"Tak prnh pun terlambat utk start buat sesuatu, Get up from ur bed and start studying-"U motivated me in just 15 sec 😭(Thank U so much!) Btw, do u mind sharing the past year questions that u did? 🤧
Hi everyone mostly batch 04 and lower! I wish you all good luck for the SPM thats just around the corner 😭. If anyone have any tips to study sejarah pls let me know huhu. Btw congratulations for kak. That was a very amazing journey!
sy batch 01.. dlu masa sklh sejarah selalu kurang sbb malas mau baca.. starting from form 5.. sejarah A atau B, A atau B jaa keputusan.. smpailah SPM pun B+.. waktu kelas sejarah, yall dgr apa cgu explain. I get it mmg susah mau memorized sbb sonetimes the way the teacher ajar boring..but what i did is nnti i will read again the notes or apa2 la buku sejarah then try to understand.. how I confirm yg mmg I really faham is after baca, i'll tell the story to my friends. If jalan cerita dia salah my kawan akan bgtau. Sejarah ni kna study mcm becerita. kalau baca utk hafal saja mmg susah sbb banyak sgt.. Gudluck SPM CANDIDATES😊
Thank you for this...♡ Dah bulan 10... but baru nk sedar 🥲... but i believe in myself , bkn x pndai cuma malas yng lebih... so kalu ade sesape yng sama sprti saya dont worry... its nvr too late to strt . Stay strong ✊
Saya merupakn antara bekas pelajar spm2020...Nak dijadikan cerita masa ujian percubaan SPM dulu,saya boleh dikatakn tk berapa cemerlang lah,saya dapat 1A je...masa tu,tktahulah tiba2 motivasi dlm diri naik... alhmdulillah saya dapat 6A untuk spm tahun ni🤧...antara tips yg boleh saya share ialah...tolong korban masa utk belajar trutama masa pdpr wlaupun klas on9..tipulah kalau saya kata masa klas on9 tak boring,..rasa boring tu akn ada😂😂wlaupun rasa boring tu ada,saya tetap truskn mndngar apa yg ckgu saya ajar sbab saya nak dapat berkat ilmu drpd ckgu...lagi2 nk spm...kalau nk main game mcm pubg tu boleh je,nk hilangkn rasa stress~kalau stress sgt bhaya jugk😂😂tapi jenis saya ni bukn jenis suka main game..saya biasanya kurangkn stress sya dgen melayari internet sprti FB trutama youtubelah😂😂 kdua niat tu msti ada dlm diri klau nk berjaya,hnya dgn niat kita boleh lwn penyakit MALAS...penyakit ni hanya kita semdiri yg boleh lwn...Ktiga~solat jgm lupa...yg ni paling penting..Minta kat Allah permudahkn mnghafal dan memahami apa yg ckgu ajar kt skolah...permudhkn mudah fhm soaln spm n lmbutkn hati pemeriksa...Keempat..hormat ibu bapa..wlaupun kita sibuk blajar,klau mcm ibu kita suruh buat sesuatu,buat je...jgn takut...nanti ilmu kita mkin berkat..tu saja perkongsian saya..harap junior2 saya trus sukses dlam spm 2021♥️♥️♥️
Saya terinspirasi dgn kata² awak ni😭bila saya baca apa yg awak ckp ni..dia mcm bagi semangat..saya dah bulan 10 baru ada semangat.. sebelum ni ada la jgk semangat tu..tapi naik turun.. thanks sgt✨♥️
@@inazz7713 Alhmdulillah...truskn usaha👍👍👍usaha boleh buat mula dari skrng..belum lmbat lagi... Insyaallah,Allah bagi rezeki nanti..saya pun dulu sbnrnya usaha last minit jugk masa SPM🤣🤣🤣Dlm masa yg sama,saya doakn semoga awak beroleh kcemerlngn dlm SPM tahun ni..Aminn🤲🤲
orang genius belajar kejap je dah terus masuk otak macam sofia . like member aku jugak tido , pemalas dalam kelas pastu next day dia cakap dia ada study 3 jam addmath 2 bab terus faham . aku 3 jam belum tentu faham satu bab 😭😭😭 insecure sia dengan budak genius / belajar kejap dah masuk otak hm
Tapi guys kalau yg dpt low result pun dont worries. Insyaallaha ada peluang kat luar sana. Try masuk kat mana2 kolej ke uni ke , then takde dh istilah nak main2 , kena stdy hard lah, sbb spm dh buat biasa je kan. Pastikan CGPA maintain, insyaallah you will survive too. But anyway, kalau baru tsedar seminggu nak spm bru nak stdy ke kan , takpe lah. Get up, bangun pagi2 study. Mana tahu miracle will come and you will pass w flying colours. ❤
What i did for addmath is, first, sy akan fokus betul2 masa cg ajar. Sambil fokus, sambil fahamkan, buat conclusion sendiri kenapa kena buat camtu. Bila sy x faham, sy memang akan down. Then x leh fokus apa cikgu ckp. Tapi sy akan salin je dulu semua yg cikgu tulis. Balik asrama, bila dh tenang, sy akan bukak balik buku tu, then baca balik satu2. Kalau x faham jugak, sy bukak buku teks/ buku rujukan addmath, then baca. Sy tengok contoh2 soalan & jalan penyelesaian yg dia bagi. Then try fahamkan kenapa dia buat camtu. Kalau x faham jugak, tanya cikgu or kawan. Then, bila dh faham sikit2, barula sy buat latihan dlm buku spm. Sbb sy punya prinsip, sy kena faham kan dulu tajuk tu, barula boleh jawab soalan2 nanti. Lagi satu, bila kita dh betul2 faham, kita akan lebih ingat. Memang buku teks & buku latihan byk membantu sy :) buku nota yg kita buat pun penting jugak . Boleh buat rujukan utk saat2 terakhir. Lagi satu, tips utk math and addmath, banyakkan buat latihan. Yg ni kena rajin sikit. Boleh jugak kita wajibkan sehari tu satu set ke. Kalau ada soalan x tau or ada salah, rujuk jawapan then fahamkan kenapa jawapan camtu. X pun tanya kwn or cikgu macam mana nk buat. Yes,Its not easy. But not impossible :) For those who are struggling now, keep fighting 🥰 nothing impossible. In sha allah your hardwork will be paid off one day :) I never expect that i can get A+ for addmath in SPM. But alhamdulillah i did it 🥰 so just believe in yourself and believe in Allah 🥰
The thing is that my addmath teacher are so fast and when i don't understand she sometimes mad cuz im not understanding anything even after she explain again (ofc in the fast way again) idk what to do cuz im not that close to other classmate so i don't have anyone to help me *sigh*
assalamualaikum , doakan saye spm tahun inie 2023 semoga yang mane menduduki peperiksaan SPM semoga berjayaa dunia dan akhirat, kita sesama belajar dan kita sesama berjayaa , aminnn ❤
i am batch 07, batch paling sengsara sbb spm diawalkan n kitorang barely ada persediaan sbb masuk form 5 bulan mac, spm pulak bulan 11 so memang stres giler.. masa form 3 pulak memang x serius langsung sbb pt3 dah diganti dengan UASA.. so masa masuk form 4 memang macam kena culture shock 😭.. pastu pejam celik dah form 5.. i hope i watch your video and academic inspiration videos more sooner tho.. apa ii pun nice content kak sofia. salam dri batch 07
5:01 -jadual -target nak habis semua silibus for subjek yg susah nak score -3 months before trial habiskan semua f4/f5 for each subject - bulan 6 : study math sahaja -bulan 7/8 : study subject yg susah bagi u -before trial buat byk latihan topikal - - - -
Got 4G during F4 2020 (chem phy addm and math) and got 3G until now for all those subject except math. And my teachers started to look down on me :) Really wish I can be like you for my up coming spm 2021. All best of luck to other 04’ candidates. We can do it !!!!
omg kak sofia!! nilah video yg plg sesuai utk saya !! 😭😭 bcs i mmg main22 sngt2 masa f4 smpai rasa apa aku blajar f4 tu...mmg rse x fham ape2 sesuatu bab tu...and yah...form 5 too😔😔sbb study online senang ponteng kelas hm....AND SAYA TGK NI PADA 2 OCTOBER which mean ada 3 bulan lg utk SPM...mcm akak!...nak ikut lab tips ni manatau berkesan😭😭 sbb saya x tau camne nak study skrg ni..byk x cover lg tapi still mcm lost...kata2 terakhir akak sngt2 mmbantu tingkatkan motivation study saya 😭yg selamani hilang entah ke mana .. thankyouuu..sooo muchhh hmm... i really need thiss....sbb slalu rase dh lambat nak start studyy .. rsa sempat ke ni nak cover smua....i hope i got 7 A like u too...bcs saya target 6 7 A je mcmtu...aamiin...saya doakan smua calon spm 2021 batch 04 dipermudahkan urusan belajar & cemerlangg SPM berjaya dunia akhirat aaamiin ♥️♥️
I agreed with Sofea .When we were too active in form 4, rarely attend class and just wanted to start everything in form 5, thats so struggling. 😭 But it's not too late for us to start yea! ! 💫
i trials lagi 18 hari and i feel so burnt out from all the online assignments that i didnt do in the past few months (due to depression and procrastination) and all the leteran daripada cikgu2 sekolah about how we are so slow in class and not so responsive, but can you really blame the students tho?? tambahan lagi dengan rasa takut yang teramat nak pegi sekolah. bukan takut mata pelajaran, tapi takut dengan cikgu. they expect so much from us, tu belum tambah lagi high expectation from family :( it's currently 1 am and i'm willing to make a change right now. i believe that it's never too late to start. rasa sakit penat dari burn out dan depression tu memang perit, tetapi perit kebodohan tu lagi sakit. i am going to sacrifice a lot of entertainment from now on for the sake of my future. good luck everyone who's seeing this.
so glad to find this kind of vid! she’s really motivated me for study and “its never late to started something” aww this is really make me wanna cry so bad😭 thankyou sofea!! make more video i’ll always support you🤍 goodluck for spm candidate 2021
THANKYOU FOR SHARING 🥺 the best motivation for people like me yg suka sgt study last minute .. study last minute tak salah.. last minute yg dimaksudkan a few months before bukan a few days before 🙂👍🏻💯
Result PT3 yg agak cemerlang, so adik ada basic yg agak kukuh jugaklah (contohnya subjek maths) dan subjek2 yg lain. Ini pun satu advantage utk pulun study dlm masa beberapa bulan utk improve from G to 7A. Kalau basic tak kukuh, pendapat akak mungkin tak sempat atau almost impossible. Apa pun semua tu rezeki dr Allah, tiada yg mustahil. Apapun, tahniah adik.. video motivasi yg sangat bagus contentnya. Selamat maju jaya buat adik. ❤
If you fail to plan,it means you plan to fail. Thank you, im a bit early (12 years old) but i do have the same problem. Just being able to study is already a miracle,lets work hard not to let down the expectations of our parents.The doa of our parents are medicine to us. Accept those scoldings from your teacher,know that it is a sort of love.It just means that your instructor/teacher wants you to get better. Never give up,know that Allah S.W.T is always there to support you. P.S: admath tu susah sangat ke? habis lupa nak cakap melayu.
Disagreed, putting pressure on yourself just to meet people's expectations is very unhealthy. Take it from someone who's been there. I've seen countless people (myself included) wanting to succeed for their parents and getting completely overwhelmed by the pressure. I even have a straight A friend who still doubted that he will succeed in the real exam. We pretty much sacrifice our own happiness and mental health trying to make our parents proud. Sure, the teachers and the parents want us to succeed but what they don't realise is how we really feel.
staying in class Furqan has A LOT of pressure, i messed up last MPP2, and not in the Straight A's candidate list anymore... i think i have 5A's so far but still, the lowest rank in my class, but thank you kakpia for uploading this video, it means a lot. do pray for us
I really want to know how u manage your time and how u istiqomah for your studies cuz I'm a SPM candidate for this year but still don't know where to start . And I want to know how u hafal all the subject that you need to hafal like syariah and others . Thanks for your warm words akak ! 😭🥰
Syariah best sangat! Fokus pada kata kunci dan konsep bila mai part kena hafal istilah tu. Then untuk hukum etc bahagi2 ikut kategori ; contohnya tajuk perkahwinan jenis talak etc
Aunty nk share my doter punye tips cara utk persediaan nk dekat SPM (result 10A straight). Tidur seawal pkul 10 mlm. Bangun pkul 3.30-4 pagi. Solat tahajud & ulangkaji. Take a short nap sblum solat subuh. No social media. Dia delete apps kat hp (fb & instagram) sampai habis SPM. Guna fon utk study & communicate dgn teachers je. Tampal self notes kat dinding meja study utk motivate diri. Yg penting, jaga akhlak, sentiasa berbuat baik dgn kedua ibu bapa, jaga kesihatan & cukupkan waktu tidur, jaga solat & kurangkan hiburan. Belajar rajin2 tu satu usaha & ikhtiar. Result bagus atau tak bagus tu Allah yg tentukan. So klau nk berjaya, jagalah hubungan kita dgnNya. All the best ye!
You know what , I fail 5 subject in my previous exam , n I feel down feel like I'm useless , n it's hard for me to move on , I distance myself from everyone . , but this vid make me feel motivated thanks for doing this video 😊
Not a single person in this world is born to be useless, trust me sis. Get help, don't distance yourself - it'll only make things worse. First, talk to someone. Be open to ur parents. See your teacher, share ur problems & they'll help u. Be close to other students who u can rely on - copy their study methods. Study with them. Do past year's questions. And most importantly, each time u feel down, take wudhu, do 2 rakaats dhuha & open any pages from the quran randomly. U'll be fine. All the best! ❤️
Dulu saya spm trial 3G something macam tu. And 3A je. But I managed to get 7A for SPM. And went to matriculation. It's never too late. Yang penting focus dan jangan main phone kecuali on weekends. 2nd, buat past questions a lot.
@@gdvbs6668 but howwww nak distance kan myself from phone since I need to using it for online classes , but thank you for ur worddd , I'm appreciate it 😊✨ Yah it's never too late to start again , n yah I'm doing better for my currently exam
Thank you so much 😭 very motivation Lepas pkp ni terus rs down je nk study. Lagi² lepas PT3 dibatalkan. And mcm tetiber je masuk form 4. Setiap kali nk study tu tak tahu kenapa ada je alasan nk mengelat. Lepastu fikir dah lambat dah nk study balik apa yang dah tertinggal before this. And please share how you improve addmath🙏
pukul tiga pagi dah pun tapi masih belum dpt tidur. tanda tanda kesedaran mula datang dah. buka TH-cam cari inspiration utk start belajar pagi nanti pastu terjumpa channel akak ni sekali lagi. thank you for the advice.
My spm journey was tough back then in 2007. I never ever had the urge to study at all. At my times there were no internet connection, no youtubes, ig , tiktoks and so on (we do had jaring at that time but it was like 56.6kbps meh) . My result were bad when I failed all my maths + sciences subjects at that time , like literally G’s. We tend to have motivation class and so on and I still remember, the biggest motivation that you could get is from your parents, as well as your future outtakes. coz remember adik2 sisters and brothers, spm only comes ONCE.. I didnt plan my future, but I realised back then that parents are everything. Alhamdulillah, my result were good soon after, pursue in medicine at overseas and back to Malaysia for work.. but still, going to school, do school homeworks, are the best moment you could get.
Im in the EXACT same situation, science stream, last place, sekolah agama, active in koku and many F's in exams. Im a form 4 student and trying to find someone to relate and find motivations from since i feel like im one of the worse case..thank you so much
tengah study sains sekarang and then tiba tiba rasa malas, tengok video akak sofia terus rasa semangat balik. GOODLUCK FOR SPM CANDIDATES 2022. FIGHTING
Aku pun dulu low juga masa form 3. Lepastu, tetiba tergerak la nak berubah. Letak mindset kita saing bukan utk org but 4 our own future. Kalau nak study sejarah dulu aku paling low ah dalam kelas and cikgu sejarah kelas aku garang beb. Aku kena target je setiap kali kelas dia. Tapi dia bagi tips kalau nak A+ sejarah, baca tu baca jugak 2 bijik buku tu. And fokus KBAT. Trust me. Walaupun soalan tu 2 ke 3 markah ke, kalau aku blank aku bantai je jawab kbat. Alhamdulillah A+ sejarah ku. X nyesal kena maki cikgu setiap kelas. And kalau english aku lingkup beb. Subjek bahasa memang cikgu pun fed up dgn aku. And ... ni ikut korang la. Jangan percaya spot. Ikut korang la nak ikut ke tak. Sbb ramai member aku kecewa spot cikgu bagi untuk mid sem exam xde masuk langsung. Yep, cikgu² aku suka troll.
Nasihat macam ni sangat diperlukan untuk generasi muda bukan nasihat tak belajar pun boleh jadi kaya, SPM 9G pun boleh pakai mustang. Take time to study. You will never regret your life. It's not about either you should be a genius or not. You can see the big different between an educated person and not especially in communication. It's never too late in seeking knowledge. All the best semua!
Hi batch 04 or other batch too I hope if youre watching this korg akan semangat study k. I selalu juga tengok video camni sebagai pembakar semangat . walaupun pkp haritu ada hikmah jugak disebaliknya. Jgn putus asa u guys still have time to study . Kalau jenis cpt catch up study 2 weeks before un ok but for yg blum fhm sgt u guys better tnya cg or watch some youtube for more info . Actually thats what i do for my math . Tak tau nk type ape lagini kalau nk tanya silakan . Good luck yall !!!😘💐
THANKYOUU KAK IM CRYING OMG 😭🤍🤍 thankyou so much kak , u motivated me through this vdeo 😭 saya blum insaf since awal f4 sehingga la tgh trial ni , study tu study tpi main’ takfocus pun :( saya kelas depan and kdang’ down juga sbb classmate smua start study hard while me masi chill ( yes sure karau la spm dekat tpi masih baring scroll tiktok ) ur vdeo tetiba lalu while tgh cari lagu , aaa thankyou sm 😭😭 and goodluck spm batch 04 :( fighting !! 🤍
Sengaja akk nak share tips akk. Faham setiap student mesti ada subject yg kita xboleh nk perform well. . Pengalaman akk masa degree, subject yg paling takut adalah Digital Control System. Memang repeat paper banyak kali. . Bila akk start kerja, fail tu x boleh. Nak tak nak kena buat sampai boleh. Dari situ akk belajar mcm mna nk solve problem. . Bila akk continue master degree sambil kerja, Digital Control System masih lagi nigtmare for me. So, what I did is, benda yg akk x faham, the topics or subtopics, baca sampai faham. Ulang2, sampai faham. Kalau x tahu mcm mna jalan kira A akan dapat result B, cari kat internet. InsyaAllah semua mak nenek ada. . Even akk x perform well masa bachelor degree, alhamdulillah master degree sangat2 puas hati. . Hopefully adik2 sekarang belajar bersungguh2 suapaya menjadi penjaga negara in future. InsyaAllah..
Hi assalamualaikum kak. Boleh saya tahu akak sambung Master untuk jadi lecturer ke? Mind share boleh tak cgpa akak utk master? I need kekuatan dan semangat 😌
@@gdvbs6668 Alaykumussalam..semanagt akk sambung belaja sebb family..akk fk nk sediakan terbaik utk mak ayah, sedara mara..nak anak2 sedara belaja dlm keadaan xperlu fk kan duit. Dulu akk dlm keadaan yg mcm tu. Tujuan asal nk sambung tu sebb rasanya banyak benda yg xtahu..rasa loss. Habis bljar master banyak benda belajar, akadamik n sosial juga. Akk grad dengan distinction 3.86 kat um. Dekat 10 tahun dlm industry, letih yakmat, insyaAllah akan going to phd..and end up dengan lecturer. Akk nk korek industry dulu so that bila jadinlecturer tahu nk ckp kat budak2 real case mcm mna..😊 all the best for future awak.
@@sitiasmahabdullah8186 semoga saya berjaya macam akak suatu hari nanti aamiin yarabbal alamin. May my dream to become a TESL lecturer will come true! Insyallah. Tq so much akak for the words :)
now I'm a matric student..so I really want more about your journey study..coz I lose some confidence to study..It is so tiring because I need a lot of energy and sometimes I fail to motivate myself..u know with odl classes it gives a lot of pressure..
I love your last quotes sofeaaa😭♥️ sometimes I pun tak tahu apa yg I nk buat end up main phone then study pun kejap kejap je esok lupa aaaa thanks so much sofeaaa🥺♥️💜
tak mustahil kita sebagai pelajar paling corot dlm sekolah berubah jadi pelajar cemerlang dalam sekolah...selalu org cakap nk bt apa dh terlambat..tapi aku dapat buktikan aku boleh bejaya jugak mcm org lain...alhamdulillah aku dapat 7A dlm SPM 2021(tpi add math x kesampaian la nk dpt A 😅 mcm akak ni)
Ya,saya pun pelik kat exam sekolah selalu susah2 nak jawab ,pastu results tak begitu cemerlang,pastu masa Spm 2020,results saya dpt 5A 1B 1C ,padahal saya belajar sederhana kat online kelas ,cukup tidur ,belajar 2-4 jam ,tapi dah rezeki sya masatu
Assalamualaikum kak Sofia. I'm form four. No doubt when I became a science stream student, I can feel the pressure everyday. But it's good to know that it's never too late to start studying and get a good result. I'm going to have my first exam with spm format in one month. I can't deny that I'm pretty nervous. But I'll keep my chin up and do my best. Btw, thank you for this video. I'll replay it Everytime I lose motivation. Thank you for your attention. Have a good day🤗 anyway before I end this comment , I just want to say for everyone who are struggling with studying, don't give up, and have a life. Life is not just about studying. It's never too late to chase everything that you left behind. Au revoir 🙋 ( Btw sorry for any grammatically error )
It's about 58 days before spm and this vid come across my reels idk either I sempat lagi ke tak but I think maybe this hint from Allah it's enough I main" for my percubaan haritu I get 5G like sis but you such a long time but me in short time I really hoping I can realise it's earlier I'm feel so stupid right now..I'm scared so much scared if I'm fail in spm,,anyway I'm praying everyone who read my luahan hati here get cemerlang result jgn trlambat macam Aku bru nk realise skrg and pls praying for my spm too lot of love to you all batch 05 Goodluck for our future
All the tips given by u so useful..hope i can do better on spm that coming soon... Dahlah Sya ambil 10 subject all in new sillibus and the most hurt we learn all subject in English...including math and Addmath...😭 Kita orglah batch 2004 yg paling sengsara😭😭..Btw, congrats sis😄😍..x sabar nak tunggu next video☺
Thank you sis🥺 saya rasa down gila nak bljar wktu lockdown ni. Rasa Malas and sometimes rasa terbeban dgn online classes. When I watching your video, my spirit rises again. And I hope, I will continue to be eager to learn. Thank you so much sis❤️❤️
Awk mengingat kn sy dri sy yg dlu..stdy last minute..2 subject tmbh dlm spm..study sndri..n then dpt 10A 1B..msuk utm xde istilah last minute..add math spm anda rasa sush..msuk u kacang rupenye..haha..n then skrg dh keje kt japan..so..last minute bgntung pd otak korg..tu je..😆😆😆
@@ariya._ owh..simple je..bg kn 2..heavy topic dgn minor topic..yg rasa sush nk bwt study dlu siap2..sbb yg sush nk bwt last minute memg payah nk hadam..so last minute ambil topic yg senang je..lg 1 create point yg pntg..sbb point tu ak jd tlintas bile kite lost saat mnjwb..
spm lagi 3hari , tapi satu apa pun tak baca 😭 dahlah f5 ni banyak main je 😔 thankyou fr the vd , i try to push myself even tahu dah tak sempat ! goodluck batch 04 !!
Ak nk spm lagi berapa hari lagi tpi ak lngsung tak improve diri aku . Time ii nk dekat exam ni la mcm ii masalah dtg dan masalah mental health sgt mengganggu . Weh srs aku tkblh go , dh brapa kali aku nk undur diri dri belajar like aku nk berenti skolah . Trial spm baru ii ni sgt ii mengecewakan bagi aku . 1A n 3G ! Mashaa Allah , ak betul ii down . Tkde sape nk bgi dorongan tmbh ii member ii family sume buat aku rasa down . Mcm ii masalah aku ni lah . Aku nk berjaya tpi macam mana nk bermula , siapa nk bgi aku dorongan . Aku perlukan motivasi , semangat dan sokongan . Aku nk bggakan keluarga aku tpi aku rasa takmampu dan aku mmg cpt giveup . Tlg aku , aku nk berjaya jgk .
my result form 5 mid year exam is 2G and its math and addmath im like wow cuz im transfer students and yeay im feel really bad bruhh and my math teacher was really mad i was like wow tak pernah kena marah mcm gini😂 but its okay im still gonna get A for it
I just wanna be the first to say that this piece of music is a masterpiece. When Prettyboyjay comes in, I'm honestly blown away. I was having a pretty rough week but this song and specifically this verse got me through the tough times. I just wanna say thank you and don't stop what you're doing. Mad respek fam mans is icy wagwan mid ballup fam feelin bless up my crodie. Big ups 💯🥶
Omg I feel u..time f4 seriously main2 time study I kinda lost interest in study after my mom meninggal,than mc 2weeks sbb sakit mate so ketinggalan bnyk topik.. +math dpt below 30 ok..so even SPM tak straight a's but I'm glad that all my elective subject got B+
Masha Allah 😭 7A bagi saya dh terlampau bnyk. Tq share kak. Alhamdulillah 🤲 Insha Allah,saya akan cuba yg terbaik mcm Kak Sofia buat🥰🥰🥰 doakan saya ya kak.
hii I have a few tips for English. I mean if you want la. Anyway try watching a lot of English movie with ENGLISH subtitles. Read a lot of books in English and highlight the word you don’t understand and search for it. Once you do that, try to use that word in a sentence, last but not the least practice it all the time w your friends and family. Hope this help !
Masa form 4 memang MALAS sngt pastu x serious . Penat jg laa jadi bodoh pastu tgk results yg impossible and x sangka mcm tue . And then nmpk org sekeliling usaha nak lulus kita pun push . Doakan kita semua berjaya dunia akhirat
pls this is so helpful , nowadays so many students lost too much topic on studies , including me , so we need to restudy balik untuk catch everything and this is so helpful , thank you sofia , may Allah ease everything for you Aamiin
hi I'm a form 4 student and just got my biology paper and I got a F 😢 I'm a very active student too selalu tak masuk kelas and bila dah masuk kelas asyik tidur.. actually I have a feelings yang I akan fail my physics, chemistry and add math papers cause I was clueless gila time jawab rasa macam tak pernah belajar. now I feel very motivated and I tahu I pandai kalau i usaha cause dulu I tak pernah dapat A for math since primary school and suddenly masuk high school I always get an A tapi sayang my elective subjects are F. I believe yang relationship kita dengan Allah also penting cause tbh I jarang solat and I rasa I dah dapat hidayah untuk kembali dekat dia.. thank you so much for this motivating video!
this motivated me the most , thank you ! i actually got the same result as you in my second exam in form 4 , i failed sciece stream subjects , i could use your tips for my study , thank you ! I'll do my best for SPM next year .
I'm so so glad that you are here 😢❤ I'm from Malaysia and I'm still dealing with my study issues. I'm always depressed and embarrassed about my grades for not getting higher marks and my family always compare mine to other people's grades.... but if its possible, could you please make one or two vids about how to get a better grade for bm and sej? Or maybe like nota ringkas for those 2 subs? Right now I'm F4 and Next yr F5. These two subjects is my weakest subjects so I need to get a better grade like A (I know pass is OK already but I couldn't stay only pass forever..) 😭🙏🙏🙏
Thank you so much akak cuz i cried when i heard about ur trial result becuz all ur situation is the same as me at form4 i cant focus cuz i have a lot mssd koko activities and i can focus exam but this year i will take spm in feb and mac(spm promax) and for ot1 i got 4G ") bcuz of ur word, i ve been motivated to study and work hard bcuz i m not gifted person tq so much kak doakan spm saya 2022 bulan mac inshaAllah😭
"Tak prnh pun terlambat utk start buat sesuatu, Get up from ur bed and start studying-"U motivated me in just 15 sec 😭(Thank U so much!) Btw, do u mind sharing the past year questions that u did? 🤧
source: trust me bro
btw nme kita sme
yasss !!
@@najmi4199 I liked this one
spm journey motivational video
Hi everyone mostly batch 04 and lower! I wish you all good luck for the SPM thats just around the corner 😭. If anyone have any tips to study sejarah pls let me know huhu. Btw congratulations for kak. That was a very amazing journey!
yes yess please i need to improve my sejarah jugaaak 😭
hai! use active recall method
@@natasha9895 hii can you explain how
sy batch 01.. dlu masa sklh sejarah selalu kurang sbb malas mau baca.. starting from form 5.. sejarah A atau B, A atau B jaa keputusan.. smpailah SPM pun B+.. waktu kelas sejarah, yall dgr apa cgu explain. I get it mmg susah mau memorized sbb sonetimes the way the teacher ajar boring..but what i did is nnti i will read again the notes or apa2 la buku sejarah then try to understand.. how I confirm yg mmg I really faham is after baca, i'll tell the story to my friends. If jalan cerita dia salah my kawan akan bgtau. Sejarah ni kna study mcm becerita. kalau baca utk hafal saja mmg susah sbb banyak sgt.. Gudluck SPM CANDIDATES😊
Batch 07 here so nervous 😢
Sama lah Kita, semoga saya dapat 7A
Bulan 9 percubaan
Bulan 8 dah percubaan
Thank you for this...♡
Dah bulan 10... but baru nk sedar 🥲... but i believe in myself , bkn x pndai cuma malas yng lebih... so kalu ade sesape yng sama sprti saya dont worry... its nvr too late to strt . Stay strong ✊
Yes I'm not trying to be cocky or what but I know that I'm not stupid but I just being lazy n now I just realised to study for my future😭🤣🤣
yess do😭kita pndai but malas
@@aleesyaimansofia8242 so true😭
fighting bebe !
Saya merupakn antara bekas pelajar spm2020...Nak dijadikan cerita masa ujian percubaan SPM dulu,saya boleh dikatakn tk berapa cemerlang lah,saya dapat 1A je...masa tu,tktahulah tiba2 motivasi dlm diri naik... alhmdulillah saya dapat 6A untuk spm tahun ni🤧...antara tips yg boleh saya share ialah...tolong korban masa utk belajar trutama masa pdpr wlaupun klas on9..tipulah kalau saya kata masa klas on9 tak boring,..rasa boring tu akn ada😂😂wlaupun rasa boring tu ada,saya tetap truskn mndngar apa yg ckgu saya ajar sbab saya nak dapat berkat ilmu drpd ckgu...lagi2 nk spm...kalau nk main game mcm pubg tu boleh je,nk hilangkn rasa stress~kalau stress sgt bhaya jugk😂😂tapi jenis saya ni bukn jenis suka main game..saya biasanya kurangkn stress sya dgen melayari internet sprti FB trutama youtubelah😂😂 kdua niat tu msti ada dlm diri klau nk berjaya,hnya dgn niat kita boleh lwn penyakit MALAS...penyakit ni hanya kita semdiri yg boleh lwn...Ktiga~solat jgm lupa...yg ni paling penting..Minta kat Allah permudahkn mnghafal dan memahami apa yg ckgu ajar kt skolah...permudhkn mudah fhm soaln spm n lmbutkn hati pemeriksa...Keempat..hormat ibu bapa..wlaupun kita sibuk blajar,klau mcm ibu kita suruh buat sesuatu,buat je...jgn takut...nanti ilmu kita mkin berkat..tu saja perkongsian saya..harap junior2 saya trus sukses dlam spm 2021♥️♥️♥️
Saya terinspirasi dgn kata² awak ni😭bila saya baca apa yg awak ckp ni..dia mcm bagi semangat..saya dah bulan 10 baru ada semangat.. sebelum ni ada la jgk semangat tu..tapi naik turun.. thanks sgt✨♥️
@@inazz7713 Alhmdulillah...truskn usaha👍👍👍usaha boleh buat mula dari skrng..belum lmbat lagi... Insyaallah,Allah bagi rezeki nanti..saya pun dulu sbnrnya usaha last minit jugk masa SPM🤣🤣🤣Dlm masa yg sama,saya doakn semoga awak beroleh kcemerlngn dlm SPM tahun ni..Aminn🤲🤲
@@faikrulradzi197 aminn..semoga awak pon berjaya di dunia dan akhirat, dan di permudahkan urusan..aminn.bubye🌼
Rasa semangat bila baca comment ni
ya allah i pun dapat 1a je masa trial and 5gs.. your words says a lot that nothing is impossible 😭
"you really need to plan what you want to study because if you fail to plan, you're plan to fail" hit me. wish all the best 07, we can do this!
me clicking because i saw 5G to 7A , then she mentioned she got 11A for pt3 🙃
fr *crying
Yes..feel that
me too sis me too💀😭
orang genius belajar kejap je dah terus masuk otak macam sofia . like member aku jugak tido , pemalas dalam kelas pastu next day dia cakap dia ada study 3 jam addmath 2 bab terus faham . aku 3 jam belum tentu faham satu bab 😭😭😭 insecure sia dengan budak genius / belajar kejap dah masuk otak hm
Tapi guys kalau yg dpt low result pun dont worries. Insyaallaha ada peluang kat luar sana. Try masuk kat mana2 kolej ke uni ke , then takde dh istilah nak main2 , kena stdy hard lah, sbb spm dh buat biasa je kan. Pastikan CGPA maintain, insyaallah you will survive too. But anyway, kalau baru tsedar seminggu nak spm bru nak stdy ke kan , takpe lah. Get up, bangun pagi2 study. Mana tahu miracle will come and you will pass w flying colours. ❤
Thanks bagi semangat ❤️
What i did for addmath is, first, sy akan fokus betul2 masa cg ajar. Sambil fokus, sambil fahamkan, buat conclusion sendiri kenapa kena buat camtu. Bila sy x faham, sy memang akan down. Then x leh fokus apa cikgu ckp. Tapi sy akan salin je dulu semua yg cikgu tulis. Balik asrama, bila dh tenang, sy akan bukak balik buku tu, then baca balik satu2. Kalau x faham jugak, sy bukak buku teks/ buku rujukan addmath, then baca. Sy tengok contoh2 soalan & jalan penyelesaian yg dia bagi. Then try fahamkan kenapa dia buat camtu. Kalau x faham jugak, tanya cikgu or kawan. Then, bila dh faham sikit2, barula sy buat latihan dlm buku spm. Sbb sy punya prinsip, sy kena faham kan dulu tajuk tu, barula boleh jawab soalan2 nanti. Lagi satu, bila kita dh betul2 faham, kita akan lebih ingat.
Memang buku teks & buku latihan byk membantu sy :) buku nota yg kita buat pun penting jugak . Boleh buat rujukan utk saat2 terakhir.
Lagi satu, tips utk math and addmath, banyakkan buat latihan. Yg ni kena rajin sikit. Boleh jugak kita wajibkan sehari tu satu set ke. Kalau ada soalan x tau or ada salah, rujuk jawapan then fahamkan kenapa jawapan camtu. X pun tanya kwn or cikgu macam mana nk buat.
Yes,Its not easy. But not impossible :)
For those who are struggling now, keep fighting 🥰 nothing impossible. In sha allah your hardwork will be paid off one day :)
I never expect that i can get A+ for addmath in SPM. But alhamdulillah i did it 🥰 so just believe in yourself and believe in Allah 🥰
Thank u so much.. Im so scared..
The thing is that my addmath teacher are so fast and when i don't understand she sometimes mad cuz im not understanding anything even after she explain again (ofc in the fast way again) idk what to do cuz im not that close to other classmate so i don't have anyone to help me *sigh*
@@moomoo87 Try watching different addmath TH-cam video
(Search ikut bab/tajuk yang tak faham)
There are some that helpful
(Hope this helps)
I hope one day i can get add math A+ in SPM like y❤
@@jebewonn thanks utk tips👍
assalamualaikum , doakan saye spm tahun inie 2023 semoga yang mane menduduki peperiksaan SPM semoga berjayaa dunia dan akhirat, kita sesama belajar dan kita sesama berjayaa , aminnn ❤
Assalamualaikum kak, akak dah dpt result kan? Cuba bgthu grednya
i am batch 07, batch paling sengsara sbb spm diawalkan n kitorang barely ada persediaan sbb masuk form 5 bulan mac, spm pulak bulan 11 so memang stres giler..
masa form 3 pulak memang x serius langsung sbb pt3 dah diganti dengan UASA.. so masa masuk form 4 memang macam kena culture shock 😭.. pastu pejam celik dah form 5..
i hope i watch your video and academic inspiration videos more sooner tho.. apa ii pun nice content kak sofia. salam dri batch 07
Semoga Muhammad Syahmi Iman bin Muhazam mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam SPM 2021 Aamiin🤲🏻 Thanks yg doakan🥺
Doakan Saya Dan batch 04 yg lain supaya dapat keputusan cemerlang dalam spm 2021✨😊...
-target nak habis semua silibus for subjek yg susah nak score
-3 months before trial habiskan semua f4/f5 for each subject
- bulan 6 : study math sahaja
-bulan 7/8 : study subject yg susah bagi u
-before trial buat byk latihan topikal
Got 4G during F4 2020 (chem phy addm and math) and got 3G until now for all those subject except math. And my teachers started to look down on me :) Really wish I can be like you for my up coming spm 2021. All best of luck to other 04’ candidates. We can do it !!!!
good luck awak!
U can doit
we can do this 🥰🥰🥰
goodluck semua !!!
3G? 4G? Apa barang...kita dah zaman 5G..hahahhhaa 🙈
omg kak sofia!! nilah video yg plg sesuai utk saya !! 😭😭 bcs i mmg main22 sngt2 masa f4 smpai rasa apa aku blajar f4 tu...mmg rse x fham ape2 sesuatu bab tu...and yah...form 5 too😔😔sbb study online senang ponteng kelas hm....AND SAYA TGK NI PADA 2 OCTOBER which mean ada 3 bulan lg utk SPM...mcm akak!...nak ikut lab tips ni manatau berkesan😭😭 sbb saya x tau camne nak study skrg ni..byk x cover lg tapi still mcm lost...kata2 terakhir akak sngt2 mmbantu tingkatkan motivation study saya 😭yg selamani hilang entah ke mana .. thankyouuu..sooo muchhh hmm... i really need thiss....sbb slalu rase dh lambat nak start studyy .. rsa sempat ke ni nak cover smua....i hope i got 7 A like u too...bcs saya target 6 7 A je mcmtu...aamiin...saya doakan smua calon spm 2021 batch 04 dipermudahkan urusan belajar & cemerlangg SPM berjaya dunia akhirat aaamiin ♥️♥️
Me too 🥺😞😭
Aminn gudluck
Doa, amik masa 1 subjek tu 1 jam lebih, fahamkan dan buat nota untuk senang faham.. caya mesti bole, aq dari 5 gagal boleh dpt 5c+🫂
I agreed with Sofea .When we were too active in form 4, rarely attend class and just wanted to start everything in form 5, thats so struggling. 😭 But it's not too late for us to start yea! ! 💫
i trials lagi 18 hari and i feel so burnt out from all the online assignments that i didnt do in the past few months (due to depression and procrastination) and all the leteran daripada cikgu2 sekolah about how we are so slow in class and not so responsive, but can you really blame the students tho?? tambahan lagi dengan rasa takut yang teramat nak pegi sekolah. bukan takut mata pelajaran, tapi takut dengan cikgu. they expect so much from us, tu belum tambah lagi high expectation from family :( it's currently 1 am and i'm willing to make a change right now. i believe that it's never too late to start. rasa sakit penat dari burn out dan depression tu memang perit, tetapi perit kebodohan tu lagi sakit. i am going to sacrifice a lot of entertainment from now on for the sake of my future. good luck everyone who's seeing this.
(tetapi perit kebodohan tu lagi sakit) Your words hits me deep
Kimi no kotoba wa sugoku setsuna desu. Sorry,terasa sangat nak tulis ni,dont mind me
Goodluckk 06!!!! May Allah ease everything for us. Aamin aamiin ya Mujib 🤍🤍
so glad to find this kind of vid! she’s really motivated me for study and “its never late to started something” aww this is really make me wanna cry so bad😭 thankyou sofea!! make more video i’ll always support you🤍 goodluck for spm candidate 2021
THANKYOU FOR SHARING 🥺 the best motivation for people like me yg suka sgt study last minute .. study last minute tak salah.. last minute yg dimaksudkan a few months before bukan a few days before 🙂👍🏻💯
Result PT3 yg agak cemerlang, so adik ada basic yg agak kukuh jugaklah (contohnya subjek maths) dan subjek2 yg lain. Ini pun satu advantage utk pulun study dlm masa beberapa bulan utk improve from G to 7A. Kalau basic tak kukuh, pendapat akak mungkin tak sempat atau almost impossible. Apa pun semua tu rezeki dr Allah, tiada yg mustahil. Apapun, tahniah adik.. video motivasi yg sangat bagus contentnya. Selamat maju jaya buat adik. ❤
If you fail to plan,it means you plan to fail. Thank you, im a bit early (12 years old) but i do have the same problem. Just being able to study is already a miracle,lets work hard not to let down the expectations of our parents.The doa of our parents are medicine to us. Accept those scoldings from your teacher,know that it is a sort of love.It just means that your instructor/teacher wants you to get better. Never give up,know that Allah S.W.T is always there to support you.
P.S: admath tu susah sangat ke? habis lupa nak cakap melayu.
Disagreed, putting pressure on yourself just to meet people's expectations is very unhealthy. Take it from someone who's been there. I've seen countless people (myself included) wanting to succeed for their parents and getting completely overwhelmed by the pressure. I even have a straight A friend who still doubted that he will succeed in the real exam. We pretty much sacrifice our own happiness and mental health trying to make our parents proud. Sure, the teachers and the parents want us to succeed but what they don't realise is how we really feel.
Alhamdulillah addmath easy if you focus and not play²
staying in class Furqan has A LOT of pressure, i messed up last MPP2, and not in the Straight A's candidate list anymore... i think i have 5A's so far but still, the lowest rank in my class, but thank you kakpia for uploading this video, it means a lot. do pray for us
I really want to know how u manage your time and how u istiqomah for your studies cuz I'm a SPM candidate for this year but still don't know where to start . And I want to know how u hafal all the subject that you need to hafal like syariah and others . Thanks for your warm words akak ! 😭🥰
Yeah me too!
Syariah best sangat! Fokus pada kata kunci dan konsep bila mai part kena hafal istilah tu. Then untuk hukum etc bahagi2 ikut kategori ; contohnya tajuk perkahwinan jenis talak etc
Aunty nk share my doter punye tips cara utk persediaan nk dekat SPM (result 10A straight). Tidur seawal pkul 10 mlm. Bangun pkul 3.30-4 pagi. Solat tahajud & ulangkaji. Take a short nap sblum solat subuh. No social media. Dia delete apps kat hp (fb & instagram) sampai habis SPM. Guna fon utk study & communicate dgn teachers je. Tampal self notes kat dinding meja study utk motivate diri. Yg penting, jaga akhlak, sentiasa berbuat baik dgn kedua ibu bapa, jaga kesihatan & cukupkan waktu tidur, jaga solat & kurangkan hiburan. Belajar rajin2 tu satu usaha & ikhtiar. Result bagus atau tak bagus tu Allah yg tentukan. So klau nk berjaya, jagalah hubungan kita dgnNya. All the best ye!
@@syigloo thank u aunty 🥰🥰🥰 doakan kejayaan saya spm tklama lgi 🥰🥰
Start dgn bismillah
Esok saya ujian bertutur bm/bi, doakan saya dan batch 08 agar dapat menduduki ujian PAT/UASA dengan lancar. Aamiin 🤍☺️
You know what , I fail 5 subject in my previous exam , n I feel down feel like I'm useless , n it's hard for me to move on , I distance myself from everyone . , but this vid make me feel motivated thanks for doing this video 😊
Not a single person in this world is born to be useless, trust me sis. Get help, don't distance yourself - it'll only make things worse. First, talk to someone. Be open to ur parents. See your teacher, share ur problems & they'll help u. Be close to other students who u can rely on - copy their study methods. Study with them. Do past year's questions. And most importantly, each time u feel down, take wudhu, do 2 rakaats dhuha & open any pages from the quran randomly. U'll be fine. All the best! ❤️
Dulu saya spm trial 3G something macam tu. And 3A je. But I managed to get 7A for SPM. And went to matriculation. It's never too late. Yang penting focus dan jangan main phone kecuali on weekends. 2nd, buat past questions a lot.
mcm mne nak motivate diri sendiri utk study ek? dgn kerja khusus nya lagi😌
@@mina-du6mj jap awak tanya saya ke org atas eh? Confuse jap dgn komen yt ni
@@gdvbs6668 but howwww nak distance kan myself from phone since I need to using it for online classes , but thank you for ur worddd , I'm appreciate it 😊✨ Yah it's never too late to start again , n yah I'm doing better for my currently exam
Thank you so much 😭
very motivation
Lepas pkp ni terus rs down je nk study. Lagi² lepas PT3 dibatalkan. And mcm tetiber je masuk form 4. Setiap kali nk study tu tak tahu kenapa ada je alasan nk mengelat. Lepastu fikir dah lambat dah nk study balik apa yang dah tertinggal before this.
And please share how you improve addmath🙏
pukul tiga pagi dah pun tapi masih belum dpt tidur. tanda tanda kesedaran mula datang dah. buka TH-cam cari inspiration utk start belajar pagi nanti pastu terjumpa channel akak ni sekali lagi.
thank you for the advice.
My spm journey was tough back then in 2007. I never ever had the urge to study at all. At my times there were no internet connection, no youtubes, ig , tiktoks and so on (we do had jaring at that time but it was like 56.6kbps meh) . My result were bad when I failed all my maths + sciences subjects at that time , like literally G’s. We tend to have motivation class and so on and I still remember, the biggest motivation that you could get is from your parents, as well as your future outtakes. coz remember adik2 sisters and brothers, spm only comes ONCE.. I didnt plan my future, but I realised back then that parents are everything. Alhamdulillah, my result were good soon after, pursue in medicine at overseas and back to Malaysia for work.. but still, going to school, do school homeworks, are the best moment you could get.
Thank u bang! I really need this motivation😭
Thanks a lot and all the best !!
Jaring tu mahal tu 😌😌😌
your speech made me want to cry,so sebak:( thank you for the motivation
lepas dengarni terus rasa nk belajar & stop tgk drama terus 😄 unbelievable thankyouuu😝goodluck spm batch 04
Im in the EXACT same situation, science stream, last place, sekolah agama, active in koku and many F's in exams. Im a form 4 student and trying to find someone to relate and find motivations from since i feel like im one of the worse case..thank you so much
Same thing
tengah study sains sekarang and then tiba tiba rasa malas, tengok video akak sofia terus rasa semangat balik. GOODLUCK FOR SPM CANDIDATES 2022. FIGHTING
I love this kind of video and the WAY you talk and motivated others
Aku pun dulu low juga masa form 3. Lepastu, tetiba tergerak la nak berubah. Letak mindset kita saing bukan utk org but 4 our own future. Kalau nak study sejarah dulu aku paling low ah dalam kelas and cikgu sejarah kelas aku garang beb. Aku kena target je setiap kali kelas dia. Tapi dia bagi tips kalau nak A+ sejarah, baca tu baca jugak 2 bijik buku tu. And fokus KBAT. Trust me. Walaupun soalan tu 2 ke 3 markah ke, kalau aku blank aku bantai je jawab kbat. Alhamdulillah A+ sejarah ku. X nyesal kena maki cikgu setiap kelas. And kalau english aku lingkup beb. Subjek bahasa memang cikgu pun fed up dgn aku. And ... ni ikut korang la. Jangan percaya spot. Ikut korang la nak ikut ke tak. Sbb ramai member aku kecewa spot cikgu bagi untuk mid sem exam xde masuk langsung. Yep, cikgu² aku suka troll.
Jealous sgt” dengan org yang ada byk free timee to studyy i wish i have it too..Semoga Allah permudahkan kita semua..Aamiin!🤲🏻
Nasihat macam ni sangat diperlukan untuk generasi muda bukan nasihat tak belajar pun boleh jadi kaya, SPM 9G pun boleh pakai mustang. Take time to study. You will never regret your life. It's not about either you should be a genius or not. You can see the big different between an educated person and not especially in communication. It's never too late in seeking knowledge. All the best semua!
Setuju walaupun ada yg gagal spm , x semestinya gagal forever , right?
Jgn gagal untuk akhirat je😢
your experience really makes me want to study hard from now to get the better result ! thank you so much for this video and advices
Baru nak study tapi bila tgk pfp awk terus nak tgk run bts-help
Hi batch 04 or other batch too
I hope if youre watching this korg akan semangat study k. I selalu juga tengok video camni sebagai pembakar semangat . walaupun pkp haritu ada hikmah jugak disebaliknya. Jgn putus asa u guys still have time to study . Kalau jenis cpt catch up study 2 weeks before un ok but for yg blum fhm sgt u guys better tnya cg or watch some youtube for more info . Actually thats what i do for my math . Tak tau nk type ape lagini kalau nk tanya silakan . Good luck yall !!!😘💐
Tahniah Dik. Selagi ada usaha selagi itu Allah bukakan peluang untuk kita berjaya dan berjaya lagi.
THANKYOUU KAK IM CRYING OMG 😭🤍🤍 thankyou so much kak , u motivated me through this vdeo 😭 saya blum insaf since awal f4 sehingga la tgh trial ni , study tu study tpi main’ takfocus pun :( saya kelas depan and kdang’ down juga sbb classmate smua start study hard while me masi chill ( yes sure karau la spm dekat tpi masih baring scroll tiktok ) ur vdeo tetiba lalu while tgh cari lagu , aaa thankyou sm 😭😭 and goodluck spm batch 04 :( fighting !! 🤍
Lesgo 1 month left you can do this 🔥
Sengaja akk nak share tips akk. Faham setiap student mesti ada subject yg kita xboleh nk perform well.
Pengalaman akk masa degree, subject yg paling takut adalah Digital Control System. Memang repeat paper banyak kali.
Bila akk start kerja, fail tu x boleh. Nak tak nak kena buat sampai boleh. Dari situ akk belajar mcm mna nk solve problem.
Bila akk continue master degree sambil kerja, Digital Control System masih lagi nigtmare for me. So, what I did is, benda yg akk x faham, the topics or subtopics, baca sampai faham. Ulang2, sampai faham. Kalau x tahu mcm mna jalan kira A akan dapat result B, cari kat internet. InsyaAllah semua mak nenek ada.
Even akk x perform well masa bachelor degree, alhamdulillah master degree sangat2 puas hati.
Hopefully adik2 sekarang belajar bersungguh2 suapaya menjadi penjaga negara in future. InsyaAllah..
thank you akak
Terima kasih akak, semoga dipermudah segala urusan
Hi assalamualaikum kak. Boleh saya tahu akak sambung Master untuk jadi lecturer ke? Mind share boleh tak cgpa akak utk master? I need kekuatan dan semangat 😌
@@gdvbs6668 Alaykumussalam..semanagt akk sambung belaja sebb family..akk fk nk sediakan terbaik utk mak ayah, sedara mara..nak anak2 sedara belaja dlm keadaan xperlu fk kan duit. Dulu akk dlm keadaan yg mcm tu. Tujuan asal nk sambung tu sebb rasanya banyak benda yg xtahu..rasa loss. Habis bljar master banyak benda belajar, akadamik n sosial juga. Akk grad dengan distinction 3.86 kat um. Dekat 10 tahun dlm industry, letih yakmat, insyaAllah akan going to phd..and end up dengan lecturer. Akk nk korek industry dulu so that bila jadinlecturer tahu nk ckp kat budak2 real case mcm mna..😊 all the best for future awak.
@@sitiasmahabdullah8186 semoga saya berjaya macam akak suatu hari nanti aamiin yarabbal alamin. May my dream to become a TESL lecturer will come true! Insyallah. Tq so much akak for the words :)
i've been follow you on tiktok, i really didn't expect that your voice is this mature cause your face look sooooooo cute.
now I'm a matric student..so I really want more about your journey study..coz I lose some confidence to study..It is so tiring because I need a lot of energy and sometimes I fail to motivate myself..u know with odl classes it gives a lot of pressure..
I love your last quotes sofeaaa😭♥️ sometimes I pun tak tahu apa yg I nk buat end up main phone then study pun kejap kejap je esok lupa aaaa thanks so much sofeaaa🥺♥️💜
tak mustahil kita sebagai pelajar paling corot dlm sekolah berubah jadi pelajar cemerlang dalam sekolah...selalu org cakap nk bt apa dh terlambat..tapi aku dapat buktikan aku boleh bejaya jugak mcm org lain...alhamdulillah aku dapat 7A dlm SPM 2021(tpi add math x kesampaian la nk dpt A 😅 mcm akak ni)
Ya,saya pun pelik kat exam sekolah selalu susah2 nak jawab ,pastu results tak begitu cemerlang,pastu masa Spm 2020,results saya dpt 5A 1B 1C ,padahal saya belajar sederhana kat online kelas ,cukup tidur ,belajar 2-4 jam ,tapi dah rezeki sya masatu
Yor content really2 kluar pada waktu yang tepatt🙂 i really need this. Thanks i feel a bit motivated rn😌🥰🥰 wish me luck for my stpm🥺
Sekolah memang melelahkan, tapi percaya lah Akan Ada satu titik Di masa depan dimana kamu berharap bisa kembali
Jadi jangan Sia Sia in waktu Yang ada
Assalamualaikum kak Sofia. I'm form four. No doubt when I became a science stream student, I can feel the pressure everyday. But it's good to know that it's never too late to start studying and get a good result. I'm going to have my first exam with spm format in one month. I can't deny that I'm pretty nervous. But I'll keep my chin up and do my best. Btw, thank you for this video. I'll replay it Everytime I lose motivation. Thank you for your attention. Have a good day🤗 anyway before I end this comment , I just want to say for everyone who are struggling with studying, don't give up, and have a life. Life is not just about studying. It's never too late to chase everything that you left behind. Au revoir 🙋
( Btw sorry for any grammatically error )
Its a bit shock that we will sit for SPM this december ...too much pressure😭
MashaAllah 👍🏻 jazakillahu khair kak Sofia 🤲🏻❤
thanks kak sofia sy mmg perlukan kata ii yg mcm akak sampaikan dlm video amat mnusuk hati 🙇 keep it up guys spm batch zero four !
It's about 58 days before spm and this vid come across my reels idk either I sempat lagi ke tak but I think maybe this hint from Allah it's enough I main" for my percubaan haritu I get 5G like sis but you such a long time but me in short time I really hoping I can realise it's earlier I'm feel so stupid right now..I'm scared so much scared if I'm fail in spm,,anyway I'm praying everyone who read my luahan hati here get cemerlang result jgn trlambat macam Aku bru nk realise skrg and pls praying for my spm too lot of love to you all batch 05 Goodluck for our future
okay tak result :>
Terima kasih Kak Sofia😄,memang betul 2 tersedar untuk hardworking in Spm lepas dengar motivasi kak
Thanks for the tips. you're motivated me to study and the rest of the day before SPM is going through.
goodluck batch 04 we can do this !
All the tips given by u so useful..hope i can do better on spm that coming soon... Dahlah Sya ambil 10 subject all in new sillibus and the most hurt we learn all subject in English...including math and Addmath...😭 Kita orglah batch 2004 yg paling sengsara😭😭..Btw, congrats sis😄😍..x sabar nak tunggu next video☺
Same here😭
Thank you sis🥺 saya rasa down gila nak bljar wktu lockdown ni. Rasa Malas and sometimes rasa terbeban dgn online classes. When I watching your video, my spirit rises again. And I hope, I will continue to be eager to learn. Thank you so much sis❤️❤️
Awk mengingat kn sy dri sy yg dlu..stdy last minute..2 subject tmbh dlm spm..study sndri..n then dpt 10A 1B..msuk utm xde istilah last minute..add math spm anda rasa sush..msuk u kacang rupenye..haha..n then skrg dh keje kt japan..so..last minute bgntung pd otak korg..tu je..😆😆😆
boleh bg tips tak ?
@@ariya._ tips yg mcm mne tu??
@@semaraknaga6309 study last minue tu , how , im so scared
@@ariya._ owh..simple je..bg kn 2..heavy topic dgn minor topic..yg rasa sush nk bwt study dlu siap2..sbb yg sush nk bwt last minute memg payah nk hadam..so last minute ambil topic yg senang je..lg 1 create point yg pntg..sbb point tu ak jd tlintas bile kite lost saat mnjwb..
@@semaraknaga6309 but tingal 3 months je lagi , how, pls,
spm lagi 3hari , tapi satu apa pun tak baca 😭 dahlah f5 ni banyak main je 😔 thankyou fr the vd , i try to push myself even tahu dah tak sempat ! goodluck batch 04 !!
Tak baca lansung jugak but that's on me ngl lagi 2 hari baru nk baca apa apa pun it is what it is
Yesss please share how you improve your addmath😭I'm struggling rn
Study with best student in add m3 and you will get better result, in sya Allah
Just do a lot of exercises
yes pleaseee
aaa sy sukaa sangat akak..inspired sangat..start from tiktok..to instagram..and now your videos popped up to my youtube..
this is why i love herr !!!! 😭😭😭💕
Ak nk spm lagi berapa hari lagi tpi ak lngsung tak improve diri aku . Time ii nk dekat exam ni la mcm ii masalah dtg dan masalah mental health sgt mengganggu . Weh srs aku tkblh go , dh brapa kali aku nk undur diri dri belajar like aku nk berenti skolah . Trial spm baru ii ni sgt ii mengecewakan bagi aku . 1A n 3G ! Mashaa Allah , ak betul ii down . Tkde sape nk bgi dorongan tmbh ii member ii family sume buat aku rasa down . Mcm ii masalah aku ni lah . Aku nk berjaya tpi macam mana nk bermula , siapa nk bgi aku dorongan . Aku perlukan motivasi , semangat dan sokongan . Aku nk bggakan keluarga aku tpi aku rasa takmampu dan aku mmg cpt giveup . Tlg aku , aku nk berjaya jgk .
More&more about study tips please❤️❤️❤️
saya nak thu macam mne nk faham dan hafal formula math😅
InsyaaAllah I’ll post another video for that🥰
@@sofiaroses2055 terima kasih❤️❤️❤️
Aku salute sofia ni sbb dia kawin awal . Fuh satu kputusan yg agak besar dlm hidup . Inspiring betul
my result for form5 mid year exam is 4G :> omg this video make me more motivated nowwww thank youuu 😭❤
You can do this insyaaAllah💪🏻 study hard & smart okayy🥰
@@sofiaroses2055 awww thank you :3
my result form 5 mid year exam is 2G and its math and addmath im like wow cuz im transfer students and yeay im feel really bad bruhh and my math teacher was really mad i was like wow tak pernah kena marah mcm gini😂 but its okay im still gonna get A for it
@@syehyra samee here, but physics and chemistry also i got fail HAAHAHAHAH :> don't worry we still got timeee good luck bestieee!!
Same 4G here, teachers started to look down on me :)
I just wanna be the first to say that this piece of music is a masterpiece. When Prettyboyjay comes in, I'm honestly blown away. I was having a pretty rough week but this song and specifically this verse got me through the tough times. I just wanna say thank you and don't stop what you're doing. Mad respek fam mans is icy wagwan mid ballup fam feelin bless up my crodie. Big ups 💯🥶
My man
why did i watch this 1month before spm😭 it's late bestie but still not too late. we can do it yall
And its my turn to take SPM this year... and i have less than a month. Wish me good luck :D
your english was so good 😭😭
Fighting batch 04 insha'Allah kita boleh .. sama ii kita usaha amin😊
Omg I feel u..time f4 seriously main2 time study I kinda lost interest in study after my mom meninggal,than mc 2weeks sbb sakit mate so ketinggalan bnyk topik.. +math dpt below 30 ok..so even SPM tak straight a's but I'm glad that all my elective subject got B+
Seram je nampak bayang2 orang lalu kat belakang tu 😂
Sama hahaha
very inspired me ! 🥺 tqsm for the useful tips ❤️ can you share your study journey after Spm for the next vd
Masha Allah 😭 7A bagi saya dh terlampau bnyk. Tq share kak. Alhamdulillah 🤲 Insha Allah,saya akan cuba yg terbaik mcm Kak Sofia buat🥰🥰🥰 doakan saya ya kak.
Aww 🥺 so interesting ! Buat laaa tips for fasih in English .. please !!
hii I have a few tips for English. I mean if you want la. Anyway try watching a lot of English movie with ENGLISH subtitles. Read a lot of books in English and highlight the word you don’t understand and search for it. Once you do that, try to use that word in a sentence, last but not the least practice it all the time w your friends and family. Hope this help !
@@zarinnurain7808 Waa thankyou share ! 😍
thank you kak sofia
doakan saya untuk SPM tahun ni
Masa form 4 memang MALAS sngt pastu x serious . Penat jg laa jadi bodoh pastu tgk results yg impossible and x sangka mcm tue . And then nmpk org sekeliling usaha nak lulus kita pun push . Doakan kita semua berjaya dunia akhirat
pls this is so helpful , nowadays so many students lost too much topic on studies , including me , so we need to restudy balik untuk catch everything and this is so helpful , thank you sofia , may Allah ease everything for you Aamiin
vid ni membantu ilerr srs ... aku lemah physics and i’m pro max student ... pray for me ... i only hv 4 month left 🤲🏻💫
chaiyok ! you can do it
Pro max?
Why not mini? Or the regular pro version?
hi I'm a form 4 student and just got my biology paper and I got a F 😢 I'm a very active student too selalu tak masuk kelas and bila dah masuk kelas asyik tidur.. actually I have a feelings yang I akan fail my physics, chemistry and add math papers cause I was clueless gila time jawab rasa macam tak pernah belajar. now I feel very motivated and I tahu I pandai kalau i usaha cause dulu I tak pernah dapat A for math since primary school and suddenly masuk high school I always get an A tapi sayang my elective subjects are F. I believe yang relationship kita dengan Allah also penting cause tbh I jarang solat and I rasa I dah dapat hidayah untuk kembali dekat dia.. thank you so much for this motivating video!
arghhh🤧 your very inspired me . thanks for your motivation videos❤❤
Thank so Much Kak Sofia for give me Motivated..
Batch 2021 In Syaa Allah dipermudahkan segala urusan.
yg baru tgk untuk spm bulan 20/2/2023 ni like sikit or komen, btw goodluck batch 05
Hadir 😞
Saya doakan semua batch 04 berjaya dengan cemerlang....aminnn.
I love this vibe so much and I'm gonna cry😭❤️
aaa nakk sangatt yg untuk add maths tuu thank you sangat sis sofiaaa ur words motivated me so muchh
nanti akk sofia try laa buat video study vlog 🥲. mesti ramai yg nak terutama student yg tgh online class ni.. or vlog mcm dlm tiktok
Thanks a lot for your tips . I hope everyone is easy to understand while learning. InSyaAllah
1:28 perhatikan pintu belakang
Really love this video dear ❤ Thanks bagi tips untuk teruskan usaha brsungguh sungguh. Better late than never 🥰 very inspired !
Thank you Kak Sofia for giving some motivation ❤️ i really love it 😭
this motivated me the most , thank you ! i actually got the same result as you in my second exam in form 4 , i failed sciece stream subjects , i could use your tips for my study , thank you ! I'll do my best for SPM next year .
Aq jeke perasan minit ke 2:40 ade lembaga/kelibat yg lalu...dibelakang😅😱,btw 5g lebih laju en dan latest update knowadays...
I'm so so glad that you are here 😢❤ I'm from Malaysia and I'm still dealing with my study issues. I'm always depressed and embarrassed about my grades for not getting higher marks and my family always compare mine to other people's grades.... but if its possible, could you please make one or two vids about how to get a better grade for bm and sej? Or maybe like nota ringkas for those 2 subs? Right now I'm F4 and Next yr F5. These two subjects is my weakest subjects so I need to get a better grade like A (I know pass is OK already but I couldn't stay only pass forever..) 😭🙏🙏🙏
So inspired!!!❤️❤️❤️ cant wait to see upcoming video😍😍😍
Wow terima kasih kerana kongsi ilmu bermanfaat to me...i hope i can follow you Step by step untuk menjadi org berjaya 🤓🤓🤓
Thank you so much akak cuz i cried when i heard about ur trial result becuz all ur situation is the same as me at form4 i cant focus cuz i have a lot mssd koko activities and i can focus exam but this year i will take spm in feb and mac(spm promax) and for ot1 i got 4G ") bcuz of ur word, i ve been motivated to study and work hard bcuz i m not gifted person tq so much kak doakan spm saya 2022 bulan mac inshaAllah😭