Philadelphia Church Era: History & Teachings
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ม.ค. 2025
- This sermon mentions a little bit about the ancient city of Philadelphia, but its focus is on 20th century church issues. The late Herbert W. Armstrong claimed that God used him to raise up the Philadelphia era of the Church of God. He believed that there was a transition from the Sardis to Philadelphia era that happened in 1933. He said he left the Church of God, Seventh Day because it rejected truth and was instead knowingly willing to teach falsehoods and errors. This sermon touches on the history of the Philadelphia era from its going on radio to its becoming known as the Radio Church of God, then, in 1968, the Worldwide Church of God. This era of the church seems to have ended with Herbert Armstrong's death on January 16, 1986. This sermon mentions splits, dissidents, Garner Ted Armstrong, and other tests and trials. Dr. Thiel also reads a list of 18 truths that Herbert W. Armstrong claimed Jesus had him restore that were lost by the time of the Sardis era. He quotes Herbert Armstrong on the importance of Philadelphian era hierarchical governance, and mentions that one who rejects such governance cannot be Philadelphian. Dr. Thiel discusses the meaning of the word Philadelphia, mentions love, explains that supporting the poor and proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom of God is part of sharing that love. Other teachings such as the key of David, the open door, restoration, being pillars, and Philadelphians being promised protection from the hour of trial (also called the Great Tribulation), being a watchman, Zerubbabel, and only having a little strength were discussed, along with many scriptures quoted. Also mentioned that those of Sardis and Laodicea (most end time Christians) did not receive the promise of protection that Jesus gave to the Philadelphian portion of the Church of God. Some excuses (reasons people give each other) for not supporting the end time Philadelphian portion of the true Church of God were mentioned as well as information about the identity of who Jesus referred to as the 'Synagogue of Satan.'
A written article of possibly related interest would include 'The Philadelphia Church Era and Remnant' URL: www.cogwriter....