I was watching this video today and figured out I can't do much about the leaf curl. I live in zone 3a and we have had a lot of wind events that aren't normal for here. When I find out the wind is going to kick up I do my best to protect the tomato plants. Also we didn't get out if cold weather until mid June. So my garden is about 2-3 weeks behind! As long as I can harvest before it frosts or snows I will be happy! Happy gardening everyone!
At last someone who can explain curly top! I sat in my greenhouse very gently unwinding the stems of my orange banana tomato plant,holding the stems for a while! Eventually they more or less straitened out I kept this up for a few weeks now it is fine growing well with lots of tomatoes and is 7 foot tall I can’t wait to taste it! I have grown 53 varieties this year the weather in UK was at first cold for a very long period then a heat wave!! So far of my cherry toms Honey comb has done well and rosella loads of fruit on them also Harbinger and Oh Happy Day! Thank you so much for all your information😊
Constant Heat is making all of mine curl! A little night watering through the drip system is a big help. Still have healthy plants... although I need to prune because the bushy branches will become a problem with blight later. I love to see the fullness of the branches and leaves, but I know it will cause problems if I don't take care of it now.
1st year gardener here and I had this happen to my tomatoes and cucumbers. They're both fine now and I learned doing nothing was best. As long as they weren't being under or over watered.
My leaves are bending, but we have had weeks of rain (and more to come) in TN. I can't wait until we get a break so I can get back outside for longer periods of time. Thanks for sharing your post. There is always so much to learn.
You are awesome! I have learned so much from you I can’t thank you enough…there is so much information that you present in each video - and in such a wonderful manner - that I have a hard time just not bing watching you! You are my “Go To Guy” Thank you for sharing all your knowledge….it’s very much appreciated! 💜
I live in northwest Tennessee and most gardeners are having to deal with Dicamba that is used in on the agricultural fields in our area. If it drifts, you're done. It's so potent, it can only be used in a certain timeframe. And if that's not enough, we're all breathing that crap!
Brian....on pruning suckers on tomatoes....I pot mine in starter and save them for after NC severe summer heat for a fall replant and get a longer harvest
Here in northern Colorado, I see leaf curling on certain varieties once the temps go above about 90. The Cherokee Purple variety seems to suffer the most of the types I grow. I don't worry about it - the plant itself seems fine, the fruit is still growing, and new growth looks normal once the temperature backs off. I have to force myself not to add extra water, as that usually results in my tomatoes splitting.
Brilliant - Very clear distinction between leaf curl shapes! Thank you. I think I killed a damsel bug this a.m. It's similar shape and color as squash bugs - rats!
Very nice! Some great information. I also want to add a particularly insidious herbicide contaminant, 2,4-D. Unlike Roundup, drift doesn't have to consist of droplets; it is volatile and the gaseous form is especially to Solanaceous crops. It has a long half-life as I found to my dismay when I purchased some "leaf" compost from a local yard waste reclamation site. As soon as I put in my tomatoes, they began showing growth deformities, leading me to suspect 2,4-D or an analog. Sure enough, when I visited the reclamation site later in the summer, I saw grass clippings, possibly from a golf course, mixed in with the leaves. Not only were the tomatoes in that bed affected, tomatoes and (especially) eggplants in other beds were stunted and deformed as well. Bad stuff! Thanks again for your instructive video.
We are getting so much rain here in northwest NY that we have it in areas of many of our tomato plants. Isn't harming them though. Some are tightly curled into tubes. It's mostly the underlayers, so we've been pruning the lower branches. (these are the leaves not overly exposed to sun at all so it's not the sun)
Indiana has had a lot of rain, too - during the dry season. And, some of my plants’ leaves are curling. Powdery mildew is the worst issue now. Had to bring out the big guns - copper fungicide.
We have 10 varieties of tomatoes in the garden. Only the Bella Rosa variety is experiencing leaf curl. It is also the only slicing tomato that we have in large pots. All other slicers are in the ground. Even though we are in NW Georgia, we've had a pretty mild late spring/early summer. I think I need to be more diligent with consistent watering (using the "finger in the dirt" method, of course)! :-)
Most of my plants have leaf curl right now but it has been over 90 degrees everyday for almost 2 months. Fruit is still growing so I am not going to worry too much about it
Hot, dry, windy and leaf curl here. Dang. Thanks for the reassurance in “don’t panic”! Your shows are very well done. The visual props are helpful. Thank you.
I have tomato plants both in-ground and in containers. Each of the six container-grown plants have shown signs of leaf curl especially on warmer days but the in-ground plants do not. I checked the soil temperature about six inches deep at 11:30 AM (84F, 29C air temp) and recorded an average of 101F (38C) in the containers and 87F (30.5C) in ground. Even though it’s correlation and not causation I have to believe soil temperature that high will induce stress into the plants as witnessed by leaf curl. The in-ground plants are also significantly more productive than the ones in containers.
Things down here in Texas are crazy this growing season. Leaf curl is the least of our worries. We are getting beautiful plant foliage, such as tomatoes, squash, peppers and so on, but, none are producing anything. We have discussed all kinds of theories from the possibility that the ice storm back in Feb. destroyed natural nutrients in the soil and we need to till down further to rectify the problem while adding natural fertilizer, to the excessive heat we have been having here, even for Texas. It is not a bug problem. Yes, a few grasshoppers, but they aren't eating the plants that we can see. If it were just a few ppl with this problem, or even ppl that are new to gardening, we wouldn't give it a second thought, but this is something we are hearing all over and from ppl that have 40,50 even 60 yrs of experience under their belts. This is affecting gardens from backyard containers and above ground, to gardens up to half acre in size. It's just weird. As for myself, I'm debating whether or not to plant pumpkins or gourds next month. I mean, when you can't even coax a tomato or potato from the ground here in Texas something is seriously wrong. 🤷♀️ climate change???? Who knows? 🤷♀️ Anyone else, specifically in the south having this problem? And yes, we have helped pollination along. Any thoughts or theories? Suggestions? God bless our farmers and all they go thru. 🇺🇸🙏✌🦋☘🇺🇸
I have an untested hypothesis that says tomato plants under a shade cloth also need a source of humidity to survive, because where I am is extremely dry and hot (124 degrees hot at one point).
Neptune's Harvest Tomato & Veg fertilizer according to packaging instructions, then water the whole plant including leaves. Doesn't need a lot of water like a regular watering. Seems to work for me.
My determinate tomato plants are green and full of tomato flowers. We've had rain and heat but I use little beach umbrellas to cover my plants when it's really really hot. So whatever stems have the curled leaves I just snip off.
I am from st louis but on the illinois side 7 mins from downtown. My garden is in close procimiity to a lima beans from the farmers this yr. Lots of leafminers
I had watched a video where a lady said she got leaf curl from the herbicide sprayed on the hay (from another farm) that went into her compost. So the herbicide survived the composting process.
That happens! And if you use manure in your garden. You better BE SURE those animals are not eating that type of hay too. It can actually take several years for that to dissapate out of your garden soil.
Yea my first year planting tomatoes, it highly concerned me. This year, I knew it was because we had extreme heat of triple-digits for almost a week (rare here in the PNW). Luckily I had the shade cloth, but it was still rather hot for the tomatoes so it curled a little bit. It recovered somewhat and very, very healthy as I continued to keep it well-watered, made sure I fed it the Tomato & Veg solution, and it seemed react very well to some epsom salt I gave it.
This is my first year growing tomatoes outside. Sure enough, I have leaf cupping/curling on one of my plants, the leaves look disproportionately small, their color is uneven, and it had bugs on it. I'm going to try your watering trick overnight just in case, but I'm 80% sure this one is blighted.
I'm so glad you made this video! I was looking for videos a few months ago and couldn't find a good video on this topic. I live in a new development and I wonder if the landscaping company is spraying herbicide since my tomato plants had those symptoms when I first put my seedlings outside. It seems like it appears then goes away in a couple weeks when the herbicide may dilute (oh boy). I actually threw out half my seedlings because of the symptoms but thankfully the ones I planted have really grown well.
PNW heat wave caused several varieties of my tomatoes to curl some pretty severely. Hoping for cooler more seasonable weather to give them time to recuperate.
Thanks for the useful information. My peppers we growing very well and producing and all of a sudden started wilting and dying for no obvious reason. 5 have died so far. Any idea what could be going on?
I actually had to pull 3 of my tomatoes because of leaf curl..they were all curled even with the correct amount of watering, sunlight and bringing them inside on hot days..they had stopped growing and never fruited and never uncurled.
Brian, could you make an episode on companion plants for tomato pepper and eggplants? Also, I read that plants that have strong smells (onions garlic sage, etc.) will cause cucumbers to taste bad. What then can I do to deter cucumber beatles organically? Squash beatles?
Hi Brian! I am Peter from Hungary. First of all, thanks for the whole story that you are doing and have done! I am a first year tomato grower, and I would ask few thinks. Probably I missed some episiodes.. there are new shoots growing on the same branches where the flowers are. Shell I prune them ? Or let it be, to grow more flowers on?
My first time getting tomatoes this far along! :-) Leaf curl, but it's dry as a popcorn fart here, so that's prolly it. Watering as needed, trying to keep the wife from hosing them down like flea-bitten dogs.
My leaves are curling down and almost soft. They were growing amazing in t gallon buckets and the one plant starte to get "soft?" But i also noticed an insane smount of small grubs in the soil. Like, a shitload at the surface when i would water under the top layer of soil
I have green kale in a big pot - there are white flies on the underside of the leaves... Is it at risk of spreading, or do they attract the white flies already there? It doesn´t seem to spread, but boy do All the bug´s loves this kale ;D
@@farmerbob4554 I don't know about his in Visalia , but here in Chino Hills california it 's been in the upper 90's to 100 all summer long , and we've started water rationing . As long as people go along with it , maybe it won't last for long, but you've got that group of people that always feel like that they are entitled to more than everyone else .It's been a struggle just to keep alive what we had started in early spring !!
@@doughoward6401 Hey Doug. I’m in the next town to the West of you and water rationing is still voluntary. I stopped watering all of the turf grass and will ultimately go California native as the alternative. I’m trying to keep the gardens and orchard going with minimum watering.
I’m having that problem this year this is the first year that I put tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets and put it up on the deck next to the house that’s what I thought the problem was
I live in France and we have had the wettest June & July (so far) in many years. My toms have suffered badly from leaf roll. The rain has stopped for now and the leaves are not showing any more roll......🙂
I have had an heirloom golden jubelee at one point but all the flowers dropped without developping fruits. The tomatillo next to it did fine and generated a lot of fruits. They were watered and fertilized in the same way. The golden jubelee did develop some virus problems, but that did not prevent it from blooming. Wonder if the viruses caused the flowers to drop.
Probably the heat - they’re really hard to take care of in super hot climates. I have one myself (9b) and after babying the crap out of it have exactly three fruits. 😔 Shadecloth anytime it’s over 85F is really the only thing that seems to work where I am.
Of 12 tomato plants I started with, I’ve determined that 6 have a virus. I’ve removed 2 of them and stripped the other 4 of their lower foliage. Do I need to remove the dirt the sick plants grew in?
I live in a community where the evening patio light is controlled by the HOA. This fixture shines light directly over the plants below it. Does this affect the plant growth?
Hi . I prune my tomato plant suckers and after that my tomato plants stems are very thick and plant is not growing, leaves turned curly and dry and not producing any fruit
I had leaf curl last year but it must have been the environmental problem cuz it just cam back in nicely after a month or two of curling leaves. My biggest problem right now is cracking and spider mites. I've mulched and water consistently but still get cracking. I've started picking tomatoes as soon as they start to blush and finish ripening them on the counter to minimize the cracking. Tasted the first of those last night and wasn't thrilled. It's a cherokee carbon and, even though it was fully red and slightly soft, there was still green inside, especially the seeds and surrounding flesh. Trying to find a crack-resistant variety that I can ripen on the vine. Anyone have a favorite they can suggest?
Ugh, mine cracked and I’m a very consistent waterer. I think mine was because it was a heatwave, I panicked and didn’t wait for the temps to go down before I watered, then CRACK. So annoying. As for spider mites, I am a HUGE fan of releasing lacewings. They’ll eat aphids early in the season, lay eggs, and then when it gets hot they’ll eat spider mites. They’re kind of amazing.
I had deer come through and munch the tops of a couple of my tomato plants. Now I have had them do this before, and each time those plants they too a bite off of have developed that curly leaf/stem. As if the deer transfer some time of virus to the plant. New growth is the only thing that curls and twists…a tight spiral, almost a ball. I do cut that part off and the plant eventually recovers and puts on normal new growth. But I find it incredibly weird.
Question can you do a couple beds were each one has 1 nutrient that's to high and if you like you can as well do a couple were theres 1 nutrient missing. Why you ask me well to show us the effects and what happens if it fruits how it changes the flavor. So are you ok with a couple small beds were 1 has to much potassium or nitrogen and 1 missing 1 of them I think it will show bolth us and you alot. Please let me know and have a good green garden except that one if you do this lol 😆
Tomato leaves aren't curling a lot, but yellowing leaves with some black spots. Also some of the stems have black spots. Anyone know what this is, or how to treat it? I am in AR, a lit of rain and humidity...with growing season starting later due to a cold spring.
Could be Septoria. Google your symptoms and see if you can find an image that looks like your leaves/stem and then read up on it. Some of them are difficult to get rid of to the point that you have to throw out the plant before it catches elsewhere (including throwing out soil). And some are basic that you can simply prune off and spray with copper to stop. It’s too difficult to say without an image first.
I was calm until I realized I may have killed a beneficial bug. Ugh! I have 2 smaller tomato plants that are a little curly, but green. The 4 other adjacent plants were fine. Just transplanted one and hoping it pulls through... no flowers, yet.
My tomatoes are very very slender, with slender leaves curling upwards and spindly stems. They are still growing but I’m not sure what’s happening. Please help!
Brian a little sujesting, In the video done now buy who I finding as a great teacher for me a few things "Growfully with Jenna" on her website she announce both her having clay base soil and her zone 6 Ohio for me that telling me she and me (for I also fight with clay base soil and while I have a good-great garden and seeing her tour tells me I do have room to improve. At this point I believe cover crops is what my garden needs to improve. Thank you for the teaching Sir so much information here.
My squash plants are all of a sudden growing new leaves that look chewed up and weird not sure if something was eating them or if it's a virus, I wish these things were easier to diagnose 😔
Why my tomato plants have blight or other fungal problems? We have no rain and not too humid, I seeing healthy plants in the neighborhood but some of mine are about to be pulled out.
We have been having triple digit temperatures for most of the last month. Flowers dropped off and no new flowers have developed. Yep, we have leaf cure. I plan to just keep watering on the same schedule until we get temperatures that are somewhat cooler than hell. Then we'll see what happens.
Before attracting beneficial insects, apply a Knockdown of bacterial spray mixed with a surfactant such as emulsified mineral oil to get a leg up on the pest, then introduce or attract the Beneficial's.
I had 2 plants turn yellow and die. Kellogg’s Breakfast gave me 10 tomatoes before we had our heat wave. 113+ did a job on lots of plants. Big Rainbow flowers and then died. Turned yellow and leaves shriveled up. Might be something in the soil as plants in one of the spaces did the same thing. Other 6 plants are doing fine.
I was hoping this new video edition would contain new symptoms and possible causes but it was just a regurgitation of the old information. Still trying to figure out what causes leaves to curl DOWNWARD and shrivel up, like a spell. No change in color, continues to fruit and grow but at a subnormal rate. I ruled out viruses according to the symptom description in the videos, stopped fertilizing for the time being, careful with watering, everything I could think of, still no luck. It seems plants in containers are affected much more than those in soil. Now my favorite brown cherry is starting to do that and I'm not happy about it at all.
Brian, both you and Gary of The Rusted Garden are posting videos on the same topic from opposite US coasts today. Both good takes! 👍
Yes i also watched Gary video in two minutes and Brian is longer , happy gardening
I was watching this video today and figured out I can't do much about the leaf curl. I live in zone 3a and we have had a lot of wind events that aren't normal for here. When I find out the wind is going to kick up I do my best to protect the tomato plants. Also we didn't get out if cold weather until mid June. So my garden is about 2-3 weeks behind! As long as I can harvest before it frosts or snows I will be happy! Happy gardening everyone!
This is some super good information! I love the way you present the information as well. Great job!
Very helpful! Thank you so much! Praying for you and your family with all you have going on. Sometimes it's hard but find joy and laughter in it! ❤
At last someone who can explain curly top! I sat in my greenhouse very gently unwinding the stems of my orange banana tomato plant,holding the stems for a while! Eventually they more or less straitened out I kept this up for a few weeks now it is fine growing well with lots of tomatoes and is 7 foot tall I can’t wait to taste it! I have grown 53 varieties this year the weather in UK was at first cold for a very long period then a heat wave!! So far of my cherry toms Honey comb has done well and rosella loads of fruit on them also Harbinger and Oh Happy Day! Thank you so much for all your information😊
Constant Heat is making all of mine curl! A little night watering through the drip system is a big help. Still have healthy plants... although I need to prune because the bushy branches will become a problem with blight later. I love to see the fullness of the branches and leaves, but I know it will cause problems if I don't take care of it now.
1st year gardener here and I had this happen to my tomatoes and cucumbers. They're both fine now and I learned doing nothing was best. As long as they weren't being under or over watered.
I really enjoy watching your videos they help me out alot. On things that I have forgotten
My leaves are bending, but we have had weeks of rain (and more to come) in TN. I can't wait until we get a break so I can get back outside for longer periods of time.
Thanks for sharing your post. There is always so much to learn.
Thanks for sharing these timely reminders and tips!
You are awesome! I have learned so much from you I can’t thank you enough…there is so much information that you present in each video - and in such a wonderful manner - that I have a hard time just not bing watching you! You are my “Go To Guy” Thank you for sharing all your knowledge….it’s very much appreciated! 💜
I live in northwest Tennessee and most gardeners are having to deal with Dicamba that is used in on the agricultural fields in our area. If it drifts, you're done. It's so potent, it can only be used in a certain timeframe. And if that's not enough, we're all breathing that crap!
Brian....on pruning suckers on tomatoes....I pot mine in starter and save them for after NC severe summer heat for a fall replant and get a longer harvest
Here in northern Colorado, I see leaf curling on certain varieties once the temps go above about 90. The Cherokee Purple variety seems to suffer the most of the types I grow. I don't worry about it - the plant itself seems fine, the fruit is still growing, and new growth looks normal once the temperature backs off. I have to force myself not to add extra water, as that usually results in my tomatoes splitting.
Brilliant - Very clear distinction between leaf curl shapes! Thank you. I think I killed a damsel bug this a.m. It's similar shape and color as squash bugs - rats!
Very nice! Some great information. I also want to add a particularly insidious herbicide contaminant, 2,4-D. Unlike Roundup, drift doesn't have to consist of droplets; it is volatile and the gaseous form is especially to Solanaceous crops. It has a long half-life as I found to my dismay when I purchased some "leaf" compost from a local yard waste reclamation site. As soon as I put in my tomatoes, they began showing growth deformities, leading me to suspect 2,4-D or an analog. Sure enough, when I visited the reclamation site later in the summer, I saw grass clippings, possibly from a golf course, mixed in with the leaves. Not only were the tomatoes in that bed affected, tomatoes and (especially) eggplants in other beds were stunted and deformed as well. Bad stuff! Thanks again for your instructive video.
We are getting so much rain here in northwest NY that we have it in areas of many of our tomato plants. Isn't harming them though. Some are tightly curled into tubes. It's mostly the underlayers, so we've been pruning the lower branches. (these are the leaves not overly exposed to sun at all so it's not the sun)
Indiana has had a lot of rain, too - during the dry season. And, some of my plants’ leaves are curling. Powdery mildew is the worst issue now. Had to bring out the big guns - copper fungicide.
We have 10 varieties of tomatoes in the garden. Only the Bella Rosa variety is experiencing leaf curl. It is also the only slicing tomato that we have in large pots. All other slicers are in the ground. Even though we are in NW Georgia, we've had a pretty mild late spring/early summer. I think I need to be more diligent with consistent watering (using the "finger in the dirt" method, of course)! :-)
Most of my plants have leaf curl right now but it has been over 90 degrees everyday for almost 2 months. Fruit is still growing so I am not going to worry too much about it
Same here
If you are not, then I won’t.
Yup same . Bad leaf curl too, the fruit still looks amazing.
Love that you started with the list of reasons! Super helpful! Thanks so much for the great video.
Hot, dry, windy and leaf curl here. Dang. Thanks for the reassurance in “don’t panic”! Your shows are very well done. The visual props are helpful. Thank you.
I have tomato plants both in-ground and in containers. Each of the six container-grown plants have shown signs of leaf curl especially on warmer days but the in-ground plants do not. I checked the soil temperature about six inches deep at 11:30 AM (84F, 29C air temp) and recorded an average of 101F (38C) in the containers and 87F (30.5C) in ground. Even though it’s correlation and not causation I have to believe soil temperature that high will induce stress into the plants as witnessed by leaf curl. The in-ground plants are also significantly more productive than the ones in containers.
Yep, you’re correct!
What color are your containers?
@@daisyblooms4813 Hi. I’m using white plastic 10 gallon and tan, 10 gallon foam. I measured the soil temperature in four pots to get an average.
Thank you for sharing! We needed that helpful information for our garden. 👍
Things down here in Texas are crazy this growing season. Leaf curl is the least of our worries. We are getting beautiful plant foliage, such as tomatoes, squash, peppers and so on, but, none are producing anything. We have discussed all kinds of theories from the possibility that the ice storm back in Feb. destroyed natural nutrients in the soil and we need to till down further to rectify the problem while adding natural fertilizer, to the excessive heat we have been having here, even for Texas. It is not a bug problem. Yes, a few grasshoppers, but they aren't eating the plants that we can see. If it were just a few ppl with this problem, or even ppl that are new to gardening, we wouldn't give it a second thought, but this is something we are hearing all over and from ppl that have 40,50 even 60 yrs of experience under their belts. This is affecting gardens from backyard containers and above ground, to gardens up to half acre in size. It's just weird. As for myself, I'm debating whether or not to plant pumpkins or gourds next month. I mean, when you can't even coax a tomato or potato from the ground here in Texas something is seriously wrong. 🤷♀️ climate change???? Who knows? 🤷♀️ Anyone else, specifically in the south having this problem? And yes, we have helped pollination along. Any thoughts or theories? Suggestions? God bless our farmers and all they go thru. 🇺🇸🙏✌🦋☘🇺🇸
I have an untested hypothesis that says tomato plants under a shade cloth also need a source of humidity to survive, because where I am is extremely dry and hot (124 degrees hot at one point).
Neptune's Harvest Tomato & Veg fertilizer according to packaging instructions, then water the whole plant including leaves. Doesn't need a lot of water like a regular watering. Seems to work for me.
My determinate tomato plants are green and full of tomato flowers. We've had rain and heat but I use little beach umbrellas to cover my plants when it's really really hot. So whatever stems have the curled leaves I just snip off.
Making this it’s own playlist. Very clear and a stress reliever. Thanks a million from Omaha Nebraska zone 5b Home of the NCAA College World Series ⚾️
I am from st louis but on the illinois side 7 mins from downtown. My garden is in close procimiity to a lima beans from the farmers this yr. Lots of leafminers
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!
Thank You so much for this video, our leaves started curling up this week. Wet July here with lots of heat. Will monitor the plants
Thanks for this great video. Keep up the good work
Fantastic video. Thank you.
I had watched a video where a lady said she got leaf curl from the herbicide sprayed on the hay (from another farm) that went into her compost. So the herbicide survived the composting process.
That happens! And if you use manure in your garden. You better BE SURE those animals are not eating that type of hay too. It can actually take several years for that to dissapate out of your garden soil.
Yea my first year planting tomatoes, it highly concerned me. This year, I knew it was because we had extreme heat of triple-digits for almost a week (rare here in the PNW). Luckily I had the shade cloth, but it was still rather hot for the tomatoes so it curled a little bit. It recovered somewhat and very, very healthy as I continued to keep it well-watered, made sure I fed it the Tomato & Veg solution, and it seemed react very well to some epsom salt I gave it.
Can you review your trellis system again please. Thanks. Really enjoy all your great information.
This is my first year growing tomatoes outside. Sure enough, I have leaf cupping/curling on one of my plants, the leaves look disproportionately small, their color is uneven, and it had bugs on it. I'm going to try your watering trick overnight just in case, but I'm 80% sure this one is blighted.
If I live in the East Bay, CA.....will your information help me out? I see you are in SoCal. Thank you.
Back to aspirin, did you say to add baking soda to the mixture. Pleas go over this. Thanks
From Indonesia, thank you, brother
I appreciate all your help and information ty
I'm so glad you made this video! I was looking for videos a few months ago and couldn't find a good video on this topic.
I live in a new development and I wonder if the landscaping company is spraying herbicide since my tomato plants had those symptoms when I first put my seedlings outside. It seems like it appears then goes away in a couple weeks when the herbicide may dilute (oh boy). I actually threw out half my seedlings because of the symptoms but thankfully the ones I planted have really grown well.
My tomato the leaves also curly , thanks for sharing to us gardening tips such educational
So your first Explanation on curling for not losing water what if you mist them with water? Would that help, or not needed?
Thank you very helpful.
PNW heat wave caused several varieties of my tomatoes to curl some pretty severely. Hoping for cooler more seasonable weather to give them time to recuperate.
Thanks very insightful
So helpful! Thank you! 🌱
Thanks for this information
Thanks for the useful information. My peppers we growing very well and producing and all of a sudden started wilting and dying for no obvious reason. 5 have died so far. Any idea what could be going on?
I actually had to pull 3 of my tomatoes because of leaf curl..they were all curled even with the correct amount of watering, sunlight and bringing them inside on hot days..they had stopped growing and never fruited and never uncurled.
Thanks, that was great information.
Brian, could you make an episode on companion plants for tomato pepper and eggplants?
Also, I read that plants that have strong smells (onions garlic sage, etc.) will cause cucumbers to taste bad. What then can I do to deter cucumber beatles organically? Squash beatles?
Brian has a video on companion plants. You just need to scroll through his videos. 😊
He makes companion plant videos pretty much every year. Just gotta search for it in his library.
Is it true that if you put sugar around the plant on the dirt that helps with the curly?
Hi Brian! I am Peter from Hungary. First of all, thanks for the whole story that you are doing and have done!
I am a first year tomato grower, and I would ask few thinks. Probably I missed some episiodes.. there are new shoots growing on the same branches where the flowers are. Shell I prune them ? Or let it be, to grow more flowers on?
Great video bro
My first time getting tomatoes this far along! :-)
Leaf curl, but it's dry as a popcorn fart here, so that's prolly it.
Watering as needed, trying to keep the wife from hosing them down like flea-bitten dogs.
omg "dry as a popcorn fart" made me legit lol !!
Yep..all 21 tomato plants have it, ive done everything...
Excellent information
My leaves are curling down and almost soft. They were growing amazing in t gallon buckets and the one plant starte to get "soft?" But i also noticed an insane smount of small grubs in the soil. Like, a shitload at the surface when i would water under the top layer of soil
I have green kale in a big pot - there are white flies on the underside of the leaves...
Is it at risk of spreading, or do they attract the white flies already there? It doesn´t seem to spread, but boy do All the bug´s loves this kale ;D
We’ve had a very bad month of triple digits . I live In Visalia California in the Central Valley
How’s your water situation?
@@farmerbob4554 I don't know about his in Visalia , but here in Chino Hills california it 's been in the upper 90's to 100 all summer long , and we've started water rationing . As long as people go along with it , maybe it won't last for long, but you've got that group of people that always feel like that they are entitled to more than everyone else .It's been a struggle just to keep alive what we had started in early spring !!
@@doughoward6401 Hey Doug. I’m in the next town to the West of you and water rationing is still voluntary. I stopped watering all of the turf grass and will ultimately go California native as the alternative. I’m trying to keep the gardens and orchard going with minimum watering.
Ok I can never find the “links below”. Where/how do I get there !??
In the video description. You might have to click read more
Thank you. So blonde
thank you!!
I have some leaf curling on the lower portion of a couple of my plants. Most of the plant is looking normal. Looks like I’m in the clear!!
How did you solve the problem? Mine are the same
I’m having that problem this year this is the first year that I put tomato plants in 5 gallon buckets and put it up on the deck next to the house that’s what I thought the problem was
Yea! Finally got some lady bugs early in the season!
I live in France and we have had the wettest June & July (so far) in many years. My toms have suffered badly from leaf roll. The rain has stopped for now and the leaves are not showing any more roll......🙂
I have had an heirloom golden jubelee at one point but all the flowers dropped without developping fruits. The tomatillo next to it did fine and generated a lot of fruits. They were watered and fertilized in the same way. The golden jubelee did develop some virus problems, but that did not prevent it from blooming. Wonder if the viruses caused the flowers to drop.
Probably the heat - they’re really hard to take care of in super hot climates. I have one myself (9b) and after babying the crap out of it have exactly three fruits. 😔 Shadecloth anytime it’s over 85F is really the only thing that seems to work where I am.
@@melissasullivan1658 I am in 6b. The highest temp that year was in the 90s. Other people 's tomatos did fine. 😢
Of 12 tomato plants I started with, I’ve determined that 6 have a virus. I’ve removed 2 of them and stripped the other 4 of their lower foliage. Do I need to remove the dirt the sick plants grew in?
Ty Brian
I live in a community where the evening patio light is controlled by the HOA. This fixture shines light directly over the plants below it. Does this affect the plant growth?
Hi . I prune my tomato plant suckers and after that my tomato plants stems are very thick and plant is not growing, leaves turned curly and dry and not producing any fruit
I had leaf curl last year but it must have been the environmental problem cuz it just cam back in nicely after a month or two of curling leaves. My biggest problem right now is cracking and spider mites. I've mulched and water consistently but still get cracking. I've started picking tomatoes as soon as they start to blush and finish ripening them on the counter to minimize the cracking. Tasted the first of those last night and wasn't thrilled. It's a cherokee carbon and, even though it was fully red and slightly soft, there was still green inside, especially the seeds and surrounding flesh. Trying to find a crack-resistant variety that I can ripen on the vine. Anyone have a favorite they can suggest?
Early girl
Sweet 100
Ugh, mine cracked and I’m a very consistent waterer. I think mine was because it was a heatwave, I panicked and didn’t wait for the temps to go down before I watered, then CRACK. So annoying.
As for spider mites, I am a HUGE fan of releasing lacewings. They’ll eat aphids early in the season, lay eggs, and then when it gets hot they’ll eat spider mites. They’re kind of amazing.
I use neem oil with great success, and pick off any leaves that look a bit iffy, also a sprinkle of Epsom salts
Thank you, I noticed two of my plants have leaf curl all the time, even with a good watering. I think it fall under your virus description.
I had deer come through and munch the tops of a couple of my tomato plants. Now I have had them do this before, and each time those plants they too a bite off of have developed that curly leaf/stem. As if the deer transfer some time of virus to the plant. New growth is the only thing that curls and twists…a tight spiral, almost a ball. I do cut that part off and the plant eventually recovers and puts on normal new growth. But I find it incredibly weird.
That is weird
Question can you do a couple beds were each one has 1 nutrient that's to high and if you like you can as well do a couple were theres 1 nutrient missing.
Why you ask me well to show us the effects and what happens if it fruits how it changes the flavor.
So are you ok with a couple small beds were 1 has to much potassium or nitrogen and 1 missing 1 of them I think it will show bolth us and you alot.
Please let me know and have a good green garden except that one if you do this lol 😆
Tomato leaves aren't curling a lot, but yellowing leaves with some black spots. Also some of the stems have black spots. Anyone know what this is, or how to treat it? I am in AR, a lit of rain and humidity...with growing season starting later due to a cold spring.
Could be Septoria. Google your symptoms and see if you can find an image that looks like your leaves/stem and then read up on it. Some of them are difficult to get rid of to the point that you have to throw out the plant before it catches elsewhere (including throwing out soil). And some are basic that you can simply prune off and spray with copper to stop. It’s too difficult to say without an image first.
I was calm until I realized I may have killed a beneficial bug. Ugh! I have 2 smaller tomato plants that are a little curly, but green. The 4 other adjacent plants were fine. Just transplanted one and hoping it pulls through... no flowers, yet.
I was just wondering about this..
My tomatoes are very very slender, with slender leaves curling upwards and spindly stems. They are still growing but I’m not sure what’s happening. Please help!
Brian a little sujesting, In the video done now buy who I finding as a great teacher for me a few things "Growfully with Jenna" on her website she announce both her having clay base soil and her zone 6 Ohio for me that telling me she and me (for I also fight with clay base soil and while I have a good-great garden and seeing her tour tells me I do have room to improve.
At this point I believe cover crops is what my garden needs to improve.
Thank you for the teaching Sir so much information here.
lol got this question on my radio show this morning.
My squash plants are all of a sudden growing new leaves that look chewed up and weird not sure if something was eating them or if it's a virus, I wish these things were easier to diagnose 😔
Why my tomato plants have blight or other fungal problems? We have no rain and not too humid, I seeing healthy plants in the neighborhood but some of mine are about to be pulled out.
We have been having triple digit temperatures for most of the last month. Flowers dropped off and no new flowers have developed. Yep, we have leaf cure. I plan to just keep watering on the same schedule until we get temperatures that are somewhat cooler than hell. Then we'll see what happens.
Wow triple digits! It’s hot here too. I am having good results using shade cloth.
Before attracting beneficial insects, apply a Knockdown of bacterial spray mixed with a surfactant such as emulsified mineral oil to get a leg up on the pest, then introduce or attract the Beneficial's.
I live in a climate that is hot 365 days a year, what do I do for my tomatoes?
i think you meant group 4 growth regulator types of herbicides instead of glyphosate.
I noticed my heirlooms are curling more than hybrids. I have excessive heat, and drying winds that have everything and everyone stressed.
The only tomato we have that's curling is our hybrid!
What if my cherry tomato leaves are green but drooping and curl downwards like an umbrella?
I don't fertilize I only water what it's really really hot or just with rain
Help my tomato seedlings bottom leaves are curling and drying
What does blight look like
I had 2 plants turn yellow and die. Kellogg’s Breakfast gave me 10 tomatoes before we had our heat wave. 113+ did a job on lots of plants. Big Rainbow flowers and then died. Turned yellow and leaves shriveled up. Might be something in the soil as plants in one of the spaces did the same thing. Other 6 plants are doing fine.
I could not sleep last night thinking about my tomato leaves curling!
Don’t forget stress on the spouse of the gardener☺️
I was hoping this new video edition would contain new symptoms and possible causes but it was just a regurgitation of the old information. Still trying to figure out what causes leaves to curl DOWNWARD and shrivel up, like a spell. No change in color, continues to fruit and grow but at a subnormal rate. I ruled out viruses according to the symptom description in the videos, stopped fertilizing for the time being, careful with watering, everything I could think of, still no luck. It seems plants in containers are affected much more than those in soil. Now my favorite brown cherry is starting to do that and I'm not happy about it at all.
Nice 1