I appreciate what you are attempting to do here. I'm even thankful for some of the information. Having said that, I really wish you would just speak the information yourself. The computer voice is almost unbearable to listen to. The strange stops, starts, and missing pauses make understanding what is being said much more difficult. Don't worry, I'm probably the only person on Earth who gives a crap about it. I just HATE all these AI speech thingies. For that matter, did you just have AI write the whole darn thing?
can you make a 24v version? with 2 bateries in series and balancing?
Yes sir
I appreciate what you are attempting to do here. I'm even thankful for some of the information. Having said that, I really wish you would just speak the information yourself. The computer voice is almost unbearable to listen to. The strange stops, starts, and missing pauses make understanding what is being said much more difficult.
Don't worry, I'm probably the only person on Earth who gives a crap about it. I just HATE all these AI speech thingies. For that matter, did you just have AI write the whole darn thing?
I really appreciate your. Comment .but if I talk with my dialect may be you won't able to understand,any way thank you very much for taking a time.