That was an amazing interview, he was eloquent, informed and provided an honest account. This is the story you will never hear from the propaganda perpetrated by the corporate media
Joe Doe He has a script from Russia and Cuba so... What do you mean with true? Have you live there? Does your family lives there? Do you only listen to one source?
Thongsouk Sengchansavang the government is different from the people. Believe me American people don’t want war, murder and thief in our name. We live in a police state not a democracy.
This man is one of the Greats of Venezuela and the world, he really has fought for peace and stability for his people. So much respect for him and his efforts.
I must admit, this was the most outstanding interview I have attended in the whole crises. Congratulations to „RN“. You make things happen, that not even are possible for the big networks. Good job ! Thank you. On the other hand, as a European, living in Venezuela , I can confirm, what’s been said by the minister. I totally underline every word and admit that I’m ashamed for the European Union, to be highjacked by the US, Canada and Israeli administration. Keep you’re Hands off Venezuela and end your selfmade „crises“ by ending all suctions and blockades. You would not get the oil anyway...there are millions of highly motivated people (like me) waiting for you, to make you another Vietnam. So you better forget it.
I don't understand how you can cast an opinion without personally experiencing what Venezuelans experience . Why don't you read and watch other people speak and go live in Venezuela. Must you be so ignorant
@@junior1497 mi entire family is there. I lived there! I know how it is . so don't tell me I don't know!!!!!! so don't tell me I don't know. my dad died a year because of lack of medicines and horrible hospital conditions. so don't tell me I don't know. I live thru it every single day. and every day I dream of being able to move my family with me and get them out of their misery. my mom lives stressed out every day. she prays she doesn't get sick because she knows her chances would not be good . DONT TELL I DONT KNOW!!!
There is no comparison between Mr. Arreaza and Mike Pompeo his US counterpart. Then consider Maduro vs Trump and I can tell you who has the better government.
I have been so impressed by the leadership of Venezuela, President Maduro appears calm and resolute in the defense of Venezuela, it is obvious to me now why the people have come to respect and love him. It is also obvious that their arguments are on the side of reason. I have come to believe that with such leadership Venezuela cannot but win. May God bless and protect Venezuela and Venezuelans.
A week ago I was on CNN! But as of now,I have changed! I dont even watch CNN anymore. I only check them now for the weather! No more after listening to RT with their factual news. Thank U for your great reporting!
there's a video where the midia is filming a crowd of protesters but a citizen from Venezuela is also filming from his apartment and you can see there are only like 50 people and the midia says there's thousands.
Pope helping out? Great! Vatican has been so helpful so often including their close cooperation with Hitler. Never really apologized. Maduro should decide who is his boss - the Venezuelan people and Bolivarian Constitution or the Curch. Vatican and Pinochet worked so well together in Chile, didn't they?
We are only getting one side of the story the USA is making preparation for a regime change why can't they leave the people alone to solve there own problem
He omitted to say, that Venezuela asked also the United Nations to come and observe the elections, and the Venezuelan opposition asked not to come. So same happened as with the EU. But the African Union and the Caribbean Community did send observers.
Mr.Minister Jorge Arreaza,receive my admiration and respect.I’m impressed with you knowledge and way to respond to the questions,as well as the way you conduct your self.all this reflects the sincerity and plain truth of you statement.
I really like this guy. Quiet smart guy ! No wonder he has this job ! He even recognize what’s wrong with their own governance. But nobody should interfere in Venezuela. I see 28 type of elections in 20 years. Did USA have this ? NO
I am trying to understand the United Constituent Assembly (UCA), question: 1.) Who are the UCA and how is it appointed or elected? 2.) If the sitting and current admin is ousted from government by forces loyal to the opposition what happens to the UCA? 3. Since it remains the most powerful, can a make orders for a sitting president? 4.) By rights can a elected/installed president over rule its position or orders and install a new UCA?
@@marimbadearco Good day thanks for your reply, i need to download the video stream it on my own channel, also making it public where the video came from, people will be redirected to this news channel, that's why i need legal permission to air it thank you.
Please do not misread as I am a US political sympathizer. I only want the US to have long lasting relationships with other nations around the world. There is a proverb in the Vietnamese sociolinguistic texts saying "Them ban, bot thu" which literally means "More friends less enemies". I personally appeal to the US to give attention to it and where appropriate add this proverbial meaning in its political agendas on interacting with the world for the sake of strengthening its political stance on the world stage and hence for the world peace. It is a good piece of news to hear that President Trump and President Maduro might hold talks at a near coming time to resolve the current Venezuela crisis. I sincerely wish them success and all their political wounds healed. In my observation, the legally elected President Mr Maduro is very tolerant and kind to the illegally declared president Mr Guaido who is causing severe social disorder, violence and chaos in his country. He could have taken this lawless man into custody long ago. Yes, it seems WW3 is inevitable unfortunately for the whole peoples of the Earth Planet! It is unbelievable, in my view, that President Trump announced that the U.S. recognized the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s new leader. The statement made sounds very arrogant, highly intrusive and lawless. Under what source of law can President Trump employ to declare the opposition leader Juan Guaido is a legitimate Interim President? Should we all respect International Laws or the more powerful nations do not have to observe them? There is no ground under international laws that enables the opposition leader Mr Guaido to declare himself to be interim president of Venezuela. Thus President Trump’s statement of recognition of Mr Guaido as the interim president of Venezuela indicates that President Trump thinks he can dogmatically represent, approve and appoint a Venezuelan president on behalf of the Venezuelan people regarding who is to run this country. Can the US continue to lead and represent the Democratic World while continuing to interact with other nations in this direction? The current social and economic problems of Venezuela is of its own domestic affairs, while bearing in mind that Venezuela’s economic problems are largely caused by the US economic sanctions. A UN human rights expert, Idriss Jazairy has recently commented that “Coercion, whether military or economic, must never be used to seek a change in government in a sovereign state. The use of sanctions by outside powers to overthrow an elected government is in violation of all norms of international law”. As of mine concern, there should not be any external forces there lurking to impose or coerce to bring about a change of the legitimate government. A world superpower should not coerce a flimsy nation to take "humanitarian aids" should that nation refuse to do so. Thus I sincerely hope that President Trump does not mean it literally when he officially declared Mr Guaido as the “legitimate interim” president! Mr Guaido, the most naïve political figure of all, has no legal status to declare himself as the president of Venezuela. His act of declaration under the circumstances makes him looks like a clown at the most under the world observation and opinion. He should now formally withdraw his unlawful declaration as the ‘interim president’ and publically offer apologies for his naïve ambition and unlawful coup-attempts and denounce his own act of illegal usurpation of power to the people of Venezuela and the legitimately elected President Mr Maduro so as to restore social order and peace for Venezuela. Since Mr Guaido is not the president of Venezuela he has no legal ground to invite foreigners to intervene and assist him in Venezuela. He is so politically inexperienced and it is very unfortunate for all Venezuelans! More embarrassingly he has selfishly used his own twenty one months old daughter to protect him physically and politically by holding her in various dangerous and politically chaotic gathered crowds. As a political sympathizer of the US I urge it and the President to reconsider the recognition statement. If WW3 is really a non-stoppable event, then there would be no winners, as most of human races would be gone consequently. Hence, for the sake of humanities and their survivals, please employ our logical, fair, just and reasonable minds to confront and resolve international issues by peaceful means and military must be the last option to use. Diep Le
Thank you for this report. The Real News and Glenn Greenwald are invaluable to our (the American people) understanding of what is really going on, the truth. I speak for many American people when I say, "we too love the people of Venezuela". What can I do? What can I do to be a voice in here in the US to tell our government to back off and to stop what they are attempting to do?
The Venezuelan National Assembly declared the presidential elections illegal, and using this, Guano declared himself as the interim-president. There was none among the opposition that could have challenged Maduro in elections, so the USA asked the opposition to boycot the elections.
A good explaination from Venezuelan's Foreign Minister! This has made all of us to understand better of what they are facing! US n its allies will be destroyed soon by the Creator!
It's USA's manifest destiny to take natural resources away from any country it so chooses, be it tungsten from N Korea, lithium and opium from Afghanistan, or oil and gold from Venezuela; after all, God loves the USA more than any other place in the whole wide universe. Signed: Uncle Sam
A big mistake what Libya did, was that they didn't care what the people in Europe or North America knew about Libya. They only cared the opinions of the Libyans and the Arab community. Had Libya challenged the demonization in western media, had they revealed the destabilization and the terrorist network (LIFG) that the NATO-countries supported for years in Libya, the false-flag in Benghazi that started the war against Libya, might have had resistance among the people in Europe and North America. But even after the UN sanctioned the operation in Libya, the Libyan government only informed Arab countries what was hapening. Gaddafi's speeches were aired by some Syrian radio station, and none in Europe or North America came any wiser. Venezuela should actively challenge the image given in western MSM what has happened and is happening in Venezuela. They should freaking make documentaries and freely distribute them to video tube sites. People largely don't know anything about Venezuela or the U.S. destabilization programs there. Do not ignore the grass root people of the world!
US are seeking to secure the nearests stable cheapest oil sources US Projects for Middle-East are not going as planned.Also US manage to control the oil market (to contain China advances in world geopolitical matters) and to become by far self -sufficient (US domestic shale oil +Canadian tar sands oil for 20$/brl +Venezuelan heavy crude)
This situation of intervention and meddling is disheartening. for those who like self determination and things like that to be part of the way governments work. There's is something rotten about the agendas supporting these undemocratic initiatives.
I see this man has a little bible with him to. Stay with GD,and u are safe! U can see how blessed U are. how many ministers walk around with their little bible? the only book we need here in earth!
i strongly condemn my government for intervening, but might i humbly ask that you legitimize this interview by including someone who may have a different side of the story? i'm sure some guaido supporter would tell a different tale, and they could hash it out.
Has the real news interviewed James and Joanne Moriarty yet. Those two witnessed horrors in Libya and have had their lives turned upside down by their own government in America.
interesting interview. but i don't know why you chose such a title "washington hijacked guaido", it doesn't make sense and is basically the least eloquent (or most off-target) phrase that the minister uttered during the entire interview (i'm not sure he understands the meaning of the verb hijack).
Presentation of the theme: "Finally, the answer to why the world is so bad!" After 96 years, the best-kept secret in history was discovered: since December 23. " - Presentation transcript: 2 finally Finally, the answer to why the world is so bad: after 96 years, the best kept secret in history was discovered: since December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Bank seized the United States and the great Most of the world does not know it. By their will wars are declared, bombings are financed (twin towers, bombing in London, bombing in Madrid), presidents are murdered (Jaime Roldos, Omar Torrijos, Kennedy, Warren Harding, McKinley, James Garfield, etc.), massive destruction weapons. (Carlyle, Bechtel, Lookheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Northrop Grumman). These bankers own the media (FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. .) Use the strategy of distracting the population with shallow TV programs, short-term technology products, reality shows and cartoons that ridicule family values. News of murders and crimes with the purpose of destroying little by little our trust in our neighbor, avoiding the union of people and the revolted popul world 3 The Federal Reserve owns the NSA, the CIA (school of terrorists), the Pentagon, the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank, as well as having a vote in the United Nations and NATO. Powerful of the powerful: the main mafia familiesthatown the Federal Reserve: 1. Rothschild family (London, Berlin and Israel) 2. Rockefeller family (USA and Israel) 3. Morgan family (England) 4. Warburg family (Germany) 5. Family Risk (Paris, France) 6.Moses Family Israel Seif (Italy, Israel) 7. Family Kuhn, Loeb (Germany and the USA) 8. Family Lehman Brothers (USA) 9. Family Goldman Sachs (USA) These mega-rich families and their descendants are untouchable by justice and exempt from taxes for Life. Every time they do an economic rescue, they are really BUYING the banks and financiers of the world, slowly taking over the country they are saving. Forbes magazine is a farce that shows only second-tier popular millionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. managing to divert attention from illicit activities com mitigated by the true mega rich within the Federal Reserve. 4 There is no government, president or army that is above them, we present them to the Chiefs of the President of the United States. UU Working together with the powerful Bilderberg group, the CFR, the Tavistok Institute and the CIA, they form the Elitethatdecides which country to attack, what president to kill, what terrorist attack to finance, what economic crisis to plan, what pandemic to invent. If the fortune of these two people were distributed to the 6 billion people who inhabit our planet, each one would touch three million dollars. ... Yes! ... I hear it well: 3 million dollars! Look at them well: They are the President's bosses! 5 The masterpiece of the Federal Reserve was the auto-attack of the Twin Towers. Using the power of the conviction of the television channels, a false video was shown in which an actor posing as Bin Laden proclaimed himself as the author of the attack. explosives placed by CIA agents and planes prepared by the US Army. Tests: 1) Collapse in the style of controlled demolition of both towers, it is seen with the naked eye.2) Disappearance of videos showing explosions well below which the plane is collided and where molten metal is seen to fall (airplane fuel) never melts the metal.) 3) Collapse at 5 pm of a THIRD TOWER (WTC 7) without any aircraft having touched it. 4) Remains of Thermite (powerful explosive used in the demolition industry) found on the site of the towers.5) Al Qaeda is the name that the CIA gave to the movement of the mujahideen who fought against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The most hypocritical accusation in history! of oil and planned the attack to loot Iraq's oil fields, trade with human organs and the appropriate fields of Poppy / Opium drugs from Afghanistan, which they export to countries like China and their cheap labor7. What impact on the pentagon was not an airplane, witnesses silenced saw a missile tele-directed to an area under construction of the pentagon where there were almost no offices. That's why you saw only one hole and not the wing markings of the supposed plane Continue. 6 8) After self-attack, the relatives of the real Bin Laden (Bush's oil partners) were given facilities to leave the US and not respond to the press. 9) TV presentation of a fraudulent list of alleged terrorists who piloted the planes, when most of them were not even in the US. 10) The announcement made to Aaron Russo (famous politician and filmmaker) at a party of Nick Rockefeller, where he confessed that an event (bombing) would help the US take the oil from Iraq, 9 months before the Self-attack occurred! The Banker-Oil Mafia of the Federal Reserve is the origin of the evils of our current world, All wars, attacks, provocations (against North Korea / Iran), the story of the Flu A (business of the company Gilead Sciences of Donald Rumsfeld, Bush's defense secretary), the global crisis anticipated by the co-located Wall Street high-frequency supercomputer. All this and many other things that we will never know, have their origin in the decisions made by the mafia banker-oil families of the Federal Reserve. Now you know it: It's not the devil, not the aliens, not the sects, not the reptilians that cause evil in the world, it's just a Private Bank that thanks to a secret coup d'état happened in 1913, now leads the nation most powerful on the planet. 7 What can I do? Simply forward this message, because if the Federal Reserve is still in power, it is thanks to Total ignorance of the world population. Benefits for all if the Federal Reserve does not govern: 1) End of the wars: because the Federal Reserve would stop handing over money to the congress and would prevent companies (Harriburton) from making a profit with death. 2) There would be no global crises, they would only affect the countries that generate them. 3) The terrorist attacks financed by the CIA would end as an excuse to steal natural resources and intervene in the governments of the world. 4) Free access to the Cure of Cancer and AIDS, which are jealously guarded at the Rockefeller Institute. 5) It would begin the era of the Ecological Electric Car, appeared in 1996 (EV1-GM) and destroyed 6 years after its launch by the banker-oilmen. 6) Drop in inflation worldwide because they would stop printing trillions of dollars by the Federal Reserve 7) cheaper food for all due to the end of monopolies controlled by the Federal Reserve that prohibit countries to import and not. 8 Another proof of this is the perverse persecution and false charges created by the Federal Reserve against citizen Julian Assange (owner of, only for spreading the truth about tortures and murders of innocent civilians and children in the war of oil looting. in Iraq. Watch video on TH-cam collateral murder subtitled (before it is erased) where it shows an American helicopter machine gunning mercilessly a truck with two children on board, after mowing down a group of civilians who quietly walked down the street. Julian Assange represents what can happen to us as free citizens, if we continue to let people ignore what the Federal Reserve does to the world. We have returned to the time of the inquisition and no one notices! Before to torture an innocent person was accused of Heretic or Atheist, now he is accused of Terrorist. And instead of walking the victim before the crowd, they destroy it by exposing it on TV worldwide, so everyone believes the story. For those who do not believe: 9 For those who do not believe and want to investigate on their own * Books (most available on the internet): Secrets of Daniel Estulin's Bilderberg club Hitler won Walter Graziano's war Nobody saw Walter Graziano's Matrix Confessions of an economic Ganster by John Perkins * Documentaries (most on youtube): Zeitgeist Addendum by Peter Joseph End Game by Alex Jones ZERO inchiesta sull' 11 settembre by Giulietto Chiesa America Freedom to fascism by Aaron Russo Farenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore Power of the Nightmares BBC * Forbidden Movies in the US: Valley of the Wolves, Iraq by Kurtlar Vadisi Redacted by Brian de Palma South of the Frontier of Oliver Stone The International by Tom Tykwer 10 The cruel Federal Reserve can continue to reign in the world 100 years more if you keep your secret or ... Hurry your fall, if more people like you find out about this. Forward this message, Now If We Need You! Let's avoid the upcoming wars planned by the Federal Reserve within the next 25 years: Against: Iran, Palestine, Libya, Ivory Coast, Yemen, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Pakistan, Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia (when oil is exhaust) China and Russia
The WORLD PROBLEM is the ??UN in all blood shed that has occurred and will continue to. Like now if they got invitations and fell to go ; then who should be blamed in the confusion and any single death to come irrespective???. Very sad. Maybe with time there should be another Parallel UN elsewhere which should be talking with the ??UN of NEW YORK in case of any impendinding conflict.This way , weaker nations may have someone voicing their problems. It’s sad when people die because of other’s greediness!!.
I think Sharmini Peres has worked with the Chavez Government in the past otherwise, access wouldn't be that easy. This should atleast be stated in the spirit of full disclosure. It would've been more interesting if there was someone to debate with him and argue the policies of the Maduro government. This guy was already on Democracy now a week ago.
Señor Jorge Arreaza: you should had taught about bombing attacks before your army attacked the pemon tribe and the youngsters in both border lines (Colombia and Brazil) you speak for your supporters only
We're told there's chaos there.. meanwhile France is rioting for 14 weeks and not a peep.
That just goes to show how bias the main stream medias are. I never trust any of the MSM like Fox, CNN, BBC, etc.
Lol. Everyone knows how crazy the French are
They guillotine their kings. They might be onto something.
Not to mention over 2 million people protesting in India!!!!! Crickets
What a wonderful speaker Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza is. He needs to be heard. Thanks TRNN!
Thank you for this articulate dialogue. Fantastic interview.
As usual brilliant work Real News!
That was an amazing interview, he was eloquent, informed and provided an honest account. This is the story you will never hear from the propaganda perpetrated by the corporate media
Jorge Arreaza is a liar so. no... you got deceived
Joe Doe He has a script from Russia and Cuba so... What do you mean with true? Have you live there? Does your family lives there? Do you only listen to one source?
This channel is up there with democracy now... y’all been coming with the heat
This channel is better. I like democracy now but some times they have some liberal deviance
Democracy now kinda went crazy when they are calling Antifa peaceful protesters and having their leaders on without calling them out.
US and EU are evil..
Thongsouk Sengchansavang the government is different from the people. Believe me American people don’t want war, murder and thief in our name. We live in a police state not a democracy.
not too much difference from from US people and US government....bunch of disrespectful jerks
U are evil
This man is one of the Greats of Venezuela and the world, he really has fought for peace and stability for his people. So much respect for him and his efforts.
calm, unlike Haiti and France... but the MSM wont talk about those now will they..
I must admit, this was the most outstanding interview I have attended in the whole crises.
Congratulations to „RN“. You make things happen, that not even are possible for the big networks.
Good job ! Thank you.
On the other hand, as a European, living in Venezuela , I can confirm, what’s been said by the minister.
I totally underline every word and admit that I’m ashamed for the European Union, to be highjacked by the US, Canada and Israeli administration.
Keep you’re Hands off Venezuela and end your selfmade „crises“ by ending all suctions and blockades.
You would not get the oil anyway...there are millions of highly motivated people (like me) waiting for you, to make you another Vietnam.
So you better forget it.
Beautifully laid out explanation of the situation. I wish the people of Venezuela a peaceful and brilliant future.
Very good interview indeed. Very informative.
Respect .this man very intelligent not like foolish donald trium or like pence
I wish we had such moral, ethical, reasonable people such as this gentleman in our political system here in Australia
Second that for here in the U.S.
I don't understand how you can cast an opinion without personally experiencing what Venezuelans experience . Why don't you read and watch other people speak and go live in Venezuela. Must you be so ignorant
We have a few, Michael, but they’ll never hold a ministry.
@@junior1497 mi entire family is there. I lived there! I know how it is . so don't tell me I don't know!!!!!! so don't tell me I don't know. my dad died a year because of lack of medicines and horrible hospital conditions. so don't tell me I don't know. I live thru it every single day. and every day I dream of being able to move my family with me and get them out of their misery. my mom lives stressed out every day. she prays she doesn't get sick because she knows her chances would not be good . DONT TELL I DONT KNOW!!!
We should share this and post all over social media FB, tweet, Instagram, ext..... everywhere
In deed, I am doing it do.
This guy knows his stuff and should march to Washington and declare himself the president of the United States.
HA: That's a good one!
This guy is destined for great things
thank you real news
There is no comparison between Mr. Arreaza and Mike Pompeo his US counterpart. Then consider Maduro vs Trump and I can tell you who has the better government.
Well done TRNN well formed questions that get to the heart of the matter and no better person to answer those questions.
wisdom one does not poison the well one needs to drink from. Venezuela is USA backyard. no sanctions no violence.give peace a chance. please
Viva #Chavismo
Viva #Maduro
Viva the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela !
Up Chavistas!
Sistar Hodesh “Viva the suffering of the people” You forgot that part you blasphemous communist.
Ignore Veronica, thank you for your support
Veronica I. Stop lying! Actually the smart people aren't any more stripped like you, your profesión is only to be lying and lying.
I have been so impressed by the leadership of Venezuela, President Maduro appears calm and resolute in the defense of Venezuela, it is obvious to me now why the people have come to respect and love him. It is also obvious that their arguments are on the side of reason. I have come to believe that with such leadership Venezuela cannot but win. May God bless and protect Venezuela and Venezuelans.
What a beautiful woman you are Sharmeni! Inside and out!!! Thank you for all you do.
Viva Venezuela! Down with the aggressors, may justice result
Daniel Trail. Bravo! Yes sir, leve along to the venezolanos in peace killers!.
A week ago I was on CNN! But as of now,I have changed! I dont even watch CNN anymore. I only check them now for the weather! No more after listening to RT with their factual news. Thank U for your great reporting!
Bamboo11 same here buddy
What an articulate minister. Also, quite a terrifying situation.
Harish Iyer. Pudrete!.
there's a video where the midia is filming a crowd of protesters but a citizen from Venezuela is also filming from his apartment and you can see there are only like 50 people and the midia says there's thousands.
Good job Mr Arreaza .! The people of Latin America is with you ! 👊✊👊👊
Tu neccessitas conjugar el verbo auxiliar en engles. El persona segundo plural esta "are".
No, Latin America is not with him.
breaking news David duke the new president of USA..
Pope helping out? Great! Vatican has been so helpful so often including their close cooperation with Hitler. Never really apologized. Maduro should decide who is his boss - the Venezuelan people and Bolivarian Constitution or the Curch. Vatican and Pinochet worked so well together in Chile, didn't they?
Klub Svetnikov I think you mean Chile
@@morr3349 Ups, yes of course.
We are only getting one side of the story the USA is making preparation for a regime change why can't they leave the people alone to solve there own problem
Señor Arriaza el proximo presidente de venezuela
Id really like that
God bless president Maduro and Beautiful Venezuela. Please Venezuela don't fall into Devil's DEATH ZONE..
He omitted to say, that Venezuela asked also the United Nations to come and observe the elections, and the Venezuelan opposition asked not to come. So same happened as with the EU.
But the African Union and the Caribbean Community did send observers.
The poppe is apart of the problem because careful of him.
Mr.Minister Jorge Arreaza,receive my admiration and respect.I’m impressed with you knowledge and way to respond to the questions,as well as the way you conduct your self.all this reflects the sincerity and plain truth of you statement.
Share this news everywhere! Don't let the trump cartel start a continental war.
I am doing it so. We own this on the name of justice and the love for humanity.
Were talking about sactioned crisis in Venezuela meanwhile in Argentina there's a food crisis people be starving by there own government.
I really like this guy. Quiet smart guy ! No wonder he has this job ! He even recognize what’s wrong with their own governance. But nobody should interfere in Venezuela. I see 28 type of elections in 20 years. Did USA have this ? NO
God bless moduro Venezuela 🇻🇪
Arreaga is a Good candidate for President in the future. Don't negotiate under their terms.
I am trying to understand the United Constituent Assembly (UCA), question:
1.) Who are the UCA and how is it appointed or elected?
2.) If the sitting and current admin is ousted from government by forces loyal to the opposition what happens to the UCA?
3. Since it remains the most powerful, can a make orders for a sitting president?
4.) By rights can a elected/installed president over rule its position or orders and install a new UCA?
Im Venezuelan, i love this guy, he is really smart, im so happy of finally seeing him in here, i would love it if americans could hear him out
Minister Arreaza is an articulate man. Thanks for this excellent interview. How will the TV news handle this? The flag is a nice touch.
Thank you for this education.
The US put sanctions to then send food 😂😂😂 the US is a joke
Good day, The Real News Network. please, i need permission to air this video on my own channel.
you can just link it, can't you?
@@marimbadearco Good day thanks for your reply, i need to download the video stream it on my own channel, also making it public where the video came from, people will be redirected to this news channel, that's why i need legal permission to air it thank you.
Guaido is a card at hand in Trump admin deck of cards. Venezuela must play its own cards right - win! Using political wit, law & reason against it.
You are the best George ! ♥️♥️🇻🇪
do not misread as I am a US political sympathizer. I only want the US to
have long lasting relationships with other nations around the world. There is a
proverb in the Vietnamese sociolinguistic texts saying "Them ban, bot
thu" which literally means "More friends less enemies". I
personally appeal to the US to give attention to it and where appropriate add
this proverbial meaning in its political agendas on interacting with the world
for the sake of strengthening its political stance on the world stage and hence
for the world peace.
is a good piece of news to hear that President Trump and President Maduro might
hold talks at a near coming time to resolve the current Venezuela crisis.
I sincerely wish them success and all their political wounds healed.
my observation, the legally elected President Mr Maduro is very tolerant and
kind to the illegally declared president Mr Guaido who is causing severe social
disorder, violence and chaos in his country. He could have taken this lawless
man into custody long ago.
it seems WW3 is inevitable unfortunately for the whole peoples of the Earth
Planet! It is unbelievable, in my view, that President Trump announced that the
U.S. recognized the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s new leader.
The statement made sounds very arrogant, highly intrusive and lawless. Under
what source of law can President Trump employ to declare the opposition leader
Juan Guaido is a legitimate Interim President? Should we all respect
International Laws or the more powerful nations do not have to observe them?
There is no ground under international laws that enables the opposition leader
Mr Guaido to declare himself to be interim president of Venezuela. Thus
President Trump’s statement of recognition of Mr Guaido as the interim
president of Venezuela indicates that President Trump thinks he can
dogmatically represent, approve and appoint a Venezuelan president on behalf of
the Venezuelan people regarding who is to run this country. Can the US continue
to lead and represent the Democratic World while continuing to interact with
other nations in this direction? The current social and economic problems of
Venezuela is of its own domestic affairs, while bearing in mind that
Venezuela’s economic problems are largely caused by the US economic sanctions.
UN human rights expert, Idriss Jazairy has recently commented that “Coercion,
whether military or economic, must never be used to seek a change in government
in a sovereign state. The use of sanctions by outside powers to overthrow an
elected government is in violation of all norms of international law”. As of
mine concern, there should not be any external forces there lurking to impose
or coerce to bring about a change of the legitimate government. A world superpower
should not coerce a flimsy nation to take "humanitarian aids" should
that nation refuse to do so.
I sincerely hope that President Trump does not mean it literally when he
officially declared Mr Guaido as the “legitimate interim” president! Mr Guaido,
the most naïve political figure of all, has no legal status to declare himself
as the president of Venezuela. His act of declaration under the circumstances
makes him looks like a clown at the most under the world observation and
opinion. He should now formally withdraw his unlawful declaration as the
‘interim president’ and publically offer apologies for his naïve ambition and
unlawful coup-attempts and denounce his own act of illegal usurpation of power
to the people of Venezuela and the legitimately elected President Mr Maduro so
as to restore social order and peace for Venezuela. Since Mr Guaido is not the
president of Venezuela he has no legal ground to invite foreigners to intervene
and assist him in Venezuela. He is so politically inexperienced and it is very
unfortunate for all Venezuelans! More embarrassingly he has selfishly
used his own twenty one months old daughter to protect him physically and
politically by holding her in various dangerous and politically chaotic
gathered crowds.
a political sympathizer of the US I urge it and the President to reconsider the
recognition statement. If WW3 is really a non-stoppable event, then there would
be no winners, as most of human races would be gone consequently. Hence, for
the sake of humanities and their survivals, please employ our logical, fair,
just and reasonable minds to confront and resolve international issues by
peaceful means and military must be the last option to use.
Diep Le
Thank God for real news this government official from Venezuela is a good man thank you
Just a question. Why are millions of Venezuelans running for other countries
That is not usual behavior for a nation.
Nancy Smith. Tey are outside of the country because they are payed! All tha decisions was planned and now dose people are very ridiculous and layers.
Appreciate minister's honesty.
Why does Venezuela have contentious relations with all of its neighbors?
Augur Cybernaut. They are! Or you don't know?.
I wonder if this interview occurred in response to Danny Glover's interview, or was Mr. Arreaza already lined up?
It's so refreshing to watch real news
Love the interview, keep up
What a weird name!
It sounds like _'Why dog?'_
this is the man , the man that have the thru and express it in english
Thank you for this report. The Real News and Glenn Greenwald are invaluable to our (the American people) understanding of what is really going on, the truth. I speak for many American people when I say, "we too love the people of Venezuela". What can I do? What can I do to be a voice in here in the US to tell our government to back off and to stop what they are attempting to do?
Great explanation
The Venezuelan National Assembly declared the presidential elections illegal, and using this, Guano declared himself as the interim-president.
There was none among the opposition that could have challenged Maduro in elections, so the USA asked the opposition to boycot the elections.
If you want to know more about Venezuela you have to watch RT News. MSM rarely mentions it in detail.
A good explaination from Venezuelan's Foreign Minister! This has made all of us to understand better of what they are facing! US n its allies will be destroyed soon by the Creator!
He looks like a nice guy, unlike his enemies. ;)
It's USA's manifest destiny to take natural resources away from any country it so chooses, be it tungsten from N Korea, lithium and opium from Afghanistan, or oil and gold from Venezuela; after all, God loves the USA more than any other place in the whole wide universe. Signed: Uncle Sam
A big mistake what Libya did, was that they didn't care what the people in Europe or North America knew about Libya. They only cared the opinions of the Libyans and the Arab community. Had Libya challenged the demonization in western media, had they revealed the destabilization and the terrorist network (LIFG) that the NATO-countries supported for years in Libya, the false-flag in Benghazi that started the war against Libya, might have had resistance among the people in Europe and North America. But even after the UN sanctioned the operation in Libya, the Libyan government only informed Arab countries what was hapening. Gaddafi's speeches were aired by some Syrian radio station, and none in Europe or North America came any wiser.
Venezuela should actively challenge the image given in western MSM what has happened and is happening in Venezuela. They should freaking make documentaries and freely distribute them to video tube sites. People largely don't know anything about Venezuela or the U.S. destabilization programs there. Do not ignore the grass root people of the world!
US are seeking to secure the nearests stable cheapest oil sources US Projects for Middle-East are not going as planned.Also US manage to control the oil market (to contain China advances in world geopolitical matters) and to become by far self -sufficient (US domestic shale oil +Canadian tar sands oil for 20$/brl +Venezuelan heavy crude)
This guy can rule France, for so many years because he's more intelligent.
I enjoyed him speaking at the UN
Wish we had someone like this in Haitian government 😬
This situation of intervention and meddling is disheartening. for those who like self determination and things like that to be part of the way governments work.
There's is something rotten about the agendas supporting these undemocratic initiatives.
U.S ruling class intervention its never ending! 😩
The vote is electronic, in Venezuela , that clip with someone using a ballot box to vote is misleading
I see this man has a little bible with him to. Stay with GD,and u are safe! U can see how blessed U are. how many ministers walk around with their little bible? the only book we need here in earth!
i strongly condemn my government for intervening, but might i humbly ask that you legitimize this interview by including someone who may have a different side of the story? i'm sure some guaido supporter would tell a different tale, and they could hash it out.
Has the real news interviewed James and Joanne Moriarty yet. Those two witnessed horrors in Libya and have had their lives turned upside down by their own government in America.
interesting interview. but i don't know why you chose such a title "washington hijacked guaido", it doesn't make sense and is basically the least eloquent (or most off-target) phrase that the minister uttered during the entire interview (i'm not sure he understands the meaning of the verb hijack).
Arriaza tell the painful truth.
Presentation of the theme:
"Finally, the answer to why the world is so bad!" After 96 years, the best-kept secret in history was discovered: since December 23. " - Presentation transcript:
2 finally
Finally, the answer to why the world is so bad: after 96 years, the best kept secret in history was discovered: since December 23, 1913, the Federal Reserve Bank seized the United States and the great Most of the world does not know it. By their will wars are declared, bombings are financed (twin towers, bombing in London, bombing in Madrid), presidents are murdered (Jaime Roldos, Omar Torrijos, Kennedy, Warren Harding, McKinley, James Garfield, etc.), massive destruction weapons. (Carlyle, Bechtel, Lookheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Northrop Grumman). These bankers own the media (FOX, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, etc. .) Use the strategy of distracting the population with shallow TV programs, short-term technology products, reality shows and cartoons that ridicule family values. News of murders and crimes with the purpose of destroying little by little our trust in our neighbor, avoiding the union of people and the revolted popul world
3 The Federal Reserve owns the NSA, the CIA (school of terrorists), the Pentagon, the BIS, the IMF and the World Bank, as well as having a vote in the United Nations and NATO. Powerful of the powerful: the main mafia familiesthatown the Federal Reserve: 1. Rothschild family (London, Berlin and Israel) 2. Rockefeller family (USA and Israel) 3. Morgan family (England) 4. Warburg family (Germany) 5. Family Risk (Paris, France) 6.Moses Family Israel Seif (Italy, Israel) 7. Family Kuhn, Loeb (Germany and the USA) 8. Family Lehman Brothers (USA) 9. Family Goldman Sachs (USA) These mega-rich families and their descendants are untouchable by justice and exempt from taxes for Life. Every time they do an economic rescue, they are really BUYING the banks and financiers of the world, slowly taking over the country they are saving. Forbes magazine is a farce that shows only second-tier popular millionaires like Bill Gates or Warren Buffet. managing to divert attention from illicit activities com mitigated by the true mega rich within the Federal Reserve.
4 There is no government, president or army that is above them, we present them to the Chiefs of the President of the United States. UU Working together with the powerful Bilderberg group, the CFR, the Tavistok Institute and the CIA, they form the Elitethatdecides which country to attack, what president to kill, what terrorist attack to finance, what economic crisis to plan, what pandemic to invent. If the fortune of these two people were distributed to the 6 billion people who inhabit our planet, each one would touch three million dollars. ... Yes! ... I hear it well: 3 million dollars! Look at them well: They are the President's bosses!
5 The masterpiece of the Federal Reserve was the auto-attack of the Twin Towers. Using the power of the conviction of the television channels, a false video was shown in which an actor posing as Bin Laden proclaimed himself as the author of the attack. explosives placed by CIA agents and planes prepared by the US Army. Tests: 1) Collapse in the style of controlled demolition of both towers, it is seen with the naked eye.2) Disappearance of videos showing explosions well below which the plane is collided and where molten metal is seen to fall (airplane fuel) never melts the metal.) 3) Collapse at 5 pm of a THIRD TOWER (WTC 7) without any aircraft having touched it. 4) Remains of Thermite (powerful explosive used in the demolition industry) found on the site of the towers.5) Al Qaeda is the name that the CIA gave to the movement of the mujahideen who fought against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The most hypocritical accusation in history! of oil and planned the attack to loot Iraq's oil fields, trade with human organs and the appropriate fields of Poppy / Opium drugs from Afghanistan, which they export to countries like China and their cheap labor7. What impact on the pentagon was not an airplane, witnesses silenced saw a missile tele-directed to an area under construction of the pentagon where there were almost no offices. That's why you saw only one hole and not the wing markings of the supposed plane Continue.
6 8) After self-attack, the relatives of the real Bin Laden (Bush's oil partners) were given facilities to leave the US and not respond to the press. 9) TV presentation of a fraudulent list of alleged terrorists who piloted the planes, when most of them were not even in the US. 10) The announcement made to Aaron Russo (famous politician and filmmaker) at a party of Nick Rockefeller, where he confessed that an event (bombing) would help the US take the oil from Iraq, 9 months before the Self-attack occurred! The Banker-Oil Mafia of the Federal Reserve is the origin of the evils of our current world, All wars, attacks, provocations (against North Korea / Iran), the story of the Flu A (business of the company Gilead Sciences of Donald Rumsfeld, Bush's defense secretary), the global crisis anticipated by the co-located Wall Street high-frequency supercomputer. All this and many other things that we will never know, have their origin in the decisions made by the mafia banker-oil families of the Federal Reserve. Now you know it: It's not the devil, not the aliens, not the sects, not the reptilians that cause evil in the world, it's just a Private Bank that thanks to a secret coup d'état happened in 1913, now leads the nation most powerful on the planet.
7 What can I do? Simply forward this message, because if the Federal Reserve is still in power, it is thanks to Total ignorance of the world population. Benefits for all if the Federal Reserve does not govern: 1) End of the wars: because the Federal Reserve would stop handing over money to the congress and would prevent companies (Harriburton) from making a profit with death. 2) There would be no global crises, they would only affect the countries that generate them. 3) The terrorist attacks financed by the CIA would end as an excuse to steal natural resources and intervene in the governments of the world. 4) Free access to the Cure of Cancer and AIDS, which are jealously guarded at the Rockefeller Institute. 5) It would begin the era of the Ecological Electric Car, appeared in 1996 (EV1-GM) and destroyed 6 years after its launch by the banker-oilmen. 6) Drop in inflation worldwide because they would stop printing trillions of dollars by the Federal Reserve 7) cheaper food for all due to the end of monopolies controlled by the Federal Reserve that prohibit countries to import and not.
8 Another proof of this is the perverse persecution and false charges created by the Federal Reserve against citizen Julian Assange (owner of, only for spreading the truth about tortures and murders of innocent civilians and children in the war of oil looting. in Iraq. Watch video on TH-cam collateral murder subtitled (before it is erased) where it shows an American helicopter machine gunning mercilessly a truck with two children on board, after mowing down a group of civilians who quietly walked down the street. Julian Assange represents what can happen to us as free citizens, if we continue to let people ignore what the Federal Reserve does to the world. We have returned to the time of the inquisition and no one notices! Before to torture an innocent person was accused of Heretic or Atheist, now he is accused of Terrorist. And instead of walking the victim before the crowd, they destroy it by exposing it on TV worldwide, so everyone believes the story. For those who do not believe:
9 For those who do not believe and want to investigate on their own * Books (most available on the internet): Secrets of Daniel Estulin's Bilderberg club Hitler won Walter Graziano's war Nobody saw Walter Graziano's Matrix Confessions of an economic Ganster by John Perkins * Documentaries (most on youtube): Zeitgeist Addendum by Peter Joseph End Game by Alex Jones ZERO inchiesta sull' 11 settembre by Giulietto Chiesa America Freedom to fascism by Aaron Russo Farenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore Power of the Nightmares BBC * Forbidden Movies in the US: Valley of the Wolves, Iraq by Kurtlar Vadisi Redacted by Brian de Palma South of the Frontier of Oliver Stone The International by Tom Tykwer
10 The cruel Federal Reserve can continue to reign in the world 100 years more if you keep your secret or ... Hurry your fall, if more people like you find out about this. Forward this message, Now If We Need You! Let's avoid the upcoming wars planned by the Federal Reserve within the next 25 years: Against: Iran, Palestine, Libya, Ivory Coast, Yemen, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, Pakistan, Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia (when oil is exhaust) China and Russia
Has anyone noticed that the UN flag shows the Flat Earth???
Leave the oil in the ground.
Gua, gua, gua, Guaido, give this dog a bone and he might live his people alone.
The WORLD PROBLEM is the ??UN in all blood shed that has occurred and will continue to.
Like now if they got invitations and fell to go ; then who should be blamed in the confusion and any single death to come irrespective???.
Very sad.
Maybe with time there should be another Parallel UN elsewhere which should be talking with the ??UN of NEW YORK in case of any impendinding conflict.This way , weaker nations may have someone voicing their problems.
It’s sad when people die because of other’s greediness!!.
I think Sharmini Peres has worked with the Chavez Government in the past otherwise, access wouldn't be that easy. This should atleast be stated in the spirit of full disclosure. It would've been more interesting if there was someone to debate with him and argue the policies of the Maduro government. This guy was already on Democracy now a week ago.
Señor Jorge Arreaza: you should had taught about bombing attacks before your army attacked the pemon tribe and the youngsters in both border lines (Colombia and Brazil) you speak for your supporters only
did it ever occur to you that Trump has only been in power for 2 years and that teh food shortages and medicines started 5 years ago????
sanctions started under Obama
Venezuela foreign minister? Like listening to Von Ribbentrop or Molotov.
Why the U.S N.A.Z.I are not so interested in Haiti how they are in Venezuelea????
2:35 Bullet is too good for this man.
I do know about the deep rooted discrimination by the right wing governments in the whole against the left.
This guy will make a better leader than gweedo if mr muduro was to step down
Worse. Washington made Guiado
Another thing GD almighty the maker of us all watches! GD does not sleep! People cannot go around stealing resources from the poor! GD will intervene!
Guaido piso mojado