Guys when you’re talking about deals and drop the refference numbers could you also pop up an image of the actual watch somewhere on the screen to educate the viewers? It would really help a lot. Like when Marco is talking about swapping this ref. for that ref., would be cool to see what exactly is in that deal. Love your videos!
Staged call. They pretended they have a nightmare. Buyer could verify dial font in 2 seconds. Plus Florida is a 2 consent recording state. They cannot record and use the phone call.
He bought two of them which means his intention was to flip them unless he likes to wear two at once and then he realized two years later he wasn't going to make any money so he tried to get his money back
One of my favorite Grey Market episodes to date and I've watched every one. It was nice finally seeing Marco in a sales element instead of just trying to obnoxiously show up his colleagues with how much he knows about certain watches.
I own a business, and I must say the customer is not always right. I am an expert in my field hence the reason they come to me. I have a client like this once every couple of years. You cannot please everyone, PERIOD
That phrase doesn't mean you have to agree that they are actually right. It means you assume that as they've paid the money and you care about your reputation, it makes sense to make them feel like they are right when trying to find a resolution and more importantly trying not to tell them they are wrong.
@@1physics very outdated view that needs to be left behind to be honest. If a customer is rude and shows my staff no respect I tell them to show no respect back, I have built a 8 figure e commerce business this way & have told multiple customers they are wrong, disrespectful and to shop elsewhere. My staff respect me for taking their side and not letting them tolerate abuse because ‘the customer is right’ at the end of the day just because some customers give you money they think they can talk to you like shit, however you’ve given them something of value in return. Fuck rude customers and the ones who try to get freebies for providing a good service and shoutout to the nice pleasant customers who show respect.
I think he finally realised the watch he spent god knows how much on, has shitty resale value and wants his money back. Whatever the reason, he's a ridiculous human being.
Bruh... if that’s what happened, it’s like you buy a food, you tasted it and after a while you think you don’t like it so much and want a refund after you finish the whole plate... after u use the watch and keep it in your possession, then wants a refund.
@@beluwuga I got a friend that used to work at Publix one time this lady bought a salad from there ate 90 percent of it then came to customer and said she didn't like the salad. Publix was so decent they actually gave her a refund.
you guys are right but the dial is wrong. כ in hebrew is 20 and ל is 30. י"א is 11and י"ב is 12. hublot screwed up but on the israel 70 year watch they fixed it. because the letters כ and ל come after י in the hebrew alpabet they used those letters.
It would be more understanding if he raised the issue immediately after purchasing it, but two years later it sounds like a major case of buyers remorse when his hublot turned out to be worth a fraction of what he paid for it.
Love the show, the letters are the 11th and the 12th letters of the hebrew alphabet, but for a clock you would typically see them expressed as in the Pride of Israel watch. The clock in Prague does not show them this way either. I would chalk it up to artistic interpretation on the part of Hublot. Your client would seem to be out of luck however having taken posession and inspected the watch and not disputed it for some time.
As someone who speaks Hebrew I can confirm that hublot made a mistake with this dial, כ=20 and ל=30. Unless there is a hiding meaning behind this, it does seems like an error. Pride of Israel version is correct.
Also a Hebrew speaker. I wonder why they did this as alphabetically in order, not in numerical order. Anyone that knows the “aleph bet” song, ,א,ב,ג,ד,ה,ו,ז,ח,ט,י ,כ,ל(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) is what this dial says. Can confirm it seems weird. I have a Hebrew letter watch and 11 is יא, and 12 is יב. Apparently this has to do w the Holocaust museum in Chicago which is where I live, but still don’t understand why 11 would be 20 and 12 would be 30 lol
I have personally dealt with these guys and ran into a problem I wont bore you with but I can tell you they are 110% THE BEST! They go ABOVE and BEYOND if there is an issue. I would do business with Raman and Company with ZERO hesitation!
In Hebrew, each letter has a numerical equivalent hublto mistake was that they wrote down the 11th and 12th number in the Hebrew alphabet, which is not the correct way to represent the number 11 and 12 with letters. The correct way to do that in Hebrew is with a combination of the first and 10th letter which equals 11. In Hebrew the first letter has a numerical value of 1 and the 10th letter has a numerical value of 10. The 11th number has a numerical value of 20 the 12th number has a numerical value of 30 and so on
Great episode! That guy with the Hublot issue definitely needs to talk with Hublot not you guys! That clip of Adrian smashing a laptop (?) was hilarious!!
i speak hebrew. what’s written is the ‘abc’.. the 11th & 12th letters representing the 11 and 12 are the 11th and 12th letters of the alphabet but in hebrew (as written in the bible) and numerical hebrew it is wrong. To me the dial clearly reads 20 and 30, instead of 11 and 12.. but thats the buyers fault in my pov. Way to go Hublot!
A customer is not always right, but they are ALWAYS the customer. As a business owner, you get to figure out the lengths that you're willing to go to for your customers.
This is so good - SO good - you’ve got watches, you’ve hit back story - you got real life stories about what happens in business - you’ve got fights over Hebrew language & numbers - you’ve got thick Russian accents - and don’t forget the bowling - lol - what fun - bring on 1 million subs - dasvidaniya !!
As a business owner have come to realize that one bad customer is not going to break your business it's only one bad job you do but could break your reputation. You have waaaaay more patience than I would tolerate 🤣
All of you demanding LB to refund the guy is absolutely wrong: 1) The guy bought it 2 years ago. Return window is closed 2) This is not a watch defective or within some sort of warranty that LB has committed to 3) The numerals is what HUBLOT designed on the dial. Not LB. LB just sells the watch. 4) The customer had every chance to look over the watch and accept the the Hublot-designed watch or not buy it, from the beginning.
As a guy who lived in Israel his entire and speak Hebrew, the 11 and 12 are not correct! Of course this is Hublot problem and not yours.. but he has a point. Which for me says another bad thing about Hublot..
That dude with the Hublot issue needs to realize that watch dials don’t always have perfect 1-12 lol. My wimbledon dial dj has 4 written as IIII and not IV. Does that mean I have to call Rolex and complain? No they did it to clean the dial and add symmetry.
@@Snowmunkee Of course but all Im saying is that who is to say Hublot wasn’t trying to emulate a similar symmetry but in Hebrew? The guy’s complaint was unjustified.
The Guy with the Hublot watch had a point, but it is not the LB rather it is Hublots'. They are so dumb that they didnt even understand what they did... In hebrew the 11th letter is chaf or כ 12th letter is Lamd or ל HOWEVER in what is called Gimatria - chaf is equal to 20 and Lamd to 30 so because in a watch after 10 comes 11 it should be written in the 11th spot the combination of the letters Yud (י) and Alaf (א) - יא and in the 12th spot in the Yud and Beth (ב) - יב The issue of that person that basically in teh watch the otder of the numbers (clockwise) is as followed - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 and not 10 11 12 as should be in a watch Hope I made it clear :)
The customer is absolutely right that a כ is 20 and a ל is 30, but if he cared about that, he shouldn't have bought the watch and definitely shouldn't complain two years later to the company that didn't even make it.
Is it possible that he saw a catalog with the "correct " numbers and then Hublot changed the characters (seems that is what happened)? If that is correct then he had a point and the seller should reach out to Hublot to see what could be done as he has more sway with Hublot than a customer would. They may have an old version in stock that can be traded out. Or work out a deal to change the characters (at a charge, no charge, whatever). But everyone runs their business as they see fit.
@@obcane3072 nope it's literally every version and picture of this watch has the exact same dail and lettering the dude just didn't understand what he was buying and wants the seller who isn't responsible for it to take responsibility for it
@@obcane3072 Not what happened. There are a few Hublot references that use Hebrew lettering, and they differ in how they represent 11 and 12. This is because in Hebrew, the letters are also numbers. Firstly, take a look at references '511.NX.7170.LR.LEC17', and '511.NX.7170.LR.ISL18'. One watch features כ and ל as 11 and 12 respectively, which is because they are the 11th and 12th letters in the Hebrew alphabet, in sequential order, which is what the customer received. There really isn't an English equivalent, as our letters don't represent numbers, but imagine a watch where instead of '1, 2 ,3', had 'A, B, C'. It's not as odd as the English example, but I guess Hublot tried going with the כ and ל at one point simply because the way 11 and 12 are actually numerically represented use two letters, effectively '10 and 1' and '10 and 2', and they perhaps thought it looked cluttered, whereas in other references they did use 'יא' and 'יב', which is how you would write '11' and '12'. Either way, I can understand the buyer's position somewhat for what is an easy mistake, but he's being completely unreasonable and unrealistic coming two years later to complain about his own mistake in buying the incorrect reference.
This happens to me as well, I also did that awful mistake with an AP white ceramic Diver just when they came out on the market (it was a super clone back in the days around 2016-2017 when it wasn't that common to come across an incredibly well made replica). Of course I gave all the money back to the buyer 4 months later when he came and complained when the watch suddenly stopped working (he gave it to an authorized AP dealer for repair and they discovered it). I was ashamed as hell when that happened. I was a private watch dealer for around 10 years but quit the business 2019
PS I am a car guy. I love reading about cars, seeing the restored, sold, found etc. But, even if I was loaded, I dont think I would want to burn money. I want to live comfortably. Cos, it can never be enough. I do enjoy watching deals in the hope skills are transferable.
I felt like that when I purchased my Hublot. It was the worst timekeeping and the most expensive watch I’ve ever bought. I’d have given anything to return it and then opportunity arose to do so. I dropped it from 12 inches onto my rug and all the hand fell off. I still couldn’t get my money back as they replaced it. I will NEVER buy another Hublot. The quality is RUBBISH.
I think his real reason for trying to return the watch is that someone explained to him what a Hublot actually is and that he payed many thousands of dollars on a wrist turd.
Nah dog, i did hebrew school as a child from the conservative jews and know for a fact Hublot fucked that up. A good watch seller would know that and not buy it to resell in the first place. This is as much on the seller as the buyer
The customer is frustrated because it took too long to have his transaction approved. Well, sounds like a life-threatening issue to me! Can't really think of a worse situation to be honest.
literally the dial is the ABC in Hebrew but in Gematria the corresponding values for 11 and 12 would be י׳א /י׳ב. this would break the symmetry of the watch and so Hublot just opted for כ / ל. This client is being unnecessarily difficult given he must have seen the dial prior to purchasing.
"He's right that it's a worthless watch, but not because of the Hebrew being correct or incorrect, but because it's a Hublot" - Nico probably
Bought a Hublot then he's mad about not banking a gross net. The guy needs a watch purchasing advisor.
the grey market= a bunch of idiots trying to make money off idiots
Read in Nico lol
The only mistake made here is the guy spending thousands of dollars on a hublot😂
Hublot is like bell and Ross
hahaha 💯
I’d rather get a hublot than a Richard Mille any day of the week. Plus I wouldn’t be out here looking like a fucking clone.
@@shinymew2887 oops
Stick to petek philippe always!!! 💯
Guys when you’re talking about deals and drop the refference numbers could you also pop up an image of the actual watch somewhere on the screen to educate the viewers? It would really help a lot. Like when Marco is talking about swapping this ref. for that ref., would be cool to see what exactly is in that deal.
Love your videos!
Agree 👍
Yeah what this person said
good idea
Agree.. too educate viewers
Fantastic video again. Explaining to a customer what they have, IS in fact what they ordered AND is correct is a nightmare.
Staged call. They pretended they have a nightmare. Buyer could verify dial font in 2 seconds. Plus Florida is a 2 consent recording state. They cannot record and use the phone call.
I am an old man with old time ideas and AM VERRRY IMPRESSED with your ethics and customer service consideration! Well Done
Dayumn, calm throughout the while conversation, while being talked over the whole time. Hats off to you my man.
He bought two of them which means his intention was to flip them unless he likes to wear two at once and then he realized two years later he wasn't going to make any money so he tried to get his money back
Yep, you're absolutely right. They are a bland, unattractive watch.
or he wanted one to wear and one to hold as an investment to recoup his purchase price of both later on
@@AlexPerazaTVThat guy was Jewish. No way he was gonna do that 💀 and it’s a hub lot so it’ll only go down in price.
One of my favorite Grey Market episodes to date and I've watched every one. It was nice finally seeing Marco in a sales element instead of just trying to obnoxiously show up his colleagues with how much he knows about certain watches.
I’m glad to see that you handled this customer the way you did. Customers are not always right.
I own a business, and I must say the customer is not always right. I am an expert in my field hence the reason they come to me. I have a client like this once every couple of years. You cannot please everyone, PERIOD
I deal with customers like this every single day in retail.
That phrase doesn't mean you have to agree that they are actually right. It means you assume that as they've paid the money and you care about your reputation, it makes sense to make them feel like they are right when trying to find a resolution and more importantly trying not to tell them they are wrong.
@@patrickhouse9005 the dick client already keep it dor 2 years...2 years he keep it and dont check it....he is a dick customer
@@1physics very outdated view that needs to be left behind to be honest. If a customer is rude and shows my staff no respect I tell them to show no respect back, I have built a 8 figure e commerce business this way & have told multiple customers they are wrong, disrespectful and to shop elsewhere. My staff respect me for taking their side and not letting them tolerate abuse because ‘the customer is right’ at the end of the day just because some customers give you money they think they can talk to you like shit, however you’ve given them something of value in return. Fuck rude customers and the ones who try to get freebies for providing a good service and shoutout to the nice pleasant customers who show respect.
@@madtingfam4623 I agree, I am never rude to customers. However I give back the same as I get. Good for you not taking shit from fools 👍👍
I think he finally realised the watch he spent god knows how much on, has shitty resale value and wants his money back.
Whatever the reason, he's a ridiculous human being.
That's exactly what I was thinking. I hate it when people do that.
Bruh... if that’s what happened, it’s like you buy a food, you tasted it and after a while you think you don’t like it so much and want a refund after you finish the whole plate... after u use the watch and keep it in your possession, then wants a refund.
@@beluwuga I got a friend that used to work at Publix one time this lady bought a salad from there ate 90 percent of it then came to customer and said she didn't like the salad. Publix was so decent they actually gave her a refund.
@@TheGreatBambi ben mallahs tenant lol
Be careful with Whatnot alot of people getting scammed on watches, keep up the great content guys
Never make business with Mort Goldman
He is actually right about the letters hublot really effed that up
No clue what rabbi you guys spoke to
Wow!! Not all customers are right! It frustrating to hear this particular customer does NOT comprehend the situation.
He comprehends, just wants his way…. Or has regrets purchasing this watch
you guys are right but the dial is wrong. כ in hebrew is 20 and ל is 30. י"א is 11and י"ב is 12. hublot screwed up but on the israel 70 year watch they fixed it. because the letters כ and ל come after י in the hebrew alpabet they used those letters.
Exactly!!! Thanks for clarifying this for non Hebrew speakers.
It is still how it was made, so not a fake
@@ekimandersom4478 yeah I agree there.
I thought the same thing
The truth if someday hublot become worth anything that model might be worth more because of the mistake but i highly doubt it...😅
This was handled so well i genuinely think i would of lost it! Much love from the UK
It would be more understanding if he raised the issue immediately after purchasing it, but two years later it sounds like a major case of buyers remorse when his hublot turned out to be worth a fraction of what he paid for it.
The crew is killing it
The customer is always right, in matters of taste.
Thats the full thing. Good luck.
Love the show, the letters are the 11th and the 12th letters of the hebrew alphabet, but for a clock you would typically see them expressed as in the Pride of Israel watch. The clock in Prague does not show them this way either. I would chalk it up to artistic interpretation on the part of Hublot. Your client would seem to be out of luck however having taken posession and inspected the watch and not disputed it for some time.
"If you're not on FORBES get back to work." Love it!
As someone who speaks Hebrew I can confirm that hublot made a mistake with this dial, כ=20 and ל=30. Unless there is a hiding meaning behind this, it does seems like an error. Pride of Israel version is correct.
11 is יא and 12 is יב.
@@bigshams1 So Gal Hadad is or is not correct?
@@dannysimenauer5745 He‘s correct
@@BobbyDazzler888 Palestine?what is that? I’m unfamiliar with the term
Also a Hebrew speaker. I wonder why they did this as alphabetically in order, not in numerical order. Anyone that knows the “aleph bet” song, ,א,ב,ג,ד,ה,ו,ז,ח,ט,י ,כ,ל(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) is what this dial says. Can confirm it seems weird. I have a Hebrew letter watch and 11 is יא, and 12 is יב. Apparently this has to do w the Holocaust museum in Chicago which is where I live, but still don’t understand why 11 would be 20 and 12 would be 30 lol
Best episode so far! Well done!
Sorry man he’s already married. To a girl.
3:20 it seems like he’s attempting to get out of the deal by making up something that they don’t agree with just to create an excuse.
Great show though, always looking forward for your content,keep up the great work
I have personally dealt with these guys and ran into a problem I wont bore you with but I can tell you they are 110% THE BEST! They go ABOVE and BEYOND if there is an issue. I would do business with Raman and Company with ZERO hesitation!
Thank you for the kind words!
In Hebrew, each letter has a numerical equivalent hublto mistake was that they wrote down the 11th and 12th number in the Hebrew alphabet, which is not the correct way to represent the number 11 and 12 with letters. The correct way to do that in Hebrew is with a combination of the first and 10th letter which equals 11. In Hebrew the first letter has a numerical value of 1 and the 10th letter has a numerical value of 10. The 11th number has a numerical value of 20 the 12th number has a numerical value of 30 and so on
Anna deserves a pay rise salvaging that deal, great show
She just made him realise it was his own fault.
Great episode! That guy with the Hublot issue definitely needs to talk with Hublot not you guys! That clip of Adrian smashing a laptop (?) was hilarious!!
lesson of today kids: don t buy a hublot 🤣
You did it once again LB 👍 cool episode and always a good laugh when you interact in the office
Always great content here, thanks!
i speak hebrew. what’s written is the ‘abc’.. the 11th & 12th letters representing the 11 and 12 are the 11th and 12th letters of the alphabet but in hebrew (as written in the bible) and numerical hebrew it is wrong. To me the dial clearly reads 20 and 30, instead of 11 and 12.. but thats the buyers fault in my pov. Way to go Hublot!
And this is why you should always look at a photo of what you're buying.
A customer is not always right, but they are ALWAYS the customer. As a business owner, you get to figure out the lengths that you're willing to go to for your customers.
Love you guys soooo much⌚️🥰I just need loooonger episodes!!!✌️
👍🏼🔮 love the damage control videos.
It’s part of the business that not many discuss.
sorry to say but the 11 and 12 marker acutely say 20 / 30 he was right
This is definitely my favorite show on youtube! Really great that you guys have started showing close-ups of all the watches you are discussing.
His first mistake was buying a Hublot
Talking to the Hublot chap, i loved the way you were using the bullet for stress relief!
This is so good - SO good - you’ve got watches, you’ve hit back story - you got real life stories about what happens in business - you’ve got fights over Hebrew language & numbers - you’ve got thick Russian accents - and don’t forget the bowling - lol - what fun - bring on 1 million subs - dasvidaniya !!
As a business owner have come to realize that one bad customer is not going to break your business it's only one bad job you do but could break your reputation. You have waaaaay more patience than I would tolerate 🤣
Wow never seen that. That customer was not willing to just find out from Hublot, wow that whole thing was crazy.
And he wanted a free watch for his “inconvenience” the f***g chancer!
My first glance into the Romanverse of watches and it all seems like one big family ! Really enjoyable content !!!
This why u but from dealer and not shady second hand people online
“You need to find someone in a high position” 🤣🤣🤣
Nice to see Marco in his element! He is gonna kill it and has a bright future no doubt 🔥
All of you demanding LB to refund the guy is absolutely wrong:
1) The guy bought it 2 years ago. Return window is closed
2) This is not a watch defective or within some sort of warranty that LB has committed to
3) The numerals is what HUBLOT designed on the dial. Not LB. LB just sells the watch.
4) The customer had every chance to look over the watch and accept the the Hublot-designed watch or not buy it, from the beginning.
That cut to adrian with John Cena music... omg I was dying!!!!!!
As a guy who lived in Israel his entire and speak Hebrew, the 11 and 12 are not correct! Of course this is Hublot problem and not yours.. but he has a point. Which for me says another bad thing about Hublot..
agreed, it would be יא and יב right?
@@brandonrottman9533 yes 100%
Not a hublot fan but now I want this watch! It’s like seeing an error card in baseball pack when I was younger.
Anna is so beautiful! On a side note, this guy was crazy. You guys had more patience than is humanly possible.
Well you keep interrupting the client... 😂 3:36
That dude with the Hublot issue needs to realize that watch dials don’t always have perfect 1-12 lol. My wimbledon dial dj has 4 written as IIII and not IV. Does that mean I have to call Rolex and complain? No they did it to clean the dial and add symmetry.
That's a pretty classic watch thing though, they make the four IIII instead of IV so that it isn't just a mirror of the six at VI
@@Snowmunkee Of course but all Im saying is that who is to say Hublot wasn’t trying to emulate a similar symmetry but in Hebrew? The guy’s complaint was unjustified.
@@ToneyDouglas23 100%, hes just trying to get out of a bad investment and/or he realized he had the wrong one
The Guy with the Hublot watch had a point, but it is not the LB rather it is Hublots'. They are so dumb that they didnt even understand what they did...
In hebrew the 11th letter is chaf or כ
12th letter is Lamd or ל
HOWEVER in what is called Gimatria - chaf is equal to 20 and Lamd to 30
so because in a watch after 10 comes 11 it should be written in the 11th spot the combination of the letters Yud (י) and Alaf (א) - יא
and in the 12th spot in the Yud and Beth (ב) - יב
The issue of that person that basically in teh watch the otder of the numbers (clockwise) is as followed - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 and not 10 11 12 as should be in a watch
Hope I made it clear :)
@@Snowmunkee not only that, it adds symmetry. 4 i's, 4 v's and 4 x's.
The Adrain john cena bit 🤣😂😂😂
Dude this I love this channel this shit is raw content made into a tasteful show
I can watch these videos all day long
The customer is absolutely right that a כ is 20 and a ל is 30, but if he cared about that, he shouldn't have bought the watch and definitely shouldn't complain two years later to the company that didn't even make it.
@@BobbyDazzler888 what's Palestine?
@@BobbyDazzler888 grow up
Is it possible that he saw a catalog with the "correct " numbers and then Hublot changed the characters (seems that is what happened)?
If that is correct then he had a point and the seller should reach out to Hublot to see what could be done as he has more sway with Hublot than a customer would. They may have an old version in stock that can be traded out. Or work out a deal to change the characters (at a charge, no charge, whatever).
But everyone runs their business as they see fit.
@@obcane3072 nope it's literally every version and picture of this watch has the exact same dail and lettering the dude just didn't understand what he was buying and wants the seller who isn't responsible for it to take responsibility for it
@@obcane3072 Not what happened. There are a few Hublot references that use Hebrew lettering, and they differ in how they represent 11 and 12. This is because in Hebrew, the letters are also numbers. Firstly, take a look at references '511.NX.7170.LR.LEC17', and '511.NX.7170.LR.ISL18'.
One watch features כ and ל as 11 and 12 respectively, which is because they are the 11th and 12th letters in the Hebrew alphabet, in sequential order, which is what the customer received. There really isn't an English equivalent, as our letters don't represent numbers, but imagine a watch where instead of '1, 2 ,3', had 'A, B, C'. It's not as odd as the English example, but I guess Hublot tried going with the כ and ל at one point simply because the way 11 and 12 are actually numerically represented use two letters, effectively '10 and 1' and '10 and 2', and they perhaps thought it looked cluttered, whereas in other references they did use 'יא' and 'יב', which is how you would write '11' and '12'.
Either way, I can understand the buyer's position somewhat for what is an easy mistake, but he's being completely unreasonable and unrealistic coming two years later to complain about his own mistake in buying the incorrect reference.
Its apparent that these wealthy customers are never wrong. They go to the furthest extent to place blame on someone else.
This is always a highlight to my week
Anna may be fluent in Hebrew but she was totally wrong. Those letters DO NOT represent 11 and 12 but rather 20 and 30 as the customer says.
Got tired of watching Anthony eat sushi 🍣 so I’m here and I’m loving it!!!!
Man that Black Panther box is FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 WOWWWWWWW
The comex part of the video was completely 👌 👏🏾 😊❤
Excellent as usual. Thanks guys!!
We need these episodes back!!
This happens to me as well, I also did that awful mistake with an AP white ceramic Diver just when they came out on the market (it was a super clone back in the days around 2016-2017 when it wasn't that common to come across an incredibly well made replica). Of course I gave all the money back to the buyer 4 months later when he came and complained when the watch suddenly stopped working (he gave it to an authorized AP dealer for repair and they discovered it). I was ashamed as hell when that happened. I was a private watch dealer for around 10 years but quit the business 2019
AP killed it with the Black Panther not only the watch is sick the box is equally as sick
Formula Atlantic, Mazda, and even Renault are at least usable. Else buy a roller and put it in your office or whatever and it will hold value.
My first IWC / JLC / Breguet is comming from these fellas....not now but soon still kickin the tires
We'll be here when you're ready!
PS I am a car guy. I love reading about cars, seeing the restored, sold, found etc. But, even if I was loaded, I dont think I would want to burn money. I want to live comfortably. Cos, it can never be enough. I do enjoy watching deals in the hope skills are transferable.
Love the work atmosphere!! Keep it up.
20 = כ, 30 = ל. But it is correct when you go in order of the aleph bet
Alright, this is getting real good! Thanks from Stockholm!
Why didn’t this guy discover this grave error before he purchased the watch if it was so glaring?
Greetings, loving the show 🥰
I’ve always wanted Patek to do an iron man nautilus but I wouldn’t mind ap doin it either 🤣
The funny thing with watches is that the mistake in the numbers will probably make the watch more valuable 😂
Like with coins
it is not a mistake, its a limited edition piece where they made a "mistake", all of them are "wrong" which means none of them are wrong.
That Comex was amazing, what a piece.
Wow I commend you on your patience......
They ain’t gonna finish that floor lol
That customer must be pissed cause he bought hublot 🤷🏽♂️🤣 and he always get roasted everysingle day for buying one 🤣
I didn't expect my gussl watch to look so good. There is no doubt that it is worth it.
Great episode Try Bernie Ecclestone for the car. He may be able to swing you a deal.
As Hebrew speaker, This dial is WRONG. But it's not your fault...
So basically he bought a hublot when people had a different view on hublot and now he realizes it’s worthless because nobody wants them
Love this channel
I felt like that when I purchased my Hublot. It was the worst timekeeping and the most expensive watch I’ve ever bought. I’d have given anything to return it and then opportunity arose to do so. I dropped it from 12 inches onto my rug and all the hand fell off. I still couldn’t get my money back as they replaced it. I will NEVER buy another Hublot. The quality is RUBBISH.
Great episode
That's right how can you use two letters which would make two numbers! Hahaha
The dude sounds like your typical Bronx Jewish business owner
Don't know much about luxury watches, but nice Smiths t-shirt
I think his real reason for trying to return the watch is that someone explained to him what a Hublot actually is and that he payed many thousands of dollars on a wrist turd.
Nah dog, i did hebrew school as a child from the conservative jews and know for a fact Hublot fucked that up. A good watch seller would know that and not buy it to resell in the first place. This is as much on the seller as the buyer
Why I like this guys ? ❤
Love seeing the IWC on your wrist
The customer is frustrated because it took too long to have his transaction approved. Well, sounds like a life-threatening issue to me! Can't really think of a worse situation to be honest.
😂, He didn’t check his junk folder/s.
Self-inflicted wound.
Great move on whatnot!
When did Adrian smash up his office like a rock star? Is he related to basketball coach Bobby Knight?
literally the dial is the ABC in Hebrew but in Gematria the corresponding values for 11 and 12 would be י׳א /י׳ב. this would break the symmetry of the watch and so Hublot just opted for כ / ל. This client is being unnecessarily difficult given he must have seen the dial prior to purchasing.
Please more video of Adrian acting like a child! :-)