Christians say No to Christmas

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ม.ค. 2025
  • Was Jesus born on the 25th of December? Can you be certain He was not? If He was not, should Christians celebrate December 25 as His birth date? Was December 25th really celebrated by pagans as the birthday of the sun-god Mithras/Natalis Invicti? Did early Christians celebrate Jesus' birth? Are many of the traditions associated with Christmas actually pagan as associated with the Saturnalia of Roman and the Druid practices of the winter solstice? What about evergreen trees, ivy, holly, exchange of gifts, and mistletoe? Do Buddhists and Hindus uses 'Christmas lights' today? Was 'Saint Nicholas' actually happy, fat, and jolly or a brawler? Any connections between the Norse god Odin and Santa Claus? Is it right to lie to children about Santa Claus? What is the connection of eating boar (ham/pig/pork) on Christmas and ancient Nimrod? Does the Bible discourage adoption of non-biblical worship practices? What does 'The Catholic Encyclopedia' reveal about Christmas and its associated practices? What about Emperor Constantine picking the date in 336 A.D.? Can you be certain that December 25th was not the date of Jesus' birth? Where are God's Holy Days listed in the Bible? Did Jesus condemn relying on tradition over scripture for worship? Why do faithful Christians say no to Christmas? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and also goes over a list of 25 items to consider for not celebrating Christmas?
    A written article of related interest is available titled 'What Does the Roman Catholic Church Teach About Christmas and the Holy Days?' URL: www.cogwriter....

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