As a 22yr old man waiting til marriage is definitely hard especially when it feels even alot of Christian women dont want to wait anymore but I know it will be worth it to only be with my future wife
Life is full of disappointments. Trust your own heart. Even if you do end up sinning, always remember that God loves us and forgives us. Especially when we do the best we can
I am a woman but I get a lot out of this channel. Thank you for saying if your daughter comes and tells you she is pregnant, love her. So many parents punish their daughters when they get pregnant, when this is the time they will need their parents the most.
Yes, we need to be more like Jesus and always act in the Spirit. Then we will truly have empathy for others and know how to be the light in their lives.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to watch the video premiere and connect in the LIVE CHAT! I was on the train and lost connection in the last few minutes. Always remember life is short, so do not waste yours! Love you all!
Waiting for marriage in this generation is hard. I am a 25 year old virgin and most people my age and even younger already had multiple partners. My biggest struggle is finding a woman who also is a virgin , I struggle to accept a woman who didn’t wait and already gave it to someone else while I’m waiting for marriage.
Same man I'm 22 and it's really hard and somewhat embarrassing when guys in high-school are already doing it before me and it's hard because I want a woman to be a virgin as if I waited I want someone who also waited for me.
It’s ok if the person is a made new in Christ, I’m a 26 old woman and everyday culture tries to make me believe that I’m wasting time , etc. I suffer rejection all the time because of it, but trust God for a godly spouse !! He will honor u
I am glad you watched the premiere and that I could connect with you in the live chat! Focus on God and all will work out the way it should (Romans 8:28 & Matthew 6:33).
It going to sound really like a canned saying but.. time will heal the wounds. And it's true. I'm speaking from experience. Time. But also, stick with friends and family and church groups. Don't spend most of the time alone. ⏰
Actually she just saved you a lifetime of wasted time. You just dodged a bullet. Don't get married. It's the absolute worst contract a man can enter in his entire life.
I found a beautiful young godly woman in the Philippines to be my wife. If you cannot find anyone in your home country, definitely get your passport and go.
Matthew 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Read the Word of God daily and prayer have conversations with Lord Jesus, stay focused on Lord Jesus Christ .
A lot of men have turned to going overseas and having married women from countries where women have a more traditional family role and less societal corruption than most women in the United States.
Today I met a guy that told me that actually it’s impossible for men to wait until marriage ( cause of hormones ) etc, he is also a Christian and basically rejected me cause I told him that for me waiting for marriage is important, I also have hormones and desires, but obedience and faith should come before feelings if you are a truly Christian. I’m a 26 years old , made new in Christ and it’s my 3rd year waiting, sometimes I think it will be impossible to meet a godly husband. But in this video section I see a lot of men of faith, I wish for my Christian community strength because it’s definitely not easy to be rejected by the world the whole time , wait in faith! God always knows what’s best for us.
My mother was divorced, then married my dad, and nine months later, I was born. ( I'm 62 now.) My first wife left me and our son for another man. After much prayer, I remarried my wife of 37 years. She had a 7-year-old girl overnight we became a family. You asked a question about how it affected my life. I've had a great life. I have a loving family a roof over our heads, and food to eat. I am truly a rich man that God has blessed.
0:58 but adultery is when a married person has sex with someone that’s not married. So it’s ok to have sex if you’re dating someone that’s not married?
What about the believers who struggle with sexual desires were not going to hell or are you saying a Christian will go to hell if they never overcome sexual sin?
I’m 23m virgin and I’ve struggled since 11 due to loneliness and emotional trauma. I believe there are two types of porn addicts; one hungers for perversion and seeks to watch or do the acts they watch and the other burns with passion and desire intimacy but porn is the only outlet for their desires but are unable to stop once they begin. I’m the second and in desperate need of a godly virgin wife. Please pray for me! God bless!
@@joshthesmith77 stop watching porn. It's never good plus those are God's daughter or daughters. For all you know they're married or they will be someday. Read about the apostle Paul and his views on it.
The question is, is marriage a covenant between to people and god or two people and the state? Contract are usually for a businesses, should not be needed in one’s personal life
I got to the point where I had sex with my cousin because I didn't understand my husband's plan for our family. I know it's very embarrassing, but I never told him what happened between us
This is what confuses me because the majority of our cases is having sex with both people who aren’t married. So it’s not adulterous. Why doesn’t the Bible talk about sex between two non married people ?
Let's discuss Eternal Security here. Let's say someone once truly believed OSAS, even got promises from God regarding Eternal Security, and then was really disappointed by some actions of God in his/her life and decides willingly do evil in the sight of God, seek and do orgies, and think that for he/she it is acceptable to live this way until death and suffer consequences of such actions, and after death Eternity with God is also acceptable. This one will be Saved? All rewards will be lost if he/she got anything before such actions, or some rewards still be left for him/her? If OSAS is a lie, then: 1) How person can be 100 % sure that he will end up in Heaven if he/she trust Jesus Christ for his/her Eternal Salvation when he/she cannot avoid sinning each day and have no idea what future will bring? 2) What requirements of obedience and faithfulness to God (how many and what kind of sins/day or sins/life is acceptable to God and what is not?) 3) Let's say he/she done orgies and then started to believe Gospel and repented and then started to live 'new life'. Then he/she is Saved? Saved means what? Saved from what? In case, later he/she end up in a Lake of Fire then why it is called Salvation if end was Doom? He/she was Child of God and God allowed to die His Child in Hell when had Power and Foreknowledge to avoid it? Is God that lose at least 1 of His children is worthy to be worshipped? Now, if he/she done that repentance+believe thing during death bed situation and after acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour instantly died then he/she would be in Heaven? So, then once U start to repent+believe it is best if someone kill U so U end up surely in Heaven? 4) Let's say obedient christian started to do orgies, and according to U he/she will be in Hell for this. It is also known that fall of christians is much worse than just regular persons and according some tales demons will torture christians more in Hell then the rest. So, if that is the case, what is the point to be Saved by Jesus Christ for unbeliever before death bed situation if he/she from that day when he/she accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour have to repent each day, sacrifice everything, and still have no Assurance of Eternal Salvation, and if fall then will be tortured even more than if he/she would never believed it?
Thank you for your great videos. However, I would like to make a few comments here. In my country we have a saying that there is a gray theory and a green tree of life. I definitely agree that if people are married they should behave responsibly - especially if they have children. But getting married without living with your partner for at least some time is quite risky. Humans - unlike animals - have to learn sex to a certain extent, and it may happen that you and your partner do not understand each other on this matter (or simply do not suit each other). And what if you are already married? And please, don't let anyone imagine that they will "work" on it and everything will be ok. It won't be. Neither love nor physical attraction can be forced. And few areas of human life are as fragile as sexual harmony.
Thank you, Daniel 😊 It was a wonderful chat and much appreciated. I resent you the email on your Christian Lifestyle email. May God bless 🙌 you and Nikita ❤ Enjoy your😊 train ride.
What I’m confused about is Song of Solomon the wisest man who ever lived was displaying having sex outside of marriage. As well as having 800 wives who were really only his “wife” because he was consummating and having intercourse with them they weren’t really his “wives” so I am confused how it’s a sin but the wisest man who ever lived was doing that. So if anyone has input explaining this then let me know. Because it really doesn’t make sense to me and something I have been not understanding as some who has waited to have sex I am now engaged and questioning if what I did is going to be worth it.
I thought the video was about sex before marriage - why is he talking about adultery? Adultery isn't good I can agree with that. One night stands - I can agree with that. If people check their Bibles out they will see it is not frowned upon to have sex before marriage if the couple is engaged to be married. They are in a committed relationship. That if a man has sex with a woman he should be prepared to marry her. The rules about sex outside marriage stem from the marriageability of an unmarried woman being much reduced by her having sex. That if a man has sex with an unmarried woman he should marry her and if marriage is refused he should pay the family compensation. An unmarried woman who is unmarriageable is a liability to her family. This was at its heart to do with men demanding their brides to be were virgins. Men wanted to be sure any offspring were their own and not someone else's. If they discovered their bride wasn't a virgin such a claim had to be disproven by the bride's family and the woman could even be stoned - this was fraud and it was not tolerated. The no sex before marriage is dressed up in many ways. The Bible actually uses the word porneia - this is the Greek for prostitution - don't get involved in prostitution. Well that makes sense but the word has been spun to mean a multitude of things including fornication. Prostitution and fornication are completely different so imagining there is overlap and the same word means the same thing here is just fantasy.
"For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our s1ns in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles. Last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me." 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (ESV) Yeshua replied to His disciples: "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." - John 14:6
Why was the standard different for David and Solomon? They had gobs of concubines and the Lord never said a word until Solomon backslid because of it. It’s hard to understand because Jesus tells us to not even look at a woman with a lustful thought and yet David and Solomon were allowed to totally get their freak on with everybody
There’s a difference between God’s perfect will vs Permissive will . Just because God allowed it doesn’t mean that was His perfect will for both Solomon & David . These two men suffered greatly because of lust . Solomon’s concubines and foreign wives pushed him away from God , he built temples and idols for them and in the end he saw it all as vanity . The book of Ecclesiastes is a testimony of his search for happiness and joy and the realization that obedience to God’s law is what can grant you joy . David also suffered greatly because of his sexual sin . These two men are prime examples as to why we should abstain from pre marital sex , be faithful partners and choose to follow God’s law instead of our fleshly desires . It’s Gods will for us to be sanctified and to avoid sexual immorality- 1 Thessalonians 4:3
@@annmburu1063 Oh, I agree, but God definitely turned his eye away from what they were doing it seems. These men went above and beyond God‘s will on sex and nothing was ever said until David got a woman who was married pregnant, and Solomon let them bring idols in but up until that point they were both allowed to have sex with all the concubines they wanted to. It seems odd to me.
@@annmburu1063 Also, you said that what David and Solomon were allowed to do was God‘s permissive will? These guys had harems full of concubines. Are you going to tell me that was God‘s permissive will? lol It’s just weird to me. I don’t know.
DLM, your presentation here is very good. But there is one item that is specifically missing. It is not just two people laying down to have sex. It is a contract with God by the very act and not by words exchanged. Reflect on that please. There are three entities in that Union of the two that have sex. I went to a Christian grade school and then to a public high school. None of this was ever spoken about. I heard about the saints. I heard about the crucifixion I heard about many other things but they never talked about sex. Yep, I'm in my '70s. I was looking for that thought in your videos. Specifically that in the creation of another human, there is God present in that Union. That one very basic fact that the creation of that human being through sex is a gift that is given to you from the Creator. You have to start out with the acceptance of that fact in order to make the rest of the premises that you have talked about. Please revisit the topic. You might want to make an adjustment or two to your presentation. God bless
More importantly, why does the bible tell you to stone your son to death for being unruly? (Deuteronomy 18. 18-21) Or tell you it's ok to beat your slaves as long as they don't die within a couple of days? (Exodus 21) That's what I'd like to know?!... Incidentally I'd prefer it if women don't answer this because god doesn't permit a woman to teach or hold authority over a man, they must be silent. (1 Timothy 2:12). Thank you....
😂😂😂 God has nothing to do with Sex or any other Shit . All he cares about is to keep the Earth and the Universe working Perfectly so we can have a Life . What you do is ur problem. We have a lots of Shit happening now . do God Gives a Shit ? U tell me 😂
Just saying with love and respect... God created sex for us to enjoy it, being fruitful and multiply and for a man and a woman to be one flesh.... which is done in marriage only... Please Repent Of Your Sins And Turn away from The Fleshly Lifestyle and worldly desires... Yes I agree that He cares about all of his creation including Earth And Universe and others.. But Do you really Care About God, spend time with Him, worship Him, Reading His Word, Communicating with Him and Praying to him?... If not please do so... (1)God cares also about things that we all are doing in this earth and it does not mean you should be selfish and only care about your life and not spending with him and worshipping him (2) God loves the world that he sent his only Son So that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and people who become Born Again believers and Jesus Christ Followers will be Saved in this world... (3) Please live a Holy And Righteous Life With Our Lord... Do not be part of the world because it is full of darkness and evilness
I got to the point where I had sex with my cousin because I didn't understand my husband's plan for our family. I know it's very embarrassing, but I never told him what happened between us
As a 22yr old man waiting til marriage is definitely hard especially when it feels even alot of Christian women dont want to wait anymore but I know it will be worth it to only be with my future wife
Life is full of disappointments. Trust your own heart. Even if you do end up sinning, always remember that God loves us and forgives us. Especially when we do the best we can
I am a woman but I get a lot out of this channel. Thank you for saying if your daughter comes and tells you she is pregnant, love her. So many parents punish their daughters when they get pregnant, when this is the time they will need their parents the most.
Yes, we need to be more like Jesus and always act in the Spirit. Then we will truly have empathy for others and know how to be the light in their lives.
Yes amen 🙏 Jesus christ 🙏 🙌 ❤ 💖 👏 ♥ 🙏 🙌 ❤ 💖
Thank you all so much for taking the time to watch the video premiere and connect in the LIVE CHAT! I was on the train and lost connection in the last few minutes. Always remember life is short, so do not waste yours! Love you all!
You are blessed. I would love to listen to a full sermon 🙏
We Love you and Jesus Love you too. God bless you
Waiting for marriage in this generation is hard. I am a 25 year old virgin and most people my age and even younger already had multiple partners. My biggest struggle is finding a woman who also is a virgin , I struggle to accept a woman who didn’t wait and already gave it to someone else while I’m waiting for marriage.
Don't give up, Keep following Christ and focus on God and yourself
Same man I'm 22 and it's really hard and somewhat embarrassing when guys in high-school are already doing it before me and it's hard because I want a woman to be a virgin as if I waited I want someone who also waited for me.
The reverse values😅
You should leave the western countries
It’s ok if the person is a made new in Christ, I’m a 26 old woman and everyday culture tries to make me believe that I’m wasting time , etc. I suffer rejection all the time because of it, but trust God for a godly spouse !! He will honor u
Thank you for this great video. God is preparing me for marriage right now
My girl left me today and we were supposed to marry next month.. I'm heartbroken😢i wasted so much time and effort for nothing😢😢
Don't worry bro I have been gone through the same but lord gives what's best for us
I am glad you watched the premiere and that I could connect with you in the live chat! Focus on God and all will work out the way it should (Romans 8:28 & Matthew 6:33).
It's not wasted chief.There is something in your time with her that you can take with you.also stay strong 💪
It going to sound really like a canned saying but.. time will heal the wounds. And it's true. I'm speaking from experience. Time. But also, stick with friends and family and church groups. Don't spend most of the time alone. ⏰
Actually she just saved you a lifetime of wasted time. You just dodged a bullet. Don't get married. It's the absolute worst contract a man can enter in his entire life.
God bless you Daniel. You're really impacting my salvation journey 😊
I am 17 years old and my parents are separated not divorced but it hurt seeing my dad walk out the door🚪and it affected my grades and my emotions❤
Thank you for covering this. Amen
Thanks for listening
Im 33 and cant find a good girl... im really thinking of going over seas and finding a woman who isnt morally bankrupt.
I found a beautiful young godly woman in the Philippines to be my wife. If you cannot find anyone in your home country, definitely get your passport and go.
Passport bros ✊
Matthew 6:33
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.
Read the Word of God daily and prayer have conversations with Lord Jesus, stay focused on Lord Jesus Christ .
A lot of men have turned to going overseas and having married women from countries where women have a more traditional family role and less societal corruption than most women in the United States.
I'm still thinking there is some good women around on the US. And I'm 33 too.
Today I met a guy that told me that actually it’s impossible for men to wait until marriage ( cause of hormones ) etc, he is also a Christian and basically rejected me cause I told him that for me waiting for marriage is important, I also have hormones and desires, but obedience and faith should come before feelings if you are a truly Christian. I’m a 26 years old , made new in Christ and it’s my 3rd year waiting, sometimes I think it will be impossible to meet a godly husband. But in this video section I see a lot of men of faith, I wish for my Christian community strength because it’s definitely not easy to be rejected by the world the whole time , wait in faith! God always knows what’s best for us.
you should know abstinence is harder for men because of their biology.
Sadly I missed the live but the video was beautifully explained
No worries! Join me next time
My mother was divorced, then married my dad, and nine months later, I was born. ( I'm 62 now.) My first wife left me and our son for another man. After much prayer, I remarried my wife of 37 years. She had a 7-year-old girl overnight we became a family. You asked a question about how it affected my life. I've had a great life. I have a loving family a roof over our heads, and food to eat. I am truly a rich man that God has blessed.
you are a rare treasure
@@t.l.5755 Thank you may God bless you.
God bless you your ministry 🙏🏻
Thank you Pastor Daniel 🙏 Many asked me about it but I couldn't answer it...Thank you so much and God bless You Brother...🙏
You are most welcome! Thank you for watching the video! God bless
6:34, hahaha, "yes it is in the Bible. You should read it a little bit more."
I agree with you 100% It is a handbook for life itself.
May I asked what Bible translation you are reading from. Thank God for you my brother. Well explained. God bless you. 🙏
0:58 but adultery is when a married person has sex with someone that’s not married. So it’s ok to have sex if you’re dating someone that’s not married?
To God be the Glory forever Amen!🙌
How would you use the Bible to defend legally getting married (with a marriage certificate) versus just having a wedding ceremony?
I messed up, but we prayed for forgiveness and I know God forgave us! We are blessed! We have 5 daughters! To Hod be the glory!!!
Amen love the video so true I do have a desire to get married but it is hard to find a good godly woman that would treat me right
I agree with you and your God Daniel.
Thank you advice me to God .
Im from Botswana 🇧🇼
What about the believers who struggle with sexual desires were not going to hell or are you saying a Christian will go to hell if they never overcome sexual sin?
I’m 23m virgin and I’ve struggled since 11 due to loneliness and emotional trauma. I believe there are two types of porn addicts; one hungers for perversion and seeks to watch or do the acts they watch and the other burns with passion and desire intimacy but porn is the only outlet for their desires but are unable to stop once they begin. I’m the second and in desperate need of a godly virgin wife. Please pray for me! God bless!
Read 1 Corinthians 7:8-9. :)
@@joshthesmith77 stop watching porn. It's never good plus those are God's daughter or daughters. For all you know they're married or they will be someday. Read about the apostle Paul and his views on it.
What if husband and wife aren’t ready to have a baby is it a sin if they use condoms or birth control pills?
My understanding is that it is not a sin it is a personal conviction.
God bless you for this message in Jesus name, Amen! So grateful for your ministry
what if both of a couple would agree to stay together without the need to engage? is it then ok to have sex before marriage?
The question is, is marriage a covenant between to people and god or two people and the state? Contract are usually for a businesses, should not be needed in one’s personal life
God bless you my dear bro in christ 🙏 love from shazil khalid
My husband does not want us to get married, we have three children. Help me, how can I tell my husband that we should get married.
Why are you calling him husband if you're not married?
@@mogha1920 sorry
Thank you brother
I got to the point where I had sex with my cousin because I didn't understand my husband's plan for our family. I know it's very embarrassing, but I never told him what happened between us
"sexual sin turns to murder".... Wow that's like King David.
It’s not easy meeting men who are willing to wait….
This is what confuses me because the majority of our cases is having sex with both people who aren’t married. So it’s not adulterous. Why doesn’t the Bible talk about sex between two non married people ?
Adultery is having sex outside of marriage. It could also go under fornication
Let's discuss Eternal Security here.
Let's say someone once truly believed OSAS, even got promises from God regarding Eternal Security, and then was really disappointed by some actions of God in his/her life and decides willingly do evil in the sight of God, seek and do orgies, and think that for he/she it is acceptable to live this way until death and suffer consequences of such actions, and after death Eternity with God is also acceptable. This one will be Saved?
All rewards will be lost if he/she got anything before such actions, or some rewards still be left for him/her?
If OSAS is a lie, then:
1) How person can be 100 % sure that he will end up in Heaven if he/she trust Jesus Christ for his/her Eternal Salvation when he/she cannot avoid sinning each day and have no idea what future will bring?
2) What requirements of obedience and faithfulness to God (how many and what kind of sins/day or sins/life is acceptable to God and what is not?)
3) Let's say he/she done orgies and then started to believe Gospel and repented and then started to live 'new life'. Then he/she is Saved? Saved means what? Saved from what? In case, later he/she end up in a Lake of Fire then why it is called Salvation if end was Doom? He/she was Child of God and God allowed to die His Child in Hell when had Power and Foreknowledge to avoid it? Is God that lose at least 1 of His children is worthy to be worshipped? Now, if he/she done that repentance+believe thing during death bed situation and after acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour instantly died then he/she would be in Heaven? So, then once U start to repent+believe it is best if someone kill U so U end up surely in Heaven?
4) Let's say obedient christian started to do orgies, and according to U he/she will be in Hell for this. It is also known that fall of christians is much worse than just regular persons and according some tales demons will torture christians more in Hell then the rest. So, if that is the case, what is the point to be Saved by Jesus Christ for unbeliever before death bed situation if he/she from that day when he/she accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour have to repent each day, sacrifice everything, and still have no Assurance of Eternal Salvation, and if fall then will be tortured even more than if he/she would never believed it?
Thank you for your great videos. However, I would like to make a few comments here. In my country we have a saying that there is a gray theory and a green tree of life. I definitely agree that if people are married they should behave responsibly - especially if they have children. But getting married without living with your partner for at least some time is quite risky. Humans - unlike animals - have to learn sex to a certain extent, and it may happen that you and your partner do not understand each other on this matter (or simply do not suit each other). And what if you are already married? And please, don't let anyone imagine that they will "work" on it and everything will be ok. It won't be. Neither love nor physical attraction can be forced. And few areas of human life are as fragile as sexual harmony.
Thank you, Daniel 😊 It was a wonderful chat and much appreciated. I resent you the email on your Christian Lifestyle email. May God bless 🙌 you and Nikita ❤ Enjoy your😊 train ride.
Thank you for joining the live chat!
God bless
Im taking this path
What I’m confused about is Song of Solomon the wisest man who ever lived was displaying having sex outside of marriage. As well as having 800 wives who were really only his “wife” because he was consummating and having intercourse with them they weren’t really his “wives” so I am confused how it’s a sin but the wisest man who ever lived was doing that. So if anyone has input explaining this then let me know. Because it really doesn’t make sense to me and something I have been not understanding as some who has waited to have sex I am now engaged and questioning if what I did is going to be worth it.
Read the book of Ecclesiastes and the last chapter. read what the apostle Paul wrote about marriage or burning and needing to be married.
Daniel, Is it wrong for Christian married couples to not want kids?
I thought the video was about sex before marriage - why is he talking about adultery?
Adultery isn't good I can agree with that. One night stands - I can agree with that.
If people check their Bibles out they will see it is not frowned upon to have sex before marriage if the couple is engaged to be married. They are in a committed relationship. That if a man has sex with a woman he should be prepared to marry her.
The rules about sex outside marriage stem from the marriageability of an unmarried woman being much reduced by her having sex. That if a man has sex with an unmarried woman he should marry her and if marriage is refused he should pay the family compensation. An unmarried woman who is unmarriageable is a liability to her family. This was at its heart to do with men demanding their brides to be were virgins. Men wanted to be sure any offspring were their own and not someone else's. If they discovered their bride wasn't a virgin such a claim had to be disproven by the bride's family and the woman could even be stoned - this was fraud and it was not tolerated.
The no sex before marriage is dressed up in many ways.
The Bible actually uses the word porneia - this is the Greek for prostitution - don't get involved in prostitution. Well that makes sense but the word has been spun to mean a multitude of things including fornication. Prostitution and fornication are completely different so imagining there is overlap and the same word means the same thing here is just fantasy.
"For I delivered to you as of first importance
what I also received:
that Christ died for our s1ns
in accordance with the Scriptures,
that he was buried,
that he was raised on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures,
and that he appeared to Cephas,
then to the twelve.
Then he appeared to more than
five hundred brothers
at one time, most of whom are still alive,
though some have fallen asleep.
Then he appeared to James,
then to all the apostles.
Last of all, as to one untimely born,
he appeared also to me."
1 Corinthians 15:3-8 (ESV)
Yeshua replied to His disciples:
"I am the way, the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through Me." - John 14:6
Religion has a problem with that
Why was the standard different for David and Solomon?
They had gobs of concubines and the Lord never said a word until Solomon backslid because of it.
It’s hard to understand because Jesus tells us to not even look at a woman with a lustful thought and yet David and Solomon were allowed to totally get their freak on with everybody
There’s a difference between God’s perfect will vs Permissive will . Just because God allowed it doesn’t mean that was His perfect will for both Solomon & David . These two men suffered greatly because of lust . Solomon’s concubines and foreign wives pushed him away from God , he built temples and idols for them and in the end he saw it all as vanity . The book of Ecclesiastes is a testimony of his search for happiness and joy and the realization that obedience to God’s law is what can grant you joy . David also suffered greatly because of his sexual sin . These two men are prime examples as to why we should abstain from pre marital sex , be faithful partners and choose to follow God’s law instead of our fleshly desires . It’s Gods will for us to be sanctified and to avoid sexual immorality- 1 Thessalonians 4:3
Oh, I agree, but God definitely turned his eye away from what they were doing it seems.
These men went above and beyond God‘s will on sex and nothing was ever said until David got a woman who was married pregnant, and Solomon let them bring idols in but up until that point they were both allowed to have sex with all the concubines they wanted to. It seems odd to me.
Also, you said that what David and Solomon were allowed to do was God‘s permissive will? These guys had harems full of concubines. Are you going to tell me that was God‘s permissive will? lol
It’s just weird to me. I don’t know.
Amen Brother! Mary, Virgin, OUR LORD THE CHRIST, Virgin, The 144,000, Virgins,
Had I'd Been Taught Correctly... At 57 - I'd Still Be A Virgin!
But weddings are expensive......!
They don't have to be
DLM, your presentation here is very good. But there is one item that is specifically missing. It is not just two people laying down to have sex. It is a contract with God by the very act and not by words exchanged. Reflect on that please. There are three entities in that Union of the two that have sex. I went to a Christian grade school and then to a public high school. None of this was ever spoken about. I heard about the saints. I heard about the crucifixion I heard about many other things but they never talked about sex. Yep, I'm in my '70s. I was looking for that thought in your videos. Specifically that in the creation of another human, there is God present in that Union. That one very basic fact that the creation of that human being through sex is a gift that is given to you from the Creator. You have to start out with the acceptance of that fact in order to make the rest of the premises that you have talked about. Please revisit the topic. You might want to make an adjustment or two to your presentation. God bless
More importantly, why does the bible tell you to stone your son to death for being unruly? (Deuteronomy 18. 18-21) Or tell you it's ok to beat your slaves as long as they don't die within a couple of days? (Exodus 21) That's what I'd like to know?!...
Incidentally I'd prefer it if women don't answer this because god doesn't permit a woman to teach or hold authority over a man, they must be silent. (1 Timothy 2:12). Thank you....
those laws where for the Jews in the old testament.
Sex before marriage is badddddddd
Whatever bra
Islam is the truth read iseiah 42
😂 If Muhammed was your prophet of God then check yourself.... He married a 9yrs old girl... Shame on him
adultry and fornication are 2 differnt acts!
Yes.... But an adulterer can also be a fornicator.
11:07 no uterus - no opinion!
Don't be a hypocrite!
😂😂😂 God has nothing to do with Sex or any other Shit . All he cares about is to keep the Earth and the Universe working Perfectly so we can have a Life .
What you do is ur problem. We have a lots of Shit happening now . do God Gives a Shit ? U tell me 😂
Just saying with love and respect... God created sex for us to enjoy it, being fruitful and multiply and for a man and a woman to be one flesh.... which is done in marriage only... Please Repent Of Your Sins And Turn away from The Fleshly Lifestyle and worldly desires... Yes I agree that He cares about all of his creation including Earth And Universe and others.. But Do you really Care About God, spend time with Him, worship Him, Reading His Word, Communicating with Him and Praying to him?... If not please do so... (1)God cares also about things that we all are doing in this earth and it does not mean you should be selfish and only care about your life and not spending with him and worshipping him (2) God loves the world that he sent his only Son So that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life and people who become Born Again believers and Jesus Christ Followers will be Saved in this world... (3) Please live a Holy And Righteous Life With Our Lord... Do not be part of the world because it is full of darkness and evilness
Your are ignorant, you laugh now, but watch that last laugh... so sad
You sound so stupid 🙄
So sad to see a person act this way... ignorance... God, bless this child of Yours for he does not know what he's saying Amen 🙌 ❤
I got to the point where I had sex with my cousin because I didn't understand my husband's plan for our family. I know it's very embarrassing, but I never told him what happened between us