Laustralja xorta ghadhom jitkellmu bil malti tmur Malta u kullhadd blingwa differenti .thank you Mr .still have relatives in Australia .from UK .four of my cousin's ran off to Australia in the 60s my sister and husband done two years in Sydney .went back to Malta after two years missed my mum .
Laustralja xorta ghadhom jitkellmu bil malti tmur Malta u kullhadd blingwa differenti .thank you Mr .still have relatives in Australia .from UK .four of my cousin's ran off to Australia in the 60s my sister and husband done two years in Sydney .went back to Malta after two years missed my mum .
Prosit hadt pjacir nisma' l lingwa Maltija mitkellma tajjeb barra mill pajjiz.Ghal Grazzja t'Alla ma nsewx minn fejn bdew.🇲🇹 🇲🇹 🇲🇹.