T.P.T.T. Phones Home (and Raids the Reese's Pieces) with "E.T."

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 26 ก.ย. 2024
  • Strap on your headlamps, grab your walkie-talkies, and phone home to this episode where we delve into the cultural phenomenon that is E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial! We'll be blasting off to discuss:
    • E.T.'s box office reign: We'll explore how this little alien defied all odds, becoming the highest-grossing film for years (sorry, Star Wars!) and spawning a merchandising empire.
    • The Reese's Pieces phenomenon: Was E.T. a secret ad campaign? We'll dissect the fascinating story behind the film's candy of, second, choice (and discuss the history of Peanut Butter M&Ms, did they answer the call?).
    • Beyond Spielberg's bicycle chase: We'll delve into the deeper themes of E.T., from coping with divorce to the fear of death. Did this movie scar you as a kid?
    • E.T.'s enduring legacy: Why does this film still resonate after all these years? We'll explore the power of practical effects, and the surprising connections to Star Wars.
    • Leveling up, the E.T. game: Did the E.T. video game cause the great gaming crash of 83'? Is this little interstellar botanist really responsible for poor business decisions, or did Atari just fly too close to the sun?
    • Unlocking E.T.'s mysteries: We'll ponder the enigma of E.T.'s powers and analyze the film's exploration of family dynamics. Plus, we'll uncover some hidden movie references you might have missed.
    • A rewatch through adult eyes: How does E.T. hold up after all these years? We'll share our personal experiences revisiting the film and debate if it's still a great watch for kids (did we show it to ours?).
    So, join us as we celebrate this iconic film, from its heart-wrenching moments to its classic scenes. Find out where it ranks on our all-time favorites list, and if those little peanut butter candies still hold the same magic.

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