You have a nice voice which is pleasant and soothing, but you make mistakes in the pronunciation of Ladino. It should be tu puerta, and not to. It should sound like too and not toe. Also, the word is Ermozura/ Ermozoora, not Ermozora. The word dio, like komo te la dió, should be pronounced dyó, not dío. I sincerely hope that you find this helpful, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Mazál bueno ke te dé el Dyó.
You have a nice voice which is pleasant and soothing, but you make mistakes in the pronunciation of Ladino.
It should be tu puerta, and not to.
It should sound like too and not toe.
Also, the word is Ermozura/ Ermozoora, not Ermozora. The word dio, like komo te la dió, should be pronounced dyó, not dío. I sincerely hope that you find this helpful, and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. Mazál bueno ke te dé el Dyó.
Gracias por la ayuda en la pronunciacion.😄