there was little collaboration - they were 40 years apart - but to put it better, like all scientist "they only succeed because they stand on the shoulders of giants that came before"
Maxwell had 20 equations and Heaviside compressed them to 4 equations that neatly described the fields and their interaction. Heaviside was facinated by operators.
Fortunately, Maxwell's equations are very geometric; using them to construct qualitative, physically-reasonable solutions develops the intuition before diving into the math. The integral forms are especially useful near sources and at boundaries. Otherwise, the typical sequence is: Maxwell's Equations => A Homework Problem => A complicated boundary-value problem requiring complicated analysis.
@@douglasstrother6584 I agree. For some scientific problems, if I have the formulae I can just “plug and chug”. Enter the variables and out comes the answer. For Maxwell it feels entirely different. It’s as if the math refuses to work for me until I understand it.
@@douglasstrother6584 Yes, and with all of that you will have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on finite element field solver software to tackle a non-trivial problem, which, of course, you never have. :-)
this helped lots with my understanding of Electromagnetic Spectrum Inquiry question: What is light? Students: ● investigate Maxwell’s contribution to the classical theory of electromagnetism, including: - unification of electricity and magnetism - prediction of electromagnetic waves - prediction of velocity (ACSPH113) Year 12 Physics Stage 6 Syllabus 59 ● describe the production and propagation of electromagnetic waves and relate these processes qualitatively to the predictions made by Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (ACSPH112, ACSPH113)
Most diagrams of the magnetic field lines in a bar magnet that I’ve seen, show the pole faces as the region where the flux lines are the most dense: Leaving the north pole face and entering the South Pole face. Thanks for considering.
Einstein actually lent heavily on Maxwell's understudy Heaviside. Heaviside and the Maxwellian's took the notoriously difficult 20 polymath quadratic equations and rendered them down into just 4 . Not big and not clever. They omit the Electro-Gravidics (Gravity) part of EM, which is 2/3rds of Maxwell's work., which is why Relativity doesn't really fit/work/explain. In the next installment we can talk Zero Point Energy and the genius that was T Henry Moray.
9:18 "If you start with a charge and move it up and down ..." If you start with a charge then you start with an electric field. One cannot exist without the other. 9:26 "This wave would require no medium..." Of course this makes little sense since each movement of the charge is inducing both an electric and a magnetic field. Fields are mediums.
Well, that's the classical picture, anyway. The problem is that the classical theory is a mean field of the quantum field theory, so you are really talking about imaginary ensemble averages that do not really exist in nature. Reality is much, much more complicated.
@@schmetterling4477 : Tesla, Maxwell, and Steinmetz all proved that electromagnetism can be more than adequately explained via classical concepts. In fact the sum total of electromagnetism can be nicely packaged into this one simple equation: h=Q=phi x psi where h is Planck's constant , Q= Plancks; Psi= Coulombs and Phi= Webers. But my observation was more to point out that either inadvertently or intentionally the author established that there is actually a magnetic field that runs PARALLEL to the electric field. This is actually confirmed by Maxwell.
@@schmetterling4477 : Hahahaha. You are more than welcome to keep chasing Shrodinger's cat and the silliness of a putative science where nothing really exists except the probability of something existing. Enjoy.
@@williejohnson5172 Ah, there is the kid who knows nothing about quantum mechanics, either. Don't despair, kid, I am giving plenty of attention to clueless kids. ;-)
Kathy Loves Physics is doing a video on Maxwell's Equations now, and it will be posted in about two weeks. She is going to show the equations, and explain it all.
I have been looking for some information about the same topic for a while.. I think how they can come up with those numbers is the weirdest part of all these
@@bugrakaya8355 These constants are more or less meaningless from a physical point of view. One can get rid of them by choosing proper length, time, charge etc. units, which physicists do all the time. We usually work with units that make c=h=e=1. The only relevant physical constants are those that are expressing ratios of e.g. the strength of different fundamental forces, like the fine structure constant. That one can't get rid of.
@@schmetterling4477 thank you. I know they are more or less meaningless from a physical point of view. But aren't they crucial in order to create the equation ? I mean I can grasp the physical meaning of ε0 but I can't find any basic explanation about how they define it with the exact number of 8.8541878128(13)×10−12 for space . When Maxwell created his equation in order to calculate the speed of light, he needed to know the exact value of ε0 . Otherwise he wouldn't be able to calculate the speed of light . so how did he find ε0 value back then ?
@@bugrakaya8355 Those numbers are for the engineers who like to work with SI units. It's kind of hard to design bridges and roads and cell phone towers with equations in which c=1. ;-)
Heaviside's Equations. Since Maxwell's quaternions were just quaternion math applied to descriptions of already-known physical effects (Gauss' Law, Gauss' Law for magnetism, Ampere's circuit law, Faraday electromagnetism effects) it's puzzling Maxwell gets all credit for Heaviside's work and no one has ever heard of the author of the 4 equations. Sometimes I wonder if the science community felt sorry for Maxwell passing on so young and over-bestowed credit. Should be known as Heaviside's Equations. No one today is actually using Maxwell's quaternion math. In the classroom, Heaviside's four equations are taught. Maxwell added some rigor to Gauss/Ampere/Faraday but his math was not feasible, the utility value was low. Heaviside's 4 equations are incorrectly known as 'maxwell's equations' We are all using Heaviside's Equations. I bring it up because it's very disconcerting to younger contributors, the risk of putting in so much effort only to have a substantial contribution like that of Heaviside - completed uncredited. Why do the work. We need motivated young people. . .
"Doing the Math" is using Actual Intelligence to apply Superposition-point Singularity Positioning Thermodynamics, (kinda like Algebra because it is more qualitative in character), and by default, balancing the Supersymmetry of dualistic time-timing cause-effect sync-duration connectivity. Ie Quantum-fields pulse-evolution analysis by Observation and it's actually what is REAL genius in the Mind-Body re-cognition of Actuality Conception sense.
I had no idea that Maxwell bought so much to physics . Always considered his work relative to transformers. It’s better to show as application of the physics formula to a practical application.
Do mathematical descriptions really yield understanding of a phenomenon? If you formulated a set of equations that successfully described a child's behavior, would that give you a real understanding of the child? Or is true understanding on a different level, or of a different type?
What if the flux passes through the magnet in a figure eight passing from pole to pole like a sine wave in voltage with a negative and positive charge instead of circular "motion"? Then again, I don't know my adz from my elbow.
9:30 love your videos but saying that there are waves that move without a medium is a contradiction by itself! The definition of wave is a movement in a medium.
this was great until the end where we look at em waves outside of visible light. There are 2 themometers at Greenich observatory that were used to identify/prove infrared radiation. Where do these fit in to this story? Cheers and thanks for the great explaination. Cheers Tom
Maxwell rejected Grassmann’s current elements force law, which is Lorentz force law for magnetostatics, since Grassmann’s force law violates Newton’s third principle of motion. Maxwell died before he could publish on his own ideas on the correct magnetic force law, so we stick to the Lorentz force law today. Whittaker continued Maxwell’s unfinished analysis of Ampere’s current force experiments, and came up with Whittaker’s force law of electrodynamics, but he did not show how to integrate his more general force law in a generalised electrodynamic field theory. I showed in how to this in 2016, see my paper on General Classical Electrodynamics. My theory is the only theory that allows for the ‘non relativistic’ derivation of E = M c^2 without the notorious incorrect 4/3 factor.
Another issue with this lesson, a magnet has 4 poles, 2 strong and 2 weaker field emanating from the side of the bar. Earth has 2 poles North and South and has 8 smaller poles.
Einstein's R + 1/2 Rg = 8πG/c4 T How did he know it was 8? And not 9 Einstein appraised Maxwell for being his foundation, I agree. I know Einstein was a master 33. He was created and sent for a purpose. He was a abnormal human with a evolving singularity"great heart" instead of friction of polarities as a normal human. Same as the three waves of volunteers. One's purpose is purpose of another. I understand the 8 but I don't understand how he knew in 1900's Even to this day it's unknown to the world or is it. I would appreciate if a normal person to enlighten me, 8? Telsa was his polar opposite. All greats has one
In Scotland you prononce it Clark but in Canada more precisaly in Quebec where my grand grand father immigrate we prononce it Clerk. Sorry for my English I do speak French. James Clerk Maxwell who father was a baron living at Penicuik Castle near Edimbourg. Thé Clerk family still live there .
Hello, my name is William. I am an American PhD physicist and I have been investigating propagating Electromagnetic fields for many years. My investigations revealed that these fields and the information in these fields propagate nearly instantaneously when they are created and reduce to the speed of light as they propagate into the farfield. For more information, Google search William Walker Superluminal. According to Albert Einstein, if the speed of light is not a constant, then his theories of Special and General Relativity are wrong. This can be seen in Einstein's time dilation result due to a moving observer: t=r t' and the length contraction result: L=L'/r, where t and L are reference to the stationary frame, and t' and L ' are reference to the moving frame, and r is the Relativistic gamma factor: r =1/Sqrt(1-(v/c)^2). These results are easily derived using Einstein's light clock thought experiment using simple algebra. But if propagating EM fields with infinite speed near the source are used in the derivation, then c = Infinity, and r=1. If propagating EM fields far from the source are used, then c = the speed of light, and r= the standard Relativistic gamma factor. What comes out of this is that the effects on time and space are completely different depending on whether one uses propagating fields near or far away from the source, which can't be true since time and space are real. So the conclusion must be that Einstein's Relativity is wrong and time and space do not change with respect to moving reference frames, Galilean Relativity is correct, and that Einstein's equations just enable us to back calculate to the correct answer, given the time delays observed by the propagating EM fields used in measuring the effects. For more information, Google search: William Walker Relativity. But these results do not account for the time dilation observed by moving atomic clocks in airplane experiments, but can be accounted for using variable light speed theory (VLS), originally proposed by Einstein, and later improved by Robert Dicke in 1957. In this theory, spacetime is not curved by gravity as suggested by General Relativity, instead Newtons theory of gravity is correct and the many other known effects of gravity are due to the affect of gravity on the of light speed. For instance the observed bending of light by mass, which caused General Relativity to be accepted, can be explained, by the gravity generated by the mass, changing the speed of light, causing the light to bend around the mass. This effect is analogous to the bending of light in glass. Since lasers are used in atomic clocks to measure time, then the observed time dilation in atomic clocks in moving airplanes can be explained as due to the effects of light speed changes in the clocks due to changes in gravitation as the plane goes up and down. It should also be noted that several researchers have shown the relation E=mc^2 can be derived without Relativity using Newtonian mechanics, and the Michelson Morley experiment can be explained using the Doppler effect, ref Nathan Rapport 2021 In summary, this research shows that Einstein's theories are wrong and that time and space do not change with respect to moving observers, Galilean Relativity is correct, Newtons theory of gravity is correct, and many of the other effects of gravity can be explained as gravity simply changing the speed of light. The importance of this research is that it completely changes our understanding of time and space and gravity, and simplifies our theories. Perhaps this new understanding will finally enable researchers to finally unite Gravitational theory with quantum mechanics which have been incompatible since scientists accepted Einstein's theories for Special and General Relativity. For instance, Relativity is incompatible with quantum entanglement, which requires communication faster than light, but can perhaps can be explained by superluminal propagating fields between entangled particles. It should be mentioned that this superluminal effect is also observed in the propagating gravitational fields generated by an oscillating mass using Newtonian gravitational theory, and is nearly infinite near the source and reduces to speed of light far from the source. For more information, Google Search William Walker Gravitation. This matches very well with observations of the stability of the planets, which would not be possible if gravity propagates at light speed, and was originally proposed by Simone Laplace in his famous book: Mécanique Céleste in the late 1700's, where he estimated the speed of gravity to be 7x10^6 times greater than the speed of light. See: Wikipedia Speed of light. William Walker, 2 July 2023, Fjugesta, Sweden
Somewhat inadequate. Say you take a charged hollow sphere and move it at a non relativistic speed. There will be generate a magnetic field around the charged sphere. Now call the energy of the electric field E, you will find the energy of the magnetic field as B = 1/2 E/C^2 v^2. ( v is the speed of the sphere and C the speed of light) . Now if you take a rocket and follow the Sphere at the same speed v and then measure the magnetic field you find there is no magnetic field around the sphere when you hold the same speed as the sphere. Hmmmm, let's take something with the mass M and move that at the speed v it has a kinetic energy Es = 1/2 M v^2 , compare it to the magnetic field you realise that the magnetic field energy is the kinetic energy of the charged sphere. The mass being m = E/C^2 . And like kinetic energy of the mass M will become zero if you hold the same speed.
Yes, an energy-scalar does not transform properly under Lorentz transformations. But the proper energy-momentum four-vector does. So what? That's no different than what we told you about kinetic energy in high school.
you like every one repeat current belief. Maxwell is wrong in combining magnetic flux with elector static field. magnet permeate in free space electric field need a conducting surface and therefor can not be treated the sarrive
Hello doctor, I am a student from Iraq from the college of pharmacy, first stage because of the bad conditions in the world. He asked me to report on being evaluated for me and given me a degree for it before the final exam. It was the subject of my report on (The theory of electromagnetic waves) I hope that you give me the source I prepared from the lecture to write about my research and present it to my doctor, thank you doctor
So let me get this right, Maxwell came up with the speed of light in the 1800s. Doesn't the great Pyramid have the speed of light incorporated in it. And yet our ancestors are supposed to be sooooo primitive. Yer right how about absolute genius.
But there is a medium, otherwise what is waving? You can't say the field or the field lines. These are mental constructs or models of some reality. We need that reality, cannot hide behind words.
@@schmetterling4477 Lol. A "field" is a concept of human creation describing something physical. What is the physical reality the field and field lines are representing?
@@car9167 A field is simply a physical quantity that can be measured everywhere. It is an observation that quantities that can be measured everywhere exist. Field lines don't exist. They are merely imaginary properties of classical averages of quantum fields. Sorry that we don't teach it that way in high school. Most kids couldn't handle the actual facts.
@@schmetterling4477 Hmm let see. By your logic the field is a representation of all the values for magnetic and electric "field" in the domain under analysis. What's the value representing and you might answer the induction field intensity and the electric field intensity at any point in space. But that is not answering the question of what the electric and magnetic field is made of which is my original question. Yes the math and theory is there and yes can be engineered and be usable but it doesn't explain the why and the how. It's just quantizing it. For instance in aerodynamics we study a fluid, air for instance and we have field equations for that. Air has pressure and speed at set point. It is something physical we measure. What are we measuring with the electric/magnetic field? Maybe there is a medium there in the absolute vacuum and we're measuring some structure/properties which are perceived by us as magnetic and electric. Every wonder why the speed of light is constant beside being postulated based on observations and measurements. Maybe similar with the speed of sound in different materials being constant on material the same way speed of light depends on the medium and medium dictates. Recall we can calculate speed of light by permeability and permittivity of space. These are characteristics of magnetic and electric phenomena. They describe the medium aether of space time or whatever you wanna call it.
Thanks. Best explanation in TH-cam ☺️
0:59 agreed
The collaboration between Faraday and Maxwell has to be one of the most revolutionary partnerships in history.
I’m still waiting for the album to drop
there was little collaboration - they were 40 years apart - but to put it better, like all scientist "they only succeed because they stand on the shoulders of giants that came before"
Kinda reminds me of Sheldon and Leonard from BigBang theory!(one is a theoretical physicist and the other a experimental)
They did not collaborate
I love how you articulate equation 3 and 4, which links to the unification beautifully, well done!!
Maxwell had 20 equations and Heaviside compressed them to 4 equations that neatly described the fields and their interaction. Heaviside was facinated by operators.
I prefer nurses.
I’m doing a project on Maxwell and this video helped a lot. Maxwell also went to the high school I go to as well
That’s cool
4 years of electrical engineering and a lot of mathematics, I finally understood what is the electromagnetic field...
If they cant explain it simply they dont understand it.
No one understands what an electromagnetic field is! this explaination is just a 'theory'.
No, you don't. At least not without taking a class in quantum electrodynamics. ;-)
Thanks for your clear voice and good explanations.
Great video - I continue to struggle with Maxwell and most specifically the math - but your explanations are very helpful .
Fortunately, Maxwell's equations are very geometric; using them to construct qualitative, physically-reasonable solutions develops the intuition before diving into the math. The integral forms are especially useful near sources and at boundaries.
Otherwise, the typical sequence is: Maxwell's Equations => A Homework Problem => A complicated boundary-value problem requiring complicated analysis.
@@douglasstrother6584 I agree. For some scientific problems, if I have the formulae I can just “plug and chug”. Enter the variables and out comes the answer. For Maxwell it feels entirely different. It’s as if the math refuses to work for me until I understand it.
@@douglasstrother6584 Yes, and with all of that you will have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on finite element field solver software to tackle a non-trivial problem, which, of course, you never have. :-)
Thank u, watching from Philippines
Thanks Paul a great video summarises all important points in an understandable way
Brilliant explanation of Electricity and magnetism by way of great examples thanks.
this helped lots with my understanding of
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Inquiry question: What is light?
● investigate Maxwell’s contribution to the classical theory of electromagnetism, including:
- unification of electricity and magnetism
- prediction of electromagnetic waves
- prediction of velocity (ACSPH113)
Year 12
Physics Stage 6 Syllabus 59
● describe the production and propagation of electromagnetic waves and relate these processes qualitatively to the predictions made by Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory (ACSPH112, ACSPH113)
glad it helped - it was y12NSW I had in mind when making this
Brilliant explanation of radio, I got to use this in practice while in communications in the military.
Super great presentation. You got the right kind of character.
This basically summarised my whole course in a beautiful way
Most diagrams of the magnetic field lines in a bar magnet that I’ve seen, show the pole faces as the region where the flux lines are the most dense: Leaving the north pole face and entering the South Pole face. Thanks for considering.
Yes, Cartesians - x, y, and z.
As simple as it is the best explanation
By far the best explaination.
Thanks. I'm going to use this with my class in the next few weeks.
Einstein actually lent heavily on Maxwell's understudy Heaviside. Heaviside and the Maxwellian's took the notoriously difficult 20 polymath quadratic equations and rendered them down into just 4 . Not big and not clever. They omit the Electro-Gravidics (Gravity) part of EM, which is 2/3rds of Maxwell's work., which is why Relativity doesn't really fit/work/explain. In the next installment we can talk Zero Point Energy and the genius that was T Henry Moray.
Great explanations and history!
Amazing explanation! Thank you
thank you so much sir! i appreciate all your videos!!
9:18 "If you start with a charge and move it up and down ..."
If you start with a charge then you start with an electric field. One cannot exist without the other.
9:26 "This wave would require no medium..."
Of course this makes little sense since each movement of the charge is inducing both an electric and a magnetic field. Fields are mediums.
Well, that's the classical picture, anyway. The problem is that the classical theory is a mean field of the quantum field theory, so you are really talking about imaginary ensemble averages that do not really exist in nature. Reality is much, much more complicated.
@@schmetterling4477 : Tesla, Maxwell, and Steinmetz all proved that electromagnetism can be more than adequately explained via classical concepts. In fact the sum total of electromagnetism can be nicely packaged into this one simple equation: h=Q=phi x psi where h is Planck's constant ,
Q= Plancks; Psi= Coulombs and Phi= Webers.
But my observation was more to point out that either inadvertently or intentionally the author established that there is actually a magnetic field that runs PARALLEL to the electric field. This is actually confirmed by Maxwell.
@@williejohnson5172 The 19th century called and wants its failed concepts back. :-)
@@schmetterling4477 : Hahahaha. You are more than welcome to keep chasing Shrodinger's cat and the silliness of a putative science where nothing really exists except the probability of something existing. Enjoy.
@@williejohnson5172 Ah, there is the kid who knows nothing about quantum mechanics, either. Don't despair, kid, I am giving plenty of attention to clueless kids. ;-)
Kathy Loves Physics is doing a video on Maxwell's Equations now, and it will be posted in about two weeks. She is going to show the equations, and explain it all.
Good for her. Have met her and I’m sure it will be good.
great explanation - thank you so much :)
Thankx sir your presentation is good it help me A lot there is lockdown in America, so I watching your videos
Thank you very much for the informative video
I’m glad it was helpful.
I'm big fan of James clerk Maxwell
Me too
@@PhysicsHigh Great Sir
I might love this channel.
Could you present the history of measurements of epsilon (electric permittivity) and of mu (magnetic permeability)?
Thank you in advance!
Great topics. I’ll add it to the list. Thanks
I have been looking for some information about the same topic for a while.. I think how they can come up with those numbers is the weirdest part of all these
@@bugrakaya8355 These constants are more or less meaningless from a physical point of view. One can get rid of them by choosing proper length, time, charge etc. units, which physicists do all the time. We usually work with units that make c=h=e=1. The only relevant physical constants are those that are expressing ratios of e.g. the strength of different fundamental forces, like the fine structure constant. That one can't get rid of.
@@schmetterling4477 thank you. I know they are more or less meaningless from a physical point of view. But aren't they crucial in order to create the equation ? I mean I can grasp the physical meaning of ε0 but I can't find any basic explanation about how they define it with the exact number of 8.8541878128(13)×10−12 for space . When Maxwell created his equation in order to calculate the speed of light, he needed to know the exact value of ε0 . Otherwise he wouldn't be able to calculate the speed of light . so how did he find ε0 value back then ?
@@bugrakaya8355 Those numbers are for the engineers who like to work with SI units. It's kind of hard to design bridges and roads and cell phone towers with equations in which c=1. ;-)
excellent stuff, thanks.
Thx you explain it very well
Could the magnetic wave 90 degrees out of phase with Electric wave or is it actually perpendicular to the electric wave?
It’s not out of phase but in phase. But perpendicular to E field
Beautiful.. what a genius !
thanks much for these great videos!
Thank you for this necessary video
Heaviside's Equations. Since Maxwell's quaternions were just quaternion math applied to descriptions of already-known physical effects (Gauss' Law, Gauss' Law for magnetism, Ampere's circuit law, Faraday electromagnetism effects) it's puzzling Maxwell gets all credit for Heaviside's work and no one has ever heard of the author of the 4 equations. Sometimes I wonder if the science community felt sorry for Maxwell passing on so young and over-bestowed credit.
Should be known as Heaviside's Equations. No one today is actually using Maxwell's quaternion math. In the classroom, Heaviside's four equations are taught. Maxwell added some rigor to Gauss/Ampere/Faraday but his math was not feasible, the utility value was low. Heaviside's 4 equations are incorrectly known as 'maxwell's equations'
We are all using Heaviside's Equations. I bring it up because it's very disconcerting to younger contributors, the risk of putting in so much effort only to have a substantial contribution like that of Heaviside - completed uncredited. Why do the work. We need motivated young people.
Your Nobel Prize is in the mail. ;-)
Maxwell was underrated and misunderstood until Einstein put the record straight. Thank you for the video.
very well explained.....
Well done
Thank you!
Amazing stuff
"Doing the Math" is using Actual Intelligence to apply Superposition-point Singularity Positioning Thermodynamics, (kinda like Algebra because it is more qualitative in character), and by default, balancing the Supersymmetry of dualistic time-timing cause-effect sync-duration connectivity.
Ie Quantum-fields pulse-evolution analysis by Observation and it's actually what is REAL genius in the Mind-Body re-cognition of Actuality Conception sense.
I'm dizzing by reading the comment
Thank you so much!
What is the'' ocean'' for electromagetic waves? what is their medium? they run on what? Black water?
I had no idea that Maxwell bought so much to physics . Always considered his work relative to transformers. It’s better to show as application of the physics formula to a practical application.
thank you
The constant c is constant to? To all inertial systems/to all emission systems/to all absorption systems/to the empty space/to the eater...
Do mathematical descriptions really yield understanding of a phenomenon?
If you formulated a set of equations that successfully described a child's behavior, would that give you a real understanding of the child?
Or is true understanding on a different level, or of a different type?
What if the flux passes through the magnet in a figure eight passing from pole to pole like a sine wave in voltage with a negative and positive charge instead of circular "motion"? Then again, I don't know my adz from my elbow.
how a point charge is isolated practically ?
Wow! You got the 5stars.
Thank you sir
Loved it!
Scotland had other maths guru's Napier, Black, Hume, amongst others
I fully agree and would like to suggest that Rankine be added.
You’re welcome
This shows we are in a close space
9:30 love your videos but saying that there are waves that move without a medium is a contradiction by itself!
The definition of wave is a movement in a medium.
(FREE SPACE) was mentioned.
Is that SPACE infinitely full of energy/information?
I knew all this when I was twelve years old. How about something a little more advanced?
this was great until the end where we look at em waves outside of visible light. There are 2 themometers at Greenich observatory that were used to identify/prove infrared radiation. Where do these fit in to this story?
Cheers and thanks for the great explaination.
You’re welcome.
Maxwell rejected Grassmann’s current elements force law, which is Lorentz force law for magnetostatics, since Grassmann’s force law violates Newton’s third principle of motion. Maxwell died before he could publish on his own ideas on the correct magnetic force law, so we stick to the Lorentz force law today. Whittaker continued Maxwell’s unfinished analysis of Ampere’s current force experiments, and came up with Whittaker’s force law of electrodynamics, but he did not show how to integrate his more general force law in a generalised electrodynamic field theory. I showed in how to this in 2016, see my paper on General Classical Electrodynamics. My theory is the only theory that allows for the ‘non relativistic’ derivation of E = M c^2 without the notorious incorrect 4/3 factor.
Your Nobel Prize is in the mail. ;-)
Another issue with this lesson, a magnet has 4 poles, 2 strong and 2 weaker field emanating from the side of the bar. Earth has 2 poles North and South and has 8 smaller poles.
How can we define a simple wording with at least three examples.
My physics professor send this to us and now we're here😅
Einstein's R + 1/2 Rg = 8πG/c4 T
How did he know it was 8? And not 9
Einstein appraised Maxwell for being his foundation, I agree. I know Einstein was a master 33. He was created and sent for a purpose. He was a abnormal human with a evolving singularity"great heart" instead of friction of polarities as a normal human. Same as the three waves of volunteers. One's purpose is purpose of another. I understand the 8 but I don't understand how he knew in 1900's
Even to this day it's unknown to the world or is it. I would appreciate if a normal person to enlighten me, 8?
Telsa was his polar opposite. All greats has one
His name is spelled James CLERK Maxwell, but it is pronounced James CLARK Maxwell. Sometimes in the video it is pronounced correctly, others not.
In Scotland you prononce it Clark but in Canada more precisaly in Quebec where my grand grand father immigrate we prononce it Clerk.
Sorry for my English I do speak French.
James Clerk Maxwell who father was a baron living at Penicuik Castle near Edimbourg.
Thé Clerk family still live there .
I never understood why Maxwell did not receive the Copley Medal.
why does earth spin east to west when tole poles are north to south ...
The equations, venerable Sir, describe - they do not explain
Nice Maxwell now I know
Hello, my name is William. I am an American PhD physicist and I have been investigating propagating Electromagnetic fields for many years. My investigations revealed that these fields and the information in these fields propagate nearly instantaneously when they are created and reduce to the speed of light as they propagate into the farfield. For more information, Google search William Walker Superluminal.
According to Albert Einstein, if the speed of light is not a constant, then his theories of Special and General Relativity are wrong. This can be seen in Einstein's time dilation result due to a moving observer: t=r t' and the length contraction result: L=L'/r, where t and L are reference to the stationary frame, and t' and L ' are reference to the moving frame, and r is the Relativistic gamma factor: r =1/Sqrt(1-(v/c)^2). These results are easily derived using Einstein's light clock thought experiment using simple algebra. But if propagating EM fields with infinite speed near the source are used in the derivation, then c = Infinity, and r=1. If propagating EM fields far from the source are used, then c = the speed of light, and r= the standard Relativistic gamma factor. What comes out of this is that the effects on time and space are completely different depending on whether one uses propagating fields near or far away from the source, which can't be true since time and space are real. So the conclusion must be that Einstein's Relativity is wrong and time and space do not change with respect to moving reference frames, Galilean Relativity is correct, and that Einstein's equations just enable us to back calculate to the correct answer, given the time delays observed by the propagating EM fields used in measuring the effects. For more information, Google search: William Walker Relativity.
But these results do not account for the time dilation observed by moving atomic clocks in airplane experiments, but can be accounted for using variable light speed theory (VLS), originally proposed by Einstein, and later improved by Robert Dicke in 1957. In this theory, spacetime is not curved by gravity as suggested by General Relativity, instead Newtons theory of gravity is correct and the many other known effects of gravity are due to the affect of gravity on the of light speed. For instance the observed bending of light by mass, which caused General Relativity to be accepted, can be explained, by the gravity generated by the mass, changing the speed of light, causing the light to bend around the mass. This effect is analogous to the bending of light in glass. Since lasers are used in atomic clocks to measure time, then the observed time dilation in atomic clocks in moving airplanes can be explained as due to the effects of light speed changes in the clocks due to changes in gravitation as the plane goes up and down. It should also be noted that several researchers have shown the relation E=mc^2 can be derived without Relativity using Newtonian mechanics, and the Michelson Morley experiment can be explained using the Doppler effect, ref Nathan Rapport 2021
In summary, this research shows that Einstein's theories are wrong and that time and space do not change with respect to moving observers, Galilean Relativity is correct, Newtons theory of gravity is correct, and many of the other effects of gravity can be explained as gravity simply changing the speed of light. The importance of this research is that it completely changes our understanding of time and space and gravity, and simplifies our theories. Perhaps this new understanding will finally enable researchers to finally unite Gravitational theory with quantum mechanics which have been incompatible since scientists accepted Einstein's theories for Special and General Relativity. For instance, Relativity is incompatible with quantum entanglement, which requires communication faster than light, but can perhaps can be explained by superluminal propagating fields between entangled particles.
It should be mentioned that this superluminal effect is also observed in the propagating gravitational fields generated by an oscillating mass using Newtonian gravitational theory, and is nearly infinite near the source and reduces to speed of light far from the source. For more information, Google Search William Walker Gravitation. This matches very well with observations of the stability of the planets, which would not be possible if gravity propagates at light speed, and was originally proposed by Simone Laplace in his famous book: Mécanique Céleste in the late 1700's, where he estimated the speed of gravity to be 7x10^6 times greater than the speed of light. See: Wikipedia Speed of light.
William Walker, 2 July 2023, Fjugesta, Sweden
I wish I spoke Math.
Somewhat inadequate. Say you take a charged hollow sphere and move it at a non relativistic speed. There will be generate a magnetic field around the charged sphere. Now call the energy of the electric field E, you will find the energy of the magnetic field as B = 1/2 E/C^2 v^2. ( v is the speed of the sphere and C the speed of light) . Now if you take a rocket and follow the Sphere at the same speed v and then measure the magnetic field you find there is no magnetic field around the sphere when you hold the same speed as the sphere. Hmmmm, let's take something with the mass M and move that at the speed v it has a kinetic energy Es = 1/2 M v^2 , compare it to the magnetic field you realise that the magnetic field energy is the kinetic energy of the charged sphere. The mass being m = E/C^2 . And like kinetic energy of the mass M will become zero if you hold the same speed.
Yes, an energy-scalar does not transform properly under Lorentz transformations. But the proper energy-momentum four-vector does. So what? That's no different than what we told you about kinetic energy in high school.
I wish I was half as smart as James Maxwell.
Thanks BC
you like every one repeat current belief. Maxwell is wrong in combining magnetic flux with elector static field. magnet permeate in free space electric field need a conducting surface and therefor can not be treated the sarrive
Perez John Thomas Barbara Thompson Ruth
Anderson Anna Davis Gary Brown Jason
Hello doctor, I am a student from Iraq from the college of pharmacy, first stage because of the bad conditions in the world. He asked me to report on being evaluated for me and given me a degree for it before the final exam. It was the subject of my report on (The theory of electromagnetic waves) I hope that you give me the source I prepared from the lecture to write about my research and present it to my doctor, thank you doctor
Nice Maxwell now I kno
I heard Maxwell was a Clerk
Had a silver hammer as well
So let me get this right, Maxwell came up with the speed of light in the 1800s. Doesn't the great Pyramid have the speed of light incorporated in it. And yet our ancestors are supposed to be sooooo primitive. Yer right how about absolute genius.
The speed of light is one, so whoever came up with the number one... :-)
Teach me pleaseee
I am if you were watching my video 🤓
I understand nothing . This is like the 20th video I watch but i just dont understand
Learn how to normalise audio! Your intro jingle damn well near ruptured my ear drums!
The potato is electric
But there is a medium, otherwise what is waving? You can't say the field or the field lines. These are mental constructs or models of some reality. We need that reality, cannot hide behind words.
The physical vacuum contains quantum fields. Those are, in a very limited sense, "waving".
@@schmetterling4477 Lol. A "field" is a concept of human creation describing something physical. What is the physical reality the field and field lines are representing?
@@car9167 A field is simply a physical quantity that can be measured everywhere. It is an observation that quantities that can be measured everywhere exist. Field lines don't exist. They are merely imaginary properties of classical averages of quantum fields. Sorry that we don't teach it that way in high school. Most kids couldn't handle the actual facts.
@@schmetterling4477 Hmm let see. By your logic the field is a representation of all the values for magnetic and electric "field" in the domain under analysis. What's the value representing and you might answer the induction field intensity and the electric field intensity at any point in space. But that is not answering the question of what the electric and magnetic field is made of which is my original question. Yes the math and theory is there and yes can be engineered and be usable but it doesn't explain the why and the how. It's just quantizing it. For instance in aerodynamics we study a fluid, air for instance and we have field equations for that. Air has pressure and speed at set point. It is something physical we measure. What are we measuring with the electric/magnetic field? Maybe there is a medium there in the absolute vacuum and we're measuring some structure/properties which are perceived by us as magnetic and electric. Every wonder why the speed of light is constant beside being postulated based on observations and measurements. Maybe similar with the speed of sound in different materials being constant on material the same way speed of light depends on the medium and medium dictates. Recall we can calculate speed of light by permeability and permittivity of space. These are characteristics of magnetic and electric phenomena. They describe the medium aether of space time or whatever you wanna call it.
@@car9167 No, that's just your own bullshit. ;-)
blah blah blah
Not accurate information
Please explain
Thank you 💗
Thank you