How did Medieval Serbia start? | History of Stefan Nemanja and the rise of Medieval Serbia

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 145

  • @xZxOxVx
    @xZxOxVx 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +33

    Nice video! LONG LIVE SERBIA! ❤💙🤍

  • @micahistory
    @micahistory ปีที่แล้ว +48

    dude this is absolutely mindblowing. I feel like i am watching a professional documentary. You deserve way more subscribers. Amazing way to start the year!

    • @kurjakhistory4727
      @kurjakhistory4727  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thanks a lot! Really looking to grow my audience so sharing this with anyone who you think would be interested would be awesome! Also let me know what you'd like to see me make in the future!

    • @micahistory
      @micahistory ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@kurjakhistory4727 i would say just continue this serbian history, i am learning so much

    • @flabby2142
      @flabby2142 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kurjakhistory4727 Add more Croatian History

    • @markian_vegan_washinginton9541
      @markian_vegan_washinginton9541 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@kurjakhistory4727serbian empire

  • @indjijatsararmy
    @indjijatsararmy ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Your channel deserves three zeroes added to its subscriber count to 378,000. Excellent work.

  • @felmaiden1094
    @felmaiden1094 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    The quality is insane. Please keep up the good work!! Love from Serbia 🇷🇸

  • @erynne2558
    @erynne2558 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Good work i love this.

  • @DaviddVibezzz
    @DaviddVibezzz 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Odlican video

  • @kaudzssol1449
    @kaudzssol1449 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Great work we need more creators of Serbian and South Slavic history documentaries, you are doing great, just a small suggestion make background of the maps a little bit brighter, because it is hard to see if you use only dark colors.
    Свака ти част не могу ни да замислим колико ти је времена требало за све ово, само настави, чиниш јако значајну ствар на приближавању наше историје странцима. Види ако можеш да урадиш једну епизоду о Чаславу Клонимировићу или о Властимировићима у опште и њиховој борби за престо. Такође само једна замерка на историјску тачност Завидиног порекла, иако немамо наведен тачан извор његовог порекла у свим историјским изворима у књизи Мавра Орбинија Краљевство Словена из 16. века имаш податак да је он четврти син Уроша I Вукановића, а у ранијим изворима да је Вукановићима Завида рођак, али у сваком случају имаш континуитет владарске породице Властимировић од првог архонта или како га Мавро Орбини и Поп Дукљанин називају Свевлад до Бранковића и Јакшића у Деспотовини, те није Завида племић незнатног порекла сигурно, јер након прве пропасти државе након Чаславове смрти на Сави, Ромеји заузимају овај простор и уводе на кратко тематски систем и грчку управу са грчким стратезима до Јована Владимира и Стефана Војислава. Консултуј се слободно са овим изворима, јер их модерна истријографија не одбацује, већ су само скрајнути као да историја почиње од Немањића само нагласи да причаш о информацијама које си прикупио из тих извора. Само настави и истрај у овом предивном стваралаштву и све више нас ће доћи да гледа и да запрати твој канал, јер вапимо за нашом историјом у овом формату.

    • @troydodson9641
      @troydodson9641 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Zssol here speaks truth. Content is good, the people and history you research are interesting. There are far to few videos on them.

  • @marioscevko1349
    @marioscevko1349 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This channel is awesome, great work

  • @cjthebeesknees
    @cjthebeesknees ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Love you’re channel man, greetings from Ohio.

  • @AlexM-t6h
    @AlexM-t6h 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Great video, thank you! Will there be more?

  • @kevinking5938
    @kevinking5938 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thanks for this wonderful documentary! Can you please give me your sources for Serbia in the 12th century? I need them for a High School project.

  • @aleksandar9234
    @aleksandar9234 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Vlastimirović dinasty was first donasty of Serbia. They rulled from 8 to 10 century. Why Stefan Nemanja was recognized as first Serbian ruller, and founder of Serbian medieval state?

    • @M.vukasinovic-x4r
      @M.vukasinovic-x4r ปีที่แล้ว +8

      They (Nemanjići) are not recognized as first but most important Because of Serbian-Orthodox heritage. The others are probably perceived as less impactful on the cultural and spiritual development of Serbia. Kind of BS since Vlastimirović, Vojislavljević where absolut a pain for Byzantium, Bulgaria and Hungary even beating them in wars.

    • @aleksandar9234
      @aleksandar9234 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@M.vukasinovic-x4r Ne lupaj. Svi Nemanju smatraju osnivacem drzave prve. Cak i predsednik te iste drzave. Pitam se da li deca u skoli uopste uce o vlastimirovićima.

    • @aleksandar9234
      @aleksandar9234 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@M.vukasinovic-x4r cak evo i stranci kao autor ovog klipa isto navodi Nemanju kao osnivaca prve srpske srednjovekovne drzave. Ne znam, nisam bio kod tog spomenika, ne bi me čudilo da tako i tu piše.

    • @LazarSrećković-t3b
      @LazarSrećković-t3b ปีที่แล้ว

      @@aleksandar9234 O bože. Godinama predajem istoriju u školama, čitam izvore ne parafrazirano nego direktno. Bukvalno biraj izdavačku kuću u svakoj ali svakom udžbeniku imaš Vlastimiroviće kao prvu srpsku dinastiju, čak je i u Jugoslaviji bilo tako. Nađi "istoriju naroda Jugoslavije" ako te interesuje i čitaj šta piše, e sad što su mnogi profesori preskakali te lekcije i brzali to je drugo. Ako ne želiš ili ne voliš istoričare, čitaj povjesničare gde čak se i oni ne libe da istaknu da su pojedini Vlastimirovići tražili utočište u tipa Hrvatskoj. Postojanje te dinastije je nesumnjivo kako god okreneš.
      Nemanjići su u svoje vreme zbog dinastičkog kulta sebe pretvorili u "osnivače" u neku ruku i jesu to bili, ali na brisan prostor nisu došli nego su imali veza sa pređašnjim dinastijama.
      Vlastimirovići se bukvalno navode kao takvi u Porfirogenitovom spisu o narodima (segment njegovog dela "O upravljanju Carstvom) koji ovaj jutjuber nije imao problem da iskoristi za svoj video o hrvatskoj istoriji ali eto slučajno je zaboravio ovde da pomene i jedan jedini deo kada se tiče Srba iako su u tom delu segmenti jedan do drugog. To delo je ključni izvor za najraniju istoriju ovdašnjih naroda i sva literatura ih koristi. Zaista se nadam da nije tako ali osećam zlu nameru vođenu sitničavim nacionalizmom i nadam se da će mi odgovoriti i da je u pitanju nekakva zabuna i korišćenje ograničenih podataka.
      Pošto ti je bitno šta stranci pišu čitaj E.Fine "Early medieval balkans" ili bar englesku vikipediju i kucaj Vlastimirovići i onda skrolaj dole i gledaj izvore, a mogao bi i pročitati samog Konstantina Porfirogenita jer bi trebalo da postoji na wikisource. Danas je sve to lako dostupno i osim ljudima opterećenim nacionalizmom ne vidim šta ima sporno u tom spisu posebno što je u isto vreme glavni izvor za najraniju istoriju i Hrvata.
      A to što Vlastimirovići nisu cenjeni i prisutni u javnoj svesti u Srbiji je stvarno sramotno i govori o stepenu neznanja i neinteresovanja za sopstvenu prošlost. Čak ni Crkva nije mnogo marila za dinastije pre Nemanjića, a i samom Nemanji je tek skoro podignut spomenik.
      Ekvivalent toga što je ovaj jutjuber uradio je kao da sad neki Srbin uzme da napravi jutjub video o Hrvatskoj istoriji i pravi se objektivan, profesionalan i neutralan a napravi video gde im izbriše onda svu istoriju pre 12 veka i kaže da se jednostavno javljaju kao ugarski podanici. Što ne želiš da rade tebi ne trebaš raditi drugima.

    • @bojanpavlovic5489
      @bojanpavlovic5489 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      zato sto ih priznao Papa i zato su bili clanovi Reda Zmaja i pristali da nam se unisti i prepravi sva Srpska istorija pre njih. Eto zato.

  • @troydodson9641
    @troydodson9641 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Medieval Serbia and Croatia. I find so little on it as they often appear as side bits in the history of the larger powers around them, be it ERE, Cumans, Ottomans, Bulgaria. Watched your videos, thank you for giving some love to these little known to me peoples.

    • @DD-lt1rd
      @DD-lt1rd ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Medieval Croatia never existed

    • @troydodson9641
      @troydodson9641 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@DD-lt1rd Neither did Turkey, but got to call the area something

    • @Akcija1930
      @Akcija1930 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Although medieval Serbia was at one point supreme power in Balkans, during Emperor Dušan the Mighty. But his Empire collapsed soon after his early death unfortunately.
      One more important fact was that when Serbs arrived in Balkans, we didn't form one unitary state like Bulgarians or Hungarians but several small principalities (Raška, Bosnia, Duklja, Pagania, etc.) so that also played big role.

    • @troydodson9641
      @troydodson9641 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Akcija1930 I've done more research into it since, it's glorious and deserves some love. Of course, Tsardoms helped me

    • @pecapeconi234
      @pecapeconi234 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      croatia didnt exist. the Avars or Havarats ruled those slavic lands, croats are mix of serbs/slavs and Havarats, nomadic people

  • @nemanjamircetic2864
    @nemanjamircetic2864 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Once upon a time, only great rulers could have the name Nemanja, if I'm not mistaken. But in the end, my name is also Nemanja 😁

    • @slobodanstojanovic8125
      @slobodanstojanovic8125 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Its Stefan that is greek for King thats why they all had Stefan infront of their name, stefan nemanja stefan dusan

  • @Vuks8
    @Vuks8 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Great videos!

  • @nenadzivic2457
    @nenadzivic2457 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    nicely done, however there were more rulers of Serbian tribes before Nemanja. cheers.

    • @SteveRadich1928
      @SteveRadich1928 ปีที่แล้ว

      Coward's and criminals. Thats all your known for everything else is pure serb propaganda and lies. Lies are something serbs have been well known for throughout history.

    • @Greensanctuary-c4w
      @Greensanctuary-c4w 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      47 rulers before yhem

  • @adamsevcik7708
    @adamsevcik7708 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    hello sir, will there be more videos about slavs?

  • @AchwaqKhalid
    @AchwaqKhalid 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This channel needs more traffic

  • @DanielMartin-ir2zd
    @DanielMartin-ir2zd หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    ”Croatia” in the 11 th century was as existent as an IPhone 15 in 1912 😂

    • @hozy_weh
      @hozy_weh 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      i think he is talking about the region

  • @Latro84
    @Latro84 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Got the nemanjic coat of arms tattooed .love them ..but the most important of them was saint sava

  • @senozenga7323
    @senozenga7323 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Do Bosnia next! 🙏🇧🇦

    • @flabby2142
      @flabby2142 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      not real

    • @realsaxual2357
      @realsaxual2357 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Already covered, Bosnia is Serbia

    • @rawka_7929
      @rawka_7929 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@@realsaxual2357Even if you'd argue that Bosnia was once Serbia, Much like North Macedonia used to once be Bulgarian. It isn't anymore, plus it had its own medieval state which would be interesting to cover.

  • @dules65
    @dules65 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The history of our rulers does not begin with Vukan and Nemanja.

    • @kurjakhistory4727
      @kurjakhistory4727  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Absolutely! Check out some of my other videos that go into south slavic rulers from before this period.

  • @numenoreaneternity6682
    @numenoreaneternity6682 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The Serbian state was founded in the early 600s upon arrival to Southeastern Europe and was originally a Principality traditionally governed by the Vlastimirovic dynasty.

    • @josiprakovac3284
      @josiprakovac3284 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @numenoreaneternity6682 Where are the graves of Serbian rulers (kings?😂 ) from the 600s to 12th century? Are there any graves of these phantom Vlastimirovics dynasties?

    • @dules65
      @dules65 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Incorrect, the Serbs did not arrive in the Balkans for 600 years, they were already there. There were probably immigrations, but on a smaller scale.

    • @Greensanctuary-c4w
      @Greensanctuary-c4w 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      ​@@dules65true, we are only 28% slavic , the rest is old I2a din

    • @nadacalo9289
      @nadacalo9289 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@josiprakovac3284You study your own history and give us a break.😂

    • @josiprakovac3284
      @josiprakovac3284 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@nadacalo9289 😂

  • @Bosnian-patriot
    @Bosnian-patriot 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can you do bosnia next?

    • @C0IDH3LL
      @C0IDH3LL หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @bojnicanin
      @bojnicanin หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @Chigra-qz7nl
    @Chigra-qz7nl 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Prema jednim podacima Srbija je nastala 490 - 530 godine, prema drugim 632 godine i prema trećim 780 godine !

  • @Invest4Cashflow
    @Invest4Cashflow 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @nemanja2500
    @nemanja2500 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Serbian culture was not Born then. Serbs had a name and a culture long before Romans invaded the Balkans

  • @harbinger200
    @harbinger200 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Serbia did not start with Nemanjic line. Far from it, they where just first to convert population to Christianity. Serbian culture was present during Rome, and God(s) know how much earlier. Serb Christianity is built on top of original faith. For example Saint Ilija is our thunder God Perun. "Slava" also stems from original Gods before Christianity. History was wiped out around Rome several times, by Roman elites who wanted themselves as original nation. It was the first modern artificial nation state that started to erase history around itself.

  • @Night-Monkey02
    @Night-Monkey02 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Nemanjic dynasty had many rulers, but for me the best Nemanjic was king Dusan or as we Serbs call him (Dusan Silni)🙂

    • @CroatianUltraNationalist
      @CroatianUltraNationalist 6 หลายเดือนก่อน


    • @Night-Monkey02
      @Night-Monkey02 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@CroatianUltraNationalist Šta je toliko smešno Purgeru 😀

    • @СвпетарГајтан
      @СвпетарГајтан 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@Night-Monkey02Можда што је Душан био цар?А можда само зато што је кретен.

    • @Night-Monkey02
      @Night-Monkey02 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@СвпетарГајтан Aj onda objasni mi zbog čega je Dusan bio Kreten🤔....mozda što nije prhvatio da budemo mi Srbi svi Katholici?

    • @СвпетарГајтан
      @СвпетарГајтан 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      😳😂Није Душан био кретен,него тај Хрват...а бојим се и ти...

  • @Paastirguildwars2
    @Paastirguildwars2 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    imagine gots on slavic we all know whats is happend but no one to doc on tv ,why not?

  • @Tommie.ManicGK
    @Tommie.ManicGK 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    As you've noticed it's Serbs that agree with you, nobody else.

    • @b1gnutt
      @b1gnutt 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      As a Croat I disagree with you.

    • @Tommie.ManicGK
      @Tommie.ManicGK 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@b1gnutt good for you

  • @tomislavpusic6216
    @tomislavpusic6216 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    :) Do please extend your research to various literature, you could paint a more accurate picture of a interesting and important period of history. Maps are misleading and show extent of authority that did not happen, or in some cases is just wrong. No hard feelings, I compliment the quality of video but have issue with accuracy of presented facts.

    • @Stalker950-l3x
      @Stalker950-l3x ปีที่แล้ว

      What do you think is wrong in this video?

    • @tomislavpusic6216
      @tomislavpusic6216 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Stalker950-l3x I wrote that maps are misleading. More precise they fail to adress difference between territory held directly by ruler, territory held by his suboridinate rulers, territory that nominaly acknowledge the rule of that ruler and territories for which we have no accurate knowledge to whom its inhabitants pledged its allegiance. Fact is that Stefan Nemanja had no rule west of river Cetina or over island of Vis. That is somethong that is obviously wrong. Showing everything in one colour is simplistic and often leads to maximalistic approach that doesn't serve historical accuracy.

  • @masterblaster848
    @masterblaster848 ปีที่แล้ว +1

  • @ibunjaku
    @ibunjaku 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    NIMANi Clan and Family exists, still, on Albanian Lands
    They remain still Albanians.
    Strange story, doesnt it ...

  • @user-Boris1389
    @user-Boris1389 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have one question?how is possible that Croatian propaganda is so strong ,that you have on this video maps with name Croatian and they didn’t existing before 19 century except like some small group who was fighting for money in 13 and 14 century.

    • @josiprakovac3284
      @josiprakovac3284 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @user-BorisJanjic1389 To, Borise legendo, pa ti bi zajebo i Jacquesa Le Goffa!

    • @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh
      @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      This is not a truth! The Middle age Croatian Kingdom is older than Serbian Kingdom. It is not Croatian propaganda! It is a historical fact!

    • @Greensanctuary-c4w
      @Greensanctuary-c4w 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ​​@@DaliborPerkovic-sw8mhyou never had any kingdom, ever.. You started to exist from 1941. NDH

    • @bojnicanin
      @bojnicanin หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@DaliborPerkovic-sw8mhsay the names of the Kingdoms and Kings/Princes

    • @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh
      @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@bojnicanin Ne moram to navoditi! Stvar je u tome što vi to ne priznajete i ne želite prihvatiti. A, to je da smo mi bili neovisni, prije koalicije sa Ugrima, iz 1102., te provale Turaka. U ranom je srednjem vijeku, otprilike od 879. do 1102., postojalo Hrvatsko Kraljevstvo, dinastija Trpimirovića i Snačića, Šubića, te ostalih velikaša. Naš govor je tada bio Čakavski, koji je poslije Ljudevita Gaja i 1848. srozan na razinu dijalekta, poput Slovenščine, koji se također govorio na prostoru Banovine Hrvatske, a pretvoren je u Kajkavski dijalekt. Ako si Srbin, samo čitaj Vuka Karadžića, pa će ti to postati jasno. Hrvatski kneževi su postojali, poput kraljeva i kasnije banova, a Osmanlijska je invazija, od 1522. i 1526., gotovo izbrisala Hrvate sa njihovih prostora. Kasnije, osobito nakon 1699. Hrvati se počinju vraćati ( dijelomično ) na svoja stara ognjišta, koja su prije već bila islamizirana, te srbizirana, pod Turcima. Kažem dijelom, jer nisu svi krajevi Hrvata, do 1799., potpuno oslobođeni. Ostala je još trećina Turske Hrvatske, koja je bila priključena Bosanskom Pašaluku, pa BiH tako danas izgleda u svojim granicama. Hercegovina nije također oslobođena, jer Mlečani za to nisu imali interesa, pa je ona sve do dolaska Austrijanaca ostala u Bosanskom Pašaluku, do 1878. godine. Problem većine Srba je nepoznavanje i neprihvaćanje te validne hrvatske i bosanske, te hercegovačke historije. A, i šovinizam je problem ( Četništvo ) iako neki od njih ipak znaju da su porijeklom Hrvati. Poput Bosanskih, Krajiških i Hercegovačkih Srba. Budi mi pozdravljen! I rečeno na zaista pravom Hrvatskom jeziku - Kuraja ( to znači da moraš imati nade za prihvatiti teške činjenice, koje su istinite za taj Balkanski prostor ).

  • @koksalceylan9032
    @koksalceylan9032 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Im Ottoman Turkish and proud of giving The serbs and Kroatia, Bulgaria, Greece civilization and culture back in to lightness from the Dark Ages Darkness and Barbaric ways.

    • @LukeVincent-xt4dz
      @LukeVincent-xt4dz 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      You guys were people who only had some sheep but could ride horses and enslave others you enslaved gypsies from Persia and used them, as meat shields, then you unfortunately became an issue for us all you become strong because of the Catholics who attacked Constantinople anyway you took our Constantinople but Turkey now is not a major player.

  • @CroatianUltraNationalist
    @CroatianUltraNationalist 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    all lies.
    Also ban Kulin was Croatian
    1 Ban is a title only croats have
    2 his father is a slavonian(croatian) noble

    • @Greensanctuary-c4w
      @Greensanctuary-c4w 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Ban is a slavic title

    • @Stalker950-l3x
      @Stalker950-l3x 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@Greensanctuary-c4w Ban is a hungarian title that got adopted by bosnia and croatia-slavonia. Croatia got annexed by hungary and 1102 therefore it took over the title.

    • @CroatianUltraNationalist
      @CroatianUltraNationalist 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      @@Greensanctuary-c4w ban is a croatian title period.

    • @CroatianUltraNationalist
      @CroatianUltraNationalist 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Stalker950-l3x absolutely not. Ban is a title used by croatian governors in the kingdom of croatia to rule over 3 counties, after the Trpimirović dynasty died out the current ban of the country was crowned as king. after he died hungary went in a personal union with croatia, with the ban of croatia remaining as a local ruler to govern the state. later that title was taken from croats by the hungarians and was given to newly created bosnian banate. so no Ban was most certainly not a hungarian title.

    • @Stalker950-l3x
      @Stalker950-l3x 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      @@CroatianUltraNationalist Ah yes, the famous trpimirovic dynasty. Where are their graves, royal regalia, coins, monasteries, documents....anything left?
      The main source for croatian history is the mythical chronicle of the Priest of Duklja that has been written somewhere in the 1200´s, wich copy has been written in the 17th century by Orbini, describing events of early slavic history wich do not match with contemporary sources from 800-1100.
      Funny, isn´t it?

  • @zenosama1157
    @zenosama1157 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Serbs are illyrians wtf are you talking serbia exist before any other state in europe

  • @gcdubrovnik8290
    @gcdubrovnik8290 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @BaneTrogdor
    @BaneTrogdor หลายเดือนก่อน

    Long live SERBIA!

  • @jovanmoracanin6289
    @jovanmoracanin6289 ปีที่แล้ว

    Dude do it louder !! nobody can hear you