You know more about Hungarian places, towns, castles ,history when most of us!:-) And the enthusiasm about our country is awesome! I wish everyone would feel the same about Hungary as you, because she deserves it!
A teljessÃĐg kedvÃĐÃĐrt! JÃģ volt lÃĄtni a szÃĐp boldog csalÃĄdot, az ÃĐdesanyÃĄt ÃĐs gyermekÃĐt! AmÃg ilyen magyar testvÃĐreink is ÃĐlnek ebben az orszÃĄgban addig van jÃķvÅnk! Minden honfitÃĄrsamat arra biztatok, hogy adjanak hangot a szÃĐpnek is ÃĐs a jÃģnak is, mert hazugsÃĄg, hogy a magyarok irigyek, haragosak ÃĐs a tÃķbbi tudjuk jÃģl! Mindenhol vannak olyan emberek is, de ezt a negatÃv mantrÃĄt az ÃĄtkos idÅk Ãģta ÞltettÃĐk el a magyar fejekben. Na de a nagyszÞlÅk dÃĐdszÞlÅk idejÃĐben hogy is volt a magyarok jellemzÃĐse? A magyar vendÃĐgszeretÅ, a magyar ember ÃĐrzelmes lobbanÃĐkony, a huszÃĄr virtus jellemzi, ami a legvÃĄratlanabbat hÚzza akkor ha sarokba szorÃtjÃĄk ÃĐs furfanggal ÃĐs bÃĄtor szÃvvel nyakasan elÅre megy! Ne hagyjuk, hogy megosszanak minket!
Kedves Willie! Feliratkoztam a tÃķbbi kedvelÅi utÃĄn. Ha nem lennÃĐk magyar ÃĐs nem ÃĐlnÃĐk MagyarorszÃĄgon ÃĐs nem szeretnÃĐm tiszta szÃvvel a HazÃĄmat, akkor ÃĄltalad szeretnÃĐm meg! Sok sikert az orszÃĄgjÃĄrÃĄshoz! Szeretettel ÞdvÃķzlÃķm
What a brilliant channel, the guy has such a nice vibe. Me and my family have settled in Hungary from the UK and itâs so nice to see others doing the same thing.
Hey Willie! I'm MilÃĄn if you remember, i was so excited that we met, so i couldn't even speak. I like your videos a lot and i just wanted to express my gratitude âĪ
Delighted to see younger Americans come and actually have a life for themselves. My years in the US were nothing but stress and since I've been here I'm enjoying life. The country is beautiful, peaceful and still affordable. Enjoy. I'm in Komarom megye north of you if you want to venture around some.
I would like to move to Budapest, my family was originally from there, but ive been priced out now that condos in Budapest are now more expensive than here in Chicago!
â@@Julius1225why? Our country is rapidly depopulating. Especially in the countryside. The government's pro family policies aren't helping much it seems, immigrants and expats might be our only chance.
Ich habe auch ein Haus mit groÃen GrundstÞck in Ungarn schon 2017 gekauft. Wir sind dort mehrmals im Jahr. Ich liebe das Landleben in Ungarn ððš und die Ungarn sind nette Leute. KÃķszÃķnÃķm szÃĐpen MagyarorszÃĄg
Don't forget to mention that in that time Frank Kingdom there was Mosaburg but this area never ever was governed by them. However there were slavic leaders like Pribina andRatisla vwho were supported by the franks . They were moravian slavic leaders from Nyitra or Nitra and they even fought each other with the help of the Franks! It was a tricky dirty chess game for the power! And is that all means before the so called hungarian honfoglalÃĄs land -taking there were no hungarian tribes? Yes there were hungarians and our brother nomadic tribes the Avars too. Avar controlled the territory and they presence in Carpat basin and of corse Pannonia region can be traced back in Attila's hunic time! Huns, avars, magyars are brother people they all belong to the schitian family! They share the same cultural background as far the ornamentic style, burrial custome, war fare style, religious conceptions etc.... The name Attila is given for baby boys enven now in Hungary, and it is quite clear where the name Hungary comes from !!! I am happy to see an english man who is so keen on hungarian people , culture and what is more hungarian rural life style! Maybe you english but from a higher perspective we are brothers! We need more people like you, who want to live among us without ignoring and destroying our culture. In Western european countries the aboriginals got in great danger and they may be outnumbered by those Who only want their living area, the land, and who build a paralel and hostile society for ourselves! So Wille God be with you, and get on well in hungary! A man from palÃģc land North central Hungary!
â@@withwilliehi, when it comes to history, most things here are not what they seem or what they say about them... but maybe one day you'll find out where you really are. A kulcs ehhez lassan mÃĄr a nyelveden lesz. What did you say ? "A settlement of the Frankish Empire..." The accessory of the Scythian oath, the sacrificial cup - one of the badges of the free ( *see: frank ) man. - also hung from the belt. - wikipedia English word frank, from Middle English ( the word appears from ca. 1300 ) frank "free, liberal, generous", from Old French ( late 8th - mid-14th century ) franc "free", in turn from the name of an early Germanic confederation, the Franks, from Proto-West Germanic ( from ca. 500 BCE ) *frankÅ "javelin, spear". - wiktionary Proto-Germanic? Hmm... 500 BCE... honfoglalÃĄs? "Magyar szÃģ frankÃģ ( mellÃĐknÃĐv, tÃķbbes szÃĄm: frankÃģk ), jelentÃĐse: igaz, valÃģsÃĄgos, korrekt, rendben lÃĐvÅ, megbÃzhatÃģ, jÃģ minÅsÃĐgÅą." - A FrankÃģ SzÃģ JelentÃĐse, HelyesÃrÃĄsa, SzinonimÃĄi, Nonprofitmedia 2023 It is commonly said that the Franks came originally from Pannonia and first colonized the banks of the Rhine. - wikipedia The term lingua franca derives from Mediterranean Lingua Franca ( also known as Sabir / *Sa-bÃr >> Szabir / Szab-Ãr ). - wikipedia Translatio imperii ( Latin for "transfer of rule" ) is a historiographical concept that was prominent in the Middle Ages ( 500 - 1500 ), but originated from older concepts. - wikipedia By the way, do you know what the official symbol of power was for the alleged King St. IstvÃĄn? Lancea R....
I'm in Surany / pocmegyer, its a shame the ferry doesn't run anymore. I am with my 92 year old dad but want to buy my own house. The bureaucracy is enough to send me back to England :(
You don't need anybody , go to the place official office , tell them " here i'm , i like to live here " . Polish people extremely welcome in hungary , best friend more rthan 1800 years , way before christianity. Good luck .
Mate, we are both in the EU, no need to immigrate, you can go and live there. Ale musisz byÄ biegÅy po wÄgiersku, otherwise you will suffer. You should speak to the Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie (Lengyel IntÃĐzet), they might be able to help.
@@magyarbondi Thank you. I do not speak Hungarian yet. I am ready to learn. I am just thinkin how I am going to communicate when paying bills for water gas electricity and how to communicate in the tax office :)
I recommend all the little German villages North from the lake Balaton in VeszprÃĐm region. They're all very good little communities, very accepting due to the German-Hunagrian mixed heritage... But it's much easier to move to Budapest, exceptionally till you don't speak the language, but it's more cosmopolitan, not an OG Hungarian place....goodluck!
In hungarian family names the j or y at the functions as an indicator for the noble roots of the family. Grammatically the j/y at the and is equal to an "i" (and have to be pronounced this way too) which at the end of the word indicates the whereabout or origin of someone of something. Like in this case BezerÃĐd is the name of the village and BezerÃĐdj = bezerÃĐdi means "BezerÃĐdian". So in this case the BezerÃĐdj family name suggest that there was (or its just made up) a place called BezerÃĐd before and thats how they got their name and as they were noble with a bunch of land of their own they wanted to name their land as the family and thats why j got cut off thats how it makes sense grammatically.
Hello. How are you. this is Max again. One more question. How was like in Hungary during Covid? Was it relaxed or difficult?? In some other countries they made it very difficult for people forcing them to get vaccinated otherwise they would lose their jobs. Thanks
My partner and I are looking to purchase a big parcel of land. I am a UK born citizen, my partner hungarian. From what i understand unless you are a registered farmer you cannot purchase more than 1hectare? Anyones advise would be greatly appreciated. ð
majd jonnnek a "nativok" es visznek mindent mikor eppen nincsenek otthon ... cserepet a tetorol vizvezeteket a falbol majd utanna is lassuk a videot. Just wait till the natives arrive while you aren't home Willie.... Will take the tiles from the roof ... pipes from the walls ... cannot wait to see the video after that.
the Franks did really nothing in Pannonia other than collected taxes. if there would be any stronghold in the area the Magyars of Ãlmos and ÃrpÃĄd must had to take it by storm but yet still there are no evidance of a battle in Pannonia but that the Magyar army, returning from campaign had took over the place. It is only the Slovaks who's are in favour of such a theory of a major settlement because there historical theory is that the achient slovaks had occupyed Pannonia till Lake Balaton. In reality Slaves lived besided Avars till the period of HonfoglalÃĄs but in rural settlements, without any central government.
Never live slavs in ZalavÃĄr and BezerÃĐd. Only hungarians since bronze age. SzÃģlÃĄd is only 94Km from BezerÃĐd. Found a skeleton in a grave from early bronze age. The genetic character of this skeleton is identical with ÃrpÃĄd's Hungarians and with III. BÃĐla king's genetics. Sorry, but slavs, Mosaburg and Frankish settelment is an academical lie.
I am not against foreigners , especially who try to speak our language but imagine how the property prices will go up soon if all western people buy up the west of Hungary! Now people in Tenerife pissed off because they not able to buy flat or house because of wealthy foreigners. Budapest already went crazy.
@@kkjj6325 ZalavÃĄr kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐnek legjelentÅsebb korszaka akkor kezdÅdÃķtt, amikor 833 kÃķrÞl Mojmir, morva fejedelem elÅązte PribinÃĄt, Nyitra kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐnek fejedelmÃĐt, aki NÃĐmet Lajos keleti frank uralkodÃģhoz menekÞlt, ÃĐs hÅąsÃĐgeskÞt tett neki. Az uralkodÃģ hÅąbÃĐrbirtokul adott PribinÃĄnak egy, a Zala folyÃģ kÃķrÞli terÞletet, ahol Å a keleti Frank Birodalom szÃķvetsÃĐges fejedelemsÃĐgÃĐt hozta lÃĐtre. A tÃķrtÃĐnetet meglehetÅs alapossÃĄggal ismerjÞk a âfehÃĐr kÃķnyvâ-nek is nevezett âA bajorok ÃĐs karantÃĄnok megtÃĐrÃĐseâ cÃmÅą egyhÃĄzi vitairatbÃģl, amelyet 871 tÃĄjÃĐkÃĄn Ãratott a salzburgi ÃĐrsek az ÃĐrseksÃĐg jogainak igazolÃĄsÃĄra. (A karantÃĄnok a mai Karintia szlÃĄv nÃĐpessÃĐgÅą lakÃģi voltak.) Pribina szÃĐkhelyÃĐt MocsÃĄrvÃĄrnak, latinul Mosaburgnak neveztÃĐk. Uralmi kÃķzpontjÃĄt a zalavÃĄri VÃĄrszigeten ÃĐpÃttette ki. A szigetet kÅbÅl ÃĐs fÃĄbÃģl ÃĐpÞlt sÃĄnc vette kÃķrÞl, ezen belÞl egy belsÅ erÅdÃtÃĐssel is elvÃĄlasztottÃĄk a fejedelem udvarhÃĄzÃĄt. Az erÅdÃtmÃĐny elkÃĐszÞlte utÃĄn Pribina templomokat emeltetett. Az elsÅt, amelyet MÃĄria tiszteletÃĐre ÃĐpÃtettek, maga a salzburgi ÃĐrsek szentelte fel 850-ben. AlaprajzÃĄt csak egy XVI. szÃĄzadi olasz hadmÃĐrnÃķk, Giulio Turco felmÃĐrÃĐsÃĐbÅl ismerjÞk, ez fÃĐlkÃķrÃves zÃĄrÃģdÃĄsÚ, hÃĄromhajÃģs bazilikÃĄt mutat. A legutÃģbbi ÃĐvek ÃĄsatÃĄsai hoztÃĄk a felszÃnre a VÃĄrsziget kÃķzepÃĐn egy nagymÃĐretÅą, szintÃĐn fÃĐlkÃķrÃves lezÃĄrÃĄsÚ, hÃĄromhajÃģs monumentÃĄlis templom alapjait. KÞlsÅ folyosÃģja tÃĐglapadlÃģja alatt festett Þvegablakok tÃķredÃĐkeit talÃĄltÃĄk meg. Az ÃĐpÞlet mÃĐretei ÃĐs egykori dÃszes kivitelezÃĐse miatt az ÃĄsatÃģ rÃĐgÃĐsz, SzÅke BÃĐla MiklÃģs joggal azonosÃtja ezt a templomot a âfehÃĐr kÃķnyvâ-ben is emlÃtett Liupram salzburgi ÃĐrsek ÃĄltal emeltetett bazilikÃĄval, amelyben Szent AdorjÃĄn mÃĄrtÃr ereklyÃĐje nyugodott. A VÃĄrszigettÅl ÃĐszakkeletre fekvÅ RÃĐcÃĐskÚti-szigeten ÃĄllt ZalavÃĄr harmadik nagymÃĐretÅą Karoling-kori kÅtemploma, amelyet feltÃĐtelezhetÅen Szent JÃĄnos tiszteletÃĐre ÃĐpÃthettek. A templomok kÃķrÞl temettÃĐk el Mosaburg IX. szÃĄzadi lakÃģit a keresztÃĐny vallÃĄsi elÅÃrÃĄsok szerint, szinte teljesen mellÃĐkletek nÃĐlkÞl. Pribina ÃĐlete sorÃĄn a kÃķrnyÃĐken mÃĐg 13 templom ÃĐpÞlt, ezeket salzburgi ÃĐrsekek szenteltÃĐk fel. 861-tÅl, halÃĄla utÃĄn, fia, Kocel lett ZalavÃĄr ura, aki folytatta apja templomÃĐpÃtÅ tevÃĐkenysÃĐgÃĐt, szintÃĐn a salzburgi ÃĐrseksÃĐg befolyÃĄsa alatt. 866-ban tÃķrtÃĐnt, hogy Mosaburgba ÃĐrkeztek Cirill ÃĐs MetÃģd szlÃĄv hittÃĐrÃtÅk. Kocel Ãķtven tanÃtvÃĄnyt adott mellÃĐjÞk. A hittÃĐrÃtÅk a pÃĄpa meghÃvÃĄsÃĄra 867-ben RÃģmÃĄba indultak, ahol Cirill meghalt. MetÃģd egyedÞl tÃĐrt vissza Kocelhez, aki azt akarta elÃĐrni, hogy a pÃĄpa pÞspÃķkkÃĐ nevezze ki. MetÃģd vÃĐgÞl 870-ben Sirmium ÃĐrseke lett, ami a salzburgi egyhÃĄz heves tiltakozÃĄsÃĄt vÃĄltotta ki. MetÃģd MorvaorszÃĄgba utazott, de ott a salzburgiak elfogtÃĄk. 874-ben ugyan szabadon engedtÃĐk, de Kocelhez nem tÃĐrhetett vissza, a salzburgi egyhÃĄz pedig Újra fennhatÃģsÃĄga alÃĄ vonta annak grÃģfsÃĄgÃĄt. Kocel 873 kÃķrÞl bekÃķvetkezett halÃĄla utÃĄn ZalavÃĄr jelentÅsÃĐge hanyatlik, irÃĄnyÃtÃĄsÃĄt a keleti frank uralkodÃģk megbÃzottai gyakoroljÃĄk. Az utÃģbbi ÃĐvek kis-balatoni ÃĄsatÃĄsai jelentÅsen gazdagÃtottÃĄk azt a kÃĐpet, amit a VÃĄrszigeten ÃĐs kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐn ÃĐlt virÃĄgzÃģ Karoling telepÞlÃĐs ÃĐletÃĐrÅl tudtunk. A VÃĄrsziget kÃķzelÃĐben lÃĐvÅ szigetek egy rÃĐszÃĐn nemesi udvarhÃĄzak ÃĐpÞltek, mÃĄsutt a szolgÃĄlÃģnÃĐpek telepÞlÃĐseinek nyomai azonosÃthatÃģak. A VÃĄrsziget kÃķzelÃĐben, a ma Zalaszabarhoz tartozÃģ BorjÃšÃĄllÃĄs szigeten MÞller RÃģbert ÃĄsatÃĄsai tÃĄrtÃĄk fel a Pribina telepÞlÃĐsÃĐvel kÃķrÞlbelÞl egy idÅben lÃĐtesÞlt nagy telepÞlÃĐst, ahol facÃķlÃķpÃķkkel vÃĐdett udvarhÃĄz ÃĄllt, mellette fatemplom. A templom kÃķrÞli tÃķbb szÃĄz sÃros temetÅbÅl ÃĐrtÃĐkes leletanyag kerÞlt elÅ. A gazdagabb sÃrok a szentegyhÃĄz ÃĐpÞlete kÃķrÞl talÃĄlhatÃģk, a fÃĐrfiakat sarkantyÚkkal temettÃĐk el, a nÅket pedig arany ÃĐs ezÞst ÃĐkszereikkel, tÃķbbnyire fÞlbevalÃģkkal.
@@withwillie A Bajorok ÃĐs karantÃĄnok megtÃĐrÃtÃĐse nevÅą iratrÃģl nagyjÃĄbÃģl 70 ÃĐve tudott, hogy hamisÃtvÃĄny. Bukta 1. Ãn lÃĄttam az ÃĄllÃtÃģlagos frank jelenlÃĐt leleteit, amik elsÅ lÃĄtÃĄsra is nyilvÃĄnvalÃģan rÃģmaiak, a kÃĐsÅbbiek meg egyÃĐrtelmÅąen kora magyarok alias avarok. Bukta 2. MetÃģd nem lÃĐtezett. Cirill MetÃģd azt jelenti Cirill mÃģdszer, nem pedig szemÃĐly. A MetÃģd ÃĄllÃtÃģlagos ÃĐletÃĐrÅl szÃģlÃģ iratok mind egy szÃĄlig hamisÃtvÃĄnyok ez is legalÃĄbb 50 ÃĐve ismert tÃĐny. Bukta 3. Az iratok szerint 3 egymÃĄshoz kÃķzellÃĐvÅ templom volt Mosaburgban, ZalavÃĄron ÃĐs kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐn 2-Åt talÃĄltak, olyan messze egymÃĄstÃģl, hogy szinte biztosan nem is egy telepÞlÃĐsen voltak. rÃĄadÃĄsul a 3.templom, amin ma az emlÃĐktÃĄbla is van pÃĐldÃĄul, mint Mosaburgi Åsi templom, valÃģjÃĄban az 1940-es ÃĐvekben ÃĐpÞlt egy filmforgatÃĄsra. Bukta 4. Mosaburgot 150 ÃĐvvel ezelÅtt talÃĄltÃĄk meg KarinthiÃĄban, ott is van az emlÃtett 3 templom, kÃĐtsÃĐget kizÃĄrÃģan az Mosaburg. Bukta 5. SzÃĐpen felmondtad a leckÃĐt, csak ÃĐppen tÃĐnyeknek nem nÃĐztÃĐl utÃĄna, hanem az akadÃĐmiai ÃĐs egyhÃĄzi, ostoba hazugsÃĄgokat firkÃĄltad ide. Bukta 6. Game. Szett. Meccs.
SzomorÚ, hogy mÃĄr mindenki tud MagyarorszÃĄgon fÃķldet venni vagy hÃĄzat csak a magyar nem. Balatonon meg felverik az ÃĄrat a sok nÃĐmet miatt. Ez van.
@@withwillieNem teljesen hangzik Úgy. Ingatlan vÃĄsÃĄrlÃĄst kÞlfÃķldieknek mindenkÃĐppen megnehezÃtenÃĐm. Nem sajnÃĄlok senkÃtÅl semmit, nem azÃĐrt Ãrtam, de egy ÃĄtlag magyar nehezen vesz ingatlant vagy sehogyan, nem beszÃĐlve hÃĄzrÃģl. Hitelt felvenni pedig mindÃg rizikÃģ. Nekem csak azÃĐrt van egy kis lakÃĄsom Pesten, mert kÞlfÃķldÃķn dolgoztam, dolgozok. Ennek nem Ãgy kellene lennie. De ez van.
@@atibatianya megÃĐrtem, ÃĐs ÃĄtÃĐrzem, csak az volt a lÃĐnyeg, hogy a videÃģban szereplÅ csalÃĄd magyar. nem a balaton, hanem falun vettek hÃĄzat vidÃĐken, ahol olcsÃģbb. de igazad van abban, hogy a lakhatÃĄs nem megfizethetÅ!
Nyugat-EurÃģpÃĄban nem volt szocializmus, mikor tÅlÞnk a kommunistÃĄk mindent elvettek. A Nyugat sosem segÃtett nekÞnk, ezÃĐrt most semmi pÃĐnzÃĐrt nem szabadna nekik eladni se fÃķldet, se hÃĄzat.
If you have enough money Hungary is beautiful. Otherwise a disaster. Public services are totally ruined, as you can see in rural areas poverty all around. While the oligarchs are insanely rich.
@@The_Catnip a kÃķltÅ arra gondolhat, hogy magyarorszÃĄgon kevesen engedhetik meg maguknak, hogy ingatlant vagy fÃķldet vÃĄsorÃĄoljanak. Ezzel szemben a 30 ÃĐv Ãģta regnÃĄlÃģ de az elmÚlt 14 ÃĐvben kiteljesedÅ kleptomÃĄn rendszer rÃĐsztvevÅinek ÃĐs fenntartÃģinak mint pl. OV. ÃĐs kitenyÃĐszetett ÃķrÃķkÃķs ellenzÃĐke Gy Fegyenc ÃĐs haverjainak bÅven jut, lÃĄsd Tiborcz ÃĐs LÃķlÅ gazdagodÃĄsa ill. AprÃģ villa ÃĐs tÃĄrsai.
Your enjoyment and appreciation of our country is so refreshing to see! Glad to have you here Willie! Also, your hungarian is kickass!
You know more about Hungarian places, towns, castles ,history when most of us!:-) And the enthusiasm about our country is awesome! I wish everyone would feel the same about Hungary as you, because she deserves it!
Mad respect for your Hungarian! All the best to yous!
this man living his life with pure joy it's nice to see it.
something hungarians lack since the hard times
My born place Zala... I living 34 years in Germany, but my heart is here.
A teljessÃĐg kedvÃĐÃĐrt! JÃģ volt lÃĄtni a szÃĐp boldog csalÃĄdot, az ÃĐdesanyÃĄt ÃĐs gyermekÃĐt! AmÃg ilyen magyar testvÃĐreink is ÃĐlnek ebben az orszÃĄgban addig van jÃķvÅnk! Minden honfitÃĄrsamat arra biztatok, hogy adjanak hangot a szÃĐpnek is ÃĐs a jÃģnak is, mert hazugsÃĄg, hogy a magyarok irigyek, haragosak ÃĐs a tÃķbbi tudjuk jÃģl! Mindenhol vannak olyan emberek is, de ezt a negatÃv mantrÃĄt az ÃĄtkos idÅk Ãģta ÞltettÃĐk el a magyar fejekben. Na de a nagyszÞlÅk dÃĐdszÞlÅk idejÃĐben hogy is volt a magyarok jellemzÃĐse? A magyar vendÃĐgszeretÅ, a magyar ember ÃĐrzelmes lobbanÃĐkony, a huszÃĄr virtus jellemzi, ami a legvÃĄratlanabbat hÚzza akkor ha sarokba szorÃtjÃĄk ÃĐs furfanggal ÃĐs bÃĄtor szÃvvel nyakasan elÅre megy! Ne hagyjuk, hogy megosszanak minket!
szep a csalad.....honnan ered a ficko?
@@Julius1225 akcentusabol itelve szerintem amerika
@@b3ni257 Willie Getz, New York-i szÞletÃĐsÅą
GyÃķnyÃķrÅą hely, ÃĐs gratulÃĄlok a csatornÃĄhoz.
Le a kalappal Willie! ðAnd thanks for the enthusiastic presentation, it was a pleasure to watch.
Nagyon tÞndÃĐr a kis trÃģnÃķrÃķkÃķs, kedves csalÃĄd vagytok!
All respect to you how you presenting my home land âïļððŦķðŧð Iâm very proud as well of my heritage! ðð
Kedves Willie! Feliratkoztam a tÃķbbi kedvelÅi utÃĄn. Ha nem lennÃĐk magyar ÃĐs nem ÃĐlnÃĐk MagyarorszÃĄgon ÃĐs nem szeretnÃĐm tiszta szÃvvel a HazÃĄmat, akkor ÃĄltalad szeretnÃĐm meg! Sok sikert az orszÃĄgjÃĄrÃĄshoz! Szeretettel ÞdvÃķzlÃķm
What a brilliant channel, the guy has such a nice vibe. Me and my family have settled in Hungary from the UK and itâs so nice to see others doing the same thing.
Hey Willie! I'm MilÃĄn if you remember, i was so excited that we met, so i couldn't even speak. I like your videos a lot and i just wanted to express my gratitude âĪ
Thanks bro
Thanks for all your work. We love the historical content
Wao! Never though that i get a video recommendation by youtube like this. So nice! Isten hozott titeket!
Wellcome in Hungary. Hope you Will find your place in the culture and aslo learning this hard language
You are in the most beautiful country in Europe. People are kind and empathetic! Congratulations! Good luck!
Really fascinating landscape with the longstanding history since the time of the Romans !
Nice to see you in Zala. Don't forget to visit Gyekenyes, one of the clearest lakes in Hungary and also one of the pretiest
âĪ Wilie ð You feel the history of this land. I wish you succes and God bles you and your family! You are wellcome!
It's the same beautiful area like Toscana... ðððð Perfect weather, rich fields.
Unique on the Word ! Not existing nowhere fields like this !
Aww I can't get enough of the way you pronounce Hungarian words. It's quite amazing! Wonderful little family as well âĪð
Delighted to see younger Americans come and actually have a life for themselves. My years in the US were nothing but stress and since I've been here I'm enjoying life. The country is beautiful, peaceful and still affordable. Enjoy. I'm in Komarom megye north of you if you want to venture around some.
I would like to move to Budapest, my family was originally from there, but ive been priced out now that condos in Budapest are now more expensive than here in Chicago!
Not everybody so happy to see this people around ! Just saying my opinion here !
â@@Julius1225why? Our country is rapidly depopulating. Especially in the countryside. The government's pro family policies aren't helping much it seems, immigrants and expats might be our only chance.
As long as they respect our culture*
@@Roli-kh3ff Ne kÃnozd magad...megy ez magyarÚl is :)
mad respect for your hungarian
Wow you really took the time to learn our language ! You are hungarian now âĪ
DejÃēâĪ kÃķsziâĪ meg ismetem jobban magyarorszÃĄgomat
Iâve seen you on TikTok a lot, Iâm glad you like Hungary. Your american positivity is much appreciated here, respect brotha!
Not a might be later :)
Szep, I was born in zalaegerszeg moved to America when i was 5yrs old, that was 35 yrs ago....
ÃrezzÃĐtek jÃģl magatokat szeretett MagyarorszÃĄgunkban!âĪ
Enjoy yourself in our beloved Hungary!âĪ
Ich habe auch ein Haus mit groÃen GrundstÞck in Ungarn schon 2017 gekauft. Wir sind dort mehrmals im Jahr. Ich liebe das Landleben in Ungarn ððš und die Ungarn sind nette Leute. KÃķszÃķnÃķm szÃĐpen MagyarorszÃĄg
You were a great tour guideððð― You live in a nice place
Welcome to Zala County :)
I'm from neighbour county : Vas :)
JÃģ helyre jÃķttÃĐl......
Hopefully one day I can go there to work in farm, because I love farm
Greetings from indonesia
HajrÃĄ Zala â
Don't forget to mention that in that time Frank Kingdom there was Mosaburg but this area never ever was governed by them. However there were slavic leaders like Pribina andRatisla vwho were supported by the franks . They were moravian slavic leaders from Nyitra or Nitra and they even fought each other with the help of the Franks! It was a tricky dirty chess game for the power! And is that all means before the so called hungarian honfoglalÃĄs land -taking there were no hungarian tribes? Yes there were hungarians and our brother nomadic tribes the Avars too. Avar controlled the territory and they presence in Carpat basin and of corse Pannonia region can be traced back in Attila's hunic time! Huns, avars, magyars are brother people they all belong to the schitian family! They share the same cultural background as far the ornamentic style, burrial custome, war fare style, religious conceptions etc.... The name Attila is given for baby boys enven now in Hungary, and it is quite clear where the name Hungary comes from !!! I am happy to see an english man who is so keen on hungarian people , culture and what is more hungarian rural life style! Maybe you english but from a higher perspective we are brothers! We need more people like you, who want to live among us without ignoring and destroying our culture. In Western european countries the aboriginals got in great danger and they may be outnumbered by those Who only want their living area, the land, and who build a paralel and hostile society for ourselves! So Wille God be with you, and get on well in hungary! A man from palÃģc land North central Hungary!
Thank you ð
Thanks Willie .
HajrÃĄ HajrÃĄ!
How did you learn the hungarian ..whats best? Excellent video
Nezzetek meg Nagykapornakot es a kornyezo falukat is kivalo befektetesek lehetosege van segitsetek a szegenyeken lakhatasba sok a ra szorulo.
Isten hozott itthon.
Na....nem itthon :) Szivesen latunk :)
Best video on YT!
Zala âĪ
Isten hozott!
Willie what you use to record all these videos, most specifically when you vlogging? Thank you, great content.
This is with GoPro 12
â@@withwilliehi, when it comes to history, most things here are not what they seem or what they say about them... but maybe one day you'll find out where you really are. A kulcs ehhez lassan mÃĄr a nyelveden lesz. What did you say ? "A settlement of the Frankish Empire..."
The accessory of the Scythian oath, the sacrificial cup - one of the badges of the free ( *see: frank ) man. - also hung from the belt. - wikipedia
English word frank, from Middle English ( the word appears from ca. 1300 ) frank "free, liberal, generous", from Old French ( late 8th - mid-14th century ) franc "free", in turn from the name of an early Germanic confederation, the Franks, from Proto-West Germanic ( from ca. 500 BCE ) *frankÅ "javelin, spear". - wiktionary
Proto-Germanic? Hmm... 500 BCE... honfoglalÃĄs? "Magyar szÃģ frankÃģ ( mellÃĐknÃĐv, tÃķbbes szÃĄm: frankÃģk ), jelentÃĐse: igaz, valÃģsÃĄgos, korrekt, rendben lÃĐvÅ, megbÃzhatÃģ, jÃģ minÅsÃĐgÅą." - A FrankÃģ SzÃģ JelentÃĐse, HelyesÃrÃĄsa, SzinonimÃĄi, Nonprofitmedia 2023
It is commonly said that the Franks came originally from Pannonia and first colonized the banks of the Rhine. - wikipedia
The term lingua franca derives from Mediterranean Lingua Franca ( also known as Sabir / *Sa-bÃr >> Szabir / Szab-Ãr ). - wikipedia
Translatio imperii ( Latin for "transfer of rule" ) is a historiographical concept that was prominent in the Middle Ages ( 500 - 1500 ), but originated from older concepts. - wikipedia
By the way, do you know what the official symbol of power was for the alleged King St. IstvÃĄn? Lancea R....
Have you tried palinka? ð
I'm in Surany / pocmegyer, its a shame the ferry doesn't run anymore. I am with my 92 year old dad but want to buy my own house. The bureaucracy is enough to send me back to England :(
Hello. My name is Max. I'm from Poland. I would like to settle down in Hungary. Could you recommend a good immigration lawyer? Thank you
You don't need anybody , go to the place official office , tell them " here i'm , i like to live here " . Polish people extremely welcome in hungary , best friend more rthan 1800 years , way before christianity. Good luck .
Mate, we are both in the EU, no need to immigrate, you can go and live there.
Ale musisz byÄ biegÅy po wÄgiersku, otherwise you will suffer.
You should speak to the Instytut Polski w Budapeszcie (Lengyel IntÃĐzet), they might be able to help.
i have a house for sale in a vilage called NagyberÃĐny , its located near Balaton lake . The House is on a 6000 m2 land ! ð
@@magyarbondi Thank you. I do not speak Hungarian yet. I am ready to learn. I am just thinkin how I am going to communicate when paying bills for water gas electricity and how to communicate in the tax office :)
I recommend all the little German villages North from the lake Balaton in VeszprÃĐm region. They're all very good little communities, very accepting due to the German-Hunagrian mixed heritage... But it's much easier to move to Budapest, exceptionally till you don't speak the language, but it's more cosmopolitan, not an OG Hungarian place....goodluck!
Nem megye! VÃĄrmegye! ð
So what happened to the j in BezerÃĐd? Why was it cut off if it was the family name?
In hungarian family names the j or y at the functions as an indicator for the noble roots of the family. Grammatically the j/y at the and is equal to an "i" (and have to be pronounced this way too) which at the end of the word indicates the whereabout or origin of someone of something. Like in this case BezerÃĐd is the name of the village and BezerÃĐdj = bezerÃĐdi means "BezerÃĐdian". So in this case the BezerÃĐdj family name suggest that there was (or its just made up) a place called BezerÃĐd before and thats how they got their name and as they were noble with a bunch of land of their own they wanted to name their land as the family and thats why j got cut off thats how it makes sense grammatically.
Hello. How are you. this is Max again. One more question. How was like in Hungary during Covid? Was it relaxed or difficult?? In some other countries they made it very difficult for people forcing them to get vaccinated otherwise they would lose their jobs. Thanks
Mostly chill
My partner and I are looking to purchase a big parcel of land. I am a UK born citizen, my partner hungarian. From what i understand unless you are a registered farmer you cannot purchase more than 1hectare? Anyones advise would be greatly appreciated. ð
Hi, you find the smallest village in Zala I think. :) Population about 200. Nice, but not general thing in Zala. :))
2:54 if the frankish empire even existedð
Is north of Hungary good place to settle down? Or is it a "difficult " place to live? Thank you
Yes , i you like hilly places , because hungary almost flat teritory .
This was the south-west corner of Hungary
Not the north-east, avoid Borsod-AbaÚj-ZemplÃĐn county.
majd jonnnek a "nativok" es visznek mindent mikor eppen nincsenek otthon ... cserepet a tetorol vizvezeteket a falbol majd utanna is lassuk a videot.
Just wait till the natives arrive while you aren't home Willie.... Will take the tiles from the roof ... pipes from the walls ... cannot wait to see the video after that.
Totally stole the title from the other video about buying a house in Hungary...
VÃĐgig azt nÃĐztem, mikor veritek be a fejeteket a pickup rozsdÃĄs vasaiba. SzerencsÃĐre nem tÃķrtÃĐnt ilyen. BÃĄtor voltÃĄl. :D
the Franks did really nothing in Pannonia other than collected taxes. if there would be any stronghold in the area the Magyars of Ãlmos and ÃrpÃĄd must had to take it by storm but yet still there are no evidance of a battle in Pannonia but that the Magyar army, returning from campaign had took over the place. It is only the Slovaks who's are in favour of such a theory of a major settlement because there historical theory is that the achient slovaks had occupyed Pannonia till Lake Balaton. In reality Slaves lived besided Avars till the period of HonfoglalÃĄs but in rural settlements, without any central government.
JÃģl nyomod Willie! Your enthusiasm towards Hungary and the Hungarians is amazing. Wish you all the best here, our home is your home now too!
Na azert meg nem annyira.....nem kell mindjart terdre esni,zsivany :)
Ne beszelj tobbes szamba,bari. A te otthonod lehet az ove is,de nem az enyem! Meg egyelore :)
Never live slavs in ZalavÃĄr and BezerÃĐd. Only hungarians since bronze age. SzÃģlÃĄd is only 94Km from BezerÃĐd. Found a skeleton in a grave from early bronze age. The genetic character of this skeleton is identical with ÃrpÃĄd's Hungarians and with III. BÃĐla king's genetics. Sorry, but slavs, Mosaburg and Frankish settelment is an academical lie.
A farm in hungary?are you crazy?ð
I am not against foreigners , especially who try to speak our language but imagine how the property prices will go up soon if all western people buy up the west of Hungary! Now people in Tenerife pissed off because they not able to buy flat or house because of wealthy foreigners. Budapest already went crazy.
These people are Hungarian bro
@@withwillie Bro...they are not black fellas there to call them like this ,Bro !
Mosaburg is an idiot lie. Mosaburg is in Karinthia. Frankish settlement was never in ZalavÃĄr. Official history forgery.
@@kkjj6325 ZalavÃĄr kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐnek legjelentÅsebb korszaka akkor kezdÅdÃķtt, amikor 833 kÃķrÞl Mojmir, morva fejedelem elÅązte PribinÃĄt, Nyitra kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐnek fejedelmÃĐt, aki NÃĐmet Lajos keleti frank uralkodÃģhoz menekÞlt, ÃĐs hÅąsÃĐgeskÞt tett neki. Az uralkodÃģ hÅąbÃĐrbirtokul adott PribinÃĄnak egy, a Zala folyÃģ kÃķrÞli terÞletet, ahol Å a keleti Frank Birodalom szÃķvetsÃĐges fejedelemsÃĐgÃĐt hozta lÃĐtre.
A tÃķrtÃĐnetet meglehetÅs alapossÃĄggal ismerjÞk a âfehÃĐr kÃķnyvâ-nek is nevezett âA bajorok ÃĐs karantÃĄnok megtÃĐrÃĐseâ cÃmÅą egyhÃĄzi vitairatbÃģl, amelyet 871 tÃĄjÃĐkÃĄn Ãratott a salzburgi ÃĐrsek az ÃĐrseksÃĐg jogainak igazolÃĄsÃĄra. (A karantÃĄnok a mai Karintia szlÃĄv nÃĐpessÃĐgÅą lakÃģi voltak.) Pribina szÃĐkhelyÃĐt MocsÃĄrvÃĄrnak, latinul Mosaburgnak neveztÃĐk. Uralmi kÃķzpontjÃĄt a zalavÃĄri VÃĄrszigeten ÃĐpÃttette ki. A szigetet kÅbÅl ÃĐs fÃĄbÃģl ÃĐpÞlt sÃĄnc vette kÃķrÞl, ezen belÞl egy belsÅ erÅdÃtÃĐssel is elvÃĄlasztottÃĄk a fejedelem udvarhÃĄzÃĄt.
Az erÅdÃtmÃĐny elkÃĐszÞlte utÃĄn Pribina templomokat emeltetett. Az elsÅt, amelyet MÃĄria tiszteletÃĐre ÃĐpÃtettek, maga a salzburgi ÃĐrsek szentelte fel 850-ben. AlaprajzÃĄt csak egy XVI. szÃĄzadi olasz hadmÃĐrnÃķk, Giulio Turco felmÃĐrÃĐsÃĐbÅl ismerjÞk, ez fÃĐlkÃķrÃves zÃĄrÃģdÃĄsÚ, hÃĄromhajÃģs bazilikÃĄt mutat.
A legutÃģbbi ÃĐvek ÃĄsatÃĄsai hoztÃĄk a felszÃnre a VÃĄrsziget kÃķzepÃĐn egy nagymÃĐretÅą, szintÃĐn fÃĐlkÃķrÃves lezÃĄrÃĄsÚ, hÃĄromhajÃģs monumentÃĄlis templom alapjait. KÞlsÅ folyosÃģja tÃĐglapadlÃģja alatt festett Þvegablakok tÃķredÃĐkeit talÃĄltÃĄk meg. Az ÃĐpÞlet mÃĐretei ÃĐs egykori dÃszes kivitelezÃĐse miatt az ÃĄsatÃģ rÃĐgÃĐsz, SzÅke BÃĐla MiklÃģs joggal azonosÃtja ezt a templomot a âfehÃĐr kÃķnyvâ-ben is emlÃtett Liupram salzburgi ÃĐrsek ÃĄltal emeltetett bazilikÃĄval, amelyben Szent AdorjÃĄn mÃĄrtÃr ereklyÃĐje nyugodott.
A VÃĄrszigettÅl ÃĐszakkeletre fekvÅ RÃĐcÃĐskÚti-szigeten ÃĄllt ZalavÃĄr harmadik nagymÃĐretÅą Karoling-kori kÅtemploma, amelyet feltÃĐtelezhetÅen Szent JÃĄnos tiszteletÃĐre ÃĐpÃthettek. A templomok kÃķrÞl temettÃĐk el Mosaburg IX. szÃĄzadi lakÃģit a keresztÃĐny vallÃĄsi elÅÃrÃĄsok szerint, szinte teljesen mellÃĐkletek nÃĐlkÞl.
Pribina ÃĐlete sorÃĄn a kÃķrnyÃĐken mÃĐg 13 templom ÃĐpÞlt, ezeket salzburgi ÃĐrsekek szenteltÃĐk fel. 861-tÅl, halÃĄla utÃĄn, fia, Kocel lett ZalavÃĄr ura, aki folytatta apja templomÃĐpÃtÅ tevÃĐkenysÃĐgÃĐt, szintÃĐn a salzburgi ÃĐrseksÃĐg befolyÃĄsa alatt.
866-ban tÃķrtÃĐnt, hogy Mosaburgba ÃĐrkeztek Cirill ÃĐs MetÃģd szlÃĄv hittÃĐrÃtÅk. Kocel Ãķtven tanÃtvÃĄnyt adott mellÃĐjÞk. A hittÃĐrÃtÅk a pÃĄpa meghÃvÃĄsÃĄra 867-ben RÃģmÃĄba indultak, ahol Cirill meghalt. MetÃģd egyedÞl tÃĐrt vissza Kocelhez, aki azt akarta elÃĐrni, hogy a pÃĄpa pÞspÃķkkÃĐ nevezze ki. MetÃģd vÃĐgÞl 870-ben Sirmium ÃĐrseke lett, ami a salzburgi egyhÃĄz heves tiltakozÃĄsÃĄt vÃĄltotta ki. MetÃģd MorvaorszÃĄgba utazott, de ott a salzburgiak elfogtÃĄk. 874-ben ugyan szabadon engedtÃĐk, de Kocelhez nem tÃĐrhetett vissza, a salzburgi egyhÃĄz pedig Újra fennhatÃģsÃĄga alÃĄ vonta annak grÃģfsÃĄgÃĄt.
Kocel 873 kÃķrÞl bekÃķvetkezett halÃĄla utÃĄn ZalavÃĄr jelentÅsÃĐge hanyatlik, irÃĄnyÃtÃĄsÃĄt a keleti frank uralkodÃģk megbÃzottai gyakoroljÃĄk.
Az utÃģbbi ÃĐvek kis-balatoni ÃĄsatÃĄsai jelentÅsen gazdagÃtottÃĄk azt a kÃĐpet, amit a VÃĄrszigeten ÃĐs kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐn ÃĐlt virÃĄgzÃģ Karoling telepÞlÃĐs ÃĐletÃĐrÅl tudtunk. A VÃĄrsziget kÃķzelÃĐben lÃĐvÅ szigetek egy rÃĐszÃĐn nemesi udvarhÃĄzak ÃĐpÞltek, mÃĄsutt a szolgÃĄlÃģnÃĐpek telepÞlÃĐseinek nyomai azonosÃthatÃģak. A VÃĄrsziget kÃķzelÃĐben, a ma Zalaszabarhoz tartozÃģ BorjÃšÃĄllÃĄs szigeten MÞller RÃģbert ÃĄsatÃĄsai tÃĄrtÃĄk fel a Pribina telepÞlÃĐsÃĐvel kÃķrÞlbelÞl egy idÅben lÃĐtesÞlt nagy telepÞlÃĐst, ahol facÃķlÃķpÃķkkel vÃĐdett udvarhÃĄz ÃĄllt, mellette fatemplom. A templom kÃķrÞli tÃķbb szÃĄz sÃros temetÅbÅl ÃĐrtÃĐkes leletanyag kerÞlt elÅ. A gazdagabb sÃrok a szentegyhÃĄz ÃĐpÞlete kÃķrÞl talÃĄlhatÃģk, a fÃĐrfiakat sarkantyÚkkal temettÃĐk el, a nÅket pedig arany ÃĐs ezÞst ÃĐkszereikkel, tÃķbbnyire fÞlbevalÃģkkal.
@@withwillie A Bajorok ÃĐs karantÃĄnok megtÃĐrÃtÃĐse nevÅą iratrÃģl nagyjÃĄbÃģl 70 ÃĐve tudott, hogy hamisÃtvÃĄny. Bukta 1.
Ãn lÃĄttam az ÃĄllÃtÃģlagos frank jelenlÃĐt leleteit, amik elsÅ lÃĄtÃĄsra is nyilvÃĄnvalÃģan rÃģmaiak, a kÃĐsÅbbiek meg egyÃĐrtelmÅąen kora magyarok alias avarok. Bukta 2.
MetÃģd nem lÃĐtezett. Cirill MetÃģd azt jelenti Cirill mÃģdszer, nem pedig szemÃĐly. A MetÃģd ÃĄllÃtÃģlagos ÃĐletÃĐrÅl szÃģlÃģ iratok mind egy szÃĄlig hamisÃtvÃĄnyok ez is legalÃĄbb 50 ÃĐve ismert tÃĐny. Bukta 3.
Az iratok szerint 3 egymÃĄshoz kÃķzellÃĐvÅ templom volt Mosaburgban, ZalavÃĄron ÃĐs kÃķrnyÃĐkÃĐn 2-Åt talÃĄltak, olyan messze egymÃĄstÃģl, hogy szinte biztosan nem is egy telepÞlÃĐsen voltak. rÃĄadÃĄsul a 3.templom, amin ma az emlÃĐktÃĄbla is van pÃĐldÃĄul, mint Mosaburgi Åsi templom, valÃģjÃĄban az 1940-es ÃĐvekben ÃĐpÞlt egy filmforgatÃĄsra.
Bukta 4.
Mosaburgot 150 ÃĐvvel ezelÅtt talÃĄltÃĄk meg KarinthiÃĄban, ott is van az emlÃtett 3 templom, kÃĐtsÃĐget kizÃĄrÃģan az Mosaburg. Bukta 5.
SzÃĐpen felmondtad a leckÃĐt, csak ÃĐppen tÃĐnyeknek nem nÃĐztÃĐl utÃĄna, hanem az akadÃĐmiai ÃĐs egyhÃĄzi, ostoba hazugsÃĄgokat firkÃĄltad ide. Bukta 6. Game. Szett. Meccs.
SzomorÚ, hogy mÃĄr mindenki tud MagyarorszÃĄgon fÃķldet venni vagy hÃĄzat csak a magyar nem. Balatonon meg felverik az ÃĄrat a sok nÃĐmet miatt. Ez van.
ezek az emberek magyarok...
Nem igaz amit mondasz.
@@withwillieNem teljesen hangzik Úgy. Ingatlan vÃĄsÃĄrlÃĄst kÞlfÃķldieknek mindenkÃĐppen megnehezÃtenÃĐm. Nem sajnÃĄlok senkÃtÅl semmit, nem azÃĐrt Ãrtam, de egy ÃĄtlag magyar nehezen vesz ingatlant vagy sehogyan, nem beszÃĐlve hÃĄzrÃģl. Hitelt felvenni pedig mindÃg rizikÃģ. Nekem csak azÃĐrt van egy kis lakÃĄsom Pesten, mert kÞlfÃķldÃķn dolgoztam, dolgozok. Ennek nem Ãgy kellene lennie. De ez van.
@@atibatianya megÃĐrtem, ÃĐs ÃĄtÃĐrzem, csak az volt a lÃĐnyeg, hogy a videÃģban szereplÅ csalÃĄd magyar. nem a balaton, hanem falun vettek hÃĄzat vidÃĐken, ahol olcsÃģbb. de igazad van abban, hogy a lakhatÃĄs nem megfizethetÅ!
Nyugat-EurÃģpÃĄban nem volt szocializmus, mikor tÅlÞnk a kommunistÃĄk mindent elvettek. A Nyugat sosem segÃtett nekÞnk, ezÃĐrt most semmi pÃĐnzÃĐrt nem szabadna nekik eladni se fÃķldet, se hÃĄzat.
American people coming to Hungary too??? What t F???
If you have enough money Hungary is beautiful. Otherwise a disaster. Public services are totally ruined, as you can see in rural areas poverty all around. While the oligarchs are insanely rich.
All EU is critizazing Hungary. Why you go there? USA and EU call them rasist and homophobe. Why you donât stay in the western world?
magyarkent magyarirszagon nem megy ..hogy foldet vegyek xd jo itt elni koszonom orban ferenc
@@The_Catnip a kÃķltÅ arra gondolhat, hogy magyarorszÃĄgon kevesen engedhetik meg maguknak, hogy ingatlant vagy fÃķldet vÃĄsorÃĄoljanak. Ezzel szemben a 30 ÃĐv Ãģta regnÃĄlÃģ de az elmÚlt 14 ÃĐvben kiteljesedÅ kleptomÃĄn rendszer rÃĐsztvevÅinek ÃĐs fenntartÃģinak mint pl. OV. ÃĐs kitenyÃĐszetett ÃķrÃķkÃķs ellenzÃĐke Gy Fegyenc ÃĐs haverjainak bÅven jut, lÃĄsd Tiborcz ÃĐs LÃķlÅ gazdagodÃĄsa ill. AprÃģ villa ÃĐs tÃĄrsai.
i have a house for sale in a vilage called NagyberÃĐny , its located near Balaton lake . The House is on a 6000 m2 land ! ð
Where is the link?
Hol nezheto meg? tobb infot kerek :) Erdekelne..