Rosanne owned the show. It was ALL hers. She gave permission for the others to continue shooting their own version of the show without Rosanne. That's how nice of a person she is.
Her son spoke about her mental health in an interview, she has a long history. She had a traumatic brain industry and was in a psyche ward for months when she was younger. People need to stop trying to capitalize on these people's manic outburst, rather it be Kanye or whoever.
So you're saying this is normal for her? This has been going on for a long time? This has even been going on since before they reincarnated her show? Yet even though this has been going on since before they brought her show back...they brought her show back? Then, you are saying that after doing something that she normally does all the time, they took her show away? Is this what you are saying?
She has the right to say it, sure. But the network also has the right to terminate her show for it. The first amendment does not mean there won’t be consequences for what you say.
I am not defending Roseanne AT ALL....but I did take an Ambien once, drove to Taco Bell and woke up the next morning in a bed full of chalupa wrappers...
One time i fell asleep eating mini eggs. Woke up with them melted all over my chest and stomach. Did I take Ambien? Nope. It would have been a good excuse though....
I take ambien. It has changed my life. I couldn’t sleep for the longest time. For years. It change my personality . I couldn’t work like I used to. It was horrible. My doctor gives me the dose I need. Insomnia is the worst thing you can have. You think your going crazy. So this pill has change my life.
E. C. I can agree to some extent - exercising in the evening made my sleep quality so much better, but I also have a disease that requires me to go on cortisone regularly for a few months and it really fucks with your sleep. Even if you’re super tired you can’t fall asleep and exercise wouldn’t help. But if it’s just regular sleeping problems, exercise is gold.
There is a reason "Silent Bob" should remain SILENT! He obviously doesn't remember history of celebrity Ambien acquittals... shall we start with the Tiger Woods thing!?!
I was prescribed Ambien. I apparently crawled down the hallway complaining about people living in the air vent. Another time, I made online purchases for things I didn't need or even want. I have so many more stories like this, but suffice it to say, I quit taking it and I believe her.
KTnarnia I used to be prescribed temazepam and i have similar stories of doing things whilst on the tablets and not remembering I’d done anything it’s kinda like they make you sleepwalk.
I took ambien a few times, and every time I did I slept like a baby. Though I'm not denying that people do crazy shit on it - I've seen it, I just don't believe that Rosanne *isn't* racist. Sure, maybe she didn't know the woman was black, but I still think she's racist.
It's on the internet about the FDA knowing about depression medicine that causes hulicinations n hearing voices to kill ppl or kill themselves but FDA is corrupted n apart of the luciferian system.
Paula Allen ...this is the most retarded excuse Rosanne fans can use. They stood to make millions, if not billions on her show. It makes no sense...none!
6 ปีที่แล้ว +8
Paula Allen Pretty dumb comment. Why would they waste a bunch of money to start it up?
Right? Who would have POSSIBLY GUESSED that the same company that absolutely destroyed the Star Wars franchise with its p.c. garbage was chomping at the bit to get rid of her show?
Paula Allen ya they were waiting for her to say racist shit while on Ambien. They just knew she’d do it. It’s a network n she fucked up their business. It’s that simple.
Imhighdontattack lmao right? Let’s start up this show bc we know she’s racist. Then we’ll wait until she says racist shit. What logic?? They Deff lost a lot of money all to show us .... that Roseanne tweets racist shit.
My friend went to taco Bell in the middle of the night and drove her car through the garage. Found it there in the morning realize what she did. Taco Bell wrappers all over the front seat. Ambien is f***** up!
Sooooo... is that woman black? It says she was born in Iran. Most Middle Easterns mark "White" on censuses and other government forms. They rarely ever identify as "black" and when they do, it's for political and celebrity reasons. I had a friend who took Ambien and ate her $5000 uninsured hearing aids. They didn't make the ride through. I asked her why she ate them. She said that she thought that they were food. So do we forgive someone for taking mind altering medications? No. You just let her shit it out.
Yup- If I have to take a sleeping pill (I wouldn't touch ambien), I literally get somebody to supervise me. If you can't control your actions, you need to do something about it. Thank you for being a socially responsible person Mike :)- if only more people were like you.
I thankfully didn’t drive in my one experience with it, but I ended up walking 10 blocks up the road going absolutely nowhere. Came to at like 2am with my first thought being “fucking ambien”. I went awhile on my first and only script without any incident, thinking I was “immune” to the weird side effects. Shit just crept up out of nowhere
But did you want to drive? Usually, its stuff people enjoy doing. I made my lunch and watched anime. Other times, I went for a run. I know people that also did things that they like to do or would like to do, like my friend played tennis and knitted.
ambien is just like Valium or Xanax. So of course it causes blackouts. I went to college, I’ve blacked out and all that. Never did I get homophobic or racist mainly because it’s not in my heart. Is Roseanne racist, probably not. But she definitely has a preoccupation with it. That’s a fact. Ps: who gives a shit about Valerie Jarrett? I haven’t thought about her for 3 years.
John Hancock I never said it was the same or even comparable. People made excuses for Cosby and his actions due to his fame in the beginning. Joe is making excuses for Rosanne. She did a bad thing, not nearly as bad in the least bit still horrible. No excuses for her behavior.
In today's society you get crucified for publicly attacking a black person. You can say anything you want about white people - no problem. Yes, the double standard is real.
Do you know who's this lady is u seem so concerned with? Have you looked up her history or her family connections ... do you concern ur self with shit u don't even bother to do any research ?
All it means is that Ambien made her lose her discretion and her ability to keep her true opinions to herself. Ambien didn't make her racist, it just prevented her from realizing how incredibly self destructive voicing her opinions would be. Her only regret is that she got caught.
Sneaky Bunny Exactly. Ambien doesn't make non-bigoted people spontaneously spew racist comments or transform their basic beliefs - it works like truth serum to disinhibit them / show their true colors. Alcohol amplifies this effect...I've personally seen and heard it happen quite a few times.
Thank you I'm glad someone sees it my way the ambien just brought out how she really feels and thank god I dont give a damn how she feels 🤷♀️ we do need to quit being so sensitive everyone is a little prejudiced/racist
Dennis Hastings Let me guess if I ask you why Rosanne whould think making money jokes is acceptable you'll answer " Because of Trump " The truth is no matter what color people are everyone has prejudices and no adult has ever went without making a racial slur not even you.
Roseanne’s tweet was not about race. It was political, as Roseanne has mentioned numerous times. She was trying to comment on Iran, which is experiencing chaos in its streets as we speak. Roseanne believes Valerie, as a member of the Obama administration, had a role in the expansion of the Muslim brotherhood in places like Iran. The tweet had NOTHING to do with what the movie is called, and everything to do with what the movie is about. Planet of the Apes, the movie, is about overthrowing political despots (where the Apes rule and humans are their servants and either fight back or escape). And that is what some people of Iran are trying to do to their own government. People need to get past the word “Ape”. That had nothing to do with what Roseanne was trying to say. If the movie was called “waka maka waka” then that’s what she would have said, because what the movie is called was irrelevant to what she was trying to say. Again, Roseanne was comparing what she believes to be Valerie’s actions with the PLOT of the movie, not the name or characters in it.
Ballz Of'steel What’s wrong with saying I know someone but I don’t know them very well. I know that’s not exactly what he said but that was what was inferred
Yes, Joe doesn’t know Roseanne very well, but they had talked on the phone. This isn’t excusing her behaviour, but it is putting the use of Ambien in a context. Neither Kevin nor Joe excused the tweet she posted, they were discussing what was happening up to that point. She had been working for a very long time on the show, and it makes sense that she’d want to use a sleep aid. Explains why she needed Ambien, doesn’t excuse writing and posting the tweet.
So it's okay to call Persians or Jews apes? The issue with Roseanne is intent. She wasn't criticizing Ms. Jarrett for her decisions, politics, or actions. She was ripping on her for looks / beliefs. That was the issue. I don't call people racists without concrete evidence. However, Roseanne displays actions and words of a bigot. And I'm all for comedy, context, and not over reacting. However, Roseanne put this on herself. Joe Rogan should know better studying the martial arts. Martial arts is logic, common sense, discipline, focus, etc. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she really meant. And yes ... Roseanne should be forgiven IF she actually asks for it. She hasn't. It's only excuses.
rob. g 1. The President should not be called an Orangutan. The office should be treated with respect. 2. That said, Trump needs to respect the office of the President as well. He's constantly lying. That's unacceptable for any leader voted to office. Trump also needs to treat the DOJ with respect. It's one of the pillars of our democracy. Destroying their credibility is hurting America. Just like Trump demanded the "kneelers" to respect the military, he should respect the DOJ ... otherwise he's a hypocrite. 3. I agree people over react to the slightest controversial remark regardless of context. That's not good. That said, Trump equating people protesting against Neo Nazis, Confederates, and KKK just as bad is ridiculous. To you this is about the left and the right. To me, this is about right and wrong. That's the difference between me and you. Intelligence is the ability to step back and have perspective. Intelligence is not about being miopic, acting like a dumbass, and blaming your woes on someone else. It's the ability to have empathy. I feel sorry for you. Your kind is dying out. I believe in evolution. Stupidity will ultimately be weeded out. Your views will soon be extinct. Yes, Roseanne will still have millions. However, she's 65 and will at some time die. Her legacy will live on though. It won't be flattering as her veiws become obsolete. Just like people will look at Trump with distaste in 25 years. He destroyed his name. His family will suffer because of it.
Rob.g, well I guess if you’re talking about Wanda, it’s possible that Roseanne decided it was okay for her to do that. After all it WAS Roseanne’s Show, right? Or maybe Roseanne and Wanda had a conversation about it. I don’t know. Either way, Wanda wasn’t fired. As to ‘others on the left’ calling Trump an “Orangutan”, if their employers’ want to fire them, then they can do that. It was up to ABC to cancel the show, which is something that both Kevin and Joe were hoping wouldn’t happen. Most Americans like everyone in the cast including Roseanne. But ABC made their decision. What Roseanne was doing with her show was unprecedented. So as Joe explains, I can understand the workload that would cause the use of Ambien. Like Kevin and Joe showed, there were many people who did want the show to go for a few seasons. But she just didn’t send out a tweet, she sent a few out. Remember Kevin Spacey? Accused, tried to apologize, and then claimed he was gay, which upset the LGBT... community. Where is he know again? Sometimes it’s not just the ‘crime’, sometimes it’s the ‘cover up’, or the ‘apology/excuse’.
Yeah, Roseanne has been referring to Valerie Jarrett as an “Iranian-born secret Muslim” for years. She retweeted the same line spoken by someone else just Wednesday morning. She lied to Joe about thinking she was Jewish.
Jewish is not a nationality or ethnic group. Jews are religious group/religion. One can definitely be born Muslim (another religion that is NOT A RACE OR ETHNIC GROUP either) and then become Jewish. Seeing as how ppl often confuse being Jewish with being a certain type of "white" that's probably what she meant. You seem to not know what the fuck you're talking about.
pal joey yes Joey, very insightful rebuttal. Being dropped on your head as a baby did not affect you at all. Perhaps it was your parents being siblings that made you such a genius.
When I looked up Valerie Jarrett, I was wondering where the black lady was that Roseanne had tweeted about. I had no idea she was black either. She looks Italian and yeah, she looks just like Dr. Zira played by Helena Bonham Carter.
Yeah. Being sensitive about racial slurs is so over the top and unnecessary. Those black people got to get over things and just shut up. I mean all is good between black and white people in the USA. They are like a family and family must accept a little bit of harmless banter. Or am I wrong about this?
Joe "there was Ambien in Rosanne's creatine" Rogan. Kidding aside, between this and the Jon Jones absurd defense nonsense, it's impossible to take you serious anymore. It's a shame because I used to be a big fan of your podcast. You've become a meme bro And it ain't a good one. And I take doesn't make you racist or explain away years of hateful and ignorant tweets.
David R Joe is real and has his own opinions, if you want the establishment talking points then fuck off to CNN. Why watch anything on YT if you just want to see people going with official narrative? Wtf.
David R lol dumass. She isn't claiming it made her racist, it just makes you more likely to say stupid shit time to time. 😂😂😂 Alcohol doesn't make people racist, but I know a few decent people who say some offensive stuff after they had a few shots 🙃
The moment that they decided to bring Roseanne back, they should have taken her social media away from her as a stipulation. It's not like this was unexpected. The way she's acted the past few years on Twitter, it's not surprising at all that this happened. What is surprising is that Disney and ABC allowed her to keep her social media and it wasn't a stipulation in her contract. With as tightly-wound as Disney is, you would think that they would have seen this coming like the rest of us. Not saying that the rest of us saw it coming to this extent, but you can't look at the rest of Roseanne's Twitter page and then be surprised by these recent tweets.
I’ve noticed that women are much less likely to be proponents of free speech. I’ve never had a female friend or girlfriend, or met any of my buddies girls or wives who didn’t like to shut down someone else’s speech because they didn’t like it. I’m worried that the more women in power, the more that mentality will win out, and the faster we’ll see the dismantling of the first and second amendment or more... maybe this is why men rose to power in the first place. Men are much better at chess, for example.
Everyone expects her to act that way like Anthony Jeselnik is expected to be dark, theyre comedians. Like cmon now give a comedian at least a warning , it was material in my eyes. Something shed say on stage but talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel live, Bill Maher, Joy Behr can say racist remarks or push the boundaries and theyve been left alone.
AnubisTV, maybe it's because your female friends understand the First Amendment and that it truly only protects you from the government coming after you. Twitter is not the government. Your work is not the government. Sure, you are free to say whatever you want. Your job is not the government however so it can fire you. Your job firing you over what you said is not a violation of your freedom of speech. Sure, you can say whatever you want on Twitter. Twitter is free to shut down your account and it's not a violation of your freedom of speech. The government arresting you because of something you said is a violation of your freedom of speech. The closest thing we've seen in the past two years to someone's freedom of speech being violated is Kathy Griffin getting detained at airports. That's the closest thing to a violation of freedom of speech that we've had. It was not a violation, but if you would have brought that up you would have been much closer to a violation of freedom of speech. That's what your female friends understand that you don't.
First . Joe love ya show Second. The fact that she thought she was racist towards Jews doesn't make it any better. Third. The fact that she was on Ambien is not a justification. Own your mistakes sorry. Fourth. She has a history of saying stuff like that. So this is not an oops moment. It's repetitive and ongoing.
Nice, cursing and name calling. Question, are you 6 years old? If you disagree with my point then state them. For the record, I have watched Roseanne and like her show but she has said a lot of uncalled for statements including these recent ones. I am addressing a few of points that Joe stated. I too have made mistakes in life and said things that were hurtful or wrong. What I did do was say sorry and move on not make excuses. She can use this as a learning experience but that will not happen if she passes the blame and not own her shame.
Um, Kevin...... “REPLACE Roseanne??...the show is called “Roseanne”........ How does that work??? Answer: Replace her with Rosie O’Donnell!!!! (Can you imagine the tweets from the WH??)
Her Iranian family is very wealthy, has been in the arms business for centuries see George Webb. She herself covered up Eric Holder's gun-running and had the brilliant idea that some poor lady in Alaska whose family had received gov't assistance when the lady was 4 should now pay back the gov't by not getting her income tax return....meanwhile Valerie Jarrett is a slumlord herself, paid welfare money for substandard rentals. Very questionable human.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not...but on the off chance you're serious, then my response is "oh yeah, because Valerie Jarrett is a common Iranian name"
jon beatty Like the people in your profile picture. Ethnicities have features that are common within them. Don’t get on your high horse like it’s wrong to point to that.
As a nurse, Ambien can super mess you up. We are talking delirium, hallucinations, etc. MD's at my hospital refuse to prescribe it in most cases. Certainly not excusing any behavior, but I've seen that med in action in a bad way. Who know's if what she says is true.
Well done, you've completely missed the point I made. 'certainly not excusing any behavior', or did you miss that as well? Have you ever taken the medication? Ever seen someone affected by it? What's been your professional experience in pharmacology? Right, the GTFO with your willful ignorance.
What medical field are you in? Ambient will not make you spew remarks like that....and the excuse I was drinking is bullshit..achole is truth syrum and makes u tell the truth....
I have taken ambien and I just slept. My parents take ambien and they just sleep. We have become a society of blaming things other than what is responsible. If I gain weight, I don’t blame my pants for shrinking.
She has been overtly racist for years and prescribes to the insane and racist QAnon theories. Ambien is a scapegoat. There's no excuse for her actions. No excuse for her words. Anyone not calling her out for her lies is either a racist too or a coward.
This whole Roseanne thing, is the same as Kanye. When they switched to the "right wing," they got crucified. They have both said crazy shit their entire careers.
Check Roseanne's twitter history... she has a history of saying very racist things to people whom she knows what race they are. Ambient isn't an excuse.
My mother in law was on it for a couple of months before she died. She drove her car in the middle of the night and parked it against someone's house. The next day she gave us her car . said she doesn't remember a thing. She got up in the middle of the night and caught her kitchen on fire. She lived in an apartment complex and her neighbor heard the fire alarm and scary was she didn't here it in her own apartment. After staying with us a few nights she returned home on Thanksgiving night and overdosed. Not defending Rosanne on her tweets but as far as Ambien is concerned it'll rock some people's worlds. Is it me or is there a lot of sensitive lefties in this world.. I was raised in an era that chanted and lived by the motto"sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME".... This petty shit that folks occupy their days with is precisely why this country is in the mess it's in. Look at this dumb shit and let's not worry about what our government is doing or the billionaire globalist are doing.. Wake up America!!!!
BEING RACIST IS NOT A MISTAKE. Poking you eyes or all that crazy stuff your mother in law did is. PLAIN and SIMPLE. Racist shit comes from deep in the heart. STOP TRYING TO MAKE EXCUSES FOOLING YOURSELF & OTHERS. FUCK JOE and YOU WAKE THE FUCK UP FOR REAL. and fuck the globalists elites too. Fight for that shit instead
Skrrt Skrrt he used the same excuse for anything bad or crazy that happens. "it was the pharmaceutical drugs, not the person with a history of saying racist shit"
I don't see how being liberal has anything to do with being against horrible bigots. Welll... Other than the fact that most Cancervatives are A-OK with the Orange Bigot pResident.
Yeah I hate that dumb term. Some lady was interviewing some British black dude after an Olympic event or something, and asked him something about "being the first AA guy to win _________...", and he was like "Huh? I'm not American."
XwX well the race can't be African American if all black people aren't American or African. Secondly by your logic I'm not white. I don't wanna be Caucasian though, I'm not from the Caucas mountains. What's your suggestion for band the race of black people, if I'm not too call them black. Cos I can't call black people "Nigga" like you did.
Kevin Smith- "why not just do the show without Roseanne? " the show is called "Roseanne" so the reason as to why not to continue without her is literally in the title of the show.
chris Ambien can make you opperate cars, cook, have conversations, go for a walk, have sex, get into a fight, etc, but yeah, racist/rude comments are definately not a side effect. So she must be racist. Derp. Thank you for blessing us with your knowledge.
Just started watching due to a friend's recommendation...very impressed with Joe Rogan. So, in comment to this particular episode, agree 100%, I took Ambien years ago, was told I was up, having full fledged conversations, performing tasks, etc., but I had ZERO recollection. That was enough for me. That stuff is scary!! Who knows what you could do? Especially if you're alone! Nope, no thank you.
Yeah, right after apologizing on twitter she said "I'm leaving twitter" then 10 hours later she is back retweeting all sorts of stuff trying normalize the shit and play herself as a victim or pulling this "other people say mean things!" stuff now. She knows exactly what she did.
My thought, as much as I like Roseanne, I think they should have just changed the show title. Maybe something like The Conners, have Roseanne die during the surgery she was supposed to have for her knee, and focus on what that does to Dan and the rest of the family. I think that would have worked.
dodaTiffany all that for a stupid ass comment? People are way to sensitive nowadays . I have white friends that made dumb comments and i don't disown them for it. She didnt say all blacks are bad ppl wtf
chinchops chang no, I agree with you, it is stupid that she got so much heat and lost her show for a bad joke. The punishment was way too extreme and the controversy should have been over when she apologized. I'm just saying that what I posted earlier would have been a better compromise than what actually happened.
My ex's mom once took Ambien and she sat next to us on the couch and in the Ambien dream trance she was in she shoved her face into my croch and didn't know she did it until my girlfriend told her what happened the next morning. I was a very uncomfortable experience for all of us.
I’ve taken ambian and it really does make you act unpredictably. I had my friend pick me up, played pool, and smoked bong rips for hours, all whilst on ambian. When I woke up back at my house it all felt like a dream but it really happened
Two Caucasian dudes debating if something is racist while black people are literally yelling at them that this was racist. Welcome to America. Joe can’t be this obtuse.
My moms friend woke up in an ambien haze and thought she saw her sons bloody decapitated head out in the snow outside her window . It was so real she went outside to investigate. Ended up slipping and getting hurt. I used to take 2 or 3 and fight the sleep and trip balls way back when. Shit is scary.
Her tweet was thought out and deliberate. The intent was to be funny but was just a big fail. She was too confident in the material and Twitter is not the place to practice a bit.
You can tell people over and over that she was making a political statement,not racist,but nobody listens they just keep on saying this shit over and over like idiots.Sara produces that show and just wants all the recognition for the show.Hope it least John Goodman took up for her,he was the only one.
Remember when society understood that everyone is entitled to their own idiosyncrasies no matter how distasteful we found them?
Rosanne owned the show. It was ALL hers. She gave permission for the others to continue shooting their own version of the show without Rosanne. That's how nice of a person she is.
She wanted people to keep their jobs
Without Roseanne it wasn't a show though, because the other actors don't have a brain in there heads amongst any one of them.
She admitted she got payed a shit tone to sign the rights over 💀
@@mysticalpineapple7263 Liar.
@@mountainfolks she said it herself lmao... on joe rogan podcast.
She went full Mel Gibson. You never go full Mel Gibson.
Slade Wilson LMMFAO!
Slade Wilson she's always been that way, she's too comfortable speaking her b.s, especially now that Trump is in office
Well played
Joe seems to be so loyal to his friends.
Kevin Smith loses 100 pounds, continues to rock the XXL jersey lol. Glad he's doing better.
UziNineMillomeetah ya Kevin looks healthy
He may be healthy. But his movies sure have gone down. I guess that's the price you pay.
He looks nothing like he used to. He almost reminds me of Tom Savini.
Holy shit I think you called it. Ol' Sex Machine Savini. I see it man.
not sure if his weight has to do with the quality of his movies.
Look into her Twitter history. She must take a shit ton of Ambien. This is pretty normal stuff for Rosanne.
fooook ya
It's cool to say we descended from chimps, but it saying some people look like it is completely out of line? Are you fucken serious?
Her son spoke about her mental health in an interview, she has a long history. She had a traumatic brain industry and was in a psyche ward for months when she was younger.
People need to stop trying to capitalize on these people's manic outburst, rather it be Kanye or whoever.
Phillip Edwards exactly
So you're saying this is normal for her? This has been going on for a long time? This has even been going on since before they reincarnated her show? Yet even though this has been going on since before they brought her show back...they brought her show back? Then, you are saying that after doing something that she normally does all the time, they took her show away? Is this what you are saying?
She has the right to say it, sure. But the network also has the right to terminate her show for it.
The first amendment does not mean there won’t be consequences for what you say.
Unless you’re the president.
James Archer lol
But she's been talking crazy on twitter for a while even before they brought the show back.
I love how high and mighty everyone acts when someone makes a mistake.
Yeah I know like their shit doesn't stink
I am not defending Roseanne AT ALL....but I did take an Ambien once, drove to Taco Bell and woke up the next morning in a bed full of chalupa wrappers...
Passenger Shaming that sounds like a good night! About to ask my doctor to give me some!
It didn't make me racist, tho... (just fat)
What a fat fuck! Sounds delicious.
Passenger Shaming 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
One time i fell asleep eating mini eggs. Woke up with them melted all over my chest and stomach. Did I take Ambien? Nope. It would have been a good excuse though....
I take ambien. It has changed my life. I couldn’t sleep for the longest time. For years. It change my personality . I couldn’t work like I used to. It was horrible. My doctor gives me the dose I need. Insomnia is the worst thing you can have. You think your going crazy. So this pill has change my life.
It's called exercise, better than any pill
E. C. I can agree to some extent - exercising in the evening made my sleep quality so much better, but I also have a disease that requires me to go on cortisone regularly for a few months and it really fucks with your sleep. Even if you’re super tired you can’t fall asleep and exercise wouldn’t help. But if it’s just regular sleeping problems, exercise is gold.
ever heard of weed?
I’m on ambien now. Won’t remember posting this.
ALL CAPS DUDE helps you sleep
Juseman 😀😀😀😀😀😀
can I get this over the counter? I don't think my doctor would write me a prescription
I took an Ambien, and found a bunch of white people hanging from a tree..... oh shit, this ain't Ambien, the bottle reads liberalism ! 😲
Classic!!! 🤣
ambien said racism is not a side affect LOL
There is a reason "Silent Bob" should remain SILENT!
He obviously doesn't remember history of celebrity Ambien acquittals... shall we start with the Tiger Woods thing!?!
love Roseann but this line about Ambien rushing out a to defend!
NEWS ALERT!! What she said WASN'T racist!! REPEAT: What she said WASN'T racist!!
adcolt54 News alert: You're a blind fool
Monstar A - NEWS ALERT: There is life away from video games.
She got the bronchitis? Ain’t nobody got time for that !!
I was prescribed Ambien. I apparently crawled down the hallway complaining about people living in the air vent. Another time, I made online purchases for things I didn't need or even want. I have so many more stories like this, but suffice it to say, I quit taking it and I believe her.
KTnarnia Totally agree with you. I got arrested while on Prozac and drinking with it. Was terrifying.
KTnarnia I used to be prescribed temazepam and i have similar stories of doing things whilst on the tablets and not remembering I’d done anything it’s kinda like they make you sleepwalk.
I took ambien a few times, and every time I did I slept like a baby. Though I'm not denying that people do crazy shit on it - I've seen it, I just don't believe that Rosanne *isn't* racist. Sure, maybe she didn't know the woman was black, but I still think she's racist.
It's on the internet about the FDA knowing about depression medicine that causes hulicinations n hearing voices to kill ppl or kill themselves but FDA is corrupted n apart of the luciferian system.
KTnarnia, same here. people who have not taken it have no idea how badly it messes you up
So is she coming on the podcast friday or nah
Dylan Caldwell yah....jk idk
Ohhh Yeah!!!!
Look into it
It would be Epic
I was surprised at how fast they cancelled Roseanne. IMHO they were waiting for this so they had a reason to dump her show.
Paula Allen ...this is the most retarded excuse Rosanne fans can use. They stood to make millions, if not billions on her show. It makes no sense...none!
Paula Allen Pretty dumb comment. Why would they waste a bunch of money to start it up?
Right? Who would have POSSIBLY GUESSED that the same company that absolutely destroyed the Star Wars franchise with its p.c. garbage was chomping at the bit to get rid of her show?
Paula Allen ya they were waiting for her to say racist shit while on Ambien. They just knew she’d do it. It’s a network n she fucked up their business. It’s that simple.
Imhighdontattack lmao right? Let’s start up this show bc we know she’s racist. Then we’ll wait until she says racist shit. What logic?? They Deff lost a lot of money all to show us .... that Roseanne tweets racist shit.
Her own husband said “I knew this would happen”. You’re wrong dude
My friend went to taco Bell in the middle of the night and drove her car through the garage. Found it there in the morning realize what she did. Taco Bell wrappers all over the front seat. Ambien is f***** up!
My grand mother was on ambien and would call the police to report seeing "people in the trees"
Jadwin , I remember her..i use to wave at her from the trees..hi!
that wasnt ambien bro
Maybe she has dementia. Ambien doesn't do that.
Kevin Smith lost weight glad the guy alive
MGTOWFacts why does he always have a ice hockey jersey on all the damn time
he likes it
If he didnt always wear the same shit I would not have recognized him.
...yeah if almost dying doesn't help you get your health together, nothing will.
Now you can watch more of him crying over children's cartoons
Ambien is a hell of a drug
a good bad drug.. agreed... i will never touch that shit again.
rick james is that you
I've definitely posted weird shit to facebook while high on ambien.
Yes it is. Nearly legal hallucination. And a useless recreational drug.
my brain chose to hear rick james
Was she on Ambien when she called Susan Rice an ape?
Sooooo... is that woman black? It says she was born in Iran. Most Middle Easterns mark "White" on censuses and other government forms. They rarely ever identify as "black" and when they do, it's for political and celebrity reasons.
I had a friend who took Ambien and ate her $5000 uninsured hearing aids. They didn't make the ride through. I asked her why she ate them. She said that she thought that they were food. So do we forgive someone for taking mind altering medications? No. You just let her shit it out.
Her father is black a simple search does not take that long
I've driven a car on ambien, hardly remember it, no idea why I did it. I'll never use it again. If you don't already take it stay away from it.
Yup- If I have to take a sleeping pill (I wouldn't touch ambien), I literally get somebody to supervise me. If you can't control your actions, you need to do something about it. Thank you for being a socially responsible person Mike :)- if only more people were like you.
I thankfully didn’t drive in my one experience with it, but I ended up walking 10 blocks up the road going absolutely nowhere. Came to at like 2am with my first thought being “fucking ambien”.
I went awhile on my first and only script without any incident, thinking I was “immune” to the weird side effects. Shit just crept up out of nowhere don't remember it because Ambien was engineered to put you to sleep....not drive a car
But did you want to drive? Usually, its stuff people enjoy doing. I made my lunch and watched anime. Other times, I went for a run. I know people that also did things that they like to do or would like to do, like my friend played tennis and knitted.
ambien is just like Valium or Xanax. So of course it causes blackouts. I went to college, I’ve blacked out and all that. Never did I get homophobic or racist mainly because it’s not in my heart.
Is Roseanne racist, probably not. But she definitely has a preoccupation with it. That’s a fact.
Ps: who gives a shit about Valerie Jarrett? I haven’t thought about her for 3 years.
Fox News just picked up the Roseanne show.
Come on Joe. Standing up for her because she was a pioneer...... Bill Cosby was a excuses.
Yeah, that's a totally nuanced position. Raping dozens of people is the same as saying something mean.
Its not the same but I agree ......NO EXCUSES!
John Hancock I never said it was the same or even comparable. People made excuses for Cosby and his actions due to his fame in the beginning. Joe is making excuses for Rosanne. She did a bad thing, not nearly as bad in the least bit still horrible. No excuses for her behavior.
Simple as that.
Okay. And I'm saying you're wrong and full of shit. So...
So attacking a Jewish lady is less bad than attacking a black lady in Roseanne's world? Mkay...
In today's society you get crucified for publicly attacking a black person. You can say anything you want about white people - no problem. Yes, the double standard is real.
Do you know who's this lady is u seem so concerned with? Have you looked up her history or her family connections ... do you concern ur self with shit u don't even bother to do any research ?
Red Pill Junkie One will get ya fired, the other won't.
Works for the Left when attacking Jews in the Middle East, so yeah!
All it means is that Ambien made her lose her discretion and her ability to keep her true opinions to herself. Ambien didn't make her racist, it just prevented her from realizing how incredibly self destructive voicing her opinions would be. Her only regret is that she got caught.
Sneaky Bunny Exactly. Ambien doesn't make non-bigoted people spontaneously spew racist comments or transform their basic beliefs - it works like truth serum to disinhibit them / show their true colors. Alcohol amplifies this effect...I've personally seen and heard it happen quite a few times.
Thank you I'm glad someone sees it my way the ambien just brought out how she really feels and thank god I dont give a damn how she feels 🤷♀️ we do need to quit being so sensitive everyone is a little prejudiced/racist
Sneaky Bunny Oh you know Roseanne? You know for a fact she's racist? Fuck off!!!!!!
Cliff Edward - She's got years of racism behind her. This wasn't the only incident. I know you don't want it to be so, but it is.
Dennis Hastings Let me guess if I ask you why Rosanne whould think making money jokes is acceptable you'll answer " Because of Trump " The truth is no matter what color people are everyone has prejudices and no adult has ever went without making a racial slur not even you.
So Rosanne thought the Jarrett lady was Jewish...and the thing that came to mind was the Muslim Brotherhood. Hmm...
Roseanne’s tweet was not about race. It was political, as Roseanne has mentioned numerous times. She was trying to comment on Iran, which is experiencing chaos in its streets as we speak. Roseanne believes Valerie, as a member of the Obama administration, had a role in the expansion of the Muslim brotherhood in places like Iran. The tweet had NOTHING to do with what the movie is called, and everything to do with what the movie is about. Planet of the Apes, the movie, is about overthrowing political despots (where the Apes rule and humans are their servants and either fight back or escape). And that is what some people of Iran are trying to do to their own government. People need to get past the word “Ape”. That had nothing to do with what Roseanne was trying to say. If the movie was called “waka maka waka” then that’s what she would have said, because what the movie is called was irrelevant to what she was trying to say. Again, Roseanne was comparing what she believes to be Valerie’s actions with the PLOT of the movie, not the name or characters in it.
She's still taking ambien from what her twitter tells me, and she's being doing it for more than a decade if that's the case
That was awesome! Thank you for the laugh.
Kevin Smith looks healthy, glad he lost weight. Going to ignore the race war in comments
Silent Bob lost weight and it took the pressure off his voice box. That’s the reason he can talk meow.
Nice racist avatar bitch. Still like identity politics!?
jake hoyt you haven’t seen fucked til you cruised theync and kaotic. Use a safe browser. And no I’m not an edge lord.
jake hoyt I didn't even recognize him
jake hoyt is it me or does Kevin smith look like silent bob it's like they are the same person
So he goes “I know Roseanne “ to I don’t know her very wel but....”
Ballz Of'steel What’s wrong with saying I know someone but I don’t know them very well. I know that’s not exactly what he said but that was what was inferred
Yes, Joe doesn’t know Roseanne very well, but they had talked on the phone.
This isn’t excusing her behaviour, but it is putting the use of Ambien in a context.
Neither Kevin nor Joe excused the tweet she posted, they were discussing what was happening up to that point.
She had been working for a very long time on the show, and it makes sense that she’d want to use a sleep aid.
Explains why she needed Ambien, doesn’t excuse writing and posting the tweet.
So it's okay to call Persians or Jews apes? The issue with Roseanne is intent. She wasn't criticizing Ms. Jarrett for her decisions, politics, or actions. She was ripping on her for looks / beliefs. That was the issue. I don't call people racists without concrete evidence. However, Roseanne displays actions and words of a bigot. And I'm all for comedy, context, and not over reacting. However, Roseanne put this on herself. Joe Rogan should know better studying the martial arts. Martial arts is logic, common sense, discipline, focus, etc. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that she really meant. And yes ... Roseanne should be forgiven IF she actually asks for it. She hasn't. It's only excuses.
rob. g 1. The President should not be called an Orangutan. The office should be treated with respect. 2. That said, Trump needs to respect the office of the President as well. He's constantly lying. That's unacceptable for any leader voted to office. Trump also needs to treat the DOJ with respect. It's one of the pillars of our democracy. Destroying their credibility is hurting America. Just like Trump demanded the "kneelers" to respect the military, he should respect the DOJ ... otherwise he's a hypocrite. 3. I agree people over react to the slightest controversial remark regardless of context. That's not good. That said, Trump equating people protesting against Neo Nazis, Confederates, and KKK just as bad is ridiculous.
To you this is about the left and the right. To me, this is about right and wrong. That's the difference between me and you. Intelligence is the ability to step back and have perspective. Intelligence is not about being miopic, acting like a dumbass, and blaming your woes on someone else. It's the ability to have empathy. I feel sorry for you. Your kind is dying out. I believe in evolution. Stupidity will ultimately be weeded out. Your views will soon be extinct.
Yes, Roseanne will still have millions. However, she's 65 and will at some time die. Her legacy will live on though. It won't be flattering as her veiws become obsolete. Just like people will look at Trump with distaste in 25 years. He destroyed his name. His family will suffer because of it.
Rob.g, well I guess if you’re talking about Wanda, it’s possible that Roseanne decided it was okay for her to do that.
After all it WAS Roseanne’s Show, right?
Or maybe Roseanne and Wanda had a conversation about it. I don’t know. Either way, Wanda wasn’t fired.
As to ‘others on the left’ calling Trump an “Orangutan”, if their employers’ want to fire them, then they can do that.
It was up to ABC to cancel the show, which is something that both Kevin and Joe were hoping wouldn’t happen. Most Americans like everyone in the cast including Roseanne. But ABC made their decision.
What Roseanne was doing with her show was unprecedented. So as Joe explains, I can understand the workload that would cause the use of Ambien. Like Kevin and Joe showed, there were many people who did want the show to go for a few seasons.
But she just didn’t send out a tweet, she sent a few out. Remember Kevin Spacey? Accused, tried to apologize, and then claimed he was gay, which upset the LGBT... community.
Where is he know again? Sometimes it’s not just the ‘crime’, sometimes it’s the ‘cover up’, or the ‘apology/excuse’.
Yeah, Roseanne has been referring to Valerie Jarrett as an “Iranian-born secret Muslim” for years. She retweeted the same line spoken by someone else just Wednesday morning. She lied to Joe about thinking she was Jewish.
Jewish is not a nationality or ethnic group. Jews are religious group/religion. One can definitely be born Muslim (another religion that is NOT A RACE OR ETHNIC GROUP either) and then become Jewish. Seeing as how ppl often confuse being Jewish with being a certain type of "white" that's probably what she meant. You seem to not know what the fuck you're talking about.
@@ACECAL-cl4tb so, you think Roseanne really believes VJ is a “secret Muslim Jew”? That seems a stretch…
Yeah she’s a bad liar two ape jokes that I swear racist middle schoolers say. Like it’s not even funny it’s something a child would say
He cuts Joe off again and again. Joe eventually just attempts to talk through the interruptions.
"It wasn't me! It was the gangster rap and the peppermint schnapps" -Eminem
pal joey yes Joey, very insightful rebuttal. Being dropped on your head as a baby did not affect you at all. Perhaps it was your parents being siblings that made you such a genius.
Joe” Spends his weekends talking to Roseanne” Rogan
“Her schedule was rough”, well now her schedule opened up 🤣🤣🤣
Jesus Lopez HAHAHA!!
shes 65, she should be retired with her millions..... HAHAHA
@J ward: Oh yes. God yes. Only Trump can save us.
Jesus Lopez 😂😂😂
When I looked up Valerie Jarrett, I was wondering where the black lady was that Roseanne had tweeted about. I had no idea she was black either. She looks Italian and yeah, she looks just like Dr. Zira played by Helena Bonham Carter.
Or or or. Don't say racist things towards anyone of any race :0
Ppl are too sensitive nowdays
Yeah and black people call each other the n word and it’s all over rap music. Give me a break.
Yeah, agree 💯%. It’s getting super ridiculous.
Way too sensitive.
Yeah. Being sensitive about racial slurs is so over the top and unnecessary.
Those black people got to get over things and just shut up.
I mean all is good between black and white people in the USA.
They are like a family and family must accept a little bit of harmless banter.
Or am I wrong about this?
I think “sensitive” is an understatement. More like victim mentality,entitled,book burning,intolerant fascists.
Joe "there was Ambien in Rosanne's creatine" Rogan. Kidding aside, between this and the Jon Jones absurd defense nonsense, it's impossible to take you serious anymore. It's a shame because I used to be a big fan of your podcast. You've become a meme bro And it ain't a good one. And I take doesn't make you racist or explain away years of hateful and ignorant tweets.
David R Joe is real and has his own opinions, if you want the establishment talking points then fuck off to CNN.
Why watch anything on YT if you just want to see people going with official narrative? Wtf.
Joe has lost all credibility, the dude is a certified scumbag, MAGA nazi poster boy 😆
Your virtue signal has been clearly received David, rest assured
David R lol dumass. She isn't claiming it made her racist, it just makes you more likely to say stupid shit time to time. 😂😂😂
Alcohol doesn't make people racist, but I know a few decent people who say some offensive stuff after they had a few shots 🙃
Ambien made my friend think he was dancing with a ghost woman in his bedroom. After seeing that I believe it can make you racist lol
Wouldn't have recognised him with out that uniform
iamthefirsttosecond it's a costume not a uniform
That guy talking to Joe looks like Kevin Smith and Verne Troyer had a baby.
Joe Rogan looks like he's making excuses for his friend.
Tru S Armor yeah, he also made the excuse he does for every other shitty thing someone does.... its "pharmaceutical drugs" hahah
Jose Ureste not really....
Dave Watkins usually if you say something when youre blacked out, then thats usually how you really think without any inhibitions
Joe "I know Roseanne" Rogan
.... But i do not know her past racist social media posts and commenting...
Oh come Joe.... look at her past tweets FFS.
Where in her tweets did she say anything against black people?
You tell people to go check evidence but aren't able to provide any yourself.
Joe “I’m pretty much a conservative that smokes weed” Rogan.
The bernie conservative
The moment that they decided to bring Roseanne back, they should have taken her social media away from her as a stipulation. It's not like this was unexpected. The way she's acted the past few years on Twitter, it's not surprising at all that this happened. What is surprising is that Disney and ABC allowed her to keep her social media and it wasn't a stipulation in her contract. With as tightly-wound as Disney is, you would think that they would have seen this coming like the rest of us. Not saying that the rest of us saw it coming to this extent, but you can't look at the rest of Roseanne's Twitter page and then be surprised by these recent tweets.
No self-respecting comedian would give up their social media.
Which one? LOL
I’ve noticed that women are much less likely to be proponents of free speech. I’ve never had a female friend or girlfriend, or met any of my buddies girls or wives who didn’t like to shut down someone else’s speech because they didn’t like it. I’m worried that the more women in power, the more that mentality will win out, and the faster we’ll see the dismantling of the first and second amendment or more... maybe this is why men rose to power in the first place. Men are much better at chess, for example.
Everyone expects her to act that way like Anthony Jeselnik is expected to be dark, theyre comedians. Like cmon now give a comedian at least a warning , it was material in my eyes. Something shed say on stage but talk shows like Jimmy Kimmel live, Bill Maher, Joy Behr can say racist remarks or push the boundaries and theyve been left alone.
AnubisTV, maybe it's because your female friends understand the First Amendment and that it truly only protects you from the government coming after you. Twitter is not the government. Your work is not the government. Sure, you are free to say whatever you want. Your job is not the government however so it can fire you. Your job firing you over what you said is not a violation of your freedom of speech. Sure, you can say whatever you want on Twitter. Twitter is free to shut down your account and it's not a violation of your freedom of speech. The government arresting you because of something you said is a violation of your freedom of speech. The closest thing we've seen in the past two years to someone's freedom of speech being violated is Kathy Griffin getting detained at airports. That's the closest thing to a violation of freedom of speech that we've had. It was not a violation, but if you would have brought that up you would have been much closer to a violation of freedom of speech. That's what your female friends understand that you don't.
First . Joe love ya show
Second. The fact that she thought she was racist towards Jews doesn't make it any better.
Third. The fact that she was on Ambien is not a justification. Own your mistakes sorry.
Fourth. She has a history of saying stuff like that. So this is not an oops moment. It's repetitive and ongoing.
muzikalwon1 Roseanne is half Jewish
muzikalwon1 Woah, Own your mistakes? wat a load of bullshit comin from you commie pink boys.
Nice, cursing and name calling. Question, are you 6 years old? If you disagree with my point then state them. For the record, I have watched Roseanne and like her show but she has said a lot of uncalled for statements including these recent ones. I am addressing a few of points that Joe stated. I too have made mistakes in life and said things that were hurtful or wrong. What I did do was say sorry and move on not make excuses. She can use this as a learning experience but that will not happen if she passes the blame and not own her shame.
Um, Kevin...... “REPLACE Roseanne??...the show is called “Roseanne”........
How does that work???
Replace her with Rosie O’Donnell!!!!
(Can you imagine the tweets from the WH??)
William Roark call it the connors and say that that fat bitch died in a freak accident
I can imagine the ratings dropping 100% LOL
I'm a fan of the roseanne show. If roseanne conner is dead. So is the show.
This is why social media is ruining people
step away from this one joe
i did not know Valerie Jarrett was black. I thought she was of Iranian descent
3936 diet hemlock born in Iran, both parents are/were African Americans, I believe. Yeah, she doesn't look black at all.
Her Iranian family is very wealthy, has been in the arms business for centuries see George Webb. She herself covered up Eric Holder's gun-running and had the brilliant idea that some poor lady in Alaska whose family had received gov't assistance when the lady was 4 should now pay back the gov't by not getting her income tax return....meanwhile Valerie Jarrett is a slumlord herself, paid welfare money for substandard rentals. Very questionable human.
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not...but on the off chance you're serious, then my response is
"oh yeah, because Valerie Jarrett is a common Iranian name"
jon beatty Like the people in your profile picture. Ethnicities have features that are common within them. Don’t get on your high horse like it’s wrong to point to that.
to use a ralphie may bit from 5-10 years ago... pour salt on them and look like deep space black
Wait, why is Silent Bob talking? Is he on ambien?
Kevin Smith makes me want to barf.
Surf City Video The dudes cool.
As a nurse, Ambien can super mess you up. We are talking delirium, hallucinations, etc. MD's at my hospital refuse to prescribe it in most cases. Certainly not excusing any behavior, but I've seen that med in action in a bad way.
Who know's if what she says is true.
All drugs have side effects even aspirin but I have yet to see the medication that makes you a fat racist bitch.
Well done, you've completely missed the point I made. 'certainly not excusing any behavior', or did you miss that as well? Have you ever taken the medication? Ever seen someone affected by it? What's been your professional experience in pharmacology?
Right, the GTFO with your willful ignorance.
What medical field are you in? Ambient will not make you spew remarks like that....and the excuse I was drinking is bullshit..achole is truth syrum and makes u tell the truth....
I have taken ambien and I just slept. My parents take ambien and they just sleep. We have become a society of blaming things other than what is responsible. If I gain weight, I don’t blame my pants for shrinking.
She has been overtly racist for years and prescribes to the insane and racist QAnon theories. Ambien is a scapegoat. There's no excuse for her actions. No excuse for her words. Anyone not calling her out for her lies is either a racist too or a coward.
My racist neighbor took an ambien and he became the most un-racist person you would ever meet. Man, this drug is wild.
This whole Roseanne thing, is the same as Kanye. When they switched to the "right wing," they got crucified. They have both said crazy shit their entire careers.
TheCodFather please give me an opposite example
Check Roseanne's twitter history... she has a history of saying very racist things to people whom she knows what race they are. Ambient isn't an excuse.
Sabrina Thompson You're right, so why the uproar now? My point exactly.
no, they both said stupid racist shit, thats why the got crucified.
QuackAttack They have both been saying the same shit throughout their entire career, so why the outrage now?
I can't believe Silent Bob is talking
My mother in law was on it for a couple of months before she died. She drove her car in the middle of the night and parked it against someone's house. The next day she gave us her car . said she doesn't remember a thing. She got up in the middle of the night and caught her kitchen on fire. She lived in an apartment complex and her neighbor heard the fire alarm and scary was she didn't here it in her own apartment. After staying with us a few nights she returned home on Thanksgiving night and overdosed. Not defending Rosanne on her tweets but as far as Ambien is concerned it'll rock some people's worlds. Is it me or is there a lot of sensitive lefties in this world.. I was raised in an era that chanted and lived by the motto"sticks and stones may break my bones but WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME".... This petty shit that folks occupy their days with is precisely why this country is in the mess it's in. Look at this dumb shit and let's not worry about what our government is doing or the billionaire globalist are doing.. Wake up America!!!!
quit making excuses for a bigot
BEING RACIST IS NOT A MISTAKE. Poking you eyes or all that crazy stuff your mother in law did is. PLAIN and SIMPLE. Racist shit comes from deep in the heart. STOP TRYING TO MAKE EXCUSES FOOLING YOURSELF & OTHERS. FUCK JOE and YOU WAKE THE FUCK UP FOR REAL. and fuck the globalists elites too. Fight for that shit instead
Joe, have you seen all of her past tweets? She is using your as your PR piece. This bummed me out so much.
I've still have huge respect for Roseanne, and I believe her. Today's POC climate is what blows.
You think I would make a racist joke....
Yes Roseanne. I do!
$15 bucks little man put that shit in my hand
I'm not a very liberal guy but i don't know bout this one with Joe
right? It’s almost impossible to defend this.
Skrrt Skrrt he used the same excuse for anything bad or crazy that happens. "it was the pharmaceutical drugs, not the person with a history of saying racist shit"
James is insulting stupid b******* statement. Is this woman associated with the Muslim Brotherhood defend it please thank you goodbye
Joe happens to know her so he's being an apologetic pussy and that's the bottom line.
I don't see how being liberal has anything to do with being against horrible bigots. Welll... Other than the fact that most Cancervatives are A-OK with the Orange Bigot pResident.
Replace Roseanne with Rosie O'Donnell. Trump would HATE that.
Joe I'm black and you can just say black. African American just is long and awkward
Yeah I hate that dumb term. Some lady was interviewing some British black dude after an Olympic event or something, and asked him something about "being the first AA guy to win _________...", and he was like "Huh? I'm not American."
As a black Brit I agree
Evan Samuel Nigga you not black that's a damn color
XwX well the race can't be African American if all black people aren't American or African. Secondly by your logic I'm not white. I don't wanna be Caucasian though, I'm not from the Caucas mountains.
What's your suggestion for band the race of black people, if I'm not too call them black. Cos I can't call black people "Nigga" like you did.
Evan Samuel some call you racist for saying black
I'm a big fan, but sometimes you lose me Joe.
Come on Joe... you think if someone really had this problem they would react the way they did? She harbors some racist tendences for sure.
Kevin Smith- "why not just do the show without Roseanne? " the show is called "Roseanne" so the reason as to why not to continue without her is literally in the title of the show.
Tiger Woods was on ambien when he got arrested last...shit makes u loose ur mind
John Garren but not make you racist...
... and where is Tiger Woods now?
John Garren no it doesn't
I’m racist and don’t take ambien...I hate Mexican food
chris Ambien can make you opperate cars, cook, have conversations, go for a walk, have sex, get into a fight, etc, but yeah, racist/rude comments are definately not a side effect. So she must be racist. Derp. Thank you for blessing us with your knowledge.
I don't think she would lie to me; However, I don't really know her that well??
Kevin smith looking good. Good for him.
He lost all the weight and such, then had a major heart attack.
Just started watching due to a friend's recommendation...very impressed with Joe Rogan. So, in comment to this particular episode, agree 100%, I took Ambien years ago, was told I was up, having full fledged conversations, performing tasks, etc., but I had ZERO recollection. That was enough for me. That stuff is scary!! Who knows what you could do? Especially if you're alone! Nope, no thank you.
Nice try Joe.
"Joe Rogeanne"
Heath Baxter HAHAHA
Heath Baxter 😂😂😂😂😂😂Get the strap!!!🔫
It makes you pull your hair out!
Ur the 3erd person say that..real original buddy.
Congratulations you win the internet
Damn son... Podcast is still going (live) right now & you've already got clips cut and posted. Respect the hustle
Both these guys clearly don't know what "racist" means.
Yeah, right after apologizing on twitter she said "I'm leaving twitter" then 10 hours later she is back retweeting all sorts of stuff trying normalize the shit and play herself as a victim or pulling this "other people say mean things!" stuff now. She knows exactly what she did.
eternal0star And you're just another vindictive SJW.
Here is a tip. Don't insult anyone with a racial slur, EVEN if you think they are not of the race you normal insult with the racial slur. Easy.
My thought, as much as I like Roseanne, I think they should have just changed the show title. Maybe something like The Conners, have Roseanne die during the surgery she was supposed to have for her knee, and focus on what that does to Dan and the rest of the family. I think that would have worked.
dodaTiffany all that for a stupid ass comment? People are way to sensitive nowadays . I have white friends that made dumb comments and i don't disown them for it. She didnt say all blacks are bad ppl wtf
chinchops chang no, I agree with you, it is stupid that she got so much heat and lost her show for a bad joke. The punishment was way too extreme and the controversy should have been over when she apologized. I'm just saying that what I posted earlier would have been a better compromise than what actually happened.
My ex's mom once took Ambien and she sat next to us on the couch and in the Ambien dream trance she was in she shoved her face into my croch and didn't know she did it until my girlfriend told her what happened the next morning. I was a very uncomfortable experience for all of us.
Everyone is too Damn sensitive.
I’ve taken ambian and it really does make you act unpredictably. I had my friend pick me up, played pool, and smoked bong rips for hours, all whilst on ambian. When I woke up back at my house it all felt like a dream but it really happened
Fuuuck Ambien,that shit made my mom crazy, she was weird all day long, and didn't recover fully until weeks after her last dose
Two Caucasian dudes debating if something is racist while black people are literally yelling at them that this was racist. Welcome to America. Joe can’t be this obtuse.
I say let Roseanne fight Wanda Sykes in an MMA fight for being able to keep or not keep the show. Highest viewed fight companion ever.
We need to know if Joe's friend was vegan and cooked a steak while on Ambien.
Asking the real questions...
lol, thanks guys!!
My moms friend woke up in an ambien haze and thought she saw her sons bloody decapitated head out in the snow outside her window . It was so real she went outside to investigate. Ended up slipping and getting hurt.
I used to take 2 or 3 and fight the sleep and trip balls way back when. Shit is scary.
Would she have reacted the same thing if she wasn't on Ambien?
T B I doubt that was Ambiem...sounds like PCP to me...
nah, ambien will definitely make you trip balls if you stay up on it purposefully.
I slept walked when I was on it briefly for like 2 weeks. Shit is scary.
Yeah I took Ambien for a short while and was hallucinating like a mofo.....
Her tweet was thought out and deliberate. The intent was to be funny but was just a big fail. She was too confident in the material and Twitter is not the place to practice a bit.
Apparently not because everyone's too over sensitive theses days with NO sense of humor.
It was funny and accurate.
As a black man in 2019 I need to research a celebrity's background before I become a fan smh lol !!
Thicken up buttercup.
Joe DOES NOT want to believe,..Kevin convinced him.
He’s pretty naive sometimes. Either that or he’s a bag man to the stars of sorts.
ZEB he believed a woman. You have to always believe the women. Where you been?
When did Silent Bob start talking?!?!
Did Jay leave him or wtf?!?
You can tell people over and over that she was making a political statement,not racist,but nobody listens they just keep on saying this shit over and over like idiots.Sara produces that show and just wants all the recognition for the show.Hope it least John Goodman took up for her,he was the only one.
Joe” I don’t think she’s racist” rogan
So now were blaming our racism on drugs? Hey, I said the N word but it was only cause I was on Ambien so it's okay. Gtfoh.
WHY is Silent Bob on the Joe Rogan Podcast
Last time I checked racism isn’t a side effect from ambient