Kill Yourself Reaction

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 30 ก.ค. 2024
  • Hi everyone!
    I hope you're doing great, this reaction or more accurately this song is not an easy one. at least for me, someone who went through years of depression.
    Also, I couldn't seem to find a better video... But I found myself loving the reactions of the crowd and that great guy who filmed, so I enjoyed it! Hope you will too!
    Thank you for the recommendation, thank you for being here with me and reacting with me.
    As always, like, subscribe, and let me know what you'd like to see next!
  • บันเทิง

ความคิดเห็น • 92

  • @mordirit8727
    @mordirit8727 2 ปีที่แล้ว +163

    I feel this one always loses a bit of its point when viewed without the speech that comes just before it.
    He talked in depth about how it is messed up that today's pop artists are seen as a form of mental support for the audience. About how _art_ used to fill this gap for a lot of people, but recently it has shifted for the _artists,_ and how dangerous that is. Then, to exemplify why letting your mental health in the hands of a handful of famous singers, he gives _this_ song.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      Thanks for the elaboration! Important information right there

    • @maikhanhnguyen5265
      @maikhanhnguyen5265 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Couldn’t have said it better, many people would have misunderstood this song if not for his small speech since this is quite a touchy subject.

    • @robincharles7057
      @robincharles7057 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TherapeuticReactions could their comment be pinned? It's important for context

  • @kevinkurfman5598
    @kevinkurfman5598 2 ปีที่แล้ว +196

    This song actually got me to finally call a therapist and start healing. In a way he did for me what he was he was making fun of. Ironic.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      Absolutely love reading this Kevin, glad to read this comment, you deserve the best.

    • @schizoframia4874
      @schizoframia4874 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      You didnt follow the directions silly

    • @wren5413
      @wren5413 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      Thats literally the opposite of what he was making fun of tho… he was literally promoting seeing a therapist…

    • @Archalias100
      @Archalias100 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I R O N I C

    • @ivankawnartist
      @ivankawnartist 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If you think he was attempting to detour listeners/viewers from seeking therapy in orde to better themselves, or whatever need be done to better themselves, you don't understand his motifs. He's laying foundation for you to build. Everyone will walk their own path. But we aren't expected to do it alone, and for ourselves we should want to be better for others.
      "To what we owe each other."

  • @matthewgilbert9881
    @matthewgilbert9881 2 ปีที่แล้ว +192

    It is important to note that in his special, he immediately followed this song by directly saying, “don’t kill yourself”. And he explained that while he doesn’t like explaining jokes, that one deserved a little explanation.
    I think it’s also one of those taboo subjects that many people think is inappropriate to even mention. But it is important to be direct when talking about suicide. And I think there is even value to Bo showing that dark side of himself, yet still saying that you should not kill yourself. I think he has improved in how he expresses that idea, especially in Inside, which is understandable given that he spent so much time working on himself.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Absolutely agree Matthew and thank you for pointing that!

    • @palpablenotion
      @palpablenotion 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I unfortunately was exposed to suicidal ideation explicitly at the grand ol' age of 11. My best friend, new as I had just started at that school, had been dealing with it since she was 8. But I had unknowingly at the time - but realizing over years of relearning myself once I was confirmed autistic (and adhd and dysthymic- life long version- and s scattering of other disorders) - already been dealing with panic attacks and going non verbal and bouts of depression and trouble socializing/ maintaining friendships while knowingly masking- i didn't know the name but at age 5 i went to kindergarten and made the conscious decision 'I'm Different and apparently that's Bad so I won't be Different and no one has to know. Of course, I thought everyone would love me if I was the perfect student solidifying myself into the teacher's pet role and hearing at every parent-teacher conference. "She's had trouble suicidal but she's the perfect student, so well behaved and smart, she's just shy."
      The first time i sought a clinical diagnosis for my autism i was 23 and the test was proctored by an administrative assistant, no interview or history was done, and the diagnosis i recieved from a psychiatrist i to this day have never met was, "you're just too smart to socialize with your peers." I wish I had filed an official complaint because that ableist bs is why there's such a divide between amab and afab auties, including lack of childhood diagnosis. Anyway.
      Like recognized like and we became immediate best friends. She was also how I learned that this concept you weren't supposed to talk about because it was Taboo and Bad and people that tried it needed to be handled and managed like a frightened animal at all times... that that was stupid and no two cases were the same.
      She threatened to kill herself at her 12th bday party sleep over. She had a big carving knife like they used to show in the movies and tv and all of the other girls were freaking out and telling her how loved she was and how many people would miss her. But I'd started developing cPTSD already and had this habit of ... well I guess catastrophe ideation. When given a new scenario, my brain would start filling internal binders with what ifs. I had plans for home invasions based on which room I was in, school shooter plans (2001-2002 school year, the nation was just starting to do school shooter drills, I think to make up for the impotence felt by so many after 9/11, which started the school year)... which meant I was calm when she held that knife. The surest I've ever been has always been when the 💩 hits the fan because I'd done this before in my mind dozens of times. I didnt know at the time how I knew what she needed to hear but now I realize it was some strange understanding of her psyche - she was the "product of rape", her words parroted from her mother's, and she was so tightly controlled because of that. In the name of love. And it was so suffocating it drove her to self harm.
      So I knew because I'd been running this scenario in my head possibly hundreds of times. And I said, "Fine, do it." Which shurt up the girls and stopped her crying and we stared at each other and the girls started hissing at me, "what are you doing!?" "Oh my God how could you say that?" etc. But I stared at my best friend and said, "you do that like you want because it's your birthday but I'm going to be so mad at you after because you'll be leaving us to clean up your mess. I dont want to mop up blood in the middle of the night."
      She laughed. She knicked herself with the knife, the adrenaline come down making her clumsy, but it was barely anything. A paper cut almost. But she laughed and she put the knife in the sink like we asked her to and I helped her rinse her wrist off.
      I am extremely blessed in that I do not have suicidal ideation, but I understand it. I watched it strangle my dad - metaphorically, he survived his constant depression only to fall victim to sloppy nursing and a blood clot last year - and recognized it in the spaces of history we didn't discuss about my uncle. I grew up to this point, at 11 years old, seeing the negative space that surrounded this specter and my best friend gave me my first glimpse at its face.
      So no, I don't walk with that particular fiend, but I understand it. I would never, could never hurt myself, but I've thought, "Can I just stop existing for a while? Can I just have a break from existing, a few months tops." It actually reminds me of Inside when Bo both does his non-suicidal/don't kill yourself disclaimer after the song 30 only to pan back and show him talking to the camera and saying the message on the white backdrop of Bo's own t shirt, another subtle and perfect inversion of the message where he slips from one extreme to the other, in this case, a person on TV saying don't do something and people watching it but also scrolling through their phone and not paying a ton of attention. He underlines virtue signaling several times but this to me is the most poignant. He says it directly in the song Kill Yourself. About how real problems can't be fixed with a catchy phrase or inspirational words. If listening to Brave on repeat stops you from killing yourself, that's amazing, I'm so thankful, but you still need to get real help.
      And I wrote this novella because Matthew is absolutely right, we need to be direct about suicide. And I also appreciate Bo being willing to throw that out there. Because, and I say this belonging to communities where probably half or more suffer from suicidal ideation... sometimes you just have to laugh at it. Some people can't. Thats valid and totally okay. But some people need to make jokes. Some need to hear them. That specter I went so long only seeing the space around? People who are haunted by it need to have a way to discuss it and if possible, hobble it. So some people with suicidal ideation, my father included, loved this song. Because, for any Harry Potter fans reading this, suicidal ideation is the boggart in the closet that no one really knows the shape of and for they just need to put a ridikulus hat on it.
      This is why I'm so open about my own mental health. I drop it casually in convo. If asked, I answer. I'll read off my whole list of diagnoses to someone if they want, or explain how they interact, presentation versus underlying behavioral pattern (very passionate about this and anyone who doesn't know: presentation is like when diagnosing autism and they used to look for obsessions with trains and dinosaurs; behavioral pattern is the underlying aspect that causes the presentation, i.e.; in this case, formation of special interests which to most will look like obsessions).
      Destygmatization is the vaccine for such epidemics. A lot of disorders and neurotypes, because they aren't discussed, contribute to the formation of other disorders. My autism was never discussed or even named so now I have most of the anxiety disorders.
      Bo was in theater and has mentioned a lot if not most of his friends were gay (or some shade of queer, I am too and so underline this next part in your head) so he definitely knew people who contemplated killing themselves. And loved ones of ideators need a way to deal with it too. Maybe this song was written for himself, maybe for his friends, maybe just for the show. But the point stands that it needs to be discussed so that when someone thinks about it, they feel that much safer talking about it.

    • @PocketLint846
      @PocketLint846 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TherapeuticReactions This: is a better version of the video to react to.

  • @BooyaMoonAgain
    @BooyaMoonAgain 2 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    I remember seeing his date of death on his website years ago and thinking man please don't let yourself follow through with that. We're only a few months apart in age and I've been following him since his early youtube days. Back then I couldn't understand, but life happens. Just find myself admiring his courage more and more as time goes on. Love live Bo, great reaction once again.

  • @palpablenotion
    @palpablenotion 2 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Immediately after this is a disclaimer:
    Sorry. -Don’t kill yourself. -[audience laughing] I don’t like explaining jokes that… The joke where I tell everyone to kill themselves -might deserve an explanation. Do not! -[audience laughing] And if you’re offended, do not write a blog. I apologize immediately. Sorry! Right away

  • @lizmetcalf3714
    @lizmetcalf3714 2 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    Well said, Guy. Bo is a pioneer of his own genre.
    I like the way you phrased "allowing space" for thoughts, I think it was. I realized just a few years ago that there are some thoughts I just can't afford to indulge no matter how lightheartedly. If I have imagined a situation I am likely to jump at an opportunity to act it out without thinking, like I had pre-decided.
    I like this song, and the point he is making. The darkest of dark humor is the only thing that would make me laugh if I were feeling suicidal (I have not been for years). This song has been there for me. I owe so much to Bo, honestly.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Well put, when you're at that state you appreciate those who talk about what is instead of what they would like it to be. Thanks Liz!

    • @soulsurvivor8293
      @soulsurvivor8293 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@TherapeuticReactions This, absolutely this.
      It is hard enough for most of us to express the feeling of what it's like as we are going though it, let alone for Aspies like myself to convey it.
      For so long now I couldn't express that in such a concise and clear way as you just have.
      Thank you Guy and thank you Liz.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@soulsurvivor8293 My pleasure friend, really ❤️

  • @kookiescream9840
    @kookiescream9840 2 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    Also I recommend listening to Bo's song "My whole family" it was his first ever song and it's a bit more upbeat then this one I would say, and it might be a nice break from his more serious songs :)

  • @AChickandaDuck
    @AChickandaDuck 2 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    “Give a little kiss to an oncoming train” might be my favorite Bo lyric 🤣

  • @clarasage8787
    @clarasage8787 2 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    I wish you had gotten a clip that has the intro to this song, it gives a bit more context. Bo explains that he's commenting on "inspirational" songs that try to give you a simple solution for how to solve your problems. Then he says "Don't listen to a song like THIS:" and goes into his song.

  • @SeekanDestroy03
    @SeekanDestroy03 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    How does this guy only have 3k subs, he's so much more thoughtful and smart than all these other "reaction people"...

  • @ideac.
    @ideac. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Bo really did make his own music genre

  • @4dultw1thj0b
    @4dultw1thj0b 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Oh wait, you know what, I'd also love for you to hear Nerds. It's a bonus track from What and while some of the language he uses in it can be a bit jarring, I think the way he uses it is a very powerful show of solidarity for all the people who've grown up alienated and marginalized and emotionally broken down. I really appreciate how fiery he can be when it comes to standing up for what's right and letting us know we're not alone. I think that's the strength that comes through in so much of his work.

  • @chad_holbrook
    @chad_holbrook 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I do want to point something out. I was watching Bo from when he first started on TH-cam. It is easy to watch this in reverse with the insight of a therapist and have the opinions you have. When we were witnessing his progression, we saw a kid that was doing shock-comedy. A lot of us did worry about him a little but we didn't have the luxury of seeing the Kanye Rant, yet or Inside. We didn't know what was going on. I'm not trying to attack anyone; just realize that you're seeing this happen from the result to the beginning. It is obvious, now. It wasn't then.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      You know what Chad?? you're right. Thanks for pointing that out, unfortunately I just discovered this inspiration called Bo, happy that I did, he thought me a lot 😄

  • @parkb5320
    @parkb5320 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    “Marry Courtney Love.”
    That hurt.

  • @kookiescream9840
    @kookiescream9840 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Another great reaction.
    In an odd way I find your videos rather comforting, like it's nice to go on my phone after a long day and see that you've uploaded a video, it brings a smile to my face.
    You just seem so truly genuine and honest.
    Also it's so great to see you get more subs each day :)

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Then I'm doing what I was aiming to do :) Thanks for this great comment, brought me a smile of my own!

  • @anonymouspotato1022
    @anonymouspotato1022 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’m glad you are not one of those therapists that thinks it’s bad to joke about things as a coping mechanism

  • @SuperMatt2112
    @SuperMatt2112 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Love this reaction from you, it's such a heart warming honest assessment and I believe your spot on, it's not easy. I remember back in 1981 I was in the Army and I had this Captain that I used to talk to all the time about life, my problems and why and how the Army is so messed up in many ways or at least that was my perception anyway, he and his wife actually helped me a lot during that time. his wife was also a physiologist in San Francisco. She told me once in talking about suiside and she asked me if I had ever thought about it and I said yes, the thought had crossed my mind but I could not honestly see myself going though with it.
    She went on to explain that the thought of suicide is not all bad, her idea is that it's kind of like a release valve becuase most people for one reason or another often reach a point in their lives that it seems like their is no way out of what ever trouble were in and all of a sudden the thought of suicide comes in and it's a release because now you have an option, she went on to say however, the thought is not so bad, but acting on it is and this is extremal hard to know when someone has crossed that line.
    Now, I have not seen either of these people since the 80's so her view on all this may be different I don;t know, but it kind of makes sense to me. I believe most everyone at one point or another have suicidal thoughts at one point in their lives, not everyone, but probably more than we as a collective admit too. IDK, but it was certainly an interesting conversation and an important one to have openly and honestly with someone such as yourself.
    I have said countless times before, Bo is not just a comedian, song writer, entertainer and creative soul, he is an Educator using all his amazing talents and bringing hard tough topics to the forefront of our discussions in some fairly Epic ways IMHO

  • @joaovitorzambao4430
    @joaovitorzambao4430 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for every reaction you have done helped me and alot of my friends, so for all of this thank you.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      My absolute pleasure! Thank you for this! I appreciate you!

  • @cherylwallingford3688
    @cherylwallingford3688 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Phoebe Bridgers had a concert in LA last weekend. Bo attended and got to see her perform his song 'That Funny Feeling' live. There are some photos of him smiling while listening to his music. So great to see him out and happy.

  • @Femtastico
    @Femtastico 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Are you going to become the kind of youtuber that screams HI EVERYONE at an increasing volume every video? Because if you are, I am HERE FOR IT!!! xD I love that you are so enamored with Bo, I am too obviously.. I am kind of looking forward to the wisdom he is going to instill into young ppl in the songs he will write for the sesame street movie :-) often he relies on shock value and dark themes, but in a kids show he obviously is limited on that front.. i bet it will be super creative either way!!!

    • @lonedinosaur13
      @lonedinosaur13 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am as well! It’s the best thing since Bret McKenzie of FOC composed music for muppet movie. I am SO excited for this! I picture Jim Henson & Fred Rogers (just cuz) smiling together somewhere. How great would a Bret/Bo Man or Muppet duet’ duet be?

  • @melaniewilliams6740
    @melaniewilliams6740 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I loved how you said "It's an act...but, it's not an act..." because this is the very definition of "genuine" or "integrity"- and, it ALSO makes me best comedy

  • @4dultw1thj0b
    @4dultw1thj0b 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ok, let me try to recount what I wrote while avoiding the key word that probably got it blocked:
    There was one point after Make Happy where he had to go on Reddit and say that he had never actually wanted to do that to himself and that people didn't need to worry about him, which I do believe was probably true at the time or at least that he believed it. I can't seem to post the link to the post though, so if anyone else can get it to work, go ahead.
    The impression that I get from him is that he's maybe the kind of person who's been in denial about experiencing depression for a long time because to him it doesn't seem to be as severe or debilitating as it has been for the people he's known and been close to who have struggled with that or who've ended up taking their own life, and therefore he feels like it would be to some extent disrespectful for him to claim that. And then it hasn't been until the last couple of years that the predisposition he had really started to develop into something that he couldn't keep downplaying.

  • @reactivereplays5666
    @reactivereplays5666 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Halfway through your Re-action to this and I'll be checking out AT least the rest of the Bo reactions and subbing.... Such a true and powerful thing . He is so serious about many of the things he says and no one else really states it the way you did. He's a comedian that wants to be taken seriously....

  • @godzillaeyes
    @godzillaeyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love what you said. Ugh, thankfully I don’t have to go on stage and perform, but I have had multiple types of severe anxiety since I was 5 or younger (5 is the earliest I remember) and I never have a moment of quiet. As for the song, it’s one of his “parodies” made with love toward the source material, like the country song, and the Kanye song, and the pop love song, and likely others I’m forgetting. This was his take on the Katy Perry “Roar” style inspirational songs.

  • @alyshaharper8730
    @alyshaharper8730 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thinkI would have found this helpful when I was suicidal.
    For any suicidal kids out there I want tomake one thing perfectly clear Life. Gets. Better. Just hang in there. And if you're life is okay but you're still sad it's ok to take the meds. There is no shame in it. I was medicated until my mom kicked her first big mistake out of the house.
    And if you're depressed because of a situation at home you'll be 18 soon enough. Get a job and hide your funds to get out. If that doesnt work call a shelter, that's why they exist, to help people get out of abusive situations and get on their feet.

  • @mermaidmadsdy
    @mermaidmadsdy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I remember seeing this live. I love Bo and all his work, and while I've grown to appreciate the song later in life, seeing this song performed live (while going through a /really/ tough time) was NOT it. I dissociated so hard during the whole song and I kept thinking to myself "get me out of here". I couldn't even concentrate on the actual message of the song because I was so taken aback by him singing "kill yourself" over and over, not to mention the audience casually laughing at it.

    • @timbroski4487
      @timbroski4487 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Damn I could imagine that. Glad you're still here!

  • @mikeredd8833
    @mikeredd8833 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    My man getting choked up over here? Love it

  • @Clovis_Rose
    @Clovis_Rose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hello! I have loved your videos so much so far! I am so glad i found your channel weeks back. I love all the Bo Burnham content. It speaks to so many people! I also have wondered, do you take requests for things that are not done by Bo? Do you have criteria for requests?
    I hope you are having a great day!

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the great comment 🤗🤗 If you think it's smart, I wanna see it 😄

  • @zacharyodell4599
    @zacharyodell4599 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree it's hard watching Bo's stuff with the knowledge we have now. I remember when make happy came out talking with my friends that someone needs to check on bo periodically cause he's not doing well. It's all jokes but you can tell recurring themes and know his head must be in turmoil. Reminds me of a line from another song
    "Hey, you hear the one about the comedian who croaked?
    Someone stabbed him in the heart, just a little poke
    But he keeled over ‘cause he went into battle wearing chain mail made of jokes" - watsky 'tiny glowing screens part 2'

  • @lilithmotherofmonsters6055
    @lilithmotherofmonsters6055 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "marry Courtney love" literally almost made me lose my breakfast it had me laughing so hard
    And honestly I think the perspective you bring to this song is super valuable. Thanks for posting

  • @donaldcase4716
    @donaldcase4716 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do people have quiet time? That comment hit me. Is it abnormal to not have quiet time? I never stop in my brain.

  • @DeyCallMeWagzzz
    @DeyCallMeWagzzz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for listening and sharing!

  • @toxiclunch
    @toxiclunch 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This song just makes me think he thinks about suicide enough to even think about the ridiculous ways to do it. You know that those are at the end of the list and he’s thought over all the “better” ways.

  • @KS-mm5ce
    @KS-mm5ce 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I know i just commented the same thing but i really think you could make a GREAT reaction to vincent by don mclean.
    thanks for talking so openly about depression and your own expieriences with it, it really helps a lot.

  • @christianclark9494
    @christianclark9494 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    in what way did you think the version not from the special was the right one to watch LMAO

    • @Villagelark
      @Villagelark 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      i liked his response, though I think he took it a little harder than he needed to, but it's super easy to find the version from the special, so that bothered me too lol

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Impossible to find it in Israel. Tried searching for the entire special on Netflix, to download or at anyway possible. This was actually the only thing for me on TH-cam that wasn't only audio and I want to see Bo preform, so to answer your question, it's because I had no other option at least from where I live (VPN doesn't work.)

  • @TomJones-wx5on
    @TomJones-wx5on 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Are you open to listening to Harry Mack Omegle bars 18? It’s a little different than what you normally do but the end has a really raw emotional moment that I’d love to hear your thoughts on.

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      . Most definitely Tom, I live for the raw emotional moments, thanks for this!

  • @JayHar215
    @JayHar215 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is one I think really benefits from the setup. Easy to not get the joke or the point he’s trying to make if you just jump into it

  • @Ace_164
    @Ace_164 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    the first time he said kill yourself caught me off guard even though I gave seen this song before. Brilliant song :D ( not because its about sucide which is terrible but it is just a generally good song )

  • @cheekychunks6952
    @cheekychunks6952 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You should do im bo yo

  • @jonjones654
    @jonjones654 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I'm in the tub with a razor

  • @4dultw1thj0b
    @4dultw1thj0b 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ah crap my comment just disappeared :(

    • @TherapeuticReactions
      @TherapeuticReactions  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      How come?? Didn't delete it

    • @4dultw1thj0b
      @4dultw1thj0b 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TherapeuticReactions It was probably because a link I tried to send to a Reddit post. I eventually ended up successfully reposting the comment without the link though.