@@Velossitee i don’t ADD DDF OF D AS f f add ADD Dd add add ADD ADD f add sFF OF Fs ADD fFfFfdD OF DS ADD ADD DFsFfFFSDff of Add FSF OF fffFffFF add Dd ADD SD add sDf ADD ADD Fff add s add FfS of f F OF Dff Of dad dff DAD Fff Dad Of FFFDF DAD dsFDFDfd dad dFDFDffFffsFffDdFffSDdfD of ffsFFD DAD fffFdFFfFFfffFffF dad SFDf of FfFFfFFFffffF OF f f f F fFffFfFfFDffdfdFFffffFfDSfDffDFfFFFfFffdFFFf fFfffFFfFFfDfFFFf of FffFfF fffFFDdFffFffFfFFdFffFfDFDfdFfFFFffFD OF FfFfFffFdfffDFfFFfFfFdfFffFfFFfFffsFFfFFfFffFfffDffFfDffdfdDDfFFFffFfFfFfFffffF fFFfFfFDfd d d DfdFFDSffF D ffffFFFFfFfdfFffffFfdFdff f f f f f f FdDfffFdFdfff D FfFDffFD D dDFf d f f DF d FfFFDfffFDdFdFfdFFFF F ff Sf add FFfDFddFFFfDffffFf DfFfFfddffddfFFffFfffFDffFFfdfFFDFFfFDf FFFFdFf add add fDFFdD ADD D FFDfffFffFfFFFDFfFfFfFfffFDFffFfF d Add fFffFffFFFF ADD FffFfFfFFffFfFfFfdfFfFfFfFFfFFFfffddffFFfFffdfFFFFffFffF f Dffdf f FfFFdSDf fFfFddfdFFsdfFFfFfffffFfDfFfFFFf add ff ffDfFffFFfFfFDffFfFfFfFffF ADD add fFD add FFF ADD fF ADD add D dfF d ffSDFsDFD f sf F fdf d DfDd F dDdDDFD F dF f fdFdfdfDffFfFdFFfF F DFD D dS D Fds f FfDffdFfFdddff D dFfFD D fFd f SdFfF F Ff FFdfdf f f f F F DF f DFffFDfFfffFFfFfddFFfF d DffF D FFFfFfffFffFFFddFFf f f F FF ffFdfFFfFfffFDfffFFfFDf sdfdFFfffFFffffDffFFfDfDfFFFfDdffFFdFfFFffFfFfFfDdFFfFfFfFFffFFFffFfFfFfFffdFffFFdfDFffFfFFFFfFfDDffFfFDFfFFFfdfddFfFffFFfFFFfffFFffFFffFfFfffFfFFFffFdFFDFfFffFD F fffFfF F fF f DfffffD F fdfff F ffDffffFffDfFFfFdFdFFffFff f SSFfFFd F ffFDffFDf F DFfFDFdffFffF f FD D fFDffDDfdffffFfFFFDdDfDffFsFffFDFFD D FD fDDfFfFffDF f FfFff F FffDfFFFFdFfFFfFFFFfdfFffFFffDFfFFFFfFFfdFd F ddfdfFF F fFDffFfFFFfFFFffFfdFd f F f d f FFfDFdf F FffFFFfFddfFFffFdFFFdfFfFffFdFFffFfFfFFffFFFfFFfFfffffFfFFfFfFfFFdfFfDf F fFDfFDFFfFfd f fDsdFF F Fd F dFdddFDd F fFfFFfffFDFFDfdDf f d f DDdDffd f fffdfFFffDDFDFffFddFfD F FffFDfdF F FfDFddfddfFdfFfdfdFdffDFdffFfFdFDFFfFFFffDFfDfFFFffFFFfFFffFDfFDDFfffFFffDffFDfFfdfffFFFFFfFFFffDD F dfDFfFFf f fFfFFfFD d ddFFfDffFffffFfffFdDDFDffFfdFfDdFfFFffFfDdDFFdFFFffFFDFFFFfDfFFdfDFFFfFfFFFFFDDdfdFFFfFdfFfffddFfFfFfDffFfFfFFDDFFFfFffffFdfFFfFfDffFfFFDDddFDdFFfdDFDffF dd’s ooo ixygxohifxihjxovoc m ł n
Showing your face is actually a really smart security move. I've seen a lot of TH-camrs who never showed on camera saying that they had a really hard time recovering their accounts when they got hacked because their faces never appeared. Amazing video as always! Hope 2023 turns out to be a wonderful year for you :)
Thanks so much for including Veil of Dust, Josh, and congrats on your face reveal! We've had the feedback about the lack of color a few times, and so we've added a little more color to the textures and plants since this footage was taken (While trying to preserve the desert sparseness that you mentioned!) Hope you get a chance to play more soon and check out the story and characters - That's what our fans like most about the game :)
It's funny because to me colour is really important in life and I love vibrant games, but I had no problem with the "bleak" colours of your game, it worked well with the setting, the mood and the story. But I'm curious to see how the game changed now, and to try playing as Shane !
@@Tempestaires Glad to hear it! I think interacting with the town really adds another dimension to the game and fleshes out the historical element, as well as letting players get into Shane's head. Would love to hear what you think!
I love your room setup with all the Harvest Moon games! It's nice to have a face to match to the voice. I'm so excited to see how your channel grows in 2023! Good job for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new :)
While I would never push a creator to do a face reveal, I am happy that you feel comfortable enough to do one. As to face to voice, it is nice to see but I am horrible at picturing faces so I had no preconception. I just like listening to your voice while you review/comment on various games. Even if we don't agree on your tier list it is still very refreshing to hear other perspectives. I hope you had a great Christmas, and hope you have a happy New Year. Peace
I definitely love that you did a face reveal! It’s great getting to know you better & may I just say, you’re one handsome fella. Love your channel and can’t wait for another year of more fun and cozy farming games on your channel!
I hope by now you realize this was NOT cringey! It’s truly wonderful to see another person take a deep dive into a shared love for farm sims. These games are so relaxing and wholesome (but also addictive for people who like to min-max crafting features, lol).
Josh i found you over a year ago just trying to find info on story of seasons and you had truly the best videos… i love listening to you. Then you started expanding into other sims and it’s not something I usually do but I just wanted to stick with you longer and it’s been great to see you grow! You’ve gotten so much better, I’m excited to watch you continue
It's so good to see your face!! You're almost like how I pictured you! 😂 I mostly cared about your ranks of Coral Island, Ova, Ooblets, and Harvestella! I've put in over 100 hours in Harvestella (I took the story slow and did a lot of the other stuff) I'm at the part where I can choose my life partner and I literally love them all (besides the mayor and Shrika like love them as friends I guess) and idk who to choose cause they're all so precious! They did such a good job on the npc's for this game! I just bought Ooblets and can't wait to play it! Also really looking forward to Coral Island and Ova coming to consoles! They both are such beautiful games and I can tell their developers really love their creations
Your video quality has only been improving. I'm very happy to see you try new things and it's nice putting a face to the voice! Love the yellow sweater, it complements you well! ^_^
Not What I expected! This is not how my Imagination Drew Josh. Josh you Handsome Fella! Awesome to see you step out of your comfort zone (even tho it is very scary to do). Cheers to you and Cheers to much More Success for You in 2023! ❤
It's been almost 3 years already?! Wow! You have been my go to channel for farm sim news since way back to the ACNH and POOT days! Congratulations to you for taking the next step and doing a face reveal...I know it's not an easy decision to make. I wish you continued growth and success and it's been an honor to see how much you've evolved and I hope to continue to see you where your channel goes as the years go by!
Awww seeing your face was so unexpected! What a happy surprise! Warms my heart to watch videos from someone who plays all my favorite kind of games. Wish you lots of success and joy in the new year!
I'm so happy you put Harvestella in the S tier. I'm about 45 hours in and less than halfway through the main story (every time a side quest or character story pops up, I do them immediately, so I'm already through every side quest save one and four character stories). The game is just so beautiful, and I love the story (main, side, and character). I also really, really appreciate how I never feel rushed in any aspect Props for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing a face reveal. I should have known better but because I'm so used to your icon I was shocked to see you don't have pink hair lol
I'm surprised that you finally do a face reveal but I'm also glad that you feel comfortable enough to do it. It would be great if you could show us your collection in the background there. Anyway I'm excited to see more things that you create after this💗
Have always been a lurker watching your videos and never really saying anything but like you, wanted to get out of my comfot zone and say it’s nice to put a face to a the voice whose videos I just binge watch. Thanks for all the great cozy farming games for the past year! I never play anything until I check out your take on it haha. Happy New Year, and keep going Josh!
How fabulous to put a face to the voice. You always have an image in your mind but the reality is always so nice as in your case. I appreciate all your hard work and thanks for another great year of reviews and play throughs! Looking forward to 2023!😄
wow, I’ve been watching you for almost two years and have no idea what I was expecting, but I’m so impressed haha. I love your style! I would love to see more of your outfits in future facecam videos (no pressure though)! your decor is stunning too! I hope you have a good rest of the year and a great start to the new one, Josh! I’m even more excited to watch your future content now. thanks for sharing this with us :D
It might be me, but personally I think this is one of those times where the voice and face absolutely match the image I had formed in my head over the last year an a half. Congrats on the three years, I know your videos have help me and my better half out in deciding on Farming games this last year+
Me too!!! The face and voice match perfectly! I listen to podcasts and sometimes when I see the face to the voice I’m like “whaaat?!” Never in a bad way, but this makes sense here.
I was not expecting a face reveal but it is a very nice idea! I have been following you for so long and it's strange to link your voice to your face...i can't help but imagine a pixelized farmer face with pink hair when I hear your voice but i will get used to it (et puis tu as une très bonne bouille tu as l'air gentil comme tout !) Thank you for being a part of this commnunity and putting out great content, and i hope to see more from you in the future! Signed: english speaking french who lived in japan and now lives in Cambodia
Omg you look exactly like how I envisioned you in my head! It's great to see you come out of your shell and grace us with your gorgeous self! I haven't played all of the games on your list but I think RF5 for me would be an A instead of an S. Dreamlight Valley would be A. Harvestella S, like you said. Coral Island I would also keep at an A for now till they fix everything. Wylde Flowers I would bump up to A because its great but does need more end game content (which is coming!). Haven't tried any of the others! Great video!!
Josh you’re a natural in the camera!! I have been loooooving coral island, I agree with you about putting it in A tier for now just because it is so early. It’s def gonna be S tier though someday!!!
Great video, Josh! I loved seeing your farming game rankings for 2022. It was also wonderful to "see" you! I'm currently playing "Wylde Flowers" on Switch. I am completely enchanted by the charming town and story. I love how inclusive the game is. I just picked up "Dinkum" and "Kynseed" yesterday on the Stream sale. Very excited for those. I also bought "Harvestella" and will grab "Rune Factory 5" with the gift card I got for Christmas. I don't know why but I can't get into "Ooblets." I love your channel. Thank you for all of the great content over the years. You are awesome! 💙🌷
I feel like even in its current state, Coral Island deserves S tier more than Harvestella and RF5.. and I'm saying that when I pre-ordered Harvestella and RF5 while I ignored the Kickstarter for Coral Island completely. There are a lot of things that are still being worked on in Coral Island but the quality of life when playing all three games is immensely different. From the first day that I played Coral Island I immediately felt that the devs were actual farming sim players who experienced the same frustrations that I had with other farming games. Meanwhile Harvestella and RF5 had such clunky farming controls despite being fully funded and fully developed upon release.
Totally agree with Harvestella fixing some issues with Rune Factory 5. Stellar showing from the new players on the field. I also hope the next Rune Factory doesn't have such a troubled development.
I love seeing people's opinions on this stuff, especially since there are quite a few on this list I've not checked out yet. It's also cool to put a face to the voice and channel after watching you for a while!
Good for you for breaking out of your shell! Slightly disappointed your hair isn't pink :p I really enjoy your videos and your livestreams, and hope to see more from you in 2023. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year Josh!
I didn't think it's possible to love your channel more but seeing the voice to match the precious voice managed to. Congratulations on your channel growth! 🎉✨️ Your hardwork has continued to pay off! I love watching your videos because you introduce games I never heard of and you bring up points in games I have played that I didn't think about. I learned about Kynseed, Dinkum, Wilde Flowers, Ova Magica and so much more from watching you. Wishing you the best for 2023 and remember to take time for yourself! ❤️🤗
Great to see your face, Josh! I've been really enjoying your content this year and your game play videos, tips, and reviews have really had an impact on me in my own gaming. Thank you! I really enjoyed your S tier with the exception of Dinkum. I'm Australian and was super excited to see some of our native flora and fauna represented in a farming game but I couldn't overlook the complete erasure of all of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It was like the dev had enacted the terra nullius principle all over again, and I think our colonial history is too recent to just get to use Australia as a fun background setting without considering the wider picture. I'm super excited to play Harvestella - one of my first loves was the Final Fantasy franchise so it's like it was a game made specifically for me - and I've added Kynseed to my list based on your review here. Thank you and holidays greetings to you!
Glad you decided to get in front of the camera! Love your, very accurate, interpretations/reviews of games. Been subscribed for a while, can't wait to see your channel grow!
So happy for you, Josh! Here's to 2023 and your continued success! 🎉 Also, completely agree with both RF5 and Harvestella. They both have flaws, but are still absolutely fantastic. A good soundtrack definitely sways me.
I absolutely in love with My Time at Portia, and i couldn't wait to finish it so i can play My Time at Sandrock. Usually in other farming games there are activities that I kinda avoid because im not interested. But at this game I just love to do everything! the mechanics are fun, the interactions and dialogs are very well-thought. I admire game designers to be able to built such world. I really recommend this game to any of you who loves farming games as much as i do :)
Hope you all had a good holiday! Agreed with most the grades. Although I love Hokko Life and have many hours on switch and my steam deck I actually agree with your grade of it because I think most people would feel the same as you. I think it's very niche and only those who really love the furniture maker will like it and the furniture maker definitely takes awhile to get used to which isn't helping it. In it's defense the developer is still working on it and infact just did a large update so I'm hoping it will get more people interested. Have a good New Year everyone!
Congratulations Josh! So happy to see your smiling face! We have such similar tastes, all the games that I have that you also have you put in S and A. Keep up the great videos!
I'm really happy to see the appreciation for Rune Factory 5. I was really worried about picking up the game because of all of the bugs and some of the more negative reviews, but I'm glad that my love for 4 came through and I'm having an absolute blast with it! The characters are so well done and interesting, this is one of the first games where I'm going through everyone's stories and not just a select few that I happen to like. I do find it to be a bit easy, but you can change your difficulty with Eliza which is a really nice touch. That being said, I'll have to try out some of these other games like harvestella! Ova Magica also looks really interesting too!
Thank you so much for making this video!! You're one of my favorite content creators for this genre of games and am so happy you feel comfortable to do a face reveal. This video couldn't have come at a better time as well since a lot of games are on sale for EOY and I've been trying to decide which ones are worth getting!!! Will definitely be getting Harvestella after this-- thank you so so much for making content, wish you all the best and more for 2023!
WOW what a nice surprise. Nothing to be nervous about, all support here. You have such a distinctive voice which is the main reason i watch all your vids, but this is even more personable. Good looking too!
OMG Josh! Not to sound shady or anything but idk why I kept imagining you as an Asian guy this whole freaking time. Like, you look really good but my brain just put a totally different face with your voice hahaha. Anyway, I'm grateful for all you've done for us this year and wish you all the blessings and success in the upcoming years!
JOSHHHHH I was so surprised to see a face reveal! I love your videos and content so this is a fun way to celebrate the end of the year - love tier lists haha It feels awkward at first in front of a camera but you’ll grow into it as you keep doing it! Great work and can’t wait to see where your channel goes!!
It's so cool having a face to match to a voice 🥺 There's a few games on this list that I've been undecided about and now I'm definitely gonna grab them!! As always I love your content and your love for farming games 💚
I am subscribing! Have been searching for a Farming game to play. As someone who never played a farming game before I really got overwhelmed by all the options. I don't wanna fight much and I feel like I will find the game I am gonna have fun to play in one of your videos. I love how you added the gameplay footage when talking about that particular game. Makes it easier to understand I am really interested in Coral Island, Immortal Life and My Time at Sandrock. Though I think I will wait till they get fully released
So great to finally see you. You did a great job and I love seeing you. You are so helpful and I love your videos. Keep your face in the videos, you did great.
damn josh sounds nerdy like most of us but handsome AF. aint fair XD nice room setup and review of this year farm sims cant wait to see more from you in 2023
It's nice to see you Josh! I always refer to your video for new farming games since i love farming games so much. Your insights and review are so helpful for me to choose which farming games are good or bad. Stay awesome!!
Congrats on a great year, and on the face reveal! I knew you probably couldn't have pink hair with your work, but it was still almost a shock to see you without it. Love the room setup and I'm super jealous of all your great HM stuff. Hokko Life was really a disappointment. I played it the day it came out in early access, and it was just so completely unenjoyable. I've always meant to give it another try, but there's just too many other good games to play instead. My heart went' "noooo!" when you put Coral Island in A, but of course every point you made was completely correct. I didn't see Roots of Pacha on the list, where would you rank that?
I started playing Roots of Pacha in 2021, that's why I left it out of the list. Same for Sun Haven. It would probably be in A or S! I know it's hard to break my pink-hair image. 😅 Thank you for the support and comment as always and happy holidays, I hope you get some rest from your work!
I love all the reasons you gave! Some I agree with, some I disagree with, but nonetheless, I love hearing other cozy gamers' opinions on farming sims and other cozy games! Can't wait to see 2023's!
Congratulations on the face reveal. One note, could you document somewhere such as in the timestamps which games are still Early Access as of this ranking? A lot of Farming Sims stay in EA for so long it makes people like me want to wait for full releases.
Oh my gosh!! I clicked on this video and didn't see it was from your channel. My sound was off and I was like, "Who the heck is this guy??!!" Lol!! You are very handsome!
Hello Josh!! So good to see you! Love all your videos I have been following on my multiple channels for awhile now. I always look to you for new games to play. So happy to see you coming out of your shell! Looking forward to seeing you in new content to come! 💜
Is so good to see you! I love watching your videos and streams. Your background is really cozy and I love the display - Im looking forward to seeing it evolve as you find your own style in terms of camera work.
I guess this will finally get me to buy Harvestella. I've been putting it off because I had some other games to play through, but I guess I was waiting for confirmation on how good it is (though I was also waiting for bug fixes). I have put in over 200 hours on Rune Factory 5 myself and eventually I'll go back and attempt it in Hard to see whether it actually is that way.
Harvestella is great but it is a complete different experience from RF games, it's more like story and combat driven, not so much farming, but I loved it anyway. I'm a huge Rune Factory fan and liked 5 a lot but RF4 special is much better, even though the graphics are dated. Harvestella has nice graphics and fun combat but as Josh said, prepare to read a lot, minimal voice acting, I prefer it in Japanese because some voices are annoying, lol. Hope you enjoy it.
@@Beeautiful3233 I'm used to JRPGs having played the old-school Square Enix games since I was 10, so reading doesn't bother me. When FFX came out, I was floored the characters even had voices.
Your actual face is a surprise, but your gestures and just general way you carry yourself is exactly like in your other videos. Nice vid in general, I'll point out for posterity that you can see the final list at 29:40.
I loved the face reveal! I started watching when you were playing the story of seasons Pioneers of Olive Town. It's so good to see you and I wish for good fortune to always come your way!
It's so cool that you do a face reveal and congrats for doing it. I immediately clicked when I saw this video and it's great. Let's hope for a great 2023 farming games! Wishing you also a great 2023 :))
I hope rune factory 3 special is in your radar, it's releases in september this year and tell you it's the best rune factory in the series for me, the cast of character was really memorable not to mention the story and the map was really good, it's definitely the most polished rune factory game out there, I still came back to that game sometimes after all this years, 4 and 5 really haven't capture the magic of 3 in my opinion.
I just recently got back into gaming and your videos were a lot of fun. Your voice is great to listen to. Now you are nice too look at too. Just keep up the great work. Also love the little orange plant next to you!
You have been my go to channel for cozy and simulator games this year! Love your opinions and trust it so much with my games haha, I wish you a lot of success in your channel next year too josh, thanks for all your hard work here ❤️
Let's gooooo Immortal Life on S tier yaaaas I'm literally listening as I play IL (wanted to comment sooner but u put IL on last LOL) and I'm so happy my favorite game is on your S tier list rofl. They got another update like a week? Ago and it fix some problems that u said like small names on maps~ I also would like to thank you for introducing me to IL cause I discover it from your channel and now the game has been my obsession lol Hope you enjoy the last of 2022 and may good things happen on your 2023~ also, you look good! Pleasant surprise to see you!
Thanks for this great summary of farming games you enjoyed in 2022. I have played a lot of them too and I agree that there have been some really good farming sim games this year. There's a couple games I haven't checked out that are on this list so I'll probably do that soon.
Great video! Only thing I would add is information (small extra icon next to game logo) about early access/not finished product. I know you talk about all games in deetails but i like to "see" things :D
I'm happy to see your face, Josh. I really enjoy watching your videos and this was a fun one! I would love to see you play Core Keeper, it's a really fun game!!
The wonderful thing about Disney's Dreamlight Valley is that even though it's very grindy, it DOESNT. GATE. RESOURCES. Unlike Animal Crossing where you can only do a little a day and can run out of natural resources, Dreamlight Valley will repawn rocks/minerals/fruit/etc after a pretty dang short period of time. Like maybe a few minutes? You can really keep playing and making money and doing quests as long as you want, which was soooo refreshing to me.
A lot of people are asking so I will specify here, this list only includes games released in 2022, so that is why I did not mention Stardew Valley.
Nice face! also hope you're having a good year so far
@@Velossitee i don’t ADD DDF OF D AS f f add ADD Dd add add ADD ADD f add sFF OF Fs ADD fFfFfdD OF DS ADD ADD DFsFfFFSDff of Add FSF OF fffFffFF add Dd ADD SD add sDf ADD ADD Fff add s add FfS of f F OF Dff Of dad dff DAD Fff Dad Of FFFDF DAD dsFDFDfd dad dFDFDffFffsFffDdFffSDdfD of ffsFFD DAD fffFdFFfFFfffFffF dad SFDf of FfFFfFFFffffF OF f f f F fFffFfFfFDffdfdFFffffFfDSfDffDFfFFFfFffdFFFf fFfffFFfFFfDfFFFf of FffFfF fffFFDdFffFffFfFFdFffFfDFDfdFfFFFffFD OF FfFfFffFdfffDFfFFfFfFdfFffFfFFfFffsFFfFFfFffFfffDffFfDffdfdDDfFFFffFfFfFfFffffF fFFfFfFDfd d d DfdFFDSffF D ffffFFFFfFfdfFffffFfdFdff f f f f f f FdDfffFdFdfff D FfFDffFD D dDFf d f f DF d FfFFDfffFDdFdFfdFFFF F ff Sf add FFfDFddFFFfDffffFf DfFfFfddffddfFFffFfffFDffFFfdfFFDFFfFDf FFFFdFf add add fDFFdD ADD D FFDfffFffFfFFFDFfFfFfFfffFDFffFfF d Add fFffFffFFFF ADD FffFfFfFFffFfFfFfdfFfFfFfFFfFFFfffddffFFfFffdfFFFFffFffF f Dffdf f FfFFdSDf fFfFddfdFFsdfFFfFfffffFfDfFfFFFf add ff ffDfFffFFfFfFDffFfFfFfFffF ADD add fFD add FFF ADD fF ADD add D dfF d ffSDFsDFD f sf F fdf d DfDd F dDdDDFD F dF f fdFdfdfDffFfFdFFfF F DFD D dS D Fds f FfDffdFfFdddff D dFfFD D fFd f SdFfF F Ff FFdfdf f f f F F DF f DFffFDfFfffFFfFfddFFfF d DffF D FFFfFfffFffFFFddFFf f f F FF ffFdfFFfFfffFDfffFFfFDf sdfdFFfffFFffffDffFFfDfDfFFFfDdffFFdFfFFffFfFfFfDdFFfFfFfFFffFFFffFfFfFfFffdFffFFdfDFffFfFFFFfFfDDffFfFDFfFFFfdfddFfFffFFfFFFfffFFffFFffFfFfffFfFFFffFdFFDFfFffFD F fffFfF F fF f DfffffD F fdfff F ffDffffFffDfFFfFdFdFFffFff f SSFfFFd F ffFDffFDf F DFfFDFdffFffF f FD D fFDffDDfdffffFfFFFDdDfDffFsFffFDFFD D FD fDDfFfFffDF f FfFff F FffDfFFFFdFfFFfFFFFfdfFffFFffDFfFFFFfFFfdFd F ddfdfFF F fFDffFfFFFfFFFffFfdFd f F f d f FFfDFdf F FffFFFfFddfFFffFdFFFdfFfFffFdFFffFfFfFFffFFFfFFfFfffffFfFFfFfFfFFdfFfDf F fFDfFDFFfFfd f fDsdFF F Fd F dFdddFDd F fFfFFfffFDFFDfdDf f d f DDdDffd f fffdfFFffDDFDFffFddFfD F FffFDfdF F FfDFddfddfFdfFfdfdFdffDFdffFfFdFDFFfFFFffDFfDfFFFffFFFfFFffFDfFDDFfffFFffDffFDfFfdfffFFFFFfFFFffDD F dfDFfFFf f fFfFFfFD d ddFFfDffFffffFfffFdDDFDffFfdFfDdFfFFffFfDdDFFdFFFffFFDFFFFfDfFFdfDFFFfFfFFFFFDDdfdFFFfFdfFfffddFfFfFfDffFfFfFFDDFFFfFffffFdfFFfFfDffFfFFDDddFDdFFfdDFDffF dd’s ooo ixygxohifxihjxovoc m
ł n
No stardew valley?
@@canadianGuitatist Did you not read his comment..?
ooblets was released in 2020 or 2021, i thought? i was playing it during quarantine
Josh! It's so good to see you! Congratulations on all the success you have had this year. I wish you all the more in 2023!
Thank you!
Showing your face is actually a really smart security move. I've seen a lot of TH-camrs who never showed on camera saying that they had a really hard time recovering their accounts when they got hacked because their faces never appeared. Amazing video as always! Hope 2023 turns out to be a wonderful year for you :)
I had not even thought of the security thing, but it makes sense!
Can confirm this!
this is interesting and unsettling at the same time
@@JoshGamingGarden Now it make no sense while today by a modern AI technology you can literally copy voices, face movements etc.
this comment makes 0 sense
Thanks so much for including Veil of Dust, Josh, and congrats on your face reveal!
We've had the feedback about the lack of color a few times, and so we've added a little more color to the textures and plants since this footage was taken (While trying to preserve the desert sparseness that you mentioned!) Hope you get a chance to play more soon and check out the story and characters - That's what our fans like most about the game :)
It's funny because to me colour is really important in life and I love vibrant games, but I had no problem with the "bleak" colours of your game, it worked well with the setting, the mood and the story. But I'm curious to see how the game changed now, and to try playing as Shane !
@@Tempestaires Glad to hear it! I think interacting with the town really adds another dimension to the game and fleshes out the historical element, as well as letting players get into Shane's head. Would love to hear what you think!
I love your room setup with all the Harvest Moon games! It's nice to have a face to match to the voice. I'm so excited to see how your channel grows in 2023! Good job for stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new :)
While I would never push a creator to do a face reveal, I am happy that you feel comfortable enough to do one. As to face to voice, it is nice to see but I am horrible at picturing faces so I had no preconception. I just like listening to your voice while you review/comment on various games. Even if we don't agree on your tier list it is still very refreshing to hear other perspectives.
I hope you had a great Christmas, and hope you have a happy New Year.
I definitely love that you did a face reveal! It’s great getting to know you better & may I just say, you’re one handsome fella. Love your channel and can’t wait for another year of more fun and cozy farming games on your channel!
I hope by now you realize this was NOT cringey! It’s truly wonderful to see another person take a deep dive into a shared love for farm sims. These games are so relaxing and wholesome (but also addictive for people who like to min-max crafting features, lol).
Josh i found you over a year ago just trying to find info on story of seasons and you had truly the best videos… i love listening to you. Then you started expanding into other sims and it’s not something I usually do but I just wanted to stick with you longer and it’s been great to see you grow! You’ve gotten so much better, I’m excited to watch you continue
It's so good to see your face!! You're almost like how I pictured you! 😂 I mostly cared about your ranks of Coral Island, Ova, Ooblets, and Harvestella! I've put in over 100 hours in Harvestella (I took the story slow and did a lot of the other stuff) I'm at the part where I can choose my life partner and I literally love them all (besides the mayor and Shrika like love them as friends I guess) and idk who to choose cause they're all so precious! They did such a good job on the npc's for this game!
I just bought Ooblets and can't wait to play it!
Also really looking forward to Coral Island and Ova coming to consoles! They both are such beautiful games and I can tell their developers really love their creations
Your video quality has only been improving. I'm very happy to see you try new things and it's nice putting a face to the voice! Love the yellow sweater, it complements you well! ^_^
Thank you, I love that sweater!!
Not What I expected! This is not how my Imagination Drew Josh.
Josh you Handsome Fella! Awesome to see you step out of your comfort zone (even tho it is very scary to do).
Cheers to you and Cheers to much More Success for You in 2023! ❤
Same lol. I was WAY OFF lmao.
Same, I thought he was Korean
It's been almost 3 years already?! Wow! You have been my go to channel for farm sim news since way back to the ACNH and POOT days! Congratulations to you for taking the next step and doing a face reveal...I know it's not an easy decision to make. I wish you continued growth and success and it's been an honor to see how much you've evolved and I hope to continue to see you where your channel goes as the years go by!
Awww seeing your face was so unexpected! What a happy surprise! Warms my heart to watch videos from someone who plays all my favorite kind of games. Wish you lots of success and joy in the new year!
Also super happy to see My Time at Sandrock so high on the list! I can't wait to play it.
I'm so happy you put Harvestella in the S tier. I'm about 45 hours in and less than halfway through the main story (every time a side quest or character story pops up, I do them immediately, so I'm already through every side quest save one and four character stories). The game is just so beautiful, and I love the story (main, side, and character). I also really, really appreciate how I never feel rushed in any aspect
Props for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing a face reveal. I should have known better but because I'm so used to your icon I was shocked to see you don't have pink hair lol
I'm surprised that you finally do a face reveal but I'm also glad that you feel comfortable enough to do it. It would be great if you could show us your collection in the background there. Anyway I'm excited to see more things that you create after this💗
Have always been a lurker watching your videos and never really saying anything but like you, wanted to get out of my comfot zone and say it’s nice to put a face to a the voice whose videos I just binge watch. Thanks for all the great cozy farming games for the past year! I never play anything until I check out your take on it haha. Happy New Year, and keep going Josh!
How fabulous to put a face to the voice. You always have an image in your mind but the reality is always so nice as in your case. I appreciate all your hard work and thanks for another great year of reviews and play throughs! Looking forward to 2023!😄
ThanKS for bringing comfort when I'm at work I listen to your rune factory advice. Your good at whatcha do
wow, I’ve been watching you for almost two years and have no idea what I was expecting, but I’m so impressed haha. I love your style! I would love to see more of your outfits in future facecam videos (no pressure though)! your decor is stunning too!
I hope you have a good rest of the year and a great start to the new one, Josh! I’m even more excited to watch your future content now. thanks for sharing this with us :D
It might be me, but personally I think this is one of those times where the voice and face absolutely match the image I had formed in my head over the last year an a half. Congrats on the three years, I know your videos have help me and my better half out in deciding on Farming games this last year+
Me too!!! The face and voice match perfectly! I listen to podcasts and sometimes when I see the face to the voice I’m like “whaaat?!” Never in a bad way, but this makes sense here.
I was not expecting a face reveal but it is a very nice idea! I have been following you for so long and it's strange to link your voice to your face...i can't help but imagine a pixelized farmer face with pink hair when I hear your voice but i will get used to it (et puis tu as une très bonne bouille tu as l'air gentil comme tout !) Thank you for being a part of this commnunity and putting out great content, and i hope to see more from you in the future!
Signed: english speaking french who lived in japan and now lives in Cambodia
Omg you look exactly like how I envisioned you in my head! It's great to see you come out of your shell and grace us with your gorgeous self!
I haven't played all of the games on your list but I think RF5 for me would be an A instead of an S. Dreamlight Valley would be A. Harvestella S, like you said. Coral Island I would also keep at an A for now till they fix everything. Wylde Flowers I would bump up to A because its great but does need more end game content (which is coming!). Haven't tried any of the others! Great video!!
Josh you’re a natural in the camera!! I have been loooooving coral island, I agree with you about putting it in A tier for now just because it is so early. It’s def gonna be S tier though someday!!!
Great video, Josh! I loved seeing your farming game rankings for 2022. It was also wonderful to "see" you! I'm currently playing "Wylde Flowers" on Switch. I am completely enchanted by the charming town and story. I love how inclusive the game is. I just picked up "Dinkum" and "Kynseed" yesterday on the Stream sale. Very excited for those. I also bought "Harvestella" and will grab "Rune Factory 5" with the gift card I got for Christmas. I don't know why but I can't get into "Ooblets."
I love your channel. Thank you for all of the great content over the years. You are awesome! 💙🌷
yay good to see you!! good job on trying things out of your comfort zone. lovely video~
Your setup is so cuuuute! Also, I'm glad you're comfortable enough to reveal your face!
I feel like even in its current state, Coral Island deserves S tier more than Harvestella and RF5.. and I'm saying that when I pre-ordered Harvestella and RF5 while I ignored the Kickstarter for Coral Island completely. There are a lot of things that are still being worked on in Coral Island but the quality of life when playing all three games is immensely different. From the first day that I played Coral Island I immediately felt that the devs were actual farming sim players who experienced the same frustrations that I had with other farming games. Meanwhile Harvestella and RF5 had such clunky farming controls despite being fully funded and fully developed upon release.
Totally agree with Harvestella fixing some issues with Rune Factory 5. Stellar showing from the new players on the field. I also hope the next Rune Factory doesn't have such a troubled development.
OMG YOU ARE SO HANDSOME!!!! like you’re so pretty omg 🥺💙 glad to see a face behind the youtube ♥️
I love seeing people's opinions on this stuff, especially since there are quite a few on this list I've not checked out yet. It's also cool to put a face to the voice and channel after watching you for a while!
I'm so glad your channel is doing well. I hope you'll stay on TH-cam for a long time!
Good for you for breaking out of your shell! Slightly disappointed your hair isn't pink :p
I really enjoy your videos and your livestreams, and hope to see more from you in 2023. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year Josh!
Maybe one day I'll dye them! 😋 Happy holidays to you too!
tbh you're one of my fav channels dedicated to farming sims. hope you enjoy a new chapter of your youtube channel!
Omg! I was so shocked to see your face! 😂 It’s so nice to finally see you! 💕
It is so very nice to meet you, Josh! ❤️ Congrats on an amazing year. I can’t wait to continue to celebrate your success and support you in 2023!
I didn't think it's possible to love your channel more but seeing the voice to match the precious voice managed to. Congratulations on your channel growth! 🎉✨️ Your hardwork has continued to pay off! I love watching your videos because you introduce games I never heard of and you bring up points in games I have played that I didn't think about. I learned about Kynseed, Dinkum, Wilde Flowers, Ova Magica and so much more from watching you. Wishing you the best for 2023 and remember to take time for yourself! ❤️🤗
Great to see your face, Josh! I've been really enjoying your content this year and your game play videos, tips, and reviews have really had an impact on me in my own gaming. Thank you!
I really enjoyed your S tier with the exception of Dinkum. I'm Australian and was super excited to see some of our native flora and fauna represented in a farming game but I couldn't overlook the complete erasure of all of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It was like the dev had enacted the terra nullius principle all over again, and I think our colonial history is too recent to just get to use Australia as a fun background setting without considering the wider picture.
I'm super excited to play Harvestella - one of my first loves was the Final Fantasy franchise so it's like it was a game made specifically for me - and I've added Kynseed to my list based on your review here. Thank you and holidays greetings to you!
Glad you decided to get in front of the camera! Love your, very accurate, interpretations/reviews of games. Been subscribed for a while, can't wait to see your channel grow!
So happy for you, Josh! Here's to 2023 and your continued success! 🎉
Also, completely agree with both RF5 and Harvestella. They both have flaws, but are still absolutely fantastic. A good soundtrack definitely sways me.
I absolutely in love with My Time at Portia, and i couldn't wait to finish it so i can play My Time at Sandrock. Usually in other farming games there are activities that I kinda avoid because im not interested. But at this game I just love to do everything! the mechanics are fun, the interactions and dialogs are very well-thought. I admire game designers to be able to built such world. I really recommend this game to any of you who loves farming games as much as i do :)
I honestly adored Wylde Flowers, the characters are so complex
Same! I was sad to see it ranked so low, but I get it. It was more of an interactive story than a farming sim
OMG Josh Congratulations for your channel wow its been 3 years, your channel grew so much I really love the new branding it looks sooo good
Your room is super neat! I love it! Love all the Kirby's
Thank you!! I got them all from crane machines when I lived in Japan! 😆
Hope you all had a good holiday!
Agreed with most the grades.
Although I love Hokko Life and have many hours on switch and my steam deck I actually agree with your grade of it because I think most people would feel the same as you. I think it's very niche and only those who really love the furniture maker will like it and the furniture maker definitely takes awhile to get used to which isn't helping it. In it's defense the developer is still working on it and infact just did a large update so I'm hoping it will get more people interested.
Have a good New Year everyone!
Congratulations Josh! So happy to see your smiling face! We have such similar tastes, all the games that I have that you also have you put in S and A. Keep up the great videos!
I'm really happy to see the appreciation for Rune Factory 5. I was really worried about picking up the game because of all of the bugs and some of the more negative reviews, but I'm glad that my love for 4 came through and I'm having an absolute blast with it! The characters are so well done and interesting, this is one of the first games where I'm going through everyone's stories and not just a select few that I happen to like.
I do find it to be a bit easy, but you can change your difficulty with Eliza which is a really nice touch.
That being said, I'll have to try out some of these other games like harvestella! Ova Magica also looks really interesting too!
It’s good to see you put Harvest so high! I definitely want to give it a try, but I hadn’t heard much about it.
Glad to finally see you, Josh! And you look great! ☺️
wow you look how you sound 😂❤ aha happy new year can't wait for another year of play throughs and reviews!
Thank you so much for this list (it is very helpful for thinking about which games I want xD) and congrats on the face reveal! :D
Ooblets is S++ because of the fart sound when you get a seed after the won battle and you can't change my mind.
Nice to see you face Josh, You have been my go to when I am not sure about a farming game good reviews of farming games.
Thank you so much for making this video!! You're one of my favorite content creators for this genre of games and am so happy you feel comfortable to do a face reveal. This video couldn't have come at a better time as well since a lot of games are on sale for EOY and I've been trying to decide which ones are worth getting!!! Will definitely be getting Harvestella after this-- thank you so so much for making content, wish you all the best and more for 2023!
WOW what a nice surprise. Nothing to be nervous about, all support here. You have such a distinctive voice which is the main reason i watch all your vids, but this is even more personable. Good looking too!
OMG Josh! Not to sound shady or anything but idk why I kept imagining you as an Asian guy this whole freaking time. Like, you look really good but my brain just put a totally different face with your voice hahaha. Anyway, I'm grateful for all you've done for us this year and wish you all the blessings and success in the upcoming years!
Same here! I was expecting an Asian guy! Nice to put a face to the voice haha!
JOSHHHHH I was so surprised to see a face reveal! I love your videos and content so this is a fun way to celebrate the end of the year - love tier lists haha
It feels awkward at first in front of a camera but you’ll grow into it as you keep doing it! Great work and can’t wait to see where your channel goes!!
It's so cool having a face to match to a voice 🥺 There's a few games on this list that I've been undecided about and now I'm definitely gonna grab them!! As always I love your content and your love for farming games 💚
I am subscribing! Have been searching for a Farming game to play. As someone who never played a farming game before I really got overwhelmed by all the options. I don't wanna fight much and I feel like I will find the game I am gonna have fun to play in one of your videos.
I love how you added the gameplay footage when talking about that particular game. Makes it easier to understand
I am really interested in Coral Island, Immortal Life and My Time at Sandrock. Though I think I will wait till they get fully released
Josh!! So good to SEE you!!
nice to see your face! and your HM SOS collection behind you!! Love your content man!
So great to finally see you. You did a great job and I love seeing you. You are so helpful and I love your videos. Keep your face in the videos, you did great.
damn josh sounds nerdy like most of us but handsome AF. aint fair XD
nice room setup and review of this year farm sims cant wait to see more from you in 2023
It's nice to see you Josh! I always refer to your video for new farming games since i love farming games so much. Your insights and review are so helpful for me to choose which farming games are good or bad.
Stay awesome!!
Congrats on a great year, and on the face reveal! I knew you probably couldn't have pink hair with your work, but it was still almost a shock to see you without it. Love the room setup and I'm super jealous of all your great HM stuff.
Hokko Life was really a disappointment. I played it the day it came out in early access, and it was just so completely unenjoyable. I've always meant to give it another try, but there's just too many other good games to play instead.
My heart went' "noooo!" when you put Coral Island in A, but of course every point you made was completely correct.
I didn't see Roots of Pacha on the list, where would you rank that?
I started playing Roots of Pacha in 2021, that's why I left it out of the list. Same for Sun Haven. It would probably be in A or S!
I know it's hard to break my pink-hair image. 😅 Thank you for the support and comment as always and happy holidays, I hope you get some rest from your work!
hey man, you look good. new to the channel, was looking for a farming game and your video popped out. looking forward to playing some of these games.
Whoa! You don't look like what I had in my mind! (I don't mean it in a bad way!) I only played RF5, but I'm about to buy Harvestella! Great list!
Yay! thank you for all you do! I am so busy sometimes that I forget to look up new games coming out so you help me quite a bit lol
I love all the reasons you gave! Some I agree with, some I disagree with, but nonetheless, I love hearing other cozy gamers' opinions on farming sims and other cozy games! Can't wait to see 2023's!
good to see you :) wishing you the best for 2023!!
Great Video, Josh. Hoping 2023 is a huge year again for the genre.
Congratulations on the face reveal. One note, could you document somewhere such as in the timestamps which games are still Early Access as of this ranking? A lot of Farming Sims stay in EA for so long it makes people like me want to wait for full releases.
Oh my gosh!! I clicked on this video and didn't see it was from your channel. My sound was off and I was like, "Who the heck is this guy??!!" Lol!! You are very handsome!
Nice to see the face behind the voice 😊 hey Josh! Happy holidays
Hello Josh!! So good to see you! Love all your videos I have been following on my multiple channels for awhile now. I always look to you for new games to play. So happy to see you coming out of your shell! Looking forward to seeing you in new content to come! 💜
Is so good to see you! I love watching your videos and streams. Your background is really cozy and I love the display - Im looking forward to seeing it evolve as you find your own style in terms of camera work.
I guess this will finally get me to buy Harvestella. I've been putting it off because I had some other games to play through, but I guess I was waiting for confirmation on how good it is (though I was also waiting for bug fixes). I have put in over 200 hours on Rune Factory 5 myself and eventually I'll go back and attempt it in Hard to see whether it actually is that way.
Harvestella is great but it is a complete different experience from RF games, it's more like story and combat driven, not so much farming, but I loved it anyway. I'm a huge Rune Factory fan and liked 5 a lot but RF4 special is much better, even though the graphics are dated. Harvestella has nice graphics and fun combat but as Josh said, prepare to read a lot, minimal voice acting, I prefer it in Japanese because some voices are annoying, lol. Hope you enjoy it.
@@Beeautiful3233 I'm used to JRPGs having played the old-school Square Enix games since I was 10, so reading doesn't bother me. When FFX came out, I was floored the characters even had voices.
Your actual face is a surprise, but your gestures and just general way you carry yourself is exactly like in your other videos. Nice vid in general, I'll point out for posterity that you can see the final list at 29:40.
Awesome stuff!! Great face reveal! 😍
Thanks Irene! 🥰
Good to see you, my friend💗
I wish you all the best for 2023 🙌✨
I loved the face reveal! I started watching when you were playing the story of seasons Pioneers of Olive Town. It's so good to see you and I wish for good fortune to always come your way!
It's so cool that you do a face reveal and congrats for doing it. I immediately clicked when I saw this video and it's great. Let's hope for a great 2023 farming games! Wishing you also a great 2023 :))
Vanilla Rimworld with some mods from the steam workshop, even without the official DLCs, can beat all the S tier game you suggested pretty easily...
Unexpected face reveal, how cool! Also, you are very beautiful, on top of being a wonderful creator. Thanks for the great content, as always.
Yay face reveal! Love your channel the content is right up my alley!
Soo happy to hear more love for Harvestella, that game was a 10/10 experience for me
I hope rune factory 3 special is in your radar, it's releases in september this year and tell you it's the best rune factory in the series for me, the cast of character was really memorable not to mention the story and the map was really good, it's definitely the most polished rune factory game out there, I still came back to that game sometimes after all this years, 4 and 5 really haven't capture the magic of 3 in my opinion.
I just recently got back into gaming and your videos were a lot of fun. Your voice is great to listen to. Now you are nice too look at too. Just keep up the great work.
Also love the little orange plant next to you!
Thanks for mentioning My Time at Sandrock. I have been on the fence with this game for a long time.
Nice to see your face. You are very handsome :)
You have been my go to channel for cozy and simulator games this year! Love your opinions and trust it so much with my games haha, I wish you a lot of success in your channel next year too josh, thanks for all your hard work here ❤️
Let's gooooo Immortal Life on S tier yaaaas I'm literally listening as I play IL (wanted to comment sooner but u put IL on last LOL) and I'm so happy my favorite game is on your S tier list rofl. They got another update like a week? Ago and it fix some problems that u said like small names on maps~ I also would like to thank you for introducing me to IL cause I discover it from your channel and now the game has been my obsession lol
Hope you enjoy the last of 2022 and may good things happen on your 2023~ also, you look good! Pleasant surprise to see you!
Many of these farming games in the list I've played because of your reviews :) I love your channel! thanks for continuing to do these amazing videos!
Thanks for this great summary of farming games you enjoyed in 2022. I have played a lot of them too and I agree that there have been some really good farming sim games this year. There's a couple games I haven't checked out that are on this list so I'll probably do that soon.
SQUEAALSSS HI JOSH!! Thank you for always making good content for farming games! Looks forward for 2023 as we have many awesome upcoming games!!
Great video! Only thing I would add is information (small extra icon next to game logo) about early access/not finished product. I know you talk about all games in deetails but i like to "see" things :D
The Kirbys and the cow in the background!! Such a cute space. Good to see your face!
I'm happy to see your face, Josh. I really enjoy watching your videos and this was a fun one! I would love to see you play Core Keeper, it's a really fun game!!
This is the fastest and genuine face reveal ever😭❤ because people usually click bait their vid💀
omggggg best face reveal ever!! funny, you look p much exactly how i imagined :P ty for 3 yrs of coziness, and looking forward to many more ❤
The wonderful thing about Disney's Dreamlight Valley is that even though it's very grindy, it DOESNT. GATE. RESOURCES.
Unlike Animal Crossing where you can only do a little a day and can run out of natural resources, Dreamlight Valley will repawn rocks/minerals/fruit/etc after a pretty dang short period of time. Like maybe a few minutes? You can really keep playing and making money and doing quests as long as you want, which was soooo refreshing to me.