literally just yesterday i looked up "kuwanger gogeta ssgss" and was disappointed that all the videos were outdated. you couldnt have uploaded this at a better time, thanks a bunch
It haven't been in. Aloong time but now there's still viable good combos with it like: 2m,5m,jump and instant 5h,slight dash forward,2L, Delay the 5M so You can hit a 5h aftewards, 5S,superdash and do the normal dash M rejump, After air LL do 5S and 2S,air M,Airm,25LMM. It's really strong it doesn't 60% and gives You about 2 bars and with assist after 26LMM You cant 2s,5s 24M and change characters to dragón rush.
I found a good BNB thanks to this video It does 6069 with lvl 1 super 2M, M, 214M, H, S, delay 2S, SD, L,Lx3, J, L,Lx3,L, S, 2S, 2H, 214M, aerial lvl1 super. With vanish extension you do 5,757 and you don't need an Ex move. 2M, M, 214M, H, S, delay 2S, SD, L,Lx3, J, L,Lx3,L, S, 2S, 2H, 214M, vanish, 236M
after the grab, if you 5LL too fast opp is usually too high you can either 5L delay L a tiny bit or delay the first 5L for opponent to fall a little farther after grab
You know the saddest thing about this combos,? Is that i can replicate them all. I know all of Gogeta blue actual combos but conection is so Bad i can hardly pull them online. Good video tho
Midscreen BnB
0:18 2M 5M sj9 j4LLM(3)HS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (4253)
0:30 xx jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L j236H+S (5080 before supers)
0:39 xx jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)S j236S (4210)
0:47 xx jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)LS j236M~M~M (4412)
0:54 2M 5M sj9 j4LLM(3)HS SD jLL(3) djLL(3) j2H 214M j236H+S (4275 before supers)
1:07 2M 5M sj9 j4LLM(3)HS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)LS j2S j2H 214M j236H+S (4672 before supers)
1:22 2M 5M sj9 j4LLM(3)HS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M Vanish j236L(whiff) jLL(3)L j236L~L~L (5110)
Advanced Midscreen Combos
1:36 5M 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7 j4LLM(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (5983)
1:49 5M 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL 5M sj9 j4LLM(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (5983)
2:02 5M 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7 j4LLM(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (6246)
2:17 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7M(3)LL djLL(3)S SD jLL(3)L j236L~L~L (6002)
2:30 2L 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7 j4LLM(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L
2:43 5LL 5H 214S 5L dl 5L 5M sj7LL(3)S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (4757)
2:56 5LL 5H 214S dl 5L dl 5L 5M sj9 dl jLL(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (4717)
3:09 jM(1)L 5LL 5H 214S 5L dl 5L 5M sj7LL(3)S SD jM(3) dj9M(3)L j236L~L~L (4164)
3:22 jM(1)L 5LL 5H 214S dl 5L dl 5L 5M sj9 dl jLL(3)S SD jL djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (4124)
Situational Combos
3:35 2H SD jLL(3) djLL(3) j2H 236L~L Vanish dl 2M 5M jc9LL(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j214M j236L+M (5807, 5057 before supers)
3:55 xx jS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (5321)
4:03 2H SD jLL(3) djLL(3) j2H 236L~L Vanish dl 2M 5M jc9LL(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236H 236[L+M] (6422, 5156 before supers)
4:25 2S jH dl j3H dl [SD] 66 jM(1) 669 j4LLM(3)S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M j236L+M (4065, 3315 before supers)
4:42 xx jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (3491)
4:51 2S jH dl j3H dl [SD] 66 jM(1) 669 j4LLM(3)HS j2S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M j236L+M (4240, 3490 before supers)
5:08 xx jS j2S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (3666)
5:17 5S 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7 j4LLM(3)S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (4185)
5:29 214M jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~L~L (2470)
5:37 214M jHS j2S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)LS j236M~M~M (2990)
5:48 236H dl 5M sj9LL(3)S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M j236L+M (5180, 4430 before supers)
6:03 xx jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (4606)
6:12 SD jLL(3) djLL(3)LS j236S (2400)
6:19 SD jLM(2) dj9 dl jLL(3)LS j236S (2320)
6:27 SD j236H dl 5M sj9 jLL(3)S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M j236L+M (4285, 3535 before supers)
6:43 xx jS SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (3711)
6:52 5LL jc jDR A1 OR A2 (2400)
Post vanish
6:56 2S dl Vanish 6[6] 2L 5H 5S 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7M(3)S SD jM(3)H j236L~L~L (3158)
7:10 2S dl Vanish 6[6] 2L 5H 5S 214S 5LL 5M jc7LL(3)S SD jM(3)H j236L~L~L (3198)
Corner Combos
7:23 5M 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M (6111)
7:37 xx jS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (6358)
7:45 5M 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M 214[L+M] (10087)
8:16 5M 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236H vanish [DR] 236L+M (7423, 6582 before supers)
8:37 5M 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M sj7M(3)H dl jS j2S SD jM(3) djM(3)H j236L~M~M (6111)
8:51 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M sj7M(3)H dl jS j2S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M (6178)
9:04 2L 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M (4634)
9:17 5LL 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)L(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)H j236L~M~M (4854)
9:30 jM(1)L 5LL 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3) djM(2)H j236L~M~M (4219)
Situational Corner Combos
9:44 5M 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL 5M sj9M(3)LL djLL(3)S SD jLL(3)L j236L~M~M (6034)
9:57 5LL 5H 214S dl 5LL 5M sj9 j4LLM(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)H j236L~M~M (4787)
10:11 jM(1)L 5LL 5H 214S slight dl 5LL 5M sj8LL(3)S SD jM(3) dj9M(3)H j236L~M~M (4174)
10:24 214H dl 5LL 5M sj9M(3)LL djLL(3)L jS j2S SD jLL(3)L j236L~M~M (3365)
10:37 214H dl 5LL 5M sj9L(3)LLS j2S j2H dl SD 66 jM 5M jLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (3701)
10:53 SD jH dl 5L dl 5L 6M 5M jcLL(3)LS j2S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M (4085)
11:06 SD jH dl 5L dl 5L 6M 5M jcLL(3)LS j2S j2H dl SD 66 jM(1) 5M jcLL(3) djM(2)H j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (4381)
11:22 SD jH 5LL 5M jcLL(3)S j2S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M (3855)
11:33 SD jH 5LL 5M jcLL(3)S j2S j2H dl SD 66 jM 5M jcLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl 6A1 [jDR] (4231)
11:49 2M 5M 214M jDR A1 OR A2 (3370)
Assist combos examples
11:54 2L 5LL 236L A2 ~M dl 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3)H j236L~M~M 236H+S A1 66 [DR] 214M (6006)
12:27 2H SD jLL(3) djLL(3) j2H dl A1 2M 5M jc9LL(3)S SD jLL(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M dl A2 44 [DR] 214M 236H+S (5640 before supers)
12:41 5M 2M 5H 214S dl 5LL dl 5M sj7 j4LLM(3)S SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j214M dl A1 5S j214M dl 6A2 [jDR] 236L+M[8] (6835 before supers)
13:15 2M dl 5M jcH 5LL 5M jcLL(3)LS j236M~M~M A1 2M 5M jcLL(3) djLL(3)L j214M A2 jS j214M j236L+M (6695 before supers)
13:51 5M 2M 5H 214S 5LL dl 5M jc7LL(3)LS SD jM(3) djLL(3)L j236L~M~M A2 5S 214M dl 6A1 [jDR] 236L+M (6950)
Now we just need an A17 and Vegito video and we're all good to go
They really glazed Yashas team with this update
True and base Goku again
literally just yesterday i looked up "kuwanger gogeta ssgss" and was disappointed that all the videos were outdated. you couldnt have uploaded this at a better time, thanks a bunch
W guide! No doubt I'll be buying this man when the DLC specials are back! Thanks bro
yay finally another vid 🔥🔥
This channel is the best 👍🏻 i was expecting this video for sooo long man
kuwanger thats my dog, beast upload
Kuwanger siempre me gusta tu combos, gracias
Lord Kuwanger still dropping bangers after all these years 🫡
Great video as always!! We need trunks guide, didn't see any good guides only you can save us lmao
Now vegito and 17 please
The j2H rejump is no longer the go-to bnb, time to finally play the character
It haven't been in. Aloong time but now there's still viable good combos with it like:
2m,5m,jump and instant 5h,slight dash forward,2L,
Delay the 5M so You can hit a 5h aftewards,
5S,superdash and do the normal dash M rejump,
After air LL do 5S and 2S,air M,Airm,25LMM.
It's really strong it doesn't 60% and gives You about 2 bars and with assist after 26LMM You cant 2s,5s 24M and change characters to dragón rush.
I got wriong the 25 it's 26 but i am writting on My phone and it's kinda of hard with the bugged keyboard
Thx for That Now need A17 and Vegito lool and we are good :) Youre the GOAT ;)
I found a good BNB thanks to this video
It does 6069 with lvl 1 super
2M, M, 214M, H, S, delay 2S, SD, L,Lx3, J, L,Lx3,L, S, 2S, 2H, 214M, aerial lvl1 super.
With vanish extension you do 5,757 and you don't need an Ex move.
2M, M, 214M, H, S, delay 2S, SD, L,Lx3, J, L,Lx3,L, S, 2S, 2H, 214M, vanish, 236M
We need brolyyyyyy
No we don’tttttt
Kuwanger goat
Is 2LL to jh combo in the corner not optimal for gogeta anymore?
Please make a beerus one bro he’s gotten way less meter heavy
You have to make some new combo videos
1:41 why the j.M whiff 100% of the time
after the grab, if you 5LL too fast opp is usually too high you can either 5L delay L a tiny bit or delay the first 5L for opponent to fall a little farther after grab
look hard, rly worth it?
how are you jumping twice and extending past 15 hits on the bnb?
It's double jump, the inputs are at the top of the screen, you just jump again and press jL
@ I see that, but didn’t you use the double jump earlier for the LLM?
You know the saddest thing about this combos,?
Is that i can replicate them all.
I know all of Gogeta blue actual combos but conection is so Bad i can hardly pull them online.
Good video tho
shame u didnt get a 2H combo that gave u meterless skd
j 2h you bot
Vegito plz
What is bnb
It stands for « bread and butter », basicallt the go to combos that are fairly easy for a character
Love your vids but, cant we just let the yasha copycats figure something out on their own for once 😅
cant enjoy a character no more