@@Arif77Rehman i agree, it will be a waste of time bcoz you will start some new story. Anyway, thanks. BTW, reagrding the prophets, just wanted to point out to you about Jesus' reminder to us: "Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many." ( Matt. 24:11) " “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." ( Matt. 24:24)
@@Arif77Rehman allah cannot provide the light of knowledge for the Scriptures teaches us that: " Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved." - Ephesians 1:3-6
my daughter was different all the way to university she used to tell me every thing whatever she did all day. she is married now but didnt stop her to tell me every thing. i think u have to be a friend to ur child. if u become their friend they wont go anywhere or think about anything stupid. i made tht bond since her childhood. i was there for her. i am still and she knows tht she can come to her mother whatever happens. she doesnt have her father and i raised her all by my self and she knows. she is every thing for me and me all she has. so we share a nice bond Alhamdulillah
Assalam alekum sister..your relationship with your doughter is a gift.I love my mother, she always loves me more than herself,but I am so shy and introverse, and I never tell her anything, despite I love her so much.I'm a new revert,and I want so much tell her everything,all my trip that brought me to Islam...few words a day...I will inshallah....This journey to share this wonderful blessing started yesterday..sorry for my english I'm italian !
@@hayat1366 don't worry abt English. I am also not an English person. But anyway pls do talk to ur mother tell her every thing. Ask her what she thinks. Tell her u miss her. Start by little things. Allah swt will guide u through. Don't worry dear. Let Allah swt guide u, okkk sweetheart.
@@4farhana mashallah you see my message after all this time!thank you!thank you for your words...I felt so lonely the moment I wrote to you..I am a box of raw emotions..made my shahada in december...🙏every day I find something that bring me closer and closer to Allah (swt).I will try to share more of myself with the people who loves me..now only my sister and a friend...🙏thank you for your words..you don't know how much are important to me.
@@hayat1366 of course i did darling. Don't worry and don't be scared. Try to learn more each day. Push urself a little further and gain knowledge. Allah swt will be with u always. Take care sweetheart 😘
@@4farhana assalam alekum Farhana ,Hope you're fine 🙂I just came here to tell you that my mom knows😁I made du'a to make it simple for me.My struggle are all in my personality,because I knew she always there for us(me and my sister) because we're the most important thing in her life.We spoke for like 5 hours..I started from so far away but I did.Next time I will go on with so many details to make her comfortable with this huge "thing" in my life.Basically I'm the same,I'm not another person,I just bought under light this shade of me.I THANK YOU SO MUCH BECAUSE YOUR COMMENT HERE MADE ME FULL OF HOPE IN MY MOTHER'S LOVE.I send to you a big hug from Italy❤⛲🌺
This was the first lecture ever that I heard of Ustadh and I literally bawled my eyes out coz I was at a very weird and difficult point in my life, and this video just did so so much! I shared it with literally everyone, starting from my mom and bro. then my friends. Ustadh wasn't very popular back then.. may Allah bless him with the best of the best in dunyah and akhirah. ameen
Subhanallah !! Tears come to my eyes as I hear the gift of Allah to humanity through this young man. May Allah bless us all with enacting what we learn thanks to Him.
i am a shia and i'm so proud of Hassanain Rajabali when he delivers his lectures in english.for the first time i must confess that i'm impress with a sunni who even appears to be a salafist.he made important points and he was a good speaker. may Almighty Allah (swt) guide the muslims and have mercy on us all.
Alhamdulillah, you as a non-muslim appreciates these kinds of lectures. May Allah bless you and your family and may also guide you to the straigh path of righteousness!
(1) { Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One, (2) Allah , the Eternal Refuge. (3) He neither begets nor is born, (4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent." } [ The Noble Qur'an - Surat al Ikhlas ]
well, i don't know how to appreciate the job of this lad, who has inspired us teens ! May Allah s.w.t accept your efforts ! Ameen - we anticipate one day we meet you anywhere in London. Insha'Allah
Jizzakallah for such an eye opening lecture, We need people like ustadh Nouman ali khan in our Muslim community to balance the conventional with the modern that Muslim parents are finding it difficult to survive in modern society, Jizzakallah and may Allah reward you for the good you're doing. Bless you!
I love all my brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah SWT. Lets unite in this world so that Allah SWT may unite us in Jannah. Ameen Ya Rabb!! Great reminder from our dear Bother!
I which all muslim in the world listen to you Ustad and put it in practise. It would have been a perfect world. I love your lecture but all my family does does listen to you they live in another country so if i try to tell others it a big debate. YA Allah make every muslim life easy. Ameen May Allah bless you and your family
jezakAllah brother noman for the brilliant use of your words,examples and time .the way you expressed and explained this most important topic/issue/problem in such simple words is immaculate .May each of us get the benefits out of it and fix ourselves ,our society (aameen)
Assalamualaikum mashallah it's a very important MSG in the lecture for all I suggest every couple shud hear it! Hats off to the Bro Nouman! U truly said a MSG of guide che! May Allah preserve u and the Muslim ummah Ameen !
Assalam walikum i regularly watch noman sir lectures. He is truly an inspiration for all of us n helps in making our iman firm. On this spouse selection I want to say one thing people do not follow this even if they are searching through matrimony or approaching through friends they only harm people n play with family emotions and the girls emotions. It happened to me many a times n recently I ve been through this a family approached me n my family through matrimonial site n then same people through friend's husband . Boy met me liked me two years back it was a small meeting in a restaurant I went with my friends well then family of boy refused then again they approached us through friends husband n we agreed it's okay come home again they don't met us within two years they always approached us 6 times n finally when they family n boy want to come n marry me in a simple way during lockdown as his father is not well they(mother) again specially turned down the rishta saying rather telling us about her family clan ( rich n affluent background) on phone to my sister. Obviously my sister too said that u people approached us everytime n we welcomed you n if u r not interested it's okay. Well I really felt very bad. Even I cried a lot as I thought that that boy really liked me that's why he approached me 6 times in two years but I was wrong. I m okay now by the grace of Allah as I firmly believe what ever happened happened for better. I just want to say people(boys family) should not do such things it really hurts.
Husband: You know you're really not that pretty! Wife: Well you're no Yusuf (Alaihis salaam) yourself. You don't see me cutting my hands. LOOL Was I bad for laughing when he quoted that..?
subhanALLAH...beautiful pointers.....may ALLAH all mighty give peace and best of blessings for brother and his family in this world and Akhirah inshaALLAH
wow......masha Allah I've watched this video more than five times and every time i see it...its like its my first time! Barak allah Feek Nouman, and to the one who uploded the video:)
جزاک اللہ خیرا it's such a beautiful lecture. Very little work has been developed on parenting and marriage. Im grateful for the brother Nauman ali khan.
we the muslims, seriously need classes like weekend classes that actually would teach us how to be the spouses that allah wants us to and how to balance between the relations because it is the need of the modern times. i'm just 20 and i literally have to prepare myself for my future wife because if i don't get that done, my generations will face these sufferings that NAK mentioned above. may allah give us the ability to strengthen our relations . ameen.
Agree there brother, would help more people move closer to their deen. I think with society or culture from what I've heard from these videos are that the girls parents wouldn't want them getting married to someone who doesn't have a house, car, good job etc. With society especially at the moment with CoronaVirus it's hard trying to get a job and it's very competitive out there trying to get a good one. I also will say as your still young but please please please don't start free mixing in university or work then start getting really attached to a girl. It'll most likely not end up the way you want it and you'll feel really messed up. Im saying this from my own experience since I heard I girl I liked recently might be married
Simple and to the point. Also listen to his lecture on music on youtube. And do press the 'Like' button there as well. It may hurt a lot of people since they are hooked on music.
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar Laila ha illallah muhammadur rasulallah. Mashallah nice speach , jazakallah khair . May Allah bless you with all happiness .
i faced the same or worse than u. my father never took me to read fozor namaz at morning. but what i m going to do is i will make sure my childs will not be in the same environment and will not face same thing inshaallah! may allah giv us strength. Peace!
may ALLAH all mighty give peace and best of blessings for brother and his family in this world and Akhirah , he click me, to wake up and become a descent father .JAZAKALLAH KHEYRAL JAZAA
Now THIS is the kind of man who deserves to be in the top 500 influential muslims in the world.
He is
Muzhakkir Ali, Is he today the top 500 influential muslims in the World?
@@Arif77Rehman for "misguided people" or "to misguide people"? BTW, what's authentic Islam?
@@Arif77Rehman i agree, it will be a waste of time bcoz you will start some new story. Anyway, thanks.
BTW, reagrding the prophets, just wanted to point out to you about Jesus' reminder to us:
"Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many." ( Matt. 24:11)
" “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect." ( Matt. 24:24)
@@Arif77Rehman allah cannot provide the light of knowledge for the Scriptures teaches us that:
" Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,
just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love,
having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,
to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved." - Ephesians 1:3-6
my daughter was different all the way to university she used to tell me every thing whatever she did all day. she is married now but didnt stop her to tell me every thing. i think u have to be a friend to ur child. if u become their friend they wont go anywhere or think about anything stupid. i made tht bond since her childhood. i was there for her. i am still and she knows tht she can come to her mother whatever happens. she doesnt have her father and i raised her all by my self and she knows. she is every thing for me and me all she has. so we share a nice bond Alhamdulillah
Assalam alekum sister..your relationship with your doughter is a gift.I love my mother, she always loves me more than herself,but I am so shy and introverse, and I never tell her anything, despite I love her so much.I'm a new revert,and I want so much tell her everything,all my trip that brought me to Islam...few words a day...I will inshallah....This journey to share this wonderful blessing started yesterday..sorry for my english I'm italian !
@@hayat1366 don't worry abt English. I am also not an English person. But anyway pls do talk to ur mother tell her every thing. Ask her what she thinks. Tell her u miss her. Start by little things. Allah swt will guide u through. Don't worry dear. Let Allah swt guide u, okkk sweetheart.
@@4farhana mashallah you see my message after all this time!thank you!thank you for your words...I felt so lonely the moment I wrote to you..I am a box of raw emotions..made my shahada in december...🙏every day I find something that bring me closer and closer to Allah (swt).I will try to share more of myself with the people who loves me..now only my sister and a friend...🙏thank you for your words..you don't know how much are important to me.
@@hayat1366 of course i did darling. Don't worry and don't be scared. Try to learn more each day. Push urself a little further and gain knowledge. Allah swt will be with u always. Take care sweetheart 😘
@@4farhana assalam alekum Farhana ,Hope you're fine 🙂I just came here to tell you that my mom knows😁I made du'a to make it simple for me.My struggle are all in my personality,because I knew she always there for us(me and my sister) because we're the most important thing in her life.We spoke for like 5 hours..I started from so far away but I did.Next time I will go on with so many details to make her comfortable with this huge "thing" in my life.Basically I'm the same,I'm not another person,I just bought under light this shade of me.I THANK YOU SO MUCH BECAUSE YOUR COMMENT HERE MADE ME FULL OF HOPE IN MY MOTHER'S LOVE.I send to you a big hug from Italy❤⛲🌺
My favourite speaker. He has so much knowledge and common sense.
Hardeep Braich can I say something. Do you follow him?
@@Hurairah_SG Really
@@MdIbrahim_official_channel sorry, probably my cat stepped on my keyboard 😅 Deleted
listining to him gives me hope that there's still good people out there
I am not muslim but what a great lecture god bless =)
I’m Muslim
I thank you for listening from our side. It's rare to see people like you who are willing to listen to us.
❤❤❤ god bless you and guide us all brother❤❤❤❤😍
Brother don't forget who build youse courty Christian
I was nodding in agreement with every sentence.. so very true Jazak Allah Khairan
It is really a very useful topic , Allah bless you brother
This was the first lecture ever that I heard of Ustadh and I literally bawled my eyes out coz I was at a very weird and difficult point in my life, and this video just did so so much! I shared it with literally everyone, starting from my mom and bro. then my friends. Ustadh wasn't very popular back then.. may Allah bless him with the best of the best in dunyah and akhirah. ameen
He made me call my mom instantly and brought me towards very friendly with children...
he made me change my life and smile more
This man is amazing! its a blessing to be so knowledgeable and pious.. i love all he says. i wish we could change ourselves, we need to fix our iman
Subhanallah !! Tears come to my eyes as I hear the gift of Allah to humanity through this young man. May Allah bless us all with enacting what we learn thanks to Him.
i am a shia and i'm so proud of Hassanain Rajabali when he delivers his lectures in english.for the first time i must confess that i'm impress with a sunni who even appears to be a salafist.he made important points and he was a good speaker.
may Almighty Allah (swt) guide the muslims and have mercy on us all.
He is a great man, he made me change thanks bro
because of using affected words and also knowledge.
I cannot express my gratitude for your efforts but I just ask God to bless you and guide your steps.
Ameen ajma'een!
nouman ali khan is awesome mashAllah
he reminds me of my dad
MashAllah Great speaker May Allah bless him for his efforts.
It's been uploaded 10yrs ago and I missed it.. May Allah swt reward you for this wonderful lecture. Amin
Ur so amazing brother. Every wife needs a husband like you
does ustad have a wife? just to clear my mind, heard was going through divorce, it's sad if so...
Your lectures are always a treat to watch.....
He is Legend and Establishes a good understanding of how to lead life according to Islam in today's modern era....
Alhamdulillah, you as a non-muslim appreciates these kinds of lectures. May Allah bless you and your family and may also guide you to the straigh path of righteousness!
Peace. And. Love god. May. God. Bless. Each. And. Everyone. Of. Us. And. Keep. Us. Safe. And. Heals. Ours. Souls.
Im. A. Muslim. This.brother. have. Lots. Of. Wisdom. This. Lecture. Is. For. Every one. All. Of. Us. Can. Learn. From. It. Its. For the. Public..
(1) { Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,
(2) Allah , the Eternal Refuge.
(3) He neither begets nor is born,
(4) Nor is there to Him any equivalent." }
[ The Noble Qur'an - Surat al Ikhlas ]
This brother is speaking the truth!!!! I trust his word ,,, first Man that sees what I see
Amazing speaker, if the family is raised properly there are surely less problems in the community as a whole!
u r right
This man has a wealth of knowledge. May Allah bless him and his family. We have much to learn from this man.
HANDS DOWN, TO THE POINT, TRUE FROM THE HEART LECTURE! Listen to it OVER AND OVER until you know this by heart.
How can anyone dislike the message that we are receiving
well, i don't know how to appreciate the job of this lad, who has inspired us teens ! May Allah s.w.t accept your efforts ! Ameen - we anticipate one day we meet you anywhere in London. Insha'Allah
mate you were a lad, he was a man already when you commented 8 years back... lol!
May Allah bless brother Nouman and his family. Ameen.
Very correct. This is the best. Such great advice for the family life with the focus being on Allah. Thank you !
Thank u , u just saved someone !
I hope u are enjoying Islam after 4 years. May Allah reward you jannah
Jizzakallah for such an eye opening lecture, We need people like ustadh Nouman ali khan in our Muslim community to balance the conventional with the modern that Muslim parents are finding it difficult to survive in modern society, Jizzakallah and may Allah reward you for the good you're doing. Bless you!
I love all my brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah SWT. Lets unite in this world so that Allah SWT may unite us in Jannah. Ameen Ya Rabb!! Great reminder from our dear Bother!
Wow! People like him make this world a better place!!
I which all muslim in the world listen to you Ustad and put it in practise. It would have been a perfect world. I love your lecture but all my family does does listen to you they live in another country so if i try to tell others it a big debate. YA Allah make every muslim life easy. Ameen May Allah bless you and your family
jezakAllah brother noman for the brilliant use of your words,examples and time .the way you expressed and explained this most important topic/issue/problem in such simple words is immaculate .May each of us get the benefits out of it and fix ourselves ,our society (aameen)
What a great lecture! Every parents should watch this video . May Allah bless Nouman Ali Khan . ❤❤❤
Assalamualaikum mashallah it's a very important MSG in the lecture for all I suggest every couple shud hear it! Hats off to the Bro Nouman! U truly said a MSG of guide che! May Allah preserve u and the Muslim ummah Ameen !
One of the best lectures ever!
what a wonderful video. inshallah may we all be grateful for the infinite blessings we take for granted.
-- GLORIOUS QURAN-: 2 : 38
Assalam walikum i regularly watch noman sir lectures. He is truly an inspiration for all of us n helps in making our iman firm. On this spouse selection I want to say one thing people do not follow this even if they are searching through matrimony or approaching through friends they only harm people n play with family emotions and the girls emotions. It happened to me many a times n recently I ve been through this a family approached me n my family through matrimonial site n then same people through friend's husband . Boy met me liked me two years back it was a small meeting in a restaurant I went with my friends well then family of boy refused then again they approached us through friends husband n we agreed it's okay come home again they don't met us within two years they always approached us 6 times n finally when they family n boy want to come n marry me in a simple way during lockdown as his father is not well they(mother) again specially turned down the rishta saying rather telling us about her family clan ( rich n affluent background) on phone to my sister. Obviously my sister too said that u people approached us everytime n we welcomed you n if u r not interested it's okay. Well I really felt very bad. Even I cried a lot as I thought that that boy really liked me that's why he approached me 6 times in two years but I was wrong. I m okay now by the grace of Allah as I firmly believe what ever happened happened for better. I just want to say people(boys family) should not do such things it really hurts.
I Learn a lot from you Sheik..
MashaAllah thank you to the speaker and the organizers. A great reminder for all of us.
May Allah reward you greatly
This video made me cry, mashallah he is a great father i love his videos
Subhanallah, I love this lecture and it is really true!!!
Alhamdulilah..good reflection shall make time with family
masha'allah brother nouman is amazing!!!!! May Allah swt bless him and keep him strong on the path of Islam!!!! Truly amazing lecture!!!
Husband: You know you're really not that pretty!
Wife: Well you're no Yusuf (Alaihis salaam) yourself. You don't see me cutting my hands.
LOOL Was I bad for laughing when he quoted that..?
His each and every lecture is amazing, educational, touching and so true. Thank you very much.
Masha'Allah..JAzakAllah fr the video..Brother NOUMAN is always excellent in his ways of conveying the message of Islam.
i can see maself in this speech...May Allah guides us all and makes us the best family!
subhanALLAH...beautiful pointers.....may ALLAH all mighty give peace and best of blessings for brother and his family in this world and Akhirah inshaALLAH
wow......masha Allah I've watched this video more than five times and every time i see it...its like its my first time! Barak allah Feek Nouman, and to the one who uploded the video:)
جزاک اللہ خیرا
it's such a beautiful lecture. Very little work has been developed on parenting and marriage. Im grateful for the brother Nauman ali khan.
Mashaallah. Always a pleasure to hear your lectures. Shukran.
we the muslims, seriously need classes like weekend classes that actually would teach us how to be the spouses that allah wants us to and how to balance between the relations because it is the need of the modern times.
i'm just 20 and i literally have to prepare myself for my future wife because if i don't get that done, my generations will face these sufferings that NAK mentioned above.
may allah give us the ability to strengthen our relations . ameen.
Agree there brother, would help more people move closer to their deen. I think with society or culture from what I've heard from these videos are that the girls parents wouldn't want them getting married to someone who doesn't have a house, car, good job etc. With society especially at the moment with CoronaVirus it's hard trying to get a job and it's very competitive out there trying to get a good one.
I also will say as your still young but please please please don't start free mixing in university or work then start getting really attached to a girl. It'll most likely not end up the way you want it and you'll feel really messed up. Im saying this from my own experience since I heard I girl I liked recently might be married
K173657 RAmeez Ahsan, Your parents should be a role model for you, isn't it?
Subhan Allah, it just a very ontime reminder for me. Jazak Allah haira. May Allah forgive our bad. Ameen.
Masha Allah. SubhanAllah Beautiful Lecture Ustadh Nouman
awesome i have always been impressed and uniquely inspired
Simple and to the point. Also listen to his lecture on music on youtube. And do press the 'Like' button there as well. It may hurt a lot of people since they are hooked on music.
That was one amazing hutba! Mashaallah! That was something
Jazak Allaahu Khayran
Allaahumma Aameen to all the Duas!
Mashallah, May Allah make us of those who act upon the advise given and save us from it being an evidence against us on the Day of Judgement, Ameen
MashaAllah it was amazing and the brother is an amazing speaker mashaAllah jazahu Allahu khyr
May Allah SWt bless with these reminders.
Allahu Akbar
Laila ha illallah muhammadur rasulallah.
Mashallah nice speach , jazakallah khair . May Allah bless you with all happiness .
A very important lecture! Thank you so much and Jazaka Allah Khayr
Time is so precious
Can't hold it bac
Spend it wisely ...
w0w what a lecture..... Love listening to him
Thank you for sharing. I needed to hear that!
Beautiful lecture Mashallah!
This is an amazing lecture wallahiy
i learnd alot from him. i m not married but now have learnd few things from br khan and have some ideas.
Mashallah! Beautiful talk...its hound be implemented by all people.
excellent speech. spot on with his advice
Jazakallah khair brother
So inspiring.
i wish i could be like this man knowledgeable
subhanaAllah, Amazing lecture
May Allah help us to achieve a halal and good relationship with everyone
i am glad someone said it, the filth of the planet, and so much of it out there.
very good lecture brother nouman
@ICNATV Your Welcome. May Allah reward you fully in your efforts for Islam! Ameen.
Great message for all of us.
Mashallah, love you from Ohio sheikh
wow this guy had mad noor on his face
JazakAllahu Khair for this amazing lecture.
Well said, InsyaAllah this will be etched in my brains for future use hehe. Thanks ustaz.
this is excellent MashaAllah
Very knowledgeable and extremely smart on any subject and who is worthy of leading the uma. Hope that happens
i faced the same or worse than u. my father never took me to read fozor namaz at morning. but what i m going to do is i will make sure my childs will not be in the same environment and will not face same thing inshaallah! may allah giv us strength.
I love this Mashallah
truly an eye opener.
mashaallah barakallahu fiq my words are not enough for you nouman ali khan mashaallah
Amazing as always!
may ALLAH all mighty give peace and best of blessings for brother and his family in this world and Akhirah , he click me, to wake up and become a descent father .JAZAKALLAH
Mashallah one of the best lecture
wish he was my teacher... if not prophet muhammad(s) or the sahabas atleast some1 like Brother Nouman!
allah give you ajar { nouman ali khan}
your talk is so nice
wow wow... i really need to share and spread this lecture asap... :)