This scene contradicts one of the major themes of the story. A big part of LotR is that the elves are leaving and that men have to face the Enemy on their own without the help of the elves. It also makes no sense for Lothlorien to send aid to Ronan when they have to defend their own land from Sauron as well.
@@GREENdragon1224 I've always interpreted this moment as a pre-emptive strike from the elves. If the bulwark of Sauron's army was going to hit Helms Deep, send a detatchment of elves to help the men kill as many as possible. Best case scenario, you beat back Sauron's army. Worst case? You've inflicted enough casualties by being there to weaken Saurons army enough to consolidate and leave the elven lands alone long enough for the last elves to leave.
Phillip J. Benson I mean the Uruk hai were literally raised and ready to fight in weeks. Imagine what Saruman can raise in months. Killing 10,000 Uruk hai won’t make a dent in Saurons army. Plus we forget the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, Gundabad, Mordor, Rhun, Haradrim etc. Sauron was already set to take over the world
i think they used elves because: 1) they are cool; 2) They didnt show battle of Dale and battle of Dol Guldur, where elves fought in same time as battle of Minas Tirith. And elves are very important, and they placed them here, so they dont have to make 4 movies.
And if I recall correctly, the people/Royals of Rohan _(my book-knowledge is limited)_ have a... distrustful _(or worse)_ view/feelings toward Elves. Them just seeing hundreds of them, Bows in hand, shrouded in cloaks, marching at Helm's Deep... and they didn't halt and question them first before letting them in. Beit desperate or trusting-optimism _('cause of Legolas', Aragorn and Gimli's help with rescuing Theoden's soul),_ Rohan accepted them in before their doom approaches... the range of emotions they had and displayed on-screen was vast, I'm sure. 😁
I was an extra on set in this scene; I was one of the blonde elves standing on the wall with a long bow. There were two days of shooting in which Haldir (Craig Parker) was doing sword combat with the Uruk-hai and various other stunts. I recall one where he jumped onto the shoulders of an Uruk-hai, stabbed it in the top of the head then somersaulted off as it fell down dead. Pity that more of Haldir and his fighting didn’t end up in the final cut (or even the extended edition).
I remember in one of his Comic-Con interviews, PJ mentioned that one day he may release an ultimate cut of the trilogy, including possibly at least an extra hour long footage which is otherwise unedited or never released before. I hope this would become real soon.
What’s great is that the thing Aragorn does with his hand at 1:10 is like a serious hug for elves. Aragorn does the elf hug, and goes ‘Nope, doesn’t convey my feelings enough’ and goes for the human hug; and Haldir is just like ‘oh.....okay, this is happening’ and awkwardly pats him on the back. It’s so small and silly, but I love it.
@@skychieftain I mean, I'm sure the river Aragorn fell into helped with that stench... least a bit, surely, 😆... Buuut maybe Brego the Horse's breath and hygiene ruined that soak? lol
@@TheEckoEcho actually the dwarves and the lake people were fighting a large army of rhun warriors. By large I mean more than 100.000 men strong. If not for the dwarves and lake men Gondor would've pretty much fallen cause rhun were mostly spearmen who could've easily countered the rohirrim which is cavalry.
I love these comments...I am in love with these films an i am so passionate with the books and tolkien is my father for everything!That feeling every time....even now that i am older....
@@AnzuBrief no especially not that it was crap u knew every character in lotr ya didn't even get all the dwarfs names character performance was shocking
"We are proud to fight alongside men once more". What an underrated line. One of the best of the trilogy cause it's able to rievocate and condensate all the sufferances Humans and Elves lived togheter throughout the eres.
For anyone wondering, the reason the elves turned when Legolas and Haldir greeted, its because Legolas is the son of Thranduil, the king of Mirkwood, making him his prince. It was the Evles way of standing at attention for royalty. Edit: the controversy this has started in the comments 😂
This is my favorite scene of The Two Towers. The Elves, immortal and beautiful creatures, forfeit their immortal lives to stand side by side with their allies in a hopeless battle, so the humans wouldn´t die alone. That´s so powerful, i always get the shivers watching this scene.
Even if the Elves "died" they would eventually reincarnate in Valinor, after spending some time in the halls of Mandos. Men die for real, they transcend
@@willowwhisper6575 I heard that men don't die but going to a place far off from Arda, where only Ilu himself can go.(Maybe like heaven or an adaptive Earth/our world without elves/dwarves etc?) That's why even the Valar ar jealous. Because like Maya, elves, they are Immortal. But they are bound to Arda. If that's really true then Men have the biggest "achievement" after death.
@TheJohnson That's true, just one small correction: in Tolkien's universe, our earth IS Middle Earth, in the fourth age (age of men) or sixth/seventh depending on the source. Arda (the world) started as your typical flat earth, in the second age of the sun Valinor was separated from Arda, Númenor sank and the world took spherical shape. From the fourth age onwards continents break apart and Earth takes the shape we know today.
>Be Elf >Die at Helms Deep >Wake up in Mandos immediately after >Heckle Feanor >Get body back immediately due to sacrifice >Live in blessed realm until the world is destroyed Not even a sacrifice really
This is one of the most tear jerking scenes in the whole trilogy for me, right along with “you bow to no one” and “I can carry you”. Yes, it’s relatively minor, yes, it’s not even in the books, and yet it always has an amazing effect on me.
I found it strange that i cried when haldier died, because i hadn't even seen extended edition fellowship yet, but even without very much character development it still made me cry
That’s the power of honor my friend. Virtue and morals. This scene is so good, I’d bet money Tolkien watched it from the afterlife and said, “Ok, I gotta put this in a new edition of the book. Too good.”
Love the attention to detail. Legolas looks amazing compared to the humans he's surrounded by because of his elven blood, but when stood next to Haldir he looks more dishevelled and dirty from long travel and battle compared to the fresher, cleaner Haldir.
Domino's is like the elves. They both keep their promises. The elves promise to fight, they fight. Domino's promises to deliver in 30 mins or it's free and they fucking get there in 30 mins, even if they have to go past an army of Uruk-Hai to get it there.
LMFAO you plebs. Learn Gimli is a Vikingkr Battle training from birth that makes agogi the Spartan warrior training look meek. For Tolkien derived much from Norse mythology. And the Mongols as did George. R. R. Martin. Til Valhal, So Tolum Niko. The battle cries of 2 spearheads that even the regiment use. He who Dares Wins. We yield not one inch of Land.
Course they do, they were the first to take up arms to face Sauron, they deserve all the help they get. Edit: Old comment I know, but it's normal for such old videos that are still popular
@@StrayingCat They weren't the first. The Edain, the ancestors of the Numenoreans, fought alongside the Elves against Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, whom Sauron served. They fought at the battle where Morgoth was overthrown by the Valar and cast outside the reaches of Middle-earth and forbidden to ever return. And the Numenoreans arrived in Middle-earth after Sauron had recovered from his master's defeat and taken his place as Dark Lord, and forced him to surrender; but it was then the Numenoreans sealed their doom, for their king took Sauron prisoner and was swayed by his honeyed words and his (then) fair appearance, so that he made his enemy one of his chief advisors, and was led to his ruin and the ruin of all of Numenor. The realm of Gondor and the fallen realm of Arnor in the north, of whom only the Dunedain remain, are all that remains of the Numenoreans.
They were there before time even existed. They know that they should not fear death, for they're children of a time before Melkor rotted the minds of men.
@@_RatL0vinghuman_ Why? In the book he introduces himself while dealing with the fellowship when they first enter the forest at Lothlorien then he's not mentioned again. I'm just curious as to what he does to warrant being a favorite character.
Baltazar Martinez I always wondered how Legolas keep his hair so beautiful, my hair is long, and it always gets messed up, now I know why Legolas and Haldir (and other elves) keep their hair so majestic. :D
CaptainPeelz Oh yea... I remember reading and hearing about it in several documentaries and such. But that's before battle. My comment says "hourly" hair brushing.... and who knows, maybe bleaching and conditioning as well lol.
I always loved that the Elves honour alliances from literally thousands of years ago. All those men they were friends with are long dead, but to the Elves time is kind of meaningless in a way, and they hold themselves to such high standards that they still remember that understanding.
This scene has so much more meaning when you realize that for the elves it was basically a suicide mission they were leaving middle earth but these elves chose to stay and fight to honor their bond with man that’s the thing throughout the series that really separates elves from the other races their power of magic and the fact that they live forever for all we know some of those elves who looked 22 could have been 222 years old but that’s the thing about elves they always honor their word so glad that they decided to add this scene even when it wasn’t from the book
The word suicide has little meaning when your race has the ability to Respawn right after death. They got to go out fighting and got to fast travel to Aman/undying lands instead of taking a ship there, which is where they were leaving to in the first place.
@@SagaciousNihilist it’s not right after by a long shot. Elven souls go to the Halls of Mandos & can wait thousands of years before they are re embodied Valinor.
@@frenchsterr This is true, but the rest of what @SagaciousNemesis said is pretty accurate. They do respawn. Eventually. (Besides, thousands of years is not a huge deal to an Elf, especially not in Valinor.) To add, it differs per soul. One could speculate that an Elf who sacrifices their life to fight against the darkness would be 'done' sooner. It's still a noble sacrifice, of course, but before I learned about the Halls of Mandos it seemed like an incomprehensibly-enormous sacrifice to me.
One of my favorite scenes. To many of the men of Rohan elves are a distant memory or a far off tale. The actors sell this look perfectly. They look about how i would if a bunch of elves showed up to defend my home.
I was looking for this comment. I think you're 100% right. For most of the people of Rohan, the Elves would have been little more than a myth. I think the extra's in this scene sell their surprise at a bunch of Elven archers suddenly coming to their aid really well.
I'm an avid lover of the books, and if you're too, even if this didn't happened in there, the way Haldir says :"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more" just sends chills down your spine, knowing the glory days of the Last Alliance.
Even before "The Last Alliance" the Numenorians came to the elves rescue. when Sauron basically had them hemmed up in Lindon and Imladriss, it was the Numenorians arrival that turned the tide and forced Sauron back. Then after this we had the Elves fighting with Arnor, or the remnants of anyway, against Angmar. There is a long history of men and elves fighting side by side, at least the men of the West anyway, dating all the way back to the First age and the wars with Morgoth. The only reason they did not help in the Books, is because the Orcs from Moria were threatening Lorien and they could not send aid to Helms Deep. That said, like you I really like this scene as well.
@@lnwolf7563 Even before that, the Edain that moved into Beleriand, fought with the other-wordly kingdoms of the Noldor and the kingdom of Doriath, against Morgoth, Balrogs, and dragons.
It's a good case of being pragmatic in adaptation. Trying to film the fights over at Lothlorien was gonna mess with the film's pacing, so while they couldn't show that, this was a way to show the elves were active in the fights breaking out across the lands. Plus, considering how barely Rohan and friends won this fight, showing that the same outcome happens even with the elves' help tell us that shit was REALLY BAD.
@@reyonXIII They didnt even need the bomb to overwhelm the defenses without the elves there in the movie. The second those ladders went up it would have been over. In the books they were still able to put up a fight without the elves to last long enough until the army got there, but in the movie they are in really really dire straits with only a handful of old men and kids who are barely even capable of mounting a skeleton defense, so they can add this dramatic scene of the elves showing up at the last second thus giving them a fighting chance to hold out for the army, and making the battle much more visually appealing. Having proper elven soldiers led by Aragorn slugging it out on the ramparts and then having them do an epic charge once the wall was blown up would be much cooler to watch then old men and kids throwing rocks and shooting arrows. Jackson knew what he was doing as a filmmaker when it came to minor changes to source material in order to make a better visual experience.
I love the books but people who complain about Jackson adding scenes like this are insane. This scene was incredible and the addition of the elves to the Helm's Deep battle was a great move. And I'm normally an extreme purist when it comes to adaptations, but in the case of LOTR, I was fine with all of Jackson's choices because it was done so beautifully and worked.
@@skychieftain this doesn't matter for a race that is unable to die. Even when they are killed in battle they will enter the halls of mandros and later he reborn. Their live will never really end
For the most part, Jackson's changes didn't throw the core lore out the window like Rings of Power does. For example having Arwen save Frodo before Rivendell still is the core idea of a powerful elf aiding the Rignbearer against the Ringwraiths. Bakshi had it be Legolas in his version since he was going to be part of the Fellowship. Having a company of elves show up to Helm's Deep is a nice touch. It doesn't change the course of the battle in the slightest and most of them die anyway.
It really cements the various Elven realms giving one last heroic sacrifice with what's left of their strength to give hope to the race of Men and other Free peoples of Middle Earth as their own race is departing away from Middle Earth.
Seriously. Howard Shore must have written a thousand melodies for this trilogy. There’s one for everything. Nobody expects a theme just for Aragorn running up the stairs after seeing the beacons, yet he did compose it.
1:27 Legolas standing behind Haldir looking like your friend introducing you to his cool older cousin who's gonna buy you guys liquor for a party since you and your friends are still in Highschool.
Legolas and his father are pure Sindar elves, mere elves soldiers would consider them as a noble even though they doesn't ruled any elven kingdoms as King and crown prince. 😁
0:24 I love the one soldier putting his hand on the other one’s shoulder, and all the other men of Rohans reaction to the elves almost like they’re thinking “Holy shit we might actually win this.” just goes to show the awe and aura that elves have around them in Tolkien lore.
Can we just take a second and appreciate the elves for being the most non-maintenance allies in all of LOTR? Never asked for anything or complained, just kept giving
One assumes it was to get the elves involved in the conflict, without the headache of constantly cutting back to the battles at Lothlorien and Mirkwood.
The main thing that bothers me is the geography. How did Elves from Lothlorien get to Helm's Deep before the Uruk-hai army from Isengard (which is closer)? During Galadriel and Elrond's "elf skype" (good phrase from Dunadi above) Galadriel says "Isengard has been unleashed" and you see the Uruk-hai army on the move. This is before Elrond has Haldir's force dispatched. Possibly a smaller group of elves could move faster than an Uruk-hai horde which would have had to organise its forces before showing up at Helm's Deep. Also the Uruk-Hai force was slowed by Rohan skirmishes or stopped to attack towns and villages? Its just something I wonder on.
All done for dramatic effect. By taking away the large garrison 2000 strong including Eomer and his riders and leaving only a handful of kids and old men to defend the walls and it appears that all is lost (including scenes where kids are putting on armor that they are too small for, further reinforcing that they are in big trouble and the "their courage hangs on by a thread" convo), Jackson is building up to create that big dramatic moment when the elves show up out of nowhere now giving them an actual fighting chance to hold out until the army arrives, but this time, it's the ENTIRE army including Eomer so you create another more dramatic moment when they do arrive right as the last defenders are in the middle of a bonzai style suicide charge. A minor change that had no real effect on the outcome of the battle or anything else. He knew a few hardcore book people would grumble but for the Hollywood audience this was a good change but not a major enough change where book readers would throw a temper tantrum. Jackson knows what he is doing.
Goosebumps, a sunken heart, a choked throat, and tears. That is what this scene gives me. It is so beautiful, the love of the Elves, their goodness. They are getting ready to leave Middle Earth and go to paradise but no, they will not leave humanity to die in this fucked up way, totally outnumbered and alone. The Elves choose to stay and risk death, they are there for their friends, even though Men are so much lesser than them. Absolutely heart wrenching and beautiful.
Yes the Elves don't like how we squabble and fight over things they consider petty but they realize that we are a shorter lived race. But men are generally good and against evil and darkness so there's that common goal.
“We are less petty than you, we are wiser, we are more beautiful, we have long, flowing, carefully groomed hair and we are destined to live forever......but we will fight and die with you cause we love you.”
@@ladyalaina42 Cos in the books they were fighting their own war against Sauron and since PJ didn't show that i think this was his way of having the elves in his movies.
After the rings of power this scene hits even harder than ever. The elves done right; stoic, powerful, mysterious and threatening. They move and carry themselves like warriors who have trained for multiple lifetimes, just to sell their lives as dearly as possible when it really counts.
Haldir came when no other hosts did, he didnt come to win, he didnt come for the glory, he came to uphold a age long alliance and promise, based haldir
I love it you can see the hope and the joy return to the faces of the men of Rohan upon seeing the elves. An army of elves had not been seen in the west sense the days of the last alliance, it was as if myth came of to life when they walked into the fortress. The skill and grace of the elves is unmatched in middle earth, they would surely provide an excellent moral boost.
@@marsnz1002 they didnt come form Rivendell, Elrond sent word to Lady Galadriel to sent some of her elves to help Rohan due to most of Elrond's people at Rivendell had already left those that would have enough elves is Thrandiul and Galadriel. because Rivendell is where elves take ships to the undying lands, the Valar. the elves also wear Galadrim armor and weaponry while the Elves that Elrond leads they have different armor and weapons remember back during the second age where Sauron gets defeated
I love how Legolas is in frame when Haldir says the elves are proud to fight alongside men once more because it signifies that Legolas too, as a fellow elf, is proud to be there fighting (which is of course made significant because of his earlier doubts)
I feel like we're not gonna see this level of quality film making again for another lifetime. This trilogy is not without flaws but, you can tell they really cared about telling these stories. This scene is a perfect example of that. Haldir is an elf. He can see that some of the men are happy but, he's not really sure what to make of their reaction, in general, to his arrival. Even as he talks to Theodin, he's a bit hesitant and reserved. He acts like a mere messenger. But then. Aragorn appears and gives him this super warm and friendly greeting. Giving him the reassurance he needed. Then, he turns back to Theodin and speaks proudly and with confidence. His warriors seemingly reflecting that feeling. I mean.. the events themselves feel somewhat irrelevant next to how well they're brought through by the actors and film makers. Perhaps I'm just a stupid, gushing nerd here but, I truly miss the days when the goal of film making wasn't just to tell a story but, to make you feel something.
Aragorn was so damaged, hopeless, miserable but in the same time so blessed with friendship, love and respect in all 3 Movies. FAV CHARACTER ALL THE WAY
The camera pan as Aaragorn enters the scene: Haldir looks upon him in the knowledge that he is the personification of the allegiance between elves and men of which he speaks. Hope remains. Fantastic cinematographic juxtaposition.
That scene is awesome! Soldiers and warriors of Helms Deep looking on in awe at the arrival of these legendary fighters and allies of their forefathers.
In comparison with Rings of Power changes to the lore, this is an example of a lore change that doesn't rock the foundation. It's a nice scene that shows the Elves aren't so aloof or uncaring. Most importantly it doesn't change the core story of the Battle of Helm's Deep as it's only a relatively small company of elves who don't affect the outcome of the battle plus they pretty much all die.
If this movie was made today this scene would consist of a bunch of black, female elves marching in to save the toxic men from doom. And not a single woman would die.
@@onkelmorra87 Yes, turns out there are good and bad writers. I am not sure women being in the elvish army changes even one sentence in the trilogy, I will say that much.
Well be honest if it weren't for the elves they probably would've lost the fortress alot sooner, considering that it took half the battle for the Uruks to break through the elf positions.
Bruh these movies are's beautiful because this scene captures the emotional weight of all of the times men and elves fought together in Middle Earth's history. Beren and Finarfin, the Last Alliance, the various battles at Anfauglith where the Edain and the Noldor fought Morgoth's forces...tens of thousands of years of struggle against evil. Amazing scene. The friendships between the various good races is one of my favorite parts of LOTR. Men taking care of Hobbits, elves and dwarves grudgingly making alliances, elves and men allying against Sauron and Morgoth...I fucking love this series so much man.
31.01.2025. Belgrade students arrive at Novi Sad after 80km long march to support fellow students and citizens in struggle for justice over death of 15 people at Novi Sad train station. Being able to witness something similar to this scene in real life gives me chills. As of today, those very students have been nominated for Nobel peace prize.
Look at them, look at this synchronicity, the soft voices escorted by a powerful roll of drums as we hear their steps in unison... majestic... 1 BILLION DOLLARS AND YOU COULDNT DO THAT AMAZON?! PATHETIC!
"Helm's deep has but one weakness...the door guards will instantly open the gate for an entire army without even asking who they are if they have nice armour and stuff."
@@AkasukaNoMila They’re not from Rivendell so that’d be an immediate red flag, but ‘making a horn sound’ is probably beyond Saruman’s powers, that much I’ll concede.
@@nickstone1587 They are from Lorien, yes, but they are send by Elrond. Also, is clearly stated by Tolkien that "the evil can't replicate Eru's creations". So, the elves are the most pure creation of Eru, is impossible to be a trap or some artiluge of Saruman.
What I love about this scene when digging into the Legendarium is that these are only Lothlorien Wood Elves, The Nandor and some Silvan. Even though they died relatively quickly in the movies they are still a forced to be reckoned with. so just imagined what a full Noldorin High Elven army would have done
My dad (who is a Tolkien nut) would whisper to me at various points “This wasn’t in the book.” or “This happens at a different time.” Here, he was dead silent and I thought “Oh this must be in the book.” Afterwards, we went out for Burger King and were talking about the movie and I mentioned the Elves arriving. He said “It wasn’t in the book but it was so awesome I chose not to say anything.”
After all this time this scene still gets me in the feels. I remember seeing it in the movies and I felt their hopelessness and then they arrive and you feel your morale lift.
Ever since LOTR came out, I never missed a year re-watching the Trilogy. I am still amazed, the battle at helms deep still gives me goosebumps specially when the elves arrives and then the Rohirrims. I still find Aragorn very handsome and he's still my favorite character (maybe not, if its not played by Vigo). Damn, I love LOTR, its the number 1 movie in my heart. I was so addicted to LOTR, I went to New Zealand to visit its set. :")
One of the best deviations from the books. Much better than the army of the dead at Pelenor Fields, I was looking forwards to seeing an army of rangers and the Gondorians Aragorn picked up swinging to the rescue.
I loved this in the theater, when Haldir shows up sparkling clean with every hair in place and Aragorn, who looks like he just climbed out of a mud pit, lurches forward to hug him and for one split-second, you can see Haldir recoil like OMG HE'S GOING TO HUG ME. Still irked about Haldir tbh ...
My gosh look at them!!!! THEY REALLY looked like elves, not like the ones of Rings of Power. These are So beautiful, bright, intelligent, elegant and brave 👏😍😍 PJ did an AMAZING job and this trilogy will FOREVER be THE BEST OF ALL TIME. ♥
Question: is it ONLY because they are black you didn't like them? like if everything else worked in RoP, would the elves being multiracial ruin the rest of it?
When I first saw this scene years ago, I cried tears of joy. I could feel everyone’s hopes rising in the room. Then I found out it wasn’t even in the book! Which makes this scene so much more special
The HUG gets me every time. While not an elf custom, he embraces and hugs him back knowing its mans tradition. Its sort of like when an introvert opens up to an extrovert, of which I am one. I find introverts fascinating, like a project to work on.
This scene is powerful. Elves are nothing if not prideful. To willingly march to almost certain death for an old allegiance is inspiring.
This scene contradicts one of the major themes of the story. A big part of LotR is that the elves are leaving and that men have to face the Enemy on their own without the help of the elves. It also makes no sense for Lothlorien to send aid to Ronan when they have to defend their own land from Sauron as well.
@@GREENdragon1224 I've always interpreted this moment as a pre-emptive strike from the elves. If the bulwark of Sauron's army was going to hit Helms Deep, send a detatchment of elves to help the men kill as many as possible. Best case scenario, you beat back Sauron's army. Worst case? You've inflicted enough casualties by being there to weaken Saurons army enough to consolidate and leave the elven lands alone long enough for the last elves to leave.
Phillip J. Benson I mean the Uruk hai were literally raised and ready to fight in weeks. Imagine what Saruman can raise in months. Killing 10,000 Uruk hai won’t make a dent in Saurons army. Plus we forget the Orcs of the Misty Mountains, Gundabad, Mordor, Rhun, Haradrim etc. Sauron was already set to take over the world
Lothrorien and Imladris elves are cool. It's the elves from mirkwood (and it's vain king) that's prideful
Even though the Elves helping wasn't in the book, it was such a good move of PJ's part, cause everyone loves the Elves
yeah, too bad Haldir had to die ;_;
SirCaptain Snuggles i know, that's why I like the books more :)
Too bad they all died. :/ except Legolas of course.
I was a sobbing mess when Haldir died O.O
i think they used elves because: 1) they are cool; 2) They didnt show battle of Dale and battle of Dol Guldur, where elves fought in same time as battle of Minas Tirith. And elves are very important, and they placed them here, so they dont have to make 4 movies.
You can really see the renewal of hope in the men's eyes as they see the elves. Brilliant directing for a wonderful scene
Lotr has the best extras ever. Small impactful moments. Smiles, fear, courage, all shown wonderfully by extras.
And if I recall correctly, the people/Royals of Rohan _(my book-knowledge is limited)_ have a... distrustful _(or worse)_ view/feelings toward Elves.
Them just seeing hundreds of them, Bows in hand, shrouded in cloaks, marching at Helm's Deep... and they didn't halt and question them first before letting them in.
Beit desperate or trusting-optimism _('cause of Legolas', Aragorn and Gimli's help with rescuing Theoden's soul),_ Rohan accepted them in before their doom approaches... the range of emotions they had and displayed on-screen was vast, I'm sure. 😁
@@aa.ra9589 Yeah simping on elven women...
@ryansandigan7184 I can think of worse fates...! 🤣🤣🤣
Cheers Mate! 🙂✌️
You can see it in theodens face too.
I was an extra on set in this scene; I was one of the blonde elves standing on the wall with a long bow. There were two days of shooting in which Haldir (Craig Parker) was doing sword combat with the Uruk-hai and various other stunts. I recall one where he jumped onto the shoulders of an Uruk-hai, stabbed it in the top of the head then somersaulted off as it fell down dead. Pity that more of Haldir and his fighting didn’t end up in the final cut (or even the extended edition).
That would have been amazing to see!
I remember in one of his Comic-Con interviews, PJ mentioned that one day he may release an ultimate cut of the trilogy, including possibly at least an extra hour long footage which is otherwise unedited or never released before. I hope this would become real soon.
That is badass!!
No you weren't
Whoa 🤯
What’s great is that the thing Aragorn does with his hand at 1:10 is like a serious hug for elves. Aragorn does the elf hug, and goes ‘Nope, doesn’t convey my feelings enough’ and goes for the human hug; and Haldir is just like ‘oh.....okay, this is happening’ and awkwardly pats him on the back. It’s so small and silly, but I love it.
I love how he at first is taken back then smiles and melts into the hug.
I know I love this scene and especially that part 😂💕💕
He's probably repulsed by Aragorn's stench
@@skychieftain I mean, I'm sure the river Aragorn fell into helped with that stench... least a bit, surely, 😆... Buuut maybe Brego the Horse's breath and hygiene ruined that soak? lol
I love this scene, total brotherhood vibes and brings tears to my eyes at how close Men and Elves can be against a common cause 🙂
I love how Aragorn just automatically goes for the hug and Haldir's like
yeah ok
Hahaha yeah. I love him (:
Then look at Legolas' face after hugging him.
At 1:28.
"Yeahhh we're with Haldir now"
Signifying elvish pride
Yes lunarlightbulb158, he went straight for a good elf cuddle
Elvish master race
I love how legolas seem proud because the elves joined them.
@heroinhero69 not to legolas they know legolas is different from his kin
I don’t know what the elves were doing at this point , but seems they’re avoiding the fight. The dwarves were doing the fighting
@@AlejandroSanchez-pl6jw the dwarves are hiding in their mountain of gold.
EckoEcho false , Dain was fighting alongside with the people of laketown
@@TheEckoEcho actually the dwarves and the lake people were fighting a large army of rhun warriors. By large I mean more than 100.000 men strong. If not for the dwarves and lake men Gondor would've pretty much fallen cause rhun were mostly spearmen who could've easily countered the rohirrim which is cavalry.
Fact: this is NOT in the book.
Side fact: This scene is still awesome!
Extra side fact this film was 2002 it's 2018 nothing as come close to it in 16 years
I love these comments...I am in love with these films an i am so passionate with the books and tolkien is my father for everything!That feeling every time....even now that i am older....
@@adammigas4997 Especially not the Hobbit trilogy that was made a couple of years ago...
@@AnzuBrief no especially not that it was crap u knew every character in lotr ya didn't even get all the dwarfs names character performance was shocking
Yeah it was a cool choice to have a little more interaction with the elves in the movies than the books. I have no issues with this scene being added!
I'm usually a bit of a book purist, but this is one of my favourite scenes and still gives me the chills almost 20 years later.
If you think that, you are not even a BIT of a book purist.
"We are proud to fight alongside men once more".
What an underrated line. One of the best of the trilogy cause it's able to rievocate and condensate all the sufferances Humans and Elves lived togheter throughout the eres.
@@helicoptergunship typing error. Thank you for the segnalation ;)
'Best lines of the trilogy?' Are you kidding? Did you EVER read the book?
@@dougamundson6836 2 times dude. What's the point?
For anyone wondering, the reason the elves turned when Legolas and Haldir greeted, its because Legolas is the son of Thranduil, the king of Mirkwood, making him his prince. It was the Evles way of standing at attention for royalty.
Edit: the controversy this has started in the comments 😂
Thanks :)
sorry for this, however Aragorn is also a royalty. Why these elves don't give him same honour as Legolas?
He is not an elf?
He is the HEIR to the throne of Gondor. Legolas is a prince of one of the three elves realms in the ME.
Yes but I think they should show some respect.
how he smiles when aragorn hugs him surprisingly... priceless. :)
I feel the pain to his dignity 😜😂
This is my favorite scene of The Two Towers. The Elves, immortal and beautiful creatures, forfeit their immortal lives to stand side by side with their allies in a hopeless battle, so the humans wouldn´t die alone. That´s so powerful, i always get the shivers watching this scene.
Even if the Elves "died" they would eventually reincarnate in Valinor, after spending some time in the halls of Mandos. Men die for real, they transcend
@@willowwhisper6575 I heard that men don't die but going to a place far off from Arda, where only Ilu himself can go.(Maybe like heaven or an adaptive Earth/our world without elves/dwarves etc?)
That's why even the Valar ar jealous. Because like Maya, elves, they are Immortal. But they are bound to Arda.
If that's really true then Men have the biggest "achievement" after death.
@@thejohnson2328 that is true. Gotta have at least something better than the elves or valar 😂
@TheJohnson That's true, just one small correction: in Tolkien's universe, our earth IS Middle Earth, in the fourth age (age of men) or sixth/seventh depending on the source.
Arda (the world) started as your typical flat earth, in the second age of the sun Valinor was separated from Arda, Númenor sank and the world took spherical shape. From the fourth age onwards continents break apart and Earth takes the shape we know today.
>Be Elf
>Die at Helms Deep
>Wake up in Mandos immediately after
>Heckle Feanor
>Get body back immediately due to sacrifice
>Live in blessed realm until the world is destroyed
Not even a sacrifice really
This is one of the most tear jerking scenes in the whole trilogy for me, right along with “you bow to no one” and “I can carry you”.
Yes, it’s relatively minor, yes, it’s not even in the books, and yet it always has an amazing effect on me.
Boil em mash em stick em in a stew.
My precioussss
I found it strange that i cried when haldier died, because i hadn't even seen extended edition fellowship yet, but even without very much character development it still made me cry
That’s the power of honor my friend. Virtue and morals. This scene is so good, I’d bet money Tolkien watched it from the afterlife and said, “Ok, I gotta put this in a new edition of the book. Too good.”
The request of Legolas, for a hundred elven archers is fullfilled... (not from the Dark Forest, but anyway)
Love the attention to detail. Legolas looks amazing compared to the humans he's surrounded by because of his elven blood, but when stood next to Haldir he looks more dishevelled and dirty from long travel and battle compared to the fresher, cleaner Haldir.
But Legolas is more hot and more handsome than Haldir.
@@LifeOdysseyMotivation blasphemy
@@shaunastraney9115 Legolas is so hot and I love him. That's the fact!
@@shaunastraney9115 😂
@@shaunastraney9115 LOL 😅
"That's is no orc horn" said legolas. "no" said gimli that is domino pizza delivering my large meat feast".
Madman Loves Power with extra salted pork
Beautiful comment
"May I share in you meal?", asked Legolas.
"Nay," replied Gimli, "even their largest pizza still only counts as one!"
Domino's is like the elves. They both keep their promises. The elves promise to fight, they fight. Domino's promises to deliver in 30 mins or it's free and they fucking get there in 30 mins, even if they have to go past an army of Uruk-Hai to get it there.
LMFAO you plebs. Learn Gimli is a Vikingkr Battle training from birth that makes agogi the Spartan warrior training look meek. For Tolkien derived much from Norse mythology. And the Mongols as did George. R. R. Martin. Til Valhal, So Tolum Niko. The battle cries of 2 spearheads that even the regiment use. He who Dares Wins. We yield not one inch of Land.
i always loved Legolas' face at 1:25 "hehe back with my badass elf brothers we are so cool" XD
+KimPossible right? makes me laugh every time :-D
Hahah thats fun but in fact Legolas is a Mirkwood elf. And thoose was Lotlorien elves. LEGOLAS never meet them except in their short visit in Lorien.
I love your face
And all the elves go in to position when they See him because he is an elven prince
I wish I was in a good loving. Ugly people are sad
"we are proud to fight alongside men once more" kind of brings a tear to my eye. we don't deserve you. certainly we have not earned you.
honestly, Haldir is probably the most underrated character. He is so pure, definitely one of my favorite characters.
Course they do, they were the first to take up arms to face Sauron, they deserve all the help they get. Edit: Old comment I know, but it's normal for such old videos that are still popular
Sure we do, we saved the elves in the past
@@StrayingCat They weren't the first. The Edain, the ancestors of the Numenoreans, fought alongside the Elves against Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, whom Sauron served. They fought at the battle where Morgoth was overthrown by the Valar and cast outside the reaches of Middle-earth and forbidden to ever return. And the Numenoreans arrived in Middle-earth after Sauron had recovered from his master's defeat and taken his place as Dark Lord, and forced him to surrender; but it was then the Numenoreans sealed their doom, for their king took Sauron prisoner and was swayed by his honeyed words and his (then) fair appearance, so that he made his enemy one of his chief advisors, and was led to his ruin and the ruin of all of Numenor. The realm of Gondor and the fallen realm of Arnor in the north, of whom only the Dunedain remain, are all that remains of the Numenoreans.
@@gtate135 tbh we also are the reason Sauron still existed in the first place at that time
The amount of honor in this scene is emotionally moving. To risk death when immortal to fight for one’s ally is an ultimate act of honor
They were there before time even existed. They know that they should not fear death, for they're children of a time before Melkor rotted the minds of men.
Even in death they are immortal they get reborn so it really means nothing lol
Easily one of the most epic scenes in the trilogy. Haldir is so underrated.
Shame they cheaply kill him off (The one elf in his company not wearing a helmet).
true,thats why haldir is my favorite elven character(also hes just my favorite character in general)
@@_RatL0vinghuman_ y they killed him …shame
@@_RatL0vinghuman_ Why? In the book he introduces himself while dealing with the fellowship when they first enter the forest at Lothlorien then he's not mentioned again. I'm just curious as to what he does to warrant being a favorite character.
He got plumped!
Sorry we didn't arrive sooner, we had to stop for a our hourly hair brushing.
Baltazar Martinez I always wondered how Legolas keep his hair so beautiful, my hair is long, and it always gets messed up, now I know why Legolas and Haldir (and other elves) keep their hair so majestic. :D
Katherine Boatman
yep, it's elven etiquette to brush your hair at the start of every hour. Elves have a reputation to maintain.
Haha. I wish my hair would stay untangled for a day, only when I put it in a pony tail it stays untangled..... I love LOTR! Go elves!
+MrBulbasore for the record, before going into battle Spartan warriors would brush and oil their hair.
Oh yea... I remember reading and hearing about it in several documentaries and such. But that's before battle. My comment says "hourly" hair brushing.... and who knows, maybe bleaching and conditioning as well lol.
The guy at 0:35
"Yeah boiiiiiiiiii elvesssssssssss"
I always loved his “fuck yeah!” look lol!
he had just been smoking some shire weed ;)
He was wayy too excited
Where be the elvish chicks at? He thought
frolicking naked in mirkwood with Tauriel
My left ear loved this.
Are you saying that Legolas son of King thraunduil that is mad
Angel is saying that Legolas is ugly😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
Small Moustache Man Really? It's my right ear
Small Moustache Man yeah with headphones on the sound is only in one ear
I've watched the trilogy more times than I can actually count, this scene never fails to send chills down my spine.
What about Amazon 🤣
@@Real_Meeeee bruh shush 😭
@@Real_Meeeee haha, I actually did give it a shot but had to quit after 2 episodes of that pathetic mess 😂 bast*rds.
I always loved that the Elves honour alliances from literally thousands of years ago. All those men they were friends with are long dead, but to the Elves time is kind of meaningless in a way, and they hold themselves to such high standards that they still remember that understanding.
I still hated to see Haldir killed. 😢😢
myanimeaddict Me, too!
myanimeaddict don’t feel bad in the books Haldir didn’t even came with his elves. He just stayed in Lorien.
yeah we really enjoyed him.
Well, shouldn't have even been there
I cried when he died
King Theoden: How is this possible?
Haldir: We heard you had Head and Shoulders.
Hahahahahah that's gold
@@calebclendon3646 I agree!
That's awesome 😂
And knees and toes
@@davecrupel2817 he's referring to the shampoo brand (if I'm right)
This scene has so much more meaning when you realize that for the elves it was basically a suicide mission they were leaving middle earth but these elves chose to stay and fight to honor their bond with man that’s the thing throughout the series that really separates elves from the other races their power of magic and the fact that they live forever for all we know some of those elves who looked 22 could have been 222 years old but that’s the thing about elves they always honor their word so glad that they decided to add this scene even when it wasn’t from the book
The word suicide has little meaning when your race has the ability to Respawn right after death. They got to go out fighting and got to fast travel to Aman/undying lands instead of taking a ship there, which is where they were leaving to in the first place.
@@SagaciousNihilist it’s not right after by a long shot. Elven souls go to the Halls of Mandos & can wait thousands of years before they are re embodied Valinor.
@@frenchsterr This is true, but the rest of what @SagaciousNemesis said is pretty accurate. They do respawn. Eventually. (Besides, thousands of years is not a huge deal to an Elf, especially not in Valinor.) To add, it differs per soul. One could speculate that an Elf who sacrifices their life to fight against the darkness would be 'done' sooner.
It's still a noble sacrifice, of course, but before I learned about the Halls of Mandos it seemed like an incomprehensibly-enormous sacrifice to me.
Elves aren’t really immortal, just have a very long lifespan that can be confused as immortality.
@@conn_man_249 That’s Numenoreans
One of my favorite scenes. To many of the men of Rohan elves are a distant memory or a far off tale. The actors sell this look perfectly. They look about how i would if a bunch of elves showed up to defend my home.
I was looking for this comment. I think you're 100% right. For most of the people of Rohan, the Elves would have been little more than a myth. I think the extra's in this scene sell their surprise at a bunch of Elven archers suddenly coming to their aid really well.
I saw this film in theatres as a kid. When the elves arrived, every person in the theatre jumped to their feet and cheered
1:25 Legolas, Elven prince of Smirkwood.
That was brilliant!
I never noticed him looking directly into camera lol
I'm an avid lover of the books, and if you're too, even if this didn't happened in there, the way Haldir says :"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more" just sends chills down your spine, knowing the glory days of the Last Alliance.
Even before "The Last Alliance" the Numenorians came to the elves rescue. when Sauron basically had them hemmed up in Lindon and Imladriss, it was the Numenorians arrival that turned the tide and forced Sauron back. Then after this we had the Elves fighting with Arnor, or the remnants of anyway, against Angmar. There is a long history of men and elves fighting side by side, at least the men of the West anyway, dating all the way back to the First age and the wars with Morgoth. The only reason they did not help in the Books, is because the Orcs from Moria were threatening Lorien and they could not send aid to Helms Deep. That said, like you I really like this scene as well.
@@lnwolf7563 Even before that, the Edain that moved into Beleriand, fought with the other-wordly kingdoms of the Noldor and the kingdom of Doriath, against Morgoth, Balrogs, and dragons.
It's a good case of being pragmatic in adaptation. Trying to film the fights over at Lothlorien was gonna mess with the film's pacing, so while they couldn't show that, this was a way to show the elves were active in the fights breaking out across the lands. Plus, considering how barely Rohan and friends won this fight, showing that the same outcome happens even with the elves' help tell us that shit was REALLY BAD.
@@reyonXIII They didnt even need the bomb to overwhelm the defenses without the elves there in the movie. The second those ladders went up it would have been over. In the books they were still able to put up a fight without the elves to last long enough until the army got there, but in the movie they are in really really dire straits with only a handful of old men and kids who are barely even capable of mounting a skeleton defense, so they can add this dramatic scene of the elves showing up at the last second thus giving them a fighting chance to hold out for the army, and making the battle much more visually appealing. Having proper elven soldiers led by Aragorn slugging it out on the ramparts and then having them do an epic charge once the wall was blown up would be much cooler to watch then old men and kids throwing rocks and shooting arrows. Jackson knew what he was doing as a filmmaker when it came to minor changes to source material in order to make a better visual experience.
I love the books but people who complain about Jackson adding scenes like this are insane. This scene was incredible and the addition of the elves to the Helm's Deep battle was a great move. And I'm normally an extreme purist when it comes to adaptations, but in the case of LOTR, I was fine with all of Jackson's choices because it was done so beautifully and worked.
Still crap though. No elves in their right mind would go in a battle they have no hope of winning.
@@skychieftain this doesn't matter for a race that is unable to die. Even when they are killed in battle they will enter the halls of mandros and later he reborn. Their live will never really end
@@skychieftain and you know this from your extensive studies of Elves?
For the most part, Jackson's changes didn't throw the core lore out the window like Rings of Power does. For example having Arwen save Frodo before Rivendell still is the core idea of a powerful elf aiding the Rignbearer against the Ringwraiths. Bakshi had it be Legolas in his version since he was going to be part of the Fellowship. Having a company of elves show up to Helm's Deep is a nice touch. It doesn't change the course of the battle in the slightest and most of them die anyway.
It really cements the various Elven realms giving one last heroic sacrifice with what's left of their strength to give hope to the race of Men and other Free peoples of Middle Earth as their own race is departing away from Middle Earth.
The composer got the sound track so well.
Perfectly fitting.
What is the name of OST??
@@mattcarpenter533 The Two Towers: Complete Recordings and the track is called Host of the Eldar
I love the smiles on the men’s faces when they see the elves, thinking that there is finally hope for them to survive the night.
Still gives chills down my spine
Justin Li yes! Me too- every time ❤️
UateFif shh que
Every scene with its own distinct awesome music. How can anyone not love these films.
alex 1976 Howard Shore is a genius. This is some of the best, most beautiful music we will ever hear, regardless of it being soundtrack or not.
Seriously. Howard Shore must have written a thousand melodies for this trilogy. There’s one for everything. Nobody expects a theme just for Aragorn running up the stairs after seeing the beacons, yet he did compose it.
yes, agreed. but then in the Hobbit they completely mess up the music, and use the Nazgul theme for a heroic last stand... -_-
@@prince-solomon I really like the second Hobbit movie though first was ok and the third was garbage and unecessary.
This scene always gives me goosebumps, love it. Haldir is such an under-appreciated character.
1:27 Legolas standing behind Haldir looking like your friend introducing you to his cool older cousin who's gonna buy you guys liquor for a party since you and your friends are still in Highschool.
Fun fact: the elves turn for legolas as he is royalty in the elvish world, his father is king.
Jayden Russel not true bro
Jason Tun ummmm yes it is 😂
@@jasontun4222 its true lol. Although, elves helping in this battle, wasn't part of the book... but yeah, its true.
Ok…..makes sense
Legolas and his father are pure Sindar elves, mere elves soldiers would consider them as a noble even though they doesn't ruled any elven kingdoms as King and crown prince. 😁
Haldir is one of the cast that really seem to stick out.
In a good way though. I like him.
Loved Haldir. Was not happy he died
@@shaifromnz he didnt really die in the books you can just ignore his death since it never happened
@@reinsama5436 Neither did he come to aid though, so it's not the same comfort
@@Onigirli well he had no reason to be there he had hid own fights in the north
I remember this scene very well. At that very moment I thought: 'This new elf is actually more beautiful than Legolas...'
Oh yes he is. Haldir ^^
wonka320 I but why did he have to die! I still like Legolas though better...:D
Katherine Boatman He's doesn't die in the book, I ignore the fact that he dies in the movie.
+Erin Panes they didn't even show up
+Erin Panes But I don't think they get the Elvish reenforcement in the book either.
0:24 I love the one soldier putting his hand on the other one’s shoulder, and all the other men of Rohans reaction to the elves almost like they’re thinking “Holy shit we might actually win this.” just goes to show the awe and aura that elves have around them in Tolkien lore.
Can we just take a second and appreciate the elves for being the most non-maintenance allies in all of LOTR? Never asked for anything or complained, just kept giving
Peter Jackson made an addition which became one of favourite moments in the movie for a lot of viewers. That is impressive.
Theoden's line of "How is this possible?" is exactly what all the book readers (including me) were thinking....
One assumes it was to get the elves involved in the conflict, without the headache of constantly cutting back to the battles at Lothlorien and Mirkwood.
The main thing that bothers me is the geography. How did Elves from Lothlorien get to Helm's Deep before the Uruk-hai army from Isengard (which is closer)? During Galadriel and Elrond's "elf skype" (good phrase from Dunadi above) Galadriel says "Isengard has been unleashed" and you see the Uruk-hai army on the move. This is before Elrond has Haldir's force dispatched. Possibly a smaller group of elves could move faster than an Uruk-hai horde which would have had to organise its forces before showing up at Helm's Deep. Also the Uruk-Hai force was slowed by Rohan skirmishes or stopped to attack towns and villages? Its just something I wonder on.
@@michaelpapadopoulos3756 Galadriel probably knew even before Theoden where battle is gonna happen, she talked about that with Elrond.
@@stevem2323 true
All done for dramatic effect. By taking away the large garrison 2000 strong including Eomer and his riders and leaving only a handful of kids and old men to defend the walls and it appears that all is lost (including scenes where kids are putting on armor that they are too small for, further reinforcing that they are in big trouble and the "their courage hangs on by a thread" convo), Jackson is building up to create that big dramatic moment when the elves show up out of nowhere now giving them an actual fighting chance to hold out until the army arrives, but this time, it's the ENTIRE army including Eomer so you create another more dramatic moment when they do arrive right as the last defenders are in the middle of a bonzai style suicide charge. A minor change that had no real effect on the outcome of the battle or anything else. He knew a few hardcore book people would grumble but for the Hollywood audience this was a good change but not a major enough change where book readers would throw a temper tantrum. Jackson knows what he is doing.
The Elves: "Yeah, we're here to fight alongside you, plus we figured we could save on travel fare back to Valinor."
Goosebumps, a sunken heart, a choked throat, and tears. That is what this scene gives me. It is so beautiful, the love of the Elves, their goodness. They are getting ready to leave Middle Earth and go to paradise but no, they will not leave humanity to die in this fucked up way, totally outnumbered and alone. The Elves choose to stay and risk death, they are there for their friends, even though Men are so much lesser than them. Absolutely heart wrenching and beautiful.
Yes the Elves don't like how we squabble and fight over things they consider petty but they realize that we are a shorter lived race. But men are generally good and against evil and darkness so there's that common goal.
Yooo you almost made me tear up by phrasing it that way 😢
“We are less petty than you, we are wiser, we are more beautiful, we have long, flowing, carefully groomed hair and we are destined to live forever......but we will fight and die with you cause we love you.”
Too bad Tolkien didn't think of it!!
@@ladyalaina42 Cos in the books they were fighting their own war against Sauron and since PJ didn't show that i think this was his way of having the elves in his movies.
After the rings of power this scene hits even harder than ever. The elves done right; stoic, powerful, mysterious and threatening. They move and carry themselves like warriors who have trained for multiple lifetimes, just to sell their lives as dearly as possible when it really counts.
Haldir came when no other hosts did, he didnt come to win, he didnt come for the glory, he came to uphold a age long alliance and promise, based haldir
I love it you can see the hope and the joy return to the faces of the men of Rohan upon seeing the elves. An army of elves had not been seen in the west sense the days of the last alliance, it was as if myth came of to life when they walked into the fortress. The skill and grace of the elves is unmatched in middle earth, they would surely provide an excellent moral boost.
It's also nice to know you haven't been abandoned to die alone, win or lose.
I just love how they respect or salute legolas when he greets haldir 👌
He is their kin and royalty at that.
Siiii!!! Amo eso 😍😍😍🏹
@@Vorian_96 but he is a different elf race but i guess they just salute elf royalty in general
I just love how the elves turn and stamp their bows when haldir and legolas exchange greeting. It is like this is our prince yooo
An Elven Prince certainly, but not theirs. Legolas is Prince in Mirkwood, not Rivendell which is where these Elves are from.
@@marsnz1002 yeah but his a prince nomather what. Put some respeck on his name.
@@marsnz1002 they didnt come form Rivendell, Elrond sent word to Lady Galadriel to sent some of her elves to help Rohan due to most of Elrond's people at Rivendell had already left those that would have enough elves is Thrandiul and Galadriel. because Rivendell is where elves take ships to the undying lands, the Valar. the elves also wear Galadrim armor and weaponry while the Elves that Elrond leads they have different armor and weapons remember back during the second age where Sauron gets defeated
@@marsnz1002 The elves were from Lorien. Lorien and Mirkwood are very close.
@@AkasukaNoMila They are close geographically but the populations of elves that inhabit them are very distinct from each other.
One of the coolest scenes in the entire trilogy. The Two Towers was always my favorite, it just had so many breathtaking moments.
A Masterpiece never achieved again after more than 20 years.
I love how Legolas is in frame when Haldir says the elves are proud to fight alongside men once more because it signifies that Legolas too, as a fellow elf, is proud to be there fighting (which is of course made significant because of his earlier doubts)
I feel like we're not gonna see this level of quality film making again for another lifetime. This trilogy is not without flaws but, you can tell they really cared about telling these stories. This scene is a perfect example of that. Haldir is an elf. He can see that some of the men are happy but, he's not really sure what to make of their reaction, in general, to his arrival. Even as he talks to Theodin, he's a bit hesitant and reserved. He acts like a mere messenger.
But then. Aragorn appears and gives him this super warm and friendly greeting. Giving him the reassurance he needed. Then, he turns back to Theodin and speaks proudly and with confidence. His warriors seemingly reflecting that feeling. I mean.. the events themselves feel somewhat irrelevant next to how well they're brought through by the actors and film makers.
Perhaps I'm just a stupid, gushing nerd here but, I truly miss the days when the goal of film making wasn't just to tell a story but, to make you feel something.
Nothing stimulates a mans emotion quite like unlikely people joining together to fight a common enemy
I like that when Legolas hug Haldir the elves turn and stand ready almost like they saw their future king in that moment.
Only just noticed how quiet the elves march even in full armour, such a nice detail
Beautiful golden warrior Haldir.
goblondie haldirs real name was haldir the orc slayer
When Haldir says "We are proud to fight alongside man once more." OOOOO gives me goosebumps.
Aragorn was so damaged, hopeless, miserable but in the same time so blessed with friendship, love and respect in all 3 Movies. FAV CHARACTER ALL THE WAY
The camera pan as Aaragorn enters the scene: Haldir looks upon him in the knowledge that he is the personification of the allegiance between elves and men of which he speaks. Hope remains. Fantastic cinematographic juxtaposition.
the elves turning to honor legolas as royalty is a nice little attention to detail
"We are proud to fight alongside men once more" Haldir. Love it!
That scene is awesome! Soldiers and warriors of Helms Deep looking on in awe at the arrival of these legendary fighters and allies of their forefathers.
In comparison with Rings of Power changes to the lore, this is an example of a lore change that doesn't rock the foundation. It's a nice scene that shows the Elves aren't so aloof or uncaring. Most importantly it doesn't change the core story of the Battle of Helm's Deep as it's only a relatively small company of elves who don't affect the outcome of the battle plus they pretty much all die.
Hear hear!
If this movie was made today this scene would consist of a bunch of black, female elves marching in to save the toxic men from doom. And not a single woman would die.
@@onkelmorra87 Yes, turns out there are good and bad writers. I am not sure women being in the elvish army changes even one sentence in the trilogy, I will say that much.
Well be honest if it weren't for the elves they probably would've lost the fortress alot sooner, considering that it took half the battle for the Uruks to break through the elf positions.
Disagree if the elves had not arrived the Uruks would have taken the castle before Eomer and Gandalf arrive.
Bruh these movies are's beautiful because this scene captures the emotional weight of all of the times men and elves fought together in Middle Earth's history. Beren and Finarfin, the Last Alliance, the various battles at Anfauglith where the Edain and the Noldor fought Morgoth's forces...tens of thousands of years of struggle against evil. Amazing scene. The friendships between the various good races is one of my favorite parts of LOTR. Men taking care of Hobbits, elves and dwarves grudgingly making alliances, elves and men allying against Sauron and Morgoth...I fucking love this series so much man.
31.01.2025. Belgrade students arrive at Novi Sad after 80km long march to support fellow students and citizens in struggle for justice over death of 15 people at Novi Sad train station. Being able to witness something similar to this scene in real life gives me chills. As of today, those very students have been nominated for Nobel peace prize.
No Movie can ever beat any of the LOTR movies they literally don’t film them like they used too.
Peter Jackson imo lost his drive and hunger, same with CDPR
@@TT-rq3so Huh?
star wars
Love the dude smiling in the background seems like he think it is just as awesome as the rest of us
Haldir deserved more screen time
he wasnt even supposed to be at helms deep
@@reinsama5436 yes we all know that. He still deserves more screen time.
@@reinsama5436 he was suppose to be there in the movies it's right in the script. I personally don't give a crap what the books say.
Look at them, look at this synchronicity, the soft voices escorted by a powerful roll of drums as we hear their steps in unison... majestic...
So true !
Fun fact, they were actually military as well, NZ army provided the bulk of the extras for LOTR.
0:55 Could listen to it the entire day. And then this „Long ago we fought and died together“ with the background music
"Helm's deep has but one weakness...the door guards will instantly open the gate for an entire army without even asking who they are if they have nice armour and stuff."
only reason why the rohirrim opened the gates is because the recognized the elves and welcomed them in
@@_RatL0vinghuman_ No that's a good point, if an army look like they're friendly there's no chance it isn't a trick of some sort.
No, is not because the horn of Rivendell was heard before... no, not at all.
@@AkasukaNoMila They’re not from Rivendell so that’d be an immediate red flag, but ‘making a horn sound’ is probably beyond Saruman’s powers, that much I’ll concede.
@@nickstone1587 They are from Lorien, yes, but they are send by Elrond. Also, is clearly stated by Tolkien that "the evil can't replicate Eru's creations". So, the elves are the most pure creation of Eru, is impossible to be a trap or some artiluge of Saruman.
What I love about this scene when digging into the Legendarium is that these are only Lothlorien Wood Elves, The Nandor and some Silvan. Even though they died relatively quickly in the movies they are still a forced to be reckoned with. so just imagined what a full Noldorin High Elven army would have done
1:12 So wholesome, I love the way Haldir is like "Huh? Oh... hehe!"
Haldir´s expression when Aragorn huggs him is the best! Like "Hello. Oh, he´s*pat pat."
My dad (who is a Tolkien nut) would whisper to me at various points “This wasn’t in the book.” or “This happens at a different time.”
Here, he was dead silent and I thought “Oh this must be in the book.” Afterwards, we went out for Burger King and were talking about the movie and I mentioned the Elves arriving.
He said “It wasn’t in the book but it was so awesome I chose not to say anything.”
After all this time this scene still gets me in the feels. I remember seeing it in the movies and I felt their hopelessness and then they arrive and you feel your morale lift.
"That is no orc horn" :')
Ever since LOTR came out, I never missed a year re-watching the Trilogy.
I am still amazed, the battle at helms deep still gives me goosebumps specially when the elves arrives and then the Rohirrims.
I still find Aragorn very handsome and he's still my favorite character (maybe not, if its not played by Vigo).
Damn, I love LOTR, its the number 1 movie in my heart. I was so addicted to LOTR, I went to New Zealand to visit its set. :")
Probably the best change Peter made to the story. Loved this.
One of the best deviations from the books. Much better than the army of the dead at Pelenor Fields, I was looking forwards to seeing an army of rangers and the Gondorians Aragorn picked up swinging to the rescue.
i can watch this movie 1000 times and still not get bored
Doesn't matter if it's fiction or real life, reinforcements are ALWAYS welcome on the battlefield!
Especially the ones you had no idea were coming
I loved this in the theater, when Haldir shows up sparkling clean with every hair in place and Aragorn, who looks like he just climbed out of a mud pit, lurches forward to hug him and for one split-second, you can see Haldir recoil like OMG HE'S GOING TO HUG ME. Still irked about Haldir tbh ...
Maan the music when the elves arrive.... That's why elves are my favourite in lotr and hobbit
My gosh look at them!!!! THEY REALLY looked like elves, not like the ones of Rings of Power. These are So beautiful, bright, intelligent, elegant and brave 👏😍😍 PJ did an AMAZING job and this trilogy will FOREVER be THE BEST OF ALL TIME. ♥
Question: is it ONLY because they are black you didn't like them? like if everything else worked in RoP, would the elves being multiracial ruin the rest of it?
Nah but they should've gave him and the other elves longer Hair but i think Body wise He wasn't even a bad casting@@blackmage665
@@blackmage665 RoP had a lot more problems than black elves
@@maerto Yes, but I am asking a theoretical question. feel free to answer it, if you are able.
And the elves in RoP acted like they were all members of congress in 2024
I love how you can see all the other soldiers faces excited cause they know they stand a better chance
When I first saw this scene years ago, I cried tears of joy. I could feel everyone’s hopes rising in the room. Then I found out it wasn’t even in the book! Which makes this scene so much more special
The HUG gets me every time. While not an elf custom, he embraces and hugs him back knowing its mans tradition. Its sort of like when an introvert opens up to an extrovert, of which I am one. I find introverts fascinating, like a project to work on.
I love this scene! And i also LOVE the music! Haldir's death is the saddest! :'(
He doesn't die, no forever. He will be reborn in a new body in Valinor where he'll be able to leave forever in peace with his brothers... :-)
The Rohan warrior smiling as the elves pass him would be me 100% lmao just a sight of pure Badass
easily the best fantasy trilogy put on screen, easily the best. cinematogrophy, writing, actors, everything is EPIC truly truly epic.
*"HALDIR! You son of a bitch"*
(Epic handshake)
Once the elves show up you have the best sharpshooters in ALL of middle earth.
haldir is my fav character so cool, actually between him and elrond
This scene still gives me chills, what a masterpiece this trilogy is.
Haldir looks so elegant, especially that side look at the end of the clip.