Yarede..In one of the public meeting in Khartoum, someone asked Bereket "where is Getechewu?" I remember the exact answer of Bereket, he said " Le sera gudaye wede America hedewole," With full confidence .
I always appreciate very much Yared's humanity and openness, though I do not support his Ethiopianist ideology that influenced much by looking Ethiopia from North to South. That is why he supported TPLF in the recent war. He has no pan-Ethiopian ideology that include to look Ethiopia from South to North, and incorporating also viewpoints of Ethiopian Muslims. That is the fundamental weakness of the Ethiopianists ideology, which lacks Pan-Ethiopianism. Ethiopia is different, the previous "Christian North" core is no more the core.
Did I hear Yared said he gave all the money to one of Shabia's member? I think this is wrong. To me Yared contributed for Eritrea separation from Ethiopia. This is a practical definition of Banda. Sorry.
Yared tebebu who never made positive contribution play a violin all his life for EPRP a party which has been a destructive force in Ethiopia next to derg
I was wondering if you could ask him about Jemila and who killed her in Wolkaite area . She was a female EPRP fighter, and legend has it she was killed by TPLF leaders
አገራችን መስቅልቅል ያደጉረገ ተማርን ያሉ ጨለምተኞች
I like his political analysis and his wisdom. I look forward to the next interview!
ሰላም ለሐገራችን ይሁንልን እናመሱግንሃለን ወንድማችን blessed
ክፉዎች እያረጁ ነው! ያሬድ ጥበቡ የሥራህን ይስጥህ!
አንዱ ፀረ አማራ ነው
Very interesting interview. Well conducted by Elias. Keep it up.
ያሬድ ጥበቡ ከአማራ ይልክ ለህዋሀት ስስ ልብ አለው ።
የተናገረው አልገባህም። ለወያኔ ስስ ልብ ያለው የሚያስመስል ንግግር አልተናገረም።
ፀረ አማራነት የተጀመረው በነዚህ ነውረኞች ነው
Nahoo tv.Very good Historical interview.
Yarede..In one of the public meeting in Khartoum, someone asked Bereket "where is Getechewu?" I remember the exact answer of Bereket, he said " Le sera gudaye wede America hedewole," With full confidence .
አቶ ያራድ ውንድምችህ እህቶችህ ወ/.ሮ በልዮ አሽነፌ ፈለ ቀ ና አቢ አስኮል ጋዜጣ ውንድም ፈለቀ ጥበብ 1997 ዓ ከሀግር የዉጣበተ ነግራን ።
They still wish to Seize power!
ከበረከት ጋር የተለዬ ግንኙነትና መግባባት ነበራችሁ ይባል ነበር ትክክል ነው ወይ?
Yared's honest report is acceptable. We hope his next interview in regard to Democratic movement to be sound and true.
I always appreciate very much Yared's humanity and openness, though I do not support his Ethiopianist ideology that influenced much by looking Ethiopia from North to South. That is why he supported TPLF in the recent war. He has no pan-Ethiopian ideology that include to look Ethiopia from South to North, and incorporating also viewpoints of Ethiopian Muslims. That is the fundamental weakness of the Ethiopianists ideology, which lacks Pan-Ethiopianism. Ethiopia is different, the previous "Christian North" core is no more the core.
ያሬድ ፀለምት አንጄ ተብለን ልንገደል ነበር የለው
በወቅቱ መሬት ለሁሉም እኩል ለማካፈል 1 ሳምንት የፈጀ ወይይት ከተደረገ በዃላ አዲሰላም ገብያ ላይ የመሬት አዎጅ አወጅን በዃላ አያሌው ሰብሰጉ የመሬት አዋጅ ማድረግ ሰሀት መሆኑን ሲነግረን አንተ ቁጥር 7 ኤልያሰ 3 ታሪኩ 5 ሳሙኤል 2 ዻውሎሰ 1 አመራር ነበራችሁ
ካረጁ አይበጁ አለ ! ልክ ጥሩ ነገር ሰርቶ እንዳለፈ እንደዚህ መቀባጠር ይገርማል ።ሀገራችንን ለዚህ ምስቅልቅል አብቅታችኋታል ። ይሄ ግለሰብ አብይ አሀምድ ጋር ለመስራት ፈልጎ ፣ስልጣን ሲከለክለው ወጥቶ ያዙኝ ልቀቁኝ ሲል አዳምጠናል ። አብይ አሀመድም ከስልጣን የሜውርበት ጊዜ እርቁ አይመስለኝም ።ብቻ የተበኩሉ ሆነው ፣ አዲስ ትውልድም የበኩሉ እንደነ አቶ ያሬድ አይነቶቹ ናችው ። ኢትዮጵያን በዚህ አመሰቃቅላችሁ ለጥቂት ለቀራችሁ ጊዜት እንኳን ይቅርታ አልጠየቃቹኡም ። ይሄ ግለሰብ ቢያን ከ5 ወይ 10 አመት አልቀረውም ፣ ግን አሁንም ሲጎርር ፣ ሲበሽቅጥ አያዋለሁ ። እግዚያብሄር የእጃችሁን ይስጣችሁ ። በሰማይ ቤት በገሀንም እሳት ንደዱ !
በደም የጨቀየ ዛሬ የአማራ ህዝብ እየከፈለ ያለው ዋጋ አስጀማሪ ነው
Antiquated mind is one of the main political problems.
Film ነው የሚመስለው
ያሬድ ጥበቡን ያህል የወደቀና የከሰረ ሳይሆን የሞተ የትግሬ ኮንዶም ፖለቲከኛ ነኝ ባይ በምድር የለም😂
Please this kind of vulgar statements. Not Good.
Only Balege Sid Adeg can say such ugly thing
እነዚህ ጉጠቶች ብቃት በሌለው እውቀታቸው ተመርተው ወጣቱን በቀይ ሽብር አስፈጅተው ተከታዩንም ትውልድ ለወያኔ አሳልፈው ሰጥተው .. ኢትዮፕያ ማለቅያ የሌለበት መከራ ውስጥ የከተቷት እነዚህ በሽተኞች ናቸው ... ሞተው እስካላለቁ ኢትዮፕያ ሰላም አትሆንም
Sorry he was AAU student.
ሁለቱ አዛውንቶች
Elias Mesete..አሁን አየተደረገ ያለውን ትግል ሳይሆን የዛገውን poltucs ላይ ሁሌ ያለቃቅሳል። በተለየ የፋኖ ትግል አልጣመውም።
ለምን ይጥመዋል አንዱ ፀረ አማራነትን አስጀማሪ ነው ይሄ ትውልድ በሚገባ ስለሚያውቀው ለዚህ ነው ዛሬም ያለ ንሰሃ የበከተ አስተሳሰቡን ይረጫል፡፡
ያሬድ እንዲህ naive ነበር እንዴ?
Do you know Adnew Gultneh Tirfe ? He Addis Abeba University .He is from Dire Dewa.
ግምት ነው?
Did I hear Yared said he gave all the money to one of Shabia's member? I think this is wrong. To me Yared contributed for Eritrea separation from Ethiopia. This is a practical definition of Banda. Sorry.
መሪት ለምን አከፈለቸሁ
የሚገርም ውሸት ሰየው የሚዋሸው በወያኔዎች ታማኝ አገልጋይ ሆኖ ለመታየት ሲል ከሻእብያ ጋር ያደረገውን ሁሉ ዘክዝኮ ከነገረ በኅላ ተጠቅመው ነው የጣሉት ደግሞ በጣም ናይቭ ነበርኩ ይላል እነበረከትም የተሻሉ አገልጋዮች ሆነው በመቅረብ ፈነገሉሁ
Yared tebebu who never made positive contribution play a violin all his life for EPRP a party which has been a destructive force in Ethiopia next to derg
ደደብ ስለሆንክ ነዉ እመን
I was wondering if you could ask him about Jemila and who killed her in Wolkaite area .
She was a female EPRP fighter, and legend has it she was killed by TPLF leaders
Honest witness but not sound knowledge. Thanks for both inerviewer and interviee
ሁለተኛ በእንግሊዝኛ እንዳትሞክር :: ምክር ነው :: ቴንስና ግራመር ታውቃለህ ?!?!
Ye weyane gered endenbrachu new bezih teketataye interview yegebagn, ye amarawu hezb gezew siderse leferde yaqomachuhal
From EPRP to he helped join Ethnic Apartheid. If I were you I would not say a word. Traitor.
Gash yared gerame bekat ,yemetamen gelesa aregehal rejem edeme emegnalehu .alias Berta yebel yemesebel sera yeyazkew .yared haw is political front setup? Please write something...
Expired story 😂😂😂😂😂