Apparently no one, not human nor dinosaur, sees or hears someone approaching even if they’re right next to you…as long as they’re not in the camera frame.
it goes beyond that, people seem to forget dinosaurs are in their vicinity at a moment's notice. they over there in Malta trying to arrest someone while raptors are literally in the same room
Ah clearly remember Nedry not noticing the Dilo until it entered the picture from behind the tree. Weird how few if any pointed that out back then... Less social media probably.
@@GuardianGrarl also…No TH-cam or “rewinding tv.” But I think the most egregious example of this was when the T-Rex chomped on the raptor right as it was about to jump on Alan Grant and the kids at the end of the movie. Yeah, like no one saw or heard that T-Rex enter the room. That was the beginning of it all.
@@tannerhamilton6025 not exactly they might be locusts but they’re a lot larger than the average locust so of course the fire won’t work as quickly. Same as burning an elephant compared to a mouse. The number of cells are different but the size remains the same. Thus fire takes longer to do its thing.
@@lemongrab6173 still for combustion to take place at the rate portrayed, the wings would lose mass quickly. Ie. The wings are chitin which is a protein complex with a caloric density of carbohydrates similar to wood. If the wing is 1 ft long, .3 ft wide and 3 mm thick made of wood, the amount of fire and smoke seen would disintegrate those wings below aerodynamic function in well under 10 seconds.
Devils advocate here, but this would be an effective way of handeling these animals irl(the Jurassic versions anyway) they spit venom, so squeezing the venom glands and forcing them to expel their venom out would be a good way to “disarm them” and if these animals were real(again in the way JP/JW depicts them as) you can bet after 20+ years of dinosaurs being around you’d have trained experts who knew how to handle them as safely as possible. I mean… real life Steve Irwin got in the ring with crocs, deadly snakes, and cassowary’s on a regular basis. Humans learn how to get hands on with dangerous animals.
@@casualknight8962Well, apart from the occasionally cooperative raptors all predators including 2 foot pterosaurs from the three World films were vicious predators who attacked any human without provocation so I don’t really agree. The Dilophosauruses were the only dinosaurs actually downplayed from their realworld counterparts but from the context of the movies they were pretty consistent. Dilophosaurus looked terrifying in Jurassic Park but keep in mind Dennis Nedry was an obese computer scientist while Owen Grady is a Navy veteran trained in handling dinosaurs.
I mean he’s holding it by the venom sacs right when it was about to spit judging from how it was clearly chocking on its own venom. Maybe that gave it a dose of its own poison?
Somehow the Dilophosaurus in 1993 looked way more convincing and terrifying. This one looks like one of the animatronics you’d find at a Rainforest Cafe
I think they both look the same way of convincing, but this new one has not so intense colors unlike the old version, which (if I remember correctly) had really bright colouring. And I think the older one was also a bit skinnier. I wouldn't say that this is that problematic, though I'd rather stick with the old version because I really like the bright colouring
@@Rodan_0 I remember rolling my eyes at people in the comments criticizing how Owen survived the pyroclastic flow because IMO artistic liscences can be taken to make a cool scene, but then this movie came out and he's basically an action god and I want to cry. I waited my entire life for another JP movie and then the World series crashed and burned
@@FatDudeStudiosmf what does that mean? So he‘s immortal now or what just cause he came from the navy. I didnt know they teach having Raptor pets and jumping through the mouth of the trex
I’m happy too see them as well. It just sucks to see them beaten so easily, if only Nedry knew the secret technique of “holding the mouth shut” he’d still be here.😢
@@SirKolass Bro, they were fake as hell looking in JP1. I mean, You Could SEE THE STRINGS in the first movie. 'Sides, Animatronics are better than CGI. The Fact they bothered to make all this Animatronics shows they gave a Rats Ass for once
@@virtualcynical8515 Sure, and the giant plastic toys in this movie are the realistic ones. Perhaps you should watch JP1 with your glasses next time. The barely visible strings that you only know about because you were told about it, they definitely ruined everything,
@TerrificTawnypelt - You do know the reason why Claire was about to be killed was because the Dilo sensed her fear, something predators do go for as you're then seen as prey to them. Owen wasn't hunted or stalk because he shown no fear towards the dilos, telling them he's not food or something to really mess with. Owen just knows how to deal with the dinosaurs, most of them probably but he most importantly also respects them. Again why else he's the alpha of his Raptor pack and to Blue? Its because his alpha status and he needs to be otherwise he would've been over thrown by delta easily. Owen's character from first Jurassic World to now is in character.
@BigHorn holy shit really? Lol It away amazes me how much the idea of these animals changes over time. When i was born, T-Rex was an apex predator that walked upright with its tail draging on the ground. Then, around the first jurassic park, it was a horizontal predator. Now (last i knew), it's a feathery scavenger. Also, last i knew, jurassic Parks velociraptor is actually closer to a Utah raptor in size and build.
@@generalgrevious815 still plenty of species of raptors discovered that were far larger like height and weight of an adult pony. 4-5ft 600 pound bipedal killing machine.
and then one of the dilos said to the rest of the pack, "Yo that's Owen Grady, the ultimate dinosaur man we can't hope to take him down we better run broskis"
Pay attention to the details from the first movie and the game. They the other humans showed fear while Owen didn't. Fear is what will and could cause a predator to attack you.
@@riccardocrespi6223 “Chick” The name is Clare and no, if that was the case than the dilo would have attacked own and reacted fast, yet it didn’t and they showed the reason why, the reasoning being it got electrocuted
One of the most terrifying, violent, and visceral scenes in the first book is reduced to almost comical levels of stupidity. The first movies had some laughs, but we knew Nedrys fate, and it was still brutal. A mighty once mighty franchise brought low.
To be fair, it looked scary in the first film but keep in mind Dennis Nedry was an obese computer scientist while Owen Grady is a Navy veteran trained to handle dinosaurs so I think it’s pretty consistent all things considered.
@@kerngezond6953 It's really not. That dinosaur is bigger and stronger than him. This scene makes it look like he stopped a small dog from attacking her. This whole movie is a farce
@@murphymacmanus4709 That’s a bit overblown. He caught the Dilophosaurus off guard and Kayla Watts tasered his head. Any animal would flee after getting tasered. As for the movie, it was the most poorly executed movie of them all but it also had some things going for it, like good worldbuilding.
@@kerngezond6953qué tiene que ver que sea un gordo obeso o un experto-entrenado? Usted parece que jamás ha visto en su vida a un animal defenderse sea carnívoro o herbívoro. Por qué no intenta coger a una ave corredora por el pescuezo de sorpresa y observa su reacción? Se dará cuenta de inmediato que todo lo que dice es tan absurdo y sentiría vergüenza por lo que antes pensaba. Pero aún así se lo adelantaré, la primera reacción que hace cualquier animal al ser atacado por sorpresa es actuar con mucha violencia y desprenderse de su captor, es más violento que ser acorralado y esperar a ser cogido. Aquí simplemente se ve al dilophosaurus gruñir como un tonto sin mover ni un músculo, cuando debería dar vueltas, brincos, contorsiones y arañazos.
My favorite review said that this movie was the worst thing to happen to dinosaurs since the meteor. But everything about this is comical. The surprise choke, the gagging noise, the dismissive “go on get” as if it’s some neighborhood nuisance.
You would be scared too if a big-ass lizard that can spit venom was about to eat your face... And it's not like she could run away, there was a whole pack there remember?
@Gaming2DMX If she walked away, most likely it would have followed her because on "Jurassic Park", Dennis Nedry walked away from a Dilophosaurus and it followed him probably only because the only reason that Dilophosaurus followed and attacked him was because, he put up his rain jacket hood and the little Dilophosaurus thought he was a giant Dilophosaurus challenging it to a fight. For here, it's unknown as to why the Dilophosaurus put up it's hood against Claire even though she wasn't wearing a hood or any kind of hat unless the Dilophosaurus thought her long hair was a hood.
Isn’t it going to be difficult to choke a 300 pound carnivorous dinosaur with your bare hands? Actually no, it’s going to be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.
@@MynameisDUmass No, it’s actually not. And even if it were, that doesn’t mean anything. Could you choke an elephant to death with your bare hands, even if the neck is the weakest part of the elephant? (It’s not btw.)
@@MynameisDUmass I thought I knew what you meant but perhaps I misunderstood. Not trying to be a smartass, just trying to have a silly argument about hand to hand combat with animals like men often do.
@@paivioselanne wrong. The first book states that the one that killed Nedry was an infant, however for the film series they retconned it because why not, Spielberg thought it'd be better for some reason to have the dilos look like this and chalk it up to genetic engineering
They made one of the scaries/ coolest Dinosaurs look like a joke with 2 seconds. Then expect us to be scared of it showing up again at the end after seeing it get choked out with one hand in the previous scene…
@@elrevan983 It's freaking amazing that almost everyone loves to pretend that this franchise isn't about MOVIES,but documentaries from national geographic and that animals can't also be monsters in real life.
@@elrevan983 I'm going to quote Alan Grant from the first film. "They're not monsters, Lex. They're just animals." Right from the beginning, they wanted to portray the dinosaurs as animals and not movie monsters.
@@brandonharris7516 Yep, Dilophosaurs were scary in nedry scene and in books they were terrifying. Here, when they were first introduced as packs, i was like HOLY. this is gonna be something. then owen played zero on them and grabbed one by mouth and rest is jaw dropping. Only dumber thing was to mesmerize two t rexes at 3 ft distance with 2 hands for 5 seconds. what 's next. t rex replacing cars as means of transport.
I was so excited for this scene since it's my favorite dino from the first film. I was expecting it to be some great and thrilling scene but then Owen magically appears and chokes it. Seriously wtf
Imagine crying over one little scene in a movie. He dealt with it in a smart way in the movie, and do you know how many times characters appear at a seconds notice in movies and tv shows? Seriously wtf
@robblaster9556 If something like that happened making it great and thrilling (as you mentioned), the only great and thrilling thing that could happen here is for the Dilophosaurus to put up it's hood against Claire (which it did here) and then spit it's venom at her and then attack and eat her. However, it wouldn't be good for Claire to get attacked, killed, and eaten because she is a good person main character. On the other hand, Dennis Nedry on "Jurassic Park" wasn't a main character so it would be okay for him to get attacked, killed, and eaten by the Dilophosaurus which it did attack, kill, and eat him.
They didn't even have the balls to have it spit venom right in this woman's face. Imagine what a twist that would have been in an otherwise boring and predictable plot.
Gotta admit while Dominion wasn't perfect, I didn't have a huge issue with it in theaters itself. However, the Dilo scene is the one scene that 100% broke me and made me full out sigh and facepalm on the spot
So Owen falling in ice cold water that should’ve made him have hypothermia and somehow the pyro raptor swam in circles around owen other than plot armor, and was instantly lifted as he was nothing by a scrawny ass woman didn’t make you facepalm? It was as bad as this trash scene
I love it… when she’s holding a piece of the dinosaur and releases it and says “yuck”!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤ Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Why were the bugs on fire for so long? How did bro choke out a Dilophosaurus and not get mauled? As someone who was a kid when Jurassic Park was released, dinosaurs have always captivated me. What happened to this franchise?
Some of the Locusts somehow avoided getting burnt by the flamethrowers, and kept following the swarm, which ended up burning almost all of them. And Owen waa able to sneek up on the Dilophosaurus while it was fixated with Claire.
@@mikeymike8705 dont think so. these are some of the highest grossing films in history, not sure how you think it can make “a lot more money” than it already has lmao
Man this scene was headed in the right direction, the buildup was great...right up until 0:50. Then it basically became a cartoon. It's hard for me to find compliments for this movie, but that scene was on point until it wasn't. They were doing great making it really eerie feeling how the Dilophosaurus stalked and hunted her.
Owen chokes out a Dilophasaurus, wrangles a iguanadon using a horse and rope and survived a plane crash without a scratch and immediately falling into ice water without succumbing to hypothermia...and that's just THIS movie!
As a fan, I’m so happy they got so much screen time! Dilophosaurus appearance was way over due and much appreciated. As an artist and designer I have qualms. Specifically the head designs, these new guys have skinny heads vs the original designs that had cute, creepy teeth sticking out the front, but with a menacing gremlin face, and much wider jaw. I hate to be on the I have opinion train lol I loved seeing them regardless.
I just noticed they decided to give the Dilophosaurus in Dominion lips. Their teeth aren't gaping out of the sides of their mouths unlike the original.
I remember Dave Landau said his 7-year-old son went to see this movie and told him “Dad, they choke out a dinosaur in the movie. They can’t really do that, right?”
Can you guess the strength of an animal that size compared to a human? Even a monitor lizard would unleash hell if you grab it. This dilo instead gets beaten with a one hand choke, accepting defeat thinking "Nice headlock sir, I see you know your judo well"
After the first Jurassic Park that already was a good movie but meh, this franchise go on just for the dinosaurs that are always pretty cool especially when animatronics
Yup true. What make this third one worked was they play with the nostalgia, and yet they also made the nostalgia sucked by underutilizing the original characters, and even they made Bryce here in this movie looked like shit, compared to how she wowed us in the first JW.
He have been with Raptors after all, so he knows. Delta have been multiple times trying to over thrown Owen putting him lower in the pack ranks and being the new Alpha but failed. Its in character for Owen to act that way.
No they’re dying. They’re just taking a little bit and are throwing around the all of their energy in a massive burst in their death panic. Like a how a chicken will still run around like mad with its head cut off.
It baffles me just how little people realize that the Dilophosaurua has venom sacs to spit it’s venom so Owen chocked it to block it’s venom sacs, as does everyone ignore that Owen is an animal behaviorist who has experience with these animals, he’s not your average joe.
Don't care abour his experience. Choking a dino that size is absolute nonsense. Try that with a crocodile and see how it goes. They could've resolved this scene in so many ways, but chose the most ridiculous option. A gun, even a knife Tarzan style fight, or droping a something uge on the animal... Anything but barehandedly choking a dinosaur that stands still...
@@eliasvivancos4381 It's literally like 4 feet tall, grabbing the venom sacs is not exactly difficult for a grown man. And believe it or not, people are trained to and actually can restrain crocodiles and alligators.
@@anjo1726 You can do this to an alligator that size if you have the know how. You are talking to someone who has worked with multiple reptiles, no need to get heated.
@@richardblazer8070yeah, I'm sure a human can choke a damn crocodile by it's throat with one hand with proper training. I think you need more training outside in the real world.
You know, for being part of an organization that doesn't want to hurt dinosaurs. The not-wanting-to-hurt-dinosaurs guys sure do an awful lot of dinosaur hurting.
Real Velociraptors were actually quite small, barely 33 pounds. Dilophosaurus' on the other hand were 6 feet tall and 20 feet long. I'd shit my pants and hope that the Dilophosaurus isn't hungry if I ran into one
1st scene ive watched of any of the movies after jurassic world... this shit is so comical. Next up the scene where grady apparantly fights like 20 dudes becuase he somehow managed to gain a ufc championship title in between movies.
“Spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and eventually paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful but deadly addition to Jurassic Park.”
Hi everyone! What grade (out of 10) would you give this video?
zero oout of zero
not because of edit but this suck movie
10/10 roaring success !!!
Maybe a 3?
The dino: "Now I got you!"
*Owen peeks out from the brush*
The dino: "Clever Owen"
Also, the dino: "Understandable. Have a nice day."
We finally came full circle.
No is clever boy
😂 underrated!
Apparently no one, not human nor dinosaur, sees or hears someone approaching even if they’re right next to you…as long as they’re not in the camera frame.
it goes beyond that, people seem to forget dinosaurs are in their vicinity at a moment's notice.
they over there in Malta trying to arrest someone while raptors are literally in the same room
@@bluescluessuperagent But wait. They’re not in frame! So they’re invisible!
Ah clearly remember Nedry not noticing the Dilo until it entered the picture from behind the tree. Weird how few if any pointed that out back then... Less social media probably.
@@GuardianGrarl also…No TH-cam or “rewinding tv.” But I think the most egregious example of this was when the T-Rex chomped on the raptor right as it was about to jump on Alan Grant and the kids at the end of the movie. Yeah, like no one saw or heard that T-Rex enter the room. That was the beginning of it all.
@@bradleyrichard Good thing few if any complained at the time and any who did had less means of spreading said complaints.
I have to say those locusts are surprisingly functional for being on fire.
Right? In my experience the wings and antenna are burned away almost instantly, rendering them immobile.
Nobody had thicker plot armor than those bugs lol
@@alwaysrecycles365 except batman. batman is the physical embodiment of plot armor.
@@tannerhamilton6025 not exactly they might be locusts but they’re a lot larger than the average locust so of course the fire won’t work as quickly. Same as burning an elephant compared to a mouse. The number of cells are different but the size remains the same. Thus fire takes longer to do its thing.
@@lemongrab6173 still for combustion to take place at the rate portrayed, the wings would lose mass quickly. Ie. The wings are chitin which is a protein complex with a caloric density of carbohydrates similar to wood. If the wing is 1 ft long, .3 ft wide and 3 mm thick made of wood, the amount of fire and smoke seen would disintegrate those wings below aerodynamic function in well under 10 seconds.
One of the most terrifying dinosaurs of Jurassic Park, easily bested by a discount Steve Irwin.
Discount Steve irwin hahaha got me
This movies have become a joke.
Devils advocate here, but this would be an effective way of handeling these animals irl(the Jurassic versions anyway) they spit venom, so squeezing the venom glands and forcing them to expel their venom out would be a good way to “disarm them” and if these animals were real(again in the way JP/JW depicts them as) you can bet after 20+ years of dinosaurs being around you’d have trained experts who knew how to handle them as safely as possible. I mean… real life Steve Irwin got in the ring with crocs, deadly snakes, and cassowary’s on a regular basis. Humans learn how to get hands on with dangerous animals.
Right? Imagine any wild lizard or bird that wouldn’t immediately start freaking out and thrashing the moment you grabbed it by the neck.
We went from treating raptors as killing machines who could be trained in theory to a guy just choked a dinosaur
😂 IKR? He said: "gon on get!"
To be fair this Owen was brought in as a animal trainer and any species made in jurassic world are way more docile than the ones made in Jurassic Park
0:51 that’s the only way to choke on dilophosaurus neck before, it spits out of their mouth.
@@casualknight8962Well, apart from the occasionally cooperative raptors all predators including 2 foot pterosaurs from the three World films were vicious predators who attacked any human without provocation so I don’t really agree. The Dilophosauruses were the only dinosaurs actually downplayed from their realworld counterparts but from the context of the movies they were pretty consistent. Dilophosaurus looked terrifying in Jurassic Park but keep in mind Dennis Nedry was an obese computer scientist while Owen Grady is a Navy veteran trained in handling dinosaurs.
I mean he’s holding it by the venom sacs right when it was about to spit judging from how it was clearly chocking on its own venom. Maybe that gave it a dose of its own poison?
The plot armor is thicker than Bryce Dallas Howard.
She's thicc😏😏😏😏
Somehow the Dilophosaurus in 1993 looked way more convincing and terrifying. This one looks like one of the animatronics you’d find at a Rainforest Cafe
I think they look just fine please stop finding flaws in everything
I think they both look the same way of convincing, but this new one has not so intense colors unlike the old version, which (if I remember correctly) had really bright colouring. And I think the older one was also a bit skinnier. I wouldn't say that this is that problematic, though I'd rather stick with the old version because I really like the bright colouring
I think they used a lot more visual effects with the old one.
The difference between Spielberg and whoever directed this one
It’s just bad directing. There should’ve been some cgi in this scene to balance out the overuse of the animatronics
For running around in the woods and basicaly being in an aircrash earlier, their makeup, hair and clothes look impeccable. Must be that plot armor...
Not mention falling through the ice or a frozen lake. Dude should have been hypothermic
@@Rodan_0 I remember rolling my eyes at people in the comments criticizing how Owen survived the pyroclastic flow because IMO artistic liscences can be taken to make a cool scene, but then this movie came out and he's basically an action god and I want to cry. I waited my entire life for another JP movie and then the World series crashed and burned
@@Rodan_0wasnt he in the navy?
@@FatDudeStudiosmf what does that mean? So he‘s immortal now or what just cause he came from the navy. I didnt know they teach having Raptor pets and jumping through the mouth of the trex
@@Venone26 im talking about the freezing water. Pretty sure they teach their soldiers to withstand cold temperatures
Dr. Alan Grant voice: "Don't step into frame, he can't see you as long as you're not in frame."
damn if only Nedry knew the trick for that one 😂
Nerdry won't have that kind of strength
Owen is trained to handle the dinosaurs. Nedry wasn't.
@@mackenziecarver6807 yeah, he also learned how to make any dinosaur go numb, dumb blind and deaf in one second with one hand.🤣🤣🤣
@@scorpionkresna8090 unless he sits on the Dino with his fat ass 😂
@@scorpionkresna8090 yeah that’s true
Nice to know he learned something from Drax that if he stay completely still the enemy won't see him.
0:52 indeed
"Nothing spits at her head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it."
As much as that annoys me I’m gonna give you and that a free pass
my man really just said "go on, get" to a dinosaur
Nice to see these critters make a return. They were one of my favourite scenes of the original 😊
I still wish he had lived with a hooked hand and an eye patch I mean big guy little dino
I’m happy too see them as well.
It just sucks to see them beaten so easily, if only Nedry knew the secret technique of “holding the mouth shut” he’d still be here.😢
Not nice when this is their return, especially with these fake ass animatronics.
Bro, they were fake as hell looking in JP1.
I mean, You Could SEE THE STRINGS in the first movie.
'Sides, Animatronics are better than CGI.
The Fact they bothered to make all this Animatronics shows they gave a Rats Ass for once
@@virtualcynical8515 Sure, and the giant plastic toys in this movie are the realistic ones. Perhaps you should watch JP1 with your glasses next time.
The barely visible strings that you only know about because you were told about it, they definitely ruined everything,
Owen is the real Dino whisperer. He literally grabbed the thing and was like : “I told you not to fuck with the children Francisco”
I hate Owen!
That's shit was gay😂
"Aaarghhh ...Owey..Owen listen to me!"
"You were warned Francisco."
@TerrificTawnypelt - You do know the reason why Claire was about to be killed was because the Dilo sensed her fear, something predators do go for as you're then seen as prey to them. Owen wasn't hunted or stalk because he shown no fear towards the dilos, telling them he's not food or something to really mess with. Owen just knows how to deal with the dinosaurs, most of them probably but he most importantly also respects them. Again why else he's the alpha of his Raptor pack and to Blue? Its because his alpha status and he needs to be otherwise he would've been over thrown by delta easily. Owen's character from first Jurassic World to now is in character.
"it was just a prank bro I didn't mean it I swear"
Then you realize that actual dilophosaurus grew much larger than in the movies and this scene would end way different...
Just like realizing velociraptor's are actually about the size of a chicken....
And could still fuck you up.
@@generalgrevious815 not strong enough to kill an adult human. There claws were actually used for nest making now
@BigHorn holy shit really? Lol
It away amazes me how much the idea of these animals changes over time.
When i was born, T-Rex was an apex predator that walked upright with its tail draging on the ground. Then, around the first jurassic park, it was a horizontal predator.
Now (last i knew), it's a feathery scavenger.
Also, last i knew, jurassic Parks velociraptor is actually closer to a Utah raptor in size and build.
@@generalgrevious815 They basically just stole the name velociraptor and strapped it to a deinonychus.
@@generalgrevious815 still plenty of species of raptors discovered that were far larger like height and weight of an adult pony. 4-5ft 600 pound bipedal killing machine.
and then one of the dilos said to the rest of the pack, "Yo that's Owen Grady, the ultimate dinosaur man we can't hope to take him down we better run broskis"
Truly the movie of all time
@@s.s.99 truly the movie!
Dino: haha i got you now
Own peek's out of a bush
Dino: clever man
The way the Dilo’s Venom Spit Attack was stopped is Unbelievable!
The fact people think they possessed the ability to shoot tar in the first place, is equally as unbelievable
No one believes that. They just enjoy the movie… because honestly?… lol it’s good.
@@cancervisionary1509 The latest one could be better tbh
I thought you said "dildo " for a second
@@yaaaay6252 +w+
Lmao. They can't be serious. 😂 0:49
Too hilarious XDDDDDDDD
The dinos got PTSD from the first time the sky rained fire
I'll be honest the lack of weapons these people run around with is absolutely hilarious
i like how it didnt even try fighting back despite its strength, it just accepted its fate of being held by the protagonist
Pay attention to the details from the first movie and the game. They the other humans showed fear while Owen didn't. Fear is what will and could cause a predator to attack you.
Owen said it at the beginning to the movie when Blue showed up.
It was being electrocuted
@@TheAdminstartor the chick electrocuted it well after the choke.
@@riccardocrespi6223 “Chick”
The name is Clare and no, if that was the case than the dilo would have attacked own and reacted fast, yet it didn’t and they showed the reason why, the reasoning being it got electrocuted
One of the most terrifying, violent, and visceral scenes in the first book is reduced to almost comical levels of stupidity. The first movies had some laughs, but we knew Nedrys fate, and it was still brutal. A mighty once mighty franchise brought low.
Man, one of our favorite dinosaurs was done real dirty!
Way to turn a scary dinosaur from the first film into a complete joke.
To be fair, it looked scary in the first film but keep in mind Dennis Nedry was an obese computer scientist while Owen Grady is a Navy veteran trained to handle dinosaurs so I think it’s pretty consistent all things considered.
@@kerngezond6953 It's really not. That dinosaur is bigger and stronger than him. This scene makes it look like he stopped a small dog from attacking her. This whole movie is a farce
@@murphymacmanus4709 That’s a bit overblown. He caught the Dilophosaurus off guard and Kayla Watts tasered his head. Any animal would flee after getting tasered. As for the movie, it was the most poorly executed movie of them all but it also had some things going for it, like good worldbuilding.
@@kerngezond6953qué tiene que ver que sea un gordo obeso o un experto-entrenado? Usted parece que jamás ha visto en su vida a un animal defenderse sea carnívoro o herbívoro. Por qué no intenta coger a una ave corredora por el pescuezo de sorpresa y observa su reacción? Se dará cuenta de inmediato que todo lo que dice es tan absurdo y sentiría vergüenza por lo que antes pensaba. Pero aún así se lo adelantaré, la primera reacción que hace cualquier animal al ser atacado por sorpresa es actuar con mucha violencia y desprenderse de su captor, es más violento que ser acorralado y esperar a ser cogido. Aquí simplemente se ve al dilophosaurus gruñir como un tonto sin mover ni un músculo, cuando debería dar vueltas, brincos, contorsiones y arañazos.
That choke and taze combo 😂😂😭
It's like a Scary Movie type of parody of Jurassic Park. Who wrote that 💀
This Jurassic World crap honestly feels like it was written by a friggin AI
@@jeremyallen5974 1 and 2 are good, but this movie went downhill radically.
My favorite review said that this movie was the worst thing to happen to dinosaurs since the meteor. But everything about this is comical. The surprise choke, the gagging noise, the dismissive “go on get” as if it’s some neighborhood nuisance.
jurassic world 2 SUCKED@@SirKolass
Jurassic World trilogy is a trash! 😡👎🏼🖕🏼🤮
Wow that plot armor is super thick with this one.
Especially for the insects
Yes, fucking massive biosyn preserve that they are in and they happen to find Claire seconds before she is spat at and eaten. What luck.
@@christophercrowle9753 "before she is spat at and eaten", i hate my brain💀
@@evanescence_1115 Is that not what they do? They spit venom that paralyses you then eat you? Don't quit get what you're getting at tbh.
Not forgetting the other dinos ran away when they are way quicker than Owen or any of the other humans. Main characters don't die, apparently.
everyone else: *terrified*
owen: *dog trainer mode activated*
The yelping the Dilo made on 0:57 I can't get enough of hearing it XD
Sounds like Dr zoidberg
@Godzilla Afton Crossover Kaiju Fighters FNaF 3 Scp dude don’t mention him!
This looks like a parody of the actual film but its not lmao
Low key it does lmao.
If you’ve actually seen parody films of dinosaurs, you’d find this isn’t even close. XD
@@datemasamune2904 You're right. Parodies are actually funny, this is just garbage on every possible level.
@@distantraveller9876 Have you actually seen the part where they first encounter the Therizinosaurus?
The horror elements of the Jurassic franchise is gone lmaoo
Well it's not like anyone we care about dies since Jurassic World, and even then it was only the one guy who owned the Park.
because higher-ups keep putting these franchises in the hands of people that have no idea what to do with them.
comedy is top notch though🤣🤣🤣
We literally had one of the best horror scene a few scenes ago, with the Therizinosaurus.
@@ParkRanger2000 nobody was scared of that, they thought it was cool.
Claire really couldn’t just walk away from the dilo instead of ducking down in front of its face
I know right? It’s like she wanted to get blind
You would be scared too if a big-ass lizard that can spit venom was about to eat your face...
And it's not like she could run away, there was a whole pack there remember?
@@captainsoldier774 she could at least kick it
@@captainsoldier774 yeah but would you rather run away and have a chance of survival or would you just sit down and let it rip your face off
@Gaming2DMX If she walked away, most likely it would have followed her because on "Jurassic Park", Dennis Nedry walked away from a Dilophosaurus and it followed him probably only because the only reason that Dilophosaurus followed and attacked him was because, he put up his rain jacket hood and the little Dilophosaurus thought he was a giant Dilophosaurus challenging it to a fight. For here, it's unknown as to why the Dilophosaurus put up it's hood against Claire even though she wasn't wearing a hood or any kind of hat unless the Dilophosaurus thought her long hair was a hood.
0:50 this is the most Chuck Norris Jean-Claude Van Damn thing I have ever seen 😂
Isn’t it going to be difficult to choke a 300 pound carnivorous dinosaur with your bare hands?
Actually no, it’s going to be super easy. Barely an inconvenience.
Fun fact, the neck is the most fragile part on any animal or human being think about it...😂
@@MynameisDUmass No, it’s actually not. And even if it were, that doesn’t mean anything. Could you choke an elephant to death with your bare hands, even if the neck is the weakest part of the elephant? (It’s not btw.)
@@therainman7777 I ain't gonna argue man, you know what I mean instead of being a smartass bout it. No pun intended
@@MynameisDUmass I thought I knew what you meant but perhaps I misunderstood. Not trying to be a smartass, just trying to have a silly argument about hand to hand combat with animals like men often do.
The Dilo doesn't weigh 300 pounds, it's pretty small. Maybe 120 pounds?
Brings a whole different meaning to “Firefly”
I thought this was funny as hell. "Go on. GET!" 😂😂😂
Claire was about to "Dodgson, we got dodgson here"
"See? nobody cares."
End of the movie:
Dodgson we DONT got Dodgson here ANYMORE
The scene would of been different if the Dilophosaurus grew to it real hight. Owen wouldn't even be able to grab it's neck.
They made the Dilos tiny and the velociraptors big. Genetic science at its finest.
@@ryankaiser2702 These were babies, not adults.
@@paivioselanne wrong. The first book states that the one that killed Nedry was an infant, however for the film series they retconned it because why not, Spielberg thought it'd be better for some reason to have the dilos look like this and chalk it up to genetic engineering
Funny... they made the Velociraptors too big, and the Dilophosaurus too small
Nice excuse making there.
Wow just when you thought Jurassic World couldn't get anymore ridiculous 😂
IKR? They clearly didn't learn anything at all. They had one last chance to make it right, and they still keep screwing up.
@@dereklopez9060 I mean look at everyone sucking it up just cause they showed new dinos ppl just consume
@@sarov7658 I would've consumed this movie if it was that good. But it isn't, it left me a very bad taste.
Owen chokes Dilo
Dilo: Oh no, what to I do? I better not use my claws to get him off me
Me seeing the dinosaurs making their cute noises: 😍🥰💙
Also me remembering they’re deadly: 😧😐😶
We're supposed to believe he just choked out a giant lizard🤣🤣🤣🤣
They made one of the scaries/ coolest Dinosaurs look like a joke with 2 seconds. Then expect us to be scared of it showing up again at the end after seeing it get choked out with one hand in the previous scene…
Animals are not monsters
@@MrSserpent Jurassic Park dinos are not animals. They are monsters
It's freaking amazing that almost everyone loves to pretend that this franchise isn't about MOVIES,but documentaries from national geographic and that animals can't also be monsters in real life.
@@elrevan983 I'm going to quote Alan Grant from the first film.
"They're not monsters, Lex. They're just animals."
Right from the beginning, they wanted to portray the dinosaurs as animals and not movie monsters.
@@MrSserpent so if you try to choke out a leopard 🐆 with one hand you think it will get scared and run away? 😅
Chris doesn’t get tazed even though he holding the Dino which is getting the charge...
This is the first time after 29 years those creatures appear once again
and the way they were shown less scarier than average wolves..... they should have stayed off screen.
@@hamzaahmad1345 wait what really
@@brandonharris7516 Yep, Dilophosaurs were scary in nedry scene and in books they were terrifying.
Here, when they were first introduced as packs, i was like HOLY. this is gonna be something.
then owen played zero on them and grabbed one by mouth and rest is jaw dropping. Only dumber thing was to mesmerize two t rexes at 3 ft distance with 2 hands for 5 seconds. what 's next. t rex replacing cars as means of transport.
@@hamzaahmad1345 oh
they did my favorite dinosaur so dirty bruh 😭😭😭
They did mine the dirtiest
I was so excited for this scene since it's my favorite dino from the first film. I was expecting it to be some great and thrilling scene but then Owen magically appears and chokes it. Seriously wtf
Imagine crying over one little scene in a movie. He dealt with it in a smart way in the movie, and do you know how many times characters appear at a seconds notice in movies and tv shows? Seriously wtf
@robblaster9556 If something like that happened making it great and thrilling (as you mentioned), the only great and thrilling thing that could happen here is for the Dilophosaurus to put up it's hood against Claire (which it did here) and then spit it's venom at her and then attack and eat her. However, it wouldn't be good for Claire to get attacked, killed, and eaten because she is a good person main character. On the other hand, Dennis Nedry on "Jurassic Park" wasn't a main character so it would be okay for him to get attacked, killed, and eaten by the Dilophosaurus which it did attack, kill, and eat him.
They didn't even have the balls to have it spit venom right in this woman's face. Imagine what a twist that would have been in an otherwise boring and predictable plot.
“Hello motha fucka.” 😄
nedry is punching the air rn watching this in the afterlife
He’s like “I wish I had that plot armor”
I thought he would be in hell.
Dino probably got PTSD's flashback from that swarm of burning locust
Gotta admit while Dominion wasn't perfect, I didn't have a huge issue with it in theaters itself.
However, the Dilo scene is the one scene that 100% broke me and made me full out sigh and facepalm on the spot
damn if it was a stupid scene. Never seen the like.
It's lik the cast went on picnic no real threats
My theater made no sounds the entire time. Even after it was over, we all just quietly got up and left.
The dilo scene with Dodson was pretty good. They should have just left that in as their only scene.
So Owen falling in ice cold water that should’ve made him have hypothermia and somehow the pyro raptor swam in circles around owen other than plot armor, and was instantly lifted as he was nothing by a scrawny ass woman didn’t make you facepalm? It was as bad as this trash scene
If they attach any bigger brass balls to Owen's character then Chris Prat wont be able to walk on set
I love it… when she’s holding a piece of the dinosaur and releases it and says “yuck”!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina
Congratulations for the World Cup !
So funny guys, no way bruh
@@SG-pb5v Thanks 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
They did dilophosaurus so dirty in this franchise
The bugs escaping has to be one of the dumbest decisions that I have ever seen in terms of writing.
That guy doesn't even care about environment 💀
Nah the dumbest was when that little girl released all the dinosaurs and said “they alive like me” shit
@@justanaveragesloth4141if she didn't they would die
Why were the bugs on fire for so long? How did bro choke out a Dilophosaurus and not get mauled?
As someone who was a kid when Jurassic Park was released, dinosaurs have always captivated me. What happened to this franchise?
@@RogueT-Rex8468 True. But they can make a lot more money if they would, you know….try.
Some of the Locusts somehow avoided getting burnt by the flamethrowers, and kept following the swarm, which ended up burning almost all of them.
And Owen waa able to sneek up on the Dilophosaurus while it was fixated with Claire.
@@mikeymike8705 dont think so. these are some of the highest grossing films in history, not sure how you think it can make “a lot more money” than it already has lmao
It's nostalgia blindness what you have, nothing happened to the franchise.
the first 60 seconds of this clip made me so happy i did not watch the movie .. thank you Boxoffice Movie Scenes
Man this scene was headed in the right direction, the buildup was great...right up until 0:50. Then it basically became a cartoon. It's hard for me to find compliments for this movie, but that scene was on point until it wasn't. They were doing great making it really eerie feeling how the Dilophosaurus stalked and hunted her.
Owen chokes out a Dilophasaurus, wrangles a iguanadon using a horse and rope and survived a plane crash without a scratch and immediately falling into ice water without succumbing to hypothermia...and that's just THIS movie!
As a fan, I’m so happy they got so much screen time! Dilophosaurus appearance was way over due and much appreciated.
As an artist and designer I have qualms. Specifically the head designs, these new guys have skinny heads vs the original designs that had cute, creepy teeth sticking out the front, but with a menacing gremlin face, and much wider jaw. I hate to be on the I have opinion train lol I loved seeing them regardless.
I just noticed they decided to give the Dilophosaurus in Dominion lips. Their teeth aren't gaping out of the sides of their mouths unlike the original.
Them dilos just wanted a piece of that cake of Bryce Dallas Howard
Looks like the leader gremlin from The Gremlins on steroids 😂
I remember Dave Landau said his 7-year-old son went to see this movie and told him “Dad, they choke out a dinosaur in the movie. They can’t really do that, right?”
Can you guess the strength of an animal that size compared to a human? Even a monitor lizard would unleash hell if you grab it. This dilo instead gets beaten with a one hand choke, accepting defeat thinking "Nice headlock sir, I see you know your judo well"
They did our favorite spitting boy dirty in this scene
0:34 "Well, hello there pretty lady."
0:41 "You smell niiiiiiiiiice."
0:45 "Wanna see something cool?"
0:47 "JAZZ FRILL!"
0:58 "Go on get!" "F you Starlord!"
this franchise hit rock bottom
First one JW was good, everything else was meh
@@mike90susanoo84 Jurassic World was garbage.
bruh this franchise blasted through rock bottom and kept going lmao
After the first Jurassic Park that already was a good movie but meh, this franchise go on just for the dinosaurs that are always pretty cool especially when animatronics
Yup true. What make this third one worked was they play with the nostalgia, and yet they also made the nostalgia sucked by underutilizing the original characters, and even they made Bryce here in this movie looked like shit, compared to how she wowed us in the first JW.
Owen did a better job sneaking up on her than the wild animals did.
He have been with Raptors after all, so he knows. Delta have been multiple times trying to over thrown Owen putting him lower in the pack ranks and being the new Alpha but failed. Its in character for Owen to act that way.
0:39 the Dilo makes that cute noise and then tilts her head as if to say 'Go on then, say something' before she decides she'd like to eat her 😅
I certainly wouldn't be brave enough to grab a dinosaur by its neck. It could be stronger than it looks, overpower me and it's game over.
Pretty sure he knows what kind of dinosaur it is and how powerful it is, he knows a lot about dinosaurs
@@Dwaxxx proceeds to call the giga an allo
@@RiskRule Well, gigas and allos _do_ come from the same lineage.
I mean, Owen is dinosaur expert and plus he ambush it but yeah he'll most likely get overpowered in a straight brawl I think
@@RiskRule you know he wasn't really in a stable mental state right there.
He realised that it's a giga like a second later.
Dude really just choked out a dinosaur 😆 glad I didn’t see this in theaters
Imagine paying money to see this garbage
So wait, the fire just made the grass hoppers *more* powerful?
No, they evolve to fire hooper
@@jchacon_88 they used a fire stone and changed type
No they’re dying. They’re just taking a little bit and are throwing around the all of their energy in a massive burst in their death panic. Like a how a chicken will still run around like mad with its head cut off.
I love Jurassic world and my favorite dinosaur is T. rex so much and I love he’s roaring so much
Yes. Nice 'embush'
0:50 the dilo is like stop choking me just let me deal with her
It baffles me just how little people realize that the Dilophosaurua has venom sacs to spit it’s venom so Owen chocked it to block it’s venom sacs, as does everyone ignore that Owen is an animal behaviorist who has experience with these animals, he’s not your average joe.
Don't care abour his experience. Choking a dino that size is absolute nonsense. Try that with a crocodile and see how it goes.
They could've resolved this scene in so many ways, but chose the most ridiculous option. A gun, even a knife Tarzan style fight, or droping a something uge on the animal... Anything but barehandedly choking a dinosaur that stands still...
@@eliasvivancos4381 It's literally like 4 feet tall, grabbing the venom sacs is not exactly difficult for a grown man.
And believe it or not, people are trained to and actually can restrain crocodiles and alligators.
@@richardblazer8070dude don't even need to go far, try that with a big dog. I swear people are spending too much time indoors these days
@@anjo1726 You can do this to an alligator that size if you have the know how. You are talking to someone who has worked with multiple reptiles, no need to get heated.
@@richardblazer8070yeah, I'm sure a human can choke a damn crocodile by it's throat with one hand with proper training. I think you need more training outside in the real world.
I can honestly say that the Dilophosaurus is the perfect example of cute...BUT DEADLY!
You know, for being part of an organization that doesn't want to hurt dinosaurs. The not-wanting-to-hurt-dinosaurs guys sure do an awful lot of dinosaur hurting.
"Go on! Get!" Cant believe someone wrote that into the script and thought it was good. 😂😂
This dinosaur is responsible for many a terrifying dream,
Thanks Steven Spielberg.
Thats a badass scene. You can see dilos spit already in his mouth when Owen chokes it.
the plot armor is strong in this one...also, stick your hand out to dinasoars for added plot armor defense
Colin Trevorrow probably: "Let's bring back the dilophosaurus, add it to this film, not treat it like a serious threat all just for comedic effect!"
After velociraptors, dilophosaurus comes to me as the second worse dinosaur to meet in a forest.
Real Velociraptors were actually quite small, barely 33 pounds. Dilophosaurus' on the other hand were 6 feet tall and 20 feet long. I'd shit my pants and hope that the Dilophosaurus isn't hungry if I ran into one
@@tatersalad76 I'm talking in movie terms over real life. But I agree, neither one is preferable
If this was dilophosaurus from novels Owen would've gotten gutted before he touched it's throat
i'm surprised no on in the comments had mentioned how the sound the Dilo makes when it runs away sounds like Curly from The Three Stooges.
dude the dilo sound will always make me shudder because i know if i hear it im already dead.
i imagine if there was a scene where rexy notices the locusts and remembers her ptsd of mt sibo and it shows a flashback of it
1st scene ive watched of any of the movies after jurassic world... this shit is so comical.
Next up the scene where grady apparantly fights like 20 dudes becuase he somehow managed to gain a ufc championship title in between movies.
So if Nedry had just grabbed the Dilo by the throat and pinched off it’s venom glands he would have been alright? 😂
If only he'd had his glasses.
Thank goodness Owen was able to teleport there in time to save Claire!
The Dilophosaurus is very poisonous.
“Spitting its venom at its prey, causing blindness and eventually paralysis, allowing the carnivore to eat at its leisure. This makes Dilophosaurus a beautiful but deadly addition to Jurassic Park.”
The dilophosauruses sound so cute😊
Based on the thumbnail I thought Owen would have snapped the dilophosaurus's neck.
@0:49 made it swallow its own poison lmfao just too funny. 😂😂😂
It says a lot that I don’t even remember this scene happening
I remember cus I couldn't stop laughing at it lmao
I don’t remember it because I never seen it. Looks like I’m not missing much….
They’re like raptors, with scary looking frills, and poisonous spit.