Review: Vogue Air Mini Compressor Airbrush Kit
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 พ.ย. 2024
- This Product Price is about: $78
hi guys in this video i will make a review about this mini compressor airbrush kit
from "Vogue Air". Im using this mini compressor since 8 months ago, so . . . i have
some pros and cons about this mini compressor. just watching this video until end,
and you will see. Is this mini compressor worthed for airbrush or not.
Ok, in this package you will get some kit. Lets open the box. First, is the manual
book, as you can see at the book, there is a picture about this mini compressor with
all kits. But why at the picture have 2 DC/AC adaptor? hahaha
next, you get a mini hose for the penbrush kit, its 2 meters long, and have 2
same hole. Inside the small box is a air filter, penbrush stand and AC Adapter. With
240 Volt input, and 12 volt output.
And this is the main kit, the mini compressor from vogue air. Really small yeah?
This kit cannot saving the air, cz dont have a tank. The mechanism is using direct
air pump. If you press the penbrush button, automatically this kit will start to blow
the air. There is a red button to turn on the mini kompressor, and 1 green signal to
indicate that the mini compressor was on, and ready to go.
this is the air outlet, and here where to install the hose. and on the right, you
can adjust the air pressure, turn right or left to adjust. place the ac adapter
here. next to it is a hole for penbrush stand / holder.
And at the bottom you can see four rubber pads.
of course you can open this part, I do not know what it does/ what for? maybe you
can place something on this.
Last kits on the bottom of the sterofoam is of course the penbrush kit.
this a tool to maintenance the penbrush. a pipette for pick up paint or thinner.
this penbrush is not too good, bad quality, i prefer to buy another good one than
use this for airbrush. Maybe the problem is the needle and the button,the spray
is inconsistent, and sometimes really hard to press the penbrush button.
inside the penbrush package you can see the manual book again, written on there
"aerograph instruction booklet". The nozzle diameter is 0.2mm to 0.3mm.
you can use this penbrush for commercial arts, illustrations, photo retouching,
hobby, and crafts. other than that, on the manual book, you can find out all
the penbrush parts details.
to assemble it, pick up the mini compressor first, then install the hose on air
outlet, As what I said before this hose has tho same holes, You can choose one
of them. and other holes to attacch the air filter. install the penbrush to the
top of the air filter. everything is turned clockwise. place the penbrush holder.
Last, install the ac adapter to the mini compressor first, then just plugged
into electricity.
and your ready to goooo
Press the red button to turn on the mini compressor, you also can see the
green light, to signify that the compressor is ready. You will hear the
compressor sound, its a rotor sound when process to produce the air. And this
will off automatically when the air fully fill up on the hose, and will on again
if you press the penbrush button.
Now its time to test the mini compressor with two different paint, first im using
spray paint can from samurai paint, and then Enamel paint from avian paint.
the difference between the two is, samurai paint is a acrylic based paint, and avian
paint is enamel based paint.
I need two containers to put both paint, im using a piece of mineral water bottle
to extract the spray paint can, i just spray to the mineral water bottle carefully,
then fill the paint to the penbrush cup, no need thinner. Now you will see, you can
make an airbrush just using this mini compressor airbrush kit and spray paint can.
I think the pressure from the mini compressor is enough to do an airbrush job using
spray paint can. And how about Enamel paint??? whether it can be done too? Lets try
compared with spray paint can, this enamel paint need a thinner to make it more
liquid then you can fill the enamel paint to the penbrush cup and start airbrushing.
1. small, lightweight, easy to carry, and simple.
2. not noisy, can be done for night work
3. can do airbrush job anywhere
1. bad quality penbrush kit (maybe not all product, maybe i just not lucky
have a bad penbrush product)
I'd rather hear the sound of the compressor than the music
Nah akhirnya ada yg Review ni barang... Agak ragu juga waktu nanya ama temen2 Model kit, katanya kurang rekomended, terutama soal tekanan angin yg g se Ok kaya punya mr hobby, Tamiya ato bahkan multi pro... Nice info mas e
+you_chan 78-2 terima kasih banyak mas sama sama, kalo tekanan angin si kayaknya pas dan cukup si mas, soalnya saya juga ngerjain/ airbrush helm pake mini kompresor ini juga, kompresor yg gede malah cuma buat spraygun aja, untuk detailing mending pake mini kompresorny, soalnya ga ribet persiapannya mas, dan gak berisik juga hehehe . . .
cuma memang yg saya sayangkan tu penbrushnya mas, dulu awal make udah jebol aja tuas pencetannya, ada yg bengkok komponen dalemnya, akibatnya pas mencet tuas penbrushnya udara gmau keluar, seret, tp sudah saya akalin part yg bengkok itu. bisa dipake lagi sih, tp hasil airbrushnya gak bagus, kayak di vidio, akhirnya sy beli penbrush terpisah. Dan memang beda bgt hasilnya dengan penbrush bawaan vogue airnya, berarti memang penbrush bawaan yg sy dapet mungkin cacat produksi.
Iya mas... Yg bengkok jarum e bukan? Sekelas krisbow aja penbrush e g terlalu awet.. Temen saya pake 4bulanan udah jebol... Akhire beli yg lumayan mahal.. Klo gak Tamiya, mr hobby juga Katane ok, tapi temen saya pake merk iwata, hasil e Ngeri2 sedap... Harga e juga gitu... Ngeri2 sedap... Hahaha
iya mas kalo gak hati hati ato kepentok benda keras jarumnya mudah bengkok hehehe, kalo penbrush bawaan vogue air ini jarumnya terlalu tumpul juga, jadi hasil airbrushnya ada sedikit bercak-bercak.
Iya mas, kualitas merek iwata jauh banget sama yg di video ini mas, pasti hasilnya sesuai sama kualitas dan harganya, bisa dibilang merek iwata khusus untuk professional. hehehe
Rekomended gk buar gunpla bang??
yg boleh bukak tu tempat letak batrry omm,kalu di malaysia ada variasi acdc om,tp harga agak keras om sekitar rm500
Very imformative and straight to the point review. Great job , bro!
Bang kalo make samurai/diton premium itu bersihkan catnya make tiner apa yaaa
Is it possible to upgrade this compressor? I'm told by some that I can purchase an air tank and connect it to this compressor. But if I do that will the compressor auto shut off when tank is full?
apa kalau baru on/off catnya pada muncrat gan? soalnya dari kertas pencotohannya banyak cat yg muncrat2 kemana-mana...
Your helmet is beautiful!
The air pressure for this doesn't seem to be adjustable, base on my experience.. but good enough for normal uses
Q precio tiene gracias
how to remove the hose connector from valve screw?
May I ask what size of piston ring air compressor?
Kira2 sekali pake tahan setengah jam gak mas? Atau panas duluan ?
mas, review buat alat ini gimana ada kendala kah > perawatan nya ribet kah ?
Cómo se limpia amigo?
From where can I order
bagusan mana mas. samurai sama enamel menurut mas?
sangat membantu sob, saya ingin banget mendalami ilmu air brush semenjak melihat video sobat kyt vendetta 2 solulena..
+Paijo Black Sweet terima kasih bnyk mas paijo, selamat berkarya, syukurlah video sy bs memberikan sedikit gambaran buat mas . . .
Kalau buat ngebrush lama aman ndak lurr...
aman bro barangkali masnya butuh saya punya mau di jual lagu BU 08122090469
@@khasyaravlog7541 jual brp
Sy nunggu seken aja deh
Kali dpt murah
Gan klo untuk repaint modelkit gitu gmn? Cocok apa gak ya? Ane msh pemula soalnya jdi maksut ane yg biasa2 aja kompresornya
My name a borat...dont have a is nice...i like!
kalo sama ophir bedanya apa? sama bagusan mana? mau beli cuma bingung milihnya
nah itu yg masih saya bingungkan mas, soalnya dari segi desain dan fungsinya kayaknya sama, ato mungkin cuma beda brand aja, istilahnya rebranding gt, ntahlah . . . .
Vogue air kalau untuk diecast hasilnya gimana ya om??
Buat video pakai software ape bro?
Hola, alguien que sepa español y me pueda decir sí es recomendable el airbrush del vídeo??? Gracias
Hola si lo recomiendo, lo unico, siempre despues de cada uso no te olvides de limpiarlo, por k se tapa.
Hi there
I have an airbrush similar to yours. When I push down on the trigger button it sprays paint instantly instead of pushing down and activating the spray as I pull back gradually The more you pull back the more paint sprays out Is that supposed to happen?
richard selleck no it probably a leak where the paint comes into the airbrush
Suggestion. Leave out the music . It’s drowning you out and it’s distracting.
Beli dmn mini kompresor kyak gt bang?
Sir how to parchase Vogue air mini compressor airbrush kit
Roshan Kullu Aliexpress
I am buying it today 2023 thx a loooot meeen
giamana mas testimoni airbrushnya? ada muncrat gak cat nya tiap on/off?
Mantap..pengen punya satu
belinya dimana mas
belinya dulu saya di teman mas, ini ID FB nya, siapa tahu masih buka pre ordernya:
Di mn beli nya gan mini compresor
Ini airbrush tekanannya berapa psi, gan?
Bang, itu psi nya max berapa ya
i agree with ChemicallyEnabledMan and gvfq but all in all good review.
Om mau tanya, kalo ini d pake lama tahan brapa lama ya?
aman mas saya pake 6 jam non stop aman , barangkali masnya butuh saya punya mau di jual lagi BU 08122090469
Efles MotoVlog HD jual brp?
bhasa ingrisnya lancar bgt. smpe puyeng .mas 😅 baca artinya cpet bgt. mana kcepatan internetnya lemah jdi pcah2 tulisanya. 😂 .
#sangat membatu mas huzein.
intinya compresor bgus. tpi penbrushnya jlek ya mas ???
( klo mau yg bgus penbrusnya yg ap mas ?)
+godiell ikhvan hihihi makasih banyak mas, aslinya saya cuma baca teks inggris kok mas, kalo ngomong langsung mah gakbisa mas, mikirnya kelamaan hehehe.
iya mas, kebetulan penbrush yg saya dapatkan di paket mini kompresor ini jelek, mungkin dpt yg cacat produksi, soalnya di awal awal pake udh ada trobel dikit, sehingga mempengaruhi hasil dr pengecatannya mas.
dan akhirnya saya cari penbrush yg bagusan, untuk mereknya saya kurang tau mas lupa, soalnya bungkusannya udah gak ada, dan di penbrushnya gak ada logo mereknya pula hehehe
haha.. org lncar gtu mass. yg order jg dri luar pulla.. 😅 succes trus mas.
itu yg kmrin mas bilng mini compresor yg beli di lazada ya mas ?
klo jelek penbrushnya saranya beli yg kek gmn mas ? mau beli satu per satu mass lah he..
lancar karena baca teks mas hihihi . . .
terima kasih mas, sama-sama sukses juga buat mas godiel
iya mas di lazada ada, tp gtw deh pengiriman dari dalam negeri atau dari luar negeri, soalnya saya dapet barangnya juga pre order dari luar mas, kalo mas mungkin mau nanya-nanya, bisa ke temen saya yg buka pre ordernya, semoga masih buka sih, ini fb nya mas:
Umh, penbrush yg bagus merek apa ya, saya juga kurang begitu tau mas, tp kalo yg sudah jelas bagus itu ada merek "Iwata" mas, tp harganya mahal. hehehe.
mungkin untuk awal-awalnya mas godiel pake penbrush yg murah dulu gpp, tp hasilnya udah cukup, bisa cb merek krisbow, meiji, einhil.
Mas dimana dpatkan benda itu?
barangkali masnya butuh saya punya mau di jual lagi BU 08122090469
Mas bro, minta infonya dong belinya di temen agan dimana ? ane minat nih. makasih ya mas bro
barangkali masnya butuh saya punya mau di jual lagi BU 08122090469
The fucking music is louder than whatever the fuck you try to say. Good job 👍
Barang kecil tp harganya wah.. hehe
Wah boleh juga nih
Dude input is 100-240v. Not 240v.
4:10 - Maybe that's what the . . . Oh,I dunno,INSTRUCTION BOOK's for⁉️🤔
Just a thought,I could be wrong.
You probably also always know exactly where you're goin' without ever needing to read a map,huh❓😏
Pengen belajar tapi hargane pinten mas.
dulu aku beline sekitar 800rb mas hehehe
beli di bukalapak ad tu kykny
Alguien lo usa para reparacion de electronica😂
hahahaha samurai is acrylic paint hahahahahah
never use an old phone to record. your auto focus is so ignoring
The most stupid thing ever is music in a ever! So many are doing this and it is so damn stupid!