly the same priciple. The Father is the "Judge of the whole earth" but He has GIVEN permission for the son to act on His divine behalf. Easy to understand! The Son acts for the Father. Jesus stated this many times! I am Not a JW! I read the bible!
No you need to read your Bible and not add anything to Scriptures! It says Jesus was given authority by God. You are reading it as He was given the title of God only in the sense of the authority of. The Bible is explicitly clear, the only title Who that is given to is God. Jesus is God. Don’t add to the Scriptures lest you be rebuked.
I see (Or at least it Appears) from the comments section, that a JW has attempted to come on here an explain his take on what those verses mean, and he was blocked for doing so. Without being able to read what he/she said, it seems to me that you are not actually interested in a dialogue with those you claim you are trying to help.
I would be quite willing to show that these 2 verses CAN, in fact, be shown to mean something entirely different from what you say they mean, but I might leave it for a day-or-two. Better wait to see if I'm going to be blocked first.
No, I do not block people for providing an answer. I block people for being vulgar or blaspheming or arguing. Turns out, your people tend to be quite argumentative in spirit and just rude. I don’t put up with that. There have been a couple JW’s who have provided answers, but they were really bad. One tried to say that the first and the last just referred to Jesus being the first of all creation. Can you believe that? 🤣 Do you guys even want the truth?
It’s still here.
The apocalypse of Adam ?
Sadly, there is just so much wrong with this video. It begins with the presumption that the presenter is the recipient of biblical truth and that other groups, sects or denominatioins who have a different view must be wrong.
His video is entitled : "How to witness to Jehovah's Witnesses" but should be more appropriately entitled :" How to try to stump a Jehovah's Witness." He seems to equate trying to stump people with witnessing about his particular religious understanding. He further entitles his video : "They cannot Refute These 2 Verses." This is a bold and specious assertion.
It does not seem to have occured to this guy that the same title can be applied to more than one eg; ' saviour'. This can be applied to YHWH, to Jesus and is also applied to Judges. Even the title 'God' is applied in the Bible to Moses, Hebrew kings, angels and even the Devil. But even I don't think our man would be stupid enough to claim that this proves that they are YHWH.
His second argument appears to be directed at a specific doctrinal view of the JWs. He seems to think the wording of Daniel 10 :13 is a trump card. But in no way does the verse, which can also be translated "a prince of the first rank"suggest that Michael is not the only archangel. Certainly he is the only archangel mentioned in the Bible and in Daniel 10 :21 and 12 :1 he is the Prince over God's people. Furthermore, I wonder if our guy is even aware that many famous Theologians of the past have even identified Michael with Jesus. Apparently, Watchhtower did not invent this idea, but angel Christology has been arounds from the beginning of Christianity.
Finally, I wonder how he would respond to all the verses that differentiate Jesus from God.
What? Name the famous theologians who believed Jesus was the archangel Michael.
@@abideintheWord :Here are a few for starters :
Calvin's commentary on Dan 12 regarding 'Michael' : "I embrace the opinion of those who refer this to the person of Christ, because it suits the subject best to represent him as standing forward for the defense of his elect people." ( J Calvin, Commentaries on the Book of the Prophet Daniel, trans D Myers, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1979, Vol 2, p369).
John Wesley writes in his commentary of Dan 12 : "Michael - Christ alone is the protector of his people when all the princes of the earth desert or oppose it."
In the Works of Jonathan Edwards, Vol 2, Chap 1 : 'Angels' he writes contrasting Lucifer and the Christ, calling the Christ the saviour of the angels, stating "The elect angels join with him, the glorious Michael as their captain, while the other angels harkened to Lucifer"
In fact, many standard Protestant reference works admit that many have identified Michael with Christ as the following shows :
"The earlier Protestant scholars usually identified Michael with the preincarnate Christ, finding support for their view, not only in the juxtaposition of the 'child' and the archangel in Rev 12, but also in the attributes described to him in Daniel."(The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, Vol 3, p 2048, Eeerdmans Publishing 1984).
Indeed, many Christians today, in an attempt to show the pre-existence of the Son, do so by tying him to an angel, Yahweh's angel or the Angel of the Lord of the OT. They have been doing this as far back as the writings of the early Church Fathers. Martin Werner in his famous The Formation of Christian Dogma shows that the first Christology was an angel Christology.
Wait so you are saying that John Calvin and John Wesley and John Edwards believed Jesus was the archangel Michael?!?
Revelation 1:5 ,Jesus is a faithful witness,,,,,is he witnessing himself?
Not sure what you’re getting at I’m sorry.
There are three in Heaven Who bear witness -
“For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.”
I John 5:7 NKJV
Proverbs 24:21-22, Fear Jehovah and the King Jesus,,,, Zacariah 6:13,, Jesus, the branch of David will build the temple of Jehovah and he will rule as king and there will be true peace between them two,,,,, then the end will occur, once he turnover his rulership to Jehovah, Ist, Cor, 15:24,
@@renatovasquez6041 ok. Is this supposed to refute what I’m saying or something?
Isaiah 9:6 New World Translation (JW bible)
For a child has been born to us, A son has been given to us; And the rulership will rest on his shoulder. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, *Mighty God, Eternal Father,* Prince of Peace.
How many Mighty Gods, Eternal Fathers do you believe in? What does Immanuel mean?
Both can be the first and last.
You're misguided
@@MikeColl-l6b I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Our lord has made himself known to us . Jehovah the one true God was manifested in the flesh .the creator became manifested in his own creation .The word became flesh and dwellt amongst us .
Throwing questions at them when the answers need a little research is more of an ambush than anything else.
Alpha and Omega:
To whom does this title properly belong?
(1) At Revelation 1:8, its owner is said to be God, the Almighty. In verse 11 according to KJ, that title is applied to one whose description thereafter shows him to be Jesus Christ.
(2) Many translations of Revelation into Hebrew recognize that THE ONE DESCRIBED IN VERSE 8 IS JEHOVAH, and SO THEY RESTORE THE PERSONAL NAME OF GOD THERE.
(3) Revelation 21:6, 7 indicates that CHRISTIANS THAT ARE SPIRITUAL CONQUERERS ARE CALLED "SONS" OF THE ALPHA AND OMEGA. That is never said of the relationship of spirit-anointed Christians to Jesus Christ. JESUS SPOKE OF THEM AS HIS "BROTHERS.’ (Heb. 2:11; Matt. 12:50; 25:40) But THOSE "BROTHERS' OF JESUS ARE REFERRED TO AS "SONS OF GOD". (Gal. 3:26; 4:6)
(4) At Revelation 22:12, TEV inserts the name Jesus, so the reference to Alpha and Omega in verse 13 is made to APPEAR to apply to him. But THE NAME JESUS DOES NOT APPEAR THERE IN GREEK, and other translations do not include it.
(5) At Revelation 22:13, the Alpha and Omega is also said to be “the first and the last,” which expression is applied to Jesus at Revelation 1:17, 18. Similarly, the expression “apostle” is applied both to Jesus Christ and to certain ones of his followers. But that does not prove that they are the same person or are of equal rank, does it? (Heb. 3:1)
So what is Jesus the first and the last of then?
Sounds like your trying to justify a predetermined system rather then reading the Scriptures for truth.
@@abideintheWord That is the truth. Jesus is the "First and the Last" in a different role. He was the first person to be resurrected to HEAVEN. No one went to Heaven before Jesus did, contrary to the teachings of the churches;
He is the Last to be resurrected by Jehovah to Heaven, Jesus is performing all other resurrections. His 144,000 enter Heaven while billions are resurrected during the Millennium on earth, not Heaven.
So He’s the last to be resurrected to heaven?
@@djparsons7363 sorry, that makes no sense.
The first and the last!
The first that preached the gospel, the first that was direct created by Jehovah himself.
..The last i dont know? 🧐
Maybe YOU can answer it?
BECUSE sometimes the father Jehovah talks in the Bible and sometimes Jesus Christ talks.
Michael one of the chief Angels that is not a problem 😂
Why is that a problem for you?
Says no Bible verse in Revelation.
Nice try, but you are ADDING to the word of God. Remember the plagues that will be added to you if you add to the book of Revelation? Look out? Here they come!
LoL...this poor guy. In Isaiah Jehovah speaks through an angel. Is the angel the first and last? No. In Revelation, Jesus the word of his father Jehovah, he speaks again on his behalf. Jesus also said; "the father is greater than I". The trinity is a lie.
did that angel specifically refer to himself as the first and the last like Jesus did?
just wanted to share the Gospel that all men need, the Bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) this means we all deserve death and separation from a perfect and holy God. But God did not leave us for dead, He sent His only begotten Son to die in yours and my place, so that anyone who believes in Him and repents of sin will be saved from separation from God, and have eternal life! I urge you please put your faith in Jesus Christ and follow Him, He promises to save all who cry out to Him and have a humble heart. We arent guaranteed another day so we must seek Him today while He may be found.
That’s a terrible gospel. Let me give you the true gospel that Jesus and the Apostles preached!
The Gospel
@@abideintheWord You're going to call "put your faith in Jesus Christ and follow Him" a terrible Gospel? Did you even read the comment
@@MemeRider no. You didn’t mention anything about hell - although you did sort of allude to it with death and separation I’ll give you that. You also didn’t mention anything about being baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit, and enduring in the faith - aka a warning against eternal security.
For example, Paul gives such a warning in his gospel presentation, and baptism is alluded to because as Romans 6 and Colossians says that is where we die with Christ and are united with Him in His death. Take a look at this -
“Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you-unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures,”
I Corinthians 15:1-4 NKJV
You see, Paul included a WARNING to those who believe to endure or else what? They can believe in vain - meaning they can believe for a while, but still not make into the promised land.
Here it is again -
“👉if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.”
Colossians 1:23 NKJV
You see, there are warnings to true believers all throughout Scripture to make sure they don’t go back to sin and to keep walking by the Spirit and to endure in the faith. It’s not enough to just believe, you must also keep walking by faith until the day you die - meaning you are walking free from sin and walking according to the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.
Now before you turn and argue against what I just said, did you watch the videos I presented? If not, i have no desire to argue with someone who does not wish to feed themselves on the word of God.
I'm not a witness however what you're saying isn't accurate.
You're grasping at straws.
All Christians are lied to.
The blind leading the blind
I speak from Scripture.
Thank you for those verses. God showed me John 1: 1-5. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
John 1:1-5 . These verses stumped Jehovah’s Witness who came to my door one day. Their Bible says Jesus was a god, ( little g God) not God.
Also read John 1:18 where you see Jesus as "the only begotten God" the Hebrew word for what we call God is Elohim and means mighty one, did you know that Kings , judges and others in the Bible are also called Elohim, but does that make them the almighty also ???
Sure, Jesus is the savior. He was appointed such by his father, regarding the day and that the hours at the end will come, no one knows the day nor the hour, not even the Sun, but only the father knows.@john 1428 Jesus said that the father was greater than he was. And a John 541 Jesus said that he did not accept Glory from men. He refused to be worshipped because that would be an abomination in his mind towards his father Jehovah
You are very wrong. Jesus accepted worship numerous times in Scripture. But you get around the two passes I brought up in the video. Why do you try to get off on a different tangent?
note: JW's dont believe in hell....
I have made that correction not only in the description but also in numerous comments. I know that I just wasn’t thinking at the time.
They think micheal is jesus
Says no verse ever.
Jesus accepted worship. That alone should be enough to let them know right there. Also, Hebrews 1 talks about Jesus is HIGHER than the angels. It’s amazing they can’t see this.
Jude 9 destroys that, no ?
They say that God is never called mighty ever in scripture but almighty. And they think it’s wrong for Jehovah going to be called mighty.
Well according to the NWT Jeremiah 32:15 and Deuteronomy 10:17 says otherwise. Both passages mention jehovah Gods name as mighty.
Also they said the Holy Spirit is an active force not God himself, well according to the New World translation in second Corinthians chapter 3 verse 12 and 17 it has a jehovah John is Holy Spirit, if the Holy Spirit was not a person then in the New World translation, why does it say in Job chapter 33 verse four in the New World translation of the Holy Spirit creates and is Jehovah God. So both of these passages verify that the Holy Spirit one is God second Corinthians chapter 3 and Jeremiah 32 verse 18 and Deuteronomy chapter 10 verse 17 verify that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God he jump forward Isaiah 96 in the New World translation who is the Messiah? The mighty God Jehovah God in the flesh it’s that simple.
John, 10:34-35, Jesus the Word when become flesh complained and defended himself against the Jews by using this unbreakable scripture @Psalm, 82:6, He asked them, " Isn't it written in your law where Jehovah give his words to them then called them you are gods, the sons of most high,!"so, its obvious that most Christians also broke the scripture @Psalm, 82:6, and omitted the word son,!
Congrats! So your polytheistic!
John 10:34-35, Jesus defended himself against the Jews by using the unbreakable scripture, @Psalm, 82:6, He asked, " Isn't this written in your law, where Jehovah gives his words to them, then he said , " you are gods, the sons of most high,! Thats why Jesus only said, I am son of God, but the Jews and most Christians removed the Word "son" and accused him with blasphemy, so, who broke the scriptures?
@@renatovasquez6041 if He meant it in the sense that He was a SEPARATE god (which He didn’t) then as I said - congrats - you’re polytheistic - you believe in multiple gods.
@@renatovasquez6041 there is no way around this if you believe your interpretation is correct - then you believe in multiple gods.
No, John 17:3, We believed Jehovah and his son Jesus, his appointed king,as we understood That Jehovah created all things, Col, 1:15-18, All things were created through Him,Jehovah and for him, Jesus to rule as his appointed king, Acts, 5:28-31, nothing else,
Revelation 22. Jehovah is coming quickly and Jehovah sent his angel, and Jesus is called the first and the last. At the end of Revelation 22 we see that it’s Jesus who sent his angel and is coming quickly. So there’s Jesus called Jehovah in their very own NWT
6 He said to me: “These words are faithful* and true;j yes, Jehovah,* the God who inspired the prophets,k has sent his angel to show his slaves the things that must shortly take7 Look! I am coming quickly.l Happy is anyone observing the words of the prophecy of this scroll.”
16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of Davidu and the bright morning star.’”
12 “‘Look! I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me, to repay each one according to his work.o 13 I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga,*p the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
16 “‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of Davidu and the bright morning star.’”
Excellent! It is more then clear for those who have ears to hear! God bless. And check out some of my playlists and let me know what you think b
They dont believe in Hell. But in Armageddon
Yes I made the correction right after in the comments. I got it mixed up and had to correct it later. I knew it it just must not have registered at the time. Sorry!
@@abideintheWord no problem. I make video's myself and make mistakes sometimes. Keep up the good work bro