"the veteran didn't have a council house before and he has no right to a council house. " These are the words of the "man" in this video, opining on why it is fine that a 98 year old British army veteran is being made homeless and denied a council house. What a charmer.
nobody has a right to a council house in the UK. It's really that simple! This 98 yr old veteran will not be made homeless because royal charter protects him from being homeless! He is a vulnerable guy. This scenario just highlights the bum deal tenants in the private sector receive!
@@PeterPete He has been placed in a single bedroom in a shared dwelling with a shared bathroom, which is entirely unsuitable. His furniture and belongings naturally can't go there, so he has lost his home. he almost certainly will die there, trapped in his bedroom. I am glad you've pinned your horrible attitude for all to see though. You must be that "kind and caring left" we hear about. Really, you despise most ordinary British people and delight whenever they suffer.
like i stated earlier people in private rented acommodation have very little protection from eviction. Clearly the law needs to change to protect vulnerable people such as this guy in private rented accommodation! The people who make the laws are British and lots of MP's are probably landlords, all placing money before people! And you're blaming asylum seekers? Get real man!
@@PeterPete As I stated earlier YOU were happy that the houses in his were given to people from abroad and you have been VERY smug about the old chap being left without proper accommodation. You are utterly unapologetic, even proud of your stance. I note you are hiding my comments, I don't think it's helping you.
@@lesigh1749 I haven't mentioned anything about my views on asylum seekers being housed in the UK. That's you making inferences. The 98 yr old veteran would still be living in his privately rented accommodation had there been better provision in law to protect him from eviction. It's that simple. If you cannot understand my position then you need a straighjacket like the many other people who come on this channel and tell me the Earth is a spinning ball!!
@@PeterPete Yes. And that "none whatsoever" is wrong. The flame got SIGNIFICANTLY smaller, indicating significantly less oxygen. Keep in mind, the flame would NORMALLY grow in air when holding the burning end of the splint down. So... everything happens just like expected.
@@PeterPete Probably because you decreased the concentration of oxygen in the waste stream a litte with your changes. Probably at the side effect of more nitrogen "contamination" in the oxygen stream. It depends how you operate these machines i.e. the valve timings and some layout issues. An oxygen concentrator is - duh! - optimized for concentrating oxygen in the product stream. Nobody cares for remaining 02 in the waste stream. N2 absorbtion in the sieve beds declines over time with aging/contaminating sieves. So having a little headroom makes a lot of sense. It seems like your understanding of the whole matter is quite lacking. Your observations are really poor and then you draw your conclusions out of these poor observations. These are as good as they can be... -.-
Dear Pete and Peter Oxygen concentrators use filter mediums that are porous enough to allow the smaller O₂ molecules to pass through while trapping the larger N₂ molecules. FIRST UP: Such concentrators are at best about 96% efficient, meaning the output will consist of at best 96% O₂ with the remainder being mostly N₂. This concentration will diminish over time and needs to be checked on a regular basis and the filters replaced once the output concentration of O₂ falls below a predetermined level. FILTER BLOCKAGE: one of the major problems with this type O₂ concentrator is the filters very quickly become blocked with N₂ molecules to the point they will not let anything pass at all. BACK WASHING: It depends on the particular unit, but generally you have 2 filters one filtering out the N₂ and the other being back washed using some of the O₂ from the active filter. This back washed material is what comes out of the waste gas port and while it will have a much higher concentration of N₂ than room air it will contain some of O₂ that was used to backwash the filter. That’s why there are 2 filters and you hear this whoosh sound every 5 to 8 seconds as the system switches filters to backwash the clogged filter. POOR OBSERVATION: As I have explained, the output port doesn’t only contain pure N₂ but O₂ as well albeit at a lower concentration than normal room air, but in sufficient amounts to support combustion at a reduced level. If you had observed you test properly when you initially inserted the burning splint into the bag containing the gas from the waste gas port on the concentrator you would have noticed that it almost extinguished as it neared the bottom of the bag. I will give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that you didn’t notice this like other viewers have stated and assume that you didn’t deliberately remove the burning splint the moment you noticed the flame decreasing in size. Nevertheless, this clearly demonstrates that the bag of gas collected from the waste port on the concentrator did contain less O₂ than room air. MY QUALIFICATIONS: I am a certified scientific instrument maker with a background in automation and control systems, computer control systems, programmable logic controllers, mini super computers and telecommunications. As for my experience with O₂ concentrators, due to damage to my lungs from chronic lifelong asthma and complications from a COVID infection about 18 months ago I am connected to an O₂ concentrator or bottled O₂ via a respirator mask or nasal cannulas and a pulse mode regulator, 24 hours a day and have been for several years now. YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: I don’t know what your qualifications are, but from the snippets of your videos I have seen you appear to not even have a rudimentary secondary level education understanding of science, chemistry, physics, astronomy and photography all of which I have a much deeper understanding of than either of you. Clearly you have no place trying to denigrate the observations of others that are far more qualified than either of you. As far as I am concerned you are a pair of amoeba brained pungently odoriferous, procreating, male bovine excrement regurgitating buffoons. This comment will probably be deleted, but I hope at least some of your viewers will have the chance to view it.
apologies for audio - we later discovered after publishing the video the clip-on mic used records in mono and not stereo so there's only audio in left channel!
We had thought about higher compression rates because of the membrane nitrogen generators work at 120psi. So it's clear that compressing the air before it enters the sieve towers helps in the process.
No.... (1) the machine may be taking, say 2% pure (ish) oxygen from the air and so the expelled gas would be 16% O2 and 76% N2. This would be plenty to keep the flame alight. The machine is designed to purify oxygen, not to purity nitrogen. (2) The flame test is as astonishingly crude test. (3) As you know, BOC (previously the British Oxygen Company) are a large company in the business of separating air into O2, N2, Ar, Ne, etc.The French company Air Products are in the same business. (4) When using a laboratory vacuum pump cooled with liquid nitrogen (bp -196°C) one has to be careful because O2 (bp -183) will condense on the liquid N2 'cold finger' and if there are any organic compounds collected there is the danger of an explosion.
1. Got any proof of that or is it going to remain just your idea? 2. The flame test has always been reliably used to determine the presence of certain gases. If the flame goes out you can't say there's oxygen present. 3. Irrelevant to the video content 4. Irrelevant to the video content
@@PeterPete 1. Would be the obvious way to design the machine. As I said, the machine is an oxygen concentrator not a nitrogen concentrator, although the effect will be to slightly increase the N2 concentration. 2. The flame test is a qualitative test. If you *really* wanted to know what was going on you would make *quantitative* measurements which numbers. 3. No it is not irrelevant. There is an entire industry with multinational companies who separate the gases from air, yet you question the science behind these industries with your 'clever' but incorrect ideas. The global oxygen market was $34.83 billion in 2022. 4. Again not irrelevant. Liquid nitrogen will condense liquid oxygen from air because of the difference in boiling points. I have direct experience of this from lab work. You should be interested that these facts contradict the thesis of your poor experiment. This is how science works.
@@MarkRLeach Look Mark you seem to be overlooking your understanding regarding what's going on here. 1. You think air is being separated so at what point in the video did you observe that? 2. Does nitrogen extinguish a flame? yes or no? 3. Again irrelevant to the content of the video. How much money people make is irrelevant to the content of the video. 4. Again irrelevant because this aspect has only relevance to the gases once produced and give no indication where the gases oiriginate! 👍👍👍
@@PeterPete At 3:04 you say "This machine is separating air into nitrogen and oxygen". That is NOT what the machine is doing, it is separating oxygen from air, not the same thing at all. The machine does not claim that the exhaust gas is pure nitrogen. Why would it be? The exhaust gas will be depleted in oxygen, but it will not be oxygen free. Indeed, your experiment shows that the exhaust gas can maintain a flaming splint, so it still contains some oxygen. I would guess about 12-14%? The next stage of your experimental sequence should be to *quantify* the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas. I am sure the manufacturer/supplier could supply this information if asked. Your experiment shows (rather well) that the machine extracts and concentrates oxygen from air. Your experiment also shows (also rather well) that the machine does NOT separate oxygen and nitrogen. It was not designed to. Indeed, many chemistry experiments are carried out in an oxygen free environment. Unfortunately, there are no bench top machines that can generate pure nitrogen from air, so gas cylinders of N2 or liquid nitrogen (or argon, even better) are used.
@@MarkRLeach taken from the manual of the oxygen concentrator "Air enters the compressor after being filtered through the inlet filter device, and is compressed into the molecular-sieve tower for oxygen-nitrogen separation. Oxygen passes through the molecular-sieve tower and enters the fine sieve tower, while nitrogen is adsorbed by the molecular sieve and discharged into the atmosphere through the separation valve." The information clearly states air is kinda 'split' or separated into oxygen and nitrogen with nitrogen being discharged or exhausted into the atmosphere. We tested the exhausted gas stream and could not detect any nitrogen. It is only right for us to question the validity of the information as it could be wrong. But what makes your view even worse to comprehend is that you guys have the idea of moelcules and nitrogen and oxygen molecules are of different sizes and the seive traps in one gas but allows another to pass. So why should any oxygen get exhausted like we discovered in our first video - one proof to conquer all, when only nitrogen is exhausted? As far as I'm concenrned one should be able to detect oxygen and nitrogen being expelled from an oxygen concentrator and even from a nitrogen PSA generator too. Air being composed of different gases is a great idea but in order to convince others the idea is true and reflects the real world, you have to prove those gases are in the air. That hasn't been done as far as I'm concerned and we have put forward an alternative idea regarding air. It's your job now to falsify the idea! So instead of typing stuff on here go get yourself an oxygen concentrator and prove the machine separates air into oxygen and nitrogen!! We tried and can't detect any nitrogen!!
Very good production quality, i love your honesty! Also good to speed up sections with little action like you did, and nice background music choice, love it!
Really interestings stuff! Thanks so much for buying all this stuff and doing the tests. I wouldn't know where to start or where to buy them, nor would I have the space to do all this. I feel like I truly learn about the nature of the air when you do this.
well worth it - it now feels as if we don't have to do anymore!! I'm waiting for an argumentative comment on this video but for some reason I don't think we'll get one posted!👍👍👍
question: how efficient is the machine at separating Oxygen and Nitrogen? All you have proven here is that it wasn't very efficient and once you introduced the correct materials and conditions the Oxygen and Nitrogen are indeed separated. I cannot see how you come to any other conclusion!!
FYI the machine can make a supply of oxygen with up to 95% purity!! it's a nice bit of kit. You really should read the manual for this kind of information and not post wasteful comments!!
@@PeterPeteoh well, if we are going to be rude let's have at it. Your channel posts wasteful content all the time on science and engineering that have been universally agreed on for centuries. You use nothing but your own inflated opinions and your experiments are poor at best. Your opinions are skewed by your own self importance and Nothing that you produce has any meaning to anyone other than the few dullards that simper to you whilst the rest of the world point and laugh. Crazy people one and all.
@PeterPete i still get confused on what the elements are, from what I'm aware the chlorine dioxide is a soluble gas when drunk with water gives your body extra oxygen to cure all diseases no matter how severe, id love ur opinion on what the actuall process that is occurring
@PeterPete any light you can shed on it! What is it and is it really flooding the body with O2 , its healing cancers, maleria, aids you name it. Most hated substance by big pharma
@@PeterPeteWhile the longer videos are good watches, some of these shorter more direct videos covering a specific topic are great for being able to recommend to others, e.g., this one, the objects falling at different rates in a vacuum, etc. I hope you do more of these in the future where relevant.
If "oxygen" is concentrated dry air, then what is "nitrogen"? And why wouldn't more air pressure/air flow create more concentrated cooled dry combustible "oxygen"? (Regardless of the sieve material)
It's clear from our demo the type of sieve material is important to determine the 'synthesis' of an oxygenous air or nitrogenous air. To produce a nitrogenous air, in our opinion the air would be 'stained' by carbon or stained by the carbonisation process of the sieve material and everyone should know the properties of carbon. The higher pressures are required to 'stain' the air to synthesise nitrogen. Molecular sieve material used for oxygen production has undergone calorgenation where it is heated to high temperatures in normal air and not exposed to smoke/flame. We use the word synthesise because one can expose air to hot iron under high pressure and produce nitrogen as in the Haber-Bosch process but the 'nitrogen' hasn't been exposed to carbon as above or sourced from nitrates. In other words man manufactures chemical substances using different methods so the products cannot be exactly the same, hence the reason why they say, we can synthesise nitrogen 👍
How do you reach conclusion number 3, that Nitrogen can be synthesized? The glowing splint being extinguished indicates that the air in the bag does not support combustion, but why would that mean that it is nitrogenous? Can it not be something else?
quote - How do you reach conclusion number 3, that Nitrogen can be synthesized - nitrogen produced from a nitrate will be qualitatively different from the nitrogen produced by PSA even though both will extinguish a flame! A property of nitrogen is that it will not support combustion so could the gas in the bag be something else? Some could say the gas is CO2 but there's no combustion and furthermore using compressed air and CMS is how nitrogen is generated industrially! Our next task is to use oxygen as the in-feed gas and not compressed air! see what happens!
@@PeterPete I see, thank you for your answer. On another note, are you interested in looking into producing "helium", or should I more properly phrase it produce a lifting gas that neither supports combustion nor has any inflammable impurities?
@@FlatEnough we would if we had the facilities, unfortunately we can't do that living in the UK. Interesting you mention it though because helium is a gas that cannot be made from a chemical reaction, along with the other noble gases 👍
@@PeterPete May I add lifting gases indicate to me that air can be structured: though at first glance gases maintain neither shape nor volume, lifting gas inside a balloon somewhat resists outside compression and instead of collapsing and staying put, it "keeps" some of its volume and instead rises. Your view on this?
Hah, I love this machine. Making oxygen and nitrogen is so simple. I think I'll buy such a machine and start selling these gasses, easy money 😂 Maybe I'll try putting other materials inside like crushed synthetic diamonds to produce an unknown gas 😄😅
in our opinion it wouldn't produce oxygen at the exhaust because the CMS stains the air and takes away any 'oxygen-like' properties i.e. the ability to relight a glowing splint.
Base on explanation of you and Dr. John: the charges are connected to sun which it depresses that expands things so charge is reduced pressure, decharge is increasing pressure so cold raises pressure. Can expand understanding in videos : everything is hot to cold & in connect to that pressure to depressure. So to increase pressure require cold or low charge which is low heat so spin of heat will reduce pressure. If fan that spin to hot air so with strong material and lock system so the hot change to cold. So the element of how construct work is spin and despin creating cold and heat, along it hard to soft, light to hard, it is layer series of foundation like earth holds us, so higher spin make it cold, so can go deeper to how everything work: it depends on pressure which connected to deeper foundation: spin and despin
@@PeterPete Ok, what about spin part?? Ya can do experiment so spin the fan so will change the air to cold, and how pressure work it is base on herz, spin of one so 1 frequently of mins, so low to high so it convert cleans electricity to dirty electricity, so in connect of electricity so that is how mass work, which all is energy but high spin so convert into solid or vaporized to nothing.
Hands down has to be the best video evidence to support your ideas regarding air being just air and that all of the so called “elements” that supposedly comprise air are just products that are manufactured in some way!! Great job gents, well done 👍
we think compressing the air at higher pressures helps the air to interact with the carbon molecular sieve material where it becomes 'stained' by the sieve material. Obviously passing it through the pressure swing system allows that air to be concentrated enough to be able to extinguish the flame.
I understand Chlorine and Nitrous oxide can both relight a glowing splint but in both cases it's suggested it is the oxygen content in those that causes the reaction.
It's the oxygen content that relights a glowing splint. Oxygen is released from the breakdown of the anode electrode during the chlor-alkali electrolytic process to produce chlorine gas. Therefore chlorine gas obtained in this way cannot be an element because it contains oxygen. We've covered comburent gases and always thought they must contain oxygen because they show characteristics of oxygen 👍
This was a fantastically informative video on how these oxygen concentrators work and how different molecular sieves/conditions effect the output gas streams! My only nitpick with this video however - is that the right side of the audio was missing through my earbuds when watching this on my phone, that is quite a minor and easy to fix issue though! Could you possibly retry this experiment in the future with the activated carbon at higher pressures, to see the performance difference compared to the carbon molecular sieve...and maybe test additional molecular sieve types/pore sizes too? Testing other gas mixtures through these molecular sieves too could be a very interesting video as well, if you ever gain the ability to test such a thing into the future!(Maybe pure oxygen and another relatively inert/non flammable gas? Be a little more weary if you choose any non flammable halogenated gases though, as high temperatures can still break them down to their corresponding toxic hydrogen halide gas products... even though the produced amounts of such toxic gasses will likely be quite small with such lit splint tests...) Anyway - you have earned a subscription! 😁
tks for the positive comment and welcome aboard! Another person informed us of audio problems, they sorted it out. We play on pc and audio is fine. I've played on phone and audio was fine too! I have an inkling what the problem could be and we'll look out for it next time we use the clip on mic!!
@@PeterPete thank you for replying to me so fast! I admittedly was finishing still editting in some details into my comment as you replied! 😂 And yeah, I have had/heard of similar problems with TH-cam before! It was an excellent video regardless! 🙂
@@o-i-see.4025 i can certainly accept all gases will get 'eaten up' if they were diffused into a larger gas and depending upon how large the other gas was, this would determine how much of a gas would get eaten up! howzthat?
@PeterPete it makes sense, I don't think pockets of gas exsist above us.as it expands in every direction it would all but dissappear, becoming air.so not all gases contain air,but will become adequately diffused in the air as if its air.oxygen can't exsist in the earth's atmos(air),yet they say we breathe it...that makes no sense at all. Actually it does its a mass delusion amongst many more,,, that is very obvious. 👍kool ,cheers Peter an Pete 👍🖖🤣
In industry they us giant air turbines, similar to jet planes, where they compress the air, so, since compression is a factor, your video here totally supports the jet fuel hoax, as well as what you say about air being just air. I asked I guy who delivers gas to the stations how long it takes him to empty his truck (two tanks) and he said about 30 to 40 minutes! And jet planes are supposedly carrying several of those trucks worth of fuel in the wings! HAHA!!! Also noteworthy was the heavy duty steel construction of the tanks vs the rather delicate jet plane wings. ✈
So either the air gets laced with a substance or it is formable. From this I'd lean more towards the latter since increasing pressure alone shouldn't equate to becoming more laced with the carbon unless it's due to the extra force needed when the air stream rushes through the substrate which breaks off tiny bits of it to take with it as a dust. A third option could be that something is removed from the air and trapped in the molecular sieve, I know the carbon filter in reverse osmosis is specifically useful for removing chlorine and other chemicals from water that normal mircon sieves can't, but again a change in pressure wouldn't cause a difference in this case.
Quote - So either the air gets laced with a substance or it is formable. I'd say it's a bit of both 👍 Quote - A third option could be that something is removed from the air and trapped in the molecular sieve Some would say it was oxygen being removed from the air. However the exhaust gas in the last demo didn't extinguish a flame whereas the main feed did. It's clear the machine processes the air and laces or stains the air to provide an air stream that has the properties that it exhibits. It's all fabricated.
Another option - "oxygen" is "charged " air (phlogisticated air) and "nitrogen" is "discharged" air (dephlogisticated air). Both air, just air in a different state / condition.
@@drjohnd.9508 That could be the case, as oxygen is acidic and going on the idea that acidity is caused by the presence of hydrogen that could be the "charge".
@@wynand988 I get the impression (just as idea) that "fresh air" is air that is "charged" by the sun / being outside etc. We breathe in the "charged" air and in the lungs it "discharges" and we breathe out the "discharged" air - that needs to be "refeshed / recharged". I think in a sealed room you will die because all the air has lost its charge (it has passed to you) - you have "run out" of "oxygen" - but "oxygen" is charged air, not a different chemical, the same chemical but in a different charge state / condition - you have run out of "charged air" - you need to open the window for some "fresh" (charged) air. Best John.
And btw. The design of these concentrators is ofc based on mainstream chemistry. What if you modified the device and there was just the inlet valve and only 1 output valve. It should work.
Claimed gases? Like oxygen and nitrogen? Air is just air, with no nitrogen and no oxygen etc. The only time other gases exist in the air is when a process puts it in the air, like combustion from a furnace, or from a volcano. The real question is what happens to these contaminants in air; do they remain in the air or dissipate into 'nothing'?
The machine (as purchased) should be outputting 3 times the amount of nitrogen to oxygen. Plus that nitrogen should be concentrated since the oxygen was removed. I'm just not seeing it.
@@PeterPete Twice! There used to be laws to prevent people from selling scam products like that. Those plug in electronic bug repellents are another good example. Heads should roll. People should care. They don't and government is the cause so they aren't going to help. Best way to fight the tyrants is to educate the people.
OK so since you used a custom compressor and custom sieve material, do we need a machine at all? I'm wondering what the minimum gear we would need is 🤔
minimum gear to make nitrogen? compressor 5-13 bar and pressure swing system. one needs the pressure swing to concentrate the output gas unless one uses higher pressures like 120psi with membrane technology to produce nitrogen 👍
I think it would, we should have tried the activated carbon. But cms and activated carbon is the same stuff just different size, so yes! I'm very sure higher pressure would have worked!
How is that possible? Air goes in with its standard 21/79 mixture. Almost pure oxygen comes out of one stream. The other stream MUST be oxygen deficient. Probably not 0, but lower than ambient. Probably enough oxygen was left to keep the splint burning, but the flame got significantly smaller. BTW: your right audio channel is dead.
Your conclusion is floored, your method erraneous, you had no genuine 'control' for comparison, and all you showed is how to improve the efficiency of the unit in separating the constituent parts of the atmosphere. Your conclusion regarding the origin of nitrogen and oxygen is an "idea only exists in your mind!!" Please try to use the proper experimental method, untaken correctly, is very rewarding and expansive.
at what point during the video did i demonstrate air was separated? i'm only asking because you say i did separate air but i cannot find the bit in the video where i did separate air! I mean, i even made the video and demonstrated no air was separated because i produced nitrogen!!! You'll have to tell me please!
WOw!!! Thats its! Wonderful!!.... Air is really AIR!!! Who would of thought this? So with greater pressure, we might be able to produce helium...I winder what we need to put in the sieve? Maybe some broccoli? or beans...Maybe some other kind of rock, perhaps malacite or lead, or mercury? What can be produced?
Quote - So with greater pressure, we might be able to produce helium Imo put hydrogen through the PSA system with carbon sieve and we can "nitrogenise" the hydrogen into helium 👍
Air is just air... makes no sense. That's like saying 'water is just water'. Now tell us that water does not have hydrogen and oxygen in it.. One of your credulous insists that people do not breathe oxygen.. Well, in fact, we breathe whatever gasses are in the air. But how to explain the transportation of oxygen via hemoglobin? What are red blood cells transporting that makes them red? This video oversimplifies a theory but falls short of explaining it.
Glad you accept we nitrogenised the air. Yes there are things in nature that are simple, air is just air like water is just water, in our opinion air does not have constituents but people like lavoisier and ramsay like to make others think air is made up of constituents, they know better than others. Yet the reality is that they cannot prove the air is made of constituents. We've looked at many processes and many topics that involve oxygen, nitrogen being constituents and haven't come across any proof air or even water has constituents. We can only conclude these claims are pseudoscientific claims as people have to believe they are true. However, if you think you can prove the air has constituents, then show us what you've got 👍
"the veteran didn't have a council house before and he has no right to a council house. "
These are the words of the "man" in this video, opining on why it is fine that a 98 year old British army veteran is being made homeless and denied a council house. What a charmer.
nobody has a right to a council house in the UK. It's really that simple!
This 98 yr old veteran will not be made homeless because royal charter protects him from being homeless!
He is a vulnerable guy.
This scenario just highlights the bum deal tenants in the private sector receive!
@@PeterPete He has been placed in a single bedroom in a shared dwelling with a shared bathroom, which is entirely unsuitable. His furniture and belongings naturally can't go there, so he has lost his home. he almost certainly will die there, trapped in his bedroom.
I am glad you've pinned your horrible attitude for all to see though. You must be that "kind and caring left" we hear about. Really, you despise most ordinary British people and delight whenever they suffer.
like i stated earlier people in private rented acommodation have very little protection from eviction. Clearly the law needs to change to protect vulnerable people such as this guy in private rented accommodation!
The people who make the laws are British and lots of MP's are probably landlords, all placing money before people!
And you're blaming asylum seekers? Get real man!
@@PeterPete As I stated earlier YOU were happy that the houses in his were given to people from abroad and you have been VERY smug about the old chap being left without proper accommodation. You are utterly unapologetic, even proud of your stance.
I note you are hiding my comments, I don't think it's helping you.
@@lesigh1749 I haven't mentioned anything about my views on asylum seekers being housed in the UK. That's you making inferences.
The 98 yr old veteran would still be living in his privately rented accommodation had there been better provision in law to protect him from eviction. It's that simple. If you cannot understand my position then you need a straighjacket like the many other people who come on this channel and tell me the Earth is a spinning ball!!
I love how you can see the splint flame getting weaker in the first exhaust test, somehow warranting the comment "none whatsoever"
the first exhaust test was at 04:10 and the flame certainly didn't go out on both attempts!!! No nitrogen whatsoever!!!
@@PeterPete Yes. And that "none whatsoever" is wrong. The flame got SIGNIFICANTLY smaller, indicating significantly less oxygen.
Keep in mind, the flame would NORMALLY grow in air when holding the burning end of the splint down.
So... everything happens just like expected.
@@jackmclane1826 so why was the flame extinguished later on in the video when passing compressed air through the system??
@@PeterPete Probably because you decreased the concentration of oxygen in the waste stream a litte with your changes. Probably at the side effect of more nitrogen "contamination" in the oxygen stream. It depends how you operate these machines i.e. the valve timings and some layout issues.
An oxygen concentrator is - duh! - optimized for concentrating oxygen in the product stream. Nobody cares for remaining 02 in the waste stream. N2 absorbtion in the sieve beds declines over time with aging/contaminating sieves. So having a little headroom makes a lot of sense.
It seems like your understanding of the whole matter is quite lacking. Your observations are really poor and then you draw your conclusions out of these poor observations. These are as good as they can be... -.-
Dear Pete and Peter
Oxygen concentrators use filter mediums that are porous enough to allow the smaller O₂ molecules to pass through while trapping the larger N₂ molecules.
FIRST UP: Such concentrators are at best about 96% efficient, meaning the output will consist of at best 96% O₂ with the remainder being mostly N₂. This concentration will diminish over time and needs to be checked on a regular basis and the filters replaced once the output concentration of O₂ falls below a predetermined level.
FILTER BLOCKAGE: one of the major problems with this type O₂ concentrator is the filters very quickly become blocked with N₂ molecules to the point they will not let anything pass at all.
BACK WASHING: It depends on the particular unit, but generally you have 2 filters one filtering out the N₂ and the other being back washed using some of the O₂ from the active filter. This back washed material is what comes out of the waste gas port and while it will have a much higher concentration of N₂ than room air it will contain some of O₂ that was used to backwash the filter. That’s why there are 2 filters and you hear this whoosh sound every 5 to 8 seconds as the system switches filters to backwash the clogged filter.
POOR OBSERVATION: As I have explained, the output port doesn’t only contain pure N₂ but O₂ as well albeit at a lower concentration than normal room air, but in sufficient amounts to support combustion at a reduced level. If you had observed you test properly when you initially inserted the burning splint into the bag containing the gas from the waste gas port on the concentrator you would have noticed that it almost extinguished as it neared the bottom of the bag. I will give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that you didn’t notice this like other viewers have stated and assume that you didn’t deliberately remove the burning splint the moment you noticed the flame decreasing in size. Nevertheless, this clearly demonstrates that the bag of gas collected from the waste port on the concentrator did contain less O₂ than room air.
MY QUALIFICATIONS: I am a certified scientific instrument maker with a background in automation and control systems, computer control systems, programmable logic controllers, mini super computers and telecommunications. As for my experience with O₂ concentrators, due to damage to my lungs from chronic lifelong asthma and complications from a COVID infection about 18 months ago I am connected to an O₂ concentrator or bottled O₂ via a respirator mask or nasal cannulas and a pulse mode regulator, 24 hours a day and have been for several years now.
YOUR QUALIFICATIONS: I don’t know what your qualifications are, but from the snippets of your videos I have seen you appear to not even have a rudimentary secondary level education understanding of science, chemistry, physics, astronomy and photography all of which I have a much deeper understanding of than either of you. Clearly you have no place trying to denigrate the observations of others that are far more qualified than either of you. As far as I am concerned you are a pair of amoeba brained pungently odoriferous, procreating, male bovine excrement regurgitating buffoons.
This comment will probably be deleted, but I hope at least some of your viewers will have the chance to view it.
Amazing! you could reproduce that at home, you have been talking about this for a long time. Congrats! and thank you!
apologies for audio - we later discovered after publishing the video the clip-on mic used records in mono and not stereo so there's only audio in left channel!
Good job that the lady told you about the compression. I thought the compressed air might ruin the machine.
We had thought about higher compression rates because of the membrane nitrogen generators work at 120psi. So it's clear that compressing the air before it enters the sieve towers helps in the process.
No.... (1) the machine may be taking, say 2% pure (ish) oxygen from the air and so the expelled gas would be 16% O2 and 76% N2. This would be plenty to keep the flame alight. The machine is designed to purify oxygen, not to purity nitrogen. (2) The flame test is as astonishingly crude test. (3) As you know, BOC (previously the British Oxygen Company) are a large company in the business of separating air into O2, N2, Ar, Ne, etc.The French company Air Products are in the same business. (4) When using a laboratory vacuum pump cooled with liquid nitrogen (bp -196°C) one has to be careful because O2 (bp -183) will condense on the liquid N2 'cold finger' and if there are any organic compounds collected there is the danger of an explosion.
1. Got any proof of that or is it going to remain just your idea?
2. The flame test has always been reliably used to determine the presence of certain gases. If the flame goes out you can't say there's oxygen present.
3. Irrelevant to the video content
4. Irrelevant to the video content
@@PeterPete 1. Would be the obvious way to design the machine. As I said, the machine is an oxygen concentrator not a nitrogen concentrator, although the effect will be to slightly increase the N2 concentration.
2. The flame test is a qualitative test. If you *really* wanted to know what was going on you would make *quantitative* measurements which numbers.
3. No it is not irrelevant. There is an entire industry with multinational companies who separate the gases from air, yet you question the science behind these industries with your 'clever' but incorrect ideas. The global oxygen market was $34.83 billion in 2022.
4. Again not irrelevant. Liquid nitrogen will condense liquid oxygen from air because of the difference in boiling points. I have direct experience of this from lab work. You should be interested that these facts contradict the thesis of your poor experiment. This is how science works.
@@MarkRLeach Look Mark you seem to be overlooking your understanding regarding what's going on here.
1. You think air is being separated so at what point in the video did you observe that?
2. Does nitrogen extinguish a flame? yes or no?
3. Again irrelevant to the content of the video. How much money people make is irrelevant to the content of the video.
4. Again irrelevant because this aspect has only relevance to the gases once produced and give no indication where the gases oiriginate!
@@PeterPete At 3:04 you say "This machine is separating air into nitrogen and oxygen". That is NOT what the machine is doing, it is separating oxygen from air, not the same thing at all. The machine does not claim that the exhaust gas is pure nitrogen. Why would it be? The exhaust gas will be depleted in oxygen, but it will not be oxygen free. Indeed, your experiment shows that the exhaust gas can maintain a flaming splint, so it still contains some oxygen. I would guess about 12-14%?
The next stage of your experimental sequence should be to *quantify* the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas. I am sure the manufacturer/supplier could supply this information if asked.
Your experiment shows (rather well) that the machine extracts and concentrates oxygen from air.
Your experiment also shows (also rather well) that the machine does NOT separate oxygen and nitrogen. It was not designed to.
Indeed, many chemistry experiments are carried out in an oxygen free environment. Unfortunately, there are no bench top machines that can generate pure nitrogen from air, so gas cylinders of N2 or liquid nitrogen (or argon, even better) are used.
@@MarkRLeach taken from the manual of the oxygen concentrator
"Air enters the compressor after being filtered through the inlet filter device, and is compressed into the molecular-sieve tower for oxygen-nitrogen separation. Oxygen passes through the molecular-sieve tower and enters the fine sieve tower, while nitrogen is adsorbed by the molecular sieve and discharged into the atmosphere through the separation valve."
The information clearly states air is kinda 'split' or separated into oxygen and nitrogen with nitrogen being discharged or exhausted into the atmosphere.
We tested the exhausted gas stream and could not detect any nitrogen. It is only right for us to question the validity of the information as it could be wrong.
But what makes your view even worse to comprehend is that you guys have the idea of moelcules and nitrogen and oxygen molecules are of different sizes and the seive traps in one gas but allows another to pass. So why should any oxygen get exhausted like we discovered in our first video - one proof to conquer all, when only nitrogen is exhausted?
As far as I'm concenrned one should be able to detect oxygen and nitrogen being expelled from an oxygen concentrator and even from a nitrogen PSA generator too.
Air being composed of different gases is a great idea but in order to convince others the idea is true and reflects the real world, you have to prove those gases are in the air. That hasn't been done as far as I'm concerned and we have put forward an alternative idea regarding air.
It's your job now to falsify the idea! So instead of typing stuff on here go get yourself an oxygen concentrator and prove the machine separates air into oxygen and nitrogen!!
We tried and can't detect any nitrogen!!
Very good production quality, i love your honesty! Also good to speed up sections with little action like you did, and nice background music choice, love it!
Thanks for the + comment !!
You two are worth you're weight in GOLD !! 💪
tks for the + comment!!
These guys are so underrated.
Thanks for your + comment but we're after quality not quantity 👍
Bang on guys, I was wondering also about the pressure spec of the sieve. Should make people think what the hell were we paying for in the first place!
Cheers CFEJ!!
Really interestings stuff! Thanks so much for buying all this stuff and doing the tests. I wouldn't know where to start or where to buy them, nor would I have the space to do all this. I feel like I truly learn about the nature of the air when you do this.
well worth it - it now feels as if we don't have to do anymore!! I'm waiting for an argumentative comment on this video but for some reason I don't think we'll get one posted!👍👍👍
How wrong was I? Just received an argumentative comment - exciting stuff!
I've never been so excited to see a flame extinguish 😂
neither have we 👍
question: how efficient is the machine at separating Oxygen and Nitrogen? All you have proven here is that it wasn't very efficient and once you introduced the correct materials and conditions the Oxygen and Nitrogen are indeed separated. I cannot see how you come to any other conclusion!!
andrew the machine doesn't separate oxygen and nitrogen - that idea only exists in your mind!!
FYI the machine can make a supply of oxygen with up to 95% purity!! it's a nice bit of kit. You really should read the manual for this kind of information and not post wasteful comments!!
@@PeterPeteoh well, if we are going to be rude let's have at it. Your channel posts wasteful content all the time on science and engineering that have been universally agreed on for centuries. You use nothing but your own inflated opinions and your experiments are poor at best. Your opinions are skewed by your own self importance and Nothing that you produce has any meaning to anyone other than the few dullards that simper to you whilst the rest of the world point and laugh. Crazy people one and all.
There is no such thing as a wasteful comment, only an incomplete explanation. @@PeterPete
Hi Guys any success with the Chlorine Dioxide video?
we'll cover that in our next upload, is there anything in particular you would like us to cover about it?
@PeterPete i still get confused on what the elements are, from what I'm aware the chlorine dioxide is a soluble gas when drunk with water gives your body extra oxygen to cure all diseases no matter how severe, id love ur opinion on what the actuall process that is occurring
@@MrSamcolombo process occuring in the body or when chlorine dioxide is made?
@PeterPete any light you can shed on it! What is it and is it really flooding the body with O2 , its healing cancers, maleria, aids you name it. Most hated substance by big pharma
Banging quality experiment P&P ! it will be intriguing to see what the laim stream bods pass this away as ?
Peter, Pete knocked you down to a lowly Assistant! Are you going to let him get away with that? LOL
hahaha!!! That's funny. I don't mind being an assistant because he doesn't even pay me!!
Excellent demonstration guys. Really exemplifies your views.
thanks for that comment, yes the demo does exemplify our view that oxygen and nitrogen are not constituents of the air 👍
@@PeterPeteWhile the longer videos are good watches, some of these shorter more direct videos covering a specific topic are great for being able to recommend to others, e.g., this one, the objects falling at different rates in a vacuum, etc. I hope you do more of these in the future where relevant.
we're both aware the shorter videos are more straight to the point because they're edited! When we get the opportunity we'll do some more!!
@@PeterPete I'll look forward to it!
If "oxygen" is concentrated dry air, then what is "nitrogen"? And why wouldn't more air pressure/air flow create more concentrated cooled dry combustible "oxygen"? (Regardless of the sieve material)
It's clear from our demo the type of sieve material is important to determine the 'synthesis' of an oxygenous air or nitrogenous air. To produce a nitrogenous air, in our opinion the air would be 'stained' by carbon or stained by the carbonisation process of the sieve material and everyone should know the properties of carbon. The higher pressures are required to 'stain' the air to synthesise nitrogen. Molecular sieve material used for oxygen production has undergone calorgenation where it is heated to high temperatures in normal air and not exposed to smoke/flame.
We use the word synthesise because one can expose air to hot iron under high pressure and produce nitrogen as in the Haber-Bosch process but the 'nitrogen' hasn't been exposed to carbon as above or sourced from nitrates. In other words man manufactures chemical substances using different methods so the products cannot be exactly the same, hence the reason why they say, we can synthesise nitrogen 👍
@@PeterPete ah interesting thanks guys
Could You Power a Car With Nitrogen by This Method?
How do you reach conclusion number 3, that Nitrogen can be synthesized?
The glowing splint being extinguished indicates that the air in the bag does not support combustion, but why would that mean that it is nitrogenous? Can it not be something else?
quote - How do you reach conclusion number 3, that Nitrogen can be synthesized - nitrogen produced from a nitrate will be qualitatively different from the nitrogen produced by PSA even though both will extinguish a flame!
A property of nitrogen is that it will not support combustion so could the gas in the bag be something else? Some could say the gas is CO2 but there's no combustion and furthermore using compressed air and CMS is how nitrogen is generated industrially!
Our next task is to use oxygen as the in-feed gas and not compressed air! see what happens!
@@PeterPete I see, thank you for your answer. On another note, are you interested in looking into producing "helium", or should I more properly phrase it produce a lifting gas that neither supports combustion nor has any inflammable impurities?
@@FlatEnough we would if we had the facilities, unfortunately we can't do that living in the UK. Interesting you mention it though because helium is a gas that cannot be made from a chemical reaction, along with the other noble gases 👍
@@PeterPete May I add lifting gases indicate to me that air can be structured: though at first glance gases maintain neither shape nor volume, lifting gas inside a balloon somewhat resists outside compression and instead of collapsing and staying put, it "keeps" some of its volume and instead rises. Your view on this?
Hah, I love this machine. Making oxygen and nitrogen is so simple. I think I'll buy such a machine and start selling these gasses, easy money 😂 Maybe I'll try putting other materials inside like crushed synthetic diamonds to produce an unknown gas 😄😅
Does the cms at exhaust produces oxygen too? Iwanna try this😊
in our opinion it wouldn't produce oxygen at the exhaust because the CMS stains the air and takes away any 'oxygen-like' properties i.e. the ability to relight a glowing splint.
Base on explanation of you and Dr. John: the charges are connected to sun which it depresses that expands things so charge is reduced pressure, decharge is increasing pressure so cold raises pressure. Can expand understanding in videos : everything is hot to cold & in connect to that pressure to depressure. So to increase pressure require cold or low charge which is low heat so spin of heat will reduce pressure.
If fan that spin to hot air so with strong material and lock system so the hot change to cold. So the element of how construct work is spin and despin creating cold and heat, along it hard to soft, light to hard, it is layer series of foundation like earth holds us, so higher spin make it cold, so can go deeper to how everything work: it depends on pressure which connected to deeper foundation: spin and despin
Yes kind of understand where you're coming from. It's all about heat and the transference of heat from hot to cold.
@@PeterPete Ok, what about spin part?? Ya can do experiment so spin the fan so will change the air to cold, and how pressure work it is base on herz, spin of one so 1 frequently of mins, so low to high so it convert cleans electricity to dirty electricity, so in connect of electricity so that is how mass work, which all is energy but high spin so convert into solid or vaporized to nothing.
Hands down has to be the best video evidence to support your ideas regarding air being just air and that all of the so called “elements” that supposedly comprise air are just products that are manufactured in some way!! Great job gents, well done 👍
thanks for simple re-phrasing. I did understand but it can't hurt to hear it again at my lower level.
Fascinating. So what are you guys thinking? Are the high pressures pushing depleted or "spent" air out of the charcoal?
we think compressing the air at higher pressures helps the air to interact with the carbon molecular sieve material where it becomes 'stained' by the sieve material. Obviously passing it through the pressure swing system allows that air to be concentrated enough to be able to extinguish the flame.
Hello, did you succeed by using carbon or charcoal?
CMS and higher air pressures. We didn't try charcoal and higher air pressure so that may well have worked too 👍👍
Fantastic and fundamentally simple to reproduce and simply earthly science renovating. Lovely. Thank you.
Thanks v much for your comment 👍
I understand Chlorine and Nitrous oxide can both relight a glowing splint but in both cases it's suggested it is the oxygen content in those that causes the reaction.
It's the oxygen content that relights a glowing splint. Oxygen is released from the breakdown of the anode electrode during the chlor-alkali electrolytic process to produce chlorine gas. Therefore chlorine gas obtained in this way cannot be an element because it contains oxygen. We've covered comburent gases and always thought they must contain oxygen because they show characteristics of oxygen 👍
This was a fantastically informative video on how these oxygen concentrators work and how different molecular sieves/conditions effect the output gas streams!
My only nitpick with this video however - is that the right side of the audio was missing through my earbuds when watching this on my phone, that is quite a minor and easy to fix issue though!
Could you possibly retry this experiment in the future with the activated carbon at higher pressures, to see the performance difference compared to the carbon molecular sieve...and maybe test additional molecular sieve types/pore sizes too?
Testing other gas mixtures through these molecular sieves too could be a very interesting video as well, if you ever gain the ability to test such a thing into the future!(Maybe pure oxygen and another relatively inert/non flammable gas? Be a little more weary if you choose any non flammable halogenated gases though, as high temperatures can still break them down to their corresponding toxic hydrogen halide gas products... even though the produced amounts of such toxic gasses will likely be quite small with such lit splint tests...)
Anyway - you have earned a subscription! 😁
tks for the positive comment and welcome aboard! Another person informed us of audio problems, they sorted it out. We play on pc and audio is fine. I've played on phone and audio was fine too! I have an inkling what the problem could be and we'll look out for it next time we use the clip on mic!!
@@PeterPete thank you for replying to me so fast! I admittedly was finishing still editting in some details into my comment as you replied! 😂
And yeah, I have had/heard of similar problems with TH-cam before! It was an excellent video regardless! 🙂
@@Chris47368 👍👍
Oh btw, we realised our lavalier microphone is mono. Next time we use it we'll add another mono track to the sound recording to make it stereo 👍
@@PeterPete Awesome! 👍
It doesn't get any clearer than that👍Air is Air.guys is Air in All gases? Brilliant demo👍
quote - is Air in All gases? Great question!! Worthy of discussion!!
@PeterPete hey Peter an Pete.would u consider shearing your views an opinions.are gases a form of air?that returns back to air when released. Cheers👍
@@o-i-see.4025 i can certainly accept all gases will get 'eaten up' if they were diffused into a larger gas and depending upon how large the other gas was, this would determine how much of a gas would get eaten up!
@PeterPete it makes sense, I don't think pockets of gas exsist above us.as it expands in every direction it would all but dissappear, becoming air.so not all gases contain air,but will become adequately diffused in the air as if its air.oxygen can't exsist in the earth's atmos(air),yet they say we breathe it...that makes no sense at all. Actually it does its a mass delusion amongst many more,,, that is very obvious. 👍kool ,cheers Peter an Pete 👍🖖🤣
Okay, thank you. Can you please use the carbon method?
@@JamalJamilo-hs1sr we used CMS
CMS = Carbon molecular sieve
Is it activated charcoal, for example, and does it generate oxygen?
@@JamalJamilo-hs1sr have you watched the video??
Would be good just to add the compressed air to the bag and put a lighted and then glowing split in. I wonder what would happen?
Yes, we intend to do that as well as do other interesting thiings 👍
done that and the lit splint did not extinguish nor did it glow brighter which means a glowing splint would not have re-ignited!!
@@PeterPete Thanks for doing that.
Can you retest the first two materials with the same pressure as you did to get the final results
We could try but to achieve what end?
@PeterPete maybe pressure is what was needed for the others to work? And it's the only variable applied to get the results
Peter & Pete are godly.
I dont know about Godly. Pete is pretty gleeful about a 98-year-old war veteran being denied a council house, that's quite diabolical.
In industry they us giant air turbines, similar to jet planes, where they compress the air, so, since compression is a factor, your video here totally supports the jet fuel hoax, as well as what you say about air being just air. I asked I guy who delivers gas to the stations how long it takes him to empty his truck (two tanks) and he said about 30 to 40 minutes! And jet planes are supposedly carrying several of those trucks worth of fuel in the wings! HAHA!!! Also noteworthy was the heavy duty steel construction of the tanks vs the rather delicate jet plane wings. ✈
So either the air gets laced with a substance or it is formable.
From this I'd lean more towards the latter since increasing pressure alone shouldn't equate to becoming more laced with the carbon unless it's due to the extra force needed when the air stream rushes through the substrate which breaks off tiny bits of it to take with it as a dust.
A third option could be that something is removed from the air and trapped in the molecular sieve, I know the carbon filter in reverse osmosis is specifically useful for removing chlorine and other chemicals from water that normal mircon sieves can't, but again a change in pressure wouldn't cause a difference in this case.
Quote - So either the air gets laced with a substance or it is formable.
I'd say it's a bit of both 👍
Quote - A third option could be that something is removed from the air and trapped in the molecular sieve
Some would say it was oxygen being removed from the air. However the exhaust gas in the last demo didn't extinguish a flame whereas the main feed did. It's clear the machine processes the air and laces or stains the air to provide an air stream that has the properties that it exhibits. It's all fabricated.
@@PeterPete A fourth option - "oxygen" is "charged " air (phlogisticated air) and "nitrogen" is "discharged" air (dephlogisticated air).
Another option - "oxygen" is "charged " air (phlogisticated air) and "nitrogen" is "discharged" air (dephlogisticated air). Both air, just air in a different state / condition.
@@drjohnd.9508 That could be the case, as oxygen is acidic and going on the idea that acidity is caused by the presence of hydrogen that could be the "charge".
@@wynand988 I get the impression (just as idea) that "fresh air" is air that is "charged" by the sun / being outside etc. We breathe in the "charged" air and in the lungs it "discharges" and we breathe out the "discharged" air - that needs to be "refeshed / recharged". I think in a sealed room you will die because all the air has lost its charge (it has passed to you) - you have "run out" of "oxygen" - but "oxygen" is charged air, not a different chemical, the same chemical but in a different charge state / condition - you have run out of "charged air" - you need to open the window for some "fresh" (charged) air. Best John.
And btw. The design of these concentrators is ofc based on mainstream chemistry. What if you modified the device and there was just the inlet valve and only 1 output valve. It should work.
So it seems these claimed gasses in the atmosphere are sort of treated air, which is either more or less contributive to combustion.
Claimed gases? Like oxygen and nitrogen? Air is just air, with no nitrogen and no oxygen etc. The only time other gases exist in the air is when a process puts it in the air, like combustion from a furnace, or from a volcano. The real question is what happens to these contaminants in air; do they remain in the air or dissipate into 'nothing'?
The machine (as purchased) should be outputting 3 times the amount of nitrogen to oxygen. Plus that nitrogen should be concentrated since the oxygen was removed. I'm just not seeing it.
did you shake your head in disbelief? 😅
@@PeterPete Twice! There used to be laws to prevent people from selling scam products like that. Those plug in electronic bug repellents are another good example. Heads should roll. People should care. They don't and government is the cause so they aren't going to help. Best way to fight the tyrants is to educate the people.
OK so since you used a custom compressor and custom sieve material, do we need a machine at all? I'm wondering what the minimum gear we would need is 🤔
minimum gear to make nitrogen? compressor 5-13 bar and pressure swing system. one needs the pressure swing to concentrate the output gas unless one uses higher pressures like 120psi with membrane technology to produce nitrogen 👍
@@PeterPete thanks!
Nice. And what about "carbonation" machines, like the sodastream, for example?
Those machines have an added miniature cylinder that supposedly has co2 in it.
Might the activated carbon work at higher pressures like the CMS?
I think it would, we should have tried the activated carbon. But cms and activated carbon is the same stuff just different size, so yes! I'm very sure higher pressure would have worked!
Conclusive no argument, end of Story! now who can I annoy with this video? lolololol
How is that possible? Air goes in with its standard 21/79 mixture. Almost pure oxygen comes out of one stream. The other stream MUST be oxygen deficient. Probably not 0, but lower than ambient. Probably enough oxygen was left to keep the splint burning, but the flame got significantly smaller.
BTW: your right audio channel is dead.
quote - Air goes in with its standard 21/79 mixture.
that's just an unsubstantiated statement!!
please substantiate your claim!
@@PeterPete What? Are you nuts? What else are sucking in from the atmosphere? I ignore the
quote - What else are sucking in from the atmosphere?
Oxygenless and nitrogenless air and moisture!
@@PeterPete Yeah... goodbye! ^^
@@jackmclane1826 the machine makes the oxygen by processing oxygenless air!!!
Thank you for these videos
Our pleasure!
Your conclusion is floored, your method erraneous, you had no genuine 'control' for comparison, and all you showed is how to improve the efficiency of the unit in separating the constituent parts of the atmosphere. Your conclusion regarding the origin of nitrogen and oxygen is an "idea only exists in your mind!!" Please try to use the proper experimental method, untaken correctly, is very rewarding and expansive.
at what point during the video did i demonstrate air was separated? i'm only asking because you say i did separate air but i cannot find the bit in the video where i did separate air! I mean, i even made the video and demonstrated no air was separated because i produced nitrogen!!! You'll have to tell me please!
Nice experiment.
Cheers Phil 👍👍👍
You are literally a genius men 👏 . Wow.
We just watched it again and yes, it is a good video 👍
👍 for good measure
Does it detect whether the moon is a solid object that you can land a rocket on 🚀 😉
Zero volume, can't hear a word of it.
Plenty loud on my phone speaker
Try earphones. Only fed through one side of my earphones
@@moosabadoosa The side I usually don't hear with my speakers....thanks, got it now.
Hi Scott - we identified the audio problem - the mic I used recorded in mono. We'll use a different mic next time - one that will record in stereo!👍👍
@@PeterPete Thanks, and I need to get new speakers that work on both channels.
WOw!!! Thats its! Wonderful!!.... Air is really AIR!!! Who would of thought this? So with greater pressure, we might be able to produce helium...I winder what we need to put in the sieve? Maybe some broccoli? or beans...Maybe some other kind of rock, perhaps malacite or lead, or mercury? What can be produced?
Quote - So with greater pressure, we might be able to produce helium
Imo put hydrogen through the PSA system with carbon sieve and we can "nitrogenise" the hydrogen into helium 👍
Air is just air... makes no sense. That's like saying 'water is just water'. Now tell us that water does not have hydrogen and oxygen in it.. One of your credulous insists that people do not breathe oxygen.. Well, in fact, we breathe whatever gasses are in the air. But how to explain the transportation of oxygen via hemoglobin? What are red blood cells transporting that makes them red? This video oversimplifies a theory but falls short of explaining it.
Glad you accept we nitrogenised the air. Yes there are things in nature that are simple, air is just air like water is just water, in our opinion air does not have constituents but people like lavoisier and ramsay like to make others think air is made up of constituents, they know better than others. Yet the reality is that they cannot prove the air is made of constituents. We've looked at many processes and many topics that involve oxygen, nitrogen being constituents and haven't come across any proof air or even water has constituents. We can only conclude these claims are pseudoscientific claims as people have to believe they are true. However, if you think you can prove the air has constituents, then show us what you've got 👍
😂 Yeah nah.
There's a lot of strange people in life - one can tell by their behaviour!!👍👍👍
u guys r awesome! 🤩
tks for your supportive comment Ben!
thanks Dezy