*IMPORTANT EDIT* I MADE A MISTAKE IN THIS VIDEO: I Made a mistake in this video and I did not realize until now (after doing my nightly prayer). I NEED to clarify something I said or I will mislead others, I'm sorry. I am still dealing with some ego and am doing the best I can for God but my ego got in the way when making this video and I spoke falsely on one particular subject. I made it sound like Jesus Christ is just a guy who surrendered to God, but this is not true. Jesus Christ was God come in the flesh to liberate us to salvation. Because I have been having such success with prayer my ego got the best of me in this video and my mouth moved too fast with too much confidence in myself and what I THOUGHT. The truth is: Jesus is the messiah and above all names - mine and yours! We need to know this for christ is the bridge between us and God. You may think this edit is jot important but oh boy yes it is. In prayer tonight I saw clearly my foolishness today, I'm sorry. I am working on it! I can have a really big ego at times. If we surrender to God's will as I say in the video it makes us Christlike, but it does not make us Christ. The way I spoke made it sound otherwise. All miracles come from God and we are blessed to have a Savior as righteous and faithful as Jesus. Jesus is Deity and anyone saying otherwise has an unclean spirit speaking through then, as happened with me today in this video. Unclean spirits love to come out the mouth of egoic persons. Stay vigilant my friends! The lion prowels around waiting to tear apart anyone not paying attention. When we get caught up in ourselves and what we are doing is the serpents favorite time to strike. Yes I understand some people will wonder "why is Nathan professing christ as messiah in the comments?" And I tell you this Truthfully: I am doing what God asks and God asks only that the truth be spoken. I made a mistake. Much love and thank you for your forgiveness! See you in the next video ;)
Yup, JESÚS CHRIST IS GOD IN THE FLESH!!! He left throne of Heaven to come as a mortal man to serve His creation because He loves us so much that He could no longer be separate from us. He sacrificed Himself with His precious 🩸 to give us the free gift of salvation if we just put our faith and trust in Him as our Lord and Savior. HALLELUJAH
He's experiencing life thru our experience and sees thru our eyes same as our ancestors do,! We are only extensions of him so merely walking in his spirit ❤
@@shanep8934 God came to me 18months ago. I searched high and low for years reiki crystals and many religions. But most importantly I ran from the 1 true God all my life. Because they world mocks the 1 true God I followed and mocked too. That was OK while life was going ok. But when it all fell apart I was drowning in life. depression. Hatred a deep darkness. 1 night at my deepest darkness God came to me I cried for over an hour I felt so. Thing change. But at the time I didn't know what wa happening. I never knew anything about the 1 true God. When I woke up in the morning I realised it was Jesus. I just knew it. And from that morning on its like he flicked a switch in me I knew truth.... Jesus saved me that night. I still face tribulation but there's a true peace when u choose to walk with Jesus. He's faithful and he will come to those who seek him with a humble heart. And he won't let u down. Jesus is truly the way the truth and the life. He's perfect in every way. God bless you and I pray he reveals his truth to you. X
God is faithful he won't let u down. Look up the gospel of John. It's the perfect place to start. When u choose him he promises to keep u safe and that no1 no evil nothing can snatch u out of his or the Fathers hands. X
Yes Nathan’s his yoke is easy and his burden is light! I would love to talk to you like so many. You’re helping me immensely, keep going!! God is with you, you cannot loose!
You have such a spiritual / modern take on Christianity, and I think this is what the world needs. LEAN INTO THIS NATE. I FEEL SO CONNECTED TO YOU. I always have been spiritual/loved Buddhist philosophies, but lately there have been very peculiar things that have made me believe in God…….. Everything you are saying is almost the same thing a “pastor” would say -…however your delivery is so modern / spiritual, and it makes so much sense to me. It doesn’t feel archaic / preachy. Nathan - this is your calling. Keep doing this!
Nathan, I’ve been following you for a couple years now. My journey has been the exact opposite of yours! I grew up in a Christian household, but developed my own personal faith and relationship with God when I was in my 20’s. A student of the Bible with a solid foundation in His word. I was aware that I was a crying baby with no means to communicate what I needed until I began to explore the Holy Spirit supernaturally and caught fire spiritually speaking . I began to experience miracles and divine appointments and still needed more! In my 50’s I began exploring new age ideas out of curiosity , with great caution - it felt blasphemous in many ways and I was warned I was in dangerous territory. For much of Christianity , there is an emphasis on the word and but not how to operate spiritually- my faith was without real power until I connected with God spiritually - I had to explore on my own to figure that out for myself. I think I have found the right balance of Truth, God ,Spirit, Jesus, freedom, love, grace surrender. I’m teetering on the cusp of I Am one with God, but not God. I am of God but a child of God. I’m willing to leave complete understanding in Gods hands. For now, I can relax and trust … thanks for sharing your journey !
Thank you for saying the God word, I’ve always been so afraid of it and because it has been something to be feared not something that is me, and loves me . I’m finally waking up that I caused all of this, not because I’m evil but because I forgot about God , I don’t need to be subjected tothis any more. God is pure love And we are made from him. We have the ability to be pure love. I appreciate you and you have a beautiful message
My roommate was talking about the gym and then you mentioned working out, my son was talking about a drink and you talked about drink, I reached for food and you mentioned food, then last but not least I put my son in the bath and you mentioned the shower! This is fun 😂❤🎉
Hi Nathan,Im VERY much appreciating your videos on finding God!! I have been VERY sincerely seeking God since 2010,still unsure.Your authenticity,wisdom,humbleness is beautiful,brother!! Thank you!! 😌🙏🏼🥰🫶💛💙🧡🖤🤎🆓️🕊☮️🤗🌈🌹
Love you Nathan. Best video. In, my opinion, so far. Total surrender. But total joy of being alive now. I so hear you buddy. Thank you. Very special time to be feeling this way. It can only get better. 💙👍🙏🏻😊
"It's not me that's moving, it's God that's moving, and I dare you to try to stop God." Amen, my friend. Amen. We are on such a similar journey. It's so crazy how I used to follow you back when I was immersed in new age, then I had my Christian awakening and unfollowed all the new age youtubers, then literally like 2 weeks later you still randomly popped up on my feed and I see you had an almost identical awakening to me right around the same time! Definitely divine how you appeared again after I'd unfollowed you. God knew I needed to see others going through the same thing. It's been a beautiful but challenging journey as I lost a big part of my former identity as a "new age, hippy, yoga woman" that I'd had for like 20+ years practically overnight! I had to throw out tons of stuff that was demonic, from occult books, tarot cards, astrology stuff, clothing with weird symbolism, etc. but I was obedient and God has completely filled that emptiness within and every day my faith grows, and things get better and better. I'm so happy for us!
This video delivers the absolute truth of everything ❤🎉 Praise God for saving us! It’s so easy and the entire spiritual industry would collapse if everyone would surrender to God.. because only god matters
this is a very good video. i have watched you off and on and i think this is the most impactful one i've seen. i am with you, submission to source (for me) did it, in the sense that my life feels so wholesome and positive and guided. the problem with using the jc word is that it is so energized and has a bunch of thought pendulums attached to it. christ consciousness in the way the Bill Donahue puts it is so much more accurate but it isn't how most people resonate with christ. highly appreciate this!!
Amen. All the Glory to our Lord and Savior! John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. You are radiating light, it is so awesome to see and hear the excitement whilst your having this conversation. Blessings!
What does total surrender look like in daily life? We still need our ego to perform daily tasks right ? Or will you need your ego less and less and God reaches you? So beautiful to listen to your videos. I’m so grateful to find you right as I’ve been connecting to the energy of Jesus more than ever in my life. I’ve been ashamed of this connection before and I’m coming out of that!
The world got confused under the spell of religion, in my understanding. My relationship with God is a very personal matter. I believe we all have our own 1-800 number to God. Fruit drop! 😂❤
Man, I've been down all the spiritual roads and born into the catholic church. I did the baptist thing for a while, I did the "I am God" thing recently too. I too, don't identify as a bible thumping Christian even though I was for a time. I'm not sure if Jesus actually walked the earth, ( there's not much secular evidence whatsoever) but I do know that he has helped me more times than I can count. Also the red letter parts of the new testament that are attributed to him resonate so deeply to me that they can only be truth in my mind. I've also had long heart to hearts with him in prayer. Not once has he reprimanded me for seeking for the truth for myself regarding his veracity, although, I myself have felt tremendous guilt for having done so. I am the prodigal son who went out and squandered my inheritance and came back home to the open arms of my father, and he welcomed me and celebrated my return. He has always met my needs and even my wants in the most miraculous ways. I see that the same thing is happening for you too Nathan.
My spiritual walk didn't make sense until I ventured out of religion, the problem was everyone expected me, nope, more like demanded that I leave Jesus and God behind. I didn't want to give up the falsehoods of religion for the falsehoods of nonreligion. I tried really hard to use "acceptable language" so I wouldn't trigger anyone but where are those people? Why was I trying to build bridges with people holding torches if I didn't do it their way? My spiritual walk was God holding my hand, my spiritual awakening was Jesus saving me over and over. My spiritual enlightenment is listening to the holy spirit. I'm trying really hard to figure out how to be more genuine in my truth and your videos are right on time. It is the God I know that does stuff like that. :-) Deep bow my friend. Thank you
We have had AN IDENTITY CRISIS ,but thats because we have FREE WILL & CAN CHOOSE which ' God' to follow...As humans,we get to decide for ourselves who we will pledge our Allegiance to and i choose THE TRUE GOD AS MY ULTIMATE,PARENT/LEADER/AUTHORITY.I acknowledge & accept my place as a child of GOD who listens & obeys HIS DAILY GUIDANCE❤🫶🙏❤ ( many people are worshipping the god of this world,,,hence the ego/ or what is referred to as the devil without realizing it/unconsciously)😢
second comment. when you said you aren't scared anymore I had a big realization that neither am i! i get angry and frustrated and argue with source but i am literally never ever afraid. thank you so so so much for helping me realize this! hugs
Yes brother Nathan, we are not God….. YET…… or rather we do not KNOW we are God yet. You are on the path of enlightenment….. things will get clearer and clearer…… until one day it will POP….. enlightenment is a binary shift, of knowing, of the end of suffering……. of permanent loving awareness…… I have been interacting with an enlightened human being the past couple of months….. it is changing me like nothing else…… enlightenment is real…. Basically we ARE ALL Jesus, only we are too deluded/ fearful/ foolish to KNOW it…… YET……. We all have our own path to get there, but generally I would say that following Jesus as the example to BE is the way to go. This is what we truly are once the fear is removed…. Bless you all…. You are doing very well brother….. more surprises are in store for sure, for sure……. thank you for sharing so openly, you are a brave one….. a big inspiration…..❤️🔥🤗🌅
@@CottonCandySkie Have faith in yourself, do not become a follower, Jesus didn't want followers, he wanted you to realize you ARE him, because that's the only way out. Don't put anyone so high above yourself as to make it unattainable. Bless you ❤🔥
@@ShamanoftheVioletFlameI already went down that road and I was in complete torment and was headed for death. There is a road that seems right to a man and it leads to destruction. I didn’t believe someone who told me that, I experienced it for myself. It’s a lie and a deception that most love because they love pride and other sin. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one gets to the father unless it’s through him! There is no where else to look once you find him! 🙌🏼💃🏻Also, Jesus DID say to follow him in multiple passages, here’s a few Matthew 4:19, Matthew 16:24, and Luke 9:23 God bless I hope you find him
@ yes, but do you really honestly understand what you are talking about? I can tell you misunderstand what I’ve been writing above. Jesus was showing the way to enlightenment (or God or whatever you want to call it - the kingdom of heaven) by his example. Let’s not get lost in semantics, please. I can tell you are not enlightened, sorry to say neither is Nathan. Almost no one in this world is….. YET. Jesus is misunderstood by many for there are almost no enlightened beings in the world today, but there are a few. And plenty of devils that let their ego fool themselves and others into confusion and bondage. You are failing to see some key nuances and get stuck in foolishness, preaching about ego but not realizing it is your ego which is clinging to this over-simplification. The ego loves to hide in pretending to be selfless. But what the heck…. Why is it important to have faith in oneself? Because YOU ARE God, because it is ALL one and the same thing!!!! BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS, not really. That’s why you have doubt in yourself, IN GOD - not faith. Jesus faced the ultimate torment….. who the hell is saying that the path to enlightenment and God is a freaking stroll in the park?! Pretty much everybody, I know, but it is not true. And I think you know this. Forgive me, I’m not trying to make you into a follower, or anything really. You decide for yourself, see???? Shake the hell loose…….. don’t take everything so literally. Fuck. Jesus loves you so much. I hope you can feel it in every word. Bless all of you. God loves you endlessly.
We are saved by grace through faith not of our own works lest anyone boast. Faith is what saved us in the first place. When I 100 fully believed that Jesus is who he said he is and the the only way to the father. God has spoken through his prophets and his son who is word that was made flesh and dwelt with us. I know when times get hard when the great tribulation hits we must be strong. I agree with you all the way on everything you said I have seen and witnessed the power of the holy spirit . Keep witnessing the gospel
Your videos always resonated with me, but I have to admit, I was concerned when you had your shift. It sounded a bit cult-like and I thought "Oh no, someone's got a hold of him!" But over the past few weeks, you've been opening up and sharing your experiences, and today's video really resonated with me. I completely understand what you mean about believing you're God and the suffering that comes with it. But trusting in God and surrendering to Him has changed your life 10 fold! I loved this video and the message you shared. Keep sharing your journey. You're helping me put my thoughts into words and it's amazing to see someone who truly gets it! ❤❤❤❤😊🙏
I have understood that to surrender to God is in exactness to giving all of our assumed 'self' or 'ego' up to God. Certainly our ego is not God. Our assumed sense of self, this person with a personal ID is not God. If one gives themselves to God fully and completely as being identified as ourselves to be a person as an ego and seeing beyond this guise this is surrender and this is is having unwaivering faith and this is also the same thing (or no thing) as unconditional Love which is what we are in our truest essence. With that we can see that we ARE God as there is only this Oneness where there is no separation. We are completed in God. " I am in the Father, the Father in me and ye in me all ONE." Much Love ❤❤🤍
God’s Grace comes to us from our Faith alone, nothing else. His Grace is TOTALLY FREE. Just have Faith and love the Lord our God with ALL your heart, mind and soul. Read about Martin Luther and the Lutheran Religion. You are speaking as a true Lutheran!
I know your not sure if god wants you to make videos anymore. I believe you are reaching and speaking the word to many. I never knew your channel before this awakening. But, speaking for myself I will watch all your 'new' videos for the forseeable future. Preach my brother 🔥
Never let go of this feeling Nathan. I had the exact same experience happen to me, down to the infant baby and the sobbing and the washing of my grime and gunk. I was tested by falsely assuming my new baby like innocence would bring me people like me to bond with and become real friends with, but instead I was surrounded by those bathing in darkness. I started watching you last year and started getting confused. I am a little jealous that you are this newly bathed baby, and I was one, but you were a creator that provided a route to my gunking again. Now I'm all gunked up, wanting to get bathed once more...
Hi brother, I love your videos. I would encourage you to read the catechism of the Catholic Church. I felt the same - when I came to faith. I came to faith from Hinduism, then new age, yoga,Osho, psychedelics- I went into the Protestant church, then orthodox- but the Eucharist is a beautiful gift from Jesus. His body and blood, the sacraments, the connection to Jesus through the Blessed mother. It’s next level, and fullness of truth. I enjoy my personal relationship with my savior. And He led us into the Catholic Church. I encourage you to read the catechism - love, mercy, law and order all in perfect balance. Lots of love.
It’s the enemy that comes to attack us when we truly find God! He thought he had you but Jesus said you were his!! It’s been that way since before you were in your mother’s womb he knew you and chose you! Jesus was about relationship and not religion. Rebuke and bind the enemies attacks in the mighty name of Jesus! Demons flee at his name! Take every thought captive to Christ! I am a Child of God and I follow Jesus! It’s the only identity I will ever need! 🙌🏼🫂
I know it's not in the title, or maybe you've already heard of it. I recommend "The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts. A lot of what you're touching on is what i'm currently reading in this book. It goes deeper...
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name *Emmanuel,* which being interpreted is, *God with us.* Matthew 1:23 The glory which You have given Me I also have given to them, so that they may be one, just as We are one; *I [in] them and You in Me,* that they may be perfected in unity, they may all be one; *just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us,* so that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 17:21-23
Thankss man amazing video🙏 One book I recommend everyone to read in 2025 is Your Life Your Game by Keezano… It beautifully shows how embracing faith and nurturing meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life-a must-read. Amen
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. So Only God can create and destroy, we only transform things or put things together, figure things out he planned all along as it is combinable.
for the longest time, i thought being magnetic was something you either had or didn’t. i used to watch others shine while i felt stuck. then i found Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, and it made me realize it’s all about the vibe you give off. chapter 3 especially changed the way i carry myself-it’s such a powerful shift.
Very much enjoying your channel, Nathan. Just one tiny correction from a practicing Catholic. We don't believe that only good works get us to heaven. Faith is first. Of course, James 2:26 says that faith without works is dead. And I believe that that is reiterated in Revelations. Don't want to get too legalistic about this, though. Thank you for your amazing work.
I spent my whole life believing in God and it worked great and it's beautiful to see you finding the same source. 🙏🏼 The last years I've been trying to believe that I am God, and it was so hard, because I had shame of being myself that I didn't even know I had. Lately I am healing this shame so I can feel that I am God, as much as everything else is. Please, believe in God as you are doing right know, being humble to understand that God is everything. But do not forget that you are also God, both realities are true. We are all and we are nothing. "The cat is alive and dead at the same time inside the box." Thank you, Nathan! ✨️
You don’t need to feel like you are God because you’re not God. God is God. Humans are humans. Stop falling for the lie of the serpent. Also, God is not everything. God created everything. The creation is not the creator. Creation is creation. Truth is objective not subjective. Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6
@@franciannetavares you are not God and if you feel that way, you are deceived. You are a hopeless sinner without a savior. However if you die to yourself in Christ then you will live and live abundantly.
if you’ve ever felt like no one notices you, trust me, i get it. i felt like that for years, trying all the confidence hacks and advice out there. but nothing clicked until i read Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki. there’s something about chapter 3-it’s like the missing puzzle piece i didn’t know i needed.
One can attain enlightenment ore godhood, but never be it. There are story's of sadus in samadhi creating their own worlds. Ore saints going through walls. But that what thinks about all of that will never be God. I agree. That what is, The nothingness in you, that acts as the lap, within everything is happening, is god. Ps. A nice way of looking at the Frase as above so below, is that inside is quantum entangled with the outside, so it is really the same thing, at two points.
I view myself and my actions as part of God because I am of their Divine creation not without cause and not without purpose and I view the path I have been been on good or sorrowful as part of that purpose a purpose I can partially shape not because I am better than God but I am of their original design and so is my world my will even if free is free to be divine regardless of fear or struggle in fact I surrender to the best in my life and I surrender to the worst because I know it will lead me to Serenity and unity with the divine
What do you think about the fact that what we truly desire ( heart desire) comes directly from god and is a promess, that we just have to live our life the best we can in every moment and trust god. That we dont have to visualise or script or to do anything else. I think its another way to see this message, but I am still new to this way of thinking, but thats what I am experiencing since a couple of months
Yes beautiful … God does know 🥳 Jesus says his burden was light what if it didn’t mean not heavy but actual light. ! ❤❤❤ I’m excited for you for us for I … lol fun sir ! Ttyl
Hey Nathan! My husband showed me your channel about 3 or 4 months ago and I have enjoyed your journey. I am going to share the gospel message my husband and I have shared all over the country. I want to see if it aligns with what you have believed and secured your faith in when the gospels came unto you?? Just curious, really enjoying your uploads always. Never stop!
I once had a question regarding drugs, and I received the response that they are fine, as long as I don’t let them become a crutch or panacea. Personally, I’ve found that drugs have been a huge help in overcoming my fears. As long as your intentions are pure and your actions are for good, they can be part of the healing process. Other examples are: food or sex… We are all innocent and should forgive ourselves for the 'errors' we make along the way x
*IMPORTANT EDIT* I MADE A MISTAKE IN THIS VIDEO: I Made a mistake in this video and I did not realize until now (after doing my nightly prayer). I NEED to clarify something I said or I will mislead others, I'm sorry. I am still dealing with some ego and am doing the best I can for God but my ego got in the way when making this video and I spoke falsely on one particular subject.
I made it sound like Jesus Christ is just a guy who surrendered to God, but this is not true. Jesus Christ was God come in the flesh to liberate us to salvation. Because I have been having such success with prayer my ego got the best of me in this video and my mouth moved too fast with too much confidence in myself and what I THOUGHT. The truth is: Jesus is the messiah and above all names - mine and yours! We need to know this for christ is the bridge between us and God. You may think this edit is jot important but oh boy yes it is.
In prayer tonight I saw clearly my foolishness today, I'm sorry. I am working on it! I can have a really big ego at times.
If we surrender to God's will as I say in the video it makes us Christlike, but it does not make us Christ. The way I spoke made it sound otherwise. All miracles come from God and we are blessed to have a Savior as righteous and faithful as Jesus. Jesus is Deity and anyone saying otherwise has an unclean spirit speaking through then, as happened with me today in this video. Unclean spirits love to come out the mouth of egoic persons.
Stay vigilant my friends! The lion prowels around waiting to tear apart anyone not paying attention. When we get caught up in ourselves and what we are doing is the serpents favorite time to strike.
Yes I understand some people will wonder "why is Nathan professing christ as messiah in the comments?" And I tell you this Truthfully: I am doing what God asks and God asks only that the truth be spoken. I made a mistake. Much love and thank you for your forgiveness! See you in the next video ;)
Yup, JESÚS CHRIST IS GOD IN THE FLESH!!! He left throne of Heaven to come as a mortal man to serve His creation because He loves us so much that He could no longer be separate from us. He sacrificed Himself with His precious 🩸 to give us the free gift of salvation if we just put our faith and trust in Him as our Lord and Savior. HALLELUJAH
He's experiencing life thru our experience and sees thru our eyes same as our ancestors do,! We are only extensions of him so merely walking in his spirit ❤
Once we let go of ego/reputation , judgement and bitterness, even temptations we then get to feel the surrender we are all searching for in our walk
I am turning to God because I am desperate in life. Past mistakes, anxiety and deep depression.
@@shanep8934 God came to me 18months ago. I searched high and low for years reiki crystals and many religions. But most importantly I ran from the 1 true God all my life. Because they world mocks the 1 true God I followed and mocked too. That was OK while life was going ok. But when it all fell apart I was drowning in life. depression. Hatred a deep darkness. 1 night at my deepest darkness God came to me I cried for over an hour I felt so. Thing change. But at the time I didn't know what wa happening. I never knew anything about the 1 true God. When I woke up in the morning I realised it was Jesus. I just knew it. And from that morning on its like he flicked a switch in me I knew truth.... Jesus saved me that night. I still face tribulation but there's a true peace when u choose to walk with Jesus. He's faithful and he will come to those who seek him with a humble heart. And he won't let u down. Jesus is truly the way the truth and the life. He's perfect in every way.
God bless you and I pray he reveals his truth to you.
God is faithful he won't let u down. Look up the gospel of John. It's the perfect place to start. When u choose him he promises to keep u safe and that no1 no evil nothing can snatch u out of his or the Fathers hands.
@@ssterxsster3835 Thank you for the recommendation.
Thats what he’s there for! Jesus Christ is our Lord & Savior and He loves you more than you could even imagine ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
I hear you,feel you,CAN relate!!!😌🙏🏼🙏🏼🥰🫶🫶💛💙💜🧡🖤🤎🆓️🕊☮️☮️☮️☮️🤗
i never thought I'd ever go back to believing in Christ but here i am. you truly are the only person who could convince me to give it another try 😂😂
Jesus will abandoned the 99 to come save the 1. You are that one. You are Jesus’ son♥️ Jesus Christ is lord!
@@Winnie8535 I am Christ
Welcome home! I said a prayer for you.☺
Your humality is refreshing! Nothing pushes me further away from a teacher than someone who claims to know everything.
Your understanding of God's will versus our will and how Jesus displays this perfectly is deep.
Yes Nathan’s his yoke is easy and his burden is light! I would love to talk to you like so many. You’re helping me immensely, keep going!! God is with you, you cannot loose!
Beautifully said man. God bless. God is the greatest and creator of all creations
I love that this community is so free to express their feelings and perceptions. Thank you for sharing this spiritual journey with us.
You have such a spiritual / modern take on Christianity, and I think this is what the world needs.
I always have been spiritual/loved Buddhist philosophies, but lately there have been very peculiar things that have made me believe in God……..
Everything you are saying is almost the same thing a “pastor” would say -…however your delivery is so modern / spiritual, and it makes so much sense to me. It doesn’t feel archaic / preachy.
Nathan - this is your calling. Keep doing this!
@ ayyyyeee it’s Ruby herself, so I must have spoken some truth 🤣❤️🤩💝
“I am surrendered to God .. I am that I am”
Nathan, I’ve been following you for a couple years now. My journey has been the exact opposite of yours! I grew up in a Christian household, but developed my own personal faith and relationship with God when I was in my 20’s. A student of the Bible with a solid foundation in His word. I was aware that I was a crying baby with no means to communicate what I needed until I began to explore the Holy Spirit supernaturally and caught fire spiritually speaking . I began to experience miracles and divine appointments and still needed more! In my 50’s I began exploring new age ideas out of curiosity , with great caution - it felt blasphemous in many ways and I was warned I was in dangerous territory. For much of Christianity , there is an emphasis on the word and but not how to operate spiritually- my faith was without real power until I connected with God spiritually - I had to explore on my own to figure that out for myself. I think I have found the right balance of Truth, God ,Spirit, Jesus, freedom, love, grace surrender. I’m teetering on the cusp of I Am one with God, but not God. I am of God but a child of God. I’m willing to leave complete understanding in Gods hands. For now, I can relax and trust … thanks for sharing your journey !
@@doreenwambolt1711 Same! 🙏🏼
Thank you for saying the God word, I’ve always been so afraid of it and because it has been something to be feared not something that is me, and loves me . I’m finally waking up that I caused all of this, not because I’m evil but because I forgot about God , I don’t need to be subjected tothis any more. God is pure love And we are made from him. We have the ability to be pure love. I appreciate you and you have a beautiful message
I'm so glad you are coming full circle with your realizations.
My roommate was talking about the gym and then you mentioned working out, my son was talking about a drink and you talked about drink, I reached for food and you mentioned food, then last but not least I put my son in the bath and you mentioned the shower! This is fun 😂❤🎉
Hi Nathan,Im VERY much appreciating your videos on finding God!! I have been VERY sincerely seeking God since 2010,still unsure.Your authenticity,wisdom,humbleness is beautiful,brother!! Thank you!! 😌🙏🏼🥰🫶💛💙🧡🖤🤎🆓️🕊☮️🤗🌈🌹
Love you Nathan. Best video. In, my opinion, so far. Total surrender. But total joy of being alive now. I so hear you buddy. Thank you. Very special time to be feeling this way. It can only get better. 💙👍🙏🏻😊
Faith is believing in something you can see🌌. Surrendering to the divine timing of love. Let go and flow with miracles of life. Just be You! ♾️💛
"It's not me that's moving, it's God that's moving, and I dare you to try to stop God."
Amen, my friend. Amen. We are on such a similar journey. It's so crazy how I used to follow you back when I was immersed in new age, then I had my Christian awakening and unfollowed all the new age youtubers, then literally like 2 weeks later you still randomly popped up on my feed and I see you had an almost identical awakening to me right around the same time! Definitely divine how you appeared again after I'd unfollowed you. God knew I needed to see others going through the same thing.
It's been a beautiful but challenging journey as I lost a big part of my former identity as a "new age, hippy, yoga woman" that I'd had for like 20+ years practically overnight! I had to throw out tons of stuff that was demonic, from occult books, tarot cards, astrology stuff, clothing with weird symbolism, etc. but I was obedient and God has completely filled that emptiness within and every day my faith grows, and things get better and better. I'm so happy for us!
omg nathan! ur light just keeps getting brighter and clearer
This video delivers the absolute truth of everything ❤🎉 Praise God for saving us! It’s so easy and the entire spiritual industry would collapse if everyone would surrender to God.. because only god matters
I feel the same, I don’t search for a solution anymore just someone who understands
this is a very good video. i have watched you off and on and i think this is the most impactful one i've seen. i am with you, submission to source (for me) did it, in the sense that my life feels so wholesome and positive and guided. the problem with using the jc word is that it is so energized and has a bunch of thought pendulums attached to it. christ consciousness in the way the Bill Donahue puts it is so much more accurate but it isn't how most people resonate with christ. highly appreciate this!!
Love this message ❤surrender to God 🌿Holy Spirit will come to convict you ❤️🔥
So grateful for you brother. We are all so blessed. :D
I love your approach, Nathan. Your deep understanding brings precision to hard to explain realization. God bless you, brother.
This was such a beautiful and powerful transmission ❤️ thanks for sharing brother 🙏
It's so mind bending that you and I both found God at the same time - and that means tons of your followers did, too!
Amen. All the Glory to our Lord and Savior!
John 8:36
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
You are radiating light, it is so awesome to see and hear the excitement whilst your having this conversation.
What does total surrender look like in daily life? We still need our ego to perform daily tasks right ? Or will you need your ego less and less and God reaches you?
So beautiful to listen to your videos. I’m so grateful to find you right as I’ve been connecting to the energy of Jesus more than ever in my life. I’ve been ashamed of this connection before and I’m coming out of that!
I wish we could like a video more than once. So many great points in this video had me wanting to hit that like button again and again. 🔥 🔥 🔥
The world got confused under the spell of religion, in my understanding. My relationship with God is a very personal matter. I believe we all have our own 1-800 number to God. Fruit drop! 😂❤
Man, I've been down all the spiritual roads and born into the catholic church. I did the baptist thing for a while, I did the "I am God" thing recently too. I too, don't identify as a bible thumping Christian even though I was for a time. I'm not sure if Jesus actually walked the earth, ( there's not much secular evidence whatsoever) but I do know that he has helped me more times than I can count. Also the red letter parts of the new testament that are attributed to him resonate so deeply to me that they can only be truth in my mind. I've also had long heart to hearts with him in prayer. Not once has he reprimanded me for seeking for the truth for myself regarding his veracity, although, I myself have felt tremendous guilt for having done so. I am the prodigal son who went out and squandered my inheritance and came back home to the open arms of my father, and he welcomed me and celebrated my return. He has always met my needs and even my wants in the most miraculous ways. I see that the same thing is happening for you too Nathan.
Beautiful ❤
Source has a plan for us all.
My spiritual walk didn't make sense until I ventured out of religion, the problem was everyone expected me, nope, more like demanded that I leave Jesus and God behind. I didn't want to give up the falsehoods of religion for the falsehoods of nonreligion. I tried really hard to use "acceptable language" so I wouldn't trigger anyone but where are those people? Why was I trying to build bridges with people holding torches if I didn't do it their way? My spiritual walk was God holding my hand, my spiritual awakening was Jesus saving me over and over. My spiritual enlightenment is listening to the holy spirit. I'm trying really hard to figure out how to be more genuine in my truth and your videos are right on time. It is the God I know that does stuff like that. :-) Deep bow my friend. Thank you
This is so powerful!! 🙏🩵🔥
We have had AN IDENTITY CRISIS ,but thats because we have FREE WILL & CAN CHOOSE which ' God' to follow...As humans,we get to decide for ourselves who we will pledge our Allegiance to and i choose THE TRUE GOD AS MY ULTIMATE,PARENT/LEADER/AUTHORITY.I acknowledge & accept my place as a child of GOD who listens & obeys HIS DAILY GUIDANCE❤🫶🙏❤
( many people are worshipping the god of this world,,,hence the ego/ or what is referred to as the devil without realizing it/unconsciously)😢
You have it right my friend. Path of righteousness, walk and talk like Jesus
second comment. when you said you aren't scared anymore I had a big realization that neither am i! i get angry and frustrated and argue with source but i am literally never ever afraid. thank you so so so much for helping me realize this! hugs
Yes brother Nathan, we are not God….. YET…… or rather we do not KNOW we are God yet. You are on the path of enlightenment….. things will get clearer and clearer…… until one day it will POP….. enlightenment is a binary shift, of knowing, of the end of suffering……. of permanent loving awareness…… I have been interacting with an enlightened human being the past couple of months….. it is changing me like nothing else…… enlightenment is real…. Basically we ARE ALL Jesus, only we are too deluded/ fearful/ foolish to KNOW it…… YET…….
We all have our own path to get there, but generally I would say that following Jesus as the example to BE is the way to go. This is what we truly are once the fear is removed….
Bless you all…. You are doing very well brother….. more surprises are in store for sure, for sure……. thank you for sharing so openly, you are a brave one….. a big inspiration…..❤️🔥🤗🌅
@@ShamanoftheVioletFlame things have obviously gotten VERY clear for him! Do you not perceive it? It’s springing forth! 🙌🏼
@@CottonCandySkie Have faith in yourself, do not become a follower, Jesus didn't want followers, he wanted you to realize you ARE him, because that's the only way out. Don't put anyone so high above yourself as to make it unattainable. Bless you ❤🔥
@@ShamanoftheVioletFlameI already went down that road and I was in complete torment and was headed for death. There is a road that seems right to a man and it leads to destruction. I didn’t believe someone who told me that, I experienced it for myself. It’s a lie and a deception that most love because they love pride and other sin. Jesus is the way the truth and the life and no one gets to the father unless it’s through him! There is no where else to look once you find him! 🙌🏼💃🏻Also, Jesus DID say to follow him in multiple passages, here’s a few Matthew 4:19, Matthew 16:24, and Luke 9:23
God bless I hope you find him
@ yes, but do you really honestly understand what you are talking about? I can tell you misunderstand what I’ve been writing above. Jesus was showing the way to enlightenment (or God or whatever you want to call it - the kingdom of heaven) by his example. Let’s not get lost in semantics, please. I can tell you are not enlightened, sorry to say neither is Nathan. Almost no one in this world is….. YET. Jesus is misunderstood by many for there are almost no enlightened beings in the world today, but there are a few. And plenty of devils that let their ego fool themselves and others into confusion and bondage. You are failing to see some key nuances and get stuck in foolishness, preaching about ego but not realizing it is your ego which is clinging to this over-simplification. The ego loves to hide in pretending to be selfless. But what the heck…. Why is it important to have faith in oneself? Because YOU ARE God, because it is ALL one and the same thing!!!! BUT YOU DO NOT KNOW THIS, not really. That’s why you have doubt in yourself, IN GOD - not faith. Jesus faced the ultimate torment….. who the hell is saying that the path to enlightenment and God is a freaking stroll in the park?! Pretty much everybody, I know, but it is not true. And I think you know this. Forgive me, I’m not trying to make you into a follower, or anything really. You decide for yourself, see???? Shake the hell loose…….. don’t take everything so literally. Fuck. Jesus loves you so much. I hope you can feel it in every word.
Bless all of you. God loves you endlessly.
Thank you for sharing, love your energy.🩵
We are saved by grace through faith not of our own works lest anyone boast. Faith is what saved us in the first place. When I 100 fully believed that Jesus is who he said he is and the the only way to the father. God has spoken through his prophets and his son who is word that was made flesh and dwelt with us. I know when times get hard when the great tribulation hits we must be strong. I agree with you all the way on everything you said I have seen and witnessed the power of the holy spirit . Keep witnessing the gospel
Your videos always resonated with me, but I have to admit, I was concerned when you had your shift. It sounded a bit cult-like and I thought "Oh no, someone's got a hold of him!" But over the past few weeks, you've been opening up and sharing your experiences, and today's video really resonated with me. I completely understand what you mean about believing you're God and the suffering that comes with it. But trusting in God and surrendering to Him has changed your life 10 fold! I loved this video and the message you shared. Keep sharing your journey. You're helping me put my thoughts into words and it's amazing to see someone who truly gets it! ❤❤❤❤😊🙏
I have understood that to surrender to God is in exactness to giving all of our assumed 'self' or 'ego' up to God. Certainly our ego is not God. Our assumed sense of self, this person with a personal ID is not God. If one gives themselves to God fully and completely as being identified as ourselves to be a person as an ego and seeing beyond this guise this is surrender and this is is having unwaivering faith and this is also the same thing (or no thing) as unconditional Love which is what we are in our truest essence. With that we can see that we ARE God as there is only this Oneness where there is no separation. We are completed in God. " I am in the Father, the Father in me and ye in me all ONE." Much Love ❤❤🤍
God is love. God is now. God is you. God is me. God is.
God’s Grace comes to us from our Faith alone, nothing else. His Grace is TOTALLY FREE. Just have Faith and love the Lord our God with ALL your heart, mind and soul. Read about Martin Luther and the Lutheran Religion. You are speaking as a true Lutheran!
one of your best flows right here . being surrounded by beautiful forests must be joyful!
I know your not sure if god wants you to make videos anymore. I believe you are reaching and speaking the word to many. I never knew your channel before this awakening. But, speaking for myself I will watch all your 'new' videos for the forseeable future. Preach my brother 🔥
this is 100% the truth everything that ur saying i am the same people will soon come and believe the light
Never let go of this feeling Nathan. I had the exact same experience happen to me, down to the infant baby and the sobbing and the washing of my grime and gunk. I was tested by falsely assuming my new baby like innocence would bring me people like me to bond with and become real friends with, but instead I was surrounded by those bathing in darkness. I started watching you last year and started getting confused. I am a little jealous that you are this newly bathed baby, and I was one, but you were a creator that provided a route to my gunking again. Now I'm all gunked up, wanting to get bathed once more...
I don't want anymore "tests." I want Him to stop placing me in abusive situations. If He actually loved me, He would help me
God lives though in you, as you create as a part of God that you and we all are a piece of God
👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Bless you brother
Hi brother, I love your videos. I would encourage you to read the catechism of the Catholic Church. I felt the same - when I came to faith. I came to faith from Hinduism, then new age, yoga,Osho, psychedelics- I went into the Protestant church, then orthodox- but the Eucharist is a beautiful gift from Jesus. His body and blood, the sacraments, the connection to Jesus through the Blessed mother. It’s next level, and fullness of truth.
I enjoy my personal relationship with my savior. And He led us into the Catholic Church.
I encourage you to read the catechism - love, mercy, law and order all in perfect balance.
Lots of love.
Love you bruddah !!❤️❤️❤️🪷
Amen Bro 🙏 that was profound! Thank you for sharing this beautiful message ❤️
Jesus is the living word.
It’s the enemy that comes to attack us when we truly find God! He thought he had you but Jesus said you were his!! It’s been that way since before you were in your mother’s womb he knew you and chose you! Jesus was about relationship and not religion.
Rebuke and bind the enemies attacks in the mighty name of Jesus! Demons flee at his name! Take every thought captive to Christ! I am a Child of God and I follow Jesus! It’s the only identity I will ever need! 🙌🏼🫂
sitting here in north qld tripping on acid bro, fucking amazing video brother yewwwww!!!!!!
Really good this one!😊
I know it's not in the title, or maybe you've already heard of it. I recommend "The Wisdom of Insecurity" by Alan Watts. A lot of what you're touching on is what i'm currently reading in this book. It goes deeper...
Conscious Priest like God Man here 🙏🏻🪞🌈🎶🕊️⚡️🌱🔋🧬
Much love and God bless you my friend!🙏😊❤️
I WANT to hear!!! I'm listening to you with my heart!!!🙏🏼🥰🙏🏼🥰🙏🏼🥰🙏🏼🥰
One of my friends once asked me, "Do you want to be god?" I told him, "No, I don't want to be god, but I want God to be in me."
Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name *Emmanuel,* which being interpreted is, *God with us.* Matthew 1:23
The glory which You have given Me I also have given to them, so that they may be one, just as We are one; *I [in] them and You in Me,* that they may be perfected in unity, they may all be one; *just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us,* so that the world may believe that You sent Me. John 17:21-23
Thank You🙏
thank you, not being a God takes all the weight of the world off our shoulders. :)
Testing would have to be a relitive thing and really rattle you with the power of doubt. Buckle up! Because your going on a wild ride🎉
Thankss man amazing video🙏 One book I recommend everyone to read in 2025 is Your Life Your Game by Keezano… It beautifully shows how embracing faith and nurturing meaningful relationships can lead to spiritual growth and success in both your personal and professional life. This book truly changed my life-a must-read. Amen
i agree miss
Maybe there is no test only a chance to show how true you are to yourself. Authenticity.
Thank you x
Amen Nathan! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed - only converted from one form of energy to another. So Only God can create and destroy, we only transform things or put things together, figure things out he planned all along as it is combinable.
for the longest time, i thought being magnetic was something you either had or didn’t. i used to watch others shine while i felt stuck. then i found Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki, and it made me realize it’s all about the vibe you give off. chapter 3 especially changed the way i carry myself-it’s such a powerful shift.
Nathan, great video! Keep the videos coming .take care
Very much enjoying your channel, Nathan. Just one tiny correction from a practicing Catholic. We don't believe that only good works get us to heaven. Faith is first. Of course, James 2:26 says that faith without works is dead. And I believe that that is reiterated in Revelations. Don't want to get too legalistic about this, though. Thank you for your amazing work.
I spent my whole life believing in God and it worked great and it's beautiful to see you finding the same source. 🙏🏼
The last years I've been trying to believe that I am God, and it was so hard, because I had shame of being myself that I didn't even know I had.
Lately I am healing this shame so I can feel that I am God, as much as everything else is.
Please, believe in God as you are doing right know, being humble to understand that God is everything. But do not forget that you are also God, both realities are true. We are all and we are nothing.
"The cat is alive and dead at the same time inside the box."
Thank you, Nathan! ✨️
You don’t need to feel like you are God because you’re not God. God is God. Humans are humans. Stop falling for the lie of the serpent. Also, God is not everything. God created everything. The creation is not the creator. Creation is creation. Truth is objective not subjective. Jesus said “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6
@@franciannetavares you are not God and if you feel that way, you are deceived. You are a hopeless sinner without a savior. However if you die to yourself in Christ then you will live and live abundantly.
We are not God, we are his beloved creation
if you’ve ever felt like no one notices you, trust me, i get it. i felt like that for years, trying all the confidence hacks and advice out there. but nothing clicked until i read Magnetic Aura by Takeshi Mizuki. there’s something about chapter 3-it’s like the missing puzzle piece i didn’t know i needed.
I was talking to my family about spirituality once, and they thought I was Crazy or something
One can attain enlightenment ore godhood, but never be it. There are story's of sadus in samadhi creating their own worlds. Ore saints going through walls. But that what thinks about all of that will never be God. I agree.
That what is, The nothingness in you, that acts as the lap, within everything is happening, is god.
Ps. A nice way of looking at the Frase as above so below, is that inside is quantum entangled with the outside, so it is really the same thing, at two points.
I have faith in crystal healing 🎉
I love and thank you my friend my brother
Collisians 3:1-5🙏❤️🙏
I have no fear❤
I view myself and my actions as part of God because I am of their Divine creation not without cause and not without purpose and I view the path I have been been on good or sorrowful as part of that purpose a purpose I can partially shape not because I am better than God but I am of their original design and so is my world my will even if free is free to be divine regardless of fear or struggle in fact I surrender to the best in my life and I surrender to the worst because I know it will lead me to Serenity and unity with the divine
What do you think about the fact that what we truly desire ( heart desire) comes directly from god and is a promess, that we just have to live our life the best we can in every moment and trust god. That we dont have to visualise or script or to do anything else. I think its another way to see this message, but I am still new to this way of thinking, but thats what I am experiencing since a couple of months
Keep posting.
I don't think you said anything wrong in this video I actually thought this was a good video . Your doing a good job
Do you still believe we are dreaming ourselves? And that our true self only needs to remember that it's dreaming in order to wake up??
Nice Keep awaken YAH PEOPLE PEACE.
Yes beautiful … God does know 🥳 Jesus says his burden was light what if it didn’t mean not heavy but actual light. ! ❤❤❤ I’m excited for you for us for I … lol fun sir ! Ttyl
Love it brother! But how do we know what God wants for us? Intuition?
Well said
Hey Nathan! My husband showed me your channel about 3 or 4 months ago and I have enjoyed your journey. I am going to share the gospel message my husband and I have shared all over the country. I want to see if it aligns with what you have believed and secured your faith in when the gospels came unto you?? Just curious, really enjoying your uploads always. Never stop!
I once had a question regarding drugs, and I received the response that they are fine, as long as I don’t let them become a crutch or panacea. Personally, I’ve found that drugs have been a huge help in overcoming my fears. As long as your intentions are pure and your actions are for good, they can be part of the healing process. Other examples are: food or sex…
We are all innocent and should forgive ourselves for the 'errors' we make along the way x
Are you still in L.A.??? The fires,are you in a safety zone? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🥰🤗🕊☮️
Can we also talk about Nate’s JESUS GLOW?! ✨🌟💫 The joy of the Lord is beaming through you!❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 HALLELUJAH
imagine a company with 7 billion CEO's in it. Imagine a country where all the citizens are Presidents, kings, or queens?