Man they really tried hard to think up the worst legendary they could have possibly made lmao Edit: What's crazy is that consume could actually be an interesting Warlock tech card if it could target enemy locations as well.
@@nabeelhussain1372 In SC2, Consume is supposed to restore energy(aka mana), not health. The card would be a lot more interesting if it gave you extra mana crystals or something, even if temporarily.
Regis woke up today and chose violence, and I for one love it haha. He is on point asking wtf is going on with this batch of HS cards and slamma-jamma dunking on SD on X over the Snap debacle. And he does it all while staying cheerful and informative! You rock, Regis!😂🎉
@RegisHearthbin Truth be told I normally steer clear of the whole parasocial, TH-cam, community stuff haha, but I've been watching your vids for yeeeeears going back to early HS era, and I must say you are one of the only real ones in this space. So, I genuinely hope things work out, in whatever form that takes, not because I need to play this CCG or that CCG, but because you seem like a good dude with a fam, and I know it's gotta be tough in an industry with constant tremors let alone a possible tectonic plate shift like the one involving SD. Here's hoping for good news, and game on!
@@mangouschase worse because Elise pulls cards from your deck that you actually want in there. Grunty just gives you random minions which on average will be garbage.
I think the HS team just kinda hates warlock rn. Not to mention that they could've gone with a cooler design for sure coloney rather than spine crawler. And the cavern could've pushed out 2 ultralisks and it STILL probably wouldn't see play.
Would it have been really that overpowered if consume could target any location and just healed for 5…. so it didn’t just have synergy with just one card.
it would probably be fine gameplay-wise, but this is a lot more fitting flavor-wise. Consume in StarCraft targets your buildings (or units sometimes I believe) to restore mana/health to the consumer - which is exactly the effect the card has now
I've been a little disappointed that they didn't mix Hearthstone and Starcraft more in these cards. Is Grunty the only example of the two being fused? Kinda sad considering we probably aren't getting more Starcraft after this.
it might mean you can bypass taunt with the effect - with rush, you might have to trade them all into the big taunt minion your opponent has, but shooting them might mean you can send them into the squisier backline instead
We've seen similar wording on stuff like Flark's Boomzooka and Maxima Blastenheimer. It looks like it's more or less gonna be like rush but can attack past taunt
Am reminded of the 8 or 9 cost minion that pulls a minion from your hand and has it attack a random enemy minion. Would agree on it likely bypassing taunt with the added note that they're likely being FORCED to make an attack so you can't hold them back like with other summoning to the board effects & unlike purely giving them rush (with the choice of not attacking)
The difference is that it targets like a spell, ignoring taunt. It actually might even be able to target elusive cards (because this isn't a hero power or spell so "shoot" should be able to hit them).
You didn't go into two of the more edge cases of Grunty. On the Positive, if your opponent has an empty board than it summons, so it at least builds a board. On the negative, if you already have a board you wont get any morlocs if there isn't space to summon. So if you are a morloc deck wanting clear a big taunt to push face, for instance, you will have a hard time using Grunty for that.
issue is the murloc pool right now is filled with minions that are terrible to summon on turn 8 because they have bad stats and no effects when summoned that way, and a couple outliers that are fine but nothing extraordinary either
Think it's pretty obvious with great dark beyond and this miniset that the hearthstone team is trying to turn back the power creep some. In the long run I think that's great, but it does mean that we'll see some very disappointing sets for a little while (and if they respond by emergency-buffing cards like in the great dark, well the entire point is pretty much lost).
I mean that's how every mini set works, sell 30 below average cards and 2 or 3 that are essential, and everbody still buys it while not reducing the amount of normal packs bought
The difference is that previous mini set cards weren't so dependent on each other. If 2 or 3 cards from this mini set would be essential without these faction synergy dependencies, they may not even be playable because of the fact that you have to run a whole package of other bad StarCraft cards with it for it to work.
Underwhelming, but I like the direction they're going. Hearthstone needs to power down a bit, especially on combo decks. I'm tired of having decks that build themselves where it's just like, put ALL the elementals in your deck or put ALL the XYZ in your deck.
To a degree that contradicts itself since Combo decks are one of the answer to not creating an ABC same minion type deck. Tho I do fully agree on not wanting THIS many combo decks out and about as well as not wanting it to go purely into a "Just play all [ same minion type]" archtypes. It's nice to mix minion/card types in a way that won't end up in a "Welp you lose now" way
I’ve been thinking about these warlock cards, and I think they are meant for the old school wheel warlock deck with forge of wills. Let’s not forget spawning pool is a 1 mana location that nets 2 cards (or could be consumed for 8 health). Pool into spine crawler will slow aggro for a couple turns and ultralisk cavern will soften them up for table flips/defile. Copying the 8/8 with forge on turn 5 with a consume will be solid. If you don’t draw these cards, then you do the normal stuff and play into your dark alley pacts, endgames, Loken. Will it be good? Who knows, but I think that is at least where these cards should be going. Not into an aggro/swarmy deck.
I am a huge Starcraft fan, and I really hope they come back or add a few more faction cards maybe for rotation. I've played Hearthstone since its release and know the power creeps an issue, but we're already there, and I 100% agree they could have given more and charged less considering how narrow this mini-set is, and unless they make significant changes and/or add more later, I'm collecting the set, and probably done till rotation(I'll farm the gold rather than give another dime for such a lame set, and the most annoying part is I was looking forward to this since its announcement, saving gold just to hear I'm still 2000 short... and for a few more common and rares... wtf). I'm putting my proposals on TH-cam channels I follow cause I hope their voice and reach could go further than mine. Zerg Rush, for all zerg factions, 5 cost spell that summons 3 random Zerg minions and triggers their Battle cries and Deathrattles. Zerg are supposed to swarm and in this metta that often ends by turn 5-9 you need some powerful midrange cards. Warlock Zerg feels like a bad joke, make the Ultralisk a 7-8 mana rusher with cleave. Make Consume able to hit any location, they already usually super powerful and impossible to play around. More of the Zerg cards should be shared amongst the Zerg faction, specifically Banelings, and Roaches, to increase the Zerg power levels, The Devourer would make all zerg super scary and competitive but even Dirty rat can backfire... If they aren't swarming early, they're not gona last against the OTKs of Protoss and Terran. I want Charge on the Zealots removed, perhaps adding rush and divine shield. Protoss should get something similar to Zerg but different, perhaps Mass Recall, costing 7-10 since their mechanic is mostly discounting, but the spell should add any protoss card(or minion if you want to keep control of power level) played this game back to hand. I also like the idea of perhaps summoning Dragoons(Protoss unit) for each Protoss minion destroyed this game, perhaps they could deal two damage to minions at end of turn and they could be 3/4s to mirror Zealots. I wish the Faction cards could convert Starships into their respective Leviathan and Spear of Adune forms to match Terran Battlecruiser, super cool idea and another missed opportunity. I feel Zerg needs a Beast tag for more synergy with existing cards. Protoss could grab the Draeni tag, but that thought seems risky...
Instead of what Regis said about the damage output of Grunty being “less than Sneed’s”, my closed caption subtitles interpreted it as “less than sneeze, which I think is more appropriate.
I adore the top down design for this entire mini-set, but it does sort of result in a lot of cards being not good enough for standard and there's less singleplayer modes now that duels has gone to play them elsewhere.
I het why people call the warlockcards bad, but I have some hope for them, since they are not exclusevly connected to zerg. You can run any other location for the 2 drop, and the location itself looks more like a control card to me. And if you are playing control, the 8/8 can wait a whole shit amount of turns. However, I do wonder if locations are affected by spell damage. I dont think so, which makes the location very narrow indeed.
Grunty being able to develop you a board makes him somewhat more tempo than Goliath I guess. But when you drop the ceaseless, you dont need 5 murlocs haha
maybe if grunty was like, 5 or 6 mana I would have a little hope for it but as it is we're only gonna see this card off random generation effects (unless like regis said some future murlocs are insane with it, but I doubt it)
Grunty is a serious let-down. Absolutely nothing related to Starcraft or the faction mechanics at all, just a random effect that could have been put on any type of card from any set. Imagine this instead: "Start of game: All Murlocs in your deck count as part of your Faction."
A 2 mana 1/6 with taunt is not a bad card at all. Synergy is awful but still a great early game stall and Warlock is running other locations that actually make sense with this card. 3 star card.
imo, if you look it from starcrafts perspective, spine crawler is: - a defense system - needs creep to survive/be planted - CAN MOVE so, it would have fit the flavor if it gained 'can attack' as long as you have a location - because now it would 'spawn creep', allowing you to move the spinecrawler 'offensively'
Would it be better if Grunty ressurected Murlocs instead of summoning? You would be able to control the value of the card with proper deckbuilding. Otherwise, slow and weak Battlecry minion.
Okay so I get that they probably don't want to make these cards very strong because they don't want to be seeing Starcraft cards have longterm meta relevance in their Warcraft game. But at the same time they aren't adding these as a free funny little promo between the two games, they're instead SELLING them as part of their primary expansion set plan for the year as though they aren't terrible meme-teir promo cards.
Grunty is fun, he's most probably terrible but it's cute (and it's not gonna be a yogg saron unleashed situation) the warlock cards have terrible synergy with each other and the rest of the zerg cards (a can't attack minion in the faction that wants to flood the board, okay then) and I doubt they'll receive much to help them later
In terms of memes, Grunty is amazing. Just tossing useless murlocs at random targets is going to be hilarious. And yeah, the warlock package is nigh useless. I'm kind of disappointed that ultralisks are so bad though. 8/8 with rush is just really mediocre. All in all, this mini set seems really cool but absolutely terrible. They likely aren't going to back this up with other cards in the future so that's not going to be great either.
I got kinda pumped about this being a Starcraft set but right now when we've seen the cards this is one of the worst mini sets ever, might even be the worst ever? Like come on Blizz even you can do better scrape together some of your money and do better.
I think Grunty is mostly there for shits & giggles, but also to have a solid miss at 8 mana for evolve type effects. 8 costs are mostly better than 7s AND 9s and even often 10s
In StarCraft, vipers used Consume to drain health from buildings in order to restore their energy for using their spells. I wonder if they considered something to that effect: remove 1 durability from a friendly location, refresh X mana crystals. That would be more thematic and would certainly be more useful. This doesn’t look like it’ll become a Kobolds situation wherein Dark Pact surprised everyone. As you say, Ultralisk cavern is JUST good, but doesn’t look TOO good.
They have such a dope IP (Starcraft) but then waste it with just a mini set instead of an expansion and put in so many iconic units that can't play together or really bad. Feels like a huge waste.
HS team has a new money-making strategy it seems. Put all the powerful cards in the main expansion which comes in random packs. Since these are basically disguised lootboxes, this is were the money are. The Mini set expansions were there is no gambling involved? Nah, fill it twitch trash, and save the broken shit for the next expansion. Honestly, can Blizzard get any more scummy?
Grunty seems like awful design from every direction. 1. Lots of low-roll outcomes 2. Weak body and statline 3. High cost 4. Doesn't synergize well with the tribe (murlocs want many alive at once, this summons one at a time to throw away) Honestly, it'd be improved if they had just made it summon 4 murlocs and give them rush. Same effect with the drawback of no longer dodging taunt, but you'd at least get to benefit from murloc auras and can choose the order.
That miniset is so bad it will be the fastest to disappear from our decks... I was hyped so much for the Starcraft crossover, now I just find them lame.
How is grunty getting 2 star? Totally garbage. I feel consume at least has a chance with the location, maybe it’s a two. But yeah, definitely agree with Regis, all of those are garbage
Yes, shooting can be better than rush, to avoid taunt minions, but the question is, can you choose the order of shooting? I guess that can be meaningful...😅... Anyway, I agree it's a 2** cards being polite🥴
there's a guy at Blizzard cooking the most garbage warlock cards imaginable and he's on a roll rn
Hasn't that always been Warlock's thing though? Really bad cards because your HP is absurd.
@SpecterVonBaren to some extent yes but the hero power can only take you so far when the rest of your cards are this janky
@@SpecterVonBarenHP hasn't really mattered in HS constructed or Arena in quite some time
Man they really tried hard to think up the worst legendary they could have possibly made lmao
Edit: What's crazy is that consume could actually be an interesting Warlock tech card if it could target enemy locations as well.
it would not be consume at that point...remember they had to at least try to replicate starcraft flavor
@@nabeelhussain1372 In SC2, Consume is supposed to restore energy(aka mana), not health. The card would be a lot more interesting if it gave you extra mana crystals or something, even if temporarily.
Regis woke up today and chose violence, and I for one love it haha. He is on point asking wtf is going on with this batch of HS cards and slamma-jamma dunking on SD on X over the Snap debacle. And he does it all while staying cheerful and informative! You rock, Regis!😂🎉
It's been a day.
@RegisHearthbin Truth be told I normally steer clear of the whole parasocial, TH-cam, community stuff haha, but I've been watching your vids for yeeeeears going back to early HS era, and I must say you are one of the only real ones in this space.
So, I genuinely hope things work out, in whatever form that takes, not because I need to play this CCG or that CCG, but because you seem like a good dude with a fam, and I know it's gotta be tough in an industry with constant tremors let alone a possible tectonic plate shift like the one involving SD.
Here's hoping for good news, and game on!
Trump saved Snap so its back
@@RuddFoxx Huzzah!🎉
It's a little lame that Ultralisk does not have a cleave effect.
we are getting SC1 ultralisk here :D
I was hoping it would have a damage reduction effect. Like take 1 less damage from all sources or something would be cool to reflect the armor.
They could’ve made Grunty summon 6 4/4 murlocs and it might have been mid in this meta….as the card stands now? Absolute trash, but hilarious.
that's just elise with chargers
@@mangouschase worse because Elise pulls cards from your deck that you actually want in there. Grunty just gives you random minions which on average will be garbage.
@@micahturner8297 right, this one is just stats, no good effects
Oh, you totally wanna play Zerg in Walrock. Especially with these SWEET synergy cards...wait, what, they don't synergize at all?
I think the HS team just kinda hates warlock rn.
Not to mention that they could've gone with a cooler design for sure coloney rather than spine crawler. And the cavern could've pushed out 2 ultralisks and it STILL probably wouldn't see play.
can't wait for them to give warlock a new janky package with terrible payoffs that contradicts itself in every way next expansion
whatever, stop crying and go play questlock in wild or something. it's still busted
Would it have been really that overpowered if consume could target any location and just healed for 5…. so it didn’t just have synergy with just one card.
Correction: 2 cards
@@nathanc.18054 cards. You can use in the death knight location and on prison of yoggsaron
it would probably be fine gameplay-wise, but this is a lot more fitting flavor-wise. Consume in StarCraft targets your buildings (or units sometimes I believe) to restore mana/health to the consumer - which is exactly the effect the card has now
I've been a little disappointed that they didn't mix Hearthstone and Starcraft more in these cards. Is Grunty the only example of the two being fused? Kinda sad considering we probably aren't getting more Starcraft after this.
For Grunty he has an effect we haven’t seen before. “Shoot them” if it was just rush it would say that. Something is different about it’s interaction
it might mean you can bypass taunt with the effect - with rush, you might have to trade them all into the big taunt minion your opponent has, but shooting them might mean you can send them into the squisier backline instead
We've seen similar wording on stuff like Flark's Boomzooka and Maxima Blastenheimer. It looks like it's more or less gonna be like rush but can attack past taunt
Am reminded of the 8 or 9 cost minion that pulls a minion from your hand and has it attack a random enemy minion. Would agree on it likely bypassing taunt with the added note that they're likely being FORCED to make an attack so you can't hold them back like with other summoning to the board effects & unlike purely giving them rush (with the choice of not attacking)
It's basically fancy way of saying "Choose targets they will attack, ignoring taunt" I assume.
The difference is that it targets like a spell, ignoring taunt. It actually might even be able to target elusive cards (because this isn't a hero power or spell so "shoot" should be able to hit them).
You didn't go into two of the more edge cases of Grunty. On the Positive, if your opponent has an empty board than it summons, so it at least builds a board. On the negative, if you already have a board you wont get any morlocs if there isn't space to summon. So if you are a morloc deck wanting clear a big taunt to push face, for instance, you will have a hard time using Grunty for that.
Good point
without an enemy board it's just a kinda janky Dr. Boom. in 2025.
The positive isn't even that good like there maybe five murloc that are good to summon and even then it's mid of an effect for a 8 mana legendary
issue is the murloc pool right now is filled with minions that are terrible to summon on turn 8 because they have bad stats and no effects when summoned that way, and a couple outliers that are fine but nothing extraordinary either
An 8 3/4 with the luck of summoning only 1/1 or 2/1 locs
Think it's pretty obvious with great dark beyond and this miniset that the hearthstone team is trying to turn back the power creep some. In the long run I think that's great, but it does mean that we'll see some very disappointing sets for a little while (and if they respond by emergency-buffing cards like in the great dark, well the entire point is pretty much lost).
I mean that's how every mini set works, sell 30 below average cards and 2 or 3 that are essential, and everbody still buys it while not reducing the amount of normal packs bought
The difference is that previous mini set cards weren't so dependent on each other. If 2 or 3 cards from this mini set would be essential without these faction synergy dependencies, they may not even be playable because of the fact that you have to run a whole package of other bad StarCraft cards with it for it to work.
Bro is riding the HS wave while Snap is down lol
People: neutral legenaries are too strong and are auto include!
Blizz: i got you fam *creates hot garbage Grunty*
Grunty Is more like a Murky skin for hots
Grunty is good but it's too expensive. If it was at 6 mana it would definitely see play in almost every deck.
Yep, it's currently costed around the absolute best highroll from its effect.
Underwhelming, but I like the direction they're going. Hearthstone needs to power down a bit, especially on combo decks. I'm tired of having decks that build themselves where it's just like, put ALL the elementals in your deck or put ALL the XYZ in your deck.
To a degree that contradicts itself since Combo decks are one of the answer to not creating an ABC same minion type deck.
Tho I do fully agree on not wanting THIS many combo decks out and about as well as not wanting it to go purely into a "Just play all [ same minion type]" archtypes. It's nice to mix minion/card types in a way that won't end up in a "Welp you lose now" way
@@mica4977This is the same miniset with the parasitic protoss and zerg designs btw
I’ve been thinking about these warlock cards, and I think they are meant for the old school wheel warlock deck with forge of wills. Let’s not forget spawning pool is a 1 mana location that nets 2 cards (or could be consumed for 8 health). Pool into spine crawler will slow aggro for a couple turns and ultralisk cavern will soften them up for table flips/defile. Copying the 8/8 with forge on turn 5 with a consume will be solid. If you don’t draw these cards, then you do the normal stuff and play into your dark alley pacts, endgames, Loken. Will it be good? Who knows, but I think that is at least where these cards should be going. Not into an aggro/swarmy deck.
This iss hella off topic, i havent seen any of your vids in a minute but i love your more mop top hair, its so cute! Sorry lol!
I am a huge Starcraft fan, and I really hope they come back or add a few more faction cards maybe for rotation. I've played Hearthstone since its release and know the power creeps an issue, but we're already there, and I 100% agree they could have given more and charged less considering how narrow this mini-set is, and unless they make significant changes and/or add more later, I'm collecting the set, and probably done till rotation(I'll farm the gold rather than give another dime for such a lame set, and the most annoying part is I was looking forward to this since its announcement, saving gold just to hear I'm still 2000 short... and for a few more common and rares... wtf).
I'm putting my proposals on TH-cam channels I follow cause I hope their voice and reach could go further than mine.
Zerg Rush, for all zerg factions, 5 cost spell that summons 3 random Zerg minions and triggers their Battle cries and Deathrattles. Zerg are supposed to swarm and in this metta that often ends by turn 5-9 you need some powerful midrange cards.
Warlock Zerg feels like a bad joke, make the Ultralisk a 7-8 mana rusher with cleave. Make Consume able to hit any location, they already usually super powerful and impossible to play around.
More of the Zerg cards should be shared amongst the Zerg faction, specifically Banelings, and Roaches, to increase the Zerg power levels, The Devourer would make all zerg super scary and competitive but even Dirty rat can backfire... If they aren't swarming early, they're not gona last against the OTKs of Protoss and Terran.
I want Charge on the Zealots removed, perhaps adding rush and divine shield.
Protoss should get something similar to Zerg but different, perhaps Mass Recall, costing 7-10 since their mechanic is mostly discounting, but the spell should add any protoss card(or minion if you want to keep control of power level) played this game back to hand. I also like the idea of perhaps summoning Dragoons(Protoss unit) for each Protoss minion destroyed this game, perhaps they could deal two damage to minions at end of turn and they could be 3/4s to mirror Zealots.
I wish the Faction cards could convert Starships into their respective Leviathan and Spear of Adune forms to match Terran Battlecruiser, super cool idea and another missed opportunity. I feel Zerg needs a Beast tag for more synergy with existing cards. Protoss could grab the Draeni tag, but that thought seems risky...
I spent the beach expansion waiting for the next expansion for the game to be playable, guess I gotta wait for the next NEXT expansion instead.
Instead of what Regis said about the damage output of Grunty being “less than Sneed’s”, my closed caption subtitles interpreted it as “less than sneeze, which I think is more appropriate.
in theory, ultralisk could work with twisting nether for a nice board swing 🤷
I think ultra cavern has a place in a slower warlock deck, just cleaning up those aggressive token boards with an upside when it’s out
It should have been can only attack minions. Or takes no damage when attacking minions since in the game the spikes attack from underground
I adore the top down design for this entire mini-set, but it does sort of result in a lot of cards being not good enough for standard and there's less singleplayer modes now that duels has gone to play them elsewhere.
Man, I wanted to come back to hearthstone just because of this collab... Past tense, "Wanted"
I het why people call the warlockcards bad, but I have some hope for them, since they are not exclusevly connected to zerg. You can run any other location for the 2 drop, and the location itself looks more like a control card to me. And if you are playing control, the 8/8 can wait a whole shit amount of turns. However, I do wonder if locations are affected by spell damage. I dont think so, which makes the location very narrow indeed.
locations aren't spells so they wouldn't be affected unless they specifically say so, the same as minions.
Grunty being able to develop you a board makes him somewhat more tempo than Goliath I guess. But when you drop the ceaseless, you dont need 5 murlocs haha
Grunty is beyond broken ! ShudderWock Grunty incumming !!
maybe if grunty was like, 5 or 6 mana I would have a little hope for it but as it is we're only gonna see this card off random generation effects (unless like regis said some future murlocs are insane with it, but I doubt it)
Grunty is a serious let-down. Absolutely nothing related to Starcraft or the faction mechanics at all, just a random effect that could have been put on any type of card from any set.
Imagine this instead: "Start of game: All Murlocs in your deck count as part of your Faction."
This may be bad, until next expansion is a murlok focus set
never once have they nor will the6
Maybe not a murloc focused set, but maybe one that adds a lot of larger bodies.
I think Grunty ends up being a lot better than most people think
A 2 mana 1/6 with taunt is not a bad card at all. Synergy is awful but still a great early game stall and Warlock is running other locations that actually make sense with this card. 3 star card.
The spine crawler should gain attack when a location is played
imo, if you look it from starcrafts perspective, spine crawler is:
- a defense system
- needs creep to survive/be planted
so, it would have fit the flavor if it gained 'can attack' as long as you have a location - because now it would 'spawn creep', allowing you to move the spinecrawler 'offensively'
i was expecting abathur or dehaka for warlock since they are very cryptic.
Would it be better if Grunty ressurected Murlocs instead of summoning? You would be able to control the value of the card with proper deckbuilding. Otherwise, slow and weak Battlecry minion.
Hi regis! Love your content
Wait Gruntyis a neutral murloc...
This means exactly 2 things: Murloc Shaman and Murloc Paladin.
UGH - don't wanna think about it!
Okay so I get that they probably don't want to make these cards very strong because they don't want to be seeing Starcraft cards have longterm meta relevance in their Warcraft game.
But at the same time they aren't adding these as a free funny little promo between the two games, they're instead SELLING them as part of their primary expansion set plan for the year as though they aren't terrible meme-teir promo cards.
I hope they keep bringing the power down and bring back meme fun cards like grunty 👍
how grunty isn't 5 mana instead of 8 is a mystery to me.
Grunty is fun, he's most probably terrible but it's cute (and it's not gonna be a yogg saron unleashed situation)
the warlock cards have terrible synergy with each other and the rest of the zerg cards (a can't attack minion in the faction that wants to flood the board, okay then) and I doubt they'll receive much to help them later
And they charge more for this miniset, for a couple more common cards and bad legendaries. What a bunch of greedy people.
They could've at least made it fill the board with murlocs.
Grunty would need to be an 9/9 or 10/10 itself to be playable
In terms of memes, Grunty is amazing. Just tossing useless murlocs at random targets is going to be hilarious. And yeah, the warlock package is nigh useless. I'm kind of disappointed that ultralisks are so bad though. 8/8 with rush is just really mediocre.
All in all, this mini set seems really cool but absolutely terrible. They likely aren't going to back this up with other cards in the future so that's not going to be great either.
I got kinda pumped about this being a Starcraft set but right now when we've seen the cards this is one of the worst mini sets ever, might even be the worst ever? Like come on Blizz even you can do better scrape together some of your money and do better.
Seriously INB4 Chinese dev team and it ends up be 100x better and its yet another time Chinese owned Americans addled with the "DEI-buff."
Who is this guy and what did he do with the real Regis? 😂
8 mana 3/4 is wild. I mean, yes, you could get like 10/12 stats or something from the murlocs, but still. That's AWFUL lol
So basically Grunty is a fancy way of giving them rush ?
Grunty can be a 4 mana 3/4 and I might still not play him. His only purpose here is to make the 8 mana minion pool worse
I think Grunty is mostly there for shits & giggles, but also to have a solid miss at 8 mana for evolve type effects. 8 costs are mostly better than 7s AND 9s and even often 10s
8 mana 3/4 is a fucking hilarious stat line. 7/7 just to be playable. Or lower it to 5 mana
In StarCraft, vipers used Consume to drain health from buildings in order to restore their energy for using their spells. I wonder if they considered something to that effect: remove 1 durability from a friendly location, refresh X mana crystals.
That would be more thematic and would certainly be more useful. This doesn’t look like it’ll become a Kobolds situation wherein Dark Pact surprised everyone. As you say, Ultralisk cavern is JUST good, but doesn’t look TOO good.
All of your theories revolve around standard format
Most people go wrong by only playing standard because they are missing out on %90 of the game
They really said people complained about all neutral legendaries being way 2 strong . ok bet
Grunty could be a 6/6 with divine shield and it still wouldn't matter.
They have such a dope IP (Starcraft) but then waste it with just a mini set instead of an expansion and put in so many iconic units that can't play together or really bad.
Feels like a huge waste.
HS team has a new money-making strategy it seems. Put all the powerful cards in the main expansion which comes in random packs. Since these are basically disguised lootboxes, this is were the money are. The Mini set expansions were there is no gambling involved? Nah, fill it twitch trash, and save the broken shit for the next expansion. Honestly, can Blizzard get any more scummy?
If the cavern did 2 damage to all enemies it would be decent.
This card would be great at 5 mana!
Grunty seems like awful design from every direction.
1. Lots of low-roll outcomes
2. Weak body and statline
3. High cost
4. Doesn't synergize well with the tribe (murlocs want many alive at once, this summons one at a time to throw away)
Honestly, it'd be improved if they had just made it summon 4 murlocs and give them rush. Same effect with the drawback of no longer dodging taunt, but you'd at least get to benefit from murloc auras and can choose the order.
Two bad there arent any marines enough in this set
So this cards are insane for old heartstone, and worthless for the currrent hellscape of 8/8 for 4 mana or less...
No going to lie. The way his hair is styled in this video. Make it look like a toupee 😂😂🤣🤣
Wouldn't that be a twist, hahaha. A decade of deceit!!
A bit too harsh a review tbh.
This last review sure is something. Grunty sucks extra hard because this could have been a real StarCraft legendary instead of this ... abomination
That miniset is so bad it will be the fastest to disappear from our decks... I was hyped so much for the Starcraft crossover, now I just find them lame.
Zerg is utterly horrible. I can see Terran and Protoss being playable but Zerg, wow.
Spine crawler would not have been good even if it could attack.
even at 4 Mana Grunty would be bad
The warlock cards are so depressing
How is grunty getting 2 star? Totally garbage. I feel consume at least has a chance with the location, maybe it’s a two. But yeah, definitely agree with Regis, all of those are garbage
People are sleeping on Grunty DK, and Grunty Braum
Isn't Braum in League of Legends??
@ He’s too Powerful for League lol. He’s jumping games to be in Warrior Decks
Consume should be able to target enemy locations. End of story.
Why is Grunty’s text so verbose why not just say Rush?
That would certainly make it a relatively stronger more flexible card
Suspect it was a flavor decision around "shooting" them. But that would make the card much better.
This way, he can technically shoot around taunt minions, I guess.
Yes, shooting can be better than rush, to avoid taunt minions, but the question is, can you choose the order of shooting? I guess that can be meaningful...😅... Anyway, I agree it's a 2** cards being polite🥴
8 mana do nothing
Compare this review with zeddys. What is he smoking, thia card sucks
What happened to your hair😅
This mini set looks so weak!! 😞
It's not an expansion. It's a mini set.
Grunty is so bad and boring that it is just sad.
Yep Blizzard is dead, it exist only as a soulless factory that pumps out trash products to cash in on the fans' nostalgia.
overall a pretty bad mini set
Fjirst :D
"Okay, let's do a Starcraft themed mini-set! What's the most emblematic things in Starcraft that we could use ? Oh! YEAH ! A MURLOC!"
Grunty is not new he's been a thing for a long time.