AcceleRacers: What If Taro Won The Pipeline Realm?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2022
  • so major kinda quiet even tho he lost with a whole squad
  • บันเทิง

ความคิดเห็น • 39

  • @redparrotgaming8060
    @redparrotgaming8060 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    this what if is actually the only time where taro says "im gonna pass you" and something good actually happens, guess he broke the curse

  • @artistanthony1007
    @artistanthony1007 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I have no idea and we dont exactly know how the AcceleCharger works, I can only guess it makes the vehicle automatically jump and will "magnetize" to surfaces with ease.

    • @KodyCrimson
      @KodyCrimson 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Taken from the Wiki:
      Neon Pipeline Realm AcceleCharger (Wall Crawl): Allows the car to drive upside down or on walls.
      So you're on the money.

    • @therealfire235
      @therealfire235 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thx for telling me what the accelecharger is for now that guy said one accelecharger missing is found

  • @armyjoe-qg2xc
    @armyjoe-qg2xc 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I would think the pipeline realm would end by taro hitting the scilencerz and slowing the scilencerz down enough for nolo and karma to win the realm since they understood drafting pretty well

  • @to_trillt.j.flames1303
    @to_trillt.j.flames1303 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I still wish we would’ve gotten a 5th movie

  • @HafidzanHusna
    @HafidzanHusna 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Yeah and Vert would die at Junk Realm or lost his car again (Reverb) out there because he had fake swamp accelecharger.

  • @alonsoconcha8635
    @alonsoconcha8635 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This "what if" are great, is the "what could have been if something went well instead of bad" what if you make one video about the contrary? when something that went good for the drivers this time went bad

    • @mauricebx
      @mauricebx 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      For example: what if Wylde got drone-ified like Kadeem?

    • @alonsoconcha8635
      @alonsoconcha8635 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mauricebx Or what if Taro failed at complletin the water realm( that would have been heart breaking)

  • @lulu82o
    @lulu82o 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I thought you would make taro actually attack "karma" but yeah, that works too

  • @hybridAbsol
    @hybridAbsol 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This makes me hate those eco car racers even more

  • @KodyCrimson
    @KodyCrimson 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My only problem with these What Ifs is that the secondary result seems to really come out of nowhere and be unrelated to the What If (like the drivers losing the Swamp Realm for some reason). I know you try to explain it, but I just don't see it. Personally, this is how I would see it:
    Taro gets the Accelecharger and then when they get to the Junk Realm, Wylde demands that the Accelecharger be given to him and Tork gets neither. Wylde not getting either one makes him more furious than the original, causing him to turn on both his own team in fury and Kurt in his already pent-up rage. However, because of Taro and Tork having the Accelechargers, they're bigger targets for the Drones than Wylde, meaning he isn't captured by the Drones and escapes via the EDR, but he feels betrayed by his team and his own brother, blaming them for what happened and leaving the Acceledrome. This keeps the events from Ultimate Race playing out the same, as the teams have no unifying factor anymore with Wylde being caught by the Drones. Likely, the tensions do ease between the teams, since Wylde isn't there to egg on the Teku, but they're still not working together. The Drone invasion still happens, and this time the Drivers are all there at the Acceledrome. They do what they can to stop the Drones, but ultimately it's to no avail, and they have no choice but to escape with the Accelechargers they have and regroup.
    As for how it plays out from there, I have no idea. This is something I cooked up as I wrote it. Perhaps the Drones convince Wylde to join them in hunting down his old allies to get revenge on them, and the power he 'deserved'.

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Drivers lose the swamp realm bc they dint habe nolo bc just won the storm realm

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The silcencerz execute their plan because the tezla has the same amount if accelechargers as they did When they executed their plan to dtrsl the accelerchargers as I n the og timeline

    • @redparrotgaming8060
      @redparrotgaming8060 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      well, how about instead of they just escaping, almost everyone was captured, with the exception of Mark, Kurt, Taro and Vert, the only ones who didn't went to the cosmic realm, the accelechagers still got stolen by gelorum, but the four drivers manage to hide from gelorum, they meet up in the underground of the acceledrome and this conversation plays out
      Vert:gelorum's got all of the accelechargers, and our friends as well
      Kurt:dang it! everything's lost, the drones had won, there's nothing that we can do
      Mark:no, there has to be a way to save them and get the accelechargers back, right?
      Kurt:no, Markie! it's over, we have to escape and prepare for the worst
      Taro:i refuse to just sit here watching the world end, we have to think of something
      Suddenly, a Silencer appears in front of them, Taro and Mark prepare to fight him, but the silencer does nothing, instead, he takes off his helmet revealing to be Major Wheeler
      Kurt:your dad is a silencer?!
      Vert:not even i knew it Kurt, he never told me anything
      Major Wheeler:we don't have time for explanations now, what im here to do is help you stop Gelorum, with our technology we managed to blend in with the drones, we can use this to your advantage
      Taro:what do you have in mind?
      Major Wheeler:we're gonna clear the path for you with our EMPs, then, you go straight for Gelorum and keep the drones busy while we rescue your friends, but make sure to get the accelechargers as soon as possible, is that a good plan?
      Kurt:sounds good to me
      Vert:i...don't think i can do it
      Major Wheeler:why not?
      Vert:i've been so incompetent so far, i feel like im not gonna help you in the slightest, im probably just gonna screw up again...
      Major Wheelr:son, listen up, nobody is perfect, we all have our flaws, there's times where you just keep failing and it seems like you're never going to improve, but believe me, if you keep trying, never give up and do your best, i know you can do it, the future of the world depends on us and we can't do it without you
      Taro:he's right, you might have lost a bunch of races, but you still made the difference, remember the lava realm? where i almost fell in the lava, if it wasn't for you, i would be dead, the EDR didn't exist at the time
      Kurt:yeah, and remember the junk realm? where you were the first to discover the skill needed for the realm
      Mark:ya know, out of all the teku, you're the one that i respect the most, and i still own you for giving me a place in your team in the world race, you can do it man
      After hearing all of this, Vert got his confidence back, and for the first time in months, he felt useful
      Vert:thanks guys, now let's get moving, we got a world to save!
      But before they go, Major Wheeler's comunicator started beeping, when he picked it up, one of the silencerz told him that Gelorum opened the portal and was going towards it
      Major Wheeler:oh no, we're running out of time, Gelorum opened the portal already, she's going to reach the accelerons
      Vert:not if we have anything to say about it!
      Kurt:guys, change of plans, we're going to the portal after Gelorum!
      Taro:let's do it!
      All of the drivers got in their cars, the silencerz cleaned up the path and they all went after Gelorum, the drones tried to shoot them down but to no avail, now the ultimate race has begun
      im gonna stop here because this comment is long enough

    • @bliksemridder7936
      @bliksemridder7936 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chinnymisc hi so i realy liked your what if vids so i made my own i did a comend on this vid to i would like if you readed it and give your own thoughts on it i would find that amazing and cheers for you amazing vids keep on going.

  • @therockstar9259
    @therockstar9259 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What if Kurt got hit by the wrecking ball and lost his goggles instead of Mark getting hit and losing his sunglasses

  • @bliksemridder7936
    @bliksemridder7936 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hi Chinnymisc so your video's that are what if gave me my own ideas for these so im combing some.
    What if vert safed kadeem.
    Same clip in ignition with the grapling hook.
    Vert saw kadeem falling Vert aimed his grapling hook down krazy8ś got hit by the grapling hook kadeem calmed down vert towd him back up and kadeem was with vert and kurt almost at the end they used nitrox with kurt leading them the 3 passed the drones but vert got shock by lightning he spun around hitting kurt and kadeem kurt flipped and kadeem landed upside down both cars wrecked the drones won vert picked up kadeem, karma kurt after the realm kurt builded his new car and kadeem builded dune buggy V8DSC ( Dis Placemant Super Charger ) with 895 hp vert upgraded Deora 2 to wave life with a byrilium powerd V12TT ( Twin Turbo ) with 1750 hp it looked like a f1 car ( like the 2021 f1 cars specificly red bulls but with a teku livery ) dune buggy looked almost like krazy8ś but with a mor like baja truck apearence. end what if vert safed kadeem.
    What if porkchop and monkey saw balistik.
    Ignition same clip first porkchop and monkey saw a split porkchop told monkey he was afraid of water but monkey helped him come over it and drove over the water monkey spotted a car they used the anker chain the get it back monkey asked vert and the other leaders: do you guys know a team called road beasts? Vert and the other leaders were shocked they wanted an explainnation lani explained evry thing: you werent the first in the realms banjee,dresdon and alec gone into the realms they all went into the realms they never came back. vert furious thinking the drones made them lose their lives decided no mercy on the drones and drove realy agressive to the drones and one of them was alec who was lost then porkchop and monkey towed balistik out of the realm and parked it some where vert decided to form a group between him and the other leaders taro first refused but after the lava realm joined they used liverys from their highway 35 cars.
    End what if porkchop and monkey saw balistik.
    The water realm is the same as yours but rd-l1 isnt alec.
    So the next is also in pipe line but difrent.
    What if taro atacked and the silencer captured.
    Same in breaking point but taro atacked the silencer the car flipped taro went up to him took him out of the car and putted him next to him in the acceledrome the silencer was tangled in rope sitting in a chair when vert removed the helmed vert,taro,kurt,kadeem even wylde where suprissed lani and tazla shocked they saw banjee castilio vert:b...banjee? Kadeem:banjee thank the accelerons your alive.
    But tezla looking down with guild kurt: banjee? How and why you racing with the silencers. Banjee:becuse they saved me and tezla its not your fault the edr dint work and vert. Vert: yes? Banjee: your father is the leader but he does the same reason we do and to dicover how to use the accelechargers. Vert: oh ok me,taro,kadeem and kurt race in a group of former world race leader drivers wana join? Banjee: sure vert.
    Vert: we saved balistik too becuse the swap realm re-opend so we upgraded it take a look.
    ( balistik 2 V6 supercharged engine 765 horse power new look new ofroad suspension wide body kit supercharger sticking out of the hood tiny bit ) banjee: balistik looks better than ever vert thanks guys now lets take down the drones!
    Intermision earlier that day at drone hq gelorum was talking to some one and sad the name realy angry gelorum: ALEC WOOD! Alec was captured and gelorum sad the next words: the accelerons left for humanity somthing but tezla dint tell you he doesnt know soon youl know every thing. Alec screamed alec: n-n-no noooooo gelorum nooooooo. Alec screamed for for hours limbs ripped apart organs ripped in two alec was turned into a drone. Back to to later events the junk realm vert in hes new car reverb. Taro in hes new car scorcher lava ( quad turbo powerd V8 940 hp ) kurt in street break ( f1 engine with hp boost up to 1275 hp awd Ferrari enzo like apearence but with a wide body big wing and race spliter ) same events in the junk realm end breaking point same happend in the og but extended wylde: a-a-alec what happend to you? Alec: they made me better. Wylde: a former wave ripper to this *sniff*. While you could see a tears dropping fades to black.
    Ultimate race mostly same but this happens alec: kurt kurt can you hear me? Kurt: alec alec! Where are? Alec: im in the tallest building with your bro come to us. In the building kurt,kadeem,taro and banjee entered they saw wyld kurt: markie im sorry. Alec: it apears you came to resceu us but im afraid its to late for me. Kurt,taro,kadeem and banjee:alec!what happend to you? Alec: they made me stronger. A fight happend alec got the upper hand but then wylde jumps at alec alec fals down wylde charges at him he knocks wylde away alec then kicks him up at the roof. Wylde: alright alec lets see what you got. Same ending than in world race but vert drives with the silencers away.
    Ok what you think of it some inpired by you some my self.

    • @lulu82o
      @lulu82o 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Holy crap you were motivated

    • @bliksemridder7936
      @bliksemridder7936 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lulu82o indeed.

  • @FaZehyped12
    @FaZehyped12 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    3:36 time in video what if those 3 cars of slincers exists the dome . Are alex wood, banjie Castelo, dan dresden, the three missing drivers never escape realm .
    I cant type names correctly but i hope you know what im trying to say.
    I wish they did 5 movie to complete the series. Great content always 👌

    • @therockstar9259
      @therockstar9259 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I thought major wheeler was in the acceledrome

  • @SuperSaiyan3985
    @SuperSaiyan3985 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Taro is best driver.

  • @skymanstudios6061
    @skymanstudios6061 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    what if suggestion, what if banjee DID'NT crash in the swamp realm and won the accelcharger

  • @pokebreeder2517
    @pokebreeder2517 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    hmm why did the silencers come in to steal the accelechargers where they just waiting for when the racers only had 3? as they didn't attack when the drivers where in the ruins realm and major wheelers showed up in the acceledrome after he won the cosmic realm.

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      because it was the last realm

  • @ShadowKillerX
    @ShadowKillerX 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shoot Taro is one of the best. In world race and acceleracers he has been in 2nd place

  • @meenfaezmiekail1504
    @meenfaezmiekail1504 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    what if taro or kurt won the metro realm

  • @lawrencepenullar3886
    @lawrencepenullar3886 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    what if

  • @peasantking7709
    @peasantking7709 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yo what’s up man

  • @NathanTagalicorn12345
    @NathanTagalicorn12345 ปีที่แล้ว

    Taro never listens to Lani so it's his fault.

    @MSARCTICEDGE 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    So the commenter go the answer?

  • @Acceler23
    @Acceler23 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    hey, i've seen this one before

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @Acceler23
      @Acceler23 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chinnymisc i said somethink similar in ur what if vert won the water realm

    • @chinnymisc
      @chinnymisc  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Acceler23 not really similar tbh, this one focused on the silencers actions and the other focused on the drones