At first it looks like its about those who never where born. "Spilt seed wise men" But then the song takes a turn wich sugest that its indead about people born on here on earth but that this life holds a secret most of us re-lives again and again by re-birth. Life on earth is not life but another state of developement most of us never trancend as the inner third eye "salvation" is always distracted by the two thiefs on either side of it lookin out instead ;)
Sabbath from now unto eternity 🤘
The Never-Ending Well... ya gotta believe me
Can anyone comment on what these lyrics mean?
At first it looks like its about those who never where born. "Spilt seed wise men" But then the song takes a turn wich sugest that its indead about people born on here on earth but that this life holds a secret most of us re-lives again and again by re-birth. Life on earth is not life but another state of developement most of us never trancend as the inner third eye "salvation" is always distracted by the two thiefs on either side of it lookin out instead ;)
This song is from the perspective of God. It's a message to all of us. This song made me a believer.
"He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
Will the short story is that Ozzy seen the big picture
Destruction of em up ty vessels lacking love and compassion for each other, fill your vessels back up with a better vibes people!!!
I dont all 4 members wrote this.