Sir I tried in the same way as you did using Quartus 18.1. But during gate level simulation I faced following error. # ** Error: timing_8l_1000mv_100c_v_slow.sdo_typ.csd: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '(' # ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3445) Failed to parse SDF file "timing_8l_1000mv_100c_v_slow.sdo". # Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /test File: F:/Projects_quartus/timing/test.v # Error loading design # Error: Error loading design # Pausing macro execution # MACRO ./ PAUSED at line 12
When I am trying to install the Qartus then there are showing ' you don't have Quartus software installed in c: \intellFpga you need to have Quartus prime software installed in the directory
There should be no difference in accuracy between different versions. Note recent FPGAs are not supported though for gate-level simulation because they have moved to on-chip debugging.
To get gate-level simulation to work, make sure the test bench module is in a file of its own.
Sir I tried in the same way as you did using Quartus 18.1. But during gate level simulation I faced following error.
# ** Error: timing_8l_1000mv_100c_v_slow.sdo_typ.csd: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '('
# ** Error: (vsim-SDF-3445) Failed to parse SDF file "timing_8l_1000mv_100c_v_slow.sdo".
# Time: 0 ps Iteration: 0 Instance: /test File: F:/Projects_quartus/timing/test.v
# Error loading design
# Error: Error loading design
# Pausing macro execution
# MACRO ./ PAUSED at line 12
When I am trying to install the Qartus then there are showing ' you don't have Quartus software installed in c: \intellFpga you need to have Quartus prime software installed in the directory
First install Quartus lite, and only then, install the update to it. (It sounds like you are trying to install the update first.)
I want to know, Does it work accurately?
If I can install only Quartus 18.1 lite without updates
There should be no difference in accuracy between different versions. Note recent FPGAs are not supported though for gate-level simulation because they have moved to on-chip debugging.