her "isolation" is her friends/family not inviting her to go out with them when they go to eat&stuff. i dont really think isolation is a good word for her situation just my opinion though 💜
5 ปีที่แล้ว +7
2 jobs, loves going to clubs and says she has a great life. Lmao
That was my first thought, too. Working in other things, like fruits and veggies would be a great place to start. Keeping the intake to a form she's familiar with while adding other elements. Banana bread with walnuts would be an easier way to introduce bananas and walnuts than just giving her a banana and a walnut to try. You can also put applesauce in banana bread in place of the oil.
Perhaps the thought process would be like, giving a whiskey alcoholic just beer. Even as a non vegetarian..I'll admit they should of started with just fruits and veg.
Totally agree. And they make them try some gross food to start with. Brussel sprrouts. Raw mushroom. Tuna fish. And how do these people live past a year or poop with these horrid diets.
Dude, it wasn't that much and psychologically it has a far deeper meaning for her to actually throw it away! It's only once. If you want to call someone out on throwing perfectly good food away - start with yourself and ask yourself why you insist on eating food which isn't seasonal and from your region! Because that results in local foods being thrown away and cheaper foods grown in third world countries imported for your enjoyment instead! Leaving the population of those countries with even less... Come to think of it - why always buy the best looking fruit and the bread which still has the longest minimum shelf-life although you know you'll eat it within the next two days? Next time you go shopping THINK about what you will eat when and what actually makes sense for the current season in your country! That would help *so* much more because people are actually passively throwing away completly good food all the time by ignoring it in favor of better food!
Donating canned food actually isn't the best thing for helping to feed hungry people for many reasons. Firstly, it takes a lot of resources (time, staff, etc) to sort donations. Canned foods still have expiration dates, so they still need to be organized and that takes time. And they do end up throwing away a lot of food, so it's actually two times the waste of just tossing it yourself. Secondly, canned foods tend to be really high in sodium, so having hungry people subsist on those kinds of foods primarily can lead to costly long term health problems like hypertension, which doesn't help anyone. Thirdly, most people donate foods they don't want to eat, because they don't want to eat it. It's not a far stretch to imagine that others wouldn't want to eat it either. In reality, food pantries have worked out deals where they can get healthy, fresh, good quality food for pennies on the dollar. They can do so much more with $1 cash than they can do with $1 worth of canned goods. Read more here: www.npr.org/2011/11/22/142661882/a-case-for-cash-donations-instead-of-cans nationalpost.com/opinion/buying-canned-goods-to-donate-to-food-banks-is-inefficient-and-misguided-donate-money-instead www.thepennyhoarder.com/food/food-banks-cash/
Not just that.. the “inspiration” video that everyone made for her was strange. The mother just made it all about herself, she was talking about how she didn’t want to have to take care of her child.
Is that real food???!!!! I always thought it's the artificial food used in movies. Are the producers so rich that they can afford to buy sooo much real food and throw it?!
If the mother says one more time ‘the things we do for our kids’ I’ll scream. What you should have done is helped her with it when she’s little. That’s what the docs meant.
She said she tried to get help for her but was basically told something akin to it being a phase and she just had to deal with it. Likely the doctors at the time weren't as knowledgeable and/or informed.
Even though ducks do go NOM NOM NOM on bread, it can actually be detrimental to them and cause malformations/disease. It's better to feed them stuff like tomatoes and vegetables.
She did very well, I think. Never forget, these food phobias make the sufferers feel as if they were eating poisonous things. And I think it’s completely valid not wanting to eat meat or fish.
@@consent2breedingu wrong, actually. Humans and animals have been hunting for much longer than there were agricultural tribes. the vegan agenda is the new and unnatural one. It’s not a bad choice, but our gut mocrobiome needs to be prepared to digest kale, broccoli and harsh, unsprouted legumes.
@@marialiyubman eh not everyone needs meat. Even when I ate meat,I did rarely. I don’t think eating an animal is healthy especially as you’re consuming whatever they were killed with.
Why the hell are they putting smoked salmon in front of her so soon!? cooked fish would be the wiser choice. The tuna not drained would be gross to me and I love tuna
@@Menjuitpusiarworsdanlesbians nah, some British meals are just amazing. It’s American meals that make me feel ill. But agreeing with the fish, I hate fish lmao
It’s a wonder she didn’t give up after that fish debacle! Geez! And that Mother... “The things we do for our children” like it’s some great imposition to drive to an interview for her!
I also think talking about the food while eating is a bad idea. People who have eating disorders usually hate the idea of people watching their food intake and what they're eating. My sister used to have an eating disorder, she's still a vegan and struggles to eat in public but she's maintained a healthy weight for years now, and she absolutely hates talking about her issues while eating. She doesn't mind at other times but drawing attention to her problems with food while she's trying to eat makes her extremely anxious
There is a classification of eating disorder known as food neophobia, which is literally a phobia of eating new/certain types of food, so her friend isn’t wrong.
For goodness sake, what a judgemental person you are. You are taking just one thing and making a mountain out of a molehill. The mother is anything but selfish and you are stupid.
If you didn't notice when she was looking at that big pile of bread she says I can't believe that I've lived on almost ONLY bread .. meaning she ate other things they're not talking about. It's woe is me
It's obscene how they used to throw all that good food away in every episode. There are many poor people who would love to have it. Don't think they could get away with this nowadays, there would be more outrage.
Activists are very selective and hypocritical. it's not what they're activating against or for, more has to do with the recognition they're getting for doing it. Virtue signaling.
I think they make the person throw away the food in the trash to emphasize to the person psychologically that you are now abandoning this food, it is trash, you are not going to eat this. This action is part of therapy.
That was great towards the end with her not only eating other foods besides bread but also going vegetarian. Fortunately there are plenty of other foods she can have without wheat. That was a nice ending.😊
A cleft palate & cleft lip are midline birth defects that may indicate the presence of the MTHFR gene mutation - resulting in an inability to process folic acid. People with this genetic type need folinic acid from leafy greens, not the synthetic version folic acid. Many people on the autism spectrum have this genetic mutation and one of the common characteristics of people on this (very wide) spectrum is extreme fussiness with food.
Rick James its an artificial version of vitamin B9 www.healthline.com/nutrition/folic-acid. For an explanation or synthetic / artificial vitamins: www.healthline.com/nutrition/synthetic-vs-natural-nutrients
I'm autistic and have the MTHFR mutation, but I never had any cleft palate or cleft lip and I found out from a blood test in my twenties after trying to figure out my extreme fatigue. I basically solved it by eating more meat. Fat is not your enemy! Fat has B vitamins you need! Sugar is the enemy.
I don't think she has a gene mutation, I think it's a complete lack of maturity and developmental retardation. The way she pulls faces and behaves worse than a two year old spitting out food and mock-charging as if she's going to vomit is through her own volition and repetitive thoughts of "I only like bread and nothing else". It's just childish.
While I agree there are some arguments that bivalves could be considered vegan (I don’t think they are, but you will find lots of articles and videos about it).
I wish the people in this series would make the obvious staement when the picky eaters say they'll puke: "If you think you can do it you can do it. If you insist you can't you won't."
Exactly my thought. I actually suffer like she does with food, not quite as extreme but close and my mum still gets upset and tries to help 23 years later. She couldn't even handle 2 days trying to understand her own daughter
And her mum said in the initial video that she wanted her daughter to eat more healthily so that SHE wouldn't have to deal with her being ill. Part of the Jonanne's problem stems from having an apparently narcissistic mother.
Elis Rivas glad someone else was counting. She said it twice. If you can’t walk in a persons shoes, how can you possibly understand what life has been like for them. Strikes me that the mother has been going thru life intensely embarrassed by her “strange” daughter, stupid woman.
A normal person may not enjoy eating just a bite of canned tuna but would easily be able to do it. That's her end goal. No one said the journey would be completely comfortable.
This show confuses me because it always starts with only eats bread and as they delve in they reveal well actually she also eats tin soups and tin pastas. So it’s not just bread than is it ..
She wouldn't have survived the 24 years just on white bread. Malnutrion would have set in after a few months. She was getting all the vitamins from the tinned sauces in the hoops and the tomatoes.
All that matters is that its important to her. She has an eating disorder but was able to set a goal that would give her a sense of accomplishment. Don't minimize that just because you see it as "melodramatic." How about you being petty much? 🙄
31:00 I feel bad for her because most of us wouldn't be willing to be that vulnerable in front of a camera and even though she was brave to do so, she felt bad about herself.
Awe, what a sweet family to help Joanna, get past this eating disorder. She had a cleft palate, which explains why she liked bread to get any food down to her stomach. However, being a vegetarian is a great option.
Sister and friend: We are going to try and get her to eat some healthier fair Sister and friend: Offers canned foods that look and usually smell terrible. 🤷🤷🤷
Lol not to mention she has kind of let it get to this point, ya know because your kid only eating bread isn't a cause for you to take her to a pediatrition or psychologist?
You have a duty to take care of yourself in order not to burden your loved ones if it is indeed avoidable. No one wants to take care of a sick relative.
I totally understand. I didn’t kick my food phobias until in my 40’s. I still don’t eat tomatoes 🍅 because they represent evil to me. But I can eat most fruit and veg. But I have noticed that stress sends me back into food phobic behaviours.
My son is 5 and he got same problem but our paediatrician told us all these steps. It took him 2 years but he is coming on track. The early u start all these is easy to tackle the issue.
The key is the first food introduced after breast milk is VEGETABLES, like peas, green beans, carrots. Wait until baby is 9 months old to start solids. Never give juice!!!! Then cereals. Cereals are sweet. Don't give anything with added sugar. Make your own baby food using steamed veggies put in blender. Don't give any fruit until the child is a year old. Your kid will grow up eating veggies. Kids must never be allowed to choose their food until the pattern of eating vegetables is well established. Be aware of correct portions because for toddlers it can be very small. Otherwise kids will go for sweet and processed like bread. Also if kid refuses to eat, don't worry. Give no more food and wait until next meal to offer food. Eventually kid will eat. Firmness is required. If you win the battle from the first meal, your kid will grow up to be a healthy, lean eater. I have friends who did this successfully. Their 5 kids are lean and prefer veggies. He is a doctor and she is a teacher. Wish my parents had done this for me.
The problem is her family allowed her to eat nothing but bread as a child. They should have forced her to eat other foods and now as an adult it has turned from picky eating into an eating disorder. I bet there is a lot of anxiety around eating in general now. So glad she's getting the psychological help she needs. It even says at 13:35 she has never eaten a bite of meat in her entire life! Her family eats meat and aren't vegetarian or vegan her parents were just too lazy to fight with her and force her to try to eat meat before. Very sad how her mother was saying when she was little people tried to tell us it's our problem she only eats bread but its not it's her problem. Like wtf? No wonder she turned out this way
They left it too late . My parents made me try different foods and the only thing I can't stand are eggs in their naked state eggs boiled, scrambled, poached etc. I don't eat a lot of Bread to be honest. It makes me feel sluggish.
This is my daughter, who is 3. She wasn't like this until she turned 3. Her diet is shrinking to the point she will only eat bread and bready things like pancakes. She was such a great eater at 1 and 2. She loved veggies and would eat the lettuce and tomato and meat off the sandwich and leave the bread. Now she panics if I give her anything other than bread and gags and throws up if I make her taste anything. I don't want her to grow up into this woman. I'm annoyed at her at 3. An adult acting like this is so obnoxious. I'm afraid if I keep battling her at every meal time, her younger sister is going to start mimicking the behavior.
Keep trying different foods with her. Don’t give up I know it’s tough. 3 is when they start to get picky. Let her see you eating and enjoying all kinds of food. Say. Mmmm this is so good. Kids will follow eventually
I was addicted to bread for years. Not quite as bad as her... But I _did_ do things like pack 3 dinner rolls as my lunch lol. I had to get it under control because I started getting reactive hypoglycemia, amongst other things. Hope she's doing better too!
It’s kind of sad actually...So the mother kept saying, “The things we do fir our children.” As well, Shame mom that for 20 plus years your daughter has eaten the same thing, you couldn’t do it for 2 days let a jj lone 3! All you have done was praise yourself mom, and blame your daughter for her problems even when she was a child. DUGH!! Dad, you did good! You from the start praised your daughter. So way to go dad! Way to go!!
@@Junitunes . Some people are allergic or sensitive to wheat but can tolerate other gluten-containing foods just fine. This is more common in North America, where the wheat is processed differently. Most wheat available in the US today is called “dwarf wheat,” a hybridized version of wheat that was developed in the 1960s. A gluten sensitivity is different than a true gluten allergy, also known as celiac disease
@@hayleygrimes8804 gluten is in wheat but a gluten intolerance is different to wheat intolerance as gluten is in other things .. rye etc and a wheat intolerant person could have this where a gluten intolerant person couldn't .
@@CutiePieEMA25 Wheat allergy is different from celiac disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease which mobilises a specific part of your immune system to fight the perceived threat, it also has quite different symptoms to an allergic reaction. A wheat allergy is the classic histamine reaction which can result in itchy rashes, swelling, trouble breathing and in extreme cases death by anaphylaxis.
If she was my daughter and she started doing this from a young age I would of tried to get to the root of it be it a phycological or a physical problem when your a parent you have to do things that can be hard but you have to do the best for your child also the mother keeps saying the things we do for our children 🤔 couldn't go 3days eating what your daughter eats cause you was more bothered about what she's going to look like at a wedding 🙄
the mother said she did take the child to professionals but they just did not help and blamed her. When a child vomits their food up if you force them, really what would you do if they keep vomiting up. It sounds like the professionals let this family down by not working with them and offering the child some psychological support for the issue. I had a child with an eating disorder where she hardly would eat a thing from about 18 mths old which was trauma induced.. and there was no tempting her with anything, in the end she had to be hospitalised as she ended up classified as failure to thrive due to her lack of able to put on weight (she did not for about a year and at 2.5 years weighed about what she did at 19mths) and put onto drugs to stimulate hunger to help her eat. but yeah that mother did seem to be a little weak seeing she could not stick to what she was asked to do for 3 days.
Thank you, i was wondering why there were no comments about her mom. I mean i get that it must've been incredably hard but yes you can eat bread ans soup for 3 days, it's not that hard and even if, she knew why she was asked to do it. She could've taken her to other experts when she was young because just accepting it doesn't change anything
Tanya Brown well trauma aside, occupational therapy works wonders for “extremely picky eaters” as kids - address the anxiety and sensory issues before they get too cemented. I have ARFID as an adult - when this was filmed it would have been diagnosed as ED:NOS.
Wheat is in almost everything processed, not just bread! Telling her that if she stops eating bread she’ll feel better....NOT TRUE! Sad that this program is perpetuating such misinformation!!!
You are right, wheat is in a lot of things. However, cutting down from 3 loaves a week to zero would reduce her bloat and fatigue, even if she ate loads of other things containing hidden weight.
I have celiacs too :( it's not impossible at all to cut out wheat. It's fully practical once you get into a lifestyle Gluten free Tamari sauce instead of soy Rice quinoa beans potatoes lentils wild rice corn etc
These parents are the best. The jests they throw are just wholesome. "The things we do for our children" "Oh, we get to be pushy parents again?" Why did they start her off on bacon? Her diet has been bland bread. Start of with chicken, a blander meat. Why do they jump to sausage and fish? I also want to hear what the pitch was to that greek resturant was. "Hey, can we come in and smash all your plates then leave? It's for psychotherapy. No, I'm not on drugs."
Normally, when you eat something too much your body makes that reaction and you throw out and you, sometimes, hate it for a long time. That happened to me.
The amount of wasted food in this video puts me really off, so much bread was lying on floor, so much canned food wasted. Thats disturbing provided the number of people sleeping hungry every night and all this for what? For an episode and treatment of single person. They could have used bread in packs and donate it and canned foods later.
I feel like it would've been better to start off with something else that still contains carbs, such as Pizza, start off slow You can try both cheese and any other toppings such as any meat, fruit, veggies, anything While still eating what she's most comfortable with Then move on to the pure versions of the foods you want her to try to slowly move her out of her comfort zone I mean that'd work for me atleast
For non native english speakers: is it me or the dad sounds exactly like those records from english class in school? Same accent, same tone, i'm dying 😂
As a person who follows a plant-based diet, I would have a really difficult time (now) putting any meat into my mouth as well. Who's to say that she can't gravitate toward a vegetarian or even a vegan diet? It would seem to make sense given her prior eating habits.
I thought that the nutritionist encouraged that though? She said it was totally fine if the girl wanted to not eat meat. Hence the veggie burger she ate with her fam at the end
Title: “Woman’s addiction to bread isolates her”
First 5 seconds “I have a great social life”
I was ready for a dungeon and a scruffy looking woman with a prison pale surrounded by breads.
Right? This woman isn't isolated.
her "isolation" is her friends/family not inviting her to go out with them when they go to eat&stuff. i dont really think isolation is a good word for her situation just my opinion though 💜
2 jobs, loves going to clubs and says she has a great life. Lmao
Exactly. The uk show is dumber than the us version.
Seems like starting her on banana bread, zucchini bread or spinach rolls etc. would have been an easier transition for her
Tonya Scarlett she needs to get away from the bread!
That was my first thought, too. Working in other things, like fruits and veggies would be a great place to start. Keeping the intake to a form she's familiar with while adding other elements. Banana bread with walnuts would be an easier way to introduce bananas and walnuts than just giving her a banana and a walnut to try. You can also put applesauce in banana bread in place of the oil.
Right or even things with a bread like taste or texture, like bread fruit or breaded cooked meat. Breaded stuff would be more pyschological.
Perhaps the thought process would be like, giving a whiskey alcoholic just beer. Even as a non vegetarian..I'll admit they should of started with just fruits and veg.
Avocado toast anyone?
Looks like someone took "Let's get this bread." too seriously.
lmao let's get it
Axial 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Axial lol
Lmaooooo, same thing I thought!!!😂
Axial Army?😂
After seeing a lot of episodes, i have the feeling that those experts have no real idea what they're doing
Disturbed 101 same
I totally agree. I just watched one where the young man was very obviously Autistic and they did not catch on at all.
Totally agree. And they make them try some gross food to start with. Brussel sprrouts. Raw mushroom. Tuna fish. And how do these people live past a year or poop with these horrid diets.
@@pinkyvdt which episode was that
@@Mirarmirar0 th-cam.com/video/bYcdtAfkGQs/w-d-xo.html
It's so stupid how they are told to throw away perfectly good foods like canned food.
Donate. It.
my thoughts exactly
Exactly. It's so heartbreaking because there are so many hungry people & children especially. That is so sad
Dude, it wasn't that much and psychologically it has a far deeper meaning for her to actually throw it away! It's only once. If you want to call someone out on throwing perfectly good food away - start with yourself and ask yourself why you insist on eating food which isn't seasonal and from your region! Because that results in local foods being thrown away and cheaper foods grown in third world countries imported for your enjoyment instead! Leaving the population of those countries with even less...
Come to think of it - why always buy the best looking fruit and the bread which still has the longest minimum shelf-life although you know you'll eat it within the next two days? Next time you go shopping THINK about what you will eat when and what actually makes sense for the current season in your country! That would help *so* much more because people are actually passively throwing away completly good food all the time by ignoring it in favor of better food!
At least recycle the can
Donating canned food actually isn't the best thing for helping to feed hungry people for many reasons.
Firstly, it takes a lot of resources (time, staff, etc) to sort donations. Canned foods still have expiration dates, so they still need to be organized and that takes time. And they do end up throwing away a lot of food, so it's actually two times the waste of just tossing it yourself. Secondly, canned foods tend to be really high in sodium, so having hungry people subsist on those kinds of foods primarily can lead to costly long term health problems like hypertension, which doesn't help anyone. Thirdly, most people donate foods they don't want to eat, because they don't want to eat it. It's not a far stretch to imagine that others wouldn't want to eat it either.
In reality, food pantries have worked out deals where they can get healthy, fresh, good quality food for pennies on the dollar. They can do so much more with $1 cash than they can do with $1 worth of canned goods.
Read more here: www.npr.org/2011/11/22/142661882/a-case-for-cash-donations-instead-of-cans
I actually think she did really well. I can't imagine having that type of reaction to food. She really made progress!
the way the mother said "the things we do for our kids" more then once kinda disturbed me for some reason...
Narcissistic most likely, that's something an emotionally manipulative parent would say.
Not just that.. the “inspiration” video that everyone made for her was strange. The mother just made it all about herself, she was talking about how she didn’t want to have to take care of her child.
I felt the same. Mom keeps revolving everything about her
I thought the same....
@@sarahneufeld1921 too right...
Baker: How much bread do you want?
Her: Yes
@phea cool gamer nvr said it was
wait but why is everyone shitting on this comment? everyone has their opinions but spamming a misspelled "not funny" is annoying.
@Cooking Up Content nothing's really original anymore. maybe a few things but not much. spamming unfunny won't make it any more original.
Me: Y e s
@@smolhobean7518 report them as spam, and move along. It's really not that deep.
Anyone else see those shock therapy parts and just think "that's alot of wasted food"
Tyler Schlotfeld heck yea. Me and my 5 siblings grew up poor. I’m not poor now, but cringe at wasting food.
Is that real food???!!!! I always thought it's the artificial food used in movies. Are the producers so rich that they can afford to buy sooo much real food and throw it?!
That can very be expired
They probably donate it
@@barnacles1804 Or maybe staff take it home. They could give it to Joanne's family. I assumed people wouldn't waste it. Hope I was right...
This programme is so stupid but I also can't not watch it
If this isn't facts idk what is
Yet you are drawn to it.
Quite the conundrum
@@gustavofring4208 she just said so.
her family sunday lunch looks like the best group meal I ahve ever seen on this show everyone else's food most of the time looks greasy or dry
If the mother says one more time ‘the things we do for our kids’ I’ll scream. What you should have done is helped her with it when she’s little. That’s what the docs meant.
She said she tried to get help for her but was basically told something akin to it being a phase and she just had to deal with it. Likely the doctors at the time weren't as knowledgeable and/or informed.
Her giving up on the bread and soup so quickly had me 🙄🙄
I’m so glad someone else noticed this! It infuriated me as a mother myself! The mother couldn’t even last a day with her challenge 😓
yep - she was all talk - couldn't even make it a day but said "the things we do for our children" - pathetic @@lacunabeautyofficial
Didn’t know they made a doc about me
That's concerning
Grackle Lackle Honestly, between this and “Woman’s cheese addiction is affecting her family” I feel like TH-cam is trying to tell me something...
How creepy is it to meet a psychiatrist or psychologist in a padded white room!!!
Shirley Schork right???? I’m a therapist and I’m shocked at the setting.
Very creepy
Yeah a lot of stereotypes in how they present the medical professionals.
I suspect that this show is SCRIPTED
It’s probably just for the camera but it really puts people off therapy as that is the “crazy room” in movies
The mother keeps saying what we do for our children. Does she think its to much trouble to help her daughter? What a mother!
She lives a ducks dream
Underrated comment
Even though ducks do go NOM NOM NOM on bread, it can actually be detrimental to them and cause malformations/disease. It's better to feed them stuff like tomatoes and vegetables.
And yet bread is SO terribly bad for ducks.
Love the dad...he is such a gentle soul!
She did very well, I think. Never forget, these food phobias make the sufferers feel as if they were eating poisonous things. And I think it’s completely valid not wanting to eat meat or fish.
No one needs meat or fish. You need vegetables and fruit.
Exactly. And Gillian making her feel bad for it is all part of getting more views.
This show is awful.
@@consent2breedingu wrong, actually.
Humans and animals have been hunting for much longer than there were agricultural tribes.
the vegan agenda is the new and unnatural one.
It’s not a bad choice, but our gut mocrobiome needs to be prepared to digest kale, broccoli and harsh, unsprouted legumes.
@@marialiyubman eh not everyone needs meat. Even when I ate meat,I did rarely. I don’t think eating an animal is healthy especially as you’re consuming whatever they were killed with.
I personally don’t like eating things that were killed
I bet her Sister-in-law and brother love that their wedding was focused on her
Yeah the camera crew totally crashed that wedding
It was the next day, not the wedding.
These shows are pissing me off with the amount of food they wasting... why not just donate it to a food bank?😡
I like turtles
@ok? ? Sean Penn did not go to Penn State
This series was made nearly 15 years ago. The awareness of food waste just wasn’t as great as today.
@@NameLoading...PleaseWait let me google...
@@UsernamesForDummies food waste ? yes it sure was important back then. I'm almost 40 and there were literally songs about not to waste food. 😆
Why the hell are they putting smoked salmon in front of her so soon!? cooked fish would be the wiser choice. The tuna not drained would be gross to me and I love tuna
Because brittish dont know how to cook fish, in spite of living in an island.
Well, they dont know how to cook anything.
Seriously. I have no problems eating, but being confronted with a plate of just smoked salmon, I'd probably decline it too!
I wish someone would put smoked salmon in front of me :-)
I love tuna oil the high quality brands
@@Menjuitpusiarworsdanlesbians nah, some British meals are just amazing. It’s American meals that make me feel ill. But agreeing with the fish, I hate fish lmao
Come into this intimidating white room and tell me about your childhood.
It’s a set obviously in a large room...
Padded room, no less!
Joanne is willing to try different things, that is a huge step for her! She is very brave.
It’s a wonder she didn’t give up after that fish debacle! Geez! And that Mother... “The things we do for our children” like it’s some great imposition to drive to an interview for her!
This is a grown woman who should be driving herself. Not an elderly mom or dad
I also think talking about the food while eating is a bad idea.
People who have eating disorders usually hate the idea of people watching their food intake and what they're eating.
My sister used to have an eating disorder, she's still a vegan and struggles to eat in public but she's maintained a healthy weight for years now, and she absolutely hates talking about her issues while eating.
She doesn't mind at other times but drawing attention to her problems with food while she's trying to eat makes her extremely anxious
This!! Thank you! I actually stop eating during a meal if someone mentions it…
Really annoying, so thank you honestly for mentioning it 🌺
There is a classification of eating disorder known as food neophobia, which is literally a phobia of eating new/certain types of food, so her friend isn’t wrong.
ARFID seems like a more accurate description
“The things we do for our children”, says the mother on a few occasions. She’s comes across as selfish. An area to explore.
I would do anything for you babe.
Crownless.Prince -was that for me? :)
You’re on...
For goodness sake, what a judgemental person you are. You are taking just one thing and making a mountain out of a molehill. The mother is anything but selfish and you are stupid.
@@AnaisEngland Naw, I’d wager there’s mommy issues.
I would do literally anything to ensure my child was healthy and safe. She did make it sound like it was a burden
It's the brides wedding but everyone is paying attention to Joanne tbh that's a little unfair to the bride
she shouldn't be eating a lot of meat if her body has never had it
Agreed. It’s not healthy anyway
Sv3rige/Goatis disagrees
"What is life but bread and butter." Was taken too damn seriously.
Sometimes I wonder how the hell were those people able to survive this long. Humans are incredible creatures.
StupidLittleRedFox 🤣🤣🤣
Resilient bastards we are lol
If you didn't notice when she was looking at that big pile of bread she says I can't believe that I've lived on almost ONLY bread .. meaning she ate other things they're not talking about. It's woe is me
@@mandielou they said several times she ate canned food !
That is true & the human body really surprises me.
It's obscene how they used to throw all that good food away in every episode. There are many poor people who would love to have it. Don't think they could get away with this nowadays, there would be more outrage.
Activists are very selective and hypocritical. it's not what they're activating against or for, more has to do with the recognition they're getting for doing it. Virtue signaling.
I think they make the person throw away the food in the trash to emphasize to the person psychologically that you are now abandoning this food, it is trash, you are not going to eat this. This action is part of therapy.
I didn't notice but now I do
Absolutely there would be. They would be told to donate good stuff to food bank or hand out to people in need themselves
That was great towards the end with her not only eating other foods besides bread but also going vegetarian. Fortunately there are plenty of other foods she can have without wheat. That was a nice ending.😊
She must of been born and bread that way...
A hahaha !
this looks like it was filmed in 2009....
That’s probably cause it was
Actually it was filmed in 2008 www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00936hp
definitely. Stephen Briers is like 54 today sooo....lol OnlyHuman be rehashing shit
Henry and I oof-
its a pretty old series
Throwing the canned food in the bin instead of donating it. Christ alive.
Shows like this make waste, then the grocery store asks me to round up my sale to next dollar to donate to the hungry....
i agree but i guess throwing it away like that helps with the program
All that food is ridiculous.there are alot people starving in alot places and would kill to have that food
Congratulations on your determination young lady
At brothers wedding barbecue. “Celebrates a girl eating food” over the couple getting married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
A cleft palate & cleft lip are midline birth defects that may indicate the presence of the MTHFR gene mutation - resulting in an inability to process folic acid. People with this genetic type need folinic acid from leafy greens, not the synthetic version folic acid. Many people on the autism spectrum have this genetic mutation and one of the common characteristics of people on this (very wide) spectrum is extreme fussiness with food.
what is synthetic folic acid? isnt folic acid just folic acid? from plants or cereal, whatever?
I have this gene mutation. I can't stand bread, peas, pasta, pie.
Rick James its an artificial version of vitamin B9 www.healthline.com/nutrition/folic-acid. For an explanation or synthetic / artificial vitamins: www.healthline.com/nutrition/synthetic-vs-natural-nutrients
I'm autistic and have the MTHFR mutation, but I never had any cleft palate or cleft lip and I found out from a blood test in my twenties after trying to figure out my extreme fatigue. I basically solved it by eating more meat. Fat is not your enemy! Fat has B vitamins you need! Sugar is the enemy.
I don't think she has a gene mutation, I think it's a complete lack of maturity and developmental retardation. The way she pulls faces and behaves worse than a two year old spitting out food and mock-charging as if she's going to vomit is through her own volition and repetitive thoughts of "I only like bread and nothing else". It's just childish.
What the heck, clams aren't vegetarian, they are meat, they are the flesh of an animal.
Prob meant pescitarian maybe?
While I agree there are some arguments that bivalves could be considered vegan (I don’t think they are, but you will find lots of articles and videos about it).
@LaumiRez shut up.😂
Yes, but many people don’t eat land animals but do eat fish and sea creatures...It’s not the same type of flesh.
@@michellet7013 Yes and they are called pescatarians, not vegetarians or vegans. I know, I'm a pescatarian. (I used to be a vegetarian.)
Argh I was horrified when she tipped the soups and spaghetti hoops in the bin - take them to a food bank!
They can't take stuff like that.
@@bcaye You are kidding me, all types of tinned food is the majority of food bank supplies
Asks mum to do anything
"The things we do for our children 🙄🙄🙄"
Her dad is phenomenal
She made great strides in only four weeks!
I enjoy these series of videos. I can’t wait for the next one.
I wish the people in this series would make the obvious staement when the picky eaters say they'll puke: "If you think you can do it you can do it. If you insist you can't you won't."
“The things we do for our children”
shut up... and help your child
Right?! She said it twice ×(
Exactly my thought. I actually suffer like she does with food, not quite as extreme but close and my mum still gets upset and tries to help 23 years later. She couldn't even handle 2 days trying to understand her own daughter
And her mum said in the initial video that she wanted her daughter to eat more healthily so that SHE wouldn't have to deal with her being ill. Part of the Jonanne's problem stems from having an apparently narcissistic mother.
Our parents say that all the time
Elis Rivas glad someone else was counting. She said it twice. If you can’t walk in a persons shoes, how can you possibly understand what life has been like for them. Strikes me that the mother has been going thru life intensely embarrassed by her “strange” daughter, stupid woman.
"You can't digest wheat so well."
*eats couscous*
Why would someone introduce something into their diet if they shouldn't eat it?
When I quit wheat I was still confused about what I could eat. Maybe she thought couscous was like rice?
If you want someone to eat tuna at least get them fresh fish or make like tuna salad or something and put it on a sandwich lol 😂😂
bread is the problem though
For freaking real 😂
They made it worse 😂
A normal person may not enjoy eating just a bite of canned tuna but would easily be able to do it.
That's her end goal. No one said the journey would be completely comfortable.
Way to go! I was so happy to see you enjoy the BBQ. You earned that success!
This show confuses me because it always starts with only eats bread and as they delve in they reveal well actually she also eats tin soups and tin pastas. So it’s not just bread than is it ..
She wouldn't have survived the 24 years just on white bread. Malnutrion would have set in after a few months. She was getting all the vitamins from the tinned sauces in the hoops and the tomatoes.
In reality, *NOBODY* would even notice if a guest at the wedding was not eating every single item of food.
Melodramatic much?
Not really. Yes, no one really notices but in her mind, she feels like the whole room is watching because she feels already bad about.
All that matters is that its important to her. She has an eating disorder but was able to set a goal that would give her a sense of accomplishment. Don't minimize that just because you see it as "melodramatic."
How about you being petty much? 🙄
31:00 I feel bad for her because most of us wouldn't be willing to be that vulnerable in front of a camera and even though she was brave to do so, she felt bad about herself.
I'm so proud of her!!
I didn´t know how they could help her but it made me really happy they did!
Excellent work on everyone's part!! Congratulations!
Awe, what a sweet family to help Joanna, get past this eating disorder. She had a cleft palate, which explains why she liked bread to get any food down to her stomach. However, being a vegetarian is a great option.
Sister and friend: We are going to try and get her to eat some healthier fair
Sister and friend: Offers canned foods that look and usually smell terrible.
Steven´s hairstyle looks a bit like the 10th doctors/David Tennant
7:10 wow thanks mum. I really hope I don't inconvenience you with my disorder. 😂
Lol not to mention she has kind of let it get to this point, ya know because your kid only eating bread isn't a cause for you to take her to a pediatrition or psychologist?
You have a duty to take care of yourself in order not to burden your loved ones if it is indeed avoidable. No one wants to take care of a sick relative.
Bitch was so condescending I wanted to slap her. She sounded like my narcissistic mother.
The constipation and yeast infections must be REAL 😬
That's what I was thinking....
Yes me too the candida overgrowth😐
Edit: wait what happened to dr mike dow and jj virgin???
Thinking the same thing as u
This is the UK version, not the US version with mike Dow and JJ virgin.
How many times... this is the Uk version 🙄
This is the UK version
Girlfrommars 060791
Well sorry for offending you cause I didnt know....
I totally understand. I didn’t kick my food phobias until in my 40’s. I still don’t eat tomatoes 🍅 because they represent evil to me. But I can eat most fruit and veg. But I have noticed that stress sends me back into food phobic behaviours.
Spaghetti still looks like worms and I'm in my 60's.
My son is 5 and he got same problem but our paediatrician told us all these steps. It took him 2 years but he is coming on track. The early u start all these is easy to tackle the issue.
Yeah I feel like this woman's mother could have seen this was becoming an issue earlier and intervened... She has an eating disorder.
The Fox The Raven I guess crap juke food in her mouth be normal she better then most ppl on normal diet
The key is the first food introduced after breast milk is VEGETABLES, like peas, green beans, carrots. Wait until baby is 9 months old to start solids. Never give juice!!!! Then cereals. Cereals are sweet. Don't give anything with added sugar. Make your own baby food using steamed veggies put in blender. Don't give any fruit until the child is a year old. Your kid will grow up eating veggies. Kids must never be allowed to choose their food until the pattern of eating vegetables is well established. Be aware of correct portions because for toddlers it can be very small. Otherwise kids will go for sweet and processed like bread. Also if kid refuses to eat, don't worry. Give no more food and wait until next meal to offer food. Eventually kid will eat. Firmness is required. If you win the battle from the first meal, your kid will grow up to be a healthy, lean eater. I have friends who did this successfully. Their 5 kids are lean and prefer veggies. He is a doctor and she is a teacher. Wish my parents had done this for me.
The problem is her family allowed her to eat nothing but bread as a child. They should have forced her to eat other foods and now as an adult it has turned from picky eating into an eating disorder. I bet there is a lot of anxiety around eating in general now. So glad she's getting the psychological help she needs. It even says at 13:35 she has never eaten a bite of meat in her entire life! Her family eats meat and aren't vegetarian or vegan her parents were just too lazy to fight with her and force her to try to eat meat before. Very sad how her mother was saying when she was little people tried to tell us it's our problem she only eats bread but its not it's her problem. Like wtf? No wonder she turned out this way
such beauty
Whitney Dahlin lack of ownership on the mother’s side.
They left it too late . My parents made me try different foods and the only thing I can't stand are eggs in their naked state eggs boiled, scrambled, poached etc. I don't eat a lot of Bread to be honest. It makes me feel sluggish.
You can't force someone to eat without it being miserable for them. Force is not the way. Yes, she needed help as a child, but not by force and fear.
I'm pretty impressed with her transformation.
She lives off of carbs and cigarettes. Yuck
Not any worse than the people who live off of fast food and caffeine. It's all gross af 😂
@@WhitneyDahlin hey no hatin caffeine
@@roxyhart5692caffeine is a drug.
Lowkey same though :DDD
I just ate a salad. Feeling healthy AF 💪😂😋
The family made meal at the table looks so great!
Yum, the Sunday lunch looks delicious.
Ikr I was salivating
Title: "Living on bread for the last 4 years" - average college experience be like😂😂
He tipped the scale the wrong way lmao
This is my daughter, who is 3. She wasn't like this until she turned 3. Her diet is shrinking to the point she will only eat bread and bready things like pancakes. She was such a great eater at 1 and 2. She loved veggies and would eat the lettuce and tomato and meat off the sandwich and leave the bread. Now she panics if I give her anything other than bread and gags and throws up if I make her taste anything. I don't want her to grow up into this woman. I'm annoyed at her at 3. An adult acting like this is so obnoxious. I'm afraid if I keep battling her at every meal time, her younger sister is going to start mimicking the behavior.
Keep trying different foods with her. Don’t give up I know it’s tough. 3 is when they start to get picky. Let her see you eating and enjoying all kinds of food. Say. Mmmm this is so good. Kids will follow eventually
You dont give up ok? Its pathetic to just give up on your daughter’s diet, i believe in you 😇
Thats what a horrible diet and smoking does to you. 24yrs old looks like 44.
Roy sadly you’re correct 😣
She’s 24?!?! 😳😳😳
26, but yeah, I agree. She needs to get a hold on her health soon before it's too late. I'm worried for her, and hope she's doing better now...
Roy . She does NOT look 44! 😂😂 she looks her age ! For now anyway, long term who knows 🤔
@@costalatte7605 She looks her age but yea not healthy at all
I was addicted to bread for years. Not quite as bad as her... But I _did_ do things like pack 3 dinner rolls as my lunch lol. I had to get it under control because I started getting reactive hypoglycemia, amongst other things. Hope she's doing better too!
@@PinkClorox Bread and rice are still my 3 favorite foods. I just do them with conscious moderation.
It’s kind of sad actually...So the mother kept saying, “The things we do fir our children.” As well, Shame mom that for 20 plus years your daughter has eaten the same thing, you couldn’t do it for 2 days let a jj lone 3! All you have done was praise yourself mom, and blame your daughter for her problems even when she was a child. DUGH!! Dad, you did good! You from the start praised your daughter. So way to go dad! Way to go!!
That's hilarious that she's gluten intolerant
Its not gluten. It is wheat.
Hayley Grimes gluten is in wheat silly
@@Junitunes . Some people are allergic or sensitive to wheat but can tolerate other gluten-containing foods just fine. This is more common in North America, where the wheat is processed differently. Most wheat available in the US today is called “dwarf wheat,” a hybridized version of wheat that was developed in the 1960s. A gluten sensitivity is different than a true gluten allergy, also known as celiac disease
@@hayleygrimes8804 gluten is in wheat but a gluten intolerance is different to wheat intolerance as gluten is in other things .. rye etc and a wheat intolerant person could have this where a gluten intolerant person couldn't .
Wheat allergy is different from celiac disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease which mobilises a specific part of your immune system to fight the perceived threat, it also has quite different symptoms to an allergic reaction. A wheat allergy is the classic histamine reaction which can result in itchy rashes, swelling, trouble breathing and in extreme cases death by anaphylaxis.
If she was my daughter and she started doing this from a young age I would of tried to get to the root of it be it a phycological or a physical problem when your a parent you have to do things that can be hard but you have to do the best for your child also the mother keeps saying the things we do for our children 🤔 couldn't go 3days eating what your daughter eats cause you was more bothered about what she's going to look like at a wedding 🙄
the mother said she did take the child to professionals but they just did not help and blamed her. When a child vomits their food up if you force them, really what would you do if they keep vomiting up. It sounds like the professionals let this family down by not working with them and offering the child some psychological support for the issue. I had a child with an eating disorder where she hardly would eat a thing from about 18 mths old which was trauma induced.. and there was no tempting her with anything, in the end she had to be hospitalised as she ended up classified as failure to thrive due to her lack of able to put on weight (she did not for about a year and at 2.5 years weighed about what she did at 19mths) and put onto drugs to stimulate hunger to help her eat.
but yeah that mother did seem to be a little weak seeing she could not stick to what she was asked to do for 3 days.
Thank you, i was wondering why there were no comments about her mom. I mean i get that it must've been incredably hard but yes you can eat bread ans soup for 3 days, it's not that hard and even if, she knew why she was asked to do it. She could've taken her to other experts when she was young because just accepting it doesn't change anything
Tanya Brown well trauma aside, occupational therapy works wonders for “extremely picky eaters” as kids - address the anxiety and sensory issues before they get too cemented. I have ARFID as an adult - when this was filmed it would have been diagnosed as ED:NOS.
Selfish mother...
Mother has to be harsh for the good of her child when it comes to food habits
Fascinating! We could all learn a lesson about how we are controlled by our inner voice. 😎
Wheat is in almost everything processed, not just bread! Telling her that if she stops eating bread she’ll feel better....NOT TRUE! Sad that this program is perpetuating such misinformation!!!
yeah i have celiac disease and it’s surprising how much stuff wheat is in... soy sauce, cereal, cookies, cakes, bread, pizza, pasta
Hippy Chick processed things can still have nutrients
You are right, wheat is in a lot of things. However, cutting down from 3 loaves a week to zero would reduce her bloat and fatigue, even if she ate loads of other things containing hidden weight.
I have celiacs too :( it's not impossible at all to cut out wheat. It's fully practical once you get into a lifestyle
Gluten free Tamari sauce instead of soy
Rice quinoa beans potatoes lentils wild rice corn etc
the sausages they gave her probably had wheat in them too
This has made me realize that I always need to have some type of bread with what I eat😂
I love how just before she was told she was wheat intolerant she was bought a bread maker lmao
These parents are the best. The jests they throw are just wholesome. "The things we do for our children" "Oh, we get to be pushy parents again?"
Why did they start her off on bacon? Her diet has been bland bread. Start of with chicken, a blander meat. Why do they jump to sausage and fish?
I also want to hear what the pitch was to that greek resturant was. "Hey, can we come in and smash all your plates then leave? It's for psychotherapy. No, I'm not on drugs."
An ad every couple minutes is really pushing your luck.
Mental health is a strange thing indeed.
This title sounds like that thing you do where you're half asleep and your brain starts forming sentences from random words
Love the Dad. The mom not so much. Congratulations Joanne.
Normally, when you eat something too much your body makes that reaction and you throw out and you, sometimes, hate it for a long time. That happened to me.
She did so well!
She is really brave 👍
The amount of wasted food in this video puts me really off, so much bread was lying on floor, so much canned food wasted. Thats disturbing provided the number of people sleeping hungry every night and all this for what? For an episode and treatment of single person. They could have used bread in packs and donate it and canned foods later.
I feel like it would've been better to start off with something else that still contains carbs, such as Pizza, start off slow
You can try both cheese and any other toppings such as any meat, fruit, veggies, anything
While still eating what she's most comfortable with
Then move on to the pure versions of the foods you want her to try to slowly move her out of her comfort zone
I mean that'd work for me atleast
That would work for everyone. Who doesnt love pizza?
That would work for you because you like pizza 😂😂
Interested in watching this as I generally eat bread with every meal
Oof. Yeah. You might want to cut down on it.
I just ate a salad. Feeling healthy AF 💪😂😋
Amber Agee yaaay! Good job 🌸
For non native english speakers: is it me or the dad sounds exactly like those records from english class in school? Same accent, same tone, i'm dying 😂
Her: addicted to bread
Me: addicted to watching these types of videos💀
Oh myyyyy! I'm waiting for another video! Yayyy
Oprah from the weight watchers commercial has entered the chat
“I’ll probably be craving some normal foods, like... pasta!”
Right... 🤣
Me too !....im craving fettuccine
plot twist: this video is filmed 20 years ago
on betamax
It was actually filmed in 2008 so over a decade lol
Ahhh...10 years ago actually
As a person who follows a plant-based diet, I would have a really difficult time (now) putting any meat into my mouth as well. Who's to say that she can't gravitate toward a vegetarian or even a vegan diet? It would seem to make sense given her prior eating habits.
and who said it was a good idea to give her to try tuna, it's disgusting
Paul Kevin Koehler they’re trying to expand her diet in general
I thought that the nutritionist encouraged that though? She said it was totally fine if the girl wanted to not eat meat. Hence the veggie burger she ate with her fam at the end
@@yani4349 Indeed... I wrote my comment before the end of the program 😂
Lol, maybe she didn’t want to be vegan because then she’d feel the need to comment about being vegan on every single video 🙄